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Chemical Formulary4

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Chemical Formulary
A Collectiojz of Valuable, Timely, Practical
Commercial Formulae and Recipes for
Making Thousands of Products in
Many Fields of Industry



I S.

H i


212 Fifth Avenue New York 10, N. Y.
Copyright, 1939

Chemical Publishing Co., Inc.



H. Bennett

Board of Editors
Allen, Austin, O. A. C. Horn Co.
Bliss,A. Eichard Birmingham Research Laboratories
Block, D. Julian Block Laboratories
Blumenthal, S. Shirley Laboratories
Bramann, George M. Niacet Chemicals Corjj.
Childs, James Procter & Gamble
Con ’e, Samuel H. Consulting Chemist
Cooper, George I. Consulting Chemist
Corbett, James F. Pacific Mills
Crawford, John W. Consulting Dyeing Chemist
Degering, Edward E. Purdue University
Goldsmith, Henry Glyco Products Co., Inc.
Dorian, Michael A. Lacquer Chemist
Engle, 0. 0. United Clay Mines Corp.
Evans, Bobert G. N. Bunting Brass & Bronze Co,
Fiene, Frederick Consulting Food Chemist
Fox, Edward Consulting Rubber Chemist
French, Sidney J. Colgate University
Fyfe, Herman S. Agfa Anseo Corp.
Hamilton, Charles H. RaffiSwanson Inc.
Jacobson, 0. A. West Virginia University
Jansson, Gustave E. Condit Electric Mfg. Co.
Johnstone, James 0. Metals Refining Co.
Jones, Hilton Ira Naselmo Corp.
Kennedy, John N, The Muralo Co.
Kingman, Wm. A. Consulting Coating Chemist
Klein, Hugo Chas. Bruning Co., Inc.
Kokatnur, V. B. Autoxygen Ine.
Lawless, Theo. K. North Western University
Lawrence, W. S. Kaumagraph Co,
Levey, Harold A. Consulting Chemist
Levitt, B. Consulting Soap Chemist
Lincoln, Bert. H. Continental Oil Co.
Lougovoy, B. H. Consulting Chemist
Marlies, Charles A. College of the City of N. S'.
Marquardt, J. C. N. Y. State Agric. Exp. Station
Matthews, Horris W. Burroughs Bros. Mfg. Co.
Mendelsohn, Simon Snow feng Baking Powder Co,
Messman, Henry C. Barada & Page Inc.
Metro, Francis G. Porter Chemical Co.
Noble, B. J. Consulting Latex Chemist
Ohison, Walter D. American Can Co.
Palmer, Henry F, Zylos Rubber Co.
Patzig, Monroe L. Patzig Laboratories
'Perrin, B., A. J-R Chemical Co,
Pinnock, D. E, Wood & Seliek Ine.
Easch, Carl H. Riverside Chemical Co.
Eobertson, G, Boss University of California
Rooney, J. T. Consulting Chemist
Rutstein, Leo Rutstein Laboratory <& Library
Sehenker, Herbert S. Independent By-Products & Research Corp,
Schuyler, Wm. H. Bucknell University Junior College
Sbnidman, L. Rochester Gas & Electric Corp.
Siever, Chas. M. Consulting Pharmacist
Sklarew, S. Special Chemicals Corp.
Stewart, Jeffery R. Consulting Paint Chemist
Sweeney, 0. R. Iowa State College
Tanner, Lee Tropic Chemical Works Laboratory
Timpson, L. G. M. Pyrene Mfg. Co.
Tuma, Vladimir Consulting Chemist
Van Heeden, Arthur Consulting Technologist
Wang, Sidney R. Co-Operative Distributors Inc.
Young, Frederick L. Consulting Chemist
Chemistry as taught in our schools and colleges is confined to synthesis,
analysis —
and engineering and properly so. It is part of the proper foundation
for the education of the chemist.
Many a chemist on entering an industry soon finds that the bulk of the
products manufactured by his concern are not synthetic or definite chemical
compounds but are mixtures, blends or highly complex compounds of which he
knows little or nothing. The literature in this field, if any, may be meagre,
scattered or antiquated.
Even chemists, with years of experience in one or more industries, spend
considerable time and effort in acquainting themselves on entering a new field.
Consulting chemists, similarly, have problems brought to them from industries
foreign to them, A definite need has existed for an up-to-date compilation of
formulae for chemical compounding and treatment. Since the fields to be
covered are many and varied, an editorial board was formed, composed of
chemists and engineers in many industries.
Many publications, laboratories, manufacturing companies and individuals
have been drawn upon to obtain the latest and best information. It is felt that
the formulae given in this volume will save chemists and allied workers much
time and effort.
Manufacturers and sellers of chemicals will find in these formulae new uses
for their products. Non-chemical executives, professional men and others, who
may be interested, will gain from this volume a ‘^speaking acquaintance'^ with
products which they may be using, trying, or with which they are in contact.
It often happens that two individuals using the same ingredients In the same
formula get different results. This may be the result of slight deviations or
unfamiliarity with the intricacies of a new technique. Accordingly, repeated
experiments may be necessary to get the best results. Although many of the
formulae given are being used commercially many have been taken from
patent specifications and the literature. Since these sources are often subject
to various errors and omissions, due regard must be given to this factor.
Wherever possible it is advisable to consult with other chemists or technical
workers regarding commercial production. This will save time and money and
avoid ‘headaches."
It is seldom that any formula will give exactly the results which one re-
quires. Formulae are useful as starting points from which to work out one's
own ideas. Formulae very often give us ideas which may help us in our specific
problems. In a compilation of this kind errors of omission, commission and
printing may occur. We shall be glad to receive any constructive criticism in
this, our first attempt,
To the layman, it is suggested that he arrange for the services of a chemist
or technical worker familiar with the specific field in which he is interested.
Although this involves an expense it will insure quicker and better formulation
without wastage of time and materials.
New and additional formulae gathered during the past year have accumulated in
quantity sufficient to produce an additional volume to volumes I, II & III of the
Chemical Formulary. With some trepidation as to the aceeptability of a fourth
volume at this time, inquiry was made of educators, chemists, engineers, and manu-
facturers as to whether or not it should be published at this time. The unanimous
answer was that information of this nature should be disseminated at the earliest
moment to do the greatest amount of good.
It is gratifying to note that schools
and colleges are making greater use of the
Chemical Formulary as an auxiliary in stimulating practical interest in chemistry.
With it students are making adhesives, insecticides, polishes, cosmetics, etc. It
makes chemistry interesting, practical and useful to them.
Because some purchasers of this book are beginners in the art of chemical com-
pounding, it was suggested that a simple introductory chapter be included. This
has been done, giving complete directions for making simple preparations in
everyday use.
It is a sincere pleasure to acknowledge the valuable assistance of the members of
the board of editors and others who have given of their time and knowledge in
contributing the special formulae which have made this volume possible.
InTEODUCTION c . o o . . 1


Adhesives . .16
Beverages, Liquors, Flavors , . . B5

Cosmetics and Drugs .... 47

Emulsions 95
Farm and Garden Specialties .101
.............. . . . . . . . . . .

Food Products 122

Inks 137
Leather, Skins, Furs 154
Lubricants, Oils, Fats 187
Materials op Construction 212
Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Etc 297
Paper ,351
Photography 356
Plating 383
Polishes and Abrasives 403
Pyrotechnics 442
Bubber, Besins, Plastics, Waxes 440
Soap, Cleansers . . . . . . . 47s
Textiles, Fibers . . ,

Miscellaneous . . . . . 556
'Beperencbs & Acknoviledgments . . . . « , 573
Trade Named Cilemicals and Sources op Supply . . . . . . . 576
Suppliers op Trade Name Chemicals , ... . . ... . . 5S|
Where, to. Buy Cpiemicals . . ......... . . . , . .

, .

Where to B.uy Specialty Baw Materials Outside the United Sta.tes , .



Index' '

. .. .

. . . „


amp. ..... . . ampere
amp./dm ^ . . amperes per square decimeter
amp./sq. ft. . . amperes per square foot
anliydr. . . . anhydrous

avoir . . avoirdupois
Be . . Baume
b. p . . boiling point
C ..Centigrade
°0 . Degrees Centigrade

cc . cubic centimeter

c. d . . current density
cm . . centimeter
cm 3 . . cubic centimeter

cone . . concentrated

e*P . . chemically pure

cu. ft. . . cubic foot

cu. in . . cubic inch

ewt . . huii'^red weight

d. . . density
dil . . dilute
dm . . decimeter
dm2 . . square decimeter
dr . . dram
E . . Engler
F . . Fahrenheit

. . Degrees Fahrenheit

f.f‘e. . . free from chlorine

f.f.p.a . . free from prussic acid
fl. dr . . fluid dram
fl, oz . * fluid ounce
f .P , . freezing point
ft , .foot
ft.2 , . square foot

g ,

gal. .gallon
lir. . hour
in. .inch
kg. . kilogram
1. .. . liter
11). . pound
liq. . liquid
m, .
min. .minim, minute
. milliliter —
cubic centimeter
, millimeter
m.p. . melting point

N. .
N.F. .National Formulary
oz. .ounce
pll , Hydrogen-Ion Coneentration
q. p.in, parts per million
pt. pint
pwt. pennyweight
s. . .a quantity sufficient to make
qt. ..quart
r. revolutions per minute
S.A.E Society of Automotive Engineers
see second
sp spirits
sp. gr specific gravity
sq. dm square decimeter
tech. technical
tine tincture
tr tincture
Tw. Twaddell
TJ.S.P United States Pharmacopeia
V volt
vise viscosity
vol volume
wt. weight

At the suggestion of a number of teachers of chemistry and home economics the
following introductory matter has been included.
The contents of this section are written in a simple way so that anyone, regardless
of technical education or experience, can start making simple products without any
complicated or expensive machinery. T’or commercial productions, however, suitable
equipment is necessary.
Chemical specialties en masse are composed of pigments, gums, resins, solvents,
oils, greases, fats, waxes, emulsifying agents, water, chemicals of great diversity,
dyestuffs, and perfumes. To compound certain of these with some of the others
requires certain definite and well- studied procedure, any departure from which will
inevitably result in failure. The successful steps are given with the forxniilas.
Pollow them explicitly. If the directions require that A should be added to B, carry
this out literally, and not in reverse fashion. In making an emulsion, the job is
often quite as tricky as the making of mayonnaise. In making mayonnaise, you add
the oil to the egg, slowly, with constant and even and regular stirring. If you do it
correctly, you get mayonnaise. If you depart from any of these details: if you
add the egg to the oil, or pour the oil in too quickly, or fail to stir regularly, the
result is a complete disappointment. The same disappointment might be expected
if the prescribed procedure of any other formula is violated.
The next point in importance is the scrupulous use of the proper ingredients.
Substitutions are sure to result in inferior quality, if not in comjjlete failure. Use
what the formula calls for. If a cheaper product is desired, do not obtain it by
substituting a cheaper material for the one prescribed: resort to a different formula.
Not infrequently a formula will call for some ingredient which is difficult to obtain
in such cases, either reject the formula or substitute a similar material only after
preliminary experiment demonstrates its usability. There is a limit to which this
rule may reasonably be extended. In some instances the substitution of an equivalent
ingredient may legitimately be made. For example: when the formula calls for
white wax (beeswax), yellow wax can be used, if the color of the finislied product
is a matter of secondary importance. Yellow beeswax can often replace white bees-
wax, making due allowance for color : but paraffin will not replace beeswax, even
though its light color recommends it above yellow beeswax.
And this leads to the third point: the use of good quality ingredients, and in-
gredients of the correct quality. Ordinary lanolin is not the same thing as anhydrous
lanolin the replacement of one for the other, weight for weight, will give diseourag-
ingly different results. Use exactly what the formula calls for; if you are unac-
quainted with the material and a doubt arises as to just what is meant, discard the
formula and use one that you understand. Buy your materials from reliable sources.
Many ingredients are obtainable in a number of different grades: if the formula
does not designate the grade, it is understood that the best grade is to be used.
Remember that a formula and the directions can tell you only a i)art of the story.
Some skill is often required to attain success. Practice with a small batch in sucli
cases until you are sure of your technique. Many instances can be cited. If the
formula calls for steeping quince seed for 30 minutes in cold water, your duplication
of this procedure may produce a mucilage of too thin a consistency. The originator
of the formula may have used a fresher grade of seed, or Ms conception of what
^^cold’' water means may be different from yonrs. You should have a feeling for
the right degree of mueilaginousness, and if steeping the seed for 30 minutes fails
to produce it, steep them longer until you get the right kind of mucilage. If you
do not know what the right kind is, you will have to experiment until you lind out.
Hence the recommendation to make small experimental batches until successful results
are arrived at. Another case is the use of dyestuffs for coloring lotions, and the
like. Dyes vary in strength: they are all very powerful in tinting value: it is not
always easy to state in quantitative terms how much to use. You must establish tlu?
quantity by carefully adding minute quantities until you have the desired tint
Gum tragacaiith is one of those products which can give much trouble. It varies
widely in solubility and bodying power the quantity prescribed in the formula may

be entirely unsuitable for your grade of tragacanth. Hence a correction is necessary,

which can only be made after experiments' to determine how much to correct.
In short, if you are completely inexperienced, you can profit greatly by gaining
some experience through recourse to experiment. Such products as mouth washes,
hair tonics, astringent lotions, need little or no experience, because they are as a rule
merely mixtures of simple liquid and solid ingredients, the latter dissolving without
difS-Culty and the whole being a clear solution that is ready for use when mixed. On
the other hand, face creams, tooth pastes, lubricating greases, wax polishes, etc.,
which require relatively elaborate procedure and which depend for their usability on
a definite final viscosity, must be made with the exercise of some skill, a,nd not in-
frequently some experience.

Some prefer proportions expressed by weight, volume or in terms of percentages.
In different industries and foreign countries various systems of weights and measures
are used. For this reason no one set of units could be satisfactory for everyone.
Thus divers formulae appear with different units in accordance with their sources of
origin. In some cases, parts instead of percentages or weight or volume is desig-
nated. The following examples illustrate typical units:

Ink for Marking Glass

Glycerin 40 Ammonium Sulphate 10
Barium Sulphate 15 Oxalic Acid 8
Ammonium Bifiuoride 15 Water 12

Here no units are mentioned. When such is the case it is standard practice to us(j
parts by weight, using the same system throughout. Thus here we may use ounces
or grams as desired. But if ounces are used for one item then ounces must "be the
unit for all the other items in the particular formula.

Flexible Glue
Glue, Powdered 30.9 % Glycerin 5.15%
Sorbitol (85%) 15.45% Water 48.5%
Where no units of weight or volume but percentages are given then forget the
percentages and use the same instructions as given under Example No. 1.
Example No. 3

Antiseptic Ointment
Petrolatum 16 parts Benzoic Acid 1 part
Coconut Oil 12 parts Chlorthymol 1 part
Salicylic Acid 1 part

The same instructions as given under Example No. 1 apply to Example No. 3.
It is not wise in many cases to make up too large a quantity of material until one
has first made a number of small batches to first master the necessary technique and
also to see whether it is suitable for the particular outlet for which it is intended.
Since, in many cases, a formula may be given in proportions as made up on a com-
mercial factory scale, it is advisable to reduce the proportions accordingly. Thus,
taking the following formula:

Example No. 4
Neutral Cleansing Cream
Mineral Oil 80 lb. Water 90 lb.
Spermaceti 30 lb. Glycerin 10 lb.
Glyceryl Monostearate 24 lb. Perfume to suit

Here, instead of pounds, grams may be used. Thus this formula would then read
Mineral Oil 80 g. Water 90 g.
Spermaceti 30 g. Glycerin 10 g.
Glyceryl Monostearate 24 g. Perfume to suit


Beduction in bulk may also be obtained by taking the same fractional part or
portion of each ingredient in a formula. Thus in the following formula

Example No. 5
Vinegar Pace Lotion
Acetic Acid (80%) 20 Alcohol ^40
G-lyeerin 20 Water 500
Perfume 20

We can divide each amount by ten and the finished bulk is only 1/lOth of the
original formula. Thus it becomes:

Acetic Acid (80%) 2 Alcohol 44

Glycerin 2 Water 50
Perfume 2

For most preparations pots, pans/ china and glassware, such as is used in every
household, will be satisfactory. For making fine mixtures and emulsions a^^^nialtcd-
milk^^ mixer or egg-beater is necessary. For weighing, a small^ low priced scale
should be purchased from a laboratory supply house. For measuring of fluids, glass
graduates or measuring glasses may be purchased from your local druggist. Where
a thermometer is necessary a chemical thermometer should be obtained from a
druggist or chemical suxjply house.

To better undex*stand the products which you intend making, it is advisable that
you read the complete section covering such products. Very often an important idea
is thus gotten. You may learn different methods that may be used and also avoid
errors which many beginners are prone to make.

Containers for Compounding

Where discoloration or contamination is to be avoided (as in light colored,^ or food
and drug products) it is best to use enamelled or earthenware vessels. Aluminum, as
well, is highly desirable in such cases but it should not be used with alkalies as the
latter dissolve and corrode this metal.

To avoid overheating, it is advisable to use a double boiler when ternperatures
below 212° F. (temperature of boiling water) will suffice. If a double boiler is not
at hand, any pot may be filled with water and the vessel containing the ingredients
to be heated is placed therein. The pot may then be heated by any flame without
fear of overheating. The water in the pot, however, should be replenished from time
to time as necessary— it must not be allowed to ‘^go dry.^^ To get uniform higher
temperatures, oil, grease or wax is used in the outer container in place of water.
Here of course care must be taken to stop heating when thick fumes are given off as
these are inflammable. When higher uniform temperatures are necessary, molten
lead may be used as a heating medium. Of course, where materials melt uniformly
and stirring is possible, direct heating over an open flame is possible.
Where instructions indicate working at a certain temperature, it is important that

the proper temperature be attained ^not by guesswork, but by the use of a ther-
mometer. Deviations from indicated temperatures will usually result in spoiled

Temperature Measurements
In Great Britain and the United States, the Fahrenheit scale of temperature
measurement is used. The temperature of boiling water is 212° Fahrenheit
(212° F.) the temperature of melting ice is 32° Fahrenheit (32° F.).

In scientific work and in most foreign countries the Centigrade scale is used. On
this scale of temperature measurement, the temperature of boiling water is 100
degrees Centigrade (100° C.) and the temperature of melting ice is 0 degrees
Centigrade (0° C.).
The temperature of liquids is measured by a glass thermometer. The latter is
inserted as deeply as possible in the liquid and is moved about until the temperature
remains steady. It takes a little time for the glass of the thermometer to come to
the temperatures of the liquid. The thermometer should not be placed against the
bottom or side of the container, but near the center of the liquid in the vessel. Since
the glass of the bulb of the thermometer is very thin, it can be broken easily by
striking it against any hard surface. A cold thermometer should be warmed gradu-
ally (by holding over the surface of a hot liquid) before immersion. Similarly the
hot thermometer when taken out should not be put into cold water suddenly. A
sharp change in temperature will often crack the glass.

Mixing and Dissolving

Ordinary solution sugar in water) is hastened by stirring and warming.
Where the ingredients are not corrosive, a clean stick, bone or composition fork or
spoon is used as a mixing device. These may also be used for mixing thick creams
or pastes. In cases where most efficient stirring is necessary (as in making mayon-
naise, milky polishes, etc.) an egg beater or a malted-milk mixer is necessary.

Filtering and Clarification

When dirt or undissolved particles are present in a liquid, they are removed by
settling or filtering. In the former the solution is allowed to stand and if the
particles are heavier than the liquid they wrill gradually sink to the bottom. The
upper liquid may be poured or siphoned off carefully and in some cases is then of
sufficient clarity to be used. If, however, the particles do not settle out then they
must be filtered off. If the particles are coarse they may be filtered or strained
through muslin or other cloth. If they are very small particles then filter paper is
used. Filter papers may be obtained in various degrees of fineness. Coarse filter
paper filters rapidly but will not, of course, take out extremely fine particles. For
the latter, it is necessary to use a very fine grade of filter paper. In extreme cases
even this paper may not be fine enough. Here it will be necessary to add to the
liquid 1-3% of infusorial earth or magnesium carbonate. The latter clog up the
pores of the filter paper and thus reduce their size and hold back undissolved material
of extreme fineness. In all such filtering, it is advisable to take the first portions of
the filtered liquid and pour them through the filter again as they may develop
cloudiness in standing.

The most commonly used decolorizer is decolorizing carbon. The latter is added
to the liquid to the extent of 1-5% and heated with stirring for hour to as high
a temperature as is feasible. It is then allowed to stand for a while and filtered.
In some cases bleaching must be resorted to. Examples of this are given in this

Pulverizing and Grinding

Large masses or lumps are first broken up by wrapping in a clean cloth and
placing between two boards and pounding with a hammer. The smaller pieces are
then pounded again to reduce their size. Finer grinding is done in a mortar wdth
a pestle.

Spoilage and Loss

All containers should be closed when not in use to prevent evaporation or con-
tamination by dust; also because, in some cases, air affects the material adversely.
Many materials attack or corrode the metal containers in which they are received.
This is particularly true of liquids. The latter, therefore, should be transferred to
glass^ bottles which should be as full as possible. Corks shoud be covered with
aluminum foil (or dipped in melted paraffin wax when alkalies are present).
Materials such as glue, gums, olive oil or other vegetable or animal products may
ferment or become rancid. This produces discoloration or unpleasant odors. To
avoid this, suitable antiseptics or preservatives must be used. Too great stress
cannot be placed on cleanliness. All containers must be cleaned thoroughly before
use to avoid various complications.

Weighmg and Measuring

Since, in most cases, small quantities are to be weighed,it is necessary to get a
light scale. Heavy scales should not be used for weighing small amounts as they
are not accurate for this type of weighing.
For measuring volume (liquids) measuring glasses or cylinders (graduates) should
be used. Since this glassware cracks when heated or cooled suddenly it should
not be
subjected to sudden changes of temperature.

Some eliemieals are corrosive and poisonous. In many cases they are labeled as
such. As a precautionary measure, it is advised not to smell bottles directly, but
only to sniff a few indies from tlie cork or stopper. Always work in a well ventilated
room when handling poisonous or unknown chemicals. If anything is spilled, it
should be wiped off and washed away at once.

Where to Buy Chemicals and Apparatus

Many chemicals and most glassware can be purchased from your druggist. Notices
of suppliers of all products will be found at the end of this book.

This book is the result of co-operation of many chemists and engineers, who have
given freely of their time and knowledge. It is their business to act as consultants
and, for a fee, to give advice on technical matters. As publishers, we do not main-
tain a laboratory or consulting service to compete with them.
Please, therefore, do not ask ns for advice or opinions, but confer with a chemist
in your vicinity.
Bxtra Beading
Keep np with new developments of newmaterials and methods by reading technical
magazines. Many technical publications are listed under references in the back
section of this book.
Calculating Costs
Purchases of raw materials, in small quantities, are naturally higher in price than
when bought in large quantities. Commercial prices, as given in the trade pa.p(irs
and catalogs of manufacturers, are for quantities such as barrels, drums or sacks.
Por example, a pound of epsom salts, bought at retail, may cost 10 or 15 cents. In
barrel lots its price today is about 2 to 3 cents per pound.

Typical Costing Calculation

Formula for Beer- or Milk Pipe Cleaner
Soda Ash 25 lb. @ .0214 per lb, = $0.63
Sodium Perborate 75 lb. @ .16 per lb. 12.00

Total 100 lb. Total $12,63

If 100 lb. cost $12.63, 1 lb. will cost $12.63 divided by 100 or about $0,120 per Ib.
for raw materials, assuming no loss.
Always weigh the amount of finished product and use this weight in calculating
costs. Most compounding results in some loss of material because of: spillage,
sticking to apparatus, evaporation, etc. Costs of making experimental lots are
always high and should not be used for figuring costs. To meet cornpcjtition, it is
necessary to buy in larger units and costs should be based on the latter.

Elementary Preparations tains no water and melts or liquefies

The recipes that follow have been when rubbed on the skin. To suit dif-
gotten up in a very simple way. Only ferent climates and likes and dislikes
one of each type is given so as to avoid harder or softer products can be made,
confusion. These have been selected be-
cause of their importance and because Cleansing Cream (Liquefying)
they can be made readily. Liquid Petrolatum (White
The succeeding chapters go into Mineral Oil) 51^4 oz.
greater detail and give many different Parafiin Wax 2% oz.
types and modifications of these and Petrolatum (Yaseline) 2 oz.
other recipes for home and commercial Melt together with stirring in an alu-
use. minum or enamelled dish and allow to
cool.' Then stir in a dash of perfume oil
Cleansing Creams Allow to stand until a haziness appears
Cleansing^ creams as the name implies

and then pour into jars, which nhould bo

serve as skin cleaners. Their basic in- allowed to stand undistuThed over night.
gredients are oils and waxes which are
rubbed into the skin. When wiped off Cold Creams
they carry off dirt and dead skin. The The most important facial cream is
liquefying type of cleansing cream con- cold cream. This typo of cream consists
of a mineral oil and wax which, are Vanishing Creams
emulsified in. water with a little borax or Vanishing creams are non-greasy
glycosterin. The function of a cold creams, soapy in nature. Some are white
cream is to furnish a greasy fiM which and others have a very beautiful pearly
takes up dirt and waste tissue which are appearance. This type of cream depends
removed when the skin is wiped thor- on its soapiness for its cleansing char-
oughly. Many modifications of this acter and is useful as a powder base.
basic cream are encountered in stores.
They vary in color, odor, and in claims Vanishing Cream
but, essentially, they are no more useful Stearic Acid 18 oz.
than this simple cream. The latest type Melt the above in an aluminum or
of cold cream is the non-greasy cold enamelled double boiler (the water in the
cream which is of particular interest be- outer pot must be boiling) . To the
cause it is non-alkaline and therefore above add, in a thin stream, while stir-
non-irritating to sensitive skins. ring vigorously with a fork, the following
boiling solution made in an aluminum or
enamelled pot:
Cold Cream
Liquid Petrolatum (White
Potassium Carbonate % oz.
Glycerin 614 oz.
Mineral Oil) 52 g. Water 5 lb.
White Beeswax 14 g. Continue stirring until the temperature
Heat the above in an aluminum or falls to 135® P., then stir in a little per-
enamelled double boiler (the water in the fume oil and stir from time to time until
outer pot should be brought to a boil). cold. Allow to stand over night and stir
In a separate aluminum or enamelled pot again the next day. Pack into jars
dissolve which should be closed tightly.
Borax 1 g.
Water 33 e.c. Hand Lotions
Handlotions are usually clear or milky
and bring this to a boil. Add this in a liquids or salves which are useful in pro-
thin stream, to the melted wax, while tecting the skin from roughness and
stirring vigorously in one direction only,
redness because of exposure to cold,
to the melted wax mixture. Use a fork hot water, soap and other materials.
for stirring. When the mixture turns to
Chapped^' hands are a common occur-
a smooth thin cream, immerse the bottom rence. The use of a good hand lotion
of the thermometer in it from time to keeps the skin smooth, soft, and in a
time, stirring continuously. When the normally healthy condition. The lotion
temperature drops to 140® P. add % is best applied at night, rather freely,
of perfume oil and continue stirring until and cotton gloves may be worn to prevent
the temperature drops to 120® P. At soiling. During the day it should be put
this point pour into jars where the cream ^
on sparingly and the excess wiped off.
will ^ 'Set^^ after a while. If a harder
cream is desired, reduce the amount of
liquid petrolatum. If a softer cream is Hand Lotion (Salve)
wanted increase it. Boric Acid 1 oz.
Glycerin 6 oz.
Warmthe above in an aluminum or
Cold Cream (Non-Greasy) enamelled dish and stir with a clean
White Paraffin Wax 1^ oz. wooden stick until dissolved (clear).
Petrolatum (Vaseline) 1% oz. Then allow to cool and work into the
Glycosterin or Glyceryl following mixture with a potato masher,
Monostearate 2% oz. or rounded stick, adding only a little of
Liquid Petrolatum (White the above liquid at a time to the mixture
Mineral Oil) 3 oz. below and not adding a further portion
until it is fully absorbed.
Heat the above in an aluminum or
enamelled double boiler (the water in the Lanolin 6 oz.
outer pot should be boiling). Stir until Petrolatum or ^^Vaseline’^ 8 oz.
clear. To this slowly add, while stirring If it is desired to impart a pleasant
vigorously with a fork, odor to this lotion a little perfume may
be added and worked in.
Water (boiling) 10 oz.

Continue stirring until smooth and then Hand Lotion (Milky Liquid)
add with stirring, a little perfume oil
Pour into jars at 110-130° P. and cover
Glycosterin or Glyceryl
% teaspoonful
the jars as soon as possible. Monostearate 1 oz.

Tincture of Benzoin 2 oz. practically of no value. The fiavoring

Witch Hazel 25 oz. ingredients mask the taste of the soap
Melt the first two items together in an and give the user^s mouth a pleasant
aluminum or enamelled double boiler. If after-taste.
no double boiler is at hand improvise one
by standing the dish in a small pot con- Tooth Powder
taining boiling water. When the mixture Magnesium Carbonate 420 g.
becomes clear remove from the double Precipitated Chalk 565 g.
boiler and add slowly, while stirring vig- Sodium Perborate 55 g.
orously with a fork or stick, the tincture Sodium Bicarbonate 45 g.
of benzoin and then the witch hazel. Soap, Powdered White 50 g.
Continue stirring until cool and then put Sugar, Powdered 90 g.
into one or two large bottles and shake Wintergreen Oil 3 cc.
vigorously. The finished lotion is a beau- Cinnamon Oil 2 cc.
tiful milky liquid comparable to the best Menthol 1 g*
hand lotions on the market sold at high Dissolve the last three ingredients to-
prices. gether and then rub well into the sugar.
Add the soap and perborate mixing in
Brushless Shading Creams well. Add the chalk with good mixing
Brushless or lather less shaving creams and then the sodium bicarbonate and
are soapy in nature and do not require magnesium carbonate. Mix thoroughly
lathering or water. The formula given and sift through a fine wire screen.
below is of the latest type being free Keep dry.
from alkali and non-irritating. It should
be borne in mind, however, that certain
Foot Bowders
beards are not softened by this type of
Foot powders consist of a filler such
cream and require the old-fasliioned
as talc or starch with or without an anti-
lathering shaving cream.
septic or deodorizer. In the following
formula the perborates liberate oxygen
Brushless Shaving Cream when in contact with perspiration which
White Mineral Oil 10 oz.
tends to destroy unpleasant odors. The
Glycosterin or Glyceryl
tale acts as a lubricant and prevents
Monostearate 10 oz.
friction and chafing.
Water 50 oz.
Heat the first two ingredients together
in a pyrex or enamelled dish to 150® P. Foot Powder
and into this run slowly, while stirring Sodium Perborate 3 oz.
with a fork, the water which has been Zinc Peroxide 2 oz-
heated to boiling. Allow to cool to Tale 15 oz.
105® P. and while stirring add a few Shake together thoroughly in a dry
drops of perfume oil. Continue stirring container until uniformly mixed. This
until cold. powder must be kept dry or it will spoil.

Mouth Washes Liniments

Mouth washes and oral antiseptics are Liniments usually consist of an oil and
of practically negligible value. Many, an irritant such as methyl salicylate or
however, insist on their use because of turpentine. The oil acts as a solvent
their refreshing taste and deodorizing and tempering agent for the irritant.
value. The irritant produces a rush of blood
and warmth which is often slightly
Mouth Wash helpful.
Benzoic Acid % oz.
Liniment, Sore Muscle
Tincture of Bhatany 3 oz.
Alcohol 20 oz* Olive Oil 6 fi. oz.
Peppermint Oil % oz. Methyl Salicylate 3 fi. oz.
Shake together and keep in a "well
dust shake together in a dry bottle
until it is dissolved and it is ready. A stoppered bottle. Apply externally but
teaspoonful is used to a small wine- do not apply to chafed or cut skin.
glassful of water.
Tooth Boxvders In spite of the fact that chest- rubs are
Tooth powders depend for their cleans- practically useless countless sufferers tise
ing action on soap and mild abrasives them. Their action is similar to that of
such as precipitated chalk and magnesium liniments and they differ only in that
carbonate. The antiseptic present is they are in the form of a salve.
^ Chest-Bub ’’ Salve
Dissolve the above in a pyrex or
Yellow Petrolatum or enamelled dish and w^arm it. To this add
Yellow Vaseline 1 lb. slowly the following warmed mixture
Paraffin Wax 1 oz. * Cresylic Acid 500 cc.
Eucalyptus Oil fl. oz. Rosin 170 g.
Menthol % oz. Stir until dissolved and add water to
Cassia Oil % fl. oz. make 1000 ec.
Turpentine fl. oz. *Do not get this on skin as it is corrosive.
Melt the vaseline and paraffin wax to-
gether in a double boiler and then add Ant Poison
the menthol Remove from the heat, stir, Sugar 1 lb.
and cool a little; in the oils,
then stir Water 1 qt.
turpentine, and acid. When it begins to * Arsenate of Soda 125 g.
thicken pour into tins and cover. Boil and stir until uniform ;
through muslin ;
add a spoonful of honey.
Insect Eepellants * Poison.
Preparations of this type may irritate
sensitive skins. Moreover, they will not Bedbug Exterminator
always work. Psychologically they often t Kerosene 90 fl. oz.
are helpful, even though they may not Clove Oil 5 fl. oz.
keep insects away, because they give one *Cresol 1 fl. oz.
confidence of protection. Pine Oil 4 fl. oz.
Simply shake and bottle.
Mosquito Repelling Oil
t Iruiammable.
Cedar Oil 2 fl. oz. * Corrosive to skin.
Citronella Oil 4 fl. oz.
Spirits of Camphor 8 fl. oz. Mothproofing Fluid (Non-Staining)
Just shake together in a dry bottle and Sodium Aluminum Silico-
it is ready for use. This preparation fluoride % oz.
may be smeared on the skin as often as Water 98 oz.
is necessary to repel mosquitoes and other Glycerin % oz.
insects. Sulfatate (Wetting- Agent)
Stir until dissolved.
Fly Sprays
Ply sprays usually consist of deodor- Fly Paper
ized kerosene, perfuming material, and Rosin 32 oz.
an active insecticide. In some cases they Rosin Oil 20 oz.
merely stun the flies who may later re- Castor Oil 8 oz.
cover and beginning buzzing again. Heat the above in an aluminum or
enamelled pot on a gas stove with stir-
Fly Spray ring until all the rosin has melted and
Deodorized Kerosene 89 fl. oz. dissolved. While hot pour on firm paper
Methyl Salicylate 1 fl. oz. sheets of suitable size which has been
Pyre thrum Powder 10 oz. brushed with soap water just before coat-
Mix thoroughly by stirring from time ing. Smooth out the coating with a long
to time; allow to stand covered over knife or piece of thin flat wood and allow
night and then filter through muslin. to cool. If a heavier coating is desirable
Caution This spray is inflammable
increase the amount of rosin used. Simi-
and should not be used near open flames. larly a thinner coating is gotten by re-
ducing the amount of rosin. The finished
Deodorant Spray paper should be laid flat and not exposed
(For public buildings, sick-rooms, lava- to undue heat.
tories, etc.)
Pine Needle Oil 2 oz.
Household Baking Powder
Formaldehyde Bicarbonate of Soda 28 oz.
2 oz.
* Acetone 6 oz.
Mono Calcium Phosphate 35 oz.
* Isopropyl Alcohol
20 oz.
Corn Starch 27 oz.
One ounce of the above is mixed with Mix the above powders thoroughly in
a pint of water for spraying. a dry can by shaking and rolling for a
half hour. Pack into dry air-tight tins
* Inflammable. as moisture will cause lumping.

Cresol Disinfectant Malted Milk Powder

* Caustic Soda 25% g. Malt Extract, Powdered 5 oz.
Water 140 ce. Skimmed Milk, Powdered 2 oz.
* Do not get this on skin as it is coi'jt'osive. Sugar, Powdered 3 oz.

Mix tliorouglilyby sliaking and rolling Lampblack 2 oz.

in a dry can. Pack in an air-tiglit con- Water 40 fl. oz.

tainer. Stir this in a glass or porcelain dish ^

until dissolved. Do not expose this to

Cocoa .Malt Powder strong liglit or it 'will spoil. Finally
Corn Sugar 55 oz. pour into a brown glass bottle. In using
Malt, Powdered, Mild 19 oz. these solutions wet the cloth witli solution
Skim Milk, Powdered 12'^ oz. A and allow* to dry. Then write on it
Cocoa 13 oz. with solution B
using a quill pen.
Vanillin % oz.
Salt, Powdered % oz. Marking Crayon (Green)
Mixtliorouglily and then run through, Ceresin 8 oz.
a fine wire sieve. Carnauba Wbix 7 oz.
Paraffin W"ax 4 oz.
Sweet Cocoa Powder Beeswax 1 oz.
Cocoa 17^/^ oz. Tale 10 oz.
Sugar, Powdered 32% oz. Chrome Green 3 oz.
Vanillin % g. Melt the flrst four ingredients in any
Mix thoroughly and sift. container and then add the last two
slowly while stirring. Remove from the
Pure Lemon Ilxtract heat and continue stirring until thicken*
Lemon Oil U.S.P. (>% fl. oz. ing begins. Then pour into molds. If
Alcohol 121% fl. oz. other color crayons are desired, other pig-
Shake together in a gallon jug till ments may be used. For example for
dissolved. black, use carbon or bone-black; for blue,
Prussian blue; for red, orange chrome
Artificial Vanilla Flavor yellow.
Vanillin % oz,
Coumarin % nz. Antique Coloring for Copper
Alcohol 2 pt. Copper Nitrate 4 oz.
Stir the above in a glass or cliina Acetic Acid 1 oz.
pitcher until dissolved. Tlien stir in the W^ater 2 oz,
following Bolution which lias been made Dissolve by stirring together in a glass
by stirring in another pitcher. or porcelain vessel Pack in glass bottles.
Sugar 12 oz. To Use; Wet the copper to be colored
Water 5% pt. and apply the above solution hot.
Glycerin 1 pt.
Color brown by adding sufficient Blue-Black Finish on Steel
burnt sugar coloring. Place object in molten sudiuin nitrate
(700-800® F.) for 2-3 minutes. Eernove
Canary Bird Food and allow to cool somewhat wash in hot ;

Yolk of Eggs, Dried and water; dry and oil with mineral or lin-
Chopped 2 oz. seed oil
Poppy Heads (Coarse Powder) 1 oz. b. Place in following solution for 15
Cuttlefish Bone (Coarse minutes i
Granulated Sugar
2 oz.
Copper Sulphate oz. %
Iron Chloride 1 lb.
Soda Crackers, Powdered 8 oz. Hydrochloric Acid 4 oz.
Mix well together. Nitric Acid
% oz.
1 gal
Writing Ink (Blue-Black) Then allowto dry for several hours
Naphthol Blue Black 1 oz. place in above solution again for 15
Gum Arabic, Powdered % oz. min.; remove and dry for 10 hours.
Acid % oz Place in boiling W'ater for hour; dry %
1 gal. and scratch brush very lightly. Oil with
Stir together in a glass or enamelled mineral or linseed oil and wipe dry.
vessel until dissolved.

Bust Prevention Compound

Laundry Marking Ink (Indelible) .
Lanolin 1 oz.,
A. Soda Ash 1 oz. * Naphtha, ... .2 oz.
Gum Arabic, Powdered 1 oz. Mix
until dissolved.
Water 10 fl. oz. The metalto be protected is cleaned
Stir the above until dissolved. with a dry cloth and then coated with
B. Silver Nitrate 4 oz. the above composition.
Gum Arabic, Powdered 4 oz. '*
lHi.fl,ammal]!le—keep away from .flamw.
: ;

Metal Polish expected to clean the surface and also to
Naphtha 62 oz. prevent corrosion or deterioration. There
Oleic Acid % oz. is no one polish which will give good re-
sultson all surfaces.
Abrasive 7 oz.
Triethanolamine Oleate % oz. Most polishes depend on oil or wax for
Ammonia (26°) 1 oz. their lustering or polishing properties.
Water 1 gal. Oil polishes are applied easily hut the
In one container mix together the surfaces on which they are used attract
naphtha and oleic acid to a clear soln- dust and show finger marks. Wax
tion. Dissolve the triethanolamine in ishes are more difficult to apply but are
water separately, stir in the abrasive, if more lasting.
it is of a clay type, and then add the Oil or wax polishes are of two types:
naphtha solution. Stir the resulting mix- waterless and with water. The former
ture at a high speed until a uniform are clear or translucent and the latter
creamy emulsion results. Then add the are milky in appearance.
ammonia and mix well, but do not agi- For use on metals abrasives of various
tate as vigorously as before. kinds such as tripoli, silica dust or in-
fusorial earth are incorporated to grind
Glass Etching Eluid away oxide films or corrosion products
Hot Water 12 fl. oz. present.
^ Ammonium Bifluoride 15 oz.
Oxalic Acid 8 oz. Shoe Polish (Black)
Ammonium Sulfate 10 oz. Carnauba Wax 5^/2 oz.

Glycerin 40 oz. Crude Montan Wax 5^^ oz.

Barium Sulfate 15 oz. Melt together in a double boiler (the
Warm the washed glass slightly before water in outer container should be at a
boil) then stir in the following melted
writing on it with this fluid. Allow the
fluid to act on the glass for about two
and dissolved mixture
minutes. Stearic Acid 2 oz.
* Corrosive. Nigrosine Base 1 oz.
Then stir in
Leather Preservative Ceresin 15 oz.
Neatsfoot Oil (Cold Pressed) 10 oz. Remove all flames and run in slowly,
Castor Oil 10 oz. while stirring
Just shake together. Turpentine 90 fl. oz.
This is an excellent preservative for Allow mixture to cool to 105° F. and pour
leather book bindings, luggage and other into air-tight tins which should be al-
leather goods. lowed to stand undisturbed over night.

Wliite Shoe Dressing Auto Polish (Clear Oil Type)

Lithopone 19 oz. Paraffin (Mineral) Oil 5 pt.
Titanium Dioxide 1 oz. Raw Linseed Oil 2 pt.
Shellac (Bleached) 3 oz. China Wood Oil pt. %
Ammonium Hydroxide % fl‘ oz. * Benzol
% pt.
Water 25 fl. oz. Kerosene pt.
Alcohol 25
fi. oz. Amyl Acetate 1 tbsp.
Glycerin oz. 1 Shake together in a glass jug and keep
Dissolve the last four ingredients by stoppered.
mixing in a porcelain vessel. When dis- * Inflammable —Keep away from flames.
solved stir in the first two pigments.
Keep in stoppered bottles and shake be- Auto and Floor Wax (Paste Type)
fore using. Yellow Beeswax 1 oz.
Ceresin 2% oz.
Waterproofing for Shoes CarnaubaWax 4^2 oz.
Wool Grease 8 oz. Montan Wax 1% oz.
Dark Petrolatum 4 oz. * Naphtha or Mineral Spirits 1 pt.
Paraffin Wax 4 oz. * Turpentine 2 oz.

Melt together in any container. Apply Pine Oil oz.

this grease warm but never hotter than Melt the waxes together in a double
the hand can bear. boiler. Turn off the heat and run in the
last three ingredients in a thin stream
VoUshes and stir with a fork. Pour into cans
Polishes are asually used to restore the cover and allow to stand undisturbed
original lustre and finish of a smooth sur- overnight.
face. As a secondary purpose they are * Inflammable.

Furniture Polisli (Oil and Wax Type) Raw Linseed Oil % qt.
Thin Paraffin (Mineral) Oil 1 j)t, Glycerin 1 qt.
Carnauba Wax, Powdered % oz. Whiting 19 lb.
CeresxE Wax % oz. This^ mixture is prepared by cooking
Heat together until all of the wax is the white glue until it is dissolved. Then
melted. Allow to cool and pour into cook separately the rosin and raw linseed
bottles before mixture turns cloudy. oil until they are dissolved. Add the

rosin, oil, and glycerin to the cooked glue,

Polishing Wax (Liquid) stirring in the whiting until the mass
Beeswax, Yellow 1 oz. naakes up to the consistency of putty.
Geresin Wax 4 oz. Keep the mixture hot.
Melt together and then cool to 130° F. Place this putty mass in the die, press-
turn off all flames and stir in slowly. ing it firmly into the same and allowing
Turpentine 17 fl. oz. it to cool slightly before removing. The
Pine Oil %
fl. oz. finished product is ready to use within a
Pour into cans or bottles which are few hours after removal. Suitable colors
closed tightly to prevent evaporation. can be added to secure brown, red, black
* Inflammable. or other color.
In applying ornaments made of this
Floor Oil composition to a wood surface, they are
Mineral Oil 46 fl. oz. first steamed to make them flexible; in
Beeswax oz. % this condition they can be glued to the
Carnauba Wax 1 oz. wood surface easily and securely. They
Heat together in double boiler until can be bent to any shape, and no nails
dissolved (clear). Turn off flame and are required for applying them.
stir in
* Turpentine 3 fl. oz.
* Inflammable.
Grafting Wax
Wool Grease 11 oz.
Lubricants ^osin 22 oz.
Lubricants in the form of oils or
Paraffin Wax 6 oz.
greases are used to prevent friction and
Beeswax 4 oz,
wearing of parts which rub together.
Japan Wax 1 oz.
Lubricants must be chosen to flt specific
Rosin Oil g oz]
uses. They consist of oils and fats Pine Oil 1 oz]
often compounded with soaps and other ^
Melt together until clear and pour into
tins. This^ composition can be made
unctuous materials. For heavy duty
heavy oils or greases are used and light thinner by increasing the amount of rosin
oil and thicker by decreasing it.
oils for light duty.

Gun Lubricant Candles

White Petrolatum 15 oz. Paraffin Wax 80 oz.
Bone Oil (Acid Free) 5 oz. Stearic Acid oz]
Warm gently and mix together. Beeswax oz]
Melt together and stir until clear. If
Graphite Grease colored candles are desired a pinch of
' Geresin 7 oz. any oil soluble dye is dissolved at this
Tallow 7 oz. stage. Pour into vertical molds in which
Warm together and gradually work in, wicks are hung.
with a stick
Graphite 3 oz.
Stir until uniform and pack in tins Adhesives
Adhesives are sticky substances used
when thickening begins.
to mute two surfaces. Adhesives are
specifically called glues, pastes, cements,
Penetrating Oil
(For freeing rusted bolts, screws, etc.) - m^ilages, lutes, etc. For different uses
different types are required.
Kerosene 2 oz.
Thin Mineral Oil 7 oz.
Secondary Butyl Alcohol 1 oz. Wall Patching Piaster
Shake together and keep in a stoppen Plaster of Paris 32 oz.
bottle. 4 oz]
Pumice Powder 4
Molding Material Mix thoroughly by shaking and rolling
White Glue 13 lb. in a dry container. Keep away from
Rosin 13 lb. moisture.

Cement Floor Hardener flour a little at a time -until uniform.

Magnesium Fluosilicate 11b. This product can be made softer by add-
Water 15 pt. ing more collodion.
Mix until dissolved.
In using this, the cement should hrst
be washed with clean •water and then Putty
drenched with the above solution. 80 oz.
.Linseed Oil 16 oz.
Bub together until smooth. Keep in
Paperhanger ^s Paste closed container.
Use a cheap grade of rye or wheat
flour, mhx thoroughly with cold water to
about the consistency of dough or a little Wood Floor Dleach
thinner, being careful to remove all Sodium Metasilicate 90 oz
lumps. Stir in a tablespoonful of pow- Sodium Perborate 10 oz*
dered alum to a quart of flour, then pour Mix tliorougiily and keep dry in a
closed can. Use 1 pound to a gallon of
in boiling water, stirring rapidly until
the flour is thoroughly cooked. Let this boiling water. Mop or brush on the floor
cool before using and thin with cold aflow to stand hour, then rub off and
rinse well with water.
a. Wliite or Fish Glue 4 oz.
Gold Water 8 oz. * Paint
h. Venice Turpentine 2 fl. oz. Benzol 5
c. Eye Flour 1 }b. Ethyl Acetate 3
Cold Water 16 fl. oz. Butyl Acetate 2 L’
d. Boiling Water 64 fl. oz. Paraffin Wax
Soak the 4 oz. of glue in the cold water Stir together until dissolved.
for 4 hours. Dissolve on a water-bath * Inflammable.
(glue-pot) and while hot stir in the
Venice turpentine. Make up c into a
Soaps and Cleaners
batter free from lumps and pour into Soaps are made from a fat or
d. Stir briskly, and Anally add the fatty
acid and an alkali._ They
glue solution. This makes a very strong lather and pro-
ciuce a foani which
paste, and it will adhere to a painted
entraps dirt and
gi'ease which is washed away
surface, owing to the Venice turpentine with water
I here are numerous
in its composition. kinds of soaps de-
pending on the uses to which they
are to
be put.
Aquarium Cement
solvent such as
Litharge 10 oz. naphtha with or without a soap.
Plaster of Paris Abra-
10 oz.
Powdered Rosin containing
1 oz.* powdered pumice, stone, silica, etc.
Dry White Sand 10 oz.
Boiled Linseed Oil Sufficient
Mix all together in the dry state, and Liquid Soap (Concentrated)
make into a stiff putty with the oil when Water {i
wanted for ^Caustic Potash (Solid) i
use. oz*
Do not All the aquarium for three days Glycerin 4 .

after cementing. Bed

Oil (Oleic Acid)
4 oz*
This cement hardens
under water, and will stick to wood Dissolve the caustic in water,
add the
stone, metal, or glass, and, as g yeerin and bring to a boil in an enam-
it resists elled ^pot.
the action of sea-water, it is Remove from heat, add the
useful for redpoll slowly while stirring.
marine aquaria. The linseed oil may If a more
have an addition of drier to the is wanted, use a little more
putty red^S^
made up four or Ave hours before use,
but after standing Af teen hours, * Do not get on skin as
however it is corrosive.
It loses its strength
when in the mass.
_ Saddle Soari
Dough Plastic Beeswax
* Collodion 5
30 „ * ^imtic Potash
Ester Gum, Powdered G.8 o2
9 ^
Wood Flour 3q Boil for 0. .

minutes while stirrim^

fl oz.
Allow Arst two ingredients ® In
to stand another vessel heat
issolved. stirring from time
Then while
to ^spe Soap
stirring add the wood .".. .Water: .....
* Inflammable.
* Corrosive.

Mix the two with good stirring remove j

Citric Acid 2 oz.
from heat and add Alcohol 10 oz.
Turpentine 12 oz. Water 90 oz.
while stirring. Press with a moderately hot iron after
stiffening with gum water if necessary.
Mechanics Hand Soap Paste
Water 1.8 qt. Grease, Oil, Paint & Lacquer
Wdiite Soap Chips 1.5 lb. Spot Remover
Glycerin 2.4 oz. Alcohol 1 oz.
Borax 6 oz. Ethyl Acetate 2 oz.
Dry Sodium Carbonate 3 oz. Butyl Acetate 2 oz,
Coarse Pumice Powder 2.2 lb. Toluol 2 oz.
Safrol enough to scent Carbon Tetrachloride 3 oz.
Dissolve the soap in %
of the water by Place garment with spot over a piece
heat. Dissolve the last three in the rest of clean paper or cloth and wet with the
of the water. Pour the two solutions to- above fluid; rub with clean cloth toward
gether and stir well. When it begins to center of spot. Use a clean section of
thicken, sift in the pumice, stirring con- cloth for rubbing and clean paper or
stantly till thick, then pour into cans. cloth for each application of the fluid.
Vary amount of water, for heavier or The above product is inflammable and
softer paste (water cannot be added to should be kept away from flames. Use
the finished soap). of cleaners of this type should be out-of-
doors or in well-ventilated rooms as the
Dry Cleaning Pliiid fumes are toxic.
Glycol Oleate 2 fl. oz.
Carbon Tetrachloride 60 fil. oz. Paint Brush Cleaner
Yarnoline (Naphtha) 20 fl. oz. Mix (1)
Benzine 18 11. oz. Kerosene 2 pt.
excellent cleaner that will not in- Oleic Acid 1 pt.
jure the finest fabrics. Mix (2)
Strong Liquid Ammonia,
28% Vi pt.
Whiting 10 lb. Denatured Alcohol V pt.
Magnesia Calcined 2 lb. Slowly stir 2 into' 1 until a smooth
Pullers Earth 2 lb. mixture results. To clean brushes, pour
Pumice Powder 12 oz. into a can and stand the brushes in it
Lemenone or Citronella Oil 4 oz. overnight. In the morning, wash out
Mix well together. with warm water.

Household Cleaner Rust & Ink Remover

Soap Powder 2 oz. Immerse portion of fabric with rust or
Soda Ash 3 oz. ink spot alternately in Solution A and
Trisodium Phosphate 40 oz. B, rinsing with water after each immer-
Finely Ground Silica 55 oz. sion.
Mix well and put up in the usual eon- Solution A
tamers. Ammonium Sulphide Solution 1 oz.
Water 19 oz.
Window 'Cleanser Solution B
* Oxalic Acid 1 oz.
Castile Soap 2 oz.

Water ,
5 oz. Water 19 oz.
* Poisonous.
Chalk 4 oz.
French Chalk 3 bz.
Tripoli Powder Javelle Water (Laundry Bleach)
2 oz.
Petroleum Spirits Bleaching Powder 2 oz.
5 oz.
Mix well and pack in tight containers. Soda Ash 2 oz.
Water .

5 gai
Mix well until reaction is complete<l.
Straw Hat Cleaner Allow to settle overnight and siphon off
Sponge the hat with a solution of the clear liquid.
Sodium Hyposulphite 10 oz.
Glycerin 5 oz.
Laundry Blue (Liquid)
Alcohol 10 oz. Prussian Blue 1 oz.
"Water 75 oz. Distilled Water 32
Day aside a m damp place for 24 hours * Oxalic Acid U
and then apply * Poison.
Dissolve by* mixing in a crock or Apply outdoors as vapors are inflammable
wooden tub. and toxic.

/ ^
’ ’
Paper Waterproofing Heavy Canvas
Paper is coated with or dipped in the Raw Linseed Oil 1 gal.
following solution and then hung up to Beeswax, Crude 13 oz.
dry. White Lead 1 lb.
Gum Copal 10 oz. Rosin 12 oz.
Alcohol 30 fl. oz. Heat the above, while stirring, until all
Castor Oil 1 fl. oz. lumps are gone and apply warm to upper
Dissolve by letting stand overnight in side of canvas j wetting the canvas with a
a covered jar and stirring the next day. sponge on the underside before applying.

Cement Waterproofing
Waterproofing Paper and Pibreboard
Chinawood Oil Fatty Acids 10 oz.
The following composition and method Paraffin Wax 10 oz.
of application will render unealendered
paper, fib reboard, and similar porous ma-
Kerosene 2% gal.

terial waterproof and proof against the

Stir until dissolved. This is painted
or sprayed on cement walls, which must
passage or penetration of water.
be dry.
Paraffin (Melting Point
about 130° P.) 22.5 oz.
Oil and Greaseproofing Paper and
Stearate 3.0 oz.
This solution applied by brush, spray,
Water 74.5 oz.
or dipping will leave a thin film which is
The paraffin wax is melted and the impervious to oils and greases. Applied
stearate added to same. The water is to paper or fibre containers, it will en-
then heated to nearly boiling and then able them to retain oils and greases. All
vigorously agitated with a suitable me- the following ingredients are by weight;
chanical stirring device while the above Starch 6.6 oz.
mixture of melted wax and emulsifier is Caustic Soda 0.1 oz.
slowly added. This mixture is cooled Glycerin 2.0 oz.
while it is stirred. Sugar 0.6 oz.
The paper or fibreboard is coated on Water 90.5 oz.
the side which is to be in contact with Sodium Salicylate 0.2 oz.
water. This is then quickly heated to the
The caustic soda is dissolved in the
melting point of the wax, which then
water and then the starch is made into a
coalesces into a continuous nlm that does
thick paste by adding a portion of this
not soak into the paper which is prefer-
solution. This paste is then added to the
entially wetted by the water. This water. This mixture is placed in a water
method works most effectively on paper
jacket and heated to about 85° C. until
pulp moulded containers and possesses
all the starch granules have broken and
the advantages of being much cheaper
the temperature maintained for about
than dipping in melted paraffin as only
half an hour longer. The other sub-
about a tenth as much paraffin is needed.
stances are then added and thoroughly
In addition, the outside of the container
mixed and the composition is completed
is not greasy, and can be printed upon
after treatment which is not the case
and ready for application. smaller A
water content may be used if applied hot
when treated with melted wax.
and a thicker coating will result Two
coats will result in a very considerable
Waterproofing Liquid resistance to oil penetration.
% oz.
Gum Dammar 1% oz. Fireproof Paper
Pure Rubber oz. Ammonium Sulphate 8 oz.
Benzol 13 oz. Boric Acid 3 oz.
Carbon Tetrachloride
to make
Borax 1% oz.
1 gal. Water 100 fl. oz.
Dissolve rubber in benzol j add other Mix together in a gallon jug, by shak-
ingredients and allow to dissolve. (In- ing, until dissolved.
flammable.) The paper to be treated is dipped into
The above is suitable for wearing ap- this solution in a pan, until uniformly
parel and wood. It is applied by brush- saturated. It is then taken out and hung

ing on two or more coats, allowing each up to dry. Wrinkles can be prevented
to dry before applying another coating. by drying between cloths in a press.

Fireproofing Canvas Fire Kindi er

Ammonium Fhospliate 1 lb. Rosin or Pitch 10 oz.
Ammonium Chloride 2 lb. Sawdust 10 or more oz.
Water % gal. Melt, mix, and cast in forms.
Impregnate with above; squeeze out
excess and dry. Washing or exposure to Solidified Gasoline
rain will remove fireproofing salts.
* Gasoline
% gal.
White Soap (Fine
Shaved) 12 oz.
Fireproofing Light Fabrics
Water 1 pt.
Borax 10 oz.
Household Ammonia 5 oz.
Boric Acid 8 oz.
Heat the water, add soap, mix and
Water 1 gal. when cool add the ammonia. Then
Impregnate ; squeeze and dry. Fabrics slowly work in the gasoline to form
so impregnated must be treated again
semi-solid mass.
after washing or exposure to rain as the * Inflammable
fireproofing salts wash out easily.
Boiler Compound
Dry Fire Extinguisher Soda Ash 87 oz,
Ammonium Sulphate 15 oz. Trisodium Phosphate 10 oz.
Sodium Bicarbonate 9 oz. Starch 1 oz.
Ammonium Phosphate 1 oz. Tannic Acid 2 oz.
Red Ochre 2 oz. Use powdered materials, mixing well
Silex 23 oz. and then pass through a fine sieve.
Use powdered materials only; mix well
and pass through a fine sieve. Pack in
tight containers to prevent ^‘lumping,’’
The materials
listed below are the
basic ingredients used in all good anti-
freeze liquids. Of these, alcohol is the
Fire Extinguishing Liquid only one that evaporates. Radiators con-
Carbon Tetrachloride 95 oz. taining alcohol should be tested from
Solvent Naphtha 5 oz. time to time to be sure of protection. A
The inclusion of the naphtha minimizes hydrometer for testing alcohol solution
production of toxic fumes when extin- strength can be bought from sellers of
guishing fires. denatured alcohol.

Anti -Freeze Liquids

;er for protection at:

+10° IP. 0° F. —10° F.

Denatured Alcohol 180° proof 3.4 4.9 6.5 8.3
Denatured Alcohol 188° proof 3.3 4.7 6.0 7,7
Glycerin 95% 3.3 5.3 7.1 9.0
Radiator Glycerin 60% 10.0 18.7 39.0 106.5
Ethylene Glycol 95% 2.7 4.0 6.1 6.5
Specific gravity for protection at:
+10° F. 0°F. —10°F. —20° F. —30°F.
Denatured Alcohol 0.968 0.959 0.950 0.942 0.921
Glycerin 1.090 1.112 1.131 1.147 1.158
Ethylene Glycol 1.038 1.048 1.056 1.064 1.069
Soldering Flux (Non-corrosive) To use take the following proportions:
Rosin, Powdered 1 oz. Stock Solution A 2 oz.
Denatured Alcohol 4 oz. Stock Solution B 2 oz.
Soak overnight and mix well, Water
Distilled 16 oz.
At a temperature of 65° F. this de-
Fhotographic Solutions veloper requires about 8 minutes.
Developing Solution Acid Hardening Fixing Bath
Stock Solution A A. Sodium Hyposulphite 32 oz.
Dissolve the following, separately, in Distilled Water 8 oz.
glass or enamel dishes. Stir until dissolved and then add the
I'yro 4 oz. following chemicals in the order given
Sodium Bisulphite, Pure 280 gr. below, stirring each until dissolved:
Potassium Bromide 82 gr. B. Distilled Water (Warm)
Distilled Water
2% oz.
64 oz. Sodium Sulphite, Pure oz.
Stock Solution B Acetic Acid (28%), Pure 111 oz.
Sodium Sulphite, Pure 7 oz. Alum Powder
Sodium Carbonate, Pure
Potassium % oz.
5 oz. Add Solution B to A
and store in daxk
Distill^^ Water 04 oz. bottles away from light
Adhesives for Cellophane Treat surface with
rormula No. X
a. Gelatin 100 g.
Formula No. 1
Caustic Potash 1 oz.
Water 500 g.
h. Citric Acid
Methyl Alcohol 70 oz.
100 g.
Water Water 28 oz.
500 g.
Gelatin 1 oz.
0 , Alcohol 120 g.
Make a by swelling for several hours No. 2
and, dissolving on the waterbath. Vinyl Acetate ,
3 oz.
Mix with solution h, and mix thor- Tartaric Acid ,,.2 oz.
oughly with c. Alcohol 95 oz.
No. 2
Colophony 33 g. Non-Curling Adhesive for Gummed Paper
Camphor Tapioca Dextrin 40 lb.
2 g.
Acetone 35 g. Corn Dextrin SO lb
Alcohol 30 g. Water 30 lb.’
No. 3 Sorbitol (83%) 6 oz.
Mastic ^0 g. Diethylene Glycol 1 oz.
Rubber, Pale 1 g.
Cook together with stirring until uni*
Chloroform or Trichlorethylene 50 g. form.
No. 4
Cellulose Acetate 5 g. Adhesive for Greasy or W%xed Paper
Ethyl Acetate 20 g. U. S. Patent 1,983,650
Eiethyl Phtliatate 2 g. Gum Arabic 40 oz.
No. 5 Caustic Potash 34 oz*
Shellac 15 g. Water 75
Mastic 5 g.
Thick Turpentine 1 g. Glazed Paper Adhesive
Alcohol 60 g. Glue,Animal 2 lb.
No. 6 Water 2 lb!
Gelatin or Glue 30 g. Glycol Bori-Borate l ib!
Potassium Bichromate 2 g.
Water 68 g. Laminated Glassine Paper Cement
This hardens in the light and must be or Binder
kept in the dark! D. S. Patent 2,098,221
No. 7. ,
Parahin Whx
Rosin (m.p. 155° E.) 40-63%
25 g.
Sandarac Resin 5 g. 20-4.5%. ,

Mastic Rubber 3-12%

3 g^
Camphor Petrolatum 7-13%
2 g.
Alcohol 40 g] The rubber is softened in a mill and
Acetone g* the petrolatum is worked in and heat
applied while mixing. Then add tlii‘i

Moistureproof ^ Cellophane » ' Adhesive

while mixing to the melted wax and
U. S. Patent 2,037,063 rosin.
Nitrocellulose 15,7 oz.
Gum Dammar 15.0 oz!
Flexible Glues for Magazine Backing
^^Cellosolve’^ 30.4 oz! Mid
Ethyl Lactate 16.8 oz! Winter Summer Season
Alcohol 22.1 oz.'
30.9 % 35.7% 33.3%
Affixing Labels to Moistureproof (83%) 15.45% 10.7% 12.54%
^ ^
Cellophane ’ ’

IT. S. Patent 2,036,387
5.15% 3.6% 4.16%
Water 48.6 % 50.0% 50 0 %
Flexible* Bookbinclinn’ Glue Adhesive for Paper on Aluminum
Ginuidijui Patent 1157,259
Formula No. 1
A l)ookbin(rni,e' adhesive tliat spreads a. Bosin oa ^
rapidly and wliiidi })rodue(*s a sinootli, Soda Ash 5 o*
firm, ilexiblo (a)atiii.i»* is made of; *
Water 200
Giyeoi Bori-Borate 5. Dextrin, Yellow 200 g
(Aqua,r(^si,ix) 8 oz.
200 g.‘
Bone Glue 6 oz. Borax 20 a.
Glyeerin 4 oz. Ho. 2
% oz. Collodion 7
12 oz. Ethyl Ether of Ethylene Glycol 14 m
This adhesive has other uses,many Butanol 5 ^
aside .from its particular adaptability for Methyl Acetate g*
hind in as. Alcohol gf
B>ook liinder’s Adhesive Adhesive for Labels to be put on Bakelite
a. Gahduin Ghioride
^ Formula No. 1
(25% Solution) 25 Ib. Shellac
Potato Htarch 2 Ib,
5 lb. Camphor (Synthetic) 1 lb!
5. Water ^
20 lb. Alcohol
to 05® C. imtil the mass has
Heat (I 30 ip]
No. 2
beeoine elear and free of lumps. Dilute Celluloid Waste 50 ib
with warm h. Thick Turpentine 6 lb
Acetone 200 lb!
Alkaline Cold-Paster fur Cardboard Ethyl Acetate 45 ip.
(>So-caIled Quick-Blndor)
Dextrin, Yellow 100 kg.
Bora,x Hfilution Adhesives for Tortoise Shell
(10%, Gold) 70 kg. Formula No. 1
Dissohar hot, (diill, and add: Mastic
Caiistie Bod;i (40® Be.) Bosin Oil "^00
5 kg.
Let stand for 2 clays. If a dark liquid Latch Turpentine 100
separates, Uiix tlioroughly again. Linseed Oil 340
Melt together. Apply hot.
Paper lioard Adhesive
Wat(*rj:u'oof , - .
Ho. 2
Ganadian lhatent 358,953 Mastic 70
Petroleum wax 75 g. find ester gum Shellac 215
Inarch Turpentine
15 g. are heated to 200® F., and 10 g. of 100
couinarone resin is added; the tempera- Alcohol 700
ture is gradually raistid to 285® F. until T . ,
Ho. 3
a. Isinglass, Concentrated
all the solids have disapptmred, and the
solution cooled to 2-10® F. to separate Solution OQ
the resin as a colloidal suspension, spread Glue
in sliecit form up(»p a sheet of ])aper or as Water 320 g-
h. Mastic
the bund between plies of cardboard. 15 g-
Alcohol 32 8 ’-

Bosin Oil Iq g-
Aluminum to Cigarette Paper 'Adhesive
Mix the solutions a and & together with
10 g.
thorough stirring. Apply while hot.
Sandarac Kesin 10 g.
Alcohol, Denatured 230 g.
Turpentine Adhesive for Wall Paper (Powder)
3 g.
(equal 1
*Ising'la.<s For use with cold water;
parts 250 g. Potato Starch, Dry 40 g.
Water until pasty) Calcium Chloride Solution
Mix the resin solution and the glue (10 Calcium Chloride,
paste thoroughly. 4-5 Water) 50 g.
Grind together, dry, and grind the
Label Paste for Aluminum Surfaces powder.
Dextrin solutions, to which 10-15% of
thick turpentint* (on the weight of the Paper Hangers^ Wall Size
dry deptrin) have been added. Gelatin 7.O oz.
It is advisable to treat the surface Agar Agar 1.6 oz.
with abrasive paper, and thereafter with ^ugsLT 24.0 oz.
oruon juice, before applying the paste. Water 67.4 oz.
Allow to swell overniglit and mix until Alcohol 120 g.
uniform. Water 100 cc.
This mixture will form a soft gel and
should be reduced with from one half to Adhesive to Paste Completing Vignettes
one part of warm water before using. on Lithographed and Lacquered Labels
Formula No. 1
Painters' Size Acetyl Cellulose 20 g.
Starch Solution 95 oz. Acetone (or Substitute) 80 g.
Sodium ISTaphthenate 5 oz. No. 2
Biglycol Laurate 1 oz. Colophony 40 g.
This solution penetrates rapidly and Shellac 20 g.
does not spoil. Alcohol, Denatured 32 g.
Softener 8 g.
Wall Paper Stripping Solutions
British Patent 445,191 ^ ^ '
Universal ' Adhesive
Paper is stripped from walls, bottles, a. Crude Rubber 5 g.
etc., by treating with an aqueous emul-
Benzene 75 g.
sion of a terpene compound. Pine oil, h. Shellac, Powdered 76 g.
terpineol, camphor, pinene or limonene
Dissolve a with precautions against fire,
is mixed with an equal amount of an
on a water bath. Add h, stirring and
emulsifying agent, e.g., Turkey-red oil,
heating until clearly dissolved.
naphthalenesulfonate, sulfonated alcohol,
esters or vegetable oils, or soap, and 2
vols. of water added, the resulting stock Office Adhesive
emulsion being diluted before use. Dextrin, Yellow IS g.
Waterproof Sandpaper Binder Sugar 2 g.
IT. S. Patent 2,030,743
Vinegar (3-5%) 5 g.
Cellulose Acetate Solution Preservative 0.1%
(In Acetone) 40 oz. Perfume (Gitronella, Spike,
Rosin 3 oz. Sassafras Oil, etc.)
Camphor 1 oz.
Castor Gil 2 oz. Liquid Library Adhesive
U. S. Patent 2,046,988
Sticking Labels to Tin Yellow Dextrin 2 oz.
labels adhere to a tin box, rub
To make Calcium Chloride 1 oz.
two or three drops of tincture of myrrh Suspend in water (100) and heat
on the surface of the container; let dry, quickly to 85® 0. Cool. By decreasing
and then apply label in the usual way. amount of water thicker products are ob-
tained. This product remains fluid on
Paste for Attaching Labels to aging and is completely miscible with
Lithographed Cans water.
Flour lb. %
Water 2 pt.
Gllycerin 1 oz. Adhesive for Envelopes
Nitric Acid 2
dr. Formula No. 1
Methyl Salicylate dr. % a. Potato Flour
kg. 13
Make a smooth paste of the flour and kg. 80
water by the aid of heat, using an enam- Caustic Soda (37® B6.) kg. 3
elled kettle and wooden paddle; add the &. Nitric Acid (24® Bd.) kg. 3
glycerin, then the methyl salicylate, and c. Formaldehyde or Phenol kg. 1
then take off the fire. Add the acid Heat o to a clear solution, neutralize
while cooling. with h, and preserve with c.
This white paste does not become dry To get a more adhesive product, add
and win attach readily to nearly any- 15-20% of a solution of
thing. It is always ready to use. Gelatin, Technical 3 kg.
Starch Syrup 2 kg.
Cellulose to Paper, Wood or Glass Water 10 kg.
Adhesive '

No. 2
French Patent 802,016 a. Dextrin, White 2G0 kg.
Nitrocellulose *

23 g. Water 240 kg.

Cyclohexyl Phthalate 27 g. &. Boric Acid '2 kg.
Ethyl Acetate
(or Borax)


Water 20 kg. Ether tA oz.

c. Thymol (10% Alcohol Old Film 6 in.
Solution) 0.5 kg. No. 2
Dissolve a at 90® C., add b, and, ulti- Amyl Acetate and Acetone in
.ately, o, as preservative. equal parts
No film need be dissolved. This ce-
Self-Sealiiiff Envelope Adhesive ment works well with all kinds of film
U. S. Patent 2,093,105 stock, acetate or nitrate. Still another
Eubber Latex (40-60% formula is: One part glacial acetic acid
Solids) ,
50 oz. with four parts of flexible collodion.
Micaj Powder ,

50 oz. This added to any of the above formulas

works well with any type of film.
Postage Stamp Adhesive
Formula No. 1 Photo Engravers^ Glue
Gum Arabic 100 kg. Of good photographic gelatin or high
Sodium Chloride 2.5 kg. grade flexible glue, take 2 oz. and put it
Glyc'erhi 2 kg. in a glass beaker, of about 8 oz. capacity,
Starch 2 kg. to which add 2 oz. of distilled water.
Water 130 1. Next dissolve %
oz. sodium salicylate in
No. 2 1 oz. of distilled water and add it to the
a. Dextrin 150 kg. glue and water.
Let the whole stand for
Sugar 20 kg. an hour or two and then melt the glue in
Water 280 kg. a water bath with the water almost at
h. Lime Water 10 kg. the boiling point. Stir thoroughly until
Vinegar 40 kg. solution is complete and then allow the
Mix the solution a with h. whole to cool for a time,# after which add

Coating to J-^revent the Sticking Together

about %
dr. of oil of wintergreen. Let
the mass stand overnight until the air
of Postage Stamps Under tiie bells, that may come from stirring, work
Infl uence of Body Heat themselves out and the solution is clear,
Apply on tho front surface wlien it is ready for use.
Stearic Af'-id This glue flows quite freely at about
Aiumiuum Palmitate 28 g. 70® F., but below this it stiffens. It will
Benzine 240 cc. not flow at 60®, although commercial
Turpentine 240 ec. glues are liquid at even lower tempera-
tures. It stands to reason that the
Label Paste higher the melting point the tougher the
Formula No. 1 glue. If you use this special glue with
Casein 1 1b. potassium bichromate you should have a
Water Ground Mica 1 Ib. stencil on your plate that will be tough
Boiling Water 1 gal and stand all the etch you need to give
Borax 0,.25 Ib. it mthout fear of breaking down and
Sodium Fluoride 0 .25 ib. that can be removed after the etching
Pine Oil 1 oz. with an acid, or a soda bath, as easily as
No. 2 any other glue stencil. One point in

Dextrin 85 % making this glue should be carefully ob-

Sorbitol (83%) 7.5% served: do not use cheap glue base. Use
high-grade flexible glue that looks clear
Invert Sugar 6 % and that will bend in the fingers without
Glycerin 1.5%
This gives a gum back that is remois- breaking, or use good photographic gela-
tening and non-curling, as well as ny tin#
sistant to sticking during hot, humiil.
summer "weather. Shellac-Wax Cement for Laboratory Use
Eosin 35 g.
Adhesive for Photographic Film Shellac 20 g.
<1 . Celluloid-Scrap as desired Beeswax 15 g.
Methyl Acetate
Z). 80 g. Talc, Fibrous 0 to 30 g.
Ethyl Lactate 20 g. Melt the rosin in a 6 inch hemispheri-
Dissolve enough of a in solvent h to cal iron pan, add the shellac and beeswax
get a viscous, syrupy solution. with stirring, and heat the mixture over
a hot gas flame, so that the temperature
Film Cement reaches 360® C. in about six minutes. At
Formula No. 1 once, allow to cool spontaneously to about
Acetone 4 oz. 275®, add the talc, if desired, cool to
about 90® C., and stir well as the mix- 35% of alcohol-soluble oxidized drying
ture becomes viscous. Molds must be oil,approximately 6% to 8% of rosin,
scrubbed thoroughly with household wash- approximately 35% to 40% of a filler
ing powder and water, rinsed and then material including a major proportion of
coated with very thick, smooth dextrine- bentonite clay and minor proportions of
water paste. When the cement mixture, asbestos fiber and a white pigment, and
well stirred, is almost too viscous to flow, approximately 25% of alcohol.
pour into molds. The tale gives a broad
apparent melting range j that is, when as Plastic Adhesive for Laminated
much as 30 grams tale is used, the ce- Floor Coverings
ment when heated gradually softens to IT. S. Patent 2,078,727
a highly viscous condition which is serv- Asphalt 15-40 lb.
iceable where a sort of plastering opera- Pitch 17-30 lb.
tion is desired by the user. If the time Gilsonite 4-10 lb.
of heating of the mixture is too short, Slate 45-55 lb.
the cement is brittle; if too long, an
excessive amount (over 20 g.) disappears Adhesive for Cork Parquet
in the process. Eosin, Powdered 50 kg,
Eesin (Bakelite or Albertol)
Improved de Khotinsky Cement Alcohol-Soluble 30 kg.
Shellac 90 g. Shellac 20 kg.
Vistanex, Medium 10 g. Dissolve in sufficient alcohol to form
Melt theabove ingredients together viscous paste.
with stirring, taking care not to burn
the shellac. This makes a splendid gen- Binder for Cork
eral usage laboratory cement which ad- Cork 150 lb.
heres well and is more elastic than the Glue 16 1b.
ordinary de Khotinsky cement. Sorbitol (83%) II lb.
Glycerin 9 lb.
Linoleum Cement Water 10 lb.
Formula No. 1 Where a phenolic resin binder is used
Canadian Patent 358,652 for the cork, a 50-50 mixture of sorbitol
Eaw Eubber 100 oz. and diethylene glycol may be used as a
Eosin 130-200 oz. plasticizer to give permanent flexibility.
Dissolve in a suitable amount of kero-
sene or naphtha to get proper consistency.
No. 2 The binding of leather to leather re-
tr. S. Patent 1,991,007 quires a different adhesive to that where
Cumarone (m.p. 100- it is a matter of leather to textile ma-
115° C.) 25 oz. terial, wood or metal. It should be noted
Cumarone (m.p. 20-30° C.) 2,8 oz. that ‘

leather glue, ’ ’
strictly speaking, is
Portland Cement 57.2 oz. a glue prepared from waste leather, so
Asbestine 4.6 oz. that the expression glue or adhesive for
Acetone 2.1 oz. leather is more appropriate in the present
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 8.3 oz. case. Leather glue is very little used for
No. 3 binding leather, because of its solubility
Manila Copal 20 Ib.l in water, brittleness, and its liability to
Eosin 40 lb. decompose through bacterial action. For
Galipot Eesin 5 lb. certain minor and general purposes, ani-
Eosin Oil 5 lb. mal (fish) glue treated with acetic acid
Alcohol 30 lb. or with calcium sucrate is used, particu-
Kaolin 30 lb. . larly if service demands are not high.
Neuburg Chalk 70 lb.| Animal glue may be improved by the ad-
Dissolve the resins in the alcohol, and dition of Venice turps or other resinous
work together with the mineral powder to material. When animal glue is employed
get a heavy fluid paste applicable with it is advisable to add a small amount of
a brush. wetting agent to facilitate absorption.
The addition of glycerin may give supple-
Wall Tile & Linoleum
Adhesive ness if required. Additions of small
D. Patent 2,064,139
S. quantities of soaps and fillers e.g., kao- —
An adhesive composition, adapted for lin, tale, blanc fixe, and lithopone (not
the installation of linoleum or a similar
surface covering on plaster walls and ceil-
more than 15 per cent.) —are sometimes
ings, comprises approximately 27% to Animal glue is soluble in water, and

it is necessary to add sncli hardening to boiling. Add the solution 3 slowly,

agents as formalin and bichromate, etc. take up to a boil again, and cool.
One example is 100 parts of gluten-rich The adhesive should be heated for use,
glue, suitably swollen in water, 25 parts and should be applied upon a belt which
of glycerin, 3 parts of potassium bi- has been well sharpened by a plane. The
chromate, and 10 parts of talc. edge should be long; 1%
to 2 times of
In this case the binding material is the breadth of the belt.
water-resistant. Casein adhesives are
also recommended sometimes for the Plastic Adhesive for tlie Heel-Lining
binding of leather. For the preparation of Shoes
of water-resistant binding a hardening Formula ISTo. 1. For Cold Application
agent is required, usually formaldehyde. a, Bubber, Crepe 8 kg.
Emulsifying and dispersing agents are Benzine 90 kg.
occasionally added. Blood albumen, Ester Gum 2 kg.
which coagulates at 68-70°, makes a good Cork Powder
h. to suit
binder for leather articles. Here simple
warming above the coagulating tempera- Make rubber solution known as
ture results in insolubilizing the binding '^slioe cement'^ by shaking in the cold.
medium. Add enough 5 to make a viscous, plastic
Bubber paste.
is adhesive where
a useful
waterproof and elastic bindings are re- Can be applied cold.
quired. The rubber is applied both in No. 2. For Hot Application
the form of latex, which is after-treated, CE. Bosin, or Ester Gum 30 kg.
and in solution in organic solvents. If Petroleum or White Spirit 10 kg.
the binding is to be oil-resistant the h. Cork Powder 30 k^
rubber must be vulcanized. It should be Warm up for application.
pointed out that regenerated rubber is It is advisable to combine these rosin
useful for this purpose, being applied in solutions with a nitrocellulose solution,
solution, which wall guarantee an adhesive that
A recommended adhesive is nitrocellu- will not allow the lining to move in the
lose, or celluloid. This is water- and oil- shoe.
resistant. Any desired softness and/or
elasticity may be attained by using plas-
No. 3
Crude Rubber, Cut 5 kg.
ticizers. These celluloid adhesives are
Benzene 30-40 kg.
usually fairly dilute, whilst there is an-
Linseed Oil Varnish 10-12 kg.
other form, more concentrated, known as
Allow to stand in warm place for a few
celluloid cement. In the former, 5 kg.
days and then mix until uniform.
nitrocellulose is dissolved in 30 kg, sol-
vent after mixing with 1.8-2.0 kg. cam-
phor and a plasticizer such as dibutyl Adhesive for Boles and Inner
phthalate. Lining of Shoes
Celluloid Waste, Transparent 28 kg.
Leather Adhesives Acetone, Technical 50 kg.
Tricresyl Phosphate 3 kg.
Petroleum Pitch 70 kg.
Lanolin 10 kg. Inner Sole Adhesives
Bosin Oil 20 kg. Two are met with, a
Liquid heavy bodied one being used for heavy
Bosin Oil 25 kg. work and a lighter one for ladies^ shoes.
Castor Oil 25 kg. Heavy Light
Latex 25 kg. Adhesive Adhesive
Lanolin 15 kg. Caoutchouc 7 lb. 2 lb. 14 oz.
Organic Solvent 25 kg. Bosin lb. 9 oz.
Turpentine 12 lb. 6 lb.
Adhesive for Leather Belts Benzene 30 lb. 411b.
JCarpenters Dry Glue 500 g. Solution
1. of the caoutchouc is more
) Water 1 1. easily achieved dividing the quantity
f Isinglass 500 g,
2. in the formula equally, one portion being
/Beer 1 1. dissolved in the benzene and the other
'^Tannin or Tannic Acid 15, g. in the turpentine together with the rosin,
3. Alcohol ^

50 g. and finally the two solutions are mixcnl.
Water 150 g. This preparation should be marked * In- ‘

Soak 1 and 2, separately, for 21 hours. flammable^^ and be packed in sccurtdy

Put both together in a pot and heat up closed containers.
Self “Vuleamzing Shoe Cement No. 3
Smoked Sheet Enhber 100 g. Plantation Crepe Rubber 25 Ib.
Gasoline 900 g, Powdered Rosin 100 lb.
Zine Oxide 5 g, V. M. & P.
Sulphnr, Precipitated 3 g, Naphtha to make 100 gal.
p-Tolnidine 1 g. Ester gum or cumar resins may be sub-
Zinc Butyl Xanthate 3 g, stituted in the above formulas, if desired,
instead of powdered rosin.
"White Cement
U. S. Patent 2,092,600 Rubber Adhesive
Benzol 75 oz. Shellac 10 kg.
Bosin 10 oz. Rosin 4 kg.
Calcium Oxide 15 oz. Alcohol 8 kg.
Zinc Oxide 10 oz. Whiting 1 kg.
Whiting 85 oz.
Rubber, Ground 5 oz. Self -Vulcanizing Rubber Cements
Allow the rubber and rosin to swell The cement is made of unplastieized
and ^
' in the benzol before mix-

rubber dissolved in benzene.
ing in other ingredients. The cements are stored as two separate
solutions A and B of the following com-
Shoe Sole Cements position :
Soft, Elastic A B
Formula No. 1 Smoked Sheet Rubber 100 100 g.
Film Waste, High Viscosity 18-20% Sulphur (Precipitated) 6 ... g.
Solvent, Low-Boiling 72-60% Zinc Oxide 3 3 g.
Plasticizers 10-20 % Zinc Butylxanthate ... 6 g.
No. 2 2>-Toluidine 2 2 g.
Nitro Cotton, High Viscosity 15-20% Self -vulcanizing cement of the compo-
Solvent, Low-Boiling 75-60% sition mentioned is already used in prac-
Plasticizers 10 -20 % tice, both by the rubber and other
No. 3 industries.
Cellulose Acetate W^aste 15-20% In the rubber industry it is used in
Solvent (Acetone, etc.) 75-65% different shop operations for cementing
Plasticizers 10-15% vulcanized rubber goods.

Rubber Cement
Formula No. 1
Formula No. 1
Celluloid Waste, Medium
a. Rosin 2 g.
to High Viscosity,
Rubber 5 g.
Transparent 20-25% h. Larch Turpentine 1 g.
Solvent, Low-Boiling 80-75% Gum
c. Turpentine 20 g.
No. 2
d, Bichloroethylene 140 g.
Film Waste, Medium to
Rubber, Cut 5 g.
High Viscosity 20-25% Melt a, and add hj thin the melted
Solvent, Low-Boiling 75-70% mixture with o. Add the solution d.
Ester Gum 5% Mix thoroughly by shaking.

No. 3
No. 2
Nitro Cotton, Medium to
Para-Rubber Solution 1 kg.
High Viscosity 16-20%
Linseed Oil 5 kg.
Solvent 80-75% Ivory Black 6 kg.
Tricresyl Phosphate 4— 5%
Rubber-Metal Adhesive
Rubber Cements for Leather a. Para Rubber, Minced 3 lb.
Formula No. 1 Benzol 8 lb*
Best Crude Pale Crepe h. Bitumen, Mexican 5 lb.
Rubber 40 lb. A
Make solution by stirring in the cold
Powdered Rosin 90 lb. or on the water bath (caution i When .
Benzol to make 100 gal. dissolved, add h and stir until dissolved.
No. 2
Best Crude Bolivian Fluid Cement for Metallic Surfaces
Rubber 3.33 lb. IJ. S. Patent 2,092,600
Powdered Rosin 1C lb. Rubber, Ground 5 oz.
/^Skellysolve^^ Asphaltum 100 oz.
(Naphtha) to make 35 gal. Benzene 76 oz.

Bosin, Powdered 10 oz. Adhesive for Cellulose

Calcium Oxide 15 oz. Water-Resistant
Zinc Oxide 10 oz. Glue 20 g.
Whiting 85 oz. Water 20 g.
Acetic Acid (30%) 40 g.
Rubber Casein Adhesive Potassium Bichromate 1 g\
U. B. Patent 2,073,927 This chromate glue must be stored in
An adhesive composition comprises an total darkness.
aqueous dispersion of rubber, glycerin,
casein and added water in the following Adhesive for Cellulose Acetate to Paper
relative proportions : British Patent 454,759
Aqueous Dispersion of Burgundy Pitch 8 oz-
Rubber (60%) 40-75 oz. Wool-Pat 4 oz.
Glycerin 15-40 oz. Melt together; cool; add
Casein 3- 8 oz, Petroleum Ether 4 oz.
and added water of the order of 20% of To the above add the following which
the total ingredients. has been previously dissolved:
Rubber 8 oz.
Reducing Viscosity of Rubber Cements Petroleum Ether 16 oz.
The spreading properties and viscosity
of a rubber cement can be reduced by the Adhesive for Bonding Gauze to
addition of non-solvents such as ethyl al- Cellophane
cohol or methyl acetate. Other materials Starch (Cassava) 4 lb.
which may be added are organic bases, Sodium Hypochlorite (5%
organic acids, and acetone. available Chlorine) 6 oz.
The same cement may have quite dif- Caustic Soda 0.3 oz.
ferent properties and viscosity if di:fferent Formaldehyde (40%) 4 oz.
solvents are used. The cements made with Water to make up to 4 gal.
benzol are usually smoother'^ and less The starch is mixed with about thi
viscous than those from gasoline. quarters of the volume of water, and the
sodium hypochlorite solution added to
Artificial Rubber Latex Cement same. This is heated in a water jacket
Smoked Sheet Rubber 100 lb.
with continued stirring until tlie starch
Gasoline 200 lb. granules burst, and then heating con-
Oleic Acid 8 lb. tinued at the same temperature until the
. Digest until ^ ^
dissolved. ^ ’
Then work solution completely clarifies. The caustic
in soda is dissolved in about ten times its
Ammonia (25%) 20 lb.
weight of water and added to the above
Casein 20 lb.
starch paste in small amounts with con-
Mix thoroughly and add tinued stirring. The mass is heated for
Zinc Oxide 10 lb.
about ten minutes longer, removed from
Kaptax 2 lb.
the source of heat, allowed to cool some-
Tliiuram 1 lb. what, and the formaldehyde added, which
Emulsify with
acts as a preservative. The remainder ol!
Water 50 lb.
the water is then added. The composi-
Waterproof Latex Cement tion is then ready for application to th<?
Latex (40%) 100 oz.
^^CellophaneP^ The gauze is then at-
Water 45 oz.
tached to this coated surface by passing
Glue 10 oz. same over and around hot rolls to evapo-
Zinc Oxide rate the moisture. This laminated prod-
20 oz.
Sulphur uct is used for raincoats, umbrellas,
3 oz.
Titanium Dioxide 25 oz.
clothes sacks and the like* An amount
Potassium Bichromate 10 oz. of glycerol equivalent to 20% of the
starch may be added to this mixture to
Self -Sealing Envelope Affliesive prevent abnormal brittleness at low
U. S. Patent 2,093,105 humidities.
Latex (60%) 50 g.
Mica, Powdered 60 g. Kon-Slip Bug Composition
If the front office or reception room
Cement, Pressure Sealing rugs curl at the corners, you can obviate
(Used for masking tape & self -sealing this annoyance by applying a simple glvc-
envelopes) erin mixture to the back of the rug. Us-
Latex (60%) 100 oz. ing 5 parts of glycerin to 3 of starch,
Castor Oil 50 oz. mix the starch with water to forn) a
Rosin 5 oz. smooth paste and add the glycerin gra<jii-
24 ADHEBiVJiib

ally until it spreads easily before apply- of the cement requires the combining of
ing. Let tlie rug dry thoroughly. This 23 lb. of litharge and 5.25 lb. of 90 per
treatment will not stiffen the rug or cent pure glycerin. Addition of about
make it less flexible. 10 per cent of such materials as iron oxide,
fuller ’s earth or silica, will delay the set-
IJpholstery Cements ting time somewhat, without affecting the
Formula No. 1 final hardness or strength. These glyc-
Bosin 35 lb. erin-litharge compounds are unique in
Talc 35 lb. their ability to withstand the action of
Calcium Oxide 4 lb. most corrosive solutions and dilute acids.
Baw Linseed Oil 11 lb. These cements, too, are highly resistant to
Soft Asphalt 1 lb. moisture and heat and stand temperatures
V. M. & P. Naphtha 14 lb. of 200° 0. or more. A further usage of
No. 2 these cements is to fill depressions in metal
Smoked Sheet Rubber ,2.5 lb. tanks, in automobile and truck bodies,
Quick Lime 0.1 lb. fenders and similar sheet metal objects,
Rosin (Powdered) 7.4 lb. to even off the indented places. The ce-
Gasoline (Low Test) 2 gal. ment takes a good finish and paint ad-
No. 3 heres well.
Rubber 100 lb.
Hydrated Lime 7 ib. Metal Fillers (For crevices, faults)
Zinc Oxide 4 lb. Formula No. 1
Rosin 300 lb. Iron Filings 95 g.
Gasoline 12 gal. Ammonium Chloride 3 g.
Sulphur 2 g.
Brush Bristle Cement Water to make paste
(For Paint and Varnish Brushes) One drop of concentrated sulphuric acid
starts the reaction and it hardens in a few
Rubber 55 oz.
4 oz. days.
Zinc Oxide 2 oz. No. 2
Sulphur 27 oz. Gum Arabic 12 g.
Perilla Oil 5 oz. Gypsum 12 g.
2 oz. Iron Filings 12 g.
Rosin Oil 5 oz. Silica Powder 64 g.
This hardens to a water and fire resist-
Disperse the above compound in
ant coating.
amount of 3 lb. per gal of gasoline.
After drying, cure overnight on a steam
Metal Cements (Low melting point alloys)
plate at 40 lb. pressure.
Lead 34 g.
Bismuth 66 g.
Tin Can Sealing Compound
(Melting Point 94° C.)
Resistant to Water, Oil, Alcohol,
Lead 20 g.
Zinc 30 g.
Polyvinyl Acetate 15 lb.
Bismuth 50 g.
Benzene 45 lb.
(Melting Point 100° 0.)
Toluene 40 lb.
Lead 18 g.
Zinc 18 g.
Litharge Cement Without Glycerin Bismuth 64 g.
Litharge 75 oz. (Melting Point 93° C.)
Glycol 25 oz. Lead 10 g.
This sets in 1-2 hours. Zinc 40 g.
Bismuth 50 g.
Glycerin-Litharge Cements (Melting Point 120° C.)
Strong permanent repairs can be made Lead 27 g.
at short notice if the ingredients of glyc- Zinc 13 g.
erin-litharge cements are kept at hand. Bismuth 50 g.
A general method for preparing the ce- Cadmium 10 g.
ment consists of mixing six parts of pure (Melting Point 70° C.)
glycerin with one to three parts of water Lead 40 g.
and sufficient litharge (lead oxide) to Zinc 45 g.
form a paste of the desired thickness. If Bismuth 15 g.
preferred, the water may be omitted. Mix (Melting Point 160° C.)
the cement just prior to use, since it sets Lead 14 g.
rapidly, witlun an hour or so. moreA Zinc 86 g.
specific formula for making a cubic foot (Melting Point 200° C.)


These allujs are satisfactory in joining- Mon-Hardening Tile and Glass Cement
bronze, brass, copper, zinc, lead, Britannia U. S. Patent 2,095,614
metal, iron, tin, and conditions must be Tallow 340 lb.
established for heating the parts to be Mineral Oil 50-100 lb.
joined before the molten alloy is poured Aluminum Oleate 50-100 lb.
in. Bosin Oil 50-10Q lb.
Copper 25-35 g. Asbestos or
Mercury 75-65 g. Soapstone (Powdered) 400-1000 lb.

Steel and Iron Cementing Composition Plastic Wood Dough Type Filler
U. B. Patent 2,025,050 Formula No. 1
Sodium Cyanide 8 lb. Casein 50 oz,
Salt 62-65 lb. Lime Hydrate 8 oz.
Potassium Chloride 18-19 lb. Tri Sodium Phosphate 3 oz.
Activated Carbon 8 lb. Sodium Fluoride 3 oz.
The above is molten at cementing tem- Naphtha 2 oz.
peratures. Hardwood Sawdust 34'. oz.

Make this mixture up witli water to a

Iron Cement
consistency suitable for tubes.
Powdered Iron 72 lb.
Plaster of Paris 10 lb.
No. 2
Gum Arabic 8 Ib. *Base 30 gal
Whiting 8 lb. Silica 100 11 ).
Sal Ammoniac 2 lb. China Clay 50 lb.
Wood Flour (Coarse) 10 lb.
Cement for Iron Vessels Wood Flour (Fine) 25 lb.
Iron Filings 4 oz. No. 3
Clay, Powdered 2 oz. *Base 30 gal
Befractory Brick, Powdered 1 oz. Wood Flour 45 lb.
Salt Solution until pasty China Clay 15 lb.
* Base is made hy dissolvin,!!? 3.75 lb. Manila
Iron Casting Crack Filler yxim in 30 gal. of methyl alcohol i>.ns S gal. of
Iron Filings 9S oz. benzol.
Sulphur 1 oz.
Ammonium Chloride 1 oz. Crack Filler
Molding Plaster 100 Ib.
Iron Boiler Cement Silica 12% lb.
Iron Filings 33 oz. Yellow Dextrin 12% lb.
Ferrous Sulphate 17 oz. Baw Sienna 1 lb.
Vinegar 50 oz.
Knife Handle Cement
Expansion Joint Filler . Bosin 10 kg.
IT. S. Patent 1,987,530
Lime Hydrate *
1 kg.
Cottonseed Oil 8 lb, . Cumar, Hard 10 kg.
Linseed Oil 8 lb. €. Whiting 2 feg".
Sulphur 8 lb. Manganese Dioxide 5 kg,
Bosin 4 lb. Melt a to 180® C,, add 5 and melt again
Silica 4 lb. to make homogeneous. Mix in c.
Blown Asphalt 1 lb. Pour this mass into the voids of the
This is plastic between -IS® and 93® handles; push in the blade of the knives;
let cool
Turners’ Cement
IJsed by model makers for mounting Wood Cement
sheet bras‘=’ on lathes. Tar, Anhydrous 60 kg.
Bosin 1 Asphaltum
Melt and add Sulphur o- kg.
Bring to boil and
% lb. Bosin 1-5 kg.
stir in brick dust to Melt up and mix thoroughly.
thicken. Apply hot.

Barrel Cement
Gasket Paste .

-Formula No. 1
IJ. S. Patent 2,054,801
^ (Water and Oil-Besistant
Castor Oil 40 oz. Cottage Cheese 6 kg.
Soft Soap 50 oz! Calcium Oxide, Powdered 5 kg
Glycerin 10 oz. Water 30 kg.

Ko. 2

Cold Water 10 lb.

(Oil- and Vinegar-Proof) d. Formaldehyde 0.75 lb.
a. Shellac 200 kg. Soak a for several hours; heat gently
Alcohol 600 kg. to get a completely clear solution, and add
Sawdust 200 kg. h stirring continuously. Stir c in a sepa-
No. 3 rate container until it is quite smooth, and
Shellac 20 lb. add to it the boiling glue solution. Boil
Alcohol 60 lb. for 10 minutes. Cool, add d.
Castor Oil 4 lb.
Beach Wood Sawdust lb.16 Painter ^s Glue
Prepare the shellac-alcohol solution in a. Water 80 kg.
a big enough can, in the cold. Mix it with Potato Flour 20 kg.
the oil in a kettle with good agitation, and h. Sodium Hydroxide 1.5-2 kg.
add in the sawdust through strainers. c. Nitric Acid to neutralize
Stir until a homogenous paste results. Make the starch milk u, and add a solu-
Put into tightly closed cans. tion of Z>. to it. Neutralize to neutral or
faintly alkaline reaction as soon as the
Hints on Gluing starch milk is formed. Wax Soap (from
When gluing dowelled or mortise-and- montan Tvax and alkali) of 30% concen-
tenon joints, it is better to apply the glue tration can be added to this.
inside of the mortises and dowel holes
than to apply it to the dowels and tenons Fish-Glue Substitute
where it may be scraped off in assembling a. Glue in Plates 1 kg.
the work. A toothbrush is often handy for Water to sw’'ell

applying the glue. For small mortises, the h. Acetic Acid 500 g.
bristles of the brush may be cut short, or Water 700 g.
the brush may be whittled down in width, Swell the glue in water, and pour the
to get into tight places. water off.

An ordinary comb is handy for applying Add h, and heat this until a sample will
glue on narrow grooves. In assembling not gel any more on cooling.
panel work, be sure that there is plenty
of space to permit the panels to shrink or Waterproof Glue
swell a reasonable amount without striking S. Patent 1,994,050
the bottom of the grooves in which they Soya Bean Flour
ft. This precaution is unnecessary when (Oil Free) 100 oz.
plywood panels are used. The usual tedious Disodium Hydrogen
job of applying glue to inlay grooves can Phosphate 10 oz.
be done easily by thinning it enough to be Sodium Fluoride 5 oz.
applied with an oil can, the spout of which Calcium Hydroxide 7-10 oz.
has been cut off so that the opening is Calcium Carbonate 50 oz.
relatively large. Copper Sulphate % oz.
Salt 2 oz.

To Distinguish Between Glue and Casein Water 530 oz.

The above is mixed with 5 to 10 parts of
Moisten the substance with a drop of
the reaction product of formaldehyde 35
concentrated nitric acid, when, if casein
ounces and 18% ammonia, 105 ounces.
is present, an intense yellow stain is pro-
The glue produced in this way is ffuid
duced. On adding sodium hydroxide solu-
for 6 to 10 hours and sets completely in
tion, the stain turns brown, or if ammonia
24 hours and is impervious to boiling
water is added, the stain turns orange.

Special Adhesive Caterpillar Catching Glue

Formula No. 1 Eosin 30 kg.
a. Sugar Solution (25%) 240 oz. Linseed Oil Varnish 20 kg.
Lime Hydrate 15 oz. Yellow Beeswax 20 kg,
h. Hide Glue or Bone Glue 600 oz.
Heat a to 75® C. Let soak h in this solu- Paraffin Cement
tion, and dissolve on the boiling water Paraffin wax can be made into a strong
bath. cement for glass and other materials where
No. 2 the joint must be close-fitting by the solu-
a. Glue 2 lb. tion of a little rubber in it. This is most
Cold Water 7 lb. readily effected by the addition of 4 g. to
h. Boiling Water 33 lb, 100 g. of 40% latex rubber, added drop
(J. Starch 1^: lb. by drop, with stirring, to the wax, which is


lieated above the boiling point of water Porcelain or Glass to Metal Cement
-during the operation. Strain while hot U. S. Patent 2,032,142
through several layers of cheese cloth. Powdered Flint 62 oz.
Sodium Silicate 14 oz.
Water 14 oz.
Gelatin-Capsules ^

Eormula Ko. 1 Aluminum Fluoride 10 oz.

Gelatin 10 kg.
Water 20 kg. Ethyl Silicate Bonding Medium
Glycerin 10 kg. Ethyl Silicate is used as preservative for
hardening stone and arresting decay and
Ho. 2
disintegration. Paints formulated with it
Gelatin 16 kg.
are unaffected by heat and are used for
Water 20 kg.
coating furnace castings.
Glycerin 15 kg.
To convert Ethyl Silicate to a suitable
Iron rods with pear-shaped ends, slightly bonding medium, it should lirst be par-
greased with olive oil, are dipped into this tially hydrolyzed, as follows
solution. Let cool and solidify, cut around
Formula Ho. 1
the stick, pull off the pear-shaped capsule.
Ethyl Silicate 300.0 cc.
Dry, fill, and close the open end by a drop
of the above-described solutions.
Water 5.6 cc.
Denatured Alcohol 175.0 ee.
The resulting solution, after standing
Dip Seal for Corked Bottles at least 24 hours, forms a satisfactory
Formula Ho. 1 bonding medium when 51 cc. water are
Celluloid 8 lb.
added. Before adding this second portion
Acetone 20 lb.
of water, the partially hydrolyzed silicate
Amyl Acetate 70 lb.
solution can be stored for a period of time.
Castor Oil, or Tricresyl
After the addition of the second portion
Phosphate 2 lb.
of water, the solution is stable for at least
Ho. 2 a month without change in viscosity or
a. Cologne Glue 50 kg. deposition of silica.
Water 50 kg.
h. Glycerin, White
Free of Lime Fast Setting Bonding Medium
5 kg.
c. Confectioners^ Sugar, Ho. 2
If it is desirable to speed up the hydrol-
Powdered 2-3 kg.
ysis, the reaction may be catalyzed by the
Zinc White or Other
Pigment addition of 1/10 Hormal hydrochloric acid
12 kg.
Water to makepaste
inside the 51 volumes of water. The
speed of the reaction will depend upon
Swell and finally dissolve add b and, the quantity of acid present. The propor-
if desired, c. Dip the bottle-tops (corked) tions can be varied to meet particular
into the glue, and harden by dipping there- needs of viscosity and speed of setting.
after into d formaldehyde, 10-20% solu-
Stoneware Cement
Colored Caulking Cement
When a cement for porcelain, metals or
stoneware^ is casein mixed with
IT. S, Patent 2,011,607
sodium silicate and lime makes an efficient
Para Cumarone Eesin
mixture. To make this, dried casein is
(m. p. 50-60® C.) 60 lb.
soaked in an equal weight of water for
Asbestos Fiber 20 lb.
two hours. The casein swells, but does not
Iron Oxide 5 lb.
dissolve. At the end of that time, the
Xylol 15 lb. ^
sodium silicate and lime are stirred in and
Pigment 5 lb.
the cement is ready for use.
The above gives a permanently elastic
cement applicable by a trowel without
Temporary Binder for Abrasive Wheels#
Blocks, etc.
Sicapon 1 lb.
Porcelain Cement Water 4 lb.
Eefractory Brick Powder 45 g. The Sicapon completely dissolved in
Highly Eefractory Clay 40 g. the water. Five pounds of this solution
Sodium Silicate (38/40® BA) 15 g. thoroughly mixed with 95 lb. of the granu-
^^ter to form heavy paste lated abrasive is ordinarily sufficient. Two
Use at once.
to three hours after molding, the object is
Eemove and grease before use. firmly knit and may be easily handled,
preparatory to firing, with only moderate No. 3
care. The binder is almost completely vola- Chalk, Dry, Powdered 85 kg.
tilized in the firing. Mineral Oil 4.5 kg.
Linseed Oil, Raw 10.5 kg.

acid-besisthstg putties
OR LUTES Putty for Kettles
In certain cases, particularly in the Borax, Powdered 1 lb.
construction of nitric and hydrochloric Zinc IWiite, Technical 5 lb.
acid plants, and generally where a rigid Manganese Dioxide 10 lb.
joint is not desirable, non-setting putties Sodium Silicate to make a paste
are employed. These patties, although
acid and weather resistant, do not harden Temperature-Resistant Putty
or crack. (Not Soluble in Benzene, Oil, and
Litharge putty is made by mixing to- —
Water ^For Car Cylinders)
gether: a. Movie-Film Waste 10 kg.
Linseed Oil 19% Camphor or Other
Flock Asbestos 8% Plasticizer 2 kg.
Litharge 73% Alcohol 20 kg.
This mixture sets moderately hard in Ethyl Acetate 20 kg.
about seven days, and is useful for socket Amyl or Butyl Acetate 25 kg.
and spigot joints in stoneware. At at- Benzene 24 kg.
mospheric temperature it will resist nitric b. Aluminum Powder 1

acid up to a strength of 56 per cent. Pigment (Sienna, Umber,

Asbestos putty is composed of:
Asbestos Powder 50% To the solution a add the fillers b.
Asbestos Fiber 10%
China Clay 12% Copal Resin Putty
Boiled Linseed Oil 28% (For Enamelling Work)
This mixture forms a permanently soft Kauri- or Manila Copal,
putty, useful for joints in stoneware or 1 . Light 10 g.
vitreosil, which is resistant to cold nitric Dammar Resin 10 g-
acid. Joints made with this putty may Turpentine, Heavy 8 g.
be surfaced with a hard- setting cement Alcohol 8 g.
such as the barytes cement mentioned 3. Zinc White 12 g.
above. Melt up 1 and mix well. Cool. Grind
Black putty is used for joints in stone- to powder. Make a paste by working in
ware in contact with hydrochloric acid. A 2, and mix thoroughly with 3.
stiff putty may be made by mixing to-
gether :
China Clay 54 % Sealing waxes comprise one subdivision
Dehydrated Tar 38 % of a large group of compositions designed
Anthracene Oil 2.7% for sealing purposes, and since sealing
Asbestos Wool 5.3% coinpositions cover a wide variety of ma-
A thinner variety of tliis mixture is
terials, properties and industries, only
composed of sealing w^axes can be described in this
Sharp Oil 10% article. This industry was originally de-
Anthracene Oil 20% veloped in Europe, principally Germany,
Dehydrated Tar 18% and has been transplanted in the United
China Clay 52% States where the only changes have been
This putty may be used for bedding the introduction of less expensive ma-
bricks and tiles, in the construction of terials.
hydrochloric acid tanks and absorption They are used upon paper and bottle
towers. caps; the largest consumers being banks,
express companies and miscellaneous or-
Window Putty ganizations which are required to seal
Formula No. 1 valuable documents and packages for stor-
Bitumen Waste Emulsion 2.0 kg. age or shipment. The use upon bottles
Chalk Powder 80 kg. has been displaced by the modern plastics,
Asbestos Fiber 10 kg. and upon paper their properties have been
No. 2 improved to meet the demands of recently
(For the Tropics) developed wrappings like Glassine and
Chalk, Dry, Fine 85 kg. ^ Cellophane.
Linseed Oil Varnish 15 kg. The term sealing wax is a misnomer in


that f ew contain any wax at all and wax nearly the same, results in less adhesion,
acts only as a filler for which less expen- more brittleness and other divergences
sive materials could be substituted. They from the requirements listed above.
comprise principally plasticized resins The balsams are present only for im-
with inorganic fillers and pigments. The parting pleasant odors and can be chosen
primary requisites are smoothness of tex- to suit the taste; the quantity being so
ture, brilliancy of gloss, absence of ob- small that little softening action is intro-
noxious odors upon melting, wide range of duced by the essential oils present. Yenice
softening points, rehardening without the turpentine is listed in all seven formulas
appearance of a rubbery behavior, reten- and although expensive is a good plasti-
tion of color and fracturing without cizer. It should only be purchascjd from
crumbling. reliable people because recently mixtures
They are classified below according to of fused rosin and castor oil have been
form available for use and types of paper introduced and sold as genuine.
to which they are to be applied.
Type A. Sticks, to be heated over a
Wax-Containing Formulas
direct flame.
Type B. Bulk, to be heated in pots,
(All parts by w^eight)
electric or gas.
Formula No. 1
Shellac 33
Wax I. G. (0. P.) 5
Type A Venice Turpentine 20
Types of paper to which they must adhere Talc 10
1. Parchment, rag white, bond, 100% Pigment '

rag, ledger, Glassine. Tricresyl Phosphate 5
2. Hard and rough surfaced paper, Balsam ,2
Kraft, Manila, smiite. No. 2
3. Medium nnished paper, Kraft, Ma-
Carnauba Wax 40
Paraffin Wax 20
4. Soft finished paper, wrapping, Ma- Magnesia 15
Bronze Powder 25
5. Por bottles and insulators.
No. 3
Careful purchasers, like government
Carnauba Wax SO
procurement departments, require all the
Beeswax 20
above-mentioned qualities and in addition
those listed below.
Paraffin Wax 20
Whiting 4
1. After application to paper it should
Barium Carbonate 10
remain soft for a sufficient length of time
Pigment 16
for a brass die to be pressed into it and
upon removal the design must be clearly No. 4
marked. Eosin 30
2, It must separate from paper with- Venice Turpentine 22
out pulling fibers with it.
Paraffin Wax 6.
3. Maximum no stringiness
Whiting 12
upon heating, drops must fall about two Barium Carbonate 12
seconds apart from heated portion. Pigment 18
4, Type B. Only 1.30% of sediment is No. 5
allowed when melted in a glass container Montan Wax 40
over electric or gas heat. Japan Wax 10
Seventeen formulas of compositions de- Paraffin Wax 15
signed to meet the above exacting condi- Whiting 9
tions are listed below. Their use requires Barium Carbonate 10
indirect heating containers, mixing equip- Pigment 16
ment, molds, and buffing machines for No. 6
polishing the sticks. They are divided Paraffin Wax 70
into two groups; those containing some Beeswax "

wax and those containing none. . Japan Wax 17
It is obvious that the seven formulas Aniline Bye '

in which no wax is compounded are ar- No. 7
ranged in the order of decreasing cost of Montan Wax 40
raw materials and the first five would Japan Wax 10
correspond very closely to the five sub- Paraffin Wax 15
headings of Type A. A
decreasing Whiting 9
amount of shellac with its substitution by Barium Carbonate 10'
rosin, while other components are kept Pigment 16

Ko. 8 Pigment 25
Rosin 34 Tricresyl Phosphate ,4
Venice Turpentine 24 No. 7,

ParafiSn Wax 6 Shellac 8

Whiting 10 Rosin 25
Barium Carbonate 10 Venice Turpentine 20
Pigment 16 Whiting 11
No. 9 Barium Carbonate 11
Montan Wax 8 Pigment 22
Japan Wax 20 Turpentine 3
Paraffin Wax 52
Pigment 20 Pigments and Mixtures
No. 10 White, Zinc Oxide, Barium Sulphate,
Rosin 30 Lithopone.
Venice Turpentine 22
Yellow, Oehers, Chrome or Zinc Yellow.
Paraffin Wax 6
Bright Yellow, 60 Lithopone, 40 Chrome
Whiting 12 Yellow.
Barium Carbonate 12
Orange, Chrome Orange, or 80 Ocher—20
Pigment 18
Angelic Bed.
Red, Mercuric Sulphide, Red Lead, Oehers.
Non-Wax-Containing Formulas Light Red, 60 Zinc Oxide, 40 Chrome Cin-
(All parts by weight) nabar (Mercuric Sulphide).
Formula No. 1 Rose, 85 Zinc Oxide, 15 Chrome Cinnabar
Shellac 53.00 (Mercuric Sulphide).
Venice Turpentine 30.00 Brown, 85 Angelic Red, 15 Carbon Black.
Vermilion 16.85 Light Brown, 20 Lithopone, 20 Oehers, 45
Magnesite 0.05 Angelic Red, 15 Carbon Black.
Balsam (Fir) 0.10 Blue, Ultramarine, Paris Blue.
No. 2 Light Blue, 60 Lithopone, 40 Ultramarine.
Shellac 38 Green, Chrome Green or Zinc Green.
Venice Turpentine 22 Yellowish Green, 60 Lithopone, 20 Chrome
Magnesia 10 Yellow, 20 Chrome Green.
Pigment 26 Light Green, 65 Lithopone, 35 Chrome
Turpentine 2 Green or Zinc Green.
Balsam (Fir) 2 Black, Carbon Black.
No. 3 Gray, 95 Lithopone, 5 Carbon Black,
Shellac 25 Bronze, Bronze Powder.
Rosin 10 Gold, Brass Powder
Venice Turpentine 22 Silver, Aluminum Powder,
Talc 14 Copper, Copper Pilings.
Pigment 25 Venice turpentine was adopted in this
Turpentine 2 industry before the modern plasticizers
Balsam 2 and synthetic resins were developed and
No. 4 its substitution by less expensive ones can
Shellac 3 be done but only by experiments. Fillers
Rosin 25 like magnesite, whiting, magnesia, talc,
Venice Turpentine 22 and barium carbonate serve a two-fold
Whiting 13 purpose; they lessen the cost, and tone
Barium Carbonate 12 down the color of the pigment. In for-
Pigment 22 mula No. 6 tricresyl phosphate is intro-
Turpentine 3 duced, This is a plasticizer and is one
No. 5' example of many others which could be
Shellac 5 adopted.
Rosin 25 In the ten formulas where waxes are
Venice Turpentine 21 embodied Nos. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9 have
Whiting 13 waxes only. They are more expensive
Barium Carbonate 11 than those containing only resins and are
Pigment 22 softer as well as more brittle. Their use
Turpentine 3 is restricted to bottle seals. During ap-
No. 6 plication they must be heated by steam
Shellac 20 and in the molten condition must be stirred
Rosin 12 constantly to prevent pigments and fillers
Venice Turpentine 22 from settling to the bottom. This is not
Tale 17 ,
the case when resins are involved because
: ::: : :


tlie viscosity is such that the inerts re- Orange

main suspended. Chrysoidin EZ-Baae
The danger of heating directly and Stearic Acid
vigorously during manufacture and ap- Med:
plication cannot be overemphasized be- Rhodamin B ^ ^
extra ^ Base
cause the natural material, shellac, loses Stearic Acid
its hardness and flexibility and the possi- Violet
bility of decomposing the fillers and their Methylviolet-Base
subsequent interaction with the resins Stearic Acid
would result in bubbles and far from uni- Blue
form qualities of product. In closing,
Victoria Blue B-Base
this industry could be given a new lease
Stearic Acid 2 g.
of life by introduction of transparent
sticks of sealing wax colored like the
Victoria Green-Base 1 g-
modern plastics so common upon umbrella
Stearic Acid 2 g.
handles, pipe stems, and other sundries.
Oil-Soluble Dyes for Sealing Waxes Mgrosin-Base C 1 g.
Yellow: Stearic Acid 2 g.
Auramin-Base 1 g. Procedure
Stearic Acid 2 g. Dissolve dyes in the melted stearin.


Formula Ho. 1 No. 2 Ho. 3 No. 4
Hercolyn 40 40 38 45 g.
Hydrogenated Rosin 50
— g.
— g.

Rosin — g.
52 — —
Dammar Gum — g.
50 —
l^eville Resin ISTo. 14 — — — g.

Ethyl Cellulose — — 47
— g.

Tornesit — 8 g.
12 g. —
Rubber 10 — —
Pliolite — g.
— 8 g.

Any adhesive must be formulated for its specific application. Adhesives that are
essentially non-tacky can be formulated according to the following general
15% to 25% of a film-forming ingredient chosen from rubber, ethyl cellulose
vinyl chloride-acetate, Tornesit, or Pliolite.
20% to 40% Hercolyn.
65% to 35% resin from the group listed above.
Heat Sealing Adhesive SilicatePowder,
U. Patent 2,054,112
S. Acid-Proof 980 g.
Paraffin Wax 70-94 oz. 6. Sodium Silicate, High
Crepe Rubber 30- 6 oz. Silica Content 300 cc.
Mill together in a heated heavy duty Mix a to homogeneous mass, and wet
mixer until uniform and of desired con- with
sistency. Apply hot to paper or cloth and Hardens after about 8 minutes.
allow to set.
Ho. 2
a. Barium Oxide, Coarse 40 g.
Plastic Adhesive SilicatePowder,
U. S. Patent 2,078,727 Acid-Proof 060 g,
A plastic adhesive composition that will h. Sodium Silicate,
not stick to cold laminating rolls, com- Commercial 300 ce.
prises asphalt 15 to 40%, pitch 17 to
30%, As above.
gilsonite 4 to 10%, and slate 45 to 55% by Hardens after about 30 minutes.
Plastic Fireproof Adhesive
IT. S. Patent 1,989,833
Acid-Proof Cements
German Patent 635,405 Sodium Silicate Solution
Eormula Ho. 1 id, 1.71) 36 gal.
Asbestos Fiber 160 lb.
a. Benzoic Anhydride, Asbestine
Coarse 128 lb.
20 O'.
Sulphonated Castor Oil 0.36 gal

Waterproof Silicate Cement to new canvas and wood backings; and
U. S. Patent 2,032,142 for fixing labels to glass. It is not recom-
Flint, Powdered 62 lb. mended for use out of doors, since it is
Sodium Silicate 14 lb. permeable to moisture; and its use on oil
Water 14 lb. paintings must be with great caution.
Aluminum Fluoride 10 lb. The use of the following mixed solvents is
Mix well and dry at 125® C. recommended: 1. (for general use) tolu-
Veneer Cold Glue Powder ene 70%, ethyl alcohol 10%, ethylene di-
Casein, Pine 65 kg. chloride 10%, cellosolve or butyl acetate
Lime Hydrate, Powdered 12 kg. 5%, and cellosolve acetate or amyl ace-
TriSodium Phosphate 7 kg. tate; 2, (for use where a slow-drying,
Sodium Fluoride 4 kg. penetrating solution is needed, containing
Calcium Sulphate 10 kg. up to 5% polyvinyl acetate) ethyl alcohol
Petroleum 2 kg. 70%, ethylene dichloride 20%, dibutyl
phthalate 2%, and cellosolve acetate or
Casein-Silicate Furniture Adhesive amyl acetate 8% 3. (for use where a very

Casein 100 oz. quick-drying lacquer is desired, containing

Water 350 oz. up to 30% polyvinyl acetate) ethyl al-
Sodium Silicate 15 oz. cohol 80%, ethylene dichloride 20%. Al-
Slaked Lime 10 oz. cohol or acetone alone may be used, but
are unsatisfactory in warm humid weather.
Alkalized Casein Powder
(Base for Casein Dispersions) Highway Joint Filler
Casein from Acid Milk, Use a mixture of approximately 70%
Powder 60 g. soft-grade, slow- curing road oil and 30%
Marble Calcium Hydroxide 20 g. of commercial latex. To avoid foaming
TriSodium Phosphate 10 g. of the latex, mixing temperatures are
Sodium Sulphite S g. maintained at 200® F.
Petroleum 2 g.
Mix in a sealed mixer. For use, the re- Hard Stopping Cement
sulting powder is dispersed in water. WliiteLead (Paste) 50 lb.
Fine Dry Whiting 45 lb.
Sealing Mass Japan Gold Size 6 pt.
Portland Cement 100 lb, Boiled Linseed Oil 2 pt.
Brick Powder 25 lb. Turpentine or White Spirit 8 pt.
Casein 30 lb. To be tinted as necessary.
Make up with water to give a paste
shortly before use. Slow hardening. Plastic Eefrigerator Joint Seal
H. S. Patent 2,082,016

Eesin Solution Copal, Dammar ox

Eosin 60 g.
Kauri Gum 5-22 oz.

Mastic Castor Oil 35-43 oz.

10 g.
Sandarae 20 g.
Ether 5 g. Adhesives
Alcohol 75-100 g. Water-Soluble
Wheat Flour 50 lb.
Chrome Glue Solution Water 200 lb.
Hide Glue 20 g,
Alum 11b.
Water, 20 g. Eosin 4 lb.
Acetic Acid (30%) 40 g,
Boil to a viscous paste.
Potassium Bichromate 1 g. Water- Insoluble
Keep in dark. Mix before use. Eosin 30 ib.
Thick Turpentine 3 lb.
Museum Adhesive Camphor 2 lb.
Polymerized polyvinyl resin is used for Alcohol 30 Ih.
special adhesives. This is used for the Acetone 35 lb.
transfer of Oriental wall paintings for
tixing crackled and scaling paint tilm on a Adhesive for Oiled or Inked Surfaces
tempera painted wall-paper for fixing
j, H. S. Patent 2,073,927
sealing particles of glaze on ancient pot- Euhber Latex (60%) 40-75 oz.
tery (where it is preferable to celluloid) Glycerin 15-40 oz.
for joining two surfaces, e.g., paintings Water 20 oz.
: :


Strong* Adhesive Thymol

French Patent 796,588 Salicylic Acid j

Sodium Bisulphite 500-'/uO g.

Water 100 ce.
Manioc Flour 100 g- Zinc Sulphate 150 g.

Sodium Bicarbonate 0.3 g- j5-Naphthol 200 g.

a. -

Hydrogen Peroxide Sodium Fluoride 250 g. :

(12 vol.) 3 g- In 100 kg. finished adhesive:

Formalin, 35% 0,.5-2 kg.

[Caustic Soda (36°) 25 g-

Moldex, Aseptex 1 water-
^•iWater 25 g- 200 g.
Mix a and b, stirring well and warming. Nipasols, Nipaginsj soluble
Chlorthymol 200 g.

Waterproof Adhesive Coating

Canadian Patent 356,169 Animal & Vegetable Substance
Water 50 -200 oz. Preservative
Aluminum Chloride 10 oz. (Poisonous)
Sodium Acetate 2,5- 5 oz. H. S. Patent 2,066,453
Borax 2 oz. Sodium Sulphate
(Deeahydrate) 30 oz.
Adhesive, Blood- Albumin Sodium Fluoride 2 oz.
Black Blood Albumin, Kaolin 68 oz.
Soluble 6 lb. W^'ater to suit
Water(at 27^ C.) 11 lb.
Ammonia (sp.g. 0.90) 0.25 lb. ADHESIVE TAPES
Slaked Lime 0.13 lb. Fabric:
Generally, a cotton-fabric, or some-
Vegetable Albumin times rayon, is used. The fabric should
The following treatment is used for be smooth, without knots, and free of
soya and castor seeds heavy metal salts (copper, manganese).
The first treatment of the seeds for the Coatings
subsequent extraction is similar in both Formula Ho. 1
cases. The cleaned soya kernels are re- Heavy Type
duced and extracted with w^arm benzine Rubber 30 kg.
(60-75° C.). The meal is then heated to
Filler(Barium Sulphate) 40 kg.
70-75° C. In the case of castor the seeds
Rosin Oil or Colza Oil 15 kg.
are preheated before extraction with sol-
Rosin or Tar 15 kg.
vent. The ground meal is then extracted
The mixture is homogenized on rolls,
with milk of lime and caustic soda suffi-
then dissolved in a mixing machine.
cient to raise the alkali figure to 0.2 per
cent (calculated as caustic soda). The Ho. 2
alkaline solution is placed in the diffuser Light Type
and warmed to 40° C. and the meal added Guayule Rubber 15 kg.
slowly. This addition takes about thirty Flake Rubber 15 kg.
to forty-five minutes, and air is blown Barium Sulphate 40 kg.
through to agitate, and agitation is re- Rosin Oil 14 kg.
peated every fifteen to twenty minutes. Wood Tar 4 kg.
When the layer contains 2 per cent al- Rosin 8 kg-
buminoids it is pumped through a sieve Asphaltum 4 kg.
into a container where hydrochloric acid is Ho. 3
added until the pH falls to 4.4-4.6. After Free of Fillers
settling, the mother liquor is removed, and Guayule Rubber 24 kg.
the precipitate is washed with warm water Crude Rubber 25 kg.
and allowed to settle to a paste which Factice, Tacky 20 kg.
contains about 93 per cent water. This Gutta-Percha Resin b kg.
is filter-pressed and dried in a current of Mineral Filler 10 kg.
warm air. The ffnal product contains Engine Oil 2.5 kg.
8-10 per-cent water. The residual meal Rosin 6 kg.
is used, in the case of soya, as feeding Rosin Oil 6 kg.
materials, and in the case of castor as Lampblack 0.5 kg.
fertilizer. Ho, 4 .

White Tapes for Wrapping

Preservation of Adhesives Guayule Rubber 25 kg.
For every 100 kg, of dry substance, use Balata, Brazil 5 kg.
any of following: Colza Oil 5 kg.
Carbolic Acid 250 g. Lithopone 24 kg.
Blanc Fixe 29 kg. of wax
are dissolved in 135 pounds of tal-
Eosin 4 kg. low, 30 pounds of castor oil, and 30
pounds of Turkey red oil. This solution is
No. 5
then emulsified with 30 to 50 pounds of
Tapes for Pharmaceutical Fse
water in which form it is ready for use.
Caoutchouc 34.0 kg.
Bammar 7.0 kg.
Colophony 3.5 kg. Increasing Strength of Silicate Binders
Lanolin, Neutral 24.5 kg. British Patent 464.967
Zinc Oxide, Free of Lead 30.0 kg. The strength of alkali silicate binders
is improved by the addition of 1% of an
alkali metal phosphate, calculated on the
Defoamer for Glue weight of the material to be bonded; or
F. S. Patent 2,108,912 10% of phosphate, based on the dry
Fifteen pounds of aluminum stearate weight of the silicate, may be added
are dissolved in 90 to 100 pounds of stearic thereto. The binder may be used for
acid and to this solution are added 90 abrasives, refractory cements, mortars, as-
pounds of paraffin wax and 100 pounds of bestos payer, wood joints, plywood, corru-
Japan wax. This wax is then made up gated paper, flberhoard and laminated
into the defoamer as follows: 45 pounds board.
The percentage of alcohol used in cor- Prune Juice
dials varies with different manufacturers. Macerate
This is a very vital point both in cost and Prunes 50 lb.
tax. All cordials of foreign manufacture Raisins 12U lb.
are mostly distilled or blended from the Proof Spirits 15 gal.
product called High Proof or the High Distilled Water 3% gal.
Wine Grape Distillate, and not from grain
or molasses alcohol as in this country. Ho Peach Juice
cordial is mellow, sweet or full flavored Macerate
v/ithout the use of High Proof Grape Dis- Dried Peaches 25 lb.
tillate or High Wine. Dried Apples 12% lb.
The essences are produced from roots, Proof Spirits 20 gal.
herbs, fruits, oils, etc. by infusion, macer-
ation, digestion and distillation. Cherry Juice
The fruit cordials which are very largely Macerate
consumed in this country are made of 70® Dried Cherries 25 lb.
proof 10® Baume with grape distillate Cudbear 1 lb.
alcohol, syrup, distilled water and cherry, Proof Spirits 20 gal
peach, apricot, and blackberry flavors.
Blackberry Juice
All newly distilled liquors and spirits Dried Blackberries 25 lb.
have a harsh and pungent taste, which Port Wine 5 gal.
must be remedied before they can be used Proof Spirits 20 gal
as beverages. This is done with fruit Logwood 10 lb.
juices or flavors, which are mainly diluted
alcoholic extracts of fruits or other sub- Apricot Juice
stances, and are employed in certain pro- Macerate
portions to counteract the raw taste of the Dried Apricots 25 lb.
new spirits. Dried Prunes .5 Ib.
These extracts may be prepared with Proof Spirits 20 gal.
very little difficulty, and generally better
and cheaper than they can be purchased The above extracts are all used in every
ready-made. rectifying establishment, although the fact
A very simple apparatus may be made, IS surrounded with a great deal of secrecy
which will answer every purpose. Procure on the part of the rectifiers.
a barrel of 50 gallon capacity; about four There is nothing injurious in any of
inches from the bottom insert a tightly these extracts, and this recommends their
fitting false bottom, pierced with a con- use above all others. They are harmless,
siderable number of holes about a quarter and efficient aids both to the liquors and to
or a third of an inch in diameter; fit a the pocket.
faucet in firmly below the false bottom and
the macerating tub is ready for use. The
Bourbon Oil
ingredients to be macerated should be well Fusel Oil 04
bruised, and placed in the barrel and the Potassium Acetate 4 oz"
fluid used poured on them and the whole Copper Sulphate
allowed to macerate together for not less Ammonium Oxalate

than three days, and as much longer as is (dissolve each in water)

4 oz.
possible. If these general directions are Add Manganese Dioxide 1 oz.
properly carried out, the following ex- NOTE: Place them all in a g'^ass percola-
tracts will be all that can be desired. tor and let rest for 12 hours, x’hen perco-
Smaller quantities may be made by using late and put into a glass still, and distill
smaller proportions of each ingredient. half a gallon of the Bourbon Oil.
Rye Oil Scotch Whiskey Base
Fusel Oil 64 oz. Dissolve in ^2 ounce alcohol 2 drops
Oenanthic Ether 8 oz. Creosote.
Chloroform 8 oz. Acetic Acid 20 drops
Sulphuric Acid 8 oz. Alcohol 4% pt.
Add—Potassium Chlorate 2 oz. Water 31/2 pt.
Dissolved in water 8 oz. or;
note: Place in a glass still and distill Glycerin 1 OZ.
64 oz. Caramel 30 drops
Butyric Ether 10 drops
TRUE FRUIT LIQUEUR CORUIALS Oenanthic Ether 10 drops
70 Proof”—10° Bk Formic Ether 10 drops
Liqueur Cherry Cordial 70 P. 10° Be. — Creosote
Alcohol 80%
2 drops
Wine Distillate (175 proof) 40 gal. 1
Distilled Water 10 gal.
True Fruit Cherry Extract 9 qt. Sherry Base
Syrup 36° Bk 37 gal. Nitrous Ether, Spirit 15 oz.
Water, Distilled 11 gal. Oenanthic Ether 1 oz.
Orange Tincture 1 oz.

Liqueur Apricot Cordial 70 P. 10° Be. — Slivowitz Base

Grape Distillate Alcohol 40 gal.
Distilled Water 10 gal. Cognac Oil 1% oz.
True Fruit Apricot Extract 9 qt.
Fusel Oil 21/^ oz.
DistilledWater 14 gal. Benzaldehyde 12 oz.

Syrup 36° BA 38 gal. Alcohol 2 % gal.

Whiskey and Gin Flavor Improver

Liqueur Blackberry Cordial
U. S. Patent 2,061,560
70 P.—10° BA Addition of 0. 3-0.4% sorbitol gives
Distilled Water 9 gah improved ‘ ‘ smoothness ’ ’ and palatability.
True Fruit Blackberry Extract 9 qt.
Syrup 36° Bk 41 gal.
Distilled Water
Detection of Wood Alcohol in Ethyl
12 gal.
Wine Distillate (175 proof) Alcohol, Alcoholic Beverages,
37 gal.
Tinctures, Etc.

Liqueur Peach Cordial 70 P. —10° Bd.

If the sample contains more than 60%
ethyl alcohol, use 10 cc. and dilute with
Distilled Water 7 gal. 10 cc. of water; if 20-60% ethyl alcohol,
True Fruit Peach Extract 9 qt. use 10 cc. if less than 20%, use 20 cc.
Syrup 36° BA 42 gal. ;

sample. Introduce the sample into a 50 cc.

Distilled Water 12 gal. flask provided with a small glass tube 75
Wine Distillate 37 gal. cm. long, bent twice nearly at right angles,
Aldehyde C 14 1 oz.
which serves as a condenser. If the sample
is distinctly acid, neutralize with 0.1-0.5
French Brandy gram of precipitated calcium carbonate.
a. Ethyl Acetate 5 g. By means of a small flame distill carefully
Oenanthic Ether 0.5 g. 1 ee. into a small test tube cooled by ice
Tincture of Rhatany 10 g. water. The last vertical column of the
Bay Oil 0.5 g. condenser should not become heated. Place
Alcohol 650 cc. 0.1 ec., 0.2 cc. and 0.3 cc. of the distillate
b. Water, Distilled 350 cc. separately into 3 test tubes ; fill each to 5
cc. with water; add 0.4 cc. of 50% sul-
Beading’’ Compound: (Bead Oil) phuric acid and 5 ce. of 1% potassium
(For producing foam in alcoholic liquors) permanganate. Allow the mixture to stand
Sweet Almond Oil 48 oz. 2 minutes; decolorize by adding 1 cc. of
Sulphuric Acid C. P. 12 oz. 8% oxalic acid followed by 1 cc. of con-
Mix thoroughly, cool and carefully neu- centrated sulphuric acid. Then add 5 cc.
tralize with sufficient ammonia. Now add of fuchsin-sulphurous acid solution and
twice the volume of proof spirit, mix well mix. If methyl alcohol is present, a violet
and distill. or reddish-purple color is developed in 1-2
A few drops of crecsote may be added hours. If it is desired to distinguish a
if it is desr ed to simulate the character- small amount of methyl alcohol spontane-
istic odor 01 Scotch in the preparation to ously generated by fermentation, etc. from
which this beading compound is to be that intentionally added, add 2 cc. (in-
added. stead of 1 ce.) of concentrated sulphuric


acid after decolorization with oxalic acid. Coriander Oil

In the former case (0.05% methyl alcohol Ethyl Butjrate 5 oz,
or less), no color reaction is obtained. Rose Oil 1 oz.
Violet Oil 1 oz.
Liquor (Oak) Coloring Alcohol 3060 oz.
U. a Patent 2,007,727
Oak bark chips are heated to 150-190 Fruit Essence
C., avoiding burning. Then extract with Lemon Oil 20 023 .

50% and concentrate by evaporat-

alcohol Orange Oil so oz,
ing sufidcient alcohol to give a thick syrup. Vanillin 2 oz.
Strawberry Essence 10 oz.
Keroli Oil 1 oz,
Filter Aid for Wine
Kaolin Benzaldehyde 10 oz.
55 g-
Alcohol 1000 oz.
Kieselgulir 30 g-
Precipitated Calcium
Carbonate Ginger Essence
18 g*
Tannin Ginger Oil 50 oz.
2 g-
Potassium Meta Clove Oil 5 oz.
Bisulphite 0.5 g-
Mace Oil '2 oz,
Mix dry in a powder mixer. Alcohol 1540 oz.
Use about
100 g. per 1 hi. of wine.
Ginger Ale Essence
Ginger Essence pt
Lemon Essence oz.
Amyl Alcohol 10 oz. Ginger Oil oz.
Oenanthic Ether 10 oz. Vanilla Extract oz.
Alcohol 100 oz. Bose Essence oz,
Tincture of Cinnamon dr.
Pineapple Essence dr.
Pelargonic Ether 1 oz. Capsicum Essence dr.
Alcohol 20 oz.

Curacao (Bitter Orange Peel) Essence
Cognac Oil Sweet Orange Oil 4 dr.
1 oz.
Ethyl Acetate Lemon Oil 2 dr.
10 oz.
Baisin Extract Anise Oil 3 dr.
10 oz.
Alcohol Alcohol 9 Qz]
100 oz.
Water 9 oz.
Cognac Oil 15 oz.
Bum Essence
Ethyl Nitrate Butyric Ether 1 oz.
30 oz.
Thyme Oil Nitrous Ether, Spirit 1 oz.
10 oz.
Ethyl Acetate Alcohol 4 oz.
30 oz.
Vanillin 3 oz.
Alcohol 1760 oz. Imitation Orange Essence
Orange Oil 10 oz.
Chartreuse Essence Ethyl Acetate 5 oz.
Melissa Oil 6 oz. Ethyl Benzoate 1 oz.
Angelica Oil 30 oz. Ethyl Butyrate 1 oz.
Clove Oil 6 oz. Ethyl Formate 1 oz.
Peppermint Oil 40 oz. Amyl Acetate 1 oz.
Hyssop Oil 6 oz. Methyl Salicylate 1 oz.
Nutmeg Oil 6 oz. Aldehyde 2 oz.
Cinnamon Oil 6 oz. Chloroform 2 oz.
Alcohol 2000 oz. Glycerin 10 oz.
Tartaric Acid Solution 1 oz.
or Alcohol 6 pt.
Lemon Oil 50 oz.
Sweet Orange Oil 40 oz. Imitation Peach Essence
Neroli Oil 10 oz.
Angelica Oil
Formula No. 1 '

15 oz. Ethyl Formate

Fir Oil 6 oz.
S oz. Ethyl Butyrate
Cinnamon Oil 6 oz.
10 oz. Ethyl Acetate
Wormwood Oil 5 oz.
5 oz. Ethyl Sebacate
Mace Oil 1 oz.
3 oz. Ethyl Valerianate 5 023,
Benzaldehyde 5 oz. Amyl Acetate 3 oz.
Aldehyde 2 oz. Amyl Butyrate 2 oz.
Glycerin 5 oz. Glycerin 2 oz.
Amyl Alcohol 2 oz. Alcohol 6 pt.
Alcohol 6 pt.
Imitation Walnut Essence
or; Coumarin 2 oz.
No. 2 Rose Oil 10 drops
Ethyl Formate 5 oz. Lovage Oil 5 drops
Ethyl Butyrate 5 oz. Alcohol 6 pt.
Ethyl Acetate 5 oz.
Aldehyde C14 3 oz.
Spice Oil
Ethyl Valerianate 5 oz.
Cinnamon Oil 20 oz.
Glycerin 5 oz. Clove Oil 30 oz.
Alcohol 6 pt. Bitter Almond Oil
or Benzaldehyde 60 oz.
Imitation Prune Essence Lemon Oil 60 oz.
Ethyl Acetate 5 oz.
Aldehyde 5 oz.
Glycerin 8 oz. COLORS
Primary or Secondary Color 4 oz.
Imitation Raisin Essence Glycerin 6 oz.
Ethyl Formate 2 oz. Balance Water for one Gallon
Ethyl Oenanthate 10 oz. YELLOWS
Methyl Salicylate 1 oz. Egg Color
Aldehyde 2 oz. A very popular formula
Chloroform 2 oz. Tartrazine 5 lb. 6 oz.
Glycerin 10 oz. Orange I 1 lb, 4 oz.
Solution Glycerin 1% gal.
Tartaric Acid ) 5 oz. Balance water for 50 gal.
Succinic Acid \ 3 oz. (that is approximately 2.1 3z. color

Alcohol 6 pt. per gallon)

Imitation Raspberry Essence or:

Ethyl Benzoate 1 oz. Tartrazine % lb-
Ethyl Formate
Ethyl Nitrite
Orange I
% oz-
4 oz.
Amyl Acetate 5 oz. Balance water for 2 gal.
Aldehyde 1 oz. Lemon
Glycerin 4 oz. Tartrazine 25 oz.
Tartaric Acid Solution 5 oz. Glycerin 30 oz.
Vanilla Essence 1 oz. Balance water for 5 gal.
Alcohol 6 pt. BROWN:
Primary or Secondary Color 4 oz.
Imitation Strawberry Essence Glycerin 6 oz.
Formula No. 1 Balance water for 1 gal.
Ethyl Butyrate 5 oz. GREENS
Ethyl Formate 1 oz. Guinea Green 12 oz.
Ethyl Nitrite 1 oz. Tartrazine 12 oz.
Ethyl Salicylate 1 oz. Glycerin 18 oz.
Ethyl Acetate 5 oz. Balance water for 6 gal.
Amyl Acetate 3 oz. ORANGES;
Amyl Butyrate 2 oz. Orange I 2% lb.
Glycerin 2 oz. Alcohol qt.
Alcohol 6 pt. Balance water for 5 gal.
Boil and strain
No. 2 Amaranth 2 oz.
Ethyl Butyrate 4 oz. Sodium Indigo Disulphbnate 2 oz.
Ethyl Formate 1 oz. Glycerin 6 oz.
Ethyl Nitrite 1 oz. Balance water for 1 gal.
Aldehyde Cm 1 oz. Lavender
Ethyl Acetate 4 oz. Erythrosine 2 oz.


Sodium Indigo Disulphonate 2 oz. GREEN

Balance water for 1 gal. Guinea Green 1 lb.
Amaranth 3 oz. Orange I 1 lb.
Sodium Indigo Disulphonate 1 oz. VIOLET
Glycerin 6 oz. Sodium Indigo Disulplionate 3 oz.
Balance water for 1 gal Amaranth 12 oz.
Amaranth 2% lb. Amaranth 1 lb.
Balance water for 10 gal
% gal. PINK
Erythrosine 1 lb.
Raspberry BLUE
As red color Sodium Indigo Disulphonate 1 lb.
Strawberry BLACK
Amaranth 17 oz. Black (Wood Charcoal) 3 oz.
Ponceau 3 oz. Grape Sugar 1 oz.
Balance water for 5 gal Water 6 oz.
Ponceau 4 oz.
Almond Extract
6 oz.
Balance water for 1 gal Formula No. 1
Pink Almond Oil 3 oz.
Alcohol 5 pt.
Erythrosine 4 oz.
Water 3 pt.
6 oz.
Balance water for 1 gal No. 2
Brilliant Rose
Almond Oil 1.5 oz.
Amaranth Alcohol 52 oz.
3% oz.
Water (Distilled) 76
Orange I
% oz.
In each case dissolve the almond
oil in
6 oz.
the alcohol, then add the water.
Balance water for 1 gal.
Sodium Indigo Disulphonate 4 oz. Imitation Almond Extract
Glycerin Benzaldehyde
Balance water for 1 gal.
6 oz.
1 % oz.
45 oz[
Water 83 oz.
Dissolve the colors in hot water and
strain through cheese cloth. Where alco- Ginger Ale Extract
hol is required, add the alcohol after cool- Oleo Resin Ginger 60 fl. oz.
ing. Alcohol and glycerin act as preserva- Lemon Oil 2% ii. oz.
tives. Essence of Rose 10 fl. oz.
Carbonate of Magnesia 40 oz.
Alcohol (95%) 5 gal.
PASTE FOOD COLORS Mix the ginger, lemon and magnesia
GENEEAL FORMULA with a little alcohol, stir to a smooth
^ojfor 1 Pj, paste, add balance of alcohol, then add
4X Sugar 8 ]b. the essence of rose. Let stand for 24
Glycerin 3 pt.
Heat glycerin to about 145® E. Add
% hours 5 agitating frequently.

&e color. Stir until all is dissolved.

Then add gradually under good stirring Extract of Ginger
8 pounds 'XXXX sugar (Confectioner's), Formula No. 1
which has been previously sifted. Con- Jamaica Ginger
tinue stirring on low gas until a (Coarse Powder) 2 lb.
paste IS obtained. Pill while still hot. Alcohol 1 ,gal
YELLOW Percolate and filter.
Tartrazine 13% oz. ,
No. 2
l 11^ oz. Oleo-Resin Ginger 1*5 oz.
irroceed as above. Alcohol gal
On account of the partly insoluble tar- Distilled Water % gal
trazine strain the paste.
LEMON No. 3' .

Tartrazine _ ^
(Cheap Quality)
i ]|)
Jamaica Ginger
Brow (Coarse Powder) 4 |b
Secondary Color) lib. Pumice Stone (Powdered) 4 oz.
: .


Lime (Slaked) 4 oz. this spirit extract. This peel tincture

Distilled Water gal. should be added to the essence made as
Alcohol % gal. above. If it is still desired to fortify
No. 4 the essence, this may be done by the ad-
Fluid Extract of Ginger dition of a little terpeneless or sesquiter.
(U.S.P.) 8 oz. peneless oil of lemon.
Pumice (Powdered & Washed) 2 oz. No. 2
Distilled Water 16 oz. Lemon Oil 7 oz.
Stir the above together ; allow to stand
overnight and
Alcohol % gal.
filter. Water % gal.
^^Out^^ the oil with powdered pumice
Household Lemon Extract and some sugar in a. mortar. Work with
Formula No. 1 a pestle to a smooth paste; add by de-
Lemon Oil (66% Citral) CO
grees the alcohol, mix and put in a gallon
Alcohol bottle, then add water gradually, shake
Distilled Water well and filter and refilter through paper
No. 2 till bright.
Lemol Oil 10 ce. Use to:
Alcohol 90 ce. Simple Syrup 1 gal.
Color with 2 drops of 0.5% alcoholic Soluble Essence of Lemon 3 oz.
solution of Dimethyl-amidoazobenzol Citric Acid Solution 2 oz.
(Butter Color)
Lemon Squash
Fortified Soluble Lemon Flavor Formula No. 1
Alcohol pt.
Mix together in a jug 1 quart of lemon
Lemon Oil 10 oz.
juice and 3 lb. sugar. Stand the jug in
Citral % oz.
a pan of hot water until dissolved, but
Bergamot Oil 1 oz.
do not allow to boil. Bottle. It will
Lime Oil 1 oz.
keep for months. To use, add water or
Agitate and stir thoroughly and then soda-water to a small quantity.
Glycerin ,
8 oz. No. 2
Boiling Water 4 pt. Lemon Juice 1 gal.
Constant agitation until cool. Syphon Sugar Syrup (60® Tw.) 1 gal.
ofe. Essence of Lemon fl. oz.
Tincture of Lemon Peels fl. oz.
Soluble Essence of Lemon
About one part of lemon oil is mixed Bottlers ^ Soluble Lemon Extract
with about three and a half volumes of Lemon Oil 14 fl. oz.
alcohol and one and a half volumes of Alcohol 44 gab
water and the whole shaken well in a Glycerin 6 fll. oz.
separator. This shaking is carried out
two or three times a day for two or three
Hot Water
Mix the lemon
% gal.
oil and 3% pints of the
days and the mixture is then allowed alcohol together in a %-gallon bottle and
to separate. The
alcohol solution is shake for 15 minutes. Add the glycerin
drawn off ;
contains the soluble
this and shake again. Into a two-gallon bottle
flavoring constituents of the oil of lemon (warm) put %
gallon of hot water.
and can be used to flavor the acidulated Add the mixture of lemon oil, alcohol
syrup prepared as above at the rate of and glycerin ; shake or roll constantly for
1 oz. to the gallon. The oily layer in two hours, not allowing the ingredients
the extraction consists of the insoluble to separate. Let stand for 24 hours. In-
terpenes in the main. troduce a rubber tube and syphon (draw
great improvement on the essence as off) the extract from beneath the undis-
prepared in this way can, however, be solved oil.
made by incorporating some of the spirit Add the 4 ounces of alcohol left over
extract of fresh lemon peel with it. This from the 14 gallon. Filter through filter
can be made by macerating fresh lemon paper and bottle for future use. Use
peel (free from the white pectinous pithy great care in separating the extract from
inner layer) in a mixture of equal vol- the oil as, if you leave small globules
umes of strong alcohol and water, using of the oil, the extract will not be clear.
about 1 lb. of peels to about half a gal- If the least cloudy, filter through a small
lon of the mixture, leaving for a f ortnight, amount of powdered pumice stone.
running off the spirit: extract, pressing The oil that is left is good for com-
the peels and adding the pressings to mercial purposes and it is best to dispose


of it to candy manufacturers or bakers. Lemon Citral Extract oz.

Use to Citric Acid Solution 2 oz.
Simple Syrup 1 gal. The use of foam is optional.
Above 1 oz.
Orange Flavoring Extract
Soluble Lemon Extract with Citral Orange (Sweet) Oil 10 cc.
Lemon Oil 6 oz. Alcohol (95%) 90 ce.
Citral ^ oz. Color with 2 drops of Congo Bed Solu-
Clycerin 12 oz. tion.*
Alcohol 48 oz. * Congo Red Solution-^’D mmlve 0.5 g, Congo
Lime Oil 1 oz. Bed in 90 cc. water and add 10 cc. alcohol.
Water 60 oz.
Add a little powdered pumice and filter Peppermint Extract
and refilter until bright. Peppermint Oil 4 oz.
Use to: Alcohol 1 ffal.
Simple Syrup 1 gal. Color with peppermint leaves.
Oil Alcohol
Sweet Basil Oil
Carrot Seed Oil
% fl. oz. 103 fi. oz.
Vs fl. oz. 103 fl. oz.
Cumin Seed Oil Vs fl. oz. 103 fl. oz.
Sweet Fennel Oil Water
3 fl. oz. 95 fl. oz.
Estragon Oil 2% fl. oz. 103 fl. oz.
to make
vSweet Marjoram Oil 1 fl. oz. 103 fl. oz. 1 gallon
Origanum Oil Vs fl* oz. 103 fl. oz.
Savory Oil V2 fl. oz. 103 fl. oz.
Pure Vanilla Extract Imitation Wintergreen Extract
Vanilla Beans Formula No. 1
(Cut very fine) 14 oz. Methyl Salicylate 3.5 oz.
Cologne Spirits Alcohol 76 oz.
(190 Proof) 14 gal. Distilled 'Water 52 02.
Distilled gal. No. 2
Cane Sugar oz. Sweet Birch Oil 3.5 OZ,
Alcohol 76 oz.
Imitation Vanilla Flavoring Extract Distilled Water 52 oz.
Formula No. 1
Vanillin 0.5 g.
0.5 g.
Alcohol 250
Water Benzaldehyde 30.0 g.
250 cc.
Benzyl Alcohol
Dissolve vanillin and coumarin in the 200.0 g.
Bitter Almond Oil 15.0
alcohol, add the water and mix. Color Vanillin 0.1 g.
With caramel.
No. 2 ^ Apple
Amyl Valerianate 32 g.
Isobutyl Valerianate 50
Coumarin oz. g.
Cane Sugar Ethyl Butyrate 29 g.
Alcohol Concentrated Apple Juice SO g*
Distilled Water Apricot
6% gal Ethyl Butyrate 55.0 g.
Color with caramel.
Butyl Butyrate 25.0 g.
Vanillin Apricot Extract 20.0 g.
4 oz,
Coumarin 1 oz.
LO g.
Cane Sugar Methyl Anthranilate 0,2 g.
6 lb.
Bitter Almond Oil

Alcohol gal 0.1 g.
Distilled Water Banana
Color with caramel. Amyl Acetate 52.0 g.
Ethyl Acetate 10.0 g.
Amyl Butyrate 3.0 g.
"Wintergreen Extract Ethyl Butyrate
Wintergreen Oil 2.0 g.
4 oz. Ethyl Sebacate
Distilled Water 1.0 g.
38 oz. Lemon Oil
Alcohol 90 oz. Vanillin
0.3 I
0.1 g.
Butter usually necessary, but in some instances5

Diacetyl 100.0 g. a purer flavor is obtainable by distilling

Ethyl Butyrate 6.0 g. off a fraction of the flnislied compound.
Butyl Butyrate 5.0 g. __
Ethyl Pelargonate 3.0 g. ArtificialConcord Grape Flavor
Vauilliu 0.1 g. Benzyl Butyrate 101/2 fl. oz.
Cherry Methyl Anthranilate 41/5 fl. oz.
Amyl Formate 5.0 g. Methyl Salicylate y2 oz.
Ethyl Acetate 12.0 g. Amyl Valerianate 14 fl. oz.
Amyl Butyrate 2.0 g. Fluid Extract Veleri 3 fl. oz.
Benzaldehyde 1.0 g. Alcohol (188 proof) 150 fl. oz.
Ethyl Heptoate 1.0 g. Port Wine 75 fl. oz.
Terpeneless Lemon Oil 0.1 g. Grape Juice 50 fl. oz.
Lime Glycerin 25 fl. oz.
Terpeneless Lemon Oil 15 g. Color to suit.
Citral 5 g.
Lime Oil 5 g. Biscuit Flavor
Terpeneless Orange Oil 10 g. Clove Oil 114 dr.
Benzyl Alcohol 8 g- Vanillin 4% dr.
Peach Benzaldehyde 10 dr.
Raspberry Essence 200 g. Rose Water 114 oz.
Ethyl Acetate 17 g. Alcohol 6 oz.
Ethyl Butyrate 30 g. Water 6 oz.
Ethyl Iso-Butyrate 20 g. Dissolve vanillin in the alcohol.
Methyl Heptine Carbonate 16 g.
Methyl Phenyl Carbonate 20 g. Brand V Flavor
Gamma-U ndeealactone 5 g. Acetic Ether 2 oz.
Ethyl Pelargonate 3 g. Vanilla Extract 1 oz.
Gamma-Nonyl Lactone 1 g* Peru, Balsam 14 oz.
Plum Tolu, Balsam 14 oz.
Peach Essence 750 g. Syrup 2 oz.
Amyl Butyrate 16 g. Alcohol 7 oz.
Ethyl Butyrate 27 g. Water to make 1 pt.
Ethyl Acetate 25 g.
Ethyl Heptine Carbonate 5 g. Butter Flavor
Raspberry Essence 5 g. Formula No. 1
Clove Oil 2 g. Coumarin 5% oz.
Coumarin 2 g. Ethyl Butyrate 5 pt. 12 oz.
Raspberry Butyric Acid 2 pt. 214 oz.
Amyl Acetate 25.0 g. From the above: 4 ounces to 1 gallon
Amyl Butyrate 20.0 g. , corn oil.
Ethyl Nitrate 15.0 g. No. 2
Ethyl Acetate 10.0 g. Amyl Butyrate 2 oz.
Ethyl Heptoate 15.0 g. Ethyl Butyrate 114 oz.
Isobutyl Formate 3.0%. Butyric Acid 2 oz.
Gamma-Nonyl Lactone 2.0 g. Rose Essence 2 drops
Beta-Naphthol Butyl Ether 7.0 g. Bitter Almond Oil 1 oz.
Vanillin 0.5 g. Sweet Almond Oil 5 oz.
Strawberry Nutmeg Oil 2 oz.
Ethyl Butyrate 16.0 g. Walnut Oil 1 oz.
Ethyl Acetate 8.0 g. Cottonseed Oil 1 gal.
Amyl Butyrate 24.0 g.
Amyl Acetate 6.0 g. Butterscotch Flavor
Raspberry Essence 50.0 g. Benzaldehyde 4 oz.
Beta-Naphthol Butyl Ether 2.0 g. Sweet Orange Oil 20 oz.
Ethyl Methyl Phenyl Butyric Acid pt.
Glycidate 1.5 g. Amyl Acetate pt.
The synthetic flavors compounded in
this way are either used alone or, better,
Alcohol 3 % pt.

admixed with varying amounts of natural Butterscotch Flavor Base

fruits in the form of extracts, concen- Ethyl Oenanthate 0.50 oz.
trates, etc. In this way a flrst-rate prod- Ethyl Pelargonate 1.00 oz.
net can be prepared. Distillation is not Butyl Butyrate 1.25 oz.

Amyl Acetate 1,25 oz. Citric Acid 1% oz.

Ethyl Butyrate 1.50 oz. Essence of Orange % fl. oz.
Butyric Acid (100%) 2.50 oz. Tincture of Orange Peels % fl. oz.

Butterscotch Flavor Prepared from

Above Concentrate Removal of Sediment from Fruit Juices
Basic Ether (above) 13.5 oz. Newly expressed fruit juices are invari-
Glycerin 18.5 oz. ably turbid because of the suspended sub-
Proof Spirit 8.0 lb. stances present. A convenient way for
removing the greater part of the sediment
Maple Flavor consists in passing the juice through a
Foenugreek Extract 1 pt. milk separator, which causes a large por-
Caramel Color 4 oz. tion of the sediment to adhere closely to
Tincture of Musk 1 drop the walls of the bowl By filtering
Alcohol 3 pt. through paper pulp a perfectly clear juice
Water to make 1 gal. may usually be obtained. Infusorial
earth is recommended by filter press
Pound Cake Flavor manufacturers as an aid in the filtration
Orange Oil % OZ. of liquids which contain slime, and the
Mace Oil 5 oz. experiments on fruit juices here consid-
Lemon Oil 7% oz. ered indicate that this substance may be
Clove Oil %2 oz. generally used in their filtration. The
Cassia Oil %2 oz. addition of 2 per cent or less of infusorial
Coumarin Vie oz. earth to a fruit juice will in many cases
Vanillin 314 oz. produce a perfectly clear filtrate, as the
Add sufiicient alcohol to make one gal- infusorial earth prevents the stopping up
lon. of the pores of the filter by the slimy
Use 4 oz. of this flavor to 100 lb. cake suspended substances of the juice.

Sterilization of Fruit J uices

Flavoring and Seasoning Composition.
Containers of glass, porcelain, or tinned
British Patent 456,944
iron (tin cans) in which fruit juices may
The following ingredients are heated be sealed and sterilized are available.
and mixed together: meat extract 1.2, The juice may also be poured while very
vegetable extract (prepared by concentrat-
hot into sterilized wooden casks, which
ing the pressed juices of kitchen vege-
are then sealed.
tables) 0.7, calf fat 1.3, beef fat 2.0,
cooking salt 4.0, roasted finely-chopped
onions 0.7, ground nutmeg 0.05, and Artificial Honey
ground pepper, 0.05 kg. The mixture is Formula Ko, 1
stirred mechanically to yield a thick mush a. Sugar 5,000
and filled hot into cellulose skins. Water kg.
Hydrochloric Acid 5
Sweetened Juices and Syrups h. Sodium Carbonate 1.5 kg.
Usually 1 volume of lemon juice and Water 5 kg.
3 of orange juice are mixed. A
typical c. Tartaric Acid G kg.
formula is 75 gallons of orange juice, 25 Formic Acid (50%) 3.5 kg.
gallons of lemon juice and 700 lbs. of Water to dissolve
sugar. Stir to dissolve sugar. Preserve d. Sugar Coloring to suit
with one-tenth of 1 per cent sodium ben- e. Honey Odor 15 kg.
zoate. React a at 70° C. for 8 hours. Neu-
In preserving syrup, sweetened juices tralize with h. Add solution c. Mix
and concentrates it is desirable to place thoroughly, and add d- and e» Speed up
the juice at once under a high vacuum crystallization by adding some finished
(29 inch) to remove occluded and dis- honey. Otherwise, the solidification
solved air in order to arrest oxidation (crystallization) takes a week.
changes. This should be applied long No. 2
enough to remove all of the air. The ad- Mix:
dition of sugar greatly retards undesirable Invert Sugar 750 oz.
changes in flavor. Hydrous Cerelose 250 oz.
Tint the same with caramel using a
Orange or Grapefruit Squash 25 per cent solution of caramel and w'ater
Orange or for ease of distribution, then flavor this
Grapefruit Juice 1 gal. with one part of imitation honey flavor.
Sugar Syrup (60° Tw.) 1 gal. If the mass be slightly warmed before
. ) :


flavoring and coloring, less difficulty will Citric Acid, %oz. to the gallon, (Dis-
be had in the mixing. The imitation solve in a little water.
honey flavor will vary in accordance with Phosphoric Acid, oz. (Use 85%
the ideas of the manufacturer. Syrupy Phosphoric Acid.)
1 oz. of the above filtered oil.
Chocolate Syrup *Mellol, 1 oz.
Ground chocolate eight ounces, glycerin Lime J uice, oz.
eight ounces, sugar eight ounces, vanilla Add in the order as listed. Do not
extract four drachms, sweet milk sufflcient shake violently or foam will form.
to make one gallon. Mix chocolate and *Mellol
sugar thoroughly and add the milk. Let Alcohol 1 oz.

mixture come to a boil and add the glyc- Distilled Lime Oil % cc.
Cassia Oil .06 cc.
erin. When the sugar has cooled add the Nutmeg Oil .06 cc.
vanilla. Neroli (Artif.) Oil .01 cc.
Fluid Extract of Gambir 3 cc.

Hot Budge for Sundaes

Corn Sugar 6 lb. Non-Clouding Beer and Ale
Sugar, Cane 6 lb. U. S. Patent 2,088,712
Mixture —
Half 18% Cream
% gal. Papain (of high digestive activity) 2
lb. 4 oz., sodium citrate 10 oz., powdered
Half Evaporated Milk sugar (without starch) 7 lb. 5 oz. Two
Cook to 240 ° F. medium ball. Remove pounds of the above mixture are added to
from Are and stir in %
lb. shaved choco- each 100 barrels of beer (each barrel
holding 31 gallons)
late. Dilute 1% qts. of boiling water.
Although this mixture may be added at
Maple Syrup Concentrate any stage prior to final filtration and pas-
teurizing, the best time is after cooling
U. Patent 2,054,873
A process of producing maple products the wort and the primary filtration. Pas-
of intense maple flavor comprises evapo- teurizing must be accomplished at 55-
rating at normal pressure maple sap to a
57® C.
concentration of 10 to 35% solids, further
concentrating in a vacuum pan at a tem- Grape Juice
perature not substantially exceeding about The general method of the manufacture
50® 0. and thereafter heating the product of unfermented grape juice is as follows
in a closed vessel to a temperature of 120 The grapes are crushed and run directly
to 150® C. into double boilers provided with mixing
apparatus, which keep the crushed grapes
continually stirred, while they are heated
Tonic Beverage Syrup
to a temperature of 140® F. The juice
Sassafras Oil 15 min.
is drained from the crushed grapes and
Wintergreen Oil 15 min.
the pomace is pressed in a press. The
Alcohol 1 oz.
drained juice is mixed in kettles, heated to
Fluid Extract of Gentian 1 oz.
about 160® F. and skimmedj it is then
Compound Syrup of
run through a pasteurizer maintained at a
Sarsaparilla 8 oz.
temperature of about 180° F. From the
Caramel 1 oz.
pasteurizer the juice runs into sterile bar-
Syrup enough to make 5 pt.
rels or into five- to ten gallon carboys and
is stored for about six months to allow
Kola Type Flavor the precipitation and settling of the pre-
1. Fluid Extract Kola Nut 100 cc. cipitated matter. The clear juice is then
Fluid Extract Kola Leaves 100 ce. siphoned off, filtered, bottled and pas-
Water 40 cc. teurized.
Alcohol 40 ee. The bottled and pasteurized grape juice
2. Alcohol 100 cc. should be wholesome and palatable and
Lemon Oil 26 ee. free of sediment.
Directions: Take 36 parts ofl to which
add 8 parts of Mix. Let stand for 6 Modified Grape Juice
days. Filter through kieselguhr. Ho oil 1. Use a mixture of ripe grapes to give
will separate out. The filtrate is the flavor flavor with grapes of high acid, to remedy?
to use below. the lack of acid in the ripe grapes.
Directions for Making One Gallon Extract 2. Add 8 to 12 ounces of potassium
Sugar, 5.5 lb. metabisulphite per ton of grapes at the
Water, 41/^ pints (approximately). crusher to prevent fermentation during
Caramel Color, about 2 oz, or to suit. defecation.

3. Allow the juice to defecate 24 to 48 The fluid is warmed to a temperature?

hours and rack from sediment. of about 100 degrees F. and allowed to
4. Add to each 100 gallons of juice sour spontaneously, keeping the teuipera-
4 to 6 ounces of casein dissolved in sodium ture as constant as possible. Or a special
carbonate or ammonium hydroxide. culture of Bulgarian organisms (or Bul-
5. Add a small amount of tartaric acid garian plus my coderm organisms) are used
to increase the rate of separation of the with a ripening temperature of 105 de-
cream of tartar. grees F. to 110 degrees F. In eithei- case
6. Heat the juice to 165° F. and store as high a degree of acidity as it is possible
in 50-gallon barrels until most of the to get is desirable. By natural souring
cream of tartar has separated. this will usually be not much over one per
7. Back from the sediment and filter if cent but by using the si)ecial starters 1.5
necessary. to 2.0 per cent is possible.
8. Add a small amount of citric acid to After ripening the product is heated to
prevent further separation of cream of 145 to 160 degrees F., thoroughly agitated
tartar, and bottle. and condensed in a vacuum pan until the
9. Pasteurize in bottle at 160° P. semi-solid consistency is obtained. The
This process is practical only when there hnishing point can be determined by ap-
is ^to fnd suitable grapes
a possibility pearance just about as accurately as by
and there considerable difficulty experi-
is any other means, since the proper appear-
enced in obtaining a uniform product. ance of the finished product is one of the
most important criteria and the otlier
Lemon Soda methods use characteristics whoso values
Syrup 1 gal. would vary considerably, depending on the
Soluble Lemon Extract 1 oz. acidity developed in the fluid.
Citric Acid Solution 1 oz. After condensing to the proper degree
the product is filled directly from the pan
Cloudy Orange Emulsion into the final container. Barrels or but-
Grum Arabic (Best Grade) 1 lb. ter tubs (second hand) are commonly used.
Water 1 pt. Tubs should be lined with parchment and
Let stand overnight: mix and iilter. both tubs and barrels should be clean and
Add probably treated with formaldehyde or
Orange Oil 6 dr. chlorine before use to eliminate molds.
Mix and pass through a colloid mill. While this product can be made from
Use 1-2 oz. of above per gallon of naturally ripened buttermilk, the special
syrup. cultures are essential with fluid skim
milk. These cultures are also desirable
Sarsaparilla Beer with buttermilk because the higher acidity
Compound Decoction of obtained gives a smoother texture, a higher
Sarsaparilla 2 oz. yield and better keeping quality to the
Sassafras Boot lA oz* finished product.
Honey sj ifei
Lane Sugar 1 m Chocolate Milk
Yeast 4 Best flavor is obtained with skim milk
Boiling Water 1 gal. by addition of 1.1% of cocoa and 7% of
Dissolve the honey and sugar in the sugar, but with milk containing 2-3% of
water, and when lukewarm add the yeast fat 1.3% of cocoa is required. Ingre-
and sarsaparilla. Let stand two days, dients are added to the milk at 55° and
then strain and fdter. pasteurization must be carried out at 75°
C. for 30 min. Of the various stabilizers,
Fruit Salta 0.4% of gelatin is most satisfactory.
Bicarbonate of Soda 2 oz.
Tartaric Acid 2 oz. Stabilized Milk Yeast Beverage
Cream of Tartar 2 oz. U. S. Patent 1,994,496
Citrate of Magnesia 2 oz. Milk containing 0.6% of gelatin as a
Epsom Salts 2 oz. stabilipr is pasteurized, then cooled
Sifted Sugar to
2 oz. 50 , mixed with 1.5 oz. of yeast per quart,
^dix well run through a homogenizer, and rarndly
and1 ^
bottle for use. One tablespoonful to cooled to room temperature or lower.
a tumbler of water.

Synthetic Coconut Milk

Semi-Solid Buttermilk
Semi-solid buttermilk is made from Canadian Patent 366,395
buttermilk essentially as follows:
fl Coconut Oil 100
Alcohol 100
Boil togetlieTj add and a fresh quantity of extracting agent
Water, Boiling 150 cc. introduced into the extractor. The pro-
cedure is then repeated. In the meantime
Allow to stand and separate alcohol- the extracting agent is freed from caffein.
water layer to wMch add The extraction is continued until the coffee
Water 90.46 g. has a caffein content of less than 0.08
Potassium Nitrate 1 g* per cent.
Sugar 7 g. After the last extraetion the residual
Sodium Benzoate 0.14 g. portions of the extraction agent are re-
moved from the raw coffee, preferably
Caffein-Pree Coffee by introducing liquids or vapors other
U. S. Patent 2,023,333 than water or steam under pressure and
Arotating extraction autoclave is at temperatures which are higher than the
charged with 1,000 kg. of raw coffee, steam boiling point of the extracting agent.
or water is introduced until the total Thereupon the air is withdrawn from the
moisture content of the coffee amounts at rotating extraction autoclaves with the
most to 16 per cent, the autoclave is result that the solvent residues draw off,
sealed and the double jacket is heated and. this phase of the process is repeated
with steam of 5 atmospheres pressure, until no traces of foreign substances are
whereupon the extractor is set into mo- detectable in either the distillate coming
tion. In the course of an hour the in- over or in the extracted material.
terior of the autoclave is heated up to The coffee is then dried under di-
125® C. This temperature is maintained minished pressure.
for about 30 to 40 minutes, and then the
whole is allowed to cool down to about Cocoa Beverage Concentrate
100® 0. Seven hundred kilograms of pre- French Patent 818,971
liminarily heated dichlorethane are then Sugar Syrup 79.000 kg.
pumped in under pressure and extraction Cocoa 19.425 kg.
effected for 40 minutes at raised tempera- Lecithin 0.500 kg.
ture. Calcium Phosphate 1.000 kg.
After that the extracting agent is led Vanillin 0.070 kg.
under pressure to a shaking apparatus Coumarin 0.005 kg.
Bath Salts The mixture is beaten energetically until
Formula No. 1 the requiredamount of foam is produced,
Sodium Chloride 500 g. and then allowed to stand for an hour.
Borax, Powdered 500 g. No. 2
5 g. Sodium Bicarbonate 120 oz.
1 g- Starch 70 oz.
Pinus Montana Oil 10 g. Saponin 20 oz.
No. 2 Tartaric Acid 70 oz.
Sodium Metaphosphate 600 g. Powdered Soap Flakes (Dry) 225 oz.
400 Borax 90 oz.
Sodium Chloride g.
Pinus Montana Oil, Six ounces of powder mixed with four
Terpeneless 15 g. pints of water, and then poured quickly
Fluorescein 1 g- into two gallons of hot water in the bath.
No. 3 No. 3
Sodium Metaphosphate 400 g. Sodium Bicarbonate 120 oz.
Sodium Chloride 500 g. Tartaric Acid 70 oz.
Sodium Carbonate 100 g. Borax 20 oz.
Pinus Montana Oil 10 g. Lauryl Sodium Sulphate 200 oz.
Fluorescein 1 g- Perfume as required
Not suitable for hard water. Three ounces of powder added to one
No. 4 inch of hot water in the bath.
Per 1 kg. salts use 10-20 g. of the fol-
lowing oil: Bath Preparations
Pinus Montana Oil 200 g. Borax 30 parts, salt 50, sodium bi-
Lavender Oil 30 g. carbonate 20. (2) Borax 50 i)arts, diso-
Lemon Oil 20 g. dium phosphate 30, sodium bicarbonate 20.
Coumarin 10 g. (3) Clanber^s salt 20 parts, sodium thio-
sulphate 30, salt 50. (4) Calgon 50 parts,
Lfferveseent Pine Needle Bathing Tablets so(hum bicarbonate 30, borax 10, salt 10.
Formula No. 1 Perfume 1-2% introduced by means of
Ammonium Carbonate 100 g. 2% starch colloidal silicic acid or kaolin.
Sodium Acid Carbonate 330 g. Effervescent Bath Salts .

( 1 ) Sodium car-
bonate 175 parts, sodium bicarbonate 100,
Sodium Chloride 1500 g.
Tartaric Acid 400 g. tartaric acid 150, sodium perborate 50,
Starch 280 g. Calgon 25. (2) Sodium bicarbonate 250
Alcoholic Solution of Uranin parts, citric acid 125, Starek 25, salt 100.
or Fluorescein to suit (3) Sodium carbonate 150, sodium bicar-
Tincture of Benzoin to suit bonate 100, sodium acid sulphate 10, Cal-
Pine Needle Perfume
No. 2
56-78 g* —
gon 240, Bath Tablets . (1) Sodium bi-
carbonate 250 parts, tartaric acid 225,
Sodium Acid Carbonate 300 g* starch 25. (2) Sodium bicarbonate 250
Tartaric Acid 225 g* parts, ammonia-soda 25, saponin 50, so-
Borax 400 g- dium acid sulphate 175. (3) Ammonia-
Sodium Sulphate, Anhydrous 200 g* soda 150 parts, sodium bicarbonate 100,
Lactose 50 g- saponin 25, starch 10, citric acid 115, tar-
Talcum 25 g- taric acid 100. Berfumes for Bath Salts*
Pinus Montana Needle Oil 15 g* —(1) Needle oil: (a) boriiyl acetate 175,
Pine Needle Oil 15 g- larch turpentine 12.5, lavender oil 25, musk
Fluorescein 6-12 g- ambrette 12.5, oil citronella 12.5, styimx
resinoxd 12.5, (5) Siberian needle oil 50,.
Foam Bath Salts knee pine oilAO, oil bergamot 10, oil elt-
Formula No. 1 ronella 15, oil eucalyptus 5 and (2) oil
Soap Flakes 9 oz. lavender: oil eucalyptus 5 and (2) oil
Sodium Oholate 3 oz. bergamot 250, oil rosemary 75, oil thyme
Hot Water (Soft) 2 gal. 25, bomeol So, oakmoss 20, oil geranium


50 and lieliotropin 40. All parts by Water 220 g.
weight. d. Perfume 10 g.
Melt a, and mix with h. Take to 55® C,
Carbon Dioxide Bath Tablets on the waterbath, and add the hot solution
German Patent 645,641 c in small portions with good agitation.
Component 1 When properly emulsified and slightly
Glauber/s Salt, Crystallized 50 kg. cooled, add c. Stir until cold.
Sodium Bicarbonate 50 kg.
No. 2
Component S
a. Beeswax, White 80 g.
Glauber Salt, Crystallized 100 kg.
Spermaceti 50 g.
Aluminum Sulphate 80 kg.
Stearic Acid 20 g.
Tartaric Acid 20 kg.
Lanolin, Anhydrous 20 g.
Each of the two components is melted Borax
1, 5 g.
and either poured into tablet form or
Benzoic Acid 5 g.
ground and pressed into powder form. c. Perfume 9 g.
Melted Glauber ’s Salt, being poorly solu-
d, Apple Ether 1 g*
ble in water, regulates the rate of solution
6. Peanut Oil 540 g.
for the active components, and thus the
/. W'ater 270 g.
speed of development of carbon dioxide.
Melt a, mix in e, and saponify with &
and /. Add d to cover the odor of the
Boot Bathing Salt lanolin; perfume with c.
Mixture I
Soda Ash 65 g.
Sodium Bicarbonate Cold Cream
5 g.
Sodium Perborate 20 g. Formula No. 1
Sodium Chloride Cetyl Alcohol 100 g.
8 g.
Hard Soap, Powdered 2 g.
White Beeswax 150 g.
Mixture II Vegetable Oil 200 g.

Tartaric Acid 1 Amount

Mineral Oil 250 g.
or equivalent Cholesterin 5 g.
Sodium Bisulphate ^ to the
Borax 10 g.
or soda ash Water 260 ce.
Mono Sodium Phosphate] of I Perfume 25 g.
Prepare 2 separate packages, to be No. 2
mixed in the bath. a. Ceresin, "White 27 g-
Spermaceti 25 g*
Stearic Acid 21 g*
Bath Oil
IJndeeylic Acid 1 g.
SulphonatedCastor Oil (75%) 65 oz.
Wetanol (Wetting Agent) 33 oz.
Mineral Oil, White 87 g-

h. Borax 5 g-
Oil, Tyrolean 2 oz.
Water, Distilled 36
Melt a and add with agitation to the
Greaseless Cold Cream
hot solution &. Stir until cold.
Stearic Acid 180 g-
^Potassium Carbonate 18 g* Vanishing
Glycerin 300 g- Stearic Acid 160 g*
Lanolin, Anhydrous 40 Cetyl Alcohol 20 g*
Caustic Potash Solution
Beeswax, White 10 & 108 g-
Water 1600
Perfume for Soap 1-2% Distifled Water 760 cc.
Alcohol if desired Perfume 5 g*
Caustic Potash (35® Bd.) 12 g- Vegetable Vanishing Cream
Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 5 Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil 10%
Sesame Oil 50%
Greasy Cold Creams Water 30%
(Type Pons) Beeswax 8%
Pormula No, 1 Lanolin 2%
a. Beeswax, White g* To formula 1-3% sorbitol (83%)
.Spermaceti 70 g. with or without 0.2% borax may be added
Stearic Acid 10 g. to give a hrm, fine-grained stable cream.
h. Peanut Oil 620 g. The oil constituents are melted together
c. Borax 5 g. at 170® F., and the water soluble parts
Benzoic Acid ^ g- are then mixed with the oil at the same


temperature and mixing continued while Pore or Blackhead Cream

cooling. For the removal of blackheads and
^ ^
cleansing of the pores, a ‘'^pore cream
Cleansing Cream or blackhead cream is used. Applied
Formula No. 1 over areas of large pores after the face
Sorbitol Mono-Oleate 5% has been moistened with warm water, it is
Sorbitol Di-Stearate 10% left on for a few minutes and then washed
Beeswax 7% off with warm water. The face is then
Mineral Oil 32% rinsed with ice cold water and an astrin-
Lanolin 3% gent lotion applied with cotton.
Water 43% Formula No. 1
This combination gives a moderately Salicylic Acid 2.5 g.
firm cream with a line-grained texture. Starch 25.0 g.
Zinc Oxide 35.0 g.
No. 2
22% Castor Oil 7.5 g.
^Cosmetic Base
Mineral Oil 25% Soft White Paraffin AVax 30.0 g.
Lanolin 3% The precautions necessary in compound-
Beeswax (bleached) 7% ing this preparation lie in a thorough
Water 43% grinding of the three powders, then
* The cosmetic base may be made up of 10% slightly warmed paraffin added to the oil
sorbitol mono-oleate and 90% petrolatum or 10% and powders after they are triturated, in
sorbitol di-stearate and 90% petrolatum. a warmed mortar.
No. 3 No. 2
Beeswax 6.00 g. Zinc Sulphate 0.15
Spermaceti 2.00 g. Alum 0.2
Petrolatum 5.00 g. Acacia (Powdered) 4.0
Raisin Seed Oil 50.60 g. White Beeswax 15.5
Mineral Oil 10.00 g. Glycerin 13.0
Raneidex (Preservative) 0.10 g. Sodium Benzoate 0.1
Water 25.00 cc. Cocoa Butter 3.0
Borax 0.60 g. Perfume 0.5
Triethanolamine 0.20 g. Distilled Water 63.53 cc
Perfume 0.50 g.
Melt fats and oils at 160° P. Water and Toilette-^ ' Vaseline ’

borax in separate kettle at same tempera- Rosin, Pale 10 g.

ture. Emulsify by adding water to oils at Lanolin, Anhydrous 20 g.
160° F. with constant stirring. Add per- Petrolatum (36-38° C.) 70 g.
fume oils at 115° F.
Protective Hand Cream
Avocado Oil Cleansing Cream Formula No. 1
Part 1.
Gum Arabic 20 g.
Hydrogenated Oil (Cosmetic Chip White Soap 80 g.
Grade) 11.0 g. Add water until the desired consistency
Beeswax U.S.P. White 5.0 g. is obtained.
Stearic Acid Triple Pressed 0.5 g. Apply Dry Pig-
to bands before using
Sesame Seed Oil 60.0 g. ments, Colored Lacquers, Enamels, Paints,
Avocado Oil 7.0 g. etc. Water will clean off pigment and
Antioxident & Preservative 0,1 g. dirt very easily.
Part 2.
No. 2
Distilled AVater 15.3 g. Hard Paraffin Wax 50 g,
Borax H.S.P. 0.5 g. Petrolatum, Yellow 400 g,
Part 3.
Peanut Oil 200 g,
Perfume 0.6 g. Beeswax, Yellow
Procedure 100 g,
: Melt Part 1 at 80° C. Lanolin, Anhydrous 60 g’-
Heat Part 2 to 75° C. Rosin, Pale 40 g.
When Part 1 has cooled to 75° C. add Water 140 g.
Part 2 with constant stirring. Add Part 3 Borax 10 g.
at 60° C. Pour between 55 °-50° G. No- 3
This cream is of the quick liquefying Lanolin 2 02.
type. It does not melt or run in the jar Glycosterin 19 oz.
even under extremely hot weather condi- Dextrin 4 02,
tions. The quick liquefying property is Glycol Bori-Borate 3 02.
mechanical not thermal. Water 72 02.

Dissolve last four ingredients by warm- Antiseptic Tissue Cream
ing to 60® C. with stirring. Melt first two Stearic Acid 1.50 lb.
materials together and add first solution, Lanolin, Anhydrous 1.00 lb.
stirring slowly but well. A little perfume White Beeswax .80 lb.
may now be added and stirred in. White Mineral Oil 1.65 lb.
This gives an excellent cream to smear Triethanolamine .20 lb.
on hands to protect them while working Glycerin 1.00 lb.
with greases, lacquers, etc. Water 4.75 lb.
Cocoa Butter Oxyanhydride .54 lb.
No. 4 Perfume .01 lb.
U. S. Patent 2,021,131
(1) Melt stearic acid, lanolin and bees-
Sodium Silicate 9 oz.
wax together in mineral oil, heating to
is stirred into a hot solution of ®
70° C.
Sodium Stearate 2% oz.
(2) Heat the solution of triethanol-
Water 1 pt.
amine in water also to 70° C.
and then add
(3) Make a suspension of cocoa butter
Glycerin ll^i oz.
oxy anhydride in glycerin.

