Advances in Benchmarking and Round Robin Testing For PEM Water
Advances in Benchmarking and Round Robin Testing For PEM Water
Advances in Benchmarking and Round Robin Testing For PEM Water
Applied Energy
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Keywords: While the number of publications in the PEM water electrolysis community increases each year, no common
PEM water electrolysis ground concerning reference hardware (test cells and test bench) and testing protocols has been yet established.
Harmonized test protocol This would, however, be necessary for the comparability of experimental results. First attempts for such refer
ence hardware and procedures have been made in the framework of the Task 30 Electrolysis within the Tech
Conditioning of catalyst coated membrane
nology Collaboration Programme on Advanced Fuel Cells (AFC TCP) of the International Energy Agency (IEA).
AFC TCP Task 30 Since then, improvements of both the test hardware (test cell and components) as well as the measurement
protocol were identified, and a revised methodology and key results based on a comprehensive measurement
series have been obtained. A detailed protocol for testing commercial reference components with a reference
laboratory test cell developed in-house by Fraunhofer ISE is presented. For evaluation of the protocol and the
hardware, it was tested at three different institutions at the same time. Impedance spectroscopic and polarization
data was acquired and analyzed. The obtained differences in performance were calculated to give the community
an expectation window to compare own data to. Finally, the importance of a thorough temperature control and
the conditioning phase are demonstrated.
1. Introduction cells, stacks, assembled with all kinds of components and materials [5].
A comprehensive review on early works in PEMWE is given in the works
Polymer electrolyte membrane water electrolysis (PEMWE) will of Carmo et al. [6]. Since then, numerous further works with different
experience a rapid market ramp-up in the future as green hydrogen will hardware and test conditions have been published [7–16]. More than
play a key role in transforming the energy system towards a carbon free ever, harmonization and benchmarking activities are crucial to make
system [1–4].More and more companies, universities and scientific group to group comparisons possible and increase the trust that litera
groups are producing a large amount of data on different kinds of test ture results are reproducible and accurate.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Metz).
Received 31 May 2023; Received in revised form 1 August 2023; Accepted 2 September 2023
Available online 16 September 2023
0306-2619/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
T. Lickert et al. Applied Energy 352 (2023) 121898
Since the last publication by the Task 30 Electrolysis benchmarking institutions that were measured with their own hardware as long as one
group [16] of the AFC TCP, significant improvements in cell perfor validated measurement with the reference hardware exists. The second
mance [5,7,17–21], catalyst systems and loadings [19,20,22–31], will generally improve the reproducibility of creating experimental re
porous transport layers (PTLs) [32–37] and durability have been re sults in general. Both together would enable the meaningful comparison
ported [9,11,38]. across the entire PEMWE research community and help to bridge the
Iridium and platinum are still the most wildly used catalysts and “valley of death” between academic research and industrial application
hence gold standard in PEMWE. The actual catalyst content is still [59].
higher than it would be necessary with optimal catalyst utilization, so The participating institutions of this contribution evaluated the
numerous research activities have aimed at catalyst reduction while method and the system, defined the reference cell components, and
keeping the performance approximately unchanged. [19,20,22–31] As developed a harmonized testing procedure. The used test cell is
especially iridium is scarce and expensive novel catalyst concepts as currently available through Fraunhofer ISE. The cell components, like
supported catalysts [23,25,39] or more advanced structures, such as the catalyst coated membranes (CCMs) and PTLs, which together form the
Sr2CaIrO6 mixed oxide, are of great interest. Sr2CaIrO6 possesses sacri membrane electrode assembly (MEA), are commercially available. The
ficial components, such as Ca or Sr, which leach out during operation overall objective of this work is to present this potential reference
and cause a strong reconstruction of the catalyst layer (CL) [40]. measurement method, the reference hardware system and give the PEM
On the other side of the interface, the PTLs and their contact with the water electrolysis community expectation values for performance,
CLs are decisive for performance and durability [11,22,37,40]. reproducibility, and variation to other groups, that can be expected.
