Curriculum Development and Multicultural Education
Curriculum Development and Multicultural Education
Curriculum Development and Multicultural Education
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All content following this page was uploaded by Adesoji Adesugba on 06 July 2019.
Education can be described as a contribution to the formation of something that will have a long-lasting
effect on the people’s mind and faculties. The aim of this article is to review previous research work,
identify and discuss the various ideas and information necessary to be considered and involved in
curriculum development and multicultural education. When developing a curriculum, it is of importance
to consider the dimensions of education, the process of effective teaching, assessment and evaluation,
practice and implementation of teaching approaches, understanding of curriculum development and its
concept, and multicultural education. Society’s values and beliefs are translated into educational
objectives through the curriculum. The curriculum is a document that conveys the ideal positions about
the type of education required in diverse cultural contexts in an environment. Different literature was
reviewed to synthesize the opinion and facts derived by researchers, educationist, and stakeholders in
the development of the curriculum. The article illustrates the importance of appropriate curriculum
development involving all stakeholders and the integration of multicultural education in the curriculum.
The article identifies the scope for further research in the process of 21st-century curriculum
development on the effect of involving all education stakeholders in curriculum development and the
need for capacity development of instructor providers to enable them foster unity in diversity.
Key words: Curriculum, development, education, assessment, multicultural, culture, values, teaching, learning.
Nigeria is known as the largest and most populated different forms by various educationists as the field is
country in West Africa, with an estimated population of vast, and there are different aspects of education, and
201 million people (World Population Review, 2019). educationists’ views about the aim of life differ. Gautam
Nigeria is a country of about 250 ethnic groups with and Singh (2015) defined education as been the axle for
different cultures, history, values, religion, and language. social, economic, and political transformation in all
The three major ethnic groups are Yoruba, Igbo, and societies. Education is perceived as an integrative force
Hausa. Nigeria as a country is abundantly endowed with in society, imparting values that foster individual
cultural heritage derived from its multicultural excellence, social cohesion, and national development.
communities, which distinguish her in sub-Saharan Developing a curriculum is targeted at improving
Africa. Nigeria is a complex populace of multi-ethnic, educational settings, teaching practices, and instructional
multi-tribal, and multi-linguistic nature. activities. To achieve the goals of education that gives
The curriculum is a planned document highlighting the direction to activity and the aims of life, “the curriculum is
course outline and scheme of work. Curriculum design designed and framed by the administrators and the
directs the educational setting of society. In an school personnel for enhancement of skills and
educational setting, the curriculum is designed to meet up knowledge amongst the individuals and fulfilling the
the purpose of education. Education is being described in needs of the community.” (Kapur, 2018). Curriculum
47 J. Sci. Res. Stud.
development is aimed to standardize learning objectives values, and beliefs through a provided curriculum. The
for all students and simplify outcomes for teachers. proposed interaction of learners with instructional
The curriculum is holistically developed following the content, materials, procedures, and processes for
right processes in such a way that will benefit all evaluating the attainment of educational objectives is
stakeholders. Curriculum objectives are related to the achieved through the curriculum, which contains a
educational goals and methods through which learner program of studies, program of activities, and a program
demonstrates their understanding and application of of guidelines (Offorma, 2014).
goals. In developing a curriculum, the objectives are Teachers play a crucial role in developing,
constructed using behavioral terms by creating implementing, assessing, and modifying the curriculum.
observable and measurable objectives with variable time An evidenced-based curriculum acts as a road map for
expectations. teachers and students to follow on the path to academic
success (Glenn, 2018). Teaching process consist of a
structured system of teaching activities carried out by the
Purpose of the study teacher to enable learners to achieve the required
educational goals (Skutil et al., 2015). Understanding
According to Pillai (2015), the curriculum is a what teaching means is vital as it affects teachers’
comprehensive plan for an educational institution to offer attitudes and behaviors in the classroom. Teachers are
new or improved workforce to accomplish the growing the significant determinants of quality in education and
needs of a changing society. Determinants of the are expected to be active and committed (Obidike, 2017).
curriculum can be basic needs, cultural factors, ideals, Multicultural education includes theories that promote
social aspects, tradition, and individual talents. The equal access to education for students from diverse
significance of the curriculum is to reveal what groups in ensuring peaceful collaboration by preventing
educational purposes the school aims to attain, selection discrimination in schools and promoting democratic
of valuable learning experiences, the organization of principles (Salako, 2017). In a diverse economy like
learning experiences for effectiveness, and evaluation of Nigeria, appropriate education of citizens on the need to
learning effectiveness experiences. The curriculum is understand diversity in values, culture, tradition, beliefs,
significant as it is described as the heart of any learning and language will equip citizens with the necessary
institution. The curriculum helps in planning educational knowledge and contribute to national development. The
procedure as it consists of activities needed to translate need to address global cultural diversity made it essential
educational goals into concrete actions, materials, and to use effective instructional strategies through
observable change in behavior. multicultural education curriculum. According to Bennett
A curriculum that is functional and relevant is essential (2003), “school curriculum must directly address issues of
for a society to achieve its educational goals. The the informal social interactions because other ethnic
adaptability of the curriculum enables it to meet the groups of students prefer to study together in small
needs and abilities of students. The purpose of the study groups.” Multicultural education provides the best means
is to review previous literature, current knowledge, and to impact knowledge in ethnically diverse students,
findings concerning curriculum development in Nigeria, increase group relationships, and educational
while inculcating multicultural education. achievement.