Milkers ' Hand Lubricant To solution (2) add solution (1) gradu-
Formula No. 1
ally,with agitation, and when cooled to
around 50° C., add the suspension (3).
Paraffin, Hard 320 g*
Continue agitation until the product is
Ceresin 280 g-
of a uniform consistency. Fill into jars
Mineral Oil, White 400 g-
while still lukewarm, and cool in ice box
No. 2
for setting.
Mineral White
Oil, 600 g-
Ceresin, White 200 g-
Lanolin, Anhydrous 200 g-
Avocado Tissue Cream
No. 3 C. Avocado Oil 20 g-
White Mineral Oil, Lanolin Absorption Base 10 g-
High Viscosity 60 g- Stearic Acid 5 g-
White Ozokerite Cetyl Alcohol 5 g‘
(60/62° 0.) 20 g* Beeswax 5 g.
Woolfat, Neutral 20 g- Almond Oil 25 g
Melt the ingredients on a waterbath, Preservative 0.2
nix thoroughly, pour into containers near
Perfume 0.8 g.
the filter point of the fat.' Borax 1 g.
Distilled Water 28
Tissue Cream The water and borax are brought to a
Formula No. 1 temperature of 165° F. and are then added
Beeswax 9.20 g* to the molten fats, oils and waxes. Care-
Lanolin 3.70 g. ful heating and constant stirring are es-
Raisin Seed Oil 62.60 g* sential, the perfume being added when the
°^Rancidex'' 0.10 g* temperature has dropped to about 120° F.
Benzyl Ester of Paraliydroxy
Benzoic Acid or Moldex 0.05 g-
Water (Distilled) 23.00 g- Vegetable Oil Tissue Cream
Borax 0.9 g* Part 1.
Perfume 0.45 g- Hydrogenated Oil 25.6 g.
Melt waxes and preservative at
oils, Beeswax IJ.S.P. 9-7
160° F. In another kettle bring water Lanolin Anhydrous IJ.S.P. 8.5 gC
and borax to same temperature. Add Spermaceti U.S.P. 2.5 g.
water to oils at this temperature with Sesame Seed Oil IJ.S.P. 36.5

constant stirring. When the emulsion is Preservative and Antioxidant 0.1

formed add perfume at 115° F. Pour Part 2.

while hot. Water (Distilled) 15.8 g.

Borax IJ.S.P. 0.5 g
No. 2
Part 3.
(Fairly Hard)
Oleic Acid (Wliite)
White Soft Paraffin Wax 4 oz. 0.3 g.
Yellow Soft Paraffin Wax
Perfume 0.5 g.
4 oz.
Hard Paraffin Wax 1 oz. Melt Part 1 at 70° G. Bring Part 2 to
Beeswax (White) 1 oz. same temperature and add to Part 1 with
Lanolin 2 oz. slow agitation. Add Part 3 at above 60°
Perfume to suit. G. Pour hot and top.

Orange Skin Pool (Soft) Perfume 1 g.

Lanolin 8 oz. Distilled Water 40 g.
White Soft Paraffin Wax 12 oz. The procedure consists of melting the
yellow Soft Paraffin Wax 12 oz. fats and wax and stirring in the hot water
Liquid Paraffin Oil S oz. at a temperature of 170° P. The perfume
Hard Paraffin Wax 2 oz. is added with slow stirring wdien the batch
has cooled to about 120° P,, after which
Perfume with rosC; neroli, or lemon-
the stirring device may be switched off,
ahout V2 oz.
and the batch allowed to cool.

Turtle Oil Cream Deodorizer for W^oolfat (Lanolin)

Turtle Oil (Pale Deodorized) 10 g. Use
Liglycol Stearate 10 g. Pruit Ether %
Liquid Paraffin 30 g.
Lanolin Absolution Base 9 g. Aldehyde or C15 0.2-0.5%

Formula No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7
Getyl Alcohol 15 g. 12 — — —
— 4
g- g. g.
Lanolin, Anhydrous 10 g. 24 —
Petrolatum, White
g* 45 g. — 5 g. g.
7 g.
84 g.

58 g.
Mineral Oil, White 30 g. 63 g.
Paraffin Wax
— 20 g.
17.5 g.
14.5 g. — 12

Cholesterol — — 5 g.
g. 8

No. 8 Massage Skin Pood (Liquefying)

. Woolfat, Anhydrous, Lanolin 4 oz.
Neutral 40 g. Cocoa Butter 4 oz.
Petrolatum, White 10 g. Almond Oil 4 oz.
Peanut, Olive, or Sesame Oil 20 g. Coconut Oil 8 oz.
Glycerin (sp.g.
. 1.23) 5 g. Yellow Soft Paraffin Wax 12 oz.
Water 25 g. Hard Paraffin Wax 4 oz.
Melt a on waterbath. Add b. Stir Perfume as desired.
till cold.
No. 9 Prost Bite Prevention. Creams
German Patent 647,451 Formula No. 1
By alcoholic saponification of lanolin, Lanolin 10 g-
two products are obtained, one soluble and Cocoa Butter 15 g-
the other insoluble in alcohol. On addi- Olive Oil 25 g'
tion of a large amount of water to tlie White Beeswax 22 g‘
former, an extraordinarily voluminous Water 25 g*
substance is precipitated, which, after Borax 1.5 g*
washing and evaporation of the water, is Benzoic Acid .5 g*
hrowm and resinous. On being replaced Perfume 1 g-
in water, it becomes whitish and swells
within 24 to 36 seconds, attaining an even
Mix the fat, oil and wax at about 49^*
C., add the solution of borax and water
more voluminous form than before. It
can absorb up to 900 per cent of water.
which should be about 10 degrees warmer.
The hydrated form is added to pomades The whole mixture should be stirred until
and creams, and the anhydrous form to
the temperature ha« dropped to 45° 0.
vaseline, etc. Ex.: 200 g. of liquefed
The last ingredients are tne perfume and
lanolin are dissolved in 850 ec. of alcohol
the benzoic acid which should be dissolved
containing 50 gr. of caustic potash. in a little alcohol to make a more * ‘ele-
ec. of petroleum ether are added, and the
gant preparation*
mixture is stirred for 48 hr. at ordinary N o. 2
temperature. The part precipitated con- Almond Oil 425
tains cholesterol, isocholesteroi, etc. The Lanolin 185
mixture is filtered and the filtrate is poured Beeswax :
62 g,
in a thin stream into a large quantity of Borax 4.5 g.
tvater. The precipitate contains chiefly Spermaceti' 62 g.
the insoluble potassium soaps of the higher Distilled Water 300 g.
fatty acids, such as cerotie and carnaubic No. S ,

acids. The precipitate is washed with Paraffin Wax 145 g.

water until neutral. Anhydrous Lanolin 24G g.
52 ,

Paraffin Oil 175 g. h. Hydrogen Peroxide

Cetyl Alcohol 40 g. (100 volume) 5 lb.
Melt these and add 600
distilled water, c. Water 60 lb.
cc., which should be heated to a tempera- Heat a to 70° C. and stir till completely
ture of 70° 0. The mixture will be of the clear. Heat o to 70° C. and add A to c
consistency of cold cream. slowly, stirring in one direction only. At
No. 4 55° 0. add 1) and perfume. Stir and pour
Dissolve 100 g. purified ox gall in 850 at50°C.
ce. hot water. Stir vigorously. When If 5 parts of the water are replaced by
cold add the perfume. Then put in 50 g. 5 parts ^^CarbitoP^ the cream can be
glycerin containing one g. benzoic acid. poured at 45 ° C.

Nourishing Cream All Purpose Cream

Formula No. 1 1. Parachol (Absorption
Lanolin absorption base 400, glycerin Base) 25 oz.
50, arnica (1:10) 50, witch hazel extract 2. Lanolin, Anhydrous 10 oz.
150, distilled water 347, perfume 3. Heat 3. Mineral Oil 20 oz.
the absorption base until soft (35° C.) 4. .Paraffin Wax 2 oz.
and incorporate water previously heated to 5. Ozokerite, White 6 oz.
the same temperature a little at a time. 6. Glycol Bori-Borate 2 oz.
Finally add the other ingredients. All 7. Water 50 oz.
parts by weight. Melt together 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 on a water-
No. 2 bath and keep at 50 ° C. Add solution of
Cetyl Alcohol 50 g. 6 in 7 heated to 50° C. a little at a time,
Lanolin 50 g. using a low speed mixer with large paddles.
Cocoa Butter 50 g. Do not add additional amounts of water
Cholesterin 10 g. until first addition has been absorbed.
White Beeswax 50 g. Stir until temperature falls to 42° C. and
Arachis Oil 100 g. then mix in a little perfume. Then pass
Mineral Oil 150 g. through an ointment or colloid mill
Petrolatum, White 240 g.
Water 280 cc. All Purpose Cream
Perfume 20 g. Sorbitol Di-Stearate 10%
Mineral Oil 20%
Finishing Creani Lanolin 3%
Glyceryl monostearate 200, glycerin 75, Glycerin 5%
witch hazel extract 150, water 572, per- Beeswax 4%
fume 3. Melt the glyceryl monostearate Ceresin Wax 10%
with the glycerin and add water heated to Water 48%
boiling. Stir until homogeneous and when
cooled to 35° C. add the witch hazel ex-
Make-Up Lemover
tract and finally the perfume. All parts
Ceraflux 21/2 Ib.
by weight. Mineral Oil 8 lb.
Petrolatum, WTiite 10 lb.
Bleaching Cream
Used to remove make-up. No perfum':
Petrolatum (White) 9 lb.
Paraffin Wax 6.5 ; lb.
Mineral Oil 14 lb. Deodorant Creams
Acimul 12 lb. Formula No. 1
Carbitol 3 1. Stearic Acid 20
lb. g
* Lemon J nice 5.5 ; lb. 2. Potassium Hydroxide 0.8 g
Water 50 lb. 3. Sodium Hydroxide 0.2 g
A is melted, h is mixed, heated to 70- 4. Glycerin 0 g
75° C. and poured slowly into a, with stir- 5. Methenamine 5 g
ring. Perfume is added at 55° C. Pour 6. Water G7 g
at 50° C. 7. Titanium Dioxide 2 g
* Lemon
juice can be replaced by citric and 8. Perfume to suit
lactic acid, etc., in proportionate amounts. No. 2
1. Glyceryl Monostearate 15 g,
Peroxide Cream 2. Spermaceti 3 g,
a. Paraffin Wax 4 lb. 3. Glycerin 5
Mineral Oil
10 lb. 4. Titanium Dioxide 2 g
Lanolin 6 lb. 5. Methenamine 5 g
Acimul 15 lb. 6. Mineral Oil 3 ^

7. Water 67 g. Sports Cream

8. Perfume to suit Glycosterin 12 oz.
No. 3 Mineral Oil 10 oz.
1. Acimul 15 g. Cetyl Alcohol 3 oz*
2. Aluminum Chloride 10 g. Water 100 oz.
3. Spermaceti 5 g- Heat to 60® C. and mix vigorously till
4, Glycerin 3 g. emulsified.
5. Water 67 g.
6. Perfume to suit
Dissolve 2 in about 20 or 25 parts of Stearate Cream
and warm to about 50® C. Place 1, 3, Stearic Acid, Triple Pressed 10,0 g.
4 and remainder of 5 in one kettle, and Spermaceti 1.5 g.
bring to about 90® 0. Eemove from fire, Ammonia 1.0 g.
place on mixer, make emulsion by stirring Borax 0,5 g.
rapidly at first, and more slowly until Methyl Cellulose 0.8- 1.0 g.
product temperature drops to about 50® Mineral Oil 8.0 g.
C., at wMcb temperature increase agitation
G-lycerin 4.0 g.
speed and add aluminum cbloride solution Perfume, as desired 0.5 g.
a little at a time until all is added. Con- Water, Distilled 78.5 g.
tinue stirring, add perfume at about 45® Melt stearin, spermaceti and mineral oil
C. It may be necessary to homogenize or to85®C.
mill this cream if it is grainy or lumpy. Dissolve borax and glycerin in a part
If a white cream is wanted, titanium di- of the^ water, at 85° C. The remaining
oxide can be added. From 2 to 5% is water is used to make the methyl cellulose
sufficient* mucilage.
No. 4 Add the ammonia to the water, and pour
a. Mineral Oil 25 lb. the oil to that right after. Boil for 15
Acimul 25 lb. minutes. Eeplace lost water, stir until
b. Water 25 lb. 60° C., when the mucilage (50° C.) is
a. Oxyquinoline Sulphate added with thorough agitation. Perfume
(0.1% Solution) 25 lb. at 40® C.
a is heated till clear, b is heated to
75® 0. and added to a stirring thoroughly.
At 60° 0. add c and stir. It is necessary Oxycholesterol and Triethanolamine
to add 0 in small portions taking care to Stearate Cream
make no more additions until the previous Soft Paraffin Containing 1%
portions have been emulsified. Add per- Oxycholesterol 746 g.
fume, Stir. Pour at 55® 0. Stearic Acid 20 g.
Triethanolamine 9 g.
Perspiration Inhibiting Creams Eose Water 225 g.
XJ. S. Patent 2,087,162
Perfume to suit
Formula No. 1 This cream can be made by dissolving
22,5 g. of aluminum chloride, hydrated the stearic acid and oxycholesterol in the
(AIOI3.6H2O), 12.0 g. of candelilla wax molten soft paraffin, bringing the tempera-
and 16.0 g. of stearic acid are boiled under ture to about 70-75® 0., adding the mix-
a reflux condenser with an alcoholic men- ture of rose water all at once at the same
struum consisting of 108 cc. of anhydrous temperature, stirring vigorously (the heat
ethyl alcohol, denatured according to IT. S. being maintained) until the mixture is
Government formula, and 108 cc. of iso- quote homogeneous, transferring to a cold
propyl alcohol (98% by volume). When mortar, and whisking until cold.
solution of the solid ingredients has been
effected, 0.7 cc. of perfume base is added
and the mixture is run off into small con- Hormone Cream
tainers. When cold it forms a solid mass «* Petrolatum 15 g.
of smooth salve-like consistency, small por- Lanolin, Anhydrous 15 g.
tions of which can be removed in discrete Absorption Base
quantities from the container, by means of
Olive Oil 5 g*
the fingers, and applied to the human skin, Spermaceti 5 g,
as under the arms, to control or deodorize b. Hormone Oil 20 g.
c. Water or Rose Water 40 g.
No. 2 d. Perfume
Like Formula No. 1, except that 16.0 g. Melt a on the waterbath. Cool to be-
of glycol stearate is used instead of the
same amount of stearic acid. with Perfume last.

low 35® C., and add b then emulsify
Alum Cream No. 2
Petrolatum, White 9 lb. (The Color Develops on Application)
- otj _ A
; 1
Paraffin Wax (52° C.) 6.5 ; lb. a. Stearic Acid 9 kg.
Mineral Oil 14 lb. Eosin 1 kg.
Acimul 12 lb. 5. Stearic Acid 30 kg.
Carbitol 3 lb. Beeswax, White 40 kg.
Alum Solution, Saturated 5.5 i lb. Parafdn Wax (50/52° 0.) 20 kg,
Bose Water 50 lb. Ceresin Wax, White 20 kg.
Melt the oil and waxes at 70° C. Add Mineral Oil 60 kg.
them to water, alum solution and Carbitol Lanolin, Anhydrous 5 kg.
of the same temperature with good stir- c. Lanolin, Anhydrous 15 kg.
ring. Stir until cold enough to be just Ceresin Wax, White 50 kg.
about pourable (50° C.). Perfume at 55° Spermaceti 5 kg.
Mineral Oil 60 kg.
To the wax-composition h or c, 2 parts
Myristyl Alcohol in Lotion Creams of the eosin stearate are added, mix well,
German Patent 633,056 and a bit of alcohol is used to disperse
Formula No. 1 the dye better. The alcohol evaporates
a, Myristyl Alcohol 30 g. quickly.
Petroleum Jelly 9 g. No. 3
b. Glycerin 7 g- German Patent 633,661
Water 30 g. Stearic Acid 19 g-
Melt a on the waterbath. Heat h to Mineral Oil, White 38 S-
60° C., and add it to a with agitation. Ceresin 38 g-
Stir till cooled. Undecylic Acid 5
No. 2 Color
a. Myristyl Alcohol 80 g. Melt together, and pour into forms.
Stearin 20 g.
h. Triethanolamine Oleate 10 g. Liquid Lip Make-Up
Glycerin 200 g. a. Triethanolamine Oleate 15 lb.
Water 400 g. Glycerin 10 lb.
0 . Perfume to suit Water 10 lb.
As in No. 1. Perfume when cooled. b. Beeswax 10 lb.

No. 3 Mineral Oil, Wliite 40 lb.

Olive Oil* Alkali Soap, Neutral 100 g. Scarlet, Oil-Soluble 2.5 lb.
Myristyl Alcohol 20 g.
c. Perfume (Eau de Cologne
Water to suit Oil, Bose, Fougfere)
No. 4 Emulsify by adding b to a at 50-60®
a. Palm Oil 100 g. C. Stir till cold, and add perfume.
Olive Oil 100 g.
Coconut Oil 40 g. Eouge Cream, Non-Greasy
h. Caustic Potash (50° Be.) 100 g. Stearic Acid 24.7 kg.
Water 140 g. Diglycol Stearate 12.35 kg.
c. Myristyl Alcohol 50 g. Potassium Hydroxide 1.0 kg.
Saponify a and b by heating to 80-90° Glycerin 3.8 kg.
C. for iy2 hours. Add o, and stir until Diethylene Glycol 6.75 kg.
cold. Distilled Water 30.93 kg,
Tartrazine or Erythrosin 0.38 kg.
Glycerite of Starch Zinc Oxide 12.35 kg.
Wheat Starch 70 g.
Lake Color Combination 6.20 kg.
Water, Distilled 100 cc. Perfume 1,54 kg.
Mix the above and add Water, glycerin, and diethylene glycol
Glycerin 900 g. are mixed. The dyes are dissolved in this.
Heat with stirring in an oil-bath until Melt stearic acid and diglycol stearate to-
desired consistency is reached. gether. Mix the waxes and the (warmed)
water solution with good stirring. Mix in
Lipsticks the pigments and the perfume. Stir cold.
Formula No. 1
Cetyl Alcohol 240 g. Eouge
White Petrolatum 370 g. Hydrogenated Castor Oil 56 g-
Ceresin 240 g. Beeswax 16 g-
Colored Lakes 120 g. Mineral Oil 8 g*
Perfume 30 g. Lanolin, Anhydrous 4

Petrolatum, White 4 g. Melt oil, stearic acid and preservatives

Lake Color 10 g. at 155® E. Bring water and triethanol-
Bosin 2 g. amine to same temperature. Add oils to
water at 155 ° P. with slow stirring. Stir
Eouge Inalterable until cold. Add alcohol and perfume last.
Alkanna Extract 4 g. Ho. 2
Poiychol 5 g. Carob Gum 10 g*
Alcohol 91 g. Glycerin 120 cc.
Water 240 cc.
Oil-Eouge Perfume 5 ec.
Eosin Stearate 1.5 g. Alcohol (90%) 20 cc.
Paraffin Oil 10 g. Benzoic Acid 0.5 g-
Patty Oil 88.5 g.

Pearly Hand Lotion

Liquid Eouge
Formula Ho. 1 Vanishing Cream 22.5 oz.

Erythrosin, Pure 1-5 g.

Gum Tragacanth 2 oz.

Water 175.5 oz.
100 g.
Moldex or Other Good
Glycerin 200 g.
Preservative 0.2 oz.
Alcohol 100 g.
Water, Distilled 600 g.
The last three items are dispersed by
Ho. 2
warming and mixing. V/hen completely
dissolved, cool and mix into the vanishing
Phloxin 2-3 g.
Poiychol 200 g.
Bose Water 800 g.
Cooling Hand Lotion
Liquid Make-Up, Pink Menthol 0.5 g.
Eosin or Phloxin 0.1 g. Glycerin 10.0 g.
Alcohol 80 g. Alcohol 60.0 g.
Poiychol 5 g. Perfume and Color, as desired
Water, to make 100.0 cc.
Theatrical Eouge
Eosin, Yellowish 1 g Creamy Hand Lotion
Alcohol 5 g. Stearic Acid 3 g.
Poiychol or Glycerin 10 g. Potassium Hydroxide 0.1 g.
Eose Water 84 g. Triethanolamine 0.2 g.
Glycerin 3 g.
Antipyrin Make-Up Alcohol 5 g.
Antipyrin 8.7 g. Gum Tragacanth 1.5 g.
Magnesium Stearate 0.4 g. Beeswax (White) 0.5 g,
Talcum 0.8 g. Water, to make 100 cc.
Magnesium Carbonate 0.8 g. Preservative
Glycerin 12.5 g. Macerate the gum in half the water
Alcohol 8.8 g. (containing preservative), and set over
Witch Hazel
Eose Water
g. —
night. Hext day ^in the other half of
i. water, dissolve the potassium hydroxide,
Dissolve the antipyrin in the mixed glycerin and triethanolamine, bringing to
liquids. The powders are mixed with an 70° C. Sepaptely on a waterbath melt
addition of perfume^ and all is mixed to- the stearic acid and beeswax, bringing to
gether. 70° 0. Add the wax-acid mixture to the
Antipyrin in make-ups is not free of water alkali mixture, with rapid stirring.
objections because it may cause derma- While this is going on, warm up the traga-
titis in sensitive individuals. canth mucilage to about 60° C., and add
to the emulsion being stirred, and continue
Hand Lotion rapid agitation until emulsion is homo-
Formula Ho. 1 geneous, then continue stirring moderately
Baisin Seed Oil 17.50 fast until cool. Dissolve any perfume
Stearic Acid (Triple used in the alcohol, adding this to your
Pressed) 5.50 g. cold emulsion. Set aside in closed con-
Eancidex 0.10 g. tainer without touching for a day or two
Water 70.00 cc. to aid in developing pearliness. Strain
Triethanolamine LOO g. through muslin. Bottle with aid of grav-
Alcohol 5.50 g. ity hlleri, If you have a colloid mill avail-
Perfume 0.40 g*. able, it is advisable to pass the ftnislied

emulsion through, this machine, immedi- Too energetic methods may result in the
ately after adding perfume. Be sure to increase of the color, instead of its re-
use care in stirring, or your mass will be moval. The prescription is to be allowed
too frothy. Pull mixing containers with to dry on the skin, and to be washed off
proper stirring apparatus will help avoid in. the morning.

frothing. Karaya gum or other gums can After a number of applications, a slight
be used in place of tragacanth. Karaya infiammation may indicate that the process
is reputed to have a softening effect on the has been carried far enough, and the ap-
hands that is not possessed by tragacanth. plication of the lotion should cease until
Adjust the amount of gum to give you the peeling of the skin has been completed.
desired viscosity and feel. The alcohol
too can be adjusted to either a higher or
Freckle ^ ^ Preventive ’ ’
iower figure. Add sufficient preservative
Quinine Bisulphate 20 g.
to preserve the whole mass, dissolving this
Water 477 g.
in your water used to macerate the gum.
Amino Stearin 100 g.
Petrolatum, White 200 g.
Glycerin-Benzoin Hand Lotion Mineral Oil 100 g.
Benzoin 30 g. Woolf at 100 g.
Glycerin 640 g. Perfume Oil 3 g.
Alcohol 10 g. Melt the oils and waxes with agitation,
Color and Perfume, as desired and add, at about 70 0., the quinine bi-
Water 80 ce.
sulphate solution of equal temperature
Soak the benzoin in the mixture of Stir until cold.
liquids for seven days, and then decant
the clear liquid. J ust a few drops of the
lotion should be applied at a time in order Skin Lotions or Oils
to avoid stickiness. Formula No. 1
Peanut Oil 100 g.
Hand Whitening Lotion Lanolin 20 g.
Formula No. 1 Moldex (Preservative) 1 g.
Hydrogen Peroxide (30 vol.) 35 cc.
Triethanolamine Oleate 2-4 g.
Tincture of Benzoin 10 cc.
Water 200 g
Eose Water 950 cc. No. 2
No. 2 Parachol (Absorption Base) 125 g.
Tincture of Benzoin 20 g. Peanut Oil 400 g.
Perfume 10 g. Glycerin 200 g.
Eose Water 1760 ee. Water 800 g.
Hydrogen Peroxide (10 vol.) 200 cc. No. 3'

Peanut Oil or Olive Oil 100 g.

Lotion for Laborers^ Hands Pine Needle Oil 2 g.
Glycerin 20 g. Lavender Oil 0.5 g.
Ammonia Water 5 g. Chlorophyll, Oil Soluble 0.2 g.
Bay Eum 20 g.
Eose Water No. 4
55 g.
This is to be applied to the hands after a. Walnut Shells, Coarsely
washing and dried by friction.
Powdered 100 g.
Ammonia 3 g.
Ether 50 g.
Astringent Hand Lotion
Alcohol 50 g.
Tincture of Benzoin 3 g.
Fatty Oil 600 g.
Spirits of Camphor 14 g. c. Fatty Oil 400
Bay Eum 35 g.
d. Perfume, etc.
Witch Hazel, to make 100 ce.
Make extract a, allow to stand for 6
Eemoval of Skin Discolorations hours 5 treat with h at below 70° C. re- ,*

For the removal of skin discolorations peat treatment of press residue of h with
for which the cause cannot be found, or e. Mix all extracts, steam-treat to remove
which do not yield to treatment of the solvents. Add d.
cause, local bleaching may be trie4 by
No. 5
the application every evening of the fol- Melissa Oil 2.5 g.
lowing : Eosemary Oil 2.5 g.
Mercury Bichloride 0.6 g. Peppermint Oil 5.0 g.
A.lcohol 40.0 cc. Turpentine Oil 5.0 g.
Distilled Water 120.0 ce. Menthol 5.0 g.
For external use. Poison, Methyl Salicylate 10.0 gi

Camphor lO-^l g- Cooling Pace Lotion

Oil, Infusion, Spirits of Camphor 10 g..
to make 150.0 g. Alcohol 45 g.
No. 6 Perfume 1 g-
220.0 g. Witch Hazel 44 ec*
Peanut Oil
Olive Oil 240.0 g.
Ammonia 100.0 g. Camphor Face Lotion
Arnica, Tincture of 70.0 g. Alcohol 580 g.
Camphor 20.0 g. Camphor 10 g.
Rosemary Oil 15.0 g. Glycerin, Refined 10 g.
To each 100 g. of this, add: perfume 10 g.
Witch Hazel Extract 5.0 g. Witch Hazel, Distilled 390 g.
Tormentilla Extract 10-20.0 g.
Walnut Extract 20.0 g.
Cleansing Pad Lotion
Eosin 0.5 g.
Formula No. 1
Bole, Bed 0.5 g.
a. Glyceryl Monostearate 1.3 g.
Triethanolamine 0.3 g.
Skin Cleansing Lotion Glycerin 1.0 g.
Stearic Acid 30 kg. Water 83.8 g.
Cetyl Alcohol 4 kg. h. Oleic Acid 0.6 g.
Mineral Oil 2 kg. Mineral Oil 2.0 g.
Glycerin 10 kg. Cetyl Alcohol 0.2 g.
Triethanolamine 1.5 kg. c. Ethyl Alcohol 10.0 g.
Borax 0.5 kg. Perfume 0.2 g.
Iodine-Sulphur Emulsion 0.5 kg.
The procedure listed is Boil a and stir

Water, Distilled 41.5 kg.

to 60® 0. Heat h to 60° C., then add to
Witch Hazel 10 kg.
a under constant stirring. Stir until cool
and then add c. The lotion is poured on
Face Lotions the pads which have previously been placed
(For Dry Skin) in the jars. Only about 1 cc. of lotion
Formula No. 1 per pad is needed, it is claimed.
Camphor 25 g. Supplementing this type of formulation
Alcohol (96%) 850 g, is another published one in which the addi-
Glycerin 25 g tion of a wetting agent and a preservative
Perfume 30 g. is recommended. The wetting agent, it is
Water, Distilled 1570 g. pointed out, facilitates wetting the pads,
No. 2 while the preservative overcomes possible
Boric Acid 10 g. mold growth in the flannel cloth ordinarily
Glycerin 29 g. used.
Menthol 1
No. 2
Alcohol 60 g.
a. Glycol Stearate 1.5 g.
Witch Hazel, Distilled 300 g.
Triethanolamine 0.3 g.
Water, Distilled 600 g.
Glycerin 3.0 g
No. 3
Wetting Agent 0.2 g.
Lanolin or Cholesterol 0.5 g.
Water 86.8 g.
Lecithin 0.05 g.
Preservative 0.2 g.
Alcohol 6 g.
h. Oleic Acid 0.7 g.
Glycerin (sp.g. 1.23-1.24 ) 5
Mineral Oil 2.0 g.
Glyceryl Monostearate 3
Spermaceti 0.5 g.
Almond Oil 10
6, Ethyl Alcohol 5.0 g.
Water, Distilled about 85
Perfume to suit
(For Oily Skin)
a is brought to a boil and then cooled
No. 4 65° 65°
to C.; h is heated to G. in another
Alcohol 450 g-
container and then added to a with rapid
Camphorated Spirits 100 g-
Perfume 10 g-
stirring. When the emulsion is cool, per-
fume and alcohol are added.
Witch Hazel, Distilled 440 g-
No. 5
Sulphur, Precipitated 2 g- Toilet Vinegar
Glycerin (sp.g. 1.23-1.24) 5 g- Glacial Acetic Acid
Camphorated Spirits, 10% 3 g- Citric Acid
Lavender Water 10 g- Distilled Water
Borax 1 g- Alcohol
Water, Distilled 81 g* Perfume
Astringent Lotion Alcohol 1000 g.
Laetie aeid 120 min. j alcohol (90%) 1 Sodium Thiosulphate 400 g.
il. oz. 96 min. alum 60 gr, ; glycerin 200
Water 600 g.
min. potassium oxyqninoline sulphate 80
Alum 50 g.
gr. ; perfume ; water to make 8 fl. oz. Mix Water 150 g.
the lactic acid with most of the water and Formaldehyde,
the glycerin. Add the potassium^ oxy- 40% Solution 750 g.
quinoline sulf ate, then the alum previously Menthol 3 g.
dissolved in the remainder of the water. Lavender Oil 10 g.
Dissolve the perfume in the alcohol and Thyme Oil 10 g.
add the solution to the other ingredients. Ethyl Acetate 25 g.
Add color if desired. Allow the lotion to Add solution 5 to a; finally add in solu
stand for two days. Clarify. tion c. Impregnate cloth with this.

Mild Astringent Lotion Deodorizing Powders

Zinc Phenolsulphonate 8.0 oz. Formula No. 1
Camphor 0.4 oz. Oxyqninoline Sulphate 1- 2 g.
Menthol 0.4 oz. Colloidal Silicic Acid 5 g.
Perfume 0.8 oz. Zinc Oxide 10 g.
Alcohol 1.0 gal. Talc 20 g.
*Witch Hazel, to make 10.0 gal. Colloidal Olay 40 g.
Color, as desired. Magnesium Stearate 5 g.
Formaldehyde-Starch 10 g.
Astringent Bath Lotion No. 2
Alum 0.5 g. Zinc Peroxide 35 g.
Boric Acid 2.0 g. Boric Acid 20 g.
Camphor 0.3 g. Talc 35 g.
Alcohol 24.0 g. Colloidal Clay 9.5 g.
Water, to make 100.0 cc.
Perfume 0.5 g.
Perfume and Color, as desired. No. 3
Chloramine 0.5- 1 g.
DEODORAlSrT LOTIONS Magnesium Stearate 5-10 g.
Deodorant Perspiration Lotion Talc 40 g.
Aluminum Chloride Crystals 22.4 g. Magnesium Carbonate 5 g.
Color and Perfume, Colloidal Clay 30-40 g.
as desired Zinc Oxide 9 g.
Distilled Water, to make 100.0 cc-
Borated Perspiration Deodoraii
Formula No. 1
Boric Acid ^
Tale 25 oz.
Salicylic Acid x g.
Aluminum Sulphate (Powder) 12 oc.
Griycerin 2 g.
Aluminum Stearate 12 oz.
Color and Perfume,
No, 2
as desired
Alum 15 g.
Water, to make 100 cc.
Glycerin 5 g.
Astringent Perspiration Deodorant Water 80 g.
Exsiccated Alum 10 g. No. 3
Boric Acid 10 g. Zinc Oxide 16 g.
Color and Perfume,
Boric Acid 6 g.
as desired Paraffin Wax 3 g.
Water, to make 300 ec. Petrolatum 25 g.

Deodorizing Detergent Solution Skin Tonics

Peppermint Oil 0.2 g. Formula No. 1
Pine Needle Oil 0.2 g. Sage Tincture 5
Thymol 0.2 g. Witch Hazel Extract ,
Alcohol 6.0 g. Borax 5
Tincture of Green Soap 3.0 g. Glycerin 80
Water, to make 100.0 ec. Alcohol 347.5
Perfume 7.5
Prevention of Perspiration DistilledWater 530
Hungarian Patent 114,592 All parts by weight.
a. ; Iodine 200 g. Dissolve the borax in the glycerin, and

Glycerin 250 g. dissolve the essential oils, witch hazel, and


Mix and add the Cucumber Face Milk

sago iincture in alcohol.
Hrater. Shake well and then occasionally a. Wool Fat, Anhydrous 30 g,

Add talc and filter. h. Eose Water 200 g.

’UuT’ing eight days.
Potash Soap 10
No. 2 Glycerin 20 g.
Triethanolamine 5
c. Perfume 10 g.
Glycerin 40 SO
Benzoin, Tincture g.
Alcohol 330
d. Cucumber Juice, Fresh,
Eau de Cologne Extract 5
Percolated 700 g.
Witch Hazel Extract 25
25 Melt a on the waterbath and add to it
Arnica Tincture (1:10) the luke-warm b in small portions, c is
Distilled Water 570
added to the emulsion and all are mixed
All parts hy weight. through thoroughly. Take off the water-
bath and stir in slowly the luke-warm d.
Powdered Skin Tonic Stir until cold.
Boric Acid 50
Precipitated Chalk 100 Vitamin F Milky Skin Lotion
Wi ccli Hazel Extract 5 The following formula gives a sooth-
"Uge Tincture 3 ing, emollient beauty milk of typically
perfume 2 modern character, based on triethanola-
Zinc Oxide 30 mine stearate formed in situ and stabi-
Talc 810 lized by means of diglycol stearate.
All parts hy weight. 1. Lanolin 20 g,
Almond Oil 80 g.
Facial Astringent Stearic Acid 40 g.
Purified Alum 5 oz. Diglycol Stearate 10 g.
Talc 76 oz. Vitamin F (50,000
Boric Acid 4 oz. units per g.)
Alcohol (70%) 115 oz. Vegetable Lecithin 1 g.
Water 200 oz. 2. Triethanolamine 20 g.
Color, trace of Tartrazine. Glycerin 30 g.
Perfume, to suit. Water 800 cc.
3. Perfume to suit

Skin Milk Muscle’^ Oils

1, Mineral Oil 300.00 g. Formula No. 1
Stearic Acid 40.00 g. Olive Oil, Benzoinated 60
2. Triethanolamine 30.00 g. Mineral Oil 35
Distilled Water 700.00 g. I^avender or Pine Needle Oil 2
3. Otto of Eose, Bulgarian 0,20 g. Cholesterol 0.5 g.
Ehodinol 1.00 g.
No. 2
Phenylethyl Alcohol 0.50 g. Lanolin, Anhydrous 6-10 g.
Citronellol 0.30 g. Olive Oil 94-90 g.
Alcohol (90%) 10.00 g.
No. 3
1. Warm the stearic acid and oil on
Olive Oil 20 g.
‘.iraterbath to about 70° 0.
Nut Oil 10 g.
2, Pour the triethanolamine into the
Mixture of
prater, agitate, and warm on a waterbath Laurel Oil
to 70° 0. Then pour (1) into this tri-
Pine Needle Oil
ethanolamine solution, with constant stir-
Lavender Oil
ring. A
pure white milk is thus obtained.
Bosemary Oil
To avoid clotting, the triethanolamine so-
The above should be preserved wifi
lution must be warm.

0.1% Eancidex or other anti- oxidant.

3. Add drop by drop the perfume dis-
solved in i Icohol to the warm milk
No. 4
Castor Oil, IJ.S.P, 10 oz.
continue co agitate vigorously.
Olive or Corn Oil 90 '

Camphor Oil 1 oz.
Toilet Milk Gum Benzoin oz.
Cetyl Alcohol 68 Eancidex
g* %o oz-
Medicinal Soap 18 g-
Glycerin 23 g- Water-Dispersable Antiseptic Oil
Mineral Oil 91 g* Diglyeol Laurate 20 lb.
Water 780 cc. Goal Tar Distillate 3 lb.
Perfume 20 g- Mineral Oil 77 ib.

Tlie components easily dissolve in each Sun Burn Lotion

other with simple miring'. This product Benzocain 2.5 g.
will satisfactorily di' ’.perse in 1,000 parts Alcohol 15.0 g.
of water. Glycer}! Monoricinoleate may Carbitol 15.0 g.
be used in place of the Biglycol Laurate. Picric Acid 0.6 g.
Water, to make 150 g.

Sun Burn Preventing Po’wder Sun Tan Lotions

Formula No. 1 Formula No. 1
Tale 60 g. Tragacanth, Gum 8.0 -10.0 g.
Colloidal Clay 20 g. Quinine Bisulphate 50.0 g.
Magnesium Carbonate 1 g- Citric Acid 50.0 g.
Sodium Bicarbonate 5 g- Glycerin 90.0 g.
Methyl Bmbelliferon^ 5 g- Alcohol 200.0 g.
Titanium Dioxide 5 g. Water, Distilled 990.0 g.
Pigments (Brown) 7.5 g. Perfume, Water-Soluble 10.0 g.
Zinc Oxide 1 g’-
Methyl Parahydroxybenzoate 0.2 g.
No. 2 No. 2
Anthracene, Pure 5-10 g. Agar-Agar 2.0 g.
Zinc Oxide 5 g. Glycerin 40.0 g.
Titanium Bioxide 5 g. Rose Water 60.0 g.
Tale 50 g. Quinine Bisulphate 6.0 g.
Colloidal Kaolin 25 g. Methyl Parahydroxybenzoate 0.2 g.
Magnesi'am Carbonate 5 g. No. 3
No. 3 Glycerin 500 g.
Bismuth Oxychloride 10 g. Water 500 g.
Talc 25 g. Esculine 50 g.
Zinc Stearate 5 g. Tragacanth 20 g.
hCice Starch 15 g. ‘‘Gelose” (Agar-Agar) 15 g.
Colloidal Kaolin 55 g. Methyl Parahydroxybenzoate 2 g.
No. 4
Sun Burn Powders Agar-Agar 4.0 g.
Formula No. 1 Glycerin 40.0 g.
Bismuth Subnitrate 10 g.
Rose Water 60.0 g.
Esculine 5.0 g.
Rice Starch 40 g.
Magnesium Stearate Tormentilla Root,
5 g.
Fluid Extract 40.0 g.
Talc, Superfatted 35 g.
Colloidal Kaolin, Bry,
Preservative 0,5-1%
Saturated with ^ ‘
Phenol- No. 5
Camphor ’ ^
10 g.
Tannin ft g.
Alcohol 55 g
No. 2
Rice Starch 40 g.
Water 155 g
Colloidal Kaolin, Dry,
No. 6
Saturated with Phenol- TJ. S. Patent 2,102,712
Camphor’^ and Sesame A % to 1 per cent solution of benzyl
anthranilic acid in peanut or other oil,
Oil, 1:1 40 g.
with suitable color and perfume added.
Lycopodium 30 g.
Talc No. 2
10 g.
A1 per cent solution of dimethyl
anthranilic acid in 20 per cent almond oil
Sun Burn Preparation and 80 per cent mineral oil with color and
(Concentrate for Lotions) perfume to suit.
Formula No. 1 No. 3
Triehlorbutanol 100 g. A2 per cent solution of anthranilic
Glycerin 1250 g. acid stearate in mineral oil. (This prod-
Zinc Oxide 250 g. uct is made by melting 14 pounds of
No. 2 anthranilic acid with 30 pounds of stearic
*Anesthesin 3 Isg. acid and heating to 80 ° C. until the mass
Benzyl Alcohol, Purest 5 kg. is homogeneous.)
Bther 10 kg.
Chloroform 2 kg. Depilatory
Zinc Oxide 10 kg. Strontium Sulphide 32 g.
Olive Oil 80 kg. Calcium Sulphide 18 g.
Phenol-Camphor 5 kg. Starch 30 g.
* Isohutvl Paraaminobenzoate, Talc 19 g.
Eesin-Wax Depilatory The mixture is cooked in an autoclave
U. S. Patent 2,062,411 at 200® 0. under continuous stirring.
Rosin 5 lb. When a solution has been formed after
Beeswax 1 lb. 4 oz. several hours, the whole is filtered through
Musk Ambrette 7% gr. carbon, dialyzed until all alkali is re-
Labdanum Resin 7% gr. moved, and concentrated to a syrup.
Oil Soluble Red Dye gr. This latter is emulsified by sulfonated
Heat in double boiler until melted mix ;
oil, or other stabilizers (woolfat alcohols,

until uniform. Pour into molds. Sticks stearates, resinates, etc.).

of about an inch in diameter for No. 2
removing hair from the eyebrows, inch % a. Casein 15 g.
sticks for use on the upper lip, face and Water 30 g.
chin, and still larger sticks for melting b. Caustic Soda (sp.g. 1.357) 2.2 g.
down and applying on larger areas of the Water 28.5 g,
body for full leg or full arm treatment are 0. Methyl Parahydroxyben-
used. Before application place a stick in zoate, in 4% Solution 3.0 g.
hot water. When thoroughly softened ap- d. Caustic Soda (sp.g. 1.210) 2.1 g.
ply to skin. The plastic mixture is to be Water 6.0 g.
allowed to remain in place for from 3 to e. Rosin, Powdered 6.2 g.
15 minutes. After this period the depila- /. Mineral Oil f-
tory may be lifted away and will bring Almond Oil, Sweet 2.0 g.
with it the hair which has been imbedded. a made by soaking
is for 6 hours, dis-
persed by adding b; c is added. Sepa-
Plucking Depilatory rately, d is heated to a boil, and e is added
British Patent 478,176 in portions with stirring, and the solution
Glucose 210 g. is boiled %
hour. After mixing all, stir
Flour 20 g. / into the cooled dispersion.
Beeswax 8 g. Dialyze the resulting material.
Boil together for 15 minutes wHh good No. 3
stirring. a. Tragacanth Gum 3.0 g.
Glycerin 8.0 g.
Liquid Depilatory Water 45.9 g.
Formula No. 1 Sodium Benzoate o.i g,
Sodium Sulphide, Pure 8-10 g. h. Isocholesterol 14.0 g.
Sugar 8 g. White Beeswax 4.0 g.
Water, Distilled, or Mineral 9il (0.881) 25.0 g.
Witch Hazel 84 g. Disperse a in the usual manner. Cool
Diglycol Stearate 2 g. to a medium warmth, add the mixture h
No. 2 ,

in small portions. Homogenize.

Sodium Acid Sulphide, Pure 8 g. No. 4
Sugar 5 g. a. Water 58.0 g.
Triethanolamine Salt 1.5 g.
Laurylsulphonate 1 g. Cornstarch 7.5 g.
Water, Distilled 86 g. b. Caustic Soda (sp.g. 1.21) 2.8 g.
No. 3 c. Hydrochloric Acid
Sodium Sulphide, Pure 8 g. (sp.g. 1.2) 3.0 g.
^Soluble'’ Starch 4 g. d. Formaldehyde (40%) 0.2 g.
Sugar 4 g. e. Stearic Acid 2.5 g.
Glycerin 5 g. Ammonia
/. (sp.g. 0.960) 1.2 g.
Borax g. 1 Glycerin (sp.g. 1.230)
Turkey Red Oil, or 1.3 g
Mineral Oil (sp.g, 0.881) 1.2 g.
Sodium Laurylsulphonate 1 g. Water 20.8 g.
Water, Distilled, Free of Soak the starch in the salt solution a,
Carbon Dioxide 77 g. make soluble with b ; neutralize again witli
It is advisable to put a thin layer of 0 when solubilized. Preserve with d.
mineral oil on top of this liquid depilatory, Separately, melt e and add to the hot mix-
to better its stability. Shake before use. ture /. To the emulsion fomed this way
and cooled, the starch colloid is added.
ProtectingCompound for the Skin to Homogenize.
Be Used Together With Depilatories Formulas 1-4 represent examples of col-
German Patent ^^^,384 loidal materials which will penetrate the
Por^-’iilu No. 1 skin and stay nea* its surface for protec-
Wood Flour, T ,est 10 lb. tion against the causcxeity of the depila-
Caustic Soda (1.091) 36 lb. tories*
No. 5 Press tablets. For use, dissolve a tablet
Sodium Sulphide, Pure 8 g. of about 6 g. in 100 cc. of water, and add
Alcohol 1 g- a second tablet of a material developing
Methyleellulose (5 :100) 91 g. oxygen, e.g. sodium perborate or sodium
Perfume for Depilatories No. 4
Formula No, 1 Monomethyl paraamido phenol-
Bergamot Oil 20 g. sulphate C'AdiloPO 10 g-
Lemon Gil 20 g. Amidophenol Hydrochloride 5 g.
Vetivert Oil 10 g. Amidodiphenylamine 6 g.
Terpineol 10 g. Sodium Sulphite 5 g.
Lauryl Alcohol 5 g. Dissolve in 500 parts of alcohol, and
Xylene Musk 5 g. add hydrogen peroxide, or a tablet of a
Geranium Oil, African 15 g. material developing oxygen.
Diphenyl Methane 15 g. No. 5
No. 2 Para-Toluylene Diamine 25 g.
Bergamot Oil 20 g. Sodium Sulpliite, Crystallized 50 g.
Terpineol 10 g. Dissolve 7% g. in 100 g. water, and add
Diphenyl Methane 5 g. the oxidizing tablets or hydrogen peroxide,
Benzyl Alcohol 15 g. as given above.
Menthol, Synthetic 50 g.
Two-in-One Hair Dye
Lotion for Use After Depilatory Solution I:
Application Bismuth Subnitrate 50 g.
Acetic Acid 2 oz. Rose Water 50 g.
Zinc Acetate 16 oz. Distilled Water 200 g.
Lavender Oil 2 oz. Alcohol 700 g.
Water 100 oz. Solution II:
Mix until dissolved ; filter through, mag- Sodium Thiosulphate 60 g.
nesium carbonate or tale to clarify. Water 200 g.
Mix plenty of I with a little IT in th^
palm of the hand, and put on the hair.
HAIR DYE SOLUTIONS Does not dye greasy hair and skin. The
Formula No. 1 hair must be absolutely free of grease, but
a. Bismuth Subnitrate 50 g. it is advisable to oil the face next to the
Cream of Tartar 100 g. hair to prevent dying of the skin.
Water, Distilled 500 g.
h. Water, Distilled 400 g. Hair Darkening Pomade
c. Sodium Hydroxide Silver Nitrate 1 g.
until just alkaline Ammonium Carbonate 1.5 g.
d. Precipitated Sulphur 25 g. Rose Water 20 drops
Glycerin (28° Be.) 65 g. Pomade (Fat Base) 30 g.
e. Rose Water, to make 1000 g.
Boil a for 30 minutes, pour oft the Hair Dye Fluid, Thick

liquid, add h to the residue, and repeat British Patent 463,481

the boiling. Pour the second extract into Glyceryl Monostearate 15 g.
the first, add g to make weakly alkaline. p-Phenylenediamine 85 g.
The thoroughly mixed d is now added to Water, Warm to suit
the liquids, and washed from the mortar
by parts of e. Fill up to 1000 cc. Nail and Hair Bleach
Apply on degreased hair. Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) 8% oz.
No. 2 Ammonia (0.96) GZ.
Bismuth Citrate 48 g.
Nitric Acid, Pure 72 g. Hair Oil
Tartaric Acid 36 g. Vermouth Oil, American 1 g*
Sodium Bicarbonate 34 g. Thyme Oil 1 g*
Ammonia to make slightly alkaline Chamomile Oil, German 1 g‘
Sodium Thiosulphate 24 g. Peppermint Oil 1 g-
Glycerin 120 g. Eau de Cologne Oil 10 g‘
W ater, Distilled 4600 g. Ylang yiang Oil 10 g*
Method: Similar to that given in No. 1. Cananga Oil 20 g-
No. 3 Peru Balsam 50 g*
Amino-diphenylamino-mono- Peanut Oil 10 kg*
sulfonicAcid *^0 g* Methyl Parahydroxybenzoate 20 g*
^ndiiiTn Carbon fltA 20 ff. Digest for 8 da.va. Filter.
Formula No. 1 Formula No. 1
Triethanolamine Stearate 7 Gum Karaya 2 g.
Spermaceti 3 Alcohol 5 g.
Liquid Paraffin 25 Glycerin 3g'.
Distilled Water 65 Water & Preservative 93 g.
Perfume to suit No. 2
Dissolve the trihydroxyethylamine stear- (Concentrate)
ate and spermaceti in the liquid paraffin Gum Karaya, Finely
over a water-bath. While still warm run Powdered 4
in the water previously warmed. Stir vig- Isopropyl Alcohol 10
orously until quite homogeneous and cool, Aquaresin GB (Glyceryl
working in the perfume as the cream cools. Bori-Borate) 8 oz.
The figures in the formula refer to parts Borax % oz.
by -weight. This is for beauty parlor use. 4-6
No. 2 are poured into a gal. of water and mixed
Glyceryl Monostearate 6 for use.
Liquid Paraffin 30
Distilled Water 64 Decolorizing Water ^ ^ Soluble ' ^ Gums
Perfume to suit U. S. Patent 2,093,405
Water 1 1.
HAIR FIXATIVES Antimony Potassium Tartrate 5 g.
Formula No. 1 Gum Karaya 100 g.
a. Water, Distilled 700 g. Boil and mix until uniform. Add n
Glycerin little filter-medium (Filter-Cel or magne-
30 g.
Borax, Powdered 25 g. sium carbonate) and filter.
h. Tincture of Benzoin 235 g.
c. Perfume 10 g. Hair Wave Lotion
Make solution u, and add h with good Tincture of Benzoin 6.0 g.
stirring and in a thin jet. Add o. Allow Glycerin 1.5 g.
to stand 3~5 days. Filter. Alcohol 120.0 g.
No. 2
Distilled Water 42.5 g.
a. Borax, Powdered 20 g.
Water, Distilled 700 g. PERMANENT WAVE SOLUTIONS
h. Shellac, Bleached 100 g. Formula No. 1
<7. Alcohol (90%) 170 g. Ammonia 4.0 g.
Perfume 10 g. Potassium Carbonate .5 g.
Dissolve a hot, add & in small quantities, Ammonium Chloride •4 g.
stirring. When a homogeneous mass re- Water 95.1 g.
sults, add c at not more than 50 ° C. Stir No. 2
until cold, keeping evaporation low. Glycerin, C.P. 100 g.
Store, filter as in No. 1, Sodium Sulphite 100 g.
No. 3 Water 1000 cc.
Tincture of Benzoin 970 g. Ammonia (10%) Solution 100 g.
Perfume 16 g- Dissolve the glycerin and the sulphite
Venetian Turpentine 20 g. in the water, and add to this the ammonia.
No. 4 No. 3
Rosin, Light Grade 90 g. Morpholine 6.0 oz.
Alcohol (90%) 900 g. Potassium Sulphite 1.5 oz.
Perfume 10 g. Ammonium Carbonate 2.5 oz.
No. 5 Sulphonated Castor Oil 1.0 oz.
German Patent Application I, 52,969 Water 89.0 oz.
Lotion: No. 4
Poljwinyl Alcohol, High Monoethanolamine 6.0 oz.
Viscosity 25 kg. Potassium Sulphite 1.5 oz.
Water 1000 kg. Potassium Carbonate 1.5 oz.
Sodium Benzoate 4 kg. Borax 0.5 oz.
Taste: Ammonium Carbonate 2.5 oz.
Polyvinyl Alcohol, High Sulphonated Castor Oil 1.0 oz.
Viscosity 20 kg. Distilled Water S7.0 oz.
Water 100 kg. ,
No. 5
Resorcinol 1 kg. Ammonium Carbonate 2.0 oz.
Soap, 10% Alcoholic Solution 12 kg. Potassium Carbonate 1.4 oz.

Potassium Sulphite 2.5 oz. solution containing 10 to 50 per cent of

Ammonium Hydroxide aluminum sulfate and about 5 to 15 per
(0.900) 3.25 oz. cent of zinc sulfate is applied to the hair
Sulplionated Castor Oil 1.0 oz. and the formed curls thoroughly soaked
Distilled Water 90.0 oz. therewith so that penetration of the fixing
Ko. 6 composition is obtained. In case the hair
French Patent 810,389 has been very tightly wound it may be
Ammonium Carbonate necessary to relax the same slightly in
CL 5 g.
Monosodium Sulphide 185 g.
order to obtain such penetration. A pe-
riod of about 10 to 20 minutes is then
Lecithin 15 g.
permitted to elapse, during which time the
Alcohol 780 g.
hair returns to its normal condition of
Bergamot Oil 15 g*
elasticity and hardness, but retains the
Water, Distilled
&. g. 780
conformation placed thereon. A thorough
Composition a is the concentrate, and application of hypertonic neutral salt solu-
should for use be diluted with h. tion is then made. The neutral salt solu-
Ho. 7 tion may contain about 10 to 30 per cent
Ammonia (25%) 100 g. of sodium chloride, 5 to 25 per cent of
Aramonium Sulphite magnesium sulphate or Boclielle salt.
Solution (22° BA) 100 g. This is generously applied until the con-
Turkey Eed Oil (100%) 10 g. centration of excess fixing or softening
Eose Water 790 g. composition is substantially reduced. If
preferred, the application of the hyper-
Milky Permanent Waving Solutions tonic solution may be omitted, in which
The addition of 2-5% of Milcolto either case the hair may be set up in the desired
the ammonia or non*ammonia type of per- wave immediately following the fixing pe-
manent wave solution will produce a milky riod. In the latter case some relaxation
product which will remain permanently of the wave will result. If the hypertonic
milky and not separate. The intensity of solution is employed the wave is set while
the milk can be varied by varying the the hair is still moist therewith and is then
amount of Milcol used. dried. After drying, the crystallized salt
is combed or brushed out and the process
is complete.
Pre-Permanent Waving Treatment
British Patent 443,359
As a preparatory to waving the hair, the Heat Producer for Hair Waving
application of a 6 per cent solution of a Canadian Patent 367,908
composition is made, then it is washed off. Aluminum Powder 20- 40 g.
The resulting wave is made more per- Sodium Thiosulphate 50- 500 g.
manent and the luster of the hair is said Maleic Acid 50- 150 g.
to improve. A typical mixture is as fol- Copper Oxide 40- 100 g.
lows: Fullers^ Earth 500-1000 g.
Cetyl Sodium Sulphate 15 oz.
Cane Sugar 35 oz. Permanent Hair Waving Powder
Anhydrous Sodium Sulphite 50 oz. XT. S. Patent 2,095,374
Potassium Sulphite 70 g.
Permanent Hair Waving Without Heat Ammonium Carbonate 30 g.
Patent 2,061,709
XT. S.
A softening agent isprepared by plac- Preventing Lumping in Hair Wave
ing in water solution 1/100 to 4 per cent Concentrates
of sodium stannite to which there is added Use Absolute Alcohol in
about %
to 2 per cent of sodium hyposul- Gum Concentrates
phate, less than 1 per cent of sodium Gum concentrates (such as karaya)
polysulfide and about 1/100 per cent of made with anhydrous or absolute alcohol
trypsin. The hair to be waved is carefully are more easily dispersed than those pre-
combed and divided into tresses and the pared with alcohol of lower strength.
softening composition is generously ap- When alcohol of low proof is used, water
plied, treating one or several tresses at a present in the alcohol is taken up by the
time. The treated tresses are then con- gum if the concentrate is stored for any
formed with the aid of curling devices, if length of time. Gum swollen by water is
desired. The operation is repeated until particularly difficult to shake into suspen-
all of the hair has been treated and con- sion. This is a serious drawback when
formed. A
period of time of about ten preparing more dilute aqueous solutions
to twenty minutes is then permitted to from the concentrates as is usually done
dapse. At the cr-d of this period a water in beauty parlors.
correction continued as above. The po -

Kinky Hair Straiglitener

ash is only added after the soap shows
U. B. Patent 2,087,953 desired reaction.
0.3- 8 g.
stannous Chloride The soap is next cooled and periumea.
Sodium Mincate , o - 15 I’ For the perfume, 0.5-1.5 kg. of
Sodium Hyposulphite ^ g. or
0.5- 18 g. needle oil is stirred with a mixture
Sodium Polysulphide 0.2-0.6 kg. of castor oil fatty acids,
Magnesium Hydroxide 0.3 kg. of triethanolamine and
0.3--0.O kg’,
make 100 g-
to of alcohol. This mixture is

stirred into the soaii.If desired, the pine-

modified COCONUT OIL needle oil may be mixed with other
SHAMPOOS fume materials such as boriiyl acetate ana
often combined with other par-
Coconut oil is lavender oil but these tend to cover
of high lathering tially the odor of pine.
in the preparation
shampoo soaps, e.g., a liquid
shampoo may The perfumed soap is allowed to stana
of coconut oil and in a cool room preferably for 14 days
be made from 9 parts
soybean oil. The coco- longer to allow impurities and insoluble
7 parts of refined a
avoiding overheat- soap to settle. It should stand for
nut oil is slowly melted,
in? the soybean oil
added and the whole minimum of 8 days. It is then filtered,
wSmed to about 75» C. StirBe.) in slowly preferably in a cool room. Addition or
which per cent or
7 5 parts caustic
potash (50 5 per cent of glycerin and 5
has been diluted with 10
parts oi: distilled isopropyl alcohol renders the liquid soap
water. After stirring
until reaction ap- somewhat more resistant to the eliects or
pears to he complete, cover
the kettle and later chilling. The finished soap may be
lest^to see it
let stand for two
hours. colored with fluorescein.
saponification is complete and
for excess In place of soybean oil, olive foots,
alkalinity. A
practical method of testing peanut oil, or sunflower oil niay
olive oil,
is to dissolve
about 2 grams of soap in 6 be used without any other changes in
warming. fat charge. Coconut oil may be
srams of distilled water, with
unsaponi- when more
Turbidity shows the presence of by its fatty acids, slightly
fied fat, so that
possibly 200 grams of caustic potash would be required.
caustic potash should be
To test for free alkali, add 2 drops Liquid Shampoo
to the sample Formula No. 1
a 1 per cent plienolphthalein
solution. If a decided red color results, ^
220 lb.

stir in 0.3 to 1 part

of castor oil fatty Coconut Oil Fatty Acids 100 lb.

acids. If the soap is already too thick, Triethanolamine 200 lb.

diluted soap may also be added,

Alcohol po
least a
which it is necessary to boil at Water II9 lb.

half hour. Eventually 75

parts of dis-
tilled water are stirred in.
The soap dis- Sapamin Citrate IS
solves overnight. ^
Alcohol (10%)
The following alternative procedure Saponin
may be used as possibly being simpler. Glycerin I
The fats are warmed together as above
and 7.7 parts of 50^ B4. caustic Shampoo, Non-Lathering
solution diluted with 10 parts of
distilled 60 cc.
Sulphonated Castor Oil
water, added. The vessel is left covered Sulphonated Olive Oil 30 cc.

for two hours and 75 parts of hot

water Ethylene Glycol 3 cc.

added. After complete solution

the ex- Mineral Oil
cess of alkali is neutralized with
castor oil Sulfatate or Other
fatty acids. First 300 grams of the Wetting Agent 1 g-
acids are stirred into the soap, the
is brought to boiling and
after a quarter Shampoo
hour, a few drops of soap are tested
Sulphonated Castor Oil (75%) 65 g
phenolplitlialein. If the test shows 28
Sulphonated Olive Oil (75%) g.
a pale pink or lack of a pink color, Best Mineral Oil 6 g.
kg. of potash carbonate dissolved 3 kg.m Ethylene Glycol 2 g.
of distilled water is added. However, if
Perfume to suit.
the soap sample should still show a decided
red color, 300 kg. more of castor oil fatty Shampoo
Soapless Foaminjj
acids are added, boiled, and again tested.
When the soap is no longer too alkaline, Virifoam A \

If still too "Water

the potash solution is added.
Color and perfume to suit.
alkaline^ more fatty acids are added and

Lime Hair Cream Make solution a, filter; add b and o,

Castor Oil, H.S.P. 600 g. which will remain floating on top.
Bleaelied Almond Oil 275 g. Shake before use.
Spermaceti 100 g.
No. 2
Terpeneless Lime Oil 3 g. Kerosene, White, Deodorized 10 kg.
Bergamot Oil 2 g. Citronella Oil 10 kg.
Hydroxy-eitronellal 1 g. Castor Oil 5 kg.
Melt and strain the bases, cool, and add Alcohol (90%) 50 kg.
the perfume. Pour into tins or glass jars. Water 75 kg.
Allow to solidify slowly.
No. 3
Petroleum, Rectified 20 kg.
Hair Creams Vaseline Oil, Yellow 20 kg.
Formula No. 1 Castor Oil 15 kg.
Powdered Soap 50 oz. Lavender Oil 5
Water 36 oz. Quinine Hydrochloride kg.
Glycerin 18
oz. Formaldehyde kg.
Bissolve the soap in hot water, add the Lemon Oil kg.
glycerin. While stirring well add Bergamot Oil 5
Peanut Oil 40 oz. Alcohol 400 kg.
Mix until homogeneous and add Distilled Water 600 kg.
Perfume 12 oz.
and continue stirring until nearly cool. Perfumed Hair Oil
To get maximum stability run through 12
Castor Oil oz.
a colloid mill. 52
Alcohol oz.
No. 2
Lemon Oil 0.5 oz.
Cholesterin 2 oz.
Lavender Oil 1 dr.
White Petrolatum 10 oz.
10 oz.
Bergamot Oil 2 dr.
Cinnamon Oil 10 drops
White Mineral Oil 50 oz.
10 drops
Clove Oil
Water 100 oz.
10 drops
Citronella Oil
The lanolin may be replaced by de-
Tincture of Turmeric 1 dr.
odorized arachis oil and beeswax (1:5).
It is necessary to use a homogenizer in the
preparation of such a cream. Henna Brilliantine
Powdered Henna 2.5 g.
Olive Oil 20 g.
Hair Pomade
Mineral Oil, Yellow, 80 or to 100 g.
Tallow 390 g.
Ceresin,White 150 g.
Most brilliantines are merely colored
Beeswax, White oils, henna, oil soluble brown toned with
50 g.
Rosin, Pale 200 g.
Mineral Oil, White 200 g.
Perfume 10 g. Cholesterol-Sulphur Hair Lotion
Alcohol 89 kg.
Cholesterol 0.5 kg.
Moustache Pomade
Sulphurized Oil 1.5 kg.
Glycosterin 4 g.
Glycerol 2 kg.
Gum Arabic 8 g.
Water 7 kg.
Water 31 g.
Castile Soap 12 g.
Beeswax 30 g. Tar-Sulphur Hair Lotion
Diethylene Glycol 12 g. Alcohol 50 kg.
Perfumeto suit. ' ^
Anthrasol ^ ’
Warmuntil wax has melted and mix (Tar Distillate) 1.5 kg.
vigorously until uniform. Sulphurized Oil 1 kg-
Salicylic Acid 0.2 kg.

Petroleum Hair Oil

Distilled Water 42 kg.
Formula No. 1
a. Water, Distilled 800 ce. Sulphur Hair Tonic
Sulphonated Higher Fatty Alcohol 60 kg.
Alcohol Sodium Salt 5 g. Sulphurized Oil 1 kg.
b. Alcohol (90%) 200 ee. Boric Acid 2 kg.
c. Kerosene, Deodorized 25 g. Portugal Essence 2 kg.
Bergamot Oil 75 g. Water, Distilled 35 kg.


Hair Lotion for Dandruff and Dark Ultramarine Blue 145 kg.
Greasy Hair Lamp Black 5 kg.
Drench Brandy 90 kg.
Sulphurized Oil 1kg. Nail Cream
Triethanolamine 5 kg. a. Beeswax, White 15.0 g.
Peru Balsam 4 kg. White
Ozokerite, 2.5 g.
Montan Wax, Bleached 2.5 g.
Mineral Oil 60.0 g.
EYEBROW PENCILS Cetyl Alcohol 2.0 g.
Eyebrow pencils consist of a fatty base b. Water 23.5 g.
to form the body of the pencil along with Borax 1.5 g.
from 10 to 50 per cent of pigment. A fat c. Aluminum Stearate 20.0 g.
or oil soluble dye may be used to round off d. Fish Silver Paste
the color or, in fact, may be used as the (10% Dispersed in
sole color in the pencil. The pigment mix- Amyl Acetate) 5.0 g.
ture is passed through a fine sieve and then Melt a, add h of about 70® 0. Stir
mixed with part of the fat base in a mor- thoroughly, add o. Stir until the emul-
tar or a roller mill and rubbed to an abso- sion is almost cold, add d.
lutely homogeneous paste. The rest of the
base, warmed, is added and the small Brittle Nails, Prevention of
amount of dye is mixed into the fat mix- Pormula No. 1
ture. When used as a supplement to pig- Nails should be swabbed daily with
ment, 0.5 to 1 per cent of soluble dye is diglyeol laurate on a tuft of absorbent
used; as the only coloring material, 10 to cotton. The same treatment should be
15 per cent of dye is generally necessary. used before applying any nail enamel or
When dye alone is used it need not be lacquer. In all cases wipe oft any excess
ground with the fatty material but is of the diglycol laurate.
simply dissolved in the heated fats. The
base itself is made by melting the solid No. 2
ingredients carefully, preferably on the Linoleic Acid 5 g.
water-bath, and then adding the liquid Diglycol Laurate 5 g.
components. After mixture with the col- Perfume to suit
oring material, the mass is passed through No. 3
a sieve, warmed again and poured into Linoleic Acid 10 g.
molds. Add perfume shortly before pour- Diglycol Laurate 10 g.
ing. The stick mass can be made along Cholesterol ¥2 g.
the lines of the following formulas. Yel- Lanolin 10 g.
low mineral oil 210, white ceresin 320, Perfume to suit
beeswax 30, benzoinated tallow 440.
Beeswax 42, white ceresin 10.5, soft par- Nail Polish Remover
affin 13.5, anhydrous lanolin 13.5, peanut Ethylene Glycol 6 ce.
oil 20.5. Ceresin 30, Japan wax 20, bees- Acetone 40 cc.
wax 30, mineral oil 20. Pigments and Ethyl Acetate 20 ce.
dyes are used to suit individual tastes. Amyl Acetate 20 cc.
Use all parts by weight. Alcohol 10 ce.
Diglycol Laurate 4 cc.
The inclusion of diglycol laurate pre-
Eyebrow Pencils vents brittleness of nails.
Mineral Oil 100 kg.
Ozokerite (60/62® C.), Cuticle Creams
White 55 kg. Pormula No. 1
Beeswax 15 kg. White Petroleum Oil 87.75 g-
Tallow, Benzoated 240 kg. Paraffin Wax (M.P.
Coumarin 1 kg. 125® P.) 9.00
The color for this is, for 1,000 parts of Menthol 3.00 E*
the base Thymol .025
Medium Brovm: Color (Oil Soluble Red) to suit
Umber 225 kg. No. 2
Mahogany 150 kg. Anhydrous Lanolin 12.0
DarJc Brown: Distilled Water 12.0 E*
"Umber 150 kg. Lecithin 0.5 g-
Mahogany 150 kg. Petrolatum (Cream or
Kassel Brown
50 kg. Lily White) ms g«
Light Mineral Oil 20.0
Zinc Oxide 150 kg. Perfume to suit
Since two types of cuticle cream
tiie Terpineol 20 g.
above are essentially hydrocarbon oils Cedarwood Oil 20 g.
which, are difficult to rinse off thoroughly No. 4
their use should be directed after, not be- Amyl Salicylate 10 g.
fore, the application of liquid polish. p-Cresyl Acetate 5 g.
Thus any impairment of lustre and adhe- Phenyl Ethyl Acetate 5 g.
sion of the subsequently applied polish Benzyl Acetate 20 g.
will be avoided. Terpineol 20 g.
Cedarwood Oil 20 g.
Citronella Oil 20 g.
Formula hfo. 1 No. 5
Tri Sodium Phosphate 7-10 oz. Methyl Acetophenone 10 g.
Glycerin 10-30 oz. Cedarleaf Oil 15 g.
Perfume to suit Geraniol Terpenes 20 g.
Water to suit Benzyl Acetate 20 g.

Cedarwood Oil 30 g.
IT. S. Patent 2,041,158
Phellandrene 5 g.
Formamide 40-60 oz. No. 6
Water 60-40 oz. Nutmeg Oil 2 g.
Methyl Benzoate 2 g.
Birch Tar (Rectified) 3 g.
Honey Odor, Concentrate Cedarwood Oil 50 g.
Methyl Phenyl Acetate 500 g. Terpineol 43 g.
Ethyl Phenyl Acetate 250 g.
Ethyl Cinnamate No. 7
175 g.
Spike Lavender Oil 40 g.
Guaiae Wood Oil, Concrete 100 g.
Terpinyl Acetate 10 g.
Phenyl Acetaldehyde
Linalyl Acetate Fractions
(100% ) Freshly Distilled
, 50 g.
(or Shui Oil) 20 g.
Phenyl Acetic Acid
Benzylidene Acetone 5 g.
(Chemically Pure) 50 g.
Terpineol 10 g.
Coumarin 60 g.
Anisaldehyde ex Anethol
Peppermint Oil s g.
(Aub4pine) White Thyme Oil 5 g.
25 g.
Para-Gresyl Acetate
Phenyl Acetic Acid 3 g.
40 g.
Bromelia Styrax 4 g.
75 g.
Benzyl Isobutyrate 30 g.
P 00

Geranyl Acetate Benzyl Acetate 60 g.

30 g.
Laurinaldehyde Amyl Cinnamic Aldehyde 3 g.
p-Methyl Quinoline 1 g-
(10% Solution) 10 g.
Geraniol Terpenes
Cognac Oil 20 g.
(Genuine, Green)
Cedarwood Oil 16 g.
5 g.
Vanillin 25 g.
No. 9
Benzaldehyde 30 g.
Phellandrene 20 g.
Heliotrope, Concrete 90 g.
Pine Oil 20 g.
Cetyl Acetate 50 g.
Juniper Berry Oil 20 g.
Para-Cresyl Phenyl Acetate 25 g.
Cedarwood Oil 30 g.
Naphthalene 5 g.
Camphor 5 g.
Soap Perfumes
Formula No. 1 No. 10
Diphenyl Oxide Eucalyptus Oil 60 g.
50 g.
Cedarwood Oil Cassia Oil 10 g.
20 g.
Benzyl Acetate Spike Lavender Oil 10 g.
15 g.
Geraniol Terpenes 15 g. Cedarwood Oil 20 g.
No. 2 No. 11
Diphenyl Oxide 40 g. Geraniol Terpenes 50 g.
Geraniol Terpenes 10 g. Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 19 g.
Cedarwood Oil 20 g. Benzyl Acetate 10 g.
Methyl Anthranilate 6 g. Terpineol 10 g.
Petitgrain Oil 10 g. Cedarwood Oil 10 g.
Lemongrass Oil 5 g. Phenylacetaldehyde 1 g-
No . 3 ANo."12'"'
Amyl Salicylate 40 g. Nutmeg Oil 10 g.
Aubepine 10 g. Methyl Salicylate 8 g-
Benzyl Acetate 10 g. Methyl Benzoate 5 g.

Geraniol Terpenes da g. No. 3

Cedarwood Oil 20 g. Dissolve 20 to 25 g. essence of eau do

Terpineol 8
Cologne and 0.5 g. of menthol in 1,000
g. of best-grade paraffin wax melted on
a water-bath. Stir well and cast in
Solid Perfumes
molds. Sometimes almond oil is used
Formula No. 1 with the eau de Cologne.
Paraffiu Wax 500 g.
satisfactory base can be prepared
Melt on water-bath and add by dissolving about 10 per cent of good
Perfume Oil 50 g.
soap chips in alcohol.
Menthol Hi g.
No. 4
Mix well and pour into containers at
Sodium Stearate, Colloidal 325 g.
160® P.
No. 2 Aluminum Hydroxide,
Acid 5 g. Colloidal 20 g.
Glycerin 600 g.
Melt and mix vigorously with
Cologne Water Oil 50 g.
Sodium Carbonate Hi
iHi Menthol 5 g.
Eosin Soap (Best)
Toilet Water (75%
Alcohol) 93 g. Cedar Odor for Soap and Polish
Heat in an autoclave for Hi hour and Cedar Oil 300 cc.
DOur into molds. Clove Oil 120 cc.
No. 3 Cassia Oil 80 cc.
Potassium Biacetono Bergamot Oil 400 cc.
Fructose Sulphate 2 g. Benzaldehyde 30 cc.
Add with vigorous mixing to following Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 50 cc.
until a gel is formed. Musk Xylene 20 g.
Perfume Oil 10 g. The popularity of cedar oil, which is
Alcohol 80 g. said to be the seventh odor in order of
Pack cold. preference, is attested by the fact that
No. 4 it is used to mask the odors of chlorine
Stearic Acid 9 g. disinfectants, furniture polish, insecti-
Alcohol 50 g. cides, and naphthalene and paradichloro-
Warm together until dissolved. benzene blocks and cakes. It is also
To above add : used considerably in compounding per-
Caustic Potash 1 g. fumes for deodorizing theaters.
Water 40 g.
Heat and mix on a water-bath until
Cool to 50® C. and stir in per-
Ambergris —^Functionand Application
of, in
fume. Pour into molds.
Black ambergris has the most pro-
nounced indole odor, the infusion is dark
Solid Eau de Cologne in color with a coarse but strong smell.
Formula No. 1 Some varieties of ambergris which are
This generally considered as a more
is light in color have little odor, and the re-
)r transparent alcohol soap. One
less sulting tinctures are of little value, being
method is to dissolve 8.5 g. of stearic weak. Qualities should be selected in
acid in 50 g. of 90 per cent alcohol. To which the indole odor is not excessively
this 1.3 g. of sodium hydrate dissolved strong and the sea-smell present, but not
in 40 g. of water are added. The mix- pronounced. Ambergris is tested by
ture is warmed until it becomes clear. taking small quantities from different
Now add essence of eau de Cologne care- pieces, reducing to a fine state of divi-
fully to avoid loss by evaporation and sion and making a tincture of 1 gram in
any congealing action. Pour into molds 40 cc. of 96% alcohol. After two or
and allow to set. three days a test slip is immersed in the
No. 2 tincture, allowed to dry —
the odor should
Another formula is: Mix 150 g. white not be foscal; after 12 hours the odor
gelatin (i.e., gelatin containing zinc ox- should be fully developed and should sub-
ide or titanium oxide) with 750 g. hot sist for several days. The strength of
water and let stand for 24 hours. Then tincture is 25 g. of ambergris to 1 1. of
add 50 g. 28® Be. glycerin in which about alcohol j 1,000 g. of powdered ambergris
1.5 to 2.5 per cent essence of eau de are placed in a wide-mouthed vessel of
Cologne and about 0.5 to 1 per cent re- 10-12 1. capacity and 8 1. of 96% al-
crystallized menthol have been dissolved. cohol are added, allowed to digest for
\ preservative will be required for this. eight days, with occasional stirring.

Tlxe supernatant liquid is decanted and No. 5
reserved, and replaced by 8 1. of fresh Talcum, Finest 333 g.
alcohol, •which is decanted after 8 days. Colloidal Clay 333 g.
In all such extractions are made,
five Zinc Oxide 167 g.
and the combined 40 1, of alcoholic ex- Magnesium Carbonate 167 g.
tract are filtered and placed in a warm ^Binder 80 g.
spot to mature for six months. The * Consisting of
mare is covered with 10 1. of alcohol and Tragaeanth 80 g,
Alcohol 100 g.
allowed to stand until it is necessary to Water, Distilled 900 g.
extract a further quantity of ambergris,
when this alcohol is used for the first Adhesive for Compact Powders
extraction. The exhausted residue is Dextrin 15 g.
placed to dry in the air, ground and pre- Gum Arabic 10 g.
served in metal containers for -use in Water 75 g.
sachet powders and musk powders. For Aquaresin 10 g.
good results in perfumes it is necessary
to use 30 to 80 cc. of this tincture to 1 1. Liquid Face Powders
of perfume. Formula No. 1
Zinc Oxide 200 g.
Compact Powders Titanium Dioxide 50 g.
Formula IN’o. 1 Talcum 50 g.
Talcum 42.64 kg.
Eau de Cologne 100 g.
Zinc Oxide 14.96 kg.
Eose Water 680 g.
Glycerin 20 g.
Magnesium Carbonate 2.94 kg.
Starch 26.46 kg. No. 2
’^Stearin-Starch 13.00 kg.
Bismuth Subnitrate 20 g.
* Stearin-Starch (Binder)
Calcium Carbonate,
a. Stearic Acid lOO g. Precipitated 75 g.
Mineral Oil 20 g. Zinc Oxide 55 g.
h. Ammonia (0.97) 50 g. Talcum
c.Corn Starch 250 g. 150 g.
Melt a, add h •with good agitation, and to Orange Flower Water 670 g.
this emulsion add c. Stir till cold. Strain. Eau de Cologne Oil 10 g.
Grind when hardened. Glycerin (28® B6.) 20 g.
No. 2 No. 3
Talcum 30.58 kg. Zinc Oxide 20 g.
Zinc Oxide 21.12 kg. Calcium Carbonate,
Magnesium Carbonate 3.43 kg. Precipitated 150 g.
Starch 30.87 kg. Talcum 30 g.
*Stearin-Starch 14.00 kg. Glycerin (28® B4.) g*
* “Stearin-Starch” Binder for Perfume 10 g.
Compact Powders Eose Water 180 g.
a. Stearic Acid 25 g. Water, Distilled 600 g.
Cetyl Alcohol 5 g.
Mineral Oil 5 g,
No. 4
b. Corn Starch 50 g. Titanium Dioxide 120 g.
Calcium Carbonate 15 g. Tincture Benzoin,
Dissolve a in ligroin (or solvent naphtha)
and mix with b to a heavy mass. Dry, grind,
Siam (1:5) 50 g.
sift. Glycerin 60 g.
10-12% added to the other powder
of this is Glycopon S or Alcohol 70 g.
bodies to bind them in the compact powder Perfume
block. 3 g.
Gelatin 2 g.
No. 3
Water, Distilled 695 g!
Talcum, Finest 40 kg.
These powders may contain pigments
Colloidal Clay 25 kg. or dyes to give the desired shades.
Corn Starch 30 kg.
Zinc Oxide 5 kg. No. 5

(Flesh Color)
No. 4
Magnesium Carbonate,
Talcum 35 kg. Eight 15 g.
Colloidal Clay 25 kg. Zinc Oxide, Light I.5 g.
Barium Sulphate 10 kg. Salicylic Acid 0.1 g.
Starch 25 kg. Alcohol (90%) 7 g.
Zinc Oxide 5 kg. Ponceau 4R
The powders are pressed to blocks by (1:100 Solution) 0.1 g.
a correct pressure, which is essential for Eosin, Yellowish
the success. (1:100 Solution) 0.03 g.

Bose Water about 86.3 g. Titanium Dioxide 8 g*

Special Perfume about 1 g- Tale 10.5 gv
^ No. 6 Glycerin 6 g-
German Patent 633,661 Water, Distilled 80 g*
Zinc Stearate 3.8 g- Mix thoroughly.
ITndecylie Acid 0.2 g- Shake before use.
Formula No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10
Standard With Quick Extra
Type Chalk Drying Smooth
Btarch, Bice or Corn 5 oz. 5 oz.
Colloidal Kaolin 10 oz. 10 oz. 10 oz. 15 oz.
Precipitated Olialk 5 oz. 5 oz,
Zinc Oxide 16 oz. 10 oz.

Titanium Dioxide 5 oz. 5 oz.

Glycerin 8 oz. 5 oz. 10 oz. 7 oz.
Alcohol 10 oz. 7 oz. 9 oz. 10 oz.
Perfume Compound 1 oz. 1 oz. 1 oz. 1 oz.
Tincture Benzoin 5 oz,
Quince Seed Mucilage 3 oz.
Distilled Water 105 oz. 112 oz. 100 oz. 104 oz.

Powder Creams Stearic Acid 7 g.

Formula No. 1 Caustic Potash 1 g.
Zinc Oxide 3 kg. Zinc Oxide 5 g.
Titanium Dioxide 3 Water 26 g.
Parachol (Oxyeholesterol-
Absorption Base) 10 Astringent Powders
Stearic Acid 3 Formula No. 1
Potassium Hydroxide 0.1 kg. Aluminum Cetyl Acetate 0.5 lb.
Glycerin 4kg. Zinc Stearate 5 lb.
Spermaceti 5 kg, Zinc Oxide 10 lb.
Water 71.9 kg, Titanium Dioxide 5 lb.
Perfume \ Magnesium Carbonate 10 lb.
to suit
Color j
Talc 50 lb.
No. 2 Colloidal Kaolin 19.5 lb.
Zinc Oxide 5 kg. No. 2
Stearic Acid 22.8 kg. Tale 40 lb.
Potassium Hydroxide 0.8 kg. Colloidal Kaolin 25 ib.

Glycerin 10 kg. Zinc Oxide 20 lb.

Water 61.3 kg- Magnesium Carbonate 5 lb.

Perfume Zinc Undecanate 5 lb.

to suit Tannic Acid, Purest 5 lb.
Color I
No. 3
No. 3
Tale 20 lb.
Zinc Oxide 3kg.
Colloidal Kaolin 25 lb.
Absorption Base 6kg.
Titanium Dioxide 5 lb.
StearicAcid 2kg.
Zinc Oxide 20 lb,
Potassium Hydroxide 0.2 kg.
Magnesium Carbonate 10 lb.
Glycerin 3 kg.
Zinc TJndeeanate 10 lb.
Spermaceti 3 kg.
Aluminum Stearate 5 lb.
Water 82.2 kg.
No. 4
Perfume ]
to suit Alum, Powdered 0.5 lb.
Color j Aluminum Stearate 4 lb.
No. 4 Zinc Stearate 10 Ib.
a. Zinc Stearate 7.6 g, Magnesium Carbonate 10 lb,
Undecylic Acid 0.4 g. Zinc Oxide, Purest 25 lb.
Glycerin 15 g. Titanium Dioxide or Borate 4.5 lb.
h. Water, Distilled g. 10
J.V/ Colloidal Kaolin 20 lb.
Mix a well, and add h slowly, mixing Talc 21 lb.
No. 5

^ Witch Hazel Powder

Velouty de Dixor ^ ^ Type a. Tale 30 lb.
Starch 20 g. Colloidal Kaolin 35 lb.
Glycerin 40 Magnesium Carbonate
g. 5 lb.
Witch Hazel Water, 1:1, Tale
or Extract 10 lb. Zinc Oxide
h. Zinc Stearate 5 lb. Magnesium Stearate
Titanium Dioxide 5 lb. No. ,2

Bice Starch 10 lb. Bice Starelr

Lavender Perfume as desired Magnesium Carbonate
Mix a thoroughly and dry cautiously in Colloidal Kaolin
vacuo. Mix with &. Tale
Zine Stearate
Military Foot Powder No. S
Trioxymethylene 10 g. (Very Dry, Prencli Style)
Boric Acid, Powdered 10 g. Bice Starch I

Talc 72.5 g. Corn Starch. j

*Pat Composition 7.5 g. Magnesium Carbonate 1

* Consists of
Yellow Vaseline 50 g.
Lanolin, Anhydrous 20 g. Toilet Powder
Beeswax, White 5 g. French Patent 803,330
Water, Distilled 25 g.
Body Powder for Children Zinc Stearate
Formula No. 1 Boric Acid
Tale 70 Zinc Oxide
Colloidal Kaolin 25 kg.
Lycopodium 3 kg. Talcum Powders
Magnesium Carbonate 2 kg. Formula No. 1
No. 2 Tale
Talc 80 kg. Boric Acid, Powdered
Colloidal Kaolin 15 kg. Magnesium Carbonate
Zine Stearate 5 kg. Zinc Undeeanate
No. 3 No. 2
Bentonite, Sterilized 10 kg. Talc
Boric Acid, Powdered 5 kg. Bice Starch
Bice Starch 10 kg. Boric Acid, Powdered
Lycopodium 15 kg. Titanium Dioxide
Magnesium Carbonate 5 kg. Magnesium Carbonate
Titanium Dioxide 5 kg. No. 3
Zinc Oxide 5 kg. Talc, Finest
Tale 45 kg. Magnesium Carbonate
No. 4 Zine Stearate
Talc 50 kg. No. 4
Eice Starch 15 kg. Tale
Magnesium Carbonate 15 kg. Magnesium Stearate
Lyeopodinm 5 kg. Magnesium Carbonate
Titanium Dioxide 1 kg. No. 5
Zinc Oxide 4 kg. Tale, Venetian
Magnesium Stearate 5 kg. Zinc Oxide
Boric Acid 2 kg. Boric Acid, Powdered
Magnesium Carbonate
Superfatted Baby Powders Colloidal Clay
Formula No. 1
Talc 7^ Electric Bazor Pre- Shaving Lotion
Colloidal Kaolin 2( (Sets up hair prior to shaving)
Magnesium Stearate i Alcohol 50 g.
Grlyceryl I Water 50 g.
No. 2 Aluminum Chloride V>
" a*.
Titanium Dioxide, Purest I Color Yellow ) x
Magnesium Stearate { Perfume |
Colloidal Kaolin If Apply to face and allow to dry before
Tale shaving.
Glyceryl Mono stearate 1

Shaving Cream
Starch Powders Formula No. 1
Formula No. 1 Stearic Acid 80 g.
Bice Starch i Tallow, Edible 18 g.
Corn Starch i Coconut Oil Cochin 20 g.

Caustic Potash (36° Be.) 70 g. dj keeping the mixture free from lumps
Water 100 g. and air bubbles. Let cool without stir-
Triethanolamine Oleate 3 g. ring, and allow to stand for 3 days, when
Let stand in earthenware jars for 2 pearl formation should have occurred.
weeks, mixing from time to time. To this, the emulsion e, prepared at 70-
^ No. 2 80° C., is added, and the whole is homo-
m Biglycol Btearate 14 Ib. genized in a roller mill.
Stearic Acid 6 lb.
Mineral Oil 1 lb.
Non-Gummy Shaving Cream
h. Biethylene Glycol 5 lb.
U. S. Patent 2,047,320
Water 74 lb. Hydrogenated Cotton Seed
Melt a to 70° C., and heat T> to 75° C.
Oil Fatty Acids 32.5 oz.
separately. Add h to a slowly with good Coconut Oil 4.8 oz.
agitation. Stir until the cream sets.
Caustic Potash (42.2° B4.) 17.6 oz.
This gives an excellent product, highly Caustic Soda (42,2° Be.) 2.9 oz.
thought of on the Continent. Water 39.5 oz.
No. 3
Stearic Acid 6 lb.
Glyceryl Monostearate 6 lb.
Shaving Cream That Will Prevent
Sulphonated Olive Oil 4 lb. Bazor Blades Prom Busting
Bigiycol Laurate 2 lb.
British Patent 450,221
Glycerol 2 lb.
The addition of 1 g. per lb. of chromium
Potassium Hydroxide 0.3 lb. hydroxide or sodium dichromate to a shav-
Borax 0.5 lb.
ing cream will passivate the razor blade
Water 79.2 lb. used in shaving.

Greasy Shaving Cream Solid Shaving Preparation

Stearic Acid, Triple Pressed 75 lb. German Patent 636,097
Sesame Oil, J?reserved 70 lb. Formula No. 1
Spermaceti 10 lb. Magnesium Peroxide 1,000 g.
Ammonia (0.880) 10 lb. Lactose 200 g.
Glycerin 30 lb. Gum Arabic 50 g.
Water, Distilled 315 lb. Hydrogen Peroxide-
Carbamide 5 g.
Shaving Cream, Transparent Water to correct
Gelatin 2 g. consistency
Wheat Starch 1 g.
Glycerin 20 g.
No. 2
Triethanolamine Oleate, Light 8 g.
Magnesium Peroxide 1.500
Distilled Water 69 g.
Hydrogen Peroxide-
Carbamide 60
Brushless Shaving Cream Gum Arabic 300
Stearic Acid 16.5 g. Magnesium Carbonate 3.500
Lanolin 1.0 g.
Lactose 200
Eaisin Seed Oil 8,5 g.
Talc 200
Triethanolamine 1.0 g.
Water to su
Water 72.5 ce. Mix together thoroughly, wet with
Perfume 0.5 g. water, and press into forms (sticks).
Apply the stick, leading it over the
Non-Foaming Pearly Shaving Cream skin. After %
a minute, shaving can
a. Coconut Oil 20 kg. start.
Hog Fat 15 kg.
h. Potassium Hydroxide
(about 90%) 37 kg. Casein Paste to Enhance the Molding
Borax 2.5 kg. Properties of Shaving Soap
Water, Distilled 145 kg. Casein 10 kg.
c. Glycerin 100 kg. Water, Cold 27.4 kg.
Water, Distilled 45 kg. Water, Hot 10 kg.
d. Stearic Acid 146 kg. Borax 1.35 kg. •

e. Diglycol Stearate 40 kg. Boric Acid 1.25 kg.

Stearic Acid 80 kg. Stearic Acid 15 kg.
Water, Distilled 400-500 kg. Lanolin 15 kg.
Saponify a with h. Wlien finished, add 2-4% of this paste should be added to
c, and after 1 hour on the waterbatli add the soap before pressing.
Shaving Soap Pour into forms, cut, etc.
Eormula Ho. 1 * Not more than 0.03% as KOH.
a. Stearic Acid, Not more than 0.5-1% free stearic acid.
Triple Pressed 80 kg. Ho. 2
Coconut Oil, Cochin 20 kg, Stearic Acid 40 kg.
2>. Potash Hydroxide Coconut Oil, Cochin 10 kg.
(38'^ Be.) 36 kg. Potassium Hydroxide
Sodium Hydroxide (38° Be.) 23 kg.,
(38° Be.) 19 kg. Sodium Hydroxide
Water, Distilled 2 kg. (38° Be.) 6 kg,
Glycerin (28° Be.) 6- 8 kg. Diglycol Stearate 4 kg.
Melt a to 75 ° G. in steam- jacketed kettle Glycerin 1 kg.
>q Qj with stirring. Mix the lyes with glycerin
Saponify in the regular fashion at 70
and water, h, and add this slowly to the
80° 0., and add the diglycol stearate to
kettle, causing a strong development of
the finished soap.
heat. When the soap rises too much, cool
This product is highly favored on the
by spraying with cold water. Wlien all &
has been added, start heating again, and
keep stirring for some time. Stop both
for one hour, let stand covered. Keep at Transparent Shaving Soap
about 80° C. Only the highest grade of materials is
Stir up again, let stand for another suitable for use in transparent shaving
hour. Test for correct neutrality * and soap. This applies equally to the fats and
absence of unsaponified fat, and adjust, if lye, as well as to glycerin and other m-
necessary, with some stearic acid. cidental ingredients.

Formula Ho. 1 Ho. 2 Ho. 3

Beef Tallow — 20 oz. 40 oz.
Cochin Coconut Oil 30 oz. 20 oz. 30 oz.
Triple Pressed Stearic Acid 60 oz. 50 oz. 20 oz.
Castor Oil 10 oz. 10 oz. 10 oz.
Caustic Potash (40 ° B4. 35 oz. 30 oz. 20 oz.
Caustic Soda (36° BA) 15 oz. 20 oz. 30 oz.
Denatured Alcohol 40 oz. 50 oz. 60 oz.
Glycerin 20 oz. 15 oz. 10 oz.
Sugar 15 oz 20 oz. 20 oz.
Water 20 oz. 20 oz. 20 oz.
Perfume 1.5 oz. 1.5 oz. 1.5 oz.
Color to suit

oils and fats, except for a portion possible and put into tin barrels. On the
of the castor oil, are put into a covered second day the soap bars are taken out
kettle and warmed to about 60° C. (140° by warming the barrels. The bars are
F.) on a water bath. The alkali is heated cut to the required size and kept for two
to the same temperature and then added weeks to dry. They are then stamped
slowly with constant stirring to the fat and packed.
charge. A
little alcohol is added to ac- Care must be taken in the selection of
celerate saponification. The kettle is kept color and perfume in order to keep the
covered for half an hour when the batch soap transparent. Water-soluble colors
is tested to determine whether saponifica- are preferable.
tion is complete. If it is, the remainder
of the castor oil is run in. It is covered
again and kept on the water bath. After Shaving Soap Bases I

an hour tests are again made for com- Formula Ho. 1

pleteness of saponification. If too much Palm Oil (or Fatty Acid) 20 kg I
alkali is found present it must be taken Coconut Oil 15 kg.
up by the addition of more oil. Olive Oil (or Sulphur
The soap is next removed from the water Olive Oil) 15 kg.
bath and a clear, filtered
solution of Stearic Acid 50 kg.
pgar warmed to about 70° C. (158° F.) Ho. 2
is added with thorough mixing. Alcohol Palm Oil Stearin 75 kg,
and. glycerin are also stirred into the soap Coconut Oil 15 kg.
until the soap has gone into solution. OHve Oil 10 kg.
Filtered dye material and perfume are
For the saponification use a 2:1 or a
added. The soap solution is filtered if 3:1 mixture of potassium and sodium hy-

droxlde. Slight addition of glycerin is FTo. 5

possible, but not necessary. Sage Tincture 5
Witch Hazel Extract 75
Transparent Liqiiid Shaving Soap Borax 5
* : . ; T O frn i-

Oleie 13.50 kg. Glycerin 80

Coconut Oil 15.75 kg. Alcohol 345
Caustic Potash Eau de Cologne Essence 5
(50%) about 6.33 kg. DistilledWater 485
Water, Distilled 79.00 kg All parts by weight.

Liquid Clear Sliaving Soap After-Shaving Powder

Olive or Apricot Talcum, Finest SO g.
Kernel Oil 350 g. Zinc Oxide 25 g.
Coconut Oil Fatty Acid 50 g. Colloidal Kaolin 20 g.
Alcohol 90 g. Boric Acid 5 g.
Glycerin 60 g.
Caustic Potash Embalming Fluids
(48° BA) about 190 g. Formula No. 1
Water, Distilled 210 g. Borax 4 oz.
Saponify in tlie regular manner, and Phenol 5 oz.
neutralize witli. a. good 100% Turkey Bed Salicylic Acid 5 oz.
Oil (72-74% fat content). Store cold Formalin (40%) 71 oz.
and after a
filter weeks. When using Glycerin 31 oz.
olive oil, use a zerolized oil (liquid fraction Water to make 1 gal.
pressed out at 0° C.), which will not de- No. 2
posit any stearin on cooling. Special Jaundice Fluid
Same fluid as above, except omit the
Cooling After-Shaving Lotions formalin and add 10 oz. more of phenol.
Formula Ko. 1
Menthol No. 3
2 g.
Glycerin 100 French ‘ ^ Oil Embalming Fluid ’ ’

Alcohol 500 g.
Borax 3 oz.
Water 400 ec.
Sodium Salicylate 1 oz.

No. 2 Sodium Chloride 1 oz.

Glycerin 5 oz.
Boric Acid 4 g.
Water 6 oz.
1 g
30 g.
Alcohol 125 g.
Water or Witch Hazel, Sodium Chlorate % oz.

to make 1,000 cc. Sodium Chloride 1 oz.

d CO Water 6 oz.
Menthol 7 oz.
Menthol % g-
Thymol 11 oz.
Alcohol 15 g.
Clove Oil 2 oz.
Glycerin 25 g.
Mucilage of Irish Moss Peppermint Oil 2 oz.
12 g.
Boric Acid 5 g.
Nutmeg Oil 2 oz.
Eucalyptus Oil 3 oz.
Perfume and Color, as desired
Camphor Water, make 100 Methanol 22 pt.
to cc.
Formalin 6 pt.
No. 4
Glyceryl Monostearate 18.0 g. Dissolve the oils in 7 pints methanol
Peanut Oil 4.2 g. (except the clove and eucalyptus). These
Lanolin 2.5 g. are dissolved in the balance of the meth-
Diethylene Glycol 5.0 g. anol. The formalin is added to this.
Menthol 01 g.
When a and & are both dissolved, mix to-
Alcohol o.O ce. gether and add the methanol solution of
Water 65.0 cc. menthol and eucalyptus. Let stand 6

Nov 5 hours, filter and bottle.

Astringent No. 4
Boric Acid 5 oz. Alkaline Embalming Fluid
Menthol 2 dr. 10% Sodium Carbonate
Glycerin 10 oz. Solution 1 pt.
Alcohol 10 qt. 20% Sodium Nitrate Solution 1 pt.
Water, to make 10 gal. 20% Sodium Citrate Solution 1 pt.
Perfume and Color, as desired. 17% Sodium Chloride Solution 1 pt.
: :

25% Granulated Sugar Glycerol 12 lb.
Solution Potassium Nitrate 3 lb.
25% Paraclilormetacresol Boric Acid 1.5 lb,
Solution, in Metlianol 1 pt. Sodium Citrate 1 lb.
Formalin (40%) 3 pt. Clove Oil 0.5 lb.
Glycerin 1 pt. Red Dye sufficient to color
Make solutions separately, tlien add and Water 15 lb.
mix. The boricacid is dissolved in the meth-
anol, and the glycerol then added. The
Embaimers Cavity Fluid

oil of cloves is then added to this mixture.
Formula No. 1 The potassium nitrate and sodium cit-
Formaldehyde 58 lb. rate are dissolved in the water. The solu-
Methanol, Anhydrous 20 lb. tions are then mixed with the formalde-
Ethyl Ether 12.5 lb. hyde and tinted to a cherry color.
Phenol P lb.
Red Dye, Alcohol Soluble to color Tissue Filler
Wintergreen Oil 0.5 lb. (For dead human bodies)
The phenol is added to the mixture of A
saturated solution of soluble cot"
ether and methanol. This solution is then ton’^ (nitro-cellulose) in methanol.
poured into the formaldehyde. A small Inject with a hypodermic needle.
amount of the red dye is dissolved in some
of the methanol, which solution is added Embalmers' Covering Creams
to the above mixture to color it a bright Flesh
cherry. White Petrolatum
No. 2 Titanium Dioxide
Methanol 50 oz.
Cosmetic Pink Ochre
Formalin (40%) 50 oz.
Cosmetic Yellow Ochre
Embalming (Arterial) Fluids
Lead Chromate
Formula No. 1
Formalin 220 oz.
White Petrolatum 2,000 g.
Titanium Dioxide 400 g.
Glycerin 100 oz.
Borax Cosmetic Ochre 20 g.
90 oz.
Sodium Chloride 10 oz.
Sodium Nitrate 10 oz. Embalmers Liquefying Cream

Sodium Citrate 50 oz. White Petrolatum IS g.

Methanol 40 oz. Mineral Oil, White 100 g,
Benzaldehyde 6 oz. Selexene 50 g.
Water 75 oz. Lilac Perfume Oil 1 g.
Erythrosine (Dye) to suit Brilliant Scarlet to suit
No. 2
Water 10 oz. Embalmers^ Vanishing Cream
Phenol (U.S.P.) 5 oz. Stearic Acid 20 g.
Borax 4 oz. Diglycol Stearate 11 g.
Sodium Salicylate 6 oz. Water 50 g.
Glycerin 31 oz. Diphenyl Oxide tr suit
Formalin 71 oz.
Water to make 128 oz. Embalmers Cosmetic Sprays

No. 3 Basic Solution

Formalin 42.60 oz. Methanol 3,000 ce.
lUA ;
Methanol 14.00 oz. Glycerin 400 cc.
ogn^ Glycerin 5.80 oz. 1. '‘Rosytint’ ’
Borax 2.25 oz. To basic solution above add:
Sodium Nitrate 5.00 oz. Croceine Scarlet 1.6 g.
No. 4 Eosin 0.4 g.
Formalin 61.70 oz. LilacPerfume to suit
Metlianol 13.00 oz. 2. 'Wivatone^'
Glycerin 13.00 oz. To basic solution above add
Borax 1.75 oz. Erythrosine
Sodium Nitrate 3,00 oz. Eosin
Phenol 5.00 oz. Violet Perfume
Parachlormetaeresol 3,00 oz. 3. Brunette
No. 5 To basic solution above add
Formaldehyde 52 Jb. Oil Red Dye
Methanol 15 lb. Benzaldeliyde

4. Sun-tan’^ Triturate the phenol into the ointment

Erie Catechu 0.4 g.
Oil Bed Dye 1.6 g. White Wash for Mosquito Bites
Perfume to suit Kino Oxide 2 lb.
Glycerin 24 oz.
Deodorant Spray (For Embalmers) Alcohol 16 oz.
Boric Acid 12 oz. CresylicAeid 4 oz.
Sodium Nitrate 12 oz. Lime Water 1 gal.
Potassium Chlorate 12 oz.
Chloral Hydrate 8 oz. Mosquito Chaser
Alcohol Eucalyptol oz.
1 p*-.
Water to make 5 gal. Acetic Ether 6 dr.
Cologne Water 6 dr.
(Jorpse Drying and Disinfecting Powder Tincture Pyrethrum 1% oz.
U. S. Patent 2,047,323 Apply mixture to skin or spray about
Paraformaldehyde 7.6 oz.
Ammonia Alum 3.4 oz.
Magnesium Sulphate 4.2 oz. White Bole Salve
Calcined Gypsum 22.0 oz. Wliite Bole 300 g.
Pumice, Powdered 31.4 oz. Boric Acid, Powdered 2 g.
Slaked Lime 3.4 oz. Salicylic Acid, Powdered 0.5 g.
Marble Dust 27.5 oz. Methyl Salicylate 5 g.
Soap Bark, Powdered 0.42 oz. Peppermint Oil 1 g.
Calcium Stearate 0.08 oz. Glycerin (80%) to make a paste

Insect Bite Anodyne Metol Poisoning Salve

Menthol 8 gr. Formula No. 1
Alcohol 6 dr. lehthyol 1 dr.
Ammonia 2 dr. Boric Acid 1 dr.
Zinc Oxide 34 dr.
Tropical Mosquito Salve Petrolatum 1 dr.
Quinine Dihydroehloride 5 g. No. 2
Lanolin 70 g. lehthyol 1 oz.
Cod X-<iver Oil 25 g. Besorcin 1 oz.
Lavender Oil to perfume Zinc Oxide 34 oz.
White Paraffin Ointment 5 oz.
Midge Bite Preventive Apply after washing hands thoroughly.
Glycerin 1 dr. Use at night and protect with gloves or
Tincture of Wormwood 3 dr. some other wrapping.
Eau de Cologne to make 2 oz.
Skin Disinfection
Bee and Wasp Sting Treatment Tincture of mercuric chloride possesses^
The sting must be removed, not by pull- in high degree, the properties of an ideal
ing it with tweezers or lingers, which will skin disinfectant. It is bactericidal, pene-
cause additional poison to be ejected into trating, removes fat, colors the skin and
the wound, but by ^Cifting’’ it with a fades rapidly, causes little or no irritation,
scraping upward movement of a knife and its cost is low.
blade. It may then be dabbed with dilate The formula is
ammonia or with one of the following Mercuric Chloride 1.00 g.
Sting Lotion Chrysoidin Y 2.00 g.
Formula No. 1 Hydrochloric Acid 7.50 g.
Sodium Bicarbonate 9-10 g. Acetone 100,00 cc.
Water 90 g. Alcohol 525.00 cc.
Perfume to suit Distilled Water, to make 1000.00 cc.
No. 2 After clinical trial, surgeons report no
Thymol 20 g. infections after its use.
Camphor, Spirits of 800 g.
Ammonia (10%) 200 cc. Sulphur Ointment
Highly active sulphur salves of value
Mosquito Bite Ointment for skin eczemas, especially athlete 's foot,
Boric Acid Ointment may be made by mixing 150 oz. of pre-
(D.S.P.) 95 g. cipitated sulphur, 50 oz. of paraffin oil,
Phenol 5 g. and 50 oz. of peanut oil. Then work in
20 oz. of wliite beeswax and 20 oz. of Foot Ease Lotion
spermaceti, and finally 100 oz. of an- Salicylic Acid 50 g.
hydrous lanolin and 100 oz. more of pea- Ethyl Alcohol 1,000 cc.
nut oil. The mixture is then melted on a Ferric Chloride Solution,
water bath and 60 oz. of water is added Dilute 1 drop
with agitation. Eemove heat and con- Methyl Salicylate 1 cc.
tinue agitation until cool. Using this solution, massage the feet
Athlete Eoot Preparations
Formula No. 1 Foot Cream
Salicylic Acid 8 g- Oleic Acid, White 250 g.
Ammouiated Mercury 4 g* Mineral Oil 250 g.
Bismuth Subnitrate 12 g- Ammonia 25 g.
Eucalyptus Oil 12 g. Salicylic Acid 120 g.
Hydrous Wool Fat 64 g- Alcohol 65 g.
No. 2
SalicylicAcid 5 g- Frost Foot Bath Powder
Benzoic Acid 5 g- Alum 10 g.
Chlorthymol 2 g- Borax 14 g.
Propyl Para-amino Benzoate 5 g* Tannic Acid 12 g.
or Zinc Sulphate 20 g.
Benzocaine 10 g- Starch 30 g.
Vanishing Cream Base, Eosemary Oil 15 drops
a sufficient quantity. Neroli Oil, Artificial 5 drops
No. 3
Powdered Sodium Toe Nail Softener
Thiosulphate 20 g. Caustic Potash 2.5 g.
Powdered Boric Acid 50 g. Glycerol 15 g.
Purified Talc (Sterilized) 30 g. Alcohol 15 g.
No. 4 Water 67.5 g.
For skin diseases caused by fungus, etc.
Sodium Thiosulphate, Chilblains Eemedy
Finely Powdered 18 g. Formula No. 1
Sodium Bicarbonate, Chilblains are relieved by local appli-
Finely Powdered 1 g. cation of oil of eucalyptus.
Paraffin Wax 11 g. No. 2
White Petrolatum 70 g. Paint with a mixture of tincture of
Grind together in a mortar. iodine one oz., flexible collodion three or
Zinc oxide may be incorporated into the four oz., once or twice a day.

ointment; if done, decrease amount of

paraffin. The ointment may be perfumed. Poison Gas Treatment
It must be kept slightly alkaline to pre- (Mustard Gas)
serve tne sodium thiosulphate. First Treatment
The first essential in treatment is the
Chiropodist ^s Paste removal of clothing and the cleaning of
Gelatin 5 lb. the skin. Such cleaning should be di-
Zinc Oxide 5 lb. rected towards removing all surface dirt
Boric Acid 1 lb. and contamination as well as any possible
Glycerin 8 lb. mustard gas or mustard gas vapor dis-
Water 6 lb. plved in the patient 's sweat. Hence the
immediate use of a bath with a b'and
Foot Powder superfatted soap after exposure, has been
Salicylic acid (very finely powdered) possible is highly advisable. The skin
one drachm, boric acid (finely powdered) should then be dusted with a bland dust-
one ounce, French chalk (carefully pre- ing powder such as
pared) to make four ounces. Boric Acid 1 oz.
French Chalk 2 oz.
Foot Fungus Treatment Starch 3 oz.
Copper Nitrate 2.6 g. Ointment Dressing
Benzoic Acid 6.0 g. In the stage where the skin is reddened
Acetone 45 cc. the patient may be too sore to get into a
Alcohol, Denatured 170 ee. bath; indeed, he may be wounded or
Water to make 250 cc. shocked or mutilated as well. The wash-
Apply twice daily. ing of the skin, perhaps under an anes-

thetic, can be carried out and then a red Bye Drops

area may be well dressed with an ointment Atropine Sulphate 0.08 g.
of the following composition Boric Acid 0.16 g.
Boric Acid (Powdered) 44 gr. Distilled Water to make 8.00 cc.
Eucalyptus Oil 15 min. TJse : Instilled into each eye three times
Soft Paraffin Wax to 1 oz.
This should be spread on the smooth side
of strips of white lint 10 in. by 4, stored Nose Drops
folded down across the middle to keep the Salt 18 oz.
business side of the dressing clean. These Water 98 oz.
are opened out and laid on the skin with Ephedrine Sulphate 1 oz.
a slight overlap and kept in position with
the lightest bandaging, changed, if pos- Germicidal Nose Jelly
sible, night and morning. Mix 10 g. soluble starch with 20 cc.
Beep ulcers and septic complications water. To this add slowly, under stirring,
will need fomentations with four thick- 70 glycerin heated to about 140° 0.
nesses of white lint with a strip of oil Keepthe mixture at about 140 ° 0. until
silk and a wad of cotton wool to keep the translucent jelly is formed on cooling.
heat in. These fomentations may be re- To the jelly add .25% lactic acid; mix
jpeated three times a day and an ointment well and cool to around 60° 0. At this
dressing applied in between the fomen- point add 5%cocoa butter oxyanhydride.
tations. Mix thoroughly, holding the temperature
Irrigation of Wownds until a uniform product is obtained.
Then large surface wounds will need Flavor with eucalyptol, menthol, cam-
irrigating with large quantities of warm phor, etc., according to flavor desired, and
normal saline solutions; some surgeons cool.
would use a weak solution of potassium
permanganate. Gargle and Nasal Irrigant
In severe cases there will be shock, for Sodium Chloride 1 g.
which injections of morphia will be re- Sodium Bicarbonate 1 g.
quired and also hot water, adrenalin in- Distilled Water to make 100 cc.
jections, hot coffee, and perhaps elec-
trically heated blankets and beds that can Ear Irrigant
be easily elevated at the foot. Boric Acid 2.400 g.
Oxygen Provision Mercuric Chloride 0.012 g.
The provision of oxygen for inhalation Alcohol 40.000 cc.
by patients whose respiration habit is en- Distilled Water to make 60.000 cc.
dangered or who may have their airway Dose ; Instill four drops in external audi-
narrowed by some inhalation of the gas tory ear twice daily (after irrigation).
must not be forgotten.
There are refinements that one could Earache Remedy
consider. The bad cases could be nursed Menthol twenty grains, camphor twenty
in a bath of warm running water kept at grains, phenol fifteen grains, glycerin one
a fixed temperature by a thermo-elec- ounce. Warm ten drops in a spoon and
trically regulated device. Here and there pour in ear.
blood transfusions may be called for in
the case of a patient both wounded and Earache Oils
shocked by gas burns. Formula No. 1
Pneumonic complications may set in, Chloroform 1 oz.
too, and the good working of the kidneys Turpentine Oil 1 oz,
may be endangered. For these special Olive Oil 8 oz.
and rarer complications the resources of No. 2
the ordinary chemist ^s shop are ample. Glycerin 1 oz.
Almond Oil 1 oz.
Eye Washes for War Gas Inflammation No. 8
Formula No. 1 Chloral Hydrate 2 oz.
For Bromocyanobenzene Camphor 2 oz.
Wash with warm soda or isotonic salt Phenol 1 oz.
solution. Castor Oil 2 oz.
No. 2 In preparing this last formula, rub the
For Yperite (Mustard Gas) chloral hydrate, camphor and phenol ia
Wash with 5% dicliloramine-T, a mortar until liquefied, then add the oil.
soda solution, a mixture of 6% cobalt hy- The preparations can be perfumed with
droxide and 12^% sugar. any suitable oil.

Catarrh Inhalant Cough Mixture

Pine Needle Oil 12,5 oz, Sodium Citrate 5 oz.
Tr. of Benzoin, to make 100.0 oz. Ammonium Chloride 5 oz.
One teaspoonfnl of this mixture should Sugar Syrup 90 oz.
he placed in an inhalor, or placed in a Licorice Extract, H.S.P. 6 oz.
previously heated cup, scalding water
poured over it, and the vapors inhaled Asthma Inhalant
through the mouth. In laryngitis this Sodium Nitrate 25 g.
type of steamy inhalant is highly recom- Powdered Anise 25 g.
mended, as well as in nasopharyngitis and Stramonium 50 g.
bronchitis. Tincture of benzoin is much A teaspoonful of this mixture should be
more pleasant than the compound tincture heated, and the volatile products inhaled.
which contains aloe, storax and tolu. Cubeb is, at times, added to the mixture.

Cold Inhaling Liquid

Drunkenness Hiccough Remedy Formula No. 1
Two drops of creosote made from beech Menthol 20 gr.
tar given with a little water might be Eucalyptus Oil 50 gr.
called a specific for this trouble.
No. 2
Eucalyptus Oil 50 gr.
Whooping Cough Remedies Turpentine 20 gr.
Formula No. 1 Pinus Pumilionis, Oil 20 gr.
Taken Through Mouth Menthol 10 ST.
Potassium Citrate 10 gr.
Tincture of Ipecac 5 min. Insomnia Cure
Spirits of Nitrous Ether 10 min. Bromine 0.1- 0.25 g.
Syrup of Tolu 15 min. Water 99.9-99.75 cc.
Anise Water to make 1 fl. dr. Take two tablespoonfuls daily.
No. 2
Chest Rub Milk of Magnesia
Camphor 15 g. Magnesium Oxide, U.S.P. 30 lb.
Menthol 5 g.
Water 60 gal.
Methyl Salicylate 5 g.
To make milk by the oxide process calls
Eucalyptus Oil for the use of a steam jacketed or coil
5 g.
Lanolin, Anhydrous 20 g heated tank with accessory fittings, a port-
Paraffin Wax, Soft able mixer, a homogenizer and a storage
100 g.
Melt and
stir until uniform pour into tank. Inasmuch as magnesium oxide

jars or tins at lowest possible temperature. changes to some extent into carbonate
when exposed to air, it is the usual prac-
No. 3 tice to make the batch according to the
Vapor Inhalation Fluid standard size of the container in which the
Pine Oil 10 cc. oxide is shipped. Thus, if the oxide is
Eucalyptol 5 cc. shipped in 30 pound drums it is the usual
Cresol to make 100 cc. practice to make the batch big enough to
One part of above is mixed with two require an entire container. Hence, a
parts of water and heated. The resultant thirty pound drum would take sixty gal-
steam is inhaled. lons of water. If larger batches are
No. 4 wanted, they should be multiples of these
Pinal Stage Medicine amounts. The procedure is to put half
Benzyl Benzoate 5 the water, preferably distilled, into the
Cod Liver Oil 30 min.
mixing tank and heat it to a temperature
Gum Acacia li^ gr.
ranging from 100-180 F. This depends
Gum Tragacanth gr.
upon the oxide, the better qualities require
Benzaldehyde lower temperatures for hydration. When
Elixir of Saccharin the water is up to temperature the agitator
Chloroform Water is started and the oxide added. Mix for
1 fl. dr.
Cinnamon Water to make 2 fl. dr.
about a half hour and allow the batch to
Dose, % to 2 drachms. stand overnight. The following morning
add the remainder of the water with about
No. 5 five per cent of the total added to com-


Spasm Liquid pensate for evaporation losses, and mix
Tincture of Belladonna 5 min , for about half an hour. Then run the
Syrup of Tolu 35 min. batch through a homogenizer into the
Chloroform Water to make 1 fL storage tank. A few additional comments

are necessary. The portable mixer shaft monia is added to the combined mixture,
should be fitted with a wide propeller which is then allowed to settle. The super-
blade, say 10 inches, and at its extreme natant liquid is then siphoned off and the
end it should be fitted with a beater hav- resultant precipitate washed at least five
ing an upward thrust to keep the powder times with distilled water, the precipitate
from settling into the bottom of the tank being allowed to settle after each washing,
before it is completely hydrated. The the resultant supernatant wash liquid be-
tanks should all be glass-lined or made of ing siphoned off after each settling until
tested stainless steel as milk of magnesia the precipitated aluminum hydroxide is
is very corrosive. The equipment units free of ammonium chloride.
can be arranged one above the other, if The aluminum hydroxide gel thus pre-
more than one floor is available, or on one cipitated has the appearance of a smooth
floor if pumps are on hand. The first translucent eream^ and possesses great
set-up is desirable because milk of mag- surface area and high adsorptive power.
nesia, being highly abrasive, wears pumps Using tliis aluminum hydroxide gel, the
out quickly unless they are specially con- following is a typical formula of a castor
structed for it. oil emulsion prepared in accordance with
this invention: Aluminum hydroxide gel
Laxative Jelly (3 per cent solids), 400 g. castor oil,

Patent 2,072,589
JJ. S. 700 g.; water, 50 g. ; flavor and sweet-
A jelly-like laxative composition is pro- ening, to suit.
duced by dissolving sugar 96 and corn ^
The quantities of water, gel and castor
syrup 16 in water 22, adding mineral oil oil are placed together, flavoring matter

200 to the sugar solution while heating it and sweetening having been previously
to about 128 ° E., then, first with low-speed added to the castor oil.
agitation and then with high-speed agita- The whole is then beaten together me-
tion, adding a suitable proportion of calo- forming a thick, creamy mass
mel and phenolphthalein together with which more or less stable according to
glycerol 14, gelatin 5.5 and water 24, and the amount of mixing.
continuing the heating and agitation until To prepare the completed product for
the last added materials are uniformly internal administration, this cream is usu-
distributed, then allowing the mixture to ally passed through a homogenizer or
cool and set. similar suitable emulsifying apparatus.
The flnal product is a finely dispersed,
stable and white emulsion containing ap-
U. S. Patent —
Castor Oil Emulsion Laxative
proximately 60 per cent castor oil com-
bined with approximately 1 per cent of
The resulting preparation is said to
make possible the elimination of added aluminum hydroxide on a dry basis.
antiseptics in many cases, while it gives
greater freedom from bacterial growth Disguised Castor Oil
and eliminates the objectionable ' ^ soapy ^ Formula No. 1
flavor common to certain other commercial Finely Powdered
castor oil preparations. Boasted Coffee 10
The aluminum hydroxide gel to be used Powdered Sugar 20
in this preparation is made as follows Castor Oil 20 g-
Sixteen pounds of granular aluminum No. 2
chloride c.p. is dissolved in 30 gallons of Saccharin 15 gr.
distilled water and filtered clear into a Sodium Bicarbonate 15 gi‘-

vessel of approximately 100 gallons ca- Chloroform 5 dr.

pacity. Thirty-two pounds of ammonia Pimenta Oil 2% dr.
16® (10 per cent) is diluted with 15 gal- Cassia Oil dr.
lons of distilled water. With the solutions Clove Oil 2^4 dr.
of aluminum chloride and ammonia at an Castor Oil 5 pt.
approximate temperature of 35® 0. the Dissolve the saccharin in the chloro
ammonia solution is poured into the alumi- form; add the sodium bicarbonate; then
num chloride solution in a thin stream at add the oils, which have been previously
a slow rate, constant stirring of the alumi- mixed, and shake vigorously.
num chloride being kept up during the
pouring operation. To Hide Cod Liver Oil Odor and Taste
Aluminum hydroxide is thrown out as a Use the following flavor to suit
gelatinous precipitate which breaks up Cinnamon Oil 3 lb.
under agitation. After the whole of the Bitter Almond Oil
ammonia solution has been added to the (Free from Prussic Acid) 1 lb.
“duminum chloride, a slight excess of am- Wintergreen Oil 1 lb.

Syrups for Masking Unpleasant Tastes Stearic Acid 9.00 g.

Sugarless Syrup Monohydrated Sodium
Orange Carbonate 0.09 g.
Orange Oil 3 ee. Water 0.5 cc.
Citric Acid 10 g. To make about 30 suppositories.
Saccharin, Soluble 1 g. Place the glycerin in a suitable vessel
Grlycerin 500 ee. and heat on a water-bath, keeping the
Distilled Water to make 1,000 ce. vessel well immersed in the boiling water,
Color-certified dye naphtha yellow (4.8 until the temperature is about 85 ° G. Add
ce.of a 1/200 solution). the sodium hydroxide 50 per cent or its
Add the oil of orange to 500 ec. of glyc- equivalent of an approximately 50 per cent
erin and allow to stand 24 hours with solution to the hot glycerin with thorough
occasional shaking. Dissolve the soluble mixing. Melt the stearic acid in a small
saccharin and citric acid in the water and vessel and pour at once into the hot alka-
add to the solution of glycerin and volatile line glycerin mixture, stirring thoroughly.
oil, with constant stirring. Filter through Maintain the temperature at from 85 ° G.
cotton if necessary. to 90° 0. for twenty to thirty minutes.
Dissolve the monohydrated sodium car-
Sugarless Syrup bonate in 0.5 cc. of distilled water, con-
Anise tained in a test-tube and add to the hot
Anise Oil 1.50 cc. mixture just finished. Mix thoroughly,
Fennel Oil 1.50 cc. pour the melted mass into suitable molds.
Saccharin, Soluble 1.00 g. Eemove the suppositories when they are
Grlycerin 500.00 cc. completely cold and preserve in tightly
Solution Amaranth 4.80 cc. stoppered glass vessels in a cool place.
Distilled Water to make 1,000.00 cc.
Add the oil of anise and fennel to 500 Foaming Antiseptic Suppository
cc. of glycerin and allow to stand for 24 British Patent 459,327
hours, with occasional shaking. Dissolve 55 g. tartaric acid and 25 g. sodium
the soluble saccharin in the water and add bicarbonate are mixed and finely ground
the solution of amaranth. Pour the sac- and the mixture incorporated with a
charin solution with the dye into the glyc- melted mixture of 60 g. cocoa-butter
erin solution, with constant stirring. and 3 cc. olive oil; the pasty mass so ob-
Filter through cotton if necessary. tained is molded into square-section rods
The choice of two differently flavored or other formed bodies, or into sheets
sugarless syrups makes a very good dis- from which formed bodies are stamped.
guise for ammonium carbonate, potassium When solidified the bodies are coated
acetate, potassium citrate and potassium with the eocoa-butter-olive-oil mixture
iodide. These sugarless syrups appar- or petroleum jelly to exclude moisture.
ently make a better disguise for the drugs The carrier is then made by dissolving
mentioned than do those containing sugar. 125 g. gelatin in 200 ce. warm aqueous
solution of mercuric eyanate of strength
Syrup of Pineapple 1 : 10,000, to which 5 g. egg albumen
Pineapple Juice 450 cc. may have been added. The following
Sugar 850 g. ingredients are then added: Aluminum
aceto-tartrate, 20 g.; hexyl resorcinol,
Glycerin Suppositories 100 cc. of 1 1,000 solution ; kalada

Formula No. 1 juice, 100 cc.; glycerin, 350 cc. The

Glycerin 92 g. carrier may be rendered opaque by
Sodium Stearate 8 g. whipping air into it or adding an opaci-
Distilled Water 5 cc. fying substance. The suppository is
To make about 30 rectal suppositories. molded in a two-part mold, the lower
Heat the glycerin to 95*^ C. in a double half of which is first almost filled with
boiler. Add the sodium stearate, stirring jelly carrier, upon which, after setting,
very gently occasionally until a clear solu- a rod or the like of gas-forming material
tion is effected. Then add the distilled is laid. The mold is then closed and
water, mix thoroughly and pour the mass filled with jelly carrier in a vertical
into suitable molds. Eemove the supposi- position.
tories when they are completely cold and
preserve them in tightly stoppered glass Water Soluble Suppository Bases
bottles in a cool place. Formula No, 1
No. 2 U. S. Patent 2,055,063
Glycerin 91.00 g. Propylene Glycol Stearate 82 g.
Sodium Hydroxide (50%) 2.52 g. Triethanol Amine 2-3 g.

Stearic Acid 15 g- No. 11

Melt together and dissolve medica- Angelica Boot 200
ments in. it. _
Eosemary Leaves 200 g-
2 ISTo. Basilicum 200 g-
Glycol Glyceryl Stearate 40 oz. Chicory Root 150 g*
Diglycol Laurate 10 oz. Parsley Boot 250 g-
This composition is neutral, non-irri- Use 5-10 g. per 1. decoction.
tating and will not dry out or sweat.
It can he made harder
or softer by vary- Inorganic Compositions
ing the diglycol laurate content. No. 12
Potassium Alum, 2-3% solution.
Infant Diarrhoea Formula No. 13
Dextrin and maltose, 175 g.; acid-free Potassium Permanganate, in 1/10-
pectin, 6 g.; agar-agar, dnely ground, 8 g. 1/5% solution.
It has previously been shown No. 14
that scraped
raw apple is beneficial in this condition, Aluminum Acetate Solution, %-2%
hence the use of pectin. Agar-agar is strength.
chosen as a desirable source of cellulose. No. 15
The substances are mixed dry. Water Hydrogen Peroxide, 3% by weight
or milk is boiled with the mixed powders solution.
for three to five minutes, and while still No. 16
hot the product is poured into eight Boric Acid, %-2%.
custard cups to form a day^s feeding on Others : Sodium Perborate, Persul-
a three-hour schedule. phate.
There are possible all kinds of com-
Hygienic Douches for Women binations of these materials.
Formula No. 1 The temperature of these douches
Formaldehyde- Soap Solution 1-2% must be body temperature (37.0® C.) for
strength. correct application.
No. 2
Wood-Vinegar, crude or xmrified— Gland Extracts
about 5% strength. Canadian Patent 364,253
No. 3 Fresh glands, cut into thin strips, are
Gresol-Soap Solution to 1% strength. allowed to stand in distilled water, con-
No. 4
taining %% phenol at about 40° F.
Extraction takes place by osmosis. The
Tannic Acid, Vp to
in solution 1:2 in glycerin, in which it extract is then filtered and packaged.
dissolves very easily.
No. 5 Hormone of Corpus Lutcum
Chloramin (p- Toluene-Sulf on-chlo r- Canadian Patent 364,352
amide-Sodium), 1/5%. Pig Ovaries 100 kg.
No. 6 Sodium Fluoride, Powdered 10 kg.
German Patent 276,662 Mix together and place in flat trays.
p-Chlor-m-CresoI, or p-Chlor-Xylenol, Air dry at 30-40° C. j pulverize; boil
%-!%. with five times by weight of acetone;
No. 7 filter and distill off acetone from filtrate.
Thymol, 1/10%.
Liver Extract
Organic Compositions of Vegetable Liquid extract of liver is prepared by
Origin, extracting trimmed ox or sheep liver by
No. 8

the process described for dry extract of

Chamomile Flowers 5-20 g. liver (given later). The extract, ob-
Water, Boiling 1 1. tained by precipitation and granulation
No. 9 with dehydrated alcohol, is collected on a
Sage Leaves 5-20 g. filterand dissolved in distilled water.
Water, Boiling 1 1. Glycerin, alcohol (95 per cent), and
No. 10 distilled water are added in such propor-
Lactic Acid 0.9 Moles tions that 1,000 millilitres of the resulting
Glucose 0.1 Moles liquid contain a quantity of the extract
Chamomile Extract 5 g. equivalent to 8,000 g. of the original
Sage Extract 5 g. not less than the equivalent of 10
Water, to make 100 g. per cent v/v of alcohol (95 per cent)
Use 1-2 teaspoonfuls per liter of and not less than 20 per cent v/v of
water. glycerin.

Dry Extract of Liver .—This is a se-^ miscible with water, for instance, ether,
lected fractioa of aa alcoholic extract of petroleum ether or ligroin. The extract
ox or sheep liver and eoatains the specilic obtained is freed from the solvent by
principles which increase the number of evaporation.
red corpuscles in the blood of persons
suffering from pernicious anemia. Stabilization of Vitamin APreparations
Mince 5,000 g. of trimmed ox or sheep U. S. Patent 2,051,257
liver; add 6,600 millilitres of alcohol (80 Materials such as halibut liver oil, ca-
per cent) and 5.5 millilitres of a mixture rotene or irradiated ergosterol, are sta-
of equal volumes of sulphuric acid and bilized by adding phospliolipins such as
distilled water; set aside for twelve to soybean lecithin, cephalin, cuorin or sphin-
eighteen hours, stirring frequently; filter gomyelin, etc., suitably in a proportion
and reserve the filtrate. of about 1%.
Collect the residual liver tissue and add
to it 12,500 millilitres of alcohol (50 per Osserman Dental Pain Killers
cent) ; set aside for a further twelve to Liquid Desensitizer
eighteen hours, stirring frequently; filter. Thymol 70 g.
Mix the two ffltrates and evaporate the Acetone 10 g.
mixture under reduced pressure to 500 Ethyl Aminobenzoate 25 g.
millilitres; add 500 millilitres of dehyd- Paste Desensitizer
rated alcohol ; allow the resulting pre- 7i-Propyl-m-Cresol Aminoben-
cipitate to sette decant the clear solution zoate
10 g.
and filter the remainder, or separate the Ethyl Aminobenzoate 80 g.
liquid from the solid matter by means of Thymol 10 g.
a centrifuge, washing the filter or the
centrifuge vessel and contents with alco-
hol (50 per cent). By evaporation under Dental Desensitizer (Pain Killer)
reduced pressure remove the alcohol from Pormula No. 1
the mixed liquids, and reduce the residue Thymol 4 dr.
to a syrupy consistence, then pour the Benzocaine 28 gr.
product with constant stirring into ten Acetone 52 min.
times its volume of dehydrated alcohol. Stir until dissolved and keep in stop
Manipulate below the surface of the liquid pered brown bottle.
the extract which is precipitated, so as to No. 2
expose as great a surface as possible to Camphor 2 oz.
the dehydrating action of the alcohol; Clove Oil 2 oz.
then pour off the alcohol and replace it Cajeput Gil 2 oz.
with a further sufficient quantity of de- Peppermint Oil 1 oz.
hydrated alcohol; let the extract remain Menthol 1 oz.
exposed to the dehydrating action of the Hops Oil 2 oz.
alcohol until it becomes brittle. Bemove Alcohol 15 oz.
the alcohol by filtration; dry the extract Ether 10 oz.
in vacuo reduce it to a powder as rapidly

as possible, then dry again in vacuo.

Weigh the dry powder, mix with it not Toothache Bemedy
less than one-tenth of its weight of finely Pormula No. 1
powdered dry sodium chloride, transfer Cinnamon Oil 1.67 g.
the product as quickly as possible to tubes, Phenol 3.33 g.
placing in each the amount equivalent to Methyl Salicylate 5,0 cc.

225 g. of the original liver. Close the Apply locally to gums.

tubes hermetically. No. 2
Phenol 2.0 g.
Vitamin A Concentrate Chlorbutanol 2.0 cc.
IT. S. Patent 2,076,901
Cinnamon Oil 1.0 cc.
100 kg. of fish liver are mixed with 50 Clove Oil 2.0 cc.
kg. of 50% aqueous ethyl alcohol and 20 Methyl Salicylate 3.0 cc.
kg. of potassium or sodium hydroxide.
The mixture is heated to 60® C. during Corn Salve
one hour while stirring and passing a. Pine Bosin, Befined 8 g-
through a stream of nitrogen. The sapon- Glyceryl Monorieinoleate 2 g.
ification mixture is then dissolved in 150 Larch Turpentine 10 g.
kg. of ice cold 40% aqueous ethyl alcohol Beeswax, Yellow 16 g.
and the liquid obtained is Extracted by 5. Salicylic Acid 8 g*
means of 300 kg. of a lipoid solvent im- 0. Peru Balsam 8 g.


Melt a; dissolve h in tlie melted base, ulated by letting the excess amount run
and add c. Stir until liomogeneous, cool, down the side of the bottle. Further, the
and pour. wood absorbs some of the excess acid, and,
in addition, the amount of acid applied in
Corn Eemover treatment can be further regulated by
Formula JNTo. 1 varying the angle at which the stick is
Salicylic Acid 15 g- held.
Lactic Acid (85%) 15 g- The acid has a tendency to spread over
Collodion 70 g- the skin area around the lesion, however,
No. 2
and, despite all one ^s caution, one may at

Salicylic 20 g- times get too much acid on the skin and
Larch Turpentine 20 g‘ cause a chemical burn. The use of petro-
Hemp Extract 2 g- latum, while not indispensable, constitutes
Lactic Acid (85%) 4 g- an additional safeguard.
Ether 1 part ) Bichloracetic acid will generally cause
Alcohol 4 parts) 60 g- more scar tissue formation in persons
with a delicate skin; and young persons
Corn Plaster Base will usually form more scar tissue than
a. Eosin Oil 30 g- will older patients.
Copaiba Balsam 40 g- The practitioner will be able, after
Ijareh Turpentine 20 g- treating a number of lesions, to judge the
Eosin, Pale 40 g- amount of bichloracetic acid needed to
Beeswax, Yellow 12 g- treat any particular case. To gauge the
1, Ethyl Ether 100 g* interval between treatments is simple
6. Sheet Eubber 100 g* one is always safe in allowing from five
Ethyl Ether 500 g. to seven days to elapse between treat-
Melt up a and stir until homogeneous. ments. Warts, corns, and calluses require
Strain through a fine-mesh cloth into a heavy applications. Other lesions, of slight
wide-mouth metal-bottle, and add h. density, such as moles, xanthelasma, and
Separately, digest the rubber solution o angiomas are best treated by very light
in a wide-mouth glass-bottle, and keep applications of the acid. If necessary, a
tightly closed. Shake daily, and use as second application may be used on such
soon as a homogeneous, and pourable so- lesions, but safer, before using a
it is
lution has formed (this takes about 3 second application, to wait until the crust
1. following the first has dropped off, and
weeks). Add g to the wax-resin solution
a and h, and add enough ether to make until there is at least a thin layer of nor-
2. g.
mal epidermis over the lesion. Light ap-
Use this for the plications are usually to be preferred in
Salicylic Acid Corn Plaster cases where the cosmetic result is an im-
Salicylic Acid, Powdered 34 g. portant consideration, since they ensure
Violet Boot, Finely Powdered 70 g. greater freedom from the danger of scar-
Sandarac, Powdered ring. The immediate, liberal use of water
20 g.
Eosin Oil 22 g. is recommended should any acid be
Petroleum Ether 185 g. dropped on normal skin.
Plaster Base, as above 800 g.
Mix powders, wet with the rosin oil and
the petroleum ether, and work in the Wart Treatment
plaster base. Of the non-specific methods of treating
warts probably paints of various kinds
Eemoving Tattoo Marks, Warts, Moles, are most commonly employed. A
known one is 10 per cent salicylic acid in
Bichloracetic acid is used. Since it is
flexible collodion. Owing to the homy
highly corrosive it must be used with surface of a wart it is essential to use a
great caution. keratolytie substance, and caustic potash,
— ^Apply petrolatum, using a camePs phenol, and glacial acetic acid belong to
hair brush, around the corn, callus or wart, this category, A
useful combination is
to prevent the bichloracetic acid from the following:
coming into contact with normal skin. Phenol 10 g.
— With an applicator stick apply a Glacial Acetic Acid 10 g.
Httle of the acid to the lesion. After this Salicylie Acid 10 g.
has been absorbed, apply a little more. Tincture of Iodine 20 g.
An applicator stick is used to apply the Alcohol 100 g.
acid. The stick is sharpened to a point, Success may often be obtained by con-
and the amount retained on it can be reg- stant daily appHeation of such remedies.
Local Hemostatic a very strong gelatin solution is wanted,
Pectia 0.3 g. more acid will be needed. The stronger
Calcium Chloride 0.01 g. acid will also prevent the growth of molds.
Sodium Chloride 0.14 g.
Water 20 ce.
Preventing Insulin Deterioration
The production of insulin is simplified
Blood, Test For
by a storing method which has been pat-
Dissolve 1 g. of benzidine in 10 ec. of
ented. Experiments seem to prove that
glacial acetic acid and to 1 cc. of this
the addition of 25 cc. of hydrochloric acid
solution add 10 ce. of 3 per cent hydrogen
to 1 kg. of fresh pancreas practically
peroxide solution. No color, or at most a
eliminates any insulin losses during cold
very faint color, should appear within a
few minutes. Then add a small amount
of blood to the solution. A
blue color
should be produced. Preventing Peroxide Formation in Ether
Place a piece of clean copper wire in
Toisson^s Solution each ether container. Or add hydroquin-
(For use in making red blood cell count)
one in proportion of 1-5000 of ether.
Sodium Chloride 1 g.
Sodium Sulphate 8 g. Storing Hydrogen Peroxide in Aluminum
Glycerin 30 g. H. S. Patent 2 008,726
Distilled Water 160 g. To prevent pitting of aluminum storage
plus Methyl Violet, 5B to give a strong vessels for hydrogen peroxide the inner
purple color. surface of the vessel is treated with 50%
nitric acid for 9-16 hours at 35-15° C.
Blood Substitute and 0.1-0.5 g. of sodium or potassium
A blood substitute, for cases where a nitrate is added per liter of peroxide.
donor is not on hand to provide whole
blood by transfusion when an obstetrical
patient has lost blood in quantities suffi- Oxygen Evolving Composition
cient to make fluid replacement impera- British Patent 462,321
tive, is suggested in a recent issue of the
Sodium Peroxide 3 g.
British Medical J ournaL Caustic Soda ) 2 g.
Water 1 g.
1^ grain ephedrine hydrochloride, 40 j
grains glucose, 525 grains of gum acacia, Sodium Permanganate 7 g.
and enough water to make 1 pint. Calcium Oxide 45 g.

Styptic Pencils Elastic Plaster Bandage

Formula No. 1 IJ. S. Patent 2,053,728
Ammonium Chloride 6 lb. One hundred grams of freshly pre-
Copper Sulphate 24 lb. cipitated cellulose sulphacetate are dis-
Iron Sulphate 40 lb. solved in 700 grams of alcohol and 200
Alum 30 lb. grams of acetone, 50 grams of mono-
No. 2 acetine being added and 2,000 grams of
Ammonium Chloride 6 lb. gypsum then stirred into the mass.
Copper Sulphate 6 lb. The viscous paste is diluted with an-
Iron Sulphate 6 lb. other 500 grams of alcohol, and then
Zinc Sulphate 6 lb. spread out thinly, with a spatula, on a
Alum 76 lb. muslin strip. After drying, which can be
accelerated by ventilation and a current
Preventing Mold in Gelatin Solutions of warm air, the bandage forms a uni-
Molds are best prevented in a gelatin formly smooth layer.
solution by saturating it with chlorbuta- On being wetted with water, the band-

nol 0.8 g. in 100 cc. Chlorbutanol dis- age softens in a few seconds, whereupon
solves slowly, but it will dissolve in this it is freed from surplus water by squeez-

proportion. Benzoic acid 1 g. in 1000 ing and used for the purpose of making
cc. will hinder the growth of molds, but plaster of Paris dressings. It sets in a
will not entirely prevent them. Five per- few minutes and attains its final degree
cent of alcohol in the solution will also of hardness in from five to ten minutes
hinder mold growth for a considerable longer.
To prevent gelatinizing, dissolve the Mentholated Adhesive Tape
gelatin in acetic acid (30 to 36 per cent) Beeswax, Yellow 100 g.
or add about 2 per cent of nitric acid. If Bosin 750 g


until uniform; cool as this is required to powder easily it

Melt together; mix
thickens slightly and then mix in
„„til it
should be treated carefully to avoid over-
compressions resulting in hard, gritty
r v• a +
clotli or rubhenzed tape. particles on breaking. Precautions must
Apply to
be taken with granulations of deliquescent
EemOTal of Adhesive Tape
from Skin or hygroscopic ingredients such as thy-
is a simple, painless roid, and there should be no delay be-
Oil of wintergreen
hisrhly efficient means of
removing tween drying and compression. In fact,
the skin. The oil if the weather is damp it is better to
adhesive tape from
at the point of sepa- delay until drier conditions prevail.
diould be used only
of the adhesive from the skin. In regard to shape and size of the
tablet, the thickness should be at least

SMALL SCALE TABLET MAKING one-third of the diameter, otherwise there

will be an insufficient depth of granules
in the
The chief troubles experienced in the die to allow for fine adjustment of
preparation of compressed tablets
pressure. Tablets of soluble substances
‘ ‘
” “ sticking, ’ and ‘ Peking.
' ‘
such as sodium chloride, potassium per-
-when the
Capping is the term applied manganate, etc., should dissolve readily
splits off on
upper surface of the tablet in tepid water, and those containing as-
leaW the die or on falling into the pirin, phenaeetin, etc., should disintegrate
it may not occur until later
in the
tray within a few seconds when placed in
storage container. The chief
cause is usu- water. With a slowly soluble substance
allT excess of powder
in the granulation, like calcium lactate a tablet prepared
and sometimes necessitate re-granu-
tiiay with mucilage of acacia as excipient
lation.Care should be taken against using would be only slightly affected by water,
a worn or socketed die, as
the tablet is and it is therefore necessary to add starch
formed in an enlarged portion of the bore, as a disintegrator.
and on ejection capping results. Too
much pressure may also cause the trouble, Formulas of Common Tablets
and this should be tested in the absence Aspirin
of other obvious causes.
^ Picking
^ ’ ^ Aspirin, in heavy
Picking is the adherence of granules
crystals 5 gr. 5000 gr.
Starch, in Powder 500 gr.
to the face of the punch, and
occurs either gr.
from a granulation which is not quite dry
Die 12/32" For one For 1000
or from a scratched face of the
punch. tablet tablets
The top punch is more usually affected, Mix the powders, dry for one hour, and
and the face should be smoothed with a pass through a No. 20 sieve, and press
portion of well-used, fine emery cloth and into 5%grain tablets. (Aspirin can easily
a trace of oil. be obtained in granular form suitable for
Sticking'^ compression without further granulation.)
Sticking is the effect produced when
the bottom punch binds in the die and Phenacetin and Caffeine
may he caused by a slightly damp granu- Phenaeetin, in
lation or excess of powder. It sometimes powder 4 4000 gr.
occurs with substances such as calcium Caffeine 1000 gr.
1 gi--
lactate, and may be only overcome by
Sucrose, in
using np to 4 per cent of tale as a lubri-
cant and additionally by placing one or
powder % gr. 500 gr.
Starch, in
two drops of liquid paraffin in the die,
working the machine for a minute and
powder % gr. 250 gr.
Acacia, in
removing excess or grease before com- powder %
gr. 375 gr.
Talc, in powder %
gr. 125 gr.
Die 13/32" For one For 1000
The degi'ee of compression will vary tablet tablets
with different types of tablets. Tablets
such as potassium chlorate, soda-mint and Mix the ingredients, except the talc,
formamint which are required to be dis- and pass through a No. 40 sieve. Damp
solved in the mouth are usually com- with dilute mucilage of acacia, pass
pressed as hard as possible. In other cases through a 20 sieve, and dry. Pass through
the tablet should be capable of resisting a No, 20 sieve and incoiporate the talc.
a fall of several feet on to a hard surface, Note: Acacia is necessary with such
and on storage little or no powder should substances as phenaeetin, sulphonal, ami-
accumulate in the container. An exception dopyrin, etc., which are liable to capping
should be made with mercury and chalk j
or picking.

Saccharin Mix the licorice root and starch, sift

Saccharin, in through a No. 40 sieve, and damp with
powder gr. 500 gr.% syrup of glucose and water, equal parts.
Sodium Bicarbon- Pass through a No. 20 sieve, and dry in
ate, in powder f 430 gr.
"| a steam oven. Pass through a No. 20
Acacia, in powder gr.
[• 50 gr.% sieve, shake the granules in a dry con-
Tale, in powder J [20 gr. tainer with the talc, and press into tablets.
Sodium bicarbonate,
Pie 7/32" For one For 1000 Enteric Pill and Tablet Coating
tablet tablets Formula No. 1 No. 2 No. 3
Mix the powders, except the talc, and Cetyl Alcohol 10 10 10 g.
pass through a No. 40 sieve. Pamp with Shellac — 10
water, pass through a No. 20 sieve, and
dry. Pass through a 20 sieve and incor-
Mastic, Gum — — g.
10 g.
Acetone 100 cc. 100 cc. 100 cc.
porate the talc.
Stearic Acid 5 g.
Sodium Bicar-
Shellac 10 g.
bonate, in
powder Balsam, Tolu 10 g.
4 gr. 480 gr.
Ammoinum Car-
Ether 50 g.
Alcohol 50 g.
bonate, in
powder 1/12 gr. 10 gr. No. 5
Peppermint Oil 1/12 min. 10 min. U. S. Patent 2,071,511
Sucrose, in
Abietic Acid 10 lb.

powder 11/30 gi-- 44 gr.

Methyl Abietate 3 oz.
Acacia, in Oleic Acid 1 pt.
powder 44 Benzoic Acid 12 oz.
11/30 gr. gr.
Talc, in Warm gently until dissolved.
powder 1/10 gr. 12 gr. No. 6
Die 11/32" For one (
For 120 Enteric Coating for Pills and Tablets
tablet tablets A coating for pills or tablets, insoluble
Mix the sodium bicarbonate, sugar, and in the stomach but disintegrating in the
acacia, and add the oil of peppermint. intestines, may be obtained by applying
Damp with syrup of glucose and water, a thick layer of plasticized shellac.
equal parts, and pass through a No. 20 Small successive quantities of a solution
sieve. When dry pass through a No. 20 containing shellac 20 g., anhydrous lano-
sieve, add the ammonium carbonate and lin 5 g., and alcohol 75 g., are applied in
talc, and press into 5 grain tablets. a coating pan.
Calcium Lactate After the first uniform coating, the
Calcium Lactate, tablets are dusted with gum acacia, but
in powder 5 gr. 5000 gr. powdered talc is applied after each of
Starch, in powder li^ gr. 1250 gr. two additional coats.
Tale, in powder 14 gT. 250 gr. When the weight of the tablets has
Pie 12/32" For one For 1000 been increased by 37 per cent, two or
tablet tablets three coats of a 20 per cent solution of
Mix the calcium lactate and starch and shellac in alcohol are added, and the tab-
pass through a No. 40 sieve. Damp with lets dried.
syrup of glucose and water, equal parts,
pass through a No. 20 sieve and dry. Pass Enteric Coating for Drug Tablets
through a No. 20 sieve, incorporate the IT. S. Patent 2,011,586-7
talc,and press. The mixture is made by melting to-
Aloes, Nux Vomica and Belladonna gether 55.5 g. of stearic acid, 24.25 g. of
Extract of Aloes IV2 gr. 1500 gr. carnauba wax and 1.75 g. of petrolatum,
Dry Extract of then incorporating 13.9 g. of powdered
Belladonna 333 agar and 4.6 g. of powdered elm bark.
Vs gr. gr.
Dry Extract of Upon cooling, the mixture is gTound to a
Nux Vomica
Licorice root, in
% gr. 500 gr. powder.

powder 1 gr. 100 gr. Plxamaceutical Pill Coating

Starch, in Pills are coatedwith
powder 57/100 gr. 570 gr. Cocoa Powder 1
Talc, ia powder 1/10 gr. 100 gr. Gum Arabic
Die 11/32" For one For 1000 Sugar Syrup, Simple
tablet tablets They are then varnished with


Formula Fo. 1 Glyeerin 4 g.

Tolu, Balsam 20 g. Pepsin 22 g.
Ether 10 g. Calcium Carbonate 20 g,
Alcohol, Absolute 30 g. Titanium Dioxide 17 g.
No. 2
Benzoin, Gum 15 g. Bleaching Tooth Paste
Ether 22 g. Magnesium Peroxide 50 g.
Alcohol, Absolute 08 g. Calcium Carbonate 500 g.
Glycerin 300 g.
Pill Mass Soap 12 g.
Carob gum 20 glycerin 60 cc. water The peroxide is ground with a small
g. ; ;
amount of mineral oil, to give the paste
20 ee. ; glucose 100 g. Pills contaming
the right consistency.
100 mg. of quinine sulphate can easily be
made, the mass being plastic and easily
handled and the pills relatively small.
Tooth Paste
German Patent 63,403
Calcium Carbonate,
Magnesia Tooth Paste Precipitated 600 g.
Formula No. 1 Cactus Mucilage 500 g.
Magnesium Oxide 50 g. Magnesium Carbonate 400 g.
Calcium Phosphate 50 g. Medicinal Soap, Powdered 180 g.
Soap 5 g. Glycerin 100 g.
Calcium Carbonate 5 g. Lactose 100 g.
Glycerin 25 g. Peppermint Oil 100 g.
Water 25 g. Clove Oil 5 g.
No. 2
German Patent 648,583 Pancreatin Tooth Paste
Magnesium Carbonate 5 g. Calcium Carbonate 100 g.
Calcium Carbonate 45 g. Magnesium Carbonate 20 g.
Starch Syrup 18 g. Pancreatin 6 g.
Water 38 g. Glycerin-Mucilage* 200 g.
Perfume to suit ^Glycerin Mucilage
Tragacanth 0.75 g.
Alcohol 5 . g.
Non-Foaming Tooth Paste Glycerin 95 g.
Water 39 g*
Calcium Carbonate 44 g* Tooth Paste Eemoving Dental Deposits
Glycerin 11 g* Calcium Carbonate 65 g
Potassium Chlorate 3 g- Karlsbad Salt
£ 10 g
Carragheen Moss g- Glycerin 100 g
Saccharin 0.5 ' g* Water

16 g
Tragacanth 0.5 ' g- Agar-Agar or Tragaeanoii
Alcohol 2 g-
0.5 g
Water 37 g-
Calcium Carbonate 42 g- Flavors for Tooth P 'aste
Magnesium Carbonate 6 g* Formula No. 1
Peppermint Oil 200 g.
Star- Anise Oil 180, g.
Tooth Paste with Colloidal Kaolin Menthol 20 g.
Calcium Carbonate 30 g* Glove Oil 5 g-
Colloidal Kaolin 15 g- Anise Oil 10 g.
Soap, Powdered 3 g‘

No. 2
Tragacanth 0.5 g-
Peppermint Oil 200 g.
Glycerin 30 g- Menthol 20 g.
Water 60 g* Fennel Oil 10 g.
Pepsin Tooth Paste Vanillin 1 g-
Make np a mucilage of No. 3
Pectin 5 g. Peppermint Oil 100 g.
Tragacanth 1 g* Cinnamon Oil 100 g.
Glycerin 15 g. Anise Oil 100 g.
Alcohol 15 g- Clove Oil 100 g.
Water 60 g- Wintergreen Oil 150 g.
and use it for the paste as follows '

No. 4
Mucilage, as above 36 g- Peppermint Oil 300 g.
Die thylamino- ethy lol eyl -ami de 4 g. Anethol

30 g.
Cmnamon Oil 50 g. Removing Stains Prom Teeth
Lavender Oil ^
20 g, H. a Patent 2,031,169

Ho. 5 Paint teeth with

Eucalyptus Oil 300 g. Iodine (3.3% Solution)
Menthol 25 g. and later brush with
Peppermint Oil 200 g. Sodium Thiosulphate (5% Solution)

Tooth Tincture
Tooth Powders Melissa Leaves Extract 960 g.
Formula No. 1 China (Bark) Tincture 20 g.
Kaolin 225 g.
Myrrh Tincture 20 g.
Iris Root Powder 75 g. Peppermint Oil 4 g.
Magnesium Oxide 25 g.
No. 2
Kaolin. 225 g. Cleanser for Artificial Teeth
Soap Powder, White 15 g. Formula No. 1
Whiting 15 g. Mineral Oil 15 lb.
Turpentine 10 lb.
Benzine 5 1b.
Oxygen Tooth Powder
’ ’
(Particularly for the rubber joints.)
Magnesium Carbonate 60 g. No. 2
Sodium Perborate 60 g. Starch 2 kg.
Calcium Carbonate 80 g. Hard Soap 2 kg.
Water 80 kg.
Glycerin 1 kg.
Dentifrice Sodium Silicate Solution 15 kg.
French Patent 803,161 Pumice Powder (#0000) 50 kg.
Ammonium Sesquicarbonate 80 g. No. 3
Sodium Carbonate 10 g. Soap, Powdered 2 kg.
Sodium Bicarbonate 10 g. Chloramine-T 50 g.
Sulfatate or Other
Wetting Agent 60 g.
Tooth Wash This formula has a marked antiseptic
Castile (shavings) two ounces,
soap as well as a cleansing action.
glycerin six ounces, oil peppermint forty
minims, oil of gaultheria sixty minims, oil
Solid Block Disinfectants
of cloves twenty minims, extract of vanilla
six drachms, solution of carmine (N. F.)
Formula No. 1
Tallow 22 lb.
two drachms, alcohol fourteen ounces,
Caustic Soda (40° Tw.) 15 lb.
water a quantity suflScient to make thirty-
Creosote Oil 4 lb.
two ounces. Dissolve the soap in half a
pint of boiling water. Having dissolved
Soda Ash 8 lb.

the oils and glycerin in the alcohol, add No. 2

the vanilla and carmine. Mix and hlter
Tallow 8 lb.
through paper in which a little powdered Rosin 8 lb.
willow charcoal is sprinkled. Add suffi- Creosote Oil 75 lb.
Caustic Soda (66° Tw.) 9 lb.
cient water to make two pints.
No. 3
Tallow 7% lb.
Dental ^ ^
Disclosing ^ ^
Solution Rosin IV2 lb.
^‘Disclosing Solutions are of tre- Creosote Oil 9 lb.
mendous value to the dentist, who uses Naphthalene 1 lb.
these preparations to obtain visible stains Solid Caustic Soda 1 lb.
upon teeth covered with mucinous and Water 2% lb.
bacterial plaques. These films and plaques Melt the fat and while hot add the
take the stain, and the rest may be washed caustic soda. Or, melt tlie fat. reduce the
off with water. It then is a comparatively temperature, add the creosote oil and stir
easy matter for the dentist to proceed in the caustic soda. Cheaper fats can sub-
without injuring healthy enamel. stitute the tallow.
Potassium Iodide 15 g.
Iodine Crystals 50 g. Miscible Pine Oil Disinfectant
Zinc Iodide 15 g. Pine Oil 80 lb.
Distilled Water 240 ec. Double Sulphonated
Glycerijj 240 g. Castor Oil 20 lb.


Pine on Disinfectant stream, 10 lb. of caustic potash dissolved

Pine Oil 60 oz. in 10 lb. of distilled water, crutching
Naphthenic Soap 25 oz. being continued meanwhile and the heat
Sulphonated Castor Oil 15 oz. gradually increased until soap is formed.
Steam is then turned off and the kettle
left covered for about an hour, at the end
Pine Oil Disinfectant and Deodorant
of which time the soap should be bal-
Pine Oil 63 Ih.
anced, leaving a very slight excess of
Soap 29 lb.
Water 8 lb.
Pale cresylic acid, in the proportion
of 40 lb., is now added in the same man-
Drinal Drip Fluid ner as the alkali, with continuous stirring
Nitrobenzene 6 pt. and the application of gentle heat.
Eucalyptus Oil 3 pt. When all the acid oil is incorporated, the
Yellow Neutral Mineral Oil 50 gal. contents of the pan should be perfectly
clear and a small quantity transferred to
Compound Cresol Solution a test tube should give a clear solution
Cresol 500 ec. in water.
Oil (Any Vegetable Oil)800 g. If it is preferred to employ linseed oil,
Potassium Hydroxide 80 g. the quantity of caustic potash used will
Alcohol 10 cc. naturally have to be modified; in this
Water, sufficient to make 1000 ee. particular case, increased from 10 to 10%
^Procedure —
Put the potassium hydrox-

ide into 80 cc. of water. When solution

is about three-fourths complete, add the Essential Oil Germicides
alcohol and stir until solution is effected. Essential oils which have antiseptic
Add this solution to the oil which has properties, can be made suitable for use
been previously warmed to about 60° by the general public in the same way
upon a water-bath, and stir gently. as pine oil, by emulsifying with soap
When saponidcation is complete, as shown or by the use of sulphonated oils. Euca-
by testing with water, in the usual way, lyptus oil disinfectant is prepared accord-
or by appearance, add the cresol in small ing to the following formulas
portions, with stirring. Finally, remove Formula No. 1
from the water-bath, cool and adjust the Eucalyptus Oil 100 lb.
volume to 1000 cc. with distilled water. W. W. Eosin 100 lb.
Caustic Soda Solution (25% ) 50 lb.
Denatured Alcohol 20 lb.
Water-Soluble Cresol Disinfectant Water 150 1b.
Formula No. 1
No. 2
very satisfactory water-soluble dis-
Eucalyptus Oil 250 lb.
infectant is a mixture of equal parts of
Commercial Oleic Acid 105 lb.
cresol and Turkey red oil.
Water 300 lb.
No. 2 Caustic Soda Solution (25%) 60 lb.
Cresylic Acid 100 g. Denatured Alcohol 60 lb.
Linseed Oil 100 g. These products are nonpoisonous and
Caustic Potash noncorrosive. They are prepared by dis-
Solution (331/3%) 75 g. solving the rosin or oleic acid in the caustic
Alcohol 6 g. solution, diluting with half the water con-
No. 3 tent, cooling, stirring in the eucalyptus
Tar Oil Acids 40 g. oil, and adding the alcohol.
Rosin 10 g. An example of thyme oil disinfectant
Caustic Potash is as follows:
Solution (33%%) 70 g. Thymol 3 lb.
Alcohol 70 g. Thyme Oil iy2 lb.
The specified mode of procedure is to Origanum Oil 1 lb.
boil the various ingredients together in Terpineol 5 lb.
an apparatus with a reflux condenser, un- Sulphonated Castor Oil 40 lb.
til saponification is complete. Water 50 lb.
On a commercial scale, similar prepara-
This gives a perfect emulsion in water,
fcons may be made by the saponification which is truly antiseptic and nonpoisonous.
of either castor or linseed oils with
caustic potash. As an example: take 50 Disinfectant for Telephone Mouthpiece
lb. of castor oil and heat it
gently in an Formaldehyde 5 drops
iron kettle. To this is added, in a thin Mountain Dine Oil 5 drops

Eosemary Oil 6 drops Melt a on the waterbath. Add the mix-

Xavender Oil 6 drops ture &, and heat gently (over asbestos-
Acetone 5 ce. plates) till all is dissolved again.
Alcohol, Benatured, Allow to cool to 80°C., and add c with

to make 50 cc. agitation.

Pour into molds, or impregnate card-
board pieces of the conventional square
Telephone Disinfectant Cleanser shape.
Thymol 1 g. Pack air-tight.
Pine Needle Oil 15 drops
Peppermint Oil 15 drops Deodorant Sprays
Alcohol, Denatured 5 cc.
Formula No. 1
Soap, Tincture of Green 10 cc.
Boric Acid 12 oz.
Water, to make 50 cc.
Sodium Nitrate 12 oz.
Potassium Chlorate 12 oz.
Telephone Booth Air-Deodorizer Chloral Hydrate 8 oz.
o. Naphthalene 730 g. Methanol 32 oz.
h. Camphor, Synthetic 70 g. Water, to make 5 gal.
0 . 20 g. No. 2
Paradichlorobenzene 100 g. Water 40 oz.
d.' Bornyl Acetate 50 g. Aluminum Chloride 8 oz.
Eucalyptol 30 g. Fluorescene (Dye) to suit
Melt a on the waterbath, add 5, later c.
When all is dissolved, cool to 80° C., add Theatre Sprays
d and pour, or use to dip cardboards into English Patent 425,309
the melted mass.
For Large Sails
Camphorated Oil 90 g.
Disinfectant for Toilets Menthol 10 g.
Phenol 1 oz. Example For a theatre of 1,500 seats,

Pine Oil 5 oz. only 20 g. of this mixture, being slowly

Sulphonated Olive Oil (30%) 16 oz. evaporated by a heating device, are active
Water 78 oz. without undesirable odor.
For Small Sails
Camphorated Oil 5 g.
Anti-Eusting Surgical Instrument
Menthol 5 g.
Antiseptic Alcohol 90 g.
French Patent 800,982
Phenol or Cresol 3 g.
Borax Tobacco Pipe Cleaner and Deodorant
8 g.
Paraformaldehyde Formaldehyde 200 cc.
15 g.
Water Soft Soap, D.S.P. 400 g.
Alcohol 300 cc.
Water, to make 1000 cc.
Toilet Deodorant The above may be perfumed with oil of
Formula No. 1 lavender and menthol.

Formalin (38%) 2.5 gal.
''Water .
50 gal.
Thyme oil makes a good odor if de- Breath Lozenges
sired. Formula No. 1
No. 2 Peppermint Oil 1 g.
Concentrated Powdered Sugar 100 g.
Formalin (38%) Mucilage of Acacia 10 g.
25 gal.
Zinc Chloride Solution Make mass and divide into lozenges
(50%) weighing one gram each.
25 1
d CO No. 2
Anthracene Oil 80 kg. Peppermint Oil 1 cc.
Cresol, Crude 20 kg. Powdered Sugar 100 g.
No. 4 Mucilage of Tragacanth, q.s. to make
a. Naphthalene 730 100 lozenges.
J). Camphor 70 g.
Hexachloroethane 20 g. Incense Cones
Paradichlorobenzene 100 g* Dry materials in the following should
c, Bornyl Acetate 50 g* be powdered and worked up with a gum
Eucalyptol 30 g* tragacanth solution and then molded and
Orange Peel Oil 20 g- dried.


Black proportion of a gel-forming agent and a

Linden Coal 1000 g. small proportion, of a solid true wax with
Benzoin 650 g. or without the addition of soft paraffin,
Tolu Balsam 100 g. refined wool fat, or a glyceride fat. A
Olibanum 150 g. typical mixture comprises 1.81 (parts by

Peru Balsam 80 g. weight) high-grade stearic acid and 2.42

Clove Oil 4 g. first-grade white beeswax, which are dis-
Rose Oil solved in 85.58 boiling absolute alcohol.
Solution Iris 5 g. The acid is neutralized by 3.73 parts of a
Vanillin 3 g. 10 per cent aqueous sodium hydroxide
Bed solution and the hot solution thinned with
Red Sandal Wood, Powdered 1000 g. 6.46 water. When allowed to cool, the
Sandal Wood, East India 20 g. product soon sets to a fine-grained, nom
Siam Benzoin 150 g. elastic, non-syneretic mass of even tex-
Sumatra Benzoin 50 g. ture which readily liquefies when rubbed
Tolu Balsam 200 g. on the skin. The final composition is
Labdanum 50 g. sodium stearate 2, beeswax 2.4, water 10,
Tea Elower Tincture 30 g. alcohol 85.6. Such compositions are thixo-
Clove Oil 25 g. tropic i.e,, capable of setting up again
Vanillin 5 g. after liquefaction by pressure. Also they
Cassia Oil 20 g. regain the original smooth structure with-
Saltpeter 100 g. out any great increase in syneresis, a
Musk, Tincture 25 g. property which is an advantage when the
White products are used as bases for medicating
Linden Wood Powder 1000 g. agents such as zinc stearate, zinc oxide,
Styrax, Liquid 75 g. and sulphur, which can be successfully in-
Benzoin 150 g. corporated by grinding with the semi-solid
Olibanum 150 g. mass and allowing to set again.
Labdanum 75 g.
Mastic 45 g. The Sealing of Gelatin Capsules
Clove Oil 20 g. In dispensing small numbers of soft
Cassia Oil 15 g. gelatin capsules it is customary to seal the
Lavender Oil 5 g. capsules with the aid of a hot spatula or
Musk, Tincture 15 g. glass rod. This method is not entirely
Eetone-Musk Solution 4 g. satisfactory, as it is difficult to obtain a
Vanillin 6 g. neat seal, and one which is reliable in
keeping the contents in the capsule. More-
Incense Pastilles over, it frequently happens that the hot
Charcoal,Powdered 600 g. iron or glass discolors the gelatin. To
Sandalwood, Powdered 150 g. overcome these drawbacks, the following
Storax 75 g. method has been adopted: Steam is gen-
Benzoin, Powdered 75 g. erated from a pointed bent glass tubing
Cinnamon-Cassia Powder 25 g. inserted through a stoppered test-tube.
Peru Balsam 15 g. The capsule is held in the steam within
Cloves, Powdered 25 g. the area of dryness. A rapid seal is ef-
Potassium Nitrate 35 g. fected, which is neat, strong and free from
any trace of charring. Instead of a glass
mgr*'} apparatus, a flat oil-can such as is sup-
Make a dough and press into shape. plied with cycles and sewing machines,
may be used.
Moth Balls
Naphthalene 200 kg. Artificial Gastric Juice
Camphor 20 kg. Pepsin 0.10 oz.
Phenol 30 kg. Hydrochloric Acid 0.25 oz.
Ceresin 50 kg.
Melt ; agitate until well mixed. Pour
Artificial Intestinal J uice
Pancreatin 1 oz.
into suitable molds as soon as cooled to
about 50-60® 0.

Sodium Bicarbonate 1 oz.

Ox Bile, Eresh 2 oz.

Cream Rubbing Alcohol Medicinal Mineral Oil Emulsion

British Patent 446,594 1. Gelatin 6—8 g.
Opaque, even-rubbing masses with a 2. Tartaric Acid
smooth texture are prepared by incorporat- (Sufficient to give a
ing in an alcoholic menstruum a small pH of 3.2)

3. Simple Syrup 100 ce. ulcer ; re-applying the tape until complete
4. Vanillin 0.04 g. healing has taken place. Patients will
5. Alcohol 60 ec. complain of itching.
6. Water, to make 500 ce. Or, this method may be used : Spray on
7. Heavy White Befined a 5 per cent solution of tannic acid, or
Mineral Oil 500 cc. paint with brilliant green (1 per cent
Place 1 and 2 in about 340 ce. cold watery solution) until a crust is formed.
water; allow to swell for a few minutes The area must be kept clean and dry. If
and then heat "until dissolved. Heat to infection occurs under the crust, as indi-
95-98® G. for 15 minutes. Cool to 60® cated by softening of an area, remove the
C., add 3, then 4, which has been dissolved crust with hot saline compresses or petro-
in 5. Add balance of water. Add 7 latum and treat the infection by wet com-
slowly while mixing vigorously with an presses of Dakin's solution or boric acid.
electric mixer. Homogenize at 3000-3500 Then repeat the treatment. This method
pressure, recirculating twice. stable A cannot be used if a virulent infection, deep
emulsion thinner than the usual medicinal necrosis of tissue, or bone involvement is
mineral oil emulsions results. present.
If the sore is extremely bad, arrange a
continuous bath, which should be kept
* ^
Adhesive Tape Looseners ’ ’ clean by a continuous overflow and refill-
Formula No. 1 ing, and a constant temperature, controlled
Carbon Tetrachloride 60 oz. by a thermostat. Perfect drainage and
Naphtha 40 oz. relief from pressure are thus obtained.
Perfume ¥2 oz. Dust with following:
*Diglyeol Laurate 10 oz.
Zinc Stearate 5.00 g.
No. 2
Tincture of Benzoin 5.00 g.
Dichlormethane 98 oz.
ScarletBed Ointment (5%) 0.25 g.
2 oz.
Hydrous Wool Fat 30.00 g.
The vapors given off by the above are Liniment of Camphor 180.00 g.
toxic and should be drawn away by a fan. Mutton Tallow 500.00 g.
* The use of diglycol laurate softens the hair
and lessens pain hy acting as a lubricant.
Melt the fats, add the camphor lini-
ment; and when almost cooled, beat in
tincture of benzoin and zinc stearate until
Treatment of Bed Sores a creamy mixture is secured.
Bed sores may be treated by stretching Treatruent of the bed-sore itself is done
elastic adhesive tape completely over the by spraying every hour with 5% aqueous
sore, from healthy skin to healthy skin, tannic acid and continuing until a heavy
and leaving it in place until it loosens (24 coagulation is formed. Occasionally the
to 48 hours) ; then remove the old tape crust must be removed to prevent infec-
and dry the surrounding skin, but not the tion.
^ ^
Soluble ^ ’
Oils Gelatin part ^
Formula No. 1 Water, Boiling
b. 100 parts
Sulphonated Castor Oil 15 O'.
o* Dissolve a in b, cool. The smooth jelly
‘‘CarbitoP^ 5 g- that forms is liquefied once again by
Diglycol Laurate 80 g- stirring and ruti through a homogenizer.
Mineral Oil 410 g- The viscous liquid thus formed can be
No. 2 used to emulsify oils in varying amounts.
Bosin Soap 25 oz.
Red Oil 10 oz. Mineral Oil Emulsion
Pine Oil 4 oz. Aminostearin 10 g.
Alcohol, Anhydrous 6 oz. Mineral Oil 75 g.
One part of above dissolves in four Water
parts of
^ ‘
spindle ’ ’
mineral oil. This emulsion is stable to hard water
and weak acids.
Orthodielilorbenzol-Soluble Oil
^^CarbitoP’ 5 oz. Technical Mineral Oil Emulsion
Diglycol Laurate 95 oz. Water 170 cc.
Ortliodiclilorbenzol 400 oz. Gum Arabic, Powdered 10 g*
The above emulsifies readily in water. Moldex or other good
preservative 0.3 g.
Hard Water-Soluble Oil When dissolved add to
Pine Oil 75 oz. Mineral Oil 30 g-
^^CarbitoP^ 25 oz. while mixing vigorously; then run
^ ^
Sulf atate ^ ^ (or other through colloid mill or homogenizer.
water-soluble naphtha-
lene sulphonic acid
Non-Foaming Oil Emulsion
esters or salts) 20 oz.
U. S. Patent 2,052,164
Water 20 oz.
Stearic Acid 1 g-
Diglycol Laurate 360 oz.
Oil-Soluble Mahogany
Mineral Oil 1600 oz.
Sulphonate 99 g.
The ^ sulf atate ^ is dissolved in water
^ ’
Mineral Oil 500 g.
and mixed well into the other ingredients. Water 5000 cc.
This oil disperses in hard waters without Warm and mix three ingredients
scum formation. until clear; then add water slowly with
vigorous mixing.
Soluble Oil Stable to Sea Water
Pine Oil 12 oz.
Red Oil 9 oz. Sesame Oil Emulsion
‘/CarbitoP’ 8 oz. Citrus-Pectin 5 g.
Diglyeol Laurate 65 oz. Sesame Oil 20 g.
‘ f Sulfatate
^ (or other water- Citric Acid 0.5 g.
soluble sulfonated hydro- Distilled Water 74.5 g.
carbon) 6 oz. Homogenize.

Water-In-Oil Emulsion Emulsions with Special Kaolins

a. Diglycol Oleate 15 g. Formula No. 1
Mineral Oil 60 g. Kaolin, Colloidal* 2.2 g.
h. Water 25 g. Water 30.0 g.
Pour a into b with vigorous stirring. Alcohol 1.1 g.
Fatty Oils 66.7 g.
Stable Water in Oil Emulsifier Preservative
German Patent 646,503 No. 2
Pectin, Dry 4-5 parts Kaolin, Colloidal* 1.3 g.
Agar-Agar 1 part Water, Distilled 17.0 g.
Alcoliol 1.7 g. Candelilla Wax Emulsions
Patty Oils 80.0 g. Formula No. 1
Preservative a. Candelilla Wax 20 g
Preparation: Stir the kaolin into the Oleic Acid g*
water. When homogeneous, add the oil 3
Heat to 95-100° C. and then run in the
in small portions. Addition of soaps following heated to 95-100° C., mixing
(potassium, triethanolamine soaps) helps with a ^
high-speed stirrer :
the emulsions. h. Triethanolamine
7-8% of the colloidal kaolin gives a 4 g.
Borax 2 S*
gel in water. Water 185 ce.
* Particle size: 0.5 |X.
No. 2
a. Candelilla Wax 20 o*.

Oleic Acid g’
Cutting Oil, Concentrated Use above method adding:
Pine Oil 2.5 oz. b. Triethanolamine 3 g.
Bed Oil 12.0 oz. Borax lU I’
Caustic Potash (50%) 4 oz. Water ct
Alcohol, Anhydrous 5 oz.
Potassium Oleo-Abietate 16 oz. Paraffin Wax Emulsion
Possesses excellent self-emulsifying a. Paraffin Wax 12 oz.
properties. b. Stearic Acid
5 oz*
c. Trigamine
3 oz!
d. Water
80 oz.
Japan Wax Emulsion Melt a and b at 65-70° 0. and add c
id. J apan Wax 36 g. and^ d at same temperature, slowly,
Trihydroxyethylamine mixing with a high-speed agitator.
Stearate 4 g,
h.Water, Boiling 360 cc. Opal Wax Emulsion
Warm a to, 65® C. and add ^ to it . Opal Wax 15 g^
slowly with vigorous stirring*. Aminostearin 5 o*!
. Water 75
Sulfatate 5 g
Montan Wax Emulsion Heat a to 100-105° C. and add to* it
Montan Wax 20 oz. slowly while mixing with high-speed mixer
Oleic Acid 5 oz!
Heat to 100° C. and add the follow-
b heated to 95° C. A
smooth emulsion
results that may be used for a furniture
ing heated to 95-100° C. slowly with good polish.
Triethanolamine 8 oz.
Borax Bituminous Emulsion
2 oz! Formula No. 1
Water 185 oz. IT. S. Patent 2,087,400
Add 15 parts by weight of oleic acid to
Esparto Wax Emulsion 250 parts by weight of asphalt flux oil,
. Esparto Wax 15 g.
heating the mix to about 100° C., adding
the same to 750 parts of water to
Triethanolamine 3 e**
Bed OU have been added 34 parts of aqueous
. Boraj: ammonia whereby an emulsion of the
1% g. asphalt flux oil which has a viscosity sub-
Water 10 g
o.Water stantially greater than that of water
321^ g! is
Heat a to 95—100° C. and mix well*
Reduced, thereafter adding 1500 parts
run into b heated to 95-100° 0., beating by weight of coal tar which has a specific
vigorously; when smooth gel is formed gravity of about 1.18 or more heated
add o heated to 95-100° C. and beat vig- a temperature of about 70° C. to which
orously until cool. has been added 45 parts of oleic
vigorously agitating said tar with the
emulsion of asphalt flux oil, and subject-
Candelilla Wax Emulsion ing the resulting mixed emulsion to in-
Candelilla Wax 30 tensive mechanical disintegration,
g. as for
Triethanolamine 7 o** example by passage through a colloid mill.
Bed Oil 5 I*
h. Borax No. 2
2^ g TJ. S. Patent 2,023,540
"Water 20 '

g Hydrous Magnesium
c. Water
150 g] Smeate
Method as ^
in esparto wax emuMpn. 8-10 lb.
Water 20 gal.

Mix well and heat to a boil j

then mix Lacquer Emulsions
m an emulsifying machine with Patented
Asphalt (Melted) 36 gal. The following table is given to illus-
Acetic Acid (0.1 N.) 250-420 cc. trate typical formulations of nitrocellu-
Water (Boiling) 10 gal. lose emulsions for various uses. In the
case of pigmented lacquer emulsions only
Bitumen Emulsion carbon black and a gray are given be-
Italian Patent 276,770 cause they illustrate opposite extremes in
1,000 g. bitumen (preferably asphalt) ease of emulsification. The gray is for-
are heated to OO"" 0. 60 g. Swedish resin mulated with zinc oxide. It is necessary
at 80-90 ® 0. are then added and finally a to use a colloid mill or homogenizer in
solution of 20 g. caustic potash in 120 g. making these emulsions.
water cooled to 60-70° 0. is added. Vig-
Clear Lacquer Emulsions for Furniture
orous stirring is needed throughout.
Formula No. 1
1,000 g. hot water are poured in and when
Lacquer Phase
soap formation is ended a further 800 g. 5-6 See. Nitrocellulose
water are added.
(dry weight) 17.0 oz.
Ester Gum 13.6 oz.
Asphalt or Bitumen Emulsion
Dibutyl Phthalate 3.4 oz.
British Patent 441,782
100 Butanol Carried by Nitro-
Eosin lb.
cellulose 7.4 oz.
Slaked Lime 3% lb. Butanol 9.1 oz.
Heat at 140° C. and mix until uniform.
Hi-Flash Solvent Naphtha 16.5 oz.
Add while mixing Secondary Hexyl Acetate 16.5 oz.
Puel Oil 103 lb.
Octyl Acetate 16.5 oz.
Take 4 lbs. of above mixture and add
Water Phase
to 100 lbs. melted bitumen or asphalt and
potassium Water 78.5 oz.
then disperse mixture in 0.05
Acetone 20.0 oz.
rosinate solution to give a 57% bitumen
Purified Duponol W. A. or
DuponolM. E. (dry) 0.5 oz.
Sulphonated Castor Oil 1.0 oz.
Asphalt-Eubber Emulsion Eatio of lacquer phase to water phase
Swedish Patent 86,859 recommended: From 2.5 to 1, to 3.5 to 1
Shale asphalt, consisting of residues parts by weight.
obtained after distg. crude shale oil, is
heated to about 300° and distd. in steam
No. 2
at 325° to drive off traces of oil, and
Lacquer Phase
mixed with montan wax and a fatty acid E. S. %Sec. (dry weight) 18.5 oz.
at 120-30° in the proportions asphalt 50,
Lewisohl No. 2 18.5 oz.
wax 1-2 and fatty acid 0.5-2.5. The Dibutyl Phthalate 3.7 oz.

molten mixt. led in fine stream with

No. 15 Castor Oil 5.8 oz.
stirring into an aqueous caustic soda or
Butanol Carried by Nitro-
cellulose 8.0 oz.
soap solution at 90° G. in proportions
water 15-20, a caustic soda 0.3-0.6 and Butanol 2.7 oz.
fatty acid 0.4-0.5. The emulsion is then Hi-Flash Solvent Naphtha 10.7 oz.
boiled for 2-10 min., and may be mixed Secondary Hexyl Acetate 32.1 oz.
at a temperature not above 55° 0. with a
Water Phase
rubber emulsion, such as Eevertex. Water 83.5 oz.
Acetone 15.0 oz.
Duponol M. E. (dry) 0.5 oz.
Pitch Emulsion
Sulphonated Castor Oil 1.0 oz.
British Patent 462,111
Eatio of lacquer phase to water phase
Coal Tar Pitch ISO lb.
recommended: From 2.5 to 1, to 3.5 to 1
Stearin Pitch 20 lb.
parts by weight.
Melt together and add to following at
100° 0.
* Casein Solution 45 lb. Black Pigmented Lacquer Emulsion
Water 35 lb. Lacquer Phase
Caustic Potash 1 lb. E. S, %Sec. (dry weight) 20.0 oz.
then add Dammar Gum (Dewaxed)
Water, Boiling 120 lb. (dry weight) 6.0 oz.
* Casein. Solution- Dibutyl Phthalate 3.0 oz.
Casein 56 lb. Trioresyl Phosphate 2.6 oz.
Caustic Potash (50%) 10 lb.
Blown Castor Oil 5.4 oz.
Water 494 Ib.
Cresylic Acid 11 lb. Carbon Black 2.0 oz.

Butanol Carried by Nitro- Clear Lacquer Emulsion Greaseproof to

8.6 oz.
5.0 oz.

Mineral Oils (for use where toxicity
of coating is not objectionable)
Denatured Ethyl Alcohol Lacquer Phase
(in Dammar Solution) 4.0 oz. 5-6 See. Nitrocellulose
Hi-Flash Solvent Naphtha 13.8 oz. (Dry Weight) 25.0 oz.
Toluol (in Dammar Solution) 2.0 oz. Tricresyl Phosphate 15.0 oz.
Secondary Hexyl Acetate 13.8 oz. Butanol carried by
Octyl Acetate 13.8 oz. Nitrocellulose 10.7 oz.
Water Phase Secondary Hexyl Acetate* 36.0 oz.
Water 98.50 oz. Xylol* 13.3 oz.
Duponol M. E. (dry) 0.25 oz. * An alternate solvent combination for use
Sulphonated Castor Oil 1.25 oz. where drying at elevated temperatures can be
used is butyl acetate and toluol in equal
Eatio of lacquer phase to water phase amounts.
recommended: Prom 2.5 to 1, to 3 to 1
Water Phase
parts by weight.
Water 98.5 oz.
Duponol M. E. (Dry) 0.5 oz.
Gray Pigmented Lacquer Emulsion
Sulphonated Castor Oil 1.0 oz.
Lacquer Phase
Eatio of lacquer phase to water phase
E. S. ^2 Sec. (dry weight) 18.0 oz.
recommended: From 2.5 to 1, to 3.5 to 1
Dammar Gum (Dewaxed) parts by weight.
(dry weight) 5.4 oz.
Tricresyl Phosphate 3.0 oz.
Blown Castor Oil 6.0 oz. Clear Lacquer Emulsion Greaseproof to
Gray Pigment*
Butanol Carried by Nitro-
12.0 oz.