Increasing current density causes significant performance loss due to
dry-out and oxygen saturation. [22] Therefore, modifying the structure 2. Experimental setup
and composition of the PTL has become another area of interest for the
researching community. Various treatments have been studied, such as To understand the choices made in the process of developing a
the effect of titanium hydride formation on performance and durability reference protocol for PEM electrolysis, a good understanding of the
or classical etching to remove surface passivation [37]. Similarly, laser underlying principles is essential. Describing these underlying principles
ablation has been used to improve the contact between the patterned comprehensively and to a level of detail they deserve goes beyond of this
PTL and the lightly loaded CL [41]. For an improved CL-PTL interface, article. We strongly encourage the reader to consult some of the excel
these two components can no longer be developed independently, an lent descriptions of fundamental processes already available in the
approach that is only in its infancy so far. In any case, there is a tendency literature [6,9,60–65]. Together with the measurement protocol to be
to reduce the thickness of the PTL. used, the experimental hardware setup is one of the key challenges in a
While the above mentioned advanced systems show individual suc round robin benchmarking exercise. One of the decisions to be taken is
cesses, a unifying element connecting these results is missing [42] as cell which hardware needs to be identical for all partners and which hard
hardware [21,26,28,43–49], cell components [18,27,28,49,50], condi ware differences need to be accepted. It is obvious, that the test cell as
tioning procedures [16,28,51,52] and testing protocols [16,52–56] well as the components need to be harmonized, as differences can have a
differ considerably. As a result, it is still nearly impossible to compara high impact on the measured results. For the test bench hardware, it
tively evaluate results from different working groups on PEM water needs to be accepted that this is and will always be to a certain extent
electrolysis, despite the steadily increasing interest and the rapidly different between different groups.
growing number of publications on this topic. Tomić et al. [52] address
this issue by conducting a comparative analysis and critical review of 2.1. Test cell
different proposed degradation protocols, which were experimentally
validated to provide a better basic understanding. They also confirmed For this benchmarking activity a 4 cm2 test cell previously developed
the urgent need for harmonized testing protocols, especially for the by Fraunhofer ISE within a project financed by the Federal Ministry of
initial period, called conditioning. Moreover, various national funding Education and Research of Germany in the framework of Power-MEE
agencies as the European Commission, the Department of Energy (DOE) (03SF0536E) was employed. As shown in Fig. 1a, the cell is housed in
in the USA or the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research a compression cage which contains a centered screw for applying a
have also recognized this shortcoming and do support the development variable compression force to the cell. The applied forced is monitored
of harmonized test protocols, to enable better benchmarking of project with an integrated force sensor (K-K14/N410-G25 sensor, Lorenz Mes
results. However, these efforts are still in their infancy and comparable stechnik GmbH, Germany) during assembly, start up and operation
results are not yet available or published. Recently, the European Joint (Fig. 1a). The anode and cathode compartments of the cell feature Pol
Research Centre (JRC) has described detailed individual procedures yetheretherketone (PEEK) frames which hold the PTL and determine
which can be used to set up a measurement protocol with harmonized PTL compression (Fig. 1b). To seal the cell, Fluoroelastomer (FKM)
terminology [54,57,58] for all main low temperature technologies of based flat sheet sealing (Freudenberg, IceCube, 60 FC-FKM 200) is used.
water electrolysis. Among other things, certain test conditions, design of The parallel flow field of the cell is shown in Fig. 1b. It consists of 10
hardware, number and positions of sensors, their measurement accuracy channels with a width and depth of 1.0 mm. The channels are separated
and analysis routines for important characteristic values are proposed. from each other by 9 land sections which have a width of 0.9 mm. The
This very comprehensive conception is based on the experience of the entire flow field is encased by a 0.9 mm land section. To run round robin
participating industry and research institutions but can only be under tests with PTLs that provide reproducibility on an industrial standard,
stood as a starting point for harmonization, since application in practice laser cut titanium felts with 1 mm thickness from Bekaert (2GDL40–1,0),
is lacking so far and no comparative measurements have been carried sputtered with platinum on both sides (more information in Section 2.2)
out or published yet. A detailed, internationally applied, and harmo were used.