The methodology adopted was to review diverse
literature in gathering expert’s knowledge on the
development of curriculum and multicultural education in Discussion
Education as a process of acquiring skills through
facilitating learning and knowledge can be achieved
Literature review through the use of the adequately developed curriculum.
Abiodun (2012) describes education as a proper
Education at the basic level can be summed up as the nurturing, transmission, and application of the knowledge
experience or act that can affect the mind, character, or that ensures daily development and sustenance of every
physical ability of an individual. In particular, regarding society. The curriculum is a guide designed to facilitate
formative means, education is about the contribution to the teaching-learning process by establishing a link that
the formation of something that will have a long-lasting integrates what is learnt with what is acceptable in the
effect on the people’s mind and faculties. Ainscow (2005) society. Nigeria’s national curriculum strategy is targeted
believed that education is a fundamental human right and at identifying and evolving a more suitable system of
the foundation for a More Just Society. According to education that is continually adapted and responsive to
Patankar and Jadhav (2013), education provides a the nation’s economic and social aspirations (Amadioha,
platform for teachers and students to acquire the 2016). The effective outcome of a curriculum depends on
requisite knowledge, skill, and develop a positive attitude, the mode and manner in which it is communicated to the
Adesugba and Temitope 48
learner. Teachers’ responsibilities include imparting learning experiences of individuals in learning institutions
knowledge to learners through adequate methodology in and the society at large. The curriculum is developed to
an enabling learning environment. Teachers are to facilitate the learner’s quality learning. Pillai (2015)
ensure a high standard of professional and quality identified the determinants of a curriculum as cultural
teaching that promote academic progress and well-being factors, basic needs, tradition, individual talents, social
of learners. aspects, and religion. All activities that go on within the
The way and manner the teaching process is carried school premises, such as guidance, interpersonal
out to a large extent, determine the outcome of the relationships and experiences gathered can influence
teaching-learning process. Effective teaching is an art, learners’ academic, emotional, social, and physical
and like other forms of art, skills are involved (Fussell, growth. The most reliable tool to transmit information
2017). Effective teaching is carried out by an effective regarding culture, values, and beliefs of society to the
teacher. An effective teacher is a polite, hardworking, learner is known as curriculum (Makaran, 2015).
honest and friendly, and demonstrates the attitudes in Curriculum development is known as the systematic and
class in a disciplined, organized, and committed manner. dynamic process sensitive to time and place in which
“Teacher quality is related to academic ability and skills. preparation, development, implementation, and
Applying these skills and the ability to teach to improve evaluation steps are involved. The curriculum includes
learning is considered effective teaching, and achieving independent study and investigations; lectures by
positive students’ outcomes determines an effective and outsiders, participation in school athletics, play, concerts,
quality teacher” (Al Barwani et al., 2012). field trips, and work or service projects in the community
An effective teacher must be a role model to the (Akhtar, 2004). Curriculum development is targeted at
learners, be experienced, be of ethical behavior, and meeting up with frequent changes that occur in a society
desirable personality traits. The degree to which a that can be influenced by the economy, human resources
teacher facilitates the attainment of educational development, politics, and culture. Also, the curriculum is
objectives is referred to as effective teaching. Shahida et developed to meet with the needs and pressing problems
al. (2015) identified the teaching method and the of a society in areas such as socioeconomic, poverty
characteristics of the teacher as two pillars of effective alleviation, job creation, and sustainable development.
teaching. An effective teacher is expected to organize Offorma (2014) defined curriculum as the document,
and manage the classroom environment as an active plan, or blueprint for instructional guide utilized for the
learning environment with a maximum degree of teaching-learning process to bring about positive and
participation from learners. Effective management of the desirable change in learner's behavior. The 9-year basic
classroom by a competent teacher explores and education curriculum in Nigeria was developed by the
improves learner’s weakness, motivates learners, Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council
increase self-esteem, and provide a sense of belonging. (NERDC) in 2008 to realign primary and secondary
school curricula to meet the major target of the Universal
Basic Education (UBE) program (Igbokwe, 2015). The
Factors determining effective teaching and teachers curriculum is frequently revised to keep up with national
concerns, ensuring practical and relevant programs in
(a)Teacher’s academic skills line with global best practices. Curriculum development
(b) Exploration of student’s differences involves planning, implementation, and evaluation.