Mineral Oils (for use where color
and odor are not objectionable)
cellulose 7.8 oz. Lacquer Phase
Butanol 1.9 oz. 5-6 Sec. Nitrocellulose
Denatured Ethyl Alcohol (Dry Weight) 20.0 oz.
(in Dammar
Solution) 4.0 oz. Blown Castor Oil 30,0 oz.
Hi-Flash Solvent Naphtha 14.0 oz. Butanol carried by
Toluol (in Dammar Solution) 2.0 oz. Nitrocellulose 8.6 oz.
Secondary Hexyl Acetate 13.0 oz. Toluol 20.7 oz.
Octyl Acetate 12.9 oz. Butyl Acetate 20.7 oz.
Water Phase Water Phase
Water 98.20 oz.
Water 98.5 oz.
Duponol M. B. (dry) 0.25 oz.
Duponol M. E. (Dry) 0.5 oz.
Sulphonated Castor Oil 1,25 oz.
Sulphonated Castor Oil 1.0 oz.
Methyl Cellulose 0.30 oz.
Eatio of lacquer phase to water phase
Eatio of lacquer phase to water phase
recommended: From 2 to to 3 to 1
recommended: From 2 to 1, to 2.5 to 1 1,
parts by weight.
parts by weight.
* Oomposition of gray pigment:
Zinc oxide 96.0 oz.
Chrome yellow 1.6 oz.
Chlorinated Eubber Emulsion
Carbon black 0.7 oz. Stable emulsions can easily be obtained
Prussian blue 0.7 oz. without the use of emulsifying agents, if,
Iron oxide 1.0 oz.
for example, 70 g. of chlorinated rubl3er,
Clear Lacquer Emulsion Greaseproof to 30 g. xylol and 40 g. of water—kept apart
from each, i.e.^ the chlorinated rubber is
Vegetable Oils
not dissolved but fed simultaneously and
Lacquer Phase
5-6 Sec. Nitrocellulose progressively into a stirring device in
(Dry Weight) 25,0 oz.
Tri-ethyl Citrate 15.0 oz.
Butanol carried by Chlorinated Eubber Emulsion
Nitrocellulose 10.7 oz. Canadian Patent 360,946
Secondary Hexyl Acetate* 36.0 oz. Casein 2 oz.
XyloP 13.3 oz. Ammonia (28%) 0.1 oz.
Water Phase Turkey Eed Oil 6 oz.
Water 98.5 oz. Heat to 35° C. with stirring and add
Duponol M. E. (Dry) 0.5 oz. slowly a solution of
Sulphonated Castor Oil 1.0 oz. Chlorinated Eubber 20 oz.
Eatio of lacquer phase to water phase Triehlorethylene 80 oz.
recommended: From 2.5 to 1, to 3.5 to 1 Stir until uniform. This disperses -well
parts by weight. in water.

Lecitliin Emulsions Potassium Carbonate 5 g.

British Patent 437,859 Method as above.
Soya Leeitliin 8 oz. No. 5
Pine Oil 15 oz. U.
S. Patent 2,090,909
Turpentine 12 oz. Castor Oil, Blown 85 g.
Paraffin Oil 10 oz. Castor Oil Fatty Acids 15 g.
Water 55 oz. Sodium Hydroxide (10%) 6.7 g.
No. 6
Teglac (Synthetic Resin) Emulsion Diglycol Laurate SO g.
Teglac 65 12.5 g. ^^CarbitoP^ 20 g.
Toluol 12*5 g. A good white water in oil cream emul-
Dissolve by stirring. sion is obtained from
Into above run slowly with good mix-
Above Emulsifier 15 g.
Mineral Oil 40 g.
Triethanolamine 1 ce.
Water 45 g.
Water 10 ce.
No. 7
Gives a thick emulsion which dries to
German Patent 646,503
fair gloss in thin films.
Pectin 4-5 g.
Gold Sol Agar 1 g.
Gelatin g.
The stock solution contains gold bro-
Water (Boiling) 100 ce.
mide crystals, 5.0 g.j purified potassium
bromate, 1.365 g.; and freshly distilled
water, 38.7 g. This solution is stable for Soya Bean Emulsifier
one year. Eor preparation of the gold Soya Bean Flour 1 lb.
sol, 1 cc. of the stock solution is first Water 150 lb.
diluted with 14 cc. of distilled water and Caustic Potash 0.1 lb.
then further diluted with water to make Heat together and stir until uniform.
one liter. For the reduction, 10 ce. of a
1% potassium oxalate solution is added, Wetting Out and Emulsifying Agents
and the solution placed in daylight for
U. S. Patent 1,999,628-32
about 20 minutes.
Formula No. 1 No. 2
Turkey Red Oil 20 oz. 30 oz.
Demulsifier for Oils Sodium Tetrahydro-
U. S. Patent 2,051,226 naphthalene
Furfuraldehyde-Potassium Sulfonate 5 oz. 10 oz.
Bisulphite Solution 11.1 ce. Trisodium
Ricinoleic Acid 50.4 cc. Phosphate 10 oz. 50 oz.
Ammonia (0.897) 8.9 cc. Cetyl Alcohol 10 oz. —
Castor Oil 29.6 cc. Soda Ash 12 oz. —
Methyl Hexal in —10 oz.
Emulsifiers M^lt together and stir until uniform.
Formula No. 1
No. 3
Cottonseed Oil 'J’S g* Tripotassium Phosphate 3 oz.
Diethylene Glycol 22 g. Ammonium Lauryl Sulphate 1 oz.
Potassium Carbonate 1 g.
Heat with good stirring, for 1 hour, at
125-130° C. Dispersing Agent
This is soluble in mineral oil and dis- Formula No. 1
perses in warm water. IT. S. Patent 2,058,013
No. 2 Tallow 175
Castor Oil 46.6 g. Dimethyl Amine (25%) 324
Soya Bean Oil 112.5 g. Heat at 200° G. in an autoclave for 16
Diethylene Glycol 44.0 g. hours. Tliis yields a mixture of dimethyl
Potassium Carbonate 2.0 g. amides.
Method as above. No. 2
No. 3 German Patent 622,640
Coconut Oil 137 g. Lauryl Alcohol, Melted 186 kg.
Diethylene Glycol 44 g. Chlorsulphonie Acid 116 kg.
Potassium Carbonate 2 g. Stir while heating gently.
Method as above. After removing the hydrogen chloride
No. 4 by passing through the reaction mixture
Palm Eernel Oil 150 g. a current of inert gas, add
Diethylene Glycol 44 g. Triethanolamine 150 kg.
Pefoainmg (b) Pigments in water base cosmetic
Octyl alcohol is used as a defoaming lotions, use 0.001-0.01%.
agent as follows ( all suggested concentra- (c) Pottery casting clays to increase
tions are by volume unless otherwise in- ^^slip'^ and remove air bubbles,
dicated) : use,0.0001-0.001% of ''slip'/.
(a) Oil, wher^ foaming is due to presence (d) Leather dressings, spray 0,002-
of water, use 0.0005%. 0.02% onto pigment before water
(b) Varnish inks, use 0.001-0.01%. is added.
(e) Beet sugar, use 0.0005-0.005% of (e) Pigments in lacquers, use 0.1-1.0%
solution. of weight of pigment.
(d) Paper, use 0.0005-0.005% of pulp. (f) Mercerizing baths.
(e) Analytical procedure ; such as an- (g) Penetrating oils, use approximately
alyses of fruit juices, powdered 1 0 %.

milk, petroleum-water mixtures,

etc., use a few drops in 500 ec.
Defoaming Skim Milk
(f) Photographic film developing solu-
tions. Spray 1 to 10 oz. for 200 The addition of 0.1-0.5% diglycol laur-
gal. of foam. ate or glyceryl glycol laurate to skim
milk decreases foaming greatly.
(g) Textile printing, use 0.25-1.5% of
(h) Chemical Processes (manufacture
Breaking Oil Emulsions
dyes, alum, etc.) use .1-1.0%.
(i) Wire drawing soap lubricants, use 5% of a solution of the following is
0 01 - 0 1 %.
. .
agitated with the emulsion and then al-
(j) Asphalt emulsions, use 0,001-0.01%.
lowed to settle:
(k) Eliminating air bubbles and ^^pin Naphthenic Acid % lb.
holes ^ ^ in gelatin glue spreading, Salt % lb.
use 0.1-1.0%. Water 991/2 lb.

Wetting Agent
Octyl alcohol is used in the following Elotation Agent
proportions by volume: U. S. Patent 2,094,646
(a) Pigments in water or oil base paints, Crude Paraffin Base Petroleum 4 lb.
use 0.02-1.0% of weight of pig- Kerosene 4 lb.
ment. Creosote, Coal Tar 1 lb.
Growing Nutrient Salts
Formula No. 1 No. 2
Calcium Chloride, Anhydrous 3.2 g.
Potassium Monophosphate 5.9 g. 3.9 g.
Calcium Nitrate 20.1 g.
Magnesium Sulphate 10.7 g. 10.3 g.
Ammonium Sulphate
Sodium Nitrate —
1.8 g.
6.4 g.
Water 5 gal. 5 gal.
*^Trace Solution 10 ce. 10 cc.
flron Solution 40 ce. 40 cc.

No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6

Superphosphate 5.8 g.
Sodium Nitrate 6.4 g.
Magnesium Sulphate 10.3 g. 7.3 g. 4.9 g. 2.4 g
Potassium Chloride 3.9 g.
Potassium Sulphate
Double Superphosphate 5.7 g. 2.8 g.
Potassium Nitrite 16.0 g. 16.0 g.
Ammonium Sulphate 4.9 g. 10.4 g.
Water 5 gal. 5 gaX
* Trace Solution
flron Solution

No. 7 Humus Rich Fertilizer

Calcium Nitrate, Dry 19.5 g. U. 8. Patent 2,027,766
Potassium Nitrate 2.1 g. Peat dried to 10%
moisture or leather
Potassium Monophosphate 5.5 g. scrap is autoclaved with ammonia at 180-
Magnesium Sulphate, Dry 1.5 g. 300° F. for 8 hours.
Sal Ammoniac 1.5 g.
Magnesium Nitrate 6.1 g.
Water 5 gal. Fertilizer
* TraceSolution 5 ce. Formula No. 1
flron Solution 40 ce. U. S. Patent 2,081,401
* Trace solution consists of:
A process for producing a fertilizer
Manganese Sulphate 0.8 g. which comprises treating a superphos-
Zinc Sulphate 0.8 g. phate material with a solution of about
Boric Acid 0.8 g.
34.5 parts of ammonium chloride in about
Water 1 pt.
flron solution consists of: 80.5 parts of 50% aqua ammonia, said
Ferrous Sulphate 0.8 g. solution being added to the superphos-
Water 1 pt.
phate material in the proportions of
This should only he added to above solution
directly before use as it forms a precipitate. about 115 parts of the solution to about
890 parts of fsuperphosphate, all parts by
Fertilizer for Flowers and Herbs
Ammonium Nitrate 20 oz. No. 2
Ammonium Chloride 2% oz. Swiss Patent 185,428
Ammonium Phosphate 10 oz. A fertilizer is made by heaping a mix-
Potassium Nitrate 12i/^ oz. ture of sludge or silt and peat dust in
Calcium Sulphate 3 oz. piles and leaving till the temperature of
Iron Sulphate 2 oz. the centers of the piles is above 50° C.
This mixture is employed by dissolving The piles are then turned over to bring
a teaspoonful in a gallon of water, and the outer layers to the center and to
sprinkling the latter on the plants. allow the center to cool on the outside.
: :


Insecticidal Fertilizer Caterpillar Banding Compositions
U. aPatent 2,095,366 Formula No. 1
Unspent Humus 40 lb. oo/r.
Bone Meal 35 lb. Petroleum Sludge 50 kg.
Blood, Dried 20 lb. Lime Hydrate 6 kg.
Copper Sulphate 5 lb. Tar (Eosin or Wood) 2 kg.
Rosin Oil 6 kg.
Dry Poultry Manure Fertilizer No. 2
British Patent 471,067 Medium
Poultry Manure 1 lb. Petroleum Sludge 40 kg.
Quick-lime 1 lb.
Lime Hydrate 10 kg.
Mix together and grind with Eosin Oil 10 kg.
Tar 3 kg.
Bone Meal % lb.
No. 3
Citrus Fertilizer Petroleum Sludge 40 kg.
U. S. Patent 2,002,400 Lime Hydrate 15 kg.
Wet Citrus Pomace 2000 lb. Eosin Oil 12 kg.
Calcium Cyanamid 300 lb. Tar 3 kg.
Calcium Sulphate 80 lb. No. 4
Mix and store until temperature rises Blue or Green Petroleum Oil 50 kg.
to 90-100° C., then mix in Lime Hydrate 6 kg.
Sodium Nitrate 215 lb. Eosin Oil 9 kg.
Potassium Sulphate 50 lb. Wood Tar 2 kg.
Ammonium Sulphate 100 lb. No. 5
Triple Superphosphate 250 lb.
Gas Oil 35 kg.
Tar Oil, Free of Phenol 15 kg.
Fish Meal Fertilizer Lime Hydrate 8 kg.
Fish Waste 1 ton Eosin Oil 10-12 kg.
is treated with No. 6
Formaldehyde 5-10 lb. a. Oleic Acid 20 kg.
and digested at 50 ° C. Press to remove Mineral Oil Fraction 30 kg.
oil, etc. Then dry to produce a powder. Slaked Lime 3 kg.
Water 15 kg.
h. Blue Oil 60 kg.
Shark Meal Fertilizer
Crude Creosote 10 kg.
very high grade feed or fertilizer
Boil o until it gels (stringy!) and add
can be produced from the carcass of the
Shark, and this method of utilizing same
&. Stir until cold. To cheapen, add
is recommended instead of for edible Heavy Spar 10 kg.
purposes, unless the fresh meat can be
sold locally, in which case both methods To Protect Trees Against Deer
can be used. Formula No. 1
Shark meal is high in vitamin contents, Clay, Dry, Free from Sand,
and other feed values, and is mixed with Powdered 500 g.
less rich feeds for fattening 'fowls and Train Oil 35 g.
animals. It is too strong to be used alone Cattle Blood to thicken
as a fertilizer, and is, therefore, also No. 2
mixed with other fertilizers. In order to Spent Lime 20 kg.
produce shark meal economically, it is Linseed Oil 2.5 kg.
necessary to obtain sufficient quantities Naphtha 3 kg.
of sharks in one location, to warrant the No. 3
cost of a plant. Apower plant with Sodium Carbonate 1 kg.
grinding and drying machinery is re- Cattle Blood 4 kg.
quired. It is not practical to transport Coal Tar 4 kg.
the carcasses forty or fifty miles, and No. 4
they cannot be preserved. Cattle Blood 10 kg.
There are other shark by-products Spent Lime 1 kg.
which can be developed, .such as liver oil
No. 5
for medical purposes, backbones, etc. It
Coal Tar kg. 60
has been found advisable, however, to
Naphtha kg. 20
begin operations by saving only the hides, Animal Oil, Thickened* kg. 15
fins, teeth and oil, and develop the other
Ammonium Sulphate kg. 5
by-products gradually, as soon as the * With lubricating grease made from lime

other operations are well established. )ap and mineral oil.



No. 6 the rate of 15 lb. per acre will effectively

Oeresin 20 kg. control cutworms. For budworms on to-
Spindle Oil 65 kg. bacco 1 lb. of cryolite or lead arsenate
Carholineum 15 kg. to 75 lb. of corn meal is suggested. Flea
No. 7 beetles and hornworms are best controlled
Coal Tar 1 kg. by dusting at the rate of 3-5 lb. per
Cattle Blood 1 kg. acre with a mixture of 1 lb. of cryolite
Sodium Carbonate 1.3 kg. to 3 lb. of fine road dust or flour.

Citrus Tree Frost Protection

Spray for Sigatoka Disease in
U. S. Patent 2,057,316 Banana Plants
Spraj beginning a few minutes
To combat the plant disease known as
before sunrise, and continue until the or-
Sigatoka, which by attacking the leaves
chard has been warmed up, that is, ap- prevents the development of the plant,
proximately until nine or ten in the banana plantations in Guatemala and
morning, with a solution containing such Honduras are effectively employing a
chemical ingredients as ammonium sul- Bordeaux mixture spray.
fate, calcium nitrate and ammonium The mixture is made in the field by
phosphate. A typical formula is the
adding 5 pounds of copper sulphate and
5 pounds of lime to each 50 gallons of
Ammonium Sulphate 50 lb.
water. This mixture is distributed
Calcium Nitrate 100 lb.
through pipe lines laid among the banana
Ammonium Phosphate 50 lb.
plants and applied with hand sprays to
Water approximately 50,000 gal. the leaves. In the first application 300
This treatment is based upon the gallons are applied to each acre, while
theory that the damage to frosted trees subsequent sprayings, to follow at inter-
results not from the frost itself, but vals of 15 days, require but 275 gallons
rather from the later effects of the burn-
per acre. It is anticipated that from 12
ing rays of the sun following the frost.
to 18 applications each season will be
sufficient to protect the plants.
Tree Wound Dressing
Use a coating of lanolin to get rapid To remove any remaining Bordeaux
callous formation.
mixture from bananas before shipment to
market a washing machine is used.
Painting Tree Wounds Stems passing through this machine are
Experts agree that there is no need of rinsed with a mixture containing hydro-
painting over wounds which are not more chloric acid to remove the Bordeaux mix-
than two or two and a half inches in ture, and later with fresh water to re-
diameter. Paint made of common white move the hydrochloric acid.
lead and linseed oil is entirely satisfac-
tory for painting larger wounds. Bemoval of Spray Residues from
Plant Protecting Composition Dip in 1% hydrochloric acid solution
German Patent 642,493 for 1^2 minutes, then immerse in lime-
Insectifuges for protecting plants and water lb. hydrated lime to 10 gal.
trees comprise tar oil, castor oil, naph- water) for 1 minute and then wash with
thalene and pyrethrin, with or without clean water.
phenol or cresol. Suitable proportions
are tar oil 50-75, castor oil 50-25, naph- Removing Spray Poisons from Cherries
thalene 17-18, pyrethrin 3-15, and phenol Crates of cherries are dipped in tanks
or cresol 1-4 parts by weight. The com-
positions may be applied as such or as
of 1% hydrochloric acid for 30-60 sec-
onds, with gentle mixing. Rinse care-
aqueous emulsions, or they may be mixed fully in clean water and dry.
with solid diluents or fertilizers and ap-
plied as powders.
(Orchard) Tree Wax
Prevention of Downy Mildew on Tobacco Rosin 25 kg-
Tobacco seedlings are exposed to ben- Japan Wax 10 kg.
zol vapor for 3-9 days to prevent downy Beeswax 25 kg-
mildew attack. Tallow 15 kg.
Turpentine, Venice 25 kg.
Control of Tobacco Insects
A poison bait consisting of 0.5 lb. Rose Bug Spray
Paris green or sodium fluosilicate, 25 lb. A 3% solution of paraldehyde in water
of coarse bran or cottonseed meal, and is effective as a spray against rose bugs
3 gal. of water scattered over a field at and similar pests.
Destruction ofWasps and Yellow Jackets vitriol)with 4 lb. of hydrated lime (cal-
The most effective and least damaging cium hydroxide) in 50 gal. of water.
remedy is to pour about 4 oz. of carbon Then 1% gal. of lime-sulphur solution
disulfide in the nest. This is best done testing 83° Be. may be aMed. If de-
through a funnel. All insects in the nest sired, arsenate of lead at the usual
are killed at once, and those out of the strength may be added for the control
nest fly into the toxic vapors on their of certain insect pests. The above de-
retum. scribed mixture in fluid form when
sprayed upon plants causes no injury
West Indian Fruit Fly Spray and is toxic to parasitic organisms.
Tartar Emetic 4-8 lb.
Molasses 5 gal.
Water 100 gal. Plant and Tree Spray
S. Patent 2,046,961

Palargonium Rust Spray A composition of matter suitable for

Formula No. 1 use as a plant and tree spray comprises
(Outdoors) by weight a petroleum fraction having a
Colloidal Sulphur 2 lb.
sulphonation value above 50, 1.2-0.3 per
Water cent, trichlorobenzene 0.4-0.1 per cent,
100 gal.
No. 2 an emulsifying agent 0,04-0.01 per cent,
(For Greenhouses) water 98.36-99,59 per cent.
Lime-Sulphur Spray
Pyrethrum Spray, Non-Inflammable
Orange Worm Sprays Pyrethrum Extract
Formula No. 1 (Kerosene) 1 gal.
Dusting Spray Carbon Tetrachloride
Barium 4 gal.
Silicofluoride 50 lb.
The above is useful for airplane spray-
Talc, Fibrous 45 lb.
ing against mosquitoes.
Mineral Oil, Refined 5 lb.
Spray at rate of 1 lb. per tree.
No. 2 Ant Spray
Sodium Silicofluoride 3 lb. Naphthalene 1 oz.
Water 100 gal. Kerosene 4 oz.
Use blood-albumen as spreader. Cyclohexanol 2 oz.
Creosote 1 oz.
Japanese Beetle Spray Dissolve by mixing and add slowly with
For repelling Japanese beetles, the fol- vigorous stirring
lowing spray is used: Liquid Soap 32 oz.
Slaked Lime 20 lb. Water 120 oz.
Aluminum Sulphate 3-6 lb.
Water 100 gal. Termite-Proofing Oil
For asparagus % lb. sodium lauryl sul- Formula No, 1
phate is added to the above. Paradichlorbenzol 16 lb.
Creosote Oil 25 lb.
Tobacco Flea Beetle Spray Wood Tar Oil 15 lb.
It is recommended that the plant beds Heavy Mineral Oil 44 lb.
be sprayed with arsenate of lead (paste) The paradichlorbenzol crystals are
at the rate of 1 pound to 10 gallons of melted and poured into the heavy mineral
water, or with arsenate of lead (pow- oil. This mineral oil is a low viscosity
dered) or arsenate of lime at the rate oil partially refined lubricating oil of
of 1 pound to 20 gallons of water; or about 10 seconds viscosity S.A.E.
the plants may be dusted with powdered The creosote oil is a coal tar distilla-
arsenate of lead or arsenate of lime tion product containing about 35% of
mixed with fine sifted wood ashes at the free mixed cresols.
rate of 1 pound of the poison to 4 The wood tar oil is a viscous product
pounds of the ashes. obtained from the dry distillation of pine
and other resinous woods.
Parasite Spray The last two products are added to the
IT. S; Patent 2,037,656. mineral oil mixture.
A parasiticidal preparation, comprises This product may be applied to the in-
the complex products of the reaction be- fested areas of the wood with a paint
tween zinc-lime, and lime-sulphur. For brush, mop, or spray gun. It may also
example, zinc-lime may he prepared by be^ poured into the ground in a hole
mixing 4 lb. of zinc sulphate (white
drilled close to the nest or colony.


No. 2 Nicotine Spray ''Spreader^'

Sodium Fluoride 50 lb. Formula No. 1
Sodium Arsenate 42 lb. Water 5.00
Picric Acid 8 lb. Potassium Hydroxide
Water 3 gal. per lb. of above (92% Flakes) 7.40
The above products are mixed and Pine Tar Oil (Sp. Or. 1.035) 44.30
added to the water and stirred occasion- Ethylene Glycol Mono-
dissolved. ethyl Ether 10.00
ally until
This solution may be applied with a Oleic Acid 33.30
spray gun, or brush or mop ; however, the The ingredients are to be added in the
preferred form is to drill a small hole in order given from top to bottom. The
the infested wood or wood to be pro-
potassium hydroxide is dissolved in the
tected, and with a suitable fitting apply
water before the pine tar oil is added.
the solution at a pressure of several hun-
This combination requires no heat.
dred pounds. The hole should be drilled During the past year, a second formula
As has been used that permits an increase
to the heart of the structural wood.
the solution is a deep yellow due to the
of pine tar oil and a decrease in solvents
picric acid, this dye-like action makes it
in the formula. Formula 2 has about
known to the operator how far the solu- the same effect as Formula 1. It is a
tion has penetrated.
cheaper spreader, mixes more readily with
CAUTION As this solution is very water, but is more complex. Each for-
poisonous, the user should wear rubber mula thus has advantages.
gloves. Avoid taking any internally. No. 2
Water 5.00
Potassium Hydroxide
Termite Killer (92% Flakes) 7.40
Formula No. 1 Pine Tar Oil (Sp. Gr. 1.035) 48.80
Soda Ash 10 g, Iso Amyl Alcohol 3.00
Sodium Sulphate, Anhydrous 20 g. Phenol (85%) 1.00
Salt 20 g. Ethylene Glycol Mono-
Borax, Powdered 25 g. ethyl Ether 1.50
Tartar Emetic, Powdered 25-50 g. OleicAcid 33.30
Sodium Fluosilicate, The same mixing directions given in
Powdered 50 g. Formula 1 apply to Formula 2.
Kieselguhr 50 g.
Sodium Fluoride, Powdered 100 g. Increasing Efficiency of Nicotine
Sulphate Sprays
No. 2 Using 1 oz. gum karaya per 500 fl. oz.
IT. S. Patent 2,059,125 of nicotine sulphate spray increases effi-
Orthodichlorbenzol 23.98 lb. ciency 3-5 times.
Naphtha 35.20 lb.
Betanaphthol 4.32 lb. InsecticidalSpray Spreader
Eosin 4.32 lb. U. Patent 2,018,681
Alcohol 6.90 lb. A spreader composition consists of soya-
bean flour 5, dried skimmed milk 15, and
powdered slaked lime. 1 lb. of this
Colloidal Sulphur
spreader is used per 100 gal. of spray.
XT. S. Patent 2,046,880
A process of producing a colloidal sul-
Insecticidal Oil Spray
phur, comprises adding a thiosulphate
solution to a bulk supply of sulphuric
U. S. Patent 2,096,947
acid so as to form sulphur in the colloidal
Petroleum Oil
condition, while maintaining the reaction
(40-100 See. Saybolt) 100 lb.
Cetyl Alcohol 0.2-10 lb.
temperature mainly between 40 and 50°

Agricultural Spray Spreader

Use lb. waste sulphite liquor con-
Colloidal Sulphur centrate (goulac, lignone, etc.) per 50 gal
IT. S. Patent 2,064,728
Glycerin 60 Plant Spray
Water 40 Austrian Patent 151,664
Ammonium Caseinate 10 Copper Sulphate 10.0 g.
Sulphur 40 Ammonium Carbonate 39.5 g.
Heat together with good mixing and Dextrin 20.0 g.
keep at 120-130° 0. until uniform. Soda. Sal 20.0 g.
Sulpliur, Colloidal 10.0 g. tion, dissolve in the caustic liquid 214 lb.
Sapoaiii 0.5 g. of arsenic, added gradually in small quan-
Water 1.0 1. tities, and add color. Dilute this con-
centrated solution to 25 gal. with water
Soyabean Spreader for Sprays wdien required for use.
One lb. soyabean flour per 100 gal. of An acid weed-killer is made as follows
following codling moth spray greatly in- Arsenious oxide, 15,* spirits of salts, 50;
creases efficiency and permits easier re- water, 50. Boil together. When cool, di-
moval from fruit. lute to 200 parts with water and add color.
Lead Arsenate 3-6 lb. For use, the finished liquid is diluted with
Lime, Slaked 2 lb. 10 times its volume of water.
Water 100 gal. If small quantities are required, a col-
ored solution of sodium arsenate, 1 lb., in
Eradicating Poison Ivy water 5 gal., will provide an effective
A 20 per cent solution of sodium thio- solution which can be rapidly prepared.
cyanate seems to be the most practical. Sodium chlorate sprinkled either dry or
This may be had by mixing five pounds in solution, on garden paths at the rate
of the sodium thiocyanate in three gallons of Vj to 1 lb. for every square yard, is a
of water and this amount of spray should useful non-j)oisonous weed-killer.
be enough to take care of one applica-
tion on an area of 150 square feet.^ Weed Killer and Dust Layer
This spray should be applied with a Sodium Arsenite 8 lb.
pressure spray pump, completely saturat- Fuel Oil 1 gal.
ing all the leaves and stems of the ivy Red Oil 1 oz.
plants above ground. The ideal time to Aqua Ammonia (26°) 2 oz.
apply this treatment is along the latter Water 1 gal.
part of June.
Herbicide (Weed Killer)
Dry Arsenical Fungicide IT. S. Patent 2,007,433
Calcium Hydroxide 55 g. Kerosene 89 lb.
Water 3 1.
Furfural dehyde 10 lb.
To the above add while mixing Heavy Petroleum Oil 1 lb.
Talc 850 g.
and Dandelion Killer
Arsenic Trioxide 110 g. Furfuraldehyde 10 lb.
Mix and dry in a revolving drum at Butyl Alcohol 20 lb.
120-150° C. Kerosene 70 lb.

Grub and Root Aphid Killer Chickweed Eliminator

Break soil and drop in 1-2 lb. naph- Sodium Arsenite 1 lb.
thalene per 100 sq. ft. Soap Chips 1 lb.
Water-Soluble Green Color 1 oz.
Soil Fungicide for Damping-Olf Water 98 lb.
Formula No. 1
Trioxymethylene 3 lb. Hoary Cress Eradicant
Fullers Earth or
Dry Soil 47 lb. Two ounces of carbon bisulphide poured
Apply 2 oz. per sq. ft. of seed bed. into holes 6 inches deep and staggered 18
No. 2 inches apart over the infested area kill
Formaldehyde 3 lb. Hoary Cress (Lepidium Draba).
Fullers ^ Earth or Dry Soil 17 lb.

Bermuda Grass Eradicant

Weed-Killers Carbon bisulphide, sprinkled on the in-
An alkaline arsenical weed-killer is fested area and covered immediately with
made of: Arsenious acid, 16 oz.^ sodium a wet canvas, building paper, or other
hydroxide, 16 oz.j water, 120 oz. Boil cover to prevent rapid loss by evapora-
until clear, then dilute to one gallon. This an effective eradicant of Bermuda
tion, is
concentrated preparation is diluted with grass.
nine parts of water before using. Each
gallon of a diluted solution is sufficient Curing Brown Patch in Lawns
for 4 square yards. The soil around the infested spots
A simpler method is the following: Dis- should be forked to permit penetration of
solve 2% lb. of granular caustic potash a solution of corrosive sublimate (3 oz. in
in 1 gal. of water in an open cask, and, 50 gal. of water). This should soak in
by the aid of heat generated during solu- to a depth of three or four inches. If this

fails another possibility is to remove the nicotine sulphate spray (1:400) will con-
soil to a depth of hve or six inches, re- trolheavy infestations of this insect. Thw
place with fresh soil and reseed. dusts are applied 25 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft.,
Or nse a mixture of two parts calomel the sprays 240 gal. per 1,000 sq. ft.
and one part corrosive sublimate. This
should be applied at the rate of two or Insecticide
three oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. as a spray or ^Nicotine 1 kg.
mixed with soil. Methanol 10 kg.
If attacks are numerous, they may be "Water 10 kg.
* This is very poisonous and should not he
held off by regular preventive treatments
gotten into cuts or left on the hands.
of fungicides to be made at ten day inter-
vals during periods of hot, humid weather.
Where turf is attacked only occasionally Powders
it is hardly worth while to attempt to
Formula No. 1
control the disease. Ordinarily the dis- Pyrethrum Flowers,
Finely Powdered 90 kg.
ease will soon spend itself, after which
Hexaehlor ethane 10 kg.
the damaged spots can be repaired.
No. 2
Grub-Proofing Lawns Pyrethrum Flowers,
The University of Maryland advises the Finely Powdered 80 kg.
use of 5 to 15 pounds of lead arsenate to Derris Root,
1,000 square feet of lawn. The amount to Finely Powdered 10 kg.
use depends on the intensity of the infes- Naphthalene 5 kg.
tation. With an infestation of less than Magnesium Carbonate,
100 grubs to the square yard use 5 pounds, Precipitated 5 kg.
if the infestation is heavier use 10 to 15 No. 3
pounds. The lead arsenate should be Pyrethrum Extract, Dry 10 oz.
mixed with about 25 times its volume of Fullers' Earth or Flour 90 oz.
moist sand and broadcast evenly. This
treatment can be made at any time except Active Pyrethrin Insecticide
when the ground is frozen. It is best,
U. S. Patent 2,066,737
however, to apply it before July 1. Extraction of pyrethrum flowers with
When new lawns are made, they may be kerosene ( 2^2 gal. per lb. of flowers) for
grub-proofed by incorporating 35 jiounds 20-30 minutes gives more active extracts
of arsenate of lead, to 1,000 square feet than by lengthier extractions.
of lawn in the upper three inches of soil.

Cutworm Destruction Insecticide Sprays

Poison Bran Mash Formula No. 1
"Water 1 qt. Pyrethrum Extract, 15% 100 kg.
Paris Green 15 g.
Turkey Red Oil, Neutral 500 kg.
Amyl Acetate % oz. Apply in 0.5-1% aqueous dilution.
Molasses 2 oz. No. 2
Mix bran and Paris green dry. Pyrethrum Extract,
Mix the molasses with the wmter and mix 15% in Acetone 100 kg.
thoroughly with the bran and Paris green. Derris Extract in
Finally mix with the amyl acetate. Acetone, Containing
Scatter thinly over the turf late in the 8% of Rotenone 100 kg.
evening. Is just as effective if placed in Turkey Red Oil, Neutral 800 kg.
small piles under pieces of boards to keep Apply as No. 1.
it away from chickens and birds. No. 3
Pyrethrum Extract
How to Kill Toadstools
(15% Pyrethrins) 100 kg.
Soak the ground thoroughly with sul- Kerosene 14,900 kg.
phate of copi)er or Bordeaux mixture. p-Cresol-Methyl Ether 50 kg.
This will kill the fungus.
Another method is to loosen the soil and No. 4
apply an iron sulphate solution, one pound
a. Pyrethrum Extract
in 1^/2 gallons of w^ater. Bordeaux mix- (15% Total
ture is preferred as it does little or no
Pyrethrins) 100 kg.
damage to the grass. Kerosene 14,900 kg.
h. Benzyl Alcohol 50 kg.
Controlling Hairy Cinch Bug in Turf Amyl Acetate 30 kg.
Two apxffications of tobacco dust (1% "WTutergreen Oil 20 kg.
nicotine), cub6 dust {1% rotenone) or a Make up the solution a and add the com-


position!), which also can be replaced by somewhat by replacing some of the pine
one of the following mixtures: oil and oleyl alcohol by ammonium
Benzyl Acetate 80 kg, phoricinoleate.
Eugenol 10 kg.
Bromstyrol 10 kg. Activated Rotenone Insecticides
IT. S. Patent 2,024,392
Cloves Oil or Eugenol 20 kg. The etficiency of rotenone-containing
Butanol 50 kg. ^

insecticides is increased by admixture of

Sassafras Oil 30 ksr. veratrin or material containing it. Suit-
able dusts are
Pine Oil 100 kg.
Camphorated Oil Derris Root 25
50 kg. lb.
or Sabadilla Seed 7i/> lb*
Tale "
Eucalyptus Oil 25 kg. 90 ib]
Benzyl Acetate 75 kg.
No. 5 Rotenone % lb.
Pyrethrum Extract
% lb.
(15% Pyrethrins) 100 kg. 99 lb.
Kerosene 14,800 kg.
Chlorobenzol 100 kg. High Nicotine Tobacco Extract
Camphorated Oil 100 kg. Powdered or granulated tobacco is ex-
tracted with dilute sulphuric acid and con-
Derris Root Extract centrated by boiling off most of the water.
S. Patent 2,058,832 It IS then mixed with four times its
IJ. volume
Extract powdered derris root with a of 98% alcohol and filtered and evapo-
petroleum distillate (boiling point below rated Almost twice as much nicotine
330 °C.) containing 20-30% ethylene di- extracted by this method.
Tobacco Extract Insecticide
Derris Emulsion a. (I) Copper Sulphate 1 km
Extract Water 5 p
Derris Root Powder 15 g. Dissolve,* add
with Water 46 p
Terpinolene 100 g. (2) Calcium Oxide 0.75 km
Let stand for 5 days, shaking twice a Water 1
day, at 30° 0. Filter. Store in colored Mix well and add
bottles. Water 46 1.
Pour (1) into (2) slowly while mixing.
0. Dissolve
a. Extract (Above) 50 g. Soda Ash 20 m
h. Pine Oil 20 g.

Water p ]
Oleyl Alcohol, Sulphonated 20 g. * Tobacco
Water, to make 0.5% emulsion. Extract 5 l.
Mix a and h.

_ *ToTbacco Extract
Rotenone-Derris Insecticides ioDacco Leaves and Stems 20 ke
15 g. of powdered derris root containing Macerate for 24-48 hrs. in 100 1. cold water.
5 per cent rotenone is macerated at a
temperature not exceeding 30® C. with 100 Wood-Worm Insecticide
g. of terpinolene for five days, with occa- Naphthalene PO g.
sional shaking. The liquid is then filtered Benzine 90
into a colored glass container to protect it ^
Clean furniture by knocking and brush-
from the action of light. A mixture is ing off the wood meal. Introduce
then made of terpinolene extract of derris solution into the worm holes with a
60 parts, French pine oil (terpineol) 20 oil-can with a long, thin nozzle.
parts, and sulphonated oleyl alcohol 20
parts. The terpineol and oleyl alcohol are
Stable Polysulpliide Vermicide
mixed first, and then the derris extract
British Patent 453,266
incorporated. A
0.5 per cent emulsion of Fuse together
this is said to be very effective for spray-
Sodium Sulphide,
ing potatoes infected with blight. In win-
Eydrated 65 lb.
ter this emulsion may assume a figged
Sodium Sulphocyanide 8% lb
appearance, but all that is necessary is to
Sulphur 26%
warm it slightly and then mix with tepid and then mix in
water. The setting-point can be lowered
Soap Powder 200 ]b.


Remedy for Ants to 5 gal. with water at the rate of 112

Ants may be gotten rid of by placing gal. per 1,000 sq. ft.
a rouglx surfaced^ flat disk filled with a
mixture of syrup, sugar and yeast in their Trapping Japanese Beetles
runway. The sweetness entices them, but In a large wide-mouth preserve jar place
the yeast kills them. a wide-mouth funnel and a flne wire gauze
screen with an opening in it.
Killing Termites and Ants in Citrus Trees In the jar place a mixture of
Phenol 1 lb. Eugenol 1 g.
Pish Oil Soap 1 lb. Geraniol 10 g.
Water 3 gal.
Emulsify by stirring vigorously and
pour around base of tree. Destroying Worms in Lawns
Mowrah used for killing worms
seed is
in lawns either by sprinkling it on the
Ant Exterminators
grass at the rate of about 8 ozs. per square
Formula No. 1
yard and watering in well, or by macerat-
Naphthalene, Powdered 950 g.
ing 4 ozs. of the seed in a quart of water
Denis Boot Powder 50 g.
for twelve to twenty-four hours and then
No. 2
applying the mixture to a square yard of
Heavy Benzine 900 g.
the lawn. The seed in either case should
Naphthalene 100 g.
be in the form of a fairly flne powder or
No. 3 meal.
Derris Powder 200 g. Another preparation used for killing
Folia Rutae, Powdered 250 g. worms in a lawn consists of: Mercuric
Borax 550 g. chloride, 1 lb. ; hydrochloric acid, 22 ozs.
No. 4 water to make 1 gallon. One teacupful of
Derris Powder 300 g. this mixture is added to 10 gallons of
Hexachl or ethane 100 g. water and then used for sprinkling the
Guillaya Bark Powder 600 g. lawn.
No. 5 Worm-killers are most effective if ap-
Camphor, Synthetic 50 plied on a warm, muggy day when the
Paradichlorbenzene 150 g.
worms are near the surface.
Derris Root Powder 250 g.
Spanish Pepper Powder 200 g. Garden Formula for Grasshopper Control
Guillaya Bark Powder 350 g.
The following formula may be used
where only a small amount of bait is de-
Killing Ants in Lawns sired.
Use tartar emetic (antimony potassium Bran 10 lb.
tartrate) 1 ounce and of powdered sugar
Paris Green or
8 ounces. Mix these thoroughly and then
put a small amount on each ant hill. The
Crude Wliite Arsenic % lb.

grass is not disturbed and the ants dis-

Molasses 1% pt.
Water 1 gal.

Worm and Beetle Poisons Grasshopper Poisons

Spread fresh, dry mowrah meal (ground Formula No. 1
meal from the seed of the madhuca tree) Bran 100 lb.
at the rate of 15 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. and Sodium Arsenite 2 qt.
water freely. This treatment is preferred Water 10-12 gal.
as the toxic agent is relatively harmless No. 2
toman. Bran 50

Cut Worms. Poison bran mash is used, Sawdust 50
prepared by mixing bran with one table- Sodium Arsenite 2 qt.
spoonful of Paris green, and making into Water 10-12 gal.
a paste with a solution of one quart of
No. 3
water and 2 tablespoonsful of cheap mo-
Bran 50 lb.
lasses. When mixed add a spoonful of
amyl acetate. Apply to infested areas. Cottonseed Hulls 50 lb.

Web Worms. ^Apply dry arsenate of Sodium Arsenite
2 qt.
10-12 gal.
lead at the rate of 6-7
per 1,000 sq. ft.
and wet down with a coarse stream of White arsenic may be used to replace
water. the sodium arsenite, using 5 lb. per 100
Apply pyretheum extract diluted 1 oz. lb, of bait.
No. 4 kerosene of about 41.4° sp. gr. (A. P. I.)
The control of grasshopper pests in and 190-260 ° boiling range gives best re-
many sections of the country has been sults when finely atomized. Only fresh
facilitated by the use of a poison bran in pyrethrum powder (1% total pyrethrins)
which amyl acetate serves as the bait. A is satisfactory for fly sprays. The pyre-
number of the agricultural experiment sta- thrum should be mixed with kerosene at
tions in the mid-west have employed this the rate of 1 lb. of powder to 1 gal. of
type of poison with success. kerosene. Amyl acetate, oil of sassafras
To 100 pounds of bran add: and oil of wintergreen are satisfactory
Salt 5 lb. perfuming substances for the oil-pyre-
Sodium Arsenite 1 qt. thrum mixture. From 2 to 3 oz. per 1,000
Blackstrap Molasses 2 gal. cu. ft. of space is required. Sulphur when
Water 6-8 gal. burned at the rate of 2 lb. per 1,000 cu. ft.
All materials are thoroughly mixed, and of space is also an effective fumigant for
3 oz. of technical amyl acetate is added. adult flies.
This mixture, or a similar one, can be
broadcast over a field where the grass- Fly Catcher Composition
hoppers are feeding, or can be thinly a. Crepe Rubber 8 lb.
poured into long trenches. The grass- Benzol, Benzine. Add
hoppers are attracted by the odor. some Dichlor ethylene.
No. 5 h. Rosin 50 lb.

Bran 60--65 oz. Mineral Oil (Sp. Gr. 0.923)

15 oz. (Viscosity 31/2 ° E.,
50° C.) 40 1b.
Epsom Salts 20-25 oz.
Water sujficient to moisten
Lanolin 7 lb.
The above is as effective as 5% arsenic Beeswax 2 lb.

bait and is harmless to humans, animals Castor Oil 2 lb.

and birds. Make rubber solution a and add it to

No. 6 the adhesive l».

This bait can be sprayed from an air-

plane. To Keep Flies from Screens
Bran 100 lb. Mix a teaspoonful of phenol with a
Arsenic Trioxide 5 lb. quart of kerosene and rub solution on the
Lubricating Oil, Cheap 2 gal. screen door.

Fly Poisons for the Farm Mosquito Deterrent

Both Paris green and sodium cyanide Oil of Citronella oz.
are effective larvicides but are too poison-
ous or harmful to the soil to be recom-
Spirits of Camphor oz.%
Oil of Cedar Wood 1^4 oz.
mended for general use. A solution made Wliite Petrolatum 2 oz.
up of 0.5 lb. of powdered hellebore in 10 Heat the petrolatum and mix with other
gal. of water is sufficient to treat 10 cu. ft. ingredients and cool quickly by placing
of manure very effectively. Borax used container in cold water or refrigerator.
at the rate of 1 lb. per 16 cu. ft. of manure
destroys about 90% of the fly larvae.
Borax-treated manure may increase crop Mosquito Larvicide
growth on some soils but may be injurious Dust surface of water with
in other soils. A mixture of calcium cya- Formula No. 1
nide and superphosphate possesses consid- Chloropicrin 1 1.
erable larvicidal value; 0.5 lb. of each Dust 1 kg.
mixed and applied as a powder to 1 bu. Mineral Oil 1 1.
of manure will kill most of the larvae. No. 2
Chloride of lime is an effective larvicide Coke Oven Residue
for use in garbage or other materials not (Containing Anthracene) 10 kg.
to be used for animal or plant food. One Dust 90 kg.
of the best fly baits and attractants con- 6 CO

sists of 0.5 pt. of milk, 0.5 pt. of water Hexachloretliane


2, oz.
and 3 teaspoonfuls of formaldehyde solu- Talc 1 oz.
tion. Another effective poison is made by Mix and strew over water.
substituting 1 oz. of brown sugar in place
No. 4
of the milk in this formula. Arsenic baits
Kerosene 95 lb.
are most effective when flies do not have * Cashew Nut Shell Oil 5 lb.
access 'to water. For fly sprays, a refined * Skin-irritant.

Mole Control No. 6

Black pepper inserted liberally in mole White Arsenic 1 oz.
runs regularly for several weeks will keep Prussian Blue 5 gr.
moles from renewing and extending their Pine Oatmeal, to make 1 lb.
burrows. Mix
the arsenic and Prussian blue well
together, incorporating a small quantity
Rat Poisons of oatmeal. Very gradually add the re-
Formula No. 1 maining oatmeal until a uniform color re-
Strychnine Sulphate 80 gr. sults. To this bait may be added grated
Lactose 160 gr. cheese.
Prussian Blue 5 gr. No. 7
Fine Oatmeal or Biscuit White Arsenic 1 lb.
Meal, to make 1 lb. Cheese 1 lb.
Place the strychnine in a mortar with Glycerin li/^ oz.
a little of the lactose and thoroughly grind Water 3 pt.
the two together, add the Prussian blue Cornmeal 21/^ lb.
and gradually the remainder of the lactose Aniseed Oil oz. %
so as to make a perfect mixture. Lastly Aniline Black or
mix in the fine oatmeal or biscuit. Prussian Blue sufficient to color

No.^2 Melt the cheese in one-third of the

Strychnine (Alkaloid) 1 oz water, to which is added the glycerin.
Lactose 3 oz Add the cornmeal and remainder of the
Prussian Blue ^ water. Continue heating until the meal
Fine Oatmeal 6 oz iscooked, stir in the arsenic, aniline and
Lard or Drippings 10 qt aniseed oil.
Mix the strychnine, Prussian blue and No. 8
sugay. Add the oatmeal and rub in the White Arsenic 1 oz.
lard (using a spatula) to form a soft Wheat Flour 6 oz.
paste. The preparation may be spread Tallow or Drippings 2-4 oz.
between bread to form sandwiches. This Prussian Blue 5 gr.
bait is also useful for the extermination Pine Oatmeal to make up to 1 lb.
of mice. Aniseed Oil sufficient to give a faint
smell to the bait.
No. 3
Strychnine (Alkaloid) 1 oz. Melt the tallow or drippings separately
Bicarbonate of Soda 1 oz. and pour quickly on to the dry ingredients
Saccharin 1 dr. which have been well mixed previously,
Flour 1^/^ oz. stirring well until a stiff paste is produced,
Wheat 10 qt. then add the oil of aniseed.
Mix together the strychnine, soda, sac- No. 9
charin and flour, then add a little cold Oxide of Iron 6% oz.
water to make a smooth creamy paste. White Arsenic fl oz.
Pour over the grain and mix thoroughly,
White Lead 8 oz.
afterwards spreading out the wheat to dry. Water 30 oz.
Treacle or Sugar, and make up with
No. 4
20 per cent Aniseed Oil to make
Strychnine (Alkaloid) 1 oz.
100 oz.
Cyanide of Potassium 2 oz.
Honey 1 pt- No. 10
Wheat or Barley 30 lb. Ground Rice 6 oz.
Eggs 1 doz. Sugar 8 oz.
Lard, Tallow or
Beat up the eggs and mix in the honey.
Beef Drippings 6 oz.
Add the strychnine and cyanide and stir
until well mixed. Place the grain in a
Water 40 oz.
Phosphorus Dissolved in
large receptacle and pour over the poison
mixture. Well mix, stirring two or three
Carbon Bisulphide (1:1) 2 oz.
times during twenty-four hours; after- Mix the rice and sugar with
o 00

wards spread out the wheat to dry. the water to make a thin cream. Boil the
remainder of the water in an enamel-lined
No. 5 or aluminum vessel, quickly add the cream
White Arsenic (Powder) 1 oz. and again boil gently until a thick paste
Oat or Maize Meal 19 oz. results, constantly stirring to prevent
Mix the ingredients and add sufficient burning or the formation of lumps. Re-
aniseed oil to give a faint smell. move from the heat, add the lard, stirring
— : :


the mixture while it cools. When cold cosity and concentration is obtained. This
pour in the solution of phosphorus a little product will give a white emulsion on dilu-
at a time and stir until everything is dis- tion with excess water.

Roach Powders Drying and Disinfecting Powder

Formula No. 1 U. S. Patent 2,047,323
Borax, Powdered 65 g. A drying and disinfecting powder is
Sugar, Powdered 310 g. composed of
Barium Carbonate 625 g. Trioxymethylene 7.6 oz.
No. 2 Ammonium Alum 3.4 oz.
Borax, Powdered 500 g. Magnesium Sulphate 4.2 oz.
Flour 500 g. Calcined Gypsum 22.0 oz.
No. 3 Pumice 31.4 oz.
Ferrous Sulphate, Powdered 50 g. Hydrated Lime 3.4 oz.
Sodium Pyrophosphate 50 g.
Graded Marble 27.5 oz.
Borax, Powdered 50 g.
Soap Bark 42.0 oz.
Salicylic Acid, Powdered 50 g.
Calcium Stearate .08 oz.
Flour 800 g.
Cresol Disinfectants
Roach Spray
A cresol disinfectant can be made at
low cost by using rosin soap as the basis
Formula No. 1
Rotenone or Derris 600 g.
for .the emulsifying agent. A
small pro-
poition of coconut oil and castor oil soaps
Spanish Pepper, Powdered 175 g. aid emulsification. The rosin and oils
Euphorbium, Powdered 75 g. are
melted together in a suitable pan and the
Guillaya Bark, Powdered 75 g. heat removed as soon as the mixture
Hexachlorethane 50 g. is
completely melted. Creosote oil is then
Paradichlorbenzene 25 g. run in with constant stirring. An amount
No. 2
ot aaustic soda is added with stirring,
Rotenone or Derris 650 g. which mil cause 80 per cent saponification
Hexachlorethane 50 g.

of the fat and rosin mixture. The

Euphorbium, Powdered 75 water
Guillaya Bark, Powdered
g. m run^ in, again with vigorous stirring.
75 g. The mixture is allowed to stand overnight
Spanish Pepper, Powdered 150 g.
and the usual antiseptic and physical tests
No. 3
applied the next day. The rosin does
Boric Acid, Powdered 100 g. not
need to be completely saponified because
Paradichlorbenzene 100 g. rosin IS soluble in creosote oil,
Rotenone or Derris 400 g. so that
Tobacco Dust
^re need be no fear of sedimentation.
400 g. This method is simpler and cheaper
Liquids than
that in which complete saponification
No. 4 is
attempted. The following are suitable
Hexachlorethane 75 g. formulas
Camphor Oil, Light 125 g.
Kerosene, Refined 300 g. Farts hy weight
Carbon Tetrachloride 500 g. Formulas No. 1 No. 2 No, 3
No. 5 Rosin, Light ... 100 ...
Camphor 4 g. Rosin, Dark 85
Carbolic Acid, Crystallized
• • 95

4 g. Coconut Oil 15 * • •
« * *
Thyme Oil 12 g. Castor Oil ...
Alcohol 5
460 g. Caustic Soda
Carbon Tetrachloride 520 g. (38° BA) 30 35 40
Water 200 220 100
Strong Smelling Disinfectant
Creosote Oil 150 100 150
Melt together
Carbolic Acid ... 1.5 2
Rosin 8 lb.
Siberian Pine Oil 10 lb. ^
Soda ash can u«ea lor saponiiication
Venice Turpentine in place of caustic soda. Soda
6 lb. ash is 90
Beta-Naphthol per cent as efficient as a saponifying
2 lb. agent
Naphthalene for rosin, as caustic soda.
3 lb.
Now add 15 lb. of a solution of caustic
potash (10 per cent) and stir vigorously
Flour Mill Fumigant
for 20 minutes.
IT. S. Patent 2,024,027
On cooling, more water may be added Solid Carbon Dioxide
until a clear solution of the required vis- 90 oz.
Ethylene Oxide or Ghlorpicrin 10 oz.

Motliproofing Terpinyl Acetate 50 g.

Formiiia No. 1 Benzyl Propionate 50 g,
U. S. Patent 1,613,402 Hexachloroethane 25 g.
A mothproofing solution is prei)ared by No. 4
adding 1 part of hexaciiloronaplithalene to Acetone Oil 500 g.
a solution of 1 part of monochloronaplitha- Ethyl Acetate 200 g.
lene in 9 parts of kerosene. Ethylene Bichloride 500 g.
No. 2 Methylacetophenone 20 g.
U. S. Patent 1,885,292 Linalyl Acetate 20 g.
10 g. of a salt of alkaloids derived from No. 5
seed of Lupims ^itlx saponins of quillaia, Carbolic Acid (Phenol) 3 kg.
1 g. of alum, and 1 g. of titanium sodium Hexachloroethane 3 kg.
fluoride j No. 2, 10 g, of the above de- Naphthalene 3 kg.
scribed alkaloi dal salt, 2 g- of alum, and Camphor 7 kg.
1 g. of boric acid. Alcohol 120 kg.
No. 3 No. 6
Patent 1,901,960
IT. S. Dissolve 1 oz. of quinidine alkaloid in
A mothproofing composition comprises 2 oz. of oleic acid. Dissolve this mixture
an aqueous solution containing about 0.5 in one gallon of cleaners naphtha and
percent sodium fluoride, 0.2 percent of a spray about the moth infected parts. May
mixture of the bile salts sodium tauro- be used for clothes, but is especially rec-
cliolate and sodium glycocholate, and ommended for spraying walls of closets.
charged with a gas such as carbon di- No. 7
oxide at pressure of 75 to 100 pounds per Camphor, Artificial 10 g.
square inch. Hexachlor ethane 19 g.
No. 4 Mustard Oil, Artificial 10 g.
Paradichlorbenzene 30 oz. Paradichlorbenzene 20 g.
Toluene 10 oz. Carbon Tetrachloride 1 kg.
Carbon Tetrachloride 60 oz. No. 8
No. 5 Camphor, Artificial 10 g.
Paradichlorbenzene 10 oz. Hexachlorethane 10 g.
Methylated Spirit 40 oz. Naphthalene 10 g.
Carbon Tetrachloride 50 oz. Paradichlorbenzene 20 g.
No. 6 Mustard Oil, Artificial 20 g.
A mixture of 1 part of paradichloroni- Carbon Tetrachloride 1 kg.
trobenzene and 4 parts paradichloroben-
zene in suitable solvents. Moth Herb Powder
No. '7 Patchouli Leaves 10 lb.
Camphor 3 oz. Rosemary Leaves 20 lb*
Naphthalene 3 oz. Thyme Leaves 20 Ihl
Capsicum 8 oz. Sage Leaves 20 lb*
Glove Oil 1 oz. Paradichlorbenzene, hexachlorethane,
Turpentine 8 oz. methyl salicylate, or derris root powder
Alcohol 77 oz. should be added to this, to give a true
These ingredients are macerated to- insecticide action.
gather and then strained.
Moth Cards
Moth Sprays Formula No. 1
Formula No. 1 Naphthalene 90 o*.
Benzine 500 g. Camphor 0 5
Carbon Tetrachloride Eucalyptus Oil %'
500 g. 3’.5
No. 2
or Naphthalene 12.5 g. Naphthalene 75
No. 2 Camphor 20
Benzine 500 g. Hexachloroethane 5 gl
Ethylene Bichloride 600 g. No. 3
Hexachloroethane 13 g. Camphor
Camphor gO o*.
5 g. Paradichlorbenzine 15 S*
No. 3 Lemon Oil
Acetone 5
1000 g. Procedure: Melt up very cautiously,
Carbon Tetrachloride and
Ethylene Bichloride
g. the melted mass.

pour into molds or dip square cards


Laboratory Animal Feeds Dog Food
Formula No. 1 Yellow Corn Meal 35 02.
Wbole Yellow Maize 33.0 02. Wheat Bran 10 02.
Whole Wheat Flour 33.0 02. Wheat Middlings 20 02.
Whole Milk, Powdered 21.0 02 . Meat Scraps 10 02.
Alfalfa Leaf Meal 2.0 02 . Fish Meal 10 02.
Linseed Oil Meal 7.0 02. Skim Milk Powder 10 02.
Dried Liver (Pig) 2.0 02 . Alfalfa Meal 2 02.
Cod Liver Oil 1.0 02 . Bone Meal 2 02.
Sodium Chloride 0.5 02. Salt 1 02.
Calcium Carbonate 0.5 02, The above formula was originated and
Supidenient witli fresh green food is recommended by the Agricultural Ex-
lettuce, etc., and fresh chopped steak, or periment Station of Alabama Polytechnic
cheese. Institute.
No. 2
Sherman Stock Diet Powder ^
to Increase the Egg Production
Whole Wheat Flour 66.0 oz.
of Poultry’’
Whole Milk, Powdered 33.0 oz.
Oyster Shells 250 g.
Sodium Chloride 1.0 oz.
Iron Oxide 6 g.
This diet is fed to the pregnant females Calcium Carbonate 38 g.
at the time they are put in individual Calcium Phosphate 38 g.
cages. This diet is fed throughout the Sodium Chloride 8 g.
nursing period, and to the young until Black Pepper 4 g.
they are started on vitamin-free diets. Paprika 4 g.

Cod Liver Oil Emulsion White Diarrhea Treatment (Chicken)

for Animal Feeding Catechu 2 g.
Cod Liver Oil 420 lb. Water 7 pints
Gum Arabic 15 lb. Give the above as the drinking water j
Gum Tragacanth 7.5 ; lb. also give sour skim milk or sour butter-
Gelatin 1 lb. milk.
Water 299 lb.
Calcium Hypophosphite 12 lb.
Sugar ) 90 ( lb.
Poultry Constipation Treatments
Water j Constipation is far more common among
1 60 lb.
Water 86 lb. nearly adult pullets than some realize, and
Make up a by grinding, and h by heat- this is one of the reasons why pullets that
ing. Add h to at once, and stir until start to redden up sometimes stay for so
cooled. long before starting the business of egg
To the cooled emulsion add the cooled production. It is not seen, consequently
solution c slowly, with good agitation. its presence is not realized.
Don’t start dosing the birds; it is so
easy to give a dose of Glauber salts, but
Animal Peed Powder the effect of salts is to upset the normal
(Calcium f*hosphate) metabolism of the body, and this is the
Dicaleium Phosphate 75 lb.
one thing to avoid in birds that are just
Salt 7 lb. about to lay.
Trigouella Seed 7 lb.
Abetter plan is to give a few feeds of
Fennel 4 lb.
wet mash in which about 25 per cent of
Juniper Berries 3 lb.
bran is used for this purpose only. Bran
Licorice Boot 3 lb.
used wet acts as a laxative; when used
Calamus 2 lb. dry it has the opposite effect.
Or a little finely chopped mutton fat
Modified Animal Fodder can be used. This a fine lubricant for
British Patent 443,090 the bowels, apart from its very high feed-
To ordinf»,ry fodder the following is ing value.
added: Another good laxative is linseed meal.
Sugar 40 lb. Often adult birds will not eat linseed-—
Bran 5 lb. though, curiously enough, once they have
Calcium Phosphate 24 lb. acquired the taste they eat it freely enough
Salt 20 lb. ' — ^but the meal can be introduced into the
Calcium Chloride 0.14 Ih. mash, though it should not exceed 5 per
Cod Liver Oil 10.7 lb. cent (by weight) of the whole, and then,
Aniseed Oil 0.16 lb. of course, only for this specific purpose.

Linseed, however, is an excellent stinau- Kerosene 10 g.

lant for those older birds which are finding Sulphur 20 g.
it difficult to grow their new feathers. In Warm together and mix until uniform.
addition to being very rich in minerals, Continue mixing until thickening begins.
linseed carries natural oils which assist in Pack in tight cans.
the development of feathers.
Animal God Liver Oil Emulsion Dosage and Purity
a, Caragheen Moss 15 kg. Care must be taken since dogs vary
Water 30 kg. enormously in size, and this is the main
Cod Liver Oil 50 kg. factor upon which correct dosage is based.
Preservative 0.1 kg. In this section all doses are calculated on
h. Starch Syrup 8.8 kg. the basis of a fox terrier, and in general

Water 9 kg. for smaller animals and toy dogs from
1 Spice Decoction 0.1 kg. one-half to one-quarter respectively of
such doses may be given. Doses may be
Poultry Lice Powder corrected according to any particular re-
Formula No. 1 quirement from the following table of
Sodium Fluoride 20 g. average bodyweights:
Sulphur 25 g. Lh.
Tar Oil 5 g. Weight
Tobacco, Powdered 50 g. Toy terriers and griffons 3-5
No. 2 Toy spaniels and pugs, etc. 10-12
Mix one pint of carbolic acid, one ounce Fox and Scotch terriers 18-25
Bulldogs and field spaniels 40-45
of carbon bisulphide, one ounce of oil of
tar, and four ounces of coal oil; mix with
Retrievers, collies, greyhounds 55-65
all the fresh saw dust it will saturate.
Great Danes, etc. 120
Sprinkle a small quantity in the bottom of Aperients
nests and cover with fresh straw. In modern canine practice magnesium
sulphate (Epsom salt) is not usually em-
Goat Lice Control ployed as a purgative since it may produce
Two dippings at eleven-day intervals nausea. Small doses, however (10-20 gr.),
using the following formula in 100 gal- are common constituents of laxative prep-
lons of water is effective. arations. Sulphur is also a useful laxative
Wettable Sulphur 10 lb. (5-25 gr,), whilst up to 100 gr. has been
Tri-Sodium Phosphate 10-25 oz. used as a purgative. Acombination of

(depending on the hardness of the water) these with a little sodium bicarbonate
forms a very mild aperient, an example
of which is
I Simple Cattle Spray
Sulphur 7 gr.
; Powdered Fresh Pyrethrum % lb.
Sodium Bicarbonate 7 gr.
Mineral Spirits 1 gal.

: Shake occasionally for 48 hours and Magnesium Sulphate 15 gr.

filter.Use clear liquid as spray. One to be given once or twice a day in
Animal Mange Remedy Castor oil cannot be advised for routine
treatment. Its nauseous taste may produce
Lauryl Sulphocyanate 2 g.
Cotton Seed Oil general malaise and vomiting, and since
98 g.
its purgative action is followed by consti-
The above solution may be emulsified
pation, prescription in cases of habitual *

just as cotton seed oil is emulsified.

constipation is entirely irrational.
Flea Spray for Dogs and Cats Condition Powders
Kerosene 90 g. These preparations are intended to re-
Oleic Acid 8 g. move irritable conditions of the skin by
Triethanolamine 3 g. cooling the blood and to ensure a glossy
Water 100 g. coat and general good bealth.
This is made into a primary emulsion Milk of Sulphur 10 gr.
and may be diluted with one or two gallons Lactose 10 gr.
of water for washing infested animals. Make twelve powders, and give one twice
a day in food.
Dog Eczema Ointment The sulphur in the above may usefully
Petrolatum 100 g. be replaced by heavy magnesium carbon
Paradiehlorbenzol 10 g. ate in eases of indigestion and flatulence.
Camphor 10 g. Actually condition powders are normally
of such hnlh that even if the whole powder on its adsorptive properties for the remov-
consisted of the undiluted therapeutic ing of such toxins, Tinct. chloroform and
agent employed little benefit would be morphine Co. B.P.C,, is most effective for
derived. checking uncomplicated diarrhoea in pup-
Alteratives pies, for example:
The distinction between these prepara- Formula No. 1
tions and condition powders is ill-defined, Bismuth Carbonate 40 gr.
but in many cases these contain minute Camphorated Tinct. Opium 1 dr.
quantities of antimony or arsenic. Even Chloroform ’Water to Make 2 oz.
in exceedingly small doses, arsenic is a Give teaspoonful every 3 hours
tonic, improves digestion, and increases until checked.
the appetite. It is believed, in addition, No. 2
favorably to influence the nutrition of the Compound Tinct. Chloro-
skin with the production of a glossy coat. form and Morphine 10-15 min.
The dose of arsenious oxide employed Liquid Parafi&n 1-2 dr.
is from 1/60-1/20 of a gr., depending Diet in the above cases should be light
upon the age and size of the dog. Since arrowroot and milk, and egg white with,
dogs are very susceptible to it, caution water or a little milk, being particularly
must be observed m. its use, as even in useful. Rhubarb is particularly useful as
medicinal doses its administration over an aperient for those cases dependent
prolonged periods may produce redness upon irritant matter in the bowels, as its
and swelling of the conjunctiva and ca- laxative effect is followed by astringency.
tarrh. Its use is exemplified in the follow- It may
be given with sodium bicarbonate
ing preparation: inpeppermint water (3-15 gr.), or as the
Arsenic 1/80-1/30 gr. compound powder (pulvis rhei co.) 10-60
Magnesium Sulphate 20 gr. gr.
Lactose 10 gr. Worms
Make twelve. Give one daily in food. This complaint is unfortunately all too
Dyspepsia common amongst puppies and certain
In cases of dyspepsia, the stomach breeds of dog. The most effective prepa-
should first be rested by witliholding food ration for the destruction of the tapeworm,
for a day, and a ^^grey powder with is male fern, in the form of capsules con-
magnesium carbonate or compound rhu- taining 1-4 mil. of the liquid extract. It
barb powder may be
given. In cases due is best to give a saline purge about 24
to debility, alkalineand bitter stomachics hours before, this being followed by a.
should be given half an hour before food, second about 6 hours after. Oily purga-
but where excessive secretion of acid is tives, such as castor oil, must not be given,
present, which is characterized by the at- since filicie acid may be absorbed with
tacks occurring from 2-3 hours after food, toxic results.
antacids e.g., magnesia, sodium bicar- Forthe- treatment of round worms, 1-3

bonate, and bismuth ^as distinct from gr. of santonin may be given; caution
mild alkalies, should be given. Liquid should be exercised as toxic results may
parafiln may be given if desired, but not occur after excessive doses. It may be
castor oil. An example of a gastric seda- combined with oil of chenopodium, but
tive powder is should never be given to animals under 8
Bismuth Carbonate 30 gr.
weeks old. It is best given with a saline
Sodium Bicarbonate aperient, this being followed by an addi-
30 gr
Heavy Magnesium Carbonate 30 gr. tional dose of aperient about 6 hours after.
Oil of chenopodium (1-2 min. for pup-
Give one and repeat every 4 hours if pies, or from 2-20 min. for dogs) is one;
of the most active anthelmintics against
Diarrhoea ankylostoma duodenale. Preliminary pur-
Opium a most valuable remedy in the
is gation is unnecessary, but it should be
treatment of this most distressing and given in an oily purgative, or castor oif.
weakening complaint, but it should be re- should follow within 2 hours. Carbon
membered that diarrhoea may be a pre- tetrachloride is often given for this pur-
monitory symptom in enteritis, in which pose, after fasting, although no purgative:
case suitable measures should be taken. are necessary. Recommended doses are in
Where such symptoms arise from food the neighborhood of 2i^ min. per lb. body-
poisoning due to bacterial toxius, kaolin weight (the exact dose has not yet been,
given in 1 oz, doses is a valuable and harm- determined satisfactorily). It must be
less remedy, and might well be put up in given in capsule form, these being made
little packets for such a purpose. It has with care, since if breakage should occur
no directly antiseptic action, but depends in the mouth, anaethesia may occur. Fen
: •


this reason instructions to place the Treatment of the Eyes

capsule well at the back of the tongue In acute conditions the eyes may be
should be incorporated. bathed gently with a freshly prepared
Areca nut (betel nut) is largely used solution of boric acid (4 gr. in an ounce
as a vermifuge for both tape and round of distilled water). In catarrhal condi-
worms, the dose being computed at 2 gr. tions of the conjunctiva, after the acute
per lb. bodyweiglit. It is best given in stage has finished, a solution of 2 gr, of
milk, but should not be given to young zinc sulphate in 1 oz. of distilled water
puppies or in eases of incipient distemper. may be applied with an eyedropper twice
Disorders of the Skin daily. An excellent lotion is
Disorders of the skin may arise from Witch-Hazel Extract 3 dr.
wrong feeding or from constipation or Boric Acid 40 gr.
worms. In such cases treatment should Borax 40 gr.
follow as described above. In cases of Camphor Water 2 oz.
disease of the skin, additional treatment Water, Distilled 2 oz.
is necessary. Irritable and eczematous
The eye to be bathed with this night
conditions of this are unfortunately com-
and morning.
mon to many dogs. In such cases there is
one golden rule Always soothe acute con-

ditions of the skin. Dog Condition Powders

It cannot be too strongly emphasized The doses suggested in the following
that ointments should not be applied to notes are based upon the weight of a fox
an oozing skin surface, or to an acutely terrier, and should be computed to suit
inflamed skin, since they interfere with the breed concerned.
its normal radiation of heat. In such Canine condition powders are prepara-
cases an evaporating lotion, or a little tions designed to cleanse and cool the
borated talcum and zinc oxide powder blood, remove irritable conditions of the
should be applied. An 18 per cent solu- skin, to ensure a glossy coat and keep
tion of tannic acid in glycerin, diluted the animal in general good health.
with equal, or double, its volume of The usual preparations are quite in-
water, is an excellent preparation for nocuous, the staple ingredient being usu-
moist eczema. It slightly diminishes the ally lactose (milk sugar) which is prac-
sensibility of the nerve endings, whilst tically tasteless. Combined with sulphur
at the same time it is astringent and it forms the more general preparations
cooling. Another useful lotion is; in common use. An example is—
Colloidal Calamine 20 g. Milk of Sulphur 10 gr.
Glycerin 5 g. Lactose 10 gr.
Water to make 100 cc.
Make twelve powders with this and
p-Chlor-m-cresol 0.1 gm. give one twice a day in food.
If desired, the latter may be omitted In cases of indigestion and flatulence,
and an equal volume of 20 per cent aque- the sulphur in the above may be replaced
ous solution of ichthyol added before use. with heavy magnesium carbonate.
This has remarkable powers of control- Calomel is sometimes prescribed with
ling inflammation, is mildly antipruric lactose, but since dogs are peculiarly sus-
and antiparasitic. ceptible to its action it must be used
Lotions containing lead should be used with care, particularly in the cases of the
with caution, as toxic symptoms may oc- smaller breeds for which ^ ‘ Grey Powder ' ^
cur as a result of the dog licking the ismore suitable. Magnesium sulphate
affected parts. (Epsom salt), 10-20 grains, may replace
Sulphurfrequently enters into the the sulphur with useful results.
preparation of ointments. For these the Arsenic and antimony preparations are
precipitated form is more suitable on ac- also used as ^ ' alteratives ^ ; the distinc-
count of its greater activity. A useful tion between these and condition pow-
lotion is: ders ’ ^ is not sharply defined. Even in
Precipitated Sulphur 10 g. minute doses arsenic is a tonic, improves
Zinc Oxide 10 g. digestion and increases the appetite.
Peach Kernel Oil 80 g. Arsenic is discussed under the previous
Preparations containing sulphur should section on ' ^ alteratives ’ ^
not be applied too frequently, as they Condition powders actually are gener-
may produce severe irritation of the ally of such small bulk that even if the
skin. Asoothing ointment is; whole of the powder consisted of the un-
Zinc Oxide 10-20 g. diluted therapeutic agent employed (with
Hydrous Lanolin 40 g. the exception of poisons, of course), little
Soft Paraffin 40 g. effect would be really obtained.
There appears to be an opening for antiseptic odor. Alternatively these may
powders based upon modern pharma- be omitted and a little lavender or pine
cology. The diet of a dog is often de- oil added.
ficient in vitamins, and the tonic effect For the successful manufacture of
of minute quantities of these offers an liquid shampoos the following points
effective preparation. should be adhered to. Turbidity must
Vitamins B and G assist in the puri- be avoided and only distilled water must
fication of the blood (these being obtained be used, together with soap which is com-
as ^ ' yeast and ascorbic acid respec- pletely saponified. Unless full facilities
tively) whilst A
and D(the latter obtain- are available for its manufacture, the
able as calciferol) assist in the production soft soaps are better purchased from a
of a glossy coat and prevention of oph- reputable manufacturer.
thalmia. In any case, in their preparation, the
Condition powders may be prepared by soap should be dissolved in hot water,
simple trituration, either by hand or ma- cooled, and the antiseptic or perfume
chine, and if the raw constituents are added. The solution should then be al-
purchased in a pulverized condition prac- lowed to stand for from 15 to 30 days, in
tically no plant is required. Hygroscopic order to age, and preferably decanted into
substances must not, of course, be used. a tank equipped with refrigerating coils
and chilled. If necessary it is then fil-
Dog Shampoos tered through asbestos. It is claimed
Eormula No. 1 that the period of ageing can be short-
Soft Soap 500 g. ened by first running the shampoo
Water 1,000 g. through a homogenizer of a colloid mill .
Lysol 50 g.
Foot Rot Wash, Sheep
No. 2
Copper Sulphate 3 lb.
Soft Soap 750 g.
Water 7 lb.
Phenol 45 g.
Eucalyptus Oil 25 g.
Dog Soap
Water 3,500 g. a. Coconut or Palm
No. 3 Kernel Oii 50 kg.
Green Soft Soap 50 g. Caustic Soda (38® Be.) 22 kg.
Saponin 20 g.
Caustic Potash (38® Bd.) 4 kg.
Denatured Alcohol 150 g. 5. Naphthalin 1.5 ksf.
Water to 1,000 g.
Alcohol 1.5 kg.
No. 4 0 . Cresylic Acid 4 kg.
Coconut Oil Soap 30 g.
Water 115 g.
Make the soap base a by cold saponi
Perfume )

Antiseptic |
to suit Add the solution h with good stirring,
and ultimately o, [Beware of splashing,
The use of ammonia in such prepara- very caustic I]
tions is objectionable on account of the The soap has to be poured into molds
greater sensitivity of a dog’s eyes and quickly because it thickens soon. Cut
nose. Triethanolamine may, however, be when cooled.
incorporated to increase its detergent ac-
tion. Antiseptic Dry Cleaning Powder
Soapless shampoos appear to offer a for Dogs
marhet, particularly in those districts Insect Powder 1 kg.
where the water is hard, since they do Trisodium Phosphate 4 kg.
not form insoluble lime salts. An ex- Borax 5 kg.
ample of this type would be sulphonated Sodium Carbonate 10 kg*
castor and olive in water, in the
oils Carbolic Acid 2 kg.
proportion of about 3:2:5, the best results White Clay 28 kg.
being obtained by experiment. No al- Starch 50 kg.
hali must be added to the resulting sham-
poo, which should be clear, sparkling, Preparations to Keep Dogs
and either neutral or slightly acid in Away fromTrees, Etc.
reaction. Since such shampoos cleanse Formula No. 1
without lathering, a little saponin may be Animal Oil 1 lb.
included. Technical Mineral Oil 1 lb.
Phenol, cresols, or Australian ti-tree oil 2' '

/ "

(Melaleuca alternifoUa) may be added Sulphur 2 T
up to about 2 per cent; these produce Gum Arabic 5 [ make a paste
non-irritant shampoos having a pleasant Water 10 J

No. 3 aqueous solutions containing relatively

Tragaeanth low concentrations in preference to using
Water 100 1 mucilage higher concentrations for periods shorter
Formaldehyde 2 J
than twenty-four hours. Desirable con-
No. 4 centrations of the three principal sub-
Asafoetida 5 lb. stances (indoleacetic, indolebutyric, and
Alcohol 95 lb. «-naphthylacetic acids) are from 1 to 4
Extract for a week. Pour off the tinc- parts of the substance in 100,000 parts of
ture. Use to paint the walls in question. water. Asmall quantity of alcohol may
^ be used for preliminary solution of the
No. 5
substance; the naphthylaeetic acids are
Oleum Riitae Hortens 10 g.
all but insoluble in pure water. After
Arachis Oil 30 g.
treatment with the water solution for
Tur|)entine Oil GO g.
two to four days the cuttings should be
No. G placed in a potting compost. The novice
Aloe, Powdered 5 g. should be warned not to expect to see any
Guillaya Bark 45 g. extensive root-formation at the end of a
White Pepper 100 g. few days in the solution; the immediate
Asafoetida 50 g. purpose of the treatment is to enable
No. 7 the cuttings to absorb the growth-sub-
Soft Soap 1 lb. stance, which will then initiate root-
Alcohol 1 lb. formation while the cutting is in the
Pine Oil 1 lb. compost. The formation of roots, how-
No. 8 ever, usually takes x>lace in appreciably

Ethereal Animal Oil 1 lb. less time than when compost alone is
Mustard Oil 1 lb.
Nitrobenzene 1 lb.
Alcohol 197 lb.
Soil Conditioners
No. 9 IJ.Patent 2,059,599^600
DippePs Animal Oil 2 kg.
Formula No. 1
Mustard Oil 3 kg.
Coal ground to pass a screen of approxi-
Nitrobenzene 2 kg.
mately 40 to 70 mesh and roasted at a
Alcohol 157 kg.
temperature approximately between 300
Collodion, Liquid 30- 50 kg.
degrees and 400 degrees F.
No. 10
Mix No. 2
Sulphur 1 Coal ground to pass a screen of approxi-
Clay > and stir into mately 40 to 70 mesh, and rock salt ground
Pigment J to pass a screen of approximately 120
Dextrin or Glue Solution mesh, the mixture roasted at a temperature
Paint the wall with this mixture, about approximately between 300 degrees and
iO inches high from the bottom. 400 degrees F.
No. 11
Powdered red pepper is sprinkled lib-
erally near shrubs or posts where dogs Old Hedge Re ju vena tor
commit nuisances. The following is a formula for an old
hedge that seems to be ailing:
No. 12
Powdered Capsicum 1 oz. Nitrate of Soda 1 lb.
Powdered Mustard, Strong 1 oz. Sulphate of Ammonia 3 lb.
Super Phosphate 11 lb.
No. 13
Dried Blood 3 lb.
Paraffin W^ax 1 oz.
Sulphate of Potash 3 lb.
Naphthalene 1 oz.
Melt together and stir until uniform. This is to be applied in the ratio of
When mixture begins to cloud add one pound of the mixture to every fifty
Mustard Oil square feet of ground.
Ys oz.

Rdot Growth Activators Protecting Citrus Fruits from Decay

With respect to the practical use of U. S, Patent 2,054,392
solutions ofgrowth substances for induc- Fruits are treated with
ing root-formation in woody cuttings, Water 100 lb.
leave the cut (basal) ends of cuttings Sodium Phenylphenol 0.02-0.5 lb.
for twenty-four hours or several days in Caustic Soda 0.01-0.15 lb.
Preserving Cut Flowers Pasture Seed Mixtures
At a
cost of less than half a cent for For strong loams and clay soils:
each pint of water in which they are Kentucky Blue Grass 10 lb.
placed, cut flowers may be kept fresher Red Top 3 lb.
and more vigorous for longer periods Orchard Grass 10 lb.
of time before they wither and die. Alsike Clover 3 lb.
Experiments conducted at the scientific Red Clover or Alfalfa 5 lb.
laboratories of the Hawaiian Sugar For wet bottom lands:
Planters Association in Honolulu, indi- Red Top 3 lb.
cate that two eye droppers full of sul- Meadow Fescue 12 lb.
phurous acid (not sulphuric acid) added to Alsike Clover 6 1b.
each pint of water encourages buds to
For light loam or sandy soils
continue growing and leaves and stems
Tall Oat Grass 8 lb.
to remain greener, and permits the flower
Orchard Grass 10 lb.
itself to retain its freshness in some cases
for days after it would normally cease
Red Top 3 lb.
Red Clover 6 lb.
to be attractive.
Lespedeza 12 lb.
For poor land and gullied hillsides
Drying Tobacco Quickly Sheep Fescue 6 lb.
By dipping green leaves into a hot Red Top 3 lb.
solution of salt for 15 sec. 60-70% of Orchard Grass 10 lb.
the water is lost by the leaves and very Japan Grass 10 lb.
little time is necessary to finish the dry- Alsike 3 lb.
ing of the tobacco. The color is pre- Bermuda Grass— about a bushel of
served by this operation. chopped roots.

Artificial Sun Drying of Tobacco

Damage to Peas
The tobacco is slowly heated to 30-35 ® While Planting
C. at a relative humidity of 86-95% for To avoid breaking dry peas in some
2-2% days, i.e., to a yellowish coloration. of the new seed planting machines, it has
The drying is continued at a humidity of been found that 1% ounces of powdered
75-80%, for 7 days, and temperature is graphite added to each bushel of seed
increased by 2-3° C. The final drying so lubricates their flow through the ma-
(as soon as the brownish color is chine that damage is prevented.
reached) is accomplished at a humidity
of 20-25% and at 50° C. for 1.5 days.
Seed Potato Dip
Plant Growth Promoting Pots 2 pints formaldehyde in 30 gallons of
H. S. Patent 2,094,513
Heat solution to 125 ° P.
Pots are made of the following com-
Dip uncut seed in crates or potato
position by molding and pressing:
sacks 3 minutes.
Humus 4 lb. Cover 1 hour.
Manure 6 lb. The seed dries adequately in crates or
Potassium Chloride 1 lb. full potato sacks.
Sodium Nitrate 1 lb. Plant as soon after cutting as possible.
Calcium Phosphate 2 lb.
Wash tub
Increasing Besin Yields of Trees
For small lots of potatoes up to 25
bushels, the treatment may be made
German Patent 638,451
easily in an ordinary wash tub heated on
Any of the following irritants applied
a cook stove. The solution should be
to the incision in the tree increases the
yield of resin;
made up and placed over the fire until
the temperature is raised to 125 ° P. The
Formula No. 1 sacked potatoes may then be dipped in
Sulphuric Acid 1 oz. half -bushel lots. A
little regulation of
Water 1 oz. the fire and the position of the tub will
afford means of regulating tiie tempera-
No. 2 "
Acetic Acid 6 oz.
Water Tanh
94 oz.
For larger lots a small stock tank may
No. 3 be used, the solution being heated by
Ammonium Hydroxide (20%) making a trench under it and building

a wood fire. One end of the trench will heating on the water- bath, then strain
require a chimney or stove pipe. A false and add:
bottom of woven wire or boards is ade- Rhodium Oil ^ dr.
quate to protect the potatoes from becom- Patchouli Oil 6 min.
ing too warm on the bottom of the tank. Green Oil oz.
From 200 to 300 bushels can be treated Other fish bait oils are oils of cumin,
by this method per day. lavender, and anise.
In treating larger quantities, the
Fox Trap Bait Lure
work can be done effectively in a stock Tincture of Musk 10 g.
tank of about 300 gallons capacity. The Cottonseed Oil 90 g.
solution may be heated with a steam coil Castor Oil 2 g.
from any steam boiler. From 500 to
1,000 bushels per day can be treated with
an outfit of this description. It is espe- Wood Tick Control
cially adapted to community cooperation,
Keep the ticks from gorging on the
blood of dogs. Pick the ticks off with a
either at a creamery or on some farm
pair of forceps or tweezers. Dust the
where a steam engine is available. Seed
treatment centers make it possible for dog every five days with derris powder.
several farmers to work together in treat- Handle the ticks with care. Wear boots
laced over the trouser legs when walking
ing their seed.
in thick-infested regions. Feel the back
of your neck and head, their favorite
Seed Potato Disinfectant
feeding places. Examine children care-
Mercury Oxide, Yellow 1 lb.
fully in these spots twice a day. They
Water 15 gal.
will reveal the presence of a tick in time
Whole or cut seed tubers are protected
to prevent a fatal bite.
against rhizotonia infection by treatment
Examination of the whole body is
with this mixture.
necessary after exposure to ticks. If one
is found, pull it off at once. Disinfect
Identifying Seeds the bite and the surrounding tissues by
Seeds are dipped in any oil-soluble inserting a round toothpick dipped in
dye (e.g. Agrosan G) dissolved in gaso- iodine into the exact spot where the tick
line. They are then air dried. was attached and drilling it in slightly.
To detick clothing, place it in a vessel
Fish Bait Oil that can be tightly covered and set on
Benzoin 1 oz. top of it a pan containing half a tea-
Olive Oil 12 oz. cupful of carbon tetrachloride or carbon
Powder the benzoin and macerate with disulfide. A few hours of such fumiga-
the oil for a day after a preliminary tion kills all ticks. •
^ Wine Gum Candy ample, in the following preparation 100
This type of confection can be made lb. rubber latex are agitated with 50 pt.

from ninety pounds of corn syrup, eig’hty water, and 7 lb. cocoa powder, 85 lb. pul-
pounds of sugar and twenty pounds of verized coumarone resin and 105 lb. pow-
gelatin. The gelatin is swelled up with dered hydrogenated vegetable oil are
water by soaking until it is soft to the added by parts. Mixture is gradually
touch and all excess water is drained off. heated to 110° C. and agitated for two
The sugar is dissol?ed in water and hours before removal.
brought to a boil when the corn syrup is
added and the boiling continued rapidly
until 245° F. is reached. Popcorn Coating
It is then removed from the ffre and
Brown Sugar 2 V2 lb.
after the batch becomes still it is poured Butter 1
/ jb.‘

into another pan which contains the Glucose if lb

soaked and drained gelatin. The whole 4 o.:
mixture is then stirred and allowed to
stand for about fifteen minutes. Scum Water
rises to the top and is skimmed off clean Mix the sugar, glucose, water and salt
after which the clear batch is ready to together and bring to a boil. Add the
be deposited in starch. The filled boards butter and boil to 290° P. Add the
are stacked and allowed to stand until and stir vigorously. This will be suffi-
the jellies have set. They are then cient to coat several quarts of corn
transferred to a drying room and allowed it has been popped.
to remain for four to six days, depend-
ing upon drying conditions. After dry-
ing has been completed the gums are
Commercial Candied Peel
Select lemons of uniform size, either
removed from the drying room, allowed green or yellow, then cut into halves
to cool, knocked out and brushed
free lengthwuse, squeeze out the juice and
from starch. The resulting dull pieces re-
move the pulp. Make a strong pickling
are then given a steam bath (dry steam)
brine, using 1 lb. of salt to every
which praduces a characteristic shine. 4 pints
of water—the brine should be
The finished gums are of such a nature strong
enough to float a potato. If seawater is
that they may stick if placed in the usual
handy it may be used instead. Take the
type of container, so a fifty-fifty mixture
peels and allow to soak in the brine
of petrolatum and slab oil is sprayed on for
at least a month, changing the
and the gums are transferred to the brine once
during that time if necessary. Then
grease bag or cylinder and tumbled. re-
move, drain thoroughly, and soak
fresh water for two or three days.
Chewing Gum After removing the peel from the brine
Chicle 130 kg. it will be found that the
Paraffin Wax inside white
37.3 kg. pulp Will be quite soft, and can be
Tolu Balsam easily
6.2 kg. removed by scooping it out with a tea-
Peruvian Balsam 3.1 kg. spoon.
Sugar, Powdered 370 kg. After the peel has soaked in fresh
Glucose 150 kg. water, drain it and put it into
Water fresh cold
170 kg. water, then place it on the fire and
Playor and Perfume bring
to suit gradually to the boil. Allow to boil
the chicle in water, and mix hot for
five luinutes, then drain
with the molted paraffin and the balsams. and place on
trays in a place where there is
Ihe sugars are boiled down with the plenty of
"until the peels are slightly
water to a syrup, and kneaded with
rubber mixture to a plastic mass.
Make a syrup by boiling sugar (2 lb.
sugar and 1 pint water) to 220'°
C^-^ewing Gum
with Rubber Latex Base move the peels from water and’
F. Re-
Rubber latex is used as an important pour
^ syrup over them in an enamelled
ingredient in chewing gum base; for dish,
ex- after syrup has become quite
FOODS 12;i

Kext day drain syrup off tlie peels, strained from the pips. Boil till the white
and boil again to 224° F., adding a pound pith is quite transparent and tender
or two more of sugar. After cooling enough to pierce with a match or head
down a bit pour over peels and allow to of a pin. Stand overnight. Weigh the
stand overnight. Eepeat the operation pulp, take an equal quantity of sugar, and
on the two succeeding days, the first day %
boil together till it jellies (about hour),
running the boiling temperature to 227° skimming and stirring from time to time.
F. and the second day to 230° F., each
time adding some more sugar. On the
Preserved Orange and Lemon Pulp,
last occasion, instead of pouring syrup
Skin and Juice
over peels, put peels into the boiling syrup
Immerse %-pipe of lemon skins in cold
at 230° F., then stir until the syrup turns
water for 48 hours, changing the latter
sugary, then remove the peel and pack in
two or three times, to ensure complete re-
boxes with sheets of waxed paper.
moval of the salt. Cook the skins in a
wooden cask fitted with a steam-coil of
Crystallized Fruits copper. Run off the hot water and add
Any preserved fruit (Konfyt) such as fresh water until quite cold, then drain
watermelon, figs, pears, pineapple, etc., the skins in a basket.
may be crystallized by the following Place the skins in cold syrup (8 cwt. of
method, after having been drained from sugar to 48 gals, of water). Bring to the
the syrup and then slightly dried in the boil, skim, and transfer to casks or tanks.
sun. Allow to stand 24 hours and then dry off
Make a syrup from one pound of sugar the syrup. Run the syrup into the pans
and one cup water, stir until the sugar and fong to boiling point; after skim-
is dissolved, and just when it begins to ming run it over skins while hot and allow
boil stir in a quarter of a teaspoon cream to stand for 24 hours.
of tartar, then leave off stirring, and al- Then draw off the syrup into the boiling
low to boil quickly for about three to pans, add 1 cwt. of sugar and boil to 220°
four minutes. Test the syrup by drop- F. Return the hot syrup to the peel and
ping a 1 ttle into cold water ; if it forms allow to stand for 48 hours. Again draw
a small soft ball between the thumb and off the syrup into the boiling pans; add
finger, it has reached the desired degree. 1 cwt. sugar and boil to 225° F. Return
Drop the fruit to be crystallized, a few to the peel and allow to stand for 48 hours.
at a time, into this syrup, then lift out Repeat these operations for a third time,
gently and drain free from all syrup. raising the temperature of the syrup up to
Place the fruit on wire (cake) trays and 230° F.
put in the sun to dry. When dry, make
a syrup as before, and just as it reaches Changing Setting Rates of Pectin
the ^ ^ soft ball ' ^ stage add the fruit, put
British Patent 454,504
on wire trays, sift coarse granulated The rate of setting of dried pectin is
sugar over, and leave again in the sun increased if it is soaked as follows
to dry. When dry, put in boxes in lay- Per 20 g. of pectin use
ers, between sheets of waxed paper, and
keep in a cool, dry place. Methanol 100 cc.
N-Hydrochloric Acid 10 cc.
Soak for 24 hours at 25° C.
Apple Chutney If the methanol is replaced by the fol-
Put through a meat chopper 1% lb. lowing, setting times are as per the right
peeled and cored apples, 1 lb. onions, and
hand column.
% lb. stoned raisins. Add 2 quarts of
Ethyl Alcohol (80%) 8 minutes
vinegar, and cook gently for two hours,
Isopropyl Alcohol (90%) 13 minutes
then add % lb. ground ginger, 1 lb. brown
Butyl Alcohol (80-85%) 20 minutes
sugar, 2 teaspoons cayenne pepper, % lb,
Ethyl Methyl Ketone 25 minutes
mustard seeds, and a little salt. Cook an-
other five minutes, stirring well, then leave Acetone 32 minutes
to cool and bottle.
Baking Powder
Seville or Bitter Orange Marmalade Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate 42 g.
Slice the fruit very finely, either by hand Sodium Bicarbonate 30 g.
or through a machine. Put the pips in a Rice or Corn Starch 28 g.
separate basin and cover with %pint Baking powder should develop 4. 7-5. 7 g.
water. Weigh fruit and allow 3 pints of carbon dioxide per kg. flour, and be
Water to 1 lb. fruit. Leave overnight, and acidic enough to remain slightly acid after
next day boil till tender, adding water the reaction with the bicarbonate is over.
HouseKold Baking Powder Eetarding Staling of Bread
Oream of Tartar 2 lb. Formula No. 1
Sodinm Bicarbonate 1 lb. IT. S. Patent 2,009,440
Starch, Corn 1 lb. 0.5-1.0% of arabinose is added to the
Each ingredient should be well dried dough. The loaf remains fresh for 24-48
before mixing. Pack in air-tight con- hours longer than normal.
tainers. No. 2
tJ.Patent 2,033,180
Pyrophosphate Baking Powder 0.025-0.1% of a 1:1 mixture of urea
Formula No. 1 and ammonium sulphate is added to
Sodium Bicarbonate 28.0 oz. dough to give a pH of 5.
Monoealcium Phosphate,
Granular 21.5 oz.
Sodium Acid Fresh Marshmallow
Pyrophosphate 21.5 oz. Granulated Sugar 12 lb.

Ee-Bried Corn Starch 29.0 oz. Water 3 qt.

No. 2 Powdered Tartaric Acid % oz.

Egg Whites pt.
30.0 oz. Gelatin 4 oz.
Sodium Bicarbonate
Monocalcium Phosphate 3.3 oz. Vanilla Extract oz %
Sodium Acid Put 2 quarts of water and 12 lb, sugar
Pyrophosphate 40.5 oz. in kettle and boil to 240° F. When tem-
Ee-i)ried Corn Starch 26.2 oz. perature reaches 235° F. add the tartaric
and continue to boil to 240° F, This in-
verts the sugar, and keeps marshmallows
Diabetic Baking Powder
Formula No. 1 soft and prevents granulation. Dissolve
the gelatin in 1 quart hot w^ater. When
Monocalcium Phosphate 33.5 oz.
40.0 oz. the syrup has boiled to the proper degree,
Sodium Bicarbonate
Powdered Ca,sein 26.5 oz. whip the egg whites to a stiff meringue.
This yields a high percentage of total Then pour in the boiled syrup and start
Carbon dioxide. whipping again. Slowly pour in the gela-
No. 2 tine and whip until light. Add the vanilla
flavor, then remove from kettle and use
Monoealcium Phosphate 32.5 oz.
26.0 oz. at once.
Sodium Bicarbonate
Powdered Casein 41.5 oz.
Frozen Custard (Ice Cream)
Shortening, Bakers^ Eggs 10 doz.
Canadian Patent 359,918 Sugar (Acid Free) 25 lb.
Sugar 1 lb. 7 oz. Cornstarch 2-2 lb.

Salt % oz. After mixing this well on the upright

Shortening 7 oz. mixer add:
Glyceryl Monostearate Vs oz. Whole Milk 64 lb.
Milk 1 lb. Cream 16 lb.
Vanilla Extract % oz. Mix all well in steam kettle and heat to
Egg Whites 10 _
oz. 172 degrees F., or until the mixture
A high degree of cake shrinkage is pre- thickens well. Age at least 24 hours in
vented with this shortening. icebox before freezing.
A Simpler Method of Handling
Yeast Nutrient, Alkaline Place in the steam kettle 25 pounds
IT. S. Patent 2,033,009 whole milk. Meanwhile mix together thor-
A. yeast concomitant fortified against oughly in the beating machine the full
acidic deterioration, adapted to be used amount of eggs, and 124^ pounds sugar
in the making of leavened bread comprises mixed together dry with the 2 or 2^2
in admixture, the following ingredients in pounds of starch. By mixing the sugar
approximately the following proportions and the starch together dry, it will go into
0.64 ounce ammonium chloride, 1.76 ounces distribution more readily and eliminate
of calcium sulphate, .0176 ounce potassium the danger of lumps.
bromate, 1.4 ounces flour, a compound se- Beat the eggs and the sugar-starch mix
lected from the following group calcium
: together until thoroughly distributed.
carbonate, magnesium carbonate, having Meanwhile turn on the heat and when the
the proportion range, by weight of from milk is hot add approximately 1 gallon
,1 percent to 2 percent of the aggregate of this hot milk to the sugar and starch-
weight of the aforementioned ingredients, egg preparation before taking it off tha
excepting the flour. machine, while the remaining milk con-

tinues to heat. Then draw off in a recep- freeze in about forty-five minutes when
tacle suitable to handle and when the milk held at a temperature of from 8° to 10° F.
comes to the boiling point stream in the If the freezing temperature is higher, say
sugar, starch-egg, and milk preparation, 16° to 18° F., the freezing time is longer
while stirring the remaining milk. Bring and may be as much as two hours.
to the temperature required to thicken
(above 174° F.). Ice Cream
As soon as it has cooked thick, similar (British Formula)
to a cream, add immediately, to prevent Formula No. 1
additional cooking, the remaining quantity Milk 6 pt.
of sugar. Stir as quickly as possible to Cream 1 pt.
check the heat. Meanwhile steam will Skim Milk Powder 7 oz.
have been turned on. Then add the re- Castor Sugar 22 oz.
maining milk to cool down, adding the Sodium Alginate V2 oz.
milk gradually while stirring. Follow Heat the cream and milk cautiously in
with the addition of the cream then pro-
; a steam pan or saucepan to 156° F. to
ceed with the ageing and freezing as usual. pasteurize it. Add the sugar, skim milk
powder, and alginate and stir for 20 min-
High Freezing Ice Cream utes, maintaining the temperature at 156°
Patent 2,060,679
XJ. S. F. the whole time. This will ensure that
(Can be frozen in household refrigerator the alginate and skim milk powder are
without continuous mixing.) completely dissolved. Stir thoroughly or
Egg Yolk 9.75 oz. preferably homogenize. Cool rapidly to
Confectioners’ Sugar 40° F., add the flavoring and coloring
(1% Cornstarch) 100.00 oz. agents. Age and freeze.
Citric Acid 0.25 oz. No. 2
Agar 1.16 oz. Hnsalted Butter 18 oz.
Pectin 0.16 oz. Skim Milk Powder 21 oz.
Flavor to suit Sugar 23 oz.
The amounts given in the illustrative Water 6 pt.
formula serve to produce four ounces of Sodium Alginate 1 oz.
the dry mixture, and, when employed in Mixes of this type are best prepared in
making ice cream, are added to about a steam heated pan and it is essential to
sixteen ounces of light cream or twenty- homogenize the mix. The method of prepa-
eight ounces of evaporated milk. The milk ration is otherwise similar to the above.
or cream is first whipped until almost stiff
and the dry powder is then gradually
mixed with the whipped cream and the
Ice Cream Mix
H. Patent 2,065,398
resulting product then further whipped
until stiff. This mixture is then placed in
Formula No. 1
the trays of a mechanical refrigerator or
Cream (40% Fat) 265..26 lb.

frozen in any other desired manner to

Milk ( 31/2 %
Pat) 539..90 lb.
Skim Milk, Powdered 50..84 lb.
produce ice cream. The proportions given
Sugar 140. 00 lb.
above produce about one and one-half
Gelatin 3..00 lb.
quarts of ice cream when light cream is
Glyceryl Monostearate 1..00 lb.
employed, or about two quarts of ice cream
when using evaporated milk. If the dry No. 2
powdered mixture is to be used in produc- Cream (40% Fat) 265.,37 lb.
ing a sherbet or an ice, the powder is added Milk (3%% Fat) 538..63 lb.
during mixing to the liquid ingredients Skim Milk, Powdered 51.,00 lb.
used in forming the particular product Sugar 140.,00 lb.
desired. For example, in producing a sher- Gelatin 3. 00 lb.
bet, the dry powdered mixture containing Glycol Stearate 2.,00 lb.
the desired flavoring agent is added to the The inclusion of the above stearates give
stiffly beaten whites of eggs, and when better control of ^‘over-run.” They pro-
thoroughly incorporated, the material is duce ice creams of a smoother texture in
frozen. a shorter time.
The length of time required for freezing
icecream, for example, will vary consid- '
(Lemon) Ice Cream Powder
erably with the temperature of freezing Corn Starch 25 kg.
and the proportions of the ingredients Rice Starch 25 kg.
(especially sugar) present in the dry mix- Vanilla Sugar 3 kg.
ture employed. Ordinarily, when using the Lemon Oil Sugar 5 kg.
formula given above, the product will Dry Ice Powder 5 kg.
Use 100 g. of the powder and 40-50 g. No. 3
of sugar for 1 1. milk. Powdered Cocoa (High Fat) 1.80 lb.
Sugar 6,40 lb.
Locust Bean Gum .10 lb.
Diebetic (Sugar Free) Ice Cream
Fluid Milk 91.64 lb.
40% Cream 84.75 lb.
Calcium Sulphate .06 lb.
Water 7.00 lb.
Eggs 8.00 lb.
Saccharin 3.20 g. Food Colors, Liquid
Vanilla Extract 8.00 oz. The following solutions are made from
To make approximately 11.5 gallons. certified food colors and will keep in
The formula may be cut down to any glass bottles tightly corked for several
desired amount. It is best to whip it first weeks. Fox longer periods of storage it
and then freeze and be certain that it does is advisable to add about 7 grams of

not freeze too stiff and so gum up in the benzoate of soda to each gallon of solu-
freezer. tion.
Emerald Green
Tartrazine 44 g.
Ice Cream Thickener Brilliant Blue F.C.F. 27 g.
Gum Tragacol 2 oz.
Light Green S.F.Y. 26 g.
Flour 4 oz.
Filtered 1 gal
Gelatin 2 oz.
Gum Drop Orange
Use 8 oz. to 10 gals, of ice cream to
Ponceau 3R 97 g.
keep it smooth and fine-grained. Tartrazine 185 g.
Filtered Water 1 gal.
Ice Cream Stabilizer Raspberry Red
u, S.
lo. Patent 2,103,411 Ponceau 3R 200 g.
Skim Milk Powder 8.00 lb. Erythrosine 25 g.
Sugar 16.00 lb. Filtered Water 1 gal.
Cream (40% Fat) 30.00 lb. English Caramel Bed
Water 45.78 lb.
Carmine 240 g.
Locust Bean Gum 0.15 lb.
Amaranth 16 g.
Calcium Sulphate (Pure) 0.07 lb.
Erythrosine 24 g.
Ammonia 4 oz.

Stable Chocolate Milk Filtered Water 1 gal.

U. S. Patent 2,103,411 Yellow
Formula No. 1 Tartrazine 210 g.
Powdered Cocoa (Low Fat) 1.80 lb. Orange I 14 g.
Sugar 6.40 lb. Filtered Water 1 gal.
Locust Bean Gum .13 lb. Banana Orange
Fluid Milk 91.52 lb. Amaranth 7 g.
Calcium Sulphate (Pure) .15 lb. Erythrosine 58 g.
The foregoing product is completed by Tartrazine 221 g.
heating the mixture for thirty minutes at Filtered Water 1 gal.
about 180 ° F. ; then cooling and bottling Tangerine Red
it. The product is unusually stable, retain-
Amaranth 100 g.
ing the cocoa particles uniformly dis- Ponceau 3R 150 g.
persed. No settling out of any character Tartrazine 30 g.
takes place until actual souring of the Filtered Water 1 gal.
milk begins.
Caramel Brown
No. 2 ,

Powdered Cocoa (Low Fat) 1.80 lb. Erythrosine
Sugar 6.40 lb. Ponceau 3R
Tapioca Flour .50 lb. Orange I 16 g.
Fluid Milk 91.22 lb. Tartrazine 209 g.
Calcium Sulphate .08 lb. Brilliant Blue F.C.F. 40 g.
These ingredients are heated for about Filtered Water 1 gal.
thirty minutes to about 200° F., and the Reddish Brown
mixture is then cooled and bottled. Amaranth 68 g.
Wliere the beverage is to be made of a Erythrosine 14 g.
high-fat^’ cocoa, the following mixture Tartrazine 87 g.
may be used, the same being heated to Brilliant Blue F.C.F. 4 g.
approximately 180° and then cooled. Filtered Water 1 gal.

Food Colors, Paste Brilliant Orange

Paste Colors for use in food products Orange I only
may be made from certified food colors
by mixing 4X sugar and glycerin. It is Violet
advisable to heat the glycerin to about Amaranth 44 oz.
120° F. to get a better mixture. Sodium Indigo Disulphonate 21 oz.
Crimson Paste
Amaranth 65 g. Royal Purple
Ponceau 3R 100 g. Amaranth 4 oz.
Brilliant Blue F.C.F. 3 g. Sodium Indigo Disulphonate 1 oz.
Glycerin 376 g.
Add 4X sugar to make desired paste.
Orange Paste Amaranth 4 oz.
Ponceau 3B 300 g. Sodium Indigo Disuphonate ^2 OZ.
Tartrazine 600 g.
Glycerin 1000 g.
Add 4X sugar to make desired paste.
Tartrazine 6 oz.
Rose Paste Color Sodium Indigo Disulphonate 4 oz.
Amaranth 12 g.
Erythrosine 28 g.
Mint Green
Glycerin 360 g.
Light Green S. F. 48 oz.
Add 4X sugar (about 3 oz.) to make Tartrazine 52 oz.
desired paste.
Yellow Paste Olive Green
Tartrazine 98 g. Sodium Indigo Disulphonate 4 oz.
Glycerin 180 g. Orange I oz.
4X Sugar 260 g. Tartrazine ioy2 oz.
Violet Paste
Amaranth 16 g. Deep Red
Erythrosine 4 g. Ponceau 15 oz.
Light Green S.F.Y. 20 g. Amaranth 5 oz.
4X Sugar 60 g.
Add sufficient glycerin to make desired Striping- Red
Erythrosine 2 oz.
Amaranth 6 oz.

Food Colors, Powdered Ponceau 12 oz.

Use only certified pure food primary Carmine

colors. Erythrosine 9 oz.
Yellow (Bakers 0 Ponceau 1 oz.
Tartrazine 9 oz.
Amaranth or Orange I 1 oz. Cherry
Ponceau only
Egg- Yellow (Bakers 0
Tartrazine 141^ oz. Sherry
Orange I oz, Amaranth 3 oz.
Orange I 1 oz.
Lemon-Yellow (Confectioners 0
Tartrazine only
Golden-Yellow (Confectioners’) Amaranth only
Tartrazine 15 oz.
Orange I 5 oz. Strawberry Red
Amaranth 81/2 oz.
Brilliant Yellow (Macaroni) Orange I IV2 oz.
Tartrazine only

Red-Orange Brilliant Red

Orange I 9 oz.
Amaranth .

14 oz.

Amaranth 1 oz.
Orange I 2 oz.

Deep Orange Rose (Pink)

Ponceau 15 oz. Amaranth 12 oz.
Tartrazine 2 oz. Sugar 4 oz.
Fink Orange
Amaranth 15^4 oz. Orange, I. I. 150 gr.
Sodium Indigo Disulphonate % oz. Citric Acid 300 gr.
Dextrin 2% oz.
Brown Red
Orange I 13 oz. Diamond Fuchsine, I 60 gr.
Sodium Indigo Disulphonate ! 8 oz. Citric Acid 300 gr.
Amaranth 3 oz. Dextrin oz.
Tartrazine 2 oz. Violet
Methyl Violet, 6 B. 60 gr.
Red-Brown Citric Acid 300 gr.
Orange I 13% oz. Dextrin 21/2 oz.
Amaranth 2% oz. Tellow
Naphthol Yellow, S. 255 gr.
Chocolate Brown Citric Acid 600 gr.
Sodium Indigo Disulphonate 28 oz. Dextrin 2% oz.
Amaranth 20 oz. Each of the above formulas suffices i

Tartrazine 40 oz. make 20 powders, each of which will color

Orange I 12 oz. at least 5 eggs. The directions should
read as follows:
Burnt Peanut Brown Dissolve the dye in a porcelain or
Orange I 45 oz. earthen vessel in 1 pint of boiling water.
Ponceau 25 oz. In the meantime boil 5 eggs for 5 minutes,
Light Green S. F. 30 oz. and transfer to the dye bath, and allow
to remain in untilsufficiently colored.
Royal Blue Then remove, and polish them with a
Sodium Indigo Disulphonate 12 oz. small quantity of oil or fat.
Sugar 4 oz.
Coloring Easter Eggs
Ice Cream Cone Color Boil the eggs in water containing outer
Tartrazine 7 oz. skins of red or yellow onions. A deep
Chocolate 1 oz. red color results and is to be preferred
to the aniline dyes which are used.
Egg Color 6% oz. Butter Coloring
Strawberry Red 1% oz. Curcuma Root 11 kg.
Annatto (Orleans) 77 kg.
Ice Cream Color Rapeseed Oil 177 kg.
Egg Color 4 oz. Heat all in a copper or an enamelled
Strawberry Red % oz. kettle for several hours with agitation by
means of a wooden paddle. Press out
Cheese Color when cooled. Filter through a heated
Ice Cream Color % oz. funnel Adjust color with more rape oil.
"Water 14 oz.
The above colors may be diluted with Cheese Coloring
either salt or sugar. Annatto 10 kg.
Caustic Potash, Pure 1.4 kg.
Egg Coloring for Bakers Borax 0.5 kg.
Tartrazine, Certified 1.5 oz. Water, to make 25 kg.
Orange I 0.5 oz. Boil with part of the water. Fill up
Water 1-2 gal. to total weight when all is dissolved. Fil-
ter. Adjust color-intensity with distilled
Easter Egg Dyes water.
Marine Blue, B. IST. 60 gr. Butter Flavor
Citric Acid 600 a. Butyric Acid, from
Dextrin 2 oz. Fermentation 2.5 kg-
Brown Glycerin 25 kg.
Vesuvin, S. 1 oz. Sodium Acid Carbonate 1.25 kar.
Citric Acid* 1% oz. Coumarin 30
Dextrin 1 oz. Alcohol, Pure to dissolve
Green Butter Ether 35
Brilliant Green , G. 225 gr. Safflower 50
Citric Acid 300 £T. Hot Water 500 g*
Dextrin 2% oz. Glycerin 2 kg.
. :


Make a by neutralization. chus soya beans, 4 to 8 lb. mono-sodium

Dissolve h. glutamate, 10 to 15 lb. sodium chloride,
Dissolve c. 1/40 to 1/70 lb. sodium nitrite— and as
Mix all solutions. Use 1 X3t./1,000 of —
desired ^20 to 30 lb. commercial milk
margarine. powder, 3 to 7 lb. sugar (preferably
granulated sucrose), 20 to 25 lb. white
Eice Flakes wheat-flour (or corn starch equal to the
U.Patent 2,064,701
S. normal starch content of the stated
The process of manufacturing rice amount of flour), 1 to 2 lb. suitable
flakes comprises heating rice grains at a condiments (such as black and/or white
temperature between about 165 degrees pepper and/or marjoram and/or thyme,
and 265 degrees P. for a period of at least etc.).
thirty minutes in an atmosphere satu-
rated with steam and compressing the Tilsiter Cheese
product, when having a humidity of at This cheese was first made in East
most 20%, into flakes while it is at this Prussia. It is made from raw or pas-
temperature. teurized milk with 1.0, 1.8, and 3.0 per
cent ifsii)

Soybean Breakfast Food The milk is set at 33° C. to Arm in

Heat the soybeans in hardened vege- 30 minutes. One per cent of culture is
table oil (^^Crisco'^ type) flve minutes. added to pasteurized milkj raw milk re-
Eemove hulls. Grind to pass a 14-mesh quiring only %
per cent of culture.
screen and be retained on a 28-mesh The 1.0 per cent milk curd is cooked
screen. To each pound of soybeans add to 37° C., and held for 1^2 hours. The
one ounce of saturated salt solution and 1.8 per cent milk curd is cooked to 39°
two ounces of saturated sugar solution, C. and held for 1% hours. The 3.0 per
mix, and bake in a one-quarter to one- cent milk curd is cooked to 41° C. and
half inch layer at 160 C. to a satisfac- held for 2 hours.
tory brown color (approximately one The curd is salted at the rate of 5
hour) pounds per 1,000 liters of milk, then the
cheeses are salt rubbed at 12, 24, and
36-hour intervals. The cheeses are cured
Improving Odor and Taste of Soya Beans
at 15° C. for 8 to 10 weeks in a satu-
U. 8. Patent 2,026,676
rated atmosphere. The cheeses are
Hatural odors and flavors are removed
washed twice weekly in clear water.
from soya beans by soaking in water at
38® for 15 minutes to give a water con- These cheeses are made about the size
of daisy cheeses and without bandages.
tent of 20%, and heating them for a
short time at 163°. The temperature is They contain about 40% of moisture.
then lowered and drying continued.
The flavor is similar to Trappist type
cheese. The texture is open with many
small holes.
Improving Coffee Flavor
U. S. Patent 2,027,801
Eapid Curing of Strong Flavor Cheese
The flavor of coffee is improved by
(F. M. Method)
keeping green coffee, containing 15% of
water, in a closed container for 7-15 hr.
Keep the cheddar cheese at 40° F. for
2 weeks to develop rind and allow the
at 32-77°, to allow enzymic activity to
curd to break down. Then place at 55°
proceed, and by subsequent drying and
F. with a humidity of 70-85 for 2 weeks
to cure rapidly and avoid excessive
shrinkage losses. Then cure at 40-45°
Stable Soup Powder F. for 3 to 4 weeks, and if the cheese
U. S. Patent 2,079,649 lacks flavor place at 62-66° F. for 2
The vegetable materials to be incorpo- weeks. Then store at 34-37° F.
rated in the formula are chopped, and
dehydrated by the application of the
least degree of heat necessary to drive St. Louis Cream Cheese
off their natural moisture in order to This cheese is prepared from cottage
keep them uncooked, to retain their char- cheese, 10 per cent cream and evaporated
acteristicraw flavors and colors, as well milk. The cottage cheese is made in the
as vitamin content. The ingredients are usual manner. If it develops acidity or
then mixed in the following proportions hard curd it is washed with milk of mag-
Five to 10 lb. of vegetables, 15 to 25 nesia. Five gallons of cottage cheese are
lb. of vegetable proteins, preferably de- mixed with four and a half gallons of
jived from Dunlap, Mandarin or Man- 10 per cent cream and one gallon of
evaporated milk. The cream and the homogenize, using one valve and 3000
evaporated milk are heated to 145° F. pounds pressure, then cool to 70° F. and
before stirring into the cottage cheese. to each ten gallons of cream add one
This mixture well stirred is processed at quart of good starter and ripen to 0.6
1,000 pounds pressure. A
smooth prod- to 0.7% acidity using a ripening tem-
uct results. The mixture is run through perature of 70° F. When the cream is
the machine f ollowing water and pressure ripened, cool in ice water and do so with
is not applied until the mixture appears. the minimum of agitation,
A procedure that usually produces a
still heavier body is the same as above
Hot Pack Cream Cheese except that when the cream reaches an
In method 15 per cent cream with
acidity of about 0.4%, bottle, and then
0.2 per cent of gum added is pasteurized permit the ripening to 0.7% to continue
and homogenized at 2,500 pounds pres-
in the bottle and then cool. This modi-
sure. It is then cooled to 70° F. and 12
fleation is time consuming and rather ex-
pounds of starter are added per 1,000
pensive but it will yield a heavy bodied
pounds of cream and 1 to 2 cc. of rennet.
product. Agitation of the cream after
The batch is allowed to stand until the it has set up is most injurious to the
acidity reaches 0.8 per cent. At this
body of the cream.
time it is cooled to 55 to 60° F. and
Using a temperature of 70° F. rather
bagged and drained. The drained curd than 80° F. will yield a better flavored
with the addition of three-fourths per
product, for in sour cream, as in the
cent of salt based on the weight of the
preparation of butter cultures, one is
curd and 0.15 per cent of gelatin is
most interested in producing those de-
heated to 165° F. and homogenized at
sired characteristic flavors. Low tem-
2,500 pounds pressure. The curd is
perature ripening influences the body, and
standardized with skim milk so that a
the cream should be held during ripen-
yield of 42 per cent is obtained on the
ing at a temperature not exceeding 72 °
basis of the original weight of cream
F, Should the temperature go higher,
used. This makes a cheese that will keep
weak body cream with flat flavor usually
very well.

Coloring Gouda Cheese

Jewish Type Sour Cream
Wash the cheese, which should not be Select a sweet cream containing be-
less than 10 days old, with warm water
tween 20 and 25 per cent fat. Pasteurize
containing 1% of ordinary blue lime, dry
the cream at a temperature of 150 to
thoroughly and dip in paraffin wax (m.p.
165° F. and hold for 30 minutes. Homo-
130-135° F.) heated to 300° F. and con-
genize the cream at a pressure of 2000
taining amber petrolatum 5-10%, petrola-
to 2500 pounds per square inch at the
tum ceresin 1.0-2. 5% and oil-soluble ear-
temperature at which the cream is pas-
mine-red paint 2-3 %.
teurized. Following homogenization, the
cream should be cooled to 70° F. After
Wax Coating for Cheese cooling, 5 per cent of a good starter
H. S.Patent 2,102,516 should be added. The cream should be
White Scale Wax permitted to ripen until the desired
(m.p, 50-55° C.) 50-85% flavor is reached. The cream may then
Petroleum Wax be bottled and if possible, cooled within
(m.p. 55-60° C.) 50-15% the bottle, which may be accomplished
In thin layers this wax is flexible at by placing the bottles in a tank of ice
cold storage temperatures. water. Allow the bottled cream to stand
12 hours before delivering to the con-
Stabilizing Sour Cream sumer. Make sure that a good starter is
There are several procedures in the always available as it is essential in the
method of manufacture that lead one to preparation of a product of uniform
believe that they are the cause of thin flavor and aroma.
body. These are the use of too many
stabilizers, holding the cream too long Devonshire Cream
at 180° F. and setting at too high a Select, preferably,milk from cows pro-
temperature. ducing 4% or more of milk fat. Place
A procedure that has given good re- the milk in a vat without coils and cool
sults is as follows To the 18% fat cream to 40 to 50° F. without agitation.
add SV2 ounces of a good grade of gela- strain the cream from the sur-
tin for each ten gallons of cream, then face and place in a large container. Tho
heat to 180° F. and hold for 15 minutes, cream when ready for skimming should

be crusted sligMy browu from the heat, ments, with exceptionally violent onion
and globules should appear on the
oil lovers requiring three.
surface. Mix the cream slightly before The oil may be reclaimed by a series
placing in wide mouthed glasses for dis- of washings or steamings, and then be
tribution. sterilized and used over again.
Devonshire cream is extensively used
in England. It is made in the home as Shortenings
•well as commercially. In England it is Formula No. 1
usually made from the milkof Devon Cottonseed Oil 60-50 lb.
cattle. This milk averages 4% of fat. Edible Tallow 40-50 lb.
Devonshire cream has numerous uses j its No. 2
main use is with fresh berries. Cottonseed Oil 75-78 lb.
Edible Tallow 10-15 lb.

Oleo Stearine 10-12 lb.

Formula No. 1 No. 3

Cottonseed Oil 70 lb.
Butter, Unsalted 2 lb.
Edible Tallow 15 lb.
Milk 2
Oleo Stearine 10 lb.
Sugar V2 oz.
Lard lb. 5
Sodium Alginate Ve oz. Bulk of such products now made are
Warm the milk and butter together to ^

either all vegetable fats or all animal

100° F., add the sugar and alginate and fats. Some shortenings made of a com-
stir thoroughly until dissolved. Homo- bination of beef and hog fat and sold
genize without the addition of further under a brand name have found very
heat and without allowing the mix to good acceptance.
cool. If the cream is to be kept for any
length of time the mix should be pas- Soybean Butter
teurized at 140° F. for half an hour be- Crack the beans in a corn mill with a
fore homogenizing and then passed coarse setting to remove hulls and germs.
through a sterilized homogenizer. Heat in ^ ^ Crisco ^ ’ or other hydrogenated
No. 2 oil fat at 100° C. for five minutes.
Drain. Boast at 160° C. for 20 minutes.
Butter, Unsalted 2 lb.
Skim Milk Powder 4 oz. Grind fine, adding soybean oil to give
Water 2 pt. proper consistency, and salt to taste.
Sugar V2 oz. Egg Yolk Substitute for Margarine
Sodium Alginate oz. % yolk is replaced and better emulsi-
Make the skim milk powder into a fication is gotten by using 1 to 1% of %
paste with a portion of the water, then molasses.
add the remainder of the water and the
butter and warm to 100° F, Proceed as Cottolene (Imitation Lard)
above. Deodorized Hog Grease 20 lb.
Oleo Stearine 8 lb.
Preserving Cream Tallow 12 lb.
U. S. Patent 2,053,740 Cottonseed Oil 60 lb.
About 0.01-0.09% hydrogen peroxide Warm until melted j
pour into
is added to the cream and it is heated to containers at lowest possible temperature.
61-63° C. for 15-30 minutes. This will make 100 lb. of excellent lard

Bemoving Garlic or Onion Margarine

Flavor from Milk British Patent 474,717
10 per cent white oil is added to 90 Margarine is made by dispersing 200
per cent milk, and agitated rapidly. parts of sour skim milk in 1,000 parts of
After the oil has been broken up into a molten mixture of cottonseed and coco-
minute particles and dispersed through- nut oils with the aid of 5 to 15 parts of
out the milk, the mixture is permitted an emulsifying agent (glyceryl mono-
to stand undisturbed until the oil rises stearate).
to the top, carrying with it the minute
particles of fat which contain the offen- Coating for Salamis
sive odor and taste. It is then siphoned Formula No. 1
off. Only a comparatively small amount Paraffin Wax 35 g.
of butterfat is lost by this method. Bosin 62.8 g.
Occasionally the milk of a particularly Whiting 2.2 g.
?rrant herd of cows requires two treat- Applied at about 90° C.
No. 2 Arresting Formation of Nitrite in
Linseed Oil 60 g. Pickling Brine
Rosin 10 g. Biological changes increase nitrite con-
Shellac 10 g. tent and alkalinity of pickling brines on
Glycerin 10 g. ageing. This can be controlled by the
Beeswax 7 g. addition of magnesium carbonate
Chalk 3 g. with or without 1 %
magnesium chloride.

Coating’ for Sausages Ham Brine for Injection

Paraffin Wax 35 g. Salt 240 g.
Rosin 62.8 g. Sugar 30 g.
Wliiting 2.2 g. Potassium Nitrate 30 g.
Water 750 g.
Use the above amount for each kilo-
Glaze for Smoked Meats
gram of meat.Cover with salt mixture
A gelatin dip wliicli is sometimes used
in customary way and smoke at 38-43°.
on smoked meats to avoid mold and
shrinkage is made of the following in-
gredients: Meat Curing Salt
French Patent 818^943
Commercial Gelatin 25 1b.
Sodium Formate 1000 g.
Glucose 35 lb.
Sodium Citrate 30 g.
Water 40 lb.
Sodium Nitrite 2 g.
Place gelatin and glucose in a double
boiler and mix, having temperature of Meat Preserving Salt
water in bottom of boiler about luke Austrian Patent 145,689
warm. Then add 40 per cent water to Salt 91 g.
gelatin and glucose, mix well and raise Potassium Nitrate 3 g.
temperature gradually to not less than Sugar 3 g.
130° F. and not over 150°, Cook for Sodium Dihydrogen
1% to 2 hours. Phosphate 1- 2 g.
Wipe each piece of smoked meat care-
fully to remove surplus grease, salt, etc.,
Removing of Boar or Sex Odor from
then dip into glaze momentarily. If
necessaryj pieces may be dipped a second
Hog Meat
This odor is largely removed by using
time. Then let them hang over dipping 1-500 sodium nitrate in 10% salt solu-
vessel so that any drip may be recovered.
tion when pickling.
This glaze is transparent, resilient and
amply tough to resist damage in reason-
able handling. Meats may be wrapped Mushroom Extract
and shipped in usual manner. 60 kg. fresh mushrooms or 6 kg. dried
There are also glazes for covering meat mushrooms, 1 kg. of truffles and 1.5 kg.
loavesand sausage and for baked hams of pure hydrochloric acid are allowed to
and picnics. soak. 50 kg. of distilled water is added
at a moderate temperature, and extraction
is carried out for 10 hours with stirring
Sterilization of Meat Wrappings (if the mushrooms were not minced, more
Heating hessian wrappings at 65° for time rs needed). Boil for 2 hours with
1 hour gives practically complete control stirring, until a smooth, gelatinous syrup
of low-temperature mold spores. Ex- has formed; neutralize with pure soda ash,
posure for longer periods to somewhat filter hot through flannel, and evaporate

lower temperatures (<50°) is also effec- to 34 its volume. This extract represents
tive. a jelly which can be stored in well filled
and closed vesvsels. Yield 40-50 kg.
Tongue Pickling Solution
Salt Solution (70°) Extracts of Kitchen Herbs
100 gal.
Sugar Mince 50 kg. of cauliflower, 50 kg. of
30 lb.
Sodium Nitrate fresh celery, 30 kg. of asparagus, 30 kg.
10 lb.
of ripe tomatoes, 3 kg. of fresh onions,
some laurel leaves, carrots, a little garlic,
Meat Pickling Brine, Acid nutmeg and parsley. Heat the mass with
Sodium Nitrite 0.9 lb. 3,0 kg. of pure hydrochloric acid for sev-
Sodium Nitrate 0.6 lb. eral hours, until it darkens in color to
Salt 97.65 lb. brown.

Citric Acid, Anhydrous 0,85 lb. Shut off the steam, digest under stir-
FOODS 133*

ring for several hours, boil up once again, Mustard % lb.

neutralize with soda ash. Filter, evapo- Pepper % lb.
rate to a thick extract in vacuo. Yield Vinegar 10 lb.
40-60 kg. with a salt content of 24-27%. Sugar 5 lb.
Cottonseed Oil
Vegetable Extract (Prime Summer Yellow) 60 lb.
50 kg. fresh ripe tomatoes, 50 kg. of Method as above.
overripe tomatoes, 1.8 kg. of a slightly
roasted celery, 0.5 kg. of roasted onions, Celery Salt
80 g. of garlic, 20 g. of sage, 20 g. of U. S. Patent 2,046,862
laurel leaves, 5 kg. asparagus are treated Celery Oil 0.1-1 g.
with 15 kg. purest beer yeast for 6 days, Mono-Sodium Glutamate 2.6 g.
at 30-40® C. After this time, add 14 kg. Salt to make 100 g.
of pure hydrochloric acid, boil for 1 hour,
neutralize with soda ash, cool, filter, boil
Seasoning and Condiment
down in vacuo. 40-50 kg. yield.
U. S. Patent 2,021,403
Finely-granulated citric acid 22 oz. is
Worcestershire Sauce
heated with 66 oz. of table salt to 100®
Vinegar 1 qt.
C. with continual stirring, until all the
Powdered Pimento 2 dr.
salt has been ^ ^ wetted ^ ^ by the acid.
Powdered Cloves 1 dr.
The mass is cooled slowly, the stirring
Powdered Black Pepper 1 dr.
being continued. Into the mixture are
Powdered Mustard 2 oz.
stirred powdered paprika 3.5 oz., white
Powdered Jamaica Ginger 1 dr.
pepper 2.5 oz., and granulated sugar 6
Common Salt 2 oz.
Shallots 2 oz.
oz. The product is non-hygroscopic.
Tamarinds 4 oz.
Sherry Wine 1 pt. Preservation of Eggs
Curry Powder 1 oz. Water Glass Method:
Capsicum 1 dr. 9 quarts soft water boiled and cooled;
Mix alltogether, simmer for 1
hour, add 1 quart water glass; stir thoroughly.
and strain. Let the whole stand for a Sufficient for 15 dozen eggs. Use 6 gal-
week, strain it, and fill in bottles. Wor- lon crock. Scald crock before using.
cestershire sauce is never quite clear Allow at least two inches of solution
straining to remove the coarser particles over eggs. Place crock in a cool, dry
is all that is necessary. place, well covered to prevent evapora-
Tomato Ketchup Lime Water Method:
Take 8 lb. tomatoes and stew until 2 or 3 pounds of unslaked lime and 5
tender, together with one or two shallots gallons water boiled and cooled. Pour
or onions cut up, then put through a water over lime and allow to stand until
sieve. Return to the saucepan, and add mixture settles and liquid is clear. Place
a tablespoon salt, 1 tablespoon ground clean, fresh eggs in a crock or jar and
cloves, 1 tablespoon ground ginger, % pour clear lime water over eggs. Allow
tablespoon allspice, and 1 pint vinegar. two inches of liquid over top of eggs.
Boil until reduced to one-third.
Dried Egg White
Mayonnaise U. S. Patent 2,059,399
Formula ISTo, 1 Adjust pH of egg-white to 5-6 with
Egg Yolks 14 lb. lactic acid. Set aside for 4r-36 hours at
Vinegar 10 lb. room temperature. Pour off clear solu-
Cotton Seed Oil tion and adjust to pH of 8.6 with am-
(Prime Summer Yellow) 70 lb. monia. Dry.
Salt 1% lb.
Sugar 31/2 lb. Thinning Egg Whites
Mustard lb. % U. S. Patent 2,054,213
Pepper lb. % If enterokinase from intestines of pigs
Mix thoroughly in mixing bowls and is used, 1 lb. of the dried intestinal lin-
run through a colloid mill with a dear- ing is sufficient to cause the thinning of
unce of .005". 2,000 lb. of egg whites in 24 hours or
No. 2 less. The preferred temperature range
Egg Yolk 15 lb. is between 30 and 40® 0. Occasional or
Water 8 lb. very slow agitation helps.
Salt 1 lb. If benzoyl glycerin is used, 1 lb. of
the activator will liberate trypsin to thin for a one-fourth inch opening to allow
5,000 lb. of eg^ whites. These ratios escape of gas. Keep the barrel filled at
may vary with the eggs. all times. If the barrel is stored in a
warm room the olives should be ready
for consumption at the end of about six
Greek Type Olives months. When the barrel is opened, add
Use black ripe olives of Mission or to each 5 gallons of olives about 1 quart
Manzanillo varieties. The Sevillano and of vinegar. Transfer the olives and
Ascolano varieties are not suitable be- brine to glass top jars and seal. Do not
cause deficient in oil. Obtain a supply use zinc top jars. Ko further treatment
of three-quarter or half ground rock is necessary.
salt of good quality; this is a medium
coarse crushed salt; ice cream salt will
do. Green Tomato Pickle
For containers use lug boxes, either Tomato Puree 25 gal.
50 pound or 25 pound size, lined with Pale Malt Vinegar
ordinary burlap. Mix 5 pounds of the (16 Grain) 8 gal.
salt with each 20 pounds of olives in the Table Salt 7 lb.

box. Gum Tragacanth 1 lb.

Once a weekstir well ; this can be done White Sugar 25 lb.

by pouring the olives into another box. White Pepper 8 oz.
Brine forms and is allowed to seep away Ground Ginger 8 oz.
from the box. Ground Nutmeg 4 oz.
After about 6 weeks the olives should Cayenne 1 oz.
be ready to use. They will be somewhat Raw Onions 4 lb.
shriveled and will have lost most of their Garlic % lb.
bitterness. Place the gum in 1 gal. of the vinegar
To keep them, add a few handfuls of to soak for 24 hours. Add 1 gal. more
the coarse, crushed salt, and stir the of vinegar to the gum, stir well. Peel
olives occasionally. They should be the onions and chop fine. Place balance
eaten before they have completely dried of vinegar in a steam pan; add sugar,
or molded. salt, pepper, ginger, nutmeg, cayenne,
onions, and garlic, also the gum. Stir
well, add the tomato puree, bring to
Preparing Green Olives the boil, stirring all the time and gently
Use have reached full size
olives that simmer for 20 minutes. Shut off the
but which are still green to straw yellow steam and rub through a fine sieve. Fill
in color- and cap.
Prepare a lye solution of 2% ounces This should be sterilized in a water
of lye, using any good household or farm bath, temperature being brought up to
granulated lye. This is equivalent to 195° P. for 1 hour, remaining at this
about % of a pound to 5 gallons of temperature for 15 minutes. Bun off
water. Be sure that the lye has dis- the water until cold.
Cover the olives with this lye solution
in a wooden tub or stoneware jar and Barbecue Relish
allow it to stand, with occasional stirring, This is made by mixing two barrels of
until the lye has penetrated about or sweet pickle relish for which the for-
% of the way to the pit. Cut samples mulas are as follows:
Formula No. 1
of the olives frequently with a knife to
observe the rate of penetration of the White Onion Skins 35 lb.
lye. Penetration to the depths given re- Bed Bull Nose Peppers 40 lb.
quires ordinarily 6 to 8 hours. Cauliflower Stocks 50 lb.
Discard the lye. Cover the olives im- Pickles, Broken 175 lb.
mediately with cold water. Pour this 100-Grain White Vinegar 10 gal
water off and replace it with fresh cold Sugar, Granulated 125 lb.
water. Change this water 4 or 5 times Ground Ginger 4 oz.
a day for two days. Ground Nutmeg 4 02 .

Place the olives in a barrel or small Yellow Mustard Seed IV2 lb.
keg and fill the container completely with No. 2
brine containing 1 pound of salt to each White Onion Skins 35 lb.
gallon of water. Also add about 1 pint Red Bull Nose Peppers 25 lb.
of imported Spanish olives and brine to Cauliflower Stocks 20 lb.
each 5 gallon keg or larger container. Pickles, Broken 275 lb.
Seal the container completely except 100-Grain White Vinegar 10 gal

Sugar, Granulated 125 lb. using in order that the clear bleaching
Ground Ginger 4 oz. solution may be carefully poured or si-
Ground Nutmeg 4 oz. phoned off without disturbing the sludge.
Yellow Mustard Seed 1% lb. If the bleaching solution is not clear, the
No. 3 walnuts will be coated with a white film
White Onion Skins 10 gal. of lime.
Bed Bull Nose Peppers 5 gal. Pour the walnuts into the clear solu-
Green Tomatoes 20 gal. tion which has been transferred to a
Pickles, Broken 90 gal. bucket or barrel, and keep them in con-
100-grain White Vinegar 12 gal. tact with the solution for not over 3
Sugar, Granulated 200 lb. minutes by gentle stirring.
Celery Seed Va lb. If the nuts do not acquire a satisfac-
Ground Nutmeg 2 oz. tory bleach by this treatment, the activity
Yellow Mustard Seed 2 lb. of the bleach solution can often be in-
With one-half barrel of ground sweet creased by adding 1 pint of strong vine-
pepper pickles. The peppers are fer- gar to every 5 gallons of bleaching solu-
mented in a salt brine or salt and vine- I

gar after which the salt is removed by Drain the walnuts from the solution
soaking in water and the peppers then and place them without rinsing in an
covered either with a 40-grain white dis- open crate or tray to dry for at least
tilled vinegar or with a spiced sweet 24, preferably 48 hours, before they are
liquor such as is used to cover pickles. packed in sacks, cartons or other con-
tainers. Never dry bleached walnuts in
They should remain in the liquor for
about a week. They are then either sunshine or many will split. Always dry
chopped very fine or else run through the in the shade, preferably indoors in a
medium or fne blade of a meat grinder draft.
and mixed thoroughly with the pickle
relish. This is the relish that is used Bleaching Maraschino Type Cherries
with ^Oiot dogs/' etc. Others mix the U. S. Patent 2,019,030
relish which has been drained or pressed Spots and blemishes on cherries not
to remove excess liquor with salad dress- removable by sulphur dioxide are removed
ing at the rate of 2 parts of drained by treatment with aqueous sodium or
relish to 1 part of dressing. calcium hypochlorite acidified with acetic
acid. The concentration of available
Bleaching Walnuts chlorine should be about 1% of the
Walnuts cannot be satisfactorily weight of the cherries.
bleached unless they have been thor-
oughly dried either in the sun or in a
Bleaching and Sterilizing Dried Figs
de^drator at not over 110° F., before
IT. S. Patent 2,072,309
being placed in the bleaching solution.
Dried figs are treated with a 2% solu-
Walnuts which have bits of hull or
tion of hydrogen peroxide; allowed to
much fiber adhering tightly to the shell
stand 12-14 hours and then immersed for
cannot be satisfactorily bleached and
2-7 minutes in water just below boiling.
should be culled out before bleaching.
Nuts which are split open should be re-
moved or they may subsequently spoil if Artificial Honey Combs
filled with bleach liquor. a. Beeswax, Yellow 45 kg.
Place 5 pounds of chloride of lime, Paraffin Wax (52/54° C.) 40 kg.
from a freshly opened can, in a 10 gal- Ceresin 10 kg.
lon crock or barrel and add sufficient Japan Wax 5 kg.
water to make a creamy paste after thor- h. Beeswax-Perfume about 25 g.
ough stirring. Be sure that all lumps are Honey-Perfume a small amount
thoroughly broken up, using the hands to Melt a with steam, add h and mix
insure a smooth creamy mixture. Fill the thoroughly. Pour out into shallow dishes,
container half full of water and stir Eewarm on the water bath and roll to
thoroughly. give it the honeycomb-shape.
In another and smaller container dis-
solve 2% pounds of pulverized sa.1 soda
in water. Storing Potatoes for Potato Products
Pour this solution into the chloride of Potatoes stored at temperatures of 60°
lime solution, add water to make a total F. to 70° F. yield good chips, while
volume of 10 gallons and stir the mixture. those stored at lower temperatures are
The solution must be allowed to settle unsatisfactory. These results hold good
at least 24, preferably 48, hours, before for French fried and baked potatoes as
well as potato chips. Good practice for made of chicken wire, stretched 2 or 3
consumers is to store potatoes at room feet above the ground. Do not lay the
temperature, avoiding extremes of hot fins one on top of the other. During the
and cold. first few days the fins should be taken

under shelter during the night, and also

Quick Freezing of Foods when it is raining. Later, after the fins
U. S. Patent 2,102,506 are somewhat dried, dew or a little rain
Foodstuffs are immersed in following
will not hurt them. It takes about 14
cooled to at least -30 ®F.
days, in good weather, with plenty of
Glycerin 20-40% sunshine, for the fins to dry properly.

Alcohol 20-40% When properly dried, they are very stiff

Water 25-45% and hard.
Powdered Potatoes or Bananas Packing and Shipping
Patent 2,119,155
U. S. The finsare packed in bags, cases or
A method of reducing potatoes and barrels. A sugar barrel or bag, will hold
other starch-containing vegetables to the about 100 pounds of fins. Second-hand
form of a dry powder in which the starch eases, or barrels, can be used. Do not
is preserved in its initial form comprises use watertight barrels. Pack the Eastern
cooking the vegetables at a temperature fins separately from the Sawfish fins. Do
which must not substantially exceed 100 '='

not ship Nurse fins or Sawfish flippers.

C., cutting the cooked vegetables into Ship the complete sets. If the tail or the
small pieces, partially drying the pieces, pectoral fins are not included, the value
at a temperature which also must not of the sets is reduced.
substantially exceed 100'=' C. until they
CAUTION: Fins which are not prop-
have lost at the most about 60% by erly trimmed, or which are not thoroughly
weight of their initial water-content, re- dried, have only about one-half the value
ducing the partially dried pieces to the of first grade fins.Also, fins from sharks
form of a moist powder and further dry- under five feet long are not desirable.
ing the moist powder, at a temperature
which must not greatly exceed 80° 0., Preventing Sticking and Softening
until it has a water-content of approxi-
of Canned Fish
mately 10-15% by weight.
IT. S. Patent 2,088,831
Shark Pins Clean the fish, contact the fish with a
The tins of all the species (except the salt brine, and then soak the fish in a
Nurse Shark), are commercially valuable brine containing salt and from 1 to 5%
for edible purposes. The ffns of the of calcium chloride and 0.33% to 1% of
Nurse Shark contain no edible gelatin, vinegar, whereby the skins of the fish
and therefore, have no value for edible are rendered firm and adherence of skins
purposes. of adjoining packed fish is substantially
The Eastern sharks, (which are the prevented.
Leopard or Tiger, Hammerhead, Black-
tip, Sand and Sandbar, Huskies, Brown Opening Oysters
and Mackerel Shark), have the following Patent 2,041,727
IT. S.
fins: Tail fin (lower lobe), two pectoral Subject oysters to mechanical shock
fins and 1st and 2nd dorsal fins. Also, and dip into any of following solutions:
the anal and ventral fins from the larger Formula No. 1
size sharks are used. Acetic Acid 4 oz.
The Sawfish Sharks have two dorsal Water 1 gal.
fins,, and the tail fin. They generally No. 2
bring a higher price than the Eastern Potassium Chlorate 1 g.
shark fins. The side fins of the Sawfish Water 1 1.
Shark, called the flippers,’^ have no No. 3
value. Hydrochloric Acid 2 cc.
If the fins have been cut in a curve Water 1 1,
into the fin, very little skin or meat re-
mains on the fin. However, every piece Keeping Fish Fresh
of skin or meat must be trimmed off the A new
process for keeping fish fresh
fin, otherwise this meat will attract flies, has been developed. As soon as possible
or may cause the fins to rot. After the after landing, the cleaned fish are soaked
finsare trimmed, they should be washed in a highly diluted solution of 30 per
thoroughly in sea water, and may be left cent hydrogen peroxide and immediately
overnight in sea water, to facilitate clean- thereafter packed in ice in the shipping
ing. containers. Tests have shown that this
Drying process increases the resistance of the
The fins are then put on spreads in fish to bacteria, the fish remaining fresh
the sun for drying. The spreads are for a period of from three to six da-ya
Writing Ink Gallic Acid 77 g.
Water, Distilled 94 oz. Water, to make 10 1.
Tannin 2 oz. Dissolve the sugar in the water by
Gallic Acid, Crystallized 1.1 oz, heating, add the iron chloride. Stir with
[Ferrous Sulphate 2.15 oz. a glass rod, and continue heating. When
Oxalic Acid 0.1 oz. a smell of chlorine appears, add more of
Phenol, Crystallized 0.1 oz. the water, add the acids (in solution).
Ink Black (Dye) 0,4 oz. Add the balance of the water.
Glycerin 0.3 oz. 2.5% of alcohol may be added to make
the ink dry more quickly.
Non-Corrosive Ink
Ink Base for Fountain Pens
TJ. S. Patent 2,008,620 Tannic Acid
a. 75 g.
Gallnuts 28 g.
Gallic Acid 25 g.
Dye, Blue 6 g.
Water, Distilled 793 g.
Iron Chloride 30 g.
t. Sulphuric Acid 7 g.
Glycerin a trifie
c. Iron Sulphate 100 g.
Hydroehlorie Acid 30 ee.
Mix a, addand after that c. Boil
Arsenic Acid 1 g* for % hour. Put aside for 2 days in a
Phenol 1
cool place, filter, and wash the filter to
Water 100 1.
get 1000 g. of filtrate.
Keep cool and sealed.
Gloss Ink
0 Montan Wax, Crude
. Ink from Ink Base
Colophony a. Ink Base (Above) 100-300 g.
Soft Paraffin 40/42° C. h. Gum Arabic, Free
[Potash Carbonate from Oxidase 20 g.
Marseilles Boap Water, Distilled 50 g.
Water c. Anilin Dye for Inks 12 g.
&. Shellac Water, Distilled suflcient
Borax d. Phenol 1 g.
Water e. Water, Distilled, to make 1000 g.
c, Nigrosine NTD Mix the strained gum dispersion &
Water with the base a, the dye solution ^made —
Make up separately a, h, and o, and —
hot Cj and the phenol d. Thin with e.
mix these three components together. Allow to rest for at least three weeks,
tightly sealed and in a cool place. Siphon
Fountain-Pen Ink off the clear ink.
Formula No. 1
a. Water, Distilled 95 Stamp Pad Ink
Ink Black A, Extra 0.5 g. Violet
Ink Blue, Extra 0.5 g. Methyl Violet 1 g-
1). Caustic Soda, 98% 0.36 g. Water, Hot 10 g*
Water, Gold /
3.64 Gum Arabic 1 g-
c. Gum Arabic, if desired 0.5-1 g. Glycerin, C.P. 25 g-
Make dye-solution a, and add the lye h. Alcohol, Denatured 8 g.
Keep stirring for 2 hours. Let settle, Make a solution of the first three in-
and filter. gredients, add glycerin, cool, add alcohol.
The addition of c is recommended to Impregnate the wooden pads with this ink
make the ink more suitable for glued after filtration.
No. 2 [Recording Inks
Iron Chloride 288 g. Dissolve any of the dyes shown below
Sugar (Powdered) 250 g. in a mixture of 1 oz. of glycerin and 3
Tannic Acid 234 g. oz. of water. ‘This may be thinned down
138 INKS
with alcohol, if desired. The addition of Permanent Green Ink
0,1% of Moldex or other good preserva- Bichromate of Potasli 10 oz.
tive is necessary to prevent mold growth. Hydrochloric Acid 10 oz.
Color Alcohol 10 oz.
Index Scknltz
Number Number Gum Arabic 10 oz.
Benzo Fast Scarlet 326 279 Soft Water 30 oz.
Congo Bed 370 307 Carbonate of Soda as required
Toluylene Orange F 446 362 Dissolve the bichromate of potash in
Toluylene Orange G 478 392 the acid and allow to stand until solution
Pyrazol Orange 653 ... is clear. Slowly pour in the alcohol with
Chloramine Yellow 814 617 constant stirring. This will cause rapid
Chloramine Green B 589 470 heating and frothing, and great care
Diamine Green B 593 474 must be taken at this stage. Carbonate
Diamine Sky Blue FF 518 424 of soda is next added a little at a time
Benzo Sky Blue 520 426 until all effervescence has ceased and a
Diamine Violet N 394 327 green precipitate just begins to form.
Oxamine Blue 4B The solution is left for a week covered
(Erie Violet 2B) 471 385 up, being then filtered and the gum dis-
Bismarck Brown E 332 284 solved in it, and diluted with further
Benzamine Brown SGO 596 476 water to the desired color. This ink is
Columbia Black FF absolutely permanent, penetrates the pa-
extra 539 436 per evenly, and is difficult to efface.
Direct Deep Black BW
(Erie Black BXOO) 582 463 Acid-Proof Black Ink
Direct Deep Black BW Water 1 gal.
(Erie Black BW) 582 463 Acid-Proof Soluble Blue
Dye 2% oz.
Indelible Ink for
Documents Oxalic Acid 1 oz.
Formula No. 1 Gum Arabic oz.
French Patent 765,031 Alcohol 2 oz.
Suggests the addition to a printing ink
of a compound which reacts with another Dissolve the blue in %
gal. water and
compound forming colored derivatives. add the oxalic acid and alcohol. Warm
Example: Ammonium sulphocyanide, the remaining %
gal. water and dissolve
which would be colored red by iron into it the gum arabic. Mix the two
chloride. solutions and strain.
No. 2
a. Tannin 27 g. Marking Ink for Shipping Packages
Gallic Acid 15 g. Black
Water 800 g. Formula No. 1
h. Iron Vitriol 60 g. Ceresblack I, Liquid 2 kg.
Water 800 g, Dissolve in Hot
c. Hydrochloric Acid, Brown Coal Tar -
5 kg.
Free of Arsenic 5g. Gasoline 3 kg.
d. Gum Arabic 20 g.

No. 2,

Water 150 g. Ceresblack Liquid

I, 2 kg.
e. Phenol, Crystallized 3 g. Mineral Oil (0.885 d.) 8 kg.
Water 120 g.
Mix a and h, and add gradually d, No. 3
e. Mix thoroughly, settle in a brown Carbon Black 2 kg.
bottle, and decant clear liquid. Dispersed in

Mineral Oil (0.885 d.) 8 kg.

No. 3',

I Copper Chloride No. 4 :

Crystallized Celluloid Scrap 0.3 kg.

8 g.
Sodium Chloride 10 g. Acetone 5.0 kg.
Ammonium Chloride 6 g.
Kosin 0.2 kg.
Distilled Water 60 g. Alcohol 3.0 kg.
II Anilin Hydrochloride 11 g. Carbon Black 1.5 kg.
Gum Arabic 5 g. Blue
Glycerin 5 g. Formula No. 1
Distilled Water 249 g. Rosin, Melted 1.0 kg.
The ink is made from Mineral Oil (0.885 d.) C,5 kg
Solution I 25 g. Gasoline (Cold) 1.0 kg.
Solution II 100^ Ultramarine-Blue 1.5 kg.
INKS 139

No. 2 Tartaric Acid 1.0 g.

Sudan Blue 0.6 kg. Soluble Blue (Schultz #539) 3.5 g.
Oleic Acid 1.2 kg. As with the flrst formula, the in-
Mineral Oil (0.885 d.) Warm 8.2 kg. gredients are to be dissolved in enough
Bed water to make a total volume of 1 liter,
Formula No. 1 and tliis will contain 3 g. of iron.
Englisli-Bed 2 kg. No. 3
Linseed Oil 8 kg. Pulverize and mix intimately:
No. 2 Logwood Extract 100 oz.
Sudan Bed B 0.5 kg. Indigo V2 oz.
Oleic Acid 1.0 kg. Potassium Dichromate 1 oz.
Mineral Oil (0.885 d.) 7.5 kg. Gum Arabic 1 oz.
Gasoline 1.0 kg. These may be pressed into tablets or
No. 3 pellets.
Celluloid Scrap 0.4 kg.
Acetone 5.0 kg. Concentrated Ink Tablets
Bosin 0.2 kg. British Patent 461,408
Alcohol 2.0 kg. Methylene Blue 25 oz.
Gasoline 2.2 kg. Methyl Violet 5 oz.
Zapon Bed 0.2 kg. Potassium Dichromate 2 oz.
Yellow Soda Ash 3 oz.
Chrome Yellow 2 kg. Sugar 7 oz.
Linseed Oil 8 kg. Pulverize and press into cakes.

Marking Ink (Alkali and Acid Besistant) Invisible Inks

Ammonium chloride, ^ ‘ sal ammoniac * \
Unbleached Shellac 20 oz. dissolved in 15 to 20 times its weight
in a solution consisting of of water makes an ink that is invisible,
Borax 30 oz. but becomes dark brown or black when
Water 350 oz. pressed with a hot iron, or held at a
Filter while the solution is still hot. distance above a small flame. This is
Then add to this solution another made as good a sympathetic ink as any, iB
up from easy to prepare, and is not dangerously
Water-Soluble Nigrosine 10 oz. poisonous.
Tannin 1 oz. The salts of several metals have long
PicricAcid VlO O'Z. been favorite materials for sympathetic
Ammonium Hydroxide 15 oz. ink. These salts are not all colorless
Water 15 oz. when in the solid form, or in strong
This ink is especially adapted for solution,but invisible marks made on
laboratory use and produces a beautiful paper with very dilute solutions can be
black that flows freely from the pen. developed by suitable means. Among
these salts are lead acetate, ferric sul-
Ink Powder phate, mercuric chloride (corrosive sub-
Formula No. 1 limate, dangerous to handle and very
Gallic Acid Crystals 10.0 g. poisonous), copper sulphate, cobalt chlor-
Ferric Sulphate, Anhydrous 10.7 g. ide, and nickel chloride. In addition to
Oxalic Acid Crystals 2.0 g. being turned brown or black by the
Soluble Blue (Schultz 539) 3.5 g. fumes of ammonium sulphide, writing
The weight of ferric sulpWte called with any of the salts can be developed
for, 10.7 g., contains 3 g. of iron. An by heat, and still other means can be
equivalent amount of the hydrous salt can employed with some of them. For in-
be used instead. The simplest plan is to stance, if the ink is made with ferric
determine the iron content of the ferric sulphate, a solution of gallic or tannic
sulphate and from this calculate the acid will turn the writing black, and
weight of the salt that will give 3 g. of potassium ferrocyanide will form Prus-
iron. Ink made by this formula does not sian blue.
corrode steel loens excessively, but it Of the salts just mentioned, cobalt
forms on them a thin, yellowish coating chloride is in some respects the most
of ferrous oxalate. interesting. When a solution of the salt
A formula that makes a still better in water evaporates to dryness, the
ink powder than the preceding is: chloride appears in crystals that are red,
No, 2 though not intensely so. If the solution
Gallic Acid Crystals 10.0 g. used as sympathetic ink is so dilute as
Ferrous Sulphate Crystals 15.0 g. to be only of a moderately deep pink.

140 nsnis

the thin layer of the salt that is left h. Polyvinyl Alcohol 2 g.

on paper when the writing dries will not Polyvinyl Acetate (Saponi-
be perceptible. If the writing is kept fied to a Sap. No. 80-100) 2 g.
for some time in rather dry air, or is Water 800 cc.
warmed slightly, the cobalt chloride loses Mix a and h.
most of its water of crystallization ^ % No. 3
and is then so intensely blue that the a. Methylene Blue 15 g.
writing is visible. Exposure to moist Water 200 cc.
air, as by breathing upon it, makes the h. Polyvinyl Acetate (Sa-
writing vanish because the blue salt re- ponified to a Saponifi-
gains water of crystallization and turns cation'Value 80-100) 4 g.
red. These changes back and forth can Water 800 cc.
be repeated many times, but if once the Mix solutions a and h.
secret writing should be heated too
strongly when warming it, the chloride Drawing Ink
will char the paper, and the writing will a. Water, Distilled 50 lb.
then be permanently black. Borax 3 lb.
As a means of developing writing done h. Shellac, Bleached and
with a variety of inks, iodine is inter- Dewaxed 4 lb.
esting. It is preferably used as the c. Carbon Black 2.5 lb.
vapor given off by the solid element at Into the boiling a add h in small por-
ordinary temperatures, though the tinc- tions, till there is a clear solution. Strain.
ture diluted with water can be employed. Disperse o in a part of this shellac solu-
If a thin solution of boiled starch is tion, and thin the smooth concentrate with
used for the writing, iodine will turn the balance of it. Add preservative (0.1-
it blue. The color disappears after a 0,2%). The dispersion of the carbon
time, and more quickly by gentle warm- black is finest when using a colloid mill.
ing. Writing with a solution of soap
becomes yellow or brown because the soap Solid Stencil Inks
absorbs iodine vapor more easily than This ink is waterproof and will not rub
paper does. This color soon vanishes off nor blur when the marking is exposed
because the iodine is so volatile. Copper to wet or rain.
sulphate and lead acetate are colored Black
temporarily, while marks made with mer- Black Rosin 20 lb.
curic chloride show as white on a back- Shellac 16 lb.
ground of yellow paper. If the writing Bone Black 14 lb.
is done with distilled water, iodine vapor Rosin Spirit 2 lb.
will color the letters a little more J apan Wax 2 lb.
strongly than the background. The Tallow 1% lb.
water disturbs the sizing at the surface Hard Yellow Soap lb.
of the paper, and thus allows the iodine Melt the rosin, shellac, and rosin spirit,
vapor to be absorbed more readily there add the tallow and wax, stir well, add
than elsewhere. bone black and soap (sliced), stir until
Another type is as follows: all dissolve and incorporate, then turn out
Water 640 cc. into the molds to set hard.
Acetone 350 cc.
Phenolphthalein 4 g. Show Card Inks
Caustic Potash 1 g. (Solution Bases)
Writing with this ink is made visible u. Water kg. 2.55
by ammonia. Gum Arabic kg. 1.90
Soda Ash kg. 0.05
Glycerin (28° Be.) kg. 0.50
Transparent Writing Ink
&. Water kg. 3.00
German Patent 634,829
Shellac, Bleached kg. 1.50
Formula No. 1
Borax kg. 0.30
a. Eosin 15 g.
Glycerin kg. 0.20
Water 100 cc.
The solutions a or h are added to the
h. Polyvinyl Alcohol
following colors
(High-Molecular) 4 g.
Water 900 cc.
Mix solutions a and h. Formula No. 1
Water 4.15 kg.
No. 2 Carbon Black 0.80 kg.
a. Malachite Green 20 g. Solution fit or h (above) 5.00 kg.
Water 200 ec. Formaldehyde (40%) 0.04 kg.
INKS 141

No. 2 Formaldehyde (40%) 0.03 kg.

Water 3.96 kg. Carbon Black 1.30 kg.
Pigment Black 1.00 kg. Blue
Solution a or & (above) 5.00 kg. Like black but replace Nigrosine with
Formaldehyde (40%) 0.04 kg. Ink-Blue and Carbon Black with Ultra-
White marine Blue.
Water 3.76 kg. Red
Zinc Oxide 1.20 kg. Like black but replace Nigrosine by
Solution a or b (above) 5.00 kg. Eosin A and Carbon Black by English-
Formaldehyde (40%) 0.04 kg. Red.
Red Yellow
Water 3.96 kg. Like black, but replace Nigrosine by
English Bed 1.00 kg. Genuine Yellow Y and Carbon Black by
Solution a or b (above) 5.00 kg. Chrome Yellow.
Formaldehyde (40%) 0.04 kg.
Blue Stamp Ink for Eggs
Water 3.86 kg. Formula No. 1
Blue of Ultramarine 1.10 kg. Gum Arabic 0.1 kg.
orb (above)
Solution a 5.00 kg. Water 4.0 kg.
Formaldehyde (40%) 0.04 kg. Glycerin (28° B4.) 4.37 kg.
Green Formaldehyde (40%) 0.03 kg,
Water 3.86 kg. Ultramarine-Blue 1.50 kg.
Green of Ultramarine 1.10 kg. No. 2
Solution or b (above) 5.00 kg. (Stable during Boiling)
Formaldehyde (40%) 0.04 kg. Nigrosine, Water Soluble 0.4 kg.
Water 5.0 kg.
Oil Stamp Colors
Tannin 1.0 kg.
‘^CarbitoP^ 1.8 kg.
(For Metal Stamps)
Alcohol 1.8 kg.
Formula No. 1 Blue ink is made by substituting Vic*
toria Blue for Nigrosine.
Base of
For red, use Rhodamine B Extra, in-
Nigrosine 51017 0.8 kg.
stead of Nigrosine.
Dissolved in
Oleic Acid, Hot 1.6 kg.
Castor Oil, Hot 3.0 kg. Meat Stamping Ink
Sesame Oil 4.6 kg. (Blue)
No. 2 Dextrin, White 1.00 kg.
Sudan Black 0.8 kg.
Water 4.00 kg.
Oleic Acid, Hot 1.6 kg.
Glycerin (28° Bd.) 3.45 kg.
White Spirit 7.6 kg.
Salicylic Acid 0.05 kg,
Blue Berlin-Blue (free of
Sudan Blue G 0.6 kg. Oxalic Acid) 1.50 kg.
Oleic Acid 1.2 kg.
Sesame Oil 2.0 kg. Ink to Mark Linen
White Spirit 6.2 kg. (Black)
Violet Pyroxylin 0.020 kg.
Sudan Violet BR 0.6 kg. Wetted with
Oleic Acid 1.2 kg. Alcohol 0.025 kg.
Sesame Oil 3.0 kg. Acetone 0.180 kg.
Castor Oil 5.2 kg. Then stir and add
Red Butyl Acetate 0.125 kg.
Rhodamine B Extra Base 0.2 kg. Butanol 0.030 kg.
Chrysoidine RL Extra Base 0.2 kg. Alcohol 0.035 kg.
Oleic Acid 1.5 kg. Benzol 0.080 kg.
White Spirit 8.1 kg. Blown Castor Oil 0.005 kg.
This 0,500 kg, solution of
added to
Stamping Inks Lacquer Black, Extra
Black dissolved in
Gum Arabic 0.30 kg. Acetin
Water 3.00 kg.
Water, Boiling 1.00 kg. Laundry Indelible Ink
Nigrosine WiLl 0.30 kg. Aniline Hydrochloride
Glycerin (28° Be.) 4.07 kg. Dextrin
142 INKS
Copper Sulphate 4 g. Sheep Marking Ink
Glycerin, Lime-Free Formula No. 1
(sp.g. 1.24) 1 g- Potassium Permanganate 4 oz.
Water to suit Trisodium Phosphate 5 oz.
— Dextrin 1 oz.
Indelible Ink for the Marking of Water as desired
Laundry No. 2
Sudan Yellow 5-10 lb. Spindle Oil 80-90 lb.
Acetin 40 lb. i Oleic Acid 20-10 lb.
Cellulose Lacquer Oil Soluble Dye 1-2 lb.
(Low Viscosity) 50 lb. Diglycol Laurate 1-2 lb.
— 1

This ink penetrates uniformly and is
Fabric Marking Paste waterproof.
Copper Sulphate 20 oz.
Aniline Hydrochloride 30 oz. Stamp Ink for Backside of Leather
Dextrin 10 oz. Black
Glycerin 5 oz. Gum Arabic 0.80 kg.
Water sufSeient Water 4.20 kg.'

rirst mix dry ingredients and then mix Glycerin (28° Be.) 2.00
in glycerin and just enough water to Alcohol 1.47 :

make a smooth paste of proper con- Formaldehyde (40%) 0.03

sistency for use with a line brush. Carbon or Pigment Black 1.50 kg,
Textile Marking Crayon (Washable) Made like black, but color with 1.1 kg.
Barium Carbonate 25 g. lithopone plus 0.4 kg. Hansa Yellow G
Biglycol Stearate 25 g. instead of blacks.
Melt at lowest possible temperature White
and stir until uniform; pour into molds. White is made
like black, but color
Other colors are obtained by using col- with 1.5 kg. lithopone instead of black.
ored pigments.
Waterproof Stamp Inks for Backside of
Ink for Writing on Photographs Leathers
Iodine 1 g. Black
Potassium Iodide 10 g. Celluloid Scrap 0.2 kg.
Mucilage of Acacia 2 g. Acetone 6.8 kg.
Water 35 cc. Gasoline 1.0 kg.
This ink produces white writing on Blown Castor Oil 0.5 kg.
dark prints. Carbon or Pigment Black 1.5 kg.

White Ink Ink for Rubber

(For Photo Albums) Film (Movie), Shredded 0.030 g.
Shellac, Fresh Bleached 0.100 g. Acetone 0.795 g.
Borax 0.060 g. Benzol 0.100 g.
Water 0.690 g. Zapon Black 0.075 g.
Zinc Oxide 0.040 g.
Lithopone 0,100 g. Stamp Ink for Rubber and
Formaldehyde (40%) 0.010 g. Rubber Shoes
Ink for Writing on Celluloid Celluloid Scrap 0.40 kg.
Tannic Acid 10 g. Acetone 7.35 kg.
Ferric Chloride 10 g. Gasoline 1.00 kg.
Acetone 100 g. Blown Castor Oil 0.50 kg.
Dissolve the tannic acid and the ferric Zapon Black 30189 0.75 kg.
salt separately, each in one-half of the Red
acetone, and then mix the two solutions. Celluloid S,crap 0.40 kg.
Acetone 7.60 kg.
Cattle Marking Crayons Gasoline 1,00 kg.
Blue Blown Castor Oil 0.50 kg.
Soapstone Powder 28 kg/ Helio Red RMT 0.25 kg.
Gypsum Powder 21 kg. Lithopone 0.25 kg.
Chinese Blue 2 kg.
Soap Powder, Wliite 10 kg. Ink for Stamping on Rubber Balloons
Glue Solution, 2% to make paste Soluble Nigrosin 3 g.
Make paste, mold, and dry. Water 15 g.

INKS 143

Glycerin 70 g. should not be used if the marks are to

Alcohol enough be removed later because, wdien the solu-
Lampblack enough tion dries completely, the silicate forms
Dissolve the nigrosin in the water add ;
such a strong bond with the glass that
it can not be removed completely without
15 g. of alcohol, and then
the glycerin.
To this mixture add, with constant tri- grinding. A
typical formula for ink of ^

turation, enough lampblack to make a this kind is to mix 11 oz, of drawing ink
thick cream. Dilute this to the desired and 1 or 2 oz. of water glass.
fluidity with alcohol. Colored rubber Dissolve 4 oz. of rosin in 30 oz. of de-
cement is even better. natured alcohol. Separately dissolve 4
oz. of borax in 50 oz. of warm water.

Marking of Uncured Rubber Mixes Mix the two solutions and let stand over-
night in a loosely corked bottle. Next
Dor general use, where a stock is hot,
morning pour off the clear brown solu-
a mixture of montan wax 3, beeswax 1,
tion, and use it for dissolving dyes to
chrome yellow 3 is recommended. Where
make of the colors desired. The
a stock receives no subsequent treatment
crystalline deposit on the bottom and
and a mark which vanishes during vul-
walls of the bottle consists chiefly of
canization is desired, a mixture of mon-
borax, mixed with a little rosin. Because
tan wax 3, beeswax 1, zinc oxide 3, white
this ink has a slight tendency to spread
lead (dry) 1 is recommended. For mark-
on glass, it should be used with a fine-
ing on wet stock a mixture of paraffin
pointed pen.
wax (m.p. 140® F.) 2, tallow 1, chrome
yellow 2, is recommended. Glycerol is A similar ink can be made by dissolv-
suitablefor lubricating the wooden or ing dyes in a solution of shellac and
metal molds in which the crayons are borax in water, without alcohol. The
formed. solvent is made by heating nearly to
boiling a mixture of 4 oz. dry orange
shellac, 1 oz. borax, and 150 oz. water.
Glass Marking Ink It may take 2 or 3 hours to dissolve the
When an ink-marking on glass is de- shellac. The solution must be fl.ltered,
sired, an effective ink for this purpose preferably after it has cooled, to remove
is easily made with the following for- the insoluble waxy portion, the orpiment
mula: that settles to the bottom, and the mis-
Glycerin 40 cellaneous impurities that shellac always
Barium Sulphate 15 seems to contain. The purplish color of
Ammonium Biffuoride 15 the solution will not interfere noticeably
Ammonium Sulphate 10 with the hues of the dyes that are dis-
Oxalic Acid 8 solved in it to make the ink. From 0.5
Water 12 to 1 oz. of dye will usually suffice to
All parts by weight. The viscosity make 100 oz. of ink. The following dyes
may be adjusted with water. Use the are suggested in addition to those named
mixture in a hood or a well ventilated in connection with waterproof drawing
room. To speed the action, up to 5% ink
of sodium fluoride may be added. Color
Index Schultz
Dye Number Number
Ink for Glass
Naphthol Yellow 10 7
Formula No. 1 Tartrazinc (Orange
in This Ink) 040 23
Shellac, Bleached 0.080 g. Diamine Sky
Alcohol, Denatured 0.820 g. Blue FF 518 424
Lithopone, Dispersed 0.100 g.
Naphthol Blue-Black
No. 2 S (Green-Blue) 246 217
Powdered India Ink
Beirio Cyanine F
1 oz.
(Verging on Violet) 405 336
Solution of Sodium Silicate 2 oz. Durol Black F
(Blue-Black) 307 265
Inks for Glass and Porcelain Nigrosine (Purplish or
Some of the inks recommended for Bluish Black) 865 700
writing on glass contain sodium silicate It should not be thought that this ink
solution, or water glass, mixed with pig- cannot be washed from glass. To get
ments that are not changed in color by such a degree of fastness, water-glass ink
the alkali in the silicate. Water glass or actual etching must be resorted to.
144 INKS

Permanent Marking of Glass and No. 4

Porcelain Vessels Selenous Acid, Crystallized 75 g.
Pormula No. 1 Copper Sulphate (Iron-Free) 85 g.
Agood ceramic ink can be prepared Nitric Acid (sp. gr. 1.4) 100 g.
from 1 g. potassium carbonate, 1 g. Water 740 g.
borax, 2 g. lead oxide and 2 g. cobalt Dissolve by heat. Cool, fill up to 1 kg.
nitrate. Mix with raw linseed oil with with water. Settle, filter.
possibly a little turpentine, apply with
a pen and beat. Marking Steel
No. 2 When smooth, bright steel parts are to
Cobalt Oxide, be marked for machine work, first wipe
Black Commercial 18.8 g. the surface with a 5 to 10% solution of
Bismuth Subnitrate 1.2 g. copper sulfate. The resulting coat of
Grind together thoroughly in copper is easily and conspicuously
Turpentine 15 cc. marked with a steel point.
Dresden Thick Oil 15 drops
^The ink is applied to the porcelain Crayon for Marking Hot Metal
with a pen or brush; it becomes indelible Chrome Green 75 g.
after heating to a cherry red. Quick Lime .

2 g.'.
Zinc Oxide 4 g.
Ink for Ceramics Stearic Acid 4 g.
tr. S. Patent 2,030,999
Paraffin Wax 15 g.
An ink for printing designs on glazed Heat to 85° C. and mix thoroughly
ware, to be applied before firing, consists while hot. Force into forms and allow
of to cool.
Cobalt Oxide 3
Borax 1 Carbon Printing Colors
Linseed Oil sufficient to suit
Binding Mixture ;
Castor Oil 15.9 kg.
Linseed Oil
Ink for Brass
Printing Varnish 22.1kg.
Copper Acetate 1 oz. Stearic Acid 26.6 kg.
Water 15 oz. Turpentine 35.4 kg.
Dissolve and add enough strong am-
monia water to dissolve blue precipitate.
Oil-Soluble Aniline-Dyes.
Ink for Zinc or Galvanized Iron
Copper Sulphate 1 oz. White Printing Ink
Potassium Chlorate 1 oz. French Patent 788,406
Water 36 oz. Casein 100 g.
Mix until dissolved. Dse a very fine Water 1 1.
quill or gold pen. Ammonium Hydroxide 13 g.
Mix until smoothly dispersed and stir
Ink to Write on Iron or Steel
Formula No. 1 Titanium Dioxide 100 g.
Ruby Shellac 10 g.
Alcohol 8 0 g. Black Printing Ink
Dye or Pigment to suit Russian Patent 48,943
No. 2 Bitumen (10) and masut (55) are
a. Celluloid, Waste 4 kg. warmed to 180° C., treated with a mix-
Acetone 74 kg. ture of fat-soluble indulin (3) and fat-
&. Amyl Acetate 14 kg. soluble nigrosin (16.6), oleic acid (8.3)
c, Helio Red 3 kg. and masut, and poured through a sieve.
Lithopone 5 kg.
Dissolve a, add h, mix in o, Grind un- Printing Ink for Glassine Paper

til homogeneous. Dye 8 oz.

Alcohol 800 cc.
No. 3
Selenous Acid, Crystallized
Orange Shellac (4 lb. cut) 800 cc.
50 g.
Copper Sulphate (Iron-Free) 60 g.
Nitric Acid (sp. gr. 1.4) 200 sr. Preventing Offset in Printing
Water 690 g. Formula No. 1
Dissolve with heating. Fill up with IT. S. Patent 2,101,999
cold water to make 1 kg. Allow to A composition of matter for prevent-
%tand. and filter. ing offset in printing consists of sub-
INKS 145

stantially fifteen parts of gumarabic, Kerosene 60 fl. oz.

forty-five parts water, forty parts dena- Citronella Oil 7.5 fl. oz.
tured alcolaol and one part gum traga- .
No. 5
eanth, all parts by weight. Benzine 15 oz.
No. 2 Kerosene 20 oz.
French Patent 784,826 Citronella Oil 3 oz.
Offset is prevented by atomizing a No. 6
suspension of finely divided Reducer for Black Printing Ink
Gum Arabic 20 g. Oil Black 5 oz.
Methanol 60 cc. Boiled Linseed Oil 30 oz.
Carbon Tetrachloride 20 ec. Added to regular black ink, it prevents
the ink from flaking or chipping when
printed on gold paper.
Offset Printing Ink
French Patent 817,406
Reducing Inks Used with Rubber Rollers
Asphalt 6.0 kg.
Use ten drops of kerosene or liquid
Lampblack 6.0 kg.
Pitch 2.7 kg.
cobalt drier per pound of ink.
Petrolatum 28.8 kg.
Deodorizing Printing Ink
Turpentine 56.5 kg.
The addition of a small amount of
Phenol 11.2 kg.
coumarin to printing inks effectively
Printing Offset Compound covers up the usual -^inky^^ odor.
Canadian Patent 367,893
Newspaper Picture Transfer Fluid
Gum Arabic 15 lb.
Formula No, 1
Water 45 lb.
Liquid Soap 6 oz.
Alcohol, Denatured 40 lb.
Potassium Carbonate 1 oz.
Gum Tragacanth 1 lb.
Trigamine oz.

Offset Printing Ink Thinner

Water 3 pt.
Moisten face of newspaper with above
U. S. Patent 2,043,397
and put face down on a sheet of un-
Castor Oil 15.9 oz.
glazed paper. Rub back with back of a
Lithographic Varnish 22.1 oz.
spoon to transfer.
Stearine 26.6 oz.
Turpentine 35.4 oz.
No. 2
1. Diglycol Stearate 4 oz.

Reducer for Printing Ink

2. Soda Ash % oz.
3. Turpentine or Naphtha 10 oz.
Formula No. 1 4. Water pt.
Petrolatum 16 oz. Dissolve 1 in water by warming and
Magnesium Carbonate 2% oz. stirring, then mix in other ingredients,
So^um Silicate
Diglycol Laurate
% fl. oz. stirring rapidly until emulsified.
¥4 fl. oz.
No, 2 .
Transferring Colored Newspaper
W Rosin 2 lb. Pictures
Dammar 2 lb. 1. Water 1 pt.
Japan Wax 4 lb. 2. Soap 4 oz.
Boiled Linseed Oil 5 qt. 3. Turpentine 4 fl, oz.
Amyl Acetate
pt. Boil 1 and 2 until dissolved. Cool and
add 3 with vigorous stirring.
V2 pt.
Melt at as low a heat as possible and Soak colored picture in a shallow dish
stir continuously while cooling. containing above solution. Drain and
This will produce a soft, buttery paste blot slightly between newspapers. Place
which is added to printing ink to pre- face down on sheet of white paper.
vent ‘^picking’’ and mottling. Cover with sheet of stiff paper and rub
firmly with a spoon or rounded object.
No. 3
Extra Slow Drying Lithographic Plate Resist
Raw Linseed Oil 6 fl. oz. U. S. Patent 2,046,959
Boiled Linseed Oil 4 fi. oz. In printing lithographically with an
Benzine 4 fi. oz. ungrained metal plate having litho-
Citronella Oil 2 fl. oz. graphic printing portions and nonprint-
No. 4 ing metallic portions, the nonprinting
Slow Drying portions are coated with a mixture such
Raw Linseed Oil 12.5 fl. oz. as one of glucose 1 g., glycerol 1 g. and.
Benzine 20 fl. oz. 50% sodium hyposulfite solution 2 g., etc*.
146 INKS
Moistening Fluid for Mimeograph Bolls ing-machines and for removing excess ink
Glycerin 1 pt. from intaglio printing surfaces and com-
Warm Water •
7 pt, prising a core or support having a coat-
ing of gelatinous material are provided
Make-Ready^’ for Relief Printing with a coating that is constituted by a
British Patent 446,176 thin preformed sheet of flexible material,
Amake-ready for relief -printing forms e.g., of cloth or canvas with a coating
is prepared by taking an impression from of gelatinous material of 0.05-2 mm.
the form in a layer of a normally plastic thickness. A suitable composition con-
material and then treating the layer with sists of gelatin 70, whiting 50, beeswax
a hardening agent. A plastic consisting 12, glycerol 70 parts and a quantity of
of a mixture of beeswax 20, petroleum water.
jelly 2, colloidal graphite 16 and soft
soap 5 oz. is applied to the platen or Recovery of Glycerin from
impression cylinder of the press in a Printers’ Rollers
layer sufficiently thick to take a clear Cut up the rollers and distill with
Impression from all parts of the form. steam at 165-200° 0. The residue may
A sheet of paper is preferably placed be ground with peat for use as a fer-
over the layer before the impression is tilizer.
taken, and a backing-sheet may be pro-
vided behind the layer. The impressed Rejuvenating Typewriter Rollers
layer may be hardened by coating or Only the surface of the roller hardens,
spraying with a varnish or treating with ordinarily. Remove the roller from the
a hardening liquid, e.g., formalin. machine and rub it evenly but briskly
with fairly rough emery paper, until
Mercury Printing Plate Treatment you have a new and soft surface.
British Patent 446,883
The nonprinting areas of mercurized
printing plates are coated with a hard Multigraph Inks
solid amalgam layer by simultaneous or Formula No. 1
consecutive treatment with aqueous solu- Black
tions of a mercury salt and of a salt of Lithographer’s Varnish 70 g-
another metal that forms an amalgam, Carbon Black 12 g.
e.g., 0.01% mercuric nitrate and 0.0005%
Lamp Black 10 g-
silver nitrate solutions. Gas Soot 6 g*
Paris Blue 2 g^
Printers’ Make-Ready” Composition No. 2
Patent 2,108,707
TJ. S. Black
A process of producing ^^make- Hot Water 78.50 g'
readies” for printing comprises first pre- Methyl Violet N Blue 7.00
5.00 g.
paring a layer consisting of about 20 Diamond Green BXX 0.70
80.00 g.
parts beeswax, 2 parts petroleum jelly, Chrysoidin RL 0.75 g^
15 parts powdered graphite and 5 parts Dextrin 3.00 g-
soft soap, then applying said layer to Sugar 5.80 g-
the platen of a printing press, taking Acetic Acid (30%) 1.50 g.
impressions of the form on said layer Glycerin 2.50 g*
and finally hardening the layer. Carbolic Acid 0.20 g*
No. 3
Printers ’ Roller Composition Blue
Formula No. 1 Hot Water g.
Glue 100 lb. Crystal Violet g.
Water 12 gal. Diamond Green BXX 5.00 g.
Glycerin (45%) 176 !b. Dextrin 1.70 g.
Sorbitol (45%) 178 lb. Gum Arabic 2.50 g.
Old Roller Stock 138 lb. Hydrochloric Acid 6.00 g.
No.' 2 Carbolic Acid 0,15 g.
Glue 100 lb.
Water 3 gal. Ink for Hectographs
Glycerin 300 lb. Formula No. 1
Old Roller Stock 200 lb. Black
Water, Hot 78.51 kg.
Printers’ Rollers Methyl Violet N, Blue 6.90 kg.
British Patent 463,860 Diamond Green BXX 0.G9 kg.
Rollers, plates and endless bands for Chrysoidiirc RL 0.75 kg.
applying and distributing ink in print- Dextrin 3.00 kg
iisrKS 147

Sugar 6.00 kg. Kymograph Ink

Acetic Acid (30%) 1.50 kg. Shellac Solution 150 oz.
Glycerin (28° Be.) 2.50 kg. Titanium Dioxide 100 oz.
Phenol (Preservative) 0.15 kg. Castor Oil 1 oz.
No. 2
Blue Dispersing Oil for Pigment Inks
Water, Hot 79.65 kg. Formula No. 1
Powdered 5.00 kg. Castor Oil 3.0 kg.
Crystal Violet,
Diamond Green BXX 5.00 kg. White Spirit 7.0 kg.

Dextrin 1.70 kg. No. 2

Gum Arabic 2.50 kg. Castor Oil 4.0 kg.
Hydrochloric Acid Sesame Oil 6.0 kg.
(20° Be.) 6.00 kg. Colors
Phenol 0.15 kg. Black
No. 3 Carbon or Pigment Black 1.5 kg.
Acetone Dispersing Oil (above) 8.5 kg.
8 g.
Glycerin 20 g. Blue
Acetic Acid (28%) 10 g. Fanal Blue B, Powder 1.5 kg.
Water 50 g. Dispersing Oil 8,5 kg.
Dextrin 2 g. Violet
Dye 10 g. Panal-Violet R 1.2 kg.
The dextrin is first dissolved in the Dispersing Oil 8.8 kg.
water, which, must Tbe heated, but need Bed
not be boiled. Care must be taken not Lithol-Bed OK 1.5 kg.
to char the dextrin at the start, when it Dispersing Oil 8.5 kg.
clings to the bottom of the vessel in a Yellow
sticky mass. It safest to heat the
is Hansa Yellow G 1.5 kg.
mixture by setting the container in a Dispersing Oil 9.0 kg.
vessel of hot water. When a clear, or
nearly clear, solution is obtained, cool it Ink for Line-Drawing Machines
and add the other liquids. Acetone is a. Shellac, Pale 10 kg.
combustible, and quite volatile, but the
Borax, Crystallized 2 kg.
amount in the ink is not dangerous. If Water, Boiling 38 kg.
it should be poured into the hot solution,
&. Basic Dye* 1 kg.
there would be a brisk boiling, and much
Water, Boiling 48.6 kg.
of the acetone would be lost. c. Formaldehyde (40%) 0.4 kg.
The following dyes give the greatest Mix a and h hot. Cool, add c.
number of copies of satisfactory inten- * Blue: Methylene Blue BB extra.
sity. The best of all is methyl violet B Bed: Fuchsine A.
(C.I. 680; Sch. 515). Crystal violet
(C.I. 681; Sch. 516) is nearly as good. Watermark Mixture
For red ink, rhodamine B (C.I. 749; Formula No. 1
Sell. 573) was selected, with fuchsine, or Amixture of castor oil and wood
magenta (C.I. 677; Sch. 512), as second alcohol used in place of ink will make
choice, Fuchsine is so slightly soluble a perfect watermark in any kind of
that only 3.5 parts of it, instead of 10, hard finish sulphite or rag bond when
can be dissolved in 90 parts of the applied to a perfectly clean press with
solvent. For green and blue, emerald good rollers. Any form or cut will ap-
green (C.I. 662; Sch. 499) and victoria pear as an ordinary watermark when
blue B (G.l. 729; Sch. 559) ranked first, allowed to dry thoroughly.
with malachite green (C.I. 657 ; Sch.
No. 2
495), and soluble blue (C.I. 707; Sch.
H. S. Patent 2,021,141
539), second.
An emulsion of a suitable x>rinting ink
consistency comprises Canadian balsam
Heliograph Printing Ink 8-20, turpentine 5-17, finely divided sub-
French Patent 806,594 stantially colorless mineral matter such
Beeswax 15 g. as diatomaceous silica 8-25 and castor oil
Aluminum Stearate 10 g- 12-30%, emulsified with a slightly alka-
Castor Oil 14 g* line solution of borax and contains a sub-
Nitrocellulose 15 F- stantially colorless indicator such as
Butyl Acetate 70 g* phenolphthalein reactive to both acids
Toluene 30 and alkalies, so that it is suitable for
Lampblack 15 S- '^safety paper?’ for checks, etc.
Carbon Duplicating Papers (Black) Mineral Oil 63 g. 23 g.
Porimila No. 1 Lampblack 15 g. 15 g.
Petroleuro. Jelly 21 lb.
Japan Wax 6 lb. Impregnation or Coatings for Carbon
Drop Black (Ground Papers, Typewriter Ribbons, Etc.
in Turpentine) 4 lb. D. S. Patent 1,664,777
Ceylon Graphite 4 lb. Cellulose Nitrate 5 oz.
Soft Soap 1 lb. Acetone 20 oz.
Oil Black Dye 2 oz. Methanol 20 oz.