nized reference measurement protocol is still not published, nor has it The thickness tolerances of both, the PTLs and PEEK frames reached
been critically experimentally evaluated. up to +60 μm. This significant variation was mitigated by determining
With the continued work of our benchmarking group within the Task the exact thickness of the PTL and pairing it with a specific pocket depth
30 of the AFC TCP, we aim to further the discussion on harmonization of of the PEEK frame (Fig. 1c). For all cells operated in this work, the
testing protocols and hardware. For improvement, a significant effort overstand of the PTL over the height of the measured pocket depth was
should be placed on (i) identifying an open-source cell hardware that adjusted to 70 μm ± 10 μm. A detailed description of the adjustment
can serve as a reference system, and (ii) defining test conditions and process is given in the supplementary data. A similar approach was
protocols. The first will enable to connect results from various published by Martin et al. [43]. To warranty small and reproducible
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Fig. 1. Compression cage with test cell in it (a), details of a single half cell (b) and schematic of the test cell setup (c).
contact resistances between the titanium base material of the flow-field E-5 bar (10 mTorr). The sputtering power setpoint was 20 W yielding a
and the PTL, a gold coating on top of a thin contact layer of platinum for current of about 70 mA. A sputtering break-in time of two minutes was
better adhesion was applied. For electrical contacting to current lead allowed before opening the shutter to commence deposition. The same
and voltage sense cables, each flow field block contains holes for a 2 mm process was repeated for each sample side. The deposition time was 15
and a 4 mm banana plug connector. min to yield a Pt loading of approximately 0.1 mg*cm− 2 as measured by
An additional 2.1 mm hole is provided to position a temperature x-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy (Fischer XDV-SDD).
sensor at a position close to the electrochemical reaction in 4 mm dis CCMs: A commercial three-layer CCM from Greenerity, using a
tance to the lower edge of the flow field, so that temperature changes Nafion® 115 membrane, a Pt-based cathode and an IrO2-based anode
can be detected as fast as possible. The fluidic connections are realized was used. Within the actual measurements, fully coated CCM sheets
by a G1/8 in. thread with a length of 7 mm. were used, cut to size, and distributed between the labs. In the cell setup,
the flat sheet sealings of cathode as well as anode were hence in direct
2.2. Cell components contact with the catalyst layers of the CCM. While this might cause some
longtime effects in electrolysis stacks on the industrial scale, no issues
This section includes the components and materials used to collect were observed with this approach throughout the measurements re
the data for the herein described study. A description of state-of-the-art ported in this paper. For reproducibility and contact resistance reasons,
materials and components with latest references are described in Section the cells were assembled with dry CCMs, and the humidification and
1. swelling of the latter happened during the conditioning phase.
PTLs: The PTL materials consist of titanium felts with 1 mm thickness For details on the material preparation and cell assembly, the reader
from Bekaert (2GDL40–1,0), coated inhouse on both sides at Lab 3 and is referred to the supplementary data.
used on the anode side as well as the cathode side. The titanium felts
were cut to size using a MiniLase™ Auto Door laser marking system to fit 2.3. Test benches
the sample compartment. After removing burrs from the cut PTL sam
ples and smoothing of the edges, the PTL materials were ultrasonically As mentioned in the test cell section, harmonization efforts con
cleaned: in acetone, isopropanol, ethanol, and finally in deionized (DI-) cerning hardware are limited to the test cell and test cell components
water for 10 min each. Self-heating of the ultrasonic resonator leads to (PTL, CCM, coating). Harmonization of test benches across the wider
increasing temperatures during cleaning, but always remained below community is rather hard to realize and hence was deliberately not
60 ◦ C. At the end of cleaning, the materials were rinsed in DI-water and attempted within this study. It was rather the intention to check, how
allowed to air dry (more details in the supplementary data). Next, the and to what extend harmonization can be achieved with conceptionally
titanium felt PTLs were sputter-coated with platinum on both sides. This different test benches and lab environments. Two conceptually different
Pt coating was applied using a custom sputtering system in Lab 3. After test benches are depicted at the beginning of the supplementary data.
the samples were placed in the sputter coater, the chamber was evacu Test benches can be set up simply from scratch with standard piping
ated to a base pressure of ~6.7E-9 bar (~5E-6 Torr). Argon gas (UHP and process control. The advantage of these test benches is that they can
99.999% Ar gas) was supplied at approximately 15 sccm (standard cubic easily be adapted to a specific operation mode. Test benches that can be
centimeter per minute) to establish a setpoint chamber pressure of ~1.3 bought are usually more potent, but can be complex to operate and the
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Fig. 3. (a) General test script with iterated Characterization/Re-conditioning loop and (b) individual steps within the Characterization.