(c) Creating a rapport with the students Factors such as the learners, the teachers, the societal
(d) Quality of instructions culture, philosophy of education, and psychology of
(e) Teaching environment. learning are considered, as they are the elements that
can promote or mar curriculum implementation in Nigeria
Ensuring the quality of in-service training of workers is (Offorma, 2014). In developing a curriculum, strategies
vital to maximize the potential of human assets, available and models are deployed to organize curriculum content
materials, and financial resources, and to coordinate and activities acceptable to the learner. The steps of
between the development of an educational system and curriculum development include selection and
its effectiveness (Ghonji, 2015). Effective teaching is organization of objectives, learning experiences, and
essential for active learning, as it inculcates interest and evaluation.
an urge to learn among students (Muhammad and Khan,
2012). Effective teachers are believed to exhibit the
passion for their subjects, care for students, and apply
various teaching strategies. Types of curriculum
Recognizing different Culture and Learners to investigate cultural identity, explore and compare
1 Mandatory
Developing Respect cultural knowledge and develop respect for knowledge
Intercultural experiences and Learners to develop the capacity to process and reflect on
2 Mandatory
assuming responsibility intercultural experiences and cultural difference
and the future. Implications of strong knowledge for the (1) Helps to identify the risks of globalization and
future curriculum cannot be overemphasized, as multicultural communities.
curriculum changes over time, as several factors affect (2) Reduces the risks of economically motivated rules
the development and implementation of the curriculum. and regulations without the intervention by government
The future curriculum is targeted at the 21st-century and politics.
learners in all learning platforms. The future curriculum (3) Recognize new opportunities (e.g., exchanges
essential elements are the aims and objectives, content, between different people).
organization, and evaluation. The curriculum is designed (4) Discourages discrimination.
to prepare future generations to thrive in the changing
environment, centering on changing how lessons are In promoting multicultural education, the teacher has an
taught, embracing technology in the classroom, including important role to play in creating an inclusive school.
multicultural education and keeping up with the evolution Nigeria is a country with diverse ethnicities, and to
of skills needed to solve problems, innovation and promote unity and coexistence among Nigerian students,
succeeding. the Unity schools were established in all regions of the
Valid knowledge in the future curriculum will adapt country. Multicultural education is embedded in the
information communication technology in learning, as it is practices of how things are done in an environmental
currently experienced with online learning and academic setting, dispositions that inform both the classroom
sources available online. The curriculum of learner- climate and the hidden curriculum. Instructional providers
centered proves that learners’ interest in learning who are referred to as teachers in Nigeria are to help
correlates the level of achievement. Learner-centered learners inculcate a positive self-image and sense of
motivate students to learn through individual passion. In a group belonging, promote interaction between all
heterogeneous classroom consisting of students from a students, help students learn about those differences and
diverse cultural background, language, and beliefs, such respect them, and cultivates critical thinking of each
as the case of Nigeria, the discrimination incident should student to prejudices. Instructional providers are to
be handled carefully. Discrimination in school is an act of develop the skills needed to convey culturally sensitive
not treating people equally or less favorably than others. and adaptive instructions. Multicultural education helps to
Discrimination can be direct or indirect, such as having create an active learning environment in which all
and enforcing admission rules that favor one group over students feel secure, valued and involved in the learning
another. According to Sullivan (2018), “all kinds of process; it fosters economic development by enabling
discrimination are wrong and can be harmful to those students to compete in a diverse workforce and integrate
involved. In schools, discrimination can make it difficult into the global economy (Mohammed et al., 2016). It also
for students to learn because they do not feel safe or creates a supportive multicultural environment, which
accepted.” To safeguard students’ right to learn, it is represents diversity as a regular part of the school life
essential to fight any form of discrimination. and human existence.
Handling discrimination incident begins with the
introduction of multicultural curriculum that teaches
students about differences in cultures, belief, CONCLUSION
perspectives and languages, and how to accept one
another based on cultural background. Discrimination In conclusion, developing a curriculum should give room
incident can be handled by knowing your rights, speak for flexibility, adaptability, functional to circumstances,
out about discrimination incidents with evidence, speak to and encourage innovation and experimentation of
authorities about the discrimination act, school authorities different structures, such as multicultural education.
should provide policies and practices that are not Multicultural education provides emotional and social
discriminatory, and when discrimination act is reported, development in students, which leads to higher capacities
school authorities will address the concern quickly, of trust, belief, and acceptance of other opinions.
effectively and apologetically. According to Edewor et al. (2014), multicultural education
leads to a situation in which citizens of a country
continually see themselves as one people, bound by
shared historical experiences and values imbibed by the
Importance of multicultural education spirit of patriotism and unity. The unity schools
established in Nigeria with the representation of every
The goal of multicultural education is to “change teaching region and part of Nigeria have produced citizens with
and learning approaches in such a way that students of broad-mindset that transcended tribalism and ethnicity.
both genders and from diverse cultural, ethnic, and The unity schools develop student’s ability to understand,
language groups will have equal opportunities to learn in communicate, and interact culturally, having diverse
educational institutions” (Banks, 2013, p. 10). opinions about people and events.
Multicultural education: Adapting principles of multicultural education in the
Adesugba and Temitope 52
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