Melt petroleum jelly, wax, and soap Amyl Acetate 40 oz.

together, remove from the fire and stir

Amyl Alcohol 15 oz.
Oleyl Alcohol 25 oz.
in oil black when cooler, then grind to
a fine paste with the others. The com-
Patty Oil 3 oz.
position may be applied to the paper
either hot or cold with a fairly stiff
Typewriter Ribbon Ink
brush, then wipe off the superfluous paste Pormula No. 1
and hang up papers with clips to dry. Blue
Victoria Pure Blue Base B 100 g.
No. 2 Oleic Acid 200 g.
Lard Oil 1 gal.
Neat^s Poot Oil 100 g.
Blacklead 3% lb.
No. 2
Lampblack 2% lb.
Oil Black Dye 1 oz.

Dissolve black in the

oil warmed lard
Rhodamin Base B Extra
100 g.
Oleic Acid 200 g.
oil, then mix with others to a non-lumpy Neat^s Poot Oil 200 g.
Apply on a fine, neat fabric of cotton,
No. 3 ^

silk or half -silk, by a printing (not dip-

Eaw Linseed Oil 2 gal.
ping) procedure.
Tallow 8 lb.
No.. 3
Lampblack 4 lb.
Ceylon Graphite 2% lb.
Montan Wax, Crude IS g.
Oil Black Dye 2% oz.
Montan Wax, Doubly Bleached 3
Warm the oil sufficiently to dissolve
Paraffin Wax (50/52° C.)
the tallow, stir in oil black and well mix 2 g.
Mineral Oil '

32 g.
with the others.
Lampblack, or Soot 20 g.
No. 4 Milori Blue 6 g.
Methylated Spirit 1 gal. Violet Blue 5 g.
Castor Oil 1 gal.
Lampblack 2% lb.
Typewriter Ribbon, Reviving
Prankfort Black 2% lb.
Pormula No. 1
Prussian Blue 1 oz. % U. a
Patent 2,051,942
Mix as before, previously thoroughly Sulphonated Coconut Oil 200 g.
working Prussian blue into the blacks. Lampblack 20 g.
No. 5 Gum Arabic 0.1 g.
Carbon Black 20 g. Warm together rmtil liquid; stir until
Milori Blue 6 g. uniform; saturate used ribbon with this;
Violet Blue 5 g. squeeze out excess press between warm
Paraffin Oil 32 g. absorbent pads or rollers.
Montan Wax, Crude 15 g. No. 2

Montan Wax, Double Bleached 8 g. ^^Aqualube’^ 100 g.

Paraffin Wax (50/52 G.) 3 g. Lampblack 8 g.
No. 6 Milori Blue 3 g.
Violet Mix together until smooth. This may
Methyl Violet-Base 5 g. be thinned with alcohol or Carbitol,
Oleic Acid 10 g.
Montan Wax, Crude 60 g. Color for ‘^Blue Transfers’^
Petrolatum 90 g. Pormula No. 1
Colophony 50 kg.
Copying Paper Rosin Oil 20 kg.
Austrian Patent 148,997 Montan Wax, Crude 10 kg.
Pormula No. 1 No. 2 Pigment 20 kg.
Carnauba Wax 9 g. 31 g. No. 2
Montan Wax 6 g. 24 g. Colophony 30 kg.
Violet Dye 7 g. 7 g. Rosin Oil 10 kg.
INXS 149

Montan Wax, Crude 10 kg. isadded 1 g, of dissolved dye stuff under

Toluol or Xylol 35 kg. constant agitation.
Pigment 15 kg. No. 3
F. S. Patent 2,004,484
Yoshino paper is impregnated at 37,7°
Transfer Ink
0. with a liquid prepared by mixing boil-
IT. S.Patent 2,029,204
ing solutions of gelatin 13 g. and soap
Shellac 5 lb.
42.6 g. in water 284 cc. each, and adding
Bosin 5 lb.
almond oil 56.8 cc.
Titanium Dioxide 1 lb.
Triphenyl Phosphate % lb.
Duplicator Stencil Moistening Fluid
Heavy Lithographic Varnish % lb.
U, S. Patent 1,996,125
Warm together and mix until uniform.
Alcohol 25 cc.
Ethylene Glycol Mono
Stencil Sheets Ethyl Ether 60 cc.
IT. S. Patent 2,052,291 Water 15 cc.
Formula Ko. 1
Duplicating Machine Stencils
45 g. of gelatin are soaked and dis-
The wax-composition used should not
solved in 200 g. of water. 150 g. of
be brittle and hard, but must be tough
Turkey red oil are well mixed with 80 g.
and elastic.
of oleic alcohol, and 30 g. of chlorinated
The paper used is a very fine, thin,
naphthalene. The mixture is heated to
fibrous,but tough tissue-paper.
about 60® 0. and is added while being
Impregnation: Very thin.
constantly stirred to the solution contain-
ing the gelatin. Suggested Mixture:
To this mixture of gelatin and soften- Beeswax 20 kg.
ing agents 400 g. of alcohol, in which 1 Soft Ozokerite (60/62° 0.) 15 kg.
g. of dye stuff is dissolved and which
Paraffin W'ax (50/52® C.) 30 kg.
are heated to about 30-40 ® C., are added Melt together; mix; apply hot.
and thoroughly mixed therewith. The
composition thus obtained, the solid in- Tracing Cloth
gredients of which are in extremely fine U. S.Patent 1,988,914
dispersion, is spread out upon the tissue Suitable material is impregnated with
paper sheets in the usual manner, and is Cellulose Acetate 20 oz.
then left to dry and solidify. Acetone 70 oz.
Water 10 oz.
No. 2 This produces a dull frosted film on
45 g. of gelatin are dissolved in 200 drying.
g, of water and while the solution is
heated to about 50-60® C., there is added Ink for Tattooing Chickens
first a dispersion containing 150 g. of Pyrogallol 1 g*
Turkey red oil, 50 g. of oleic alcohol, 25 Alcohol 10 cc.
g, of chlorinated naphthalene and 50 g. Solution of Ferric Chloride 2 cc.
of glycerol-mono-oleate; thereafter there Acetone 20 cc.

Temperature Indicating Inks

Mix intimately one part by weight of cuprous iodide with two parts of mercuric
iodide, grind to a fine powder, mix with a thin light colored
non-acid oil or spirit
varnish. Brush. Do not apply to aluminum.
E.T. -> 130° bright red 130
135 darkens 135
145 maroon 145 cycle repeats
155 light chocolate 155
160 dark chocolate
190 just before black 170^ dark chocolate
212 black 212>|<' This interval indeterminate

Hectograpli Composition by sugar solution or by calcium chloride

Glue 100 g. solution.
Glycerin 500 g.
Barium Sulphate or Kaolin 25 g. IhdeUble Copying Leads
Water 375 g. Methyl Violet
Part of the glycerin can be substituted Graphite (Fine)

150 INKS
Gum Tragacanth. 3 g. h. Glycerin 50 cc.
Moisten and rub to a uniform paste. <3. Luminous Pigment about 3 g.
Force into forms under pressure and d, Whiting to desired
allow to dry tliorougbly. consistency
Soak a cold for % hour, add h and
Shoe Repair Crayons heat on the waterbath, with stirring,
Formula No. 1 until clearly dissolved.
For Vici Kid Add c and d with thorough stirring, to
Broken Victrola Records 2% lb. obtain an ^^ink^^ applicable by brush.
Ozokerite 1% lb. Heat before use.
Yellow Beeswax 1% lb.
'uump Oil Black 11/2 lb.
Fluorescent Crayon
No. 2 Patent 2,013,417
IT. S.

Japan A¥ax 8 oz. ITranium Salts or Anthracene 6 g.

#2 Carnauba Wax 1 oz Chalk, Prepared 20 g.
Color to suit Plaster of Paris 50 g.
Acetone 10 cc.
For Patent Leather
Water 40 cc.
Broken Victrola Records 7% lb. Markings made with this crayon are
Ozokerite 2ii lb. visible in darkunder influence of ultra-
Lump Oil Black 3 lb. violet light.

No. 4
For Gun Metal Water Crayon
#2 Carnauba Wax 5 oz. Paraffin Wax 40
Ozokerite 18 oz. Stearic Acid 10
Yellow Beeswax 18 oz. Beeswax 1
Japan Wax 2 oz. Diglycol Laurate 10
Hard Paraffin Wax 14 oz.
Dye to suit
Oil Black 1 oz.
Marks made with this crayon can be
No. 5 spread on wetting with water.
Candelilla Wax 15 oz.
Stearic Acid 60 oz.
Ceresin Wax 71^ oz.
j^tists' Crayons from Furfural
Ozokerite Wax oz. Bumble sulphur dioxide gas into tech-
Melt the above together and stir until nical furfural (at room temperature) un-
Uniform. To 1% oz. of the above base til the sulphur dioxide forms 5% by
(while melted) add oz. lampblack. % weight of the final solution. Allow this
solution, called Solution A, to age for 3
Shoe Edge Ink to 15 days before using it. Just before
Montan Wax 14 lb. the crayons are to be made, mix 23 cc.
Caustic Potash 2 lb. of A with 27 cc. of technical furfural.
Nigrosine 3 lb. Add 20 cc. of concentrated hydrochloric
Water 81 lb. acid (sp. gr. 1.18) with vigorous stirring.
The dye dissolved in the water and
is Pour at once into molds made from
the caustic also added and dissolved, the pieces of glass tubing by placing a cork
whole being added, while stirring, to the in one end of the tubes. Allow the ma-
molten wax. terial to remain in the mold for 20
hours, remove the cork, and push the
Luminous Crayon crayons out of the mold. Allow them
a. Gelatin, White, to dry at ordinary room temperatures for
Best Grade 25 g. about a week before using. The crayons
Water 25 cc. make an exceedingly black mark.
Hard Wax Crayons, #1 Grade
Stearic Acid (Double Pressed) 65 lb.
Paraffin Wax (138/140° F.) 35 lb.
Add to 100 Tbs. of 'base
Color Pigment Quantity
Black Carbon Black 6 lb. 6 oz.
Magenta Poster Cerise , ; 25 lb.
Blue C.P. Prussian Blue 7^^ lb.
INXS 151

Ultramarine Blue C.P. Ultramarine Blue 25 lb.

Orange C.P. Chrome Orange 25 lb.

White Lithopone 33-35 lb.

Yellow Primrose Yellow 121/2 lb.

Chrome Yellow Light 121^ lb.

Brown Burnt Umber 18% lb.

Burnt Umber 6% lb.

Baw Umber Eaw Umber 25 lb.

Burnt Sienna Burnt Sienna 17 lb. 10 oz.

Indian Bed Indian Red 18% lb.

Pure Red Oxide 6% lb.

Venetian Bed Red Oxide 121/2 lb.

Bose Pink Process Red 4 lb.
Lithopone 10 lb.

English Vermilion American Vermilion 28 lb. 3 oz.

Elesh Tint Vermilion 8 oz.
Lithopone 4 lb.
Medium Yellow Medium Chrome Yellow 25 lb.
Golden Ochre Mexican Yellow or Strong Yellow Oxide 8 lb. 11 oz.
Green Green A or C.P. Milori Dark Green 121/2 lb.
Violet Purple 121/2 lb.
Light Green Extra Light Green 121/2 lb.
Cobalt Blue Cobalt Blue 121/2 lb.
'‘Bark Green C.P. Peerless Green Dark 17 lb. 10 oz.
Olive Green Chrome Yellow Medium 8 lb.
Black Lake 6 lb. 5 oz.
Bed Red 9^^2097 (Lavenberg) V
I 2 2 lb.

Munsel Type Wax Crayons

Stearic Acid (Double Pressed) 65 lb.
Paraffin Wax (138/140^ F.) 35 lb.

Add to 100 lb, base:

Color Pigment Quantity
Middle Blue Peacock Blue 17 lb.
C.P. Lincoln Toner 9% oz.
Maximum Purple-Blue C.P. Milori Blue 8 lb. 11 oz.
Middle Purple-Blue Ultramarine Blue 1 lb.
Maximum Green Green #8791 (Kohnstam) 8 lb. 11 oz.
Middle Red Van Dyke Brown 2 lb. 11 oz.
Para Red 1 lb. 10 oz.
Lithopone 2 lb. 2 oz.
Middle Green Green #8791 (Kohnstam) 5 lb. 6 oz.
Black Lake 2 lb. 2% oz.
Middle Yellow Mexican Yellow 10 lb. 2 oz.
Black Lake 1 lb. 11 oz.
Maximum Yellow-Red Chrome Orange 25 lb. 3 oz.
Permatone Orange (United) 1 lb. 4 oz.
Maximum Purple Magenta 4 lb. 12 oz.
Maximum Red Red #1897 (Lavenberg) 11 lb.
Maximum Red-Purple Red Purple Lake
#2128 (Lavenberg) 3 lb. 3% oz.
Maximum Yellow Primrose Yellow 121;^ lb.
Chrome Yellow Light 12% lb.
Maximum Blue Salisbury Blue (United) 11 lb.
Black Carbon Black 6 lb. 6 OZc
Grey Lamp Black 2 lb. 9 oz.
Lithopone 25 lb. 13 oz.
Maximum Green- Yellow Light Chrome Green 11 lb.
Middle Green- Yellow Light Chrome Green 5 lb. 6 oz.
Black Lake lb. 3 oz.
152 INKS
Middle Yellow-Red Persian Orange 2 lb. 11 oz.
Black Lake 8% oz.
Lithopone 5 lb. 6% oz.
Middle Blue-Green Peacock Blue 1 lb. 8% oz.
Green #10-7500 (United) 13 oz.
Black Lake 9 oz.
Maximum Blue-Green. Peacock Blue 3 lb. 2 oz.
Green #10-7500 (United) 1 lb. 9 oz.
Middle Purple Purple Lake 4 oz.
Red Lake 2 oz.
Lithopone 7% lb.
Middle Bed-Purple Para Red 2 lb. 3 oz.
Indian Red 1 lb. 2 oz.
Black Lake 2 lb. 3 oz.
Lithopone 5 lb. 6 oz,

Cast Cbalk
#1 Grade Colored Chalk
Plaster of Paris 3 lb. 10 oz.
Terra Alba 6% oz.
Water 72 oz.

Color Pigment Quantity

Yellow Primrose Yellow 2 lb.
Green Chrome Green 2 lb.
Ultra Blue Ultramarine Blue 2 lb.
Purple Purple Lake 1 lb. 10 oz.
Red Para Red 1 lb. 4 oz.
Orange C.P. Orange #40-6600 (United) 2 lb.
Black Prietion Black 6 oz.
Brown Burnt Umber 2 lb.
Blue-Violet Purple Lake ] )
1 lb. 4 oz.
Ultra Blue <
13 oz.
Red-Violet Purple Lake |

1 lb. 4 oz.
Para Red j
1 6% oz.
Red- Orange C.P. Orange j
1 lb. 10 oz.
Para Red 1
6^2 oz.
Lemon Yellow Chrome Yellow Light 2 lb.

Impregnating Wax
for Hard Pressed Billiard Chalk
Crayon German Patent 629,686
Stearic Acid (Double Pressed) 10 lb. Pumice, Powdered 29
Mutton Tallow 5 lb. Pumice, Granular 14 g.
Japan Wax 10 lb. Chalk 14 g-
Paraffin Wax, 138/140® P. 75 lb. Ultramarine Blue 7 g-
Soak crayons in above for 24 hours at Green Pigment 4 g-
230/240° P. Water 29 cc.
Tragacanth 3 g-
Dustless Chalk The tragacanth is dispersed in the
Whiting 300 lb. water by swelling and stirring. The other
Bentonite 3 lb. materials are mixed into it in a kneadin^f
Mix dry and add 10-13 gallons starch mill and then pressed into forms.
solution, mix until of right consistency
and extrude. Cut and dry. Half -Pan School Water Colors
Starch Solution Base:
Water at 212® P. 40 gal. Carpenter ^s Bone Glue
Add Starch in 1 gal. (Dry Basis) SV2
Cold Water 9 lb. Glucose 36 lb.
Acetic Acid (28%) 3 oz. Terra Alba 36 lb.
Note: Some of whiting may be re- Beta Naphthol % lb.
placed with China clay. Hot Water 24 4
INKS 153

Add Color: Procedure

Bed 1. Soak glue in equal weight of cold
National Bliodamine Spec. 2 lb. water for 6 hours then heat over steam
or water bath until fluid.
Orange 2. Dissolve beta naphthol then dye in
Wool Orange A Cone. 2 lb.
hot water.
Yellow 3. Add 2 to 1 and stir in glucose.
Anramine 0 2 lb. 4. Slowly add terra alba. Stir to pre-
Purple vent lumps.
Methyl Violet 2 B Cone. 5. Pour into pans while hot. Allow to
(National) 2 lb. set and then dry approximately 24 hours
at 180/200‘» P.
Methylene Blue 2 B
(National) 2 lb. Paint Tablets
Toy- School
Grade Grade
Bismark Brown 3 lb.
Dye 1 oz. 5 oz.
Oreen Pigment 5 oz. 10 oz.
Green #58 (Pylam) 3 lb. Gum Tragacanth
Black (Dry Basis) Paste 2 oz. 2 oz.
Nigrosine 12525 Cone, Terra Alba 87 oz. SO oz.
Ciyst. (National) 4 lb.
Dry Soap Flakes
( 99 %) 3 oz. 3 oz.
Titanium White C 10 lb.
(Gum: Gum
tragacanth is made
with water into a 10% paste. Add 1%
Gold beta naphthol as a pres(uvative.)
* The
Gold Lining Bronze soap is dissolved in sufficient water to
Silver make a stiff paste of the ingredients.
Aluminum Lining Bronze * Thorough mixing in a dough mixer fol-
lows. The mixture is then dried, pulver^
* Substitute in place of terra alba
in base. ized, screened and molded on a press.

Color Dye
National Auramine O or National Wool
Primrose Yellow
Yellow Ext. Cone.
Orange National Wool Orange A Cone.
Bed Chrome Orange
National Eosine 0. J.
Para Dark Bed Beduced
National Victoria Green Cryst. WB Green (United)
National Methylene Blue 2 B
Ultramarine Blue
Violet National Methyl Violet 2 B Cone.
Purple Lake
Brown National Bismark Brown
National Nigrosine #12525 Cone. Cryst.
# Burnt Umber
Carbon Black
Hide DeiDilatories remove any unslaked lumps of lime likely
The simplest way to make a depilatory to burn holes in the skins. When handling
paint is to mix hydrated lime, slaked lime arsenic compounds it is very necessary to
(carefully sieved) with enough sodium exercise great care to prevent accidents.
sulphide solution (26° Tw.) to make a The men should be provided with rubber
smooth working paste. The skins should gauntlet gloves, and the preparation of
be laid out on a rough table and painted the arsenic-lime depilatory carried out
with a white wash brush so that an even in the open air.
coat of depilatory is given to the flesh. Depilatory action is always quicker and
Care must be taken to prevent the wool cheaper if it can be carried out by im-
being smudged with the depilatory and mersion in a strong sulphide solution,,
badly damaged. When painted, the skins but this method is not practicable if the
need doubling up down the back and then hair or wool is of any value. A depila-
stacking in piles, two to three feet high, tory lime may contain from one to two
and leaving for 12 to 24 hours. The piles per cent sodium sulphide crystals and
should not be too high as otherwise heat three to five per cent lime on the hydro-
will be generated and the skins damaged. extracted weight of stock. The best plan
The work of painting, folding and stack- is to slake the lime in a pit by just cov-
ing requires a good deal of care and ering it with sufficient water to enable
should be entrusted to intelligent men it to work vigorously over a period of
under the supervision of the foreman. It twelve hours. At the end of that time
is advisable to arrange the work so that the desired volume of water should be
pulling or rubbing can take place the added and the liquor well plunged up or
following morning. The wool must be agitated by some mechanical means. Agi-
kept clean and when a sufficient quantity tation by means of compressed air is a
has been collected it should be well most efficient and economical means of
washed, hydro-extracted for a few min- agitation. To ensure the best results it
utes and then dried off completely. Hy- is advisable to stir up the lime liquor
dro-extracting may remove some of the either by hand plunging or other means,
valuable woolgrease and the running time add the sulphide solution (26° Tw.) and
must be regulated to prevent undue loss. then agitate the liquor again for the
Instead of sodium sulphide, realgar or same length of time. This may seem like
sulphide of arsenic may be used, and it double and unnecessary work, but in
is particularly suitable for gloving lambs, practice it proves well worth while. The
goatskins for glace, and certain grades of skins should be thrown into the liquor
calf. It in claimed that the use of arsenic one by one and pushed under the surface
depilatories, also arsenic limes, results in with a long pole. Some tanners allow
a finer grain. the goods to remain for six hours for
A good arsenic paint may be made as drawing, others only two hours, but all
follows: manner of variations are capable of good
Quick Lime 100 lb.
Red Arsenic 20 lb.
Boiling Water 50 gal. ITnhairing of Hides and Skins
Tip the lime into a large size tub and Formula No. 1
pour over it just sufficient water for it IT. S. Patent 2,016,260

to slake vigorously. When this has con- Skins are immersed in aqueous sodium
tinued for half an hour add the arsenic sulphide the pH of which has been ad-
and the remainder of the boiling water. —
justed to 11.8 12.2 by addition of an
Stir well for several hours and then allow acid salt, washed, and subsequently im-
to cool. Next day use the solution for mersed in milk-of-lime.
painting; if too thick add some water, ^^'^:'/'.':No,2^ V,, :

or if too thin, then add a few pounds of German Patent 632,882

slaked lime. It is advisable to run the Sodium Sulphide 1 kg.
thin paste through a coarse sieve so as to Quick Lime 2% kg.


Salt V2 kg. at 70° F. per 100 lb. pickled weight.

Water 10 kg. Run drum five minutes and add 1 lb. sul-
Mixture phuric acid and 1 lb. salt in 1 gal. water
Potassium at 70° F. per 100 lb. pickled weight and
Hydroxide run 15 minutes. Remove the stock and
(40° Be.) 1 kg. 10~>25 kg. repickle to equilibrium with same liquor
Alcohol 2 kg. as was used in the original pickling.
Vegetable Oil 4 kg. For vegetable tanning, the following
formula is suggested:
Pickling and Bepiekling Skins Put pack of bated stock into drum
For pickling sheep, goat and deer skins and add 1 lb. of potassium permanganate
and two-thirds of a lb. of sulphuric acid
use for 100 kilograms of skins : water
in 10 gal. water per 100 lb. bated weight.
125 litres, salt 9 kilograms, sulphuric
acid 1 kilogram. Dissolve the salt, put
Run drum for twenty minutes. Then 2%
lb. of sodium bisulphite in 2 gal. of
the skins into the paddle, and while
water is added, followed by two-thirds
turning add the acid at intervals over an
of a pound of sulphuric acid in 1 gal.
hour. For vegetable tanning skins should
water. Drum 15 minutes.
be depickled. For 100 kilograms of skins
use: water 125--150 litres, salt 10 kilo- The quantities of permanganate and
grams, sodium acetate 5 kilograms. Dis- sodium bisulphite used in bleaching can
solve the salt, add the sodium acetate and of course be somewhat varied to suit re-
paddle the skins for one-half hour and quirements. For fairly clean stock smaller
test the solution with bromcresol green. quantities will prove sufficient; but for
If the skins are sufficiently depickled very dirty skins larger quantities may be
the solution will remain green. If the necessary. Stock bleached with small
action is insufficient the color will be quantities may be rebleached in the same
yellow. nianner without harm if found not to be
perfectly clean.
Pickling Lamb and Sheep Skins The use of permanganate makes for
An inexpensive pickle for sheep and better grading and increased selling value
lamb skins can be made by dissolving of the leather at a very small cost. Espe-
100 lbs. of salt in 100 gallons of water cially in the making of whites and light
and adding 12 lbs. of sulphuric acid to colors it would seem to be a necessity,
the solution. Use 12 to 15 gallons of this although it is claimed it will improve the
solution for each 100 lbs. of skins treated. quality of any leather.
Drum the skins for 30 minutes and then
horse upto drain.
Deliming Skins
When firm skins are desired use 20
Italian Patent 323,555
gallons of water, 20 lbs. salt and 2 lbs.
100 kg. pelts are delimed with 200 kg.
sulphuric acid for each 100 lbs of skins.
water, 2 kg. sodium sulphate and 0.2 kg.
For skins which come off of country ammonium citrate during one hour, fol-
dry pelts dissolve 85 lbs. of salt in 100
lowed by washing with water.
gallons of water and add 3 lbs. of sul-
phuric acid. Apply the solution by brush
to flesh side of cleanly fleshed skins. Degreasing Bristles and Horse-Hair
Then place in piles and allow to remain Castile Soap 6-8 g.
from 12 to 48 hours depending on thick- Soda Ash 1-2 g.
ness of skins. When the hair of the pelts Tetralin 0.8-1 g.
can stand immersion without damage, the Ammonia (20° Be.) 1-1.5 g.
pelts can be drummed from 6 to 24)hours Water 1 1.
in the solution instead of brushed. The above is used per 100 g. of hair
and is used at 25° 0.
Bleaching Leather
For chrome tanning: Mordanting and Dyeing Furs
Put pack of pickled stock into drum British Patent 474,589
and add 5 lb. salt in 5 gal. water at 70° Babbit skins are treated for 12 hrs. at
F. per 100 lb. pickled weight of stock. room temperature in
Run drum for five minutes and then add Acetic Acid (6%) 1 lb.
1 lb. of potassium permanganate and 3 Water 1000 Ib.
lb. of salt in 3 gal. of water at 70° F. Dye for 4 hrs. in
per 100 lb. pickled weight. Run drum Paraphenylenediamine 0.3 lb.
twenty minutes and add IV2 lb. sodium Paraaminophenol 1.5 lb.
bisulphite and 1 lb. salt in 1 gal. water ByrogaUol 0.32 lb.
Hydrogen Peroxide this vat for 24 hours during which time
(12 Tol.) 21.2 lb. they have been handled once.
Water 1000 lb. The second vat is similarly prepared,
Tlie points are then brnslied onee “with with 200 lb. of lime and 20 lb. of sul-
Paraphenylenediamine 9 lb. phide.
Paraaminophenol 4 lb. The third vat is prepared in the same
Hydrogen Peroxide (12 Vol) 300 lb. manner as the first, but use only 10 lb.
Water 700 lb. of sulphide.
The fourth vat is prepared in the same
manner excepting no sulphide is used.
SOLE TANNING The fifth vat is prepared with 350 lb.
Soaking must be regulated according of lime and water only.
to the kind of hides being worked. In The stock is handled once in 24 hours,
all instances the soak waters should be i.e., if the stock is placed into the vats in

kept at a temperature below 65° F. Thus the morning, it is raised in the after-
if well cured packer hides are worked, noon of the same day, the lime liquor
soaking can be prolonged to 36 hours, well agitated and the stock lowered
with water at 65° F. or below. Country again. The next day it is advanced to
hides can also be soaked for the same the second vat, etc. Each day two-thirds
length of time, but the temperature of of the lime liquors are discarded, this,
the water should be no higher than 60° however, is governed according to the
F. condition of the liquors and must be con^
General practice calls for soaking pe- trolled by the attendant, who should be
riods of from 14 to 18 hours at 65° F. able to judge the amount necessary to
Packs are made up of 5,000-lb. green retain. The fifth vat should be kept as
as possible. At times liquor
^ ‘
salted weight, and preferably placed into fresh
paddle wheels of 3,000 gallon capacity. from one vat may be pumped into an-
The stock should be milled several times other vat. In the course of a few weeks
during the soaking period. After the a well controlled ^^lime yard^^ will be
stock is properly soaked it should be obtained.
washed with cold running water for 1 to After the pack has passed through the
1% hours to thoroughly cleanse it. Flesh- five vats it is removed on the sixth day,
ing at this stage depends upon the con- unhaired and fleshed, after which it is
dition of the hides. It is preferred to placed for 24 hours into a cold water
flesh after unhairing. pool containing approximately 100 lb.
of lime for each 2,000 gallons of water.
From this pool, the hides are rinsed with
The process requires a seven day pe-
fresh water and transferred to the bate
riod. It is desirable to start with a mel- wheel.
low lime and advance the hides to a
fresher lime so that at the end of the Bating
sixth day the hides are unhaired and Bating preferably performed with

fleshed and placed into a cold pool over- the pancreatic type of bate. This opera-
night. tion should be so regulated as to clear
Facilities for handling the hides the grain only. Prepared bates for sole
greatly influence the process. Vats should leather purposes are used at 85 to 90 ° F.
be constructed so that the hides can be for a period of from 20 to 30 minutes
placed onto racks and suspended into the when % ot 1% of the bate is used on
vats, hanging free. This necessitates deep the wliite weight of the stock. This
vatsand a Monorail system for handling weight is obtained after unhairing and be-
from one vat to the next. The reel sys- fore fleshing. After the stock is bated it
tem can also be used to shift the stock is placed into a cold water pool, tempera-
this requires toggeling the stock. In ture 60 to 65° F. for several hours, then
principle both methods are alike. the hides are transferred to the rocker
The limes are prepared by using lump yard.
lime, this is first slaked in the usual Trimming
manner. Each vat should contain lime If hides are to be trimmed for back,
equivalent to 7%, on the weight of the bends or crops, this should be done be-
hides placed into the vat. It is assumed fore the hides are bated. It is often
that an old mellow lime is at hand. desired to use whole shoulders for welt-
The first vat is to contain approxi- ing, in this case the whole double bend
mately one-third of its volume of this would pass through the bating and tan-
old lime, then is added 20 lb. of sodium ning stages, to be trimmed off after
sulphide and 200 lb. of lime in the form passing through the rockers. The shoul-
of milk of lime. The hides remain in ders may also bo worked through whole

into chrome retail sole leather. The same them in boiling hot water for one minute.
applies to the bellies. It will be assumed If it does not curl then it is ready for
that the hides are trimmed with bellies the next operation. If it does not stand
off at the bating stage, although the the boil, it must be given a retan with
tannage will permit of tanning bellies more of the chrome solution.
and shoulders up to and including the After draining, the stock is set out
rocker yard. and then shaved if necessary. It is then
As is well known to all sole leather ready for coloring and fat-liquoring.
tanners considerable time is required to Coloring
break in^^ a rocker system. A
certain Place the stock into a drum and for
number of packs must pass through the every 100 pounds of shaved weight of
whole yard before it will function prop- the splits add 15 gallons of water first
erly. Even though an ideal mixture of heated to 120 degrees F. Mill for 15
tannins, proper acidity and pH and pur- minutes then add, over 15 minutes time,
ity are obtained a certain mellowness is
desirable. This condition can best be
% lb. borax which is first dissolved in
one quart of water. After all the borax
obtained by use. solution is added continue milling for 15
minutes longer. (Soda ash or bicarbonate
can be used, but borax has been found
Tanning and Finishing Pickled to be best.) After this, wash the stock
Cow Splits for 30 minutes with clean water, the
Pickled splits should iirst be sorted as
drum revolving all the while. Then add
to size and heft after they have been
the color and fat-liquor which has been
trimmed properly. If they are bought
previously prepared.
in the open market it is possible that
^It is best to color splits with earth
they are not of the same lot and may
pigments and it is only necessary to ob-
be an accumulation of various lots. This
tain the primary colors and mix them to
will require careful selection and it is
the desired shade wanted. For 100 lb. of
well to give them a repickle in a liquor
splits use 6 lbs. of the pigments.
containing 10% of sulphuric acid on the
weight of the stock as received. Mill the
Prepare a fat-liquor as follows; for
stock in this liquor in a paddle wheel
100 lb. use:
for four hours then remove them and Water (150° F.) 1 gal.
pile up and let drain for 24 hours. Sulphonated Cod Oil 2 lb.
This repickle also produces an even Raw Cod Oil 1 lb.
moisture content for some of the splits Light Specific Gravity
may have been dried out. Mineral Oil 2 lb.
As it is essential to put splits through Tallow Soap, Dissolved in
the tannery as rapidly and as cheaply as in 1 gal. Water 1 lb.
is possible a so-called ^^dry^^ tannage Add the above in the order given stir-
serves the purpose best. The chrome tan- ring all well as each addition is made.
ning solution is made as follows To 65
: After a good emulsion is obtained add
lbs. of sodium bichromate add 10 gallons the 6 pounds of dry pigment and again
of water in a wooden barrel, or better stir, then add the mix to the drum while
still, in a lead lined tank; then add 60 it is revolving. First it is necessary to
lbs. of 66° sulphuric acid stirring well all add one-half gallon of water for each
the while; then slowly add 16 lbs. of 100 pounds of stock in the drum and it
tanners corn sugar which is first dissolved is important that the temperature be no
in 2 gallons of water. Extreme care lower than 125° F. in the drum. Mill the
must be exercised in adding the sugar. stock in this bath for one hour, then
It must be done very slowly at the be- rinse for 5 minutes with water at 125°
ginning or the chrome will boil over the F. Take stock out of the drum, pile up
top of the tank. After the sugar is all for 24 hours, then set out and tack wet.
added use enough water to make a total After the stock is removed from the
of 30 gallons. For each 100 pounds of boards it is dry drummed for 2 to 3
pickled drained weight of splits add 12 hours. Remove from the drum and in-
gallons of this chrome solution. No ad- spect; stake what stock is necessary. The
ditional water or salt is necessary to add usual judgment in tanning must be fol-
to the drum. Mill the stock in this lowed and it may be necessary to vary
amount of liquor for two hours and re- the amount of fat-liquor in order to ob-
move from the drum and pile up flat on tain the proper feel and condition. The
a truck for 24 hours to drain and set. feel is often influenced by the type of
After this period the stock should stand pigment used and in some eases it is
a boil test of one minute. This test is essential to add a small amount of
made by taking cuttings and immersing French chalk to the fat-liquor to obtain
the desired feel. It is obvious that the The best solution is made by dissolving
shaving job be done carefully for shav- 50 lb. gambier, 25 lb. sumac extract, 25
ing after coloring is not desirable. “When lb. myrobalans extract, 10 lb. quebracho
aniline dyes are used to color it is essen- extract and 5 lb. oakwood extract in 75
tial that the fat-liquor be added after gal. of water and adding to tliis 15 lb.
the coloring operation. Aniline dyes, turkey red oil.
however, do not give the evenness of Pickled skins are the best for this
color that pigments do, and defects are method of quick tanning, and they should
not covered up as readily. be drummed in 15 per cent salt for 20
If changes in the fat-liquor are neces- minutes before painting. After painting
sary it must be borne in mind that the on the flesh, the skins should be placed
amount of raw cod oil must not be in- grain to grain in small heaps. Too much
creased too much for it may result in a liquor should not be given at first ; in
harsh feel for cod oil is classed as a fact, all that is necessary is to apply as
semi-drying oil and has a tendency to much tan liquor as the skin substance
oxidize in the leather with the result of can soak up in a few minutes. Painting
added harshness after the splits age for should take place every one and a half
a week or two. hours until the goods are tanned. They
then need drumming in a warm and
Gambler Drum Tannage for Fine strong infusion of sumac to clear the
Leathers grain and give it a good finish. If the
A mixture of gambler, myrobalans, skins are coated on the grain with a light
quebracho and valonia can be used to mineral oil before painting they have
produce a high quality leather specially less tendency to show any signs of grain
suitable for hat linings. The method is contraction.
as follows;
The sheepskins, or calfskins, are taken
Gambier, Quebracho and Myrobalans
from the drench, or puer, and drummed
This is a popular comnxercial formula
in a weak solution of acetic acid 40 per
for tanning sheepskins, and by varying
cent strength, for 20 dozen sheepskins,
the proportions of the three tanning ma-
about 1,500 cc. needed. After a run of
terials it is possible to alter the character
ten minutes, the goods should be taken
out of the drum and drained. Aliquor of the crust leather to a considerable
consisting, of 5 g. tannin per liter should
be made up in the drum together with A rough basic tannage that produces
half a gallon of light mineral oil to a good leather is the following:
reduce the surface tension. The tanning Drum 45 dozen pickled sheepskins in
material used should consist of the fol- 10-15 per cent salt solution in a drum
lowing mixture: for 20 minutes. Drain the goods and
Gambler 125 lb, transfer them to a paddle wheel, capacity
Myrobalans Extract 50 lb. 1,200 to 1,500 gallons, containing a weak
Quebracho Extract 85 lb. solution 01 mixed tannins, equal propor-
Sumac Extract 40 lb. tions of gambier, quebracho extract and
Valonia Extracted with myrobalans extract, and with a strength
Hot Water 65 lb. of 7 g. tannin per liter of solution ready
Water 200 gal. for use. The wheel should contain 4
This stock solution contains a nice buckets of common salt to reduce swell-
ing. After a week ’s slow running in the
blend of tannin and should be used to
paddle, motion being reduced to four
strengthen the weak liquor in the drum
at the rate of 4 gallons every 2 working
hours daily, the goods should be passed
into another paddle wheel containing 15
hours throughout the day. When tanning
is complete, the goods require horsing up g. per liter of mixed tannins. After
for a day then drumming in warm sumac three days in this liquor, the goods will
liquor containing sulphonated castor oil. usually be thoroughly tanned, but it is
advisable always to test cuttings in the
Gambier Tannage for Modeling Calf laboratory with glacial acetic acid which
will show the penetration of the tannin.
When it is desired to produce a calf-
skin leather with a very fne, smooth No salt is needed in the last liquor, and
it is also unnecessary to add acid.
grain, useful results can be obtained by
painting the skins on the desh side with To reducethe cost of the tannage,
tannin solutions rich in gambier. One ad- and also to obtain a slightly firmer
vantage of this method is that tanning leather, the proportions of the three tan-
takes only a short time, three days being ning materials can be altered so that only
sufficient for large calfskins. half the quantity of gambier is used,

extra amounts of the other extracts be- solved, the balance of the water is added.
ing used. It is preferred to use rain water if
The addition of oakwood extract in- available, or a soft water as free from
creases the firmness of all gambier leath- calcium salts as possible. This stock liq-
ers and is sometimes exceedingly useful. uor should be adjusted to a pH-3.30
if the pH
is above this figure. Either,
Gambier and Alum lactic or acetic acids can be used for the
The ordinary combination tannage de- purpose.
scribed above is not always suitable when
the goods are to chromed, and a better,
quicker and more economical method is Leather Tanned with Hair On
to use an alum and gambier tannage. Only the best and heaviest hides are
This is very simple. Drum the goods in used for this class of stock as it is used
salt liquor, 15 per cent, for 20 minutes, mostly for mechanical leathers. These
then drum or rock the goods in the fol- hides are obtained mostly from continen-
lowing liquor: tah Europe, the best of which are the
Water 350 gal. Swiss Auction hides as they are almost
Alum 60 lb. always free from cuts.
Gambier (suflcient to Before going into process, hides are
tan 40 dozens) 45 lb. trimmed the heads and bellies being

Salt 30 lb. trimmed offi, sometimes a narrow shoulder

is also taken off. Stock is thoroughly
Three days should be sufficient to tan
soaked which requires several days and
the goods, and they should then be horsed
then fleshed by machine. To aid the pene-
rp for a day, then hung up to dry in
tration of the tan and for a slight plump-
slightly warm shed.
ing, stock is hung in a very weak caustic
In some eases it may be desirable to
soda solution, which helps to remove the
take goods straight from the bran drench,
grease. This is ordinarily done in the
or puer, instead of from the pickle, and
limes on grain leathers. If for chrome,
for gloving leathers this method is to be
stock is now pickled. For plumpness this
preferred. The alum and gambier com-
is best carried on in pits, however a drum
bination tannage is to be recommended
or a paddle may be used. The same also
for fly wing skivers intended for piano
applies to the tanning. Any standard
work. The goods can be processed in
pickle may be used, preferably salt and
almost the same way as described above,
alum. Pickling requires three to four
only for these goods, it is necessary to
feed with oatmeal and colloidal clay, or
days according to the weight of the
stock. After pickling, stock is tanned
bentonite. The oatmeal should be mixed
with lukewarm water not exceeding 98° with any of the one feth chrome liquors
R, otherwise it becomes cooked. Both on the market. Then it is neutralized
clay and oatmeal have a very beneficial and fat-liquored.
effect on the leather, and also fill up the
The vegetable leathers are tanned in
objectionable pin-holes so often found the rockers starting in clean weak liquors
with these extra thin splits. After tan- and working up the strength as in the
ning, the grains should be dried out in tanning of belt leather. Only those tan-
a cool shed, perched on the split side, ning materials should be used that tend
brushed, ironed and examined for pin- to make long fibre. These are oak bark,
holes. If these are still present, then the
valonia and quebracho. A
little gambier
goods must be wet down and fed-up may be used to impart strength. Too
with more oatmeal and colloidal clay. much of the latter tends toward a
Ordinary clay is of no use, and only the stretchy piece of stock.
finest colloidal variety should be used.
For null work, leathers should be firm
yet pliable, which practically eliminates
the combination tannages. After stock
Tanning Extract is tanned washed and fat-liquored.
it is
Hemlock Extract 10,000 lb. The and fat-liquoring are slight
Quebracho Extract 10,700 lb. variations from the following, the use
Chestnut Extract 6,664 lb. the different leathers are put to being
Myrabolans Extract 1,668 lb. the deciding factor,
Water sufficient to make 10,000 gal.
The extracts are placed into the dis- Fat-Liquors
solving tank, well agitated, then boiled Soap IV2 lb.
with one-half of the necessary amount Neatsfoot Oil lb.
of water, agitating during the time of Soda lb.
heating. After the extracts are well dis- Water 97 lb.


or Six to eight pounds of unslaked lime
2 lb. Sulplionated Cod Oil or eight to ten pounds of hydrated lime
2 lb. Stock solutioa made as (unslaked preferred).
God Oil 50 lb.
Begras 50 lb. Selecting, Skinning and Pieshing
Soap 6 lb. The kind of leather which can be made
Bicarbonate of Soda 3 lb. from a hide or skin depends largely upon

Water 5500 lb. the size and weight. Large heavy hides
are best suited for sole, harness or belting
After fat-liquoring, stock is sammied
leather, while lighter hides weighing from
and ready for stuffing. The following
15 to 40 pounds are better for lace
are a few examples of stuffing materials
leather and rugs.
and may be varied to suit one^s needs.
Special care should be taken in remov-
Tallow 4 lb. ing the hide or skin from the animal as
White Wax 3 lb. cuts, or scores make the hide almost
Moellen 1 lb. useless for leather.
Neatsfoot Oil lb. After the hide or pelt is removed from
or the animal it should be placed, with flesh
Tallow 6 lb. side up on fleshing beam, and thoroughly
White Wax 2 lb. scraped to remove all meat particles and
Moellen 4 lb. blood. A
dull butcher or drawing knife
Cod Oil 1 lb. may be used for this purpose.
Stearine 3 lb. A satisfactory fleshing beam may bo
or eighteen percent of the following may made by splitting a log that is 6 feet
long and 2 feet thick. One-half of this
be used
log may be placed with the curved side
Stearine 30 lb. up. One end is then raised about 3 feet
Paraffin Wax 20 lb. and nailed to braces as a support. The
Tallow 20 lb. other end will rest on the grounL
Neatsfoot Oil 20 lb.

In stuffing, the drum should be heated Washing and Curing

between 140® and 160° P. according to Whether the hide is to be cured and
whether chrome or vegetable leather is held, or tanned immediately it should
being stuffed. If steam is used for heat- be thoroughly cleaned. The hair or wool
ing drum, excess water should be drained must be freed of manure, blood and
out. After stock is cooled, set out, sam- other foreign material and if it is to
mie, stake and tack. When dry, finish be tanned ^^hair on,^^ manure and other
and clip hair. stains should be washed out. Plain cold
water and a brush or broom will remove
most of the foreign matter, and stains
HOME TANNING OP HIDES can be washed out with the following
The equipment needed for home tan- solution:
ning can be found or made on any farm,
1 package washing powder
and the whole process is very simple and (small size)
inexpensive. Durable leather for making
harness, harness repairs, belt and boot
1 gal, warm water
lacing, or beautiful and very serviceable At this time it is well to trim off the
rugs for the floor can be provided during feet just above the knee or hock, and
spare time, at very little expense. smooth off all ragged edges.
The hides must first be thoroughly
Materials and Equipment Needed cooled, which may take from six to
1. Pieshing beam. twelve hours depending upon the size of
2. Pieshing knife or dull drawing the hide and thickness of the hair.
knife, or large butcher knife, to remove After cooling, spread flesh side up on a
flesh. clean floor wMch has been sprinkled with
3. Wooden or metal slicker for remov- salt, then cover with a layer of salt and
ing water. rnb in well. Use plenty of salt as it is
4. Breaking stake for working hide or impossible to use too much, but easily
skin. possible to use too little. A number of
5. Large wooden barrel for tanning hides can be cured in one pile, and cur-
solution. ing will be complete in from one to two
6. Common salt. weeks. The hides should then be dry
7.Commercial sulphuric acid. and stiff, and if kept dry will keep for
8. Several small packages of washing weeks, or even months in winter. Sheep
powders. pelts should not be piled longer than

four to jfive days because the wool will and scrape with ‘ ^
slicker, ’ ’
and proceed
cause them to heat. They should be with tanning as when hair Is on.

tanned as soon as possible after animal

heat has left them. Making the Leather Pliable
The pliability of a hide or the quality
Tanning Formula and flexibility of the leather will depend
One may proceed with tanning a green to a large extent upon the frequency
or fresh hide as soon as it is properly
with which the hide is ^ worked. ^ ^ When

jBieshed and washed, but a cured hide that nearly dry it should be worked thor-
is dry and stiff must first be soaked in oughly over a breaking stake or the
clear water until it is soft and pliable. upper edge of the fleshing beam, in
It must then be placed on fleshing beam order to get rid of any stiffness or harsh-
and thoroughly scraped with '^slicker'’ ness.
to remove salt and water; then it can
A hide may also be worked by
be treated with the tanning solution as rolling it up tightly, with the flesh side
though it were a green hide. out, then grasp one end firmly and beat
The tanning method recommended' is it across a heavy block or table, chang-

called ^^salt acid^’ tanning as against ing the position of the ^^hand hold'’
oil, I’
^ bark, ’ ' or ‘ ^chrome ’ ^ tan- frequently so that all parts of the hide
ning. The formula used is will come in contact with block or table.

Commercial Sulphuric Acid 3 fl. oz.

When through beating, stretch a small
area at a time over breaking stake until
Common Salt 2 lb.
entire hide is stretched and worked.
Soft Water 1 gal.
As soon as the entire skin or hide is
soft and pliable a thin coat of neatsfoot
Tanning With Hair On
oil should be applied to the skin side,
Make up enough of the solution to or if the hair has been removed, a thick
cover the number of hides that are to be
coat of oil should be applied to both
tanned, but be sure to use a wooden
sides. After the hide or skin has been
iucket or darrel for this purpose as the
oiled it should be left stretched out until
acid will destroy a metal container.
nearly dry, then worked at least two or
Each hide should be clean and soft be-
three times per day until thoroughly dry.
fore it is put into the tanning solution.
If the hide should become too dry to be
For small thin hides, such as calf hides,
worked it should be sprinkled with water
leave in the tanning solution for 12 to
and then reworked as it dries. When
24 hours. For heavy cow hides the
finished, either as hides or as leather,
length of time will depend upon the size
the products should be soft and pliable,
and thickness of the hide but usually
but if still stiff or harsh after working
three to six days will be sufficient. The
they should again be sprinkled and re-
hide should be stirred every few hours
worked until of satisfactory pliableness
to insure even tanning. After removing
when thoroughly dry.
from the tanning solution, wash in cold
This process gives a strong white
water, stretch on fleshing beam to drain,
leather, is easily followed, cheap to use
and scrape with slicker to remove excess
and quickly finished, but if a black finish
salt, acid and water.
is desired apply back leather dye to hide
Sheep pelts should be spread out flat
before treating with neatsfoot oil and
with the skin side up, and the tanning
proceed as directed above.
solution daubed on with a rag or hand-
ful of wool. This should be done several
times so that the skin is thoroughly wet Home Tanning of Calfskin
with the solution. After twelve hours One of the easiest and simplest for-
wipe off the excess acid and salt with a mulas to tan hides with hair on, is first
damp cloth, then proceed with the work- to soak skin soft in water, caref ully flesh
ing. ,

it, removing bits of fat and muscle, and
paring the skin down until it is about
Tanning With Hair Removed the same thickness all over. Then im-
Wlien it is desired to remove the hair, merse in a solution composed of these
the hide may be immersed in a solution proportions: 2 qt. common salt, 2 oz.
of lime water, made by slowly dissolv- commercial sulphuric acid, 2 gal. soft
ing six pounds of unslaked lime or eight water.
pounds of hydrated lime in five gallons Stir about twice daily, and let soak
of water. Leave the hide in this solu- for 7 days in a moderately warm place.
tion for three or four days or until the Remove and rinse. Soak 3 hours in pail
hair slips, and scrape hair off with flesh- of water to which you have added one
ing knife. Then, wash out lime water Cup of sal soda. Rinse well in fresh
water. When partly dry, work, and the unhairing is made in a drum with
twist the hide to soften it. Drawing it and sodium sulphide by run-
lime, arsenic
across edge of board will do this. When ning for % hr. followed by rinsing in
it dries hard, dampen, and repeat the cold water. The skins are plumped in a
working. Do this until hide dries soft. sodium sulphide bath measuring 3-3%°
Then oil lightly on flesh side with neats- Be. at 15-18° G. The skins remain in
foot oil, or tanner’s oil this for 36-48 hrs. with frequent stir-
ring, are then reeled in running water
for 1-2 hrs. and laid away in clean water
Tanning Codfish Skins for 2-3 days to remove all of the sodium
Theskins are soaked for 2 hours at sulphide. This method of plumping
10-12° C. in 1 pound of water per 6 gives a smooth, close grain.
pounds of raw skins, treated with 1 The skins are bated until depleted,
pound per 5 pounds of skin of a solution washed in water for %hr. and the grain
of 2.5-3.5 g. soda ash per 1. water at slicked using moderate pressure. Mo-
10-12° C. for 12 hours, washed with rocco leather is always tanned by the
water and the scale and flesh removed. two-bath method. First bath is made up
The skins are pickled for 1-1.5 hours at of 250 liters water, 5 kg. potassium di-
15-16° in a solution containing 5% salt chromate, 4 kg. potassium alum and 2%
and 5% alum. The chrome tanning is kg. hydrochloric acid per 100 kg. skins.
effected in the pickle solution to which The solution is added in two portions 15
0.25% of the weight of the skins of min. apart and run for 3 hrs., then left
chromium trioxide is added. After 1 over night in the drum. After running,
hour 0.1% of soda ash is added. After 30 min. the following morning the skins
another hour or hour and a half the are horsed up until following day, after
skins are washed with water at 20° for which they go into the reducing bath
10 minutes and vegetable- tanned by first made up of 250 liters water, 15 liters
tanning with spent solutions of 2° Be., hypo and 5 liters hydrochloric acid. The
then with a solution of willow-pine tan- hypo is added first with half the amount
nides (willow-pine— 1:1) of 2° Be. of acid, followed after 15-20 min. by the
which increases to 2.5-3° Be. within 24 remainder of the acid. The skins are
hours. The solution is strengthened with drummed 4-5 hrs., then left in drum over
oak solutions. The skins are transferred night and horsed up for 24-48 hrs., keep-
after 24 hours into a spent solution of ing them well covered, after which time
3.5-4° B^. and the strengthening is also they will stand the boiling test. Both
effected with oak solution. The tanning baths are only used once. After neu-
procedure requires 48 hours. The skins tralizing with 1 per cent soda, bicar-
are fat-liquored with 30% water and 10- bonate or calcium carbonate they are set
12% chrome-oil. They are dyed with a out on the filesh side and leveled on the
brush on the flesh side with 3 kg. nigro- head and back.
sine and 30 1. blood per 100 1. of dye.
A second dyeing is effected with the
same dye. Tanning Calf for Willow
For 800 lb. pickled calfskin 50 gallons
of water, 100° F., and 50 lb. salt are used
Preparing Morocco Leather and the goods drummed 30 minutes in a
Only goat skins from the same source slow drum. Allow to drain and then run
should be w^orked at one time. Mixing on very slowly 24 gallons of chrome
domestic skins with skins from India, liquor containing 135 g. per liter chrome
China or Arabia, for instance, will result and having a basicity of 80. Run for
in uneven soaking, necessitating sorting two hours and then tray up until next
during soaking and a repetition of the day.
process for part of the pack. Imported, Wash with plenty of cold water until
dry skins are soaked one day in water, washwater is crystal clear; this usually
drummed following day % hr. and put takes 1% hours. Add 36 lb. borax and
back in clean water containing some so- run for 45 minutes. Wash a further
dium sulphide. If the hair is to be re- hour, drain and then run on retan liquor
covered the skins are pasted on the flesh through a large funnel. This liquor con-
side with a paste made up from 100 liters sists of the solution left over from the
water in which 45-50 kg. lime is slaked. first stage of tanning together with 4
After cooling 1 per cent of arsenic and 4 gallons of stock chrome. Eun two hours
per cent of sodium sulphide (62 per and repeat the above operations of fray-
cent) are added. After the hair begins ing and re-tanning. Final washing
to slip the hides are washed in cold water should take 1% hours. The neutraliza-
.and unhaired. If the hair is not wanted tion needs 26 lb. borax ,and must be con-

tinued until the goods are only faintly platform trucks. The skins are now un-
acid as tested by litmus. They then re- haired on the scudding machine, inspect
quire a final washing for one hour in on beam and beam skins if necessary,
•water at 100° F. head split and reflesh, at this stage ob-
tain the white weight.’’ After each
operation the skins should be placed flat
After refleshing, the skins are placed
Raw Material into a paddle vat containing 2,500 gallons
Calf skins measuring seven feet or less
of water at 75° P. and 100 pounds of
should be used. In the green salted state
hydrated lime, mill for 5 minutes and
the skins will weigh uj) to seven pounds. leave there overnight.
The skins are trimmed and made into
packs of pounds each. Skins
weighing less than 5 pounds are kept
The next morning the vat is drained
separate from those weighing more than
and the skins lightly washed with clean
5 pounds. Thus a pack will contain from water at 75° F. The skins are then acid
500 to 700 skins.
washed and bated. Bating is done at
00° F. and the skins should be bated
Soaking, Washing, and Fleshing
completely through, observing the con-
The skins are placed into a paddle vat ditions outlined in the reference above.
having a total capacity of 2,500 gallons.
After the stock is bated the paddle is
The temperature of the water is adjusted drained and then filled with cold water
to 65° F., soak for a period of 18 hours,
65 to 70° F., after which the skins are
milling the skins for a 5 minute period
washed for 15 minutes, then pulled from
every 3 hours. After soaking, the skins
the paddle and placed into the pickle
are placed into a wash wheel and washed
for 15 minutes with running water at 65°
F. Remove from wheel and place into
box trucks, permitting to drain for 30
The pickle paddle vat should have a
minutes. The skins are now fieshed,
total capacity of 2,500 gallons. Suffi-
trimmed and delivered to the lime
cient salt is added to obtain a 10° B5.
solution, the skins are then placed into
the vat and milled, while milling add
Total capacity of the paddle vat should
1% per cent sulphuric acid and 10 per
cent salt on the white weight” of the
be 2,500 gallons. This is filled with an
skins and continue milling for 4 hours.
old lime liquor (the old lime liquor is one
Remove the skins from the paddle vat
from which the previous pack has been
and horse up to drain for 48 hours. The
removed), the skins are placed into this
skins are made up into lots of 2,000
liquor and milled for 5 minutes. The
pounds each for the tanning operation.
skins remain in this old lime liquor for
24 hours, during which time the skins are
milled 4 times for 5 minute periods.
The chrome liquor used for tanning is
After 24 hours the liquor is run off and
well drained. Refill the paddle vat with
made up as follows:
clean water at 70° F. and add 200 pounds Sodium Bichromate 100 lb.
of hydrated lime and 25 pounds of crystal Aluminum Sulphate 40 lb.
sodium sulphide, previously dissolved in Sulphuric Acid (66° Be,) 80 lb.
25 gallons of water, turn paddle wheel Corn Syrup 25 lb.
while the materials are being added and Water 100 gal.
mill 3 to 5 minutes longer. Turn paddle The bichromate and aluminum sulphate
wheel two times for 3 to 5 minutes dur- are placed into a lead lined tank to which
ing the next 24 hours. 50 gallons of water is added, agitate well
After the second 24 hours, or on the to dissolve, then add the sulphuric acid
third day, add a solution of sulphide after which very slowly add the corn
equivalent to 10 pounds of crystal so- syrup. After the corn syrup is all added
dium sulphide and 50 pounds of hydrated add % gallon of sodium bisulphite
lime, while the paddle wheel is turning, (33%) and enough water to make a
heat the lime liquor to 75° F. Mill the total of 100 gallons. The chrome liquor
stock for 5 minutes at the end of the should be allowed to age 10 days before
day, let rest overnight. The fourth day used.
it is
the liquor is heated to 80° F. while the The liquor should obtain a basicity of
paddle is milling, let rest for 2 hours, 35 per cent and an equivalent of one
tlien pull the skins and lay out flat on pound bichromate per gallon.
The tan drum is prepared by placing constant motion until neutralization ia
into it 180 gallons of water (75% on completed. For white shoe leather tan-
weight of pickled stock) and 4 per cent ning can be conveniently based on the
or 80 pounds of salt with 2,000 pounds scudded weight. For each 100 lb. of
of pickled drained skins, mill for 10 min- skins, make a pickle of 5 gal. of water,
utes and add: 20 gallons chrome liquor, 3 lb. salt and 1 % lb. of sulphuric acid
mill 10 minutes and add : 20 gallons in a mill, put in the skins and run %
chrome liquor, mill 10 minutes and add: hour, dissolve three pounds of bichromate
30 gallons chrome liquor, mill 3 hours of soda and 3 pounds of sulphate of
then add: 1%% or 20 lbs. bicarbonate alumina in 4 gallons of water and add
of soda. This is dissolved in 50 gallons 1% pounds of sulphuric acid, run into
of water and added at the rate of 5 gal- mill without stopping the mill and run
lons every 5 minutes. After the last of for three hours. Next dissolve twelve
the soda has been added milling is con- pounds of hyposulphite of soda in five
tinued for 3 hours, after this the drum gallons of water for each hundred pounds
is permitted to rest over night. The next of skins and for each 12 pounds of hypo
morning the drum is run for 30 minutes. have one and three-quarter pounds of
A boil test is then made. The stock sulphuric acid ready and pour into the
should stand a 3 minute boil test, it is hypo, stirring gently with the acid con-
then removed from the drum, horsed up tainer held close to the solution. Bun
grain to grain and allowed to drain for three hours and let lay in the chrome
24 hours. The skins are now set out, liquor overnight.
first on the fiesh then on the grain.
It is usually necessary to head split the In the morning if any trace of the
skins; if so, this is done on the Union yellow bichromate shows, complete the
machine. The skins are now shaved all reduction with a little bisulphite of soda.
over the flesh side but a light cut is taken. When reduction is complete drain the
drum, dissolve three pounds of barium
chloride to each hundred pounds of skins
Pigskin Leather in two gallons of water and add to the
To get the best possible results in drum, run one-half hour, horse up to
pigskin tanning the skins should be thor- drain overnight. The skins are well set
oughly degreased with naphtha under out on the machine and weighed for fat-
pressure and then washed in a drum. liquoring which should be done with sul-
In using pigskin which has been phonated oil made from twenty degree
naphtha degreased and washed for 5 neatsfoot oil. For each one hundred
minutes in water at 90° F, containing pounds of skins, 4 pounds of oil, one
two pounds of sal soda per hundred quart of egg yolk and 1 pound of French
pounds of skins the bristle root will be chalk are stirred into 10 gallons of warm
completely dissolved in a 3° Bd. sulphide water and when ready to use it is
liquor overnight. steamed^ up to 145° F. and for each 4
The skins next go into straight lime lb. of oil 1 ounce of ammonia is added
for three days, after liming a few lots, to the fat-liquor solution. The skins are
sulphide will accumulate in the first lime washed thoroughly with running water
and when this accumulation causes the in the drum with plugs out or a slat
skins to retain color from the sulphide door for three fourths of an hour and
the lime should be run off. the washing should be ended with water
After liming, the skins are washed in at about 130° F. When the skins are
an open drum, in water at 70° F. for washed, warmed up and drained, the
five minutes and scudded on the machine. drum is closed and started and the fat-
Ueliming, especially if a nice white shoe liquor is run in and the drum run for
leather is to be made, should be done twenty minutes. Brain the drum and
with bisulphite, and the deliming liquor horse up the skins and next day set out
must be kept acid for at least 20 minutes and sort out the^ heavy skins, for split-
after the last addition of bisulphite, ting. After splitting and drying the
about 2 pounds of powdered bisulphite skins are damped back in sawdust and
on the scudded weight of skins will be well staked out. The sawdust should
necessary and should be added as follows, not be quite wet enough to lump when
1% at first and when this is taken,
is added, and the balance necessary as
%% squeezed in the hand and a belly staker
with rubber roll and fibre blades should
soon as this is taken up. Keep the bath be used. After staking, the skins are
close to 100° F. and the neutralization tacked or toggled out and dried without
can be completed in one hour. Bisulphite heat overnight. In finishing pigskin
is a weak acid and does not dissolve skin those that have had a split of two ounces
substance, the paddle must be kept in or over taken off will have the bristle

iiolesopened np and are iinislied with a mill until all of the salt is dissolved.
tliin. rubbed in with a white
finish well Then add 68 lb. of 66° sulphuric acid, mill
plush pad and dried off with a dry pad for two hours, let stand overnight, and
and brush finished to keep the pores open the next morning mill one hour longer.
for ventilation when made up into high- Remove the strips from the paddle,
grade shoes. place into box trucks and let drain for
Stock solutions of finish are made up twenty-four hours.
as follows. One pound of casein per gal-
lon of water is dissolved in water at Tanning
190° F. to which 5 ounces of ammonia Prepare a paddle of 1,500 gallons ca-
has been added. Eight ounces of egg pacity with 1,500 lb. liquid quebracho
albumin per gallon of cold water is extract (35 per cent tannin) and 306 lb.
soaked up and 8 ounces of white shellac of a good synthetic tanning agent.
per gallon of water is boiled with the Place the stock into this liquor and mill
addition of three ounces of ammonia. intermittently each day until it is fully
tanned. This should require about eight
to ten days^ time.
After the stock is tanned, remove it
Pigskin strips are used to quite an
from the paddle wheel into box trucks
extent for a number of purposes. One
and permit it to drain for twenty-four
of the principal uses is for insoles, other
uses are razor strops, belts and novelties.
hours. The pack is then divided into
Strips are usually received in the salted
three equal portions. Each portion is
placed into a tan drum.
condition, and because of their small size
are tied into bundles. It is obvious that
because of their size, they must be han- Fat-liquor
dled as economically as possible.
Wash the stock in the drum for ten
minutes with water at 90° F., then drain
Liming the drum and add 75 gallons of water at
90° F. Through the funnel add:
In a paddle of approximately 1,500
gallons capacity, place 3,000 pounds of Sulphonated Cod Oil 50 lb.
the salted strips and wash them for one Colloidal Clay (in 50 gallons
hour with a good stream of water. Then water at a temperature of
fill the paddle with water and add 200 90° F.) 50 lb.
ounds of hydrated lime. Mill for one
Mill the stock for thirty minutes, re-'
our and let rest for six hours, after
which 'mill for another hour. The follow- move the drum to box trucks and let
drain for twenty-four hours.
ing day, add 100 pounds hydrated lime
and mill the stock for ten minutes each The strips are now hung up to dry in
hour through the day. Repeat the same a cool dark room. Several days are re-
operations on the third and fourth day.
quired for the drying period. After the
strips are dry, they are smooth plated
Leave in paddle two days longer, milling
the stock intermittently, but add no more
at a low temperature after which they
lime. On the seventh day drain the are buffed on the grain and flesh; first,
paddle and wash for one hour, then fill with a coarse paper, then with a 280
with water and add 15 pounds of caustic paper. The strips are then again plated
soda, mill one hour and wash thoroughly.
and sorted.
This beamhouse process does not en-
tail scudding for it is assumed that the PIGSKIN TANNAGE FOR GLOVES
[Strips will be buffed after they are Whole skins are used for this purpose.
tanned. If it is desired to produce full Packs of 2,000 lb, are prepared. The
grain^/ strips, they must be removed skins are washed well in clear water at
from the paddle before the caustic treat- 65° F. until they are free from salt,
ment and scudded over the beam to re- then immediately placed into the limes.
move all extraneous matter on both grain
and flesh sides. The strips can also be Limes
removed from the paddle, placed into a The stock best limed in paddle vats.
drum and milled with 1 per cent of soda Place into the vat 1,000 gal. water at
ash in a ^ ^ short liquor. In this man- 65° F., and 100 lb. hydrated lime; throw
ner a large amount of the extraneous the stock into the vat and mill it for 30
matter is removed by friction in the minutes, then let it rest for one hour.
drum. Mill at hourly intervals for five minutes
Pickling through the day. The second day, add
Fill the paddlewith fresh water and another 100 lb. of hydrated lime and mill
throw in 1,000 lb. of common salt, and at two hour intervals for five minute


periods. The stock is milled each day it IS well tanned, milling intermittently
thereafter in the same manner until the
each day. After it is tanned, the stock
fifth day at which time 5 lb. of caustic
IS removed from the paddle vat and
soda is added in the form of a solution.
horsed up to drain. It is then
On the sixth day, the stock is removed wrung-
and set^ out, after which it is oiled
from the lime and washed with water at on
the grain and flesh with a swab
70° P. for one hour. using
the following mixture:
After washing, the stock is well Sulphonated Cod Oil (Pure)
scudded over the beam. Care must be 1 lb
Sulphonated Neatsfoot Oil
exercised not to mar the grain. The
flesh is also beamed by hand. 1 lb.
After this Water
operation, the stock is passed through 2 Jb
water at 80° E., and immediately placed ^ temperatiira
into the bate paddle. oiling, the stock is
•1 j A ^
piied. down for an overnight period It
IS then hung up to dry
in a dark ‘cool
Bate room and permitted to dry slowly.
The bate prepared beforehand and
will require about three days’
iscomposed of 10 lb. of a strong pan- time. The
last day of the drying period,
creatic preparation containing approxi- the tem-
perature is raised to 10-5° P. After
mately 85 per cent of ammonium sulfate. the
stock is dry it is crusted for
This is placed into 1,000 gal. of water no less than
five days.
and warmed^ to 85° E. The stock is
bated according to the judgment of the BleachingColoring and Eat-liquoring
tanner. After bating, it is washed with The stock
IS sorted in the crust
cold water (65° E.) for a half hour. It ^ state
into lots of 400 lb. and
IS now ready for pickling. placed into the
coloring drum with 150 gal.
of water at
hulled for five minutes.
Pickle Then add:
the bate paddle, the stock is
® ^ater) 20 oz.
transferred to the pickle paddle which Mill 10 rninutes, then add:
is prepared as follows: Oxalic Acid (in 5 gal. of
Water (70° E.) 1 000 gal. water) 20 oz
Salt 500 lb. water
Sulphuric Acid 30 lb. at 85 E. for 10 minutes.
Leave stock in the pickle for eight After the rinse, float the stock
in 150
hours, paddling it at hourly intervals for pi. water at 85° E., and add
8 oz. po-
15 minute periods. Take out of paddles, tassium titanium oxalate in gal.
5 water,
and horse up and drain for 24 hours. null fifteen minutes and
rinse five min-
pes; then dye with the desired acid
Tanning followed with basic dye. (These dyes
Tanning is done in paddle vats which must be selected by the tanner
should be the same size as the lime vats. source and shade.)
The tan liquor is prepared as follows After coloring, the stock is rinsed
New Taddle—
fat-liquored with 5 per cent
of sulphon-
ated neatsfoot oil, taken out of
Water (70° P.) the drum,
1,000 gal. horsed up to drain overnight.
Liquid Clarified Que- The next
®®* shaved on the flesh oi
bracho Extract 150 lb. split if necessary.
Synthetic Tanning Agent
*®“ but not
(Phenol-Formaldehyde stretched, and permitted to dry slowly.
Condensation Product) 30 After the stock
lb. is dry it is staked on
The stock is placed into this liquor and machine, talced and arm staked.
milled intermittently during the day.
Bnd Bay — Tpning
Clothing and Glove Leather
While milling, add 150 lb, quebracho Ihe main features of a well
extract and 10 lb. synthetic tanning gloving leather are softness
and run
agent. Mill intermittently during ihe^ crust leather is sorted
the for skins
day. of fairly level substance,
good grain
3rd Day — qplity and of intermediate ''
tightness. ^ ^
Repeat the operation of the second day. The sorted goods are damped, piled
Bay— shped to a level substance, taking and
4tli care
Repeat the operation of the second day
pt to break through the neck as weak
leathers will not hold the
The stock is then left in the tan untii stitches during

The shaved goods are stripped in a drained weight of goods, may be neces-
drum using 2 per cent "borax and 50 per sary to obtain penetration. After 75 per
cent water at 90° F. for one hour, thor- cent extract has been added it is an ad-
oughlj washed with cold water and vantage to add 3 per cent sulphonated
chromed. The drum is run up with oil and after half an hour ^s drumming to

water, 10 per cent salt added, run for a leave the goods overnight. The following
few minutes and three portions each of morning the tannage is completed, the
3 per cent of a suitable
proprietary brand goods are horsed for one day, struck out
of chrome tanning salt are added at in- and hung to dry under natural drying
tervals of quarter of an hour. After the conditions. It is essential in tanning to
third portion the drum is run for a fur- have a large float of water in a large
ther three hours. The chrome is fixed by slowly revolving drum which is run in-
additions of about 1 per cent bicarbonate termittently and not continuously.
soda and the goods are horsed for a few The dried goods are lightly degreased
days. When drained they are put back by the petrol-benzine method, damped,
in a good float of water, washed for one shaved and lightly stripx^ed with 2 per
hour and neutralized with 1 per cent bi- cent borax on the shaved weight. After
carbonate soda. After further half hour a good but not too vigorous washing, the
washing the drum is run up at 120° F., goods are retanned with 5 per cent sumac
5 per cent sumac is added and run for for one hour, 3 per cent basic chromium
one hour. The mordanted skins are run sulphate liquor is added and run for 1%
clear from liquor, warmed up to 140° F. hours, after which a further 4 per cent is
with hot air or with the minimum of added. The goods are left in overnight,
water, and fat-liquored for one hour by lightly fixed with 2 per cent borax,
the addition of 12-18 per cent sulphon- washed, neutralized and rewashed, mor-
ated oil. They are then hung to dry. danted with 2 per cent gambier and dyed,
Up to 8 per cent of dye, depending developing the color with formic acid and
upon the shade and quality of dyestuff, topping with basic dyes if necessary.
may be necessary to ensure a good pene- Four per cent sulphonated oil is used
tration of color. The penetration is es- for fat-liquoring, after which the goods
sential to avoid cut edges showing white are hung, damped in sawdust, staked and
in the finished glove. The dye is devel- strained. A light staking before finish-
oped with formic acid and if necessary ing may be necessary, the goods being
the color can be topped with basic dyes. finished out with the spray gun, using a
The skins are again hung to dry, al- pigment finish which is well plasticized.
lowed to mellow in a cool damp place, A top clear lacquer either of cellulose or
well staked by Slocomb machine, and shellac, well plasticized, gives a finish
pigment finished if necessary, in wMch which must be fast to wet and dry rub-
case the color must be well fixed with a bing and stretch without cracking.
spray coat of formalin. For a final soft- ^^Face’^ can be produced by plush
ening, the goods should be dry-drummed wheeling, brushing, or ironing.
for two or three hours, restaked and
finally plush-wheeled on tlxe grain to pro- Chrome Tanning Liquor
duce a silky feel and a bright face. Sulphuric Acid,
The main point in dressing domestic Concentrated 5 lb.
sheepskins for semi-chrome clothing Potassium Bichromate 6 lb.
leather is to avoid prolonging any Glucose 7 lb.
processing which tends to accentuate the In making the above chrome tanning
natural looseness of the pelt. solution the bichromate is placed in a
The fellmongered skins are carefully vessel, preferably of stoneware or lead-
washed and limed, avoiding excessive lined, with 12 parts of water. The
paddling, cobber, fleshed and delimed in sulphuric acid is added gradually and
the usual way. Puering should be of a with stirring. Because of the great heat
light nature only and should be most produced, the bichromate is readily dis-
carefully supervised as this process can solved. Next, the glucose, dissolved in
cause the finished leather to be very loose a small amount of the hot liquor is added
and tender. very slowly. Much heat and gas is
Tanning is carried out in a drum, en- evolved because of the violent reaction
tering the goods into an almost exhausted which takes place.
tan liquor and gradually increasing the
strength by small additions of extract
until the required amount has been added. SHARK LEATI-IEE
Up to 90 per cent of a mixed extract such The work of skinning the shark is
as quebracho-mimosa-myrabs, on the generally done on a platform over the
water a dock, or the deck of a
such, as Fleshing
boat. In taking off the liide, it is split The hide can be fleshed better, and
along the back of the shark (not on the more quickly, if it kept in a brine
belly, as in the case with cow hides). It solution 3 or 4 hours or overnight, but
takes about 15 minutes to skin an aver- it is not absolutely necessary to do this.
age size shark, and about 10 minutes to It can be fleshed immediately after it is
flesh the hide, depending on the experi- taken off the carcass. It must not be
ence and skill of the skinners and flash- kept in the brine solution longer than
ers. Wet salted hides as described below, overnight. The fleshing is done with a
are preferable. beaming knife on a beaming board. The
Thetins (which are valuable) should beaming knife is a large curved knife
firstbe cut off with a sharp knife, in a with a handle on each end. The beaming
curve, which will thereby leave little or board should be about 5 feet long and
no meat on the fins. Out off the tail 3% feet wide, and rounded to correspond
just above the root. The root is indi- to the curve of the beaming knife. One
cated by a small knob on the back of the end rests on the floor, while the other end
shark. The hide on the tail has no value has a support, which keeps it to the
and is not taken in the length when the height of a man^s waist. The flesher
hides are measured. leans against the raised end of the board,
with the end of the hide in between, and
removes the surplus flesh by pushing the
knife away from him. The surface of
The knife is inserted in the holes made the beaming board should be smooth and
by removing the dorsal fins, and the hide clean of meat particles, so that the hide
is split in a straight line along the back. will lay flat on the board, with the flesh
A sharp knife is required.
side up.
The actual flaying (skinning) is more While the hide is still on the beaming
easily done as follows: Turn the carcass board, trim off the meat which may hang
on its belly again, and straddle same, over after fleshing, especially around the
facing in the direction of the head. fin holes. Then split the tail end by cut-
Take the left side split of the section ting from the hole made by the ventral
of the hide near the head, in the left fin, towards the tail end, passing through
hand, holding firmly while the right hand the hole left by the anal fin, and then in
operates the skinning knife, (which a straight line to the end of the hide.
should be very sharp), and the hide is The tail end can be split before fleshing,
then peeled (flayed) off by cutting away if preferred.
the carcass. Care should be used in op-
erating the skinning knife, to avoid cuts Curing
into the hide. Do not be afraid to leave
Immediately after fleshing and trim-
too much meat on the hide. This sur-
ming, the hides must be washed thor-
plus meat can be removed by fleshing.
oughly in sea water, and salted for cur-
If skinning is done too close, flesh cuts
ing. No^ blood or slime should remain
may result, which reduces the value of on the hides. The curing is done on a
the hide.
floor or platform, which has a slight
After the left side is skinned, turn incline, so that the water and brine can
around facing the tail end, and skin run off. Sprinkle some salt on the in-
(flay) the other side in same manner clined platform, and then lay one hide
as before. The left hand should always out flat, flesh side up, and spread a gen-
keep the hide pulled tight while skin- erous amount of salt on the hide, over the
ning. Leaving the hide slack will cause entire surface. On top of this hide put
it to wrinkle, and cuts into the hide can the next one, flesh side up, and salt in
then hardly be avoided. the same manner, and so on, building up
After the hide is taken off the carcass, a pile about 3 or 4 feet high.
wash same thoroughly in sea water, re-
moving all the blood and slime. Then Packing and Shipping
put the hide in a barrel containing brine After four or five days, the hides are
water, which facilitates fleshing. Use cured. Do not let the hides remain in
about 7^ lb. of salt to 25 gal. of sea the pile any longer than six days. Shake
water to make the brine water solution. off whatever salt remains on the hide,
An ordinary size barrel holds about 50 and put on a new supply of clean salt
gal. Only put about 25 gal. of brine on the flesh side, then fold the hide so
water solution in the barrel so that it as to make a flat square bundle of each
will not run over when 15 or 20 hides hide, with the flesh side in, so the salt
are put in. does not fall out. The flat bundle caj^

then he rolled into a round bundle, and No. 2

tied with a string. Per 100 lb. Pelt:
The kind of packing used depends upon Salt 10 1b.
the requirements of the steamship com- Sulphuric Acid 1 lb.
pany. The bundles of hides can be Water 10 gal.
packed in burlap or sisal bags. Some To this pickle is added (after one or
steamship companies require that they be two hours’ running) a solution of 3 lb.
packed in cases or barrels. Any kind bichromate, dissolved in a small quantity
of case or barrel will do. Slack (sugar of water. Drumming is continued for
or flour) barrels are preferred. two hours, or until evenly chromed. A
If watertight barrels are used, the solution of 15 lb. ^^hypo” in 10 gal. of
bung must be left open, so that fresh air water is now added to the drum and 5
can reach the hides. Do not ship the lb. dissolved hydrochloric acid gradually
hides in brine water. A barrel will hold run in, in small portions. There is really
about 25 average size shark hides. no need to neutralize the leather, but it
CAUTION: Keep the shark as well as must be thoroughly washed in running
the hides, sheltered from the hot sun and cold water. If goods are to be fat-
the rain. Do not use fresh water. Sun- liquored, then neutralization is advised.
dried hides are not desirable. Hides Fat-liquoring should be carried out with
burnt by the sun are of no value. olive oil and olive oil soap emulsions.
SALT: Mineral salt is preferable to No. 3
sea water salt. Medium grain fishery Salt 36 lb.
salt gives the best results. It should not Sodium Dichromate 33 lb.
be too coarse. The surplus clean salt Water 36 gal.
may be used over again. Hydrochloric Acid 2^/2 gal.
Sodium Thiosuliohate 68 lb.
Hydrochloric Acid 5 gal
Chrome Tanning of Sheepskins This is sufdcient to tan 600 lb. pickled
Formula No. 1 pelt.
For 800 lb. pickled sheepskins, the fol-
lowing quantities are used: Chrome Tan for Goat Skins
For each 100 lb. of pickled skins to
Temperature, 110° F.
be tanned, use bichromate of soda, 6 lb.
Water 50 gal.
muriatic acid, 3 lb. salt, 15 gal. of water.
Salt 50 lb.
The liquor is prepared by adding the salt
Hydrochloric Acid 1 gal.
to the water, next the bichromate of soda,
The goods should be drummed in this dissolved in hot water, and the acid is
liquor for 30 minutes. At the end of then slowly stirred in. A drum is used
that time, 58 lb. of bichromate of soda and, the skins having been thrown in, it
dissolved in a small quantity of warm is setin motion. The prepared liquor is
water, is added, together with 2% gal. poured into the drum through the hollow
of hydrochloric acid, and the tempera- axle and the skins are turned for from
ture lowered to 94° F. one to two hours. They are then taken
When yellow and thoroughly impreg- out of the drum and placed smoothly over
nated with chrome, which usually takes horses to allow for draining and for the
about two hours, the goods are horsed up chrome to become fixed in the fibers.
for three hours, so as to fix the chrome. The process is completed the next morn-
They are then thrown into a paddle wheel ing. The skins are dipped, one af a
containing 110 lb. of ^ ^ hypo ' ^ and 1 gal. time, into a 10 per cent solution of bi-
of hydroehloric acid. After the wheel sulphite of soda, and then thrown into
has been running 15 minutes, 4 gal. of a drum.
hydrochloric acid diluted with 5 buckets The second bath consists of hyposul-
of water, is run on slowly. At the end phite of soda, 12 lb.; muriatic acid, 6
of one hour, 50 lb. ^^hypo’’ and 2 gal. lb.; salt, 3 lb.; water, 15 gal. The
hydrochloric acid, diluted with 5 buckets ^^hypo” dissolved in boiling water is
of cold water, are added, and at the end added to the water in a tub. The salt
of a further hour, 20 lb. '^'hypo'^ and and acid are then added, and the skins
% gal. acid, suitably diluted, added and are drummed in the liquor for hours, 1%
allowed to work for two hours, then the or until they have assumed a light blue
goods drained and washed in cold water color throughout. This completes the
for hours (running water). They tanning. The leather is again placed
are always drummed in warm water, 100° over horses to press and drain from 12
F., for 20 minutes before dyeing next to 24 hours before it is washed and neu-
morning. tralized.
Glace Kid Tanning content of the spent liquor. Salt content
Per 100 Pickled Skins
lb. can be ascertained simply with the hy-
Hydroclilorie Acid 5 lb. drometer which can also be used to check
Sodium Bichromate 7 lb. the strength of a “ falling solution.
Sodium Acetate IVz lb. Acid content can be checked by a simple
Water 15 gal. titration against a standard alkali solu-
The second, or reduction bath: tion. When the amounts of salt and acid
Hydrochloric Acid 6 lb. required have been calculated, they should
Hyposulphite of Soda 12 lb. be dissolved and added to the paddle in
Water 15 gal. which the next pack of skins have been
The skins should be horsed up for 12 placed. The solution should be added as
hours after chroming and then struck out, quickly as possible so that no one section
horsed up for a further two hours and of the pack may absorb more acid than
then reduced. It is preferable to give another. No “rising’^ solution should
the skins a brief run in the
hypo ' ^ be-
* be used more than six times due to the
fore adding the diluted acid. Chroming collection of buffer salts.
should be carried out in a drum and re- The drained, shaved goods are weighed
duction in a paddle. There is no need and put into a drum, run up with a good
to neutralize the goods after reduction, float of water at 50® 0. and well washed
provided they are given a thorough wash- for half an hour. This W’ater is then
ing for three to four hours in running drained off and a fresh bath is run up
water, cold, and dnishing off in 100® F. for a further half hour^s washing. Af-
for three-quarters of an hour. Some tan- ter emptying, the goods are given several
ners dnd that neutralization, even with turns in the drum with a lattice door
the weakest alkalies, has a harsh effect fitted and with water running in, the
on the grain, and is therefore best drum is finally run up with water at 40°
omitted. G. and per cent sodium bicarbonate
is added in two portions with a quarter
of an hour interval. After three quar-
Preparing Sheepskins for Export
ters of an hour the goods should be
To ensure a complete and thorough
tested on the cut surface with litmus
pickling of sheepskins for export, the
paper. Complete neutralization is not re-
two solution method should be used.
quired, a thin streak in the center re-
The delimed sheepskins are run in a maining very slightly acid. Two very
paddle of water and sufficient sulphuric
thorough washings as previous are per-
acid and salt to give a concentration of
formed before the goods are ready for
1 per cent and 7 per cent respectively in
the paddle, are dissolved and added to
The two most important points in the
the paddle as quickly as possible. The
process are very thorough washing and
goods are allowed to run in this ris-
care not to over neutralize or to make the
ing^ ^solution for one hour. Afall-
neutralizing bath too alkaline.
ing ’^saturated salt solution is made up
Box-calf in particular is liable to
in another paddle and the goods are
throw out a salt spue if the washing be-
transferred from the rising^’ to the
fore and after neutralizing is insufficient.
‘falling solution. After a further
After shaving, the calf skins contain a
hour the sheepskins are drained ready for
high percentage of soluble salts which
must be removed to prevent spue. More
The most important points in the
salts are introduced during the neutraliz-
process are uniformity of the finished
ing and these again must be removed.
pelt and supervision of the “rising^' so-

lution attention to the latter usually One of the sales features of chrome
calf for shoe uppers is the fine silky
resulting’ in the former. As the delimed
skins may vary from pack to pack in grain. This grain is produced by adjust-
their times of draining, it is an advan- ing the basicity during chrome tanning
tage to work by truckload rather than so that the goods will not quite stand the
by weight, a certain number of truck boil test. If then during neutralizing, ex-
loads to each paddle. It is very im- cessive strength of alkali is used, this
portant when putting the skins into the object is defeated and the grain surface
“ rising solution to add them all at becomes rubbery, losing all its smooth
once and very quickly, as the first skins silky properties and becoming very harsh
absorb acid immediately, and the pack to the handle.
does not level up during the process. A further point in the amount of neu-
If it is desired to use the “rising tralizing, is that if a streak in the center
solution more than once by strengthening, is left incompletely neutralized it will,
it is important to check tha acid and salt during fat-liquor, tend to split the emul-

sion, before it reaches the center, so leav- on the flesh side and tack on boards to
ing a central layer which is somewhat dry. Remove from boards when dry, and
firmer, thus producing an upper leather soften, trim, season, dry, roll, perch,
which is firm and not ^‘raggy^^ yet soft reseason, glaze and trim. Milk and al-
and silky on the grain. bumen can be used for seasoning. After
trimming examine the skins for remain-
ing hairs, then iron and sort.
Boiler Leather from Sheepskins
Slack 2 gal. of lime in 6 gal. of water
for each 100 skins of average size. Tanning Snake Skins
After putting the lime into water in a
The skins of the snakes that an out-
vat, put the skins in and allow them to
doorsman comes across either intention-
remain for one day, then remove them
ally or accidentally can be used for many
and add 1 gal. of lime slacked with 5
gal. of water. Put the skins back again purposes when they have been properly
Repeat this operation tanned.
for another day.
once more, only leave the skins in the To start, cover the fresh skin with dry
lime water for two days. Next delime salt and let lie for two days. Then
the skins with lactic acid. For each 100 soak until soft, and flesh the hide, re-
skins use 2 lb. of acid and 2 lb. of salt. moving any bits of meat or fat. If you
Be sure that the salt is of good quality. want the skin as a trophy, leave the
The water for the acid and salt should scales on. To help tighten the scales,
have a temperature of at least 80° F., prepare a solution consisting of one part
otherwise more salt might be required. water, one part glycerin and one-quarter
All of the salt and 1 lb. of acid are part thin carpenter’s glue. Soak the
added to the water before the skins are skin in this for 10 minutes. Hang up
put into it. Add the other pound of to drain for the same length of time.
acid after the skins have been in the Then wipe dry with a cloth.

solution 15 minutes. Use 22 degree light If you expect to make a sort of leather
color lactic acid. Allow the skins to to fashion into various articles, remove
remain 30 minutes longer. The solution the scales.
may be used several times, but with
Two formulas for tanning are recom-
each new lot of skins add 1% lbs. of mended for amateurs. One
is the stand-
lactic acid, dividing the same into two ard sulphuric-acid pickle. It is mixed in
lots, one half when the skins are first
the proportions of 1 qt. of salt and 1
put in and the other half after 15 min- oz. of sulphuric acid to 1 gal. of water.
utes. Lactic acid can be used alone The acid must be commercial strength.
without salt, if plump skins are required. If only the concentrated form can be had
Next rinse the skins in warm water. from the druggist, use only ^2 oz. Leave
Watch the grain of the skins and see the skins in this pickle for seven days.
that it is perfectly smooth.
Then apply your first tan liquor for The second formula is made in the
proportions of 1 pt. of salt and 2 oz. of
3 weeks. Next press with a hydraulic
press and sprinkle with sawdust to re-
oxalic acid to 1 gal. of water. The time
required is 12 hours. Stir the skins and
move the grease. The skins are then
turn frequently.
separated and paddled in a very weak
liquor and drummed in salt water until When they are removed from either
all press-creases are eliminated. of these acid solutions, rinse them well in
Skins tanned by the suspension process clear water and put into a soda bath to
give smoother grain than when paddle neutralize any remaining acid. Mix one
or vat is used. cup of washing or sal soda with 2 gal.
After the preliminary tanning, the of soft water and soak the skins in it
skins are hung up and dried. The longer for 4 hours. Rinse again, press flat with
they are dried the better they are when the scale side out, dry partially between
finally finished. Next, the skins are layers of paper with a weight on top
dampened and shaved. After shaving, to prevent curling.
better roller skins are produced by a When skins are nearly dry, soften them
drumming in a weak sumac solution be- by drawing lengthwise across the edge of
fore they go back to receive the second a A4“ineh board. Do this until skin is
and stronger tan liquor for 2 to 3 weeks. perfectly dry. Dampen again and re-
Some tanners who are not particular peat, working until the skin dries soft.
about the color of their skins eliminate Then burnish the scale side by pressing
thissumac drumming. it with a smooth iron. A
flatiron is good
The next step is to rinse the skins in but it must be cool. As the last step,
water and drain them. Then strike out polish with white shellac and alcohol.
Picker Strap Leather Patent Leather
Buffalo or steer hide is best suited. It is desirable to have certain qualities
Hides are soaked two days, if necessary in leather that is to be finished for pat-
with addition of sulphide or alkali. A ent. Among these are strength, fullness
paste made up of 80 kg. slaked lime, 20 of feel, lack of unnecessary stretch and
kg', sodium sulphide, 2 kg. arsenic, 2 kg. a tight break. In order to obtain some of
salt to 1 cubic meter of water is applied these qualities it is necessary to choose
and hides piled overnight. Hides in- carefully the right raw material. This
tended for leather of high tensile will largely determine the grade of the
strength should never be permitted to finished leather.
swell in the lime, hence the addition of Soaking can be done in the Usual man-
salt to the lime paste. After unhairing, ner. The stock should then be fleshed.
which may be made in the wash drum, For tight leather it is necessary to use
the hides are hung in water for 12 hours the sulphiding method for uiihairing, that
at a temperature of 25-28° C., and then is, from 5<% to 7% of crystal sodium
delinied as for ordinary hides either in
sulphide on the hide house weight of the
paddle or drum. If a drum is used it stock. Five thousand pounds of stock
should be slowly rotating, a pounding
are placed in a paddle wheel with 3500
of the hide, whether in deliming or tan- to 4000 gallons of water for a period
ning must be avoided. Hides are pickled of twelve to fourteen hours. The sul-
30 minutes in a drum using 400 per phide is then run off and fresh lime
cent water, 10 per cent salt, 1 per cent placed into the paddle, using 7% of lime.
hydrochloric acid following which 3 per
The paddle is run several times daily and
cent alum is added and the drum run an
after four days the stock is removed,
additional 30 minutes. One half of the
unliaired and piled up overnight. The
pickle liquor is run away and the follow-
next day it is split and washed, bated
ing chrome liquor slowly added: 200 1.
and pickled. General practice of sidphid-
water, 20 kg. chrome alum, 2.1 kg. sodium
ing^ indicates that looseness is nearly
carbonate. The drum is run for 4 hours,
entirely overcome by its application and
during which time the liquor is neutral-
that liming is conducive to a loose grain
ized in the customary manner. Hides are
and coarse break. Tanning can be carried
hung to drain the following morning and out by the regular one bath process. Col-
receive an after tannage consisting of
oring can best be done without the use
2 per cent potassium dichromate in 400
per cent water. After running 15 minutes
of wood dyes. A good direct black is
best for this purpose. Wood dyes such
5 per cent hypo and 1.6 per cent hydro- as logwood, tend to a harsh grain.
chloric acid are added and run for 45
Fat-liquoring depends upon whether
minutes. After having been horsed up
the leather will be degreased later. For
for 2 days the leather is neutralized with
leather that is not to be degreased, a
borax and fat-liquored in 200 per cent
fat-liquor of 1% of a good grade of
water, 1.5 per cent soap, 0.5 per cent
sulphonated neatsfoot wfill suffice. For
water soluble oil and 0.15 per cent borax
leather that is to be degreased, an emul-
at a temperature of 65° C. This prelim-
sion of neatsfoot oil, soap and cod oil
inary oiling helps the uniform take-up of
to the extent of 7% on the weight of the
the stuffing mixture which is applied
stock, should be used. Whether stock is
after one day's storage.
degreased or not it should lie in crust
for at least ten days. This is one of the
Skirting Leather Tan most important stages in the making of
For a light colored leather a liquor can patent leather. Sammying should be very
be made of alum, salt and sumac extract. carefully watched. An even and uniform
To 100 gal. water, add 60 lb. alum, 35 lb. distribution of moisture is essential. This
salt and 25 lb. liquid sumac extract. stage should require forty-eight hours
These ingredients should be thoroughly before the stock is tacked. After tacking,
dissolved in the solution. Then mix 40 it is well to rest the stock again for three
gal. of this solution in 500 gal. of water or four days. Afer the leather is de-
for making up a vat of liquor. Ten to greased, it should be finished as soon as
twenty days will be consumed for tan- possible as it has a tendency to become
ning according to thickness of stock. pipey if permitted to remain long in this
Handle often during this time and add condition.
7 to 10 gal. of the liquor for each han- Usually three coats of finish are ap-
dling. Wash and drain the leather after plied to patent leather. Each is made
tanning and then .fat-liquor with a high differently. T'wo types of oil only are
grade product. Then dry the stock, emery used.
the flesh and double stake. The boiling of oil is best done in a

hooded kettle after the addition of 50 to Constant stirring is necessary. The finish
60 oz. of Turkey raw umber to each 50 is placed into storage tanks and per-
gallons of oil. The temperature is slowly mitted to age three weeks before use.
raised to 550® F., held there for ten For the application it is thinned to a
minutes, cooled off to a temperature of working consistency with naphtha and
530° F. and again slowly raised to 550° applied with a flat camel hair brush.
F. This is repeated four times. It is This second coat is dried in oven at a
then held at the high temperature until temperature of 140° F. for at least 18
hnished. This requires about two hours. hours. After the finish is thoroughly
During the heating period, the oil is con- dried the surface of the leather is pum-
tinually stirred with a regulation ladle. iced in order to remove all specks Of dirt
The formation of leaf -like ^slabs’' on or foreign matter. The stock is now
the mouth of the inverted ladle is an ready for the last or varnish coat.
indication of the consistency. When the
leaves persist it is necessary to use the
This finish probably receives more at-
fork and remove the kettle from the fire.
tention than other finishes for it is con-
When the sweetmeats form across the

sidered the most important of the three,

prongs of the fork, the kettle should be
as it must withstand more abuse than the
cooled as rapidly as possible. When a
finishes it covers. Its manufacture is
temperature of 400° F. is reached, it
especially guarded for this reason. It is
should be reduced immediately with var-
made from the same oil as that for the
nish makers naphtha. The naphtha must

second coat and for each fifty gallons

be well assimilated by the sweetmeats by
’ 500 oz. of Prussian blue and 25 oz. of
continual ' ^ puddling. ' This is important
litharge is added. It is then heated as
for if the sweetmeats is not all broken
rapidly as possible to 550° F. with con-
up and solubleized at this stage it will
tinuous ladling. When this temperature
be impossible to do anything with it
is reached it requires very careful han-
dling to obtain the proper result. Over
The sweetmeats is aged for at least
a period of hours the heating of the
one week before it is used. It is then
oil is interrupted every ten minutes. It
further thinned with naphtha and the
is permitted to cool 15° and then the
necessary coloring matter added. Appli-
temperature is again brought up to 550°
cation of this finish is either with a
F. for ten minutes. This is continued until
slicker or with a swab and palmed. The
the oil shows a decided thickening and has
finish should dry overnight in a well ven-
the consistency of fresh honey when cool.
tilated room which must be kept at a
Here it should be mentioned that all boil-
uniform temperature of 105° F.
ings must be checked with a sample off the
This finish as well as the final varnish finish from a previous boiling, especially
coat comes from the same oil. This oil one that has been proved to be of the
is also made from a selected North Amer- proper consistency. After the varnish is
ican seed. The seed should be of a better at the right consistency it should be
selectionthan that previously mentioned cooled to 350° F. and one gallon of
for the sweetmeats and they must be naphtha is added to each gallon of oil.
absolutely free from all foreign matters This finish must be aged at least six
as well as other seed. It is pressed warm weeks before it is used and it should be
and then steamed to a high temperature well protected from dust and other dirt.
after which it is filtered with fuller ^s After thinning to a working consistency
earth, tanked and allowed to age for at it is applied with a fiat brush. The leather
least six weeks. is then placed in an oven to dry at a
For each gallon of oil 3 oz. of Turkey temperature of 150° F, for 18 hours.
umber and %oz. of leather is added. The leather is sunned for at least five
This boiled in quantities of fifty gal-
is hours after which it is removed from the
lons in the same kind of kettle that has frames and trimmed.
been mentioned. The oil is rapidly
brought to a temperature of 650° F. and Wambat Sheep Leather
held there for from three to four hours, Cut 300 green salted shearlings into a
with continual ladling. When strings of 9 X 9 X 51A foot paddle wheel; soak in
the boiled oil are observed forming on fresh 70° F. water, about 3 o^clock in
the inverted ladle, it is ready to be re- the afternoon and run about one-half
moved from the fire. Stirring continues hour, stop one-half hour and then run
until leaves form on the ladle. The kettle another half hour. Drain the dirty water
is then cooled as rapidly as possible to and fill the paddle wheel with fresh cold
300° F. when fifty gallons of naphtha water^ run 15 minutes and then rest until
are added to the contents of the kettle. the following day.
The next day, haul the skins from the per one gallon of water. Swab the re-
paddle wheel on to a platform to drain. tanning solution evenly over the entire
In the meantime, fill the wash drum skin, fold together to retain solution, let
within 12 inches of the gudgeon with stand 24 hours and then fat-liquor hy

90° F. warm water and add 2 pails of hand.

soda ash and 2 pails of shredded soap, Fifty gallons of fat-liquor is made up
which has been previously boiled up in as follows:
onedialf barrel of water. Also add 6 gal. Fig Soap 12 lb.
of V.M.P. naphtha to the wheel. Throw Moellon 25 lb.
in 100 drained pelts at a time and run Sulphonated Cod Oil 25 lb.
30 minutes, haul out and deliver to the Soda Ash 4 lb.
fleshing machine. Flesh four ways if in 30 gal. water
necessary. Boil together for 1% hours, let stand
After fleshing, wash the skins again until following day, then fill barrel up
and run in the degreasing solution for to 50 gal. Put 20 to 30 skins on table
30 minutes. Then wash with slat or open and apply a liberal coat of the fat-liquor
door in 75° F. warm water for 10 or 15 on the flesh side, fold together and rest
minutes to remove all traces of soap. 24 hours. Then hang up to dry in a
File on the platform for one hour to room of moderate temperature.
drain, then throw the 300 skins into the When dry, put 100 skins in drum, add
pickling paddle in cold water, and add 6 pails sawdust; which has been moist-
enough salt to show 20° on the salometer. ened with a 3 to 3%
pails of hot water.
Add 1 gal. of 66° B4. sulphuric acid and Eun skins in this for 2 hours, haul out
run 1% hours and leave in the pickle and pile on floor, covering up with bags
overnight. to retain the heat, so the skins will sweat.
On the third day, haul, pile on plat- The next day, stake twice all around and
forms for about one hour and then put hang up to dry. Then put in the mill for
the skins into the tanning paddle, which cleaning. Put 100 skins in the drum and
has previously been made up of add 8 pails dry, hardwood sawdust and
Salt 600 lb. 4 pails fine dry sand and run for 2 hours.
Sulphate of Alum (Ground) 300 lb. Haul out, stake once more all around,
Sal Ammoniac 60 lb. and buff the flesh side clean. Now give
the skins a soap solution on the flesh
Steam the tanning vat up to 80° F., side, consisting of 7^2 lb. white shredded
put in the skins and run one hour, stop soap in 50 gal. water. Apply to flesh
an hour, then run 10 minutes every hour side luke warm, fold skins in to avoid
during the rest of the day. The second solution from running out and pile in vat
day in the tan, run 10 minutes every to sammy for 24 hours. Tack and dry.
hour. On the morning of the next day, When dry, brush the skins four ways,
haul them out and throw on horses to clean in the revolving wheel to remove
drain. It is advisable to dye only 150 all sawdust and sand. Then shear and
skins at a time in a paddle just large bleach.
enough to accommodate that amount. The bleaching solution consists of
The dye bath is made before entering Oxalic Acid 150 g.
the skins. To every gallon of dye solu- Hydrogen Peroxide (100%) 1 qt.
tion the vat contains, add to 6 gal. water. Sprinkle cans with this
Acetate of Lead 40 g.
bleach as evenly as possible. Let set for
Hyposulphite of Soda 20 g.
10 minutes then spray with bleach under
Sulphuric Acid 5 cc. 80 lb. pressure. Hold air gun at least
3 ft. from skin. Immediately hang up
15 g. hydrosulphite powder. Before to dry. When dry proceed to measure.
adding this, steam the water to 90° F.
and keep running while adding the ma-
Leather Oil
terial. After the hydrosulphite is in, run
Formula No. 1
about 5 minutes, then put in the skins,
a. Spindle Oil, Befined 45 kg.
run for 2 hours, haul out, drain on plat-
Crude Eubber, Flake, Pink 2 kg.
form or horses. Then, put skins through
h. Coumarone Eesin, Viscous 1 kg.
hydro extractor to remove as much water
Woolf at, Neutral 10 kg-
as possible. When extracte(l open skins
Train Oil, Clear 42 kg.
up and pile 20 to 30 skins flesh side up
';No. ,2
on the table to receive a retanning solu- :

Stearin Pitch, Soft 10 kg.

tion, which is made up of
Wood Tar 10 kg.
Salt 120 g. Aluminum Stearate 1 kg.
Alum 60 g. Train Oil, Bark 31 kg.

Spindle Oil, Distilled 40 kg. SOLE LEATHER STUFFINO AND

Turpentine 8 kg. DRYING
First Stuffing
Leather Stuffing Two thousand pounds of stock after
Train Oil pressing is placed into the drum, which
or Woolf at Fatty Acids 20 g. is then steamed while the drum is in
or Lanolin motion. A
uniform temperature of 120°
Mineral Oil, 0.880-0.885 75 g. F. should be maintained. The following
Lime Hydrate 3 g. materials should be prepared beforehand
Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 1 g. and added to the drum while it is in
Dissolve the fatty acid in half of the motion
mineral oil by heating to 80° C., and
Epsom Salts 20 lb.
stir in the lime hydrate (diluted with 4
Quebracho Extract (Highly
times the amount of water), to saponify.
Sulphited) 25 lb.
Add the remainder of the (heated) min- Dry Sulphite Cellulose
eral oil, and stir thoroughly. Add the
Compound 25 lb.
caustic soda and stir until cooled.
Clay 25 lb.
Run through homogenizer to give the
fat a high lustre.
The above are well mix;^d, heated to
140° P. before placing into the drum,
then milled for 30 minutes, after which
Loading for Leather Bellies
Corn Sugar 5% Sugar, Melted 40 lb.
Epsom Salts Z% Mill 10 minutes and add:
Cod Oil 2% Raw Cod Oil 15 lb.
Mineral Oil 2% Mineral Oil 15 lb.
This % is figured on weight of leather.
Sulphonated Cod Oil 71/2 lb.
The oils are first mixed and heated to
Hard Leather for Top Lifts 140° F., then milled for 15 minutes.
Anextremely hard leather can be made
The stock is then taken out of the
by laying the tanned stock away in a drum and transferred to the dry loft.
strong hemlock liquor of at least 60 de-
grees barkometer strength for 30 days. Dry Dip
A stronger liquor can be usOd if a board- After the stock has dried thoroughly
The temperature it is ^^dry dipped.'^ For this purpose a
like lather is desired.
of the liquor should be kept at 80° P. deep fat equipped with a basket or rack
or slightly higher. The acidity should be should be available. The stock is so fixed
at least Add lactic acid if neces- in the basket as to prevent it from float-
sary to keep this percentage up. ing on the surface. All metal parts should
These hemlock liquors can be used over be of brass or bronze to prevent staining.
again several times by adding a further The vat should be large enough to ac-
quantity of tannin. They do not sap commodate no less than 60 sides or crops.
down much owing to the fact that the The dry dip liquor is made as follows:
leather is in a tanned condition when Liquid Quebracho Extract
treated in them. (Highly Sulphited) 60%
Sulphite Cellulose Extract 35%
Soaking Sun Dried Hides and Skins Synthetic Tanning Material 5%
Sun-dried hides can be soaked effi- A liquor having barkometer of 40 de-
ciently in any of the following solutions grees is made of the above mixture. The
for 3 days. pH should be adjusted to 3.0.
Formula No. 1 The liquor is heated to 125° F., the
Sodium Chloride Solution 5% dry stock is then dipped into it and held
No. 2 there for 20 minutes, after which it is
Sodium Nitrate Solution 2% removed from the vat and allowed to
drain. In the meantime, the second oil
No. 3
wheel is prepared.
Sodium Bisulphite Solution 1%
(at pH 1.5) Second Stuffing
Sun-dried goatskins require 3 days im- The amount of stock for the second
mersion in oilwheel should be equal to that of the
Sodium Chloride Solution 10 % The drum is heated to 120°
first stuffing.
Sodium Citrate Solution 0.13% F. The stock, after draining out of the
Potassium Chlorate Solution 1 % dry dip, is immediately placed into the
Sodium Nitrate Solution 1 % drum, then is added:
Soda Ash Solution 0.5 % Epsom Salts 15 lb.
Min 10 minutes, then n,dd: saved by hanging the first oiled stock
Sugar (Melted) 30 lb. over sticks, the
possibility of stick
Mill 20 minutes, then add: marks'^ is thereby eliminated.
Baw Ood Oil 10 Ib.
Mineral Oil 10 lb.
Shoe-Bottom Filler or Stiffener
Sulphonated Cod Oil 2 lb,
U. S. Patent 2,052,579
Olay 10 lb. A mixture of comminuted cork 47 and
Mix and heat to 130® F., and mill 20 cottonseed oil pitch 53% is calendered,
minutes. a fabric backing strip is applied to the
Take out of drum and hang in dry mixture, the laminated material is al-
loft to dry. lowed to set, and is coated with a plas-
ticizer formed of water 60, a vegetable
Brying Sole Leather gum such as gum arable 30 and glycerol
Considerable experimental work on dry- 10 %.
ing vegetable tanned leather, especially
sole, has been done. It is evident that ^
Shoe Tip Stiffener
this^ stage cannot be hurried as in the Film Waste, Washed and
drying of chrome tanned leather. Vari- Dried 22 lb.
ous types of •tunnels have been erected, Lacquer Solvent 25 lb.
especially for the first drying. After Benzene 25 lb.
many trials it was found that tunnel Alcohol 28 lb.
drying was not as satisfactory as loft
drying. Sole Filler and Cement
Loft drying requires control, particu- Bosin 57 ib.
larly as to change of air in the room. Spindle Oil 15 ib.
This should not be attempted by opening Cork, Shredded, According
and closing windows at random, but by to Grain Size 28-35 lb.
the application of exhaust fans at the The mass melted up and mixe^ thor-
proper time. oughly, then poured thinly on a stone
It is important that the loft be totally floor. When cold, it is broken up, and
dark and that the stock dry very slowly. can be molded into cubes by pounding
The first two days no change of air it into molds (boxes lined with sheet
should be attempted. This requires that metal)
rooms be so constructed as to accommo- To be used hot.
date no more than one day ^s production.
(From either the first oil wheel or the
second oil wheel, i.e., both should have Hardener for Shoe Soles
separate handling.) After the second day Formula No. 1
a change of air is in order, and, depend- a. Gutta Percha 10 kg.
ing upon the appearance and condition Benzine 100 kg.
of the stock after that time, air should h. Linseed Oil, Boiled 100 kg.*
be changed each following day until the Make solution a, add h. Apply on a
last day, which should be the fifth or dry surface only.
sixth, the temperature should be raised
No. 2
to 100® F. for the last 24 hours. This, a. Asphalt 60 kg.
however, should not be attempted if the Ceresin 40 kg.
stock shows wet areas either on the grain Train Oil 200 kg.
or on the flesh side.
Linseed Oil 700 kg.
The first drying should be to a point 10% in Benzene
h. Bubber, j-vyo JUJOZiZiCatJ
30 kg.
where no more than 5% of moisture is Dissolve a hot. Cool. Add &. Mix.
left in the leather. The stock should not
be taken out of the dry room until it No. 3
can be immediately sent to the dry dip, ’^osin 350 kg.
i.e., it should not be removed from
the Linseed Oil 150 kg.
hooks before that operation and be per- Turpentine Oil 500 kg.
mitted to adsorb moisture. No. 4
The second drying is done in approxi- Sodium Silicate 400 g.
mately the same manner, excepting that Linseed Oil 600 g.
after the stock is dry it is permitted to Mix the two liquids together with vig-
''crusU^ for 5 to 10 days before it is orous shaking. Apply with sponge or
finished. brush.
It is understood that all stock is hung
No. 5
up to dry by attaching to hooks at the Linseed Oil Varnish 70 kg.
Head and tail, even though space may be Train Oil 10 kS

Copal Lacquer 12 kg. No. 2

Birch Oil 8 kg. Pyroxylin Solution (22 oz.) 33 oz.
Ethyl Acetate

No. 6 221/2 oz.

Linseed Oil Varnish 1 kg. Toluol 22 1^ oz.
Eosin 3 kg. Bone Black 11 oz.
Benzine 1 kg. Castor Oil 11 oz.
Benzol 1 kg.
Turpentine Oil 2 kg. Artificial Leather Daubs
Formula No, 1
No. 7 Pyroxylin Solution (22 oz.) 200 oz.
Tallow 500 g. Castor Oil AA 10 oz.
Beeswax 500 g. Pigment ) Ground 20 oz
Eosin 30 g. Castor Oil j Together 20 oz
Linseed Oil 15 g.
No. 2
Apply hot.
Pyroxylin Solution (22 oz.) 59.2 oz.
No. 8 Ethyl Acetate 5.8 oz.
Castor Oil 4 lb. Castor Oil AA 15.0 oz.
Tallow 2 lb. Bronze Powder 20.0 oz.
Crude Rubber 11b. No. 3

Melt together at 125® C. Apply hot. Pyroxylin Solution (22 oz.) 200 oz.
No. 9 Castor Oil AA 100 oz.
a. Linseed Oil 100 g. Bronze Powder 400 oz.
Manganese Borate 1.5 g. Ethyl Acetate 200 oz.
Alum, Calcined 0.5 g. Toluol 100 oz.
6. Shellac 1000 g. No. 4
Sandarac 250 g. Pyroxylin Solution
Mastic 60 g. (22 oz.) 200 oz.
Camphor 15 g. Castor Oil AA 25 oz.
Venetian Turpentine 200 g. Pigment ) Ground 30 oz.
Alcohol 4 1. Castor Oil j Together 30 oz.
Apply the drying oil a, dry on the open Ethyl Acetate S 2 V2 oz.
air. Impregnate on top of this with h. Toluol 32^ oz.
Let dry on the air. No. 5
No. 10 Pyroxylin Solution (22 oz.) 57.8 oz,
Beeswax 12.5 g.
Oil Color ) Ground 8.7 oz.
Turpentine 12.5 g.
Castor Oil 3
Together 8.7 oz.
Castor Oil 12.5 g.
Blown Castor Oil 5.8 oz.
Wood Tar 3.25 g.
Ethyl Acetate 9.5 oz.
Linseed Oil 125 Toluol 9.5 oz.
Heat up the mixture to get a homo- No. 6
geneous oil.
Pyroxylin Solution (22 oz.) 74.8 oz.
Apply hot on dry soles. Castor Oil A A 9.0 oz.
Oil Color \ Ground 7.5 oz.
No. 11 Castor Oil /Together 7.5 oz.
Aluminum Stearate in. Naphtha Solu-
Camphor 1.2 oz.
No. 7
No. 12 Pyroxylin Solution (22 oz.) 51.5 oz.
British Patent 433,207 Ethyl Acetate 16.5 oz.
Sodium Silicate 7 lb. Castor Oil AA 8.0 oz.
Iron Oxide 1 lb. Gold Bronze 23.5 oz.
Soap 1 lb. Aluminum Bronze 0.5 oz.
Carnauba Wax 7 lb.
Gum Arabic 1 lb. Patent Leather Coating
Sodium Carbonate 1 lb. Pyroxylin Pigmented Base 30 oz.
Yields a plastic mass which is applied Varnish 25 oz.
between outer and inner soles.
Denatured Alcohol 40 oz.
Amyl Acetate 5 oz.
Artificial Leather Coatings This IS a good protective over- coating
Formula No. 1 tor casein finishes.
Pyroxylin Solution (22 oz.) 70.1 oz.
Ethyl Acetate 17.2 oz. Oiling Off of Leather
Alcohol 7.1 oz. Formula No. 1
Dibutyl Phthalate 2.7 oz. Sorbitol (85%) 1 lb.
Nigrosin Solution 3.6 oz. Water 3 lb.
This mixture is applied by spreading Blood Albumen Solution
the tanned, colored and fat-liquored skin Blood Albumen 10 lb.
on a flat surface with the grained side Water 10 gal.
up. The skin is then lightly brushed man- Di-nitrophenol 2 oz.
ually or by machine with a brush dipped Mixall together, with the water at
in the sorbitol mixture. Immediately af- 80° E., let stand, stirring every 15 min-
terward, the skins are hung up to dry. utes until the whole is dissolved. Strain
Sometimes a light coating of neatsfoot through 4 layers of cheese cloth.
oil may be applied on the grain side of Casein Solution
the skin following the sorbitol treatment Casein 10 lb.
and before drying. Borax 2% lb.
Other ingredients may be added to the Bi-nitrophenol 2 oz.
sorbitol solution given above, such as Water 10 gal.
blood or egg albumen, milk, casein and Place the whole into the cooker and
dyes such as nigrosin, logwood extract boil vigorously for 1 hour. When cool,
and hematine. Such a finish is made up make up to 10 gallons and strain through
as follows: 4 layers of cheese cloth.
No. 2
Shellac Solution
Blood Albumen 15 % Superfine Wax Free
Nigrosin 1 % Shellac 10 lb.
Sorbitol (85%) Strong Ammonia 2^ lb.
Milk 10 % Water 10 gal.
Water 731/2 %
Place the whole into the cooker and
It is, moreover, possible, after the
boil for 1 hour. Cool and make up to a
leather has been dyed, by rubbing sor-
total of 10 gallons, strain through cheese
bitol in on the non-dyed side to give it
the necessary degree of suppleness.
Black Pigment
Lamp Black lb.
LEATHER FINISHES Sulphonated Castor Oil
WaxEmulsion (75%) 2 lb.
Formula No. 1 Nigrosine (Jet Black) 5% lb.
Castile Soap 15 lb. Sassafras Oil 5 oz.
Carnauba Wax, No. 1 Yellow 5 lb. Water 3 gal.
Candelilla Wax 5 lb. Mix together and heat until the d;

Dissolve the soap in 8 gallons of water is dissolved, then add:

by boiling for 1 hour, adding water as Wax Emulsion No. 1 2% gal.
it is lost by evaporation, then add melted Casein Solution 1 gal.
wax and continue boiling for two more Shellac Solution 2% gal.
hours, then add water enough to make a Mix well and grind in Harris mill, then
total of 10 gallons. Strain the mass add enough water to make 12 %
through 4 layers of cheese cloth. total.

No. 2 Nigrosine Solution

Castile Soap 4 1b. Nigrosine (Jet Black) 1 lb.
Carnauba Wax, No. 1 Yellow 10 lb. Water 1 gal.
Boil together until all the dye is dis-
The soap is chipped and placed into the
double jacketed cooker. Break the wax
After the above solutions and emul-
into small pieces and add to the kettle,
sions are prepared, the skins are finished
now heat the two together until the whole
as follows:
mass is melted. It may be necessary to
add a very small quantity of hot water Stain
to aid in obtaining a complete flux. Dissolve 10 ounces of hematine in 1
When this is accomplished hot water is gallon of water by boiling vigorously,
continually added in small doses. After then add:
each addition the mass is well stirred. Bichromate of Soda 1 oz.
Hot water is continually added until the Nigrosine Solution 120 oz.
mass becomes limpid and finally the Water enough to make 5 gallons.
whole is made up to a total of 10 gallons. I coat of the above with a swab,
The finished emulsion, when diluted in the permit to dry, and then smooth plate at
ratio of 1 to 10 with water should pro- 150° F.
duce a slightly milky solution. It is then Then prepare the following:
strained through four thicknesses of Blood Albumen Solution 40 fl. oz.
cheese cloth. Shellac Solution 20 fl. oz.

Casein Solution 20 fl. oc. Leather Finish

Nigrosine Solution 16 fl. oz. French Patent 786,233
Stain 32 ti. oz. Cetyl Alcohol 87 lb.
Water fl. oz. 160 Stearic Acid 9 lb.

Apply two coats of the above, permit Triethanolamine 4 lb.

to dry between coats, and glaze. Then Water 400 lb.

prepare the following

Ammoniacal Shellac
Solution, consisting
Shellac Solution 20 fl. oz.
Casein Solution 30 fl. oz.
Sulphonated Castor Oil 1 fl. oz.
Shellac 24 oz.
Nigrosine Solution 20 fl. oz.
Water, Hot 170 oz. 1.64 lb.
Water 70 fl. oz.
Apply one coat of above with a swab (0.880) 6 oz.
and permit to dry. Then prepare the Heat a to 85-90° C. Add the hot
following: solution b to it with stirring. Prepare
Nigrosine Soluion 10 fl. oz. the lac solution separately, and t^dd it, c,
Casein Solution 15 fl. oz. to the hot emulsion. Stir until cold.
Shellac Solution 10 d. oz.
Sulphonated Castor Oil fl, oz.
Leather Finish, Nitrocellulose
Wax Emulsion No. 2 6 fl. oz.
Celluloid Solution A
Water 42 fl. oz.
Movie Film Scrap 7
Apply one coat above, permit to dry, Special Solvent 17
then iron or mangle. Butyl Acetate (85%) 6
Methyl Cyclohexanone 14
Benzine (690/710) 9
LEATHER FINISHES Benzine (765/775) 3
Colorless Benzol 10
<k Methylated Spirit 36 lb. Toluol 20
Shellac, Dewaxed, Xylene 14
Bleached 18 lb. Bosin Solution B
Camphor 4.2 lb. Rosin WW 18 g*
Water 6 lb. Alcohol, Denatured 82 g*
Oil Soap, Chipped Bars 4.25 lb. Finished Dyes
0 . Rosin WW 4.2 lb. Pigment Paste 6-14 g-
d. Water 2.25 lb. Celluloid Solution A 70-75 g-
Potash Carbonate Rosin Solution B 10 g-
(90/98%) 1.1 lb. Alcohol 11-14 g*
e. Methylated Spirit 24 lb. This latter is a general formula, for
which previously-prepared solutions and
color-pastes are used.
a. Methylated Spirit 35 lb.
Ruby Shellac, Dewaxed 16 lb.
Clear Leather Lacquer
Camphor 4 lb.
Brilliant Black T,
Celluloid Solution A 72.5 g.
Rosin Solution B 9.0 g.
Alcohol Soluble 1.5 lb.
Methyl Cyclohexanone 3.5 g.
h. Water 6 lb.
Alcohol 13.5 g.
Oil Soap,Chipped Bars 4 lb.
Tricresyl Phosphate 1.5 g.
0. Rosin G-M (Dark) 6 lb.
d. Water 4 lb.
Leather Brown ^ ^
Lasur ’ ^
Potash Carbonate
Clear Leather Lacquer 100 g.
Methylated Spirit

Zapon Echt. Orange G 1 g,
Bismarck Brown R,
a is dissolved separately in the cold, Oil-Soluble 0.05 g.
with stirring. —
Zapon Echt. -Black M 0.03 g.
Melt Heat h to a boil, add the
melted saponify with boiling d, Turn
c, Suede Leather Dressing
off heat. Use precautions to prevent Black
boiling over. Cool, add e. Part of e may a. Nigrosin Base 3 g.
be added hot, after the boil is finished, Oleic Acid 8 g.
to complete saponification. b. Benzene 40 g.
Stir b, 0 , d, and c into a with good Alcohol, Denatured 100 g.
stirring. Add water to get 100% yield. Benzine 100 g
Settle to clear. Melt a, and thin this with b.
: :


Leather Coloring Compound No. 4
Pigment Emulsion Shoe Quick Black (Waterproof)
Pigment 10 kg. Black Celluloid Scrap ib. %
Soap, Powdered 1 kg. Methylated Spirit 4 pt.
Wood Oil 10 kg. Methyl Acetone 114 pt.
Water 50 kg. Typhophor Black Dye 3 oz.
Of this emulsion, use Boiled Linseed Oil 4 oz.
Pigment Emulsion 15 kg. Castor Oil 4 fl. oz.

Ammonia- Casein (12-15%) 30 kg. Carbon Black Paste 10 jl. oz.

Glue Solution (10%) 25 kg. Yellow Dye 3 g.

Glycerin 8 kg. No. 5
Harden on the leather by brushing or Shoe sole Unishes which can be pol-
spraying with formaldehyde solution. ished with a buff or revolving pad.
Celluloid Pilm Scrap 3 oz.
Pyroxylin (Cellulose) Leather Finishes Methyl Acetone 1% pt.
Medium Benzol 3 pt.
Celluloid Scrap Methylated Spirit 414 pt.
(High Viscosity) 10 lb. Barytes 1 lb.
Plasticizer 42 lb. Whiting 2 lb.
Methyl Acetone 20 lb. Asbestine 2 lb.
Ethyl Acetate 20 lb. Castor Oil 4 fl. oz.
Alcohol, Denatured 10 lb. Boiled Linseed Oil 8 fl. oz.
Toluol 80 lb. Oxford Ochre
Amyl Acetate 5 lb. (Undercoat Paste) To shade
Diaeetone Alcohol 10 lb.
No. 6
CeUosolve 5 lb. Clothing leather finishes which are to
Formula No. 1 be fast to wet rubbing, very soft, pliable
Above Medium 150 lb. and matt.
Plasticizer 51 lb. Medium, as in Formula No.
Amyl Acetate 37^ lb.
1 (3 pigment, 1 clear) 100 lb.
No. 2 Castor Oil 8 lb.
Split leather finishes. These are of Ethylene Glycol 25 lb.
eggshell type, and should have high fill- Methyl Acetate 25 lb.
ing and covering power. Plasticizing Solution* 1 lb.
Stock Clear Film* 10 pt. * Plasticizing Solution is
Benzol 14 pt. Blown Castor Oil 30 lb.
Black Dye 2 lb. Diamyl Pbthalate 15 lb.
Butyl Stearate 15 lb.
Trieresyl Phosphate 1 pt. Diluted to 100 parts with methylated spirit
Carbon Black
(Undercoat Paste) 10 oz.
No. 7
Glossy Enamel Finish for Patent
Prussian Blue
Leathers, Etc.
(Undercoat Paste) 1 oz.
Cotton (% sec. in
Butyl Acetate 2 pt.
Butanol Butanol) lb.
1 pt.
Methylated Spirit Cotton (4 sec. in
3 pt.
Bakelite Resin 2 lb.
Butanol) lb. %
Acetone pt.
Amyl Acetate 1 gal.
* Stock Clear Film is Ethyl Acetate gal.
Clear Celluloid
Ethyl Acetate
18 lb. Acetone % gal.

Amyl Acetate
Boiled Linseed Oil
% gal.
4 fl. oz.
No. 3 Camphor 8 oz.
Shoe upper finishes, which should be Dibutyl Tartrate 80 g.
very adhesive and pliable to resisting Sextol 11 fl. oz.
bending of the foot. Dewaxed Dammar
16 lb.
4 oz.
4 sec. Cotton in Butanol Williams Dye, No. 16128
Methyl Acetone 20 lb.
To shade
Ethyl Acetate 20 lb. No. 8
Amyl Acetate 10 lb. Hide Finishes for Upholstery
Benzol 70 lb. Medium
Toluol 70 lb. Bronzing Cotton
Castor Oil 4 lb. (70 to 80 sec.) 2 lb.
Ethyl Abeitate 2 lb. Methyl Acetone 3 pt.
Butyl Stearate 4 lb. Sextone ^^B’’ 3 pt,
Butyl Phthalate 4 Ih. Diaeetone Alcohol % pt.


Toluol 2 pt. Blood Albumin, Dark 60 g.

Methylated Spirit 1% pt. Phenol 25 g.
Ethyl Acetate 1 pt. Water 14 1.

Amyl Acetate 1 P^*

Camphor 1 lb. Plasticizer for Artificial Leather Finishes
Cellosolve 1 pt. Blown Castor Oil 30 lb.
Castor Oil 1 pt. Diamyl Phthalate 15 lb.
M.M. 1
Butyl Stearate
No. 9
m pt.
fi. oz.
Butyl Stearate
Alcohol, Denatured

White Finish
Restoring Fine Finish on Kid Uppers
To 1 gal. of medium add:
Kid skins when placed on the cut-
Titanium Oxide 1 lb.
ters’ boards are nearly perfect in finish
Zinc Oxide 2 oz.
according to grading, but the cut uppers
Castor Oil 4 oz.
in going through the factory become dull.
Sipaline M.M. 4 OZ.
When the shoes reach the finishing room
No. 10 it is up to the treer to bring the kid
Green Finish back to its original soft glossy appear-
To 1 gal. of medium add: ance.
Light Chrome Green 8% oz. This cannot be done by deluging the
Dark Chrome Green 5 oz. upper with naphtha and filler, with the
Superfine Raw Sienna 3^/4 oz. free use of too hot an iron. Such treat-
Dark Yellow Ochre 6% oz. ment creates an artificial finish and de-
Lithopone 3% oz. stroys the quality of the leather.
Nekal A.E.M. Vs oz. Use lukewarm water in which has been
No. 11 dissolved a little borax. A piece of piano
Blue Finish felt dampened in the borax water can be
To 1 gal. of medium add used to go over a half dozen pairs of
Non-Bronze Prussian Blue 5% OZ. shoes, making them slightly damp. The
Light Chrome Green
Dark Chrome Green
m% oz.
dampened shoes should then be rubbed
ofE with a piece of soft cheese cloth or
Titanium Oxide 11^2 OZ. canton flannel.
Nekal A.E.M. % oz. This will remove the grease adhering
from the hands of the operators and any
foreign matter collected in the factory.
Blood Albumin Leather Finishing Iron with a warm iron and apply the
Finish for Colored Leather with Gloss dressing.
Formula No. 1
Blood Albumin, Light 250 g.
Milk 3 1.
Water 25 1. Thinner Mixture
No. 2 Formula No. 1
Linseed 300 g.
Ethyl Acetate (98-100%) 20 S-
Milk 1.2 L Butanol 20 g*
Blood Albumin, Light 150 g.
Butyl Acetate (98-100%) 35 g-
Water 25 L Methyl Cyclohexanone
No. 3 (94%) 25 g-
Blood Albumin, Light 150 g. No. 2
Gelatin 150 g.
Alcohol, Denatured 65 g*
Milk 1500 ce. Toluol 17 g*
Water 25 1.
Xylene 18 g*

Nitrocellulose Stock Solution

Finish for Black Leather
Celluloid Waste 7.50 g.
Formula No, 1 Thinner Mixture No. 1 60.00 g-
Blue Wood Extract 300 g. Thinner Mixture No. 2 32.50 g*
Iron Acetate 100 g.
Milk 1.8 1.
Resin Stock Solution
Blood Albumin, Dark 50 g. Dammar, Dewaxed 10 g.
Water 25-30 1.
Butyl Acetate 45 g-
No. 2
Toluol 45 g-
Nigrosine 150 g.
Milk 1.8 1. These solutions, and
Glycerin 30 g. resin solution), are mixed and added to
182 :
the pigment pastes in certain proportions, Pigment Paste, Greenish Blue
as indicated below. Milori Blue 185 4.00 g.
Heliomarin RL, Powdered 0.40 g.
White Pigment Paste Tricresyl Phosphate 1.90 g.
Titanium Dioxide 10.00 g. Methylhexalin Methyl-
Tricresyl Phosphate 2.50 g. Adipate 0,75 g.
Methylhexalin Methyl- Castor Oil 1.50 g.
Adipate 1.00 g. Methyl Cyclohexanone 0.50 g.
(pastor Oil 1.50 g.
Methyl Cyclohexanone 1-2 g.
Pigment Paste, Black
Mix thoroughly in a color mill. Pigment Deep Black Extra,
Powdered 5.00 g.
Tricresyl Phosphate 1.90 g.
Yellow Pigment Paste
Methylhexalin Methyl-
Chromium Yellow 48 8.00 g.
Hansa Yellow Gr, Powdered 0.50 Adipate 0.75 g.
Castor Oil 1.50 g.
Tricresyl Phosphate 2.25 g.
Methylhexalin Methyl- Methyl Cyclohexanone 0.50 g.
Adipate 1.00 g. Pigment Paste, Silver
Castor Oil 1.50 g. Aluminum Powder 9.00 g.
Methyl Cyclohexanone 0.40 g. Tricresyl Phosphate 2.25 g.
Methylhexalin Methyl-
Orange Pigment Paste Adipate 1.00 g.
Chrome Yellow 84 8.00 g. Castor Oil 1.50 g.
Hansa Yellow GR, Methyl Cyclohexanone 0.40 g.
Powdered 0.90 g.
Lithol Echt Orange BN, The aforementioned pigment pastes,
Powdered 0.10 g. nitrocellulose and resin solutions are used
Tricresyl Phosphate 2.25 g. for the finished leather dyes as follows:
Methylhexalin Methyl-
Adipate 1.00 g. White, Yellow, Orange, Brown or Silver
Castor Oil 1.50 g. a. Pigment Paste, in
Methyl Cyclohexanone 0.60 g. Desired Color 14.00 g.
h. Nitrocellulose Stock
Brown Pigment Paste Solution 68.00 g.
Iron Oxide, Bed 9.00 g. c. Besin Stock Solution 3.00 g.
Tricresyl Phosphate 2.25 g. d. Thinner Mixture No. 2 4.50 g.
Methylhexalin Methyl- Solvent Mixture No. 1 10.00 g.
Adipate 1.00 g. Camphor 0.50
Castor Oil 1.50 g. The ingredients a-d are thoroughly
Methyl Cyclohexanone 1.30 g. mixed in a suitable mill.

Pigment Paste, Bordeau Bordeau, Bed, or Blue

Heliobordo BLC, Powdered 2.00 g. a. Pigment Paste, in
Tricresyl Phosphate 1.60 g. Desired Color 6.00 g.
Methylhexalin Methyl- h. Nitrocellulose Stock
Adipate 0.50 g. Solution 55.00 g.
Castor Oil 1.50 g. c. Besin Stock Solution 3.00 g.
Methyl Cyclohexanone 0.50 g. d. Thinner Mixture No. 2 9.50 g.
Solvent Mixture No. 1 18.00 g.
Pigment Paste, Bed Camphor 0.50 g.
Same as the bordeau paste, but sub-
stituting: Greenish Blue or Black
Siegle Bed 1 2.00 g, a. Pigment Paste, Greenish
for the heliobordo. Blue or Black 9.00 g.
h. Nitrocellulose Stock
Pigment Paste, Blue Solution 60.00 g.
Indanthren Blue GGSL, c. Besin Stock Solution 3.00 g.
Powdered 2.00 g. d. Thinner Mixture No. 2 9.50 g.
Heliomarin BL, Powdered 0.20 g. Solvent Mixture No. 1 18.00 g.
Tricresyl Phosphate 1.70 g. Camphor 0.50 g.
Methylhexalin Methyl-
Adipate 0.55 g. Gold Leather Dye
Castor Gil 1.60 g. Corresponds in its composition to the
Methyl Cyclohexanone O.1-0.5 g. silver dye given before, but requires a


special nitrocelMosej and can only be Boil for one hour, let cool and add
made up shortly before use, because it is one pint of ammonia.
not stable. Therefore, the pigment has This is also scoured into the grain
to be made up separately from the mix- with a stiff brush. After this, the stock
ture of plasticizers, solvents, thinners, is given a final waxing on the grain.
resins and nitrocellulose.
Casein Leather Coloring
Black Leather Dyes German Patent 652,082
Formula No. 1 Casein 10 lb.

a. Nigrosine Base 10 kg. Ammonia (20%) 1.5 lb.

Oleic Acid, Distilled 6 kg. Indanthrene Blue GCD 2 lb.

Acetone 6 kg. Iron Oxide Brown 27 lb.

Benzine (Gasoline) 100 kg. Special Castor Oil,
Sulphonated* 20 lb.
No, 2 Phenol 2 lb.
a. Nigrosine Base 5 kg.
Water 935 lb.
Oleic Acid, Distilled 10 kg.
This reaction is carried out in the
h. Alcohol 25 kg.
29 kg.
usual fashion. The resulting oil is
Acetone washed with water or ammonium sulphate
Benzine 40 kg.
solution, separated, and neutralized to a
Stir a till dissolved and smooth and weak alkaline reaction by ammonia.
thin with h. * Castor Oil 100 lb.
Strain through cloth. Sulphuric Acid 15 lb.

No. 3
Nigrosine Base 25 kg.
Oleic Acid 8 kg. Bye Solution:
Acetone, or Turpentine 8 kg. Water 19 kg.
Benzine 130 kg. Nigrosin, Water-Soluble 1.5 kg.
No. 4
Wax Solution:
Water 7 kg.
Nigrosine Base 5 g. Hard Soap 0.5 kg.
Oleic Acid 10 g. Montan Wax, Crude 2 kg.
Alcohol, Denatured 25 g.
Carnauba Wax 1 kg.
Acetone 25 g. Shellac Solution
Lacquer Benzine 60 g. Water 5
Dissolve the nigrosine base ia tke oleic
Borax 0.03 kg.
acid, and add the solvents. Ruby Shellac 0.5 kg.
Potassium Carbonate 0.3 kg.
Gold and Silver Finishing of Pigskin Mix the shellac solution (60-70® C.)
For gold finish, the leather should be into the wax emulsion (60-70® C.), and
preliminarily colored with a dye of the add the cold dye solution. Mix thor-
compn.-orange ^^PV’’ 0.05 and metanil oughly, fill into bottles or cans.
yellow 0.04%, lacquered, and treated
under a pressure of 4.5-5 atmospheres Make a ^ paste of the first three in-
with a mixture of bronze powder 100, gredients, if necessary slightly warming
butyl acetate 750, amyl acetate 750, on a steam-bath. Thin the paste with
lacquer 1000, castor oil 1.5 and tritolyl benzine, and filter.
phosphate 0.5 part by wt. For silver
finish the leather is greased and neu- Burnishing Ink
tralized, then treated under pressure with Wax
Paraffin 3 lb.
aluminum powder 100, butyl acetate Carnauba Wax 3 lb.
1000, amyl acetate 1000, Zapon lacquer Japan Wax 6 lb.
1000, castor oil 1.5 and tritolyl phosphate Bosin 6 lb.
0.5%. Nigrosin, Water-Soluble 2.4 lb.
Soda Ash, Calcined 3 lb.
Harness Stain Water 76.6 lb.
A hot 5 per cent solution of pyro-
lignite of iron is first applied to the Leather Black
grain by means of a stiff brush. This Brilliant Black T,
is scoured into the grain uniformly, then Alcohol-Soluble 7 1b.
permitted to set for no less than two Mirbane Oil (Nitrobenzol) 30 lb.
hours, after which the following is ap- Benzol 33 lb.
plied: Alcohol 30 Ib.
Water 15 gal. Note: Caution in working with nitro-
Logwood Crystals 5 1b. henzol is absolutely necessary.
Burnishing Solution for Shoes (Fake) Make up the solution of acids in ace-
Montan Wax 16 lb, 12 oz. tone and water by stirring in the cold.
Ceresine Wax 4 lb. 6 oz. Dissolve the dye. Allow to settle and
Soap 5 lb. 6 oz. Alter.
Turpentine 73 lb. 5 oz. Caution : Poisonous Apply to the sole

with a sponge or brush, if necessary re-

Melt the waxes at 200° F. and dissolve peat several times. Dry. Brush to ob-
the soap in the turpentine, if necessary
tain gloss.
using heat cautiously and keeping naked
flames away. Mix the turpentine-soap
solution with the molten waxes and stir Leather Preservative
until fairly cool. Formula No. 1
Austrian Patent 145,045
a. Phenol 100 g.
Wax Stick to Cover Small Defects of Castor Oil 20 g.
Shoe Leather Formaldehyde 40 g.
Black Colophony 40 g.
Montan Wax, Crude 28 kg. h. Benzine or Solvent
Carnauba Wax, Gray 7.5 kg. Naphtha to suit
SheUae Wax 7.5 kg. amixed and heated to 180-200° C.
Beeswax 20 kg. for several hours. Dissolve in h. Used
Paraffin 20 kg. to impregnate soles and top leather of
Linseed Oil 2 kg. shoes.
Nigrosine Stearate 15 kg. No. 2
Brown Woolf at, Neutral 6 kg.
Montan Wax, Train Oil 4 kff.
Double Bleached 25 kg. No. 3
Beeswax 25 kg. Ozokerite (68-70° C.) 6 oz.
Paraffin 25 kg. Paraffin Wax (50-52° 0.) 8 oz.
Linseed Oil 2 kg. Whale Oil 5 oz.
Iron Oxide Red or Brown 22 kg. . Spindle Oil (35° Vis-
Brown Dye, Oil-Soluble 1 kg. E)
cosity 50 oz.
Yellow, colored with I.G. Yellow R.
Black, colored with Nigrosin, Oil-
Shoe Sole Paint Soluble.
Venetian Red 1 lb. 4 oz.
No. 4
Fast Brown 2 lb. 8 oz.
Gum Arabic 2 lb. 12 oz.
Lanolin 7 lb.
Water 43 lb. 12 oz. Oleic Acid 1 lb.
A mucilage is made with the gum, Triethanolamine % lb.
and then, using water, a paste is made Glycerin 12 lb.
with the pigment, and then thinned down, Honey 2 lb.
using more water. Make a solution of Perfume to suit
the dyestuff, mix the pigment- water mix- Water 78 lb.
ture with the mucilage then add balance
of water. No. 5
Swiss Patent 171,374
Linseed Oil 0.20 kg.
Pigmented Shoe Sole Paints Beeswax 2.20 kg.
A. B. 0 . Naphtha 2.46 kg.
Bed Iron Oxide 2.0 4.0 16.0 lb. Turpentine 5.00 kg.
China Clay 13.5 13.5 13.5 lb.
Yellow Ochre 11.0 —
12.0 lb. Preserving Hides and Skins
Middle Chrome German Patent 632,335
Yellow 3.0 — — lb. The preservation of hides and skins is
Gum Arabic 9.5 9,5 5.0 lb. improved by the addition of 1%% zinc
Water 61.0 61,0 61.0 lb. oxide or carbonate to the usual salt.

Bleaching for Shoe Bottoms Factory Shoe Protecting Film

Acetone 55.0 kg. U. S. Patent 2,052,393
Water 35.5 kg. Latex (60%) 59.52
Oxalic Acid 5.5 kg. Casein 3.25
Hydrochloric Acid, Kaolin 16.10
Concentrated 4.0 kg. Thymol 0.05
Havana Brown S 0.27 to 3% Water to give desired consistency

Leather Oil h.Formaldehyde pt. %

Formula ISTo. 1 Water 2^ pt.
Woolfat 10 kg. Apply solution a hot with a brush, over
Rapeseed Oil, Blown 10 kg. all the ease. When the coating has dried
Neatsfoot Oil 15 kg. brush over all with solution b. Repeat
Pine Oil 10 kg. the two operations three times and allow
Train Oil 55 kg. the case to stand exposed to sunlight for
No. 2 ,
several days, turning it about so that the
Train Oil, Brown, Clear 50 lb.
light may act on the entire surface.
Tallow 30 lb.
Woolfat, Neutral 10 lb. Protecting Hides Against Moths and
Degras 9 lb. Lermestids
Birch Tar Oil 1 lb. Moth-infested hides are sprayed with
p-dichlorbenzol. Hides infested with
Leather Cleanser Oil dermestids are sprayed with a 1:1 mix-
Tall Oil 15 kg. ture of kerosene and turpentine.
Mineral Oil 70 kg.
Turkey Red Oil (100%) 10 kg. Fireproofing Leather
Potassium Hydroxide British Patent 465,533
(50° Be.) 5 kg. The prepared leather is placed in an
ordinary tanner drum together with an
Waterproofing for Leather amount of water equivalent to its own
Formula No. 1 weight, preferably at a temperature of
U. S. Patent 2,026,453 50® 0. Five pounds of aluminum sulphate
Impregnate with following melted mix- previously dissolved are added to 100 lb.
ture ;
of leather, and drumming prolonged for
Paraffin Wax 16 oz. a period^ of sixty minutes. At the end
Rosin 2 oz. of this time, five pounds of sodium phos-
Burgundy Pitch 1 oz. phate are added and the drumming con-
Neatsfoot Oil 1% oz. tinued for a period of sixty minutes,
Wood Alcohol 1 oz. when the leather may be removed and
Cod Oil 1 oz. washed preliminary to drying.
Wintergreen Oil drops 5
No. 2 Leather Binder
French Patent 801,828 Film Waste, Washed
Rosin 100 g. and Dried 17 lb.
Paraffin Wax 100 g. Lacquer Solvent* 50 lb.
Petrolatum, Liquid 350 g. Amyl Acetate 2 lb.
Turpentine 100 g. Trichlorethylene 31 lb.
* B.g., consisting of 40—50% of acetone a:
Beeswax 100 g. 60-50% denatured alcohol.
Neatsfoot Oil 200 g.
Linseed Oil 50 g.
Benzaldehyde 1 ee. Shoemaker ^s Sewing Wax
Ozokerite, Refined 70 kg.
Beeswax 30 kg.
Sport Shoe Waterproofing Oil Linseed Oil 5-10 kg.
a. Crude Rubber, Soft 2 kg.
Spindle Oil, Pale Yellow 50 kg.
'b. Spindle Oil, Pale Yellow 48 kg. Shoemaker ^s Sewing Pitch
Liquid, High-Viscosity Rosin 84 lb.
Coumarone Resin 1 kg. Spindle Oil
Have a dissolve slowly on a water-bath (sp.g. 0.880-0.885) 11 lb.
and add h, previously dissolved at gentle Caustic Soda (20-25® B4) 5 lb.
heat. Mix thoroughly.
Leather Substitute
Shoe Waterproofing U. S. Patent 2,098,789
Glycol Oleate 1 oz. Impregnate a square weave unnapped
Aluminum Stearate 1 oz. cotton fabric weighing 5.3 oz, per linear
Carbon Tetrachloride 99 oz. yd. of 38 in. width with a gasoline dis-
Stir until dissolved. persion of rubber 40, white factice 10,
barytes 15, lithopone 30, magnesium car-
Waterproofing Leather Gun Cases bonate 10 and a pigment 1 part, remove
a. Gelatin 4 oz. the gasoline, coat one face of the impreg-
Hot Water 3 pt. nated fabric with a dispersion of cotton
flock 25 and a mixture as specified 75%. Hydrogen Peroxide 4 lb.
calender the coated impregnated fabric, Sodium Sulphate., 15 lb.
coat it with a cement consisting of a dis- Water U '
100 lb.
persing agent and a rubber mixture as
specified, dust the further coated material
(suitably with potato starch) to avoid Carroting Rabbit Fur
a tacky surface, and vulcanize. A
pro- U. S. Patent 2,070,927
duct thus prepared is suitable for making Formula No. 1
shoe linings, etc. Clipped white French rabbit fur is car-
roted with a solution carrying 12 per cent
Pre-Pelting Treatment of Animal Fibers of nitric acid and 2 per cent potassium
Austrian Patent 148,693 permanganate. After drying, the fur is
Mercuric Sulphate 12- 52 g. started and sized and a total shrinkage
Sulphuric Acid (60%) 10- 40 cc. of 78 per cent in area is noted.
Hydrogen Peroxide No. 2
(30%) 150-300 cc. A heavier sample of clipped white
Water to make 1 1. French rabbit fur is carroted with a solu-
tion carrying 14 per cent nitric acid and
After Chroming for Fur Felt Hats 5 per cent of potassium permanganate,
Charge the bath with and started and sized, shows a total
Sulphuric Acid 1- 3% shrinkage of 76 per cent in area.
(according to the depth It is possible to substitute sulphuric
of the shade to be dyed acid for the nitric acid when used in
and the acid still con- such proportions as to yield approxi-
tained in the goods) mately the same hydrogen ion content,
and the or to mix these acids. The products of
Requisite Dyestuff, reaction with sulphuric acid, however,
or, for thicker shapes and hat bodies with tend to injuriously affect the fur unless
Glauber ^s Salt 5-10% the fur is subsequently treated, as with
Sulphuric Acid 1-3% ammonia or other alkali. A
and the procedure for treating sulphuric acid-
Requisite Dyestuff. treated fur is to expose the treated fur,
Enter the well wetted or boiled felts in dried condition, to ammonia fumes or
at 40-50 C. (105-120® F.), raise in 1/2 the fumes of a suitable ammonium salt,
to % hour to the boil, and dye at the either before or after the carroted fur is
cut from the skin, and either under pres-
boil for % to 1 hour. Hereupon cool
sure or after evacuating the air there-
the bath down to 60-70® 0. (140-160®
F,), add the corresponding quantity of from. This neutralizing operation turns
bichrome (one-third of the quantity of the manganese pink, but renders it water-
dyestuff, and for half -milled felt, even soluble so that it washes out in the felt-
in the case of deep shades not more than ing operation, with the result that the
1.5%), raise again gradually to the boil, carrot of the present invention does not
and finally boil for another hour. discolor the finished felt which retains
the natural color of the fur.
Non-Slipping V-Belts
Slipping V-belts can often be remedied Bleaching Yellowed Furs
easily, especially in cases where the load Treat leather side of fur with
is slightly too great by liberally coating
Petrolatum 4 kg.
them with finely powdered rosin. The Benzine or Carbon
sur:^aee of the belt should be softened Tetrachloride 10 kg.
slightly before applying the rosin. If Wet the hairs well with a 5%soda
the belt is leather this is best done by solution; wash with 7% curd soap solu-
coating it with a mixture of rosin oil and tion and bleach with ammonia and hy-
mineral oil. If of rubber, talc or graph- drogen peroxide. Rinse with water at
ite is used. 30° C., acidify with formic acid and dry.
A little bluing may be added to the acid
Fur Carroting Solution if desired. Wash the dried fur in a sus-
U. S. Patent 2,048,645 pension of
Sulphuric Acid 5 lb. Talc 100 g.
Hydrochloric Acid 1 lb. Benzine 10 k
Potassium Chlorate 3 lb. Centrifuge and dry.
Soluble Oil Textile Lubricants
Formula No. 1 Formula No. 1
Spindle Oil kg. 100 Monoamylamine Oleate 4 lb.

Oleic Acid 12 kg. Paraffin Oil (28° Be.) 96 lb.

Butanol 7 kg. Mix the above and stir into

Triethanolamine 0.5 kg. Water 100 lb.
Caustic Potash (38° Be.) 4.5 kg. No. 2
Heat the oils to about 70° 0., add the a. Rosin WW 6.4 g.
butanol, and to this the triethanolamine. Mineral Oil 20 g.
Add the lye, and leave standing hot to b. Olein, Light 10.5 g.
clarify. c. Spindle Oil 73.4 g.
No. 2 d. Alcohol 5.4 g.
Alcohol, Denatured 15 oz. €. Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 2.2 g.
Digiycol Laurate 85 oz. Melt up a with agitation, until clear.
Mineral Oil 400 oz. Add b, c, cool down to 45° C., add d,
No. 3 and, with vigorous mixing, e in small
Mineral Oil 32 g. portions, until the cloudiness disappears.
Oleic Acid 10 g. If it does not go clear completely, add
Alcohol 3 g. some olein with caution.
Trigamine 5 g-
The above are thoroughly mixed co Lubricating Emulsion for Wool
Olive Oil 87 g.
and form a clear transparent oil which
Oleic Acid 10 g.
readily emulsifies on pouring into water
with slight stirring. Triganiine 3 g.
No. 4 Water 100 cc.
IT. S. Patent 2,040,673 The above emulsion is suggested as a
A method of making a soluble oil from
wool lubricant so that the wool fibers in
impure mahogany soap comprises adding the carding and combing operations pass
to this soap the light mineral oil to be over one another with the least possible
used in the soluble oil, washing the mix- amount of frictional resistance. The oil
ture of mineral oil, and impure mahogany
in emulsions made with trigamine is of
soap with 3 per cent to 10 per cent aque- an extremely fine particle size and comes
ous alkali metal hydroxide solution, sepa- into contact with the fibers very rapidly,
rating the aqueous phase and impurities thoroughly and uniformly. Furthermore,
from the acid to form an emulsifying the oil emulsion is very easily removed
soap which will supplement the mahogany during scouring.
soap in the soluble oil. Mahogany soaps
are sulphonic soaps derived from petro- Lubricant for Worsted
leum refining. Oleic Acid 40 kg.
No. 5 Triethanolamine 2.04 kg.
Spindle Oil, Befined, Water 60 kg.
4-5 E. (20°C.) Stir together at about 35° C., and
50 kg.
Oleic Acid, Distilled transfer immediately into a homogen-
20 kg.
izer, where the emulsion is homogenized
Sodium Hydroxide
(29° BA) about 12.5 kg.
under about 150 atmospheres pressure.
Alcohol, to make
clear about 12.5 kg. Soluble Oil Base, Textile
Oleic Acid 8 lb.
Soluble Mineral Oil Colza Oil 4 lb.
Formula No. 1 Rosin 2 lb.
Mineral Oil 75 oz. Castor Oil Fatty Acid 2 lb.
Naphthenic Acid Sludge 25 oz. Spindle Oil 32 lb.
No. ,2.


Alcohol 2 lb.
Mineral Oil 75 oz. Methyl Glycol 1 lb.
Naphthenic Soap 25 oz. Caustic Potash (50°) 3.8 lb.

Melt a to dissolve, cool to 40-50® C., h. Caustic Soda (30-38°

add 1, Cool further, add c. Be.) to pH 6-7
c. Water, to make 100 g.
Should dissolve 1:10 in mineral oil,

and emulsify. Mix neutralize with h to neutrality,

thin down with water, as in c.
Soluble Oil, Textile
30 kg.
No. 2
<1 , Turkey Bed Oil (50%) Monopol Soap
1 kg. (Z. 30 g.
Diglycoi Laurate
1 Water, Hot 40 cc.
1 hg. h. Oleic Acid, Distilled 20 g.
Methyl Glycol c. Caustic Soda, to pH 6-7
h. Oleic Acid, White 15 kg.
to neutralize
d. Water, to make 100 g.
c. Caustic Potash
100 kg. Dissolve a hot, cool down to 20-25®
Water, to make
C., add h, neutralize with c to pH 6-7,
thin with d.
Silk Throwing Oil
White Russian
Mineral Oil 29 oz. Dressing for Yarn
Pine Oil Montan Wax,
(Steam Distilled) 2 oz. Double Bleached 8 g.
Neatsfoot Oil Parafhn Wax (40/42® C.) 10 g.
(Free Patty Acid 6%) 68 oz. Rosin 7 g.
White Oleic Acid 1 oz. Potassium Carbonate 2 g.
Water 60 g.
Spinning Oil for Light or White Fibers
White Oleic Acid 41 lb.
Textile Lubricant for Spinning J ute,
Denatured Alcohol 31 lb.
Hemp, Etc.
Caustic Potash (48® Be.) 171^ lb. Formula No. 1
Mix these three thoroughly and test
Train Oil, Dark 30-50 kg.
for neutrality. Make exactly neutral,
Spindle Oil, Distilled 70-50 kg.
then add
Water U No. 2
Lubricant Oil Emulsion.
White Mineral Oil 854 Ibo
White Oleic Acid 35 lb.

the free oleic acid gradually, with

Add Rope Lubricant
constant stirring, until the entire liquid British Patent 455,652
becomes clear. This may require slightly Mineral Oil 72 oz.
more oleic acid than listed. When clear, Aluminum Oleate 2% oz.
add 11 lb. steam distilled pine oil. Hydroquinone % oz.
Spinning Oil for Wool Warm together and stir until dissolved.
Water 2.0 oz.
Caustic Potash 1.2 oz. Leather Stuffing Grease
Light Mineral Oil 85.0 oz. Formula No. 1
Diethylene Glycol 2.0 oz. Montan Wax, Crude 12 kg.
Oleic Acid oz. 0,9 Ceresin 3 kg.
To the riixieral oil add 6 parts of oleic Woolf at, Neutral 5 kg.
acid, and the caustic potash dissolved in Car Waste Oil 50 kg.
the water. Stir in the diethylene glycol. Birch Tar 3 kg.
Then add slowly with constant stirring Train Oil 27 kg.
the remainder of the oleic acid, till the No. 2

becomes clear. If properly


solution Woolf at, Neutral 30 kg.

made, this oil will emulsify when mixed Train Oil 50 kg.
with water. Tallow 20 kg.
Cotton Spraying Oil No. 3
Patent 2,074,655
XT. S.
Sulphonated Grease 1 lb.

Light Lubricating Oil 99.5-95 oz. Castor Oil % lb.

Butyl Acetyl Bicinoleate 0.5-5 oz. Mineral Oil % lb.

No. 4
Pulling Oil Train Oil, Brown, Clear
Formula No. 1 Woolfat, Crude
d. Sulphonated Castor Rubber Solution (6%)
Oil (75%) 40 g. Crude Montan Wax
Oleic Acid, Distilled 20 g. Spindle Oil
Water 20 g. Birch Tar

No. 5 m. 2
Yellow Tallow 40 lb.
Ozokerite-Ceresin, Yellow Train Oil 30 lb.
(58/60® C.) 17 kg. Woolfat, Neutral 10 lb.
Spindle Gil, Distilled 83 kg. Blown Oil, High-Viscosity 20 lb.
No. 6 No. 3
Yellow Train Oil 50 kg.
Scale Wax, Yellow, 50/52® G. 10 lb. Woolfat 15 kg.
Montan Wax, Bleacked 10 lb. Rape Seed Oil, Blown 15 kg.
Rosin, Pale 5 lb. Castor Oil (2nd Pressing) 5 kg.
Spindle Oil, Distilled 75 lb. Rubber Solution in Benzol 5 kg.
No. 7
BrowTb Belt Preserving Grease
Montan Wax, Crude 10 lb. Formula No. 1
Rosin, Dark 10 lb. Woolfat, Neutral 30 kg.
Scale Wax 5 lb. Tallow, Free of Acid 25 kg.
Spindle Oil, Distilled 75 lb. Degras 15 kg.
Train Gil 30 kg.
No. 8
Blade No. 2
Montan Wax, Crude 12 lb. (To protect and soften the leather)
Rosin, Dark 10 lb. Woolfat, Neutral 30 kg.
Seale Wax 3 lb. Tallow 30 kg.
Spindle Oil, Distilled 73 lb. Train Oil 25 kg.
Nigrosin, Oil-Soluble 2 lb. Degras 14 kg.
Birch Tar 1 kg.
No. 9
Blade No. 3
Montan Wax, Crude 15 kg. Beef Tallow 50 g.
Ozokerite-Ceresin, Yellow 3 kg. Paraffin Wax (50/52® C.) 10 g.
Woolfat, Crude 5 kg. Turpentine 10 g.
Black Leather Dye, Oil- Saturated-Steam-Cylinder
Soluble 2 kg. Oil,'’ Very Fluid 50 g.
Spindle Oil, Distilled 75 kg. Rosin, Ground 10 g.
No. 10 Melt the first three ingredients on the
Ozokerite 3 kg. steam-bath, add the oil, stir until cooled,
Paraffin 5 kg. and stir in the rosin.
Woolfat, Neutral 10 kg. No. 4
Mineral Oil 22 kg. A liquid belt dressing formula contains
Train Oil 60 kg. beeswax 4 pitch 5 lb., resin 3 lb.,
neatsfoot oil13 lb. The beeswax is
Leather ‘ ‘ Adhesion Grease ’ ’ melted first and the other ingredients are
Woolfat, Neutral 6 kg. added in the order named.
Tallow 25 kg.
Castor Oil, Second Pressing 1.5 kg. No. 5
Liquid Belting Lubricant Fish Glue 100 lb.
a. Rosin 7.5 lb. Glycerin 80 lb.
Woolfat 7.5 lb. Sulphonated Castor Oil 100 lb.
h. Train Oil 30.0 lb. Water 170 lb.
Rosin Oil or Mineral Oil 55.0 lb. Lampblack 82 lb.
Melt a in a kettle. Dilute with & which Aqua Ammonia (26®) 1 gal.
is stirredin slowly.
To get more viscous compositions, the Government Harness Dressing
liquid components may be reduced. Neatsfoot Oil 1 gal.
Bayberry Tallow 2 1b.
Belt Adhesion Compounds Beeswax 2 1b.
Formula No. 1 Beef Tallow 2 lb.
Rosin 25 kg. Castor Oil 1 qt.
Woolfat, Anhydrous 20 kg. Lampblack 1 oz.
Rape Seed Oil, Blown 20 kg.
Tallow 25 kg. Rubber Belt Dressing (Non-Static)
Scale Wax (50/52® C.) 10 kg. Lampblack 18 lb.
Melt all ingredients together and mix Spar Varnish 82 lb.
imdl uniform. Carbon Tetrachloride 50 lb.

Belting Oil Spindle Oil, Refined 50 g.

Train Brown, Clear
Oil, 50 lb. Oleic Acid, Distilled 5 g.
Castor Oil, 2nd Pressing 10 lb. Caustic Soda (42° B6.) 3 g.
Woolf at, Neutral 10 lb. Water 32 g.
Blown Oil 25 lb.
Spindle Oil, Distilled 5 lb. Fat-Liquors for Chrome Tannages
Formula No. 1
Sulphonated Neatsfoot
Formula No. 1 Oil 20-40 lb.
Colza Oil, Blown 30 kg. Spindle Oil 10-20 lb.
Train Oil 20 kg. Neatsfoot Oil 100-80 lb.
Spindle Oil 40 kg. No. 2 No. 3 No. 4
No. 2 Sulphonated
a.Woolfat, Neutral 25 kg. Neatsfoot Oil 30
25 lb. 20
&. Train Oil 25 kg. Neatsfoot Oil 40
30 lb. 40
Castor Oil 25 kg. Mineral Oil 20
20 lb. 20
Spindle Oil 25 kg. Soap 10 25 lb. 20
Melt a, tliin with the oils h. 5% emulsions of the above are used
at pH of 6.5-8.0.
Belt Adhesion Oil for Rubber Belting
6- 8 kg. Stuffing Fat-Liquors for Leather
Crude Rubber
92 kg. Formula No. 1
5-10% Montan Wax, Bleached 10 g.
Spindle Oil
Fish Train Oil 3 g-
Soak, and stir until homogeneous. The
Paraffin Oil 35 g.
exact composition (a material which does
Wool Fat 25 g*
not dry too quickly but does not attack
No. 2
the belting to a great extent) must be
Montan Wax, Crude 10 g*
tried out.
Ceresin (64-70° C.) 16 g-
Train Oil 30 g-
Leather Oils
Spindle Oil 44 g-
Woolfat, Neutral 5 kg. No. 3
Train Oil 20 kg. Castor Oil Soap 3 lb.

Spindle Oil, Refined 75 kg* Sorbitol (85%) 2 lb.

Darh Castor Oil 1% lb.

Boiling Water 10 lb.
Train Oil, Blown 20 kg.
Castor Oil, Mineral Oil- No. 4
Soluble 10 kg. Sorbitol (85%) 1 lb.

Birch Tar Oil 3 kg. Castile Soap IVe lb.

Spindle Oil, Distilled 67 kg. Neatsfoot Oil 2 lb.

Borax 4 oz.

Leather Grease for Soles Water 150 lb.

English Patent 432,636 NOTE Other vegetable oils, sulphonated


Train Oil 20 lb. oils, animal and marine oils may be used
Mineral Oil, Light 70 lb. in place of the neatsfoot oil or castor
Castor Oil, Sulphonated 10 lb. oil.
Ammonia 0.5 lb. No. 5
Degras 10 lb.
Leather Oil for Sport Shoes Olive Oil 10 lb.
a. Caoutchouc, Rose Flal^es 2 kg. Sorbitol (85%) 4 lb.
h. Spindle Oil, Pale Yellow Soft Soap 5 1b.
(8-10° E. at 20° C.) 50 kg. Vfater (140° F.) 60-70 gal.
o. Spindle Oil 48 kg, The skins are tumbled in this emulsion
d. Cumar, Liquid, High- for a period in the neighborhood of 45
Viscosity 1 kg. minutes and are then hung on a trestle
Soak a in h on a warm place until it for about 30 minutes to let the fat pene-
begins to be transparent, and dissolve trate the leather.
completely on a waterbath. Add in g ;Ko. O;',:''

to this solution, and mix thoroughly. For white leathers, based on weight of
tanned calfskins:
Tanner’s Grease Sorbitol Monolaurate 2%
Woolfat 7 g. Neatsfoot Oil 1%
Train Oil r 3 g. Water (120° F.) 150%

No. 7 Anti-Freeze Lubricating Grease

Sorbitol Monolaurate 2% U. S. Patent 2,071,488
Nopco White Pigment 1% Lime Rosin Soap 8-15%
Water (120° F.) 150% Heavy Mineral Oil 35-60%
Wax Tailings 10-20%
No. 8
Salt 20-35%
Sorbitol Monolaurate 2% Water 1-5 %
Neatsfoot Oil 1%
Syntan Bleach 10%
Water 150% Adherent Lubricating Grease
No. 9 French Patent 797,054
Neutral, Light 30 Consistent greases having strong adher-
Train Oil, lb.
20 ence properties contain a calcium soap,
Castor Oil lb.
25 a lubricating oil and a small amount of
Neatsfoot Oil lb.
rubber, which may be in latex form. An
Benzine or Carbon
Tetrachloride 25 lb.
example contains calcium soap 12, rubber
0.5, glycerol 1, water 1 and red solar oil
85.5%. The mixture containing latex is
Fat-Liquor for Lambskins heated to 188° and agitated to reduce
Flour 10 lb. the water content to 1%.
Kaolin 10 lb.
Best Curd Soap 10 lb.
Egg Yolks 20 Lubricating Grease, Non-Separating
U. S. Patent 2,108,643
The flour and clay should be made into
These greases may suitably be made
a paste with cold water, then the soap by mixing the necessary lime with a small
dissolved in boiling water and when just
amount of water, and an amount of oil
tepid added to the first mixture. After
about equal to the fatty acid to be used
thorough mixing and when the liquor has in a steam- jacketed grease mixing kettle.
a temperature of lOO F. the egg yolks The fatty acid to be used in the manu-
should be added and the solution thor- facture of the soap is then added and
oughly emulsified. A hot drum must be heat is applied. After an interval of
used for the processing, and the amount about 40 to 60 minutes, when the tem-
of liquor should be just sufficient to work perature has reached 240-260° F., the
the goods nicely. Two hours slow drum-
soap is ready for mixing. About 2% to
ming is necessary for thorough feeding.
Drying in a cool shed is advised.
3% of water is added, and when the
batch foams up it is driven down by the
Instead of curd soap, a good sulphon- addition of oil, the heat being abstracted
ated oil can be used, preferably a fairly by the addition of cold oil and by the
heavy one, such as sulphonated codliver vaporization of water so that the tem-
or sperm oil. An alternative method is perature drops to about 230° F. Oil is
to use one-third weight of soap together added until the batch contains about 25%
with one-third to total weight of sulphon- soap, and during this interval the tem-
ated oil. perature drops gradually until it reaches
about 205-210° F. If the desired soap
Lubricating Grease percentage is about 15, the batch should
German Patent 613,362 reach a temperature of about 180-190°
Neutral Oil (Paraffin Base, F. at this point. This process is about
Viscosity 6.22° E. at the same when fats are used instead of
37.8° C.) 1970 kg. fatty acids except that it requires 12 to
Aluminum Stearate 270 kg. 20 hours at 240-260° F. to effect the
saponification of the fats. After the ad-
Me&t Tip slowly to 127° 0. (in about
dition of the final amount of oil, but
7 hours). Cool quickly.
prior to final cooling, the desired amount
of stabilizing agent is added and stirred
Gasoline-Proof Lubricating Grease in and the grease is then cooled and pack-
Oleic Acid 2.5 oz. aged in the normal manner.
Ammonium Linoleat© 17.5 oz. While it is preferable in some respects
Glycerol 37.0 oz. to manufacture these greases in accord-
Lubricating Oil 35.0 oz. ance with the conventional cup grease
practice in which a small amount of
A simpler, readily prepared lubricant
water, say from one-half to one and one-
of this type is:
half percent, is left in the finished
Oleic Acid 100 oz. grease it is also possible to make these
Glycerin oz- greases hti a completely anhydrous form.
by boiling off all tlie water. In manu- each case having the following composi-
facturing the anliydrous greases, it is tion: 22.5% calcium soap of fatty acids
necessary to cool the grease rapidly in split from hydrogenated fats, 73.5% red
order to secure the desired structure. oil (Mid-Continent distillate having a
This can be done by the use of cooling viscosity of about 300 seconds Saybolt
coils, or chilled rolls or by pouring the at 100® F.), and 4% stabilizing agent.
hot grease out in layers of, preferably,
not over about one inch in thickness at
ordinary atmospheric temperatures. The Ball Bearing Grease
result is a crystal dear grease, which like Formula No. 1
those containing water, will not separate White
at high temperatures. These anhydrous . Stearic Acid 10 kg.
greases have some marked advantages but White
Paraffin Oil, 30 kg.
do not have the conventionally desirable . Lime Hydrate 2 kg.
structure and properties of the hydrous "Water
greases. c. Paraffin Oil, White 56 kg.
The use of fatty alcohol stabilizing
Melt a, saponify hot with h ; add c in
agents is particularly valuable in con-
nection with ordinary cup greases, i.e.,
small portions. Keep stirring until cold.
calcium soap greases. It is preferable to
use calcium hydrogenated fatty acid soap No. 2
but calcium animal fatty acid soap and Yellow
other calcium soaps are completely satis- a. Train Oil Fatty Acid 16 kg.
factory. Relatively small amounts of Mineral Oil, Pale 30 kg,
soaps of other metals can be used along h. Lime Hydrate 2 kg.
with the calcium soap, for instance, so- Water
dium soap, or the stabilizing agents may c. Mineral Oil, Pale ^8 kg.
be used in greases which do not contain Prepare as above.
calcium soaps at all, for example, zinc
soap greases. However, in these cases the
No. 3
effect is much less marKed and the results
High Speed Ball Bearing Grease
are less desirable than in the case of cal-
Canadian Patent 363,369
cium soap greases. Calcium Soap 3,9 oz.

The greases made in accordance with Sodium Soap 16.0 oz.

this invention will normally have the Mineral Oil (100-300
following weight composition; Saybolt at 100® F.) 78.7 oz.
Free Alkali 0.3 oz.
Percent Percent This has a melting point of 352® F,
Oil 54^96 or preferably 67-92 No. 4
Soap 3-35 or preferably 5-25 (Softening Point=:60-70® C.)
* Stabilizing Rapeseed Oil 8 kg.
Agent 1-8 3-6 Spindle Oil, Refined (Vise,
or preferably
2.5-4® E. at 20® 0.) 88.5 kg.
Water 0-3 or preferably 0-2
Lime Hydrate 1.5 kg.
* The agents used in the above
composition are mpropanol, n-butanol, n-amyl No. 5
alcohol, cetyl alcohol and ocenol (the latter be- Wliale Train Oil Fatty Acid 8 , kg.
ing a proprietary higher alcohol). These vari-
ous compositions are free from leakage after Spindle Oil, Refined (Vise.
storage of two months -or more and exhibited 2.5-4® E. at 20® C.) 88,5 kg.
very favorable properties as to high temperature Lime Hydrate L5 kg.
stability. These particular compositions are an-
hydrous. As previously indicated, greases su- No. 6
perior in some respects can be made leaving a
small amount of water in the finished grease. Paraffin Wax (40-42® 0.) 16 kg.
Ozokerite, Refined 4 kg.
However, relatively inert materials Spindle Oil, Containing
such as powdered metals, ffake graphite, Paraffin (Vise. 2 E. at
mica, asbestos fibers, small amounts of 50® 0.) 80 kg.
glycerin, fats, etc., can be included
without departing from the spirit of this
invention and these relatively inert ma- Lubricant for Rubber Bearings
terials are not to be included in figuring (Spring Shackles)
the composition of the grease. U. S. Patent 2,083,176
As examples of this invention greases Glycerin 50.0 oz.
have been made using five different al- Water 50.0 oz.
cohol stabilizing agents, the grease in Graphite, Fine Powdered 0.2 oz.

Lubricating Grease of Low Softening soap, stirring thoroughly, and by only

Point for Roller and Similar heating to 65-70° 0.
Bearings No. 2
Formula No. 1 Tallow 250 kg.
Oleic Acid 8 oz. Caustic Soda, Solid 35 kg.
Spindle Oil, Refined (Vise. Engine Oil, Refined (Vis-
2.5-4 E. at 20® G.) 86.7 kg. cosity 3.5° E. at 50° C.) 715 kg.
Lime Hydrate 1.3 kg. No. 3
No. 2 Tallow 200 kg.
Crude Montan. Wax 12 kg. Caustic Soda, Solid 27 kg.
Paraffin Oil 84 kg. Engine Oil, Refined (Vis-
Caustic Soda (38° Be.) 2 kg. cosity 3.5° E. at 50° C.) 773 kg.
No. 3 No. 4
Woolf at Fatty Acid 5 kg. Tallow 260 kg.
Lanolin Fatty Acid 5 kg. Caustic Soda, Solid 45 kg.
Spindle Oil (Containing Engine Oil, Refined (Vis-
Paraffin) 84.5 kg. cosity 8° E. at 50° C.) 695 kg.
Lime Hydrate 1.5 kg.

Hot-Bearing Grease
Roller Bearing Lubricant
(For heavily loaded, hot bearings)
Formula No. 1 Formula No. 1
U. S. Patent 2,058,236 Tallow Fatty Acid 14 kg.
A lubricating grease for kigh speed Montan Wax, Refined 3 kg.
ball and roller bearings consists essen-
Engine Oil (6-7 E. at
tially of a mixed soda-lime soap of 50° C.) 79.5 kg.
stearic acid, in which, the ratio of lime
Lime Hydrate 1.5 kg.
soap to soda soap is around 1 to 5, and Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 3 kg.
about 65-85% of light lubricating oil,
the grease being substantially anhydrous
No. 2
and free from glycerin and characterized Tallow 25 kg.
by having a short fibre texture. Engine Oil (^8 E. at
50° C.) 70.5 kg.
No. 2
Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 10 kg.
IT. S. Patent 702,197
Sodium Stearate 14.5 oz.
Sodium Naphthenate 6.9 oz. Lubricants for Highly Loaded Bearings
Medium Heavy Mineral Formula No. 1
Lubricating Oil 77.89 oz. Bone Fat 12 kg.
Caustic Soda 0.32 oz. Cottonseed Oil 3 kg.
Water Trace Engine Oil (2.5-5° E. at
50° C.) 79 5 kg.
Lime Hydrate 2.5 kg.
Formula No. 1 No. 2
Tallow 300 kg. Whale Train Oil Fatty Acid 15 kg.
Caustic Soda, Solid 42 kg. Engine Oil (2.5-5° E. at
Engine Refined (Vis-
Oil, 50° C.) 79.5 kg.
o ero Tn nrnn ^ t
cosity 3.5° E. at 50° 0.) 658 kg. Lime Hydrate 2.5 kg.
Kettle should be filled only to one-
third. Heat the tallow to 50 °C., start the
No. 3
mixer. Soybean Oil 15 kg.
pissolve the soda in 158 liters of water Tallow 5 kg.
(yields 200 kg. lye) ; and add it to the Engine Oil (2.5-5° E. at
melted tallow slowly. Heat until the 50° C.) 74 kg.
tallow is completely saponified. Lime Hydrate 3 kg.
Add slowly 50 kg. oil, wait until Caustic Soda (40° B^.) 1 kg.
smooth, add 250 kg. oil in small portions.
Heat to 150° C., until all water is boiled Lubrication of Synthetic Resin Bearings
away. British Patent 481,154
Add the remaining, pre-heated oil to Use ethylene glycol or glycerin. For
the kettle, stir until cooled to 90° C., running-in such bearings dissolve 1-
pour off. 20% of any water soluble hydroxides,
A softer product can be gotten by carbonates or bi-carbonates, e.g., caustic
adding the oil (50° C.) to the finished soda or potassium carbonate.

Grease for Pressure Lubrication Caustic Soda, Solid 45 kg.

Formula No. 1 Engine Oil, Distilled,
Stearic Acid 10 Jsig, Viscosity 8® at 50° C. 675 kg.
Oleic Acid 8 kg. Use a fire-heated kettle, which should
Engine Oil (6-7® E. at be filled only to Put in the tallows,
50® C.) 76 kg. stearin, and 200 kg. of the oilj dissolve
Lime Hydrate 3 kg. the soda in 135 liters of water. Start
No. 2 stirring the kettle and add the soda
Tallow Fatty Acid 16 kg. slowly into it, heat and, as soon as the
Bone Pat 4 kg. saponification is complete, add the re-
Engine Oil (6-7® E. at maining oil. Heat up to 250-260° C.
50® 0.) 73.5 kg. Pour into iron forms, 10 cm. high. Cool,
Lime Hydrate 3.5 kg. cut, pack.
No. 3 No. 2
Refined Montan Wax 22 kg. Colophony (Rosin) 75 kg.
Oleic Acid 5 kg. Lard Oil 75 kg.
Engine Oil (6-7° E. at Caustic Soda, Solid 20 kg.
5b® C.) 67 kg, Cylinder Oil, Dark, Asphal-
Lime Hydrate 3 kg, ous, Viscosity 4 at 100® 0. 830 kg.
No. 3
Pligb Pressure Lubricant Stearic Acid 75 kg.
U. S. Patent 2,094,202 Colophony (Rosin) 75 kg.
1 A lubricant adapted to withstand high Caustic Soda, Solid 25 kg.
pressures comprises a mineral lubricating Cylinder Oil, Dark, Asphal-
oil containing 0.1 to 5 per cent of di- tous, Vise. 5-6 at 100° C. 825 kg,
phenyl. (Dropping Point: 190° C.)
No. 4
Hot-Roller Grease Wool Fat, Crude 200 kg.
(For roller-ways in rolling mills) Wool Fat Pitch 200 kg.
Formula No. 1 Cylinder Oil, Asphal-
Tallow 25 kg. tous, Viscosity 5® E. at
Stearic Acid 3 kg. 100° C. 570kg.
Engine Oil (Viscosity Caustic Soda, Solid 30 kg.
7-8 E. at 50® C.) 78 kg. No. 5
Caustic Soda (40® BA) 12 kg. Tallow 18 kg.
No. 2 Caustic Soda, Solid 30 kg.
Crude Woolfat 20 kg- Asphaltum Base Cylinder
Rosin 10 kg. Oil, 5-6 E. Viscosity at
Cylinder Oil (7 E. at 100° C. 790 kg.
100® C.) 66.5 kg.
Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 10 kg. High Temperature Lubricant
French Patent 808,046
Hot-Roller Grease Brignets Formula No. 1
(For rollers in rolling mills) Caustic Soda 3 kg.
Formula No. 1 Ethyl Carbitol 10 kg.
Stearin from Woolfat 20 kg. Castor Oil 2 kg.
Rosin 10 kg. China Wood Oil 3 kg.
Woolfat Pitch 20 kg. Linseed Oil 2 kg.
Cylinder Oil (7 E. at Soya Bean Oil 2.6 kg.
100° C.) 46 kg. .

No. 2
Caustic Soda (40° BA) 12 kg. Caustic Soda 3 kg.
No. 2 ,
Ethyl Carbitol 11 kg.
Stearin Pitch 25 kg. Castor Oil 0.4 kg.
Woolfat Pitch 23 kg. China Wood Oil 0.6 kg.
Tallow 12 kg. Soya Bean Oil 2.6 kg.
Cylinder Oil (7 E. at Stearic Acid 10.5 kg.
100° 0.) 36 kg. No. 3-
Caustic Soda (40° BA) 12 kg. Woolfat Stearine 20 lb.
Woolfat, Crude 20 lb.
Hot Roller Lubricant Rosin 10 Ib.
(Dropping Point above 170° CJ.) Stearin Pitch, Soft 50 lb.
Formula No. 1 Goudron (Mineral Oil
Tallow 250 kg. Residue) 100 lb.
Stearic Acid 30 kg. Caustic Soda (40® BA) 12 lb.

^^Cold-Roller Grease^^ Calcium Oxide 1 kg.

(Lubricant for Rollers, Pulleys, Bearings) Aluminum Sulphate 3 kg.
Formula No. 1 Magnesium Chloride 2 kg.
Crude Woolf at 15 kg. So (Rum Hydroxide, Solid 1.5 kg.
Woolfat-Stearin 6 kg. Graphite 2 kg.
Engine Oil (Viscosity Asbestos Linters 7.9 kg.
7-8 E. at 50° C.) 78 kg. Mica 6 kg.
Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 6 kg. Water
No. 2 Method (General)
Train Oil Fatty Acid 15 kg. (1) Melt Fatty acid and an equal
Tallow 3 kg. part of the petrolatum (or mineral oil).
Engine Oil (Viscosity (2) Heat to 100° 0.
7-8 E. at 50° 0.) 79 kg. (3) Add the calcium oxide (in
Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 8 kg. water).
(4) Stir until the lime has been dis-
^^Cold Boiler Grease Briquets’’ solved by the fatty acid.
(For large rollers and bearings) (5) Add caustic alkali (in water),
Formula No. 1 until the fatty acid is saponified com-
Crude Woolfat 15 kg. pletely.
Stearin from Woolfat 5 kg. (6) Add aluminum sulphate and mag-
Cylinder Oil nesium chloride (in water), to form the
(7 E. at 100° C.) 78 kg corresponding soaps.
Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 6 kg. (7) Boil most of the water away.
No. 2 (8) Add the remainder of the petro-
Tallow 20 kg. latum (or mineral oil).
Cylinder Oil (9) Boil down to 0.5-0.6% water.
(7 E. at 100° C.) 77 kg (10) Stir until cold.
Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 8.5 kg. (11) Put into cans, or press.
No. 2
(For Hot Steam, Gas, Oils. Not for
Lubricating Briquets
Alkali or Acid)
Formula No. 1
Petrolatum, Crude 544 kg.
Woolfat Fatty Acid 14 kg.
Stearic Acid 50 kg.
Rosin 8 kg.
Tallow 50 kg.
Engine Oil (7-8 E. at
Lard Oil 50 kg.
50° C.) 75 kg.
Calcium Oxide 20 kg.
CausticSoda (40° Bd.) 9 kg.
Aluminum Sulphate 35 kg.
No. 2
Ma^esium Chloride 20 kg.
Crude Woolfat 10 kg.
Sodium Hydroxide, Solid 15 kg.
Rosin 10 kg.
Mica 50 kg.
Engine Oil (7-8 E. at
Asbestos Fibre 40 kg.
50° C.) 77.5 kg.
Hair 40 kg.
Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 8 kg.
Graphite 80 kg.
No. 3
Lubricants for Cold Rollers (For Benzine, Gas, Organic Solvents,
Formula No. 1 Below 180° C.)
Tallow 150 kg. Tallow 700 kg.
Stearic Acid 30 kg. Paraffin Wax 80 kg.
Caustic Soda, Solid about 30 kg. Sodium Hydroxide, Solid 110 kg.
Engine Oil, Uistilled Potassium Hydroxide, Solid 20 kg.
(Viscosity 8 at 50° C.^ 790 kg. Aluminum Sulphate 20 kg.
No. 2 Calcium Oxide 30 kg.
Wool Fat Stearin 50 kg. Magnesium Chloride 3C kg.
Wool Fat 150 kg.
No. 4
Caustic Soda, Solid about 20 kg. (For Wet
Gases, Oils, Emulsions,
Cylinder Oil
(Viscosity 4-5 at 100° C.) 780 kg.
to 120° 0.)
Tallow 250 kg.
Stearic Acid 250 kg.
Cock Valve Greases, Special Engine Oil, Refined
Formula No. 1 (Viscosity 6 E.) 350 kg.
(For Temperatures Up to 165® C., and Calcium Oxide 60 kg.
Resistant to Caustics, Water-Insoluble) Aluminum Sulphate 150 kg.
Petrolatum, Crude 63 kg. Ma^esium Chloride 150 kg.
Stearic Acid 13 kg. Sodium Hydroxide, Solid 50 kg.