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lead to delamination of the catalyst layer [29,68]. In the actual case – measurements, it was possible to compare the influence of the repeti
and unlike earlier attempts – the cell was assembled using a dry, not pre- tions themselves on the one hand and the different temperature control
swollen CCM. By this approach, the membrane predominantly swells in settings on the other hand, see results Section 4.3.
the axial direction and performance data indicate that no delamination Finally, the two steps of a current leakage test and a conductivity test
is occurring inside the cell. In the next step, the cell is heated up to T = of the used water are re-run to check whether there have been any
80 ◦ C and the temperature was held for t = 60 min. Afterwards, the changes during the test protocol or not. While two labs have the
conductivity of the used water is tested (for those labs that do not have convenient ability to continuously monitor the water quality (in the test
an in-line check of the water conductivity) to avoid performance dif bench or via the house DI-water supply monitoring system), Lab 1 is
ferences due to contaminations. Values that must be achieved can be lacking this ability and can only confirm the water quality during the run
found in the detailed description of the protocol in the supplementary in an a posteriori measurement.
data. Next, a current leakage test is performed at three different volt The detailed measurement protocol is available in the supplementary
ages: 0.8 V, 1.0 V and 1.2 V. This is done, to determine, that there is no data.
short circuit, e.g. caused by one of the PTL-fibers or burrs from the
cutting process of the PTLs, that could penetrate the CCM. After these 3.3. Analysis of impedance data
two quality control steps, the first conditioning is started with two gal
vanostatic steps for 30 min each at 0.2 A/cm2 and 1 A/cm2, respectively By fitting the measured impedance spectroscopic data to an equiv
and a potentiostatic step for 15 h at 1.7 V. With the first, galvanostatic alent circuit model, additional insights into the individual loss mecha
steps of the conditioning, we followed the suggestion of the CCM pro nisms can be obtained [45,69–73] In Fig. 4, an example of the python fit
ducer. The following potentiostatic mode allows to control any free is given for data from Lab 1 (MEA 2, T = 60 ◦ C, i = 1 A*cm− 2) is given. In
energy driven surface change mechanisms. We, however, identified that the actual case, an equivalent circuit with a linear sequence of an ohmic
when following this procedure, the CCMs are not fully conditioned at the resistance Rm and two parallel arrangements of a constant phase
beginning of the test. Hence the extension of the time at 1.7 V. element (CPE1/CPE2) and an ohmic resistance (R1/R2) was chosen and
The tested temperatures, pressure and water flow rate for the per realized by an in-house developed python code. For Lab 2, an additional
formance and reproducibility evaluation, has been chosen to cover state- inductance (La) was included to be able to correctly analyze the data
of-the art and future operating conditions in industrial PEM water (depicted in the graphs of Fig. 5). The fits were reviewed for their
electrolysis systems. For the temperatures, 60 ◦ C is widely used in the informative value using a chi-square (or χ2) test (statistical method to
industry and therefore usually used as a reference temperature [54], quantify the difference between data and the fit) for their real- and
80 ◦ C is aspired for the next years [4]. The pressure is chosen to meet the imaginary part for all frequencies, which are lower than 2% for all
requirements for most of the scientific groups. The flow rate was chosen spectra fits (χ2 < 1% for 93% of all frequency points). The upper part (a)
according to the channel structure of the used test cell to suppress mass shows the Nyquist plot of the data points (blue points, raw data), the
transport limitation with the used MEA and PTL combination. individual RC-elements (high frequency part ZHF in red, low frequency
The characterization phase begins with the measurement of the po part ZLF in green,) and Zsum (purple curve). The data fit is overlapping
larization curve at 80 ◦ C - the temperature, the conditioning tempera with Zsum and therefore not seen in Fig. 4. The lower part (b) shows the
ture, such that no temperature adjustment is necessary between these residuals, meaning the deviation between the fit and data points for both
two steps. First, the different measurement points of the polarization real (blue, ΔRe)- and imaginary parts (orange, ΔIm) for all frequencies.