Cock Grease 5. Lime Hydrate

Woolf at, Neutral 4.2 kg. (in Water) 1.6 kg.
Spindle Oil 2.5 kg. 6. Tar Oil 45 kg.
Ceresin 0.) 0.8 kg. No. 6
Graphite, Flakes 2.5 kg. Black
a. Woolfat Fatty Acid 17 kg.
Engine Lubricating Grease Paraffin Oil, Bark 25 kg.
(Softening at 70-90'^ C.) 5. Caustic Soda (24° Be.) 10 kg.
Formula No. 1 c. Paraffin Oil, Bark 53 kg.
Eapeseed Oil 8 kg. Ceres Black 0.5 kg.
Peanut Oil 4 kg.
No. 7
Spindle Oil, Refined
(Vise. 4-6° E. at 20° G.) 83 kg.
a. Woolfat Fatty Acid 10 kg.
Lime Hydrate 2 kg.
Rosin 2 kg.
No. 2 Mineral Oil 20 kg.
Train Oil or Bone Fat h. Lime Hydrate
Fatty Acid 12 kg.
(in Water) 1.5 kg.
Spindle Oil, Refined c. Mineral Oil 52 kg.
(Vise. 4-6° E. at 20° C.) 83 kg.
Talcum 12 kg.
Lime Hydrate 2 kg.
No. 3
Lanolin Fatty Acid 18 kg. Carriage Greases, Unfilled
Spindle Oil, Containing Yellow:
Paraffin (Vise. 2° E. Formula No. 1
at 50° C.) 77 kg. a. Rosin (Stock) Oil 27 kg.
Lime Hydrate 1.5 kg. Mineral Oil, Pale 40 kg.
Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 1 kg. 5. Lime Hydrate 9 kg.
Mineral Oil, Pale 24 kg.
Carriage Greases Bissolve a with heat and stirring, and
Formula No. 1 grind & separately until smooth. Add
Yellow the thin paste h to the oil a with thor-
a. Montan Wax, Bleached 20 kg. ough agitation. A
very heavy gel is
Rosin 5 kg. formed.
h. Mineral Oil, Pale 30 kg.
No. 2
0 . Caustic Soda (24° Be.) 5.5 kg.
a. Rosin (Stock) Oil 24 kg.
d. Mineral Pale
Oil, 42 kg. Mineral Oil, Pale 40 kg,
Melt a, dilute with h, saponify with h. Lime Hydrate 8 kg.
<if dilute with d. Mineral Oil, Pale 28 kg.
No. 2 Prepare as in No. 1.
Light Brown Brown or Natural Color:
<1. Woolf at Fatty Acid 15 kg.
20 kg.
No. 3
ikineral Oil
As in Formula No. 1, using dark
h. Lime Hydrate (in Water) 2 kg. '

62 kg. (waste) mineral oils for all or a part of

0. Mineral Oil, Pale
the mineral oil.
The melted a is saponified with h, Blue:
and thinned by c.
No. 3 '/No. 4
Natwal Color Use Formula No 1, 2 or 3, but dye
a. Montan Wax, Crude 18 kg. with 0.3% lampblack or 0.5% Brilliant
Rosin 3 kg. Oil Blue. '

h. Paraffin Oil, Bark 30 kg. No. 5

c. Caustic Soda (36° Be.) 5 kg. a. Rosin Oil 27.0 kg.
d. Mineral Oil 46 kg. Mineral Oil 40.0 kg.
No. 4 h. Mineral Oil 3.0 kg.
fit. Talloil, Crude 20 kg. Brilliant Blue,
Blue Oil, from Oil-Soluble 0.6 kg.
Rosin Bistillation 20 kg. c.Lime Hydrate 9.0 kg.
h. Caustic Soda (36° B4.) 8.5 kg. Paraffin Oil, Bark 20.4 kg.
fi. Blue Oil, as above 55 kg. Make up a, add h, and add to these,
No. 5 with thorough agitation, the suspension c,

Blade Blaolc:
fl. Montan Wax, Crude r-l GO bib No. 6
Rosin, Residual a. Rosin Oil 27.0 kg.
Blue Oil 3 kg. Bark Paraffin Oil 40.0 kg.

h. Lime Hydrate 9.0 kg. Ochre 6 kg.

Lampblack 0.8 kg. Mineral Oil, Pale 27 kg.
Lark Paraffin Gil 23.2 kg. Method as in No. 1, 2.
No. 7 No. 4
a, Bosin Oil 27.0 kg. a. Rosin Oil 18 kg.
Blue Oil 40.0 kg. Mineral Oil, Pale 29 kg.
h. Lime Hydrate 9.0 kg. &. Lime Hydrate 6 kg.
Lampblack 0.5 kg. Gypsum 22 kg.
Blue (Mineral) Oil 23.5 kg. Gas Oil 25 kg.
No. 8 No. 5
a. Rosin Oil 24.0 kg. a. Montan Wax, Bleached 20 kg.
Tar Oil 40.0 kg. Rosin 6 kg.
&. Lime Hydrate 8.0 kg. 5. Mineral Oil, Pale 25 kg,
Lampblack 0,5 kg. c. Caustic Soda (24® BA) 8 kg.
Lark Paraffin Oil 27.5 kg. Mineral Oil, Pale
d. 35 kg.
Light Spar (Gypsum) 10 kg.
No. 9
. Rosin Oil 24.0 kg. Melt a, thin it with h, saponify with
Blue (Mineral) Oil 40,0 kg. 0 and add to that the suspension d. Mix

5. Geres Black 0.3 kg. thoroughly.

Mineral Oil 1.7 kg. Brown:
c. Lime Hydrate 8,0 kg. No. 6
Paraffin Oil, Dark 26.0 kg. a. Bosin Oil 18 kg.
No. 10 Gas Oil 31 kg.
fl. Rosin Oil 22 kg. h. Lime Hydrate 6 kg.
Tar Oil 50 kg. Gypsum 15 kg.
. Lime Hydrate 8 kg. Talc 5 kg.
Gras Oil 20 kg. Paraffin Oil, Dark
25 kg.
As in all the previous formulae, make Make up solution a and suspension h
up the two components separately, and separately. Mix, to obtain gel.
mix to form the gel. No. 7
No, 11 a. Rosin Oil 15 kg.
Blue Oil 45 lb. Paraffin Oil, Dark 18 kg.
Lime Hydrate 6 lb. h. Lime Hydrate 5 kg.
Rosin Oil' 22.5 lb. Barytes 25 kg.
Oil-Soluble Blue 0.18 lb. Ochre 5 kg.
The grease isproduced in the cold. Paraffin Oil, Dark 32 kg.
It can be filled with calcium sulphate. No. 8
Natural Color:
Carriage Greases, Filled
a. Montan Wax, Crude 18 kg.
Pale Yellow: Woolfat Fatty Acid 2 kg.
h. Paraffin Oil, Dark 22 kg.
Formula No. 1
2 Rosin Oil
c. Caustic Soda (24° B^.) 7 kg,
< .
18 kg.
Mineral Oil, Pale
d. Gas Oil 44 kg.
31 kg.
5. Lime Hydrate
Barytes 10 kg.
6 kg.
Barytes 20 kg.
Mineral Oil, Pale No. 9
25 kg.
a. Rosin Oil 18.0 kg.
Dissolve a, make h to obtain a smooth Mineral Oil 31.0 kg.
paste. Add & to a with good stirring, to h. Lime Hydrate 6.0 kg.
form gel.
Gypsum 19.6 kg.
No. 2 Lampblack 0.4 kg.
Cl. Rosin Oil 16.5 kg. Blue (Mineral) Oil 25.0 kg.
Mineral Oil, Pale 18.0 kg. No. 10
h. Lime Hydrate 5.5 kg. a. Rosin Oil 16.5 kg.
Barytes 30.0 kg. Blue Oil 18.0 kg.
Mineral Oil 30.0 ks:.
^ b. Ceres Black 0.2 kg.
Yellow: Mineral Oil 0.8 kg.
No. 3 c. Lime Hydrate 5.5 kg.
a. Rosin Oil 16 kg. Barytes 29.0 kg.
Mineral Oil, Pale 20 kg. Blue (Mineral) Oil 30.0 kg.
h. Lime Hydrate 6 kg. No. 11
Barytes 15 kg. a. Woolfat Fatty Acid 15 kg.
Gypsum 10 kg. b. Blue Oil 25 kg.


c. Caustic Soda (24° Be.) 8.5 kg. No. 4

d. Blue Oil 41 kg. Black
Barytes 9 kg. a. Rosin Oil 21 kg.
Lampblack 1 kg. Tar Oil SO kg.
lack Lime Hydrate 7 kg.
No. 12 Barytes 12 kg.
a. Rosin Oil 18 kg. Blue (Mineral) Oil 30 kg.
Blue Oil 31 kg.
6, Lime Hydrate 6 kg. Carriage Grease, High Luster
Gypsum 19 kg. Formula No. 1
Lampblack 1 kg. Yellow
Blue (Mineral) Oil 25 kg. a. Rosin Oil 24 kg.
No. 13 Mineral Oil 34 kg.
a. Rosin Oil 16.5 kg. Colophony 3 kg.
Tar Oil 18.0 kg. h. Lime Hydrate 9 kg.
I, Lime Hydrate 5.5 kg. Mineral Oil, Pale 30 kg.
Barytes 29.5 kg. Make up a and h separately, and mix.
Lampblack 0.5 kg. get gel.
Tar Oil 30.0 kg. No. 2
No. 14 Blue
Blue Oil 45 lb. a. Rosin Oil 27 kg.
Rosin Oil 17 lb. Blue Oil
Oil-Soluble Blue 0.2 lb. (Rosin Distillate) 34 kg.
Calcium Sulphate 20 -30 lb. &. Lime Hydrate 9 kg.
No. 15 Blue (Mineral Oil) 30 kg.
a. Rosin Oil 18 kg. No. 3
Gas Oil 31 kg. Black
h. Lime Hydrate 6 kg. a. Rosin Oil 27 kg.
Gypsum 19 kg. Blue Oil
Lampblack 1 kg. (Rosin Distillation) 34 kg.
Blue (Mineral) Oil 25 kg. h. Lime Hydrate 9 kg.
No. 16 Tar Oil 30 kg.
a. Montan. Wax, Crude 20 kg.
Tar Oil 30 kg. Carriage Lubricant
h. Lime Hydrate Rosin (Stock) Oil 17 kg.
(in Water) 1.2 kg. Lime Hydrate 8 kg.
c. Paraffin Oil 36 kg. Car Waste Gil 45--50 kg.
Barytes 7 kg.
Lampblack 3 kg. Lubricating Greases for Driving Gears
Formula No. 1
Carriage Grease, Medium Quality Castor Oil 30 kg.
Formula No. 1 Tallow 20 kg.
Yellow Colophony 20 kg.
a. Rosin Oil 21 kg. Sodium Hydroxide, Solid 14 kg.
Mineral Oil, Pale 30 kg. Cylinder Oil (Viscosity
t. Lime Hydrate 7 kg. (7)
3-4° E. at 100° 0.) 1916 kg.
Gypsum 12 kg.
Gas Oil 30 kg.
Kettle: Should be open, steam-heated,
No. 2 .

to operate at 130-150® 0.; should be

Brown equipped with cooling system and its stir-
a. Rosin Oil 21 kg. ring gear should be able to make 35-40
Paraffin Oil, Dark 30 kg. revolutions per minute.
h. Lime Hydrate 7 kg.
(1) Put in the castor oil, tallow,
Barytes 12 kg. colophony and 66 kg. oPthe cylinder oil.
Paraffin Oil, Dark 30 kg.
(2) Mix thoroughly at 90° C.
No. 3 (3) Make a 40° Be. aqueous solution

Blue of the sodium hydroxide.

a. Rosin Oil 21.0 kg. (4 Keep stirring all the time.
Blue Oil 30.0 kg. (5) Add slowly the caustic soda.
h. Lime Hydrate 7.0 kg. (6) Heat up slowly to 140° C., until,
Gypsum 11.8 kg. after about 2 hours, the water will be
Lampblack 0.2 kg. boiled away.
Blue (Mineral) Oil 30.0 kg. Now add slowly the cylinder oil

(about 400 kg. should enter the kettle No. 5

during 1 hour). Keep at 140° C. Tallow 75 kg.
(8) Test, as soon as all oil is added, Sodium Hydroxide, Solid 12 kg.
if enough water has boiled away. Engine Gil, Refined (Vis-
(9) If ready, cool as quickly as pos- cosity 15° E. at 50° C.) 500 kg.
sible to secure a good consistency. Keep Engine Oil, Refined (Vis-
stirring until 35° C. is reached. cosity 6-8° E. at 50° C.) 413 kg.
(10) Beware of too much air beaten No. 6
into the mixtures. Tallow 65 kg.
(11) Draw off at 35* C. Sodium Hydroxide, Solid H kg.

No. 2 Oil Distillation Foots (Vis-

Tallow 25 kg. cosity 8-10° E. at 50° C.) 600 kg.
Sodium Hydroxide, Solid 5 kg. Cylinder Oir( Viscosity
Cylinder Oil, Black (Viscos- 2° E. at 100° C.) 324 kg.
ity 3-4° E. at 100° 0.) 970 kg. No. 7
Procedure as in No. 1. Tallow 100 kg.
Sodium Hydroxide, Solid 16 kg.
No . 3, Oil Distillation Foots (Vis-
Tallow 60 kg. cosity 4-5° E, at 50° C.) 600 kg.
Stearic Acid 10 kg. Cylinder Oil (Viscosity
Sodium Hydroxide, Solid 12 kg. 2° E. at 100° C.) 284 kg.
Cylinder Oil (Viscosity
2-3° E. at 100° C.) 1918 kg.
Car-Gear Lubricant
. Stearic Acid (53/54° C.) 2 kg.
Colza Oil 1 kg.
Put into the kettle the tallow, stearin,
Engine Oil, Refined 17 kg.
and 200 kg. of the cylinder oil, stir,
and heat to 60° C.
. Caustic Soda (40° B4.) 0.8 kg.
Caustic Potash 0.2 kg.
Make a 30° Be. caustic soda from the
Saponify a with h at about 80-90° G.
solid hydroxide, and add slowly into the
kettle, mix thoroughly, start heating
again, and add 200 kg. oil. Let stand Stuffing Box Grease
overnight, keeping warm, but without Formula No. 1
mixing. Montan Wax, Crude 25 g.
Stir up the mass next morning, and Rapeseed Oil 5 g.
add 800 kg. cylinder oil, mix thoroughly Sodium Hydroxide (10%) 10 g.
and add slowly the remaining 718 kg. Paraffin Oil, Dark (d. 0.910) 275 g.
of oil. (Drop-point 104° 0.)
Mix thoroughly again, then shut off No. 2 , ,

steam; cool, until the consistency is cor- Light Colored

rect. If necessary, more cylinder oil has Montan Wax,
to be added (test consistency by cooling Double Bleached 25 g.
samples). Oleic Acid 10 g.
Empty at about 60° 0. Spindle Oil, Clear 80 g.
Slaked Lime, Powdered 5 g.
No. 4 (Drop-point 104° 0.)
Tallow 25 kg. No. 3
Lard Oil 60 kg. Hard Stuffing Grease
Sodium Hydroxide, Solid 8 kg. Montan Wax, Crude 15 g.
Engine Oil, Heavy, Refined Sodium Hydroxide (38° Be.) 3 g.
(Viscosity 8-10° E. at Paraffin Oil, Dark 82 g.
50° G.) 907 kg. (Drop-point 70° C.)

Top Cylinder Lubricant Fuel

U. S. Patent 2,068,635
Formula No. 1
Motor Fuel 99.7%
Mixture 0.3%
Lubricating Oil (220 S.S.TJ. @ 100° F.) 92-96%
Hexa Chlor Diphenyl Oxide 4-2%
Ortho Dichlorbenzene 2-1%
Butyl Stearate . 2- 1%


No. 2
Motor Fuel 99.7%
Mixture 0.3%
Lubricating Oil (100 S.S.F. <
lOO'^ P.) 90-97%
Hexa Ghlor Diphenyl Oxide 7- 2 %
Ortho Biehlorbenzene 2- 1 %
Metal Cylinder Surfacing Lubricant soda lye to the kettle, stir for 20 min-
Motor Oil 75 oz. utes, open steam quickly, and after 10
Yermicullite (50 mesh) 25 oz. minutes add 100 kg. of the dark oil
About one-half ounce of the above mix- (which conveniently is pre-heated), mix
ture is added to each cylinder through thoroughly, add the remaining oil in por-
the spark plug opening. The engine is tions of 100 kg., stirring 5-8 minutes
throttled down and allowed to idle for after each addition.
about 30 minutes then gradually speeded When all oil is added, let stand still
up and allowed to race for a few min- overnight, without heating.
utes. The Yermicullite particles are Crutch the mass the next morning.
forced into the pores of the metal and Warm to 112° C., until there is no water
expanded by the heat to present a solid left.
surface. If possible, let stand for a second
night. Stir through for 30 minutes, test
Ford Spring Lubricant the consistency on a sample (if necessary
lee Machine Oil 75 oz. add more mineral oil).
Tale 20 oz. Take out at 55-60° C.
Asbestos, Powdered 5 oz.
Trolley Electric Cable Lubricant
Cog Wheel Lubricant Ester Gum 4 lb.
(Liquid, leaving a tacky, solid mass Rosin Oil 1 lb.
on the wheel after cooling) Graphite 22 lb.
Ozokerite 7 kg. Talc 3 lb.
Colza Oil, Blown 10 kg. Naphtha 40 lb.
Tallow 20 kg. Tetrachlorethane 30 lb.
Woolfat, Neutral 15 kg.
Carbon Tetrachloride Chain Lubricant for Weaving Machines
or Other Solvent 8 kg. Hard
Graphite (Flakes) 40 kg. Tallow 75 lb,
Cotton Seed or Olive Oil 25 lb.
Cog Wheel Grease Soft
Formula No. 1 Tallow 60 lb,
Woolfat, Crude 20 kg. Rosin 5 lb.
Woolfat Pitch 10 kg. Cotton Seed Oil 35 lb.
Mineral Oil, Yiseous 50 kg.
Caustic Soda (40® B6.) 6 kg.
Graphite (Flakes) 16 kg. Cup Greases
Formula No. 1
.No. 2 24 kg.
a. Rosin Oil
Woolfat 40 kg.
Mineral Oil, YThite
Blown Oil 10 kg. 50 kg.
or Yellow
Tallow 25 kg.
h. Caustic Potash (10° B4.) 2 kg.
Graphite (Flakes) 25 kg.
c. Lime Hydrate 9 kg.
Mineral Oil, Pale 15 kg.
Lubricant for Chains, Etc. Mix a thoroughly in a kettle.
No. 1 (For Cars) Add
slowly, stirring vigorously.
Tallow 230 kg. Grindand add to a and h. When
Caustic Soda, Solid 30 kg. the gel is formed, let stand to next daye
Cylinder Oil (Asphaltum
Base) 735 kg. No. 2
Procedure a. Montan Wax, Bleached
20 kg.
500 kg. of the dark mineral oil or Pale
Mineral 33
Oil, kg.
arrears of former batches are filled into h. Caustic Potash (24° Be.) 8.5 kg.
the kettle; heat to 40° 0., start stirrer. 0 Mineral Oil, Pale
. 42 kg.
Add the tallow, heat up to 60° 0. Melt a, and add h in thin jet with
Dissolve the soda in water to give a vigorous stirring, keeping the mass at
concentration of 35-40° Be. Add the boiling.

When saponified, add c and boil again. Pipe Thread Lubricant

Stir until cold. Homogenize. U. S- Patent 2,065,247
Yellow Grease: Lime Tallow Soap 10.7 lb.
Dye with a mixture of Mineral Oil 63.7 lb.
Sudan Yellow 1 kg. Glycerin 1.0 lb.
Stearic Acid 3 kg. Water 0.6 lb.
Bed Grease Zinc Dust 20.0 lb.
Sudan Red 1 kg. Sulphurized Sperm Oil 4.0 lb.
Stearic Acid 3 kg.
Green Grease Tool Joint Lubricant Grease
Sudan Green 1 kg. The best tool- joint greases for use in
Stearic Acid 3 kg. work, are made by incorporating

Melt the mixtures, and add 1-3% ^

upwards of 15% red lead in the grease,
these to the grease. which should carry a little rubber.

High Temperature Cup Grease Non-Corrosive Lubricating Oils

Barium Soap 15 lb. French Patent 810,226
Calcium Soap 5 lb. Formula No. 1
Diglycol Stearate 3 lb. Mineral Oil 99-95 kg.
Gil, Mineral 77 lb. Cobalt Chromate 1- 5 kg.
The above can suitably be made by No. 2
mixing the hydrated lime and hydrated Mineral Oil 98 kg.
barium hydroxide stoichiometrically Nickel Chromate 2 kg.
equivalent to the desired amount of soap No. 3
with the stoiehiom,etrical equivalent Whale Oil 99% kg.
amount of fatty acid and an amount of Manganese Chromate % hg.
oil equal to the amount of fatty acid.
No. 4
This mixture is then heated as rapidly as Castor Oil 99 kg.
possible to about 300° F. Rapid heating Cobalt Chromate % kg.
avoids excessive foaming of the soap.
Cobalt Oleate % kg.
When the foaming has subsided the batch No. 5
Mineral Oil, Heavy 95 kg.
is adjusted to the neutral point by add-
ing a little hydroxide or fatty acid, Cobalt Oleate 5 kg.
whichever is required, the diglycol stear- Lowering Pour Point of Mineral Oils
ate is then added and the oil is gradually Formula No. 1
raded in. The resulting grease should U. 8. Patent 2,055,417
e cooled rather rapidly, for instance in
layers one-half to five-eighths inch thick.
The addition of 0.01- 1% of titanium
tetrastearate lowers the pour-point of
However, rapid cooling does not seem to oils.
be as essential as it is in some other No. 2
types of greases. The addition of 7.5-10% of blown
One of the factors which makes the
rape-seed oil to mineral oil prevents un-
mixed calcium and barium soap greases due thickening at low temperatures.
highly desirable is the fact that each
soap lends a high consistency within a Low PourPoint Lubricant
particular temperature range. Canadian Patent 363,725
Pennsylvania Turbine Oil 99.95 lb.
Driving Journal Compound Titanic Stearate 0.05 lb.
IT. S. Patent 2,070,014
The addition as above lowers pour !

Hard Tallow 18.0 lb.

point of oil from -4° to -20 I®

Stearic Acid 18.0 lb.

Flake Caustic Soda 6.8 1b. Lubricant for Electrical Collectors
Steam Refined a. Tallow 24 kg.
Cylinder Stock 58.2 lb. Mineral Oil 66 kg.
This grease should be prepared in an Castor Oil 6 kg.
open top direct fired kettle but should Ceresin 18 kg.
be so heated that the finished grease b. Graphite, Finest 6 kg.
contains a small amount of glycerin. Copper Powder, Finest 0.5 kg. i

Melt a, and disperse h.

Pipe Thread Lubricant
Zinc Dust •
60% Weighted Oil-Base Drilling Fluid
No. 2 Cup Grease (18% Cal- U. S. Patent 2,055,666
cium Stearate j 82% 150 A drilling,consists of oil, e.g,,
Vis. S.S.U. @
100° P.) 35% paraffin gas containing a suspended
Boiled Linseed Oil 5% powdered weighting material having a .
greater tendency to be wetted by oil than Soap 5 lb.
by water, e.g., powdered oyster shell, Soda Ash 30 lb.
fuller ^s earth, iron pyrites or oside, silica, Sodium Silicate 20 lb.
or barytes. Water to suit

Grease f or Drilling Tube Couplings

Metal Drawing Lubricant
Graphite, Silver or Casting 50 lb.
British Patent 467,050
Suet 6 lb.
Tallow 64
Caustic Soda 1% lb.
Mineral Oil 32
Machine Oil (E^o 4-5) 42% lb.
Colloidal Sulphur
% oz.
Gasometer Lubricant 3 oz.
German Patent 645,327 Colloidal Graphite % oz.
Graphite 10 Melt together and mix well.
‘‘Soluble'' Mineral Oil 60
Water 40 Cold Drawing Metal Lubricant
Mix vigorously. U. S. Patent 2,008,939
Dipotassium Hydrogen
Wire Rope Lubricant
Phosphate 20 g.
U. S. Patent 2,028,155
Asbestos 10 oz.
Water 80 g.
Sulphonated Castor Oil 1
Heavy Mineral Oil 39 oz. g]
Glycerin 33
Aluminum Oleate 1 oz. g.
Blown Oil 50 oz.
Drawing Compound for Aluminum
Boring Fluids Diglycol Stearate 6 lb.
French Patent 803,828 Glycowax A 2 lb.
Formula No. 1 No. 2 Water 56 lb.
Naphtha 83 cc. 84 ec.
The entire mass heated to about
Oleic Acid 2 ec. 1 cc. 180° P. and then stirred at moderate
Suspension of speed until uniformly dispersed. For
Hydrated Lime small parts, such as collapsible tube
in Water 5 ec. 5 cc. blanks, they are dipped into the hot
Suspension of disperson while in a wire basket and then
Barium Sulphate centrifuged to remove excess lubricant.
in Water 10 cc. 5 cc. If a microscopic protective film is not
Suspension of required on the finished work, the glyco-
Bentonite wax may be replaced by additional di-
in Water 5 cc. glyeol stearate.

Graphite Lubricants
Formula No, 1 Brass Drawing* Lubricating Emulsion
Colloidal Graphite 100 kg. Formula No. 1
Camphor Oil, Light 100 kg. Lard Oil, Prime 40 lb.
Triehlorethylene 300 kg. Diglycol Laurate 10 lb.
Petroleunj 500-600 kg. Water 50 gal.
No. 2 No. 2
Colloidal Graphite 100 kg. Lard Oil, Prime 40 lb.
Camphor Oil, Light 100 kg. Soap, Neutral 5 lb.
Blown Castor Oil 200-300 kg. Diglycol Laurate 5 lb.
Carbon Tetrachloride 300 kg. Water 50 gal.
Petroleum 200-300 kg. These emulsions wash off readily and
do not attack brass.
Wire Drawing Lubricant
U. S. Patent 2,040,321
Tallow 3.0 lb. Sheet Steel Drawing Lubricant
Rape Oil 1.5 lb. 1. Soap, Neutral
Soap 0.5 1b. 2. Diglycol Laurate 7 lb.
Water 3. Lard Oil, Prime 13 1b.
95.0 1b.
Warm together and emulsify. 4. Mineral Oil 20 lb.
In using
maintain pH at 8-9. 5. Water 200 gal.
Warm together 1, 2, 3 and 4 until
Wire Drawing Composition clear and pour into water slowly and mix
Canadian Patent 371,725 well. In certain cases it is desirable to
Bentonite 20 Ib^ add
Kaolin 25 1b. White Lead 3 lb;


Non-Seizing Tlireads and Gaskets Flushing Oil for Crank Cases

Two applications of colloidal graphite Canadian Patent 359,288
are advisable, each followed by drying. Benzene 60 fl. oz.
Frequently, best results are obtained by Alcohol 30 fl. oz.
hot dipping the bolts or studs in dilute Acetone 10 fl. oz.
graphite solutions. Where gaskets are Ordinary Flushing Oil 100 fl. oz.
used on flanges, sticking is eliminated by
impregnating the gaskets with a disper-
Chassis-Protecting Oil
sion of colloidal graphite in water, or by
a. Graphite 5 kg.
coating the gasket surface. Oftentimes,
Filtered Waste Oil 10 kg.
when bolts have become tight, penetrat-
h. Crude Oil 35 kg.
ing oils containing colloidal graphite are
effective in loosening them.
Mix a with heating till homogeneous,
and add h while it is still hot. Pene-
Machine Tool Lubricant trates into the non-accessible parts of
French Patent 818,256 the chassis, and leaves a protecting layer
Linseed Oil of graphite and oil. Loosens rust-tight-
Neutralized 55 kg. ened screws, valves, plungers, etc.
Olein 10 kg.
Caustic Potash 21/2 kg. Bifle Oil
Methyl Alcohol 10 kg. Parafftn Oil, Eeflned 85 kg.
Ethyl Alcohol 10 kg. Oleic Acid, Distilled 15 kg.
Isobutyl Alcohol 71/2 kg. Caustic Potash (40%) sufficient
or to
Slushing Oil for Metal Protection Ammonia (25%) saponify
tr. S. Patent 2,069,626
Pine Fatty Acids 3- 5 % Mineral Oil, Beflned 85
Amber PeL'olatum 8-15% Olein 11
Light Paraffin Oil 89-80% Triethanolamine 5
Horse-Shoe Grease
Formula No. 1 Watch and Chronometer Oils
Woolfat, Neutral kg.
5.2 In the preparation of watch and
Spindle Oil kg.
2.0 chronometer oils much depends upon the
Soft Tar kg.
0.5 freshness of the fat at the time the oil
Paraffin Wax kg.
0.3 is rendered and the freedom of the ma-
Water about 2.4 kg. terial from adulterants. Fresh substance
No. 2 produces much better oil than that which
Montan Wax, Crude 20 kg. has partly decomposed, the product being
Woolfat, Crude 15 kg. sweeter and less rancid. No choice seems
Train Oil 5 kg. to exist between the porpoise- jaw oil and
Black Color 1 kg. the black-fish-head oil, both producing re-
Paraffin Oil, Dark 59 kg. fined articles of equal merit ; but that of
the black-fish seems to be the favorite by
Lubricating Oil for Motor Cylinders a slight mar^n among the refiners, ow-
(Upper Cylinder Lubricant) ing to its having more body, and possibly
Lubricates and seals the space between also to its greater abundance. A peculi-
cylinder-surface and piston, and is in- arity of these oils is that they improve
troduced together with the gasoline in with age, differing in this particular
which it ought to be soluble. from blubber oils. This is accounted for
Castor Oil, Mineral Oil- by the alternate gathering and emission
Soluble 30 gal. of moisture upon exposure to changes of
Engine Oil, Refined (Vis- temperature, and by this and other treat-
cosity 7-8® E. at 50® C.; ment they become clear and brilliant, in
sp.g. 0.920-0.940 ; igni- consequence of which they are seldom
tion point 200-230° C. used within less than a year or two after
thickening point -4® C.) 30 gal. they are obtained.
Benzol or Benzine 30 gal. On receipt of the oil at the factory
Camphorated Oil 10 gal. the first step in the process of refining is
Use 2-3 volumes in 1,000 volumes to gently heat it to complete the process
gasoline. of cooking begun by the fishermen. The
oil is then placed in tanks or casks to
Brake Oil await the proces.s of grading, and often
Castor Oik Neutral 10 kg. two years may elapse ere the trained and
Alcohol 10 kg. skillful eye of the refiner can determine
to what class it belongs. It is almost Laboratory Stopcock Lubricants
impossible to describe the extremely deli- Formula No. 1
cate variations in color, texture, odor, Standard Viscous Oil
and flavor which enter into this grading. (#24 or #32) 80 g.
The claim is made that there are not half Beeswax 20 g.
a dozen men in the world who have had Heat the oil to about 100-120° C., add
the training and experience necessary to the beeswax and mix thoroughly. Use
separate these delicate oils into their of oil #24 gives a lubricant of medium
proper classes, and yet a very large part body, #32 gives a very, very firm, vis-
of the reliability of watch and chronom- cous product. This formula is useful
eter lubricants lies in the gradation under ,
where one does not care to take the time
the almost instinctive skill of the refiner. needed for preparation of rubber prod-
After two years or more of rest, the ucts. Standard Viscous Oil is manufac-
oil has gotten to a condition where its
tured by the Standard Oil Company of
California, Richmond, Calif.
surplus oxygen has united with whatever
animal or loose organic matter may have No. 2
been floating in miscroscopic particles Petroleum Jelly
within it, and they are easily removed by (Petrolatum) 100 g.
the ordinary strainers of an oil factory. Beeswax 10 g.
But something is still left in the oil High-Grade Bed Rubber
which is very sensible to the high or Tubing (Small Pieces) 20 g.
low range of temperature, and to remove Heat together for several hours at
this requires its subjection, while spread 150°, until the mixture is homogeneous.
out in thin layers,, to a temperature far Pour into wide-mouthed jars.
below zero. No further change in its No. 3
construction can be made except at this White Petrolatum 77.5 g.
very low temperature, nor must it be ParaffinWax 15 g.
cooled too rapidly. When properly done Pale Rubber Latex 7.5 g.
the process is one most interesting to Heat on an oil bath for 6 hours at
watch. All through its liquid amber 130°.
little flecks of translucent material ap-
No. 4
pear, joining and rejoining like frost on
Rubber Cement 20 g.
a window pane into most beautiful forms, Petrolatum 80 g.
resembling a miniature forest whose foli- Mix and warm until all solvent has
age is white. By means of a certain fine evaporated.
and close-grained fabric these particles
at this juncture are filtered out; and
strange to say, this residuum, once a Anti-Corrosion Oil
portion of a brilliant, almost colorless Canadian Patent 362,601
fluid, never even at normal temperature Metallic parts in contact with water
becomes anything but a slimy mass, re- are protected by adding the following to
sembling poor lard. the water to the extent of about 5%:
Spindle Oil 81 oz.
To be thoroughly satisfactory the re- Sulphonic Acid (Oil-Soluble) 15 oz.
fined oil must be of uniform quality,
entirely devoid of acidulous properties,
absolutely gumless, withstand the rigors Core Oils for Foundries
of the coldest climate without congeal- The firmest core oils are produced by
ing, and maintain its body or stability mixing linseed oil with water. Boiled
in a high temperature. This is the most linseed oil has the advantage of not be-
delicate and highly refined lubricant ing sticky, but the cores are not readily
known, and some has been produced for broken up after casting. As a rule lin-
which a temperature of -50° F. has been seed oil mixed with other oils is used.
claimed. While all watch-oil users do not Care is required in the choice and in-
prefer colorless fluid, the average cus- corporation of the core oils so that the
tomer demands an oil almost if not ab- Parting^' sand grains shall be covered
solutely colorless and of crystal clearness. with a regular coating of oil. Light and
Much of the product is sold for repair- heavy tar oils are mixed with linseed oil,
ers^ use in wooden boxes containing 1 as, used alone, they lack strength. Rec-
dozen half -ounce bottles, each bottle in- ommended mixtures are 6 parts American
closed in a small pasteboard box. The gas oil, 3 parts linseed oil, and 1 part
remainder, in tin cans having capacity of dark whale oil. A cheaper mixture is
for 1 pint, 1 quart, or of larger capacity, made from 2 parts of rosin, 2 parts of
goes to the manufacturers of watches, fish oil ,and 6 parts of a mineral lubri-
clocks, chronometers, typewriters, etc. cating oil. Sulphite cellulose waste liq-

nor is used for tlie purpose, the value days by heating the rosin-linseed oil
depending on. tlie presence of soluble kerosene solution for a few minutes under
resins, and tlie concentrated liquor is the a refiux condenser at a temperature of
best for this. A
very good method is to say 275° 0.-300° C.
grind the solid extract in with the sand, When it is desired to effect treatment
and when wetted with water can be of the rosin with an aldehyde as furfural,
shaped as desired. The extract burns off such may be incorporated in amounts or
during easting, and the core can be from 2~5% with the rosin alone or when
readily removed when required. compounding the rosin.

Non- Crystallizing Bosin and Core Oils Plastic Mold Lubricant

U. S. Patent 2,042,877 Bright Drying Carnauba
A solution of rosin in gasoline, or other Wax Emulsion 2 oz.
suitable solvent, and which solution may Pine Oil 5 drops
be that usually obtained by the extrac- The above is sprayed into mold, before
tion of disintegrated wood with gasoline, use, and permits easy ejection of molded
is fed to an evaporator simultaneously
with a suspension of an alkali, as soda
Molding Press Lubricant
ash ( 2 %
on the rosin) in gasoline. The
Salt 200 g.
soda ash thus becomes intimately mixed
with the rosin, a portion of which will Water 700 g.
react with the soda ash to produce a Alcohol 100 g.
rosin soap which will be well incorpo- Glycerin 100 g.
rated with the rosin. In the illustration
given there will be about 11.6% of soap Ceramic Mold Lubricant
incorporated with the rosin recovered
Crude Naphthenic Acids 5-20 oz.
from the evaporator. Kerosene 60-95 oz.
Petroleum Sludge 20 oz.

Core Oils Penetrating Oils

40 parts (by weight) of rosin and 30 Formula No. 1
parts of raw linseed oil are melted to- Heavy Lubricating Oil 30 oz.
gether and to the melt is added 5 parts Amyl Acetate 0.5 oz.
of soap, (in terms of dry soap) as so- Cottonseed Oil 2.0 oz.
dium resinate and the mixture heated to Kerosene 67.5 oz.
about 165° 0, until the water is evapo-
No. 2
rated and a homogeneous solution ob- Kerosene 20 oz.
tained. If desired, say about 30 parts Light Mineral Oil 70 oz.
of, for example, kerosene, containing, if
Butyl Alcohol, Secondary 10 oz.
desired though not necessary, about 5
No. 3
parts of aniline, may be added to the
Gas Oil 50 oz.
rosin-linseed oil-soap solution, and the
Kerosene 48 oz.
rosin will be found in solution and free
Cottonseed Oil 2 oz.
from crystals after seventy-six days as
No. 4
compared wdth crystallization in about
U. S. Patent 2,041,076
five days with similar rosin untreated. Kerosene 60 -75 g.
It will be appreciated that instead of Lubricating Oil (100
adding soap to the rosin-linseed oil solu-
S.S.U. at 100° F.) 22 -37 g.
tion, there may be added an alkali with
Chlorinated Stearic
the production of the desired soap in the
Acid 0.5-3 g.
Butyl Butyrate 0.1- 2 g.
As a^further illustration say 40 parts
No. 5
(by weight) of rosin and 30 parts of raw
U. S. Patent 2,021,448
linseed oil are melted and brought to a
Kerosene 60 g.
temperature of about 165° C. then 30 Sulphonated Castor Oil
parts of, for example, kerosene contain- 20 g.
Sulphonated Coconut Oil
ing 5 parts of aniline are added to the
^ (Neutralized with
rosin-linseed oil solution formed. The Rosin Soap) 20 g.
core oil thus produced will stand nine-
Alcohol 1 g!
teen days without crystallization as com-
This forms an emulsion when mixed
pared with crystallization in five days with water.
where untreated rosin is used. The core
No. 6
oil produced as above may be
improved U. S. Patent 2,041,076
so that the rosin will remain in solution
Kerosene 60 -75 lb.
v/ithout crystallization for forty-nine Lubricating Oil 22 -37 lb!
Chlorinated Ethyl No. 6
Oleate 0.5- 3.0 lb. Naphthenic or Hydroxy-
Amyl Acetate 0.1- 2.0 lb. Fatty Acid 12 g.
Spindle Oil, Refined 80 g.
Penetrating or Rust Loosening Oils Caustic Soda (36° B6.) 6 g.
Formula jSTo. 1 Benzoline 2 g.
British Patent 414,874 No, 7
Engine Oil 1 qt. Colophony (Rosin) 8 g.
Naphtha or Kerosene 3 qt. Olein ^ g-
Carbon Bisulphide 2 oz. Spindle Oil, Refined
1-2 78 g.
Camphor Oil oz.
Caustic Soda (24° Be.)
1-4 8 g,
Graphite Powder oz.
No. 8
No. 2 Turkey Red Oil
Paraffin Oil 70 15 g.
Olein 10 g.
Wliite Spirit 100 g*
Spindle Oil, Refined 05 g.
Pine Oil 30 g-
Caustic Potash (40° B6.) 10 g.
Blown Colza Oil 30 g-
Carbon Tetrachloride 10 g- No. 9
Bone Fat Fatty Acid 20 g.
No. 3
Olein 5 g.
Light Mineral Oil 70 g-
Spindle Oil, Refined 63 g.
White Spirit 20 g*
Caustic Soda (24° Be.) 12 g.
Secondary Butyl Alcohol 10 g-
No. 4 No. 10
Light mineral oil with 2 to 10 per Lanolin Fatty Acid 16 g.
cent graphite addition, and 0.05 per cent Spindle Oil, Refined 75 g.
to 0.10 per cent nitrobenzene for pur- Caustic Potash (24° Be.) 9 g.
poses of rendering odor attractive. No. 11
It is probable that carbon bisulphide, Woolf at Fatty Acid
carbon tetrachloride and butyl alcohol are Lanolin Fatty Acid I
8 g.
something in the nature of ^ ^ creep com- Spindle Oil, Refined 77 g.
pounds, improving the wetting char- Caustic Soda (24° B^.) 8 g.
acteristics, and therefore spreading power,
No. 12
of the mixture.
Olein 18 g.
No. 5
Spindle Oil, Refined 45 g.
Graphite (Coarse Flakes) 5.30 g.
Caustic Potash (40° B6.) 7 g.
Ethyl Acetate 0.05 g.
Water 30 g.
Paraffin Oil 94.60 g.
The amount of caustic must be varied
since the saponifiable materials are not
Water-Soluble^^ Oils
constant in acidity.
(For Cutting Edges, Drills, etc.)
For Formulae 1-8 the following pro-
Drilling Oils
cedure isapplied:
Formula No. 1
Put the saponifiable raw materials in
Olein 16 g-
the kettle, together with 50-70% of the
Spindle Oil, Refined 73 g-
spindle oil. Heat up to 90-100° 0., and
Caustic Soda (36° Bd.) 6 g*
stir in the alkali thoroughly.
Alcohol, Denatured 5 g-
Boil with good continuous stirring.
No. 2 The saponification can be considered
Olein 20 g- finished, when the oils look homogeneous
Spindle Oil, Refined 72 g- and do not thicken any further.
Caustic Potash (40° B6.) 8 g- Then add the remainder of the refined
No.'S spindle oil, which may be heated pre-
Talloil, Refined 20 g- viously to about 60° 0.
Spindle Oil, Refined 70 g* Carry on the heating and stirring until
Caustic Potash (36° B^.) 10 g* homogeneous.

No. 4 If addition of alcohol or hexalin is

Talloil,Refined 20 g^ intended, this should be done together
Spindle Oil, Refined 72 g- with the alkali, because it helps the
Caustic Soda (36° B4.) 8 g- saponification. However, most of the al-
No. 5 cohol is evaporated in this way and does
Train Oil Fatty Acid 20 g* not form a component of the formula.
Spindle Oil, Refined 70 g* If alcohol, hexalin, or benzoline are
Caustic Potash (40° B4.) 7 g- wanted in the oil, they ought to be added
Hexalin 3 g- to tbe finisbM, cooled oil.

It sliould be kept in mind that a part W’etanol or Other Wetting

of the water of the lye evaporates during Out Agent 1 oz.
the manufacture. Thus it might happen Warm together and mix until uniform.
that the finished products gelatinize, and,
of course, there is less yield. The evap- "Soluble” Kerosene
orated water, therefore, ought to be sub- a. Oleic Acid 15 g.
stituted, either by adding enough water Rosin 15 g.
to the lye, or by introducing small por- Z>. Kerosene 10 g.
tions of hot water during the manufac- 0 . Trigamine 20 g.
ture. About 50% water (on the base of Melt a together at 85° C. with high
the amount of lye) are sufficient in most speed stirring. Add c and continue stir-
cases— depending, however, upon the ring, Then turn off the heat and add h
method of manufacture. slowly with stirring. This gives a clear
much water is in the product,
If too transparent liquid which emulsifies read-
it can be eliminated by boiling. There ily in water.
should only be so much water left in the
finished product that no cloudiness can Boring Fluid for Heaving Shale Ground
be observed. Otherwise, the finished oil French Patent 804,368
may separate into layers. However, the Bentonite 30 lb.
addition of alcohol, hexalin, or other such Quebracho Extract 2 lb.
compounds tends to counteract such a Caustic Soda 7 lb.
separation. Water 61 lb.
The '^water-soluble’^ oils (formulae
No. 11 and 12 are manufactured in the Non-Corrosive Rock Drill Lubricant
same, hot way. They are made up with British Patent 469,889
a higher water-content. They are filled Mineral Oil 90 lb.
when liquid. Wool Wax 10 lb.
Whenfatty acids are used, the manu- Lead Oleate 1^4 lb.
facture can be done by the "half -warm” Chromium Oleate 1/10 lb.
The fatty acid and the total amount Cutting Oil
of spindle are saponified at 70° 0.
oil Talloil,Refined 20 kg.
At this temperature the caustic lye is Spindle Oil, Refined 72 kg.
stirred in thoroughly (using lye in slight Caustic Soda (38° Be.) 8 kg.
excess). Thereafter the kettle is covered Alcohol to clear
and remains standing overnight to have Fatty Acid a little, to clear
a. complete saponification.
Cutting (Drill) Oil
Anti-Rust Soluble Oil U. S. Patent 2,086,479
Light Mineral Oil 65 lb. Glyceryl Monostearate 75 g.
Sulphonated Cod Oil 27 lb. Sperm Oil 150 g.
Olein 10 lb. Sodium Salt of Sulphonated
Water 5 lb. Oleyl Alcohol 50 g.
Caustic Soda 2 lb. Water 1200 cc.
Cresol 1 lb. Warm and mix vigorously.

Cutting Oil for Magnesium Alloys

Modified Turkey Red Oil
Sulphonated Oil 11.5 oz.
German Patent 636,193
Soap 17.5 oz.
Castor Oil 93 kg.
Cottonseed Oil 8.5 oz.
Phthalie Anhydride 15 kg.
React for 8 hours at 140-150° C. in
Oleic Acid 10.5 oz.
Mineral Oil 2.0 oz.
an open kettle with good agitation.
Cool the product to 10° 0., and sul-
Water 50.0 oz.
phonate in the known way with conceh-
trated sulphuric acid. Neutralize the sul- Fish Liver Oils
phonate with alkali. British Patent 438,349
In the extraction of oils from fish livers
or other marine animal tissue by break-
Soluble Oil Base ing down the tissue by dilute alkali,
Rosin 15 lb. separating the scum containing the oil,
Red Oil 15 lb. and breaking this emulsion, there is used
Mineral Oil 10 lb. to break the emulsion a liquid— e.g., ethyl
Potassium Hydroxide (45%) 5 lb. alcohol^ —^which is miscible with water but
Isopropyl Alcohol 10 lb. not with the oil. For example, 6 cwt. of
kalibut livers is pulped by live steam, derneatli the kettle. Be sure not to plug
tke volume made up to 135 gal. with up the pipes leading down to the steam
water, about 5 per cent relative to livers jacket compartment when water is used,
of scale caustic potash added, and the otherwise the steam jacket might burst.
mixture brought to boiling by steam and When a steam jacket kettle is used, it is
allowed to stand for 24 hours; the lower not necessary to put water in the kettle.
aqueous layer is run off, and the emul- In this way no water is mixed with the
sion remaining is warmed by steam and oil, which makes the rendering more sat-
broken by stirring in 5 gal. of industrial isfactory, and improves the quality of the
alcohol ; 5 gal. of water is added to bring oil.
the oil to the surface, the aqueous layer The methods described above are sim-
run off, an equal volume of saturated pleand rather crude, but are economical,
brine added to the oil, and the whole and are used successfully in rendering
boiled, settled, and passed through an the oil for industrial puri)oses. If steam
oil separator. is available, a steam jacketed kettle is
used; or a rendering plant is constructed.
In a rendering plant the steam is blown
Shark Oil
through perforated pipes into a tank or
The size and weight of the liver varies
barrel containing the livers. As the livers
with the season of the year, and the
are rendered, the water goes to the bot-
species of the shark. The weight of the
tom, and is drawn off, and the oil floats
liver is about one-fourth the total weight
to the top, and is allowed to flow by
of the shark, and the Leopard or Tiger
gravity through a pipe to settling tanks,
Shark yields more oil than most of the
and is then run off and strained into
other species. The oil in a shark is con-
centrated in the liver, and the hide and
the meat contain practically no oil.
As soon as the shark is skinned, remove Neatsfoot Oil
the livers, cut out the galls, and render Neatsfoot produced from a pure
oil is
the livers when they are still fresh. The neatsfoot stock which is made from shin
oil does not spoil after being rendered. bones and feet of cattle. Feet are thor-
If the livers are not rendered within a oughly washed, trimmed and the sinews
day after the shark is caught, the par- tanked for glue. Bones are sawed and
ticles of meat and tissues become decom- hoofs removed in hot water. The bones
posed, and give off a strong putrid odor, are then cooked in boiling water in an
and the oil when rendered, will retain open vat. Feet bones are cooked for
this odor. about 10 hours and shin bones 5 hours.
A high temperature is not required to Fat is skimmed off and strained
render the livers. If the livers are hung through heavy drilling into a steam- jack-
up in the hot sun, the oil wiU drip out eted kettle where it is heated to about
of them. This primitive method is some- 240° F. It is then settled for about 7
times used in gathering the oil. hours at that temperature- Heat is then
cut off and fat allowed to stand for 6
hours longer. Fat is drawn off and fil-
An ordinary kettle of about 60 gallon
tered through cotton flannel bags into an
capacity is used with a slow fire under-
iron tank from which it may be run into
neath. Put water in the kettle to cover
barrels or otherwise packaged.
the bottom to a depth of 2 or 3 inches,
This is pure neatsfoot stock. In pro-
to avoid burning the oil. Cut the fresh
duction of neatsfoot oil the stock is
livers into large pieces, put them into the
grained at a temperature of approxi-
kettle, and stir frequently with a paddle.
mately 34° F. for about two weeks. It
It takes 2 or 3 hours to render the oil.
is then pressed, a temperature of 34°
Allow the oil to cool, and the gurry to
being maintained during the pressing
settle. Then remove the oil with a dipper,
process. This first pressing yields a pure
and same into a barrel. The strain-
neatsfoot oil, the finest grade obtainable,
ing done with several layers of cheese
with a clouding point of 16 to 18 and a
cloth. Care should be used not to dip
very low free fatty acid content.
out any of the water, as the oil should
Stearine is re-grained and pressed and
be entirely free of water, and should also
a second grade neatsfoot oil obtained.
be free from gurry (meat and tissues).
The clouding point of this oil is about
Other Methods 26 to 28° F.
If a steam packeted kettle is available, Inedible greases are sometimes grained
better results can be obtained. Even if and pressed to yield a commercial neats-
steam is not available, water can be used foot oil. The method followed is similar
in the steam jacket, with a slow fire un- |
to that used in graining and pressing

neatsfoot stock. Temperatures whicli are at a moderate temperature before finally

used vary according to tlie kinds of adding the castor oil.
greases as these have different melting The following examples illustrate the
and solidifying points. procedure
Beal neatsfoot oil is always branded
Formula No. 1
*^pure^^ neatsfoot oil, as distinguished
On passing a stream of chlorine into
from the so-called ^ ^
molten paraffin, hydrochloric acid is
foot oil.
evolved with the formation of chlorinated
substitution products of varying consist-
encies. With a 10 per cent chlorine con-
Castor Oil Soluble in Mineral Oil
tent, paste-like products are formed which
Attempts that have been made to in-
crease the viscosity of mineral oils by the
on subsequent chlorination are trans-
addition of castor oil (the most viscous formed into yellow or red oils of varying
viscosities. The chlorinated hydrocarbons
of all fatty oils) have led to various
processes with the object of rendering are free from acid and miscible in all
castor oil soluble in mineral oils. proportions with castor oil.
All the processes known up to the No. 2
present involve profound chemical modi- 95 parts by volume of a Russian spin-
fications of the castor oil, i.e., partial dle oil are mixed in the cold with 5 parts
fission of the molecule. One process con- of a mixture of 30 parts by volume
sists in rapidly heating castor oil to 300® castor oil and 70 parts by volume chlor-
C, when partial decomposition occurs with inated paraffin (30 per cent chlorine),
formation of oenanthol and undecylenie to yield a clear oil which remains homo-
acid. Distillation is interrupted when the geneous and is very stable at low tem-
loss in weight reaches 10 to 12 per cent. peratures.
The residue so obtained is miscible with
mineral oils in all proportions. No. 3
According to another method, castor 80 parts by volume of spindle oil in
admixture with 20 parts of a mixture of
oil is heated in an autoclave for several
equal parts castor oil and chlorinated
hours under 8 to 10 atmospheres; the
paraffin (30 per cent chlorine) yield a
glycerin is completely separated and the
clear, homogeneous oil after heating for
ricinoleic acid is polymerized. On con- a short time at 200° 0.
tinuing to heat at ISO® 0, the greater
part of the ricinoleic acid is transformed No. 4
into tririeinoleie acid, which is then es- 40 parts by volume of spindle oil are
terified with castor oil to forms esters of mixed with 40 parts by volume of chlor-
fatty polyacids. inated paraffin (40 per cent chlorine)

Again, has been proposed to heat

it before adding in the cold 20 parts by
castor oil under pressure in an autoclave volume castor oil. A clear oil is formed
in presence of a gas such as air, nitrogen which remains clear and homogeneous
or carbon dioxide. after heating to 100® 0. and then cooling.
German Patent 608,973 states that so- No. 5
lutions of castor oil in mineral oils can German Patent 632,478
be prepared without drastic chemical Castor Oil 100 kg.
modification of castor oil and without Bleaching Earth 4-”6 kg.
corresponding losses in weight by mixing
the castor oil with high-molecular, more
Heat in a distillation apparatus to
140® C. for several hours, drawing off
or less highly chlorinated aliphatic hydro-
the air by a vacuum pump, to prevent
carbons in certain proportions. Castor
oxidation. Filter.
oil is miscible in all proportions with
The product is miscible with hydro-
these halogenated hydrocarbons. The carbons of the paraffin series, as used in
clear mixtures obtained have the property
lubricating oils.
of forming homogeneous mixtures with
unmodified mineral oils under certain
conditions. Castor Oil Miscible with Mineral Oil
In most cases it is advisable to heat Hungarian Patent 116,570
the castor oil-chlorinated hydrocarbon Heat castor oil with potassium bicar-
mixture for a little time at 200® O. be- bonate in vacuo at 230-280® C.
fore adding the mineral oil; no fission
whatever of the castor oil takes place nor Parting or Dividing Oil for the Greasing
is there any loss in weight. Alternatively of Baking Forms
the mineral oil may be mixed with the Refined Vegetable Oil 25 kg.
chlorinated hydrocarbon in the cold or Methyl Cellulose 10 kg.


Potato Flour 1.5 kg. with 2% sodium silicate at 40° C. Then

Moldex (Preservative) 0.15 kg. treat with 2%
zinc sulphate. Allow co-
Water 63.35 kg. agulation to go to completion and filter.

Lubricant witk Anti- Oxidant Properties Reclaiming Journal Box Oil

Lubricating Oil 99-99.9 lb. U. S. Patent 2,023,988
Triphenyl Phospliite 1- 0.1 lb. Sodium Silicate 660 lb.
Sodium Aluminate 5 gal.
Lubricant, Bodied Mix with 100 gal of waste oil and heat
Lubricating oil may be bodied to any above 100° 0. Allow to settle and decant.
desired viscosity, even to that of a grease,
by the incorporation therein of Vistanex Dewaxing Oil
Medium. Heating the oil will facilitate Formula JSTo. 1
making the mass homogeneous. British Patent 447,415
The mixed with a 3 to 1 mixture
oil is
Improving the Bloom of Lubricating Oil of ethylene dichloride and benzene to
U. S. Patent 1,998,292 give a solution denser than the wax pre-
From 0.1% to 3% furfural is added cipitated by chilling. After chilling the
to the lubricating oil stock just prior to wax is removed in a centrifugal separa-
the final sulphuric acid treatment. Sol- tor.
vent refined lubricating oils may be re- No. 2
treated with small amount (2 to 6 pounds Canadian Patent 360,567
per barrel) of sulphuric acid containing The oil is mixed with 4 volumes of
small amounts of furfural or the furfural methyl isobutyl ketone and chilled to
may be added to the solvent treated oil -10° F. The wax precipitates and is
before acid contacting. filtered offi.

Prevention of Sludge in Lubricating Oil Composition for Preventing Wax

U. S. Patent 2,059,567 Deposits in Oil Wells
Sludging is prevented by the addition U. S. Patent 2,092,936
of Sulphonated Castor Oil 25 gal.
Chromium Oleate up to 0.4% Corn Oil and Oleic Acid
or Tin Oleate up to 0.1% Mixed Soap 5 gal.
Oxalic Acid (10° Bd.) 5 gal.
or Tetraethyl T^ead up to 0.1%
Sulphonated Pine Oil 5 gal.
Solution of
Water inOil Emulsion Lubricant
(Naphthalene 5 lb. ) 9 gal.
British Patent 440,575 (Benzene 9 gal.j
50 grams of a heavy paraffin oil is Ammonia to make slightly alkaline.
mixed with 1 g. of n-lauryl-l-sulphuric
acid and stirred with 0.25 g. of lead ace-
tate dissolved in 48,75 g. of water. The Removing Wax from Oil Well Tubing
resulting emulsion is a heavy grease and The most successful of the various ma-
has good lubricating properties, and may terials marketed for the removal of par-
readily be extended with oil. affin deposits from the tubing at water
sand levels in pumping oil-wells, is a
Mineral Oils
Solidification of
mixture of 70% carbon tetrachloride and
German Patent 620,260 30% benzol. In use, this mixture is
1. Beeswax
often diluted somewhat with naphtha.
5 g.
2. Kerosene
While it is claimed to be beneficial when
100 g.
merely poured into the tubing and al-
j3. Soft Soap, Medicinal 3 g.
lowed to work down through the crude
(4. Alcohol, Denatured 5 g.
Melt 1.; add 2., and thereafter the mix- for two or three hours before pumping,
ture of 3. and 4., which has been pre- the only way to do a good job is to allow
viously heated to 65° C. the crude to settle back down to sand
level, then reseat the pump piston, pour
This is done by pouring both additions
in 10-15 gallons of the material, and
at the same time, or in two separate thin
start pumping.
jets. Quick and thorough stirring is nec-
essary. Cool. Product is of petrolatum-
consistency. Fluorescent Color for Lubricating Oil
British Patent 438,425
Eecovering Used Lubricating Oil A mixture of finely powdered pyrene
Allow solids to settle and then pour offi and 5 per cent of anhydrous aluminium
upper layer and heat to 40° G. and treat chloride is gently boiled for ten minutes

and allowed to cool; the black product is No. 2

freed from aluminium chloride by boiling Mineral Oil,White 30 kg.
with dilute hydrochloric acid; dried, and Ceresin, White 10 kg.
extracted with boiling xylene, 5-tetra- Woolf at, Neutral 10 kg.
clilorethane or other solvent of the fluo- Antiseptic*
rescent material ; after removal of the * 1 % Boric acid, or
solvent a reddish-brown powder remains 2 % Salicylic Acid, or rather:

1 lb. is added to 100,000 lb. of petroleum Methyl Parahydroxybenzoate 6.5 g.

lubricating oil. Propyl Parahydroxybenzoate 3.5 g.
Per 1000 g. lubricant

Transformer Insulating Oil i

U. S. Patent 2,036,274 Fluid for Boring Holes in Rubber

Trichlorbenzol 90 lb. Stoppers
Tetrachlorethane 10 lb. Anhydrous alcohol facilitates boring
Finely divided zinc oxide is suspended holes in rubber stoppers and evaporates
in this.
leaving a clean bore.
Prevention of Clouding in Olive Oil
After addition of 0.1-0.5% of air-
Petroleum Demulsiflers blown cacao butter, olive oil remains
: .

Formula No. 1 liquid and free from deposited stearin

Some of the demulsifiers marketed to on storage at 2-4°.
promote separation of water from crude
oil are various dilutions of sulphonated
vegetable oils. Such products are usually Bleaching Fats, Oils, Waxes
used in proportion of 1. to 10,000. German Patent 632,516
No. 2 ,
Formula No. 1

a. Rape Seed Oil 100 kg.

U. S. Patent 2,074,183 ill
The oil is mixed in continuous phase b. Acetic Anhydride 500 ce-
with Hydrogen Peroxide
Caustic Soda 25 (45%) 500 cc. ? -h;
lb. IHH
Add the freshly prepared mixture b
Sodium Acetate 10 lb.
to a, agitate, and heat to 60-70° C.
Alcohol 20 lb.
Glycerin 10 Wash the oil with water.
Water 35-45

a, Sulphur-Olive Oil
No. 2
100 kg,
f -

Lubricant for Milkers^ Hands b. Acetic Anhydride 1.5 1.

Formula No. 1 Hydrogen Peroxide

Paraf6.n, Hard 16 kg. (45%) 0.5 1.
Ceresin, White 14 kg. Mix by add it to u, mix well, heat to
Mineral Oil 200 kg. 70° C.

Eapid Etching of Glass for White Glass Etching Resist
and Silky Matte **
XT. S. Patent 2,089,571
For the speeding up of glass etching Rosin 2 oz.
a dipping bath of the following compo- Beeswax 6-7 oz.
sition is recommended: Paraffin Wax 7-8 oz.
Asphalt 10 oz.
Formula Ko. 1 Chrome Yellow 16 oz.
2 lb. hydrofluoric acid ; 4 lb. ammo- Varnish 3 oz.
nium fluoride and 1 lb. sal soda (crys-
j Turpentine 3 oz.
talline) : The bath should be mixed in a Tallow 3 oz.
lead or a gutta pereha tank, the ammo- Japan Brier to suit
nium fluoride being added to the hydro-
fluoric acid. For thorough dissolving it
Glass Etching Paste
is necessary to keep the tank in a fairly
Glycerin 4 oz.
warm place for about 8 hours. Before Gum Karaya „
2 oz.
pouring the solution through a coarse Eub well together and then work in
Hnen filter into the etching tank, it Ammonium
^ Fluoride (Con-
should be well stirred. Small quantities centrated Solution) 94 oz.
of the soda are added under constant
stirring until all of it is dissolved.
The glass is freed from all impurities Frosting Glass
prior to the etching process by rinsing U. S. Patent 2,111,576
it in slightly acid w’^ater (3 per cent nitric ^
The glass
is immersed in melted lithium
nitrate for 2-15 minutes.
acid will suffice) but all of the water
musL drain ofl before dipping the glass
quick' y into the etching bath where it is Frosting for Inside of Glass Bulbs
movect about for 2 to 3 minutes. After Formula No. 1
drying the glass articles on a tri-cornered Patent 1,997,375
XT. S.
rack, they are rinsed in cold water and Hydrofluoric Acid (40%) 38 oz.
brushed and scrubbed in warm water. Ammonium Fluoride 38 oz.
The workers should wear rubber gloves Sulphuric Acid 5 oz.
as a protection against the hydrofluoric Water 15 oz.
acid. Paraffin Wax, Powdered 19 oz.
The depth of the white is determined
No. 2
by the amount of sal soda. For a soft
XT. S. Patent 2,122,512
silky effect the quantity shouldbe cut The method of inside frosting thin
down. The temperature of the dipping hollow glassware such as lamp bulbs,
room should not be below 50® F., prefer-
consists in injecting three successive shots
ably around 62® F.
of a glass etching fluid, each for approxi-
No. 2 • mately two seconds, against the interior
For the etching of the inside of hollow- of the ware in a position to flow down
ware the amount of hydrofluoric acid of over all of the surface to be etched,
the recipe should be cut down by 50 per the solution containing the following in-
cent and the sal soda 25 per cent. The gredients:
etching fluid poured into the hollows is Ammonium Acid Fluo-
left there for 6 to 8 minutes. Wher the ride 33 lb. 3 oz.
etching fluid is to be applied by brush, Hydrofluoric Acid
it should first be thickened by an extra
(60%) 10 1.
amount of sal soda. Sodium Acid Sulphate 11 lb.
No. 3 Sodium Fluoride 11 lb. 1 oz.
Hydrofluoijic Acid 2 oz. Molasses 12 1.

Ammonium Fluoride 2 oz. Water 6 1.

Soda Ash 1 oz. flowing water at approximately 63® C.

Water as needed over the exterior of the surface for ap-

proximately the same length of time that Dark Blue Glass

the etching fluid is flowing over the in- Sand
terior of the surface and thereafter wash- Limespar
ing out the interior of the surface with Soda Ash
fluid under a higher pressure than that Cobalt Oxide
at which the etching fluid is impinged
upon the interior of the ware. Purple Glass
Sand 11000.00 g.
Limespar 250.00 g.
Glass Decoration Potash 650.00 g.
U.S. Patent 1,977,625 Black Nickel Oxide 7.25 g.
The glass heated to about 600° C. is
Purple Glass
sprayed with the following: Sand 1
1000.00 g.
Silver Oxide 0.06 oz. Limespar 250.00 g.
Lead Borate 0.11 oz. Soda Ash 500.00 g.
Rosin 32.62
oz. Black Nickel Oxide 7.25 g.
Gopiaba Balsam 10.00
Turpentine 56.67 oz. Violet Glass
Sand 1000 g.
Annealing then gives a bright silver
Limespar 140 g.
Potash 300 g.
Niter 60 g.
COLORED GLASSES Manganese Dioxide 40 g.
Red Ruby Glass
1000 g.
Amber Glass
Sand Sand
Soda Ash 180 g.
Sodium Sulphate
Potash 150 g.
Sodium Carbonate
Selenium 1 g*
Limespar 150 g.
The above should not be heated for too
Arsenious Oxide
long a period of time, and the crucible
should be kept well covered to prevent Black Glass
volatilization of the selenium. Sand 1000 g.
Yellow Glass Soda Ash 350 g.
Sand 630 g. Limespar 150 g.
Potassium Carbonate 250 g. Black Oxide 60 g.
Limespar 103 g.
Cadmium Sulphide 11 g. Brown Glass Batch
Sulphur 6 g. IT. S. Patent 2,014,230
Bright Green Glass 0. 5-3.0% of ammonium sulphate and

Sand 1000.00 g. 0.5-5.0% of organic matter are added to

Limespar 166.00 g. the ordinary glass batch.
Soda Ash 330.00 g.
Fluorspar 28.00 g. Tempering Glass
Iron Oxide 0.45 g. Formula No. 1
Chromic Oxide 0.65 g. Canadian Patent 372,779
Potassium Chromate 0.45 g. Glass is heated above its annealing
Lead Chromate 1.35 g. temperature in a fusion of
Dark Green Glass Lithium Nitrate 33 lb.
Sand 1000 Potassium Nitrate 30 lb.
Soda Ash 240 g- Sodium Nitrate 26 lb.
Nitre 20 S-
Potassium Nitrite 11 lb.
Limespar 100 g- At a temperature above 500° C. and
Potash 120 g- then chilling.
Red Lead 20 " "
No. 2
Potassium Chromate 20 g- British Patent 449,602
Chromic Oxide 10 g- A sheet of glass is heated to just short
Copper Oxide 60 g- of the softening point and then subjected
Bright Blue Glass to a number of sprays of flne liquid mist
Sand 1000.0 g* equally on both sides, the liquid being
Soda Ash 380.0 g- aqueous or non-aqueous and the dispers-
Limespar 240.0 g- ing and motive fluid for dispersing being
Cobalt Oxide 2.8 g* a gas. All operations are conducted with
Manganese Dioxide 0.5 g* the sheet in a vertical position.


Laminated (Safety) Glass Magnesium Oxide 55 lb.
U.S. Patent 2,003,288 Copper Oxide 10 lb.
A sheet of cellulose acetate or similar Sugar 25 lb.
material is cemented between two glass
sheets with a solution containing potas- X-Bay Absorption Glass
sium borate or boxax 1 g., or boric acid U. S. Patent 2,025,099
0,25 g., and saturated aqueous silicic, ^The glass contains alkali substantially
stannic, chromic, or arsenic acid 0.25 g. nil, lead oxide (62), and barium oxide
per 100 cc.; a pressure of 150 Ib./sq. in.

(added as barium carbonate or barium

is employed at 117°, nitrate) (5)%.

Multicellular Glass Telescope Mirror Glass

British Patent 447,805 (Low Expansion)
Crushed glass mixed with materials British Patent 446,733
which develop gas at a high temperature Sand 410 lb.
is placed in a mold which is then heated
Boric Acid 148 lb.

to the softening temperature of the glass

Niter 14 lb.
and cooled when the desired degree of Lithium Carbonate 3.6 lb.
cellular structure is attained. The gas-
Cryolite 3 lb.

producing materials may function by re- Alumina 6 lb.

action among themselves or with the Arsenic Trioxide 5 lb.

glass. Amixture of glass 90, silica 3,

sodium sulphate 6, and carbon 1%, if Decolorizing Glass
heated to 850°, produces a glass of d German Patent 645,048
0.45. (b) The mixture is placed in a Coloration of glass by iron compounds
(graphite) mold preheated to 800-900°. is avoided by using a melt of the follow-
ing composition:
Sand 50 lb.
Luminescent Glass Calcium Oxide 15 lb.
German Patent 617,148 Soda 25 lb.
Fuse the following mixture Sodium Fluoride 1% lb.
Sand 74 lb. Sodium Nitrate lb.
Boric Acid 6.6 lb.
Soda Ash 18.5 lb.
Plaster Mold for Rooflng Tiles
Potassium Carbonate 10.3 lb.
Use aslurry of well-burned slow-set-
Lanthanum Carbonate 0,33 lb.
ting plaster (1 g.) in water (0.66 vol.)
Zinc Oxide 2.80 lb.
Later add Sodium Sulphate 15 g.
Zinc 0.68 lb.
Magnesium Chloride 15 g.
Selenium 0.90 lb.
Magnesium Carbonate,
Powdered 10 g.
Photoluminescent Glass Cement, Powdered 25 g.
Formula No. 1 Water 11.
Glass that is luminescent to light of Cast into well greased molds and allow
short wave lengths is made by fusing to set.
Tin Oxide 14 g.
Potassium Permanganate 56 g. Building Tile Composition
Barium Carbonate 350 g. Formula No. 1
Magnesium Oxide 110 g. U. S. Patent 2,049,882
Aluminum Hydroxide 215 g. A high-magnesia lime 40 is used with
Phosphoric Acid 2200 g. gypsum 10, ground blast-furnace slag 70,
The above may be flashed with turbid ‘^silica quartz 24, a pigment 5 and
glass made by fusing calcined sodium sulphate 1 part by
Zirconium Oxide 56 g. weight).
Barium Carbonate 350 g.
Magnesium Oxide 110 g.
No. 2,' ,

Aluminum Hydroxide IT. S. Patent 1,970,921

215 g.
Marble Dust 60 lb.
Phosphoric Acid 2200 g.
Portland Cement 40 lb!
No. 2 Casein 7 oz.
British Patent 460,210 Water 7 gai.
Phosphoric Acid (d 1.75) 1000 lb. The above after drying in forms is
Barium Carbonate 175 lb. coated with a cement paste containing:
Alumina 70 lb. 2% of following:

Calcium Stearate 10 lb. Kieselguhr Ceramics

Marble Dust 2 lb. British Patent 448,755
Dye 2 lb. Kieselguhr is mixed into a paste with
Glue 1% lb. 4-5% of magnesium chloride molded, and
Casein 1% lb. baked at 800-1200° C.
Ammonium Chloride 2 oz.
Water 3 gal.
High Strength Ceramic Ware
Canadian Patent 372,655
Artificial The strength of clay ware is improved
German Patent 625,892 by adding 1/^-2% chestnut extract and
White Portland Cement 1 kg. ^*-2^% salt to clay in the plastic state.
Ground Quartzite 2--2.5 kg.
Ground Fat Lime 0.3-0.35 kg.
Mineral Coloring Matter .006 kg. Enamelware, Testing
Write with ink on the surface of the
enamelware and allow to dry thoroughly.
Oil Coating for Glass Fibers
Wash off with cold water (do not rub).
IJ. S. Patent 2,107,284
No stain will remain if the enamel is of
Bright Stock (Petro- good quality.
leum) Oil 20 -40 %
Oleic Acid 12.6-18.5%
Ammonia (28°) 4 % Pottery Saggers
Water to make 100 % Fat Plastic Bonding Clay 20 07.
Medium to Open Burning
Tridymite Stone Fire Clay 30 oz.
U. S. Patent 2,066,365 Calcined Broken Saggers or
A method of manufacturing tridymite Fire Brick (%" or smaller
stone consists in burning for about 20 pieces) 50 oz.
hours a silica mass of which part is finely
ground mixed with sulphite of lye and Vitreous Enamels
the approximate proportions of 2% chalk,
Ground Coat
1.5% soda ash and 1.5% iron oxide with Material Raw Melted
pyrometer cone 15 to 16.
Formula No. 1
Flint 680.00 lb.
Soapstone Table Preservative Borax 170.00 lb.
Boiled Linseed Oil 1 gal. Sodium Nitrate 50.00 lb.
Turpentine 1 gal. Red Lead 170.00 1b.
Ceresin 4 oz. Cobalt Oxide 0.85 lb.
Apply hot.
1071.00 lb. 956 IK
Modelling Olay Clay 51 lb. 44 IK
Formula No. 1
Glycery Oleate 10 oz. 1122,00 lb. 1000 lb.
Red Oil 50 oz. No. 2
Beeswax, Crude 20 oz. Flint 675.0 lb.
Castor Oil 15 oz. Borax 390.0 lb.
Pipe-Clay, Powdered sufficient to suit Sodium Nitrate 35.0 1b.
Red Lead 52.5 lb.
No. Cobalt Oxide 3.0 lb.
Tallow 19 oz.
Gum Mastic 30 oz.
1155.5 lb. 948 lb.
Beeswax, Crude 3 oz.
Clay 60.0 lb. 52 lb.
Ozokerite 2 oz.
Paraffin Wax 4 oz.
1215,5 lb. 1000 lb.
Gypsum 12 oz.
Pipe Clay
No. 3
60 oz.
Sand 200 lb.
Feldspar 200 lb.
Ceramic Glaze Borax 390 lb.
Aluminum Chloride Sodium Nitrate 30 lb.
(Anhydrous) 60 Ib. Red Lead 100 IK
Magnesium Chloride Magnesium
(Anhydrous) 20 lb. CarbonatA 10 lb.
Salt 10 lb.
Borax 10 IK 930 IK 720 IK
Vallender Clay 325 lb. 279 lb. High Lead Enamel (Vitreous) Top Coat
Cobalt Oxide 1 lb. 1 lb. Material Raw Melted
Soda Ash 60 lb.
1256 lb. 1000 lb. Borax 165 lb.

No. 4 Barium
Band 275 lb. Carbonate 75 lb.

Potash Feldspar 435 lb.

Fluorspar 120 lb.

Borax 375 lb. Potash Feldspar 380 Ib.

Red Lead 41 lb. Red Lead 175 lb.

Sodium Nitrate 25 lb.

1126 lb. 948 lb. Tin Oxide 85 lb.

Vallender Clay 57 lb. 49 lb.

Zinc Oxide 60 lb.

Cobalt Oxide 3 lb. 3 lb.

1135 lb. 1000 lb.

1186 lb. 1000 lb.

High Tin (Vitreous) Enamel Top

White Enamel Top Coat Coat for Cast Iron. Type
Material Ra-w Melted
Formula No. 1
Material Raw Melted Soda Ash 21.0 lb.
Quartz 50 lb.
Borax 555.0 lb.
Borax 50 lb.
Feldspar 75 lb.
Carbonate 5.5 lb.
Cryolite 20 lb.
Fluorspar 5.5 lb.
Soda Ash 10 lb.
Potash Feldspar 340.0 lb.
Saltpeter 6 lb.
Carbonate 8.0 lb.
Cryolite 110.0 lb.
211 lb. 175 lb.
Tin Oxide 21 lb.
Sodium Nitrate 5.5 lb.
Clay 12 lb. 10.4 lb. Tin Oxide 188.5 lb.
Vallender Clay 55.0 lb.

244 lb. 185.4 lb.

1294.0 lb. 1000 lb.
No. 2
Flint 1200 lb.
Barium Vitreous Enamel
Carbonate 256 lb. U. S. Patent 2,063,252
Saltpeter 600 lb. An enamel slip is formed by milling
Soda Ash 424 lb. ay and water with a frit formed by
Zinc Oxide 105 lb. aelting
Magnesium Sodium Zirconium Silicate 26.43
Carbonate 24 lb.
Aluminum Hydrate 8.06
Potash Feldspar 9.20
2609 lb.
Quartz 20.04
Sodium Nitrate 3.50
Busting Enamel (Vitreous) for Cast Borax 32.50
Iron Type Fluorspar 5.41
Cryolite 3.44
Material Raw Melted
Soda Ash 24 1b. Zinc Oxide 12.07
Feldspar 343 lb. Titanium Dioxide 10.00
Vallender Clay 58 lb. This forms a blue enamel for use on
Cryolite 114 lb. metals or ceramics.
Borax 672 1b.
Tin Oxide 194 lb.
Saltpeter 6 lb.
Improved Vitreous Enamel
Ammonium French Patent 806,654
Carbonate 9 lb.
Formula No. 1 No. 2
Magnesium Borax 20 lb. 14 lb.
Carbonate Feldspar 30 lb. 40 lb.
6 lb.
Fluorspar 6 lb.
Quartz 11.3 lb. 11 lb.
1332 lb. 1000 lb.
Carbonate 15 lb. 5 lb.
Fluorspar 4 lb.
The above should be screened through Sodium Nitrate 1.7 lb. 5 lb.
a GO mesh sieve before using. Cobalt Oxide 0.36 lb.

Magnesium Boron Oxide 2-10%

Borosilicate 17 '
lb. 9 lb. Silicon Dioxide 50-75%
Cryolite — 14 lb. Titanium Dioxide 1-10%
Antimony Oxide 1-5%
Aluminum Oxide 0.5-5%
Vitreous Enamel Glaze Base Calcium Fluoride 1- 5%
British Patent 456,714
Magnesium Borosilicate 17 lb.
Vitreous Porcelain Batch
Borax 20 lb.
Fluorspar 4 U. S. Patent 2,077,610
H. P. 1 Canadian Ball Clay 6-23%
30 lb.
Quartz 11.3 lb.
Spar 15-20%
Soda Ash 15.0 lb.
Kaolin Clay 7- 8%
Sodium Nitrate 1.7 lb.
China Clay 17-32%
Cobalt Oxide 0.36 lb.
Wliiting 1- 6%
Flint 38-40%
Opaque Vitreous Enamel Electrical Range Enamel
British Patent 455,980 1, Ground Goat
Borax 360 lb. Borax 34.0 lb.
Feldspar 448 lb. Feldspar 36.0 lb.
Quartz 280 lb. Quartz 22.0 lb.
Soda Ash 112 lb. Soda 7.5 lb.
Sodium Silieofluoride 112 lb. Saltpeter 4.0 lb.
Fluorspar 60 lb. Fluorspar 3.5 lb.
Zinc Oxide 30 lb. Calcium Carbonate 2.0 lb.
After mixing, melting and quenching Nickel Oxide 0.25 lb.
100 lb. of dried frit is milled with Cobalt Oxide 0.25 lb.
White Clay 10 lb.
Zinc Sulphide 6 lb. 2. Finish Coat
Zinc Oxide 7 lb. Feldspar 63 lb.
Water 45-50 lb. Borax 54 lb.
Up to I Ib. Quartz 38 lb.
Soda Ash 234 lb.
Sodium Nitrate 180 lb.
Extra Wliite Vitreous Enamel Fluorspar 162 lb.
British Patent 455,771 Antimony 236 lb.
Enamel Frit 1000 lb. Cryolite 25 lb.
Water 500 lb. Zinc 18 lb.
Uranium Oxide
% lb. Boric Acid 27 lb.
4 lb. Litharge 72 lb.
Clay 100 lb. Barium Carbonate 38 lb.
Grind and apply and fire in usual way.
In preparing enamel slips for applica-

ground wet and contains

tion, the frit is
Blue Vitreous Enamel about 5 to 10% of plastic clay for the
U. S. Patent 2,063,252 purpose of floating the enamels.
Sodium zirconium silicate 26.43 alumi- j
num hydrate 8.06; potash feldspar 9.20; Removing Porcelain Enamel
quartz 20.04; sodium nitrate 3.50; borax British Patent 473,556
32.50; fluorspar 5.41; cryolite 3.44; zinc Hydrofluoric Acid 20 lb.
oxide 12.07; and white titanium oxide Sulphuric Acid 20 lb.
10,00 to form a frit, and then milling Water 60 lb.
the frit with clay and water to form the ^
Treat with the above including a pick-
enamel slip. ling inhibitor.

Acid-Resistant Vitreous Enamel Hon-Organic Binder for Porcelain

U. S. Patent 2,010,776 Enamel Frit
A fusible enamel for sheet steel is Abopon (Sodium Boro-
prepared by fritting Phosphate) 100 cc.
Boron Oxide 2'“10% Water (over 170° F.) 100 cc.
Sodium Oxide 15-30% This solution is added to 100 pounds of
Silicon Dioxide 55-75% the regular frit mix. If it is then
Another frit consists of ground to 200 mesh fineness, it may be
Sodium Oxide 15-30% sprayed at about 90 pounds pressure.

Tlie total solids should he about 55%, Minium 15 lb.
Abopou may not he used with sulphide Plaster 1 lb.
colors because of the f ormatiou of soluble The above mixtures are used at 540-
sulphates. 870° C.
Ab. enamel coat with the above binder
is much firmer than is the case with Coloring Roofing Granules
gums and may be handled previous to Canadian Patent 368,645
firing with much less danger to the sur- Granules are covered with
face from finger marks, etc. The surface Phosphoric Acid (75%) 40 lb.
after firing seems to give higher gloss, Chrome Oxide 18 lb.
smoother finish and enables finger marks Zinc Oxide 4 lb.
to be removed with a dry rag. Certain
colors are intensified, especially greens.
Light Household Cement
The Ahopon being entirely inorganic, U. S. Patent 2,032,142
there is no possibility of carbonization.
Powdered Flint 62 oz.
Sodium Silicate 14 oz.
Brown Glaze for High Tension Insulators Water 14 oz.
Sodium Oxide 0.012 Aluminum Fluoride 10 oz.
Potassium Oxide 0.247
Magnesium Oxide 0.001
Light Cellular Cement
Calcium Oxide 0.680
U. S. Patent 2,053,842
Aluminum Oxide 0.800
The following is whipped to a stiff
Iron Oxide 0.080
foam and used for gauging hydraulic
Chromium Oxide 0.044
Manganese Oxide 0.150
Glue 1.0 lb.
Silicon Dioxide 7.030
Water 98.8 lb.
Formaldehyde 0.2 lb.
Ceramic Underglaze Color Medium for
Stencil Color Printing
Heat Resisting Cement
Copaiba Balsam 31 oz.
U. S. Patent 2,063,102
Oregon Balsam 9 oz.
Exfoliated vermiculite 60-70 is used
with fire clay 20-30 and hair 0.5~2.0%,
Monoricinoleate a few drops the hair burning out at high tempera-
tures to form numerous voids.
Ceramic Overglaze Decoration Coating
Pine Oil 1 qt. Acid Resistant Cement
Dammar, White 4 oz.
Acid Resistant Powder 100 oz.
Warm together until dissolved.
Sodium Silicoffiioride 3- 4 oz.
Sodium Silicate
Preventing Efflorescence of Silicate (d. 1.36) 17- 20 fl. oz.
U. S. Patent 2,069,486 Clinkerless Slag Cement
About 2-3% of formaldehyde, acetal- Granulated Blast
dehyde or f ormamide is added to prevent Furnace Slag 88 lb.
efflorescence. Burned Dolomite 5 lb.
Anhydrite 5 lb.
Colored Roofing Granules Gypsum 2 lb.
U. S. Patent 2,054,317
Constancy of color is obtained by a Hardening Cement- Asbestos Surface
preliminary fused coat on base material British Patent 462,251
and then fusing on a mixture of pig- Surface of asbestos-cement products
ment and the following: may be hardened by coarse grinding,
then using a 10% solution of zinc siHco-
Formula No. 1 fluoride and finally subjecting the sur-
Borax 16 lb.
face to fine grinding, and if desired, to
Silica 20 lb.
a polishing operation.
Minium 20 lb.
Feldspar 30 lb.
Cryolite 20 lb.
Magnesium Oxychloride Cement
Potassium Nitrate 5 lb.
Firstmix dry the following:
No. , Magnesium Oxide 40 lb.
Feldspar 25 lb. Barium Sulphate 40 lb.
Flint 5 lb. ^halk 20 lb.
: :


Then mix the above with %

of its '

Synthetic Iron Oxide

volume of the following liquid mixture Buff or
Magnesium Chloiide Yellow Ochre
(27° Be. Solution) 60 lb. ‘Black Iron Oxide
Hydrochloric Acid (21° Be.) 20 lb. or
Sulphuric Acid (22° Be.) 20 lb. Lampblack Free from Oil
Pink Bed Iron Oxide
Toughened Cement
British Patent 445,613 Green Chromium Oxide
Calcined Magnesite 6 lb. All pigments should be free from un-
Sawdust 3 lb. eombined sulphur, soluble salts and or-
Plint Flour 10 lb. ganic material.
Soapstone 1 lb.
Aluminum Hydroxide % lb.
Light Weight Cement Concrete
Mix the above with 18 lb. of the fol-
British Patent 458,537
lowing: Portland Cement 1 lb.
Magnesium Chloride Sand 6 lb.
(20° Be.) 20 lb.
Seed Husks 2-12 lb.
Black Molasses lb.
Water to give sufhcient fluidity for
Slow Setting Plaster of Paris
The addition of 2% gelatin to the ^ ^
Sealing ^ ^ Concrete
water used prevents setting for 48 hours.
For every bag of concrete add 1-1.5
kg. of the following:
Dental Plaster Accelerator Oleic Acid, Distilled
100 kg.
An anti-expansion accelerating solution
Chalk 35 kg.
recommended a short time ago by a den- Water 300 kg.
tal investigation committee contains 4
Saponify by heating and agitating for
per cent potassium sulphate, 0.04 per some time. Collect the precipitated soap.
cent alizarin sulphate, and amounts of
borax varying between 0.4 per cent and
1 per cent.
Concrete Sealing Compound
British Patent 460,736
Accelerator for Setting of Glue 1 lb.
Plaster of Paris Water, Boiling 480 lb.

Same as above. Castor Oil, Sulphonated 30 lb.

Stearic Acid 54 lb.
Of this, enough is used to give 4.5
Cement Setting Accelerator
of fatty acid (stearic, palmitic, oleic,
Use 0.4-2% borax to hasten setting of
linoleic, ricinoleic acid, etc.) for 1 ewt,
of concrete.

Colored Coating for Cement

Joint Compound
Sodium Silicate (d. 1.13) 1.0 lb.
U. S. Patent 2,108,276
Sand 48.3 lb.

An ^
improved joint compound comprises
Cement 24.2 lb.
substantially the following elements
Water 6.3 lb.
Quick-setting cement, two pounds; finely
Mineral Pigment 4.8- 9.7 lb.
divided metallic aluminum, .02 of one
This coating adheres well and elimi- per cent of the weight of the cement;
nates hair cracks. finely divided, degreased iron filings, four
per cent of the weight of cement ; lamp
Colored Concrete black, two per cent of the weight of
Pigments as below are ground in a ball cement ; fine, sharp clear sand, one-fourth
mill with cement (1 lb. pigment, 9 lb. of the bulk of cement; finely powdered
cement) and mixed with aggregate be- hydraulic lime, one-tenth of the bulk of
fore adding water. White cement is used cement.
for full effects.
Color Porous Concrete
Desired Pigment Used U.a Patent 2,077,374^^^^^^^ ^

Cream A concrete mixture for making porous

Buff Brown or Yellow Sand and air-penetrable bodies comprises an
Yellow aggregate of small particles of dustless
Blue Ultramarine coal cinders, cement and a water resist-
Brown Iron Oxide ing coating binder consistinsr of burnt


powdered dolomite limestone having an and sodium metasilicate 2 parts, mixed
analysis of to a thick paste with water, placed in a
Silica 27 % covered container for enough time to
Iron and Aluminum Oxides 1.30% permit the bentonite to absorb the sili-
Magnesium Carbonate 32 % cate solution and flred.
Calcium Carbonate 39.70%
and to which is added 12% of wood-ash
Refractory Resistant to Caustic
before burning.
IJ. S. Patent 2,062,962

Gas-Proof Concrete
Magnesium Oxide 50 lb.
Alumina 50 lb.
Concrete (1:3) is made oxygen proof
by incorporating 2^%
calcium chloride.
Refractory Furnace Bricks
Gas-Proof Mortar U. S. Patent 2,043,640
Austrian Patent 150,003 Calcine 40 parts of dolomite, 30 parts
Sand 25 hg. of blast furnace slag, 20 parts ganister
Quick Lime 75 kg. and 10 parts of bauxite, moisten the same
Cement, Chamotte 10 kg. with a liquid solution composed of equal
Bituminous Emulsion parts of calcium magnesium chloride and
(50%) 1.2 kg. aluminum chloride to chemically bind
Sodium Silicate these elements and to render the same of
(36-38° B6.) 1 kg. proper consistency; mold the mixture into
Water 10 L bricks and dry the same at a temperature
Magnesium Chloride between 200° and 400° F.
(15-20° B6.) 3 1.

Magnesium Silicofluoride 0.8 kg.

Petroleum Retort Lining
Hardening Concrete Floors IT. S. Patent 2,033,644

Dilution of one gallon of special con- Portland Cement 50.0 lb.

crete silicate of soda with four (4) gal- Shredded Mineral Wool 33,0 lb.
lons of water will give a solution that Diatomaceous Earth 16.7 lb.
will cover 1000 sq. ft. of floor space.
This treatment hardens the surface, im- Plaster Molds for Roofing Tile
proves the wearing qualities, and prevents Aslurry is made Of well burned slow
excessive dusting. It also makes the setting plaster in water (0.66 volume)
floor impervious to oil and greases which Sodium Sulphate 1 kg.
tend to rot the concrete and cause it to Magnesium Chloride 15 kg.
disintegrate. Prior to this treatment, the Magnesium Carbonate,
floor should be cleaned thoroughly to Powdered 10 kg.
remove grease spots, plaster, etc. Then, Cement, Powdered 25 kg.
after scrubbing with clear water, the Water 1000 1.
floor should be allowed to dry for sev-
This is cast in well greased molds and
eral days if practical. The number of
allowed to set.
coats of silicate solution depends upon
the porosity of the concrete.
Graphite-Silicon Carbide Refractory
Heavy Concrete British Patent 465,313
The proportions per cu. yd. are: Graphite 36 lb.
cement 752 lb., magnetite 2700, gravel Silicon Carbide 60 lb.
1150, water 48 gal. The weight is 182 Sand 12 lb.
lb. per cu. ft. and strengths of 4800 lb. Ferromanganese 16 lb.
in 28 days are obtained. There is a Tar 50 1b.
tendency to late strength. The surface
Fire at 800-900** C. or 1100-1300° C.
is hard and resistant to abrasion.

Sound Insulating Composition
H. S. Patent 2,033,886
IJ. S. Patent 2,046,142
Olivine 2 lb.
Sawdust 50 lb.
Chrome Ore 1 lb.
Calcined Dolomite 25 lb.
Calcined Magnesite 3 lb.
Ground Slag 10 lb.
Refractory Pulverized Clay 10 lb.
Canadian Patent 358,842 Dextrin 5 lb.
Silicon carbide 95 parts by weight, 50 Add sufficient water to make workable
mesh or finer, bentonite about 3 parts, press into shape and dry at 80-120° C.

Sound Absorbing Composition Wood Pulp 8-15 lb.

Formula No. 1 Water to make a workable pulp
British Patent 417,922 Put in forms and apply pressure while
Exfoliated mica is used with the fol- drying.
lowing binder:
Casein 25 lb.
Water 32 lb.
Sound and Heat Insulation
British Patent 457,842
Caustic Soda (15%) 10 lb.
Slag or mineral wool is impregnated
Alum 21/^ lb.
After the casein has swelled and mixed Sodium Silicate (d. 1.33) 10 lb.
until smooth, run in slowly with good Ammonium Sulphate
mixing (2.5% Solution) 20 lb.
Water 571/2 lb. After molding into desired shape, the
Gasoline 57% lb. forms are dried.
Put into forms and allow to dry.
No. 2
IT. S. Patent 2,049,832 Sound and Heat Insulating
A 7% rubber solution, 1 gal., is used Artificial Stone
with 13 lb. of a dry aggregate mixture Hieselguhr (Finely Ground) 100 lb.
containing granulated naval cork 8, Litharge 2 lb.
granulated pumice 4 and powdered mag- Heat together at 700-1000° C. for 5^
nesia asbestos 1 part. 20 minutes.

Acoustical Plaster Heat Insulating Composition

U. S. Patent 2,037,995 Formula No. 1
Gypsum 8 -10 lb. U. S. Patent 2,033,106
Slag 8 -10 lb. Hieselguhr (Calcined
Exfoliated at 1100° C.) 73 lb.
Vermiculite 0.8 - 1.1 lb. Bentonite 8 lb.
Short Asbestos 0.8 - 1.1 lb. Asbestos Fiber 10 lb.
Soap Bark, Powdered 0.15- 0.25 lb. Sodium Silicate 1 lb.
Magnesium Carbonate, Light 8 lb.
Acoustic Wall Board Make into a slurry with water and
Formula No. 1 force under pressure into a filtering mold
Crushed wood is treated with live steam to remove excess water. Dry and calcine.
and then mixed with a 10% aluminum
No. 2
sulphate solution. Slabs, prepared from
U. S. Patent 2,046,142
this by molding under pressure, are then
Sawdust 50 lb.
dried at 90-130*^ C.
Calcined Dolomite 25 lb.
No. 2 Ground Slag 10 lb.
Pumice (Powdered) 55-45 kg. Pulverized Clay 10 lb.
Lime 15 kg. Dextrin 5 lb.
Portland Cement 30-40 kg. Water to make a paste or plastic.
Form into slabs (after guaging with Press into shape and dry at 175-250*^
water) and press at 10 kg./^^

Sound and Heat Insulation No. 3

EZieselguhr is ground with 2-10% of IT. S. Patent 2,050,089
lead oxide, moistened to give a plastic Felt or asbestos is formed into sheets
or rolls, using the following binder:
mass, molded, dried at 110°, and fired
for a short time at 1000°. Starch 9 oz.
The diatom
shells become fastened together by lead Gum Arabic 10 oz.
silicate atthe points of contact, giving Water (at 50° 0.) sufficient to give
a mass with suSS[cient rigidity to permit a specific gravity of 1.106.
its being formed into thin sheets.

Thermal Insulation
Heat and Sound Insulation Russian Patent 45,149
IT. Patent 2,041,120
S. Asbestos 58 lb.
Wood wool rendered resistant to fire,
is Clay 42 lb.
rot and termites by treatment with Sawdust 100 lb.
Ammonium Phosphate 2 lb. Mix together with su:fficient water for
Ammonium Sulphate 8 lb. applying.
Plastic Heat Insulation Precipitated Chalk
Porinula No. 1 Fire at 1400 C.
TJ. S. Patent 2,072,081
Blue Clay 40 lb. Boiler Insulation
Plaxseed Meal 15 Ib. Asbestos 15 lb.
Green Tow 22 lb. Magnesium Carbonate 85 lb.
Hemp Waste 5 lb.
Waste Sulphite Liquor 10 gal. Insulation for Dynamo and
No. 2 Transformer Plates
U. S. Patent 2,062,996 German Patent 645,182
A mixture for kneading with water to Potato Flour 300 g.
form a plastic heat insulating composi- Water 10 1.

tion consists by volume ratio: Bring to a boil and while mixing vig-
Pure Clay 0. 8-1,3 orously add
Waste Hemp Pines 1. 5-2.5 Sodium Silicate (30-40%) 400 g.
Balsa Wood Fine Particles 4.5-8.0 Sugar Syrup 100 g.
Milled Paper 1.2-2.2
Asbestos 1.2-2.5 Wood Floor Fillers
No. 3 Sawdust 60 g.
German Patent 645,182 Varnish 30 g.
Kieselguhr 10 kg. Asbestine 10 g.
Gypsum 100 kg.
Water 440 kg. Hiding of Small Defects in Lumber for
Furniture, Etc.
Spark Plug Insulator Formula No. 1
U. S. Patent 2,045,318 Spent Lime, Powdered 1 lb.
Steatite 32.7 lb. Eye Flour 2 lb.
Kaolin 43.3 lb. Linseed Oil 1 lb.
Feldspar 24.0 lb. Umbra, Burnt to suit
This acts as binder for the corundum Apply a thin coat of this putty.
No. 2
Shellac Solution )
Electrical Insulation to suit
British Patent 467,243
Wood Meal \

SilicicAcid (Freshly Make a paste and apply in a thin coat.

Precipitated) 42 No. 3
SiHca 50 Liquid (Flastic) Wood, that is a 5-7%
Plastic Clay 5 solution of highly viscous nitrocellulose
Calcium Carbonate 3 or film waste in suitable solvents, which
Heat at 1300-1600'^ C.; cool and hll is mixed with a suitable amount of finest
voids with molten low viscosity paraffin dry wood flour, sawdust, or cork powder,
wax. and a suitable color (alcohol-soluble dye).
Wall Board, Insulating No. 4
Canadian Patent 356,833 Bleach with a solution of hydrogen
Long hbrous material, such as excelsior peroxide, 3%, containing 1.2 g. of am-
is saturated in the following solution: monia (0.910) per liter.
Water 250 gal. No. 5
Sodium Silicate 4 lb.
Water 40 g.
Magnesium Oxide 4-6 lb. Hydrogen Peroxide
The surplus solution drained off and
is (8% Vol.) 8 g.
the fibrous material is sprinkled with a Sodium Silicate Solution 0.33 g.
coating of sifted cement to absorb resid- Potassium Permanganate
ual moisture. The material is spread in * Enough not to give a colored solution but
molds and compressed until cement sets to induce gas development continuously.
and then removed and dried.
Wood Preservative
Porous Ceramic Insulation for Gables Formula No. 1
British Patent 476,629 French Patent 789,694
Precipitated Silica Dinitrophenol 5 kg.
(80-85% Water) 50 1b. Mineral Oil 95 kg.
Powdered Glass 42 lb. The above may be emulsified with
Plastic Clay 5 lb. water and an emulsifying agent.
No. 2 Rot and Insect Proof Fiber Board
U. S. Patent 884,367
Ereneli Patent 792,392 ^

Potassium Acid Fluoride 38 kg. A rot-proof fiber and termite-proof

kg. product for the manufacture of building
Potassium Carbonate
36 kg. board, etc., has the following composi-
Potassium Bichromate
2 kg. tion: fiber, 1,000 pounds, rosin size (bone
No. 3 dry basis) 20 pounds, zinc meta-arsenate,
Patent 2,041,655
IT. S.
3 pounds, water about 50,000 pounds.
34 oz. This pulp is thoroughly mixed and
Potassium Bichromate
30 oz. out.
Copper Sulphate
Chromium Acetate b oz.
Boric Acid 30 oz. Rot-Vermin Proofed Fiber Board
No. 4 U. S. Patent 1,884,367
XT. S. Patent 2,106,978 A rot-proof and termite-proof fiber ^

Copper Sulphate 3 lb. product for the manufacture of building

Sodium Arsenite 1 lb. board, has the following composi-

Sodium Bichromate 3-5 lb. tion: fiber, 1,000 pounds; rosin size
No. 5 (bone dry basis), 20 pounds; zinc meta-
British Patent 468,378 arsenate, 3 pounds; water, about 50,000
Sodium Bichromate 20.6 lb. pounds. This pulp is thoroughly mixed
Arsenic Acid S5.9 lb. and pressed out, formed and dried.
jZinc Oxide
12.8 b.
Zinc Chloride l^-^ Flameproofing Wood
This is dissolved in water before
use Borax 25 g.
and the wood is impregnated with it. Water 50 g.
Impregnate kiln dried wood in above
Wood Preservative Against Termites
solution kept at a boil. Brain and dip
British Patent 464,731 ^

into following cold solution:

Formula No. 1
Magnesium Sulphate 25 g.
To a solution which contains 2 parts Sulfatate % g.
of arsenious oxide and 3 parts of Water 50 g.
in form of the glycerin ester,
there are
ilrst added 7 parts ethyl
alcohol, then 11
parts ethyl glycol. Seventy-seven parts Fireproofing Wood
of mono-chlornaphthalene are then
added Formula No. 1

to mixture and stirred in. A clear solu- Sodium Acetate 85 kg.

tion is formed.
Bisodium Phosphate 15 kg.
No. 2 Water, about 550 kg.
To a solution which contains 1.8 parts No. 2
arsenious acid and 2.0 parts glycerin in U. S. Patent 2,100,787
the form of the glycerin ester, there are A process of fireproofing wood consists
hrst added 10.0 parts ethyl alcohol and of immersing the wood in a heated bath
then 17.4 parts ethyl glycol. 68.1 parts of an aqueous solution of ammonium
of decahydronaphthalene are then added chloride and acetic acid in the approxi-
to this mixture and stirred in. A
clear mate proportions of 1 pound of am-
solution is formed. monium cliloride, 2 ounces of acetic acid
and one gallon of water, and maintain-
Exterior Millwork (Wood) Preservative ing immersion until the wood has been
Formula No. 1 impregnated to a substantial depth.
Pentachlorphenol 5 lb.

Pine Oil 1% gal.

Slow Burning Wood Treatment
Spreader 5 lb.
a. Machine pieces to dimensions.
Petroleum Thinner h. Immerse in cold solution of am-
No. 2 monium phosphate (dissolved in
Pine Oil gal.
hot water).
Spreader 5 lb.
<3. Leave wood pieces in solution at
Petroleum Thinner loy. gal.
least 8 hours.
Tetrachlorphenol lb.
d. Remove and drain.
e. Bake for 8 days at about 50® C.
Telegraph and Pence Pole Preservative
German Patent 644,978
Poles are soaked in a 1% solution Timber Fire-Proofing and Preservative
British Patent 466,294
Mercuric Chloride 20 lb. Gypsum Powder 8 1b.
Arsenic Pentoxide 80 lb. Slaked Lime 8 lb.
Salt 4 lb. Portland Cement 50 1b.
Cement 1 lb. Water to suit

Building Brick Plaster Impervious to Gasoline and

IT. a
Patent 2,043,642 Kerosene
Ground Blast Furnace Slag 150 lb. Formula. N®. 1
Calcium Oxide 40 lb. Magnesium Oxide 1 lb.
Calcium Silieofiuoride 6 lb. Sand 2 lb.
Calcium Chloride 3 lb. Magnesium Chloride
Chrome Alum 1 lb. (20-22® Be.) to suit
Pigment 7 lb.
Ko. 2
Portland Cement 1 lb.
Wall Plaster Sand 2 lb.
Formula No. 1 Casein 0.2 lb.
U. S. Patent 2,070,036 Lime 0.1 lb.
Alkali Waste 100 lb. Water to suit
Blast Furnace Slag 50 lb.
Calcined Bolomite 25 lb. Impermeable Wall, Floor and Road
Calcium Sulphate 10 lb. Covering
Feldspar 7 lb. British Patent 451,199
Vegetable Fiber 3 lb. Lime 70 lb.
Potassium Sulphate 3 lb. Rosin 15 lb.
Aluminum Sulphate 2 lb. Carnauba Wax 10 lb.
No. 2 Mineral Oil 3% lb.
Mineral Color li/y. lb.
U. S. Patent 1,989,712
Gypsum, Hydrated Melt together and mix until uniform:
<2 .

apply hob.
(Granulated) lb.
b.Magnesium Sulphate
Solution (23%) 3 lb. Eliminating Bust on Dirt Roads
Bring b to boil and mix -with a while Bust is eliminated on a dirt road where
stirring. Filter sludge at 100® 0.; wash necessary by applying 2% pounds of cal-
and dry rapidly at 100® 0. cium chloride per square yard, in 3 ap-
plications. The first application should
Wall Plaster or Mortar be made at the rate of 1% pounds per
U. S. Patent 2,043,641 square yard after the heavy spring rains
Granulated Blast have ceased. Within 4 to 6 weeks a sec-
Furnace Slag 50 lb. ond application of pound per square
Slaked Lime 20 lb. yard should be made. The last applica-
Calcium Sulphate 12 lb. tion of % pound per square yard should
Bextrin 7 lb. be made in the late summer or early fall.
Silica 6 lb.
Glass Sand 3 lb. Tennis Court Surface Pressing
Potassium Sulphate 1 lb. U. S. Patent 2,058,335
Magnesium Fluosilieate 1 lb. A composition for use as a tennis
court surface dressing consists essentially
Building Plaster of 50-80 lb. rosin, 10-30 lb. of a drying
oil, and 10-20 lb. of a petroleum oil of
Canadian Patent 366,187
Gypsum 2000 20-40® B^.
Wood Bust 500 lb.
Coke, Powdered 50 lb. Non-Aging Road Binder
French Patent 808,033
Gypsum Plaster Retarders Tar 50 kg.
British Patent 460,242 Natural Bitumen 20 kg.
The following are used to slow down Sodium Silicate Solution 30 kg.
setting of gypsum plasters: Filler 60 kg.
Calcium Citrate
Calcium Malate Molasses Binder for Roads
Calcium Succinate Ten tons of molasses are used to a
mile of highway. This is mixed with
ArtificialBuilding Slabs well-slaked lime and charcoal powder in
U. S. Patent 2,104,477 the ratio 4:2:1, respectively, by volume.
Ground Corn Stalks 17 lb. It takes about four hours for the final
Anthracite Coal Ash 33 lb. coat to set and while still slightly soft,

sand spread over it and the surface is

is Pottery Bedding Composition
rolled. Traffic is allowed over the high- British Patent 465,539
way the next day. A ground, 30 mesh, mixture of the fob
This is most suitable for dry regions. lowing is used:
Occasional rains do not wash out the Alumina 60 lb.
binder unduly. China day 15 lb.
Bone 25 lb.
Paving Composition
S. Patent 2,051,577
Broken rock of various sizes 50-80, a Waterproofing Cements
liquefier such as naphtha or kerosene A method for making cement water-
coating the rock pieces 0.5-1.0, asphalt proof which has been largely tested may
cement 4.5-7. 0 and a finely divided ore be used for coating tanks and troughing.
supplying iron oxide 3-5% are used to- tJse one part cement, two parts sand,
gether. three-quarters of a pound of dry pow-
dered alum to each cubic foot of sand.
Asphalt Paving Composition Mix the sand, alum and cement dry, and
U. S. Patent 2,041,279 add water to which three-quarters of a
Stone aggregate is heated to 120®, pound of soap to each gallon has been
coated with 5 wt.-% of melted asphalt, dissolved. This mixture may be used for
and then mixed with 4 wt.-% of water stopping leaks in concrete tanks or
containing 0.5% of caustic soda. During troughs, and may also be used for closing
mixing, 50% of the water is evaporated leaks in metal tanks. Use two plates, one
and a composition is thereby obtained on each side of the leak, drawn together
which can be stock-piled and then em- by bolt and nut, enclosing some of the
ployed for road-paving purposes without mixture between the plates.
further heating. For the purpose of waterproofing con-
crete there is nothing better than the
Asphalt-Molasses Road Composition commercial waterglass, which is a solu-
Molasses 51.96-54.09% tion of sodium silicate. Dilute the water-
(Concentrate by heating to 110-150® glass with four parts of soft water;
0.) apply with a flat brush, thoroughly wet-
Quick-lime 8.2 - 9.17% ting the surface. The waterglass may be
Asphalt 37.71-38.87% colored by mineral pigments if desired,
Such compositions have withstood 3 thus at the same time forming a water-
years’ service in India. proof color for concrete.

Conditioning Mineral Road Aggregates

Canadian Patent 359,559 Waterproofing Cement and Concrete
Individual pieces of mineral aggregate Ammonium stearate in the form of a
are treated to expel the air and moisture 5% solution” is used to a large extent.
and to provide hydrocarbon hermetic Because of its water content it cannot
seals to condition the pieces for shipment be mixed with the dry cement for ship-
and use in making paving materials, by ment and must be used immediately. Be-
heating the pieces to evaporate the mois- cause of its strong ammoniaeal odor it
ture and expel at least a portion of the is difficult to work with. It dries out
air, reducing the temperature, chilKng rapidly and corrodes and ffiscolors in
suddenly the dried and expanded pieces contact with metals.
by applying a solution of bitumen in a Dry ammonium stearate (anhydrous)
volatile vehicle, such as 55% 12-14.5® is now available. Its use overcomes ail
Bd. filuxing asphalt, 35% naphtha dis- the above disadvantages and in addition
tillate, 5% kerosene and 5% tar naphtha. saves freight charges now paid for water.

Asphalt Sheeting
D. S. Patent 2,057,020 Waterproofing for Cement and
The sheets are made from blown pe- Lime-Plaster
troleum asphalt (m.p. 105-107®) which British Patent 460,736
may have mixed with it talc and gilsonite Glue 1 lb.
in the proportions asphalt 35, gilsonite Water, Boiling 480 Tb.
35, tale 30%. The material is cast into Sulphonated Castor Oil 30 lb.
sheets and rolled out to the desired thick- Keep hot and add
ness. In use the sheets and structure to Stearic Acid (Melted) 54 lb.
be covered are joined together by heat and pass hot mixture through a colloid
and pressure. mill.
Waterproofing for Masonry Acid and Alkali Proofing Masonry
Formula No. 1 U. S. Patent 2,025,424
German Patent 634,761 The process of treating porous build-
a. Oleic Acid 43.2 kg. ing material for the purpose of making
Ammonia 12.2 kg. said material acid proof and alkali proof,
A. Alcohol 6.1 kg. consists in applying a solution containing
c. Aluminum Chloride 4.3 kg. about 15% anilin hydrochloride, then
Calcium Chloride 3.7 kg. applying a solution containing about 15%
Water 30.5 kg. copper chloride, about 5% acetic acid
glacial, and about 1% potassium chlorate,
Make soap A, thin with and add c and then applying a solution containing
to this very slowly with stirring. about 15% potassium bichromate and
The colloidal solution can be diluted about 15% sulphuric acid.
with water in all proportions, and is very
suitable for use in waterproofing con-
Fireproofing Composition
British Patent 453,109
No. 2 Diammonium Hydrogen
U. S. Patent 2,022,405 Phosphate 25 lb.
A waterproofing composition is made Ammonium Chloride 50 lb.
up as follows: 4 parts refined paraffin Lorax 18% lb.
wax, 2 parts paracoumarin resin, 1 part Sodium Tungstate 6% lb.

white beeswax, and 4 parts aluminum Water sufficient

palmitate. This is dissolved in xylol and
carbon tetrachloride present in propor- Wood Fire-Proofing and Preservative
tions about 3 to 1. U. S. Patent 2,075,693
Zinc Chloride 1 lb.
Ferric Chloride lb.
Waterproofing Cork Boric Acid 1% lb.
Pry cork at 100® C. and soak for a Ammonium Phosphate 11 lb.
few minutes in 30-50% acetone solution Water 7 gal.
of phenol formaldehyde resin. Drain;
heat for 2 to 3 hours at 70 to 80® 0. Wood Preserving and Fireproofing
and keep overnight at 105-150® C. Cork Composition
treated in this way is resistant to salt H. S. Patent 2,075,693
water and may be used for life-pre- Zinc Chloride 1 Ih.
servers. Iron Chloride
Boric Acid
% lb.
1% lb.
Ammonium Phosphate 11 lb.
Waterproofing Composition Water 7 gal.
British Patent 455,533
This invention deals with the prepara-
tion of compositions intended for effect- Fireproofing for Wood and Textiles
ing waterproofing of stone, brick, wood, Austrian Patent 149,356
etc., an additional use being for marine
Calcium Chloride, Anhydrous 40 lb.
anti-fouling purposes. The new composi- Zinc Chloride 10 lb.
tion consists of the following constituents, Formaldehyde 5 lb.
all proportions being by volume : Creamed Mix the above with
latex 10 parts; waterglass 3 parts; Calcium Chloride, Anhydrous 30 lb.
warm milk 5 parts; a solution of cam- Boric Acid 10 lb.
phor in a cellulose ester 1.5 parts; am- Ammonium Chloride 5 lb.
monia 0.25 part; cold milk 40 parts; and Of mixture make up a 10-15%
dried milk 0.5 part. and use for coating or
solution in water
Slight variations from these quantities impregnating wood or textiles.
are permissible and fall "within the scope
of the invention. Modern Flameproofing
The mixing procedure is as follows: Publicity given to recent serious fires,
A dispersion is made up of the water- and stringent enforcement of Fire De-
glass in warm milk and the thinned partment regulations, has brought to the
camphor solution is added to it; the dried fore the necessity of more general ap-
milk is now mixed in and the whole added plication of flameproofing treatments.
to the ammonia and remaining milk. The Heretofore restricted almost entirely to
mixture is allowed to stand and finally theatrical drapes and scenery, it is now
decanted, wheu the creamed .late ip in- compulsory for all public gathering places
troduced^ in many cities. Analysis of fires in pri^
: :


vate homes, however, indicates that very in various mixtures. Boric acid is often
often inflammable drapes are here also used as an ingredient.
the cause of converting a small blaze into What essentially occurs when flame is
an uncontrollable one. There is, therefore, applied to a fabric treated for^ flame-
a large present market for satisfactory proofing is the formation of a vitreous-
flameproofing. This is especially true if like coating about each fiber, within
its extension to upholstery fabrics, bed which the fiber chars. This not only pre-
accessories and marine decoration is con- vents rapid oxidation, i.e., burning, but
sidered. also considerably raises the temperature
Flameproofliig consists of the impreg- of combustion. In addition, the ammonia
nation of ordinarily inflammable material gas given off by the less stable ammonia
with inorganic, or partially inorganic, compounds helps prevent oxygen from
preparations which, without objection- reaching the combustible fiber.
ably altering other characteristics of the However, it must be noted that this
original material, will render it incapable very latter characteristic is a distinct
of supporting combustion. (The word drawback. Under varying conditions of
^objectionably ’ ^ is used advisedly, be- temperature and humidity, hydrolysis and
cause, while in most fabrics there is no decomposition of unstable ammonia salts
change apparent to the lay person, the will often occur. Ammonia will be lost,
processing of non-absorptive surfaces, or giving rise to acidity in the fabric, with
painted surfaces, as in stage scenery, resultant harmful effects upon tensile
often results in a serious change in ap- strength and color. This is particularly
pearance.) This definition implies that, marked when fabrics are stored in bolts.
if any glowing area is left at a point Moisture carried over from a period of
where flame has been applied, it must high humidity then remains indefinitely
decrease in size and disappear, even in a and gives increased reactivity to the acid
draft. residue. The hygroseopicity of the usual
Except for one or two highly special- salt mixture aids retention of excess
ized and costly processes, application by moisture. Considerable losses are known
water solution is obligatory. This is due to have been suffered on account of this
to the nature of the effective compounds factor alone. In addition, reactions with
used. It is plain, then, that textiles, etc., finishing compounds often produce unde-
to be treated must tolerate water (at a sirable results.
minimum, temperature of about 50° E. Another drawback is due to the phys-
for practical purposes). icalnature of the commonly used agents.
A satisfactory flameproofing agent Being crystalline originally, they will re-
must fill the following specifications turn to that state upon the inevitable
1. must be simple to apply.
It evaporation of the water in which they
should be reasonable in cost.
2. It
have been dissolved during application.
If the crystals are of microscopic size,
3. It must be non-toxic in solution, in
there is no noticeable effect. But with
a spray, or on the processed material.
the loss of sufficient moisture and the
4. It must be quite neutral chemically
lapse of time, the increased formation
in order that no reactions should take
and aggregation of crystals often bring
place with textile fibers or with dyes
them within the visible range. When this
and finishing compounds thereon, ad-
occurs, the treated fabric takes on a
versely affecting
cloudy, white appearance in large, irreg-
a. Color and sheen.
ular patches. These patches gradually
b. Flexibility and ^ff eel.'' coalesce and cover the entire surface.
c. Tensile strength. Sheen, if originally present, is, of course,
5 . The flameproofing agent must not destroyed. In pile fabrics such as velvets,
powder off or crystallize, thus (aside capillary action along the pile fibers may
from the annoyance) losing effectiveness aggravate clouding. Depending upon
with age. temperature, humidity, proportions of
6. There must be no undue stiffening salts and the type of fabric, this may
of fabrics. happen within any time from 48 hours
7. Since laundering (without re-proces- to 48 weeks after processing. The ^ ^ pow-

sing) is impractical, indefinite dry clean- dering" mentioned in the specifications

ing should be permissible. has essentially the same basis as the
Ordinary practice, and the limited lit- f oregoing occurrence.
erature on the subject, have apparently In general, clouding and powdering
not changed in fifty years. They indi- are most marked in fabrics having sheen,
cate the use of certain salts. These are and are in direct proportion to the de-
phosphates, borates and ammonium salts gree of sh^en. But it is known that cer-
tain black cotton velours and duveteons tap water is then added to attain the
take on a slight grayish cast immediacely proper dilution for the particular kind
after ordinary salt treatment. It should of material to be treated.
also be pointed out that increased deteri-
Methods Used
oration of fabric is not the only effect
A. Runs of 100 yards or more in a
of excess moisture caused by hygroscop-
regular finishing machine.
icity of ordinary salt mixtures. A more
B. Treatment of finished drapes by
direct result, particularly in humid climes,
dipping, extracting and drying by air.
is the formation of mildew. This may
C. Spraying of finished drapes.
occur alone or together with all the pre-
Method A. In the treatment of yard
ceding objectionable phenomena. And the
goods, the speed is such as to give any
:first indication here, too, is in the sur-
one area of the cloth a soaking of some-
face appearance.
what less than one-half minute. It then
In view of the above situation, there- goes through the quetch at high pressure,
fore, it is of considerable interest that a
and is dried over hot calenders.
flameproofing agent recently developed
Method B. In the treatment of finished
has been found to overcome the serious
drapes, they are placed in an open tank,
objections to the old compounds, and to
the solution covering them, and stirred
possess additional properties of some im-
with a paddle until thoroughly soaked
portance. Tliis agent is a homogeneous
(2-3 minutes). A tumbling barrel such
compound in which have been synthesized as used in the laundry break’' may be
in stable and neutral form the most
used here with advantage. Extraction
effective ingredients of the old agents in
follows immediately, then air drying and
a peculiarly effective form. This com- ironing in the ordinary manner. In this
pound is a liquid ^ ^ resin, soluble only
method it is possible to avoid waste by
in water. It is described chemically as
recovering excess solution from the ex-
an inorganic boro-phosphate. The vis- tractor and using it over again. It is
cosity is greater than that of glycerin
important that drapes which have been in
but less than 68® Baume sodium silicate.
use for some time should be cleaned pre-
A gallon weighs 14 pounds. It is water
vious to flameproofing. This will avoid
white, odorless, of slightly salty taste,
spotting, streaking or darkening due to
and non-toxic. It adheres strongly to
accumulated dust and dirt.
practically all surfaces. Spread thinly,
Method 0. Finished drapes are sprayed
it dries quickly to give smooth, non-tacky,
until thoroughly wet, but not so as to
glossy and transparent films which show
drip for more than a few minutes, if at
no hygroscopicity at ordinary humidities.
It dissolves quickly and completely in hot
all, after completion. A
continuous pres-
sure spray is used, and pains taken to
or warm water at 130® F. or above.
give a uniform impregnation, but uni-
It is well to note that this individual
formity such as in the two foregoing
compound contains no ammonia, the least methods is seldom obtainable. To assure
desirable and unstable flameproofing in-
sufficiently quick penetration, a wetting
gredient of traditional compounds, but
agent is necessary. Drapes with linings
does contain in high proportion the two
require separate spraying front and back.
most effective and stable ones, namely,
the borate and phosphate radicals. Be-
In Methods A and B, the bath is main-
tained at a temperature of approximately
cause of its liquid form it is easily han- 70® F. In Method 0, the temperature on
dled and dissolves quickly in water. The
the cloth is roughly between tap water
resin thins down quickly so that even
and 70®, or about 60® F.
with an equal part of water it may be According to the foregoing tests, dip
tests on swatches are sufficiently accurate
In making up the processing bath, ex- for reasonably close determination of so-
periments and practical operation have lutions for Methods A
and B. The degree
shown it to be the most advisable to of extraction by quetch or centrifuge
begin by first dissolving the resin thor- apparently is equal for practical pur-
oughly in an equal volume of hot water poses. The following were found to be
(at least 130® F.). Sufficient additional efficient solutions:
Velvets 11 parts of water to“^
Xoose-woven soft wool
Wool mixtures
gilk mixtures 9 parts of water to
1 part of boro-phosphate
Cotton .drapery fabrics of 7-8 parts of water to resin by volume or 1.68 parts
fine and coarse weave
by weight
Plain printed cotton
7 parts of water to
Ticking (after de-sizing)
Bayon plush.
Bayon satin parts of water to
Pamask (approx, equal
6 parts of water to
parts rayon and cotton))

For spraying, the most satisfactory the pH in the present tests varying from
solution for general use consists of 17 7.3 to 7.9. Even should acids or alkalis
pounds of the boro-phosphate resin in 15 be added, its buffering effect prevents
gallons of water with 2 ounces of a wet- great variation from the neutral
ting agent (Sulfatate). Because of the a. Colors including crimson, gold, deli-
difficulty of obtaining quick penetration cate shades of blue and yellow have
and uniformity under spraying condi- shown no detectable change. Sheen is
tions, rather thorough wetting, varying entirely unaffected, dull fabrics are often
in degree approximately according to the brightened.
proportions in the above chart, is neces- b. There is no detectable breakage of
sary. fibers after repeated sharp creasing at
Figures for the increase in weight due the same point, showing flexibility main-
to flameproohng are available only for tained, In many cases of rayons, the
the damask of approximately equal parts ^
hand ’ ’ was actually improved.
of rayon and cotton and of heavy weight. c. Fabrics show no noticeable lessening
These show an increase of approximately of tensile strength after 8 months' ex-
1 ounce per square yard. posure to ordinary conditions in New
Since concentration of the flameproof- York City.
ing solution at a given temperature de- 4. Its resinous, adhesive character pre-
pends on the absorption characteristics vents crystallization, whitening and pow-
of fabrics, which in turn depends on flber dering.
composition and roughly on weave, it can 5. The sizing no greater than
effect is
be said that similar fabrics may be with old compounds; on some rayons,
treated with the same solution with like less. In many eases it may be consider-
results. But a difference of 10% in fab- ably lessened by the use of less than 1%
rics would call for preliminary dip tests. of glycerin or diethylene glycol.
In any ease, if there is doubt of the 6. Adhesive character and absolute in-
proper concentration of the flameproofing solubility to ail non-aqueous solvents per-
agent, dip tests on swatches is the safest mit indefinite dry cleaning. However, it
procedure. is also interesting to note the following
It may be said also that the higher resistance to cold water: A
the temperature, the more resin will be cotton-rayon cloth of regular weave, al-
deposited in the cloth. Therefore it may ready flameproof ed, was soaked in water
be possible to develop one or two stock at approximately 60*^ F. and put through
solutions to cover the entire range of the quetch. After air drying, it exhibited
fabrics, requiring that only the tempera- 85%-'90% of the original flameproofness.
ture be varied. Since this compound is Occasional severe exposure to rain or high
not selectively absorbed, the bath may humidity will therefore not markedly
be renewed as often as necessary by add- affect the flameproof quality.
ing solutions of the regular concentration. This new material shows outstanding
1, This new flameproofing agent is sim- adaptability to rayon fabrics. The re-
ple in application. sulting ^^hand" is such as to make it
2. In no form or concentration is there important in finishing knit goods; its
any toxicity. high specific gravity (1.68) enables its
h. It is essentially a neutral compound, use, at the same time, for weighting
Also, in proper concentration, it may be ten unacquainted with the constituents
used as a sizing agent. Thus one or more involved in their composition and the
effects may be obtained through the me- effects of variation of each upon their
dium of one bath, in addition to flame- physical properties, such as melting point,
proofing. expansion, non-shrinkage, etc.
It is of some importance to indicate As is fairly well known, most fusible
the peculiar adaptability of this com- alloys and low melting solders consist of
pound for flameproofing other materials. bismuth, tin and lead. Bismuth possesses
Even non-absorbent materials, such as the very unusual property of expanding
certain papers, cardboard, wood-veneer, on cooling. It is, therefore, used not only
painted scenery and ^ ^ Cellophane ^ ’ may to make the alloy or solder more easily
be satisfactorily treated because this worked by lowering its melting point,
resin is adhesive and quickly dries to but if it is present in sufficient quantities
form glossy, transparent films. Process- its expansive tendency counter-balances
ing of Cellophane by the dip method the effects of contraction of the othei
requires a sufficient concentration of metals, and the net result is the preven-
glycerin in the bath to prevent loss of tion or reduction of shrinkage in the
glycerin from the Cellophane, which mold.
would cause brittleness. Preliminary in- Some peculiar and even surprising re-
vestigation seems to show that a solution sults can be obtained by alloying varying
containing about 25% of the resin and proportions of bismuth, lead, tin and
12% t)f glycerin is necessary. The in- cadmium together. Thus, although the
crease in weight is approximately 20%. melting point of lead is 621° P., cad-
Of considerable importance, too, is the mium 610° P., bismuth 520° P., and tin
matter of removing the hazard of highly 450° P., yet modification of the compo-
inflammable Christmas trees and holiday sition of these non-ferrous metals gives
decorations. This new material will ad- an almost endless series of alloys with
here firmly to the fir needles. At the melting points between 150° and 600° P,
same time, its gloss and transparency The quaternary eutectic mixture of
enhances the green color. By penetration bismuth, lead, tin and cadmium is the
or adhesion, it will remain indefinitely most fusible of all alloys of common
on all types of party decorations. metals except those containing mercury.
In conclusion, it can be said that, Addition of sufficient mercury to the bis-
without sacrificing esthetic appearance, muth-lead-tin-cadmium alloys lowers the
economical and simple means are now melting point to room temperature.
available not only for greatly improved When making low melting point alloys,
treatment of the usual fabrics, but also the lead should be melted first and when
in new fields opened up by the peculiarly completely molten, rosin flux added. The
adaptable qualities of this remarkable metal is then thoroughly stirred and any
new flameproofiing agent. dross formed during the stirring is re-
Boro-phosphate resin is precipitated by moved before adding the tin, bismuth
solutions of heavy metallic salts. It does and cadmixun. The metals should be
not discolor with age. It requires no stirred for several minutes after each
preservative. It cannot be rendered addition is made (in the above mentioned
water-insoluble without destroying its order) and carefully regulating the tem-
film characteristics. perature to prevent overheating.
If films are heated above 120® G., the In adding mercury to soft alloys a
films become discontinuous. hardwood stirring rod instead of a metal
Spreading and penetration is aided by rod should be used, the stirring end of
the addition of about 0.2% of a wetting the rod being charred on the surface
agent. before placing it into the molten alloy.
Boro-phosphate resin is sold commer- It is inadvisable to breathe the fumes
cially under the name of Abopon, from metals holding mercury as they are
dangerously poisonous. Experience teaches
that there is little if any real economy
Low Melting Point Alloys in making low melting point alloys used
The extent
to which low melting point in modern industry which must be made
alloys are used in commercial develop- from virgin metals when they can be
ments is a matter of considerable surprise purchased from reliable sources.
to many metallurgists and engineers. The composition and melting points of
Even those who are familiar with the some useful metal alloys which have very
use of these alloys and their various low melting points are given in the ac-
modifications and manifestations are of- companying table:
. .


Point Composition Per Cent
Name ° F. Bismuth Lead Tin Cadmium Antimony
Wood^s Alloy 149 50.0 25.0 12.5 12.5
Lipowitz ’s Alloy 154 50.0 27.0 12.5 10.5 ....
Cerrobend 160 50.0 26.7 13.3 10.0 ....
Cerrosafe 180 40.0 40.0 11.5 8.5 ....
DAreeUs Alloy 200 50.0 25.0 25.0 "

Newton ^s Alloy 201 50.0 30.0 20.0 ....

Cerro-Matrix 248 48.0 28.5 14.5 9
Cerro Base 255 52.0 48.0 . . ....
Tinsmith’s Solder
Plumber ’s Solder
. . .



Very Low Melting Alloy Melt above and take 81.9 oz of . it and
Bismuth 50 oz. melt with
Lead 27 oz. Indium 18.1 oz.
Tin 13 oz. This alloy has a freezing point of
Cadmium 10 oz. 46.5° 0.

Composition Deg. F.^ Remarks
40 oz. Tin 60 oz. Lead 459 Plumbers wiping solder, long mushy stage.
50 oz. Tin 50 oz. Lead 415 Common solder. Excellent flowing prop-
erties on copper and brass.
63 oz. Tin 37 oz. Lead 358 Lead-tin eutectic.
directly from
No mushy
liquid to solid.
stage —goes
5 oz. Tin 95 oz. Lead 604 Inexpensive, high melting i)omt lead-tin
solder. Indifferent flowing on copper
and brass.
95 oz. Tin 5 oz. Antimony 468 Non-toxic soft solder having higher creep
strength than the lead-tin solders at
212° E. Good flowing properties on
copper and brass.
5 oz. Silver 95 oz. Cadmium TSOjt Good creep resistance at 212° F.
* =r Completely liquid,
jt = Estimated,

Melting and Pouring of skim again (phosphor copper in any form

Brass and Bronze will do, although shot is preferable).
All f oundrymen realize tlie importance 4. Pour metal at the coldest tempera-
of gating and molding to the manufac- ture possible; in other words, just hot
ture of good castings. But granted that enough to avoid misruns and internal
these two conditions have been adjusted shrinkage. The metal should be taken
to a satisfactory degree, there is still the out of the furnace at a slightly higher
question of melting and pouring pro- temperature than desired for actual cast-
cedure to consider. ing and chilled down to proper pouring
Below there is given the consensus of temperature, for this permits the en-
opinion as to the best practice used. trapped gases to escape and any slag
1. Use a couple of handfuls of dry formed during melting will rise to sur-
charcoal (coarse preferred) at bottom of face of pot and it may be skimmed off.
pot. Place charge on same and melt. 5. Push slag back from the lip of
2. After melting, skim, and then cool crucible before pouring each mold. Do
down to correct pouring temperature by this before crucible is tilted over the
adding gates or sprues. ;nold in which metal is to be poured.
3. Add from 1 to 2 oz. of 15% phos- Particles of slag will thus be prevented
phor copper per 100 lb. of metal melted. from falling into the open sprue, with
Push slag back and place phosphor cop- resulting ^^cold shots or dirty cast-
per on the clean metal surface; other- ings.^V
wise slag will be deoxidized or absorb 6. Keep sprue filed at all times dur-
the phospborus. Stir thoroughly and ing pouring. Do not pour intermittently,
as air may be drawn into tte sprne, re- ing 2-2.5% beryllium. The inclusion of
sulting in gassy castings and occa- iron raises the drawing temperature and
sional '^cold shots. improves the mechanical properties.

Bronze Tablets Improved Bronze Alloy

This class of work is generally made Copper 92 Ib.
of an alloy containing: Tin 8 lb.
Copper 86.6 oz. Nickel 14 ih.
Tin 6.8 oz.
Zinc 3.3 oz. ALLOYS
Such bronze must be made from all Bunting 143
new metal —electrolytic copper, Straits Copper 84.0 -86.0 %
tin, high purity zinc, and domestic re-
lined lead. This mixture will be fluid
Lead, Maximum
14.0 -16.0 %
when melted, file easily, and will take Zinc None
on green patina upon exposure to Iron,Maximum .10%
weather. This mixture does not cause Antimony, Maximum .10%
spelter smoke to produce bad spots. Phosphorus .09- .12%
It melts at sufficiently low tempera- Aluminum None
ture to prevent the casting from chiUing Other Elements,
before it runs up full, and will not Maximum .10%
cause the sand to burn in. Afacing An exceptionally hard bronze. Used
sand should be composed of 3 lb. French only where excessive shock loads or pres-
sand, 2 lb, Windsor Lock sand, %
sures demand high resistance to deforma-
flour, and temper with molasses water.
This will produce good castings. SMn
dry molds. Bunting #164— SAE #640—
As to the finishing: after the casting GMC 4071-M
is cleaned and given as high a polish
Copper .
as possible with wire wheel brush, then Tin 10.00-12.00%
flat-face the letters and the border and
Bead 1.00- 1.50%
go over the letters for any imperfections Phosphorus .20- .30%
that may occur in molding. See that
Nickel .75- 1,25%
each letter is clean cut. Brighten with Iron, Maximum ,30%
sandpaper disc.
Antimony, Maximum .20%
The finished plate is dipped in a solu-
tion of barium sulphide after spraying
Other Elements,
with clear lacquer. For the best work Maximum
give the tablet two coats of clear lacquer,
the first one a little heavy and the sec- This a high grade, hard gear bronze

ond one light. This will hold the finish commonly used for cones of synchroniz-
and is necessary for outside work. ing gears.
The solution gives the background an
old bronze color and the polished parts Bunting #156 —Similar to SAE 65,
a lighter shade, so that the letters and GMC 4052-M
the border stand out. Barium sulphide Copper 89.0 -91.0 %
solution should be about oz. to 1 gal. Tin 9.5 -10.5 %
of water; use warm water. Lead, Zinc and Other
Elements, Maximum .50%
Production of Beryllium Phosphorus .05- .10%
Canadian Patent 371,194 This is a very hard bronze suitable
The following mixture is electrolyzed for gears and worm wheels, where the
at 260-300® C. requirements are severe.
Beryllium Chloride 50.0 lb.
Lithium Chloride 20,2 lb. Bunting #98—SAE 62—GMC 4048-M-
Potassium Chloride 26.6 lb. Similar to ASTM B-10-18
Sodium Chloride 3.2 lb. . Copper 86.0-89.0 %
Tin 9.0-11.0 %
Beryllium Bronze Lead, Maximum .35%
Beryllium containing 8.72% iron and Zinc 1.0- 3.0 %
3.16% aluminum is used to give a bronze Iron,Maximum .06%
which is quenched at 800 ®d. and drawn Antimony, Maximum .20%
at 300-350® C. to give an alloy contain- Aluminum None
Phosphorus, Maximum .05% This alloy combines strength with fair
Other Elements, machining qualities. It is especially
Maximum .25% suitable for bearings subjected to heavy
shock loads and severe working condi-
A hard bronze, commonly known as tions.
gun-metal or admiralty bronze. This
bronze is suitable wherever a general
utility bronze is required. It may be Bunting #27—SAE 64—GMC 4050-M—
used for severe working conditions where ASTM-B-31-21
heavy pressures obtain, as in gears and Copper 78.5 -81.5 %
bearings difficult to machine. Tin 9.0 -11.0 %
Lead 9.0 -11.0 %
#162— GMG 4075-M
Zinc,Maximum 1.00%
Bunting Iron,Maximum .20%
Copper 69.00-71.00%
Antimony, Maximum .20%
Tin 8-50- 9.50% .02- .07%
Lead 19.50-22.50%
Aluminum None
Nickel, Maximum .50%
Other Elements,
Iron, Maximum .20%
Maximum .50%
Antimony, Maximum .20%
Phosphorus, Maximum .05% Recommended for general bearing ap-
None plications where good wearing anti- fric-
Other Elements, tional qualities are desired. Stands up
.10% well under heavy loads and severe usage.
A serai-plastic —
bronze suitable for
water pump bushings or places where
poor or water is present.
Bunting #135 —Similar to SAE 67
lubrication is GMC-4056-M
Copper 75.0-79.0 %
Bunting Alloy No. 72—GMC 4182-M Tin 7.0- 9,0 %
Copper 81.0-85.0 % Lead 13.0-17.0 %
Tin 6.5- 7.5 % Zinc,Maximum 1.0 %
Iron, Maximum .20%
Lead 6.0- 8.0 % Antimony, Maximum .20%
Zinc 2.0- 4.0 % Aluminum None
Iron, Maximum . 20 % Other Elements,
Antimony, Maximum 20 %
Maximum .50%
Aluminum None
Other Elements, A semi-plastic bronze intended for use
Maximum .50% where a soft bronze with good anti-
friction qualities are desired.
This alloy is one of the most widely
used compositions for bronze^ bearings.
In the automotive industry it is used ex- Bunting #124— SAE #66—
tensively in such applications as spring GMC-4054-M
bushings, torque tube, steering knuckle, Copper 84,00-86.00%
piston pin. 9.0- Tin 4.50- 5.50%
This metal is an excellent composition Lead 8.00-10.00%
to use where antifriction qualities are de- Zinc,Maximum 1.50%
sired, standing up exceedingly well under Iron,Maximum .20%
heavy loads and severe usage. Antimony, Maximum .20%
More than half of the total tonnage Aluminum None
of bearing bronze produced in the Other Elements,
IT. S. A. is made in this alloy. Maximum .50%
This composition has anti-
Bunting #96 — SAE 63—Similar to friction characteristics. Has proven very
suitable in such applications as cam-
GMC 4046-M
shaft and piston pin, wherein the load is
Copper 86.0-89.0 % not too severe.
Tin 11.0 %
Lead 2.0- 3.0 %
Zinc, Maximum. .75% Bunting #125
Iron,Maximum 20 %
. Copper 72.
A.ntimon7 Maximum
.20 % Tin 4.

Aluminum None Lead 18.

Phosphorus, Maximum .10 % Zinc, Maximum
Other Elements, Iron, Maximum
Maximum Antimony, Maximum
Aluminum None i\o. 6
Other Elements, A hot workable copper-base alloy con-
Maximum .35% tains about 3% to 10% tin, about 0.2%
to 10% vanadium whicli imparts hot
A typical composition now popular in
workability to the alloy, and the re-
the higher lead content bearing bronzes.
mainder substantially all copper.
Has exceptional low friction properties.
63.00- Copper Alloy Stable to Steam
Bunting #161 U. S. Patent 2,101,930
Copper 68.00% Copper 60.0 -98.7%
Tin 3.00% Cadmium 3.0%
Lead 35.00% Nickel -30.0%

Zinc,Maximum .25% Aluminum 4.0%

Iron,Maximum . 10 % Zinc ,5-39.2%
Antimony, Maximum . 10 % Manganese
This alloy is
0.0 - 1.0%
Aluminum None characterized by superior
Other Elements, resistance to intercrystalline attack or
Maximum 25% corrosion when exposed to steam or hot
A copper-lead composition which when
produced under special processes to in- Non-Staining Copper Alloy
sure uniform distribution of the lead U. S. Patent 2,007, 430
gives a bearing metal having superior Nickel 2.76 lb.
anti-frictional non-scoring properties.
Cobalt 0.48 lb.
Very suitable for main and connecting Silicon 0.47 lb.
rod bearings in gasoline and Diesel mo- Aluminum 2.53 lb.
tors, comprcvssors, etc. Replaces tin base Molybdenum 0.37 lb.
babbitt in many applications. Iron 0.17 lb.
Calcium 0.06 lb.
Hot Working Copper Alloys Copper, to make 100.00 lb.
Patent 2,059,555-00
IT. S.
Formula No. 1 Machinable Copper-Base Alloy
A hot workable copper-base alloy con- British Patent 471,291
tains 3 to 10% tin, from .5 to 10% Bead 0.4 lb.
chromium, the remainder substantially all Silicon 3.0 lb.
copper. Manganese 1.0 lb.
Copper 95.6 lb.
No. 2 .

A copper-base alloy which can be Copper-Iron Electrical Alloy

forged and rolled at elevated tempera- U. S. Patent 1,999,850
tures and which has substantially the Ductile iron alloys of high electrical
composition: 3%
to 10% tin; 0.5% to conductivity, containing copper 30-70
10% chromium; a substantial amount
(55) and magnesium 0.02-1 (0.2)%, are
not over 10% iron; and the remainder annealed at 600-850° for i^.-4 hr. and
substantially all copper. cooled to 450° during 2 hr. prior to the
No. 3 hnal cold-drawing.
A hot workable copper-base alloy con-
tains about 3% to 10% tin, about 0.2% Silver Electrical Contact Alloy
to 10% of mixtures of chromium and U. S. Patent 2,046,056
vanadium, which impart hot workability Beryllium 0.5- 5%
to the alloy, and the remainder substan- Chromium 0.5- 1%
tially all copper. Silver, to make 100%
No. 4
Electrical Contact Alloy
A hot workable copper-base alloy con-
U. S. Patent 2,061,624
tains about 3% to 10% tin, about 0.2%
to 10% mixtures of chromium and va-
Silver 78%
nadium, about 0.2% to 10% iron, and
Copper 12%
the remainder substantially all copper.
Cadmium 8%
Cobalt 2%
No. 5
A hot workable copper-base alloy con- Hardening Magnesium Alloys
tains about 3% to 10% tin, about 0.2% British Patent 474,812
to 10% vanadium, about 0.2% to 10% Alloys of magnesium containing 9%
iron, and the remainder substantially all aluminum and 0.2% manganese are homo-
copper. genized at 420° C. for 10 hours; hot
% %


worked at 200-500” C. extruded at 350”

Bearing Alloy
0. and then subjected to a precipitation U. a Patent 2,059,019
treatment at 170° C. Copper 5 %
Antimony 7- 8 %
Telluriunx 0 1
. %
Cable Sheath Lead Alloy
British Patent 479^215
Tin, to make 100 %
Tellurium 0.001- 0.25% Bearing Metal Alloy
Copper 0.03 - 1 % U. S. Patent 2,116,851
Lead, to make 100 % Silver 1 4%
This alloy retains fine grained struc- Antimony 0.1- 5%
ture even after fusion- welding. Cadmium, to make 100 %
Cadmium Cadmium Copper-
SAE-11 No. 50 Lead
Copper 5.6% 0.5% 58.9%
~— 40.0%
Cadmium % 98.7% %
Silver % 0 8
. % %
% -%
Zinc —87.2% %
Antimony 6.9% %
Nickel -- — % 1 1%

Die Casting Alloy Melting Aluminum Turnings

Melt about 50 lb. of new aluminum
Aluminum 1.5 - 6 % and add the turnings gradually, stirring
them into the molten metal. After form-
Magnesium 0.01- 0.3%
Titanium ing a body of metal, the turnings will go
or Tantalum o 0 1 phi in readily. Keep pouring the metal into
Copper, to make 100 % ingots while tilling up the crucible by
dipping out the metal, and keep adding
Pattern Alloy
Copper 50 ib. Non-Blistering Aluminum Castings
Silicon 15 lb. U. S. Patent 2,024,751
Aluminum 35 lb. A method of preventing the formation
of blisters due to the presence of gas in
Pour into ingots and use as hardener
thermally treated aluminum and alumi-
as follows:
num base alloys, comprises treating the
Melt: molten metal prior to casting with from
Aluminum 80 lb. about 0.05 to 5 per cent by weight of
Add: sodium fluoborate.
Hardener (above) 20 lb.
The above casts easily with minimum
Hard Strong Aluminum Alloy
U. S. Patent 2,118,686
Copper 8 lb.
Low Temperature Aluminum Zinc 8 lb.
Brazing Alloy
Iron 6 lb.
: British Patent 474,716,' Aluminum 80 lb.
Tin 67.38 oz.
Silver 2.61 oz. Hard and Low Thermal Expansion
Lead 1.20 oz.
Aluminum Alloy
Antimony 0.04 oz.
U. S. Patent 1,974,971
Zinc 28.71 oz. Silicon
16 -25
0.1- '3
Muminum Alloy Resistant to Sea "Water Magnesium 0.1-'1.25'%'-
French Patent 807,457 Copper '0.1- ,1.75%,
Magnesium 10 % Aluminum Balance
Chromium 0.05- 0.5% While metal is melted and covered
or Zinc 0.1 - 0.8% wdth flux add
or Silicon 0.2 - 1 % Sodium 0.05-1%
and cast in cliill molds and age castings No. 2
at 100-150® C. Japanese Patent 113,972
Phosphorus 0.1- 0.259c
Heavy Duty Babbitt Metal Nickel 1- % 1.5
Babbitt with a low tin content is Aluminum 1-2 %
melted, poured over heated cleaned bronze Copper 46- 60 %
shavings and mixed while cooling. Zinc, to
make 100 %
is like 20-karat gold.

Hints on Spraying Babbitt Metal Coating Metals with Lead

Two methods may be nsed in doing British Patent 466,849
this work. One is simply to grit blast First pickle in acid and wash with a
the box in the usual manner of prepar- solution of sodium bicarbonate. Dip in
ing for sprayed metal. If possible, the aqueous zinc chloride (d. 1.45) at 28°
metal should run over the edges a little 0. and then immerse in molten lead cov-
on each side of the box. This will give ered with a layer of ammonium chloride
a good bond. The second method is to and glycerin.
tin the box in the usual manner, then
just before applying the sprayed metal Watch Compensating Spring Alloy
IT. B. Patent 2,099,474
to apply a torch to heat up the tin so
that it is soft. The babbitt can then be A spring having a high elastic limit
sprayed onto the hot tin and will form and variable modulus of elasticity at dif-
ferent temperatures within normal atmos-
a fused bond with it. The tin already
pheric limits of temperature, consists of
being fused to the box, a completely
fused bond is obtained throughout. an alloy having substantially the follow-
ing composition:
Care must be used that there is no
oil —
in the box this usually gives consid-
erable trouble because many of the boxes
are soaked with oil. All of this oil Manganese 3.0%
should be drawn out by heating before Silicon 4.0%
spraying is attempted. The babbitt Titanium 0.1%
should be applied so that there will be Iron, to make 100 %
just a slight excess either for machining
or for scraping the bearing.
Pen Nibs
British Patent 466,972
Sprayed babbitt also has been used Palladium
extensively to eliminate the tinning op-
Copper 10%
eration in cases in which a ^eat deal of
babbitt must be cast. For instance, the
Silver 38-20%
This alloy is deoxidized with 0.005-
usual procedure is to tin the box and
0.05% copper phosphide.
then cast the babbitt. The procedure
is to sand blast the box, spray on a light
Pen Point Alloy
coat of babbitt, and then cast the bear- H. S. Patent 2,041,381
ing in the usual way. Thus tinning is Copper 15 oz.
completely eliminated. This type of Zinc 10 oz.
work is done where the bearings are large Silver 75 oz.
and where heavy thicknesses of babbitt
are necessary, requirements which would Hard Pen-Nib Alloy
make spraying cost prohibitive. IJ. a Patent 2,082,719
Osmium ]
or Ruthenium I 75 -94.5%
or Osmiridium
Copper J
or Nickel 1
Zinc o or
Lead or Cobalt
3 2o %
Boron 0.1- 5 %
Imitation Gold Low Temperature Thermometer Alloy
Formula No. 1 Mercury 91.5
Japanese Patent 111,314; ThaUiuin 8.5 g.
Zinc 16 - J This acts like mercury in the ther-
Molybdenum 0.5- mometer down to -60° C.
Tungsten 0.2-
Copper, to malje lOO
This alloy is malleable and acid-prpof
% Electrical Contact Alloy
ir. 8. Patent 1,980,801
and is used in making foils and orna- Osmium
ments, '


Electric Contact Point Alloys tained in this manner can be used for
French Patent 807,700 the manufacture of a large number of
Formula No. 1 tungsten products. For instance, tung-
Iridium 7 g. sten wires for illuminating purposes can
Tungsten Carbide 93 g. be made by mixing finely pulverized
No. 2 tungsten with a suitable quantity of the
organic tungsten compound, which has a
Osmium 3.5 g.
considerably higher plasticity than the
Tungsten Carbide 96.5 g.
known tungsten compounds. Even when
No. 3
rather large amounts of tungsten powder
Bhenium 2.3 g.
are added (more than 100 g. can be used
Osmium 4.7 g.
in connection with the above mentioned
Tungsten Carbide 93.0 g.
quantities) a mass is obtained which is
so plastic that it can be formed into fine
wires without difficulties, and even at low
Low Expansion Lead-In Wire for
Electric Bulbs pressure through the ordinary metal noz-
Canadian Patent 364,416 zles or glass nozzles. It is not only pos-
70-85% sible to make wires with this compound
Nickel 15-30% but it is also possible to produce bars
5% that are hammered and drawn, or even
Cobalt, less than
tubes or hollow bars.
Besides the addition of finely pulver-
Non-Corrosive Lead-In Wire for ized tungsten, it is also possible to add
Gas Filled Lamps other metals in the pulverized state, de-
Canadian Patent 364,148 pending on the purpose for which the
Copper 95.5 oz. product is to be used; for instance,
Beryllium 1-5 oz. molybdenum, tantalum, thorium or the
Manganese 3.0 oz. like may be added.
For the radio industry, it is possible
without difficulty to add oxides of zir-
Tungsten Wire Forming Compound conium or thorium as conductors of the
U. S. Patent 2,078,609 second class to the finely divided metal
12 g. of gallic acid are dissolved and which serves as a conductor of the first
boiled in 1. of water. To this solu- class. It was found that the plasticity
tion 12 g. of very finely pulverized am- and binding capacity of the organic
monium tungstate are added. An or- tungsten compound produced according
ganic tungsten compound is immediately to ifie invention is so high that the quan-
formed, that is, without any further ad- tity of such oxides could be increased
dition of acid; this compound is present up to 30% whereby the properties of the
as a precipitate. This compound can be wires or bars could be increased consider-
filtered and proves to have extremely high ably. Such wires have approximately 10
plastic properties. To the remaining so- times the resistance of pure tungsten and
lution, approximately 5 cc. of diluted have a high electron emissivity, even at
hydrochloric acid can be added, where- low temperatures.
upon the remainder of the tungsten, The produced wires, bars or tubes are
which is approximately %of the total sintered in the customary manner in an
tungsten, will be precipitated in the form inert atmosphere or in hydrogen by
of a similarly highly plastic organic com- means of an electric current.
pound. In practice both operations can
be combined, in which case the deposits
can be filtered together. The precipitate Eiseharge Lamp Electrode Alloy
is heated carefully in order to eliminate U. S. Patent 2,062,959
the greatest part of the water present Copper 96 oz.
therein. Silicon 3 oz.
Instead of ammonium tungstate, it is Manganese 1 oz.
also possible to use other soluble com-
pounds of tungstic acid, although the
ammonium tungstate has proved to be Hot Cathode Electrode
the most suitable because of ^ the high British Patent 459,163
volatility of the ammonium radical. The Barium Oxide 40 oz.
concentration of the gallic acid solution Tungsten Carbide 20 oz.
may also be changed within narrow lim- Zirconium 10 oz.
its as long as the ratio betvreen the gallic Zirconium Oxide 30 oz.
acid and the tungstate remains the same. The above in fine powders are mixed,
The organic tungsten compound ob- pressed and heated to about 1300°,
Lead Alloy for Storage Battery Anodes 3. Remove the ladle from the flame
U. S. Patent 2,013,487 and allow the melted metal to gradually
Strontium 0.2- 0.6 oz. melt the remainder of the ingot. This
Tin 0.2- 2.0 oz. will insure the minimum temperature at
Lead- to make 100 oz. which the metal will be plastic.
4. When pouring the metal into the
cast, jar the east on the bench.
Frictional Alloy
If the foregoing precautions are ob-
British Patent 443,476
served models that are smooth and free
Copper 70 - 85 % from surface defects will be gotten.
Nickel 1-4%
Silicon 1-4%
Lead 6-15%
Tin 2-10% Overcoming Lead Sweat
To overcome separation of lead when
The above powdered metals are sin- making lead alloy eastings, first refine the
tered and pressed together in a form. lead used by melting it in a separate
It is toughened by heat treatment at
pot with 5% lead oxide and 5% ground
500-800® C. and coated with a little wax
glass. Pole the metal well by inserting
in boiled linseed oil.
old leather to the bottom and let metal
boil. All impurities come to the top and
Heat Hardening Spring Steel Alloy may be skimmed off.
French Patent 820,517
Another method is to add of 1% of%
Cobalt 30% manganese copper to the melt.
Iron 53.1%
Chromium 9.0%
Manganese 0,8% Type Metal Dross Reducer
Silicon 0.1% British Patent 441,033
Beryllium, .
1.0% The amount of dross on molten type
Titanium 1.0% metal is reduced by covering the surface
with a mixture of
Alloys Resistant to Hot Caustic Solutions Salt 20-30 pt.
French Patent 803,545 Ammonium Chloride 20-25 pt.
Formula No. 1 Wood Charcoal 30-35 pt.
Copper 83.80 kg.
Iron 4.18 kg.
Nickel 4.78 kg. Dental Plate Alloy
Aluminum 7.20 kg. German Patent 628,572
No. 2 Palladium 10
Copper 83.25 kg. Tin 0.5- 5 g.
Aluminum 7.87 kg. Silver 89.5-85 g.
Iron 3.55 kg.
Cadmium or manganese to the amount
Nickel 5.25 kg. of 3-5% may be added.

H. S. Patent 2,008,055 Dental Amalgam Alloy
Chromite (48% Chromium IT. S. Patent 2,083,052
Oxide) 65 lb. Silver 71-78%
Calcium Silicide 23 lb. Tin 21-28%
Aluminum 4 lb. Zinc 1%
Calcium Fluoride 4 lb.
Ferro-Silieon Dental Amalgamating Alloy
U. S. Patent 2,024,545
Pouring Fusible Metal Models Silver 65 oz.
To secure smooth models of fusible Tin 25 oz.
metal is not difficult but neither is it a Beryllium 0.06- 1 oz.
task that can be sloppily’^ performed. This alloy exhibits improved hardness
Keep in mind the following points to and resistance to corrosion.
get smooth, accurate models,
1. A copper ladle is to be preferred
in which to melt the metal. Dental Pin Alloy
2. Place the metal in the ladle and U. S. Patent 2,107,310
hold it over a bunsen flame, carrying it Palladium 60 oz.
rapidly in and out of the flame till the Platinum 30 oz.
ingot is about three-fourths melted. Gold 10 oz.

Tootli Straightening Metal Alloy temperature the steel may happen to be,
British Patent 444,754 and then this is usually followed by
Platinum 15 -20% drawing the temper of the spring by
Palladium 4 -15% flashing.'^ The old practice of high
Gold 50 -60% temperatures in forming and hardening
Silver 10 -20% springs with a single heat cannot fail to
Copper 5 -15% give trouble. The blacksmith generally
Zine 2.5- 3% heats the steel to about as high a tem-
perature as it will stand -without burning.
This has a very bad effect upon the struc-
Dental Plate Alloy
ture of the steel, but even assuming that
IT.S. Patent 2,098,879
the proper temperature has been used in
An alloy for dental plates consists of
fitting the spring, the operation of fitting
20-40% of palladium, 35-65% of silver, gives the steel a chance to cool down to
15-30% of copper and 0.05-0.25% of a temperature where it will not harden
phosphorus, the amounts of silver and properly.
copper being present in percentages
Further, the steel is not all a uniform
within 5% above or below the eutectic heat over its length, so that if quenched
directly after forming it will set up
internal strains in the steel, which will
Non-Blackening Silver Dental Alloy possibly lead to breakage later. The
Silver 70 oz. spring should always be put back in the
Palladium 30 oz. heating furnace and re-heated for a few
minutes uniformly throughout its whole
length to the correct temperature. It is
Dental Alloy
difficult in the open fire to get a uniform
D. S. Patent 2,050,040
heat upon a spring. This is what makes
Platinum 13.2%
it so hard for the average blacksmith
Palladium 11.6% shop to properly temper springs. With-
Copper 9.4% out a heating furnace the blacksmith is
Gold 65.0% greatly handicapped.
To the above alloy add For drawing the temper in the spring
Tin 1.5-3%
never use the flashing’^ process. The
Quench at 900° and reheat at policy of replacing the steel (after it is
quenched) in a heating furnace until the
Gold Sponge Dental Filling outside of the steel reaches the desired
British Patent 432,881 temperature is very bad, because of the
Precipitate gold from 5 to 10% aque- impossibility of getting uniform heat
ous gold chloride at 80° C, Wash pre- treatment. No time is allowed for the
cipitate and heat at 150-250° 0. in con- heat to soak to the centre, with the result
centrated sulphuric acid. Wash and dry. that the hardness increases from the out-
side— most undesirable condition. All
spring steels should be drawn back in a
Heat Treatment of Spring and suitable low temperature furnace, main-
Alloy Steels tained at the proper heat. The steel
Many blacksmiths endeavor to weld must be kept in the furnace sufficiently
automotive spring leaves, but they are long to give a uniform heat throughout
rarely successful, and all steel experts its whole structure.
agree that it is largely a waste of time. One of the difficulties in all heat-treat-
It is far better to either use a new leaf, ment of spring steel and alloy steel in
or a new spring. If a new leaf has to the average shop is the impossibility of
be turned out in the shop, the blacksmith accurately determining the heat given the
can get a leaf that will give good service material, and the heat at which it is
if he has good carbon steel of the proper quenched or drawn. This is an easy
grade. Steel should be from .90 per cent matter in a furnace where pyrometers are
to 1.10 per cent carbon. Never use car- used, but in the average shop it is very
bon steel as high as 1.25 per cent, as difficult to gauge the heat by color alone.
this makes a brittle spring that will In handling springs a quenching tem-
easily break. The lower carbon steels perature of 1,500° F. gives the best re-
are more suitable. sults, while the drawing temperature
Aside from improper steel, the ma- should be about 600 to 650° F. The
jority of spring failures are usually due accuracy of the eye in determining color
to using too high a temperature for heat- comes into play. A quenching tempera-
ing the spring for fitting, followed di- ture of 1,500° F. means that you must
rectly by quenching from whatever get the steel to a bright red. The color
for drawing back the spring at 600 to quenching, and that temperature must be
650® F. should be a bluish gTeen. There exact.
are scarcely two men who agree as to The mechanic should have a knowledge
temperature by color, but without the aid of the constituents of steel before he can
of instruments the following tempera- effectively give it the proper heat- treat-
tures and degrees F. are found at the ment. The structure of any particular
heat colors given: steel may be modified or entirely changed
White heat, 2,200 light yellow, 1,975;
by various degrees of heating, all of
lemon, 1,825; orange, 1,725; salmon, which take place in the steel while it is
1,650; bright red, 1,550 to 1,500; cherry in the solid condition. These structural
red, 1,375; medium cherry, 1,250; dark changes in the steel take place at tem-
cherry, 1,175; blood red, 1,050 and faint peratures known as the ^^criticaP^ points
red, 900. or critical ranges of the steel.
Below this scale there is, of coursej a In a low carbon steel, about 2 per cent,
wide range of tempering colors which practically no change in the constituents
should be used, particularly in tool work. occurs during heating until a temperature
These run from a blue green heat at equivalent to about 1,300® F, is reached.
530® F. to dark purple, 550; dark brown, In passing through this critical range
there is a complete change in the ^^pearl-
500, and a straw color at 460® F.
Quenching springs should be done in a
ite^^ in the structure of the steel. The
steel consists of about 25 per cent
good heavy tempering oil. Let it be
^^pearlite^^ and 75 per cent free ferrite.
stated emphatically that there is no such
thing as a self-hardening spring steel
At the critical range the ferrite is con-
verted into an entirely new constituent,
manufactured, for there is no alloy steel
so that the whole structure of the steel
that can cool off naturally in air and yet
is changed.
get the characteristics necessary in a
Every class of steel has its particular
good spring.
critical point. In heating for hardening
It is often considered by the gas welder
there must be much more care taken than
that he can weld a spring with the torch.
heating for annealing. Heating for an-
Since springs are made of specially heat-
nealing is followed by slow cooling and
treated steel, it is surely evident that any
the gradual release of all strains in the
application of heating from the welding
steel. The heating for hardening is fol-
torch will at once destroy the quality of
lowed by the most severe test the steel
the metal. This type of repair can never
be recommended. It is far better to use

has to stand very rapid cooling, which
sets up a condition of stress and strain
a replacement spring than to weld it, if
in the metaL In general, the heating'-of
you have not the equipment for properly
steel for hardening should be slow, uni-
heat-treating and quenching the spring
form and thorough, and at the lowest
as outlined above.
temperature which will get you the right
It is obvious that alloy steel springs results.
must combine great toughness with a Ordinary carbon steel loses its mag-
high elastic limit. Carbon steel springs netism on heating. It becomes non-mag-
contain not only carbon but manganese, netic^ in passing through and beyond
phosphorus, sulphur and silicon, and the
carbon content must be correct, from .90

certain temperatures ^its critical range.
At first the steel changes from its orig-
per cent to 1.10 per cent, or you will inal color to a faint yellow, straw color,
have a brittle spring. The quenching purple and then to blue, until at a certain
temperatures for alloy steel springs are temperature it apparently stops heating,
very important. In a chrome vanadium although stiU remaining in the fire. It
steel which is now generally used, the holds a certain color for an appreciable
steel should be brought up to a full time, after which it again starts to
cherry red heat, that is, about 1,475® F. change color and appears to heat faster
and allowed to cool slowly, that is, until a white heat is reached.
suffieient time to allow uniform cooling.
The blacksmith should note this point
These alloy steels cannot be handled as where the steel seems to get no hotter as
most carbon spring steels and still give indicated by the lack of change in color.
maximum service. They are, however, This is the temperature at which the par-
lower in carbon and will stand much ticles of the steel are re-arranging them-
abuse in heat-treatment and still produce selves, which we have referred to as the
springs of good quality. Alloy steels critical point. The steel is actually
should never be heated any higher for absorbing heat without getting any hot-
forming the spring than is absolutely ter. You can check this critical point
necessary, but they must always be re- very accurately by using an ordinary
heated to tbe proper temperature for horseshoe majrnet suspended from a suit-

able rod. When the correct hardening Reddish Brown 510

temperature has been reached, there will Purplish Brown 520
be no attraction hetween the magnet and Light Purple 530
the steel Use the ordinary horseshoe Pull Purple 540
magnet, or magnetize a small diamond- Dark Purple 550
shaped piece of steel and support it be- Pull Blue 560
tween two pins on the end of a forked Dark Blue 570
rod. Pale Blue 600
For low carbon steels, or for small Bluish Green 630
parts made of higher carbon, water Red (in dark) 725
quenching can be used without much dan- Red, room light 885
ger. On the other hand, if the steel has Blood Red 1,050
got to be quenched and toughened, oil Red in Daylight 1,077
will be found sux)erior. Brine should Dark Cherry 1,175
only be used in particular cases where a Medium Cherry 1,250
very hard surface is required. Pull Red 1,375
In all heat- treatment of modern steels Bright Red 1,550
it is impossible to get the best results in
Salmon Pink 1,650
the open forge. An oil furnace or gas
Orange 1,725
furnace is necesary to get results. Where Lemon 1,825
natural gas is available, the blacksmith Light Yellow 1,975
can very readily build a satisfactory heat- White Heat 2,200
treating furnace, and it is well worth the Forge Welding Heat 2,500
time and trouble. It should never be Oxygen-Acetylene Gas, 5,800
forgotten that in gas welding the heat up to 6,300
generated in the metal in welding has a Hydrogen-Oxygen Flame 4,(300

marked effect upon the structure of alloy Acetylene in Air 3,230

steel, so that only by subsequent heat-
Natural Gas Flame 4,200
treatment can the weld get the proper In tempering carbon steels, the tem-
strength at points just beyond where the perature range varies from 300 degrees
welded section unites with the original to 1,050 degrees F. Tempering high speed
metal. steel from 350 degrees to 1,100 degrees F.
These alloy steels have properties that Hardening carbon steel requires 1,350
make them superior to plain carbon steels degrees to 1,500 degrees P. Hardening
only after they have been heat-treated alloy steels 1,500 to 1,950 degrees F.
under carefully controlled conditions. Hardening high speed steels 2,250 de-
Welding destroys the effect of the heat- grees to 2,400 degrees F.
treatment in the zone adjacent to the
weld. It is, of course, possible to restore Heat Treatment of Manganese Steel
the properties of the alloy steel by heat- U. S. Patent 1,968,960
treating it again after welding, but this Austenitic manganese steel articles,
requires equipment that is beyond the e.g.,crusher jaws, are heated to 1000®
average repair shop. As an example, and the portions to be subjected to pres-
welding of such parts as alloy steel auto- sure and wear, e.g. the ridges, are cooled
mobile axles or steering knuckles should to < 920° by streams of compressed air
never be attempted. Owing to the effect or high-pressure steam to produce car-
of the welding heat, the welded section bide precipitation 5 the whole article is
will not be as good as the rest of the then quenched.
metal, nor will it be strong enough for
safe operation of the machine. Heat Treating Transformer Steel
British Patent 446,794
Sheets of 3-5% silicon steel are coated
Colors Developed in Heating of Steel
with a thin film of aluminum oxide by
Tern- painting them with 10-12% sodium
perature aluminate, drying them, and pack -anneal-
Color Degrees F. ing them for 6-8 hours at 850-875°.
Very Pale Yellow 430 Since little or no scale is produced in
Light Yellow 440 the annealing the watt losses are reduced.
Pale Straw Yellow 450
Straw Yellow 460 Carbonization of Nickel Cathodes
Deep Straw Yellow 470 British Patent 442,878
Dark Yellow 480 Thermionic value parts of nickel are
Yellowish Brown 490 roughened, by sand-blasting or etching,
Brownish Yellow 500 and coated with a mixture of

Palmitic Acid 215 g. long. Thread both ends and obtain a
Lampblack 88 g. I)ipecap for each end. Insert the pieces,
Lard Oil 120 g. screw the caps on by hand, and throw
It is then heated above 350° C. in an the pipe into the furnace. Allow it to
inert atmosphere to drive off the binding reach a red heat and re":ain so for about
medium. two hours,- then remove and bury it im-
mediately in ashes or lime until cold.
Steel annealed in this manner does not
Thermal Treating Bath for Light Metals scale or burn, and can be filed or cut
British Patent 464,697 with cold chisels easily. TIack-saw blades
A bath for use at 300-500° G. as fol- can be bent double and hammered flat
lows has low corrosive properties: without breaking. Tenijper can be re-
Potassium Chloride 25-40 lb. stored in the usual manner.
Sodium Chloride 15-25 lb.
Calcium Chloride 10-50 lb. Hardening or Tempering Copper
Barium Chloride 10-20 lb. U. S. Pa;teiit 1,981,718
Strontium Chloride 5-20 lb. Molten copper is stirred with a 3 to 1
Barium Carbonate 1-25 lb. mixture of lime and rosin, then cast into
Caustic Soda 1-10 lb. molds and hot worked while applying
powdered rosin to the surface of th© hot
Tempering Powders (Steel) ingot.
Formula No. 1
Animal Coal (from Acid Resistant Lining
Charred Horn) 24 lb. Andesite 30 lb.
Horn Filings 4 lb. Chloronaphthalene 9 lb.
Glue 6 lb. Pitch 1 lb.
Potassium Nitrate 9.5 lb.
Sodium Chloride 55 lb. Cementation Bath for Iron and Steel
British Patent 468,366
No. 2
Potassium Ferroeyanide
Sodium Cyanide 20 lb.
30 lb.
Potassium Nitrate
Sodium Chloride 22 lb.
30 lb.
Potassium Chloride 28 lb.
Animal Coal (from Horn) 30 lb.
Aloe, Powdered
Barium Carbonate 30 lb.
1 lb.
Gum Arabic 1 lb.
Case Hardening Centrifugal
15 lb.
Ferrous Castings
British Patent 467,152
Calcium Chromate 100 lb. The castings are packed in powdered
Coal 16 lb. beryllium or beryllium-iron (80% beryl-
No. 4 lium) and heated at 800-1150® C. for
Calcium Chromate 100 lb. 2^-10 hours.
Coal 25 lb.
No. 5 Case Hardening Steel
Calcium Tungstate 100 lb. British Patent 468,757
Goal 14 lb. Heat steel at 800-950° C. in
Charcoal (Powdered) 100 lb.
No. 6
Coke Powder 79-84
Manganese Dioxide 10- 30 lb.
Caustic Potash 15 lb.
Barium Carbonate 15-20 lb.
Soy Bean Flour 1 lb.
Ammonium Chloride 5 lb.

Case Hardening Steel

Steel Spring Quenching Emulsion XT, S. Patent 2,048,526
British Patent 435,223 Steel is embedded in powdered boron
Fish Oil 75 lb. carbide and heated for several hours ai
Caustic Soda 0.1 lb. 1400°,
Water 25 lb.
The springs are heated Steel Hardening Mixture
to 850° F. and
quenched in above emulsion. U. S. Patent 2,009,165
Silica 31.4 oz.
Feldspar 38.3 oz.
Annealing Hack-Saw Blades and Piles Borax 14 oz.
Hack-saw blades, hies, and other pieces Sodium Bicarbonate 14 oz.
of tool steel can be annealed dead soft Ball Clay 2.3 oz.
in the following manner: Obtain a piece This mix is fused and the steel is im-
of or larger scrap pipe about 15 in. mersed in it.

Hardening Steel Inhibitor, Steel Pickling

Patent 2,032,700
XT. S. U. S. Patent 2,049,517
The steel is passed through the follow- Hydrochloric Acid
ing molten salt hath (760-840° C.)« (1:1) 1 gal.
Barium Chloride 45 1b. Copper Carbonate 0.0021 lb.
Potassium Chloride 45 lb. Methylene- 0 “toluidine 0.0083 lb.
Sodium Chloride 10 lb.

then into a bath of molten lead below Steel Nitriding Inhibitor

it; then draw up through the above salt
U. 8. Patent 1,980,670
bath and quenched in brine (d. 1.045). Parts which are not to be nitrided are
painted with a mixture of
Antimony Surface Hardening of Metals Tin Powder 70 lb.
Patent 2,032,912
IT, S. Silica Powder 26 lb.
The process of hardening articles made Kaolin 4 lb.
of workable metals and alloys having Made intO' a paste with a solution of
melting points between 750° C. and Diammonium Phosphate 21 lb.
1550° G. comprises coating articles with Boric Acid 4 lb.
antimony, heating the coated articles Zinc Chloride 5 lb.
at a temperature between 400° C. and Hydrochloric Acid 21 lb.
620° G. to thereby produce a hardened Water 49 lb.
layer consisting of antimony and metals
or alloys and containing phases the com-
position of which is a direct function of
Coating for Ingot Molds
temperature, quenching said articles, and
French Patent 814.540
reheating to 200° C. to 350° C.
Formula No. 1
Aluminum 2 kg.
Graphite * 18 kg.
Case Hardening Composition Soda Ash S kg.
Formula No. 1
Silica 5 kg.
H. S. Patent 2,046,822 Water 70 kg.
Sodium Cyanide 45,9 oz. No. 2
Barium Chloride 31.1 oz. Aluminum 2.5 kg.
Sodium Fluoride 12.4 oz. Graphite 24 kg.
Calcium Fluoride 7.3 oz. Siliceous Sand 6 kg.
This fuses at about 600° G. Soda Ash 6 kg.
Water 61.5 kg.
No. 2
U. S. Patent 2,002,180
Sodium Cyanide 9 oz. Preventing Cavities and Segregation in
Barium Chloride 6 oz. Steel Ingots
Barium Carbonate 8 oz. French Patent 806,748
Calcium Fluoride 2 oz. Spread on top of ingot
Use at 630-930° C. Sawdust 20 kg.
Alkali .6.3 kg.
Wood Charcoal 38.7 kg.
<'lase Hardening Cast Iron Piston Bings Graphite 35.0 kg.
British Patent 447,932 then add some molten metal over this.
The rings are hardened in ammonia
gas at 500° while being ^ ^
tensioned. ’ ’

Plastic Lead
Lead, Powdered 90 oz.
Iron Cementing Mineral or Cottonseed Oil 10 oz.
U. Patent 2,025,050
Mix together in an ointment or roller
mill. This material is readily molded by
An iron and steel cementing bath com-
the hands.
position, molten at cementing tempera-
tures and containing material capable of
supplying carbon to the metal at said Malleable Cast Iron
temperatures, comprises an alkali metal U, Patent 1,987,481
cyanide in the neighborhood of 8%, so- White cast iron is rendered malleable
dium chloride in the neighborhood of by heating for 4 hours at 900°, then for
62% to 65%, potassium chloride in the 4 hours at 1010°, and hnally for 1 hour
neighborhood of 18% to 19%, and an at 760°, cooling at 5.5° per hour to 650°,
activated carbon of low combustibility and allowing uncontrolled cooling to tem-
in the neighborhood of 8%. perature.

Goatmg for Sand Molds for Light ditions imposed, such as analysis, thick'
Metal Casting ness of the metal, corrosion, mechanical
IT. a Patent 2,045,913 considerations and appearance. Many
Paraffin Wax 0,5-4 lb. fabricators, however, are limited by their
Tale 0.5-4 lb. equipment to a choice between the hand
Carbon Tetrachloride 1 gal. operated electric arc and the gas methods.
Mix vigorously just before use to get Also, many jobs require the use of one
a uniform suspension. of these methods. Usually the hand oper-
ated electric arc used with a coated me-
Copper Foundry Mold Dressing Paste tallic electrode is preferable since the

IT. S. Patent 2,050,375

probabilities of carbon pick-up and ap-
Molds used for casting 0-free Copper preciable chromium loss in the deposited
are dressed with a paste consisting of a metal are considerably less.
mixture of bone ash or bone black 3 and All of the alloy grades included in the
rosin 1 lb. with 1 gal. of alcohol. USS series may be classified into three
metallurgical groups as follows:
Foundry Mold (Casting) Powder 1. Austenitic Alloy, non-magnet ie
a. Limestone, Finest (chromium and nickel)
Powder 25 kg, USS 18-8 (.08 carbon maximum;
b. Montan Wax, Crude, over .08 to .20 carbon)
Powdered 750 g. USS Stabilized 18-8
Sudan Yellow, Oil USS 18 Mo
Soluble 12.5 g. USS 25-12
Limestone Powder 200 g. 2. Ferritic Alloys, magnetic (straight
Heat a and b to 140° C. in an iron chromium)
kettle until homogeneous. USS 17
Cool, grind thoroughly. Sift as fine USS 27
as possible, e.g., through miller gauze. 3. Ferritic-Martensitic Alloy, magnetic
(straight chromium)
USS 12
OF USS STAINLESS AND HEAT The from group to group, re-
RESISTING STEELS spond differently in their mechanical and
corrosion resistant properties at the
Courtesy of Peter A. Prasse & Oo., Inc.
welds. The metallurgical characteristics
Joining of XJSS Stainless and Heat of each group, for this reason, are briefly
Resisting Alloys described.
Generally speaking, in no other phase Austenitic Alloys
of metal working is the skill of the work- USS 18-8, USS Stabilized 18-8, USS 18-8
man so important as in the operations of Mo, USS 25-12
joining together individual pieces of
metal. This is doubly true when applied
Under usual working practice these
to manually performed welding opera-
alloys will not harden or become brittle

tions. For this reason, the principles of

with heat treatment. They possess ex-
cellent together with great
welding, as they apply to these alloys,
strength and toughness. These qualities
will be discussed at some length; how-
ever, the suggested procedures should
make possible welds and adjacent areas
with similar characteristics.
not be considered infi.exible.
Under severe corrosive conditions, such
Welding as welded equipment must withstand in
All grades of stainless steel products chemical and chemical processing plants
produced by the Subsidiary Companies of and in high temperature exposure, the
the TJ. S. Steel Corporation are weldable limitations of the plain chromium nickel
by all the common welding methods in- grades, particularly those of analyses
cluded in the following list. Each method similar to USB 18-8, are now well under-
is hereafter described. Hammer or forge stood. Experience and investigation show
welding alone cannot be done. that USS Stabilized 18-8, a somewhat
1. Electric Arc more costly alloy than either the low or
2. Gas (acetylene welding) high carbon grades of USS 18-8, should
3. Electrical Resistance be used to meet conditions which are
a. Spot and line (seam) welding severe enough to cause inter-granular
b. Flash welding corrosion. This alloy is entirely immune
4.Atomic Hydrogen Welding to this form of attack. It is impossible
The selection of the best method for to describe accurately the corrosive con-
a particular job depends upon the con- ditions which will or will not cause this.

form of attack in impaired areas of plain welds. It was for solutions of problems
RSS 18-8. such as this that USS Stabilized 18-8
The influence of low carbon content in was developed.
minimizing this condition should be con- USS 25-12 and USS 18-8 Mo generally
sidered; also the tendency of stabilizing do not present, to a marked degree, the
elements to entirely obviate such corro- problem of intergranular corrosion, and
sion. only in very unusual circumstances does
Aquestion frequently raised concerns this condition develop.
the type of welding rod to be used in Alloys—-USS 17 and USS 27
welding XJSS Stabilized 18-8 when it is
These which contain over 15%
subjected to severely corrosive conditions.
chromium and 0.10% maximum carbon,
Except where welds are to be crossed, the
may, for all practical purposes, be con-
ordinary low carbon 18-8 rod is satisfac-
sidered as non-responsive to hardening
tory when only a single bead is required
and toughening by quenching and draw-
to make a joint. Usually not more than
ing, a common procedure in the treatment
one bead is necessary for welding sections
of medium and high carbon plain steels
of sheet thicknesses. The deposited metal
and high carbon stainless cutlery steels.
cools rapidly through the carbide precipi-
They are, however, prone to the growth
tation range, and retains adequate corro-
of very large grains when exposed to
sion resistance.
welding temperatures, which frequently
These welds, however, should not be
result in welds of insufficient ductility.
exposed subsequently in fabrication or
service to harmful temperatures. Where
This condition may be lessened to an
welds are to be crossed, where one bead appreciable extent in USS 17, when welds
is superimposed on another, or where the
are to withstand shock and stress at at-
assemblage will be exposed in service to mospheric temperatures, by completely
corrosive conditions at high temperature
annealing the welded unit or, when the
(either continuously or intermittently, in
former is impracticable, by torch anneal-
the carbide precipitation range) the use
ing the welded zones at a temperature
of an 18-8 rod containing a stabilizing
between 1400 and 1500 degrees F. The
element is advised. An excellent 18-8 rod annealing treatment does not reduce the
for this purpose is one containing colum- grain size, but will relieve weld stresses
bium. and eliminate the effects of a hardening
Until recently, heat treating of welded constituent which occasionally is present
18-8 articles after welding was recom- in this lower chromium grade when cooled
mended as a cure-all for intergranular from welding temperatures. Ho practical
corrosion. In principle this is quite cor- correction can be made to offset the em-
rect,and actually can be accomplished in brittlement of USS 27 welds. These al-
small articles, usually with some sacrifice loys are not suggested for low tempera-
in shape, due to distortion. However, it ture welded applications which are to be
is now generally considered impracticable exposed to sudden impact of great
for equipment such as large tanks and stresses. Contrary to the chromium nickel
vessels constructed of heavy structural grades, welds of these alloys do not pos-
materials. In such equipment all parts sess strength and ductility approaching
cannot, even by air blasting or spraying that of the original metal. This brittle
with water, be cooled rapidly enough condition is present to a marked degree
through the carbide precipitation range only at or below atmospheric tempera-
to avoid impairment. Another difficulty tures. Ductility and toughness in relation
is that seldom possible to heat large
it is
to the normal metal is increased appreci-
equipment in its entirety up to suitable ably at the higher temperatures.
temperatures, at least 1700 degrees F. The higher straight chromium grade,
Massive supports and conveyances, such USS 27, is seldom required in atmos-
as beams, jacks and trucks which are pheric or low temperature service, and
necessary in order to prevent distortion the brittleness problem, therefore, pri-
of the article, cannot be heated to a high marily concerns USS 17.
enough temperature without damaging or More ductile welds are frequently ob-
without soaking for long impractical tained in the alloys of this group by tack
periods. This condition, obviously, will welding a seam together, by using the
cause local impairment of corrosion re- more ductile 18-8 or 18-8 columbium
sistance in the heat treated equipment at bearing filler rod, and by completing the
the areas contacting the supports because weld with a rod of the same analysis as
of the insufficient temperatures and the parent metal. The ductile tacks serve
slower cooling at these points. Such a to cushion the shock loads from the
condition may be more undesirable than straight chromium beads between the
some slight susceptibility adjacent to the tacks.
Perritic^ — —
-Martensitic Alloy ^USS 12 chromium obviously lowers the corrosion
USS 12 is tlie only grade of stainless resistance in any of the grades.
steel currently produced by the Subsidi- Low carbon coated electrodes, usually
ary Companies of the XT. S. Steel Corpo- of the same analysis as the parent metal,
ration -which falls in this metallurgical should be used. Welding with carbon
classification; i.e., hardenable or strongly electrodes is not recommended for obvious
amenable to heat-treatment. Other com- reasons. Properly compounded coatings
mercial alloys of lower chromium content^ are an important factor in minimizing
not classed as stainless, such as those oxidation of the fusion. The brittle slag
containing 4 to 6% chromium, will not caps the weld bead and protects it from
be discussed. the air while cooling. The electrodes
This differs from the higher
alloy should be of smaller diameter than those
straightchromium types in that it does employed in the welding of equivalent
respond to heat treatment, becoming thicknesses of mild steel. Rods of the
much harder when cooled rapidly from same diameter as material-thickness are
temperatures of 1750 degrees P. Sub- satisfactory except where two or more
sequent drawing at temperatures between beads must be deposited to complete a
600 to 1500 degrees P. will toughen it joint. The lower heat conductivities of
appreciably. In the drawn condition, the the stainless steel alloys permit the use of
alloy possesses a ferritic-martensitic lower currents than are employed for mild
structure, whereas in the dead soft an- steel. Trial, however, is the best pro-
nealed state it is essentially ferritic, sim- cedure in determining the quantity of
ilar to the higher straight chromium current necessary to produce a suitable
grades. arc. The best results are obtained with
It is apparent from this brief resume an arc long enough only to afford good
of the thermal-physical characteristics, fusion. Direct current is usually pre-
that welds of this alloy in the ^^as ferred to alternating, especially in weld-
welded condition, will be air-hardened, ing thin sections. Beverse polarity should
withstanding comparatively little impact. be used. The rod should be connected
This condition can be alleviated by com- to the positive terminal of the generator
plete drawing or tempering of a welded and the work to the negative.
assemblage, or by torch annealing locally In all methods before proceeding with
at a temperature preferably between 1300 welding, dirt, oxide, grease and foreign
and 1400 degrees P. Temperatures as material should be thoroughly removed
low as 600 degrees F. will toughen the from the surfaces and edges of all parts
welds appreciably. For maximum corro- to be joined. This is most important in
sion resistance tempering at about 900 the making of sound welds.
degrees F. is generally avoided. The parts of a seam to be welded
Electric Arc Welding should, when possible, be firmly held with
Electric arc welding is preferable to jigs and clamps. The use of chill plates
the acetylene gas method because it min- held in close contact with the surfaces of
imizes the possibility of carbon pickup the metal subjected to heat, will do much
and chromium loss. The effects of high to prevent buckling and warping. Be-
carbon content in welds are harmful to cause of their greater thermal expansion
the chromium nickel steel alloys because and lower heat conductivity, this pro-
of the lowered corrosion resistance of the cedure is especially important in welding
deposited metal. In the straight chro- the chromium-nickel grades. An excellent
mium grades excessive carbon reduces the method for holding fiat work is illustrated
toughness of welds. Oxidization of the in Figure I.

D D .


A—Heavy steel bar or plate, about 2" seams, tack welding serves as a very
tbick. helpful expedient. Tacks should be
B—Copper chill bar, grooved to permit spaced about two to three inches apart.
penetration of weld metal. The spaces may then be hlled in either
C Parts to be welded. by welding continuously in one direction
I)— Heavy hold down bars which may be or by using the back-step method as
clamped if necessary. from 3 to 2, 4 to 3, 5 to 4, etc., as shown
When it is impossible to set a job in in Figure II, backing up the work with
some such manner or in curved or angular a hand block.

Figure M

This method, or the skipping of al- by swabbing the work with, or immers-
ternate sp>aces, will prevent concentration ing a 20% hot nitric acid solution.
it in,
of excessive heat which causes warpage. A final rewash should be given.
It is very advisable to proceed with The use of the usual arc welding equip-
the welding as rapidly as possible with- ment is seldom practicable in gauges
out sacrifice of good penetration. Where lighter than Ho. 16, although special ma-
USS 18-8 is involved, this speed mini- chines, yielding low direct currents, very
mizes the degree of carbide precij)itation. closely controlled, are available and have
When tacking, or when meeting one been used successfully on lighter gauges.
bead with another, the slag and oxide
should always be removed from the tacks Acetylene Welding
or the ends of the beads, so that the The acetylene method is more com-
deposited metal may be free from in- monly used for light work because it
clusions and occluded gases. The brittle affords greater ease of temperature con-
slag may be chipped off by light hammer- trol. The flame should be as small as
ing, or picked out of any recesses with a possible, consistent with good fusion, and
pointed instrument. The oxide may be should be pointed directly down at the
removed with coarse abrasive paper. work. Welding should progress rapidly.
To prevent pitting and corrosion, the Puddling of the deposited metal should
same procedure should be followed at the be avoided.
completion of a weld, especially if the An uncoated filler rod of the same
joint will be exposed to solutions or composition as the parent metal is gen-
moisture at low temperatures. Afurther erally recommended. Welding wire is
precaution of pickling the weld is neces- preferable, although narrow shearings cut
sary except in cases where the deposited from scrap are often successfully used.
metal and oxidized areas are to be A neutral flame is the ideal one, since
pound. Where the entire part cannot be an oxidizing flame produces porous welds
immersed, an efficient local pickling and lowers the chromium content in the
solution (which seldom requires more weld metal. A flame which is severely
than swabbing with one or two appli- reducing must be avoided on account of
cations) contains approximately 20% carbon pick-up. As strict neutrality is
nitric acid and 1% to 4% hydrofluoric difficult to maintain at all times, on ac-
acid in water. It should lae heated to a
count of gas pressure fluctuations, the
temperature of about 150 degrees F. and
flame used should be slightly reducing in
discriminately applied with a brush to
the parts to be cleaned. Workmen should
order to avoid oxidizing the chromium.
wear rubber gloves and avoid breathing This method envelops the fusion with a
the fumes. The solution should be al- reducing atmosphere.
lowed to remain on the surface for five The use of welding fluxes is optional.
to ten minutes and then scrubbed and Good gas welds may be made either with
washed offthoroughly with an excess of or without them. Fluxes are applied to
cold water. Asomewhat less hazardous the under surfaces of the edges to be
hot solution contains 20% sulphuric acid Joined. It is claimed that they aid pene-
or 10% hydrochloric acid, or mixtures tration and prevent oxidation of surfaces
of 10% of each are effective where parts not accessible to the atmosphere of the
can be immersed. It is essential to fol- torch. Several proprietary fluxes for this
low scrubbing and washing operations purpose are available.
As in arc welding, jigs and clamps thickness of the material. It is rarely

should be used, where possible, to hold necessary to scarf the edges of material
the work rigidly. The edges of butted lighter than 3/16" thick. When scarfing
joints on light gauges may be placed to- is necessary, it may be done by machin-
gether. In heavier gauges it is preferable ing or grinding the edges as shown in
to space the edges apart about half the Figure III.

Figure III

As in the ease of arc welding when ELECTRIC RESISTANCE WELDING

the use of jigs and clamps is not prac-
ticable, tack welding may be used. Ad-
Spot and Line Welding
justments to prevent buckling may be Spot and line welding are methods of
made by manipulating the material ahead joining overlapping thicknesses of metal
of the welding with the hands or with by fusing the contacting surfaces to-
weights. The same precautions for re- gether during the passage of electric cur-
moving the oxide from the tacks and the rent between two electrodes which are
finished welds which were suggested under usually placed opposite on the outer sur-
arc welding, should be taken. faces of the lap at the point of weld.
In order -to prevent oxidation the filler Line welding is a series of spots spaced
rod should be kept in the flame at all closely enough to form a seam. Foi
times as welding progresses. It is usually spot welding, stub-nosed, hardened copper
desirable to use a tip one or two numbers electrodes are used. For line welding,
smaller than required to weld the same rotating wheels of similar composition
job in mild steel. are used. See A and B, Figure IV.

Figure IV

(The shaded areas represent

the zones of fusion)

Electric resistance welding is best per- Welds in the chromium-nickel alloys,

formed with special equipment which pro- when properly made, are strong and duc-
vides accurate control of the current and tile,with excellent shear strength.
close regulation of heat, time and size For maximum strength the extent of
of the fusion. Because the welds are the fusion should not be less than fifty
made^ quickly (usually not more than a per cent nor more than eighty per cent
fraction of a second is required) the of the total of the thicknesses to be
small amount of heat necessary to make welded. Avoidance of penetration to both
a weld is dissipated rapidly in the sur- outside surfaces also aids corrosion re-
rounding metal. Thus, there is no pro- sistance. The chromium nickel grades are
longed heating at temperatures which especially well adapted to this method of
would impair the corrosion resistance of welding because of their greater electrical
the metal in the heat gradient zone ad -
resistance which permits the use of less
jacent to the weld. current than is required in spot welding
The straight chromium alloys, ITSS 12, metals and alloys of greater electrical
USS 17 and USB 27, can also be welded conductivity. In welding, the magnitude
by this method. However, there will be and ^^^dwelP^ of the current are impor-
some brittleness at the joints ih the as tant in order to avoid excessive heating
welded condition. ' ' Annealing is neces- and slow cooling of the zones surround-
sary if the welds are to withstand shock. ing the welds. Proper adjustments can be

U P. ..



made by trial on samples of tlie same usually be eliminated on one surface hj

thicknesses as the metal to be welded. placing a block of copper, about %" x
Mechanically and electrically controlled 2" X between one electrode and the
time and current equipment reduces the favored surface. After a weld is finished
human error factor to a minimum; and the light oxide may be removed by pick-
when a suitable setting has been accom- ling or, in the case of polished sheets,
plished, welding should continue with by light grinding and polishing or polish-
assured duplication of results. ing alone. Since this method is suitable
A common method of testing spot for lap welded joints which are often
welds is to twist them through an angle. used on integral parts of structural mem-
A good spot weld of USS lS-8 will twist bers and in edge and flange seams, it has
through an angle of 60 to 90 degrees be- filled its place admirably among applica-
fore shearing out. Design alone must de- tions for stainless steel in the automo-
termine the proper spacing of spot welds.
tive, railway passenger car, electric re-
The crushing of a test section is a good
frigerator and aviation fields.
method to determine this.
Appearance often plays an important Flash Welding
part at least on one surface of a spot
Flash welding is a method of butt
wielded section. Although actual fusion
may not have extended through to out- welding performed by bringing together
side surfaces, it is virtually impossible
two edges which have been fused by an
by conventional practice to avoid slight electric arc in the course of the passage
surface indentations at the spots because of electric current from one edge to the
cf the pressure of the electrodes and other. The principal is exemplified in
shrinkage of the fused metal. These may Figure V, A and B.

Figure V

A flash welding machine is equipped tougher and more ductile welds than
with a transformer to change high volt- straight chromium grades. The basic
age alternating current to low voltage method of flash welding is the same as
high amperage current ; also with welding is used for carbon steels. Time, heat
dies, rigid clamping devices, which assure and pressure factors, however, will differ.
good contact of the dies to the surfaces The heat required to flash weld USS 18-8
of the parts to be wielded, and a pressure is about 15% less and the time 50% less
mechanism, following the toggle press than that required for mild steel.
principle, for bringing the edges together Because of their lower thermal con*
after the proper heat has been developed. ductivity, less extension of the metal
In the welding process, the edges of the should be allowed in gripping stainless
stock to be joined are placed between the steel sections in the dies than is the ease
dies and adjustments are made in the with ordinary carbon steel sections. The
cdamping and pressure mechanism to as- extension, which will vary with the thick-
sure proper alignment and spacing of the ness or area of the joint, should be such
edges. Thus uniform contact and fusion as to provide not more than between
are provided. It is essential that dies fit the dies at the completion of a weld.
the contour of the work very closely to After the edges have been lined up,
avoid heat conducti^dty losses and non- spaced and clamped, the current is turned
uniform arcing which would cause poor on, and the edges are brought within cor-
welds. rect arcing distance. During arcing, the
The stainless steel alloys respond edges should be brought up to correct
readily to this type of welding because welding temperature., '^^he current is
of their greater electrical resistance and then shut off and the tvvu ^dges are
lower thermal conductivity. Also the „
squeezed together by means of the pres-
ehfomium-nickel alloys yield much sure mechanism, The pressure causes
the excess metal to be forced out per- bead. However, when it is desirable to
pendicularly to form a flash about conceal the presence of a weld or when
long, as shown in Figure B. the welded area must match the polished
The hard flash’' metal is removed by or buffed finish of the adjacent metal,
hard tool steel cutters. Where appear- several other operations are necessary.
ance is important, the small bead remain- To remove the heavy stock from the
ing after the cutting operation may be weld, a rubber-bonded, aluminum-oxide,
further removed by grind and polishing abrasive wheel of No. 15 to No. 35 grain
of the welded area. If the last step is is often used. In general, the greater
unnecessary, the oxide on either side of the mass of the bead, the larger the
the weld should be removed by pickling, grain should be. The thickness and di-
as previously stated. ameter of the wheel depend upon the
intricacy of the particular job. In hand
Atomic Hydrogen Welding work, the smaller the diameter, the easier
For atomic hydrogen welding an elec- it is to guide the direction of the grind-
tric are is used in connection with molec- ing. The wheel is engaged through its
ular hydrogen gas. The hydrogen is fed central hole to a rotary driven arbor or
into an electric are maintained between shaft. For stationary work such as
two tungsten electrodes. Upon exposure large tanks, irregular shapes and large
to this arc, the gas is broken down to flat sheets, a hand portable air or elec-
atomic form. After passing through the tric-driven motor is used. For small
are, the dissociated hydrogen recombines parts which can be held in the hands,
to molecular form, giving ofl an intense the wheel is generally mounted on a
heat which is an accumulation of the stationary rotating shaft. A rubber-
heats from combustion and combination bonded rather than a vitrified wheel is
in addition to the heat absorbed from preferable because of its faster cutting
the are. The flame is fan-shaped, and action and because it has less tendency
the atmosphere created is highly reduc- to load with metal. Lard, oil, or a suit-
ing. An advantage lies in the fact that able cutting oil applied to the work, will
carbon is not present in the atmosphere reduce the tendency of the wheels to load
to be absorbed by the fused metal as in and relieve the harshness of the abrasive
the case of acetylene welding. The heat scratches without detracting from the
can be controlled within narrow limits, cutting efficiency. The oil also serves as
making possible the welding of gauges a cooling medium. The diameter of the
as light as number 24, which is not pos- wheel should be true to prevent hammer-
sible with the average are welding equip- ing when applied to the metal. The
ment. The welding technique is virtually edges should be slightly rounded to pre-
the same as for acetylene welding. An vent gouging.
uncoated flller rod should be used and A wheel speed of 5,000 to 6,000 lineal
should be held in the flame while welding feet per minute is usually satisfactory
is in progress to avoid oxidization. The for coarse grinding. The motor used
welding is done by the fringe of the fan- should have sufficient power so that the
shaped flame. speed will not fall below these limits
when ordinary pressures are applied.
Finishing of Stainless Steel Welds The first operation, almost without ex-
In many welded stainless steel parts ception, should be done in the direction
it is found necessary to grind off the of the weld bead since, in cross grinding,
excess metal in butt and in corner welded the wheel will tend to grind away areas
joints for appearance, sanitation and ease on either side of the weld, causing de-
in the cleaning of surfaces. The inex- pressions in the normal surface.
perienced operator should prepare him- Where possible on light gauge stock, it
self thoroughly by experimentation, be- is desirable to back up the work with
fore undertaking this work. steel plates or wooden blocks in order to
In most cases it is necessary to ^ ' dress present a firm grinding surface.
down” only one surface of a weld. ^
In applying the wheel to the work, or
Since the side opposite from that on vice versa, care should be exercised to
which the welding is done usually has prevent running off the bead and gouging
less excess metal in the bead, it is de- the adjacent surfaces of the sheets or
sirable, when possible, to perform the plates. The wheel should never be al-
welding from the side not to be finished. lowed to dwell on any spot, but should
The finishing procedure is determined always be in moving contact, passing
by the type of final finish desired. For over the bead continuously. Wien one
some work only one coarse grinding op- area becomes hot to the hand, it should
eration is required to remove the surface be allowed to cool and the operator

irregularities and cavities in the weld should work a cooler section to avoid

overheating and buckling. Frequent ap- their preparation, consult manufacturers
plications of a wet sponge or rag to the of wheels and loose grain abrasives.
ground surface will prevent oveikeating. It is essential that all grinding and
1 Only enough pressure should be applied polishing wheels and buffs used on stain-
to utilize the maximum cutting efficiency less be either freshly dressed or used
of the wheel which is a function of the only on stainless. It is highly important

grain size and speed. It does not hasten that wheels used for grinding or polish-

I the, removal of stock to ^^bear down'' on ing ordinary steel, cast iron or non-fer-
I the work; and is very apt to cause over- rous metals or alloys should not be used
heating. on stainless.
For rough work, grinding may pro- Polishing steps performed to match
ceed to the plane of the sheet surface. sheets possessing a No. 4 finish should
Where additional grinding and polishing always be done in the direction in which
is required, it is desirable to stop before the sheet is polished. When possible it
the bead is entirely removed. is desirable to arrange the weld in this
When a very coarse grain wheel has direction. It is easier to match the sheet
been used in the first operation it is ad- surface by this procedure rather than by
visable, before proceeding with polishing grinding across the weld, since longer
operations, to regrind the surface of the strokes can be employed without appre-
bead with a finer abrasive wheel (No. 60 ciably overlapping the original sheet
or 80 grit) to reduce the size and depth polish.
of the coarse scratches, and to make sub-
Frequently only one step is necessary
sequent polishing easier. after removing the heavy stock in finish-
The following polishing steps require ing a weld bead to correspond with a No.
the use of a fairly soft and resilient 4 Finish sheet. This may be done with
wheel. There is a very satisfactory pat- a wheel of one of the types mentioned
I ented wheel on the market in different above, coated with 120 mesh aluminum
diameters and widths of cutting surface, oxide or garnet grain or covered with
I with webs constructed of pressed steel a similar abrasive paper. Occasionally,
1 sheet discs. A resilient grade of sponge however, it may be found necessary to
rubber is fitted around the periphery of follow this operation with a wheel coated
the wheel and provides a base for a strip with 150 mesh grain to obtain the desired
of abrasive paper or cloth which is effect.
clamped tightly around the wheel by a The wheel may be operated at the
ratchet mechanism. The paper can be same speed as that used for coarse grind-
changed upon wearing out or when dif- ing. Tallow should be liberally applied
] ferent size grain is required. to both the work and the wheel. It is
Other types of soft polishing wheels essential that the abrasive surface be well
are built up of sections of cloth discs coated with grease, since any dry grain
and an abrasive of the desired grain size, will cut harshly, giving a contrasting
mixed with a good grade of first-run effect.
hide glue which is applied to working It requires a longer time to finish a

faces of the wheels. The proper degree seam that must be ground crosswise,
of resiliency for a particular job and since polishing must be continued until

I the preparation and application of the all of the lengthwise scratches left in the
abrasive mixture are important factors. weld by the coarse grinding operation
It is usually desirable in building up a are removed. In stroking, passing back-
new wheel to first size the cloth face with ward and forward without raising the
glue before applying the abrasive- XJsu- wheel at the end of a stroke is not recom-
ally more than one coat of abrasive is mended, since the stopping point will be
desirable in order to lengthen the life apparent. Better blending of the fin-
of the wheel. Adequate time should be ishes can be obtained by stroking in one
allowed between coatings and after the direction only, bringing the wheel gradu-

finalcoating for thorough drying. When ally into contact with the work at the
a suitable head of abrasive has been built beginning of the stroke and tapering off
up and is thoroughly dry it is advisable at its completion.
to break in the wheel on scrap metal
To match sheets having a No. 6 Finish
(tampico brush finish) it is necessary,
or to turn off the irregular abrasive sur-
after the foregoing steps, to employ a
i face by the use of a black diamond tool.
rotary tampico brush which may be
Finally, before using the wheel the hard
driven by the same equipment as that
abrasive crust should be carefully broken used for the abrasive wheels. The sur-
i up in order to take advantage of the face of the work is brushed in the same
resiliency of the underlying cloth. For ^rection as the brush lines of the orig-
additional information on wheels and inal sheet surface. A
thin paste com-
posed of 120 to 180 mesli loose grit and ened by double seaming, spot welding,
machine oil is thoroughly worked into the or riveting should not be depended upon
brush surface and applied to the work to resist mechanical loads or shocks and
before the operation. The j)roper speed should serve only as closures to liquids
of the brush may be determined by ex- and gases. Soldering is suggested only
erimentation. It should not be too fast where corrosive conditions are relatively
ecause much of the paste will be thrown mild, such as in joints exposed to the
off the work. When too slow the desired atmosphere and water.
brushing effect will not be attained. No The ordinary lead tin solder composed
pressure is necessary. The brush ends of 50% of each metal is quite satisfac-
should whip the surface. tory. The operation, however, may be
In matching higher finishes such as No. performed somewhat faster with a higher
7 (higher lustre polish, not free from tin grade known commercially as 60-40,
abrasive scratches) and No. 8 (mirror because of its lower melting point.
polish), successively finer grain and buff- The adherence of the solder depends
ing must be employed after polishing very largely on the character of the sur-
with No. 120 abrasive. The same type face of the metal to be welded. Bough
of wheel is suitable for all the polishing surfaces, such as No. 1 Finish, provide
operations. Buffing wheels differ, how- better adhesion than smooth surfaces such
ever, and are discussed under ^‘Finish- as are found in No. 2B and polished
ing of Fabricated Articles. finishes. In soldering smooth surfaces, it
For No. 7 and 8 Finishes, it is cus- is customary to roughen the areas to be
tomary to finish the polishing operations covered, either ‘with a file, coarse abra-
with 220 and 320 mesh abrasive, respec- sive paper, or by etching. For this, a
tively, and then follow with buffing op- water solution of approximately 50 parts
erations. For No. 7 Finish, it is usually of ferric-chloride in 100 parts of concen-
necessary to follow the 120 grain polish trated hydrochloric (muriatic acid) is
with a 220 grain polish before the buffing often used. The solution should be ap-
operations, in order to produce the de- plied only to the areas to be soldered
sired final lustre. The intervention of and not be allowed to run on to ad ja-
an intermediate step employing either 150 eent areas. It should be allowed to stand
or 180 grain may occasionally be advis- for five to fifteen minutes before solder-
able. ing.
In matching a No. 8 Finish, the se- Stainless steel sheets may be soldered
quence of the polishing steps after the with or without tinning, although tinning
120 polish may be 180 grain, 220 ^rain, the edges is preferable.
280 grain and 320 grain. The polishing There are several commercial grades
direction of each successive step should of stainless steel soldering flux on the
be at right angles to the preceding one market wffiich perform nicely. Also, the
and polishing should be continued until usual acid flux consisting of commercial
all of the coarser polishing scratches are hydrochloric acid killed with zinc, with
removed. or without an addition of 10% commer-
Final buffing, which is made easier cial acetic acid, is satisfactory. Asolu-
when the surface has been polished with tion of approximately 10% phosphoric
due regard for the removal of all coarse acid is preferred by some fabricators,
grain scratches, may be performed by sinee^ it is a w^eaker acid than hydro-
the use of chromium oxide rouge or levi- chloric acid and claims are made that it
gated alumina, compounded with paraf- provides better joints. The flux can best
fine free from all iron compounds. Iron be applied with a brush and care a^min
oxide rouge should never be used. Very should be taken not to coat excessive
satisfactory proprietary bufiSng com- areas.
pounds may be purchased. It is preferable to use large irons or
The foregoing has been given as a “coppers^' in soldering stainless steel,
guide to polishing stainless steel welds because of their greater heat capacity.
and should not be construed as an in- Preheating the edges slightly with a soft
flexible practice. Experience and skill torch is often helpful in soldering heavy
facilitate the dressing down of welds aud gauges.
usually make possible a reduction in the After soldering is completed it is im-
number of steps required to attain a perative that the article be carefully
given finish. washed immediately and rinsed to remove
all traces of the soldering flux. It is
Soldering advisable to wash the whole piece thor-
All of the XJSS Stainless Steel grades —
oughly ^not merely the soldered joint,
can be soldered by customary procedures. since it has been found that splattering
Soft soldered joints, when not strength- and fumes from the flux cause a wetting

of the metal with acid at points far re- Brazing

moved from the joint itself. The solder- Brazing is generally inadvisable be-
ing acid will cause pitting and corrosion cause of the questionable metallurgical
of the metal unless promptly removed. character of the brazed joint and because
The addition of 5 to 10% common wash- of the ease of welding. Also, a brazed
ing soda to the wash water aids by joint, coupled with the surrounding
neutralizing the soldering acid. stainless steel, is prone to galvanic cor-
rosion when exposed to electrolytic media.
Silver Soldering
This method of soldering stainless steel Riveting
has found practical application in joining The chromium nickel alloys may be
parts where welding is not feasible, but either hot or cold riveted. Small rivets,
where a fastening stronger than an ordi-
nary solder joint is required and also in
up to about %
inch, may be driven cold
and are set more easily by a few heavy
cases where, for reasons of appearance, blows than by numerous light blows be-
it is desirable to have the deposited metal cause of the work-hardening properties
match the lustre and hnish of adjacent of these alloys. Hot rivets should be
polished surfaces more closely than is heated out of contact with flame, never
possible with soft solder. Silver solder- in a blacksmith forge, to a temperature
ing has been successfully used to join between 2100® to 2200° F., so that me-
copper refrigerant tubes to stainless steel chanical deformation is finished before
evaporators for electric refrigerators; cooling below 1600° F.
also to join the corners of fabricated Caulking of leaking rivets is difficult
kitchen table tops, sinks and splash because of the toughness of these alloys*
boards to drain boards. In such service Frequently, the necessity for caulking
the polished joint will retain its original may be eliminated in heavy rivets by
lustre for a considerable period. How- using a rivet with the under side of the
ever, the use of this method is not recom- original head tapered and the holes
mended for more severely corrosive serv- counter sunk a short distance from both
ice, particularly where the media are sides.
such as to set up galvanic attack. The straight chromium alloys, USS 12
Several satisfactory commercial grades and USS 17 may be riveted cold up to
of this solder are available. They are about diameter. For hot riveting,
usually composed of silver, copper, zinc, the rivets should not be heated beyond
cadmium, and sometimes nickel in vary- 1400 degrees F. It will be found that
ing proportions. The choice of the these rivets set more easily than those of
proper grade depends upon the job and USS 18-8 and USS 25-12, since they are
the stainless steel grade to be joined. less tough and do not work-harden nearly
The low melting point grades are usually as rapidly. However, after setting they
desired for soldering USS 18-8 since, in do not possess the impact, tensile and
applying the high melting point grades, shear strengths of the chromium-nickel
a temperature in the carbide precipita- rivets.
tion range is necessary. Before riveting, it is advisable to con-
There are commercial fluxes available sider the feasibility of welding, since the
latter is usually preferred for joining
which are recommended by the manufac-
stainless steel parts.
turers of silver solder for stainless steel.
One very satisfactory flux which can be
made up by the user contains about 60%.
potassium fluoride and 40% borax.
USS 18-8, USS 25-12, USS 18-8 MO
The work should be preheated with a The term annealing, when applied to
torch; and the flux, which will melt, these alloys, differs somewhat from its
should be applied before the stainless general meaning. These alloys undergo
steel surface oxidizes. The solder should no phase transformations upon cooling
then be applied with a torch, care being from softening temperatures and, there-
fore, cooling may and should be done as
taken to apply only sufficient heat on
the stainless to cause wetting by the
rapidly as possible. The purposes of an-
nealing are to relieve strains set up in
solder. Excess heat will be of no bene-
previous cold rolling or forming opera-
fit and should be avoided.
tions and to produce a homogenous, com-
After soldering, the flux may be read- pletely austenitic condition in which the
ily removed by softening with a steam
metal possesses a maximum softness and
jet. The oxide on stainless steel may be corrosion resistance.
removed by either pickling, light grind- Annealing is done by heating to at
ing or polishing. least 1850° F, and cooling rapidly. The
time required at this temperature is de- perature anneal after cold working is
pendent upon the mass of the metal. associated witli tlie highest ductility.
For light sheet sections, 16 gauge and The best method for annealing USS
thinner, three to five minutes will suffice. 27 is to soak the alloy for one hour or
Heavier sections, up to one-half inch longer (depending on the cross section)
thick will require, proportionately, up to at 1450° E. to 1600° F., and then cool
one-half hour at this temperature. By rapidly.
increasing the temperature 1950° to Surfaces should be carefully cleaned
2000° F., the annealing time may be before annealing, especialy when a
lessened and the metal will attain its smooth pickled hnish is required for
maximum softness and greatest ductility polishing. See the foregoing section on
upon rapid cooling. the chromium-nickel steels.
Air cooling is usually sufficient for
stock 14 gauge and lighter. An air blast Annealing USS 12
or, preferably, a water spray or quench For complete softening, the normally
is desirable for heavier sections. cooled or cold worked metal should be
The chromium-nickel steels, with the heated at 1300° to 1400° F. for a period
exception of USS Stabilized 18-8, should of one to three hours, depending upon
not be allowed to remain at temperatures the cross-section. Good ductility, com-
between 1000° and 1500° F., nor should parable with that of mild steel having a
they be allowed to cool slowly through carbon content of about 0.10<%, is thus
this range, as this treatment lowers cor- developed.
rosion resistance.
Flame contact with the steel should Removal of Oxide and Scale
be avoided to prevent heavy scaling and
burning of the surface. For this reason
furnaces of a muffle, semi-muffle or elec- A solution containing by volume ap-
tric type are a distinct advantage. A proximately 20% of commercial nitric
blacksmith forge in which appreciable acid and 1 to 4% hydrofluoric acid (or
carburization may occur should never be an addition of 10% hydrochloric acid in-
used. stead of hydrofluoric) has been found
Before annealing, the surfaces of the satisfactory for pickling the chromium-
metal should be thoroughly cleaned of all nickel steels. The latter solution should
foreign materials such as dirt, oil, grease be renewed rather frequently in continu-
or other lubricants. Otherwise there will ous service since, if an excessive amount
be carburization, pitting and non-uni- of ferric chloride is formed, a very ob-
formity of the surface after pickling. jectionable type of pitting will result.
Even finger prints on the unannealed Another pickling solution, which is
surface, if not removed before annealing, satisfactory on both chromium-nickel and
may be quite apparent after pickling. straight chromium steels with a dense
surface and light oxide, is composed of
Annealing USS Stabilized 18-8 20% sodium hydroxide and 5% potassium
In softening this alloy it is not neces- permanganate, by weight, heated to boil-
sary to consider the cooling rate through, ing. The article to be pickled should be
or prolonged exposure within, a tempera- immersed for a period of fifteen to
ture range of about ^1000° to 1600° F. twenty-minutes to soften the oxide. The
An appreciable softening in the strained surface should then be cleaned up by an
condition may be attained by heating immersion for 5 to 10 minutes in a 20%
the metal to temperatures between 1400° nitric acid solution. This procedure is
and 1600° F. The time at these tem- recommended only on uniform and light
peratures, however, should be consider- oxides such as those obtained in the con-
ably longer than is necessary at higher trolled atmosphere of a muffle or electric
temperatures. furnace. This method yields an un-

etched pickled surface similar to the

Annealing USS 17 and USS 27 dense finish of the article before an-
Annealing has a somewhat special nealing. When the oxide is slightly
meaning in the ease of USS 17, It is heavier than it should be, it is sometimes
usually done by heating to about 1400° necessary, before using the caustic-per-
F. Cooling may be rapid from the an- manganate solution, to immerse the ar-
nealing temperature, although quenching ticle for two or three minutes in a hot
in water is unnecessary. The efiects of 10% sulphuric acid solution to break
either hot or cold w^ork are removed by up the heavier scale.
this annealing, and ductile metals are All the grades may often be satis-
provided for further working. The fine- factorily pickled as follows :~Use a hot
grained structure secured by a low-tem- 15 per cent sulphuric acid solution with

or without tlie additiou of 2 to 4% liy- the previous cut. Tools should never be
drochlorie acid or rock salt, wliicli reacts allowed to ride over the surface without
to form the latter acid. Follow by im- cutting and it is desirable to complete
mersing in a liot 15% nitric acid solu- without stopping.
tion for five to ten minutes, in order to The tools must be sharp and kept so.
remove the loose oxide. In shaper, planer or lathe work, it is de-
After each pickling step it is advisable sirable that the lip angle or top rake be
to wash the article with clean water, and greater than usual in order to free the
finally to scrub it thoroughly to remove chips or turnings rapidly. All of the
any clinging oxide. If the stainless steel stainless steel grades, excepting those of
article or equipment is to be exposed in free machining analyses, possess high
the pickled condition, the pickling should frictional properties which cause the
always be followed by a soak of at least chips to adhere to the lip. This results
20 minutes in a 20% nitric acid bath in clogging unless the rake angles are
held at approximately 145® F. The increased. I
nitric acid exposure should be followed
by a thorough rinse. This nitric acid
treatment is termed
passivating. ^
^ Theprinciples outlined in the forego-
ing apply also to drilling. Thus, a
Sandblasting slower speed, about one-third of that re-
Heavy scale and oxide may be removed quired for ordinary steel, is usually
by this method when a smooth, finished maintained when drilling the chromium-
surface is not required. Sandblasting nickel steel alloys. A
somewhat faster
should not be used when surfaces are to speed is permissible with the straight
be subsequently polished. chromium grades. High speed steel twist
The method is the same as is used for drills should always be used. The angle
ordinary steels except that the article of cutting lips should be greater than
should be thoroughly immersed after the usual in order to provide more clearance.
operation in a hot 15% nitric acid solu- Center punching should be done lightly.
tion, and should then be scrubbed and A triangular punch point is the most
washed, in order to remove any foreign satisfactory. It is imperative that drill-
materials which might cause staining of ing proceed under continuous feed and
the surface or corrosion. at no time should the drill be allowed to
The blast should be passed over the rotate idly without cutting. Where the
surface continuously. Dwelling on any hole is to be drilled completely through,
area for too long a period will cause the stock should be backed up with a
severe local erosion and irregularities in steel or east iron block.
the surface of the metal. With light A lard oil and sulphur lubricant works
gauges care should be exercised to avoid well and should be used for deep holes.
distortion and the blast should be no
stronger than is necessary to remove the
scale efficiently. Use clean sand which ^
The general
rules for machining opera-
lias not been used previously on mild
tions apply also to threading. four- A
steel or any non-ferrous metals. Metal or five- thread
lead is advisable except for
fine threads where a short lead and fairly
shot should not be used.
good speeds can lie used.
OPERATIONS USS^ 18-8 not cut with the same ease
Machining as ordinary annealed steel; nevertheless
The art of machining all of the stain-
it may be satisfactorily sawed. high A
speed steel coarse tooth saw, rather
less steel grades may be summarized as
heavily weighted, should be used and so
follows:— (1) slow speed, (2) heavy cut,
applied that the first stroke definitely
(3) sharpest tools, (4) generous rake.
cuts the metal. If the work heats it will
If the work warms up considerably, the
cutting is easier. They may be ma-
cut somewhat better. A
wavy set saw
is particularly well adapted for this
chined dry or with lard oil-sulphur lubri-
metal. Care should be taken not to per-
cant. Aspeed of approximately half of
mit the saw to ride over the work with-
that required for the same job in mild
out cutting, as this quickly work-hardens
steel is generally used. Aheavy cut
the work and makes cutting more diffi-
should always be taken in machining the
cult. *
austenitic gi'ades because of their cold
work-hardening properties. It is neces- Punching and Shearing
sary to cut beneath the virtually unma- Because of the great toughness of the
chinable, work-hardened skin sufaee of chromium-nickel steels, the engaging

parts employed for sliearing and punch- quite as soft as those referred to above
ing must iit more neatly than those used since they receive a slight amount of final
for ordinary steel; otherwise, metal may cold rolling. This finish is not recom-
drag between the punch and the die. In mended for articles involving annealing
punch work it is necessary to punch all and pickling, since the bright cold rolled
the way through the stock, in order to surface will be destroyed and conse-
obtain clean edges and clean parting of quently is not necessary. It is better
the metal. suited for ^tene draw stampings^’ as for
It requires about twice as much power shallow pans which require a smooth,
to shear USS ,18-8 as is necessary for dense surface that may be readily cleaned
mild steel of equivalent thickness. in the ^tes drawn ^ ^ condition or subse-
Therefore, a shear of a maximum power quently polished.
rating of 14" for ordinary steel should No. 4 Finish sheets and those of higher
not be used in continuous service to shear finishes are suitable only for very shal-
heavier than thick USS 18-8. How- low stampings since the polished surfaces
ever, the safety factors in most equip- will be destroyed in severe operations
ment will allow the occasional shearing and finished articles will often require
of heavier stock without damage to the as much repolishing as would have been
work or the machinery. required if unpolished finishes had been
used originally.
All the grades of USS Stainless and USS 18-8; USS 25-12; USS 18-8 Mo
Heat Resisting Steel Sheets may be suc- The USS Stainless Steels of chromium
cessfully perforated with the observance and nickel analyses are approximately
of proper precautions. Speeds slower 100 to 125% more ductile, as measured
than those commonly used in perforating by elongation in the tensile test, than
steel or softer non-ferrous metals should ordinary steel. The alloys are also
be kept. For the chromium-nickel types stronger, work-harden more rapidly and
the speed may be one-third of that accordingly require more power in form-
required for perforating brass. The ing operations. Slower speeds are advis-
straight chromium grades may be per- able since, with these grades, work-hard-
forated somewhat faster. Perforating ening is more pronounced with rapid de-
toolsmust be kept sharp throughout the* formation. Solid hardened steel or alloy
operation and die clearances should be steel dies are preferable to cast iron dies
less than customarily employed for softer because of their toughness and respon-
metals. Experience has proven it gen- siveness to polishing. Extremely well
erally inadvisable to attempt to perfor- polished dies are the most satisfactory
ate, in the austenitic grades, holes of and are generally used where drawn ar-
diameters less than twice the thickness ticles are to be subsequently polished.
of the stock. For the straight chromium Dies should be designed for an allowance
grades diameters of times the thick- of spring back of two or three times
ness are practicable. The dies should that for ordinary steel. In heavy gauges
cut entirely through the metal. Lubri- clearance allowances of about twice those
cants should be used. required for ordinary steel are recom-
mended to permit the metal to flow
DRAWING AND FORMING freely. Light gauge allowances should
be only slightly greater than those for
Application of Finishes mild steel.
For rough or heavy work, where the Because of the greater pressures re-
finished surface is of little importance. quired to form these grades and the high
No. 1 Finished sheet or hot rolled, an- temperatures developed during the draw-
nealed, and pickled plate is generally ing operation, elective lubricants are
used. No. 2D Finish or No. 1 Finish necessary. For some jobs, several of the
strip are recommended for deep drawn proprietary water-soluble drawing com-
parts involving either one or more severe pounds are quite satisfactory. For heavy
draws. Materials of these finishes are work and where die clearances are scant,
comparatively free from surface irregu-
larities and if care is taken throughout
the following is often effective ^Linseed
oil and whiting mixed to a consistency

the forming operations, articles may be of 600 Wengine oil; add to the mixture
polished subsequently with relative ease. about 10% by volume of flowers of sul-
Stainless steel sheets and strip of these phur. For difficult or heavy work, better
finishes ‘possess the best drawing quality. results are obtained if the drawing com-
No. 2B Finish sheets and No* 2 Finish pound is rubbed well onto the surface
strip can withstand’ all but the most of the blanks, rather than swabbed on.
severe forming operations. They are not It is essential that the drawing com-


pounds be thorouglilj removed from the For large shallow parts such as trays, the
surfaces before annealing, otherwise car- faces of the rings are often cut with
burizing and pitting of the surface engaging beads. These, when located
may result. To remove an oil compound properly, are helpful in adjusting the
a solution of sodium-silicate at a tem- flow of the metal, in preventing wrin-
perature of 175° to 200° F. is generally kling and out-of -flatness in the finished
satisfactory. Several proprietary clean- article.
ers are also efficient. Before drawing, the surfaces of the
In deep drawing operations involving dies should be examined carefully. Any
several draws such as cylindrical cups roughness should be stoned and polished
or containers, it is often desirable to out to avoid scoring the surface of the
make the depth of the first draw as article and damaging the dies. Rigidity
great as possible. The diameter of the of the equipment and concentric engage-
cup may be as little as 40% of the di- ment of the dies are highly important.
ameter of the blank although this is not Any eccentricity caused by loose parts
a hard and fast rule. The number of or improper alignment will result in non-
draws necessary to complete an article uniform drawing and possible destruction
depends upon the depth, diameter, and of the die surfaces.
shape of the finished object and the The chromium-nickel steel alloys may
power of the equipment. Because these be readily bent bjr any of the conven-
alloys work-harden, more operations are tional bending devices. The same prin-
usually necessary to complete a deep ciple applies here as in shearing in that
drawn article than would be required for about one and one-half to twice as much
the same shape in drawing quality mild power is required to bend these alloys
steel. For example, where two draws as for mild steel of the same thickness
may be necessary in working the latter, and bend characteristics. Greater allow-
three or four may be required in the ance must be made for spring back on
chromium-nickel steel alloys. account of the work-hardening capacities
In a series of draws it is frequently of these alloys.
found necessary to anneal and pickle
after each draw to soften the metal for USS 12, USS 17 and USS 27
the subsequent operation. Occasionally,
however, where a section of the part Beep drawing operations on USS 12
such as the bottom of a partially formed and USS 17 require more x>ower, more
container has not been severely strained clearance and more carefully selected
and the side walls have not been strained lubricants than are necessary for work-
to the physical limits of the alloy, an ing ordinary steel. Because of the in-
additional draw may be made without creased resistance to deformation in
intervening annealing and pickling op- these metals, lower mechanical operating
erations. speeds are recommended. The dies must
It is desirable, in forming an article be strong and rigid, and kept smooth
which requires a series of draws, to vir- and well polished. They will not with-
tually complete the formation in the next stand some of the very severe deforma-
to the final operation, and then to anneal tions for which UBS 18-8 is especially
and pickle. By this method the final adapted. However, these alloys will
step will serve to shape up the article work far more easily if they are warmed
without leaving in an excessively
it to 200° to 300° F.
strained condition,and thus eliminate When the draw is too severe for one
annealing a part last which might cause operation, full ductilities can be restored
distortion. if necessary, by heat treatments as de-
Partially or completely formed articles scribed for these grades in the section
should not be allowed to remain long in dealing with annealing. During anneal-
a severely strained condition. It is im- ing, the metals may be carburized or
portant that they be annealed as soon the surfaces destroyed if the lubricant
after forming as possible, since the is not carefully removed before heating.
stresses set up by atmospheric tempera- The choice of a lubricant will depend
ture changes and sliglit metallurgical re- upon the thickness of the metal and the
adjustments may occasionally be suffi- size and shape of the article to be draum.
cient to cause spontaneous fracture of The water-soluble lubricants and soap
the article. have given satisfactory results in many
The use of draw rings is recommended of the less severe operations,- and the
and sufficient pressure should be applied lard oil or linseed oil-sulphur lubricants
uniformly to prevent wrinkling. Exces- are better adapted where g‘reat pressures
sive pressure should be avoided in order are required. Annealing for further
that the metal may flow where necessary. working must be followed by pickling.

USS 27 is not sugpsted for any parts for these grades are suggested when
requiring deep drawing operations. softening is necessary between spinning
Spinning It is seldom practicable to spin ESS 27
IJSS 18-8, XJSS Stabilized 18-8, on account of its inferior ductility at at-
XJSS 25-12 mospheric temperatures.
When spinning is necessary, orders for
Owing to tlie Mgb ductilities of these stainless steel sheets should so specify, to
alloys, they axe welladapted to spinning assure receipt of material of suitable
operations j yet because of their work- spinning quality.
hardening characteristics they cannot be
spun as easily as brass. More power FINISHING OF FABRICATED
and pressure must be used. It is im- ARTICLES
possible to Spin them in one operation
to a degree approaching that to which Grinding, Polishing, Buffing and
copper can be spun. Therefore, several Brushing
intervening annealings and picklings may Thecorrect finishing of stainless steel
be required before a deep cup or shape articles with abrasives or abrasive com-
can be completed. pounds requires careful study. Methods
The spinning tool may be of hardened vary widely because of the f ollowing fac-
steel. A hardened cast iron alloy tool tors:
containing approximately 3% carbon, 1% 1 Size and shape of the article to be
chromium, 3%nickel, and 1.5% silicon finished.
is also very satisfactory. The tool — Characterof the original surface:
should have a fairly large radius to pro- (a) General density of metal sur-
vide a greater bearing surface than is face.
ordinarily used in tools for softer metals. (b) Size and depth of surface im-
Spinning should be done at definitely perfections such as pits,
slower speeds and greater pressures. 2— scratches, tool marks and scale
Best results are obtained at speeds from marks in the starting surface.
one-fifth to one-third of those commonly (c) Whether partially ground or
used in spinning copper, brass or alumi- polished as in the case of ar-
num. ticles fabricated from No. 4
Generous applications of a lubricant 3— Finish sheets to be subse-
are recommended. Both water soluble quently given a higher polish.
lubricants and soap have been success- 3 Quality and degree of lustre de-
fully used in spinning light gauge metal. sired in the final finish.
For heavy stock, heavy bodied lubricants, 4 Type of finishing equipment and its
such as linseed oiland whiting mixed to adaptability to the job.
a consistency of slow-floiving paste, are Other important factors affecting the
generally advisable because of the great preparation and facility of execution of
pressures imposed. this type of work are :
In order to avoid wrinkling or break- 1 Abrasives and abrasive compounds.
age along the edge of a blank, it is ad- (a) Type.
visable, where possible, to begin the spin- (b) Grain size.
ning operation about one inch away from -
'Wheels and abrasive agents for
the edge, which can be spun last. grinding, polishing and buffing.
Excessive deformation in one opera- (a) Density or resiliency of wheels.
tion should be avoided; otherwise crack- (b) Preparation and application of
ing will occur. When the physical limits abrasives to wheels.
of the metal have been reached, the lub- (c) Diameter and breadth of work-
ricant must be thoroughly removed from ing face,
the surface of the work which should Speed.
then be annealed and pickled, as pre- 4 Pressure.
viously explained, before spinning opera- 5 ^Lubricants.
tions are continued, For clarification, the various methods
of finishing will first be defined and
ESS 12, ESS 17, ESS 27 briefly discussed.
The spinning characteristics of ESS
12 and ESS 17 approach more closely Grinding
those of ordinary steel, although some- There has been much confusion caused
what slower speeds and tools of larger by the inter-changeable use of the terms
radii are helpful because of the greater ^ grinding
’ and ^ ^ polishing. ^ ^
There is
strength of these alloys. The annealing usually a positive distinction between
and pickling practices previously outlined them. Grinding, as it pertains to the

stainless steel ar- ployed in finishing stainless steel articles

I finishing of fabricated
preparation of the are Nos. 60, 80, 120, 150, 180, 220, 280
tides refers to the

orioinal imperfect surfaces for

subse- and 320. Hereafter, when a grinding
or polishing operation is mentioned, it
quent polishing, buffing or brushing
Grinding is associated with the will be designated by the grain number.
Grinding is not It is important that grain closely
use of coarse abrasives.
screened to narrow limits be used. The
always necessary. Articles stamped or
fabricated from No. 2B Finish sheets or
presence of small quantities of grain in
the abrasive coating, which is distinctly
cold rolled strip and having a dense sur-
coarser than the step requires, will cause
face with little surface impairment, such
coarse scratches in the finish with obvious
as scratching and tool marking,
quently may be polished without this pre-
liminary operation. Buffing Compounds

Care should be used in selecting buff-

I Polishing
ing compounds for stainless steel. The
^ Polishing is usually associated with use of grades containing iron compounds
operations designed to give lustrous or must be strictly avoided, otherwise corro-
colored ffinislies which are not free, how- sion and surface staining of the metal
f ever, from fine abrasive scratches. Pol- may result. Several very satisfactory
ishing may involve either one or a proprietary compounds are commerciafly
sequence of operations with successively available. Compounds containing levi-
finer abrasives which are usually coated gated alumina or chromium oxide rouge
on a flexible and resilient wheel or block. are most wudely used.
Whether polishing follows the grinding In all buffing operations, compounds
operation in the development of polished, should be applied sparingly. Excessive
buffed or brushed finishes, or whether amounts tend to cloud the finish and
it is the only operation used in finishing make development of highly reflective
an article, depends on the considerations surfaces impossible.
given in the introductory paragraph.
Polishing steps are invariably accom- Brushing Compound
panied with the application of lubricants, Brushing agents used in tampico
preferably those of a stearic acid base brushing operations are usually made of
such as tallow. machine oil and abrasive grain, numbers
120 to 180, mixed to the consistency of
Buffing a light paste. Aluminum oxide or silicon
Buffing gives highly reflective and col- carbide abrasives are satisfactory.
ored finishes which may or may not be
free from abrasive scratches from pre- Grinding, Polishing and Buffing Wheels
! vious polishing. Buffing is usually done and Their Preparation
with soft cloth buffing^ wheels, operating The selection of wheels suitable for
at high speeds, and suitable buffing com- these finishing operations is most im-
pounds, portant and recommendations in this
connection should be obtained from con-
Brushing cerns engaged in their manufacture.
Brushing gives a dull matte finish on Wheels previously used on other metals

a finely ground or polished surface or a or alloys must not be used on stainless

cold rolled surface. It is done with a without redressing. If wheels contami-
tampico brush (metal wire brushes nated by use on other metals are em-
f should never be used) and a brushing ployed, staining of the finished article
compound made of rather fine abrasive may result.
t and machine oil mixed to the consistency

of a light paste. It produces a pleasing Coarse Grinding Wheels
finish on many articles. For coarse grinding, which is seldom
necessary on cold roll sheet finishes such
Abrasives as No. 2B or 2D, solid rubber bonded
f Because of the toughness and hardness abrasive wheels are generally used.
! of the stainless steels, aluminum-oxide These are preferred to vitrified wheels
j abrasive, which may bo purchased under because of their cutting effectiveness and
t: various trade names, is more satisfactory lessened^ tendency to load with metal,
than silicon carbide, a more fragile abra- The grain size of such wheels for grind-
sive. However, the latter, as well as ing stainless steel surfaces is seldom
I flour emery, is used by some operators greater than No. 36, since flexible or
for high polishing. built-up cloth wheels are preferable for
I; Standard grain sizes customarily em- the finer grinding operations. The solid
— —


wheels are used more frequently in the what higher temperature to avoid
removal of excess stock in welds; how- chilling the glue.
ever, they are sometimes employed also 3 The of abrasive to be
in the preparation of rough plate sur-
4—added to the glue varies with the
faces for subsequent finer finishing grain size. Information in this
operations. connection is obtainable from re-
liable abrasive manufacturers.
Fine Grinding and Polishing Wheels Before applying the glue and abra-
finer grinding and polishing opera-
For sive mixture to a new wheel, it is
tions, softer and more flexible wheels are desirable to size the cloth cutting
generally used, and they should be pro- 6— face with a thin coating of glue
gressively softer for each finer step. which should be allowed to dry
Wheels are not standard. For example, thoroughly.
in finer grinding operations requiring 5 The wheel should be heated before
Wos, 60 to 100 abrasives, spirally wrap- applying the glue aiid abrasive mix-
ped machine-sewed wheels of tightly ture. In the latter operation the
woven cotton fabric are widely used. coating should be spread as evenly
For polishing operations it is customary as possible.
to use a wheel made of a number of —At least two coats of the abrasive
cloth disc sections, generally muslin or are desirable, with thorough drying
unbleached cotton. SJach section is built after each.
up of plies of the cloth which are sewed 7 After drying the final coat, the ir-
together in spiral rows. The sections regular abrasive face should be
likewise may be joined by similar sew- turned true by the use of a black
ing. The density of such wheels may be diamond or at least broken in on
varied by the use of smaller diameter scrap stainless steel. Greater flexi-
metal or cardboard spacers between the bility of the cutting face may be
sections and by using sections which are obtained by hammering the abra-
sewed only for a few rows around the

arbor hole.
sive head with a round instrument
lightly at an oblique angle which
Another type of polishing and fine will produce small cracks, allowing
grinding wheel which has found favor is the resiliency of the cloth base to
the patented sponge rubber type which be imparted to the cutting surface.
provides for the use of abrasive paper or 8 In recoating wheels which have been
cloth. A
description is given and its used dry, it is necessary to apply
advantages are described in the section only one or two additional coats
dealing with the finishing of welds. to the warm face. When grease
The cloth-type polishing wheel requires has been used the bead slioSd be
the application of abrasive grain, through
scoured with pumice stone before
the medium of glue, to the cutting face. coating until the surface is dry.
Consult leading manufacturers of abra-
sives and wheels for details. Some of Buffing Wheels
the more important factors in the prepa- The selection of proper buffing wheels
fation of these wheels are outlined below: is even more important than the use of
1 It is first necessary to prepare the the right polishing wheels. Buffing
glue ; great care should be exercised wheels should be made of high count
to develop the maximum strength in sheeting, with only one or two rows
the glue and abrasive coating. around the arbor hole spirally sewed.
Only a fine grade of first run hide The cloth pack is very loose but is stiff-
glue should be used. The flakes ened when the wheel is rotated at high
should be soaked in cold distilled buffing speeds. No glued abrasive coat-
water until jelled. The amount of ing is applied, since the buffing action is
water added need not be more than performed by the cloth ends wliipping the
a slight excess over that necessary surface^ of the wheel. A buffing com-
to cover the glue. To the jelled pound is applied to the wheel during the
stock sufficient pure water should operation.
then be added to give the proper Whether in buffing, polishing or grind-
consistency when heated. The lat- ing, the use of wheels previously used on
ter should be done either in an other metals should be avoided.
electrically controlled pot or in a
double boiler type container to a Finishing Procedures
temperature of 140® F., with occa- The following discussion covers the
; sional stirring. principles to be applied, when possible,
2 ^Before mixing with the glue, the in arranging the procedure for finishing
abrasive should he heated to a some- a stainless steel article. For early at-

tempts^ particularly in producing liigh over-heating with consequent burning and

the operator should experiment
finisliea, buckling is likely to occur. Pressures
and take, perhaps, more steps in the play no part in buffing or brushing opera-
finishing that may later be necessary. tions, and the action of both depends

Finishing operations may involve from upon the cloth or brush ends whipping
one to as many as eight steps depending the surface.
upon the considerations outlined in the On account of the lower thermal con-
introductory section. In producing high ductivity of all stainless steels greater
finishes involving a number of steps, it care must be used not to overheat or

is obvious that successively finer abra- scorch in grinding and polishing opera-
sives must be used. Sufficient work usu- tions than is necessary with steels or
ally should be done in each step to re- other metals having better conductivity.
move all coarser abrasive scratches from
the preceding operation. This is most Selection of Commercial Sheet Finishes
important when finishes are to be buffed. The selection of a suitable mill finish
In this ease the direction of the pre- for an article that is to be subsequently
liminary grinding and polishing steps gromid and polished depends on the size,
should be changed after each operation, shape and surface contour and on the
in order to grind across the scratches method of fabrication. If the design
produced in the prior steps. By this involves large and fiat areas as in table
method the operator can judge readily and ice cream cabinet tops, doors and
f when sufficient work has been done. For panels, it is unwise, unless the operator
final polished finishes a change in direc- has rather elaborate equipment available,
tion may not be required or even ad- to attempt to perform his own grinding
visable in some instances, but sufficient and polishing operations. For such work
amount of grinding or i)olishing should No, 4 Finish sheets, as furnished by the
he done in each operation to reduce the mill, are suggested which, after fabrica-
depth of the coarse scratches to the tion, can be finished more highly or left
extent that they are not apparent in the in the original polished condition. Some
final polish of an article. fabricators, however, prefer to do their
In the coarser operations it is practical own polishing of parts for which No. 2B
to use for each succeeding operation a Finish sheets or No. 2 Finish strip are
grain size about 40 numbers finer than best adapted. It should be remembered,
the preceding one. For fine polishing however, when this course is followed,
steps leading up to buffing operations, that the same degree of freedom from
the difference may be increased to 60 surface imperfections is not obtainable
and 80 numbers. In general, however, in heavy gauge sheets as is found in
the size of the grain for the initial and light gauge stock of this finish.
subsequent finishing steps, should not be No. 2D Finish sheets and No. 1 Finish
coarser than is required to remove effi- strip are well chosen for articles to be
ciently the imperfections in the original polished after forming, such as automo-
surface or the coarser grinding scratches. bile head lamps, radiator shells, cooking
It is usually mistaken economy leading to utensils and other deep drawm or spun
inferior results when ^‘^doubiing iip^^ is parts which require a maximum degree of
attempted; i,e., eliminating a necessary softness in the original sheet with a dense
step with the idea of devoting a some- surface relatively free from imperfec-
what longer time than should "be spent tions.
in a finer grain operation, to reduce or No. 2B Finish sheets and No. 2 Finish
remove scratches that are obviously too strip are well suited for parts to be
coarse. finally ground and polished which are
The^ proper linear speeds of all opera- less severe in their formation than those

tions increase slightly with the decrease mentioned in the previous paragi'aph,
in grain size. The customary range, and do not require either intermediate
however, is from 5000 feet per minute or final annealing and pickling operations
for coarse grinding to 8000 feet per
minute for fine polishing. Speeds, how-
—for instance, shallow serving trays,
plates, trim and small decorative stamp-
evp, are not critical for any steps within ings and novelties.
this range. Buffing is best accomplished Nos. 4, 6 or 7 Finish sheets obviously
at speeds between 9000 to 12000 feet per should ^not be used for articles where
minute. the finish will be largely destroyed by
Pressures in grinding and polishing annealing and pickling operations, or by
should be applied carefully and should abrasion marks and scratches resulting
never be greater than required for effi- from dies and forming tools; this, how-
cient cutting. The speed of an operation ever, does not apply to articles where
is not increased by bearing down, ' ^ and
the surface is disturbed only locally and


which, may, without undue cost, be Formula No.
touched up to match the unaffected sur- Phosphoric Acid
face. (50-5°) 12- 20 kg.
Terpinolene 300-500 kg.
MATCHIlSra MILL POLISHED Calcium Phosphate 180-220 kg.
FINISHES Alcohol 300-500 kg.
(The operations are designated by the Chromium Oxide 10- 20 kg.
grain size number) No. 2
Phosphoric Acid 15- 25 kg.
No. 4 Finish Terpinolene 300-500 kg.
(Starting with No. 2B or 2D Finish
Calcium Phosphate 18- 25 kg.
Surfaces) Bice Flour 100—150 kg,
1 ^No. 80 to 100 grind, dry or with Barium Sulphate 40- 80 kg.
small amount of cutting oil. Alcohol 300-500 kg.
2 No. 120 polish, using generous ap- Chromium Oxide 12- 20 kg.
plications of tallow or a similar
A third step using a No. 150 grain Pickling Iron
wheel may occasionally be neces- Formula No. 1
sary, particularly when polishing
Iron is pickled in a 15% phosphoric
is done by manually controlled acid bath containing an inhibitor at 80°
equipment. C. and then in 1-2% phosphoric acid.
The metal may then be dried and painted
No. 6 Finish
No. 2
The same as above, except that the No.
150 step is omitted, and tampieo brush-
French Patent 786,191
5— Water 97 lb.
ing operation is necessary.
Nitric Acid 1 lb.
Magnesium Sulphate 2 lb.
No. 7 Finish
No. 3
Not scratch free but highly reflective. Water 97 lb.
The same as a No. 4 Finish; requires, in Sulphuric Acid 1 lb.
addition, a polishing with Nos. 180 (this Potassium Nitrate 2 lb.
may be omitted if No. 150 step is used), No. 4
220 and 380 grain and Anally, buffing. Water 97 lb.
Hydrochloric Acid
No. 8 Finish —Mirror Finish Sodium Nitrate
1 lb.
2 lb.
1—No. —
60 to 80 grind dry or with These baths are heated above 50° C.
small amount of cutting oil.
2“—No, 120’—polish with tallow. Stainless Steel Pickling Solution
No. 180— polish with tallow. U. S. Patent 1,973,087
— —
No. 220 polish with tallow.

No. 280 ^polish with tallow.
Crude Petroleum 1 qt.
Potatoes,Mashed 10
6^ —
No. 320—polish with tallow. Oak Bark 10
7—No. 420—polish with tallow. Walnut Bark 10

S Light tampieo brushing (frequently

Wild Cherry Bark 10

omitted). Boneset 5 lb.
9— Buffing with suitable compound. Caustic Potash 10 lb.
Water 200 gal.
Miscellaneous Finishes Boil together; Alter; add sulphuric
A dull but very pleasing finish may be acid to make 3% acid strength.
obtained by omitting the second step in
the procedure given for matching a No.
Bemoving Oxide Films from Metals
6 Finish and by tampieo brushing the
French Patent 808,179
Nos. 80 to 100 ground surfaces. The metal is drawn above its elastic
Higher polished (not buffed) Anishes limit so that residual stretching is at
than No. 4 may be obtained by carrying
least 3%.
on the operations to Nos. 150, 180 or
220. These, however, are rarely :^equired.
Pickling Bath for Duralumin
Sulphuric Acid 10 cc.
Pickling Metals Water 90 ec.
French Patent 796,09,6 Sodium Fluoride 1 g.
The following hquids are applied by After dipping in above, the metal is
spraying ; dipped in 50% nitric acid-

Becovery of Waste Pickling Solutions under which circumstances dissolved cop-

U. S. Patent 2,017,773 per deposits by cementation and inter-
Exhausted solutions containing ap- feres with the operation. The water
proximately 1 %
iron are Altered, evapo- may be removed by heating the solution
rated at 95° 0., cooled, and iron sulphate or by the addition of fuming sulphuric
is allowed to
crystallize on the sides of acid (Oleum). The oleum contains dis-
the vessel without agitation. The liquor- solved sulphur trioxide which reacts with
containing inhibitor and sulphuric acid the water to form sulphuric acid.
10-40%, is diluted and used again. Chromium is sometimes removed elec-
trolyticallyby making the article the
Pickling Inhibitor
anode in a chromium plating bath but
this procedure is not recommended be-
Formula No. 1
cause of the contamination of the solu-
Muriatic acid may be inhibited against
tion with dissolved iron which forms iron
iron, by the addition of formaldehyde.
chromate and lowers the conductivity of
The amount required depends upon dilu- the solution. Reverse current in caustic
tion, temperature, and object, and should
soda with agitation is the best method,
be determined by small-scale experiment.
the attack on the basis metal being so
Most acids sold to remove scale from
slight that the solution is used as a
engine-heads, etc., without injury to the
quantitative strip where the piece is
metal, are made in this manner.
weighed before and after stripping to
No. 2 determine the amount of chromium de-
The addition of 0 5 .
thiourea to posited.
26.6% sulphuric acid used for pickling An electric stripping solution which
iron reduces corrosion tremendously. has been recommended for the removal
No. 3 of brazing solder is 5-10% sodium ni-
The following types of compounds gen- trate. Lead cathodes and a current den-
erally function as inhibitors phenols,
: sity of 10-15 amp./sq. ft. are advised.
quinones, amines, mercaptans, thiophe- During use this solution becomes alkaline
nols, aromatic nitro compounds, halogens. due to the formation of ammonia which
must be neutralized by the addition of
Stripping Metal Coatings nitric acid.
Iron, steel, or Brittania metal is strip- In stripping iron and steel with the use
ped by reversing the current in alkaline of current it is important that no chlor-
cyanide solution in an iron tank with ides be present since attack of the basis
an iron cathode at 6-8 volts at 120° F. metal is accelerated. Electrolytic strip-
Agitation prevents pitting and produces ping solutions are more economical than
a cleaner job. The concentration of the straight chemical strips but the process is
sodium cyanide is not critical and is relatively slow so that wdiere the deposit
usually kept at about 10%, i.e., from 8 is quite heavy and the electrolytic strip
to 15 oz./gal. Where the kind of metal of small capacitj^ it may be best to re-
deposit to be removed does not vary, this move the deposit by suitable reagents.
procedure is usually modified. Thus for The most effective reagent for the re-
stripping silver alone, the addition of moval of deposits from iron and steel is
, 4-6 oz./gal. of caustic soda to the cya- fuming nitric acid, or, where the volume
nide is recommended, a
sheet of silver of the solution required is appreciable,
may be made the cathode and when built a mixture of 3 parts concentrated nitric
up with metal, melted down and rolled. acid and 1 part fuming nitric acid. Iron
An old silver anode serves the purpose and steel are passive in both solutions.
very well. For the removeil of gold, Since chromium is also passive in this
one or two oz./gal. each of copper cya- reagent, all chromium must be removed
nide, Rochelle salts and potassium ferro- Arst by one of the above methods. A
cyanide may be added to the cyanide somewhat cheaper reagent which is suit-
strip and used at 150-170° F. able for the removal of copper, brass and

Nickel plated iron or steel is often bronze is a 10% solution of sodium cya-
stripped electrolytically in a solution nide to which 30% (100 vol.) hydrogen
made up of: peroxide is added as required, at an op-
Sulphuric Acid 1 gal. erating temperature of about 130° F.
Water 1 pt. Zinc, tin and cadmium may be removed
Glycerin 1 oz. by using warm dilute hydrochloric acid.
The solution is kept in a lead lined Cadmium may also be removed by a solu-
tank and sheet lead cathodes are used. tion containing 1 Ib./gal. of ammonium
There is very little attack on the steel. nitrate or a concentrated solution of
This solution absorbs water very readily hydrochloric acid containing about 10
oz.y^gaL of antimony trichloride as an in- ties. Then pass the mercury through
hibitor. several folds of toweling to dry it and
Sometimes nickel plated steel is worked it is ready for use again.
after plating and annealed to remove
the working stains. If fuming nitric
acid is used to remove the deposit it may Reclaiming Water-Logged Electric Tools
he noticed that the stripping is not en- Submersion has probably ruined the
tirely successful. This is due to the fact insulation in the tools as well as rend-
that an intermediate alloy of nickel and ering the fibre parts unfit for use.
iron is formed. The removal of this Grease has become diluted and dirty and
alloy is effected with cold concentrated all parts covered with silt and mud.
hydrochloric acid, 22° Be., saturated with Do not operate electric tools, motors
bromine. or switch mechanisms until they have
been taken down, cleaned and baked out.
Metal Cleaner and Brightener For best results, send the tools to the
U. S. Patent 2,062,038 nearest factory service branch for over-
Phthallic Anhydride 2 oz. haul by trained men.
Sodium Sulphate 5 oz. Where owner desires to service the tool
Soap 5 oz. himself, the following procedure is sug-
Soap Bark 5 oz. gested.
Completely disassemble the tool, to get
2 oz. of the above is used -with 98 oz.
to all parts.
water for removing stains from polished
The armature and field should be put
into an electric oven and baked for
twenty-four hours at a temperature of
Anodic Oxidation of Aluminum 275° F.
British Patent 466,941 They should then be checked for shorts
Glycol 1 oz. and grounds. If O.K., apply a coat of
Boric Acid 0.5 -1.5 oz. insulating compound and bake again for
Ammonium Carbonate 0.05-0.5 oz. 12 hours at 275° F.
Use at 120-140° C.; c.d, 5-10 All fibre switch and brush riggings
ma./sq. cm. should be replaced. Most switches will
have to be replaced and all taped wire
Anode Treatment of Aluminum connections should be cleaned and re-
British Patent 467,267 taped.
The aluminum is treated in the fol- Clean all ventilating holes in the case
lowing solution at 18-27° C. at 8-20 of the tool.
volts and at a current density of 5-14 Wash all grease from all gears, hous-
amp./sq. ft. ings and bearings, using a suitable fluid.
Sulphuric Acid (d. 1.224) 1 1. Repack with ne*w lubricant, using a good
Potash Alum 60 g. grade of medium cup grease, such as
Potassium Sulphate 12 g.
^ISTon-Fluid Oil A-No. 3^^ or equal.
Clean rust and dirt from all parts.
Brightening Aluminum These instructions apply to electric

Use a solution of caustic soda 4 oz. and grinders (portable and benchL sanders,
1 gal. of water for cleaning the alumi- polishers, drills, screw-drivers, hammers,
num. heat guns, saws, valve refacers and. most
The solution should be used hot and types of motor driven electric tools.
after the parts are left in the cleaning
solution until a good gassing is notice-
able,^ remove, rinse in cold water, and Cleaning Motor Windings
dip in a nitric acid solution to wliiten Blow out dirt with compressed air.
the aluminum. The nitric acid dip is Squirt anhydrous denatured alcohol into
made by using 1 oz, of acid and 1 oz. of coils with a spray gun or force pump and
water. quickly blow out loosened dirt with com-
pressed air. Do not start motor or bring
an open flame near, until all the alcohol
Rapid Cleaning of Mercury has been blown out.
Take a 500-cc, glass-stoppered wide-
mouthed bottle and fill half-way with
dirty mercury; add 25 to 50 g, of mer-
Cleaning a Rusted Rifle
curous nitrate crystals with about 10 oe. If the rusting process hasnH gone too
of water, and shake for about 5 minutes. far, so as to eat deep pits in the steel,
Pour out into a dish and allow the water you can probably stop it, and get the
from the faucet to wash away the impuri- rifle back in condition. Get a .32 caliber
: :


riflecleaner, consisting of brass washers 6. Dip in 3% liver of sulphur solu-

on a spiral frame, which holds the cleaner tion.
you scour it 6. Scratch brush dry with brass wire
in contact with the bore as
out. Clean the barrel with an oiled rag, wheel and lacquer.
and follow this with a dry-rag cleaning, If a very uniform color is desired
taking out as much rust as you can, and brassed plated articles should be buffed
removing all the oil. Use the cleaner and colored prior to oxidizing although

until the barrel is polished perfectly. a satisfactory color may be obtained di-
Through a funnel inserted at the breech, rectly without polishmg.
pour 1 gal. of boiling water. Wipe out,
dry, and oil the barrel. Repeat the Coloidng Iron Blue
process a day or two later, continuing British Patent 464,749
until you can see no more rust forming. Sodium Hydroxide 36 oz.
Then put in a heavy oil, or gun grease, Litharge 7 oz.
and the rifle will stay rustless. If, how- Sodium Cyanide 2 oz.
ever, there are deep pits in the barrel, Lead Acetate 2 oz,
your only course is to get a new barrel. Metol 1 oz.
Water 50 oz.
Coloring Metals Heat to 100-135° 0. Iron is colored
Metals may
be given a lustrous colored by immersion for 2-4 minutes.
iiiiish ranging from yellow through brown

to dark blue by dipping in following Coloring Cadmium Black

solution heated to 80—95° C.
Formula No. 1
Sodium Thiosulphate 124 g. Dip in cold solution of:
Lead Acetate 38 g. Potassium Chlorate 60 g.
Water, to make 1 1.
Copper Nitrate 35-40 g.
This colors copper dark blue; zinc, Water 1 1.
bronze brown; iron, steel blue. By con- Brush; redip; rinse; dry and polish.
trollmg time of dipping intermediate
shades are obtained. By lowering tem- No. 2
perature and increasing time, more uni- Copper Nitrate 30 g.
form and denser coatings are gotten. Potassium Permanganate 2^/^ g.
Water 1 1.
Use at 60-80° C.
Antique Coloring of Metals
I Immerse in following solution at 20°
Coloring Cadmium Brown
Lead Acetate 25 g.
Potassium Permanganate 160 g.
Sodium TMosulphite 240 g.
Cadmium Nitrate 60-250 g.
Argol 30 g. Water 1 1.

Water 1000 g.
Coloring Iron Black
Green Coloring of Metals Caustic Soda 1,5 g.
The following solution is used at 0.2- Sodium Nitrate 25-50 g.
0.4 amp./sq. cm. at 2.5 volts at room Tannic Acid 5 g.
temperature Water 1 L
Copper Sulpha to 60 g.
Use at 60° C.
Zinc Sulphate 45 g.
Ammonium Molybdate 30 g. Bronzing Copper and Its Alloys
Potassium Cyanide 7 g. British Patent 447,446
Sodium Bisulphite (30%) 10-15 cc. The metal is degreased and etched by
Water 11. rubbing with
Hydrochloric Acid 20 ee.
Coloring Brass Plato Brown Copper Sulphate
A brown oxidized finish may be
20 g.
Water 1 l
obtained on brass jdated steel articles by
the following procedure: It is then washed, dried and treated
1. Dip in 5% sulphuric acid pickle,
with a current of air which has been

rinse in cold water. passed through 10—20% ammonium sul-

2. Scratch brush wet with brass wire
phide solution.
wheel (.003" wire) with pumice.
3. Dip in 3% liver of sulphur solu-
Bronzing Iron or Steel
French Patent 787,938
4. Scratch brush wet with brass wire Articles of iron or steel are bronzed
wheel. rapidly by dipping into bath of
Litharge 20 lb. Hyposulphite of Soda 12.8 oz./gal.
Potassium Cyanide 8 lb. Sugar of Lead 25.6 oz./gaL
Ferrous Sulphate 5 lb. An entirely different solution may also
Lead Sulphate 10 lb. be used to produce the blue-black finish.
Manganese Dioxide 0.04 lb. Copper Carbonate
Water 16 07
100 lb. Amionia 1 qt
Water 3 qt
Permanent Blacking Galvanized Sheet
Add the water after the copper carbon-
Permanent blacking of galvanized sheet ate and ammonia have been thoroughly
metal uses a solution of 138 parts man- solution at a temperature
of 175° F. and immerse the work
ganese sulphate and 130.5 parts barium until
the proper color is obtained. This
nitrate (sp. gr. 1.125) in which the metal usually
requires one-half to one minute. For
is dipped several times. The resulting op-
eration over a period of time there
coatings are said to be weather- and acid- must
be an excess of copper carbonate present.
resistant and do not peel off when ham-
Bright Dip for Cast Bronze Blackening Cast Iron
It will be necessary to clean the castings It is possible to produce a black
of all sand before immersing them in the on east iron that has been polished
dip, in order to conserve the acid, which free from oil and grease by applying
can be done by sand blasting water tum- following mixture:
bling or wire wheel brush. The following Copper Sulphate 8 02
dip is good for this purpose as it does Nitric Acid
not fume like the regular brass dip:
Sulphuric Acid 10 lb. 125 oz.
Saltpeter 2 lb. Allow this solution to
dry on work and
Water 5 lb. when quite dry rub with woolen
First, dissolve the saltpeter in water in A thin film of oil should be appliedcloth.
an earthenware crock, add one pound final protection.
of the acid pouring in a thin stream,
stirring meanwhile with a piece of glass. Gun Metal Coloring of Pencil Tips
This will heat the water and it is neces- Single Nickel Salts 10 oz
spy to stop the addition of acid from Double Nickel Salts 6 07
time to time in order to allow the solution Zinc Sulphate
to cool and prevent it reaching a boiling Sodium Sulphocyanide 2 oz!
temperature. For this reason the acid is
added gradually, and only a pound at a Temperature

70® p
ITse carbon anodes and a voltage not
The solution should be prepared at ^er
night and before morning it will be cold,
about %
volt for still tank plating.
For barrel plating an oblique type
and after the acid has been poured olx msurmg good mixing
from the potassium sulphate that will be of tho load is best,
ine black nickel can be deposited
found in the bottom, it is ready for use. on the brass.
The castings are dipped for a few sec-
onds, strung on a wire, then they are
rinsed in running water. They will keep Bluing Steel
their color better if they are dried by A mixture of equal Articles
dipping in hot water in which a little pa potassium nitrate is parts of sodium
melted in a east
lime has been dissolved. iron or steel melting pot.
The pot should
be clean, as rust from any source
Oxidizing Finish for Brass the color of the work. The
mixture is
blue gray or blue-black color can be melted and then superheated to
a tern-
produced on brass by boiling the brass perature of 500° C. (900° F.) and

parts in the following solution until the ganese dioxide added in the ratio
of 1
proper color is obtained. This usually to 50 by volume. As bluing by
this proc-
requires between 10 to 20 minutes. ess forms an iron-oxide film on
the piece,
Sodium Thiosulphate consumption of the manganese dioxide
8 oz./gal.
Lead Acetate mkes place and must be replaced everv
4 oz./gal. lew hours of use.
Another solution may be made of the
The articles to be blued are first cleaned,
same ingredients by varying the concen-
tration with a view to changing the coating of oil, immersed
color in the hot niter at 315 to 345°
This solution is as follows,* C for a
short period and then raised to
the work-


ing temperature. The time required varies Water 100 lb.

with the temperature and ‘with the size Iron Oxide 10 lb.
of the pieces but is never over four or Calcium Fluoride 20 lb.
five minutes. The higher the temperature Boric Acid 30 lb.
ihe darker the finish. Clay 7 lb.
After the right blue is obtained, the Dry and heat to 785-795° C. for 7 min,
articles are quenched in cold, clean water in an atmosphere low in oxygen.
to strike the color, then immersed in boil-
ing water and finally in oil.
White Enamel for Cast Iron
Cast iron, if highly polished, will blue
Borax 16 lb.
like polished steel, but it requires about
thirty minutes immersion at 540° C.
Feldspar 1% lb.
Litharge 48 lb.
(1000° F.) to accomplish this result.
Quartz 24 lb.
Bluing Small Machine Parts Cryolite 5 lb.
a. Clean in soda solution and rinse in Fluorspar li^ lb.
hot water, Magnesium Carbonate 4 lb.
b. Dry thoroughly. Additions to the mill are:
c. Dip in the following molten solution Pipe Clay 7%
Manganese Oxide 1 lb. Opacifier (other than Tin Oxide) 7%
Saltpeter 10 lb. Borax 6%
d. Remove and wash in hot solution of If bubbles are formed the lead content
sal soda as soon as possible. must be reduced and the additions to the
e. Dry thoroughly. mill increased by a ground frit (quartz
f. Dip in sperm oil. and borax).

Treatment of Aluminum Before Plating Enamel Coating for Copper

British Patent 465,078
U. S. Patent 2,032,236
To obtain more coherent deposits alu- Silica 59.20
minum is degreased and pickled for 1 Borax 8.45
min. at 92-95° 0. in
Sodium Nitrate 6.90
Perrons Chloride 50 g. Cryolite 6.95
Hydrochloric Acid (d. 1.16) 50 cc. Soda Ash 6.95
Water 11. Calcium Fluoride 2.91
Litharge 25.00
Protective Aluminum Coating Titanium Dioxide 6.20
British Patent 455,412 Di-Potassium Hydrogen
The metal is treated with an alternat- Phosphate I .90
ing eurr.ent in the following bath: Barium Carbonate 9.00
Potassium Titanium Oxalate Nickel Oxide 0.755
50 g.
Citric Acid
Iron Oxide 0.10
15 g.
Phosphoric Acid Potassium Permanganate 0.145
6 g.
Glucose The frit is fired on at 815° F.
20 g.
Water 1 1.

Use 5-6 amp./sq.dm. at 110 volts A.C. Radium Protection Sheathing

at 75° P., the film produced is impreg- British Patent 447,567
nated with a fat. Wax or varnish. Tungsten, Powdered 90 g.
Copper, Powdered 5 g.
Nickel, Powdered
Coating Iron with Molten Aluminum 5 g.
Press into shape and sinter at 1500'
Immerse in melted bath (kept at 450-
500° C.)
Anode Coating of Magnesium Alloys
Aluminum Chloride 1 lb. Magnesium alloys are coated in a batl
Sodium Chloride 2 lb. of
Copper Chloride 0.15 Ib. Sodium Dihydrogen
for 1-2 min. and then in molten aluminum Phosphate 2-5 g.
at 700-720° C. for 20-40 sec. An adher- Sodium Dichromate 10 g.
ent coating of aluminum 0.1 mm. thick Water 90 g.
IS obtained.
Current density 5-10 amp-./sq. ft. anod
Enameling Iron The alloy is first cleaned electrolyti
Anstrian Patent 148,151 cally by making it the cathode for
Unpiekled iron sheet is moistened with a
least tliree^ minutes in a bath of sod:
following ash and tri-sodium phosphate.
Corrosion Preventive Coating Etch for Microscopic Study of Tin
British Patent 452,847 Ammonium Persulphate 5%
Zirconium Oxide (75%) 5 .or
Aluminum Powder 4 Ferric Chloride, Hydrated 2 g.
Aluminum Silicate 120 Water 30 cc.
Tale 30 Hydrochloric Acid 5 cc.
Magnesium Oxide 10 Alcohol, Absolute 60 cc.
Barium Sulphate 50
20 or
Zinc Oxide
Acetic Acid (50%) 100 cc.
Bed Lead 50
40 Hydrogen Peroxide 1 drop
White Lead
Chromium Oxide 5
Copper Oxide 4 Stainless Steel Etches
Nickel Cyanide 2 Formula No. 1
Litharge 10 Copper Chloride
Titanium Bioxide 1 Hydrochloric Acid 100 cc.
Soda Ash 1 Alcohol 100 cc.
The above is mixed with a binder as Water 100 cc.
in a paint. No. 2
Iron Chloride 5 g.
Metallographie Etching of Zinc Hydrochloric Acid 50 cc.
and Alloys Water 100 cc.
Etching Fluid The above formulae are used for mac-
Caustic Potash (Concen- roscopic structures.
trated Solution 5 cc.
50 No. 3
Water cc.
Potassium Ferricyanide 10 g.
Copper Nitrate (Concen-
20 Potassium Hydroxide 10 1
trated Solution) cc.
Potassium Cyanide
Water 100 cc.
(Powdered) 25 g. This is useful for identifying carbides
Filter and add in austenitic stainless steels.
Citric Acid (Concentrated
Solution) 2.5 cc.
Mierographic Etch for Lead Specimens
Immerse specimen in above for 10-20 Acetic Acid, Glacial 15 cc.
seconds. Nitric Acid, Cone. 15 cc.
Glycerin 60 cc.
Molybdenum Etching Solution
Potassium Ferricyanide 360 g.
Caustic Soda 36 g. Metal Etching Mordant
Water 1 1.
U. S. Patent 2,080,348
Potassium Bichromate 2 oz.
Copper Etching Fluids Hydrochloric Acid 1 oz.
Formula No. 1 Nitric Acid 1 oz.
Nitric Acid (Cone.) 120 g. Sulphuric Acid % oz.
Potassium Chloride
Castile Soap Solution
Etching Designs on Copper
% oz.

No. 2 To etch designs of any desired intri-

Ferric Chloride 400 g. cacy on copper, the portions which are to
Hydrochloric Acid 30 g. stand out in relief are covered with an as-
Water 1 1. phaltum varnish or quick-drying enamel,
including the edges and back of the
Printing Plate Etch, Copper metal, and the whole article is immersed
IT. S. Patent 2,026,603 in dilute nitric acid. The degree of etch-
Ferric Chloride Solution, ing will depend on the concentration of
Neutral (d. 1.32-1.38) 1 gal. the acid and the temperature. Nitric
Salt 4-5 oz. acid of 1 to 4 strength at 70° to 75° P.
will usually give a sufficient depth of
Copper Printing Plate Etch etching in 2 or 3 hours. Interesting ef-
U. S. Patent 1,969,678 fects can be produced by ap^dying pow-
Ferric Chloride Solution dered vitreous enamels to the depressions
(d. 1.38-1.53) L48 Ih. in the etched metal, heating to about
Ferric Sulphate 47-6 lb, 1400° to 1500° F. until the enamel fuses,
VJ, Qlucose ’ lb., cooling, and tinishing by wet polishing
Water to make lOO , lb. with a hne ^ai-borundum stone.

Purifying Metallic Cadmium Heat to 180° F. This will remove most

British Patent 461,222 of the scale.
Cadmium containing zinc (as an im- Follow with a bright dip to get a good
purity) is melted in an iron dish under surface.
a layer of dry
caustic soda. Steam at A preliminary dip in nitric acid may
350®'^C. is injected beneath molten metal. be necessary as some of the oxide scale
The zinc forms a slag from which it on the bronze may have been reduced to
may be recovered. metallic copper which is not soluble in
the above pickle, or in a bright dip.
This copper can only be removed by
Removing Welding Scale from Stainless
Steel nitric acid.

The solution consists of 10 percent

concentration by weight of 60° Baumd Gas Free Aluminum
sulphuric acid mixed with approximately Formula No. 1
10 percent by weight of rock salt. This British Patent 435,104
solution should be used at a temperature Aluminum or its alloys are freed from
of about 150° F. In all pickling opera- hydrogen or other gases by melting under
tions the pickling acid should be rinsed the following flux and bubbling nitrogen
off in hot water and the work then through melt:
dipped for 40 minutes or longer in a Potassium Chloride 50 lb.
warm (120-145° F.) 10 to 20 percent Salt 40 lb.
by volume solution of 38° Baumd com- Sodium Fluoride 10 lb.
mercial nitric acid and followed by a
No. 2
wash in hot water. This puts the metal British Patent 456,462
surface in the best possible condition to
eat with
resist corrosion.
Salt 2 lb.
Sodium Fluoride 1 lb.
De-Scaling Stainless Steel Borax 1 lb.
The removal of scale from heat treated The grain size of castings made later
stainless steel is fairly difficult due to is refined.
the fact that it is not readily attacked No. 3
by ordinary pickling solutions. U. S. Patent 2,024,751
Extremely heavy scale is usually re- The molten metal is treated with 0.05-
moved by sand-blasting. A
mild pickling 5% sodium borofluoride.
solution of 10% sulphuric acid in water
at 150° F. will soften the scale ’but is No. 4
not extremely active in its removal. A U. S. Patent 2,056,233
mixture of 10% rock salt and 10% sul- A method of degassing molten alumi-
phuric acid by weight in water at 150° num and aluminum base alloys comprises
P. is somewhat more active and will adding thereto from about 0.01 to 1 per
attack scale readily. cent of sodium, maintaining molten
solution of 50% hydrochloric acid charge at a temperature below about
in water will attack scale very rapidly
1475° F. from % to 10 hours, and intro-
at 160° F. Parts pickled in any of the ducing from about % to 4 ounces of
above solutions must be rinsed immedi- anhydrous aluminum chloride per hun-
ately in w'-arm water and then dipped in dred pounds of melt.
a 20% nitric acid solution, rinsed again No. 5
in warm wmter and then dried. Parts U. S. Patent 2,056,233
should never be left in any pickling A method of degassing molten alumi-
solution, only long enough to soften or num and aluminum base alloys comprises
remove scale, or metal itself will be at- adding thereto from about 0.01 to 1 per
tacked. cent of sodium, maintaining the melt at
a temperature below about 1475° F. for
Descaling Iron a period of about % to 10 hours and
U. S.Patent 1,979,996 thereafter passing a gaseous fluorinated
Iron eathodically pickled in sul-
is hydrocarbon through the melt for a pe-
phuric acid (5-20%) containing tin riod of about 1 to 15 minutes.
(1.5-2 g. per litre) as tin sulphate.

Dephosphorizing Steel
Removing Fire Seale from Bronze The following low^ melting slag is used
Bronze can be pickled in an 8% solu- in an induction furnace:
tion of sulphuric acid to which 2 oz./gal. Silica 3 lb.
of sodium dieliromate has been added. Lime 60 lb
Iron Oxide 35 lb. Brazing Solder
Fluorspar 2 lb. U. Patent 2,073,077
Tin 13 -17 oz.
Phosphorus 3%- 5^^ oz.
Removing Residual Calcium from Lead Copper 831/^-77% oz.
U. S. Patent 1,979,442
Molten lead containing residual calcium
is stirred vigorously at 405-455° F. while Stop-off Paste for Use in the Silver
being treated with three doses (per 100 Brazing of Monel
tons of lead) of caustic soda 75 pounds There is a need at times for preventing
and sodium nitrate 30 pounds, each treat- the flow of silver solder, at brazing tem-
ment lasting one to one and one-half peratures, over portions of a metal sur-
hours. face to which it is being applied. A very
useful way to do this on Monel is to
first outline the area to which the molten
Copper Oxide Rectifier Metal
silver solder is to be confined with a
U. S. Patent 2,060,905
Copper sheet is heated in air contain- thick paste of flake graphite in sodium
silicate solution (commercial water glass).
ing 0.015-0.1 volume %
of chlorine.
The mixture fluxes at brazing tempera-
ture, but is easy to remove on cooling.
Removal of Aluminum Oxide from Alloys Pastes of graphite or of powdered char-
coal with shellac are also fairly effective.
Stir molten alloy by means of a stream
Powdered charcoal and watergiass paste
of nitrogen gas for 8-10 minutes. The
is effective in confining the solder, but
aluminum oxide floats to surface and is hard to remove on cooling.
may be skimmed off.

Galvanizing Flux
Resistant Iron Surface U. S. Patent 2,106,982
Canadian Patent 370,273 Triethanolamine 0.5- 2%
Cast iron 1 lb. and borax 1 oz. are Zinc Chloride 99.5-98%
fused together and mild steel 0.5 oz. and
borax 0.5 oz. are fused together, and the
two products fused together with 1 oz. Welding Rod Flux
borax, cooled at room temperature, and IT. S. Patent 2,113,222
amount of the product is welded to an Sodium Carbonate 45 oz.
independent metallic body in the presence Borax 45 oz.
of a borax flux, and cooled slowly at Carbon 3 oz.
room temperature. The applied mass is Ferrosilieon 2 oz.
machined to desired shape and size, Gelatin 2 oz.
heated to a hardening temperature and Silicate of Soda 3 oz.

Flux Coating for Welding Electrode

Brazing Flux U. S. Patent 2,051,775
Formula No. 1 Ilmenite 25 oz.
British Patent 454,070
Talc 25 oz.
Potassium Bifluoride 75-81 oz.
Sodium Silicate 50 oz.
Water 37-43 oz.
Boil until dissolved
Flux for Welding Zinc
Add and dissolve in above French Patent 815,320
Boric Acid 28-34 oz. Ammonium Chloride 65 g,
Evaporate until a soft paste is formed. Zinc Chloride 25 g.
No. 2 Salt 4 g.
British Patent 454,070 Lithium Chloride 3 g.
Potassium Acid Fluoride 78 g. Potassium Fluoride 3 g.
Water 40 g.
Boric Acid 30 g.
Evaporate to desired consistency. Torch Welding Flux
British Patent 470,868
No. 3 Iron Oxide 8.8 lb.
(Low Melting) Boron Oxide 45.0 lb.
Borax 4 oz. Alumina 4.4 lb.
Soda Ash 3 oz. Unsaponifiable Mineral
Potassium Carbonate 3 oz. Grease 41.8 lb.

No. 7
Liquid, Non- Acidic For Copper Wires
Ammonium Chloride 100 g. Rosin, Finely Powdered I to make
Mineral Oil, Neutral 900 g. Ammonia (sp. gr. 0.880) J soap.
Shake before use. No. 8
a. Zinc Chloride, Anhydrous20 lb.
For Tin and Baser Metals Petrolatum 30 lb.
Petrolatum 100 g.
&. Petrolatum 50 lb.
Ammonium Chloride 25 g.
Mix a thoroughly, then work in h.
Melt at 75° C. Stir cold.
No. 9
Paste a. Vegetable Oil 100 lb.
Formula No. 1 Tallow 100 lb.
Woolfat Fatty Acid 50 g. Rosin 50 lb.
Zinc Oxide 3 g. h. Ammonium Chloride 20 lb.
Saponify by not too strong heating for Water 50 lb.
some time. Melt Uj stir until cold enough to have
No. 2 high viscosity. Mix in h.
. Tallow 2 kg,
Bosin 2 kg.
. Ammonium Chloride 1 kg. For All Metals Except Aluminum
Melt CE, cool to near paste consistency, Formula No. 1
work in &. Stir until cold. Rosin 7 lb.
No. 3 Petrolatum, Yellow 45 lb.
Japan Wax 35 g. Zinc Chloride, Anhydrous 15 lb.
Hard Paraffin 250 g.
No. 2
Petrolatum 3250 g.
Ammonium Chloride 250
Ammonium Chloride 35 lb.
Zinc Chloride, Powdered 65 lb.
Zinc Chloride 1250 g.
Petrolatum 900 lb.
No. 4 or
Ammonium Chloride 1 kg. Petrolatum 800 lb.
Rosin 4 kg. Woolfat 50 lb.
Tallow 5 kg. Woolf at Fatty Acid 50 lb.
No. 5
Rosin 450 g.
No. 3
Tallow 450 g.
Cottonseed Oil 226 kg.
Ammonium Chloride 50-100 g.
Tallow 181 kg.
Rosin 1 kg.
No. 6
Ammonium Chloride 120-200 g.
Rosin 250 g.
Tallow 650 g. Melt aj work in b. Cool partly, add o.
Ammonium Chloride 100 g. Stir until cold.

General Soldering Fluxes

Lead to lead with coarse solder Tallow
Lead to brass or gunmetal with coarse solder Tallow
Lead to brass or gunmetal with fine solder Tallow or resin
Tinning brass or gunmetal for soldering Tallow or resin
Clean zinc, copper, brass, etc., for soldering Zinc chloride
Zinc, not cleaned Dilute hydrochloric acid
Tinplate for bit soldering Zinc chloride
Pewter and block tin Olive oil, tallow, etc.
Tinning copper bits Ammonium chloride or zinc chloride
Nickel or Monel metal | Saturated zinc chloride 50 per cent in
Stainless Steel hydrochloric acid
) |
Wrought iron Zinc chloride
Cast iron Zinc or ammonium chloride
Brass, gunmetal or copper Zinc chloride, resin or ammonium
Bronze Zinc chloride or resin
Gold Zinc chloride
Silver Zinc chloride
Bismuth Zinc chloride or resin
Terne plate Zinc chloride
Soldering Flux Flux for Silver Soldering Stainless Steel
British Patent 471,202 U. S. Patent 1,968,841
Salicylic Acid 5 oz. Formula No, 1
Rosin 95 oz. Borax 1 lb.
Aniline Hydrochloride

2 oz. Ammonium Chloride 1 lb.

Ethylene &lycol 100-500 oz. Boric Acid 1 lb.
No. 2
Borax 3 lb.
Soldering Flux Ammonium Chloride 1 lb.
Ethylene dianaine hydrochloride as a Boric Acid 2 lb.
saturated water solution is used as a
soldering flux. It is found to he effec- Aluminum Solder
tive in soldering copper, brass, and gal- Formula No. 1
vanized iron when using a soldering iron. XT. S. Patent 2,013,340
Excellent soldered joints are obtainable Zinc 95 oz.
with white or yellow gold, nickel and Aluminum 5 oz.
silver. It is useful in making the joints Melt together under sodium cyanide.
in streamline flexible copper tubing.
No., 2
It is soluble to the extent of 35 parts
U. S. Patent 1,993,490
in 100 parts by weight of water at 25°
Tin 33 oz.
C., the solubility increasing with tempera-
Zinc 11 oz.
ture to 165 parts in 100 parts of water
Silver 23 oz.
at the maximum boiling point (115° C.)
of the solution. No. 3
U. S. Patent 2,059,497
A solder for aluminum plates consists
of 60 g. tin, 25 g. cadmium, 7.5 g. silver
Iron and Steel Soldering Flux
U. S. Patent 2,031,913
and 7.5 g.aluminum.
Zinc Chloride 99.75-99 oz. No. 4
Sodium Nitrate 0.25- 1 oz. French Patent 811,558
Tin 40 g.
Zinc 40 g.
Aluminum Flux Cadmium 20 g.
British Patent 435,279 Diethylamine Hydrochloride 22 g.
Barium Chloride 15 lb. Petrolatum 14 g.
Sodium Sulphate 8 lb. No. 5
Potassium Permanganate 2 lb.

German Patent 652,572

Zinc Chloride 27 lb. Tin 60 g.
Potassium Fluoride 24 lb.
Cadmium 25 g.
Sodium Fluoride 24 lb.
Silver 7% g.
Aluminum 7% g.
Soft Soldering Flux
U. S. Patent 2,045,017 Aluminum Plate Solder
Petrolatum 70.0 oz. Tin 60 oz.

Ammonium Chloride 4.5 oz. Cadmium 25 oz.

Zinc Chloride 16.8 oz. Silver 7.5 oz.
Stannous Chloride 5.0 oz. Aluminum 7.5 oz.
Water 3.7 oz*
Aluminum Cable Solder
Tin 40 g.
Soft Soldering Flux Zinc 40 g.
U. S. Patent 1,974,436 Cadmium 20 g.
Zinc Chloride 25 oz.
The above is used with a flux which
Alcohol 20 dz. ^

gives joints of good electrical eonduc-

Ammonium Cetyl Sulphate % bz. tivity.

Easy Spreading Soldering Flux Solder for Aluminum or Cast Iron

Water 10 gal. French Patent 795,882
Zinc Chloride 37 lb. Barium Chloride 60 g.
Ammonium Chloride 3 lb. Sodium Chloride 25 g.
Hydrochloric Acid (18%) 1 gal. Calcium Chloride 5 g.
Butyl ^ ^ Cellosolve ’ ’ 1 gal. Magnesium Chloride 5 g.
Wetting Agent 3 oz* Sodium Fluoride 5 g

Conner to Aluminum Solder The advantages of silver solder oyer

French Patent 796,352 other types of solder are strength, resist-
ance to vibration and shock, resistance
Ti" |-
. lo g- to corrosion, ease of fabrication.
tically all metals that can be heated
Lead 10 |-
g- without danger to 1,200° F. can be silver
^ soldered.
________ The strongest silver soldered joints
Furalumiii Solder are made with the remarkably small gap
French Patent 812,672 of one and one-half thousandths of an
mij, 6 .38 g.
inch between the parts to be joined.
liver g- Being so thin, the joint has a neat ap-
Lead g- pearance. In many cases, the silver sol-
Antimony 0.04 g. dered joint is invisible to the naked eye.
^ ^ In addition to its high strength, which
SulplTLur makes silver soldering suitable for join-
Aluminum ing electrical parts or piping that must
withstand temperatures up to 850° F., the
Solder silver soldered joint has good corrosion
IT. S. Patent 2,025,323 resistance. Silver soldering is used espe-
Lead cially in chemical equipment in which
ismelted and to it is added joints are exposed to severe corrosion by
Ammonium Chloride g. % acids or other reagents.
and the dross is skimmed off*. Then add Recent developments in silver soldering
Tin 3.13 oz. have made itextremely easy to produce
Bismuth oz. excellent joints. A method that is often
Mix and cast into forms. used for pipes requires simply a torch
and a ring of silver solder of the same
Soft Bolder diameter as the pipe. The torch is fed
Patent 2,033,102
IT. S. with illuminating gas and air or oxygen.
Zinc Ammonium Chloride 60 oz. The ring of silver solder is slipped over
Lead-Tin Solder, Powdered 37 oz. the pipe to be soldered. The fftting is
Zinc Powder 3 oz. then slipped over the pipe and the ring.
Press into sticks without a binder. The joint is heated uniformly with the
torch until silver solder is seen oozing
Solders for Monel out at the edge of the joint. Nothing
Soft Solder more need be done.
Lead 50 oz. Other developments include dip braz-
Tin 50 oz. ing, in which the joint to be made is
Sard Solder dipped in a bath of molten silver solder,
Silver 60 oz. and resistance brazing. In the latter
Copper 25 oz. method inserts are used as described
Tin 15 oz. above, but the heat is supplied electrically
rather than by a torch. These and other
Low Tin
Bolder new developments are rapidly extending
French Patent 796,433 the fields of application of the highly
Lead 75 -90% efficient process of silver soldering.
Tin 5 -25%
Bismuth 1 -5% Soldering Iron Tip
. Cadmium 1 - 3% Canadian Ratent 364,152
Antimony 0.5- 5% Copper 97.0 oz.
Cobalt 2,6 oz.
Silver Soldering Beryllium 0.4 oz.
Silver soldering is no different in prin-
ciple from soldering with plumber or Quick Solders
tinsmith ^s solder^ familiar to
wliieli is Mosers Metal
everyone. But whereas ordinary solder Lead 1 lb.
is made of tin and lead, and melts at Tin 1 lb.
about 300° F., silver solder is made of Bismuth 2 lb.
silver and copper, with usually some zinc, Melts at 95° C. in a graphite, cast iron,
and melts at higher temperatures : 1,200'- or fire-clay crucible.
1,600° F. The applications of silver WeaJc Solder
Solders in industry are discussed and up- Lead 1 lb.
to-date methods for using the solders also Tin 2 lb.
described. Melts at 171° C.
Quich Solder Phosphoric Acid (Syrupy) 8 e*
Lead Lactic Acid 8 %
Tin Lanolin 74

Melts at 181°C. No. 4

Strong Quiclc Solder Ceresin 10 g.
Lead Stearic Acid 30 o**

Tin Rosin 22
Melts at 224° C. Zinc Chloride, Anhydrous 38
The first three components are melted
Soldering Fluids in a steam heated kettle and when
Formula No. 1 the zinc chloride is stirred in. It will
Zinc Chloride, Anhydrous result in a granular structure.
Glycerol No. 5
Alcohol (Denatured) Ammonium Chloride 29 o-.
Water Sulphur (Powder) 33 g]
No. 2 Rosin 2
Zinc Chloride, Anhydrous Paraffin Wax 9
Ammonium Chloride Tallow 21 5]
Hydrochloric Acid Salt
5 g[
(Sp. G. 1.18) Balsam 1
'^Cellosolve^' The paraffin and tallow are melted in
Water a steam heated kettle and while molten
No. 3 the other solids are stirred in; the balsam
Antimony Oxide is added after the mixture has been re-
Glycerol moved from the heat.
Zinc Chloride, Anhydrous
No. 6
Hydrochloric Acid
Hydrofluoric Acid 2 g.
(Sp. G. 1.18)
Phosphoric Acid (Syrupy) 1 g.
Water Borax q g^
No. 4 Gum Arabic or Karaya 15 g!
Glycerol Water 70 g.
Alcohol (Denatured)
The water is first heated to boiling
Zinc Sulphate
and the source of heat is removed; the
No. 5 gum is added in small quantities and
Cuprous Chloride stirred in before adding more. "TOen a
Copper Strips homogeneous jelly is obtained the other
Methyl Alcohol components are added and stirred in
No. 6 tlioroughly.
Rosin No. 7
Benzine Stearic Acid 35 g.
No. 7 Borax 4 g^
Zinc Chloride, Anhydrous Rosin 4 g[
Sulphonated Mineral Oil Balsam 10
No. 8 Tin (Powdered) 32 g!
Zinc Chloride, Anhydrous Zinc (Powdered) 15 g.
Amyl or Butyl Acetate
Soldering Powders
Formula No. 1
Soldering Pastes
Iron (Powdered)
Formula No. 1 Borax
Zinc Chloride 20 o-. Sodium Carbonate
Palm Oil so g.
The zinc chloride is mixed with suffi- No. 2
cient water to form a heavy paste and is
For Cast Iron
Zinc Chloride, Anhydrous
then triturated into the palm oil.
Ammonium Chloride
No. 2 Potassium Chloride
Petrolatum 60 g. Sodium Chloride
Rosin 20 g.
Silicate or Filler (Fusible) 20 g. For Aluminum
No! 3 Potassium Chloride
Hydrochloric Acid Sodium Chloride
(Sp. G. 1.18) 10 g. Potassium Fluoride


Lithium Chloride 15 g. Welding Electrode

U. Patent 2,073,371
Sodium Pyro Phosphate g. S.
Silver 0 02 -

No. 4 Copper
For Iron, Copper and Brass
Calcium Hydroxide 1.5 g.
Aluminum Oxide 1.5 g. Welding Electrode
Aluminum (Powdered) 1 g- U. S. Patent 2,045,138
Borax 60 g. Zinc 0,25
Potassium Chlorate 36 g. Chromium 0.50
Silver 1.00
No. 5
Copper 98.25
For Aluminum
This gives a hard alloy of high con-
Barium Chloride 40 g.
Potassium Chloride 30 g.
Sodium Chloride 20 g.
Cryolite 10 g.
Resistance Welding Electrode
No.' U. S. Patent 2,038,390
Borax 52 g. Cadmium 0.10- l.i
Sodium Phosphate (Tri) 13 g. Beryllium 0.01- 2.i
Solder (Powdered) 35 g. Copper, to make 100
No. 7
Zinc Chloride, Anhydrous 8 g. Welding Flux
Ammonium Chloride 80 g. British Patent 461,418
Sodium Fluoride 12 g. Ferro-Manganese
No. 8 Silicon Carbide
Ammonium Chloride 5 g.
15 Feldspar
Eosin g.
Zinc Chloride, Anhydrous 20 g.
Urea 10 g.
Sodium Silicate
Solder (Powdered) 50 g.
This combination is usually sold in
pelletform. Fluxes for Aluminum Welding
Formula No. 1
No. 9
Potassium Chloride 45
Thichlor naphthalene (melted upon the
Sodium Chloride 33
warm metal and then wiped off).
Lithium Chloride 15
Potassium Fluoride 7
No. 2
Are Welding Electrodes Potassium Chloride 30
Formula No. 1 Sodium Chloride 45
U. S. Patent 2,010,695 Lithium Chloride 10
Flux for coating iron welding elec-
Potassium Fluoride 15
trodes consists of (A) 1:1:1 mixture of
finely ground feldspar, titanium^ dioxide No. 3
and commercial water-glass solution, (B) Potassium Chloride^ 45
a 1:2:2 mixture of the same components Sodium Chloride 30
with 0.5-2 (1)% of carbon, (C) ilmenite Lithium Chloride 15
(21), feldspar (39), ferro-manganese Sodium Fluoride 3.5

(9), asbestos, and aqueous water-glass.

Potassium Thiosulphate 3

No. 2 No. 4
British Patent 455,760 Potassium Chloride 50
A metal rod is coated with the follow- Barium Chloride 35.5
ing: Lithium Chloride
. 10
Potassium Fluoride 3
Rutile 12 oz.
Sodium Fluoride 1.5
Sodium Silicate Glass 15 oz.
Vermont Talc 7 oz. No. 5
Silica, Amorphous 5 oz. Swiss Patent 179,169
Asbestos, Short Fiber 5 oz. Potassium Chloride 41.5
Gum Arabic 5 oz. Balt 32.5
Ferro-Manganese 10 oz. Lithium Chloride 10.0
Sodium Silicate, Liquid 24 oz. Sodium Fluoride 6;5
Water 17 oz. Potassium Bromide 9.5

Welding Powder Metal Melting Flux (For Down-Draft

Linden Wood Charcoal, Furnaces)
Powdered 650 g. Coke Dust, Grromid Fine 60 lb.
Calcium Carbonate, Heavy 350 g. Lime 20 lb!
Mix and strain until no white crystals Silica Sand or Fluorspar 10 lb.
are visible. Common Rock Salt 10 1b.
10% of this
XTse 5 to mixture in the
Brass Welding Rod furnace and you will find cleaner, solider
Patent 2,035,423
XT. S. eastings when this fiux is used. It also
Copper 57 lb. keeps the furnace clean. Add 2% when
Nickel 2 lb. charging the furnace, balance when metal
Iron 1 - 2 lb. is melted, which is in about 15 minutes.
Vanadium 0.005-- 1 lb. It protects the metal with a covering, at
Zinc, to make 100 lb. the same time decomposing oxides that
may be taken up in the melting before
Non-Fuming Brass Welding Rod the covering can cover the ifietal
U. S. Patent 2,046,088
The addition of 0.01-0.1% chromium Bearing Metal
restrains fuming. Patent 1,992,548
XT. S.
The following powdered metals are
Welding Rod heated to 370° C., briquetted and sin-
XT. S.Patent 2,087,202 tered in a closed vessel with ammonium
This is used for hard wear-resisting chloride as a flux.
metal parts. Ifon 50 oz.
Molybdenum 15- 25 % Copper 80 oz.
Tungsten 3- 12 % Zinc 20 oz.
Boron 1- 3 ^/2 % 2 oz.
Nickel 2- 10 %
Iron, to make 100 %
Tinning Gray Cast Iron
Iron Welding Rod Castings to be tinned should be thor-
XT. S. Patent 2,024,991
oughly cleaned either by sandblasting or
Coating by tumbling in a dry mill with star shot
Slag Forming Material 65-98 oz. for 12 hours. The castings should be
Cannel Goal 25- 2 oz. packed just loose enough for the shot
Binder to roll. They should be loose enough
Slip Clay 50 oz. for the shot to get in between them but
Iron Oxide 20 oz. not so loose that they can roll themselves.
Calcium Carbonate 20 oz. A good operator knows from the sound
Rutile 10 oz. of the mill whether or not the parts are
Manganese Dioxide 5 oz. rolling properly for the best results. The
Coal 10 oz. milling process gives the castings a
bright, hard appearance, and any slight
rust which may appear during storage
Plux for Cadmium and Its Alloys
will disappear during the next step in
British Patent 442,985
the process.
Cadmium Chloride 58 g.
Sodium Chloride After cleaning, the castings should be
20 g.
pickled for about 12 hours in a solution
Potassium Chloride 22 g. of 1 part hydrofluoric acid in 400 parts
of water. The pickling process can be
Cadmium Refining Flux accelerated by increasing the amount of
French Patent 788,493 acid. Too much pickling will produce a
Cadmium Chloride 58 lb. black sludge of carbon on the castings
Potassium Chloride 22 lb. which is hard to remove. Because of
Sodium Chloride 20 lb. the^ extreme corrosive nature of this acid,
it is best to drain the used acid from
Steel Dephosphorizing and the tanks and rinse the castings with a
Desulphurizing Plux hose before removing them to save the
French Patent 786,386 operators’ hands.
Lime 45 lb. Just prior to the actual tinning the
Silica 20 lb. castings are wet milled using star shot
Iron Oxide 19 lb. and water. The same precautions with
Manganese Dioxide 6 lb. regard to packing apply as in the case
Fluorspar 10 lb, of dry milling. It is essential that the

water does not leak away and leave tke ide,, to a thickness of %
to %-inch. The
as they will be- flux melts down to a black fluid which
eastings exposed to air
milling will have covers the surface of the molten metal.
come oxidized and the
It should be renewed by the operator as
to be repeated. ^

After 10 to 12 hours of wet milling,

required. Skimming should be fre-
water, add hy- quently carried out.
some operators drain the
(muriatic) acid and more It is maintained by some that castings
need only be held in the tin bath until
water to the mills, and roll them
The acid is the tongs cease to vibrate. Experience
another 30 to 60 minutes.
has determined, however, that it is neces-
added to the water in the proportion of
this may be varied sary to hold them in the bath until they
1 to 70, although
come to the temperature of the molten
from 1 to 50 to 1 to 100 and still obtain
good results. When acid milling is set
tin. The operators soon learn from ex-
process, perience how long castings should remain
up as a permanent part of the
to equip the mills with in the pots. The time of course is vari-
it is advisable
generated able, depending upon the amount loaded
release valves, which allow the
in the pots at any given time.
hydrogen to escape and yet seal the mills
against water leakage.
After the castings have reached the
While it might appear that the long temperature of the roughing pot they
are removed with tongs and dropped into
wet milling would clean the castings
sufficiently without the acid treatment,
the finishing pot, which is covered with
experience has determined that for steady a layer of b^eef tallow. This pot can be
production and uniformly bright tinning, run cooler than the roughing pot, and a
This is little experience will indicate to the op-
the acid milling is necessary.
due to the fact that during the wet mill- erator when the pot is running too cold.
ing a certain amount of oxidation takes The melted tallow should be skimmed
place which is removed by the acid treat- frequently from the finishing pot, if it
ment. begins to appear lumpy. The layer
After the acid treatment the castings should be maintained at a thickness of
are stored under water until they are to approximately %-inch.
be tinned. This under water storage pre- It will be found economical to employ
vents rusting. If kept under water too the same operator and the same tongs
long, the castings will not tin readily. to remove castings from the roughing pot
Forty-eight hours is the limit of safety. and place them in the finishing pot.
Just prior to tinning, the castings are After immersing the castings in the fin-
dipped into the flux. Some operators ishing pot, the operator should remove
refine this step of the process by using them with the same hot tongs and hand
three tanks. The first tank contains a them to the shaker, who twirlsthem
solution of 1 to 50 hydrofluoric acid and around to remove surplus tin. The shak-
water. The second contains cold water, er tongs are cold. The reason for this

and the third a zinc chloride dipping flux is that it is almost impossible to use
readily obtainable commercially. the same hot tongs for this part of the
If quantities are relatively small, and process as are used for the roughing pot.
the castings are of size to permit it, The }iot tongs stick to the tinned sur-
itwill be found that an ordinary wooden faces]
washtub makes a suitable low-cost dip After shaking, the castings are dipped
tank. A light-gage lead lining will in- in kerosene, then plunged into cold water,
crease the life of the tubs. The thin and finally laid away. The kerosene tub
sheet metal bands of the commercial must be kept cool by a water jacket,
washtub should be removed and wielded and skimmed frequently.
rods substituted. Dip tanks should be For an extremely bright finish the
set on sleepers^' to facilitate cleaning castings are given a light buffi with a
around them. soft cloth wheel. Practically the same
results can be obtained at a lower cost
Temperature Control Important by packing them fairly tightly in a
The tin pots should be kept at a tem- wooden barrel with hardwood sawdust,
perature of approximately 550® F. at all and rolling them for an hour.
times. In the absence of a pyrometer It may be interesting to note that
the pots should be kept at just such a malleable castings respond readily to the
heat that the flux smokes. If the tin foregoing process.
chars a pine shaving, it is too hot for Steel pieces tin readily and do not re-
tinning purposes. To prevent oxidation quire the preliminary milling and hydro-
of the molten metal, the surface of the fluoric acid pickle. It is absolutely nec-
first tin bath or roughing pot should be essary to clean all grease or oil from
covered with flux, zinc ammonium chlor- the steel pieces by a cleaning solution.
Approved practice includes running them plant is first to thoroughly sandblast
through a cleaner, then a cold rinse, and the eastings. This means that every
then immersing them in a boiling solu- corner and indentation has been perfectly
tion of 1 part hydrochloric acid and 50 sandblasted. In many cases, later coat-
parts water for live minutes. ing troubles have been caused by not
Castings too small to be handled read- carefully cleaning the corners, and more
ily with tongs may be tinned in wire difficult places. All rust should be en-
baskets. The basket should be of such tirely removed by the sandblasting. The
size that the parts it holds will not weigh next step is a thorough tumbling, when
more than 15 to 18 pounds. The wire that is possible and practical, to obtain
should roll outward over the top rein- a smooth surface. Sandblasting gives a
forcement and should be braced strongly. rough finish; tumbling will smooth this
The handle should be about 40 inches roughness offi, and give a smooth surface
long and preferably made of steel tub- for the tin to be deposited upon.
ing, %-ineh outside diameter, and After sandblasting and tumbling, the
inch wall. next step is pickling. There is only one
At first operators may find that the acid that will dissolve silica or the fine
small pieces in the basket stick together. sand picked up by the iron from the
This trouble disappears as the operator runner, or from the molds. This acid
gains experience. The easiest remedy is is hydrofluoric acid, commercially known
to mix parts that are half-round with as ' ^
casting acid. ^ ^
The castings should
flat pieces, or to keep special spherical be given a light pickle for about 20
pieces for the purpose. Quick shaking minutes to half an hour in a solution
and dumping will remove most of the of one-half of 1 per cent sulphuric acid
trouble. Pieces with holes in them may and %0 of 1 % hydrofluoric acid, at a
be strung on wires, lowered into the pots, pickle bath temperature of about 140°
and shaken by the loop of wire which F. If this acid mixture does not abso-
should resemble a hoop. lutely clean the surface, then muriatic
Eetinning, which is always a difficult acid, which is stronger than sulphuric,
process at best, is most easily accom- can be used. Since this formula is giv-
plished by milling the castings over again ing satisfactory results no trouble should
with the tin on them. be encountered. If the pickling is done
Freshly tinned work should be removed in a small tank of about 300 to 400
quickly from the acid and steam as they gallons of solution, it is cheaper to empty
will dull quickly in a moist atmosphere. the pickle every night and make up a
Special jobs for shelf merchandise should new pickle each day. This also gives
be wrapped in wax paper immediately. better cleaning practice.
Tin melts at 449° F. The size of the
tin bath, etc,, size of articles, production,
Hot Tinning Cast Iron etc., will determine the exact tin bath
As the hot dip tinning of east iron temperature to use. About 475 to 500°
eastings is a very difficult matter, it is F. should give a good finish. A good
necessary to explain the cause of the brand of Straits tin should be used in
trouble. The iron in making such cast- the tin pot. Sometimes much difficulty
ings often picks up sand. In addition is encountered due to the use of hard
to this feature, often cast iron is filled tins. The eastings, if small, should be
with graphite. Thus when any attempt carefully withdrawn from the bath so
is made to clean such eastings, these two no ‘ ^ run-ofl ’ ^ or ‘ ' drip ' ^ places are left.
factors are difficult to overcome. Both They are then quenched in a kerosene
very fine silica and graphite flakes or oil bath, with a water jacket around it
particles may be embedded in the sur- to take up the heat. They are finally
face skin of the castings, and when not dried in sawdust.
entirely removed in the cleaning and
pickling processes, the tin adheres as
coating on a greasy surface. Thus Hot Tinning of Copper
to obtain a perfect tin coating on east Copper that is to be tinned by the hot
iron castings, all this fine silica and dip process is usually fabricated into
graphite must be entirely removed in some form or other. The first step there-
the cleaning processes. fore, is to be sure all oil and grease
The most modern method of cleaning have been removed. This is done by
castings is by blast cleaning. This putting the work through a good com-
equipment, however, is expensive, and is mercial cleaning bath. The solution is
used only where a very large production kept at about 180-200° F. All of the
is available. The next best method of article must be submerged in the solu-
cleaning such castings for the very small tion so as to avoid oxidation. When the

all been removed then
and grease have ticles are drained well it is not necessary
the next step is to wash thoroughly in a to dry them as they can be put into the
hot water rinse at the same temperature. tin bath very slowly without spattering
When the work has been thoroughly and throwing the tin.
rinsed, the next step is pickling. This is Tin melts at about 450® F. and it
done in a mixture of nitric and sulphuric should be possible to get a good bright
acids in the proportion of 1 gal. of
38® coat at 480-500® F. If the work is not
nitric acid, 1 gal. of 66® sulphuric acid, bright enough or smooth enough, raise
1 gal. of water, and a little muriatic acid. the temperature to about 520® F. Use
When these acids are mixed, heat is gen- good Straits tin in the bath and see that
erated and therefore, much care should the tin is always clean and is never
he used. All acids, etc., should be kept in burned or overheated. After the articles
stoneware. The pickling tank is a small have been coated thoroughly, they are
acid-proof brick tank with a hood over slowly withdrawn from the tin bath, al-
ib .
lowing them to drain well, and turning
When the work has been given the so that the metal will run back over the
bright dip in the pickling solution, it is piece and not make any lumps, run-olf,
again thoroughly rinsed, and then dipped or extra heavy coating spots. Then they
in a liquid flux of zinc chloride. In order are plunged into a kerosene oil bath,
to have a high quality flnish, attention quenched in a running water jacketed
is called to the fact that the solutions tank. From here they are put in a saw-
must be kept clean. The tin pot is filled dust box to dry uj) the oil, and then
with good commercial Straits tin and the wiped clean with a soft smooth cloth.
temperature of the molten tin is held at
500-520® F., depending upon the char-
acter of the work. The work when fully Tinning Milk Cans
coated with tin is slowly withdrawn so A method and one which may be con-
that it will drain clean. When the piece sidered to be practical for a small layout,
has completely drained, it is then quickly and inexpensive operation is that of not

quenched in a kerosene oil bath, cooled taking the can apart but carefully doing
by a cold running water jacket. the best job possible under the circum-
The last step is drying the articles. stances of tinning the can assembled.
This can be done in sawdust, and then First the cans rrmst be put through
if the articles are large, they can be
a commercial cleaning solution to remove
wiped with soft rags. If small articles, all the butter fats, etc., that may be

they can be thoroughly dried in the lodged in the seams. It should be kept
sawdust, sifted and then blown with an at about 200® F. After the can is ab-
airblast. solutely clean, it is next washed thor-
oughly in a water tank. This removes
the alkali from the cleaner, and washes
Hot Tinning Tableware out the greases and fats removed. If the
The pieces must first be put through can is rusted, or has places or spots on
a good commercial cleaning bath. The it that are rusted, these must be entirely
temperature of the cleaning bath is held pickled off in a solution of muriatic acid.
at about 200° F., and when the work is The strength of the acid will depend
absolutely clean, it is removed and thor- upon the character of the rust. A light
oughly rinsed in a hot water rinse at rust can be removed with a 2% solution
200® F. at about 120® F., a heavy rust may re-
The next step is pickling which can quire a 4% solution at about 120-140®
be done in a muriatic acid solution. The F. The light rust may perhaps be re-
strength can be tried at about 4%to moved in a cold solution; the acids should
start withj if too strong, try 2%^ and be used cold if possible. If this will
if too weak, make it stronger. The not remove the rust, then they will have
strength will of course depend upon the to be heated. When the rust and all
condition of the work to be replated. oxide have been entirely removed, the
A light solution wdll be all right if the cans are put in a liquid flux solution of
articles are not rusted; if rusted, they zinc ammonium chloride solution. They
will require a stronger solution. The are then drained well and very slowly
pickle can be used cold or hot; if not immersed in the tin bath, which has
enough action cold, then it can be heated about % to ^ inch Grasselli tinning flux
to 100-120° F. After pickling, the work on it. The melting point of tin is 449®
should be washed thoroughly and then F. and the bath should be kept only
dipped in a solution of Grasselli tinning shortly above the melting point, 500-
flux; then drained well and laid in a 475® F. If two pots are used, the flrst
warm place to dry slowly. If the ar- bath may be at 550® F. and the flnish-
ing batli at 500-475° F. The cans after plants steel is pickled in cold
coming from the tin hath are dipped acid solutions (5—50 vol.-%).
mto a large bath of heated fuel oil. A
suitable solution for pickling
Tins sets the^ coating and prevents oxi- coppei
contains 124 s. of copper
^tion and discoloration of the coating. sulphate and
From the fuel bath, they are taken to a :/ S- of sulphuric acid per kg. of solu-
tion. Thisds operated at 60°
wiping bench where they are first wiped a .) until dissolution of copper
0. ('140“
with cedar sawdust, then with whiting, oxide has
reduced the acid content to
then with pine sawdust and finally are 59 g. per ks
The acid content is then brought
wiped with a clean soft rag. If the Back to
Its original fi^re by
coating becomes tarnished by handling, the addition of
it may be cleaned with gasoline and £%0°“r^’n?s“
to 70
f®“Pei-ature raised
C. (^8 I’.) whilst pickling
whiting. is
eontinned. When the acid content has

Testing Tin Plate Pores

Pores in tin coating are revealed as Si- S a22°™PO.“'l5Sr'’,"jSuig
spots of rust and copper when the tin I
theacid content to 81
g. per kg., coolinf
plate is kept for 2 hours in boiling IS continued down
to 20° C. (68° F
aqueous copper sulphate 1-5 parts per This causes the excess copp’er )

million of copper, sulphate

to crystallize out and brings
the pickle
Daek. to its original composition.
pickling and recovery cycle
is then re-
fabricated articles In some eases the dissolved
copper is
The recovwed eleetrolytieally. The
fabrication of
pans, dishes, pickle used
churns, wire, tubes, and other products
from copper, steel and other metals, pro- HgSO, and is oper-
duces a surface which requires degreas- ated at 40-50° C. (104-122°
F.). During
ing, pickling and fluxing, before it pickling the solution is circulated
will from
take a satisfactory coating of tin by the pickling vat through an
hot-dipping. It^ is proposed to discuss aa*! copper
some of the variations in procedure and deposited on copper sheet cathodes
at a
manipulation in these preliminary treat- potential of 2 volts and a current
of 4 amp._ per sq. dm.
ments, as well as in the actual tinning
operation. The omde scale on brass may
be re-
Degreasing can be effected in three moved with negligible attack of the
ways; by emulsifying the grease in a
colntion of ZnClj, 2 NH
4 Cl
suitable solution such as hot 4’°°.|;,Por ig. solution) at 65° 0. (150°
10 per cent i.). When the zinc content
trisodium phosphate, by solution in the reaches about
vapor of chlorinated hydrocarbons such -S'- per k^, the pickle is
as trichlorethylene, and by cathodic treat- as follows, ^ecopper is precipitated
ment m
a suitable electrolyte. The ad-
by adding the calculated
quantity of
metallic zinc and removed
dition of about 2 per cent of alumina
to by filtration,
the solution of sodium carbonate, ^nough ammonium chloride is then
or added
^ ^
preferably trisodium phosphate, which is to transform toe excess zinc
chloride into
used as the electrolyte, considerably in- the double salt. Sufficient
liquid is then
creases the efaciency of a cathodic taken to pve the bulk
de- necessary for
grease. The use of water-miscible ^ picklmg after dilution, and
'cut- the excess
ting iquor IS concentrated by
oil, in preference to ordinary evaporation.
mineral oil in machining and pressing After pickling, the work
should be
makes the subsequent degreasing much ^ washed and tinned with as
easier.^ It may be mentioned little delay as possible. The pickled
here that ar-
cathodic treatment after pickling ticles are stored, prior
has to tinning, under
been found to result in an improved water to which a little hydrochloric
tin acid
coating on copper. has been added. Immediately
before tin-
Both steel and copper are pickled in ning the articles are fluxed. The
hot dilute sulphuric acid. In order
sition and method of use
to vary with the
avoid dissolution of the metal and absorp. basis metal and type of article,
tion of hydrogen, an inhibitor as will
or re- be seen later.^ The cleaning
str^ner is generally added to solutions and prepara-
tion of cast iron for tinning
used for pickling steel. This is not is different
nec- from the usual run of pickling processes
essary, however, with copper,
since the and will be discussed in detail under cast
acid merely attacks the oxides. In
some iron.

The Tinning of Copper Tubes then brushed with a soft, fine hemp
This has been described in detail by brush, dipped in fat. The article is again
Pettis. The tin pot is a flanged cast iron immersed for a few seconds to remove
trough- U-shaped, about 10 inches wide all traces of brush marks, and passed to
across the top, 7 inches deep and many the finisher.
feet long. AV-shaped wooden trough of The finishing pot contains molten tal-
the same length is used for fluxing. low in which hangs an iron rack. The
The tubes, having been dipped in the article is placed on this rack and left
solution of zinc chloride, used as a flux, long enough to melt off the surplus tin..
are allowed to rest at an angle, to drain The thickness of the tin coating is de-
ofl surplus solution. The tinner and his termined by the time and temperature
helper then lift it by inserting iron hooks of this operation. A suitable working-
in the ends and slowly lower it, one end temperature is 250° 0. (482° F.). The
arst, into the tin which is kept at about work is then removed, shaken to remove
.270° C. (518° F.). On removal from the most of the fat and such tin as has
tin, one end is held high to allow the tin lodged in re-entrant parts, and then
to run out of the tube back into the bath, placed on a rack at the side of the pot
and the tube is then transferred to the to cool. The drainage beads are then
wiping rack. This is a wooden horse carefully melted off in a listing-pot con-
about two and a half feet high, on one taining pure tin, and the re-melted por-
end of which the tube rests. The other tion of the coating set by dipping in
end rests on the floor. The tinner holds water. Most of the tallow remaining on
the tube Arm with a pair of tongs which the articles is removed by the rubber,
grip the inner and outer walls at the top using rags and sharps, and a final polish
end, and the wipers rapidly draw pieces is given by the cleaner, using fresh sharps
of tow, one held in each hand, down the and soft rags. If the articles have very
outside of the tube. The inside is then long handles tlie finisher, after allowing
wiped, either by thrusting a rod, with the tin on the body of the article to set,
one end wrapped in tow, through the immerses the handle in the molten tin
tube, or, in the case of smaller tubes, in the listing-pot and then in the melted
by pushing a snugly fitting cork through fat, in order to remove any runs or other
the bore. Wooden rods are used to avoid blemishes produced while the body was
scratching the coating. The addition of being finished.
about 8-10 per cent of lead to the tin The re-tinning of articles which have
makes the wiping operation easier. For been pressed from tinned sheets is carried
use in contact with foodstuffs, milk, beer, out by the brusher, who allows them to
etc., however, it is necessary to avoid soak for a short while in the pot of fat,
the presence of lead in the tin coating. and then treats them in the same way
When the insides only of the tubes are as work that has been rough-tinned. If
to be tinned, the outsides are coated with the articles are slightly rusty they are
distemper. dipped first of all in a solution of stan-
nous chloride.
In another method of tinning sheet-
The Tinning of Steel Hollow-Ware
ware, the articles are pickled in hydro-
In a process described recently tallow
chloric acid, fluxed with zinc chloride
is used as a flux. The pickled articles,
solution and tinned in a single bath at
having been wiped with a rag or scrubbed
with a brush, are rough-tinned at about
about 260° 0. (500° F.) A bright finish
is produced by quenching in a bath of
370® C. (698° F.) by immersing in mol-
water on which floats a layer of parafiSn
ten tin on which floats layer of thick-
oil three inches or so deep. Cleaning in
ened tallow to a depth of two or three
hot alkali solution is followed by wash-
inches. (This thickened fat is a scum
ing and rubbing with moist sand. The
from the pure tallow on the finishing
articles are finally cleaned in sawdust.
pot). The pot is slowly filled with the
articles, which are then taken out in the
Another process applied to tinplate
stampings and pressings is conducted as
reverse order, after the fat has been
follows. The articles are dipped in am-
skimmed from the surface of the tin, and
passed to the brusher. monium chloride solution and then soaked
The brusher treats one article at a in a mixture of palm oil and molten
time, dipping it in a bath of tin, the tallow. After tinning in a single bath,
surface of which is kept skimmed clean. which has no flux cover other than that
This pot is maintained at about 320° 0. introduced by the articles, they are al-
(608° P.). The article is immersed long lowed to drain in a finishing oil-pot.
enough to melt off the coarse surface After quenching in water the articles are
produced in the rough-tinning, and is cleaned and polished with sharps. Copper
stampings are tinned in a similar way,
tinning unit. In order to reduce
but shaken violently to remove excess tin ^ con-
tamination of each bath by the one
before quenching, instead of draining in pre-
^ minimum, immediatelv
Large steel pans, etc. are best after leaving each bath the wire
tinned by wiping, using zinc chloride as is passed
through a cleaning wiper, which is
a dux. simply
a small square of rubber, cut from
old tire, through which the
wire is
The Tinning of Milk Churns threaded.
Owing to the large size of these ar- A cold, 5-10 per cent solution
of sul-
ticles, the method of tinning phuric acid is generally used for
differs some- picklin?
what from that applied to small hollow- Sometimes electrolytic pickling is
ware, and it is usual to use a chloride ployed. Occasionally, the cleaning
of the
flux on the roughing bath instead wires IS assisted by passing them
of through
tallow. The process is conducted damp sand before running them through
what as follows. the acid. From the pickling vat
the wires
The suitably cleaned churn is laid hori- pass through a small tank of running
zontally in a cradle and lowered slowly water and then through the flux
into the flrst tinning pot which
An increasing number of plants solution
are giv-
tin at about 260-^280'^ C. (500-536°
mg the wire an additional cleaning treat-
and is covered with about one and a half ment before fluxing, making the wire the
mches of flux, such as ''Baker’s solder- cathode of an electrolytic cell. This,
ing fluid.” When about three-quarters Jones has shown recently, reduces surface
of the churn is immersed, it is rotated inclusions of cuprous oxide to
so that every part goes under copper and leads to a more uniform
the tin, and
this being continued for two less porous tin coating. This
or three treatment
minutes. The churn is then slung out, IS followed by a final
wasliing before
diained, and transferred to the finishing fluxing.
pot for an immersion of a few seconds There is a wide variation in the com-
second bath is worked at about position of the flux used. The usual
SSfc zinc
250 ^0. (482° E .), and has a little tallow chloride or zinc ammonium chloride
floating on tions are tending to be replaced.
its surface. In some
Eor ahigh-class finish with a heavy plants a solution of stannous chloride
coating, the churn is then quenched glycerin, to which a little
in ammonium
water containing a little "cutting” oil chloride may be added, is used. In
or soap, care being taken that the purely organic compounds are employed
water i
does not get inside. Eor a thinner for instance, lactic acid,
and glycerin, or
less expensive finish, the churn
is drained
mixtures of these two. A
quite different
on removal from the finishing bath, flux, namely has been suggested
flame being used to keep the tin from recently. The copper wire is treated with
setting until suflicient drainage has alcohol and passed into the tin via
taken a tube
place. The coating is then allowed furnace, the exit end of wliich dips
to into
set in air. the tin. The oxides on the wire
are re-
The neck and shoulders of the churn duced by the alcohol so that the wire
are best tinned separately and takes a coating on passing through
soldered the
on afterwards? unless, of course, they tin, which it enters without
coming in
are made an integral part of the churn contact with the air.
during fabrication. They are tinned After passing through a cleaning
immersion in one bath only and quenched. wiper, which removes excess of flux,
The Tinning of Copper Wire wires are taken through a bath of
Wire tinning differs from the processes tin. A grooved steel
wheel is generally
just^ described in that the work used to submerge each wire. In some
continuously through the fluxing tinning, plants a polished chromium-steel shoe
wiping and other operations, so that in- been found to be more satisfactory. The
dividual attention to portions which wires pass vertically up and out of
re- the
spond least readily to any of the treat- bath, through a suitable wiping
ments IS no longer possible. which removes excess tin, and continue to
The tanks containing the pickle, wash a sufacient height to allow the coating to
water, flux, etc. are placed in line set before passing over a pulley
be- and down
tween the pay-off reels and the to the eoilers. Thick wire may
me wires running through each intin-pot,
be given
an additional water cool immediately be-
GOi^^ucting the wires through the fore reaching the take-up reels.
plant up to the tin-pot, free-running
por- The wipers generally used are made of
celain pulleys are used. Eive
or 3Daore asbestos string which has been
wires are run side by side through dipped in
each molten tallow. A short length of this is

Ti'Gund tightly three times round the wire then^ tinned. The finished articles are
in a close spiral and knotted firmly in required to stand upto the salt spra;'
place. It is then allowed to pass on the test for periods varying from 24 to 100
^vire through the tin and is brought to hours. In current American practice the
a stop against the wiper bar, which is cleaning of the shelves is carried out in
hxed about a foot above the tin surface. five stages: (1) Vapor degrease in tri-
The weight of coating produced is deter- chloroethylene. (2) First pickle in 7%
niined by the speed of the wire, the tem- per cent sulphuric acid at 82-88° 0.
perature and composition of the tin, and (180-190° F.). (3) Second pickle in a
the istance the wire passes before pass- similar solution, at 60-71° C. (140-160°
ing through the wiper. F.). (4) Wash in hot water, heated with
The till used should be pure. Contam- live steam. (5) Fluxing dip in unheated
ination with copper during use is, of zinc chloride solution (50° Be.).
course, inevitable, but will not be serious After removal from the tinning bath,
unless the bath is worked at too high a the shelves are hung in a bath of high-
temperature. The tin-pot may be of flash-point oil maintained at a tempera-
welded mild steel or of cast iron, and ture a little above the melting-point of
should be heated with gas or electricity the coating. The bar from which they
with automatic temperature control. The are suspended is agitated slowly by a
temperature of the tin is generally about suitable mechanism. When the excess tin
250-265° 0. (482-509° F.). When the has been removed by this oil stripper, the
time of immersion and the temperature shelves are immersed in a hot alkaline
of tinning and the activity of the flux cleaning solution, and then in an oil
(which is a contributory factor) are solution, to remove the cleaner. Finally,
suitably adjusted, it is possible to main- they are inspected and dipped in clear
tain the copper content of the bath at a lacquer. Some plants coat the shelves
satisfactory figure, dilution on adding with solder, but pure tin should, of course,
fresh tin keeping pace with the formation be employed wherever there is any ques-
of copper-tin compound. If, for any tion of contact with food.
reason, too much copper is absorbed, it
will be necessary to cool the bath to
crystallize it out, so that it can be re- The Tinning of Cast Iron
moved with perforated ladies. The very nature of the metal to be
Some writers state that the tin surface coated raises a number of difficulties in
should be protected against oxidation by the tinning of cast iron. In addition to
the use of a flux cover. Mixtures of zinc the combined carbon (FegC), present in
chloride, stannous chloride and sodium all iron-carbon alloys, including steel, free
chloride (80:10:10) or of zinc chloride, carbon or graphite is dispersed through-
ammonium chloride and sodium chloride out the metal. The absence of combina-
(70:20:10) have been suggested for this tion^ between tin and carbon causes de-
purpose, Resin and tallow have also fective adherence and covering power
been used. In many eases, however, the wherever graphite flakes occur in the
tii\ is left uncovered. Loss of tin by cast-iron article. An additional source of
oxidation is not serious if the tempera- trouble lies in the ^‘casting skin, which,
ture is kept low, and if the metal is free due to burning-on of the moulding sand
from impurities, particularly iron and during casting, is often highly siliceous.
zinc. To overcome these difficulties consider-
able care must be taken in preparing the
The Tinning of Steel Wire surface for tinning, and various methods
This is carried out in much the same have been suggested and used from time
way as the tinning of copper wire, the to time.
flux always being zinc chloride solution. A very simple process described re-
The importance of working at a low cently consists in pickling in hydrochloric
temperature to avoid spoiling the appear- acid diluted with an equal volume of
ance of the tinned surface and to keep water, after sand-blasting. The eastings
down dross formation has been empha- are then dried in an oven without rinsing.
sized recently. According to Bonzel, by Just before tinning they are dipped in
regulating the temperature between 250° weak pickle (1 hydrochloric acid : 20
and 260° 0. (482 and 500° F.) and water) and then in killed spirits. Rough-
protecting the surface with charcoal, oxi- tinning is carried out in tin covered with
dation is very much reduced and the tin a layer of zinc chloride plus sal-ammo-
used is almost all employed in covering niac, and heated at 260-274° G. (500-
the wire. 525° F.). The finishing kettle is operated
Certain articles, such as refrigerator at 250° 0. (482° F.) and is covered with
shelves, are made up of steel wire and j
a layer of beef tallow. After shaking to

284 .

remove surplus tin, the castings are stored under water. Tinning follows as
quenched in kerosene, washed in hot soon as possible. Prior to dipping in the
water and dried in sawdust. zinc chloride solution which is used for
BeLattre considers that sulphuric acid fluxing, the castings are dipped in a
is preferable to hydrochloric acid for the mixture of 1 part hydrochloric acid and
pickling of cast iron prior to tinning. 50 parts water, and then in clean cold
Hydrochloric acid is supposed to di:ffuse water. They are then rough- tinned at
into the easting, react on the metal, and approximately 290° G. (550° P.), the
form iron chloride which later spoils the tin being covered with a layer of zinc
coating. He recommends pickling at 40® and ammonium chlorides about one quar-
C, (104° F.) in sulphuric acid (50-60 g. ter of an inch thick. The final tinning
per litre), which must contain an inhibi- is carried out at a slightly lower tem-
tor. In many plants a hydrofluoric acid perature in another bath of tin which is
pickle is used. The castings are immersed covered with tallow to a depth of half
for about 15 minutes in cold 5 per cent an inch. After the excess tin has been
solution. This removes surface inclusions shaken off, the castings are dipped in
of silica. It will attack tho iron itself kerosene and then in cold water.
unduly if too strong, particularly if there Adifferent process, which is used very
is much pearlite present. successfully, depends on plating the cast-
Removal of graphite flakes, slag inclu- ing with pure iron before tinning. The
sions and sand grains from the surface eastings are first milled with sand and
of the castings is best carried out me- water for 12 hours, electroplated with
chanically, by milling or tumbling. This iron and stored in acidified water until
is sometimes followed by a light pickle the tinners can deal with them. Two
and a dip in an acidified solution of tinning pots are used, both being covered
copper chloride or sulphate, which gives with a saturated solution of zinc chloride
the casting a thin coating of copper. A plus some sal-ammoniac. The first is op-
small percentage of copper is often in- erated at 320° C. (608° P.), and the sec-
troduced into the tinning bath itself. ond at 250° C. (482° F.). The castings
Much can be done to render the tinning are dipped in killed spirits before immer-
operation easier by choice of a suitable sion in both the roughing and finishing
iron, and by care in the foundry. Ac- kettles. After shaking off the excess tin,
cording to Jaesehke the impurities in the coating is set by dipping in kerosene.
iron for tinning should be less than
silicon 0.75, manganese 0.70, phosphorus
0.30, sulphur 0.08 per cent. Becker sug-
The Tinning of Brass and Bronze
gests a carbon content of less than 3 per ^
This follows the general lines of copper
cent and manganese beiow 0.5 per cent. tinning and it is usual to use a tin-pot
Dry-sand castings are preferable to specially reserved for these alloys, since
those cast in green-sand on account of contamination with zinc tends to spoil
their better surface. It is advisable to the molten metal. The tinning tempera-
avoid the use of coal dust or black-lead- ture is higher than that used for un-
ing, and linseed oil or flour should be alloyed copper. A recent description of
used instead of resin as a core binder. the tinning of small bronze articles states
Carbon-rich castings should be heated that they are dipped in zinc chloride
with iron or manganese oxides in order solution and then into tin which is kept
to decarbonize the surface prior to tin- at about 440° 0. (825° F.). They are
ning, Malleable castings and thin-walled then taken out to see that they are prop-
fine grey castings are not given this erly coated, re-dipped, drawn out and
treatment. shaken, and finally wiped with cotton
The following process has recently waste. Any threaded parts are brushed
been described in detail by Swanton. clean with a small brush.
Following dry milling for 12 hours the Atinning procedure which has been
castings are pickled for 12 hours in dilute found to give a good finish on bronze
hydrochloric acid (1 acid: 100 water). plates consists in rough- tinning at 330°
C. (625° F.), after fluxing with killed
They are then wet-milled with star shot
spirits, followed by a soak in palm oil
and water for 10-12 hours. At the end
at the same temperature before finish-
of that time the water is drained from
tinning in a bath kept at 335° 0. (635°
the mill and replaced by dilute hydro-
F.) and covered with palm oil. On with-
chloric acid (1 acid; 20-100 water), and
drawal from the second bath, the plate
the milling continued for 30-60 minutes. is quenched in kerosene, and after wash-
The barrel should be supplied with a ing in hot and cold water, is finally dried
valve to allow the hydrogen produced to with sawdust.
escape. The castings are removed and Aluminum bronze is difiScult to tin un-

less it is first given a coating of copper. be used for duralumin. Wire wool is
This may be done by immersing in a solu- often used instead of the rotating brush.
tion of copper sulphate, acidified with
sulphuric acid, and connecting electrically Rustproofing Composition
with a piece of iron or steel also im- British Patent 473,328
mersed. After coppering, the bronze ar- Ferric Hydroxide 5 g.
ticle should be rinsed and dried, and then Nitrobenzene 5 g.
tinned in the usual way. Ferric Chloride 6 g.
Brass stampings may be tinned as Benzoquinone 5 g.
follows. After cleaning they are dipped Benzyl Benzoate 100 cc.
in chloride flux and then into tin at
480-490° d
(896-914° F.), the bath be-
Rust Cleaning and Rust Proofing
ing covered with a mixture of zinc and
British Patent 464,656
ammonium chlorides. The are
Water 2.7-3.3 lb.
then removed, immersed immediately in
Sodium Nitrite 2.0 lb.
palm oil and re- dipped in the molten tin.
Sodium Nitrate 2.0 lb.
The oil is stated to give the articles a
Sodium Hydroxide 2.0 lb.
brighter and smoother finish when they
Use at 145-155° C.
are again withdrawn from the tin bath.
After the second dip, they are shaken to
remove surplus tin and wiped with a pad Rustproofing Iron
of cotton wool or clean tow. In some Iron Treated with Water 89.5 lb
works a little copper is added to the tin Trisodium Phosphate 1.0 lb.
bath used for dipping brass. Soda Ash 0.5 lb.
When the number and shape of the ob- Sodium Silicate 10.0 lb.
jects are such that electroplating is eco- Use at room temperature for 15 min,
nomical, it is undoubtedly better to apply or with
the tin coating to articles made of brass Trisodium Phospate 5 lb.
by that method. Soda Ash 5 lb.
Water 90 lb.
at boiling temperature for 1 minute.
The Tinning of Miscellaneous Articles
It is sometimes desired to tin steel
Rustproofing for Iron and Steel
containing chromium. The readiness with
which steels resist the action of
U. S. Patent 2,105,672
cleaners and fluxes, and the fact that
Ammonium Sulphocyanide 27 g.
chromium has no aflinity for tin and is Methyl Alcohol 75 cc.
by it, raises difficulties. The Gasoline 200 cc.
not wetted
pickling may consist of two treatments,
Butyl Alcohol 125 cc.
the first in 5 per cent sulphuric acid
followed by 20 per cent cold nitric acid, Bustproofing Steel (Phosphatizing)
or one, using a cold mixture of 20 per British Patent 473,285
cent hydrochloric acid and 5 per cent Sodium Nitrate 17.5 g.
nitric acid. After washing, the articles Zinc Dihydrogen Phosphate 5.5 g.
should be fluxed with zinc chloride to Copper Carbonate 0.5 g.
which has been added 10 per cent of Water to make 1.0 1.
hydrochloric acid. The usual feebly-acid Spray above at 65-70° G. at 20 lb. per
killed spirits is of little use. A
dip in a sq. in.
coppering solution is frequently given
before fluxing and tinning. Black Iron Stain for Rust Prevention
Another material which is troublesome Ferrous Chloride 70 g.
to tin is aluminum. This is sometimes Ferric Chloride 10 g.
done, however, as in the babbitting of Mercuric Chloride 2 g.
aluminum-alloy connecting rods. Accord- Hydrochloric Acid 2-3 drops
ing to Silberstein, the tinning tempera- Water to make 1 1.
ture should not exceed 260° C. (500° F.). The blank or dull (abrasive-heated)
A stiff wire brush is mounted above the iron objects are heated with this liquor,
tin-pot and rotated mechanically. The and are kept in a warm place for some
article isheated in the tin-bath and the time. They are now dried in a dry-steam
oxide cleared from it by means of the oven, until they show a rust-colored sur-
rotating brush. The rod, or the brush, or face. These rusty objects are boiled in
both together, are then dipped into the water containing a little tannin. After
tin and the adhering tin brushed thor- % hour, they appear bluish-black, are
oughly in. A
similar procedure is rec- dried, and polished with wire brushes.
ommended for aluminum and may also They are rust-resistant.
Bust Remover Formaldehyde 5 cc.
Phosplioxie Acid 35 g. Water 250 cc.
"Water 30 ce.
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 10 g. Anti-Tarnish Bags for Silver
^ ^
Cellosolve ^ ^ 25 g. Cadmium Acetate 8 oz.
Water 1 gal.
Dissolve and impregnate flannel bags
Bustproofmg Composition
with it. Allow bags to dry.
Pormula Ko. 1
IT. S. Patent 2,030,601
Silver Tarnish Inhibitor
Iron and steel are coated with a thin U. S. Patent 2,117,657
film of following suspension and then Stannous Chloride 1 g.
baked at 200° F.: Hydrochloric Acid 160 drops
Bentonite 5-20 lb. Water to suit
Sodium Dichromate 20 lb.
Phosphoric Acid (75%) 30 lb. Corrosion Proofing Aluminum
No. 2 H. S. Patent 2,018,694
British Patent 419,487 Aluminum is immersed in the f ollowing
Iron Sulphide 336 g.
boiling solution
Phosphoric Acid (d. 1.7) 1 1.
Borax 200 g.
Boric Acid 166 g.
No. 3
Water to make 1 1.
Canadian Patent 360,672
Iron objects are coated with Corrosion Proofing Iron
Sodium Dichromate 13.3 oz.
U. S. Patent 2,106,227
Phosphoric Acid (10-20%) 15.0 oz. Chromic Acid 1-20%
Water 71.7 oz.
Bake at 200° C. for 14 hour.
Hydrofluoric Acid
0.5-5 %
to make 100%
No. 4
To prevent the steel bolts from rusting, Corrosion Resistant Radiator Pipe
it is necessary that the adhering soluble Bronze 96.17 lb.
oil compound be removed by the use of Silicon 3.00 lb.
a suitable alkaline cleaning solution, Manganese 0.83 lb.
rinsed well in clean, hot water and dried. This is not affected by hot water or
After drying parts can be immersed in moist air.
a solution made up by mixing 10 parts
Brass, Corrosion Resistant
by volume of a good grade of mineral
oil with a viscosity of about 220 seconds
German Patent 652,696
and 90 parts of either gasoline or carbon Copper 76 %
tetrachloride. This will leave a thin film
Zinc up to 22 %
of oil on parts and prevent rust without
up to 2 %
aHecting the finish. up to 0.5%
No. 5 Coating Iron Strips with Carbon
U. S. Patent 2,081,449 H. S. Patent 2,043,549
Treat with a hot solution of A strip or wire of soft iron or steel is
Oxalic Acid 4-12 oz. heated to about 650° 0. in the presence
Nitric Acid 1-3 oz. of an oxidizing medium such as air for
Nickel Nitrate % oz. a time of about 4 min., the material is
subjected to air cooling for about 4 min.
Rust Removal and the oxidized strip or wire is then
Formula No. 1 subjected to a temp, of about 600° in
Japanese Patent 113,854 the presence of a gas rich in carbon
Rusty iron or steel is introduced into such as natural gas or producer gas for
3% caustic soda solution and is then put a period of over 4 min.
into a 15% solution of aluminum sul-
phate and used as an anode at 60 amp/ft. Foundry Core
at 5 volts.
Band 100 lb.
Clay 5- 7 lb.
No. 2 Sulphite Liquor 5- 7 lb.
Steel or cast iron is treated with 50% Heavy Petroleum Oil 1 lb.
hydrochloric acid and then with a freshly
prepared mixture of Foundry Core
Arsenic Trioxide 1 g. British Patent 466,904
Hydrochloric Acid, Concen- Sand is mixed with 1%
of a 1:1 mix-
Stannous Chloride
100 cc. ture of sugar with gelatin or egg or
milk albumen

2.5 g.

foundry Mold Coating, Asphalt solved readily by aqua regia. It can be

Highly satisfactory results are credited heated up to its melting point in air or
a mold coating
recently developed. The oxygen without oxidizing, but when
solutions consists of 63 per cent hard heated in the presence of highly car-
asphalt; 27 per cent turpentine, 1 per buretted gases, it takes up carbon, part
cent manganese borate and 9 per cent of which remains in solid solution, the
lubricating oil. Caution should be taken rest being precipitated as graphite on
not to use asphalt derived from soft coal. cooling, with the consequent embrittle-
The success of the mixture depends upon ment of the apparatus. Thus excessive
the use of natural asphalt. heating, for example, in the reducing
flame of a Bunsen should be avoided.
foundry Mold Wash for Green Sand Moreover platinum at high temperature
Graphite 3 lb. is permeable to hydrogen which diffuses
Gypsum 1 lb. through the metal and in prolonged igni-
Soapstone 1 lb. tions may cause errors in analyses by
Charcoal, Powdered 1^4 lb. reducing oxides that may be present. In
Alcohol, sufficient to give fluidity. addition, the reduced metal may attack
the platinum to form low melting alloys.
Regenerating Poundry Core and The diffusion of hydrogen is augmented
Molding Sand by the relatively rapid grain growth of
British Patent 455,569 platinum on prolonged heating at high
Used molding sand is regenerated by temperatures.
agitating vigorously in a rotary kiln in The development of this coarse grain
an oxidizing atmosphere at 760° F. structure is the common cause of failure
in platinum crucibles, since it causes any
Copuer Mold Dressing brittle impurities present to segregate to
XJ. B. Patent 2,050,375 the grain boundaries. The addition of
Bone Ash 3 lb. iridium, or preferably rhodium to plati-
Bosin 1 lb. num, tends to restrain grain growth and
Alcohol 1 gal. to diminish the grain size of the recrys-
tallized metal, but the safest course is
Mold for Casting Stainless Steel to avoid prolonged heating at tempera-
U. S. Patent 2,027,932 tures above 1,000° C.
Aluminum Oxide, At high temperatures platinum is at-
Powdered ^
99% lb. tacked by arsenic, selenium and mixtures
Magnesium Oxide, of their compounds, or of those of sul-
Powdered % lb. phur or phosphorus, with reducing agents,
Make into a thick paste with partially as well as by fused caustic alkalis, alkali
hydrolyzed ethyl silicate form into shape
nitrates and cyanides. Metals such as
desired and fire at 800° F. lead, tin, zinc and bismuth, should not
be heated in platinum crucibles and
Molds for Precision Castings dishes, as they readily form low-melting
British Patent 461,104 alloys with the platinum.
Quartz Powder (0.1mm.) 80 lb. Hot crucibles and dishes should always
Sodium Silicofluoride 0.3-5 lb. be placed upon some clean refractory
Sodium Silicate 8 lb. material to cool and not upon a metallic
Bake for 1 hr. at 1300° before use. surface, especially rusty iron, where they
are likely to pick up impurities. After
Nickel Casting Pacing use, the apparatus can be kept in excel-
SilicaSand 15 shovels lent shape by placing it in box-wood
Old Sand 3 shovels formers which are supplied by the makers
Bentonite % shovel of the apparatus.
The best materials for cleaning plati-
Clay V2 shovel
Put through a 200-mesh. Temper with num and other precious metal apparatus
water. The blending and aei-ating of are alumina and heavy magnesia of the
the sand are very important for the suc- grade used for polishing. Silver sand
cess of the easting, and it should be put may be used so long as it is borne in
through a muller or some kind of aerat- mind that an extremely hard material is
ing machine for proper blending. Paint being used against a soft metal. Care
mold with silica flour wash. should be taken that the platinum is not
unduly scratched, and only the finest
Care of Platinum Vessels grade of sand with the particles well
Platinum is unattacked by any single I
rounded and free from sharp edges
acid, but (like gold and silver) is dis- 1
should be used. In many cases, sand or
similar abrasives are not necessary. If This amount is sufficient for about 105
tlie apparatus cannot be cleaned with lb. of aluminum.
alumina or magnesia, satisfactory results
can be obtained by fusing potassium bi- Froth Flotation Compound
sulfate or carbonate in the crucible or Formula No. 1
dish. U. S. Patent 1,974,885
Alcohol 25 lb.
Tumbling Castings Butyl Alcohol 25 lb.
aluminum or brass castings are
If Ammonia (28%) 60 lb.
rough and it is necessary to remove metal 0-tolidine 25 lb.
to bring up a smooth finish, abrasive Treat below 40® 0. with
rolling is required. Abrasive rolling is Phosphorus Pentasulphide 65 lb.
naturally somewhat messy but it is es- No. 2
sential in order to cut down rough sur- U. S. Patent 1,974,704
faces. Phosphorus Pentasulphide 1 lb.
For rolling aluminum castings, use a Tar Acids 2-3 lb.
fine grade of sea sand (about 2 pecks Heat together at 100® C.
for medium size load and enough water
to cover work). Add about 2 02 of .
Froth Flotation Agent for Oxide Ores
soda ash to water so that it is slightly
alkaline. Roll for about 5 to 10 min-
U. S. Patent 2,069,365
Oleic Acid 57.1 lb.
utes, allow abrasive to settle and drain
Cresylic Acid 28.7 lb.
off dirty water; add more water and
alkali and repeat rolling operation. This Soda Ash 7.1 lb.

is done until solution is fairly clear. Sodium Silicate 7.1 lb.

After solution has cleared, roll until de-

sired finish is obtained. Time is entirely Froth Flotation Cleaning of Fire Clays
dependent upon roughness of eastings. Clay 2000 lb.
Speed of barrel from 15 to 30 r.p.m. Water 750 gal.
After rolling, rinse well in cold run- Creosote 0.5 pt.
ning water to remove abrasive, A high Kerosene 0.5 pt.
lustre may be obtained by ball burnish-
ing after sand rolling, or may be used Recovering Tin from Scrap Tin Plate
to finish castings directly if they are not Scrap tin is immersed in
rough as burnishing has no cutting ac- Formula No. 1
tion but has a peening effect in that it Caustic Soda 120 g.
applies pressure to projecting points or Stannous Chloride 23- 50 g.
particles and flattens or spreads them out. Gelatin 1- 20 g.
Castings can be ball burnished in a Glue 5 g.
hardwood lined barrel using about Water, to make 1 1.
diam. hardened polished steel ball. Ap-
Keep at 70® C. at 40 amp./eu.m. while
proximate ratio of balls to work should mixing vigorously.
be about 2 to 1 by volume.
Work which has been previously No. 2
cleaned is placed in barrel about %
filled Sulphuric Acid (d. 1.84) 35 g.
with water and about 2 to 4 oz. neutral Stannous Chloride 50 g.
soap flakes added. Rotate barrel at Water 1 1.

about 25 to 35 r.p.m. for about ^

hr. Use at 80® C. and 50 amp./sq.m.
and remove dirty solutions; rinse barrel
and add clean water and soap; roll until
Recovering Tin from Dross
desired finish is obtained; time is de-
The high cost of tin makes it desirable
pendent upon size of eastings, finish de-
to recover as much as possible from the
sired and size of load.
dross, and drippings. If the shaking is
The same procedure outlined for alu-
done over a sawdust box, place the caked
minum eastings both sand rolling and
sawdust into a melting pot and heat.
ball burnishing can be used for brass
castings with the following exception:
A black mass comes to the top which
can be skimmed readily, leaving a good
add 2 oz. caustic soda to water in sand
grade of tin at the bottom. Experience
rolling instead of soda ash.
has shown that the dross must be melted
down in a steel or cast iron pot, and
Aluminum Powder tapped from the bottom as it melts.
Aluminum foil is ground witli High temperatures are to be avoided and
ParafSn Wax flames should not be allowed to come
Stearic Acid into direct contact with the tin. Re-

claimed tin should be used in conjunc- Freeing Frozen (Stuck) Pistons

tion with fresh tin and then only in the Stuck pistons, caused by use of motor
roughing pots. fuel in which nnsaturated hydrocarbons
have oxidized to gums, may easily be
Cutting Wire Cable freed by removing spark plugs and pour-
ing 4 or 5 ounces of Methanol into each
Once the point to be cut is determined,
cylinder. Ordinary anti-freeze grade
the cable is bound with wire in four
places. The wire winding is done twice Methanol is satisfactory, and quickly dis-
solves the gum without injury to the
on each side of the spot to be cut, the
first or second winding to the line of cut
being about 2 inches away. The second
winding is placed 3 to 4 inches back Steel and Iron Identification
from the line of cut. From time to time methods or proc-
When the cable is thoroughly bound esses have been printed for determining
up in this fashion, the cut is made, and if a pipe is iron or steel. The majority
the loose ends are then secured from of the methods suggested are so compli-
unraveling by the application of bronze cated or tedious that comparatively few
welding rod. In one plant, a steel hook engineers will go to the trouble to try
is bronze welded onto the end of the out any of them.
cable remaining on the reel so as to assist Just mix 5 drops of nitric acid with
when unwinding the cable as small orders 10 drops of water, file a clear spot on
come in. the surface of the pipe that is to be
tested, place a drop of the mixture on
Reconditioning Steel Splice Bars the clear spot. If the metal is steel, the
U. S. Patent 2,061,264 liquid will turn the metal surface black
Worn bars, with a carbon content of instantly; if the metal is wrought or
0.3-0.7% are heated to 860-950® 0.; malleable iron, the surface will remain
cooled slowly; reheated to 790-980®; bright for a considerable length of time.
forged to shape, quenched and finally
tempered at 315® C. Seasoning (Drying) Wood
U. S. Patent 2,060,902
Impregnation of Metals Formula No. 1
British Patent 453,226 Heat the green wood in ethylene gly-
Articles of aluminum or magnesium col monoethyl ether for 24 hours at a
are alternately boiled and cooled for 5 temperature of 50® C. to replace the
hours in a solution of water by ethylene glycol monoethyl ether
Sodium Silicate 150 g. and then apply a reduced pressure of 10
Potassium Bichromate 23 g. centimeters of mercury to distill off the
Water 1 1. water.
No. 2
Non-Oil- Wetting Metal Surfaces Heat the ethylene glycol monoethyl
British Patent 458,723 ether saturated wood in molten paraffin
The surface is first cleaned with aque- for 24 hours to replace the ethylene gly-
ous caustic soda or benzol, then coated col monoethyl ether by paraffin and then
with a solution of apply a reduced pressure of 10 centi-
Ferric Stearate 10 meters of mercury and heating of 80° 0.
Kerosene 90 to distill off the ethylene glycol mono-
at 120®, ethyl ether^


Nitric Acid Test Test for
Magnetic 1

Test Metal
Reaction to Confirmatory
Beaction to Reaction to Color of the Probably Is
Acid After Test Using
Magnet Cone. Acid Dilution Solution Piece of Steel

magnetic^ reacts slowly reacts slowly pale green none Nickel

magnetic t* reacts reacts slowly green to blue copper Monelt

plates out

non- reacts reacts slowly blue to green copper Nickel Silver

magnetic plates out

magnetic* reacts slowly reacts brown to none Steel or Iron


non- none none colorless none Inconel or**

magnetic Chromium-

magnetic* none none colorless none Chromium-


* Note that the magnetic test is not' a true indication of the presence of iron in the metals.
Steel, iron and chromium-iron ( 82 %- 88 % iron) are magnetic, hut so is pure nickel and also
Monel which contains only traces or very small amounts of iron. Chromium-nickel-iron (such
as Allegheny metal, Enduro KA2, etc.), contains large amounts of iron (usually 70“76%) but
is quite non-magnetic.
t Monel is almost always magnetic but the test is not infallible. When it is doubtful
whether the metal is Monel or nickel silver an analysis should be made. Magnetic properties
are not developed in nickel-copper alloys unless the nickel content is at least 58%. Sometimes
alloys of considerably higher nickel content (up to possibly 70%) do not react to the magnet.
Annealing, cold working, etc., influence the magnetic properties of such alloys which are only

feebly magnetic.
** Analysis required to distinguish.

Dyeing Ivory dyeing isconducted at about 180® F. and

The dyeing is done in nested copper the time depends upon the depth of shade
kettles, the inner one being perforated so desired. After dyeing the color is de-
that the contents may be removed from veloped in a solution of potassium bi-
the dye bath without trouble or loss of chromate (15-20%) at about 180° F.
solution. After nesting the kettles, they The material is rinsed several times to
are filled with cold water and the pieces remove the yellow cast of the bichromate.
of ivory to be dyed. The water is heated The water is removed by centrifuging
to a boil by means of a live steam jet and the ivory dried at a low temperature
and boiled from 1% to hours so as (uot higher than 110° F.).
to soften up the hard outer shell of the Another method entails the use of
ivory to insure penetration of the dye- powdered prepared dyes which are con-
stuff, The kettle containing the ivory is centrated natural dyes in powder form.
transferred to another bath containing In this method the material does not have
warm water (not over 140® F.). It is to be soaked after boiling. The dye is
left here from five hours to overnight dissolved, some copper sulphate of pyro-
and the ivory is then ready to be dyed. gallie acid is added and the bath brought
The dyes used iu this method are natural to a boil. The material is then added
dyestuffs such as cuteh, logwood or sumac and boiling continued. This method does
with copper sulphate or pyrogallic acid. not necessitate any development but bi-
The copper sulphate is used when gray chromate is used to darken up the shade.
shades are desired and the pyrogallic According to still another method for
acid for browns. In actual work it ap- the preparation of blacks the ivory is
pears necessary to use two or three colors first plunged into a hot bath of alkali.
together to get the proper shade. The It may be boiled but should afterward

Tlie ivory the boil, with the addition of about 1

be plunged into cold water.
should then be bleached with hydrogen pound ox Glauber ^s salt and 4 ounces of
peroxide. The unpolished ivory will ab- soap per 20 gallons of liquor. The ratio
sorb the dyestuff better than the pol- of ivory to liquor is usually about one
ished article. Following are two sepa- part of ivory (by weight, of course) to
rate processes, for obtaining blacks. fifteen parts of water. More soap is re-
quired if there are any signs of too
Black on Ivory
speedy, absorption of the dyestuff.
Formula No. 1
It is most essential to see that in all
1. Wash or steep in an alkaline lye eases the dyestuff is thoroughly dissolved,
otherwise splotches easily form on the
2. Immerse in a weak solution of sil- ivory and these are most difficult to dis-
ver nitrate. perse.
3. Expose to the sun, thereby develop- After dyeing, the ivory is allowed to
ing a black color. dry by packing in hot sawdust, and the

Note Instead of (3), the ivory pieces are then examined for signs of
may be dried and dipped in a weak inequality in color. Any light places
solution of ammonium sulfide.
may then be touched up with a camel
No. 2 hair brush, charged with a weak solution
Heavy Black of dyestuff in alcohol, benzine or other
1. Clean as above. suitable solvent of quick drying prop-
2. Prepare a logwood solution and erties.
strain. A finish is usuallyobtained by oiling
3. Boil the ivory in the logwood. and polishing. Olive oil is frequently
4. Steep in a solution of iron acetate used, but in this event, it is well to add
or iron sulphate. also a small proportion of laurel oil to
For coal tar dyes the following method counteract decomposition and subsequent
has been used. It is to be noted how- clouding of the luster.
ever that the dyes which will dye ivory
are not generally fast to light. The White Enamel Opacifiera
ivory is first thoroughly cleaned and then French Patent 817,310
etched in acid which removes the outer Formula No. 1
film of bony material exposing the car- Borax 22 kg.
tilaginous material underneath. It is Cryolite 18 kg.
necessary to observe extreme caution in Soda Ash 4 kg.
this operation as the etching may go too Potassium Nitrate 2 kg.
far and prevent satisfactory polishing Quartz U kg.
thereafter. A
small amount of nitric No. 2
acid is used for the acid etching bath. Borax 14 kg.
The acid is then rinsed off and the ivory Cryolite 16 kg.
dyed in the color solution. Soda Ash 4 kg.
Another method which has been recom- Potassium Nitrate 3 kg.
mended is to use a dye which is soluble Quartz 43 kg-
in alcohol. The ivory is first cleaned Feldspar 20 kg.
with a mild alkaline solution, etching No. 3
with acid to increase penetration, and Borax 22 kg.
then dyeing. The alcohol solution has no Cryolite 12 kg.
solvent action on the ivory. These dyes Sodium Fluosilicate 4 kg.
are not fast to light and the penetration Soda Ash 4 kg.
is very poor. Potassium Nitrate 3 kg.
It is not recommended to attempt the Quartz 40 kg.
coloring of whole tusks of ivory in the Feldspar 15 •kg.
absence of necessary machines for forc-
ing the dye liquor throughout the tusk. Binder for Tile Manufacture
Acid dyes are usually applied with Canadian Patent 379,911
about one-half pint acetic acid ;per 20 Cumarone Resin
gallons of liquor. Dyeing is carried on (m.p. 245^F.) 66.67 lb.
for about one hour at the boil. In order Fatty Acid Pitch
to secure better penetration, it is better (m.p.l22°F.) 33.33 lb.
to use the requisite amount of acid in two
or three additions, Binder for Ceramic Spark-Plugs
Basie dyes may be
applied similarly to German Patent 655,082
acid colors, but boiling for about half Talc 32.7 kg.
an hour, usually suffices. EAolin 43.3 kg.
Direct dyes are dyed for one honr at Feldspar 24.0 kg.
Geraraic Dielectric of water for moistening the pad
French Patent 814,744 pres
sures ofup to 50 Ib./sq. in. may be ob-
Titanium Dioxide 85-95 % tained.
Lead Oxide 15- 5
Compress and heat to 1100-1180° C.
Surface Lining for Furnaces
lining of furnaces, sand
Dielectric for Condensers 1 on
120, litharge 225 and calcined borax 200
British Patent 466,388
is applied fused at
Magnesium Oxide 80 oz. 900--1000° so that it will penetrate into
Beryllium Oxide 20 oz. brick linings.
This mixture is lired in the usual man-
Metallurgical Scavenger
U. S. Patent 2,044,908
Joining for Housings of Bearings Titanium Carbide
French Patent 821,827
(40 mesh) lOO lb
Formula No. 1 Iron (40 mesh)
Copper 400 lb.
66.7 g. Sodium Silicate (d. 1.3)
Lead 33.3 g.
7% ib!
This is molded into briquettes
No. 2 are more reactive than ferro-carbon
Copper 70 g. tanium as they are free from graphite.
Tellurium 30 g.
The above alloys are interposed be-
tween housing and bearing. Ferro-Magnetic Powdered Iron Cores
British Patent 466,678
Iron Dust
Increasing Rate of Settling of Oold and qOO
Sodium Silicate 2
Silver Slimes
Heat to 70° C. and thea mix with
British Patent 467,455
Bakelite Varnish 10 oz.
In the cyaniding of gold- and silver-
and compress.
bearing slimes (solution : solid
t^he rate of settling is greatly
= 4:1),
by adding a solution of starch (4 lb.) in Magnetic Core
5% caustic soda (40 gals, per ton of French Patent 813,068
60 'kg-
Nickel, 40 k|.
Retarding Setting of Amalgams 3 k|.
By cooling amalgams
to 39.5° F. with ihe above powdered mixture is used.
dry ice setting
can be slowed up suffi-
ciently so that a day's supply of amal-
gam can be made up in bulk. Permanent Magnet
British Patent 476,702
Steels containing
Casting Gold Dental Plates 35%
In the pressure-casting of gold alloy
dental plates smooth castings the dimen-
1 Itanium g<^
sions of which are 0-0.4% greater than Aluminum 6%
those of the wax pattern are obtained are quenched from 1000°
with an investment made from a 3:1 C. and re^
heated at 500-750° C.
cristobalite-plaster of Paris mixture the
inclusion of a small amount of metallic
copper powder in the investment to pre- Stabilizing Aluminum Reflectors
vent .tarnishing of the casting has no Patent 2,045,286
TJ. S.
effect on the dimensions or smoothness Boil reflectors for 15-30 minutes in
of the cast plate. When the Solbrig Potassium Bichromate 10 oz
press is used for casting, the metal hlls ''^ater 90 oz!
the mold space in about 0.1 second and
is completely soHdified in 1 second.
When the asbestos pad is moistened with
water the pressure developed at the mo-
ment of casting is 3 Ib./sq. in,, which
mcreases to a maximum of 12 Ib./sq, in.
in^ 8 seconds, the best results being
tained with a very wet pad and a very
hot ring; if a 3:1 mixture of alcohol
and carbon tetrachloride is used instead
Stable Invar Yalve Grinding Compounds
U. S. Patent 2,050,387 Eormula No. 1
Electrolytic iron and nickel powders Ceresin 5 g.

are annealed in
dry hydrogen at 1150° Glass Powder 40 g.

for 20 hr. The appropriate mixture of Cylinder Oil, Pale 55 g.

the two metals is

then melted and al- No. 2
lowed to solidify in pure hydrogen. Montan Wax,
Double Bleached 5 g.
Lubricating) Bearing
Oil-less (Self
Montan Wax, Crude 25 g.
Prench Patent 819,616 Abrasive 70 g.
Copper oz. No. 3
Tin fit. Potassium Stearate
Lead 5-3 oz. Beeswax
Graphite Japan Wax
Lubricating Oil 7.0 oz. Mineral Oil
Biphenyl 2.5 oz. 5. Silicon Carbide, Powdered
Chlorodiphenylene Oxide 8.5 oz. Corondum, Powdered
Preparing Steel Surfaces for Knead a together, mix with paste 5.
Rubber Adhesion No. 4
A solution consisting of copper cya- Ceresine 3 kg.
nide (4 oz./gal.), zinc cyanide (2 Oleic Acid 17 kg.
oz./gal.), and sodium cyanide (7 Petrolatum 4 kg.
oz./gal.) serves excellently to provide a Spindle Oil 6 kg. |
brass-plated surface on steel which will Quartz or Pumice,
permit good adherence of rubber. Where Powdered 45 kg.
especially strong adhesion is required, a Chrome Oxide, Powdered 25 kg.
slight increase should be made in the
zinc cyanide concentration, while for bar-
No. 5
rel plating the proportions should be Ceresine 8 kg.
doubled, just as in regular brass plating.
Oleic Acid 10 kg.
Ten minutes is the recommended plating Spindle Oil 12 kg.
Neuburg Chalk 20 kg.
The brass plating solution should be Quartz, Powdered 10 kg.
operated at a temperature of about 80° Emery, Powdered 26 kg.
P., using 70-30 brass anodes and main-
Silicon Carbide 15 kg.
taining a cathode current density of No. 6
approximately 10 amperes per square (7/. Ceresine 5 kg.
foot. Anode current density should not Tallow 2 kg.
exceed 300 amperes per square foot. Oleic Acid, Distilled 30 kg.
When the solution is made up, the alka- Mineral Oil 10 kg.
linitymust be adjusted with ammonium 5, Abrasive Powdered* 53 kg.
hydroxide and sodium bisulphite so as to
Melt a at 80-90° C. Mix in h in small
give the deposit the right color.
portions. Stir until cooled to sufficient
stant pH IS important in obtaining a
Tiniform deposit, the suitable range being
10.3-11.7, maintained by the usual colori- * Emery, Quartz, Tripoli, Oarhomndum,
Slate Powder, Iron Oxide, Diatomaceous Earth,
metric methods. Chrome Oxide, Graphite, Viennese Chalk.
Special care must be taken in the
rinsing to prevent staining. After plat-
ing, the work should be immediately Greaseproofing Barrels
painted with the cement used for rubber Commercial silicate of soda is used to
adhesion. Experience indicates that the coat the inside of lard kegs, pails, bar-
best rubber adhesion is obtained when rels and tierces to prevent loss of lard
the composition of the brass is 70% by seepage into the wood, and also
copper and 30% zinc. Even small through any small openings in the con-
changes, such as 3-5%, can reduce ad- tainer. Silicate of soda is a transparent,
hesion appreciably. Metal carbonates heavy liquid and is reduced with hot
should not be used in brass plating for water to the consistency of a light syrup.
rubber adhesion. Large amounts of car- While it is still hot the silicate is
bonates simply complicate control of the plied to inside of open containers by
solution. Any savings effected by the spraying or painting or merely by putting
use of carbonates is usually offset by some in container which is then rolled
poor results and difficuHies in control. around. The latter treatment is often
used for applying tlie silicate to barrels The container is not used until coating
and tierces. of silicate is thoroughly dry. This can
If a bung is placed in the bung hole be determined in case of barrels by feel-
of the barrel or tierce, the silicate is ing the interior near bung hole which is
forced into pores of wood by expansion the last area to dry.
of the air inside container which is
heated by hot silicate. The hot solution
may also be driven into pores by about Tennis Court Surface Dressing
5 lbs. air pressure supplied from an air U. S. Patent 2,058,335
line. Wlien silicate has been driven into Rosin 50-80%
staves, the bung is removed and surplus Linseed Oil 10-30%
liquid drained out. Petroleum 10-20%
Show Card or Poster Colors Gum Arabic Solution 8 gal.
Gw —
Arabic Solution To 125 lb. of Dextrin Solution 2 gal.
gum arable add sufficient water to make Syrup 6 gal.
a volume of 50 gal. After the gum has Dry Sugar 1 lb.
been dissolved add one quart of formal- Starch Solution 2 gal.
dehyde. Dltramarine Blue 200 lb.
Dextrin Solution —To200 lb. of tapi- Grind 3 times.
oca dextrin add enough water to make
Light Bed
50 gal. After solution, add 1 quart of
formaldehyde. Gum Arabic Solution 4 gal.
Starch Solution —50 of starch are
lb. Dextrin Solution
Starch Solution
2 gal.
dissolved in enough w^arm water to make 4 gal.
Syrup 1 gal.
50 gal. Then add 1 quart of formalde-
Whiting 50 lb.
Blanc Fixe 50 lb.
Pigment 120 lb.
Dextrin Solution 3 gal.
Grind 3 times.
Arabic Solution 4 gal.
Syrup 5 gal. Bmerald Green
Starch 2 gal. Gum Arabic Solution 2 gal.
Titanox B 200 lb. Dextrin Solution 2 gal.
Titanox A 100 lb. Starch Solution 4 gal.
Lithopone 200 Ib. Whiting 150 lb.
Water to make 50 gal. yield. ,
Grind Blanc Fixe 60 lb.
2 times.Add 1 qt. formaldehyde to fin- Asbestine 12 lb.
ished material. Green Toner 40 lb.
Orange Primrose Yellow 20 lb.
Gum Arabic Solution 10 gal.
Syrup 1 gal. Turquoise Blue
Starch 2 gal. Dextrin Solution 6 gal.
Barytes 50 lb. Color 50 lb.
Whiting 100 lb. Waiting 50 lb.
Lithopone 50 lb. Blanc Fixe 50 lb.
Asbestine 50 lb. Barytes 50 lb.
Orange Pigment 115 ib. Grind 3 times.
Grind 2 times Vermilion
Blach Gum Arabic Solution 6 gal.
Gum Arabic Solution 7%
Dextrin Solution
Dextrin Solution
Starch Solution
2 gal.
65 lb.

Hoover Black #6 160 gal. Blanc Fixe 50 lb.

Mix and add gal. more of water Whiting 50 lb.
and gal. of glycerin. Grind 2 times Asbestine 12 lb.
and to finished batch add 1 qt. formalde- Grind 3 times.
Primrose Yellow
Gum Arabic Solution 6 gal. Casein Paints for Show Card Work
Dextrin Solution 6 gal.
Syrup 4
Starch Solution 2
Phenol % oz.
Sodium Fluoride 1/2 oz.
Pigment 200 gal.
Bentonite oz.
Blanc Fixe 50 gal.
Sodium Caseinate 114 lb.
Asbestine 50 gal.
Whiting 100 gal. Dissolve in % gal. of warm water.

White Borax 2 oz.

SVa gal. Water 5 pt.
Vehicle 17 lb. Boiled Linseed Oil 1 pt.
Lithopone 13 lb. Pine Oil 1 oz.
Titanox B 2 lb. Heat the water to boiling, stir in the
Barytes 14 lb. mica and lithophone, then add the sodium
Ultramarine Blue ]
oz. fluoride and borax and stir, add the
Light Yellow casein and stir until the mass becomes
21^ gal. creamy, now put in the oils and beat
Vehicle 18 lb.
until smooth. The above proportions
Water 1 lb.
make one gallon of concentrated paste
Primrose Yellow 14 lb.
paint. The paste is diluted with water
Barytes 6 lb.
for use.
Asbestine 4 lb.
Rubber-Casein Paint
Larlc Led
U. S. Patent 2,052,393
21^ gal.
Rubber Latex (60%) 59.52 oz.
Vehicle 181A lb.
Casein 3.25 oz.
Red 4 lb.
Kaolin 16.10 oz.
Blanc Fixe 1 lb.
Thymol 0.05 oz.
Asbestine 5 lb.
Water in proportion to get fluidity
Blue desired.
21/2 gal.
Vehicle 18% lb. Casein Water Paint
Ultra Blue 8 lb. Casein 15 lb.
Barytes 4 lb. Lime Hydrate 10 lb.
Asbestine 6 lb. Clay, Ploated 8 lb.
Darh Yellow Pigment 17 lb.
2 2 gal. Chalk 50 lb.
Vehicle 18% lb.
Water 1 lb. Water Paint and Sizing
Chrome Yellow 6 lb. French Patent 803,992'
Barytes 8 lb. Casein 5~2C g.)

Asbestine 4 lb. Asbestos 5-2C g.

o \

Ochre White Cement 15-35

^ 21^ gal. Water to suit
Vehicle 19% lb.
Water 1 lb. Plastic Paint
Ochre 7 lb. Formula No. 1
Asbestine 2 lb. Gypsum and Keen ^s
BlacTc Cement 40-60 oz.
21^ gal. Ground Mica 15-35 OZ.
Vehicle 19 lb. Asbestos Powder 10-15 oz,
Bentonite 2 oz. Casein 8-10 oz.
Ivory Black 8 lb. Slaked Lime 6- 7 oz.
Light Led Ko. 2
gal. Plaster of Paris 10 oz.
Vehicle 18% lb.
Mica 30 oz.
Red 4 lb.
Asbestos 10 oz.
Blanc Fixe 1 lb.
Asbestine 30 oz.
Barytes 5 lb.
Casein 10 oz.
Burnt Sienna Lithopone 9 oz.
21/2 gal.
Soda Ash 1 oz.
Vehicle 19% Ib.
d CO

Water Keeners Cement 100 oz.

1 lb.
Burnt Sienna Asbestos Powder 20 oz.
7 lb.
Asbestine Wheat Flour 5 oz.
2 lb.
In all the above grind twice.
Arabic Powder 6 oz.
Alum 5-10 oz.

Casein Paint Cold Water Paint, Powdered

Water Ground Mica 2 lb. U. S. Patent 2, 099,423
Lithopone or Titanox 6 lb. Whiting 50 lb.
Casein, Muriatic 80 Mesh 1 lb. Gluten 1 Ib.
Sodium Fluoride 2 oz. Asbestos, Powdered 1 lb.

Outdoor, Cold Water Paint 220-225" F. for one and one-half hours,
U. S. Patent 2,032,071 ithas excellent color, medium gloss and
Slaked Lime 43.0 lb. gives a tough, durable, elastic film. It
Hydraulic Cement 19.5 lb. will stand reduction to any spraying or
Tale or Asbestine 23.5 lb. dipping consistency with straight mineral
Salt 6.5 lb. thinners. It is entirely gas-proof, may
Mica 5.0 lb. be baked in gas ovens, and is very fret
Gum Arabic 1.6 lb. from edge-wrinkle.
Gum Karaya 0.5 lb.
Irish Moss 0.1 lb. Gloss White Enamel Base
Calcium Stearate 0.3 lb. Dry Nitrocellulose 100 oz.
Bezyl 19 120 oz.
Alginate Cold Water Paint Pale Castor Oil 10- 20 oz.
Lithopone 60.0 lb. Bibutyl Phthalate SO- 50 oz.
Asbestine 20.0 lb. Titanium Oxide 70- 90 oz.
Mica 8.0 lb.

Vehicle Air Drying Enamel

Water 51.0 lb. Bezyl 114 90 oz.
Bowricide 0.45 lb. Teglac 65 10 oz.

Sodium Alginate 1.0 lb. Lead Linoleate

Baw Chinawood Oil 9.0 lb. (.56% Pb) 2 oz.