curve are measured in the order of an increasing current density ("up- The main reason for an impedance analysis within this contribution
curve"). Afterwards, the same points are measured, but with opposite is that it’s needed for the iR-correction of polarization data. Herein, high
order, i.e. in the order of a decreasing current density ("down-curve"). frequency resistances (HFRs) were extracted from the respective Nyquist
After this step is finished, the temperature needs to be lowered to 60 ◦ C, plots for representative current densities (i = 0.5; 1,0; 2,0 and 2,5
hence a cooling down time is required, the duration of which depends on A*cm− 2) by fitting the data using an in-house developed python code
the test bench. To mitigate this test bench dependent difference of the from Lab 1. As limitations of the electronics (sampling precision at low
colling down time, an additional stabilization phase (1 h at 1.7 V) of one current density) led to insufficient noise levels for the lowest measured
hour was added, after which the polarization curve is measured.
With the same rationalization (no change in temperature to the
previous step), the EIS spectra were first measured at 60 ◦ C. Before this
was possible, Lab 2 had to manually adjust the electronic hardware
connections. To compensate for potential effects this voltage/current
disruption might have on the EIS spectra to be measured, another sta
bilization phase (1 h at 1.7 V) was run. This was done at all sites to keep
the protocol as harmonized as possible. The EIS spectra (also in the later
step at 80 ◦ C) were measured at five different current density points (0.1;
0.5; 1.0; 2.0 and 2.5 A*cm− 2). After the EIS measurements at 60 ◦ C were
obtained, the temperature was increased to 80 ◦ C, with a stabilization
phase (1 h at 1.7 V) to compensate for the different heating rates at the
different sites. As last step of the characterization phase, the EIS spectra
at 80 ◦ C are obtained at the same five current densities as before at 60 ◦ C.
With this, the EIS measurements at both temperatures are finished.
The characterization phase is followed by a re-conditioning for 10 h
at 1.7 V. The practical reason for this phase was to ensure that there
wouldn’t be any need for an adjustment of the working hours for the
manual changing of the equipment at Lab 2, which is crucial in general,
Fig. 4. (a) Example of Nyquist plots with individual contributions for high
to make such a protocol usable for everyday lab work.
frequency (red line) and low frequency elements (green line), measurement
The two phases of characterization and reconditioning were repeated data (blue points) and the sum of both (purple line). (b) Corresponding dif
in total 4 times. Depending on the laboratory, this was either done with ferences of data compared to measurement points for real (blue) and imaginary
different temperature control settings (Lab 1 and Lab 2) or with un part (yellow). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
changed temperature control settings (Lab 3). Based on these repetitive legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
T. Lickert et al. Applied Energy 352 (2023) 121898
Fig. 5. (a) Polarization curves in uncorrected state (filled symbols) and iR-corrected state (half-filled symbols) for 60 ◦ C and 80 ◦ C and all three labs. (b)Corre
sponding HFRs, extracted from impedance data and the used equivalent circuits.
current density of 0.1 A*cm− 2, the fit and therefore the HFR for 0.1 comparison across the labs. Lab specific observations and general data
A*cm− 2 was not included in the further analysis. The resulting iR- differences must be considered here to understand the data comparison
corrected graphs allows the distinction between ohmic and non-ohmic across the labs. In the top part of Fig. 5, the polarization curves for a cell
effects. assembly are shown at T1 = 60 ◦ C and T2 = 80 ◦ C together with the iR-
corrected curves. At the bottom part, the HFRs for the measured current
4. Experimental results and discussion densities are depicted together with the equivalent circuits that were
used to fit the impedance spectra. At the first glance, the measurements
In the results section, two different types of reproducibilities will be show a high reproducibility, but it must be accepted that for the un
discussed, the “in-house” and the “across-sites” reproducibility. The in- corrected cell voltage data, already the in-house comparison (separate
house reproducibility is a measure for the ability at each institution to consideration of each lab) of the polarization data shows differences in
reproducibly create the same measurement conditions and hence the order of several mV. In general, Lab 2 shows lower differences
obtaining the same results for the same type of measurements at the throughout the entire current density range, than Lab 1 and Lab 3. This
specific lab. Especially quality issues with the used materials, or inac is also true for the HFR values. As differences decrease after iR-
curacies in cell or test bench handling would result in a poor in-house correction, they mainly originate from ohmic effects. But as differ
reproducibility. A good in-house reproducibility is easier to obtain, ences remain also in the iR-corrected data, kinetic effects must also play
and standard deviation will be lower than for an across-sites reproduc a role as the origin, but to a smaller extent than the ohmic effects, see
ibility as for the across-sites reproducibility, the measurement condi also the more detailed analysis in the sections below. The polarization
tions in the cell must be identical at each of the different labs. This is curves in Fig. 5 show high linearity above i = 0.5 A*cm− 2 for all labs,
much harder to achieve and took an iterative process to address the non- resulting in the assumption of negligible mass transport losses (MTL).