6% Cobalt Brier 0.48 oz. Cobalt Lineolate

Wetting Agent 1.68
oz. (.04% Co) % oz.
Pigment (depending on
Place the water (preferably from the 2- 70
color) oz.
hot water tap at approximately 100" F.) 200
Add the Dowieide Coal Tar Naphtha oz.
in the mixer.
and stir until dissolved. Add the sodium
alginate and stir for a full 20 minutes Semi-Flat Enamel
or untilcompletely dispersed. Add wet- S. Patent 2,092,285
ting agent and then the chinawood oil Bisperse 11.5 parts carbon black and
(with the drier added to the oil before 30.6 parts of dry resin into 57.9 parts
adding to the water mixture). Stir the xylol in a ball mill, then to 36% of
oil and alginate mixture for 10 minutes
ball mill mix add 20.4 parts of resin
and then add pigment and filler. Stir and 43.6 parts of xylol to produce a
for one hour. Bemove from mixer and glossy enamel composed of 4.14% car-
put into containers. bon &aek, 31.42% dry resin and 64.44%
xylol, then disperse 11.5 parts carbon
black into 17.7 parts of hexahydrophenol
Enamel Vehicle and 70 parts xylol in a ball mill, and
(With Perllla Oil) add to 36% of last mentioned ball mill
Perilla Oil (4 hr. 585") 20 gal.
mix 32.87% xylol and 31.42% of dry
Burez 550 Besin 15 lb.
resin to produce a flat enamel having
Bun to 600" F. and at an 18" string the same proportions of pigment, resin
cheek with and thinner as said glossy enamel, and
S-5930 Checking Oil 2 gal.
then mix said flat and glossy enamels
Burez 210 Besin 65 lb.
in half and half proportions to obtain
Ester Gum 20 lb.
the desired semi-flat enamel.
When the resin is taken up, reduce
with Lacquer Enamel
Mineral .Spirits 42 gal. 100
Bry Nitrocellulose oz,
Bezyl 12 150 oz.
Brier for Above Teglac 65 175 oz.
Naphthenate Lead 4^4= lb. Bibutyl Phthalate 20 oz.
Naphthenate Cobalt 114 lb. Pigment (depending
on color) 20— 90 oz.
Baking White Enamel Lacquer Solvents 1000 oz.
Titanium Bioxide 170 lb.
Lithopone 113 lb. XJrea Besin Enamels
Enamel Vehicle 410 lb. Urea Besin
Zinc Naphthenate (10%) 2 lb. (e.g. Paralac 2001) 100 oz.

Cobalt Naphthenate (4%) % lb. Titanium Bioxide 30 oz.

150 oz.
Mineral Spirits 100 lb. ^'Cellosolve''
This enamel is non-skinning in a dip- This should be ground in a ball mill,
ping tank. At a baking temperature of and then thinned out to spraying con-


sisteucy with a mixture of resin and Aluminum Weaving Spool Finish

solvent in the proportion of 1 of resin A good finish for this purpose is pro-
to 2 of solvent. duced by heating to 500® P. 80 parts
If it is desired to obtain a more flex- coumarone, 15 parts Super-Beckacite and
ible film, or to increase the proportion 50 parts wood oil. This enamel is baked
of pigment, a plasticizer such as Paralae at 340® P.
285X should be incorporated.
The above enamel when sprayed on Refrigerator Enamels
metal and stoved at 100-130® 0. gives Undercoat
a hard adhesive film. The minimum Zinc Oxide 4 lb.
stoving time should be one hour at 100® Lithopone 32 lb.
C., and this time can be shortened as Linseed Oil (Boiled) 7 lb.
the temperature is raised. White Spirit 7 lb.
Any heat-resisting pigment may re- Stock Epok R 33
place the titanium dioxide, but in such (8 lb. Cut in White Spirit) 2 lb.
cases it is as well to ascertain from the Driers as required in proportion

maker- especially in the case of lakes— Cobalt 6
what is the maximum temperature the Lead 2
color in question will stand without al- Manganese 1 ,

teration. It should be pointed out that

colors of the Eanal, Brillfast, etc,, type
Prepared Enamel Oil 6 lb.
are to be used with caution, as if there is
Lithopone or Titanium
any alcohol present in the solvent, such
White (26%) 41/2 lb.
as methylated spirit or butyl alcohol, the
Zinc Oxide 41/2 lb.
pigment non-fading properties,
loses its
White Spirit and
and will rapidly alter under the stoving
Turpentine (Mixed) 3-4 lb.
Albertol 177 C 4 lb.
The following is a useful clear lacquer
Driers as required in proportion
for metal protection:
Cobalt 6
Urea Resin 100 oz. Lead 2
Trieresyl Phosphate 15- 25 oz. Manganese 1
Butyl Alcohol 20 oz.
Toluol 45 oz.
Odorless White Glossy Enamel
An alternative formula is:
Urea Resin (as
100 oz.
Lithopone 122 lb.
Paralae 2001)
Plasticizer 10 oz.
Pour-Hour Wood Oil
150 oz. Varnish 160 lb.
Methylated Spirit
100 oz. Turpentine and White
Spirit (Mixed) 180 lb.
This gives a very thin lacquer, and care
must be taken not to over-stove, as other- Enamel
wise the film tends to strip off the metal
Stock % Second Pyroxylin
in large pieces. This lacquer can be (2 lb. Cut in Usual Mixed
Acetate Solvents) 40 Ib-
dyed with heat-resistant dyes and used
for the lacquering of electric lamps used
White Glyptal Resin (Stock
8 lb. Cut in Toluol) 18 lb.
in flashing signs, exposed to rain and
moisture, but in such cases it is essential
Thinners (Low Boiling
to incorporate a small percentage of
Mixed Cellulose Thinners j
phenol formaldehyde resin to increase Mixtures of Ethyl Ace-
tate, Methylated Spirits,
the water-resisting properties of the resin
Toluol and Butanol) 40 IR
Plasticizer 7 lb.
Though high price at present
their ^^ Cellosolve’^
militates against extensive employment, 6 lb.
urea resins are used and will continue Pigment (Mixture of Timo-
to be used, despite the cost, for finishes
nox and Titanium White
or Zinc Oxide) 34 lb.
where non-discoloration and hardness are
essential. White Erimer (BaTcing)
Paralae 17 or Rezyl 116 or
Auto Enamel Base Similar Resin 30 lb.
Dry Nitrocellulose 100 bz. Paralae 18X 30 lb.
Rezyl 12 70-150 oz. Thinners 95 lb.
Blown Castor Oil 10- 20 oz. Zinc Oxide 48 lb.
Dibutyl Phthalate 30- 50 bz. A trace of lead and manganese dryers
Pigment 10-100 oz. as required.

White Undercoat been cleaned off, it would be a good idea,

Paralac 19X or Eezyl 110 or before painting, to test the plaster in
Similar Besin 40 lb. several places for signs of active alkali.
TMnners S5 lb. Do this with a couple of ounces of phe-
Barytes 8 lb. nolphthalein solution that your druggist
Lithopone 64 lb. will prepare for you at small cost. Dab
Asbestine 4 lb. the water-white phenolphthalein on the
Dryers, a trace as required. walls at intervals and watch its action.
If the wet spots turn pink or red, the
Enamel Coating for Cans plaster still contains free alkali which
IJ. S. Patent 2,055,507 may spoil any paint spread on the walls.
Varnish 1 gal. In this event, the plaster should be
Mica 5 lb. treated with a zinc sulphate solution.
This is made by dissolving two pounds
Furniture Enamel Base of zinc sulphate in a gallon of water.
Dry Nitrocellulose 100 oz, After this solution has been applied to
Eezyl 12 150-200 oz. the walls, allow suficient time for the
Dibutyl Plithalate 20- 40 oz. plaster to dry before priming.
Blown Castor Oil 10-20 oz.
Pigment 10-100 oz. High Grade Outside White House Paint
Porch and Deck Enamel (Gray) Basic Carbonate of Lead 60 oz.
Lithopone,High Strength 03 oz. Zinc Oxide 30 oz.
Aluminum Stearate 1 oz. Barium Titanium Pigment 10 oz.
Blue Tone Lamp Black 1 oz. Vehicle
25- Gal. Length, Hard Raw Linseed Oil 45 oz.
Through Drying Spar Refined Linseed Oil 45 oz.
Varnish (Vis. About B Turpentine & Drier 8 oz.
to D) 35 oz. Pine Oil 2 oz.
Grind above paste in roller mill and Faint
thin with twice its weight of varnish Pigment 65 oz.
which should give the optimum con- Vehicle 35 oz.
Quick Drying Outdoor Paint
Wet Wall Primer British Patent 450,288
Manila Gum, Dust 12 lb. 300 kg. of linseed oil are heated in an
Toluol 3 gal. autoclave at 120® C. with 200 kg. of
Denatured Alcohol 3 gal. water and 120 kg. of barium hydrate
for one hour; mass is then allowed to
Wood Priming Paint cool, and the glycerin-containing water

Leaded Zinc Oxide is withdrawn. Barium soap remains in

160 die autoclave and is collected; it weighs
(35%) lb.
Bleached Diatomite 20 lb. in the wet state about 390 kg; it is a
Eaw Linseed Oil gal. yellowish plastic material.
Wliite Spirit, Con- If 40 kg, of this product are heated
taining 3% Copper in a closed vessel at about 100® C. with
60 kg, of turpentine, a cloudy liquid is
Naphtlienate 1- 1% gal.
obtained after cooling, which when mixed
with pigments (for instance, with 100
Semi-Gloss Wall Paint kg. of red lead or with 50 kg. of zinc
Titanium Calcium Pigment 60 oz.
oxide) yields a very stable paint of high
Aluminum Stearate 2 oz. covering power, and drying after about
Lithopone 28 oz.
half an hour. In this paint the paTticles
Silica 5 oz.
of pigments are coated with a layer of
Asbestine 5 oz.
plastic barium soap, acting protectively
Grind above in a flatting liquid which against the action of rain, snow, etc.
has a non-volatile content of about 50%. Bolution in turpentine oil of the plastic
material may also be advantageously used
Painting Calcimined Walls for waterproofing textiles. Paper and
For a good, lasting job remove all cardboard' may be treated in a similar
traces of the coatings now on the walls. manner. Concrete and plaster objects
A thorough scrubbing with warm water may be coated with the solution; after
ought to remove the water paints. When the solvent has been evaporated, they are
all the calcimine and old glue size has waterproof.

New material, on being beated in a For melting up the base materials, a

proportion of 60 parts by weight of steam- jacketed pot is recommended on
white spirit with 40 parts by weight of safety grounds since 35-45% of solvent
barium soap, gives a colloidal jelly which (solvent naphtha or white spirit) must be
is semi-solid in the cold. This colloidal incorporated by heat. The low-melting
jelly is very useful for holding pigments fat pitches are first melted, the tempera-
in suspension, for instance, carbon black ture being gradually raised to 150° C.
and plumbago for the manufacture of before gradually adding the natural as-
liquid black polish for stoves. phalts and continuing to heat until the
small percentage of moisture normally
^ ^ present in the latter has been eliminated.
Disinfectant Paint
Italian Patent 288,514
The molten mixture of base substances
is allowed to cool down to 80° 0. before
Beeswax 70 g,
proceeding to incorporate the pigments
Japan Wax 44 g.
and, last of all, the solvent. Through-
Montan Wax 25 g.
out the entire operation the stirring gear
Shellac 10 g.
must be kept running.
Potassium Carbonate 30 g.
Water 730 cc.
(Black) Roof Coating
Boil together and mix well until emul-
a. Stearin Pitch, Semi-
sified. Cool and add with stirring
Soft, Dark 100 kg.
Alcohol 40 g.
h. Litharge 5 kg.
Trioxymetliylene 50 g.
Woolfat, Crude 10 kg.
Linseed Oil, Crude 2 kg.
Boof Paint Soot 2 kg,
Formula No. 1 0 White Spirit
. 130 1.
a. Stearin Pitch 80 lb. Heat a to 250° C.; mix & thoroughly
Pit-Coal Tar Pitch 30 lb. in a grinding mill, and add to a. Cool
Asphaltum 20 lb. to 160° C., and thin with c.
Rosin 20 lb. The same can be made in other colors,
h. Mineral Oil using, instead:
c. Slate, Powdered For Bed: A pale pitch, 6 kg. of linseed
Asbestos, Powdered oil, and 15 kg. of iron oxide red.
Melt up the mixture a and mix in h For Green: As for red, but as pigment
to the desired viscosity, o may be added use
as filler. Solvents may be added if quick Chrome Oxide Green 5 kg.
drying is desirable. Iron Oxide Yellow 7 kg.
No. 2 Paris Blue kg.
Pit-Coal Tar Pitch 10 kg. For Brown: Mix red and black.
Coumarone Resin 2 kg.
Benzine 4 ^g* Black Roof Coating
Light Tar Oil 5 kg. (Does Not Alligator, Powder, or Crack)
No. 3 Asphalt (Roofers^ Grade
a. Rosin, Medium Pale 30 kg. 20-30 Penetration) 950 lb.
Anthracene Oil 20 Gilsonite 400 lb.
Gas Oil, or Heavy Benzine 12 kg. Run to clear melt. Hold for on e hour.
h. Earthy Pigment 35 kg. Thin at 400° F, with
Clay- Schist Powder 15 kg. Mineral Spirits 215 gal.
At 300° F. add
Make solution a hot, and work in the ;

Refined Coal Tar

powders h. A paste is obtained which 40 gal.
Sardine Oil, Heavy Bodied,
will remain plastic in the cold.
Refined 10 gal.
No. 4
GtcGTI/ Silver Roof Paint
Stearine Pitch (Hard) 45 lb. Limed Hard Rosin 100 kg.
Stearine Pitch (Soft) 17 lb. White Spirit 80 kg.
Wool Fat 5 lb. Solvent Naphtha 40 kg.
Green Chromium Oxide 33 lb. Aluminum Bronze 40 kg.
No. 5
Gilsonite 25 lb, Painting Over Dark-Stained Shingles
Stearine Pitch J. P. St. George
(Medium Soft) 25 lb. Before any stained job is painted, a
Wool Fat Pitch 20 lb. test for bleeding^' should be made.
Red Oxide of Iron 30 Ib^ This is best accomplished by spreading

a small amount of wliite-lead and oil This mix yields QV4 gal. of paint that

paint on an inconspicuous but represen- will cover about 700 square feet per gak
tative area of the surface. It may be If boiled linseed oil is used in any
possible to coat in a couple of shingles instance, use half the quantity of drier
located at the rear of the house where the specified. Painters who prefer to use
test won ^t be objectionable. standoil type linseed oil in their finish-
This test portion should be given time ing coats should add a quart of turpen-
to dry out and harden. Two to four tine to the mix.
weeks should be long enough. In most Some owners of shingled houses prefer
cases of discoloration due to
^ bleeding ’ ^ a glossless finish when the joh is painted.
the trouble shows up within the first week To satisfy this desire, mix the final coat
after painting. If bleeding occurs on the basis of 100 lb. of all-purpose soft
on the test area, the building should be paste white-lead and 3 gal. of lead mix-
restained, rather than painted. There is ing oil. This will make 6 gal. of paint
no practical or economical way to pre- that will cover about 700 square feet per
Yent the staining because the vehicle in gal.
any oil paint reactivates the creosote and All of the paint-mixing directions
causes it to come through subsequent ^ven thus far are based on the supposi-
paint coats. If bleeding does not occur tion that the customer wants a white or
on the test area and if this area is a light tinted job. It is on this type of
true sample of the whole surface, it work that creosote bleeding is most
should be safe to go ahead with the objectionable. Obviously, dark-colored
painting. White-lead paint mixed ac- pains are not much affected by this type
cording to the usual priming, body and of discoloration.
finishing coat formulas will do a satis- Here are some color formulas for dark-
factory job. colored finishing coats. These produce
On some old houses, the shingles of straight, flat colors, no white-lead being
which were last stained many years ago, required. The colors in oil should be
it will be found that the creosote has thinned, in each instance, with 3 qt. of
lost its potency, its tendency to bleed. lead mixing oil and require pt. of %
Naturally the shingles will be unusually liquid drier;
porous and need more oil than is used Indian Bed—yield ; 1 % gal.
in paint for less thirsty surfaces. In Venetian Red % gal.
these cases, the first coat would consist Indian Red % gal.
of: —
Red Brown ^yield; 2 gal.
All-Purpose Soft Paste Indian Red % gal.
White-Lead 100 lb. Raw Sienna
— % gal.
Raw Linseed Oil 4 gal. Chromium Oxide ^yield: 1% gal.
Turpentine 1% gal. C.P. Chromium Oxide
Liquid Drier 1 pt. Green 1 gal.

This mix yields 9 gal of paint that mil

Burnt Umber
Brown —^yield : 2 gal.
1 gal.
cover about 400 square feet per gal. on Indian Bed 1 qt.
the average shingled surface.
Variations of these colors are, of
The second coat, to be applied after course, easily produced.
the first coat is dry and hard, should
To sum up, the safest practice to fol-
consist of:
low when called on to paint dark-stained
All-Purpose Soft Paste shingles, is to first test the old stain for
White-Lead 100 lb. bleeding ’k If this discoloration ap-
Raw Linseed Oil 2 gal. pears, tell the home owner that it will
Turpentine % gal. be better to restain the job unless he
Liquid Drier 1 pt wants dark-colored paint used. If no
This mix yields 6 gal. of paint that bleeding ’k tendency shows up in the
will cover about 600 square feet per gal. test, use paint formulated as indicated,
If the job is not to be pure white, tint brush it out properly and allow plenty
the second coat with some of the color of drying time between coats.
to be used in the final coat.
The finishing coat, to be applied after Painting Stained Shingles
the second coat has dried and hardened, It is always risky to apply paint over
should consist of; a stain the composition of wMch is un-
All-Purpose Soft Paste known to the painter. Creosote stains,
li^ite-Lead 100 lb. even though old and weatherworn, often
Raw Linseed Oil 3 gal. bleed through oil paints applied over
Liquid Drier 1 Pt. them. Creosote is a non-drying oil that

tends to lemain in the wood in a per- be thinned with 20% turpentine,* the sec-
manently soluble condition. ond coat with 10% tui^jentine and the
If the shingles were stained with a last coat should be straight linseed oil
linseed oil preparation containing chrome Allow two weeks to elapse between each
green or chromium oxide, they may now coat.
safely be painted with lead and oil. No. 2
In the absence of definite information Use equal parts of boiled linseed oil
as to the previous treatment, apply a and lead mixing oil Apply two coats.
light-colored lead and oil paint to a
shingle or two on the rear of the house, Paints for Cedar, Cypress and Redwood
in an inconspicuous but typical location, Priming Coat
and see what happens. Of course, you White-Lead 100 lb.
will have to wait several weeks or per- Raw Linseed Oil 4 gal
haps a couple of months before you de- Turpentine
cide the underlying stain has or has not
1% gal
Liquid Drier 1 pt.
discolored the paint. If no discoloration This mix makes 9 gal. of paint which
occurs, you are pretty safe in doing the will prime about 5,400 square feet of
whole job. surface.
however, the test paint indicates
Second Coat
a definite reaction from the old stains,
White-Lead 100 lb.
stain the job again. In this event, the Raw Linseed Oil gal.
test paint can be taken off with some
Turpentine Vyi gal
paint remover .
Liquid Drier 1 pt.
This mix makes 6 gal. of paint which
Wood Preservation Paint Primer will cover about 4,200 square feet of
Zinc Oxide
(35% Leaded; 73 kg.
Bleached Liatomite 9.1 kg. Third Coat
Raw Linseed Oil 18.9 L White-Lead 100 lb.
White Mineral Raw Linseed Oil 3 gal.
Spirits 3.8 - 4.7 1.
Liquid Drier 1 pt.
Copper Naphthenate .11- .14 kg.
This limits fungoid growths when used Barn Paint
as a priming coat. Fish Oil, Heavy
Bodied, Refined 25 gal.
Acid and Water Resistant Coating Red Iron Oxide 50 lb.
for Table Tops Mineral Spirits 15 gal
Apply a coat of furfuryl alcohol to the Talc 5 lb.

table top. Follow this with a coat of Spar Varnish, Neutral 5 gal
15% sulphuric acid. The acid causes the
furfuryl alcohol to polymerize, and the
Barrel Paints
resulting resin, formed in situ, is highly
water and acid resistant.
Formula No. 1
Vinsol Barrel Paint Liquid
(15 gal. long)
Refinishing Damaged Table Top Uinsol 50 lb.
Mix a small quantity of kerosene and Belro Resin 50 lb.
common baking soda in an old saucer Tung Oil 5 gal
or any sort of earthware vessel and ap- Tung Oil 10 gal
ply over the stain. Let it stand a few Solvesso No. 2 36 gal
minut.es and wipe off with a soft cloth. Mixed Cobalt, Lead Man-
If the stain is obstinate apply the ma- ganese, Nuodex Driers 2 gal
terial a second time and leave it on a Gross yield 61 gal.
little longer than before. Wash off with
mild soap and cold water and repolish. Heat the Vinsol and Belro Resin and
This will not injure the varnish. 5 gal tung oil quickly to 575® F.; hold
until foaming stops, and then adct bal-
Fine Cracks Before Painting
Filler for ance of tung oil, run slowly to 540° F.
Mix a with the paint to be
little fiour top heat for body, cool and reduce at
used to form a soft putty. 400° F.
No. 2
Painting Pine Log Cabin Orange Vinsol Barrel Paint
Formula No. 1 Basic Chromate of I-iead 4 lb.
The best finish for peeled pine logs Vinsol Barrel Paint Varnish 1 gal
is warm linseed oil. The first coat should Grind 15 hr. in pebble mill

No. 3 stone, use is made of sodium silicate.

Bed Vinsol Barrel Paint Commercial sodium silicate is an aqueous
1 IN solution of 36-40® B6. This is diluted
O.P. Bed Iron Oxide
^ with water to 22, 24 or 26® Be. and
Asbestine ^
Vinsol Barrel Paint
must be used at once, preferably pre-
Varnish. 1 paring no more than is needed for one
day work at a time. For an imitation
Grind 15 hr. in pebble mill.
stone effect nnground zinc oxide is em-
No. 4:
ployed in the proportion of 750 g. of
Black Vinsol Barrel Paint oxide to 1 kg. of silicate. The silicate
Carbon Black 3% oz.
will not adhere unless the surface is well
Mineral Black ^ 2 lb.
washed, and as the product dries ex
Vinsol Barrel Paint tremely quickly it is advisable to apply
Varnish it on a cloudy, damp dayj details of
Vi gal.
Mineral Spirits application are given. On very porous
Grind 24 hr. in pebble mill. stone three coats are generally applied,
increasing the amount of pigment and
Alcohol Eesistant Bar Pinishing density for each coat.
The wood bar top may be stained
in the customary manner,
filled Artificial Wall Stone Coating
coat then
with a very thin shellac ;
German Patent 619,379
the sur-
sanded down heavily to prepare Lime, XJnslaked 5 kg.
of paraffin oil.
face for a finishing coat

^ Magnesium Chloride 2 kg.

of par-
The moisture-proofing efficiency Alum 2 kg.
affin oil for this type
of work is im- 10-15 kg.
proved by adding a small amount
of 40-50 kg.
vinegar. The vinegar tends to emulsify Pigment 2- 6 kg.
the oil, thus facilitating
good penetra- Water 30 kg.
tion into the wood. Very little vinegar
is reciuired——about a
tablespoonful to a Blackboard Slating Paint
quart of oil. Two coats of the Moisten four ounces of dry lampblack
ized oil are recommended. To keep the with denatured alcohol, rubbing the mix-
installation, the
bar in condition after ture out on a piece of glass or a marble
bartender should carefully rub the slab with a wide spatula until free from
with a rag
every night for several weeks lumps. Put the black paste in a ps-il
moistened in the same mixture. and add, while stirring constantly, one
quart of orange shellac varnish, and three
Coating for Butter Tubs ounces each of the finest powdered
Casein ^ pumice stone and powdered rottenstone,
Borax .i i?’ sifting the dry materials through a fine
Water ^ sieve. If the mixture is too stout to flow
Warm and until uniform. Coat Ap-
stir freely, add more denatured alcohol.
inside of tubwith this and wash with ply this slatipg with a wide, soft brush
Pormaldehyde I JN brush,
(preferably a regular slating
7 lb.
Water made for the purpose) being sure to
Dry at 60^ 0. ^ work rapidly enough to avoid laps. Two
This prevents wood taint of butter. or three coats of the slating may be
necessary, all of which may be applied
Glue Paints in one day, but the job should stand a
Glue colors, i.e., coatings with vege- day or two to become perfectly hard, and
table or animal glue as binders,
can be the surface should then be rubbed lightly
applied to wood or masonry but not with curled hair or fine steel wool before
over oil colors. If mortar is dry
the blackboard is put into service. If
porous or if the surface is gypsum, the the surface to which the slating is to be
aluminum salt of a fatty acid may be applied has not been previously finished
used as a sizing. A
good water-resistant and used as a blackboard it will be
coating for masonry is glue 50, sodium necessary to build the surface up with
silicate 50, zinc oxide 50, caustic
oil paint, which must become thoroughly
solution (sp. gr. 1.34) 2 kg. The dry before the slating is put on.
glue coating may be washed with^
to increase further the water
Imitation. Marble
Protective Paint for Stone Surfaces
This effect is produced in one of two
In order to replace or enhance the
on ways. The first is by brush application
naturally protective layer of silicate

of a bituminous paint which is baked onj lowing of plasticizers is exceedingly im-

water colors are then applied by dabbing portant, as so many of them turn yellow
the outline over a stencil laid on the or brown. How^ever, it has been found
slate, followed by hand shading by that tricresyl phosphate can be used in
feather or fine brush. The second small quantities, but not blown oils as
method is to scatter an oil paint from a are so often recommended, as these are
stick onto the surface of water in a long, liable to turn brown. The urea resins
narrow trough and afterwards immerse have a great advantage here over the
the panel of slate, coated with a thin glyptals, as the former never turn yellow
film of linseed oil from a rag, in this on stoving under any conditions, but they
trough. On removing the panel it picks are more brittle and lack adhesion, and
up a thin film of paint from the surface their plasticization is far more important,
of the water, and this is allowed to dry. whereas with glyptals a soft non-curing
Afterwards a hard copal varnish may be type can generally be added to the heat-
applied and the slate is stoved overnight; curing resin to plasticize it and to give
polishing follows. the necessary adhesion.
A colored or black synthetic filler may As regards waterproof ness, the straight
be sprayed on the slate (after the primer ureas^ and glyptals are inferior to the
has been applied and baked), and baked bakelites. The acidity of the resin would
hard, usually at 160-200® E. for 1-2 seem to have a marked effect on the quick
hours, when it is rubbed down smooth curing of the ureas particularly, hence
with rottenstone ; the veining is then ap- their admixture with acid glyptals.
plied by hand with a feather dipped in Eor the primer an oil-modified glyptal
white or colored synthetic lacquer and can be suitably diluted with mineral

allowed to air dry, when a good thick spirits and a small amount of lead driers
coat of clear synthetic lacquer is sprayed added, and then pigmented as follows;
on and baked. The surface is subse- Resin (100 lb. in 15 gal.
quently smoothed down and polished to a Solvent Naphtha and 15
mirror-like smoothness and gloss. Any White Spirit)
gal. 55 lb.
amount of variation of base colors and Titanium White (26%) 33 lb.
veining can be done in a similar way. Eure Titanium Oxide 9 lb.
Eor shadow veining or marble effect the Asbestine 3 lb.
synthetic color or veining may be sprayed
Eor the undercoat a resin compounded
through a wide mesh rope stencil instead
with far less oil should be used, similarly
of applying with a feather. Colored fin-
thinned with mineral spirits, and suitable
ishes are often called for.
driers and pigments added.
Undercoats Resin Solution 39.6 lb.
The usual baking synthetic finishes are Titanium White (26%) 23.7 lb.
either straight glyptals, ureas or bake- Xylol 36.7 lb.
lites, whilst the primers and undercoats
and fillers are combinations of synthetics
and drying oils usually the primer has a
; Straight Color Trim Paint
greater oil content than the undercoat Eormula No. 1
and filler, and often the oil in the primer Light Brown
is linseed whereas the oil in the undercoat C.P. Chrome Yellow
may be tung oil. Eor outside exposure Medium 3 qt.
a combination of oil and synthetic (often Indian Red 1 qt.
50:50) is absolutely necessary as a final Raw Linseed Oil 2% qt.
coating to withstand all weathers, and Outside Spar Varnish qt.
this is applied after flatting down the
clear or colored finish and is then baked
Liquid Brier '
% Pt-
No. 2

hard for some hours with a good supply

Medium Reddish Brown
of air at a lower temperature, say 150°
The pol-
C.P. Chrome Yellow
E., and finally highly polished.
ishing is very severe, and it is therefore
Indian Red
absolutely necessary that the finishes
should bake very hard indeed; conse-
Raw Linseed Oil
Outside Spar Varnish
quently the heat-convertible synthetic
Liquid Brier
resin 'finishes have proved exceedingly
Very good results have been had with
combinations of ureas and glyptals suit-
ably plasticized, Eor whites and clear
colorless lacquers the question of the yel-

Outside Spar Varnisli 1 qt. Drab Paint

Liquid Drier 1 pt. Pormula No. 1
No. 4 Soft Paste White-Lead 50 lb.
Trim Red Raw Turkey Umber 1 qt.

CvP. Bulletin
Tuscan Bed
Red m
Raw Linseed Oil
Liquid Drier

Baw Linseed Oil 3% pt. No. 2

Outside Spar VarnisL 1 qt. Soft Paste White-Lead 50 lb.

Liquid Drier 1 pt. French Ochre 1% gal.

Lampblack V> pt.
No. 5
Briglit Green
Raw Linseed Oil 23/4 gal.

C.P. Chrome Green^ — I^ight 1 gal.

Liquid Drier
No. 3
1 pt.

Baw Linseed Oil 1% gal.

French Ochre 1 gal.
Outside Spar Varnish V2 gal
Lampblack ¥2 pt.
Liquid Drier 1 pt.
Raw Linseed Oil 3 qt.
No. 6 Outside Spar Varnish 1 qt.
Dark Green
C.P. Chrome Green —^Dark 1 gal.
Liquid Drier
Baw Linseed Oil 1% gal.
No. 4 ,

Outside Spar Varnish 1/2 gal Soft Paste White-Lead 50 lb.

Liquid Drier 1 pt. C.P. Medium Chrome
No. 7 Yellow 1 pt.
Chromium Oxide Green Lampblack 1 oz.
C.P. Chromium Oxide Raw Linseed Oil IV2 gal.
Green 1 gal. Liquid Drier 1 pt.
Baw Linseed Oil 2% qt.
Outside Spar Varnish 1 qt. Mica Paints
Liquid Drier % pt. The preparation is of very simple
No. 8 character. The necessary quantity of the
Bright Yellow medium is poured upon the flakes, and
thoroughly mixed with a spatula. The
C.P. Chrome Yellow
Lemon 1 gal. paint is then ready for use.
Baw Linseed Oil 4% qt. As a standard composition, the me-
diums for which may be linseed oil
Outside Spar Varnish 11^ qt.
Liquid Drier % pt. (boiled) , fatty varnishes, water-proof var-
nishes, bronzing or gilding liquids, or
No. 9 paints in general, the proportions sug-
Bright Orange gested are 200 g. of mica flakes for 1 kg,
C.P. Chrome Yellow of medium. Where the medium is a
Orange 1 gal.
cellulose lacquer, the proportions are 100-
Raw Linseed Oil 234 qt.
120 g. of mica flakes for 1 kg. of medium.
Outside Spar Varnish 1 qt.
In order to protect and to increase
Liquid Drier % pt.
the durability of any painting slightly
No. 10 increase the amount of coloring matter
Black to preserve the same shade of color,
Lampblack 1 gal. which the flakes have a tendency to
Raw Linseed Oil 2% qt. lighten tp a certain degree. Asuitable
Outside Spar Varnish 1 qt. proportion will be an additional 50-100
Liquid Drier 1 pt. g. of mica flakes per kg. of prepared
paint. Experiment alone will determine
Por quick setting and good, thorough the exact quantity to be mixed, as this
drying of these straight colors, four depends, not only upon the medium, but
ounces of powdered litharge, wet with a also upon the coloring matter employed.
little turpentine, may be stirred into each
The paints should not be prepared for
gallon of paint just before application. too long a time in advance; it is prefer-
This practice is particularly helpful in able to make the mixtures shortly before
paints containing considerable lampblack using. Application can be made by
or dropblack which are ^^slow driers^’ brush or with the spraying gnn.
and which sometimes remain tacky for a
long time. "When litharge is added to
any batch of paint, or when boiled lin- ALUMINUM PAINT
seed oil instead of raw is employed, only Instructions for Dse
half the liquid drier specified for the i.Mixing: Aluminum paint shall be
batch need be used. freshly mixed and only enough for one

daj^s use sliall be mixed at one time. good rust inhibitive priming paint. Two
Any paint remaining after this period coats* of aluminum paint shall then be
may be mixed •with freshly prepared applied, allowing at least 48 hours dry-
/aint, if it does not exceed 10% of total ing time between coats.
newly-mixed paint. The paint shall be
* The first coat of ahiminum paint may be
mixed. in the proportion of 2 lb. of alu-
tinted with Prussian Blue. Two ounces of
minum powder or aluminum paste per Prussian Blue paste shall he added to each
gal. of vehicle, or as otherwise specified. gallon of the clear vehicle before mixing with
The weighed amount of pigment shall be the aluminum pigment.
placed in a suitable mixing container, and
a measured volume of vehicle shall be
5. Fainting Weather-Exposed Wood —
gradually added to it with continuous
New Work: The surface to be painted
stirring until a uniform paint is obtained.
shall be thoroughly clean and dry. No
painting shall be done in wet or freezing
Each time any paint is removed from the
weather or within 24 hours following a
mixing container, the paint shall again
be thoroughly stirred to insure proper
rain. A priming coat of aluminum paint
shall be applied over the entire surface.
mixing. The paint shall also be fre-
The paint shall consist of 1% lb. of
quently stirred during use.
aluminum powder or 2 lb. of aluminum
Application: Aluminum paint may
paste per gal. of a varnish vehicle for
be applied with either spray gun or hand
wood (very long oil varnish). Cracks as
brush. If spraying equipment is em-
w^ell as counter sunk nailheads shall be
ployed, only sufficient pressure should
filled with a good putty before additional
be used to secure adequate atomization.
paint coats are applied. If 2 coats of
Excessive pressure should be avoided.
aluminum paint are specified, the second
For spraying purposes, thinners may be
coat shall consist of a paint made with
added as required but not to exceed 10%
2 lb. of aluminum powder or paste per
of the total volume of paint. If a brush
is used, care should be taken that all final
gal. of vehicle. At least 48 hours dry-
ing time shall be allowed between coats.
brush strokes are made in the same di-
Other top coats may be used as specified,
rection. Excessive brushing will result
allowing the same drying time.
in streaking and darkening, and should
be avoided. 6. Fainting Weather-Exposed Wood —
S. Fainting Weather-Exposed Steel — Bepaint Work: The surface to be painted
shall be scraped and scratch-brushed to
New Work: The steel surface to be
ainted shall be thoroughly clean and remove blistered or loosely adhering paint
ry. Oil and grease shall be removed and then thoroughly dusted. Cracks shall
with mineral spirits. Rust, mill scale, be filled with putty. No painting shall
dirt or other foreign matter shall be re- be done in wet or freezing weather or
moved by scratch-brushing, scraping or within 24 hours following a rain. A first
sand-blasting. No painting shall be done coat of aluminum paint made with 2 lb. of
in wet weather or when the temperature aluminum powder or paste per gal. of the
is below 40° F. or when there is frost
varnish vehicle for wood (very long oil
or moisture condensation on the steel. varnish), shall then be applied. A dry-
At temperatures below 50° F., the use of ing time of at least 48 hours shall be
a maximum of 10% tlunner, such as allowed before top coats of paint are
mineral spirits, is permissible. A good applied. If 2 coats of aluminum paint
rust inhibitive priming coat shall be ap- are specified, the second coat shall consist
lied and allowed to dry for at least 48 of a paint made with 2 lb. of aluminum
ours. Two coats* of aluminum paint powder or paste per gal. of vehicle. Other
shall then be applied over the priming top coats may be used as specified, allow-
coat, allowing at least 48 hours drying ing the same drying time.
time between coats.
— 7. Fainting —
Wood Interior: If the
4. Fainting Weather-Exposed Steel wood has previously been painted with a
Old Work: The steel surface shall be free high gloss finish, the surface should be
from rust, loose paint, loosely adhering sanded before any paint is applied.
mill scale, dirt and other foreign matter.
(This applies particularly to interior
Oil and grease shall be removed with
trim) . The aluminum paint shall consist
mineral spirits. No painting shall be
done in wet weather or when the tempera- of aluminum powder or paste mixed with
ture is below 40° F. or when there is an interior varnish, in the proportions of
frost or moisture condensation on the 1% lb. per gal. of vehicle. If the work
steel. At temperatures below 50° F. the is specified to be left in the aluminum
use of a maximum of 10% thinner, such finish, 2 coats of the same aluminum
as mineral spirits, is permissible. All paint shall be applied, allowing at least
bare spots shall be touched up with a 48 hours drying time between coats.
: :


8. Painting Brick f Concrete and Plas- powders, the vehicle has to be more vis-
ter': The surface to be painted shall be cous. Choose medium-size, tinsel-like
dry and free from all loose paint, dirt powder.
and calcimine. The paint shall consist No. 2
of 1%-^ ll5 of aluminum powder or paste
. British Patent 445,110
per gal. of a varnish vehicle. If the An aluminum sheet is primed with a
surfaces are exposed to the weather, 2 material consisting of
coats of aluminum paint shall be applied, Polymerized Vinyl Acetate 15 lb.
using 2 lb. of pigment per gal, of vehicle Zinc Oxide 10 lb.
for the second coat, and allowing at
least Ethyl Acetate 35 lb.
48 hours drying time between coats. Por Toluene 20 lb.
interiors, one coat may be sufficient. Xylene 20 lb.
9a, General Interior Work: For ordi- After drying, the protective coating is
nary interior work, one coat of aluminum applied as lacquer of the following com-
uaint is usually sufficient. The paint shall position:
consist of 1 ^2-2 lb. of aluminum powder
paste per gal. of an interior varnish. Chlorinated Rubber (64%
For Interiors Exposed to Unusual Chlorine Content) 20 lb.
Conditions Where unusual exposure con- Toluene 20 lb.

ditions exist, such as acid fumes, high Xylene 40 lb.

Trier esyl Phosphate 6-8 lb.
humidity, etc., all steel to be painted shall
Butyl Stearate 4 lb.
have a rust inhibitive priming coat ap-
plied. Two coats of aluminum paint, Aluminum Bronze Powder 10 lb.

using varnishes mixed with 2 lb. of alu-

minum powder or 2%
lb. of aluminum Heat Resisting Aluminum Paint Vehicle
paste per gal. of vehicle shall then be Gloss Oil (60% Solids) 20 lb.
applied over the priming coat. Two coats Aluminum Powder 15 lb.
of the same aluminum paint shall be ap- Xylol 20 lb.
plied on all other surfaces. The painting V. M. & P. Naphtha 60 lb.
procedure described in Paragraphs 2 to 6
shall be followed. Aluminum Coating for Ovens
10. Painting Metal Surfaces Subject to Coumaron Resin 12 g.
Eigh Temperatures In Painting metal Benzol 30 g.
surfaces which reach high temperatures, Benzolene 30 g.
special care shall be taken to insure a Alurt inum Powder to suit
clean surface. A
roughened surface will
also improve the adherence of the alu-
Aluminum Priming for Wood
minum paint him. For surfaces which
Tung oil vehicles are recommended by
reach temperatures in excess of 400® F.,
reason of their elasticity and waterproof-
an aluminum paint consisting of alumi- _
ing properties. A suitable vehicle is ob-
num powder or paste mixed with a heat- tained by thinning a tung oil spar varnish
resisting vehicle in the proportion of 2-3
to the desii*ed consistency, and adding
lb. of pigment per gal. of vehicle shall
aluminum powder in the proportion of
he applied. For surfaces, the tempera-
2 lb. per gal. For an oil medium use:
ture of which does not exceed 400® F.,
spar varnish may be used as the vehicle Raw Linseed Oil 70 oz.
if diluted with at least 50%, by volume, Bodied Linseed Oil 8 oz.
with thinner such as mineral spirits. Naphtha 7 oz.
Turpentine 15 oz.
The above recommendations do not ap'
ply to healed surfaces exposed to the Add a lead-free drier to suit.
weather such as unlined stacks or stack Vehicles for aluminium paints must
breaching s. have a low acid value, and the concen-
tration of aluminum powder should not
Aluminum Paint exceed 2 lb. per gal.
Formula No. 1
Linseed Oil 30 g. Steel Paint
Engine Oil, Refined 15 g. Zinc Chromate 12.5 kg,
Cumarone Resin, Hard 8 g. Basie Lead Chromate 12.5 kg.
Heavy Benzine 85 g. Lead Sulphate 25 kg.
Aluminum Powder 85 g. Magnesium Sulphate 50 kg.
Important Tung Oil 50 kg.
The the aluminum powder, the
finer Turpentine Oil 25 kg.
greater is its hiding power, but the lower Linseed Oil 12.5 kg.
is its lustre. Furthermore, for coarser Naphtha 12.5 kg.


Paint Pre-treatment for Steel Sheets An interval of about four days is

U. S. Patent 1,980,518 necessary for hardening the corked sur-
Fuller Earth 30 lb. faces before painting is possible. The
Calcium Dihydrogen paint is usually in the form of a thick
Phosphate 5 lb. white zinc or titanium white flatting.
Copper Nitrate 0.5 lb.
Butyl Alcohol 2.4 lb. Beer Can Coating (Internal)
Water 6.32 gal. British Patent 463,797
Blown Asphalt 2 lb.
Coating Underground Metal Pipes Gilsonite 1 lb.
U. S. Patent 2,047,772 Carbon Tetrachloride 14 lb.
Mica, Finely Divided 10-30 lb. Coating for Ends
Pitch (m.p, 65-95° F.) 90-70 lb. Asphalt 100 lb.
Apply at 160-200° F. Montan Wax 10 lb.
Cumarone Resin %-2 lb.
Cork Coating for Ship Metal Surfaces Thin to suit with a mixture of equal
The overhead steel surfaces, including parts of toluol and carbon tetrachloride.
angles, frames, and probably the ship^s
side in mess spaces, accommodation for Paint for Asbestos Pipe Covering
men, store-rooms, etc., are usually covered White-Lead in Oil 100 lb.
with granulated cork. This has the func- Pure Kettle-Boiled Linseed
tion of reducing condensation by acting Oil 7 gal.
as an insulator, particularly so in the Turpentine 1 gal.
case of steel surfaces on the under side This formula will make about 11 gal-
of the decks, wMch are not planked on lons of paint. It is very difficult, how-
the upper side. ever, to estimate its covering power when
The procedure of applying the cork is applied to surfaces such as asbestos whose
as follows An adhesive composition, of
: surface is very likely to be more porous
which the following formula has been in some spots than others. As near as
found suitable, is thickly applied, either one can figure the priming coat should
by hand or spray, to the surfaces already average approximately 300 square feet
painted with red lead, aluminum paint or per gallon.
other protective coating and then covered The second coat should be based on
with granulated cork. one of the following formulas:
Lead (Paste)
Wlaite 38 lb. Second coat (a)
Yellow Ochre (Paste) 38 lb. White-Lead in Gil 100 lb.
Paste Driers 14 lb. Pure Raw Linseed Oil 1% gal.
Hard Drying Tarnish 10 pt. Turpentine 1% gal.
Boiled Linseed Oil 10 pt. Pure Drier 1 pt.
A small quantity of japan gold size This formula takes about 6 gallons of
can be added for quicker drying if con- paint which should cover approximately
sidered necessary. 3000 square feet one coat.
Granulated cork free from dust, of a Second coat (b)

size which must pass through a sieve 8 White-Lead in Oil 100 lb.
meshes to the linear inch and be retained Flatting Oil 2-3 gal.
on a seive 16 meshes to the linear inch, This formula should make from 5 to 6
is either thrown or pressed on the adhe- gallons of paint which should cover from
sive composition. This can be quickly 2500 to 3000 square feet one coat.
and efficiently applied to the overhead
surfaces by using a thin but stiff piece of Protective Coating for Concrete and Iron
aluminium alloy sheeting approximately Asphaltum 50 lb.
9 inches square, upon which the cork is Coal Tar Pitch, Hard 50 lb.
placed in a thick layer, and then pressed Rosin, Dark 40 lb.
up to the composition, a small clip under- Linseed Oil Varnish 20 lb.
neath the plate ensuring a firm hold. Coal Tar Oil 50 lb.
An alternative method is to use a shallow Heavy Benzoline 30 lb.
tray of a similar size having the bottom
covered with canvas and filled with the Concrete Coating
cork. In this case the hand is placed U. S. Patent 2,048,932
underneath the canvas and pressed up on Cement 100 lb.
the adhesive composition. To make sure Sodium Phosphate 4 lb.
of the complete covering of the surfaces, Calcium Chloride 6 lb.
granulated cork is also thrown up after- Water sufficient to make desired con-
wards. sistency.

Industrial Paints Melt the Vinsol alone to a top heat of

Yinsol Paint Oil 100 lb. 350° P., and when all melted add the
Tung Oil 30 gal. coal tar, linoleate and beeswax and heat
Menhaden Eisli Oil 50 gal. tin thoroughly melted then cool to 400°
Kerosene 50 gal. P., and reduce with naphtha. When cold
V. M. & P. Naphtha 50 gal. grind with pigments in ball mill.
Lead Naphthenate Paste
Drier or Equivalent Weight Toxic Anti-Pouling Material
of Lead as Litharge 6 lb.
U. S. Patent 2,041,130
Heat the Vinsol and all the tung oil An anti-fouling marine paint toxic to
to 450® P., add lead paste
drier (work marine animal organisms comprises a
in the drier if litharge is used),
raise suitable vehicle having incorporated
heat quickly to 575® P., check with the therein zinc tellurite. A suitable formula
fish oil and hold at
560® P. for 12-inch is: Zinc tellurite 50 g., zinc oxide 50 g.,
string, cool and reduce at 500 with kero- tar 30 g., shellac 5 g., alcohol 500 g.
sene, follow with the V. M. & P. Naphtha
at 375° P.
Red Paint Black Pinish for Auto Penders
Red Oxide 2 lb. a. Asphaltnm 54- lb.
C.P. 54''
3 lb. Rosin lb.
Vinsol Paint Oil 1 gal. Roseen Oil 1 gal.
b. Linseed Oil 12 gal
Grind 15 hr. in pebble mill.
0 Turpentine
. 17 gal.
Brown Paint d. Litharge 6 lb.
Prince ^s Metallic Brown 4 lb.
Cobalt Linoleate
Asbestine 1 lb.
Vinsol Paint Oil 1 gal.
(4% Cobalt) 2.5 lb.

Grind 15 hr. in pebble mill. Heat a with part of b to 250° G., tc

melt, and add the balance of b, heating
Green Paint
further to get a good, clear solution.
C.P. Chrome Green Dark 1% lb.
Add {^ slowly with agitation. Cool, and
Asbestine 2 lb.
add c at 150° 0. Allow to settle in
Vinsol Paint Oil 1 gal.
tanks for several months, centrifuge, and
Grind 15 hr. in pebble mill. All into containers.
Black Paint
Carbon Black 3% oz.
Mineral Black L Refinishing Paint for Autos
Vinsol Paint Oil 1 gnl. IT. S. Patent 2,044,493
Gasoline (Low Test) 95 gal.
Grind 24 hr. in pebble mill.
Anise Oil 1-2 gal.
Note: This paint is suggested as an
excellent general utility black mainte-
Clear Spar Varnish 32 gai.
nance paint for metal and wood protec*-
tion in industrial plants. It has better
Repainting Drums
adhesion and holds its gloss longer than Scrape off all the old paint and sand
the asphalt paints frequently used in this
the surface with very fine sandpaper^ then
work. apply a priming coat of white lead in oil.
Oil Plastic Paint
After the priming coat is dry apply two
Heavy Paste Wliite Lead 100 lb.
coats of paint made from colors ground
Dry Bolted Whiting 22 lb.
in* japan. This should be thinned with
Platting Oil 1%gal.
turpentine only. When the final coat of
Japan Drier 1 gill
color is dry, varnish the surface with a.
Break up the white lead in half of the good thin-bodied hard gum varnish.
oil and the whiting in the other half.
When the varnish is dry, if the surface
When both are well mixed pour together is not sufficiently glossy, rub the var-
and mix until smooth. nished surface with curled hair or fine
steel wool to remove the gloss and apply
Ship Bottom Paint a second coat of varnish.
Zinc Oxide 187 lb.
Indian Red 93 lb.
Silica 93 lb. Preventing Paint Hardening
Vinsol 146 lb. Melted paraffin poured over the top of
Hi-flash Coal Tar Naphtha 383 lb. a can of paint will prevent its hardening,
Coal Tar 48 lb. ^i^en can of paint is again desired the
Manganese Linoleate 130 lb. coating of paraffin can be readily re-
Beeswax 3.£i lb. moved.

Painting Airplane Alloys 3. Third Coat— Orange Finish

In the use of paints on magnesium For All Surfaces
alloys such as used for airplanes, it is Basic Lead Chromate 1 gal.
important that the surface first be Raw
Linseed Oil 1 gal.
cleaned with 2% solution of sodium hyd- Makes 2 gal. of paint which covers
roxide. Aluminium alloys can only be about 600 sq. ft. per gal.
cleaned by sand-blasting. Oil varnishes
for application on magnesium-aluminium 4. Third Coat —
^White Finish
alloys should contain three parts of oil A, Wood and Metal
to one part of resin. Ferric oxide and White-Lead
zinc chromate is the. best pigment for use (Soft Paste*) 100 1b.
in paints for iron or steel, whereas Linseed Oil 3 gal.
chrome yellows with or without the use Liquid Drier tl pt.
of titanium dioxide is the best for alumi- Makes 6% gal. of paint which covers
nium. Zinc oxide is the best for mag- about 700 sq. ft. per gal.
nesium alloys. Silica increases the ad- B. Concrete, Stucco, Stone, Brick
hesion to the various types of metals and White-Lead (Soft or
alloys. Copals and dammar are satisfac- Heavy Paste) 100 lb.
tory resins to use in the formulation of Lead Mixing Oil 3-4 gal.
paints for alloys, but ester gum is not Makes 6 to 7 gal. of paint which eovers
satisfactory. about 600 sq. ft. per gal.
* If heavy paste is used in these formulas,
increase turpentine by one quart.
FOEMFLAS FOE PAINTING STRUO- t When boiled oil is used, reduce drier to
Priming Coat Line Paint
A. Wood (High Quality)
White-Lead Formula No. 1
(Soft Paste-^) 100 lb. Sixty-five per cent of pigment and 35
2.Linseed Oil 4 gal. per cent of vehicle. The pigment is 65
Pure Turpentine 1% gal. per cent light-proof lithopone, 25 per cent
Liquid Drier tl pt. lead-free zinc oxide, and 10 per cent
Makes 9 gal. of paint which covers magnesium silicate.
about 600 sq. ft. per gal. The vehicle is a varnish made in the
B. Metal proportions of 9 gallons of China wood
Paste Eed-Lead 100 lb. oil and 6 gallons of linseed oil per 100
Raw Linseed Oil 2% gal.
Pure Turpentine
Liquid Drier
1% pt.
m pounds of modified phenolic resin and
thinned with V. M. & P. naphtha and
drier to contain per cent of non-
Makes 5 gal. of paint which covers volatile material.
about 600 sq. ft. per gal.
C. Concrete, Stucco, Stone, Brick No. 2
White-Lead (Soft or Sixty-five per cent of pigment and 35
Heavy Paste) 100 lb. per cent of vehicle. The pigment is 56
Lead Mixing Oil A-5 gal. per cent titanium-barium pigment, 24 per
cent lead-free zinc oxide, 10 per cent
Makes 7 to 8 gal. of paint which covers magnesium silicate and 10 per cent silica.
about 200 sq. ft. per gal.
The vehicle is 40 per cent nonvolatile and
made of the same constituents as above,
Second Coat
but in the proportions of 12 gallons of
A. Wood and Metal China wood oil and 8 gallons of linseed
oil per 100 pounds of resin.
(Soft Paste*) 100 lb.
Linseed Oil l^/^ gal.
Pure Turpentine 1% gal. Cheap Traffic Line Paint
Liquid Drier tl pt. Hydrated Lime 100 lb.
Makes 6 of paint which covers
gal. Casein 20 lb.
about 700 sq. ft. per gal. Trisodium Phosphate 12 lb.
B. Concrete, Stucco, Stone, Brick Whiting 30 lb.
White-Lead (Soft or Water to proper consistency
Heavy Paste) 100 lb.
Lead Mixing Oil 3-4 gal. Permanent Window Paint
Makes 6 to 7 gal. of paint which eovers Mix 30 pounds of sodium silicate with
about 400 sq. ft. per gaL five gallons of water and mix in two

gallons of raw linseed oil with vigorous 10 parts by weight of red lead and egg
stirring. The oil must be emulsified in albumin in a quantity equivalent to five
the -water before adding pigment. For whites of eggs and applying this mass
a wMte paint stir in 25 pounds of wMt- upon the coating of the mirror main-
ing. A blue color may be obtained with tained in lukewarm condition.
ultramarine, red with iron oxide, yellow
with' lead or zinc chromate, and green Lamp Shade Decorating Faint
with chrome green. Low Strength Glue 19 oz.
To avoid brush marks apply with a Cornstarch 14 oz.
spray gun. To remove, apply vinegar Cane Sugar 14 oz.
and allow it to soak in, before scraping. Water 26 oz.
Alcohol 27 oz.
Frosted Window Paint Color to suit
When a temporary paint is desired for Clove Oil to suit
a window a supersaturated solution of Dissolve glue, starch and sugar in
magnesium sulphate (Epsom Salt) gives water with gentle heat; add color; in-
excellent results. Simply paint or daub corporate alcohol with constant stirring
the warm solution over a window ^aint to make a smooth thin paste; add clove
and beautiful frosted effects are obtained. oil.
The coating is easily and completely re- Apply from collapsible tubes with thin
moved by Water. nozzle, or -with a c^e icer.

Painting Glass Painting Canvas (Non-Folding)

Thoroughly clean inside of glass and Make up a batch of cooked rye flour
apply a first coat of a very thin mixture paste, brush a coat on the canvas, let dry,
of white lead and turpentine, containing then run over the surface of the roof
a pint of hard-drying varnish per gallon
Spread rapidly on glass
with No. % sandpaper to knock off the
of turpentine. nibs. Dust well, and apply a coat of
with a soft brush and immediately stipple paint made by mixing together five
the paint with a wall stippler. pounds of white lead in oil and one pound
of belted whiting. Reduce this paste,
Glass Masking Coating after tinting to a -very light gray, with
Formula No. 1 a liquid composed of one part of raw
For masking automobile glass while linseed oil, two parts of good coach japan
painting: and two parts of turpentine. Apply this
Kaolin 2 lb. and when dry apply a second coat of
Glycerin l-S lb. light gray paint, made by reducing white
Water 4.5 lb. lead in oil to brushing consistency with
Butyl Alcohol 0.25 lb. a liquid composed of one part of raw
linseed oil and three parts of coach
Mix above ingredients thoroughly, ap-
ply to glass of car with a brush and let japan. When dry apply a coat of alu-
dry. After painting with a spray gun,
minum paint, made by stirring pure alu'
the mask may be removed with a putty
minum powder into a first-class extra
knife, cloth or by washing with a hose.
long oil exterior spar varnish or a high-
This leaves the glass free of paint. grade coach or finishing varnish.
No. 2
TT. S. Patent 2,029,008 Canoe Finishing
Toluol 55 oz. Canvas canoes take a good finish, and
Rubber Cement 30 oz. remain not only water-tight but also at-
Latex 5 oz. tractive ^ver a considerable period ^if —
Mineral Oil, Heavy 5 oz. the job is done right.
1. Wash inside and out; then dry thor-
Protective Coating for Mirrors oughly.
IT. S. Patent 2,071,553 2. Remove old paint, using any stand-
A process for producing a protective ard varnish remover^ according to the
coating against air, dampness, tropical manufacturer's directions.
moisture and acid vapors, consists in 3. Dry entire canoe thoroughly. For
melting 40 parts by weight of asphalt, this use a small motor-driven blower,
diluting the same -with spirits of turpen- taMng warm air from around a heater
tine, adding 30 parts by weight of copal improvised from one of the common
resin dissolved in spirits of turpentine air-tight" wood-burning stoves. This
whilst continually stirring the mass, ad- warm dry air is blown gently into a
ding to each kilogram of the mixture canvas-covered box completely covering


the canoe, the blower being tied in at lead 12.5 lb. and a black material such
one end while the other end is left open as lampblack about 1.5 lb. are used to-
as a vent. After partially drying the gether.
canoe with the stern toward the blower
lift the cover, turn the canoe halfway Coating Inside of Latex Drums
around, and complete the drying. Latex (Containing
4. After making sure that the canoe 0.7% Ammonia) 1 gal.
is dry, and regardless of the final color to whichadd a smooth paste of
desired, prime it with a thin coating Zinc Oxide 2 lb.
little more than a wash —
of aluminum Water 1 qt.
paint, using a long-oil varnish as the
Completely wet inside of drum with
above, drain out and dry by sun’s heat.
6. Then the canoe is given two color
coats of best grade marine paint, the
Ink Resistant Fountain Pen Barrel
material for each coat being cut with the
U. S. Patent 2,044,181
addition of one-half pint of turpentine
The inner surface of the barrel is
or wood spirits to the gallon as received.
coated with a solution of ethylcellulose
After the first coat has dried thoroughly,
and dried.
it is sanded lightly to assure a better
bond with the following coat.
Dental Model Coating
6. The job is finished with a coating
U, S. Patent 2,057,289
of spar varnish. The varnish is flowed
Cellulose Acetate oz.
on, with as little brushing as possible,
Triphenyl Phosphate 8 oz.
beginning at the keel and working to-
Methyl Phthallate 25 cc.
ward the gunwales. The boat is in up-
Formaldehyde 25 cc.
sidedown position, of course, during all
this work.
Dioxan 3% qt.

Where any lettering, initials or decora-

Quick Drying Temporary Protective
tive design is desired, it is put on over
the last coat of color and covered with
Glycol Bori-Boxate 10 g.
the spar varnish along with the rest. of
Corn Sugar 8 g.
the canvas.
Jobs turned out in the manner outlined Water 182 cc.
last from three to five years, depending ’Heat to 140® F, and apply with a
upon usage (care being taken to drain spray gun. This coating is removed with
the craft after each trip) and the amount a damp cloth.
of abrasion suffered from sandy beaches
and rocky shoals. Fireproof Paint
French Patent 821,566
Zinc Oxide 407.48 g.
Metal Coating for Paper and Fabrics Titanium Dioxide 150.00 g.
British Patent 433,218 Linseed Oil 170.00 g.
Clyptal Resin Stand Oil 70.00 g.
(Tung Oil Type) 43.88 lb. Turpentine 20,00 g.
Naphtha 53.13 lb. Manganese Resinate 90.00 g.
Cobalt Linoleate 2.99 lb. Barium Sulphate 36.48 g.
The paper or fabric is coated with Silica 2.00 g.
above solution and then sprayed with a Calcium Silicate 0.19 g.
powdered metal and burnished before Zinc Sulphide 15.53 g.
varnish has dried completely then bake Iron Oxide 1.44 g.
to harden varnish. Alumina 2.10 g.
Magnesia 2.61 g.

Auto Top Dressing Calcium Carbonate 32.25 g.

Formula No. 1
Dissolve 4 oz. Orange Shellac in 1 gal. Fireproofing Coating
denatured alcohol and add French Patent 802,021
oz. castor
oil and sufficient spirit soluble nigrosine
Tetrachloronaphthalene 450 g.
to give the depth of color desired. Chlorinated Rubber 60 g.
Tritolyl Phosphate 40 g.
No. 2 Lampblack 20 g.
U, S. Patent 2,046,793
Varnish 1.25 gal., tung oil 1 gal., raw Non-Inflammable Paint
linseed oil 6 gal., creosote 1 pint, a drier U. S, Patent 2,044,176
such as Japan drier about 0.5 gal., raw Chlorinated Rubber 100 g.
rubber, 2.5 gal., turpentine 1 qt, white Stand Oil 100 g.

Antimony Trioxide 50 g. Battery Terminal Coating Compound

Basic Carbonate White Lead 10 g. Asphaltum 36 oz.
Bone Black 100 g. Pyridine 4 oz.
Toluene 250 cc. Solvent Naphtha 60 oz.
The pyridine is mixed with the solvent
Peelable Adhesive Protective Coating
naphtha and the lumps of asphaltum
U. S. Patent 2,046,925 added, stirring occasionally until these
Pyroxylin 10 lb. lumps have passed into solution. This
7 lb. composition may be applied to the bat-
Castor Oil
25 lb. tery terminals and cables by means of a
Butyl Acetate
10 lb. brush or spray gun. The pyridine has
Butyl Alcohol
Ethyl Acetate 10 lb. a neutralizing effect on the acid spray
5 lb. as well as acting as a plasticizing agent
50 lb. preventing embrittlement of the asphal-
tum coating. The adhesion is excellent,
The consistency may be varied by in- and forms a completely non-pervious acid
creasing or decreasing the above solvents. resistant film.
Filler, Marking and Coating Composition
U. S. Patent 2,046,557
Corrosion Proof Cable Coating
Shellac Wax 2 lb.
British Patent 450,802
Heat at 60-175° C. and add with
thorough mixing
A 1:1 mixture of quartz flour and
ethyl acrylate is applied to the cable and
Aluminum Powder 1 lb.
heated to polymerize the ester and harden
the resulting resin.
Cellulose Acetate Cloth Coatings
Formula No. 1
Ozone Resistant Cable Coating
Cellulose Acetate (Low
U. S. Patent 2,007,761
Acetyl Content, 2 to
10 lb.
Palm Oil Pitch 50 oz.
5 sec.)
Rape Seed Oil 50 oz.
Acetone lb.
Sulphur 5 oz.
Methyl Cellulose 11 lb.
10 lb.
Heat at 150° 0. for 6 hours.
Methyl Phthalyl Ethyl
Glyeollate 20 lb. Protecting Underground Pipes
U. S. Patent 2,047,772
No. 2
Coat pipes with a hot mixture of
Cellulose Acetate (High
Pitch 75 Ib.
Acetyl Content, 15 to
Mica (60-100 Mesh) 25 lb.
30 sec.) lb.
Acetone 52 lb.
Ethyl Acetate (85-88%) 10 lb. Graphite Paints
Methyl Cellosolve 8 lb. Formula No. 1
Butyl Phthalyl Butyl Graphite 75 lb.
Glyeollate 20 lb. Boiled Linseed Oil 25 lb.

No. 2
Graphite 40 lb.
Sound Insulating Coating
adhe- Zinc Oxide 40 lb.
Satisfactory sound-insulating
Boiled Linseed Oil 40 lb.
sives, equal in quality to the product of
Ford Motor Co., are obtained from (1)
soft petroleum (Grozny) bitumen 39.5,
Acid Resisting Paint
waste rubber 11.8, wood dour 5.5, gaso- Tornesit (130 Ops.) 20 oz.
line 33.2 and kerosene 10 grams, and Heat Bodied Tung Oil 10 oz.
Toluol 20 oz.
(2) soft petroleum bitumen 44.6, boiled
linseed oil (43% polymerized) 6.7, wood High Solvent Naphtha 50 oz.
flour 5.6, gasoline 33.1 and kerosene 10
grams. Acid Resisting Paint
Tornesit 15 lb.
Thermolized Tung Oil 10 lb.
Electrical Insulating Tape Coating Xylol 60 lb.
British Patent 452,361 Red Oxide 15 lb.
Reclaimed Rubber 15 lb.
Rubber Resin 28 lb. Paint for Chemical Laboratories
French Chalk 67 1b. Paint applied in chemical laboratories
Warm together and mix until smooth. and other places where conditions are

saver© often suffers decided depreciation Heat to 100° 0. and while raising
in color ivitliin a short time. This is due, temperature to 150° C, add slowly, while
of course, to attack by acid fumes. The mixing
fumes then attack the underlying metal Lead Oxide (PbO) 260 g.
surface, which the paint is supposed to Continue heating and stirring until dis-
protect. solved.
Aluminum paint has good light-reflect-
ing qualities and serves well under some
Stabilized Paint Drier
conditions. Certain acids, however, at-
Canadian Patent 358,972
tack it readily.
Protecting the paint film by a coat of Manganese Napthenate 20 g.
clear Bakelite varnish is necessary. This Petroleum Thinner 100 g.
material, although very smooth and Dissolve by heating to 250° P, and
glossy alter application, darkens after a stirring; then add
few weeks to an amber shade which is Amyl Alcohol 0.4 g.
permanent. This drier will not gel or crystallize,
In preparing the surfaces for painting, even in the presence of moisture when
they are thoroughly cleaned and ail rust stored for long periods.
spots sandpapered. All of the old paint
which had been affected by the acid
fumes is removed. Pipes are given par- Cobalt Drier
ticular attention. The surface is then A special drier giving about 1% cobalt
given a coat of aluminum mixed in a content is made by dissolving 500 parts
Bakelite vehicle, followed by a coat of rosin in 500 parts naphtha and 15 parts
clear Bakelite varnish. This treatment
linseed oil, with 16 parts of a 65% co-
balt hydroxide preparation and 15 parts
is applied to all metal and wood surfaces.
Cement and brick are given a coat of slaked Mme.
white enamel, followed by a coat of the
Bakelite varnish. Silk Screen Stencil Filler
The initial cost is somewhat higher Russia Cement 8 oz.
than for ordinary paints, but when the Glycerin 2 oz.
long life is taken into consideration the Water 2 oz.
cost of application is preponderantly in Warm and stir until dissolved. Cool
favor of the higher-priced aluminum before using.
paint. After this coating is dry it should be
given a coat of lacquer to protect it
Matrix Coating Composition against moisture.
U. S. Patent %047, 087
Silicate of Soda 1.25- 17,5 oz. Paint Filler
Water 25 -140 oz. Canadian Patent 360,167
Colloidal Graphite Suspension sufficient Sodium Stearate 8.80 oz.
to give 1 oz. of dry graphite. Gelatin 0.40 oz.
Borax 0,40 oz.
Dissolve separately in hot water and
Coating for Candles
then mix. To this add a solution of
Pormula No, 1
TJ. S. Patent 1,968,269 Zinc Sulphate 0.25 oz.
Methanol 500 cc. Aluminum Sulphate 0.25 oz.
Acetone 500 cc. Mix well and stir in
Copal 100 g* Amyl Acetate 0.20 oz.
Besin^ Elemi 200 g' Beechwood Creosote 0.20 oz.
Aluminum Powder 400 g-

No. 2 Furniture Filler

IT. S. Patent 1,967,8791 Formula No. 1
Colophony 10 Quick drying (1 hour in thin layer)
Carbon Tetrachloride. or Whiting 64 g.
Diethylene Glycol 90 Gum Arabic, Powder 20 g.
Disperse in this solution Barium Sulphate 17 g.
r 10 Pigment about 6 g.
Linseed Oil 1 g.
Paint Drier Water to suit
German Patent 636,760 Plant Glue 6 g.
Haphtlienie Acids Perfume (to hide smeU) to suit
Lanolin Patty Acids Preservative only for storage


No. 2 Fillers to get Right Con-

SchistPowder 100 g- sistency : Schist Pow-
Barium Sulphate 20 g* der, Barium Sulphate,
Lead Linoleate 30 g- Zinc Oxide, etc. to suit
Hard Laquer* 50 g- Toluol 5 g*
Toluol (To Get Right
Consistency) about 15 g. Clear Primer for Polished Surfaces
Drier (Siccative) 5 g- a. Cotton Solution
* Hard Laquer: (25%) 2 Ib.
Artificial Resin (e.g. Albertoi
Resin DAI Ya lb.
111 L) g-
Amberol 801
Linseed- Wood 01s 30 g.
2 lb.
Paraplex 5B 1 lb.
No. 3 Dissolve in
Nitrocellulose Film Scrap, b. Toluol 50 oz.
Lowest Possible Viscosity 10 g- Butyl Acetate 25 oz.
Nitrocellulose Film Scrap, Butyl Alcohol 25 oz.
Higher Viscosity 2 g-
Artificial Resin (e.g. Zinc White-Paste for Paints
Albertoi 111 L) 12 g* Zinc White 78-75 kg.
Wood Oil— "Stand Linseed Oil, Not Boiled,
Oil (Nitro-Type) 5 g* '‘of Acid No. 4^^ '22-25 kg.
Drier, to suit 0.5 g- It is important to introduce the pig-
Ethyl Lactate 10 g- ment in small portions.

Copper Zinc *Iron Aluminum Tin
Color of Pigments
Green Bronze
% —%
—— —

Violet Bronze
Coppery Bronze
99.90 —0.50
— —
Orange-Yellow Bronze
Eeddish. Bronze
0.73 0.20

— —
— —
Pale Yellow Bronze
Dark Yellow Bronze

016 — —
Aluminum Bronze
Silver Matte —
90.00 —
2.30 0.03 —

Chrome Green Pigment of naphthenic acid with 0.32 parts of

British Patent 461,799 caustic soda in 50 parts of boiling water
An intimate mixture of 100 g. of so- is then added to the carbon black sus-
dium dichromate, 11 g. of sulphur and pension. This is then boiled for 15 min-
300 g. of boric acid are heated for one utes and diluted to about 2000 parts
hour to 600-620® C. After heating, the water.
still hot mass is thrown into 2 1. of water, Asolution of 10 parts barium chloride
boiled for a short time, and further crystals in 100 parts of water is then
washed and dried in the usual^ manner. slowly run into the above suspension,
About 80 g. of chromium hydroxide green after which it is boiled for one hour.
is obtained. It is then filtered, washed free from ex-
cess reagents, dried and ground. The
Lead Chromate Pigment resulting product is a carbon black con-
Chrome Alum 156 lb. taining adsorbed barium naphthenate.
Litharge 94 lb. It is readily dispersible in nbn-aqueous
Bleaching Powder 78 lb. vehicles and is eminently suited for in-
Water to wet thoroughly corporation into printing inks, litho-
Grind in a ball mill, leading oif the graphic and other varnishes, plastic
compositions, synthetic resins, etc., or for
compounding rubber.
Dispersible Carbon Blach
U. S. Patent 2,062,159
25 parts by weight of gas blaeh is Barium Carbonate from Heavy Spar
slurred in 1000 parts of water and heated Barium Sulphate 58 lb.
to the boil. A
solution of sodium naph- Soda Ash 60 lb.
thenate, prepared by treating 2.5 parts Water 600 lb.


Heat in an autoclave at 320® C. for This is accomplished by grinding thor-

four hours. oughly a portion of the base in the solu-
tion and slowly adding more base until
Lake Colors all ingredients have been mixed carefully.
(How to Precipitate Them in the The color of the luminescence can be
Presence of Pigments) varied and controlled within wide limits.
Acid Lalces A blue luminescence is emitted by the
a. Aluminum Sulphate 6 kg. following pigment:
Water 156 1.
Luminous Base 15 g.
Ammonium Carbonate 2 kg. Potassium Sulphate 0.25 g.
Water 40 1.
Sodium Sulphate 0.25 g.
c. Barium Sulphate, Bismuth Nitrate Solution 0.5 cc.
Precipitated 10 kg. Thorium Nitrate Solution 1.0 cc.
d. Lake Color 3.5 kg.
This mixture is calcined for fifteen min-
Water 350 1.
utes at white heat. The crucible is first
e. Barium Chloride 9 kg.
charged with a layer of charcoal or coke
Water 180 1.
on which the mixture is pressed and al-
Mixthe solutions a and h, add c. To lowed to dry thoroughly. The crucible is
this, the color solution d is added, and then covered with a lid and sealed with a
finally, e is added to precipitate. magnesia cement. After calcination is
The barium sulphate can be replaced completed the crucible is removed from
by strontium sulphate, or colloidal clay. the furnace and cooled quickly. The re-
Basic LaTces pltant luminous pigment should be kept
a. Strontium Sulphate 20 kg. in large pieces in well sealed containers.
h. Lake Color 1 kg. For incorporation in luminous paints the
Water 100 1. pigment should be powdered only coarsely
c. Tannic Acid 1.5 kg. since very fine grinding affects luminosity
Water 60 1. adversely.
d. Sodium Acetate 1.6 kg. The following pigments can be pre-
Water 60 kg. pared in a similar manner.
Mix a and h, add o, and, ultimately, Yellow Luminous Pigment:
d. Barium Oxide 10 g.
Direct Method Sulphur 3 g.
(To Precipitate Lalces) Starch 1 g.
a. Lake Color,* Water- Potassium Sulphate 0.1 g.
Soluble 1 kg. Bismuth Nitrate Solution 0.5 cc.
Water 100 1.
Thorium Nitrate Solution 1.0 cc.
h. Aluminum Hydrate, Calcining time 35 minutes at white
Preshly Prepared 10 kg. heat.
* Eosines, Rhodamines, etc.
Green Luminous Pigment
Strontium Oxide 10 g.
Luminous Paints, Pigments Sulphur 8 g.
In the manufacture of luminous pig- Starch 2 g.
ments the quality and purity of the raw Potassium Sulphate 0.25 g.
materials are of the greatest importance. Bismuth Nitrate Solution 0.5 cc.
The calcium oxide used in most luminous Thorium Nitrate Solution 1.0 cc.
pigments is obtained by calcining pure
Calcining time 25 minutes at white
marble or Iceland spar. The sulphur
used should be recrystallized from carbon
Other colors can be produced by vary-
bisulfide. Only purest rice starch and
ing the activating salt. Uranium salts
not impure potato starch should be used
give blue to bluish violet luminescence j
as reducing agent.
cerium salts, reddish-yellow; antimony
Luminous Base salts, greenish-yellow; mercury salts,
Calcium Oxide 5 g. green; manganese sulphide, golden yel-
Sulphur 10 g. low; gold salts, green; copper salts,
Starch 2 g. green; molybdenum sulphide, orange;
This base can be activated with a solu- and lead sulphide, blue-green. Colloidal
tion of %% thorium nitrate and %% solutions of metallics or sulphides which
bismuth nitrate in alcohol slightly acidi- can be kept in colloidal solution by the
fied with nitric acid. One of'^the funda- formation of complex salts may also be
mental requirements is a good and used as activators.
uniform distribution of the effective Some of the luminous pigments have a
heavy metals throughout the whole mass. very fleeting life in lacquers, most var-

nishes, including spirit varnishes, and After mixing thoroughly spread some
water-soluble gum solutions. However, if of this paste on a piece of black paper
the pigments are coated with gelatin the or cardboard with a knife. When this
mixtures will remain ungelled for a few material has dried it will appear pure
weeks in lacquers or varnishes. If the white in daylight, but assume a pink
lacquer suspensions are applied before color when examined under ultra-violet
gelatin, fairly good results may be ex- radiationfrom an argon glow lamp.
pected. Liquid and paste waxes, espe- Sodium salicylate gives a blue fluores-
cially those rich in the high-melting par- cence when examined under ultra-violet
affins, may be used to apply luminous light from an argon glow lamp. You
pigments to some surfaces. In this me- can make some fluorescent paint as fol-
dium they maintain their brilliance for lows :
a long period without additional exposure Sodium Salicylate 2 g.
to light. One of the most satisfactory
vehicles consists of four-fifths of a pound
Dextrin % g*
Water to form a thin paste.
<‘cut’^ of petroleum-soluble East India Thoroughly compound this material
copal gum of light color. By using vari- and apply some of the mixture to a piece
ous high- and low-boiling fractions of of black paper or cardboard. When it
petroleum drying speeds ranging from a has dried, examine under ultra-violet
few minutes to any slower rate may be light from an argon bulb and notice the
secured. bright blue fluorescence of this paint.
The addition of finely ground diato- Under the iron arc the three preceding

maceous earth to the luminous paints .will chemicals fluoresce as follows:

aid suspension and speed of drying; and —
Anthracene Yellowish,

reduce the brilliance about in proportion Mercnrous Chloride ^None,
to the amount of fluorescent material Sodium Salicylate ^Light Blue.
displaced. The earths also help to mask Among other chemicals which fluoresce
the yellow color of the pigments. A under the ultra-violet light may be men-
trace of prussian blue will also give ap- tioned:
arently increased whiteness in daytime
ut great care must be exercised not to

Barium Sulphide ^Red, orange to yel-
low (according to how it has been pre-
mask the luminescence. pared);

Zinc Sulphide ^Yellow, orange to green
Fluore’scent Paints Under Ultra Violet (according to purity).
Light from an Argon Bulb Uranium Salts— ^Vivid yellow.
Under the irradiation of invisible ultra-
violet light, many substances have the
Water Varnish
unique property of giving out a visible
Glue, Strong 400 g.
radiation. Among these substances may
Nigrosine, Water-Soluble 35 g.
be mentioned anthracene, mercurous
Oxalic Acid (Saturated
chloride,and sodium salicylate. 48
Solution) cc-
Anthracene when dissolved in benzene
Water 1 1.
forms a paint which is entirely invisible
in ordinary light, but presents a yel-
lowish glow in the light of an argon bulb Staining Gut Leaders for Fishing
emitting ultra-violet light. To make this Cut a small piece of green or brown
paint, dissolve; color of the Eastman Velox Water Color
Anthracene 1 g. and dissolve in luke wann water. Im-
Benzene 100 cc. merse leaders until desired color has been
Shake to dissolve the chemical and obtained, remove from color bath and
paint with this solution, using a fine immerse in vinegar for a few minutes,
camePs hair brush. When this painting remove and wash thoroughly in water and
is dry and viewed under ultra-violet light
dry. This gives a clear fast color.
from an argon bulb it will appear with If brown only is wanted, strong coffee
a yellowish glow. may be substituted for the Eastman
Mercurous chloride, ou the other hand, Water Colors.
presents ar beautiful deep pink fluores-
cence when excited with ultra-violet ra- Varnish for Flies, Etc.
diations from an argon glow lamp. Dissolve clear or colored celluloid in
You can make some of this pink fluores- acetone, containing a little amyl acetate.
cent paint by mixing; This gives a good air- drying covering
Mercurous Chloride 2 g. suitable for heads of fishing flies, etc.
Dextrin % g- Dyes may be added to give any desired
Water to form a thin paste. color.

Brick Coating Varnish No. 2

British Patent 448,807 Dammar, Gum 18 lb.
Linseed Oil 4 02. White Spirit % gaL
Barley Sugar 1.6 02. Xylol % gal.
Gelatin 0.4 02.
Water 6 02. Varnishing Wall Paper
Warm together and mix rapidly to A weak solution of gelatin is recom-
emulsify; mended, with addition of 5 per cent of
a saturated solution of alum. This should
VABNISHES BOB PAPER be applied quickly, thinly and evenly,
For Colored Paper and for Labels with a large brush, allowed to dry, and
Gum Dammar 10 kg. the process repeated, the following day.
Nitrocellulose 6 kg. Any varnish may be applied on top.
Alcohol 5 kg.
Petroleum, Refined 5 kg. Wall Primer Varnish
Ethyl Acetate 5 kg. (10 gal. Gil Length)
Amyl Acetate 5 ker.
Zinc Sulphide 606 lb.
Butyl Phthalate 0.25 kg. Aratone 142 lb.
Turpentine 5 kg. Asbestine 1420 lb.
^‘Sextone B^’ or Whiting 710 lb.
^^Santicizers^' 1 kg. 10 Gal. Phenolic Varnish
Fixed Vehicle 1203 lb.
Poster Varnish Volatile and Driers 994 lb.
Manila Gum (29% Solu- Varsol 369 lb.
tion in Alcohol) 28 kg.
Lacquer 58 kg. Wall Primer Varnish
Triphenyl Phosphate 1 kg.
(15 gal. Oil Length)
Butyl Alcohol 3 kg. Titanox 0 890 lb.
Acetone 1.25 kg Aratone 142 lb.
Plastieizo 3.75 kg: Asbestine 1278 lb.
Alcohol 5 kg. 15 Gal. Phenolic Varnish
Fixed Vehicle 1048 lb.
Cellulose Varnish Volatile and Driers 1063 lb.
Nitrocellulose (% to 12 sec.) 38 kg. Varsol 415 lb.
Butyl Acetate 41 kg.
Ethyl Acetate 21 kg.
Petroleum Naphtha, Refined 16 kg. Varnish for Rubber
Alcohol 9 kg. French Patent 803,134
Methyl Ketone 4 kg. Chlorinated Rubber 100 g.
Ethyl Phthalate 2 kg. Toluol 200 g.
Dye 50 g.
Transparent Paper Varnish Cymene 40 g.
n. Gelva 2 14 kg. China Wood Oil 120 g.
Benzol or Toluol 18 Ethyl Methyl Ketone 300 g.
h. Nitrocellulose (% see.) 7
Anchoring^' Varnish to Rubber
Ethyl Acetate 4
Butyl Acetate 5 kg. British Patent 458,904
Benzol or Toluol 14 3^g-
Rubber is pretreated by immersing in
Alcohol U a solution of bromine in carbon tetra-
chloride to get good adhesion of chlorin-
Butyl Stearate 0.5 kg.
Butyl Phthalate 5 kg. ated rubber varnish.
Butanol 5 kg.
Make the resin solution Oj and sepa- Varnish (5 gal. Oil Length)
rately the cotton solution h. Abalyn 150 lb.
Mix thoroughly. Bakelite BR 3360 50 lb.
For more hygroscopic mixtures, use 1 Tung Oil 78 lb.
kg. ethylene glycol instead of alcohol. Lead Naphthenate
(24% Pb) Drier 2 lb.
Paper Varnishes Manganese Naphthenate
Formula No. 1 (6% Mn) Drier 2Vz lb.
Dammar, Gum 16 lb. Cobalt Naphthenate
Rosin 3 lb. (6% Co) Drier V2 lb.
Turpentine % gal. Minetal Spirit (Varsol) 150 lb.
Solvent Naphtha 1 gaL —
Net Weight per Gallon 7.87 lb*


Approximate Yield — 52.8 gal. (allow- and after cooling add 1.8 kg heavy tar
ing 4% loss). oil. This binding agent is mixed with
Cooking Instructions Run Abalyn and
: pigments in various proportions to give
tung oil to 300° F. Add BR 3360 and varnishes of quite general applicability*
gain 450° F. Hold for reaction. Cool,
thin, and add driers.
Soybean Oil Varnishes
Formula No. 1
Varnish (10 gal. Oil Length) Bakelite Resin BR
Abalyn 450 lb. No. 254 .
100 lb.
Super-Beckacite 1001 150 lb. A,D.M, Nonbreak
Tung Oil 468 lb. Soybean Oil 20 gal.
Lead Naphthenate Mineral Spirits 23^ gal.
(24% Pb) Drier 6 lb. Toluol 5 gal.
Cobalt Naphthenate Cobalt Nuodex Drier 3 pt.
(6% Co) Drier 3 lb.
The entire batch of oil and resin is
Mineral Spirit (Varsol) 874 lb.
placed in the kettle and heated to 585°
to 600° F. as rapidly as possible and
Varnish (15 gal. Oil Length) then held for a 3-5 inch string, which
Abalyn 225 requires approximately 1-1.5 hours.
Super-Beckacite 1001 75 After the batch is cooled sufficiently,
Tung Oil 351 the mineral spirits are added, and when
Lead Naphthenate the mixture is cold the drier is added,
(24% Pb) Drier 6 followed by toluol to bring it to the
Cobalt Naphthenate desired viscosity.
(6% Co) Drier 3 No. 2
Mineral Spirit (Varsol) 651 lb. Rosin Ester 100 lb.
Net Weight per Gallon 7,44 lb. — A.D.M. Superb Soybean

Approximate Yield^ 167.4 gal. (allow- Oil 20 gal.
ing 5% loss). Mineral Spirits 24 gal.
Cooking Instructions : Run Abalyn, Cobalt Nuodex Drier 3 pt.
Super-Beckacite, and 117 parts tung oil The oil and
resin are placed in the
to 450° F. Hold until reaction is com- kettle and heated to 585° to 600° P. as
plete, Add remainder of tung oil and rapidly as possible and held for a 5-8
gain 565° F. Drop to 465° F, and hold inch string, which requires approxi-
for soft pill. Cool, thin, and add driers. mately 1.5-1.75 hours. After the mix-
ture is cooled sufficiently, the bulk of
Tar Oil Varnishes the mineral spirits is added, and when
A regenerated or prepared tar obtained cold^ the drier and enough additional
by the admixture of solid pitch with spirits to bring it to the desired viscosity
neutral coal-tar oil of specific gravity are added.
0,99 is used and the following composi-
tions are given as proving satisfactory in Medium Long Oil Varnish Without
preliminary tests: Wood Oil
Bed Roofing Varnish — kg. dark rosin,
100 lb. Albertol, 100 lb. varnish linseed
0.5 kg. coal-tar pitch, 2.2 kg. rosin oil, oil, 125 lb. linseed stand oil, 75 lb. thick-
0.3 kg. precipitated manganese resinate, ened tung oil are used. The varnish lin-
1.2 kg. heavy tar oil, 1.5 kg. red iron seed is heated to 302-392° F, and the
oxide. resin gradually fed into the hot oil at
Black Roofing Varnish 2 kg. coal-tar— such a rate that no accumulation of un-
pitch, 2 kg. crude rosin oil, 0.3 kg. pre- disBolved resin takes place. When the
cipitated manganese resinate, 1 kg. heavy resin is all in, the balch is heated to
coal-tar oil, 0.3 kg. carbon black. 464-500° F. ana the temperature main-
Black Tar Varnish for Iron 2.5 kg. — tained until a small sample taken from
coal-tar pitch, 1 kg. asphalt, 0.5 kg 5 the batch and thinned with a double
per cent gloss varnish, 0.001 kg. litharge, portion of thinners shows no sign of
2.5 to 3 kg. heavy tar oil. cloudiness, when cool. Wlien this point

Tar Oil Varnish 1 kg. rosin, 0.1 kg. is reached and not before, the two thick-
litharge, 4 kg. pale tar oil. ened oils are added and the heating of
As a general binding agent for the the batch is continued at 392-428° F.
preparation of tar varnishes Melt 2.2 kg. : until a further sample remains quite
rosin, then add 0.4 kg. linseed oil varnish bright when tested as above described.
and 0.05 kg. precipitated manganese res- The batch is allowed to cool and during
inate. Heat for one hour at 150° C., the cooling, first the driers and then
finally the thinners are added. 'When is necessary in order to obtain high vis-
using a fluid siccative containing 2% of cosity without gelatinization.
metallic cobalt, the quantity required for
the above is 15 lb. The thinner is from Stand Oil from Oiticica and Linseed Oils
150 to 200 lb. The varnish dries dust-
linseed oil and 60 kg. oiticica
free in about one hour and is completely .

oil are heated to 280° 0. and kept at this

hard in 24 hours at the outside. temperature until the viscosity is 40
poises. This can be used to replace a
OITICICA STAND OILS AND tung-linseed stand oil in quick- drying
In using oiticica oil it has to be re-
membered that, although it is very simi- Enamels and Industrial Varnishes
lar to tung oil, it differs from it in some 100^ kg. rosin, 6 kg, marble lime, 100
respects. It polymerizes less rapidly kg. oiticica stand oil, 300 kg. varnish
than tung oil, and the danger of gelatin- benzine, 10 kg. lead-manganese drier.
izing is therefore, less. At the same The rosin is hardened by means of the
temperature it takes about twice the time lime and is then added to the stand oil
to gelatinize. If the oil is heated with at 250° 0. The mixture is heated to
resins the difference is more noticeable, 2S0°~300° 0. until a drop on glass comes
and this property isan advantage. On away clean by pressure of the finger.
the other hand, longer heating and higher The heating must be continued until this
temperature is required when producing stage is reached, otherwise the resultant
stand oils or varnish from oiticica oil. varnish will be sticky and slow-drying.
It is possible to heat the oil and resin For a similar varnish raw oiticica oil
together. It is usual to polymerize oiti- and the rosin are heated together to
cica oil at 280° 0. The special propereies 280° G. and the lime is added. As soon
of the oil develop only at this and higher as the frothing has ceased the tempera-
temperatures. Thus treated, the products ture is again raised to 280° G. and kept
obtained dry quickly, possess great hard- there until a sample withdrawn becomes
ness and resistance to water. The heat- quite hard on cooling. This varnish dries
ing-time depends on the particular plant quickly and lasts well.
used and the amount and type of resin
All resins (natural or artificial) which General Purposes Varnish
can be used with tung or linseed oils can 300 kg, oiticica oil, 100 kg. suitable
be used with oiticica oil. Although mix- synthetic resin, 300 kg. varnish spirit,
tures of equal parts of this oil and resin icno
’ drier. The oil is heated to
can be used, it is generally recoraraended 150° G., the synthetic resin is added and
to use, in products containing less resin, the temperature raised to 300° G. Heat-
some linseed, tung or perilla oil. ing is continued until the desired viscos-
Varnishes containing much resin should ity is reached. This should be as high
be heated until a sample taken from the as^possible. After cooling the drier and
kettle sets throughout and comes away spirit is added. This serves well as a
from the glass cleanly. mixing varnish for addition to pigments
ground in stand oil, and makes a good
japan varnish also.
A. Stand Oil
Oiticica oil can be heated alone, or
with tung or linseed oils, for the pro- Boat Varnish
^ oiticica oil, 150 kg. tung oil,
duction of stand oils. For the prepara- on 1kg.
oU linseed oil, 100 kg. synthetic resin.
tion of pure oiticica stand oil the oil
should be polymerized to the greatest
A stand oil is first prepared, either from
both oils together or separately. Tlie
possible extent (about 200 poises at 20°
resin is then added and the whole mixture
0.). In this way there is a certainty of
obtaining a product which, on long stand-
m heated for a short time to 250° C.
Drier and turpentine; as required, are
ing, does not give a deposit. If the oil 'i ^
then added. .

is heated for a short time only to 150° C.

it is liable to coagulate after some days^
standing. Exterior Varnish
loO kg, oiticica oil, 150 kg. linseed*
Pure Stand Oil stand oil,^ 80 kg. synthetic resin. The
50 kg. oiticica oil are heated quickly oil is heated with the resin to
to 280° C. and stirred. After two min- onn*^^^^
300° C. for 20 minutes and the batch
utes the batch is quickly cooled* This cooled by the addition of the linseed-

stand oil. The oiticica oil may be first with mineral spirits to a solid content of
converted into a stand oil and then be 35%.
used either with or without the linseed-
stand oil. Colored Linseed Oil Floor Dressing
Formula No, 1
Varnish for Outside Work Yellow:
Oiticica Oil(Raw) 150 oz. Linseed Oil 100 oz.
Linseed Stand Oil 150 oz. Orange R (I.G.) 0,7 oz.
Albertol lllL, Amberol No. 2
BS/1 or Beckacite 100 80 oz. Brown:
Oiticica oil is heated together with the Linseed Oil 100 oz.
synthetic gums for about twenty minutes Brown 3B (LG.) 0.7 oz.
at 300® C., and then the batch is cooled No. 3
by adding the linseed stand oil. Oiticica Red-Brown
stand oil can be substituted in whole or Linseed Oil 100 oz.
in part for the raw Oiticica oil. Red 7B (LG.) 0.35 oz.
Spar and Yacht Varnish Brown 3B 0.35 oz.
Oiticica Oil 120 oz.
China Wood Oil 150 oz. Wrinkle Finish Varnish
Linseed Oil 30 oz. Gas Black 25 lb.*

Albertol lllL, Amberol Rosin-Tung Oil Varnish

Bs/1 or Beckacite 100 100 oz. (not more than 1 part
are converted into a stand Rosin to two pai'ts Oil) 50 gal.
The oils first
oil, gum is then added and heated to Grind, then add 128 gal. of the same
250® G. The varnish is thinned with varnish and 34 gal. Raw Tung Oil.
driers and turpentine. After application, the film is immedi-
synthetic rosins such as Albertols
When ately baked at a temperature of 110-
are employed, it is generally preferable 115® F. until the wrinkles are formed.
to heat the Oiticica oil to a stand oil, Baking is then continued at a tempera-
rather than starting from the crude oil. ture of 300® F. for three hours in order
to harden the film.

Quick-Drying Interior Varnish

Rosin 100 oz. Brewer's Pitch and Keg Varnishes
Marble Lime 6 oz. Besides paraffin, which is now added to
Oiticica Stand Oil 100 oz. almost every pitch, no natural or com-
White Spirit 300 oz. position pitch is entirely resistant to the
Lead Manganese Driers 10 oz. action of beer. A
satisfactory product
contains 87% rosin, 8% tasteless resin
The rosin is hardened with lime and oil and 5% paraffin; another contains
next added to the stand oil at 250® C. 60% rosin, 30% pine oil, 6% resin oil
This mixture is heated at 280®-300® C. and 4% paraffin. If the mixture is
until a cooled drop snaps from a glass heated above 200® C,, disagreeable tastes
develop. Lacquers are considered as fin-
Oiticica oil may be substituted for the ishes for kegs. To be most satisfactory
Oiticica stand oil in the above formula;
in which case, the resin and Oiticica oil
they should possess a shellac base. A
good one is prepared as follows 4 parts :

are melted together and lime added at shellac and 5 parts resin are dissolved in
280® C.
90% alcohol, and to increase the elas-
Both these varnishes flow e,asily and ticity 1 part castor oil is added.
dry well. The coats are durable and
neither wrinkled nor shrivelled.
Undercoat Varnish
Crystal Varnish (Indoor) Linseed Stand Oil
Daminar, Gum 8( ^GlyptaP' Resin
Turpentine K Ester Gum
Stir until dissolved. Brier
Hard Varnish for Floors
It is made by reacting a mixture of Quick Drying Varnish
1 part Beckacite, parts linseed stand 100 Ib. Albertol IILL are dissolved in
oil containing some wood oil, with 5%- 300 lb, thickened china wood oil, to which
10% straight phenolic resin and diluted is added 0.3 lb. metallic cobalt drier*

300 lb diluents such, as 1 part naphtha, machine paints and varnishes of maxi-
2 parts white spirit. mum gloss and highest covering power
This varnish dries dust free in. about are alcohol varnishes or enamels which
40 minutes, is set to the touch in 2 hours dry rapidly, forming a uniformly smooth
and hard in 24 hours. An^ of the usual and non-sticking surface, if the material
pigments can be ground into this me- has been prepared and applied correctly.
dium and the consistency adjusted to The films do not soften in the heat and
spraying with a mixture of equal parts are highly resistant to the action of lu-
turpentine and white spirit. bricants. Their resistance towards al-
kalies also is comparatively high. The
prime cost of these paints can be reduced
Mastic Varnish
somewhat by the addition of colophony,
Formula No. 1 but only small quantities should be used
Mastic 3 lb.
for this purpose in order to avoid serious
Eosin (WW) 2 lb.
deterioration of technical properties.
Dammar 3 lb.
The resins after pulverization should
Turpentine 1 gal.
be added to spiritus, not vice versa, as
No. 2 the addition of spiritus to the resins may
Mastic 6 lb. cause conglomeration of the latter. At-
Turpentine 1 gal. tention is called to the fact that if Ma-
nila copal varnishes are mixed with other
Spirit Finish resin solutions, the latter must be added
An interesting new spirit type of finish to the former slowly and gradually as
has been recently developed by a pro- rapid mixing is bound to lead to sliming
longed heat treatment of Vinsol and of the Manila copal. Suitable mixtures
wood oil. 100 pounds of Vinsol and 10 are the following:
gallons of wood oil are melted together 10 parts of shellac and 3 parts of oil
quickly to 575° F. in one-half hour. The of turpentine, or
heat is then reduced to 500° F,, and the 10 parts of shellac and 3 parts of
batch held at that temperature for four galipot are dissolved in 40 parts of 96-
hours and then poured into cooling pans. percent alcohol. The higher the quality
This material is hard and tough and a of the copals employed for this purpose
4-pound cut in butyl acetate air dries in the larger must be the relative quantities
20 minutes to a tough, clear, hard film. of alcohol used. Satisfactory gloss can
A half-hour bake at 100° 0. greatly in- be_ obtained only with products of a suf-
creases the hardness of this film, but ficiently high degree of consistency.
darkens it a little. This process may be 20 to 25 parts of 96-percent alcohol
modified to suit requirements. Driers are used for 10 parts of Accaroid resin
may be incorporated and other solvents yellow or red and 3 parts of oil of tur-
and combinations will undoubtedly be pentine. In this case the relative quan-
found practical. Longer cooks of the tity of alcohol required depends on the
Vinsol wood oil increase the hardness percentage of impurities introduced with
and toughness. Decreasing the wood oil the constituents of the mixture. If the
lowers the cost and increases the brittle- accaroid solutions are too thin, they are
ness. not glossy enough, even if the finished
mixtures containing this solution are of
Varnish the correct consistency.
Formula No. 1 18 parts of 96-percent alcohol are re-
^^EL’^ varnish has been produced to quired for 10 parts of Manila copal and
meet a shortage of linseed oil in Germany 3 parts of oil of turpentine or galipot,
and contains ester gum (12), alkyd resin although the better grades of this copal
(16), linseed stand oil (21), drying agent require a larger quantity of alcohol than
(1), and benzoline (50%) by weight. the lower grades, and the consistency
No, 2 should always be high.
Glycerol Phthalate Besin 4.4 kg. 18 parts of 96-percent alcohol are used
Fatty Oil 36.4 kg. with 10 parts of colophony and 3 parts
Ester Gum .13.1 kg. of oil of turpentine. Mixtures m,ust

White Spirit 45 kg. never contain more than 25 percent of

Metal Drier 1.1 kg. colophony solution as these solutions will
yield a high degree of gloss, but rela-
Glossy Machine Paints and Varnishes tively weak mechanical properties. Some
All varnishes containing pigments must types of colophony do not yield clear
be ground thicker than ordinarily as the solutions or may even lead to precipita-
pigments tend to reduce the gloss. Glossy tion but this can be stopped by adding


copal or synthetic resin solutions. The GASOLINE PUMP ENAMEL

elasticity of these films, which is not VARNISH
particularly high in mixtures of this type Vinsol Pump Enamel Varnish
containing a large percentage of colo- Vinsol 100 lb.
phony, is noticeably increased by the Tung Oil 21 gal.
addition of 5 percent of castor oil or Bodied Linseed
linoleic acid. More than 5 percent of (2 hr. at 575° F.) 4 gal.
these substances must never be added, as Litharge 3 lb.
they tend to cause stickiness of the film Precipitated Manganese
and bad drying properties. Resinato 2 lb.
Glossy varnish compositions are the V. M. & P. Naphtha 62% gal.

White 10 parts of varnish-lithopone is wanted.
liquid cobalt driers if quicker dry

mixed with 19 parts of Manila copal Coohing Directions: Melt the Vinsol
solution (produced as indicated above). and all the tung oil quickly, run heat to
Bed—10 parts of varnish-red, light or 575° F. top heat, remove from fire and
dark, mixed with 20 parts of Manila let cool to 460° F., remove one quart of
copal solution. the melt and make a sludge with the

Jellov) 10 parts of chromium-yellow litharge in a separate container. Put
kettle on the fire and at 460° F. add the
with 26 parts of Manila copal solution.

Orange 10 parts of chromium-orange
litharge sludge. Run to 560° F. and hold
for 12-inch string, check with the linseed
with 26 parts of Manila copal solution.
add the manganese at 450° F. on the
Green— 10
of chromium-green,
parts way down, and reduce to 350° F. with
light or dark, with 24 parts of Manila the V, M. & P. Naphtha.
copal solution. Another suitable mixture
is 10 parts of varnish-green, light or Green, JEnamel: Grind 1%
lbs. C.P.
dark, with 20 parts of copal solution, or light chrome green to a gallon of the
10 parts of chromium oxide green with above varnish 15 hrs. in the pebble mill.
24 parts of copal solution. Bed Enamel: Grind 12 oz. C.P. tolu-

Brown 5 parts umber, light or dark, idine toner to a gallon of the above var-
nish 15 hrs. in the pebble mill.
with 16 parts of Manila copal solution.
Tinting by means of varnish-lithopone or
Sienna earth, natural or burnt. Stove-Pipe Varnish
Brownish Bed^5 parts of Sienna earth, Formula No. 1
burnt and 1 part of umber bark with 23 Asphalt 2 lb.
parts of Manila copal solution. Beautiful Boiled Linseed Oil 1 pt.
colors of this type can also be obtained Turpentine 2 qt.
by mixing varnish-red with black. No. 2
BlacTc —1
part of lamp black and 20
Linseed-Oil Varnish
Burnt Umber
10 fl.
2 oz.
parts of Manila copal solution, or 10
Asphalt 4 oz.
parts of ivory black with 22 parts of
Turpentine sufficient
Manila copal solution. Both mixtures
can be given a beautiful bluish tint by
No. 3
Asphalt 2 oz.
grinding 1 to 2 parts of Berlin blue
Rosin 2 oz.
together with the black pigment.

Gray There are innumerable^ ways^ of
Turpentine 12 oz.
producing grays of every possible tint,
the mixtures with carbon black nsually Tough Varnish
having a brownish tint while those of Vinsol Resin No. 1 100 lb.
other black pigments generally appear Thermolized Tung Oil 12 gal.
bluish black. Greenish, bluish, reddish Raw Linseed Oil 3 gal.
or yellow tints are easily obtained with Heat to 250° C. in twenty-three min-
these mixtures. utes and hold at 250-255° 0. for forty

Light Gray ^10 parts of varnish-litho- minutes. Cool to 200° C. in twenty min-
pone and 0.5 parts of lamp black with utes and reduce with 18 gal. heavy coal
29 parts of Manila copal solution. tar naphtha. By reducing this further

Medium Gray ^10 parts of varnish- with naphtha before application, a very
lithopone and 1 part of lamp black with good wire enamel varnish for high tem-
35 parts of Manila copal solution. perature baking has been obtained. If

Doarh Gray 10 parts of varnish-litho- more rapid drying is found necessary,
t)one and 1.5 parts of lamp black with the addition of manganese naphthenate
45 parts of Manila copal solution. drier has been found to be of advantage.


Tongher Varnishes Non-Volatile = 50%

Pormula No. 1 Viscosity (Gardner-Holdt) = 0
Formula for S-Gallon Oil-Length Color (Hellige) = 5 L
Abalyn 150 lb. Ethyl Cellulose Varnishes
Bakelite 3360 50 lb. Formula No, I No. 2,
China-wood Oil
gallon) Mineral
10 gal. Baw Linseed Oil 12
— lb. —
(23 Blown Linseed Oil 10 lb.
Spirits 150 lb. Cumar W

8 — lb.
(24%) Lead Naphthenate Amberol ST 137 10 lb.
Solution 2 lb. Ethyl Cellulose
(6%) Manganese NaphtKe- (Low Vise.) 4 10 lb.
mate Solution 2^ lb, Toluol 43 lb.
(6%) Cobalt Naphthenate Xylol 10 56 lb.
Solution lb.% Butanol 6 14 lb.
Cooking Procedure: Abalyn, resin, and Butyl Acetate 17 — ,Ib.
China-wood oil are run to 450® F. and
held until reaction is complete, reduced,
% Lead as Metal
(Based on
and driers added. Solids) 3.85% no drier
Characteristics: % Cobalt as Metal
Non-Volatile =65% (Based on
Viscosity (Gardner-Holdt) = A Solids) 0.08%
Color (Hellige) = 5L Drying Time 3.5 hrs. 45 min.
No. 2
Formula for 10-Gallon Oil-Length Cellulose Acetate Varnish
Varnish Cellulose Acetate 10 oz.
Abalyn 100 lb. Acetone 30 oz.
Amberol ST 137 100 Ib. Methyl Propionate 50 oz.
Ohina-wood Oil 20 gal. Ethyl Alcohol 8 oz.
<45 gal.) Mineral Spirits 291 lb. Plasticizer


2 oz.
(24%) Lead Naphthenate
Solution 2% lb.
Lacquer, Brush or Boiler
(6%) Cobalt Naphthenate Nitrocellulose (5 sec.) 15 oz.
Solution 1 lb. % Thinner 25 oz.
Cooking Procedure: Abalyn, Amberol, Mesityl Oxide 25 oz.
and 3 gal. of China-wood oil are run to Denatured Ethyl Alcohol 12 oz.
450® F. and held until reaction is com- Isobutyl Alcohol 10 oz.
plete (15-20 min.). Balance of China- Plasticizer 13 oz.
wood oil is added and the batch run to
565® F. The cook is cooled to 465® F.
and held for 40 in. string off of a cold
pill. The batch is cooled, reduced, and Boiler Application
driers added. Film Scrap 10 oz.
Characteristics Acetone 35 oz.
Non-Volatile 55% = Plasticizer 3 oz.
Viscosity (Gardner-Holdt) 0 = Methyl Alcohol 32 oz.

Color (Hellige) 6 = Mesityl Oxide 20 oz.

No. 3
Formula for 15-Gallon Oil-Length Vinsol Varnisli
Varnish Vinsol Besin
Abalyn 150 lb. Baw China-wood Oil
Super-Beckacite 1001 50 lb. Heat to 575® F. and hold until foam-
Chxna-wood Oil 30 gal. ing subsides (5 to 10 minutes). Add 20
<67 gal.) Mineral Spirits 434 lb. gallons of oil (more if longer varnish
(24%) Lead Naphthenate is desired). Heat to 565® F. and hold
Solution 4. ib. to a string from glass. Allow to cool
<6% ) Cobalt Naphthenate and reduce with 60 gallons of mineral
Solution 2% Ib, spirits.
Cooking Procedure: Same as in No. 2 This method can be adapted to the
except China-wood oil is not added until production of varnishes of any oil length
after reaction of Abalyn and Beckaeite by varying the amount of the second
is complete. addition of oil, but in all cases the first
Characteristics: melt must be made with 5 gallons of

oil a temperature
of 575° F. minimum Shellac, Compound
must be reached, and heating until the 60 per cent zinc-hardened Vinsol and
foaming ceases must be adhered to 40 per cent dry orange shellac by weight.
strictly. In the case of varnishes of less The Vinsol is melted to 450° P. and 3
than 25’gallon oil length, if it is de- per cent of zinc oxide on the weight of
sired to reduce to below 50 per cent or the Vinsol is sifted in and the tempera-
60 per cent solids concentration, it is ture gradually raised to 575° P., then
found advisable to use higher powered cooled to 400° P., at which point the
solvents than straight mineral spirits. shellac is added and when thoroughly
For this purpose, the hydrogenated pe- blended the mix is poured into cooling
troleum solvents, such as Solvesso No. 2, ans. A 4-pound cut of this blend he-
are recommended as being the most satis- aves very much as pure shellac in the
factory tested to date. majority of tests.

Shellac Substitute
25 Gal. Vinsol Varnish Formula No. 1
5-~6 sec. SS Nitrocellulose 2 lb.
Vinsol 100 lb.
21 Vinsol Resin No. 1 8 lb.
Baw China-wood Oil gal.
2-Hour Bodied Linseed Oil 4 gal. Dibutyl Phthalate 2 lb.

Litharge 30 lb. The nitrocellulose is first put into solu-

Precipitated Manganese tion in a mixture of 30 parts’ toluol and
Resina te 20 lb. 70 parts denatured alcohol. The resin
V. M. & P. Naphtha 62^2 gf-b and plasticizer are then added. When
complete solution is obtained, the com-
Add liquid cobalt naphthenate driers position can be thinned to any desired
if quicker dry is wanted. consistency with alcohol without precipi-
Melt the Vinsol and all the wood oil tation of any of the constituents. To
quickly, run heat to 575° F. top heat, use RS nitrocellulose, it is necessary to
remove from fire and let. cool to 460° P., include some ester solvents or other solv-
remove one gallon of the melt and make ents for nitrocellulose so as to obtain
a sludge with the litharge in a separate compatibility.
container. Put kettle on the fire and at This type of film has all the desirable
460° P. add the litharge sludge. Run characteristics of a shellac, except that
heat to 560° P,, and hold for a 12-inch it is too dark in color to replace bleached
string. Check with the linseed oil. Add shellac.
the manganese at 450° P. on the way
No. 2
down and reduce at 350° P. with the Copal gum (Congo, Manila) is masti-
V. M. and P, naphtha.
cated, while plastic, at 32-49° C. under
pressure (<50 Ib./sq. in.) for <15 min.,
giving a product completely soluble in
Vinso-Possil Resin Varnish alcohol.
Vinsol 80 lb. No. 3
Congo Dust 20 lb. Canadian Patent 354,087
Raw Wood Oil 10 lb. Pontianak Gum 250 oz.
Mineral Spirits 28 gal. Soda Ash 8 oz.
Add liquid naphthenate driers to re- Alcohol 375 oz.

quirements. Toluol 375 oz.

Run the Vinsol and the Congo to-

gether for about one hour at 600° F., Electrolytic Bleaching of Shellac
raise the heat to 650° P. for 15 minutes. Japanese Patent 11,607
The two gums will fuse together and An alternating current of 0.005-0.01
drip off the paddle like oil. When the ampere per sq. cm, is passed through a
foaming subsides drop the heat to 500° 10% aqueous alkaline solution of shellac
P., and add the wood oil which should be below 70° C.
previously heated to 450° P. in a sepa-
rate kettle. Run the mix to 575° P. and Shellac Paints for Bituminous Surfaces
hold for 12-inch string. The ingredients First paint or spray with a 10-15%
will be found to combine perfectly and shellac solution in alcohol-toluol to im-
may be reduced at 450° P. with mineral prove adhesion. Then spray with a paint
spirits or with V. M. & P. at 350° P. of following composition.
This varnish offers definite possibili- Formula No. 1
tiesas a vehicle for low-cost pigmented Cashew Nut Shell Oil 15 lb.
enamels of the chassis black types and is Heat at 120° 0. for 1 hr. Cool and
gasoline and oil resisting. add


Alcohol 60 lb. A thick emulsion results which has good

Shellac 25 lb. application and drying properties and
Lithopone or Other Pigment 100 lb. yields a finish with good gloss. The
gloss of this finish depends largely on
No. 2 to wax decreasing
the ratio of shellac
Lithopone 150 lb.
with increasing wax content. The gloss
Shellac 45 lb.
may also be modified by rubbing or
Methyl Cyclohexyl Phthalate 20 lb.
brushing the film.
Castor Oil 2 lb.
The shellac solution may be replaced
Alcohol 150 lb.
by a synthetic resin which can be dis-
Butyl Alcohol 3 lb.
solved in a suitable solvent. The choice
of the wax depends to a large degree on
Furniture Dye (Stain) the effect desired. Among the more com-
Bark Smoky Brown mon waxes are beeswax, carnauba, mon-
Potassium Bichromate 3. 5 g. tan, ozokerite, paraffin, shellac, and a
Copper Sulphate 5 g* large number of synthetic w^axes. A
Ebony Dye 3. 5 g. typical formula follows:
Orange Dye 5 g-
Yellow Dye 0. 5 g.
Wax Finish
Water 900 g* Orange Shellac 14 oz.
Ammonia 100 g-
Alcohol 60 oz.
Carnauba Wax 2 oz.
Paraffin (50/52^ C.) 1 oz.
Shingle Stain
Turpentine 23 oz.
Sardine Oil, Heavy
Bodied, Eefined 50 gal. The shellac is dissolved in the alcohol
Chrome Green (25%) 50 lb. either in the cold or with the aid of heat.
Talc 5 lb. The waxes are melted and thinned with
Mineral Spirits 20-30 gal. the turpentine. The shellac solution is
warmed to about 122^ F. and the warm
Shingle Stains (140° F.) wax solution is slowly stirred
Many shingle stains are made by dilut- into the alcohol solution. The mixture is
ing a cheap paste paint or color with allowed to cool under constant stirring.
linseed oil and distillate. The use of The mixture may be colored with suitable
anthracene oil instead of the distillate, dyestuffs.
will give a much better product at little The wax stains are either solutions of
additional cost, and requires about 20% wax in turpentine or emulsions of wax
less linseed 'oil. in water. The emulsions are stabilized
with the aid of alkalies, such as ammonia
or potash. They are colored with water
Wax Stains and Finishes soluble dyes. The proper selection of
Wax is one of the most useful and waxes insures the desired gloss, harder
desirable raw materials for protective waxes giving a higher gloss than so-called
coatings of all kinds. Its chemical inert- soft waxes. Such a stain may have the
ness and extreme resistance to moisture following composition:
and other agents that tend to attack and
destroy finishes make it perhaps the ideal Wax Stain
base material on which to build a finish- Carnauba Wax 4 oz.
ing system. Its high price and some Ozokerite, Eefined 2 oz.
other undesirable properties have mili- Paraffin (50/52° F.) 2 oz.
tated against its more general applica- Sudan Yellow Dye 2 oz.
tion in the paint and varnish industry. Thinner 90 oz.
With the introduction of synthetic waxes, When preparing a turpentine stain, the
most of these objections have been re- waxes are melted and thinned. The dye
moved and it is to be hoped that waxes is best dissolved in the waxes before add-
receive more attention. Waxes seem to
ing the ozokerite. The thinner should
offer possible solutions of a number of
be warmed before adding it to the molten
problems which, so far, have resisted all
waxes. The mixture is allowed to cool
attempts at successful solution with the while stirring constantly to avoid a sepa-
ordinary means at the disposal of the
ration of the components.
paint formulator.
Wax finishes are usually made from a
A water emulsion stain may have the
following composition
solution of shellac into which some wax
is incorporated. The shellac cut in al- Emulsion Stain
cohol is mixed with a solution of wax Montan Wax,
in turpentine or turpentine substitute. Double Bleached 7 oz.

potassium Oleate 3 oz. ing solution is then slowly poured into

0.8 oz. the wax melt adding it in small portions
Potash, Catistic
Water Soluble Dye 2 oz. at a time. Care must be taken that a
Water ^7.2 oz. drop in temperature does not cause a

separation. It is essential that the mix-
The potash, the soap and the dye are
water. The boil- ture be stirred constantly while cooling.
aissoived in the boiling

FormulaNo. 1 No.2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7
B.S. Sec, Nitro-
8.0 g. 8.0 g. 8.0 g. 8.0 g. 8.0 g. 8.0 g.
cellulose S-
2.4 g. 2.4 g.
Castor Oil No. 15 2.4 g.
I-u g- 1.6 g. 1.6 g.
6.4 g. 6.0 g. 5.0 g. 5.0 g.
Hercolyn 8.0 g.
7.0 g.
Petrex No. 1
Rosin Modified, Maleate
8.0 g. 3.2 g. 7.0 g.
.Resin No. I
Rosin Modified, Maleate
8.0 g. 7.0 g.
Resin No, II
Solvent to make 100 g.

Dibutyl Phthalate 4 oz.

No. 8
30 kg. Solvent 78 oz.
Rosin, Pale _
Lime Hydrate (To Harden Lacquer for Wooden Floors
1.5 kg.
Rosin) 100
0.3 kg. Albertol 117R lb.
Zinc Oxide 40
20 kg. Linseed Oil Stand Oil lb.
Tung Oil ^ Wood Oil, Bodied 80 lb.
Linseed Oil 10 kg.
0.3 kg. Lead-Manganese Resinate
37 kg. Drier (4% Lead, 1%
Benzine 4 lb.
0.9 kg. Manganese)
Cobalt Linoleate Drier Cobalt) 1
Cobalt Drier (1% lb.

This Lacquer
75 kg. Benzine 175 lb.

is used combined with ^

Linseed Oil-Wood Oil (9:1) 22 kg.

Floor Polish (Lacquer)
Benzine 2 kg. 280 g.
Orange Shellac
Cobalt Linoleate Drier 1 kg.
Linseed Oil Varnish, Light 80 g.
Ochre, Light or Dark 50 g.
Flat Lacquer Alcohol, Denatured 11.
German Patent 647,416 Stir altogether, and let stand in a con-
aear Lacquer 109 g.
Boric Acid Solution (20%
Solution in Methanol) 10 g-
Inside Gloss White Lacquer
Gelva (2.5) 415 lb.
Clear Lacquer Titanox C 460 lb.
German Patent 647,416 Xylol 50 gal
Nitrocellulose ^0 g. Amyl Acetate 40 gal
Ethylene Giyeo! 15 g. Butyl Alcohol 5 gal
Butanol fO g.
Naphtha, V. M. & P. 5 gal
Butyl Acetate
Dibutyl Phthalate 15 g.
85 g. Typical Cellulose (Nitro.) Lacquer
Ethyl Acetate 8 lb.
Shellac Solution (1:1 Wax 5 lb.
64 Shellac
Free Shellac in Alcohol) g.
10 lb.
Clear Furniture Lacquer Base 40 lb.
100 oz. ButyL Acetate
Dry Nitrocellulose 10 lb.
100-200 oz. Butanol
Teglac Resin
10- 20 oz. Acetone el?"
Blown Castor Oil 5 lb.
^10- 20 oz. Glycol Mono Acetate
Dibutyl Phthalate

Wood Lacquer Oil Resisting Lacquer

(5-6 Bee.) Nitrocellulose 15
Nitrocellulose R.S. Second %
10 oz.
Vinsol Resin #2 (7 lb. Cut) 25
Viscosity (Dry Weight)
8 oz. Toluol 25
Yinsol Resin


Butyl Alcohol To get colored and metallic finishes

Ethyl Acetate add any one of the following
Butyl Acetate For
Lindol —
White Titanox C 420 lb.

Red Toluidine Bed Toner 50 lb.
Durable Bru'shing Lacquer Blue —^Ultramarine 155 lb.

Wet (% See.) Nitrocellulose 17 oz. Black— (Lampblack 13 lb.

Blown Soya Bean Oil 30 (Sudan Black B 3 lb.

Bronze—Copper Bronze
Titanium Dioxide 13 oz.
Zinc Oxide 3 oz. Powder 105 lb.

Varnoline 15 oz, —
Aluminum- ^Aluminum
Butyl Alcohol 7 oz. Powder 2101b*
Butyl Lactate 15 oz.

Luminous Outdoor Lacquer

Ski Lacquer (to Use as Base for Waxes) U. S. Patent 2,039,734
Shellac 20 g. Formula No. 1
Manila Copal 5 g.
^4 kilogram of polystyrene is dissolved
Linoleic Acid 1 g.
Alcohol, Denatured 100 g.
in a mixture of %kilogram each of
toluene, xylene and butyl acetate; about
Put the liquid on the dry bottom of 40 grams of tricresyl phosphate are
the skis. Apply several times until well added as a softening agent and about
impregnated. 1 kilogram of a luminous paint, for im
stance on the base of strontium sul-
Ski Lacqeur fide/bismuth and rubidium, is carefully
Swiss Patent 176,071 introduced, while stirring. The lacquer
Nitrocellulose of luminous paint thus obtained can be
Shellac applied on ceiling-plaster and wall-plas-
Amyl Acetate ter, porcelain, glass, wood, aluminum, me-
Butyl Acetate tallic supports, paper, pasteboard, arti-
Alcohol ficial foils or the like, i.e., on any desired
Ethyl Acetate base. In s6me cases it is advisable to
apply a suitable first coating, for instance
titanium white or lithopone in a lacquer
Wax Lacquer’^
of polystyrene, previously to the applica-
a. Orange Shellac 14 kg.
tion of the luminous paint in order to
Alcohol 60 kg.
secure a well reflecting and weatherproof
h. Carnauba Wax 2 kg.
Parafan, 50/52® C. 1 kg.
Turpentine 23 kg. No. 2
Heat a to 50° C. on steam-bath, b to Into a solution consisting of 200 grams
60° C. separately. of vinyl naphthalene in a mixture of 200
Add b to a with thorough stirring; grams of toluene, 200 grams of xylene,
agitate until cold. 200 grams of butyl acetate and 30 grams
of tricresyl phosphate there are intro-
Lacquer'^ for Furniture, Shellac duced about 0.8 kilogram of a luminous
White: paint, for instance a well luminescent
Shellac, Bleached 50 kg. zinc sulfide or an organic boric acid lumi-
Alcohol 100 kg. nous substance. The lacquer of luminous
Linseed Oil Fatty Acid 1 kg. paint thus obtained is applied on any
Fellow: desired surfaces or articles which are. to
Shellac, Lemon 50 kg. be made luminescent.
Alcohol 150 kg.
Linseed Oil Fatty Acid up to 5 kg. No. 3
For the preparation of fluorescent and
phosphorescent shaped bodies and foils
Ruby Shellac 50 kg.
or the like, about 214 kilograms of a
Alcohol 160 kg.
luminous paint, for instance on the base
Linseed Oil Fatty Acid up to 5 kg.
of calcium sulfide, strontium sulfide or
zinc sulfide, are introduced into about 12
Gelva Outside Lacquers liters of styrene; a small quantity of
Toluol 7 sulfuric acid is added and the whole is
Xylol £ heated for about 4 hours to about 140®
Tetrachlorethane 3 C. in order to produce polymerization.
Gelva (7) 2f As soon as the required consistency i^

obtained, the mass is poured into the heating, to disperse the drier well, stir-
desired moulds and allowed to solidify. ring all the time.
Foils can likewise be sprayed or rolled Allow to cool to 180° C., and add the
from this product turpentine.
Store for several months in tanks.
Luminous Lacquer Coating Centrifuge, and fill into cans.
Five lbs. luminous pigment is mixed
with sufficient lacquer to make a gallon. Aluminum. Lacquer for Automobile
No grinding of the pigment with vehicle Cylinders
required. For air brush application 7 a. Hard Rosin kg.4
oz. luminous pigment with sufficient lac- Turpentine 14
quer to make a pint. The same propor- Linseed Oil 0.5 kg.
tions hold where dammar varnish is em- b. Aluminum Filings 5 kg.
ployed as a vehicle in place of the lacquer. Make a solution of the melted rosin a
The lacquer possesses numerous advan- and work in b. Caution, inflammable I
tages over varnishes. It is rapid drying,
does not discolor when exposed to sun-
light and has good weathering properties. Black Lacquer for Steering Wheels

Lacquers The usual water clear vari- Shellac
Black Dye
ety answers, but the coating must bo 1
applied shortly after mixing, as jellying Alcohol 5 kg.
will take place. It masks any possible Plasticizer 0.2 kg.
odor from the pigment and stands severe
weather conditions over a long period. Clear Metal Lacquer Base
When the luminous lacquer coating is Dry Nitrocellulose 100 oz.
applied to old painted surfaces a base REZYL 14 100-200 oz.
coat of white pigment lacquer enamel Dibutyl Phthalate 35- 50 oz.
free from lead is put on and over it the
luminous coating. As a finish and to add Treatment for Adhering Lacquer to
to life out-doors a finishing coat of the Chromium Plate
clear lacquer is recommended. Trisodium Phosphate 30 oz.
Luminous surfaces should be left ex- Caustic Soda 4 oz.
posed to daylight up until darkness or to Water 200
artificial light during the evening.
The solution is used boiling hot. Clean
one minute and rinse twice in clean boil-
Crystallizing Lacquer ing water. Dry with air.
Paradichlorbenzene 20 lb.
Nitrocellulose Sec.) 10 lb.
^ ^ ’ ^
Beer Can Lacquer
Celiosolve 114 gal. U. S. Patent 2,060,572
Butyl Acetate 1% gal.
Partially Resinified VinyJ
Ethyl Acetate 2^^ gal.
Resins 15.20 oz.
Toluol 3% gal.
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 12.16 oz.
Petroleum Ether 4^2 gal. Hexone 12.16 oz.
Butyrone 6.08 oz.
Clear Auto Lacquer Base Toluol 24.00 oz.
Dry Nitrocellulose 100 oz. Naphtha (Coal Tar) 7.00 oz.
BEZYL 19 250 oz. Phosphoric Acid (85%) 0.60 oz.
Dibutyl Phthalate 60 oz.
Spray on cleaned inner walls of cans
and bake for 15 minutes.
Black Automobile Lacquer
Asphaltum 54 lb. Stove Lacquer
Resin (Kongo or Kauri, or Gilsonite Asphaltum 40 kg.
Modified Phenol Resin) 54 lb. Copal 5 hg.
Linseed Oil 12 gal. Ester Gum 6 kg.
Turpentine Oil 18 gal. I^ampblack 5 kg-
Litharge 6 lb. Lacquer Benzine 100 kg.
Cobalt Linoleate
(4%‘ Cobalt) 2.5 lb.
Asphaltum Lacquer for Iron
Melt the asphaltum with some oil with Asphaltum 24 lb.

stirring at 250° C., and add the resin. Ester Gum 7 lb.
Add the balance of the oil, heat for half Carbon Black 3 lb.
an hour, until all is well dissolved and Benzol 33 lb.

homogeneous. Stir in the drier, and keep Benzine 33 lb.


Shellac Lacquers for Tin Foils Gloss Rubber Coating Lacquer

Base :

Wet (15-20 Sec.)

Shellac, Bleached 25 kg. Nitrocellulose 18 oz.
Alcohol 100 kg. Toluol 32 oz.
Boric Acid, Crystals 1 kg. Ethyl Alcohol 10 oz.
0.25-0.5 kg. of coal-tar dyes, such Ethyl Acetate 15 oz.
as Brilliant Green, TropeoUn, Auramin, Butyl Acetate 5 oz.
Blown Linseed Oil 10 oz.
Blown Soya Bean Oil 10 oz.
Metal Foil Lacquer
Electric Cable Lacquer

L Nitrocellulose
Bibutyl Phthalate
U. S. Patent 2,096,448
Nitrocellulose 12.5 oz.
Ethyl Alcohol 9 oz. Tritolyl Phosphate 15.5 oz.
Methanol 9 oz. Mineral Oil 0.7 oz.
! ;
Acetone 36 oz, Ethyl Acetate 25.0 oz.

Butyl Acetate 24 oz. Alcohol 15.0 oz.

! [‘-i Toluol 31.3 oz.

Insulating Cable Lacquer

U. S. Patent 2,096,448
Lacquer for Shoe Tips
Nitrocellulose 12.5 oz.
Formula No. 1
Tricresyl Phosphate 15.5 oz.
i-'i" '

00.7 oz.
Ruby Shellac 30 lb.
Mineral Oil
Turpentine, Venice 1 lb.
Ethyl Acetate 25.0 oz.
J Sandarac 1 lb.
1 Alcohol 15.0 oz.
Castor Oil 1 lb.
Toluol 31.3 oz.
Alcohol 150 lb.
Aniline Black 5 lb.
t Insulating Lacquer
Carbon Black to desired consistence
i '

H Italian Patent 273,391

Lh:: Ethyl Cellulose 10. g. No. 2
Cumarone Resin 3 g. Beckacite 100 800 g.
i . 1

Benzol 60 cc. Wood Oil 500 g.

Solvent Naphtha 24 cc. Stand Oil 300 g
i fe Alcohol 2 cc. Turpentine 1250 g.
Brier as needed

(For adhesion to rubber mats and Suede Finish Lacquer
floor coverings)' U S. Patent 2,069,470
Cotton Solution (25%) 31/2 lb. On material such as metal or wood
Resin Solution % lb. there is applied a coating consisting of
Paraplex 5 B 1 lb. polyhydric alcohol-polybasic acid resin 30,
Anon % lb. a pigment 18, cobalt naphthcnatc 0.1,
Bissolve in lacquer thinner. ‘^mineral spirits^' 11.9, turpentine 20
and xylene 20% and, before drying, there
Rubbing Clear Lacqujer is blown on the viscous material a body

Cotton Solution (25%) 3 lb. of flock corresponding substantially to

Ester Gum (#8 Cut) % lb. the color of the viscous material, the
rate of drying being sufficiently slow to
Amberol 801 (#8 Cut) % lb.
allow time for the application of the
Butyl Stearate lb.
Bibutyl Phthalate % lb. flock but rapid enough to air-dry suffi-
ciently to permit packing and shipping
Bissolve in solvent.
within 2-6 hours.
Latex Bope
Cotton Solution ^3 3 lb.
Cloth Coating Lacquer
Paraplex R92 % lb.
Wet (15-20 Sec.)
Bissolve in solvent. Nitrocellulose 18 oz.
Solvesso :fj:l 30 oz.
Rubber Lacquer Ethyl Alcohol 10 oz.
Cotton % lb. Ethyl Acetate 17 oz.
Resins 3 oz. Butyl Acetate 7 oz.
Paraplex 5 B 2 oz. Blown Castor Oil 9 oz.
Bissolve in solvent. Baker’s Plasticizer Pffi 9 oz.

Lacquer for Glassine Paper Stencil Correcting-Lacquer
U. S. Patent 2,096,662 Resin, Sandarac 4 kg,
Chlorinated Rubber 100 oz. Turpentine, Thick 2 kg.
Cumarone Resin 10-50 oz. Alcohol 12 kg.
Paraffin Wax 3 oz. Ether 2 kg.
Magnesium Oxide 3 oz.
Hexamethylenetetramine ^
3 oz. Correcting Lacquer for Multigrapli
Mix together in a heated mill. Stencil
Collodion Wool 6 g.
Gloss Paper Coating Lacquer Butyl Acetate 25 g.
Nitrocellulose {% Sec.) 20 lb. Ethyl Lactate 20 g.
Toluol 15 lb. Butanol 5 g.
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 15 lb. Alcohol 45 g.
^^Cellosolvo 5 lb.
Ester Gum (#8 Cut) 35 lb.
Black-Board ^
Lindol 5 lb.
a. Copal 200 g.
Ether 400 g.
Sealing Lacquer for Bottles Quick-Drying Shellac 1000 g.
Collodion Wool (Pyroxylin) 3- 5 g. Sandarac 500 g.
Rosin 20-25 g. Alcohol 4 1.

Boric Acid 1 g. h. Turpentine 30 g.

Ether Alcohol (1:1) 100 g. Pine Soot 150 g.
For colored lacquers, add Ultramarine Blue 50 g.
Pigment (Chromium Yellow, Naxos Emery, Finest 1000 g.
Ochre, Zinc Green, Ultra-
marine) 15-20 g. Make solution a and suspend the ma-
terials I in it by thorough grinding and
Bottle Lacquer stirring.

Rosin' 25 kg. Smooth the board, before applying this

Collodion 25 kg. pumice abrasive powder.
lacquer, with
Ether 30 kg. Burn the lacquer into the wood.
Dry, and polish with pumice powder,
Blue Lacquer for Electric Bulbs to again. Repeat application of lacquer,
Darken Light for Air Protection but let itdry regularly this time.
Amyl Acetate, Hot 100
Zapon Lacquer 900 Sealing Lacquer
Plus Turpentine, Heavy 10 kg.
Ceres Blue 4 Base 0.2 g. Shellac 6 kg.
Or instead for deeper shades: Rosin, Pale kg'*
Ceres Blue 4 Base 1.2 g. Turpentine Oil kg.
or Chalk kg.
Ceres Blue 5 g.) Kieselguhr kg.
Ceres Violet 0.4 g.j Barytes kg.
or Light Iron Oxide Red kg.
Ceres Blue '
0.67 g.l
Ceres Yellow 0.2 g.I
Ceres Red 0.14 g.f Black Lacquer
Ceres Black 0.08 g. ] Formula No. 1
Make the dye solution, as desired, filter Nitrocellulose ( Sec. 15 oz.
hot (caution, inflammable), add hot to Oxidized Castor Oil 23 oz.
Zapon lacquer, to prevent separation of Kauri Copal 9 oz.
the dyes. Isobutyl Alcohol 110 oz.
Normal Butyl Acetate 110 oz.
Lacquer for Putty Urea Resin 23 oz.
Formula No. 1. Normal Butyl Alcohol 45 oz.
Albertol Resin 11 IL 1 kg.
No. 2
Linseed Oil Stand Oil 0.8 kg.
Nitrocellulose (^2 Sec.) 28 oz.
Wood Oil Stand Oil 0.2 kg.
Tricresyl Phosphate 4 oz.
No. 2 Amyl Acetate 18.2 oz.
Albertol Resin lllL 1 kg. Butyl Acetate 16.2 oz.
Heavy-Bodied Oil 1.5-2 kg. Butanol 26.4 oz.
No. 3 Toluol 47.4 oz.
Albertol Resin lllL 1 kg. Ester Gum (Fused at
Heavy Bodied Tung Oil 2.5 kg. 300° 0.) 15 oz.

Heat Bodied Linseed Oil of toluol, 1,5 parts of dibutyl phthalate

(Fused together at and 6.5 parts of shellac solution; the
300° C.) 15 oz. boric acid solution to be added to this
Zylol 6 oz. lacquer in order to obtain the mat effect
For a pigment use a high-grade carbon consists of 10 parts of boric acid and 5
black ground in a plasticizer, employing parts of methyl alcohol, 10 to 15 parts of
the minimum quantity that will give solid th^ boric acid solution being added to
obliteration in one coat. 100 parts of the above nitrocellulose lac-
No. 3
Cheap Black Lacquer Colored Master Batch for Lacquers

H Nitrocellulose
Vinsol Resin #2 (7
Castor Oil
Ethyl Acetate
Cut) 35
Canadian Patent 360,993
color master material is prepared by
mixing a pigment with nitrocellulose in
the presence of a plasticizer deficient in
solvent power for the nitrocellulose, a
Butyl Acetate 5 oz.
high-boiling solvent for the nitrocellulose,

i'l Toluol
Carbon Black

Bronze Lacquer
23.5 oz.
0.5 oz.
and a low-boiling diluent. E.g., 20 parts
of colloidal C black is placed in the bot-
tom of a Banbury mixer, 30 parts of a
1:1:1 mixture of anhydrous alcohol,
Coumarone Resin, Hard 10 kg. butyl alcohol and butyl acetate added
"White Spirit or after the mixer is started, 50 parts of
f . i

'H Heavy Benzine
40 kg.
20 kg.
nitrocellulose with 15 parts alcohol added
immediately, 30 parts of a 25:5 mixture
Bronze or
> -: Aluminum Powder to suit
of tritolyl phosphate and castor oil
added, 50 more parts nitrocellulose with
15 parts of alcohol added, and mixing
Bronzing Lacquer, Non-Gelling continued for 5 minutes. The batch is
Ethyl Cellulose 10 oz. worked as thin as consistency allows in
Ethyl Alcohol 10 oz. malaxating rolls, sprinkled with 30 parts
Toluol 65 oz. of a 1:1:1 mixture of anhydrous alcohol,
Cumar Gum Wl/2 butyl alcohol and butyl acetate, stored in
(8 lb. Cut) 10 oz. sealed containers for 24 hours, again
Dibutyl Phthalate 1 oz. worked on the rolls, and dried at 70° to
Butyl Lactate 4 oz. reduce the amount of low-boiling solvent
to less than 3%.
Marbleizing Lacquer
A nitrocellulose lacquer suitable for a Colored Lacquer Chips
marble-like multi-colored coating has been French Patent 803,516
developed in Italy. It consists of a In a porcelain mill, 15 kg. of lamp
mixture of 1 part of acetone and 2 parts black are treated with 150 kg. of benzox
of moistened, colored nitrocellulose with containing 0.091 kg. of oleic acid. After
a small amount of castor oil. This mix- five hours, the excess of benzol is filtered
ture is introduced into a water bath con- off and the paste is mixed with 40 kg.
taining 2 per cent of acetone. After the of nitrocellulose, 5 kg. of ethyl alcohol
lacquer has settled out on top of the and 18 kg. of dibutyl phthalate. The
solution, suitable pigments or dies are resultant chips may be kept in an air
added. The objects to be lacquered are tight container. In the manufacture of
;|;hen dipped. lacquers the balance of the lacquer in-
gredients is added to these chips. For
example, 25 kg. of chips, 5 kg. of nitro-
Puil Fiaisti Itacquer . cellulose, and 8 kg. of estergum are dis-
IWCl toqaer ifikns caji fee
;ito<oodliail(ii[se ! solved in 62 kg. of solvent.
•fprof^iiiicted by adding a concentrated |
iof superior qudity is obtained in this
metliyl alcoholic boric acid solution to manner.
the usual lacquers. A
nitrocellulose lac-
quer specially suited to this purpose con- Lacquer Finish Eejuvenator
sists of 5,000 parts of a low-viscosity Tri-Cresyl Phosphate 5
collodion cotton soluble in estets and Clear Dope
moistened with half its own amount of Butyl Acetate (ISTormal)
alcohol, 1.5 parts of ethylene glycol, 3 Ethyl Acetate
parts of butanol, 1.5 parts of butyl ace- Methyl Acetone
tate, 3.5 parts acetic acid ether^ 10 parts (Refined 0. P.)
^ ,


Tlndercoat for Lacquer No. 8

U. S. Patent 2,104,240 Benzoin, Sumatra 75 g.
Casein ^
6.0 oz. Shellac, Lemon 75 g.
Metronite 59.7 oz. Vanillin 1 g.
Titanium. Dioxide Pigment 20.0 oz. Alcohol 850 g.
Zinc Oxide 3.0 oz. Filter and wash the filter paper with
Irish Moss 0.1 oz. alcohol, to make 1000 g.
Tribromophenol 0.2 oz.
No. 9
Borax, 2.0 oz.
Benzoin, Sumatra 90 g.
Hydrated Lime 9.0 oz.
Colophony 45 g.
Dental Model Lacquer
Alcohol 960 g.
Vanillin 1 g.
V, S. Patent 2,057,289
A coating* composition for molds and
consists of
tlie like, Lacquers for Chocolate (Glazes)
Cellulose Acetate Formula No. 1
(Viscosity-S) 9% oz. Resin Benzoin 10 lb.
Tri phenyl I^hospliate 8 oz. Alcohol 20-30 lb.
Dimethyl Phthalate 25 cc. No. 2
Formaldehyde 25 cc. Resin Sandarac 2-2.5 lb.
Dioxan 3% qt. Alcohol 8-7.5 lb.

Confectionery Lacquer (Glaze)

Lacquer’’ for Washable Wall Papers
Formula No. 1
Borax 10 kg.
Gum Benzoin, Sumatra 100 g. Shellac, Sticklac,
Alcohol (90%) 500 g. or Sandarac 30 kg.
No. 2 Water 200 kg.
Gum Benzoin, Sumatra 100 g.
Alcohol (90%) 500 g.
Peruvian Balsam 10 g. Lacquering Cardboard for Chair and
Floor Coverings
No. 3
Jugoslavia Patent 12,572
Sandarac 100 g.
The welhglued upper surface of card-
Benzoin, Sumatra 100 g.
board is treated with a 2 mm. thick
Larch Turpentine (Venice) 20 g.
transparent coat consisting of 100 g.
Alcohol (95%) 800 g.
glue, 10 g. latex and 6 g, glycerol dis-
No, 4 solved in 250 cc. warm water. A harden-
Benzoin, Sumatra 150 g. ing coat is then applied, consisting of
Shellac, Pale 50 g. 1.00 g. 40% formaldehyde, 500 cc. water,
Vanillin 1 g. 500 cc. alcohol and 5 cc. glycerol; finally
Alcohol (95%) 800 g. this coat is covered with an elastic py-
No. 5 roxylin lacquer. The covering may be
Benzoin, Sumatra 200 g. washed with warm or cold water and
Peruvian Balsam 6 g. soap.
Alcohol 800 g.
No. 6
Benzoin, Sumatra 125 g. CUMARONE BASE LACQUERS
Sandarac 125 g.
Larch Turpentine 10 Nitrocellulose 7 oz.
Alcohol 740 g- Butyl Acetate 10 oz.
No. 7 Cumarone Resin 6 oz.
Benzoin, Sumatra 160 g- Ethyl Acetate 10 oz.
Rosin, Pale, Purified 40 g- Toluol 18 oz.
Alcohol 800 g- Alcohol 20 oz.

Formula No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6

Lacquer Base (Above) 71 oz. 71 oz. 71 oz. 71 71 oz. 71 oz.
Tricresyl Phosphate 6 oz. 6 oz. — - — ’

—6 oz. 6 oz
Dibutyl Phthalate — 6 oz.

6 oz. —
— —

Cyclohexanone 5 oz. 10 oz.

Cyclohexanol Acetate
5 oz.
5 oz. — . ,

6 oz. —6 oz.

Ethyl Acetate 18 18 oz. 18 7 oz.

oz. oz.
6 oz.
7 oz.
—7 oz.

Benzine — 10 oz. 10 oz.

: ;



Spraying and Dipping Lacquers Ethylene Dichloride 68.5 g.
Butanol 11.3 g.
Acetone 40
Butyl Acetate 9.1 g.
Ethyl Acetate 10 g* ^ ^
Cellosolve ^ ^ Acetate 11.3 g.
Ethyl Lactate 10 g*
Toluol 10 g- On applying
9.94 pounds per 100 sq. ft.
Cellulose Acetate 15 g- of the above lacquer to hn unpolished
Resin and Plasticizer 15 g- commercial black and maroon nitrocellu-
This is used as a base solution and lose enamel, a good gloss is obtained that
should be thinned to the consistency de- maintains its gloss after weathering a
sired with the following thinner: month and retains a good measure of its
original gloss after four months^ expos-
Acetone 40 g-
ure. After about seven months' ex-
Ethyl Lactate 10 g-
posure, it showed a prominent check
Ethyl Acetate 10 g-
failure and a slight chalkiness on the
Toluol 10 g-
surface of the overcoat. Those that had
Leather Coating not been overcoated chalked badly, but
Acetone 59 g-
they could be rubbed to a good polish.
Ethyl Acetate 5 g*
Some difficulty has been encountered
Methyl Cellosolve 5 g.
with Hercose 0 ladquer shrinking or
Cellulose Acetate 12 splitting when applied over nitrocellulose
Resin and Plasticizer 19 enamels. This is most readily controlled
by proper choice of solvents, of which a
Wire Coating few preferred examples will be given:
Acetone 30 g*
Ethyl Acetate 30 g-
Solvent A
Ethyl Acetate 49.9 cc.
Methyl Cellosolve 5 g*
Toluol 4.3 cc.
Cellulose Acetate 14 g*
Butyl Acetate 4.4 cc.
Plasticizer 21 g-
Dichlordiethyl Ether 27.6 cc.
Cloth Coating Butanol 13.8 cc.
Acetone 48 g- Solvent B
Methyl Cellosolve 10 g- Ethylene Dichloride 49.9 cc.
Toluol 10 g^ Toluol 4.3 cc*
Cellulose Acetate 12 g- Butyl Acetate 4.4 cc.
Resin and Plasticizer 20 g* Dichlordiethyl Ether 27.6 cc.
In mixing a lacquer such as those sug- Butanol 13.8 cc.
gested above, better results will be ob- Such a solvent, used to dissolve solids
tained if the entire solvent combination of formulae similar to those shown above,
is not added at one time. This is espe- can be sprayed over any type of nitro-
cially true if a lean solvent combination cellulose iinish giving good gloss and no
is to be used. The general practice is to splitting, even at re-entrant angles. A
employ for the actual dissolving opera- solvent such as the following gives even
tion all of the solvent specified and only better gloss, but will split when the coat-
a small portion of the diluent. When ing is applied over a surface with sharp
the cellulose acetate is completely in solu- angles such as mold lines, etc.
tion, the remainder of the solvent combi-
nation, consisting now of diluents only, Solvent 0:
'S added slowly with constant mixing. Ethylene Dichloride 49.9 cc.
Care should be taken that the diluents Toluol 4,3 cc.
are not added so fast that the material Butyl Acetate 4.4 cc.
precipitates at any point. Trichlorethane 20.7 cc.
Methyl ^ ‘
Cellosolve "
Acetate 20.7 cc.
It usually is better to hold the
(Hercose C is a cellulose acetobutyrate)
a little away from the work when
Overcoating for Dark Lacquers
spraying Hercose 0 lacquers than when
Lacquer: spraying nitrocellulose enamels and with
Hercose C 36 g. the acetone formula it should be held
Dibutyl Phthalate 12 g. about 15 inches away from the work.
Dammar 12 g. Acetone accentuates shrinking and should
Toluol 72 g. be avoided. The softer formulae shrink
Solvent 400 g. more than the harder ones and cutting
: —


down on tlie plasticizer Iielps to reduce loys. With duralumin, a solids formula
shrinking. such as that given as No. 2 in the section
on overcoating seems to work best. With
Clear Metal Lacquers
brass, it has been found that the Bezyl
In view of the fact that Hercose 0 formulae will not adhere so well as on
lacquers resist discoloration very well, other metals, but this may be counter-
they are quite desirable as clear finishes acted to some extent on this metal as well
for polished and ornamental metal. as the others by use of some Vinsol resin
The following clear Hercose 0 lacquer in place of part of the Rezyl, in order to
was applied to thoroughly cleaned iron. improve adhesion.
The film did not start to crack until after
fourteen months ^ exposure, covering one Cork Tile Lacquers
winter and parts of two summers.
Clear Lacquer
Low Flammability
Base Solution: Hercose C, Low Viscosity 12 g.
Hercose 0, Low Viscosity 20 g.
Hibutyl Phthalate fig.
Acetone 80 g.
Dammar Gum 4 g.
Solvent Mixture Solvent 180 g.
’ ’
Methyl ^ ^ Cellosolve Solvent:
Acetate 10 g.
Acetone 32 cc.
Ethyl Lactate 2 g. Ethyl Lactate 4 cc.
Butanol 3 g. Butyl Acetate 2 cc.
Ethylene Dichloride 45 g.
Toluol 62 cc.
Toluol 40 g.
Bronzing Liquids
Lacquer: Hercose C solutions are particularly
Base Solution 60.0 g.
well suited for use as vehicles for bronz-
Dewaxed Dammar Solution ing liquids, as gelation does not occur in
(45% Resin) 1.0 g.
them. Lacquers have been prepared
Dibutyl Phthalate 3.5 g.
which have stood for more than ten
Solvent 135.5 g. months, in which the gold bronze can be
The following lacquer was applied and completely dispersed simply by shaking
tested as above. It failed after being the container for a few minutes. By
exposed over steel for two years on a proper choice of solvents, a finish can
test fence, and is the only clear lacquer be made which will not develop a green
which will withstand six months^ weath- color in the solution on aging. For-
ering in Florida without failure. mulae with these properties are:
Base Solution: A B C D
Hercose C, Low Viscosity 20 g. Hercose 0,
Ethylene Dichloride 40 g. High Vis-
Acetone 12 g. cosity 6 6 6 6
Methyl ^^Cellosolve^/ Acetone 32 32 32 24 g-
Acetate 28 g. Ethyl
Acetate 20 20 20 28 g-
Solvent Mixture: Diacetone
Ethylene Dichloride 20 g. Alcohol 6 6 6 6 g-
Ethyl Acetate 15 g. Ethyl
^ ^ ^ ’
Methyl Gellosolve Lactate 12 12 12 13 g-
Acetate 15 g. Elemi Gum - «—
Toluol 40 g. 50% Ester
Hexone 10 g. Gum Solu-
Lacquer: tion in
Base Solution 62.5 g. Teluol 2 2 2 g-
Rezyl 14 7.5 g. Dibutyl
Dibutyl Phthalate 2.5 g. Phthalate 1 1 1 1 g*
Solvent 85.0 g. Toluol 21 21 21 21 g-
Gold Bronze 5 3 5 10 g-
The Rezyl 14 may be varied in amount
from 2.5 to 12.5 parts in these formulae.
Bronze — 3 — — g*
Lacquers for Special Metals The Hercose C best dissolved in
Finishes such as the above. have good acetone, a 20% concentration being con-
adhesion for such metals as Allegheny, venient to handle; the rest of the for-
monel, copper, and certain aluminum al- mula then is added and mixed thoronghlji

the bronze being stirred in as the final 22.3 Airplane Fabric '' Dopes’’
step. Formula No. 1
Li other solvent formulae, such as Second Film Scrap 300 g.
those containing methyl ‘^eellosolve^^ Ethyl Acetate 1056 cc.
acetate or ethylene dichloride, certain Butyl Acetate 528 cc.
bronzes will turn the solution green; this Benzol 816 cc.
can be prevented by the addition of 0.2 Procedure: Dissolve the film scrap in
to 0.5% oxalic or phosphoric acid to the the22.3
solvents and add the benzol slowly
solution. Green colors also result when while stirring.
resins of appreciable acidity are used
No. 2
(dammar, alkyds, shellac) ; resins in the
Light Film Scrap 300 g.
formula should be as neutral as possible.
Butyl Acetate 240 cc.
The use of sodium acetate in amounts Ethyl Acetate 480 cc.
0.2 to 0.5% of solutions has been found
Anhydrous Isopropyl
to retard this color development.
Acetate 96 cc.
Butyl Lactate 48 cc.
Sealer Between Coats
Shell TSll Solvent 744 cc.
An excellent sealing lacquer which pre-
vented interpenetration between coats of Dissolve the above and thin with Shell
nitrocellulose lacquer follows: —
TSll 792 as above.
Hercose0 (Low Viscosity) 8 g. No. 3
* Dammar Solution 2 g. Sec. Light Film Scrap 300 g.
Dibutyl Phthalate 1 g. 200 Proof Alcohol 92 cc.
Ethylene Dichloride 89 g. Butyl Acetate 240 cc.
Dichlorobutane 20 g. Methyl Ethyl Ketone 480 cc.
* Settled solution from 50 parts of dammar Isopropyl Acetate 96 cc.
gum dispersed in 12,5 parts of toluol and 37.5 No. 8 Union Solvent 792 cc.
parts denatured ethyl alcohol.
Dissolve in mixer (flows about per
second) and add 700 cc. No. 8 Union
Textile and Paper Lacquers
Solvent as above.
S, Aa
No. 4
Hercose C,
Medium DD Filac (4 Sec.) 300 g.

Viscosity 20 20 — g*
No. 8 Union Solvent
Butyl Acetate
Acetate — 20 20 g.
200 Proof Alcohol
Dissolve and dilute with
100 cc.

No. 8 Union Solvent 700 cc.
Phthalate 2 4 2 4 g.
Triphenyl Color Coat Lacquer
Phosphate 2 4 2 4 g.
44" Nitrocellulose 36 lb.
Acetone 76 72 76 72 g.
Eezyl 12 25 lb.
Hercose C, Medium Dibutyl Phthalate 5 lb.

Viscosity 8 g.
Castor Oil 12.5 lb.
Triethyl Citrate 6 g.
Solvent: 61% Toluene,
Triphenyl Phosphate 6 g. 13% Butanol,
Eezyl 14 1.4 g. 26% Butyl Acetate ,
7.75 gal.
Ethylene Bichloride 30.0 g. Usually the per cent of a color in oil
Acetone 28.6 g. required to ‘'color up” a lacquer is so
Hexone 10.0 g. small that one can neglect figuring how
Methyl ^'Cellosolve^^ much oil to leave out ; but in case it is a
Acetate 10.0 g. large item (over 2.5% of non-vol.) it is
The coating a simple matter to calculate how much to
is applied in eight gasket
omit when we realize that the following
percentages of pigment based on the non-
Airplane Lacquer (Dope) volatile by weight, will be found to be
; Hercose C, High practically correct for most lacquers.
Viscosity 7.1 g. Titanium Dioxide 25%
Triphenyl Phosphate 1.1 g. Prussian Blue 11%
Acetone 46.8 g. Medium Chrome Yellow 19%
Ethyl Acetate 20.0 g. Medium Chrome Green 13%
Alcohol 10.0 g. Super Spectra Black 4%
Butanol 6.0 g. Cadmium Eed Medium 25%
Para Toluidine Toner 10%

Since the titanium pigmented lac- Thinners for Vinyl Acetate Resins
quers^especially and those made from (Gelva)
chrome yellow tend to powder slightly Formula No. 1
after a few months in the weather, it is For Spraying Lacquers
a good idea to put a light coat of the Xylol 50 oz.
clear over them. Any reasonably good Amyl Acetate 40 oz.
thinner may be used with the above lac- Butyl Alcohol 6 oz.
quer and if desired 4-5 sec. film scrap Naphtha, V. M. & P. 5 oz.
may be substituted for the % second
No. 2
nitrocellulose. It will then require much
For Spraying and Brushing Lacquers
more solvent and thinnet before it can Toluol 70 oz.
be sprayed or brushed over the dope. Xylol 20 oz,
This rezyl or alkyd lacquer may be Tetrachlorethane 10 oz.
applied directly to clean metal without
a primer and it will adhere and weather No. 3
extremely well. The more heavily pig- For Brushing Lacquers
mented products such as a chrome yel- Benzol 60 oz.
low require a primer for the best adhe- Toluol 15 oz.
sion, and this may be a dryifig alkyd Xylol 15 oz.
resin primer or a lacquer primer made Tetrachlorethane 5 oz.
as follows: Naphtha, V. M. Sc P. 5 oz.

Lacquer Primer Barrel Sealing Compound

Eezyl (Oxidizing Paraffin Wax (42/44'’ C.)
Type) 110 lb. or Petrolatum 98 kg.
Pilm Scrap Solution 1 gal. Tallow, Hard-Fat, or
Dibutyl Phthalate 0.25 lb. Crude Palm Oil 2 kg.
This lacquer may be thinned with a
low cost lacquer thinner, for example: Sealer for Asphalt Emulsion
Coated Walls
Union Solvent No. 1
Casein 1 lb.
or Equivalent 66 % Water Ground Mica 2 lb.
Ethyl Acetate 9% Asbestine 5 lb.
Butyl Acetate 8%
Borax 0.25 lb.
Butyl Alcohol 8%
Sodium Fluoride 0.25 lb.
Ethyl Alcohol 9% Mix into 3 quarts of boiling water
until smooth and apply with brush.
Nitiocellulose Solvents
Seal for Gasoline, Oil and Water Pipes
Formula No. 1 Shellac 2 kg.
Ethyl Acetate 50 lb.
Rosin 0.5 kg.
Butyl Acetate 20 lb.
1.5 kg.
Butanol 5 lb.
Plasticizer 0.1 kg.
Benzene 25 lb. ^
Aluminum Filings, Fine 5 g.

, No. 2 / Claimed to be heat-resistant, elastic,

Ethyl Acetate 10 lb. and uninfluenced by gasoline, water, and
Butyl Acetate 40 lb. oil.
Alcohol 25 lb.

Benzene 10 lb. Quick Seal for Radiators (External)

Cellulose Lacquer, Colorless 1 kg.
No. 3 Aluminum Filings, Fine 0.3 kg.
Ethyl Acetate 20 ec.
Butyl Acetate 10 cc.
15 cc, Sanding Sealer
Alcohol, Denatured
15 cc, Dry Nitrocellulose 100 oz.
Teglac Resin 100-150 oz.
Paraffin Wax 5 g.
Zinc Stearate 5- 20 oz.
Magnesium Carbonate 0- 5 oz.

Solvent for Vinyl Lacquers

Hexone 40 oz. Hat Stiffeners, Water Soluble
Methyl n-Amyl Ketone 10 oz. Several different alkalies may be used
Toluol 40 oz. to produce water shellacs, but borax has
Xylol 10 oz. been found most satisfactory. The fol


lowing type of water shellac may be Toluene 75%

made by hand in one-half to one gallon No. 1 Alcohol 22%
batches ; but a putty mixer is necessary
for large batches. Eleven pounds of
Butanol 3 %
The gum solution may be plasticized
pure borax is added to five gallons of with 3% by volume of blown castor oiL
boiling water and brought to boil. 107 An elastic hat varnish is made by mix-
pounds of bone dry shellac is added and ing a four to four and one-half pound
stirring maintained while heat is applied cut of the D. K. Manila Cum in the
to the bottom of the machine. When the latter solvent with 9% blown castor oil.
mixture looks like white taffy fifteen to This varnish works well in the hat block
twenty gallons of water, depending on and gives a good gloss. It wiU allow
the specific gravity required, is added bending without cracking.
slowly to the batch as stirring continues.
When the water starts to mix quickly, Cheap Dope Hat Sizings
heating may be discontinued. Water Inexpensivecompetitive sizings are
shellac solutions are often sold by the made from movie film scrap which has
Twaddle scale which is, practically, a been cleaned with boiling water and weak
very much refined specific gravity scale. alkali or by various other methods. The
For real dark felt hats or bodies, boil scrap should be added piece by piece to
together until dissolved: a lacquer solvent, or if sold in rolls
Water 3 gal. should be allowed to fall into the solvent
Borax 3 lb. in a twisted wettable mass. If several
Bone Dry Shellac 20 lb. pieces get stuck together one may be
Another formula® which gives results, bothered with slowly dissolving lumpk
but which requires considerable skill to Film Scrap 10 lb.
make, runs as follows: Low Boiling Petroleum
8 lb. Cut White Shellac Thinner 3 gal.
1 gal.
28% Ammonia Toluol 3 gal.
400 cc.
Ethyl Acetate 2 gal.
Stir together quickly, and ten seconds
Butyl Acetate 2 gal.
after addition of ammonia dilute in-
stantly with a mixture of Six gallons of No. 8 Union Solvent may
be used in place of the above diluents
Water 3 gal. and the new ketone solvents may be used
28% Ammonia 120-160 cc. to get lower viscosity in place of ethyl
according to the grade and freshness of and butyl acetate.
the shellac. A white solution is most de-
sirable. Hat Finishing
Small amounts of titanium barium pig- Formula No. 1
ment may be added to these formulae to a. Water 70 kg.
secure maximum whiteness for white Borax 5 kg.
bodies and real light tints. 4.0
&. Ruby or Orange Shellac 25 kg.
No. 2
Hat Sizings or Stiffeners a. Water 70.5 kg.
Shellac, Super Fine Borax 5.5 kg.
White Bleached 4 lb. h. Powdered
Shellac, Dry 24.0 kg.
Alcohol 4 gal. To the borax solution, the shellac is
Butyl Alcohol 1 pt.
added at boiling temperature, keeping

For hot, with agitation, until all is dispersed.

obtaining the highest possible
gloss use a dewaxed shellac. Using such formulae necessitates an
after-treatment with vapors of acetic
acid to make the finish insoluble. This
Low Priced Waterproof Hat Stiffener is avoided when using formulae of the
Manila Gum, D, H. 52 lb. following type:
Benzine 45 pt. No. 3
Alcohol 55 pt. a. Water 23.3 kg.
Butyl Alcohol 5 pt. Borax kg.
Let stand for several days, draw cleai Ruby or Orange Shellac 25.0 kg.
liquid from the top, and strain out the b. Water, Hot 47.7 kg.
floating bark. This solution is customa-
rily thinned three to one with a thinnei
No. 4
a. Water 20.0 kg.
similar to the solvent. A better grade, Borax 3.4 kg.
glossier, and faster drying varnish is
Powdered Shellac, Dry 24.0 kg.
made by using for the solvent: b. Water, Hot 52.6 kg.


Heat the three ingredients o£ a to- Method No, 2

and free from lumps.
gether, until pasty (To be used when gold must be
Thin by adding 5 in small portions, burnished with an agate)
agitating thoroughly. Sandpaper the wood to a very smooth
surface. Apply a thin coating of whit-
ing made up as follows
Wall Glaze
U. S. Patent 2,078,504
Babbit Skin Glue / lb. %
Water 3 pt.
Sodium Silicate 112 cc.
Whiting, Imported French 4 pt.
Ammonia 6.oz.

Casein 14 oz. To put the glue in solution, allow it

Water 1 gal. to stand overnight in warm water. This
solution should be applied hot in order
to prevent cracking. When the whiting-
Stone Sizing Material coated surface is thoroughly dry^ sand-
(Use before painting) paper it perfectly smooth. Th^ next
U. S. Patent 2,008,304 coating is made up of gilder ^s gold size,
Petroleum Naphtha 100 gal. which should be mixed with glue accord-
Acetone 2 gal. ing to directions on the package. This
Aluminum Stearate 30 lb. should be about the consistency of heavy
Acetic Acid 1 lb. cream when it is being applied. When
Nitric Acid 6 lb. it is dry, none of the red clay should
rub off. This coating also should be
smoothed with sandpaper. When the
Size for Lettering on Galvanized Iron
gold is laid on, only the amount of frame
Mix two tablespoonfuls of oxalic acid
should be moistened which is to be cov-
to a pint of white vinegar and allow the
ered by the leaf. For moistening, use
mixture to stand. The longer it stands
the following formula:
the better it will act as an oxidizing agent
on the metal. It is used to best advan- Water 1 pt.
tage after being set aside for two months. Alcohol 10 cc.
Apply the liquid to the metal surface to Glue 10 g.
be painted with a brush or cloth and
time for drying. No brushing The gold should be well battened down
in this process. Allow it to dry for
down is needed.
about 12 hours. Then burnish with
agate, and apply a thin coating of a
Gold Size good grade bleached shellac, as in the
Kauri Copal 50 lb. first method.
Linseed Oil 35 gal.
Litharge 18 gal.
Bed Lead 18 lb. Liquid Varnish Eemover
Turpentine Oil 75 gal. Denatured Alcohol 50 gal.
Light Coal Tar Oil 35 gal.
Applying Gold Leaf on Molding Carbolic Acid (90%) 15 gal.
Method No.. 1
Sandpaper the wood to a very smooth
surface. Apply a coat of flat paint and Varnish and Lacquer Eemover
when this is thoroughly dry, sandpaper Formula No. 1
it to a smooth surface. Over this Canadian Patent 367,059
smoothly painted surface brush on a thin Ethylene Dichloride 77.5 oz. ;

coat of good quality shellac. When this Alcohol 10.0 oz.

is thoroughly dry and hard, apply japan Toluol '

2.5 oz.
gold size. Allow this to dry until there Benzene 2.5 oz..
is practically no stieMness to the touch | Cellulose Acetate 2.5' oz.
then lay on the gold with tip or cotton Paraffin Wax 5.0' oz.

and thoroughly batten it down. Allow

No. 2
the frame to dry for about 24 hours, and
Acetone 40 ce.
then apply a very thin coat of the best
Benzene 20 cc.
grade bleached shellac that can be pur-
Solvent Naphtha 10 cc.
chased. This shellac will not destroy the
Alcohol 30 ce.
luster of the gold, and it is necessary
to protect the gold. When this system By
addition of paraffin to this solvent-
is used, the gold cannot be burnished mixture, a cleansing material of pasty
with an agate. oonsiatency can be obtained.


Bemover for Lacquers of Oil, Chlorinated Pastes

Rubber, Oil Paints No. 4
Liquids Scale Paraffin Wax
Pormula No. 1 (40/42° C.)
Benzol 60 kg. Carbon Tetrachloride or
Ethylene Dichloride 30 kg. Triehlor Ethylene
Hexaiin 10 kg. Toluol
No. 2 Hexaiin
Benzol 60 kg. No. 5
Toluol 10 kg. Scale Paraffin Wax
Xylol 30 kg. (40/42° C.)
No. 3 Carbon Tetrachloride or
Ethylene Diehloride 40 kg. Triehlor Ethylene
Benzol 40 kg. Benzol
Tetralin 20 kg. Methylene Chloride
Tmtes No. 6
No. 4 Scale Paraffin Wax
Scale Paraffin Wax (40/42° 0.)
(40/42° C.) 15 kg. Ozokerite
Ozokerite 5 kg. Carbon Tetrachloride or
Benzol 50 kg. Triehlor Ethylene
Tetralin 20 kg. Tetralin
Methylene Chloride 10 kg.
No. 5
Seale Paraffin Wax Removers for Cellulose and
^ ^
(40/42° C.) 15 kg. Spirit ^ Lacquers

Benzol 45 kg. Liquidj Inflammahle

Toluol 40 kg. Formula No, 1
Acetone 50 kg.
No. 6
Butyl Acetate 20 kg.
Scale Paraffin Wax Isopropyl Alcohol 30 kg.
(40/42° C.) 20 kg.
Benzol 60 kg. Paste, Inflammahle
Hexaiin 20 kg. No. 2
Cellulose Acetate 20 kg.
Paint Remover Acetone 40 kg.
a. Paraffin Wax, Dioxan 20 kg.
High Melting 5 1b. Isopropyl Alcohol 20 kg.
Trichlorethylene 95 lb.
h. Aluminum Naphthenate 5 lb.
Removers for Chlorinated Rubber, Oi\
Trichlorethylene 95 lb.
Cellulose and ‘^Spirit Lacquers
solutions a and h, let stand for
24 hours separately, mix. and Paints
Liquid, Inflammahle
Formula No. 1
Paint and Lacquer Removers, Acetone 30 kg.
Non-Inflammable Methylcyelohexanone 30 kg.
Liquids Alcohol 20 kg.
Formula No. 1 Tetralin 20 kg.
Carbon Tetrachloride or Pastes, Ififlammahle
Triehlor Ethylene 70 kg. No. 2
Xylol 10 kg. Cellulose Acetate 15 kg.
Toluol 10 kg. Acetone 35 kg.
Ethyl Lactate 10 kg. Isopropyl Alcohol 10 kg.
No. 2 Tetralin 30 kg,
Carbon Tetrachloride or Metliylcyclohexanone 10 kg.
Triehlor Ethylene 60 kg. No. 3
Ethylene Bichloride 25 kg. Celluloid Scrap 15 kg.
Hexaiin 15 kg. Acetone 20 kg.
No. 3 Dioxan 15 kg,
Methylene Chloride 40 kg, Methylcyelohexanone 20 kg.
Carbon Tetrachloride or Cyclohexanone 10 kg.
, Triehlor Ethylene 10 kg. Benzol 10 kg.
Tetralin 50 kg. Hexaiin 10 kg.

Removers for Lacquers and Paints Lime Hydrate, Powdered 15 lb.

Powders Water 60 lb.
Formula No. 1 Pumice Powder 5 1b.

Lime Hydrate, Powdered 60 lb. No. 14

Soda Ash 40 lb. Potato or Corn Starch 5 lb.

No. 2 Ammonia (0.910) 30 lb.

Water 40 lb.
Caustic Soda, Powdered 35 lb.
65 lb. Calcium Carbonate 25 lb.
No. S
Lime Hydrate, Powdered 60 lb. Paint Removers (for Oil Paints)
Potash Carbonate, Calcined 40 lb. Liquids
No. 4
Formula No. 1
Oleic Acid 4 lb.
Caustic Potash, Powdered 30 lb.
Benzol 20 lb.
Calcium Carbonate, Powdered 70 lb.
Carbon Tetrachloride or
No. 5 Trichlor Ethylene 20 lb.
Caustic Soda, Powdered 20 lb.
Alcohol 20 lb.
Caustic Potash, Powdered 15 lb.
Ammonia (0.910) 16 lb.
"Whiting 35 lb.
Water 20 lb.
Pumice Powder 30 lb.
No. 2
The production consists in simple mix- Methyl Hexalin 18.0 lb.
ing and packing into sealed containers. Oleic Acid 3.5 lb.
No. 6 Caustic Potash (50® BA) 1.5 lb.
Caustic Soda, Powdered 65 lb. Water 3.5 lb.
Potato or Corn Flour 35 lb. Tetralin 73.5 lb.

No. 7 Pastes
Lime Hydrate, Powdered 35 lb. No. 3
Soda or Potash Carbonate, Soft Soap 40 lb.
Calcined 35 lb. Methyl Hexalin 20 lb.
Potato or Corn Flour 30 lb. Carbon Tetrachloride or
Mix dry in sealed containers. Trichlor Ethylene 40 lb.

Pastes No. 4
No. 8 Potato Flour 5 lb.
Soft Soap 30 lb. Water 10- lb.

f Caustic Soda 10 lb. Potassium Hydroxide, Scales 10 lb.

(Water 30 lb. Water 40 lb.

Whiting 20 lb. Carbon Tetrachloride 20 lb.
Pumice Powder 10 lb. Whiting 15 lb.

No. 9
Soft Soap 20 lb. Removers for Oil, Rubber, Cellulose
"Lime Hydrate, Powdered 15 lb. Lacquers or Paints
Soda Ash 15 lb.

Liquid, JSfon-Inflamma'ble
Water 30 lb.
Carbon Tetrachloride or
Calcium Carbonate 20 lb.
Trichlor Ethylene 40 kg.
No. 10 Tetralin 10 kg.
(Soft Soap 40 Ib. Methylcyclohexanone 40 kg.
(Caustic Potash (40® Be.) 25 lb. Methanol 10 kg.
Lime Hydrate, Powdered 35 lb.
Paste, Non-Inflammal)le
No, 11 Scale Wax, 40/42® 0. 15 kg.
(Soft Soap 40 lb. Ozokerite 5 kg.
(Ammonia (0.910) 30 lb. Carbon Tetrachloride or
Whiting 30 lb. Trichlor Ethylene 30 kg.
No. 12 Hexalin 10 kg.
Potato or Corn Starch 5 Ib. Methylhexalin 40 kg.
Caustic Soda, or Potash 10 lb.

Water 60 lb. Miscellaneous Faint Removers

Whiting 10 lb. Formula No. 1
Wood Saw Bust 15 lb. Acetone Oil 40 lb.
No. 13 Tetralin 30 lb.
Potato or Corn Starch 5 lb. Xylol 20 lb.
Soda or Potash Carbonate, Turpentine Oil 10 lb.
Calcined 15 lb. Whiting to make paste

No. 2 brush handle causes the bristles to bend

Carbon Tetrachloride or or curl, and this curl may become per-
Trichlor Ethylene 80 g. manent. If a brush is not cleaned after
Acetone 10 g.. it is used, the paint or other finishing
Amyl Acetate 10 g. material left in it will become hard and
If this solvent is desired to be more a thick hard crust will form around the
Tiscons, mix with melted base of the brush where the bristles enter
Ceresin 10 g. the handle. Then, wlien the brush is used
again, this hard crust near the handle will
Note: Paint Removers containing trichlor-
©thylene or carbon tetrachloride do not renlove gradually break into fine particles which
nitrocellulose coatings. come out from time to time and make
specks on the finish.
No. 3 When a used brush is not in service,
it should be hung in a brush-keeper,
Corn Flour 80 lb.
Sesqui Carbonate of Soda 80 lb. which is a container partly filled with
Light Soda Ash 40 1b. some gentle solvent for the material last
used in the brush.
No. 4 Brushes should be hung so their ends
British. Patent 455,618
do not touch the bottom of the brush-
Successive layers of dry soda ash (4
keeper. Brushes used for paints should
lb.) and quick lime (4 lb.) are spread
be kept in different containers from those
on a layer of soft soap (3 lb.) in a vat, used in varnish or lacquer, and shellac
boiling water is added, and the whole
brushes should be kept to themselves.
thoroughly admixed (the formation of in- Paint and enamel brushes may be kept
soluble calcium soaps being thus avoided)
in a 50/50 mixture of turpentine and
and allowed to set solid by cooling. linseed oil. The same mixture can be
Aqueous ammonia (d 0.880; 2 oz.) is used for keeping varnish, brushes. Lac-
then added and allowed to soak in, and quer brushes may be kept in lacquer
the whole is reduced to a paste by suffi- thinner, and shellac brushes in alcohol.
cient water to make gal.
However, since lacquer thinner and alco-
hol evaporate rapidly it is advisable,
Paint and Varnish Eemover when the brushes are to be laid aside for
Formula No. 1 several days or weeks, to clean them in
Benzol 15 oz. the proper solvent, wrap them in brown
Toluol 15 oz. paper and then lay them away to dry
Alcohol 20 oz. so they will be clean and ready for use
Acetone 25 oz. when they are to go into service again.
Ethylene Dichloride 20 oz. Brushes for paint, varnish or enamel,
Ethyl Acetate 5 oz. when taken out of the brush-keeper,
(Melt in about 1% paraffin wax.) should be carefully rinsed in clean solvent
before being used.
No. 2 Brush-keepers can be purchased from
Furfural (Technical) 2 qt. painters^ supply houses or they can be
Benzol Saturated With made of some suitable container that
Paraffin Wax 1 qt. happens to be available. Whatever type
Mop or brush on, and let stand for 10 of container is used, however, it should
to 15 minutes. Then rub off with a cloth,
10. a cover to exclude dirt, dust, etc.
or scrape with a paint scraping tool. Some brush users simply drill a small
No. 3 hole through the wide part of the brush
Benzol 104 gal. handle and hang it on a wire.
Methanol 30 gal.
Paraffin Wax 50 lb.
Phenol 6 lb.
Alcohol 50 gal. Cleaning Paint Brushes
1. Rinse with turpentine.
No. 4 2. Squeeze out.
Dissolve 30 g. paraffin wax in 500 ce*
3. Soak in gasoline.
benzol and add 600 cc. acetone.
4. Squeeze out
Sop on painted surface, allow to pene-
5. Soak in fresh gasoline.
trate and then scrape off.
6. Squeeze out.
7. Wash with strong soap or trisodimn
Care of Brushes phosphate and water.
Brushes should never be left standing 8. Squeeze out.
in finishing materials, especially if the 9. Rinse in soft water.
bristles are long. The weight of the Dry.


Paint BrusK Cleaner Hydrogenated Rosin 1.0 oz.

Trisodium Phosphate 160 lb. Amyl Acetate 123.5 oz.
Light Soda Ash 40 lb. Alcohol 20.0 oz.
Toluol 47.5 oz.
Paint Deodorizer Apply the above and dry at 62-70® G.
U. S. Patent 2,103,830
Amyl Butyrate 6
Waterproofing for Casein Finish
Benzyl Acetate 21.6
U. S. Patent 2,043,324
Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol 31.2
Aluminum Sulphate 10 lb.
Citral 5.6

Sodium Acetate 3 lb.

Geraniol 20.0
Borax 2 lb.
Phenyl Acetic Acid 7.8
Water 100 lb.
Goumarin 7.8
Use about 1 lb. per 1300 lb. of paint. The casein finished surface is treated
with the above to make it waterproof.
Rust Preventing Mixture
Linseed Oil Varnish 30-40 lb. Fireproof and Waterproof Coating
Cement, Powdered 30 lb. Composition
Quartz, Powdered 10 lb. French Patent 796,827
Pigment Color 20-30 lb. Chlorinated Rubber 100 oz.
Sodium Tritolyl Phospate 100 oz.
Waterproofing Composition Toluol 200 oz.
Refined Paraffin Wax 4 oz.
Paracoumarin Resin 2 oz. Insoluble Albumen Coatings
White Beeswax ^
1 oz. Dissolve 1 kilogram albumen in 8 liters
Aluminum Palmitate 4 oz. water.
These ingredients are blended together Add about 800 cc. water in which have
and dissolved in a composite solvent of been dissolved 40 to 50 cc. formaldehyde
xylol and carbon tetrachloride in the
proportions of about three parts by voh Upon the addition of formaldehyde,
ume of xylol to one part by volume of the albumen solution becomes jelly like
carbon tetrachloride, and the amount of and hard, the time of setting being de-
solvent being such that about two and layed by the addition of a small amount
three-quarters ounces of the above com- of ammonium hydroxide to the solution.
position is contained in each gallon of Therefore, it is imperative to make im-
solution. mediate use of this jelly as a coating,
since setting takes place rapidly, and
Waterproofing Compound only what one might be prepared to use
U. S. Patent 2,107,511 .
in a short time should be made up. Af-
Coal Tar 50 lb. ter 24 hours, the coating becomes insol-
Raw Rubber 3 lb. uble in water.
Air-Slaked Lime 2 lb.
Sugar of Lead 1 lb.
Gasoline 5 lb. Moisture Proof Coating for
^ ‘
Cellophane ’

Waterproofing Adhesive Composition U. S. Patent 2,108,810

British Patent 456,820 Formula No. 1
Formula No. 1 Solids:
Amorphous Petroleum Wax 75 02. Rosin 57.0 g.
Ester Gum 24 oz. Ethyl Cellulose 28,5 g,
Aluminum Stearate 1 oz. Paraffin Wax 7.4 g.
‘No. 2 Triethylene Glycol 7.1 g.
Amorphous Petroleum Wax 75 oz. Solvent:
Ester Gum 15 oz. Toluene 85.0 g.
Heat until fluid; mix and add Monobutyl Ether of
Cumarone Resin 10 oz. Ethylene Glycol 15.0 g.
Heat with stirring at 285® F. until No. 2
uniform. Solids:
Rosin 48.8 g.
Transparent, Flexible, Moisture-Proofing Ethyl Cellulose 24.4 g.
U. S. Patent 2,094,771 Ethyl Meta- Toluene
Paraffin Wax Sulphonamide 6.1 g.
(M. P. 60^ C.-62® C.) 7.5 oz. Paraffin Wax 7.3 g.
PyroxyHn 2.5 oz. Diethylene Glycol 13.4 g.
X'X ,

Solvent: Solvent:
Low Plash. Naphtha 90.0 g. Ethyl Acetate 72.0 g.
Acetone 1.0 g. Ethyl Alcohol 4.0 g.
Ethyl Alcohol 9.0 g. Monobutyl Ether of
No. 3 Ethylene Glycol 24.0 g.
Solids: No. 9
Ester Gum 42.5 g. Solids:
Ethyl Cellulose 34.1 g. V2 Second Nitrocotton 52.6 g.
Libutyl Phtlialate 6.4 g. Rosin Ester of Diethylene
Paraffin Wax 4.3 g. Glycol 26.3 g.
Diethylene Glycol 12.7 g. Diethylene Glycol 10.5 g.
Solvent Sulphonated Castor Oil 10.6 g.
High Plash Naphtha 80.0 g. Solvent:
Acetone 2.0 g. Ethyl Acetate 64.8 g.
Ethyl Alcohol 18.0 g. Amyl Acetate 16.2 g.
No. 4 Monobutyl Ether of
Solids: Ethylene Glycol 16.2 g,
Ethyl Cellulose 69.3 g. Ethyl Alcohol 2.8 g.
Ethyl Meta-Toluene
Sulphonamide 7.0 g. Moisture Proof Coating for
Paraffin Wax 2,8 g. Cellophane'^
Dietllylene Glycol 7.0 g. Pormula No. 1
Monoethyl Ether of Glycerol 13.9 g. IT. S. Patent 2,073,310

Solvent Cellulose Acetate Stearate 10

Toluol 85.0 g. Glyceryl Tristearate 3
Monobutyl Ether of Ester Gum 10
Ethylene Glycol 15.0 g. Butyl Acetate 400
No. 5 No. .2

Solids: Moisture Proofing for ^'Cellophane''

Ethyl Cellulose 75.7
Canadian Patent 364,301
Paraffin Wax 1.6 g.
Paraffin Wax 7.5 oz.
Triethylene Glycol 15.1
Pyroxylin 2.5 oz.
Diethylene Glycol 7.6
Hydrogenated Rosin 1.0 oz.
Amyl Acetate 123,5 oz.
Alcohol 20.0 oz.
Toluol 85.0 g. Toluol 47.5 oz.
Monobutyl Ether of
Ethylene Glycol 15.0 g.
Waterproof Casein Coating
No. 6
U. S. Patent 2,101,574
Casein 18,9 g*
Rosin 76.9 g. Pormamide 18.9 g.
Ethyl Meta-Toluene
Ammonia (20%) 4.0 g.
Sulphonamide 7,7 g. Water 56.6 g,
Paraffin Wax 7.7 g.
Paraformaldehyde 1.6 g.
Diethylene Glycol 7.7 g. Apply air dry and bake at 80^ 0. for
Solvent: 5 hrs.
Toluol 85.0 g.
Monobutyl Ether of
Ethylene Glycol Waterproof Gelatin Coating
15.0 g.
U. S. Patent 2,101,574
No. 7 Gelatin, Crude 100 g.
Solids: Water 500 cc,
Rosin. 66.6 g. Pormamide 50 g.
Paraffin Wax 13.4 g. Dissolve above and add
Diethylene Glycol 20.0 g. Pormaldehyde 50 cc.
Solvent: Apply as under Waterproof Casein
Toluol 85.0 g. Coating,
Monobutyl Ether of
Ethylene Glycol 15.0 g.
Making a Surface Non-Wettable by
No. 8 Mineral Oil
Solids: U. Patent 2,108,616
Second Nitrocottox 71.4 g. A method of making a surface non-
Triethanolamine J4.3 g. wettable by mineral oil comprises incor-
Triethylene Glycol 14*3 g. porating about 5% by weight of calcium
stearate into a moisture-free varnish, ap- Unpainted brick requires no special
plying said mixture to the cleaned surface prejiaration before painting. In the event
to be treated and allowing the coated that there is a considerable accumulation,
surface to dry. of dust and dirt, the surface should be
brushed vigorously with a wire brush or
scrubbed with water. This procedure
will also remove the efflorescence of water
Waterproof Insulation for Textiles,
Paper, Etc. soluble salts which often appears on un-
British Patent 462,008 painted brick. These soluble salts are
Chlorinated Rubber 100 oz. brought to the surface by rain water
Cumarone Resin 25 oz. absorbed by the brick. They are easily
Tricresyl Phosphate 15-30 oz. removed and, of course, do not form on
paint-protected brick.
The above is dissolved in a solvent for
The right time, in fact the only time,
to paint brick is when it is dry. Before
letting the painter apply the priming
coat, therefore, wait until several days,
Translucent 'Waterproofing for Paper
and Leather preferably a week, of fine, clear weather
U. S. Patent 2,073,630 has gone by. This will give the sun a
Hydrogenated Fish Oil chance to draw out moisture absorbed in
71^ oz.
2i/^ the brick. The drying-out period is
Rubber oz.
Light 90 especially important for court and light-
Petroleum Solvent, oz.
well walls which are not exposed to sun-
light. Here it is the continued dryness
of the atmosphere which must be de-
Resurfacing and Waterproofing for Roofs •pended upon to draw out trapped mois-
U. S. Patent 2,107,511
Coal Tar
Rubber, Raw
50 lb.
3 lb.
Since common —
brick type gene-
rally used for facing the side and rear
Air Slaked Lime 2 lb.
walls of large structures—is very porous,
Lead Acetate 1 lb.
the priming coat should contain a fairly
Gasoline 5 Ib.
high proportion of vehicle to pigment for
proper sealing’. One hundred pounds of
white-lead, thinned with 4 to 5 gallons
Moisture Proof Coating for Wood of linseed oil is the right mixture.
U. S. Patent 2,066,295 The paint should be applied freely and
Linseed Oil 313 gal. brushed well into the surface. The cov-

China-Wood Oil 94 gal. erage will be limited—probably not more

Solution Containing 60% than 200 sq. ft. to the gallon ^but a —
Limed Rosin and 40% solid, even foundation will have been
Varnish Makers and established.
Painters^ Naphtha 130 gal. After the priming coat has been per-
Paraffin Wax 724 lb. mitted to dry thoroughly, the second coat
Zinc Stearate 50 lb. may be applied. Paint for this purpose
Varnish Makers and is usually mixed on the basis of 100
Painters’ Naphtha CO
gal. pounds of white-lead to 3 or 4 gallons
of Linseed Oil. The second coat will
stop suction in any porous area not en-
Waterproofing Brick Walls with Paint tirely sealed by the first coat, and fur-
nish the right type of ground for the
Before beginning the job make sure weather-facing top coat.
that structural defects are not a contrib- The paint for the third coat is the
uting cause of water penetration. Win- same as that used for the second coat.
dow casings that fit jjoorly, insufficient Paint mixed on this basis has all the
or improperly placed metal flashing, leak- qualities needed for economically long
ing gutter linings and the like lead to
moisture difficulties that no paint, of
service. —
It is tough and elastic and it
remains so. In addition, its ability to
course, can cure. chalk slowly insures a continued fine clean
The mortar joints should be gone over appearance.
carefully by a competent mason and
properly pointed up. Loose and defec-
tive joints should be raked and chipped Dyeing and Finishing Wood Awning
out and then refilled with one part fresh Slats
cement and two parts sifted, sharp sand The resistance which wood offers to a
or some similar mortar. force which tends to make hbers slip on

©Me another isits shearing strength. The practical dyer of thin sheets of
Awnings of all kinds are subjected to the wood for the window and porch awning
force of air currents that cause strains industry has several things to work with
©n the wood in all directions. If the in addition to those commonly appertain-
wood presented for dyeing has poor ing to the dyeing of textiles. Some of

shearing strength, it should be rejected these things are quite new to dyers who
as the constant fiber movement arising have devoted most of their working years
from wind pressure will in time affect to mastering the theories and practices
the color and produce streakiness. Shear- of coloring a material which is quite
ing strength, parallel to the grain of any distinct in its physical and chemical
wood, can be determined with testing properties from wood, yet which is not
instruments at any lumber dealer office. short of many of the features of textile
It is not a bad idea to have all awning materials that enable it to absorb dye-
wood tested by a timber engineer before stuffs and retain the colors well
dyeing it. The wood should be tough. ^Passing on to the next phase in the
When dyeing wood for outside service, discussion relative to the coloring of
its moisture content should be known. wood slats for awnings, we find that the
Water occurs in. wood by filling the standardization of color shades for the
spaces between the cells, or by saturating wood in question, or any other wood, has
the walls of the cells. It is impossible not been very far advanced. There is
to dye the wood when there is enough no systemized method tabulated to make
moisture present to obstruct the pene- it easier for the dyer to work. He has
tration of the dye liquor. Hence, the the shade, the dyestuff and the material
wood should be well seasoned before it to be dyed to consider.
is submitted to the dye beck. There is not much about the shade of
The chief woods used are oak, cypress, the color that the practical dyer of any
yellow pine, spruce, maple and hemlock. material does not already know. The
Wood awning slats picked for light shade is theoretically fixed for him. But
colors are bleached. Sometimes it is a the dyestuff is of prime importance if a
problem to remove the rust stains, sap good job is going to be done on wood
stains and other sorts of stains in addi- which is going to be exposed to constant
tion to whitening the entire wood sur- weather conditions. Fastness properties,
faces of the slats before any dyeing can leveling and economical coloration are
be resorted to. among the things not to be overlooked.
There are many chemical solutions in The coloring power of the dye solution
the market suitable for the purpose. as well as the degree of affinity the wood
These slats are laid on the cross pieces has for the dyestuffs must be considered
in a vat in a manner which will give the in connection with available dyeing ap-
solutions time to circulate freely and paratus.
reach all of the surfaces of the wood. The basic, acid and some of the natural
Such' woods as oak, birch, walnut and dyestuffs like logwood and indigo, are
maple usually are selected for the pale used with satisfactory results on the wood
colors, and are bleached preliminary to slats by immersion, by brushing or by
dyeing. spraying. Experience or experimenting
A good bleach for such woods is found will determine just which way is the best
in a chlorinated soda bath followed by to insure a permanent color on the wood
saturation in a solution of peroxide of under treatment. Wood which has un-
hydrogen. A formula which has been dergone unusual preparatory operations
successfully, used on such woods most and has shrunk, warped or cracked in
likely to be cut for awning slats is made places, no longer can ward off conditions
with 200 gallons of water heated up to that create trouble. Then in order to
150® F. to which is added 12 pounds of produce certain shades wanted by the
silicate of soda, water white, 42® B6., customer, the dyer may be compelled to
previously dissolved with warm water to use dyestuffs that do not level well on
a 6 gallon solution. Then add 2 gallons wood.
of peroxide of hydrogen. Stir well and The painters and decorators are em-
run the mixture into the vat in which ploying the brushing and spraying meth-
the slats were previously placed. Raise ods to some extent on wood awning slats,
the temperature to 180® F., and finish but dyers who are doing color work of
the bleaching at this heat. When the this kind are getting remarkably good
yrood has been brought to the shade of work with dyestuffs.
white desired, the exhausted liquor is run When nsing dyes selected from the
off, and the slats washed with warm direct class, those having the greatest
water preparatory to dyeing them. degree of solubility are employed.