harmonizable differences originating from different experimental setups
(test bench, electronics, laboratory infrastructure) and different working 4.1.1. Results from impedance analysis
methods to ensure the necessary control parameter were sufficiently For all labs, the impedance spectra for the different measurements
controlled at each of the labs. For simplicity reasons, in-house and described above recorded at 60 ◦ C and different current densities are
across-sites reproducibility were obtained from the same data set presented in Fig. 6. The Nyquist plots are used to give the reader an
generated by the test script shown in Fig. 3, which was run for three impression of the in-house differences and the differences across the labs
individual cell assemblies at each lab. For Lab 1 and Lab 3, one of the cell that were observed. To make the details easier to recognize, the spectra
assemblies was taken out of the comparative analysis as test bench in for low (a) and high current densities (b) are plotted in different figures
terruptions occurred during the measurements, prohibiting the inclu with different scales.
sion of this data in the analysis here. Therefore, two cell assemblies for When analyzing the spectra for high current densities (see Section
Lab 1 (labelled “MEA 1” and “MEA 2”) and Lab 3 (labelled “MEA 1” and 3.3 for details) the extracted HFRs show an in-house and across lab shift
“MEA 3” and three repetitions for Lab 2 (labelled “MEA 1”, “MEA 2” and (see Fig. 6). All labs show a decreasing HFR with increasing current
“MEA 3”) are discussed in the following. For easier reading and com density with impedance differences between 1 and 5 mΩ*cm2 (for the
parison, the data is colour coded throughout the entire publication. The tested current densities of 0.5 and 2.5 A*cm− 2). This is commonly
data for Lab 1 are shown in green, for Lab 2 in red and for Lab 3 in blue. attributed to a heating effect on the anodic side by the overpotential, and
a subsequent heating up of the membrane which results in a higher
4.1. In house reproducibility protonic conductivity [65]. Lab 1 and Lab 3 show the steepest slopes
(4.5–5 mΩ*cm2 respectively) and the highest deviation between MEAs
The in-house reproducibility is seen as the basis for the later (5–7 mΩ*cm2 for both labs) whereas Lab 2: shows lower slope values
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Fig. 6. Impedance data at 60 ◦ C in the Nyquist representation for all three labs, showing (a) data at high current density (1–2.5 A*cm− 2) or (b) data for low current
density (0.1–0.5 A*cm− 2).
(2–4 mΩ*cm2) and lower deviation between the MEAs (1–3 mΩ*cm2). be addressed. In the high frequency area, there is a deviation from a
Although this contribution is not intended to analyze impedance spectra perfect semicircle and the graphs show a linear section, clearest visible
to a comprehensive extend, there is a deviation from the textbook in the graphs of the low current densities. This can be assigned to the
behavior for some of the measurements observed, which should shortly limited protonic conductivity in the electrode layer which can be
Fig. 7. Averaged HFR at different temperatures, differrent current densities and the different Labs as a measure for the ohmic resistances.
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Fig. 8. Cell voltage differences from uncorrected polarization data for each lab
at 60 ◦ C and 80 ◦ C. Fig. 10. iR-corrected polarization data for each lab at 60 ◦ C and 80 ◦ C.
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higher temperatures. This can be seen clearly in Fig. 10, showing the iR-
corrected polarization curves for all labs at T = 60 ◦ C and 80 ◦ C.
Furthermore, Lab 1 shows the highest iR-corrected voltages, Lab 3 the
lowest and Lab 2 is in between. This order compensates the differences
in the HFRs (ohmic losses), which show values in reverse order (see
Fig. 7).
Fig. 11. Transient current density signals at the potentiostatic step (last step) Fig. 13. Cell voltage differences when the uncorrected polarization data for all
during conditioning for each lab at 80 ◦ C. labs are unified into one data set for 60 ◦ C and 80 ◦ C, respectivily.
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Fig. 8). This means, the changed T-variation is not increasing the voltage
differences above the expected reproducibility level originating from
other influences like reproducibility from the assembling procedure of
the cell.
By comparing two different temperature control variations at Lab 2
in Fig. 16, it was noticed, that the first runs, show significantly higher
voltage values then the other three variations. This was observed
whether the temperature control was changed (MEA 1) or left un
changed (MEA 2).
For MEA 1, at i = 2.5 A*cm2, a significantly higher difference be
tween the first and the second run was obtained (ΔU = 48 mV) while a
similar value was obtained for MEA 2, which shows it is not T-control
specific. The same effect (ΔU = 57 mV) was also observed at Lab 3, see
Fig. 16b. This behavior indicates that the conditioning process of the
CCM is not yet fully finished during the measurements of run 1 in Lab 2
and Lab 3. It is, however, in its extend a lab specific phenomenon, as Lab
2 and Lab 3 show a rather large change after the first curve, whereas the
change is significantly smaller for Lab 1. This suggests that even with a
precise test protocol, differences remain in and after the presented
Fig. 14. Cell voltage differences when the corrected polarization data for all conditioning period, as could already been seen in Fig. 11. This means
labs are unified into one data set for 60 ◦ C and 80 ◦ C, respectivily. on the one hand, that conditioning is not fully finished and on the other
hand, remaining differences in the entire testing process significantly
control of the cell temperature is crucial. This can be done in various manifest themselves in the conditioning signals. This is regarded as one
ways. Temperature sensors can be installed differently into fittings, with of the key learnings from the presented work, meaning that the condi
different distances to the cell and at different places in the piping or even tioning procedure will be investigated in some more detail in the future.
inside the cell itself. To check the influences and the differences in
performance resulting from these degrees of freedom, 4 variations of
thermal control were tested according to the descriptions in chapter
2.3.1. Also, a suggestion of a definition of cell temperature for the pre
sented test cell is given in this chapter.
In Fig. 15 two representative cell assemblies (MEA 1 and MEA 2) at
Lab 1 are compared. MEA 1 was tested using four different ways of
thermal control (temperature control variation, T-var. 01–04, see also
Section 3.2) for each run. For the second cell assembly (MEA 2), all four
runs were tested with the same variation (T-var. 01). From the graphs, it
can be seen, that the thermal management used shows minor differences
in the electrolysis performance (ΔU = 7 mV @ i = 2.5 A*cm− 2 for the
first runs). The difference for the second runs is slightly higher (ΔU = 10
mV). These values are close to, but below the differences observed when
T-variation is unchanged and defined as in-house reproducibility (see
Fig. 16. Polarization curves obtained (a) at Lab 2 for different temperature
Fig. 15. Polarization curves obtained at Lab 1 for different temperature control control variations (light red for T-var 01–04/dark red for T-var 03 for all runs)
variations. For MEA 1 (dark green), a different temperature control setting was and (b) at Lab 3 for T-var 02 for all runs (light/dark blue). Despite differences in
used for each run, whereas for MEA 2 (light green), the same temperature the temperature control between the different MEAs, the first run always shows
controls setting was used for all four runs. (For interpretation of the references a higher voltage than runs 2–4, which is highlighted in the insets. (For inter
to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of pretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
this article.) to the web version of this article.)
T. Lickert et al. Applied Energy 352 (2023) 121898
As mentioned earlier, this was the reason only the second runs (2nd Vi- the test bench ventilation, coverage of the cell as well as the three
curves) are taken into consideration for the comparison of Vi-curves at dimensional arrangements of hardware in the test bench. The observed
different sites. The authors conclude that the presented variations of spread of the temperature depends on the current density and decreases
thermal control (variations 01–04, see Section 3) do not differ much with an increasing amount of internal waste heat (which is partially
from each other in terms of performance (if the presented test cell is compensating the heat radiation of the cell). This is best observed for the
used). The calculated differences at i = 2.5 A/cm2 originating from cathode inlet temperature (red) and cathode out temperature (violet) of
different thermal control variations shows values of ≈ 3 mV for those Lab 1 and Lab 2 in Fig. 17: While the red curve remains stable at around
labs that tested the different variations. The influence might be higher 80 ◦ C, the violet curve changes for about the same amount (~1 K). As a
for other test cells and other temperature control configurations. representative cell temperature, the authors suggest to take the arith
To give the reader and the user of the test protocol an impression of metic mean value out of the three anodic sensors signals (inlet, outlet
the quality of thermal management at the participating labs, tempera and internal, see Fig. 2) This value is called Tcell (depicted in black in
ture signals during the Vi-curves at 80 ◦ C for each lab with up- and Fig. 17). Even though small differences in the transient behavior of Tcell
down-curves for specific MEA’s are depicted in Fig. 17. From the figure, can be seen, the values are close to the set temperature in all cases and
differences are observable even with the same temperature control very close to the temperature measured by the internal sensor on the
(variation 02). A rather high spread between the sensors of up to 2 K anode side. For comparability reasons, this value should be within ±1 K
between inlet and outlet is observed for Lab 1 and Lab 3. whereas the around the set temperature to get to comparable data.
spread is slightly lower for Lab 2.
As current densities are the same, the generated waste heat by the 5. Summary
electrolysis process is the same at each lab. The amount of heat trans
ported into the cell by the feed water can differ slightly as it can be seen The comparison of the experiments conducted at different in
be the inlet temperatures in Fig. 17 (anode inlet in blue, cathode inlet in stitutions presented in this article show that a great deal of effort is
red). Also, the passive heat radiation from the cell to the surrounding required to obtain reproducible performance results across the different
can be different as each lab has a specific lab environment. It can be participating sites. The use of identical test cells and identical materials
influenced by several parameters, e.g. lab temperature in combination of is a necessary but by no means sufficient condition.
Polarization curves obtained with the test protocol are presented for
the selected reference setup of test cell and components and can be used
for reproducibility purposes. The contributing authors suggest the pre
sented test cell, test protocol, and measurement strategy to be adopted
by the community to allow accurate comparison between laboratories.
To achieve good across-site reproducibility, accurate application of the
test protocol is crucial. Throughout more than two years of conducting
this comparative study, any test interruption and deviations from the
protocol had a massive impact on the performance and impedance data.
The thermal control in general is crucial for high reproducibility. The
specific implementation of the tested thermal management and the
tested settings, however, showed only a few millivolts of deviation. The
mean values presented in this article and listed in the SI therefore, and as
it is the most realistic case in scientific reality, include results from
different thermal control variations. In addition, the specific and
reproducible conditioning procedure of the CCM before starting the
actual performance measurements proved to be highly important. This
holds true despite unexpectedly large performance deviations
throughout the conditioning phase. Results suggest, that despite a rather
long conditioning phase (two steps at constant current, one step at
constant voltage, in total 16 h), the conditioning of the CCM was not yet
finished for some of the measurements. The conditioning procedure is a
topic that needs further investigations and adoption to increase
comparability further.
When following the measurement protocol, an across-site repro
ducibility of <20 mV can be obtained for uncorrected as well as iR-
corrected values for current densities up to 2.5 A*cm− 2. This repro
ducibility can potentially be higher for a higher degree of harmonization
of the test benches. In-house reproducibility of around 10 mV or better
(< 5 mV for one of the partners) represents the upper limit that could
potentially be achieved with the presented test cell and cell components.
Having ruled out many harmonizable influences, mainly non-
harmonizable test bench differences and production tolerances of the
cell components (PTL, MEA, frames, sealings) remain as main causes for
the observed performance differences.
Future work needs to include simplification of the measurement
script and a change in cell components to more industrially relevant
Fig. 17. Temperature signals (available sensors at each lab) over time for all
threes labs (Lab 1 in green on top, Lab 2 in red in the middle and Lab 3 in blue components, such as thinner titanium PTLs with protective coatings on
at the bottom). Up-curves are depicted (left) as well as down-curves (right). the anode side and carbon-based PTLs on the cathode side. Also, a
Representative cell temperature Tcell is depicted in black. (For interpretation of publicly available data base, which can be further updated with data
the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web from the community would be beneficial to increase future compara
version of this article.) bility. Based on the collated data, the effects of operating conditions on
T. Lickert et al. Applied Energy 352 (2023) 121898
cell degradation and lifetime (AST protocol development) can and References
should be investigated ultimately.
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