Impregnation of Corks Linseed Oil Patty Acid 56 kg.
(To make sterile and impervious) Glycerin 40 kg.
Formula No. 1 Heat a alone to 290° 0. for 5 hours,
Pip the corks into a 5% egg white solu- cool to 150° C., add the materials h.
tion, after having sterilized them by Heat up to 280° C. slowly, and keep at
heating them to 110° C. that temperature for 90 minutes.
When soaked sufficiently, the corks are
No. 3 .

dipped into a solution of a. Perilla Oil 500 kg.

Tannic Acid 0.6 g. Poppyseed Oil 500 kg.
Moldex or Other Good h. Maleic Acid 58 kg.
Preservative 0.5 g. Glycol 31 kg.
Water 100 cc. c. Abietie Acid —
No. 2 Formaldehyde Resin 650 kg.
Make solution of d. Mineral Oil
Nitrocellulose, or Cellu- (B.P. 140-180° C.) 1000 kg.
lose Acetate, Highly Heat a to 300° C. for a short time,
Acetylated 0.5-1 g. until a low-viscosity stand oil is formed.
Salicylic Acid 0.5 g. Cool to 100° 0., add b, and heat to
Acetone or Suitable 250° C. for 3 hours.
Solvent 99 g. When cooling dissolve o in the and
And dip the corks into it. —Pry. thin with d. Add drier.

No. 3
Put the cork into a chamber under re- Baking Vehicle
duced pressure, keep at 120° C. for 10 Purez No. 210 75 lb.
minutes under reduced pressure. China Wood Oil 18% gal.
Allow steam at 130° C. to enter the Run 585° and hold for string.
evacuated chamber, and keep the chamber Check with 25 pounds Purez No. 210 and
at 130° C. for 10 minutes. enough of 0% gallon Alkali Refined Pe-
Such corks are sterile, and do not act Villa to drop temperature to 500°
upon the flavor of the content of the Hold for string and cheek with balance
bottles. of Perilla Oil.
Reduce with;
Park Paint Oil Mineral Spirits
Sardine Oil, Heavy Bodied
27 gal.
V.M.P. Naphtha 19 gal.
Redned 5 gal.
Mineral Spirits 5 gal. To Remove Moss Before Painting
Before painting, wash moss-covered
Linseed Oil Substitute
stone or brick with water to which has
Sardine Oil, Solidified
been added 2 per cent by volume of
Oxidized 100 gal. carbolic^ acid and follow up with the
Mineral Spirits 60-70 gal. application of plain water with a stiff
Cobalt Brier (4%%) 1 gal. brush. The growth is said to come off
easily under this treatment.
Oil Tank Lining
French Patent 796,085 Refinishing a Gun Stock in Oil
Base : Concrete and Sand.

Remove the varnish with a good liquid

First Coating: 25% Sodium Silicate. paint and varnish remover, and clean
Second Coating: 40% Sodium Silicate, the surface. Or, if it can be done fairly
Third Coating: 50% Sodium Silicate. easily, scrape the old finish ojBP
with a
po<l steel scraper. When the old finish
Stand Oils with Tung Oil Character has been removed, sand the surface until
German Patent 635,926 smooth with very fine sandpaper. Heat
Formula No. 1 of raw linseed oil to almost
a. Lacquer Linseed Oil
the boiling point, and brush a good coat
1000 kg.
Maleic Anhydride of this hot oil on the stock. Let stand
98 kg.
h. Glycerin 62 kg. twenty-four hours, then wipe off the sur-
plus oil remaining on the surface with
Heat a for 30 minutes to 150° C.,
bring up to 250° C, Add h and heat to a rag.
290° C. for 30 minutes.
Zinc and Galvanized Iron ' ' Washes ’ ^
No. 2 The following treatments are used to
a. Soybean Oil 1000 kg. prepare zinc or galvanized iron for paint-
h. Citraconic Acid 65 kg. ing;

Formula No. 1 duced and when perfectly dry rub by

Vinegar or weak acetic acid. hand with white vaseline. Use plenty of
No. 2 vaseline and when the pores are filled
One oz. of commercial hydrochloric or wipe with a clean cloth.

muriatic acid to four oz. of water.

Paint Mildew Preventive
No. 3 Zinc Oxide 73,8 oz.
Copper Chloride 12 oz. Bichloride of Mercury 1.2 oz.
Copper Nitrate 12 oz, Linseed Oil 25.0 oz.
Sal Ammoniac 12 oz. This produces a smooth, easily work-
Water 4^/^ gal. able paste, which can be packed in con-
Hydrochloric Acid 12 oz. tainers properly labeled with the usual
Mixed in given order. caution suggestions and used by the
No. 4 painter on a job in localities where mil-
A weak solution of ammonia. dew is prevalent. To each gallon of
No. 5 paint which has been made ready for the
Copper Acetate 6 oz. finishing coat, there should be added
Water 1 gal.
pint of the paste, where a concentration
These solutions should he mixed and of 1 part of bichloride of mercury to 900
kept in glass or earthen vessels and ap- parts of paint is desired. This should be
plied with a brush. After the solution sufficient for most localities. Where mil-
has dried the work should be washed dew conditions are extremely severe, as
with water, dried and coated as soon as high as three gills of the paste can be
possible afterward. added to each gallon of the paint. The
additional amount of zinc oxide which
would thus go into the paint at the same
Preventing Condensation on Water Pipes
time, would be from 1 to pounds.
Sweating, of course, is caused by cir-
The limited mercury content makes the
culation of moisture laden air in the
paste relatively safe to handle. While
vicinity of cold pipes. These pipes may
the zinc oxide is used as a carrier for
iirst be treated with an acid neutralizer
the mercury, its application should be of
such as vinegar, straight. Allow this to
distinct benefit in causing surface firm-
dry thoroughly and apply a heavy under-
ness of the film, and in its inhibiting and
coat of white lead paste from which most
fungicidal action on mildew.
of the oil has been drawn and sufficient
drier added to make the primer set as Combatting Dry Rot in Painted Surfaces
fast as possible. True dry rot is one of the most dan-
For the next coat use oil drawn white gerous enemies of finishes. As protective
lead paste. Thin to wood primer con- agents are recommended fungus poisons
sistency with turpentine and drier only. consisting of inorganic salts in admixture
Into this stir powdered asbestos slowly with phenol and cresol derivatives, or
and thoroughly until a heavy paste is ob- better still, anhydrous liquid respiratory
tained. Apply as thickly as possible to poisons, e.g, xylamon (naphthalene chlo-
the dry pipes. If after a reasonable ride, s. g. 1.25) obtainable as an oily
time the pipes still sweat, apply a second liquid best applied by spraying. This
coat of asbestos and lead paste mixed wets well and evaporates very slowly; its
as before. After this has dried, the peculiar smell is harmless to man and
pipes can be painted with aluminum domestic animals. The breathing of the
paint mixed in a high grade vehicle. concentrated mist when engaged in spray-
This will form a perfect seal. Or, if ing gives rise, however, to a passing irri-
preferred, a good grade of enamel can tation of the mucous membrane, and a
be used over a sealer. mask should be worn.
Another satisfactory method is sheet
asbestos wrapped twice around the pipes Mold Resistant Whitewash
and sealed. The pipes should be acid British Patent 461,305
treated first. Care must be taken to seal Oxalic Acid 1 lb.
and cover all joints and connections. Boric Acid 1 lb.
The pipes will not look as well as they Slaked Lime, Moist 10 lb.
will if the first mentioned method is used Mix well and dilute with water before
Acid-Proofing Wood Surfaces
Mix 100 g. of aniline hydrochloride, Bleaching Wood
and 40 g. ammonium chloride in 650 g. U. S. Patent 2,096,400
of water. Goat the surface with this Immerse a wood veneer in an aqueous
mixture until the desired shade is pro- solution of mono-ethanolamine containing

about 10% of mono-ethanolamine by vol- Domestic Whiting 50 lb.

ume, which solution is previously brought Short Fibre Asbestos 20 lb.
up to a temperature of about 60® 0. Elastoil 7-L (Fish Oil) 73.8 lb.
The veneer is maintained ih this bath Kerosene 13.5 lb.
for approximately fifteen to twenty min- Bleached and Blown Soya
utes after which it is removed and Bean Oil (Vise. Z3“4) 16.6 lb,
drained to remove the excess of mono- *V-1 Drier 3.5 lb.
ethanolamine adhering to the surface of * V-l Drier: Cobalt, Lead Naphthenate Drier
the veneer. The /^conditioned’’ veneer containing 1%
Co as metal, 2% Pb as metal.
is then immersed in a bath of 100 volume
hydrogen peroxide (30% by weight of Painters’ Glaze
hydrogen peroxide), previously brought U. S.Patent 2,078,504
to a temperature of about 60® C., and Sodium Silicate 112 ce.
allowed to remain in this bath for about Ammonia 6 oz.
fifteen to twenty minutes. Considerable Casein 14 oz.
care should be taken when the ^'condi- Water 1 gal.
tioned” veneer is immersed in the hy-
drogen peroxide solution since a semi- Electromotor Sealing Compound
violent reaction takes place when the Polyvinyl Acetate or
veneer contacts the hydrogen peroxide Polymerized Acrylate 5 g.
solution, oxygen being given off and the Solvent (Benzene, Toluene,
hydrogen peroxide solution spattering Carbon Tetrachloride) 85 g.
about. Care should be taken to prevent
the hydrogen peroxide solution from Embossing Ink for Artificial Leather
touching the bare skin. In the event U. S. Patent 2,102,715
that some should contact the skin, a satis- Cellulose Nitrate 9.06 oz.
factory antidote is cold water. Pigment 20.51 oz.
After immersion in the hydrogen per- Castor Oil 10.25 oz.
oxide solution for fifteen or twenty min- Ethyl Acetate 10.22 oz.
utes, the veneer is removed and given a Ethyl Alcohol 15.34 oz.
thorough washing with water at a tem- Butyl Acetate 34.62 oz,
perature of 60® C. to 70® 0. to wash
out all traces of the hydrogen peroxide. * Preventing Crawling of Oil Films
The veneer is then dried and it may be The addition of 0.01% Calco Oil Bed
finished in ways well known in the art. 1-1289 to perilla, safflower, Chia and
It will be found that the bleaching action other drying oils prevents "crawling”.
has exerted itself to such an extent that
the veneer is bleached for a distance Preventing Asphalt from Sticking to
approximately %5 of an inch beneath the Porous Surfaces
surface of the wood. It is evident that U. S. Patent 2,094,040
longer periods of immersion, more ele- Formula No. 1
vated temperatures, and greater concen- Water 800 gal.
trations of materials will result in a Zinc Chloride 200 lb.
greater depth of the bleaching action. Corn Starch 16 lb.
Protecting Hands from Paint In making up this solution the corn
A new method has been devised for starch may be stirred into about 30 gal-
the washing of hands when making or lons of water, then the entire amount of
using paint. This consists of first wash- zinc chloride may be added and the whole
ing the hands with a dilute soft soap or agitated until the dissolution heat has
perborate solution. While the hands are swollen the starch. After that, the mix-
still damp they are sprinkled and rubbed ture may be diluted with the remainder
with hypo. They are finally rinsed with of the water. If instead of zinc chloride
pure water and covered with lanolin. a salt is used which does not create with
Experiments over a period of eighteen water an exothermic reaction, external
months failed to reveal any irritation, heat must, of course, be applied to swell
even in persons having a hypersensitive the starch.
skin or subject to exematous affections. Another example of this composition

The process is preferable to the use of ist

bleaching powder and bisulfite. No. 2
Water 800 gal.
Caulking Compound Urea 250 1b.
(Gun Grade) Starch 16 lb.
Medium Oil Lithopone 10 lb. When these or similar solutions are
Asbestine 40 lb. applied to bricks, concrete or other porous


surfaces, and hot pitch or asphalt is These finishes can be pigmented as de-
poured thereover, it will be found that sired. Carbon black and certain dyes
after partial or complete cooling the bi- may be used for blacks. These finishes
tuminous material can be lifted off prac- require a baking temperature of 250-
tically without any effort. An outstand- 300® F., maintained for 2 hours or more
ing feature is that when a brick or other to become thoroughly polymerized, and
porous surface is coated but once with then are unaffected by coal-tar naphtha
this composition, hot bituminous material or gasoline.
may be poured thereon and removed with- Baking Finishes
out difficulty several times in succession Combined Glyptal/Fhenol
leaving, in each case, a clean and un- Formaldehyde
marred surface. Paralac 2001 54.6 lb.
Paralac 285X 13.9 lb.
Decalcomania Paralac 113 or Epok B 500 3.9 lb.
Canadian Patents 365,470-1 Titanium Oxide 12.3 lb.
Aprotective coating of resinous water- Methylated Spirits* 9.2 lb.
resistant material, such as gum sandarac Toluol 6.2 Ib,
778 g., rosin 1036 g. and denatured al- * A little Cellosolve, butyl alcohol and xylo.
cohol 910 g., is applied to a backing sheet advantageous to improve now.
and a water-resistant coumarone-resin Combined Glyptal and Urea
coating applied over the protective coat- Urea Kesin IT. F. 28.0 lb.
ing. The protective coating is substan- Eezyl II 13.0 lb.
tially insoluble in a solvent which readily Pure Titanium Oxide 8.5 lb.
dissolves the outer coating. The decalco- Antimony Oxide 8.5 lb.
mania is freed from the backing sheet Methylated Spirits and
by applying a solvent such as gasoline. Toluol 38.0 lb.
A protective coating of a rubbery nature Cellosolve 4.0 lb.
such as rubber latex 30, casein glue 2.5,
water 40 and ammonia 1, is applied to Urea Baking Finish
the backing sheet. An outer eoumarone- Urea Besin U. F. 27 lb.

resin waterproof sheet to take decalco- Blown Castor Oil 6 lb.

mania printing is applied over the pro- Tricresyl Phosphate 5 lb.
tective coating. Titanium White 30 lb.
Xylol 32 lb.

Phenol-Formaldehyde Hard-Baking Exterior Glyptal Staving Finish

Finishes Pine Oil 8.7 lb.
These are suitably used for blacks and Paralac 18X 44.0 lb.
dark shades. The resin is heated at 330® Ester Gum 2.6 lb.
F. for an hour to polymerize, and then Titanium Dioxide 29.1 lb.
thinned down with coal-tar naphtha and Xylol 13.8 lb.
white spirit and a small amount of naph- Tetralin 1.8 lb.
thenate drier is added. Alternatively a Lead —Manganese Besinate
suitably polymerized resin may be dis- drier corresponding to
solved in methylated spirits and a little Metallic Lead 0.076%
butyl alcohol and cellosolve added. Metallic Manganese 0.006%
Sizing Paper are used, such as ordinary clay, no pre-
IT. Patent 2,058,085
S. cautions need be taken with regard to
Ten parts by weight of soy bean pro- the use of white water, and it may be
tein are treated with 0.7 part of sodium used to make up the beaters or may be
carbonate by heating to 60° C. under omitted as desired. Wet and dry broke
mild agitation with 60 parts- of water. should be handled separately in a broke
To this are added five parts of ammon- beater and proportionately dropped to
ium oleate for other suitable emulsifying the beater chest, or it may be added in
agent, such as turkey red oil, gums like slush form to the beater after the sizing
gum arabic, sodium stearate, etc. To operation.
this mixture,40 parts of molten paraffin A typical example for the production
are slowly run in under agitation. The of book paper would be about as follows
mixture of casein, emulsifier, and par-
Bleached Soda Pulp 500 lb.
affin is stirred with a high speed stirrer
Bleached Sulphite Pulp 500 lb.
or other suitable equipment. The time
of mixing is usually approximately 15 To pulp is added about 5 per cent by
minutes, the mixture then being diluted dry weight of the casein-paraffin size,
with about 1000 parts of water at ap- which is then set with alum, as described.
proximately 60° 0. These temperatures To tliis mixture may be added 300 lb. of
can be adjusted, depending upon the alkaline-earth filler, the whole beater hav-
melting point of the paraffin used. The ing been made up with fresh water but
emulsion can likewise be made through using any excess white water which may
the use of a colloid mill or other suitable be available during the operation of drop-
equipment. ping the beater.
The preferred way in which this casein- The stock from the beater is handled
paraffin size is used is to add it to the in the usual manner over the paper ma-
pulp in the beater, and then set the size chine.
through the use of alum in the usual
manner to give an acidity of from about Paper Filler
pH 4.5 to%6.0. After about five minutes, U.Patent 2,034,519
which will ordinarily be sufficient time Clay 1300 lb.
for the setting of the size, the calcium Alum 120 lb.
carbonate or other alkaline earth filler Calcium Oxide 60 lb.
may be introduced in slurry form at a Trisodium Phosphate 15 lb.
concentration of about two pounds per Calcium Carbonate 25 lb.
gallon, if such filler is desired. The Add to water to form, a thick slurry
usual treatments which are given to pulp and mix with pulp.
in the beater, such as coloring or the
possible addition of starch, may also be
practiced, if desired. In case it is de- Stiffening for Shoe Papers
sired to use some rosin size in conjunc- (Toecap Paste)
tion with the special casein-paraffin size, Dextrin 10 lb. 5% oz.
then both types of size may be added to Whiting 26 lb. 9 oz.
the pulp and set with alum in the usual Calcium Sulphate
manner. Anhydrous 2 lb. 12 oz.
It can be made up with fresh water at China Clay 11b. 1% oz.
the normal concentration of beater stock, Cum Arabic (Powder) 8 oz.

say, from 4 to 6 per cent. However, the Mix well and sieve (80-mesh).
diluting water for the dropping of the Water (Boiling) 2 gal.
heaters may be •white water if it is avail- Nitrobenzol 1 oz.

able, and thickened stock such as might Water-Soluble Brown

be recovered from the usual white water Dye % oz.

systems may be added just prior to drop- The dextrin dissolved in the hot
ping. In case no filler is used or in case water and the remainder of the ingredi-
any fillers other than alkaline-earth fillers ents added except the dye and perfume,
the dye heing dissolved in a small amount Bleaching Newspaper
of water and added together with the per- U. S. Patent 1,993,362
fume. The next operation consists of The following is applied to newspaper
removing about half the weight of, the pulp in amount of 5 lb. per ton of paper s
water from the mass, conveniently done Soda Ash 50 lb.
by gently heating the contents in a large Pine Oil 5 lb.
surface dimensioned pan, with frequent Chlorine 30 lb.
stirring. The heating is continued until Pyridin 5 lb.
the paste has been reduced to 50 lb.
weight. It can be filed while still mod-
erately warm into wide-mouthed lever lid Bleached Half-Stuff from
tins of about 28 lb. capacity. Mulberry Bark
The bark is pulped with caustic soda
(14% of dry weight) at 3.5 atmospheres
for 7.5 hours and bleached with 5% ac-
Bleaching Paper for Boxing and tive chlorine. The product equals rag
Other Stains stock.
Bleaching of paper for removal of fox-
ing and other stains may be done by
several chemicals, all with the advantages Argentine or Silver Paper
and disadvantages of such treatment. Argentine Pulp (40%) 90 lb.
The fly in the ointment appears in shape Casein Solution* 2% gal.
of the warning that many chemicals re- Carnauba Wax Emulsion t % gal.
move spots and also weaken the paper, Gasoline 1 pt.
Bleaching is perfectly possible, but it is Carbon Tetrachloride 1 pt.
recommended only when it will not do Nigrosine 9 oz.
more harm than good. This mixture coated on paper gives a
Excellent results for bleaching may be gray colored coating. When friction
secured by the use of potassium perman- calendered, the coating develops a me-
ganate and potassium metabisulphite, tallic luster, closely approximating a leaf
when in the hands of competent and in- or foil paper.
telligent workmen. Three shallow trays
* Casein Solution
are needed, one Ailed with permanganate,
Casein 62 lb.
the second v^ith water, the third with the Borax 7 lb.
metabisulphite, each of the potassium Trisodium Phosphate 7 lb.
compounds diluted to the strength of one Water, to make 50 eal.
t Carnauba Wax Emulsion
ounce to sixteen ounces of water. # 2 Carnauba Wax 140 lb.
Put the paper in the permanganate Castile Soap 20 lb.
solution for thirty to sixty seconds. The Water, to make 140 gal.
sheet will turn a deep, purplish brown in
this straining solution. Lay it next in
the clear water and wash off the perman- Paper Carton Coating
ganate. Then comes the turn of the po- Montan Wax, Crude
tassium metabisulphite, and in it the Paraffin Wax (50/52® C.)
sheet will turn white almost instantly. Soap, Castile 0.8 g.
Leave it in this pan until all the stains Borax 0.2 g.
and spots disappear, and then put it into Distilled Water 50 g.
running water to wash till all traces of
the chemicals have been completely re-
moved. Let it dry between blotters and Paper Glaze
then put it to press to remove wrinkles. Montan Wax 6 g.
Now and then a stain will greet the Soap, Castile 1.9 g.
workman with refusal to disappear in Distilled Water 40 g.
the metabisulphite solution. In such a
case wash off the metabisulphite with
clear water, put the sheet in a pan con- Tissue Paper Treatment
taining a solution of potassium ferri- British Patent 452,352
cyanide of the same 1:16 strength. If Tissue paper is made strong, supple,
it does not disappear quickly the case is soft and absorbent by treatment with
almost hopeless. But another attack Glycerin 1 gal.
may be made with a hydrochloric acid Alcohol 2 gal.
solution of the same strength, after hav- Water 3 gal.
ing washed off the previous chemicals. Talcum Powder 5% oz.
If the spot still persists it may be writ- The treated paper is passed through
ten down as practically removal proof. rolls and dried.
: —


Tissue Paper Bed Sheets Ethyl Acetate, 10-30 oz.

F. S. Patent 2,106,096 Castor Oil 2- 5 oz.
Tissue paper is saturated with the fol- Benzol, Toluol, or other
lowing suspension and then passed be- diluent 30—70 oz.
tween wringers and dried.
Alcohol 2 gal.
Dielectric Paper
Glycerin 1
F. Patent 2,020,468
Water 3 gal.
Paper is impregnated with
Talc 5V2 oz.
Chlorinated Naphthalene 9 lb.
Paraffin Wax 1 lb.
Absorbent Paper
F. S. Patent 2,013,841
Hectograph Paper Coating
Bleached or unbleached rag or rope
F.S. Patent 2,021,938
half-stuff is beaten, and treated with a
More copies are obtained by coating
solution of an alkali by boiling paper with
with 1—3% aqueous caustic soda for 1 Glue 8 lb.
3 hours) to dissolve the hydrated muci- Sodium Bicarbonate 15 lb.
lage formed during beating. It is Starch 30 lb.
claimed that a highly absorbent paper Sodium Silicate
can be made therefrom. (1:14 solution) 1% lb.
Alum (1:6 solution) 10 lb.
Cigarette Paper Treatment
Formula No. 1
Playing Card Composition
British Patent 455,416
Canadian Patent 358,377
Cigarette paper is left for one hour in
Cellulose Acetate 85-95 oz.
following solution and then dried Cellulose Nitrate 5-15 oz.
Agar-agar 0.2 g.
Dibutyl Phthallate or
Water, Distilled 100 ce.
Tricresyl Phosphate 20-35 oz.
Titanium Dioxide 10-25 oz.
Formula No. 2
French Patent 798,186 Paper Bonding Composition
The paper is made to contain
IJ. S. Patent 1,977,514
Stearic Acid 0.8% Starch 100 lb.
Titanium Dioxide or Asbestos 2.0% Alum, Iron Free 9 lb.
Sodium Aluminate 3 lb.
Production of Fine Paper from Ground together to 100 mesh.
Tarred and Oiled Waste
Canvas and fish-net waste are cooked Transparentizing Paper for Blue-Prints
with 8-10% lime and 2-5% caustic soda Immerse paper in
at 3-4 atmospheres for 6-10 hrs. Bleach
Diethyl Phthalate 25 fl. oz.
with 12% aqueous calcium hypochlorite. Alcohol, Anhydrous 75 fi. oz.
After re-working it may be mixed with and dry.
25% each of bleached and unbleached
sulphite pulp for production of high Oilproofing for Paper
grade cigarette paper. Starch 65 oz.
Sodium Silicate 15 oz.
Molasses 20 oz.
Light Protective Wrapper Sodium Salicylate 0,4 oz.
F, a Patent 2,058,786 Water 400 oz.
A thin, flexible transparent wrapper
of regenerated cellulose, for articles tend- The sodium silicate is mixed with the
ing to deteriorate if subjected to actinic water and then the starch is added.
light, comprises a colorless substance Any form of starch may be used,
adapted to prevent the passage of objec- though the root starches such as potato
tionable amounts of such light, in which and cassava are preferable to the cereal
the colorless substance is a coating hav- starches like corn and rice. This mix-
ing the follo 3ving approximate composi- ture is heated in a water jacket to the
tion:: bursting of the starch granules, which
Pyroxylin" '

oz. will take place at about 165° F., and the

Amyl Acetate 5-25 oz. mass is kept heated at this temperature
Colorless Absorber of or not exceeding 190° F. until the plas-
Actinic Light '0.5-,5 oz, tic clarifies, which may require about a

Carbitol 3“10 oz. half hour.


Wax-Oil Proofing for Paper Sodium Borate 2.8 g.
Starch 7.0 oz. Boric Acid 3.2 g.
Glycerin 2.0 oz. Ammonium Carbonate 2.7 g.
Sugar 0.60 oz. Water 100.0 g.
Sodium Salicylate 0.20 oz.
Sodium Hydroxide 0.10 oz.
Paper Pulp from Straw
Water 90 oz.
French Patent 782,378
Each constituent dissolved sepa-
is Straw is subjected to a mechanical
lately in a portion of the water and the treatment, <9.p., in a hammer mill, which
solutions thoroughly mixed. breaks it up into pieces about 10 mm.
long, and is treated, for about 4 hours at
about 80® 0. with 4 to 5 per cent of lime
Grease and Moisture Proof Paper on the weight of the straw, in the form
U. S. Patent 2,021,947 of a 10 per cent milk of lime.
Paper is coated with
Modified Starch 9.5 oz,
Casein or Glue 9.5 oz.
Froth Prevention
Ammonium Hydroxide 0.6 oz. (For Paper Pulp Solutions)
Clay 37.8 oz. French Patent 793,173
Glycerin 14.2 oz. For every 100 kg. of pulp 50 g.
Eubber Latex 23,7 oz. of the following is used:
Shellac 4.7 oz. Liquid Petrolatum 60 g.
Water to suit.
Cyclohexanol 16 g.
Decalin 10 g.
Amyl Acetate 12 g.
Greasepfoofing for Paper & Textiles, Madder Oil 2 g.
British Patent 431,191 German Autograph Paper
Chlorinated Eubber 15- 20 lb. Impregnate strong printing paper free
Nitrocellulose 60- 80 lb. of glue, as follows
Triehlorethylene 90- 120 lb. a. Gelatin 10 g.
Acetone 1000-1300 lb. Water 100 g.
The above may be plasticized with h. Tannic Acid 5 g.
diethyl phthallate. Water 100 g.
in the order given.

Mothproof Paper Laminated Box Board Counting Aid

Spray or paint paper with a warm Methyl red has been found by the
solution of following
United States Forest Products Labora-
Eucalyptus Oil ‘

1 oz.
tory, Madison, Wis., to be the best re-
Naphthalene 42 oz.
agent for staining the edge of laminated
Paraffin Wax 25 oz'.
boxboard for the purpose of counting the
Naphtha 11 ozr.
number of plies. When stained with a
Cedar Wood Oil 1 oz.
0.1 percent aqueous solution of the re-
agent the edge of the board shows the
adhesive as yellow lines on a red field.
Difficultly Inflammable Paper
For 100 kg of pulp use 20-60 g. zinc
sulphate, 20-60 g. sulphuric acid, and Marbled Coloring of Book Edges
250 g. calcium chloride, added in the hol- A
mucilage is made from Carraghen
lander, followed by 2-4 kg. tallow soap, moss and water and placed in a tray and
2-4 kg. size, and 5-10 kg. alum. 10 kg. on to the surface of this mucilage,
of soda ash or potassium carbonate and the carrier,'' drops of various Chlor-
4 kg. of ammonium borate in 100 kg. of azol dye solutions are placed. A piece
water renders the product non-inflam- of wood, into which a number of nails
mable at 300-400® C. have been driven, in order to produce a
comb-like effiect, is then passed across the
surface of the carrier so as to cause the
Fireproofing Paper, Cloth and Wood drops of dye solution to assume a wave-
French Patent 817,321 like formation. The edges of the ledger
Magnesium Chloride 4,0 g. are then placd in contact with the colored
Ammonium Sulphate 4.5 g* surface of the carrier and, in conse-
Ammonium Phosphate 2 g. quence, the colored wavy effect is trans-
Ammonium Glycoborate IS g. ferred to the edges of the paper.

Linen Paper Pulp Plax and Hemp Paper Pulp

IJ. S. Patent 2,099, 39£f U. S. Patent 2,099,400
An improved method of producing An improved method of producing
bleached pulp from linen rags, which con- bleached pulp from flax or hemp tow,
sists in subjecting the rags to a cooking which consists in subjecting the tow to
operation in a digester with a solution a cooking operation in a digester with a
of water of approximately to 4 times solution of water of approximately 2%
the dry weight of the rags, 1%
to 4% to 4 times the dry weight of the fiber,
sulphur, 4% to 10% calcium oxide, and and 14% to 20% sodium hydroxide and
12% to 20% sodium carbonate, the quan- 1% to 4% sulphur, the quantities of the
tities of the chemicals employed being chemicals Employed in the solution being
based on the dry weight of the ragsj based on the dry weight of tow; then
washing the cooked rags to remove excess washing the cooked fiber to remove shive
shive and water soluble impurities and fiber and water soluble impurities, and
then bleaching. bleaching the fiber.
General Hints for Improving the This solution added to 1000 cc. of a
Quality and Keeping Properties diaminophenol developer preserves it
of Developing Solutions from atmospheric oxidation for a long
1. Use the best grade of chemicals avail- time.
able, preferably those recommended 6. Saf ranine will keep a metol-hydroqui-
for photographic uses. none developer undeteriorated for a
2. If possible, mix developer just before long time.
using, use up as rapidly as possible, 7. Acetylene prevents fog in alkaline de-
and discard exhausted bath. velopers. The higher the alkalinity,
3. Pollow closely the directions accom- the greater the fog prevention. Acet-
panying any formula, regarding both ylene derivatives of propargyl al-
the order and manner of mixing, and cohol and propiolic acid also show the
the use of the solution. same effect.
4. When making up a batch of develop-
ing solution for use over a long period Bacteriological Growths in Developing
of time in tray or small batch develop- Tanks
ments, store it in a number of tightly To
rid a deep developing tank of bac-
stoppered containers, each holding teriological growths, drain the tank,
about the quantity to be used at any clean and wash well with water, treat
one time. This prevents oxidation of with a dilute hydrochloric acid solution,
the developing agent by the air inside and rinse well with water. Carbolic acid
a partly emptied bottle. may also be used in conjunction with a
5. Two-solution stock developers, in thorough scrubbing and rinsing with
which the developing agent and some water.
sulfite are kept in one solution, and The addition of lead acetate (60
the alkali and the rest of the sulfite grains per gallon or 1 gram per liter)
are kept in another, have in general to deep tank developers is recommended
better keeping properties than single to clear up the fog caused by the action
solution developers. of bacteria in reducing the sulfite to
Occasional sterilization of deep tanks'
Developer Preservatives and Fog
with bleaching powder removes slimy
Preventing Agents
deposits of fungi or bacteriological
1. To prevent fog during development growths.
and to get blue-black tones on papers,
add 0.05 to 0.35 grams nitrobenzimi-
dazole per liter of a metol-hydroqui- Developers with Good Keeping
none developer. Properties
2. To preserve a pyro developer add % Formula No. 1
oz, of acetone sulphite for each ounce For Negatives and Prints
of dry pyro used. 10 parts of ace-
tone sulphite are equivalent to 7 parts Water 1 1.

of potassium metabisulfite and 20 Metol 1 g,

parts of anhydrous sodium sulphite. Hydroquinone 11 g.
3. Addition of 10% of alcohol has a Sodium Sulphite 42.5 g.
beneficial effect on the keeping of Potassium Carbonate 75 g.
sodium sulfite solutions, neutralizing Glycine 12.5 g.
with sulfuric, oxalic, or citric acid is Potassium Bromide 5.6 g.
often used. For contact and enlargement papers
4. The addition of small amounts of
. dilute l ;lj and develop 3 to 7 min. at
triazoles and tetrazoles to developers 70® F, For softer work add another
prevents fog. part of water.
5. Dissolve 5 grams stannous chloride and For negative developments add 1 part
5 grams tartaric acid in 30 cc. hot solution to 2 parts water, and develop
water, dilute to '1 liter and filter. 4 to 5 min. at 65® F.
: : :


No. 2 Process for Physical Development

Developer for Fine Grain Tank Forebath:
Development Potassium Iodide 75 gr. 5 g.
Metol '

S' Sodium Sulphite

, , .

Anliydrons Sodium Sulpliite 85 g, (Anhydrous) 190 gr. 12.5 g.

Sodium Carbonate Water to make 16 oz. 500 cc.
(Monobydrated) 1 g.
Expose negative normally. Place in
Potassium Bromide 0.5 g.
forebath for exactly 1% minutes, re-
Water 1 1*
move, rinse slightly and place in physical
Develop 15 to 20 min. at 65° F. developing bath.
No. 3 Physical Developing Bath:
Fine Grain Tank Developer Stock solution
Metol 0.7 g.
Anhydrous Sodium Sulphite 65 g.
Hypo 2% oz. 80 g.
Sodium Sulphite
Hydroquinone 0.9 g.
(Anhydrous) 30 g.
Borax 0.7 g.
Silver Nitrate
Water 1 1.
(Crystals) 120 gr. 8 g.
Develop 12 to 16 min. at 65° F. Distilled Water
to make 16 oz. 500 cc.

Dissolve sodium sulphite and hypo in

Fine Grain Developer 10 ounces of water. Dissolve silver
Formula No. 1 nitrate in remaining 6 ounces of water.
Water 500 cc.
Add silver nitrate solution to hypo-
Sodium Sulphite^ 45 g.
sulphite solution slowly with vigorous
O-Phenylenediamine 6 g.
stirring with a glass rod.
Metol 6 g.
Potassium Thiosulphate 7.5 g. First mix
Stock solution 1 oz.
Time of development 18 min.
Water 1 oz.
No. 2 Second mix:
Metol 1 g- Amidol 3% gr.
Sodium Sulphite 100 g. Water 2 oz.
Pyrogallol 5 g. Mix first and second solutions making
Triethanolamine 1 g* 4 ounces in all.
Water, Distilled to 1 1.
Develop in the developer for 45 min-
Time of development for fast panchro- utes at 65° F. Fix in ordinary acid
rtiatie emulsions is 5-7 min. at 19-20° C. hypo for 20 minutes. Wash two hours in
running water.
Be sure that all of the film is wetted
Metol-Pyro Developer by each solution in its turn. Conduct
operations in safe light.
Solution A:
Water 1 1. 32 oz.
Sodium Development of Agfa Color Plates
Bisulphite 7.5 g. 109 gr. Solutions Bequired:
Metol 7.5 g. 109 gr. Agfacolor Plate Develooer:
Pyro 30 g. 1 oz. Water )00 cc. 32 oz.
Potassium Metol 3.25 g. 50 gr.
Bromide 4.2 g. 63 gr. Sodium Sulphite ‘

Solution B (Anhydrous' 25 g- 375 gr.

Water 1 1. 32 oz, Hydroquinone 1 g* 15 gr.
Sodium Sulphite Potassium
(Anhydrous) 150 g. 5 oz. Bromide 1.5 g. 23 gr.
Solution C:
Ammonia (25% }

32 or sp. gr
Water 1 I. oz.
2 dr.
0.91) 7.5 cc.
Sodium Carbonate (120 min.)
hydi’ated) 80 g. 2 oz. 292 gr.
not add the ammonia until ready to
Tank development: take one part each use.)
of solutions A, B, and 0 and 13 parts Beversing Bath;
of water. Develop 8 to 10 minutes at Water 32 oz.
65° F, (or 1 L)
Potassium ness. The plate may, however, be
Bichromate 1 oz. and 340 gr. briefly inspected from time to time dur-
(or 53 g.) ing the development by means of a
Concentrated Sul- dark-room lamp equipped with the Agfa
phuric Acid 3% oz. Safelight Glass No. 103 (green).
(or 100 ce.) After development wash for one min-
(For use take 10 fl. oz. water and to ute in running water. Place the plate
this add 1 ft. oz, stock solution.) in the reversing bath for one minute.
Procedure Then turn on a white light and proceed
Strain developer through filter paper with the reversal until all the blackened
before use. About 2 oz. of the devel- silver has been removed; this can be de-
oper is sufficient for one 314 x 4^4 plate. termined by examining the plate by
Use a fresh batch of developer for transmitted light.
every plate. Bo not allow temperature Next, wash two minutes in running
to exceed 65® P. during use. If the water. Then place the plate in the
plate is correctly exposed, development original developer for two or more min-
•will be complete in approximately 3 utes in the presence of strong white
minutes. Development and all manipu- light. Einse for one half minute in
lation before partial completion of re- running water, and dry immediately
versal should take place in total dark- with the use of an electric fan.

Table for the Methodical Development of Doubtfully Exposed Color Plates

Total developing time As a precaution
First appearance including time for against future
of the picture observation failures
30 seconds 5 minutes Expose 3 times longer
25 seconds 4 minutes Expose 2 times longer
20 seconds 3^4 minutes Expose 50% longer
15 seconds 3 minutes Correctly exposed.
10 seconds 2 minutes Expose 50% shorter
8 seconds minutes Expose 75% shorter
Development and Fixing of Agfa Conduct all operations in light pro-
Direct Duplicating Film vided by a safe lamp provided with an
Developer Agfa Safelight Filter No. 105 with a
Water 1 1. 33 oz. 25 watt lamp.
Metol 5 g. 75 gr*
Sodium Sulphite Photographic Developer
IT. S. Patent 1,990,800
(Anhydrous) 40 g. 1% oz.
Hydroquinone 6 g. 90 gr. Metol 1 g,
Sodium Carbonate Quinol 5 g.
(Monohydrated) 40 g. 1% oz. Sodium Sulphite 50 g.
Potassium Bromide 2 g. 30 gr. Borax 20 g.
Sodium Hydroxide 5 g.
ITse without dilution. Normal devel-
Potassium Bromide 1 g.
oping time, 4 to 5 minutes at 65 degrees Water to make 1 1.
Fahrenheit (18® 0.),
Blistering is prevented and the life of
Fixing Bath;
the hardening bath is prolonged.
Solution A:
Water 1 1. 32 oz. Bapid Photographic Developer
Hypo 240 g. 8 oz. Soak film for 8 seconds in
SolutionB; Hydroquinone 5 g.
Water 75 cc. 2% oz. Sodium Sulphite 2% g.
Sodium Sulphite Water 9214 cc.
(Anhydrous) 15 g. oz. % Transfer without washing to
Acetic Acid (28%) 45 cc. 1% oz. Potassium Hydroxide 30 g.
Potassium Alum 15 g. oz. % Water 70 cc.
Dissolve chemicals thoroughly in order for 2 seconds. Baths should be at 25-27®
given; then add solution B to Solution C. Objectionable softening of gelatin
A, stirring rapidly. Fix film until clear, does not occur.
and then leave in the bath for another 5
minutes to be safe. Long Lasting Developer (Bichardson ^s)
Wash film for Vz hour in xuiming a.Water, Hot 96 oz
water. Sodium Bisulphite 12 oz.

Sodium Sulphite 12 oz. Maximum Speed Pine Grain Developer

Cool to 70° P. and add Sodium Sulphite 90 g-
Pyro 1 oz. p- Phenylenediamine
Hydrochloride 16.8 g*
Water, Hot 64 oz.
Glycin 6 g-
Elon 1 oz.
Hydroquinone 4 oz.
Ammonium Hydro^dde
and add h (Normal) 186 cc.
Cool to 70° P. to a.
Then add
Water to make 1000 cc.

Water 160 oz.

‘‘Piramid’^ Extra Pine Grain Developer
Water, Warm 128 oz. Water, Cool 500 cc.
Sodium Carbonate 15 oz. Potassium Pyrosulphite 2.5 g.
Cool to 70° F. and add to above. Amidol 0.5 g.
Pyrogallol 1.5 g.
Pine Grain Developers Glycin 0.5 g.
Formula No. 1 Tribasic Sodium Phosphate 3.5 g,
Water 500 ee. Dissolve in above order, with good stir-
p-Phenylcnediamine 1.2 g. ring, Development time at 18° 0. is
Sodium Sulphate, Hydrated 10 g. about 20 minutes.
Caustic Soda 2 g. Gives a finer grain than Eastman D76
No. 2 or Agfa 14 developers.
Water 100.0 g.
Metol 0.3 g. One Bath Rapid Photographic Developer
Triethanolamine 3.5 g. Hydroquinone 30 g.
Sodium Bisulphite 1.0 g. Sodium Sulphite 25 g.
No. 3 Potassium Hydroxide 60 g.
Water 1000.0 cc. Phenosafranine (0.1%) 20 cc.
Metol 2.5 g.
Water to make 1 1.
Sodium Sulphite Development time at 23-27° 0. is 25
45.0 g.
Benzoic Acid seconds.
1.0 g.
Salicylic Acid 0.5 g.
Boric Acid
Chaplin No. 15 Pine-Grain Developer
2.5 g.
Glycin 11.5 g.
Water 1000 cc.
Pyrogallol 3.5 g.
p-Phenylenediamine 11.5 g.
Sodium Sulphite 60 g.
Pevelop Panatomic 13 min., Super-X Benzoic Acid 1.2 g.
and DuPont Superior 19.5 min* at 70° P. Salicylic Acid 0.5 g.
Gives a fine grain witli increased emul- Boric Acid 2.5 g.
sion speed. Tannic Acid 1 g,
Glycin 11.5 g.
Pine Grain Glossy Paper Developer p-Phenylenediamine 11.5 g.
Water (125° P.) 10 oz.
Isopropyl Alcohol (97%) 50 cc.
Nickel and Ammonium
Sodium Sulphite 1% oz.
Sulphate, cryst.
p-Phenylenediamine 90 gr. 1 g-
Glycin 15 gr. Dissolve the p-phenylenediamine sepa-
Cold water to make 16 oz. rately in a- small amount of the water
Development 30 minutes at 65° P. for which has been heated to about 180° P.
correctly exposed negatives of subjects Similarly dissolve the nickel and am-
of medium contrast which are to be en- monium sulphate in about 30 cc. of the
larged upon bromide or chloro-bromide. water. Dissolve all the rest of the con-
stituents in the balance of the water, add
Low contrast subjects should receive
slightly longer development, possibly the p-phenylenediamine solution, then add
the nickel and ammonium sulphate solu-
40%, for same printing medium. High
contrast subjects-—shorten development tion and filter through common chemists’
filter paper.
about 20%.
These times are relative and are offered
as a guide only, one must by experiment New Metol-Hydroquinone Developer
with the particular film used determine ^^Hard”Bath:
the correct development time for the Water 2 1.
gamma he desires. Pilms vary in de- Sodium Pyrosulphite 2 g.
velopment time. Panatomic requires one Metol 3 g.
half the time of super speed panchro- Sodium Sulphite 75 g.
matic. Hydroquinone 10 g.
Potassium Carbonate 40 g. No. 2
Potassium Bromide 5 g. Canadian Patent 362,822
Soft'' Bath; a. Diethyl-p-phenylenediamine
Tr»- -.'ui j^
Metol 10 g. Hydrochloride 2 g-
Hydroquinone 3 g. Sodium Sulphite 5 g-
Potassium Bromide' 3 g- Sodium Carbonate 30 g.
Sodium Pyrosulphite 2 g- Water to make 1000 cc.
Sodium Sulphite g.75 p-bromo-acetoacetanilide 2 g-
Potassium Carbonate g.40 Acetone 100 cc.
Water 1 1. Add d to a.
Time of development at 18^ 0. is 6
mittutes for films and plates and 4 min-
Dufay Color Film Development
ntes for paper.
Metol 16.25 g. 250 gr.
Hydroquinone 5.0 g. 77 gr.
Metol-Hydroquinone Developer
Metol 1 g.
Sulphite 250.0 g. 9 oz.
Hydroqninone 4 g.
Sodium Sulphite 20 g.
Bromide 6.98 g. 108 gr.
Potassium Carbonate 20 g.
Ammonium Bromide Ammonia
1 g.
(0.910) 3.75 cc. 63 min.
Water to make 1 1.
Water up to 2500 cc. 98 oz.
Pyrocatecliol Developer Without Sulphite The film being thin curls during de-
Solution A velopment, and it is a good plan to use a
P3rroeatechol 4 g. film-sheath, or to attach it to a sheet of
Water 100 ce. clean glass by small pieces of adhesive
Lactic Acid 10 drops tape at the four corners. Development
Developer for a correctly exposed film takes five
Water 100 cc. minutes. Total darkness is advisable, or
Solution A 10 cc. a desensitizer such as pinaeryptol yellow
Sodium Carbonate may be employed.
(3.4% solution) 5 cc. Following development, the film is
This developer requires 10 minutes. given a brief rinse in order to remove
Too contrasty negatives are bleached the developer, and it is then ready for
with 1 g. potassium permanganate, 25 g. reversal. The reversing bath recom-
hydrochloric acid, 1000 cc. water, and mended is made up as follows;
developed with usual pyrocatechol sul- <1 Sulphuric Acid

phite. (concentrated) 50 ee. 840 mm.

For toning prints bleached with po- Water to 2500 cc. 88 oz.
tassium ferricyanide and potassium bro- 6. Potassium
mide the following developer is used: Permanganate 10 g. 154 gr.
Solution A 10 cc. Water to 2500 cc. 88 oz.
Potassium Carbonate After the film has been in the revers-
(26% solution) 10 cc. ing bath for about two minutes, the
Water 150 cc. white light may be turned on. Reversal
takes from four to five minutes, and care
Alkali Free Developer
should be taken to see that the action is
Sodium Sulphite 30 g.
complete and that there are no dark
Chrome Alum 20 g.
patches on the film when the image is
Water 1 1.
viewed against transmitted light. After
Before using add
reversal is complete, the film is given a
Amidol 5 g.
rinse and placed for one minute in the
Color Forming Photographic Developers following clearing bath.
Formula No. 1 Potassium Metabisulphite 3 oz.
Canadian Patent 362,821 Water 20 oz.
Diethyl-p-phenylenediamine This will remove the brown stain left
Hydrochloride 3 g. by the permanganate and will also
Sodium Sulphite 10 g. brighten the image.
Sodium Carbonate 20 g.
Potassium Sulpho cyanide 1 g. Photostat Developer
Water to make 1500 cc. Metol 13.9 g.
d. 2, 3, 4-trichloro-a-naphthol 2 g. Sodium Sulphite 20.4 g.
Acetone 100 cc. Hydroquinone 55.3 g.
Add h to a. Sodium Carbonate 30.6 g.

Potassium Bromide S.3 g. hydroquinone developers, such as the fol-

Water to make 10 qt. lowing, have been found very satisfac-
Developing time 50-55 seconds. Does tory;
not stain and gives good blacks. Hot Water (125® F.) 64 oz.
Metol (Elon, Pictol) 56 gr.
Blue Print Developer Sodium Sulphite 10 oz.
S. Patent 1,998,883
IT. Hydroquinone 560 gr.
Urea Peroxide 0.3 g. Sodium Carbonate 5% oz.
Water 1 1. Potassium Carbonate oz.
This solution is applied for 3 to 5 sec- Potassium Bromide 280 gr.
onds and is non-staining and need not be Cold Water to make 1 gal.
•washed out. Develop for about 7 minutes at 65® F,
Hot Water (125® F.) 64 oz.
Metol 60 gr.
Fixing Developers Sodium Sulphite 12 oz.
a. Pyrocatechol 7 g. Hydroquinone 3 oz.
Sodium Sulphite 15 g. Potassium Carbonate 12 oz.
Caustic Potash 7 g. Sulphuric Acid 2 min.
Water 75 cc. Potassium. Bromide 1 oz.
to 12 cc.of a add Cold water to make 1 gal.
Sodium Hyposulphite (20%) 30 cc.
Develop from 3 to 4 minutes at 70® F.
Water 30 cc.
h, Pyrogallol 12.5 g.
A popular practise among etchers dur-
ing hot weather is to augment the resis-
Water 500 cc.
tance of the “Super Contrast’’ plate
Sodium Sulphite 80 g,
against possible physical injury during
to 40 cc. of h add
manipulation in warm tap water by re-
Sodium Hydroxide (1.6%) 40 cc.
course to the following procedure: im-
Sodium Hyposulphite (20%) 35 g.
mediately after development without —
c. Metol
Hydroquinone 8.18
4.2 g.

washing the negative place the plate for
about 30 seconds in a 25% solution of
Sodium Sulphite 32 g.
chrome alum, then, without washing^ im-
Trisodium Phosphate 100 g.
merse it in the fixing bath.
Sodium Hyposulphite 40 g.
Claims have been made that dry plates
Water 1 1.
possessed of an emulsion able to with-
Development time 5-30 minutes.
stand very high temperatures are better
suited for warm-weather dot etching.
Development of Dot-Etching Positives While the physical characteristics of such
The most important factor in the de- plates may have a certain appeal, the
velopment of etching positives is to con- abnormally hard emulsion resists the ac-
tinue the operation until the light-ex- tion of etching, and con^derable re-
posed image has been completely reduced etching time must be spent in reducing
to metallic silver. A
safe guide is to large sized dots to the small size re-
have the developed image appear visible quired in delicate highlight effects.
in a decided black color on the glass side During warm weather, some operators
of the plate, signifying complete reduc- prefer to immerse the developed “Super
tion of the lower as well as surface par- Contrast” plate in a 5 or 10 per cent
ticles of exposed silver salt in the gelatin solution of formaldehyde before placing
emulsion. it in the fixing bath. This effectively
In warm weather, when the tempera- hardens the emulsion, but the treatment
ture of the tap water is relatively high, should not be overdone, or extreme tan-
it may be found advantageous to edge ning of the gelatin film will result.
the ‘‘Super Contrast plate after ex-
posure and "hef ore development with a
heavy solution of india-rubber, so as to Soft-Working Fine-Grain Borax Tank
prevent entry of the photographic and Developer
etching solutions under the emulsion at This fine-grain developer gives an even
the edges of the plate. scale of gradation and brings out full
Developers best suited for dot etching detail in the shadow portions of the
purposes are those which give the great- negative.
est density in a reasonable time of de- Hot Water (125® F. or
velopment. Caustic soda (sodium hy- 52® 0.) 750 cc.
droxide-hydroquinone) developers should Metol 0.7 g.
not be used, as they exert a damaging Sodium Sulphite,
effect on the gelatin emulsion, Metol- Anhydrous 65 g.
HydroquinoEe 0,9 g. Eenewal Formula for Above
Borax 0.7 g. Add whenever necessary to tank up to
Water to Make 1 1. full volume.
Do not dilute for use. Hot Water (125® P. or
Normal development time at 65® P. 52® C.) 750 ce.
(18® C.) Pine-Grain miniature-films (ex- Metol 2.2 g.
cept Superpan) : 12-16 minutes ; P. G. Sodium Sulphite,
Superpan film; roll, pack and cut film: Anhydrous 80 g.
16-20 minutes. Hydroquinone 4.5 g.
Borax 30 g.
Pine-Grain Tank Developer Water to Make 1 1.

This fine-grain formula keeps well and

makes an excellent tank developer. M-H Positive Developer
Hot Water (126- H. or This clean-working developer is recom-
52® C.) 750 cc. mended for normal contrast with tray or
Metol 8 g- tank development of lantern slides and
Sodium Sulphite, positive film.
Anhydrous 125 g- Hot Water (125® P. or
Sodium Carbonate 52® C.) 750 ce.
Monohydrated 5.75 g- Metol 2 g-
Potassium Bromide 2.5 g- Sodium Sulphite,
Water to Make 1 1. Anhydrous 25 g-
Do not dilute for use. Hydroquinone 4 g*
Develop 8 to 12 minutes at 65® P. Sodium Carbonate,
(18® C.). Monohydrated 18.5 g-
Potassium Bromide 2 g-
Pine-Grain Tray Developer Water to Make 1 1.

This is a vigorous, rapid tray de- Do not dilute for use. Normal de-
veloper, giving brilliant results. veloping time 3 to 4 minutes at 65® P,
Hot Water (125'' F. or (18® 0.)
52® C.) 750 cc.
Metol 8 g‘ M-H Title Developer
Sodium Sulphite, This formula is recommended for tray
Anhydrous 125 g- or tank development of lantern slides,
Sodium Carbonate, cine title film and positive film to obtain
Monohydrated 14 g- results of high contrast.
Potassium Bromide 1.5 g- Hot Water (125® P. or
Water to Make 1 1. 52® C.) 750 ce.
Do not dilute for use. Metol 0.8 g-
Por normal contrast develop 3 to 5 Sodium Sulphite,
minutes at 65® P. (18® C.)^ Anhydrous 40 g-
For greater contrast develop about 6 Hydroquinone 8 g*
to 10 minutes. Sodium Carbonate,
Monohydrated 50 g*
Pine-Grain Borax Tank Developer Potassium Bromide 5 g-
In addition to its usefulness as a fine- Water to Make 1 1.

grain developer, this formula is satis- Do not dilute for use. Normal de-
factory for obtaining soft gradation with veloping time 5 to 8 minutes at 65® P.
Agfa Direct Copy Film, Agfa Direct (18® 0.).
Duplicating Film and portrait cut films. X-Eay Developer
Hot Water (125® P. This developer is recommended for use
or 52° C.) 750 cc. with Agfa X-Eay Film and for use with
Metol 1.5 g. Agfa Direct Copy Film and Direct Dupli-
Sodium Sulphite, Anhydrous 80 g, cating Film when results of maximum
Hydroquinone 3 g. brilliance are desired. It is also suitable
Borax 3 g. for Agfa S. S. Pan- Aero film as it is
Potassium Bromide 0.5 g. clean-working, has long life and gives
Water to Make 1 1. high contrast.
Do not dilute for use. Hot Water (125® P. or
Development time at 65® F, (18® C), 52® 0.) 750 cc.
10 to 15 minutes for fine-grain films, 12 Metol 3 5 g.
to 20 minutes for Direct Copy, Direct Sodium Sulphite,
Duplicating, and portrait cut films. Anhydrous 60 g.

Hydroquinon© 9 g. Solution 2
Sodium Carbonate^ Sodium Sulphite, Anhydrous 105 g.
Monohydrated ^
40 Water to Make 1 1.
Potassium Bromid© 2 Solution 3
Water to Make 1 Sodium Carbonate,
Monohydrated 85 ‘g.
po not dilute for use.
Water to Make 1 I
Normal development time at 65° P.
X-Eay Film,, 5 minutes, for Tank Development Take
: one part
( 18 ° 0.); for
Kon-Screen X-Ray Film 8 minutes, for
each Solutions 1, 2, and add 11 parts
•water. Normal development time, from
Direct Copy Film and Direct Duplicating
9 to 12 minutes at 65° F. (18° C.). Tray
Film, 4 to 5 minutes, for S. S. Pan- Aero
Development: Take 1 part each Solutions
jSlm 10-15 minutes depending upon tbe
1, 2, 3 and add 7 parts water. Normal
type of developing machine.
development time, from 6 to 8 minutes at
65° F. (18° C.). Solutions will keep
M-H Tray Developer well when stored separately but final de-
This is a brilliant Metol-Hydroquinone veloper should be used immediately after
tray developer for roll, pack and cut Him. mixing.
Stock Solution
Hot Water (125° F. or Metol Hydroquinone Developer
62° C.) 900 cc. This is a long-life, clean- working
Metol 4.5 g. formula which will give excellent results
Sodium Sulphite,, for either tray or tank development.
Anhydrous 54 g. Hot Water (125° F. or
Hydroquinone 7.5 g. 52° C.) 750 cc.
Sodium Carbonate, Metol 1.5 g*
Monohydrated 54 g. Sodium Sulphite,
Potassium Bromide 3 g. Anhydrous 45 g°
Water to Make 1 1.
Sodium Bisulphite 1 g-
For use dilute 1 part stock solution Hydroquinone 3 g°
with 2 parts water. Sodium Carbonate,
Development time 4 to 5 minutes at Monohydrated 6 g-
65° P. (18° C.). Potassium Bromide 0.8 g-
Water to Make 1 1.

Do not dilute for use.

M-H Tank
Tank Development: Normal develop^
This is a soft-working tank formula ment time, 6 to 8 minutes at 65° F.
recommended, for pack, roll and portrait (18° 0.) with occasional agitation. Tray
films. Development: Normal development time
Hot Water (125® F. or
5 to 7 minutes at 65° F. (18° 0.).
52° C.) 750 cc.
Metol 0.8 g.
Sodium Sulphite,
M-H Tray Developer
45 This developer is recommended for use
Anhydrous g-
Hydroquinone 1.2 g- with commercial film to produce negatives
of normal contrast. It may also be used
Sodium Carbonate,
satisfactorily for roll, pack and cut film
Monohydrated 8 g°
4 for negatives of average brilliance.
Potassium Metabisulphite g°
Potassium Bromid© 1.6 g‘
Hot Water (125° F. or
62° 0.) 750 cc.
Water to Make 1 1.
Metol 1 g.
Do not dilute for use.
Sodium Sulphite, Anhydrous 15 g.
Develop 15 to 20 minutes at 65® F. Hydroquinone 2 g.
(18° C.). Sodium Carbonate,
Monohydrated 15 g.
Pyro Developer Potassium Bromide 1 g*
This formula is recommended to those Water to Make 1 1.
who prefer Pyro development. Stock Do not dilute for use. Normal de-
solutions should be kept in stoppered velopment time, 4 to 6 minutes at 65° F.
bottles. (18° C.). ,

Solution 1
Sodium Bisulphite 9.8 g. Rapid M-H (Tropical) Developer
Pyro 50 g. This is a clean-working developer of
particular value for rapid development

Potassium Bromide lA g.
Water to Make 1 h or development at high temperatures.
Hot Water (125® P. or Hydroquinone 3 g.
52° C.) 750 ce. Sodium Carbonate,
Metol 2.5 g. Monohydrated 30 g.
Sodium Sulphite, Potassium Bromide 1 g.
Anhydrous 25 g. Water to Make 1 1.
Hydroquinone 6.5 g. Por use dilute one part stock solution
Sodium Carbonate, witlione part water.
Monohydrated 16 g. Normal developing time 5 minutes at
Potassium Bromide 1 g. 65® P. (18® C.).
Water to Make 1 1.

Do not dilute for use.

Normal development time: Paraformaldeliyde Developer
3 to 4 minutes at 65® P. (18® C.). This is a standard formula recom-
2 to 3 minutes at 85® P. (29® C.) mended for development of Beprolith
and Beprolith Ortho Films.
Solution 1
Hydroquinone Caustic Developer
This developer is recommended for
Hot Water (125® P. or
52® C.) 750 cc.
Process film used in reproduction work.
Bolution 1
Sodium Sulphite,
Anhydrous 1 g.
Hot Water (125® P. or
52® C.) 750 ce. Paraformaldehyde 30 g.
Potassium Metabisulphite 10.5 g.
Hydroquinone 25 g.
Potassium Metabisulphite 25 g.
Water to Make 1 1.

Potassium Bromide 25 g. Solution 2

Cold Water 1 1. Hot Water (125® P. or
Solution 2 52® 0.) 750 cc.
Cold Water 1 L Sodium Sulphite,
^Sodium Hydroxide
Anhydrous 120 g.
(Caustic Soda Flakes) 36 g. Boric Acid 30 g.
Mix equal parts of Solutions 1 and 2 Hydroquinone 90 g.
immediately before use. Potassium Bromide 6 g.
Develop films within 3 minutes at 65® Water to Make 3 1,
P, (18® 0.). Por use mix one part Solution 1 with
* May be substituted by three parts Solution 2.
Potassium Hydroxide 50 g. Normal development time 2 to 3 min-
utes at 65 to 70® P. (18 to 21® C.).
Glyein Developer
This formula is recommended for use Long-Life Beprolith Developer
with commercial films in reproduction A single-solution developer of excellent
work and is also suitable for develop- keeping quality for the development of
ment of roll, pack and cut film. Beprolith Film.
Stock Solution Hot Water (125° P. or
Sodium Sulphite, Anhydrous
125 g. 52® 0.) 750 ce.
Potassium Carbonate 250 g. Hydroquinone 35 g.
Glyein 50 g. Sodiiun Sulphite,
Water to Make 11. Anhydrous 55 g.
Tank Development: Take one part Sodium Carbonate,
stock solution, fifteen parts water and Monohydrated 80 g.
develop 20 to 25 minutes at 65® P. (18® CitricAcid 5.5 g.
C.)> Tray Development: Take one part Potassium Bromide 10 g.
stock solution, four parts water and de- Water to Make 1 1.

velop 5 to 10 minutes at 65® P. (18® C.), Do not for use. ^Normal de-
velopment time within 3 minutes at 65®
M-H Tray Developer P. (18® C.).
This formula is recommended for de-
velopment of Direct Copy and Direct
Duplicating Films to obtain results of
High Contrast M-H Tray Developer
This developer has been particularly
normal brilliance.
designed for use with Commercial and
Stock Solution Process films * to produce contrasty nega-
Hot Water (125® P. or tives.
52® C.) 750 ce. Hot Water (125® P. or
Metol 5 g. 52® 0.) 750 cc.
Sodium Sulphite, Anhydrous 35 g. Metol 5 g.

Sodium Sulphite, Warm-Tone Developer for Chloride Paper

Anhydrous 40 g. This developer is recommended for
Hydroquinone 6 g. producing pronounced warm, olive-black
Sodium Carbonate, tones with Convira and other Chloride
Monohydrated 40 g. Papers.
Potassium Bromide S g. Hot Water (125° P. or
Water to Make 1 1. 52° 0.) 750 cc.
Do not dilute for use. Metol 0.7 g.
Normal development time, 4 to 6 min- Sodium Sulphite,
utes at 65° P. (18° C.). Anhydrous 11.5 g.
* This developer may “be adapted for liigli- Hydroquinone 3.5 g.
contrast work with Printon Film by the addi- Sodium Carbonate,
tion of 9 g. of Potassium Bromide per liter of
stock solution (V4. oz. 20 gr. per 32 oz.) and
Monohydrated 10.0 g.
development of 2 to 3 •minutes at 65<> P. Potassium Bromide 2.4 g.
(18* 0.). Water to Make 1.0 1.

Do not dilute for use.

Metol Pyro Aero Developer Normal development time, 1 minute at
This developer is recommended for use 70° P. (21° C.).
with S. S. Pan Aero-Pilm for negatives
of average brilliance. Direct Brown-Black Paper Developer
Hot Water (125° P. or Beautiful warm tones may be obtained
52° 0.) 750.0 cc. with this developer on both contact and
Potassium Metabisulphite 4.6 g. projection papers.
Metol 1.6 g. Stock Solution
Sodium Sulphite, Hot Water (125° P. or
Anhydrous 18.0 g. 52° C.) 750.00 cc.
Sodium Carbonate, Hydroquinone 22.50 g.
Monohydrated 37.0 g. Sodium Sulphite,
Potassium Bromide 1.5 g. Anhydrous 57.00 g.
Pyro Crystals 12.5 g. Sodium Carbonate,
Water to Make 1.0 1. Monohydrated 75 0 0 g.

Potassium Bromide 2.75 g.

Dissolve chemicals thoroughly in order
given. Add Pyro immediately before Water to Make 1.00 1.
Por use dilute one part stock solution
use. Do not dilute for use. Normal de-
with 5 parts water.
velopment time 15 to 20 minutes at 65°
Give prints 3 to 4 times normal ex-
P. (18° a).
posure and develop from 5 to 7 minutes
at 70° P. (21° C.).
Universal Pilm and Paper Developer
Tills formula may be used both as a
Amidol Paper Developer
developer for film and as a developer for
This formula is intended for tray de-
Convira and Brovira papers when cold,
velopment only and must be mixed fresh
blue-black tones are desired.
each time. It is recommended only for
Stock Solution small lots of prints.
Hot Water (125° P. or Amidol 6.60 g.
52'^ C.) 750 cc. Sodium Sulphite, Anhydrous 44.00 g.
Metol 3.5 g. Potassium Bromide 0.55 g.
Sodium Sulphite, Water to Make 1.00 1.
Anhydrous 57 g. Do not
dilute for use. If hot water
Hydroquinone 11,5 g. is used for dissolving chemicals the so-
Sodium Carbonate, dium sulphite and potassium bromide
Monohydrated 78 g. should be dissolved first and the amidol
Potassium Bromide 1.2 g. added only after the solution has cooled.
Water to Make 1 I Develop 1 to 2 minutes at 70° P. (21°
Pilm: Dilute one part stock solution 0.).
with two parts water. Normal develop- ______
ment time 5 minutes at 65° P. (18° C.). Glyein-Hydroquinone Developer
Convira Paper: Dilute one part stock This is a warm-tone developer suitable
solution with two parts water. Normal for Indiatone, Portrait Enlarging, Bro-
development time 1 minute at 70° P. vira and other projection papers.
(21° C.). Stock Solution
Brovira Paper Dilute one part devel-
: Hot Water (125° P. or
oper with four parts water. Normal 52° C.) 750,0 cc.
development time 1% minutes to two , Sodium Sulphite,
minutes at 70° P. (21° €.). Anhydrous 90.0 g.
Sodium Carbonate, Stock Solution
Monobydrated 150.0 g. Hot Water (125° F. or -

Glycia 30.0 g. 52° C.) 750 cc.

Hydroquinone 9.5' g. Metol 2.2 g-
Potassium Bromide 4.0 g. Sodium Sulphite,
Water to Make 1.0 1. Anhydrous 50 g-
For use, dilute 1 part stock solution Hydroquinone 11 g*
with. 3 parts of water. Sodium Carbonate.
Normal development time, 21/^ to 3 Monohydrated 78 g-
minutes at 70® P. (21° C.). Potassium Bromide 5.5 g-
Glycin 11 g-
Soft-Working Paper Developer Water to Make 1 1.

This is a soft-working developer, pri- The prepared stock solution is clear

marily intended for portrait work where but slightly colored. The coloration in
soft gradation is required. this case does not indicate the developer
Stock Solution has deteriorated or is Unfit for use.
Hot Water (125° P. or Por use dilute 1 part stock solution
52° 0.) 750.0 cc. with 1 part water.
Metol 12.3 g. Normal developing time at 70° P. (21°
Sodium Sulphite, 0.) for Brovira and Portrait Enlarging
Anhydrous 36.0 g. 2 to 6 minutes, for Indiatone, Convira
Sodium Carbonate, and Professional Cyko IV2 to Z minutes.
Monohydrated 36.0 g. Greater contrast can be obtained by
Potassium Bromide 18 g. using the developer stock solution full
Water to Make 1.0 1. strength. Softer results can be obtained
by diluting 1 part stock solution with 2
Por use, dilute 1 part stock solution
parts water.
with 2 parts water.
Normal developing time, 1% to 3
minutes at 70° P. (21° 0.). Warm-Toned Paper Developer
This developer is recommended for
Developer for Bromide Paper rich,warm-black tones with chloride and
This formula is recommended for de- bromide papers.
velopment of Brovira and other projec- Stock Solution
tion papers. Hot Water (125° P. or
Stock Solution 52° 0.) 750.0 cc.
Hot Water )125° P. or Metol 1.6 g.
52° C.) 750 CO. Sodium Sulphite,
Metol 3 g. Anhydrous 24.0 g.
Sodium Sulphite, Hydroquinone 6.6 g.
Anhydrous 44 g.
Sodium Carbonate,
Hydroquinone 12 g. Monohydrated 24.0 g.
Sodium Carbonate, Potassium Bromide 2.8 g.
Monohydrated 65 g. Water to Make 1.0 1.
Potassium Bromide 2 g. Por use, dilute 1 part stock solution
Water to Malte 11. with 1 part water. A
properly exposed
Por use, dilute 1 part stock solution print will be fully developed at 70° P.
with 4 parts water. (21° C.) in about 1% to 2 minutes. Com-
Normal development time, 1% minutes plete development may be expected to
at 70° P. (21° C.). Por greater bril- take slightly longer with rough-surfaced
liance, shorten the exposure slightly and papers than with semi-glqssy or luster-
lengthen the development time. Por surfaced papers. For greater softness,
greater softness, lengthen the exposure dilute the bath with water up to equal
slightly and shorten the development quantities of developer and water. To
time. increase the warmth, add bromide up
to double the amount in the formula.
The quantity of bromide specified in the
Universal Paper Developer
formula, however, assures rich, warm,
This formula is a universal developer
well-balanced tones.
for all projection and contact papers. It
gives rich black tones with excellent
brilliance and detail and provides un- Acid Short-Stop Bath
usual latitude in development and is This solution is recommended for use
clean-working even with long developing between developer and fixer, to prevent
times. staining of film negatives and prints.

Acetic Acid (28%) 45 cc. Chrome Alum Fixer

Water to Make 1 1. This hardening fixing bath for use
Glacial Acetic Acid. (99.5%) may be
with films in hot weather should be used
fresh, as it will not keep well.
diluted to tke 28% concentration by mix-
ing three parts of Glacial Acetic Acid Solution 1
with eight parts of water. Hot Water (125° F. or
52° C.) 2.5 1.

Hypo 960.0 g.
Chrome Alum Hardening Bath Sodium Sulphite 60.0 g.
This bath may be used in place of Water to Make 3.0 1.
the regular acetic acid short-stop to give
Solution 2
additional hardening to him. It is par-
Water 1 1.
ticularly desirable in hot weather, for
Potassium Chrome Alum 60 g.
tropical development, and for negatives
Sulphuric Acid C.P. 8 cc.
which have to be enlarged wet.
Alum Slowly pour Solution 2 into Solution 1
Potassium Chrome 30 g.
while rapidly stirring the latter. Do
Water 1 1.
not dilute for use. Do not dissolve the
Films should be agitated thoroughly
chrorfie alum at a temperature higher
when immersed in the solution. Maxi- than 150° F. (66° G.). Always rinse
mum hardening will be obtained with
films thoroughly before fixing. Normal
about three minutes treatment. fixing time 5 to 10 minutes at 65° F.
The solution should be used fresh as (18°a).
it does not keep well. Formation of
greenish sludge is an indication that the
solution should be replaced by a fresh Non-Hardening Metabisnlphite Fixer
bath. This fixing bath is recommended for
If the chrom alum used is such that a use when hardening is not desired. It
sludge is formed when the bath is first ishighly desirable for accuracy of regis-
tration in color work with Printon Film.
used an addition of concentrated sul-
phuric acid (2 cc. per liter or %dram Hypo 1900 g.
per 32 ounces) can be made to the solu- Potassium Metabisulphite 270 g.
tion to overcome this condition. Water to Make 4 1.
The Metabisulphite should be added
only when the hypo solution is cool. Do
Acid Hardening Fixer
not dilute for use. Normal fixing time
This hardening fixing bath for use
5 to 10 minutes at 65° F. (18° 01).
with either film or paper may be stored
indefinitely and used repeatedly until
exhausted. If the fixing bath froths, Flattening Reducer
turns cloudy, or takes longer than 10 This reducer is useful for lessening the
minutes to fix out completely, it must be density and contrast of heavy negatives.
replaced by a fresh solution. Solution 1
Potassium Ferricyanide 35 g.
Solution 1
Potassium Bromide 10 g.
Hot Water (125® F. or
52° 0.) Water to Make ^
1 1.
500 cc.
Hypo 240 Bleach in Solution 1 and after thor-
ough washing, redevelop to desired den-
Solution 2 sity and contrast in Agfa 47 or other
Hot Water (125° F. or negative developer. Conduct operation
52° C.) 150 cc. in subdued light.
Sodium Sulphite,
Anhydrous 15 g.
Acetic Acid (28%) 45 cc. Mercury Intensifier
Potassium Alum 15 g. This intensifier is recommended for
Add Solution 2 to 1 and increasing the printing density of thin,
add water to make 1 1. fiat negatives.

Dissolve chemicals thoroughly in order Potassium Bromide 10 g.

^ * Mercuric Chloride 10 g.
given and stir rapidly while adding so-
lution 2 to solution 1. Glacial acetic
Water to Make 1 1.
acid may be diluted to 28% concentration Do notdilute for use. Negatives to
by adding 3 parts of acid to 8 parts of be intensified must be very thoroughly
water. Do not dilute for use. Normal washed first or yellow stains may result
fixing time 5 to 10 minutes at 65 to 70° on the intensified negative. Immerse
F. (18 to 21°. C.), negatives in above solution until thor-
oughly bleached to the base of the film a few drops of ammonia, in a
And then wash in water containing a few
potassium metabisulphite, or in
5% solu-
firops of hydrochloric acid. Redevelop a 5% solution of sodium sulphite.
bleached negatives in 5% sodium sulphite Thiq
treatment should be followed by
or any standard developer. Surface a thor-
^ ough washing in water.
scum which forms during storage of the
bleaching solution does not alfect the
bleacher but should be removed before ^
Sepia Toner
using the solution. This toner is recommended for warm-
* Poison —Danger, brown sepia tones.
Solution 1
Monckhoven ^s Potassium Ferricyanide
(For Reproduction Films) Solution (10%) 500 co.
This formula gives very great intesifi- Potassium Bromide
cation and contrast for line drawing and Solution (10%) 100 ce.
halftone reproduction work. Sodium Carbonate
Solution (10%) 200
Solution 1 nc.
Potassium Bromide . 200 ce.
* Mercuric Chloride
23 g, Do not dilute for use.
23 g.
Water to Make Solution 2
1 i.
Sodium Sulphide 45 «
Solution 2 Water to Make
Cold Water 500 cc.
1 j.
For use as described below, dilute
* Potassium Cyanide
23 g. one
Silver Nitrate
part solution 2 with eight parts
23 g.* water.
* WARNING?-j~Because of
the deadly poison
Il^OBTANT— sure to use sodium
oils nature of this intensifier, it should he
used sulphide, not sodium sulphite,
With rare and bottles containing it should bo in com-
pounding the Re-Developer. Also,
Bill tably marked. Never mix cyanide solutions use
With acids or use them in poorly ventilated clean trays,_ free from
exposed iron
rooms. Discard waste solutions into running ^ots, especially with Bleaching
Water, Bath
Uthe^se blue spots may form on prints
The silver nitrate and the potassium Rnnts should be washed thoroushlv
cyanide should be dissolved in separate bleached in Solution 1 intil
lots of water, and the former added to the black image is converted
to a very
the latter until a permanent precipitate bght brown color (about 1 minute).
:s preduced. The mixture is allowed Prints should then be washed
for 10 to
to stand 15 minutes, and after filtering, 15 minutes and redeveloped in
forms Solution 2. Solution 2.
Place negatives in Solution 1 until Redevelopment should be complete
_ in
bleached through, then rinse and place about minute. After redevelopment
Solution 2. If intensification is car- the prints should be washed
for about
ried too^ far, the negative may be re- 30 minutes and then dried. If
the toner
duced with a weak solution of hypo. should leave sediment which
results in
streaks or finger marks on the
of the paper the print should
be im-
mersed for a few seconds in a
Chromium Intensifier 3% solu-
This formula is recommended because tion' of a-eetic acid. A
washing of about
it IS convenient in use and gives more
10 minutes after this procedure
is nec-
permanent results.
Potassium Bichromate 9 g. Hypo Alum Toner
Hydrochloric Acid 6 cl* ^
inis toner
Water to Make is recommended for beauti
1 i ful reddish-brown tones.
^Immerse negatives in this solution un- Solution 1
til bleached, wash for 5 minutes
in run- 2350
ning water, and redevelop in bright but ec.
difiused light in a Metol Hydroquinone 450 g.
developer. Negatives should then
Solution 2
given a 15-minute wash before drying. Silver Nitrate
Intensification may be repeated for in-
tu & *

creased effect. _
Solution 3
If any blue coloration of the film Potassium Iodide
^ base 2:^ g/
IS noticeable after intensification,
it may
be easily removed by washing the film ^ Solution 1. Then
for Solution 3 to the mixture.
two or three seconds in water containing Finalh
add 105 grams (3% ounces)
of potas-

sium alum to this solution, and heat the Fixation of Etching Positives
entire hath to the boiling point, or until Acid-hypo and chrome alum baths can
sulphurization takes place (indicated by be used for the purpose. To insure per-
a milky appearance of the solution). manency and freedom from any stain,
Tone prints 20 to 60 minutes in this bath the time-honored principle of leaving the
at 110-125° P; (43-52° C.). Agitate plates in the fixing bath from ten to
prints occasionally until toning is com- twenty minutes after disappearance of
plete. the final vestiges of creamy silver salt
Care should be taken to see that the cannot be too strongly emphasized.
blacks are fully converted before remov- A simple and efficient formula for an
ing the prints from the toning bath, acid-hypo fixing bath is:
otherwise double tones may result. Hypo 32 oz.
Potassium Metabisulphite 4 oz.
Water to make 1 gal.
Pinakryptol Green Desensitiz^r
Stock Solution Chrome alum baths are in wide use,
Pinakryptol Green 1 g.
chiefly because of their hardening prop-
* Water to Make 500 cc. erties, but such baths should be used as
soon as possible after preparation, as
Por use dilute one part stock desensi-
they lose their hardening property in a
tizing solution with ten parts water. Im- few days, A
representative chrome alum
merse films in total darkness for two fixing bath consists of:
minutes at 65° P. (18° C.). Develop-
ment may then be carried out in bright
u. Hypo 32 oz.
(Agfa Safelight Pilter STo. Sodium Sulphite 2 02.
green light.
Water to make 96 OZ.
103 with a 25-watt lamp).
The same stock solution may be used, b. Water 32 OZ.

if preferred, directly in the developer

Potassium Chrome Alum 2 oz.

in the proportion ; desensitizer ; one part,

Sulphuric Acid, C.P. oz.%
developer thirty parts. After two min-
: Pour b into a while stirring a rapidly,
utes^ development in total darkness, so as to prevent precipitation.
bright green light may be used as above.
* Use of a 50--50 water-alcohol mixture for
solution will improve the keeping qualities of Intensification of Color Plates
the desensitizer. a. Water 32 oz.
Hydroquinone 46 gr.
Citric Acid 46 gr.
Pinakryptol Yellow Desensitizer h. Water 3^ oz.
Pinakryptol Yellow 1 g. Silver Nitrate 77 gr.
* Water to Make 1 1.
(This procedure can be carried out in
Use- without dilution at a temperature daylight. The plate should be immersed
of 65° P. (18° C.). Immerse films in for 3 5 seconds in pure water before pro-
total darkness for two minutes. Ortho- ceeding with this process).
chromatic film and Agfacolor Plates may Por use, take 10 fl. oz. solution « to 1
then be handled in bright red light fl. oz. solution h. Intensification will be
(Agfa Safelight Pilter No. 107 with 25- complete in from 2 to 5 minutes. During
watt lamp), panchromatic film in bright its progress the plate should be inspected
green light (Agfa Safelight Pilter No. frequently. Do not attempt to save the
103 with 25-watt lamp). Pinakryptol used solution, as it decomposes too
Yellow desensitizer should be used as a rapidly. The separate solutions, how-
separate bath and not mixed with the ever, may be kept for some time.
developer, Should the whites of the picture be-
* Use of a 50-50 water-alcohol mixture for come veiled or fogged during intensifica-
solution will improve the keeping qualities of tion, they can be cleared by a brief im-
the desensitizer. mersion of the plate (after rinsing) in
the following bath
Acid Hardening Pixing Bath
Water (about 125° P.) 40 oz. Water 32 oz, or 1 1.

Hypo ,
16 oz. Potassium Per-
Sodium Sulphite, manganate 15% gr. or 1 g.
'1 oz. after which the plate should be given a
Acetic Acid (20%) 3 fl. oz. short rinse, then placed in an acid fixing
Boric Acid, Crystals % oz. bath for from 1 to 2 minutes, and finally
Potassium Alum 1 oz. rinsed again for 5 minutes in gently run-
Cold Water to make 64 oz. ning water.
Hardening Bath for Movie Positive Film
Potassium Bromide
U. S. Patent 1,997,269
(Saturated Solution) 8 cc.
Tannic Acid 1 oz Chromic Acid
Glycerin 3 oz!
Mixture A
(1% Solution) 18 ce.
g qt. Water
Mixture A: 600 ce.
Carbon Tetrachloride 3 qt. Though the print may be bleached
Turpentine 2 qt. directly after it has been developed, fixed
Formaldehyde 1 qt! and vrashed, it is better to dry it
Eucalyptus Oil then soak it in
1 qt! water, since it will then
Water 1 qt* take the ink much more easily.
Alcohol to The
make clear. bleaching solution should be
enough to complete the process in
3 to 5
Photographic Film Hardener minutes, continuing %
minute after the
mage takes on an olive green
French Patent 803,459 tint
Alcohol should be no light brown
50 g. color
Glycerin |* lett. Green or brown shadows mean
5 the
Formalin bleacher is too weak, and
30 g the print
Water should not be fixed until these
300 cc. are re-
l^f^T.IIsher suggests a rem-
edy for this by rinsing the print
Photographic Bleaches and
then rocking it for a minute or
Formula No. 1 two in
yc pint of water and 60 min. of sulphuric
Wellington Paper
acid.^ After this it is washed
Warm Water 25 oz. utes in running water, fixed in
for 5 min-
Copper Sulphate 2 oz. hypo and
washed again for ten minutes.
Potassium Bromide 2 oz. Bleach-
ers containing much bichromate
Potassium Bichromate 50 gr! should
be avoided as they have a tendency
Sulphuric Acid 40 min. to
For use, take one part of this stock
solution to three parts of water. print A No. 5
immersed in this bath at a temperature The bleaching solution usually recom-
of 65® F. will bleach entirely in three mended for removing the photographic
minutes. image after the pen and ink work
No. 2 completed is:
Copper Sulphate
Besublimed Iodine
(20% Solution) 3 fl. oz. 100 gr.
Potassium Bromide Potassium Iodide 275 gr.
(20% Solution)
Water 20 oz.
3 f[. oz.
Potassium Bichromate As iodine is practically insoluble
(10% Solution) in
1 oz water, the potassium iodide is
added to
render it soluble, but even with
Hydrochloric Acid this addi-
0.04 fl. min. tion the iodine dissolves very
slowly in a
the parts are taken as fluid ounces, weak solution of iodide, so it is best
the hydrochloric acid comes out dissolve the iodide in .about 5
at 20 ounces of
minims or drops. water to make a highly concentrated
solution and then in this
No. 3 dissolve the
Copper Sulphate lodme, adding water to make the
nulk up to the required quantity.
(10% Solution) 5 oz. solution can be used until it
Potassium Bromide becomes too
Blow acting and then it can be
(10% Solution) 5 brought
Potassium Bichromate
oz. up to strength by adding more iodin^
(1% Solution) 214 oz.
Acetic Acid, Glacial g mfri. ^ No. 6
For use,^ dilute one part of the above ,,
100 ce.
Potassium Permanganate 0 3
solution with two parts of water. Acetic Acid 5*
bath is preferably made with distilled Potassium Bromide
water and bleaching is allowed to 0.8 g."
tmue for thirty seconds after the dis- If a silver chloride image is
appearance of the image. use 0.6 g. sodium chloride in
place of
potassium bromide.
No. 4 TMs bath has a lesser softening effect
Copper Sulphate
on the gelatin and a lesser tendency
(Saturated Solution) 20 cc.
liberate halogen.

Flattening Reducer before use, take equal parts of a and b,

Potassium Ferricyanide 100 gr. filter,and paint over the paper with a
Ammonium Sulplioeyaiiide 200 gr. wad of absorbent cotton or a Blanchard
Water 20 oz. brush. It it advisable to sensitize and
dry the paper well away from the win-
This is superior to persulpliate fatten-
dow, to prevent fog, and to pull down
ing reducers.
the shades if the light is strong. As
soon as the paper is dry, it can be
Gas Light Paper Reducer printed by exposure to daylight under a
Ammonia (28%) 200 cc.
negative, stopping the printing when de-
Copper Sulphate (dHaO) 25 g.
tails are of proper intensity.
To nse, add 3 to 5 cc. of above to 100
cc. of a 10% hypo solution.
Sensitizing Offset Plates for Printing
Reducing Blue Trichrome Carbro Zinc plates are washed with 1 ^2 - 2 %
Metol 150 gr. formic acid followed by 5%alum and
Water 64 oz. 2% nitric acid. The plate must lie per-
fectly level on the whites. Heaters
IJse without further dilution and when should be placed so that all parts of the
color has been reduced to the desired plate dry at same rate.
density fix in following bath.
Citric Acid 1 oz.
Meta Bisulphite 1 oz. Brown Toning
Water 64 oz. Very beautiful sepia tones may be ob-
Wash for half hour and dry. tained on photos (and enlargings) by
the following simple bath:
Reduction of Color Plates Water, Warm 18 oz.
Soak plate for 15 seconds in pure Saturated Solution of Hypo 2 oz.
water. Liver of Sulphur % oz.
Reducer: Care must be taken that the liver of
Hypo Solution (10%) 100 f . oz. sulphur fresh; scrape off all oxidized
Potassium Ferricyanide layers until only the fresh dark brown
Solution (10%) 2 f. oz. sulphur remains.
Reduction proceeds very quickly and
therefore should be most carefully Brown Toning for Developing Papers
watched. The reversing bath may also The print bleached in the fol-
is first
be used for reduction, in which case the lowing solution: water lOOO cc., potas-
solution should be diluted ten times as sium ferricyanide 20 g., potassium
much as when used in the regular de- bromide 15 g. after being washed well

velopment and reversal process. In any it is toned in a 3-solution toning bath:

case the action must be carefully ob- solution (1) water 500 ce., Schlippe’s
served and the plate, shortly before it salt 5 g.; solution (2) water 100 cc.,
has reached the desired condition, should potassium carbonate 20 g. ; solution (3)
be washed for one minute in running water 100 cc., caustic soda (purified) 5
water and quickly dried. g. Mix 100 cc. of solution (1) with 5 cc.
This whole p^rocedure can be carried of solution (2) and put the bleached
out in daylight. image in it and wash thoroughly. A
pleasing reddish brown tone is obtained.
Paper Sensitizer
Blue, Print The toning bath should always be used
Formula No. 1 freshly mixed. The color of ‘the tone
Tartaric Acid 100 g. obtained is dependent on the kind of
Water 600 cc. paper employed. Treatment in the fol-
Dissolve the above and to it add lowing solution yields darker tones: solu-
Ferric Chloride (45° BA) 15 cc. tion (1) 100 ec.; solution (3), 2 ce.
Ammonia (20%) 120 cc. Addition of solution (3) to this bath (up
Sodium Ferricyanide (10%) 500 cc. to 6 ec. for every 100 cc. of solution 1)
No. 2 enhances the tone of the print.
a. Ferric Ammonium Citrate
(Green Seales) 110 gr. Toning Bath
Water 1 oz. a. Distilled Water 1000 ce.
b. Potassium Ferricyanide 40 gr. Potassium Ferricyanide 100 g.
Water 1 oz. Potassium Bromide 50 g.
Both of these solutions should be kept b. Distilled Water 1000 ce.
in yellow glass bottles, in the dark. J ust Mercuric Chloride 25 g.
By varying ratio of a and h black to Bemoving Silver Nitrate Stains
cold brown tones are obtained. The following mixture will immedi-
ately remove the stains of silver nitrate
from the skin:
Bemoving Stains from Negatives Mercuric Chloride 1 oz.
and Prints Ammonium Chloride 1 oz.
The methods to be adopted in remov- Potassium Bromide
ing stains from negatives and prints de-
4 dr.
The mixed salts are to be rubbed on
pends very largely on what is the cause the stain. Because of the poisonous na-
of the stain. &veloper stains caused by
ture of the mercury salt, this mixture
oxidization during fixing may usually be
should be used with great caution and
removed by first hardening the emulsion never on skin with cuts or abrasions.
for 2 or 3 minutes in a 5% solution of
formalin, then washing for 5 minutes and
bleaching in: Film Eeversal
Sixteen-millimeter motion picture film
a. Potassium Permanganate 75 gr. is the only film at present on the market
V/ater to make 32 oz.
that may be chemically reversed; that is,
b. Sodium Chloride 2% oz. in which the developed result of the ex-
Sulphuric Acid, pure oz. posed film is a positive instead of a nega-
Water to make 32 oz. tive, the procedure being direct. How-
use equal parts of a and b. The solu- ever, any him may be reversed by de-
tions should not be mixed until ready veloping it in the usual way and then
for use as they do not keep well after printing on positive film, the latter being
mixing. Bleaching should be complete used for projection or as a transparency.
in two or three minutes. The brown The professional 35-mm motion picture
stain of manganese dioxide found in the film is reversed for projection in this
bleach bath is best removed by immers- manner. As to projection, machines are
ing the negative in a 1% solution of at present limited to 35 and IC-mm film
sodium bisulphite. Then rinse well and sizes, in addition to the lantern slide pro-
develop in strong light with any non- jector which takes glass slides 2Vi by
staining developer such as metol-hydro- 3^/4 inches. Sizes other than these may
quinone. be used as transparencies.
Stains on old prints may be due to age The formula for developing reversible
and such stains are usually impossible to film is B-16, which follows;
remove. Prints stored in a damp place Water 10 gal.
may become stained. Elon 180 gr.
Sodium Sulphite 3 lb. 5 oz.
Hydroquinone 8 oz.
Bern oval of Picric Acid Stains
Sodium Carbonate 1 lb. 9 oz.
Picric acid stains on the hands may be
Potassium Bromide 1 oz. 63 gr.
removed by washing with fresh milk or
Citric Acid 400 gr.
with warm water sweetened -with sugar.
Potassium Metabisulphite 2 oz.
Develop 7 to 15 minutes at 65° P.
Bemoving Photographic Stains
from the Hands Brometching Clearing or Etching Bath
First wash the hands in a solution of a. Common Salt (25%) 3 dr.
potassium permanganate, then rinse in a Strong Sulphuric Acid (10%) 2 dr.
solution of oxalic acid, and lastly’ wash Water to make 20 oz.
with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. b. Potassium Permanganate
The first two solutions should not be too (5%) 3 dr.

strong they are poisonous. Do not use Water to make 20 oz.
these solutions at all if there are any
This quantity is sufdcient for an 8 x
cuts or abrasions on the skin of the
10 to 12 X 15 print.
Give the bromide print 3 or 4 times
the normal exposure. Develop fully, for
Bemoving Pyrogallol Stains 3 minutes or 50% longer than the usual
To remove stains of pyrogallol from time,
negatives or from fingers, use a solution Binse the print and leave it in water
of: while mixing 10 ounces each of a aud b.
Alum 1 oz. Drain the print and flood with some of
Ferrous Sulphate 3 oz. the mixed etch, being careful that it is
Citric Acid 1 oz. not poured directly on to any part that
Water 20 oz. will form the final image. To provide


best to have masked one Local control of values may also be

for this it is
paper during ex- practiced, for which purpose differently
end or side of the
proportioned developer may be used on
^^Whtn the print has been flooded with different parts of the print.

the etch, a strong white light may be

turned on so that the progress of the Caring for Photo Engraving Solutions
etching may better be watched. One of the first points to learn in
The solution will soon become slightly photo-engraving, is the importance of
discolored, when it should be poured
good solutions. If the solution is not
the print rinsed, and
replaced by fresh.
pro^ierly mixed, it cannot function as it
This will last longer but should
should; furthermore, if it is not care-
soon be replaced. The third or fourth fully preserved, a solution can ^‘go bad’’
bath will probably make the
print nearly
within a short time.
light enough, and it should
now be The first solution used in photo-en-
watched carefully. In order to do this graving is, of course, the developer. In
at greater leisure a more dilute solution mixing developer, the operator should
—half strength—may be employed. Be- use good chemicals, good water, and give
cause of this and because it deteriorates the chemicals a thorough chance to dis-
rapidly when mixed, half of the etch has solve before attempting to use it. The
been reserved unmixed. main thing in prolonging the natural life
Directly the highest light that is re- of developer is to keep it tightly closed
quired to be absolutely white in the in a jar, comxfletely filled. One should
finished picture is cleared of silver, the never attempt to keep a quart of de-
print is rinsed until the wash water is veloper in a half gallon jar, since the
free of all pink coloration—two or
excessive air space allows the solution to
changes— and placed in a fixing bath deteriorate. If other negative-making
acidified with metabisulphite. operations are as they should be, signs
The image that w^as flat, veiled, and which might warn an operator that his
stained, clears at once and stands out developer is going bad are: (1) failure
boldly in a rich charcoal black. After of film to develop completely in four min-
fixation is complete the print requires utes; (2) the presence of a yellowish
only to be washed in the usual way. stain in the developed negative; (3) lack
The greatest control of gradation on of contrast in the negative caused by
any one grade of paper— preferably the fogged transparencies, and weak blacks
normal— can be exercised by modification (4) an extremely dirty appearance of
of the developer, as the etching
the developer. When one or more of
corrects any muddiness or poor color these conditions prevail, the developer
such as results with bromides. Using should be thrown away and a new batch
Ilford paper use the Ilford developer mixed.
formula, but divide into three solutions: Eortunately, fixing solution is very
Sodium Sulphite 2 oz. easy to keep, but of course, it should be
Metol 60 mixed just as carefully as any of the
20 oz. other solutions. This especially applies
Water to
to fixing solutions containing an acid
Hydroquinone^ % oz.
for a hardener, since if they are not
Sodium Sulphite oz.
80 gr. mixed according to directions, a bad
Potassium Bromide chemical reaction may take plade. It is
Water to 20 oz.
well for an operator to know ju^t what
Sodium Carbonate to look for when a fixing solution begins
(Crystal) 6 oz.
Very little/^ acid odor’^ is
to go bad.
Water to 20 oz.
present in worn out fixer and the film
Bor normal negatives use one part w, must be submerged longer than is other-
one part q, one part c and eight parts wise necessary if it is to fix out thor-
water. Either mor q can take the place oughly. It will also be found that the
of the other, entirely or in part, as re- film cannot be lifted from the paper base
quired. as readily as when good fixer is used.
, ,
If a print is found to be developing
A very elementary, but none-the-less
softly owing to too little q having been
important point is to be sure that the de-
used in the ’developer to suit the nega- veloper and fixer are kept entirely apart
tive in hand, its final contrast may be and that no part of either solution finds
its way into the other.
increased by continuing development for
four minutes. Conversely, if the print All metal printing solutions, such as
develops liarslily, this may be corrected hot top, ink top, cold top, etc., should be
by developing for about 2 minutes only. kept tightly closed in subdued light, with

the temperature somewhere between 40 Wood Spirits of Turpen-
and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. tine to make 6 gal.
The chromic acid hardening bath used Old Plate Washout
with glue top sensitizer deteriorates to Wood Spirits of
some extent with exposure to air, and Turpentine 3000 cc.
should be kept tightly closed when not in Powdered Egyptian
use. When it begins to take on a darker Asphaltum 750 g.
color, throw it away and mix a new solu- Crude Carbolic Acid 190 cc.
An easy way to prepare the aniline
dye used in the hot top process is to Lithographic Eubbing-up Ink
pack a piece of wet cotton in the neck Transfer Ink 5 lb.
of a funnel, then place a small quantity Crayon Ink 10 lb.
of dye on top of the cotton. Pour water Wood Spirits of Turpen-
into the funnel and let it run through
tine to make 2 gal.
the cotton into the jar. This method
enables you to mix and filter the soln- ^ ^
Blectricoat ^
Litho Plate Coating
tion simultaneously. If, later on, the When using these plates it must be
aniline dye solution becomes rather understood that the coating is definitely
grainy, it can be re-filtered and a little porous. Liquid, however, is not retained
bit of dye added at the same time.
by collecting in the miniature reservoirs
of a grain but is absorbed into the plate.
Lithographic Plate Lacquer Micrometer measurements show that this
Type S. J^or high humidity. absorbent surface is about .0005 inches
Film Dope 300 g' thick, or half a thousandth of an inch,
Elemi Solution 125 g- which is about the distance from the
Bibutyl Phthalate 40 g- peaks to the hollows of a 60 grain. It
tSolvent No, 3 to make 1 gal. will be seen, therefore, that the Electri-
Type W, For winter use* coat surface with its uniform depth of
Film Bope 500 g. porosity will hold more liquid than a
Bibutyl Phthalate 250 g- coarse grain. This fact must be borne
*Blemi Solution 350 g- in- mind as it has a pronounced effect on
Nitrobenzene 150 g- the working of the plate.
$ Solvent No. 4 to make 1 gal. In photo-litho work this point makes
* Elemi Solution itself very apparent when coating with
Xylol or Toluol 800 cc. the albumen-bichromate sensitizer and it
Butyl Alcohol SO cc. is essential that the whole of the depth
Ethyl Acetate VS cc.
“Oelloaolve” 76 cc. of the surface of the plate be filled with
sensitizer. If this state is not obtained,
600 cc.: = 480 g. certain parts of the Electricoat surface
0um Elemi 215 g.
will be left above the level of the sensi-
t Solvent #3
Clear Q-aaoline 200 cc. tizer which has sunk into it, leaving the
Toluene 400 cc. top surface of the plate devoid of albu-
Butyl Alcohol 50 cc,
250 men. It is imperative to fully charge
Ethyl Acetate cc.
“Cellosolve” Acetate 100 cc. the whole depth of the surface with al-
Oil Red Bye 2 g. bumen. The following formula is sug-
i Solvent #4 gested; water, 80 oz.; ammonium bichro-
Clear Gasoline 400 cc.
Toluene 160 cc. mate 1% oz.j albumen 17 oz. 5 ammonia
Butyl Alcohol 100 cc. 10 oz. If this is used the image on the
“Cellosolve” 150 cc.
plate will be in solid hardened albumen
Ethyl Acetate 150 cc,
Butyl “Cellosolve” 60 cc. to the full depth of the Electricoat sur-
Oil Red Bye 2 g. face, giving a strong base with a cor-
responding longevity of run. Exposure
Lithographic Asphaltum Washout will have to be slightly increased, the
Solutions actual amount depending on the speed
Pressroom Use of the sensitizer in regular use. Ex-
Wood Spirits of Turpentine 3000 ee. perienced photo-lithographers will be able
Powdered Egyptian to estimate this without difficulty.
Asphaltum 750 g. The foregoing remarks also apply to
Palm Oil 100 cc. gum, as the plate will behave in the
Transfer DepH, same manner as with the albumen solu-
Powdered Egyptian tion. The same remedy applies, that is,
Asphaltum 5100 g. a thicker solution of gum is necessary to
Oleic Acid 945 cc* prevent areas of the Electricoat surface


being left free of gum wMeb •will re- increase the opacity of the dot formation.
tain the asplialtum when the gum is Coupled with a slightly greater increase
washed from under it. in density of dot, rehalogenization also
promotes a faint relief to the dot forma-
Litho Plate Stripping Solution tion, a feature occasionally useful in
Sodium Hydroxide 60 g. staging and crayoning the image because
Sodium Meta-Silcate 25 g. of the added ‘ ^ tooth afforded the brush
Sodium Carbonate 15 g. and litho crayon.
Water j sufficient to suit. Rehalogenization (frequently called
metallizing^^) may be carried out on
Bichromate Process for Making
the Super Contrast’^ plate after fixa-
tion, though the operation is by no
Relief Photographs
means necessary with a properly exposed
The photo-relief method of Prof.
and developed positive. The commenc-
Namias is as follows: an ounce of hue ing step is to bleach the thoroughly fixed
gelatin is soaked in 3% oz. of water and
heated in a warm bath until and washed plate in
the- vessel is
all is dissolved^ after which 1 fl. dr. of Copper Sulphate 4 oz.
glycerine is stirred in. The mixture hav- Potassium Bromide 4 oz.
ing been strained through fine muslin, is Ammonium Bichromate V
2 oz.
poured on levelled glass or metal plates, Hydrochloric Acid 2 oz.
1 fl. dr. being allowed for 3 sq. in. of Water to make 1 gal.
surface. When dry, the coated plates After the image has been bleached to a
may he kept for any length of time and uniform creamy color, it is washed well
sensitizing is performed by soaking a to remove the yellowish discoloration of
plate for 15 minutes in a 6% solution —
bichromate ^then taken into very h right
of ammonium bichromate and drying in light ^(sunlight, if necessary)
and black-
the dark. Exposure under a negative in ened in the developer used for the origi-
a printing frame should be continued nal exposure. The image must be
sufficiently long to give a fully detailed completely blackened, which can be de-
image in brown, the time required being termined by examining the glass side of
about the same as would be involved in the positive. The operation may be re-
maMng a print on ordinary printing-out peated, if desired, some operators con-
paper. On soaking the exposed plate in tending^ that still greater density of
water, the relief is produced, and the image isobtained by this procedure.
plate can be moulded with plaster or with After blackening, the plate is washed
a waxy composition upon which an elec- and dried before commencing the process
trotype is made. If the swelled relief be of etching.
very gently heated there is such a redis-
tribution of the gelatin as makes the Etching of Halftone Positives
relief persist after the gelatin stratum What is termed etching is actually
is dry. a^ systematic chemical reduction of dot
size in the halftone positive. It is
Photographers Cold Top Eilamel parallel to the cutting’^ of the wet
50-60 g. of purified dewaxed shellac —
collodion photographer but with the
are heated with 75 ml. of ammonia certainty and accuracy of the photoen-
(d 0.91) and 250 ml. of water until dis- graving copper etcher.
solved: the solution is treated with 70 The etching solutions used on dry
ml. of 3% ammonium dichromate solu- plates^must naturally be of a photo-
tion and diluted with 100 ml. of 90% graphic^ character, the most commonly
alcohol. Plates coated with this prepa- used being the familiar Parmer’s reducer
ration are light-sensitive, and require of the dry plate worker, and the iodo-
50-90 sec. exposure to an open arc to cyanxde reducer used in wet collodion pho-
give a fully exposed negative. Develop- tography. The latter is of a poisonous
ment is carred out by 20-40 sec. immer- nature, but is much more reliable than
sion in 1000 ml. of methylorethyl alcohol the mixture of hypo and ferricyanide used
(preferably denatured with solvent naph- in the Parmer type.
tha) containing 10-15 g. of castor oil, Parmer’s reducer may be preferred by
30-35 ml. of glacial acetic acid, and 4-5 some etchers because of its non-poisonous
g. of dye (Rhoduline-blue or Malachite- properties, and the fact that it is quickly
green). and easily prepared by mixture of stock
solutions of sodium thiosulphate and po-
Rehalogenization in Dot Etching tassium ferricyanide. Probably the most
This is nothing more than a secondary convenient method of using Parmer’s
development of the plate to still further reducer is to prepare a stock solution of
376 •
sodium thiosulphate (hypo) of a stand- This strength of bath, will permit of
ard strength, 35® with a Baume hydrom- considerable latitude in etching, a desir-
eter; also a 30% solution of potassium able condition during the first trials. If
f erricyanide. These are kept separate, more rapid action is desired for brush
and both mixed together in a sufficient re-etching, reduce the quantity of water
quantity just before use. The practise by half.
among experienced workers is to gage Using a bath of the above proportions,
the strength of the etching bath by the the ^^flat” or sharpening etch for a
color of the solution, which should be of properly prepared positive will range be-
a yellowish hue. tween one and two minutes, depending
Quite elaborate instructions and for- on the nature of the desired preliminary
mulae have been devised for the use of correction.
Parmer reducer in re-etching of half- Always soak the plate in water for
tone images, some of which are based on about 30 seconds before commencing
the addition of glycerin to the etching etching, so as to promote a uniform ac-
solution, with the aim of promoting tion of the solution on the plate, and also
greater control of the operation. The to determine whether the staging ma-
objection voiced by the average work- terials have been applied in sufficient
man against such methods is the time and thickness to repel the etching bath. On
care required in the preparation of solu- examination by transmitted light, any in-
tions according to strict hydrometric sufficiently protected areas will be im-
tests. mediately noticeable by a suspicious
Compared to Parmer’s reducer, iodo- transparency in the applied coating. Por
cyanide ispossessed of far greater re- safety sake, such positives should be
liability (especially for the systematic quickly dried and another application of
requirements of dot etching), also neces- staging fluid given these parts, so as to
sitating less washing of the image for prevent the etching solution from pene-
removal of the etching solution. Ob- trating the resist and probably ruining
jections may be raised by the uninformed the positive by streaky action on sup-
regarding its poisonous nature: against posedly protected parts.
this may be cited the fact that iodo- After completion of the first ^^bite”
cyanide has been in use in the wet col- or etching period, wash the plate for
lodion process for over half a century, about 1 minute, then place before a fan
with cases of accidental fatal poisoning to dry.
an extremely rare occurrence. The next step usually is protection of
One or two precautionary measures some area wherein the dots have ar-
should be held in mind: first, any smart- rived at a size correct for proper tonal
ing sensation felt when beginners’ hands representation. This is known as ^ ^ stag-
come into contact with cyanide baths ing,” a term borrowed from the photo-
should be followed by an application of engraving industry, and indicating ap-
ferrous sulphate solution; secondly, and plication of a greasy or impervious
most important, never permit acids to material that is capable of resisting the
come into contact with cyanide solutions, action of the etching solution wherever
as a very poisonous gas, hydrocyanic acid, it is applied.
is liberated by such mixtures. But since Special solutions aremarketed for this
acids of any kind are taboo in actual
purpose, though the staging preparation
etching solutions for dry plates, there is
of the copper etcher can also be used, if
no good reason why such an intermixture
it is rendered thicker by the addition of
should occur.
asphaltum or a small percentage of bees-
In company with Parmer’s reducer,
wax dissolved in warm turpentine.
two stock solutions are required for prep-
Other materials may be used, such as
aration of the iodo-cyanide etching solu-
brown Buco paint, first rendered rather
greasy by adding a bit of tallow dis-
Iodine Stock Solution solved in turpentine. Avery efficient
Potassium Iodide 2% oz. staging solution for dot etching is com-
Iodine Besublimed 1 oz. posed of Egyptian asphaltum dissolved
Water 32 oz. in naphtha to about the consistency of
Cyanide Stock Solution a heavy paint. After application of this
Sodium Cyanide 6 oz. solution, bronze powder is dusted over
Water 32 oz. the staged parts, and the surplus powder
For use in tray, take; dusted off the plate with, a dry cotton
Iodine Stock Solution 4 oz. pad which has been previously charged
Cyanide Stock Solution 12 oz. with finely powdered talc or magnesia.
Water 64 oz. As to what areas require -staging wiE

naturally depend entirely on the positive a filter may be used either before or be-
and the type of original. Nothing defi- hind the objective.
nite can he said in this respect; the It is also possible to remove the dried
positive is the guide to the entire pro- film from the glass and place this di-
cedure. rectly into the objective.
When the parts of correct tonal To preserve such a filter against inci-
strength have been stopped out with dental damage, the colored film is placed'
staging solution, the plate is given an- in a horizontal position and is covered
other etch, after which it is examined with Venetian balsam. A perfectly clean
with a magnifying glass to study the glass plate of the same size is then care-
exact size of the dot formation through- fully placed over this and any air bubbles
out the image. The most convenient ar- which may be formed are worked out
rangement for dot etching is to have carefully towards one side. This is then
the sink illuminated along its sides with allowed to dry in a horizontal position.
electric lights (the tube variety) fitted Sometimes several weeks are required for
into marine sockets for protection against complete drying.
moisture. The light is then transmitted Alcohol is the best medium for clean-
through the positive, thus affording the ing such filters.
necessary illumination for examining the Instead of the collodion it is also possi-
image while the plate is lying on the rack ble to ^ use a solution of celluloid pre-
in the sink. pared as follows:
Successive stages may be applied at Celluloid (in Pine Particles) 1 g.
any time, so as to protect any areas that Amyl Acetate 10 cc.
have been 'etched to the proper dot size. Petroleum Ether 10 cc.
The staging solution is applied wher- Alcohol 30 cc.
ever necessary, and the positive then sub- The celluloid is first placed in alcohol
mitted to another etch. for some time to remove the camphor.
When the camphor is thus removed, the
Photographic Screening Dye celluloid is again dried and is used in
Canadian Patent 362,816 the above formula. The solution is
Benzene azoresorcinol 1 g. shaken from time to time and when all
Water 5 cc. the ingredients are completely dissolved,
Acetone 5 cc. it is filtered. The solution is then used
as in the first formula.
Dissolve and mix with a gelatin solu-
tionand coat over emulsion layer.
Colored Filter for Cloud Effects
Distilled Water 500 cc.
Color Photography Solution
Picric Acid 1 g.
XJ. S. Patent 2,100,594
A solution for discharging dye in the This solution produces best results
presence of silver and dissolving a silver when used as such in thin-walled glass
cells rather than in the form of a dry
image in color photography comprises
equal parts of
Such a filter is particularly adaptable
Solution 1
for scenic effects. The solution absorbs
Water 6250 cc.
to a large extent the blue rays of the
Iodine 17 g. skies, thus obtaining a clear distant
Potassium Iodide 33 g. horizon and beautiful cloud formations.
Concentrated Sulphuric Acid 525 cc.
Varnishing Finished Color Plates
Solution 11 Solution:
Water 6250 cc.
Gum Dammar 3 oz.
Sodium Sulphite 330 g. Benzol 100 oz.
Thiourea 330 g.
Pour a small quantity on the thor-
oughly dried emulsion, and by tilting the
Yellow Photographic Filter plate cause it to run all over the surface
Warm Alcohol 25 cc, without forming Hues. If too much so'
Aurin 0.2 g. lution has been poured out, the surplus
Collodion 75 cc. can be run off at a corner of the plate
A solution of the above is filtered very back into the bottle. Do not try to use
carefully to avoid any air bubbles. A a brush. The edges of the plate can
perfectly clean glass plate is then coated now be bound up, and the coated side
with this solution and is allowed to dry still further protected by binding a
at room temperature. When dry, such eoverglass to it.
Spotting GIossj Prints identical inposition to the original conv
While seldom that a photographer
it is After suitable light exposure the
has to spot a glossy print, the occasion sheet
IS washed and the unaffected portion
arises when he has a hurried job and of
the film is removed. The exposed metal
cannot hnd enough time to do the spot- peas are then deeply etched by deplatins
ting on the negative. In such cases, the in a concentrated chromic acid
following procedure is very effective bath for
approximately 1/2 hour at 20
Dope the glossy print in exactly the amperes
After an adequate etch, the metal
same fashion that you dope a negative base
plate is rinsed im a 10% alkaline
but be careful to avoid finger marks. rinse
and after washing with water,
Just a few drops are required. Do all imme-
diately placed in a MacTc chrome
the necessary spotting with an ordinary platina*
bath ready to electroplate. The
retouching pencil. You can build up and alka-
line rinse is necessary to
dissolve the
spot as much as needed and not one protective film characteristic of
pencil mark will show. stainless
and placing in the bath with the elec-
trical connections on will ‘plate
a small
Luster Prints film of black chrome which will
A method of adding luster to prints prevent
oxidation of the surface by the
and enlargements on matt surface papers chromic
acid in the bath.
as well as^ of providing a medium for
spotting with a pencil is given below.
The formula calls for one part mastic Black Chrome Plate
varnish, one part linseed oil, and two The following are the bath formulas
parts turpentine, all these materials of for hlach chrome plating:
artists' quality. After this mixture has 1 —Ablack chrome deposit is
been shaken, a wad of cotton is dipped tained by using 8-9 times the
into it and then rubbed well into the cuirent density, 80-100 amperes per
or more, at a temperature not
dm 2
print, the surplus being removed
with over 15® 0
clean cotton. After a day or so it will The solution should contain 250-400 g/1*
be dry, without surface gloss or sticki- of chromic acid with the addition
ness. Spotting with a pencil may then petic acid or some other organic
be done where needed, though spotting instead of sulphuric; 11-14 volts
are used
with water color will have to be done and It IS absolutely necessary to cool
before the treatment is applied. solution to keep the temperature
otherwip grey deposits result. It
Imitation of Old Masterpieces be plated with or without a
TWO exposures are made on the one undercoat.^ The nickel must be free
negative j first the picture proper is from strains. Bright chromium coating
reproduced and then a second exposure followed by black chrome may be
IS made of a piece of canvas on an article so as to make it partly
similar to
that used for oil paintings. For bright and partly black for use
best as a
results it is preferable to use an mgn. Throwing .power of black chrome
green canvas for the second exposure. IS no better than that of
bright chro-
mium. Black chrome is very hard,
83 Ib./qt. chromic acid, 0.8—
Photographs on Metal t
A ^ of acetic acid. Bath operated at
suitable white metal plate is
se- more than 67 amperes per square inch
lected. A
large variety of white colored
and kept below 15® 0.
metals or electroplates exist. Some
of After plating for a suitable length of
the more popular are stainless
steel, time the stainless metal base is
nickel-silver alloy, white brass, then
Monel cleaned in a hot alkali solution and
metal, nickel-cobalt plate im-
(whitest mersed in hot chromic acid to etch the
colored metal plate), silver plate,
nickel surface for better color. Reproductions
plate, and silvery chrome plate.
Stain- should be placed on etched stainless
less steel sheet is the most steel
applicable in sheet or sheet that has been slightly
the case. de-
plated in a chromic acid bath otherwise
The line and/or half-tone copy is ;

photographed through a screen not ex- polish and light reflection

will blur the picture.
ceeding 100 lines per inch as before.
positive is secured from this by
A product is aa unusually
re-ex- Ubeautiful
posure. The selected plate is reproduction composed solely
coated ox metal. It is exceptionally suitable for
with light-sensitive film and
exposed outdoor or indoor decoration, where wear-
under the said screened positive
in a resistance is of vital importance.
manner that the transfer will result in Por-
traits, commemorative signs
a representation on the metal and plaques,
plate in stainless steel metal frames, can

secured wliich are quite permanent and Photographing on Bubber
also very artistic. Quite a large variety U. S. Patent 1,761,424
of uses can be found for such metal A hard rubber surface with a high
pictures. polish is washed with hydrochloric and
wiped dry. On exposing the treated sur-
Black Chrome Contrasts on face, under a photographic negative, to
Stainless Steel light and developing in a mixture of
Bor the electroplater who has not the nitric acid and water (1:1) the light
equipment or knowledge of photo-engrav- affected portions become etched, a posi-
ing practice the following is a simplified tive image being thereby produced.
procedure for making black chrome metal
contrast on stainless steel metal base Projection Screen
pictures from the prepared plates se- U.
S. Patent 1,980,285
cured from a photo-engraver. A A
screen which acts as a diaphragm
screened positive (with any line im for reproduction of sound and for dis-
sertions the copy calls for) is placed on play of pictures from behind it is coated
the etched stainless steel sheet, with the with the following:
resist intact and no etch of metal. The Gelatin 450 oz.
metal base is then deplated and after Glycerin 570 oz.
rinsing plated with black chrome. Upon Water 900 oz.
cleaning the metal picture is complete. Zinc Oxide 20 oz.
Sodium Fluoride 25 oz.
Fingerprint Photography Formaldehyde (10%) 14 oz.
U. S. Patent 2,028,619 Cobalt Oxide 6 oz.
The method claimed is applicable Berryllium Oxide 40 oz.
where, owing to poor light, inaccessibil-
ity, etc., the fingerprints cannot be photo- Projection Screen for Bear Projection
graphed directly. The fingerprints are U. S. Patent 2,032,363
dusted over with a powder of 8 oz. of Stretch a sheet of natural or artificial
quinol and 1 oz. of gum arabic, and the ^

silk on a frame for 5 minutes and dip

lines brushed out in known manner. A it in the following bath and then allow
sheet of photographic paper or film is to drain and dry for 1-2 days
soaked for a few minutes in a solution
Linseed Oil *
97.8 oz.
of 25 g., caustic soda and 25 g. of sodium
Lithargo 0.1 oz.
sulphite in 1 litre of water, and is then
Manganese Dioxide 0.1 oz.
pressed over the fingerprint; after lifting
o&j development proceeds until a clear The above mixture has been previously
image is obtained, and the the paper is heated to 260-315° F. until of a density
then placed in an acid fixing bath for of 0.932-0.935 and then adding
3 minutes, rinsed, and dried. Caustic Boda 2 oz.
and keeping mixture for 4 days before
X-Bay Photography filtering.

Xon-Irritating Opaque Medium

8kiodan 40 g.
Becovery of Silver from Photographic
Gum Arabic (20% « Fixing Solutions
Solution) #0 g.^ The usual fixing bath contains about
10% by weight of fixing salt (sodium
Flashlight Powder thiosulphate). The theoretical maxi-
U. a
Patent 2,098,341 mum of 26 g. silver per liter in such a
Magnesium (Powdered) 120-140 solution is rarely reached, because with
Aluminum (Powdered) 25-32 g.
about 8-10 g. of silver in solution, the
Calcium Carbonate bath is too weak for further use. Ac-
(Precipitated) 45-56 cording to this, a solution of 10-15 g.
. g.
Silica (Powdered) 18-24 of sodium sulphide (or of 6-8 g. of
Magnesium Oxide potassium sulphide) per liter of fixing
(Calcined) 8-12 g.
bath has to be applied.
Use sufficient of a 20% sulphide solu-
tion to precipitate the silver from the
Activated Photographic Flash Lamp (neutralized) fixing bath, stir, and let
The addition of 2% manganese to the the brownish-black sulphide precipitate
aluminum foil used in flash bulbs and settle out for a few days. Test for
filling latter with oxygen gives a flash of further precipitation by adding a little
about 500,000 candle power. of the sulphide solution to the supen-
natant liquid,. When no further pre- washing and the drying.
cipitate forms, syphon off the clear The bath gives
to the prints brilliance and the
liquor, and filter the precipitate on the requisite
limpness for easy handling and
bottom, either by suction, or through a mg. The prints are immersed mount-
filter press. Wash the filter-cake, and in the
lollowing bath for one minute
dry on dishes in a drying oven. and then
The dried sulphide can then be
dried m
the usual way:
re- Glycerin T
duced to metallic silver.
19 oz
Safe Light for Infra-Bed Sensitive
Materials The best conditions for storing
Glass is coated with usual green and lose acetate film are 21-26.7°
yellow dye coatings and then with follow-
and a
ing: nitrate film is more perishable and a low
Gelatin temperature and low relative
10 g. humidity
Potassium Perrocyanide with facilities for free escape of
4.56 g. decom^
Water 150 ec.
position products, are necessary.
Mix until dissolved: thenfollow-add
ing solution at 40® C. mixing vigorously. Prevention of Sticking of Prints to
Ferric Chloride
ihe effect of ox-gall in preventing
2 g. the
Water adherence of prints to the glass
50 cc. is due
to reduction of surface
For a 9 X 12 plate about 13.5 tension: hence
cc. of It can be replaced by
this mixture is used. ^ wetting agents
using such substances as will
not give
a precipitate of calcium salts.
Washing of Movie Film To Bemove n^ed fatty alcohols are preferred, in
Photographic Layer 1% aqueous solution.
Put into a hot 0.1% solution of caustic
soda for 2~5 minutes. Bepeat same Elimination of Air Bells on Photographic
operation in a second and a third vat. Films
The remaining celluloid film is washed Add 1-5 cc. glycerin per liter of solut-
in hot water. tion.
The drying- operation is dangerous
(fire hazard!). Spontaneous combus- Film Cabinet Humidifier
tion during the hot-air drying operation Triphenyl Phosphate
is easily caused by static
1 dr.
electricity Camphor 1 dr.
which has to be removed. Menthol 1 dr.
Eucalyptus Oil
1 dr.
Hypo Eliminator Glycerin to make
4 oz.
Place the negative in a very weak solu- Dilute with water before use.
tion of potassium permanganate—-i. e*,
containing just sufficient potassium per- Tray Cleaner
manganate to give it a pink tint. Bepeat Dissolve 4 ounces of potassium
the operation until the color is no longer mate m
16 ounces of hot water and/
discharged. 4 ounces of commercial sulphuric
Place the negative for a few minutes After swishing this solution
around in
in the following solution: the dirty tray for a couple
of minutes,
Ammonium Persulphate gr.
nnse the tray with clean running
310 water,
Water X his cleaning solution
4 oz. can be used a num-
Solution of Ammonia 10 drops ber of times.
Then wash for a few minutes.
Production of Cold Light
Eliminating Line Fog in Photography (Chemiluminescence)
The addition of 1—3 g. sodium meta- Crude lophine (triphenylglyoxaline)
easily prepared as f ollows
phosphate per liter of developer prevents twenty-five cc

deposition of calcium salts from hard

of benzaldehyde is shaken well
with 100
ce. of ammonium hydroxide,
water. and the
mixture is allowed to stand in
a stop-'
pered flask for three days. A
For Limp Prints white cake
of hydrobenzamide forms. This
The bugaboo of curled prints is being cake is
broken up, washed with water, then
shooed away by some workers through with
alcohol, and is placed in an
the use of a glycerin bath between the evaporating
dish. It IS then heated and, stirred


stantly until itbecomes a dark brown per, black pepper, tea, cocoa, ginger,
liquid. Then it is allowed to cool. It yeast, mustard, and urine. Either a hot-
hardens to a glassy-looking mass. This water or an alcohol extraction of these
is crude lophine. Prom the standpoint substances may be used. In repeating
of light production it is unnecessary to the experiments with these substances, it
attempt further purification of the lo- is well toremember that the intensity of
phine. the light is very small. Therefore, tlw
The reagents are then prepared as eyes must be thoroughly adapted to dark
follows. before performing the experiment. A
J. Zophine Solution . —
^About 2 g. of number of carbohydrates have also been
crude lophine dissolved in 100 cc. of alco- tried. They gave no light themselves.
hol (methyl or ethyl alcohol or acetone The carbohydrates were then hpated or
may be used). fused and the new samples were tried.
B. Eydrogen Eer oxide Solution Ten . — After this treatment they were, without
cc. of the commercial 3 per cent hydro- exception, luminescent.
gen peroxide solution is added to 90 cc.
of ethyl or methyl alcohol.
C. AlcohoUo Potash Solution ^Pive. — Chemiluminescence Experiments
g, of potassium hydroxide i^ dissolved in 1. Ozone on safranin. A solution of
75 cc. of waterj and 25 cc. of alcohol is safranin in alcohol (25 g. per 100 cc.) is
added. placed in a Woulff bottle and sprayed
j}. Sodium Eypochlorite Solution . into an inverted wide-mouthed 500-cc.
The commercial cleaning fluid ^‘Clorox’’ flask, where it comes in contact with
may be used. To make up this solution ozonized air and gives a brilliant fluor-
10 cc. of Clorox is added to 90 cc. of escence.
water. 2. Hydrogen peroxide on a pyrogallol-
To produce chemiluminescence place 10 formaldehyde mixture. The following
cc. of solution A in a beaker, then add 25 made up.
solutions are
cc. of solution R, and 20 cc. of solution
C. In a second beaker place 25 cc. Pyrogallol in Water 10%
of solution D. The room is darkened, Potassium Hydroxide Solution 40%
and the contents of the first beaker are Formaldehyde 40%
poured into those of the second beaker. Hydrogen Peroxide 30%
A beautiful yellow luminescence will im-
A mixture of 50 cc. pyrogallol, 50 cc.
mediately occur. potassium hydroxide, and 35 cc, of for-
maldehyde is placed in a tap-funnel, and
the hydrogen peroxide, in a second fun-
Other Luminescent Substances nel; both funnels are inclined over an
While lophine luminescence is more in- ordinary filter- funnel or glass spiral*
tense, many other substances of much The rates of flow of the two solutions
more common occurrence will also give can be adjusted to give a brilliant red
light and may be substituted for the glow.
lophine. The same reagents that^ were
described previously may be used (in the
same proportions) except that these other Fluorescent Screen
substances may be substituted in place of British Patent 444,949
the lophine. Barium Tungstate 55-65 oz.

The following substances have been Zinc Phosphate 25-35 oz.

found to be luminescent in alkaline solu- Zinc Silicate 6-15 oz.
tion upon oxidation with Clorox and This emits a creamy white light under
hydrogen peroxide: coffee, cayenne pep- cathode ray exposure.
Fluorescent Screen Materials

Color of Best
mts^ Fluorescence Exciterst

Zinc Sulphide Yellow Green HV

Zinc Sulphide Yellow Green CB
(Zinc Sulphide) special treatment Blue White CE or UV
Calcium Sulphide Deep Blue uv
Synthetic ‘Willemite Yellow Green OBt
Sodium Fluoride Yellow HV or CB
Calcium Carbonate Orange CB
TJranyl Potassium Sulphate Yellow HV or CB
Sodium Chloride (Type A) Pink CB ®

Sodium Chloride (Type B) Bluish White CB

Aluminum Oxide (Type A) Bed CB
Aluminum Oxide (Type B) Yellow Green CB
(Blue —^Low Vacuum
Magnesium Oxide

(Bed High Vacuum CB
Zinc Chloride Green HV
Cadmium Chloride Pink, Bed Afterglow HV
Cadmium Sulphate Yellow HV or CB
Calcium Tungstate Blue CB or XB
Calcium Oxide Bed CB
Mercury Bromide Orange CB
Cuprous Iodide Violet Bed CB
Potassium Iodide Green CB
Lead Sulphate Blue CB
Sodium Bromide Bluish White CB
Sodium Iodide Greenish White CB
Potassium Chloride Bluish White CB
Magnesium Sulphate (Type A) Bed CB
Zinc Sulphate (Type A) Bed HV or CB
Zinc Sulphate (Type B) White CB
Zinc Sulphate (Type C) Blue CB
Calcium Fluoride Green CB
Phenocite Blue CB
Cadmium Silicate Orange CB
Calcite (B) Violet CE
Calcite (00) Bed CB
Calcite (L) Green CB
Sodium Carbonate Green CB
Katural Willemite Yellow Green HV or CB
Kunzite Orange CB or XR
Calcite (MP) Orange CB
Calcite (BT) Green CB
Calcite S Orange Bed CB
Fluorite Green CB, HV, XB
Cyanite A Yellow CB
Cyanite B Bed CB
The color depends on the concentration and type of actirator; a given base material will
fluoresce with different colors. Variations are designated A, B, etc,
t Fast rate of decay.
t XJV —
Ultra Violet.
OR = Cathode Ray.
XR = X-Ray. .
Copper Plating on Glass Copperizing Iron and Steel Surfaces
Tins process gives mirrorlike surfaces Wash metal at 200° P. for 5 minutes
with the red color of copper, if the di- in a solution of
rections are followed exactly. Old glass Water 1 gal.
can only be used after repolishing. New Caustic Potash 4 oz.
blowm surfaces are admirably suited. Trisodium Phosphate 2 oz.
Clean glass thoroughly with hot soap
Clean in cold running water.
solution, nitric acid (1 part concentrated
Pickle 10-30 seconds in 50% solution
acid and 1 part water), and 10% potas-
of hydrochloric acid.
sium hydroxide solution using a pad of Kinse in cold running water.
absorbent cotton soaked in these liquids,
Immerse in either plating solution a
and washing well between the successive
or h until desired deposit is obtained.
Eemove, rinse, wash in a neutral soap
Add slowly with stirring potassium solution 1 oz. to 1 gal.
hydroxide solution to cupric suphate solu-
Einse cold, rinse boiling water. Dry
tion until precipitation is complete. Let
in maple sawdust or by dipping, in ace-
settle. Wash several times by decanta-
tone. Lacquer by dipping if desired.
tion. Make a saturated solution of the
cupric hydroxide suspension in warm con- a. Water 1 gal.
centrated ammonium hydroxide. Sulphuric Acid 8 fl. oz.
Mix 1 part by volume phenylhydrazine Copper Carbonate 4 oz.
(freshly distilled) with 2 parts by vol- h. Water 1 gal.
ume of water. Heat until a clear solu- Sulphuric Acid (60° BA) IV2 fl. oz.

tion results. To this add %

its volume Copper Sulphate 1 oz.

of the warm saturated solution of cupric

hydroxide in ammonia. Finally add hot Coloring Copper Green
10% potassium hydroxide solution mth British Patent 450,459
stirring until a slight permanent precipi- A
green patina is obtained by spray-
tate of cuprous hydroxide is formed. ing or brushing the metal with
The final liquid should be colorless or Ammonium Sulphate
pale yellow. (Saturated Water Solution) 8 oz.
To copper plate, heat the perfectly Hydrochloric Acid,
clean glass in contact with the liquid. Concentrated 1 oz.
Agitate tlie glass to allow the bubbles of
nitrogen to escape and to prevent adher- Jet Black Pinish for Copper and
ence of tarry byproducts. Allow to re- Nickel Alloys
main in contact with the warm solution Water ^
for an hour and then allow to cool to Muriatic Acid (3%) 8 oz.
room temperature. '
Pour liquid, wash White Arsenic 1 oz.
with water, then alcohol and ether. Oxide of Iron 1 oz.
When dry apply several coats of lacquer Sulphate of Copper 1 oz.
or varnish.
Use steel anodes, Voltage, 1 to 3; Am-
is not perfectly coated, it
If the glass perage, 5 to 15 per sq. ft.
is best to dissolve off plate with nitric In preparing, the arsenic should be
acid and repeat entire process. dissolved in full strength, muriatic acid,
Very little of the phenylhydrazine is slightly warmed. If used for heavy pro-
actually used up in the reduction and the duction solution should be replenished
liquid may bo employed again, after frequently, the deposit is very rapid if
filtering through absorbent cotton while solution is run at about 110° P.
warm, and adding more of the cupric
hydroxide solution and some phenylhy- Bronze Pinish for Copper and Its Alloys
drazine to compensate for the dilution. U. S. Patent 2,064,301
Keep in a well stoiipered completely The degreased metal is immersed for
filled bottle. 15 minutes in a hot concentrated solu-
tion of copper nitrate, then washed and fluid, then reheat until the brass turns
buffed. black, three dippings usually being suf-
flcient. It is then laid aside to cool.
Coloring Brass, Blue-Black When cold brush vigorously with a
In order to obtain a uniform color medium haired boot brush and the shiny
from an immersion dip it is absolutely bronze flnish will appear. The bronze
necessary that metallic surface be free is very useful for finishing awkward
of oxide him that may be produced in pieces of an instrument where lacquering
the cleaning operation. would take time and is a fair conductor
Such a him may be removed after to a terminal without any cleaning. The
cleaning and rinsing in cold running bronze wears extremely well.
water, by dipping in a muriatic acid
pickle; then rinsing again in cold water Oxidizing Brass Castings
before immersing in coloring dip. The following procedure has been
The muriatic 'acid pickle can be made found satisfactory in the oxidizing of a
by adding 10% muriatic acid by volume certain type of brass castings and may
to necessary volume of water. The use be generally employed with minor
of a bright dip after cleaning operation changes to obtain the desired flnish.
on parts will be of help in obtaining a 1. Clean and prepare the work in the
more uniform color from copper carbon- usual manner.
ate immersion dips. A
bright dip of Free the castings from sand, and dip
the following composition may be used: in a green acid dip of 2 oz. Sulphuric,
Sulphuric Acid 2 gal. 1 oz. Nitric and 1 oz. Hydrochloric
Nitric Acid 1 gal. Acid. Rinse the articles in water, neu-
Water 1 qt. tralize in a cyanide solution, rinse again
Add 1 oz. muriatic acid for 5 gal. of in water and dry. Cut down on the
above; water should only be added in liighlights with tripoli and a cotton buff.
making up new solution. It is essential Clean in an alkaline cleaner, rinse in
that dipping solution be used in an acid water and then put through a cyanide
proof stoneware crock and must be used dip to remove any tarnish. The articles
cold. Cooling of dip may be accom- are then ready for the Burnt Brass Eng-
plished by placing crock in tank with lish Finish.
cold running water. In mixing of solu- 2. Pour 2 quarts of aqua ammonia
tion, the sulphuric acid must be added into a one-gallon crock. Add suifleient
last and gradually so as to avoid over- Golden Sulphuret of Antimony to make
heating and tendency to spatter. a saturated solution, omitting water.
3. Place the crock in a container hold-
ing water. Heat the water to the boiling
Coloring Brass Blue
A blue on brass can be obtained with
4. Place the articles in this oxidizing
the following solution:
solution and keep them immersed for at
Sodium Thiosulphate 50 g. least one-half hour. If necessary, extend
Lead Acetate 25 g. this period until the proper surface coat-
Water 1 1. ing is obtained. Stir the solution at in-
Use at 160-180® F. tervals and allow it to settle on the
In order to obtain a satisfactory blue articles.
on steel a heat process is necessary. 5. Remove the work and dry in an
oven at about 200® F. This should re-
Fire Bronze for Brass Instruments sult in a caked coating on the surface of
The following bronze used with dis- the work.
cretion inconjunction with colorless 6. When perfectly dried, buff the work,
lacquer on parts of the instrument that using rouge and a soft cotton wheel or
may be hnished hrst produces a pleasing bristle brush to remove the dried coating
black and yellow design. The method from the highlights.
used in making the bronze is to let con- 7. Dip the articles in lacquer.
centrated nitric acid react on copper
until reaction is complete. Then add an Brass Plating Zinc Bie Castings
equal part of distilled water to prevent The most satisfactory brass plating
crystallizing and store in a corked glass procedure with Zamak* is to clean the
container. It can be made in any quan- alloy with a trisodium phosphate solu-
tity and is always ready for use. tion, 6 oz./gah (45 g./L). This solu-
To bronze a piece of brass there are tion is used boiling hot as an electro-
no preliminaries. Warm the brass in a cleaner with the article as the cathode
moderate fiame and dip into the bronzing and with sufficient current to cause gas-

sing This treatment will completely re- A soap water rinse made of % oz.

move, in %
to 3 minutes, the grease soap flakes to each gal. of water.
6, Hot water rinse and allow to dry in
normally present. Eecessed articles are
often difficult to free from
grease. The hard maplewood sawdust.
type cleaner prior to If the work is to be lacquered it can
use of a solvent
alkaline cleaning is suggested
in such be rinsed in a water-white lacquer^ im-
cases. The cleaning solution may be re- mediately after the hot water rinse,
moved from any minute pores or surface thereby eliminating sawdust drying.
alternate rinsing in hot This depends on the size of the articles.
of the article by
water There is a satin finish on the brass that
and cold water. The use of a cold
xinse immediately folloiving alkaline can be produced without bright-dipping
cleaning is not advisable since the
solu- the work. This finish is produced with a
bility of alkaline zinc
salts is reduced by buffing compound. The composition is
and the problem applied to a loose-leaf buff revolving on
the lowered temperature
of complete removal is
complicated. a lathe at about 1800 r.p.m. The articles
With a current density of 4-5 amperes are dry when buffed with this material.
per sq. ft. the zinc alloy is
plated 18 To preserve the brushed brass effect, the
minutes in a brass platin^g bath of the work is to be lacquered after finishing.
following composition (40 to oO O.) :

Nickel Plating Preparations

Kules for Use
Clean the surface of the metal by re-
Sodium Carbonate 7.5 g./l. moving all (grease, dust, oxide) stains.
zinc die-casting
Apply with a cotton pad. The abrasive
* N. J. Zinc Co. Speciul
must be very fine to avoid scratches.
Polish with some chalk-powder (pre-
cipitated) on a woolen rag.
Pinishing Brass Nickel Plating Liquid
The following is a formula for bright Nickel Ammonium Sulphate 45 g.
dipping brass: Cream of Tartar 17 g.

Sulphuric Acid 2 gal. Ammonium Chloride 9 oz.

Nitric Acid gjh Nickel Sulphate 27 g.

Water i pt- Sodium Chloride 4 g.
Tin Chloride 18 g.
Add 1 oz. of table salt to each 5 gal.
Water 880 g.
of dip solution to improve the brightness
of the work. „ ^ ^ i
Nickel Plating Paste
The dip should be allowed to cool Nickel Ammonium Sulphate 225 g.
properly before being used. Once the
Nickel Sulphate 155 g.
dip is made, water should not be added Cream of Tartar 100 g.
any more on replenishing it, since the Tin Chloride 100 g.
work dipped always carries some water Ammonium Chloride 50 g.
along with it. On the other hand if the Sodium Chloride 30 g.
shape and recesses of the work causes too Whiting 210 g.
much water to be carried into the dip, the Copper Dust, Pine 100 g.
results will be immediately noticed
Apply after making paste with water.
the dullness of the dipped work.
There are a few other factors to con-
sider outside of the formula. The fol- Depitter for Nickel Plating Bath
lowing is an outline of the procedure of An effective preventative of pitting in
the average brass dipping job: a nickel plating bath is potassium per-
1. Hot potash cleaner rinse
(to remove manganate. The salt should be added in
grease or oil film) ; then cold water rinse. the proportion of one ounce per 500 gal-
2. Immerse in acid dip for a
few sec- lons of solution, the contents of the tank
onds: then quickly rinse in running cold stirred and then allowed to settle for ten
water. The timing of this procedure is to twelve hours.
according to the strength of the dip. If
the articles dipped seem to bunch
^^:Black NickeU^ Plating Solution
gether they should be shaken during this
Numerous formulas have been pro-
operation. black
posed for the production of
Cyanide rinse and cold water rinse
The cyanide nickeP' deposits such as are used ex-
to remove possible tarnish.
tensively for producing a dark or black
rinse is made of 2 oz. of sodium cyanide Two
finish on brass or other metals.
to each gal of water.
types of solutions liave been used, namely, immediate and secure electrical contact.
the alkaline cyanide solutions and the Every precaution should be made to se-
neutral sulphocyanide solutions. Ex- cure a soft, non-strained nickel plate,
periments show that the former are especially if the thickness of the nickel
rather difficult to prepare and maintain is to be over .0005 in.
at uniform composition, and therefore Oz. per Gal.
are not recommended. It was found that Single Nickel Salts 20 to 25
a sulphocyanide solution having the fol- Nickel Chloride 4 to 6
lowing composition is very satisfactory: Boric Acid 4 to 3
Mekel Ammonium Sul- Conveyor speed, ,1 to 3 ft. per minute;
phate 60 g. per, 1.
current density, 10 to 20 amp. per sq. ft.;
Zinc Sulphate 7.5 g. per, 1.
pH, 5.0 to 5.6; temperature, 100 to 115°
Sodium Sulpho- E.
cyanide 15 g. per 1.
Low metal concentration, cold, still
It is desirable to keep in suspension an nickel plating baths are not recommended
excess of zinc carbonate which maintains for deposits over .0005 in. thick.
the neutrality and the zinc content of
the solution. Nickel Plating Solution for Zinc
Black nickel plating may be applied IT. S. Patent 2,069,566
successfully to brass, either directly or Sodium Sulphate 16.00 oz.
after copper plating, to copper, and to Sodium Pyrophosphate 8.5 oz.
steel that has been first coated with cop- Sodium Bisulphite 0.25 oz.
per, nickel or zinc. Where protection Sodium Citrate 8,00 oz.
against corrosion is desired, the black Citric Acid 2.00 oz.
nickeP^ should be preceded by zinc plat- Sodium Chloride 4.00 oz.
ing. The wearing properties of the black Ammonia (28%) 4.00-8.00 oz.
surface are largely determined by the Water 1 gal.
quality of lacquer applied over the sur-
face. Nickel Plating Stereotypes
Stereotypes can be nickel plated in a
Sequence for Nickel and Chromium warm nickel solution of the following
Plating Lead Alloys composition:
1. Clean in solvent cleaner or vapor
Single Nickel Salts 27 oz./gal.
degreaser. Nickel Chloride 6 oz./gal.
2. Electroclean as cathode from 1 to
Boric Acid 4 oz./gal.
3 minutes using 20 to 50 amps, per sq. ft. pH 5.8
3. Eeverse clean making the work the Eun at a temperature of 130° E.
anode for 10 to 15 seconds in the solu- Use 99% plus rolled nickel anodes,
tion for (2) or in a 4 oz. per gal. solu- bagged.
tion of sodium carbonate. This is a faster plating solution than
4. Dip in a warm solution (120® E.) the room temperature nickel using
of 2 oz. per gal. of caustic soda, and 2 double salts. Also, it gives a ductile and
oz. of sodium cyanide if copper is also tougher deposit. The room temp, nickel
to be cleaned. is more brittle, Eor press work the
5. Dip in 20% hydrochloric acid solu- former type of deposit is found superior.
6. Nickel plate in a warm nickel solu-
Nickel Plating and Ball Burnishing
1. Parts should be made of cold rolled
7. Wipe clean, if necessary, after color-
steel of fairly smooth finish. A
No. 2
cold rolled steel finish (U. S. Standard)
8. Chromium plate not over 3 minutes
is satisfactory.
at 100 amps, per sq. ft.
2. Clean parts after fabricating in
If the work is to be given a copper either a solvent degreaser or in a hot
plate previous to nickel plating after alkaline cleaner. Parts should be cleaned
operation (5), follow with a dip in 3% in baskets of proper size and mesh.
sodium cyanide solution before copper 3. Ball burnish parts in either oblique
plating. open end or horizontal wood lined bar-
rel; size depending upon quantity of
Nickel Plating Lead Alloys parts. Burnishing mixture made up of
After the work is dipped in 20% about 2 oz. neutral soap chips or fiake to
hydrochloric acid and rinsed in cold 5 gal. of water, to which is added about
water, it is transferred directly to a 1 oz. sodium cyanide; hardened polished
warm nickel plating solution, making an steel balls, 5/32" to diameter, using
: :


approximately twice the weight of steel Anhydrous Sodium

bSls to that of the weight of work. Sulphate 75-112.5 g./l.

Bolling time dependent upon finish de- Ammonium Chloride 15- 22.5 g./l.
signed, varying from 2 to 12 hrs. Speed Boric Acid 15 g./l.

of barrels about 35 to 45 r.p.m. ^Operating details for this solution are

4. After ball
burnishing, parts should
given below:
be rinsed first in boiling hot water to
remove soap film and then rinsed in cold
pJS , —
This should be held between 5.3
and 5.7 electrometric or 5. 8-6. 2 colori-
running water. metric. The anode area should be con-
5. After cold water rinse, parts
trolled to minimize changes. pH pH
placed in a ‘plating barrel of suitable should be checked daily and adjustments
size and given a required deposit of made by the addition of ammonium
nickel. Anickel solution of following
hydroxide or siilphuric acid as needed.
composition can be used: Under best operating conditions this
Single Nickel Salts 12 oz. solution will tend slowly to become alka-
Double Nickel Salts 4 oz. line.
Ammonium Chloride 3 oz. Temperature —
^Por use in applying

Boric Acid 3 oz. on zinc this solution should

nickel directly
Water 1 gal. be kept at or preferably slightly above
pH 5.8 to 6.0 room temperature (70 to 80° P.). If the
Temperature 75-80 'F.j anodes 99 % temperature falls below 70° 'P. the de-
rolled, depolarized nickel. posits will be hard and brittle showing
Time of deposit at least 1 to 1%
hours cracks. Temperatures above 80° P. will
depending upon size of load. It is neces- tend to cause the formation of black
sary to use a line voltage of 12 volts to streaks in recesses.
obtain most satisfactory results. This NicTcel Content . —
The prescribed nickel
will necessitate the use of 12 volt D.C. sulphate content corresponds to about 2
generator. oz. per gal. of nickel calculated as metal.

6. After plating, parts are rinsed in No harm will result if this increases
cold running water. somewhat in use.
7. After rinsing, parts are again ball

Sodium Sulphate Content The amount . —

burnished to obtain lustre. The same of sodium sulphate present in the solu-
procedure should be followed as outlined tion should be regulated to suit the com-
in item No. 3 with these exceptions plexity of the articles to be plated.
a. The use of cyanide in soap solution
Simple shapes may require not more
should be eliminated. than 10 oz. per gal. of sodium sulphate.
b. After hot water rinse, rinse in cold More complicated shapes may require the
and in hot waterand then finally dry in presence of per gal. or more.
15 oz.

hot, clean hardwood sawdust. Burnish- Some commercial platers add as high as
ing time in soap solution between 20 to 30 oz. per gal. 3m general, the sodium
30 minutes. sulphate content should be the lowest
The recommendations as outlined above possible for the articles being plated.
can be modified to suit conditions. Current Density . —
^When made up ac-
cording to the formula given, the bath
should be operated at between 12 and
Bright Nickel Cobalt Plating 20 amp. per sq. ft. The maximum cur-
British Patent 461,126 rent density will be determined by the
Nickel Sulphate 200 g. tendency for the deposits to burn. In
Cobalt Sulphate 15 g. the presence of very high sodium sul-
Sodium Bicarbonate 35 g. phate concentrations, burning may de-
Boric Acid SO g.
velop at current densities lower than 20
Water to make 1 !•
amp. per sq. ft. If streaking occurs at
Use at pH of 4.1-5.1 at current density the maximum current density, purifica-
of,5“60 amp, per sq. ft. .

tion of the solution may be necessary.

Agitation . —
Agitation reduces porosity
Nickel Plating on Zinc and permits the use of somewhat higher
The follomiig solution has been used current densities. With certain shapes,
commercially for several years agitation will be found absolutely neces-
Nickel Sulphate 10 oz./gal. sary for successful plating.
Anhydrous Sodium Pitting . —
^Like all other nickel solu-
Sulphate 10-15 oz./gal. tions this bath will at times develop a
Ammonium Chloride 2- 3 oz./gal. tendency towards pitting. This is usu-
Boric Acid 2 oz./gal. ally an indication that foreign matter is
Nickel Sulphate 75 g./I present. A
temporary cure can be ef-

fected Tby adding hydrogen peroxide or life,a tendency toward cracking will be
sodium perborate to the solution. Per- noted. While the degree of this effect
manent freedom from pitting can only can be controlled to some extent by
be obtained by continuous filtration and proper operation of the solutions, other
scrupulous care in avoiding the presence plating methods will be required in most
of foreign Jnaterial in the solution. cases.
Pitting may on occasion develop from Properly formulated warm nickel solu-
faulty cleaning. tions may be operated at high current
A somewhat more concentrated solution densities and will produce a substantially
permitting the use of higher current den- softer type of deposit which while not
sities has been developed. This solution entirely free from cracking under cer-
has been used commercially with entire tain conditions, will nevertheless be ac-
success. The formula is as follows: ceptable. While such solutions cannot
Nickel Sulphate 15 oz./gal. be used directly on zinc, advantage may
Anhydrous Sodium be taken of their desirable characteristics
Sulphate 15 oz./gal. by the application of a multiple nickel
Ammonium Chloride 3 oz./gal. coating. This method consists essen-
tially of depositing on zinc articles, from
Boric Acid 2 oz./gal.
either of the two cold solutions already
Nickel Sulphate 112.5 g./l.
Anhydrous Sodium described, a coating of nickel 0.0001 to
Sulphate 112.5 g./l. 0.0002 in. thick, following which the ar-
ticles are thoroughly rinsed in cold water
Ammonium Chloride 22.5 g./l.
Boric Acid 15 g./l. and placed in a warm nickel solution for
completion of the plating to the required
Operating details for this solution are
given below:

pH, ^Should be kept between 4.9 and
The multiple nickel method may be
used on any work on which it is possible
5.4 electrometric or 5.4~5.9 colorimetric
to produce a satisfactory strike coating
by means of additions of sodium hydrox-
in the sodium sulphate type solution.
ide orhydrochloric acid. Ammonium
Any warm nickel solution capable of pro-
hydroxide and sulphuric acid should not
ducing soft deposit may be used. The
be used as the solution is nearly satu- solution used in the New Jersey Zino
rated with respect to nickel ammonium
Company laboratory is as follows

Temperature. The more concentrated oz./gal. g./L
solution permits the use of somewhat Nickel Sulphate 20 150
higher current densities which in turn Ammonium Chloride 4 30
permit the use of higher temperatures of Boric Acid 2 15
operation which may be reflected in
slightly softerdeposits. The minimum Operating details for this solution are
safe temperature is 75®' P. and the maxi- given below:
mum is 87® P. —
pH. The pH of this solution should

Nickel Content. Corresponds to about be held between 5.0 and 5.3 electrometric
3 oz. per gal. calculated as nickel metal. (5.5~5.8 colorimetric). Higher pH will
Any large increase in nickel content may cause cracking and peeling while lower
result in crystallization of double nickel pH will tend to increase the attack of
saltsfrom solution. the solution on exposed portions of the
Sodium Sulphate —
Content.' Should be base.
regulated as for the 2 oz. (nickel con- Temper aiure.S'ho’nidL be between 105
tent) solution. In general somewhat and 115® F. (40-45® C.). Lower tem-
higher sodium sulphate epntents will be peratures will not permit the deposition
required in the present case. of soft nickel. Higher temperatures,

Current Density. This more concen-

while allowable, tend to cause excessive

trated solution permits the use of higher loss of water by evaporation.
current densities, the range in the pres- —
Current Density. The current density
ent case lying between 24 and 36 am* should under no circumstances fall below


peres per sq. ft.
'Pitting, consider-
40 amp, per sq. ft. and preferably should
be maintained at 60 amp. per sq. ft. or
ations above outlined obtain in the pres- higher. Not only does the speed of pro-
ent case. duction fall off at the lower current
Either of these two solutions can be densities but contamination of the solu-
used to produce deposits up to about tion becomes more serious. These cur-
0.0005 in. in thickness. If the attempt rent densities are similar to those re-
is made to furnish the heavier coatings quired for chromium plating and suitable
required for, still better outdoor service generator capacity should be available.

Agitation , Agitation will tend to re- the earlier part of this article, a coating
of copper is applied to a thickness of
duce pitting and porosity.
. — composition
Like most warm solutions

0.0002 in. from a copper cyanide solu-
tion, followed, after rinsing, by the ap-
new baths of this
plication of 0.0008 in. of nickel in a
velop an exaggerated type of pitting.
This condition can be readily over- warm nickel solution.
come by additions of hydrogen peroxide. The copper cyanide solution may be
Sodium perborate should never be used any one of those commonly used. A
typical formula follows:
for the reasons given below.
Sodium Salts.— Bodiimxi salts should Oz. per gal. g.per 1.
not be permitted to enter this solution. Sodium Cyanide 4-6 30-45
When the solution is pure very high Copper Cyanide 4 30
current densities can be employed with- Sodium Bicarbonate 1 7.5
out burning. The presence of sodium Sodium Bisulphite 1.87 %
salts very definitely restricts the^ opera- The solution should be used at 70
tion to low current densities which not to 113 deg. P. (21 to 45 deg. C.) with
only do not utilize the full production a current density of 10-15 amp. per
capacity of the solution but also permit sq. ft.
excessive zinc pickup. For these rea-
The nickel coat may be applied from
sons the rinsing between nickel tanks any warm nickel solution. The formula
should be thorough, sodium perborate given above would be suitable for the
should not be used to prevent pitting, purpose.
and additions of alkali to raise pH should The following comments may be made
be made with ammonium hydroxide on the method
rather than sodium hydroxide.
The following comments are offered
Thickness of Coating . —The copper-
nickel system of plating is adapted to
in connection with the method as
the production of heavy deposits. Its
whole use is not advocated for coatings less
StriJee Coating .— The strike coating than 0.0005 in. in thickness. The cop-
must be adequate to protect the zinc per layer should be at least 0.0002 in.
base from the action of the subsequently thick in order to avoid complete absorp-
used warm solution. For simple shapes tion by the zinc base and to provide
a five-minute deposit at 25 amp. per sq. protection of the zinc base from attack
ft. may be sufficient. More complicated by the warm nickel solution. The cop-
shapes will need ten minutes at this per layer fills the same role here as the
current lensity. primary or strike nickel deposit in the
Minsing . —
In the interval between the multiple nickel system of plating.
two nickel tanks the articles should not The nickel deposit must be at least
be allowed to dry. If drying does occur 0.0003 in. thick for outdoor use. Thin-
poor adhesion of the second coat will ner deposits will readily permit the seep-
develop. The use of cold water in the age through pores of copper salts which
rinse will minimize the danger of this will stain the surface with an unsightly
happening. brown film.
Potation of Worh—lt is advisable to
rotate the work being plated so that a
Blistering . —
Cyanide solutions, partic-
ularly when used on zinc, may at times

load of complicated shapes (radiator produce deposits which blister readily.

caps, for instance) which accelerate This seems to be related in some way to
zinc pickup is followed by several loads the cleaning practice used and often can
of simple shapes on which more zinc be minimized by care in avoiding over
will plate out than is dissolved (such as cleaning.
door handles, etc.)': This practice tends
to hold the zinc content of the warm
Absorption . —
^Zinc metal absorbs cop-
per deposits even at room temperature.
solution at a level which does not harm The rate of absorption is very rapid for
the quality or appearance of the deposit. thin flash deposits but becomes pro-
gressively slower as the amount of cop-
Copper-Nickel Deposits per present is increased. Deposits of
While the system of plating nickel copper 0.0002 in. thick should not be
direct has a great many advantages,
completely absorbed during the normal
lifetime of a plated part, although dif-
good results have also been obtained
commercially by plating with copper- fusion is taking place continuously.
nickel deposits totalling 0.001 in. in
After some period of exposure it will


be found that a zone of diffusion alloys

has formed between the copper layer

In this system of plating the work

is cleaned substantially as described in and the zinc base. Certain of these al-

loys are brittle and may fail under This solution is used at room tem-
stress causing separation of tlie plate perature to 113 deg. P. (45 deg. G.)
from the base. with a current density of 10-50 amp.
W. Kasteil and F. Carl have shown per sq. ft. Animal glue may be used
photographic confirmation of this sepa- as a brightener in amounts of
per gal. (0.9 grams per I).
% oz.
The primary nickel coating should be
Niekel-Copper-Nickel Deposits at least .0001 in. thick to prevent attack
When coatings ranging from 0.00075 on the zinc base by the acid copper so-
in. upward are desired multiple coatings
lution. The final nickel should be not
less than 0.0003 in. thick to prevent
are necessary to minimize the tendency
toward cracking. We have already dis- copper stains when exposed outdoors.
cussed the multiple nickel coatings. The
system niekel-copper-nickel also deserves Plating Time
consideration for this weight of coating The approximate time of plating re-
and the procedure is given below: quired to produce various thicknesses of
Clean as described earlier in this coating in nickel at various current
article. densities is compiled in Table 1. The
Plate 0.0002 in. of nickel in either of times given are calculated on the basis
the cold solutions previously described. of 100 per cent cathode efficiency. In
Plate 0.0004 in. of copper from an the type of solution discussed in this ar-
acid copper solution. ticle this value will be nearly approached.
Color copper coat and clean. It may be necessary, however, to add a
Plate 0.0004 in. of nickel from any few minutes to the plating time in some
warm nickel solution. The bath pre- cases to insure full weight of coating.
viously described is suitable for the
The bufSng operation is not essential Purification of Solution
if the two primary coats are sufficiently Nickel solutions used on zinc tend to
smooth to make coloring of the final accumulate zinc in solution. When the
nickel readily accomplished. amount present becomes sufficiently
The acid copper solution may be of great, streaking will occur as the result
any accepted composition. The follow- of the plating of nickel-zinc alloys of
ing formula is typical: relatively high zinc content. In the case
Copper Sulphate, 24 oz. per gal. (180 of the cold sodium sulphate solution this
grams per 1.) difficulty arises when 0.3 grams per liter
Sulphuric Acid, oz. per gal. (45- of zinc is present. In the warm nickel
fiO grams per 1.) solution approximately 1 gram per liter

Table 1. Approximate Time in Minutes to Produce Nickel Coatings

of Yarious Thicknesses
Current Density Thickness (inches)
Amp. per Sq. Ft. 0.00015 0.0003 0.0005 0.00075 0.001
15 10 20 84 52 69
20 9 18 29 44 59
25 7 14 23 36 48
30 6 12 20 80 40
35 5 10 16 24 81
40 4 9 14 '
22' 29
50 3% 7 12 „ ,
17' 23
60 3 6 10 15 20
70 m 5 8 12 16

of zinc must be present before streaking Basic Nickel Carbonate Treatment

develops. Definite brightening and some Eaise the pH until nickel hydroxide
tendency toward cracking are observed, begins to precipitate (about 6.8 electro-
however, when the amount of zinc in metric). Heat the solution to 140 deg.
this bath greatly exceeds 0.3 grams per P. (60 deg. C.) and add a small amount
liter. (1-3 oz*. per gal. or 7,5—22.5 grams per
Several methods are available by 1.) of freshly prepared basic nickel car-
which to remove excess zinc and bring bonate. A heavy white precipitate
the solution back to a workable condi- should form. If no precipitate, is evi-
tion. dent add more basic nickel carbonate un-


til tlie precipitate does form. If the The Nickel Dip Process Prior to
solution is to be used cold, allow to cool Enameling
overnight and filter. If the warm type The Nickel Dip tank is usually placed
of bath is treated, allow to stand over- after the acid rinse, and before the
Bight and filter hot. Adjust pH and neutralizp, and the ware proceeds from
nickel content J^ef ore starting to plate. acid to rinse to nickel dip, to neutralizer.
Should excessive gassing be encountered Either a wood, lead, or acid resisting
work the bath heavily until the condition brick with lead heating coils are usually
is overcome. employed. Iron cannot be used as the
Basic nickel carbonate may ^be pre- nickel will deposit on the tank rather
pared by adding 1 part of sodium, car- than on the ware. The nickel is usually
bonate to 7 parts of nickel sulphate in added as a single nickel salt (NiSO^.-
just sufficient water to dissolve the nickel 7H2O) although occasionally double
sulphate. nickel salt is used (NiS04.(NH4)2S04.-
This treatment will remove virtually 6H2O) is used as the metal source. The
aU of the zinc, iron and/or aluminum former contains approximately 1% the
which may have accumulated. quantity of nickel as the latter, is much
more economical, and accomplishes -the
Sodium Carbonate Treatment required work just as efficiently as the
The sodium carbonate system is oper- latter.
ated in the same manner as the basic Usually two to four ounces per gallon
nickel carbonate treatment with the of nickel is added, along with 0.25 oz.
single exception that sodium carbonate per gallon of boric acid. The latter is
is added in amounts of about %-%
oz. the buffer^’ employed, and also brings
per gal (1-3 grams per 1.) in place of about the proper pH for most efficient
the basic nickel carbonate. This method operation. A buffer’’ has a resistance
should not be used with the warm solu- to change of pH, as its use allows the
tion because of the effects which sodium addition of acid, or base, or dilution of
salts have on the permissible current solution without materially effecting the
densities. pH. Therefore, its use witlxin reason,
practically insures a constant pH. This
Ammonia Treatment is very necessary if proper plating con-
Heat the bath to 140 deg. F. (60 deg. ditions are to prevail in the nickel dip
0.) and add ammonium hydroxide until tank, for if the pH is too low the solu-
a pH of 6.8 is reached. Allow to stand tion is too acidic, and the deposited
overnight (cooling to room temperature nickel will be dissolved, and if too high,
for cold solutions and holding at tem- the solution approaches the basic side,
perature for warm solutions), filter, and and precipitation of the nickel rather
adjust pH and nickel content. than deposition will result. The pH is
usually maintained between 5.6 to 6.2,
Stripping Methods and if, through carry over of the acid, it
The question of how best to handle should become too low (less than 5.6)
the occasional defective platings is a ammonia water or ammonium carbonate
serious one. In the long run, it is prob- are added nntil the pH is within the

ably more economical to scrap the parts proper range. If the solution should
than to strip and replate them. The become too basic (greater than 6.2) acid
percentage of rejections in replating is added.
stripped work is verj high and, in the The tank is maintained by heating at
case of zinc die-castings, the durability approximately 160-190® E., although
of the plated coating is inferior to that there are some operators who run the
obtained over a new surface. tank at 130® E,, this to prevent excessive
Where stripping is necessary the fol- agitation of the sludge.
lowing information is offered. As the solution grows older an in-
creasing quantity of iron hydroxide sep-
Nickel Coatings arates out of the solution as a heavy
Immerse in the following cold solution brown sludge. Some of this rises to the
Water 1 oz. surface making it advisable to skim off
Sulphuric Acid 2 oz. the surface of the tank at intervals.
Nitric Acid 2 oz. The usual practice involved in the
Hydrochloric Acid 1/16 oz. removal of sludge other than discarding
Prepare by adding the sulphuric and the tank entirely, is the^ addition of
nitric acids to water and, after allow- ammonia to the tank until the pH is
ing the solution to cool, adding the 6.4 or above, heat the tank to 180® F.
hydrochloric acid. with air agitation to oxidize the iron,
and allow to cool. On
cooling overniglit is used in all determinations of nickel
the iron hydroxide will
"be found to hereafter.
have settled to the bottom of the tank To determine the concentration of
whereupon the nickel solution may be nickel in the tank filter 100 cc. of the
siphoned off, and the sludge removed. solution to remove the iron sludge, pi-
The nickel solution may again be run pette 10 cc. of this filtrate into a 250 cc.
into the tank, with the additions neces- beaker and make the remainder of the
sary to bring about normal operating additions as indicated above. Titrate
conditions. -with Potassium Cyanide, rapidly, and
Besides the amount of nickel deposi- with constant stirring until one drop
tion which has taken place in the tank just clears the solution, of the cloudy,
the concentration of nickel maintained yellow precipitate. The number of cc.'s
and the hardness of the water, play an required for the titration multiplied by
important part in the length of time of the factor mentioned above, gives the
service of the tank before it becomes concentration in oz./gallon and in terms
necessary to dump the tank because of of single nickel salts in the tank. The
excessive sludge. results will be high, if too long a time
If hard water is used, ammonia water is consumed in the titration.
additions, rather than ammonium carbo- The blisters arising when repickling
nate are said to help, as there is then ware is perhaps one of the major diffi-
less carbonate to precipitate. culties encountered; however, there are
The solutions required and the pro- remedies should repickling prove desir-
cedures involved are outlined below: able. One might satisfactorily solve this
by segregating the ware, and putting it
1. Standard Nickel Solution through the regular cycle, but missing
Dissolve 2 oz. of single nickel salts the nickel tank entirely. It is said that
in one quart of water. a thorough sponging of the ware without
pickling is efficacious.
2. Standard Potdssium Cyanide Solu-
If the deposition of nickel is too
great, difficulty in the drain of the
Dissolve 75 grams of 95-96% Potas- ground coat may be experienced, or if
sium Cyanide in 1 liter of water. the ware should become scratched while
7.5% solution by weight. in this condition, a series of blisters will
3. Standard Silver Nitrate Solution form in the scratch. The proper deposi-
Dissolve 1.13 grams of Silver Nitrate tion is very thin, and the ware will ap-
in 1 liter of water. 0.113% solution pear to the eye to be covered with a uni-
by weight. form dusty black coating.
Inasmuch as it is a well known fact
4. Potassium Iodide Solution that in plating, the deposition is heaviest
Dissolve 25 grams of Potassium in scratches^ and holes and these holes
Iodide in 100 cc. of water. 25.0% might conceivably contain inclusions of
Solution by weight. dirt, acid or matter which instead of be-
5. Citrate Solution ing removed in succeeding tanks are cov-
Dissolve 150 cc. of concentrated ered by the nickel to become copperheads
Chemically Pure Ammonia, and 120 or blisters by volatilization after firing.
grams of Citric acid crystals, and
200 grams of Chemically Pure Am- Chromium Plating China or Glass
monium Sulphate in 1 liter of water. XJ, S. Patent 2,025,528
Note —In all of the solutions above, -where Non-metallic rigid articles are plated
water is called for, distilled -water should be by immersing in tin sulphate (5® Be.)
used. then washed superficially. Then pour on
them simultaneously a solution of 1 ounce
It is first necessary to standardize the silver nitrate and 1 ounce 28% am-
Potassium Cyanide solution. Pipette 10 monia in a quart of water together with
cc. of the Standard nickel solution into a solution of formaldehyde ; rinse and
a 250 ce. beaker, add 50 cc. of the citrate submerge in a solution of copper sul-
solution, 2 cc. of the Potassium Iodide phate (25® Be.) to which an electric
solution, and 5 cc. of the Silver Nitrate current of 5 to 15 amperes is applied;
solution. This is titrated with the Po- rinse and immerse in a solution of nickel
tassium Cyanide until the cloudy precipi- sulphate (25® B4.); wash; dry; polish
tate obtained in the beaker is just wash in an alkaline solution and plate
cleared. The number eight divided by in chromic acid solution (25-40® B4.)
the number of cubic centimeters required for 3 to 10 minutes at 100 to 200 am-
for the titration provides a factor which peres and rinse and dry.

Chromium Plating pleted, the surface iswashed successively
Patent 2,093,428
IJ. S. in water, alcohol and About 0.004

The object to be plated is first coated mg. aluminum is dissolved per min., and
or cadmium by the electrolyte works better when it has
with a thin film of zinc
electro-deposition from dissolved 4^5 g./l. aluminum. The re-
Caustic Soda o 025 . flecting power of the aluminum thus ob-
Sodium Cyanide 8 oz. tained is much greater than that obtain-
Water able by mechanical polishing, and the
. ^ J- surface is especially suited for exami-
Zinc or Cadmium 0.03 id.

bath: nation of the structure of the metal.

then plate from following
Sodium Bichrmate 2% lb.
Chrome Acid 15 lb.
^ Anodic Treatment of Aluminum
Water U. Patent 2,066,327
Bring to a boil and add gradually Pormula No. 1
Aluminum Hydrate 2 V2 lb.
Chromic Acid 5 oz.
Boil for 15 min.; cool and add Chromium Acetate 5-11 oz.
Chrome Acid 75 lb.
Water 84—90 oz.
Zinc Carbonate 8 oz.
Operate at 30-40 Volts at 30-40° 0.
Mix and dissolve in water to give a for 30-60 minutes.
28® B4. solution. Plating with this bath
avoids undue oxidation of metal
being No. 2
plated. British Patent 474,608
Aluminum or its alloys is treated an-
Coloring Cadmium odically in 8-15% sulphuric acid at 20-'
Cadmium may be colored by immer- 25° C. with 9-4 amp./sq. ft. It is then
sion in the following solution: boiled with a non-metalliferous dye con-
Copper Nitrate 10-15 g. taining a small amount of potassium di-
Potassium Permanganate 2 V2 g* chromate.
Water 1 No. 3

Colors ranging from yellowish to red- British Patent 447,420

dish and greenish brown may
be ob- Acetic Acid fl. oz.
of Phosporic Acid 2-2.5 oz.
tained, depending on the time

mersion, concentration of the hath, and Sulphuric Acid 2.5-3 fl. oz.
82.5 oz.
age of the bath. The surface after Water fl.

treatment should be given a light dry Operate at 27-30° C. at 3-4 amp./sq.

brushing to bring out the true color.

Treating Aluminum for Plating Sulphuric Acid 7-8.25 oz.

German Patent 631,371 GallicAcid 0.55 oz.
Smooth adherent deposits are obtained Boric Acid 0.55 oz.
if the aluminum or alloy is
treated for Make 1 gal.
Water to
3 minutes in 1% hydriodie acid at 200
Operate at 25-35° C. at 8-12 amp./sq.
amp/sq. m.

Electrolytic Polishing of Aluminum

electrolyte is prepared by pour-
Aluminum Eeflectors by Anode Process
The !

The electrolyte is an aqueous solution

ing very slowly 785 cc. acetic anhydride
containing approximately 15 percent sod-
into 215 cc. well-cooled perchloric acid

(The aluminum to be polished ium carbonate (anhydrous) and 5 per-

if a cent tribasic sodium phosphate, the work-
is completely immersed, vertically
a few cm. from the ing temperature being about 80° C. (176°
sheet, in this solution
cathode (a sheet of aluminum), and
S’-)- , . .

connected with the anode. The voltage

The material to be treated is im-
mersed in this solution connected to the
should be 50-100 v. The circuit should
include a variable resistance so that the
anode bar, with the current off, and
of allowed to remain until a vigorous etch-
c. d. can be kept at 3-5 amp,/sq. dm.
ing action, which starts almost immedi-
the anode surface, and the electrolyte
ately, has persisted for about 20 seconds.
maintained at 45—50° with constant stir-
Direct current at about 10 volts is then
ring. The duration of the polishing de-
switched on with a current density of
pends on the surface; for a sheet ox
rolled pure aluminum in good condition
it about 35 amps, per sq. ft. of anode
surface. Within about 30 seconds ox
Isabout 15 min. When polishing is com-
switching on, the initial etching of the Matte Finish for Aluminum
metal should cease entirely, and at the The simplest method of producing a
same time the current density should de- matte finish on sheet aluminum is an im-
crfease to about half its original value, mersion treatment. Simply dip the alu-
the voltage being kept within 9-12 volts. minum parts for one to two minutes in
The anodic treatment is then continued a solution of 2.5 oz. per gal. of sodium
for about 5 minutes, after which the hydroxide, and 5.9 oz. per gal. of trisod-
metal is removed from the bath and ium phosphate. This solution should be
rapidly washed in clean cold water. operated at 200 degrees F. and no elec-
The reflectivity of the surface com- tric current should be used. After the
pared with the original mill flnish is parts are treated they should be dipped
now considerably improved, and if the quickly in cold water and then in hot
specimen is allowed to dry, brilliant in- water. If the drying is then accelerated
terference colors may be seen, indicating by a compressed air blast, staining will
the presence of an extremely thin trans- be prevented.
parent fl[im presumably of aluminum ox- The finish obtained by this method will
ide. This seems to be confirmed by the vary with the composition of the alu-
fact that the surface is now capable of minum parts and the composition of the
being dyed by aniline dyes. This film solution. If the suggested formula does
is, however, too thin to withstand much not produce a satisfactory surface, the
wear and needs to be reinforced- For amount of sodium hydroxide can be
the second part of the process, an aque- varied and some experiments made to
ous solution is used containing approxi- determine the proper formula.. The solu-
mately 20 percent sodium bisulphate tion suggested is, however, a well-bal-
worked at about 35® C. (95® F.). It is anced solution and should wmrk well with
a straightforward anodic treatment us- most commercial aluminum sheets.
ing d.c. at 10 volts and a current density
of about 5 amps, per sq. ft anode sur-
face, treatment being continued for 15 Aluminum Black
minutes. French Patent 801,608
Some care is necessary in the finishing Boric Acid 0.8-1.2 g.
of treated material if a rather unpleas- Disodium Hydrogen
ant defect is to be avoided. If a sheet Phosphate 0.2-0.4 g.
is treated by both processes and finally
Salt 30 g.
washed and allowed to dry in air, a very Water 1 1.

brilliant surface is obtained which re- Use hot at pH of 8-9.

mains so until it is rubbed or fingered,
when a permanent white streak appears
Black Finish for Aluminum
which is rendered worse by further rub-
bing. This appears to be due to the
Formula No. 1
formation in the first bath, of an ex-
A black color may be obtained on alu-
tremely thin powdery layer, which is
minum by immersing in the following
only rendered visible when rubbed in the
dry state. The layer can be readily re- Potassium Permanganate 1% oz.
moved, however, without damage to the Nitric Acid (20® B6.) % oz.
surface, by light scrubbing using clean Copper Nitrate 4 oz.
water and a rubber sponge; this treat- Water 1 gfd.
ment must be applied before drying. Temperature 175® F.
Several difficulties have arisen in the Time of immersion 20 to 30 minutes;
after-treatment or sealing of these re- dry and protect with clear lacquer.
flector films, as most of the oils, waxes,
etc., in general use reduce the reflec- No. 2,
tivity value, but very good results have A deposit of black nickel applied di-
been obtained by the application of soap rectly to aluminum will produce a coat-
and water. The soap should be applied ing that issufficiently durable for in-
with a second rubber sponge and worked terior service.
into a good lather evenly over the re- Nickel Ammonium Sulphate 8 oz.
flector surface; this treatment produces Zinc Sulphate 1 oz.
a rather greasy effect, on rinsing which Sodium Sulphocyanide 2 oz.
disappears, however, when the metal is Water 1 gal.
dried by rubbing in hot sawdust. Sub- Nickel anodes, voltage 1 volt, cathode
sequent cleaning with soap and water current density 1 to 2 amps; solution is
and drying with a cloth may be done as maintained nearly neutral with zinc eat^
often as desired. bonate.
FLATim m
Blaelk, Brown and Orey Coloring Electroplating Aluminum with Silver
of Aluminum. German Patent 621,489
In cases where simple immersion meth- The cleaned metal is dipped into the
ods for
producing protective coloring of following bath:
aluminum instead of the more elaborate Hydrochloric Acid (36.3%) 3 oz.
and costly eloxal processes (anodic treat- Nitric Acid (65%) 1 oz.
ment) are desired, the following recipes Hydrofluoric Acid (40%) 1 oz.
are found to
give satisfactory results. Water 15 oz.
A solution in one liter of water of 5-10 Wash and dip in 10% caustic soda
cr potassium permanganate, 2-4 cc. nitric solution saturated with salt. Then plate
acid of 1.35 specific
gravity (28*^ BA),
with silver by any standard formula.
and 20-25 g. copper nitrate is used for
black coloring; and 5 g. copper nitrate
The solution is ap- Gold Plating Bath
for brown coloring.
80° C. The Gold Fulminate 8
plied almost boiling, at g.
Sodium Phosphate
depth of color depends on the time of im- 7.5 g.
mersion, light brown is obtained in about
Sodium Cyanide 15 g.
5 minutes, deep brown
in 10 to 15 min- 1 i.

utes, deep black requires 20 to 30 min- This solution avoids a harmful alkali
utes. salt excess.
solution of 10-20 g. ammonium
molybdate, 5-20 g. sodium acetate in 1 1. Jewelry Gold Plating Bath
water to which some ammonium chloride Formula No. 1
was added gave a deep black color in Gold Cyanide 1.55 g.
about 1 minute. The color is quite dur- Sodium Cyanide 2.35 g.
able, it will stand bending without com- Water 1 1.
ing -off. The objects must be well washed
Use at 0.1 amp. at 50-60° C.
to remove all chloride from pores.
For plating contact pieces of alumi-
A fine, velvety grey color is obtained num, brass, copper or steel use.
by immersion in boiling solutions of 100
g. diammonium phosphate and 5 g, man- No. 2
ganese nitrate in 1 1. water. Gold Cyanide 9.35 g.
In general, mechanical cleaning of the Sodium Cyanide 14.00 g.
objects by scraping, brushing, and sand-

blasting gave better coloring than pick-

Water 1 1.
degreased in
ling before immersion; pickling often re-
in following '1*
sulted in a spotty appearance.
Copper Plating Anodized Aluminum Sulphuric Acid
The articles are degreased by immer- (sp. gr. 1.84) 6 g-
sion for 10 minutes in cold 10% caustic Nitric Acid (sp. gr. 1.42) 3 8-
soda solution, followed by a rinse of 2% Water 2 g-
hydrochloric acid. The oxide film is then
produced by immersion for 15 minutes at
95° C. in a sodium carbonate solution Green Gold Plating Bath
containing sodium chromate or sodium Gold 2.00 g-
metavanadate; the articles are then Silver 0.75 g-
washed well in cold water and dried. Sodium Cyanide 4.00 g-
The copper-plating bath contains copper Sodium Carbonate 5.00 g*
sulphate crystals 150, 60% sulphuric acid Trisodium Phosphate 20.00 g-
60, and gelatin 0.01-0.1 g. per liter; Potassium Sulphite 5.00 g-
plating is carried out at 20-25° C, using Water 1.00 1.

1-1.1 amp. per sq. dm. for 60-90 min- Use hot at a low current density.
utes. During electrolysis the oxide film
is gradually dissolved and replaced by a
firmly adherent deposit of copper, which Imitation Gold on Cold Boiled Strip
shows no sign of flaking or cracking when Steel Articles
the metal is subjected to the Erichsen Tliis has been applied on various parts
test, bent through 180°, or heated to 400° such as hardware, bag frames, belt, dress
G. in air. Using 95.5% aluminum as and millinery buckles and ornaments,
basis metal, the minimum porosity of the novelty jewelry, etc. (made of steel only
plate is obtained when the aluminum is and a combination of brass and its al-
previously annealed at 550° G. for 90 loys, riveted, soldered, welded, etc.) for
minutes and the maximum when the metal years very satisfactorily; but the con-
is plated in the hard-rolled state. trol of the ^^Gold Solution’’ (bronze or

riehi low brass) must be done by a man in the same gold solution, dry and lac-
who knows how. Temperature is an im- quer.
portant factor and should be controlled The fine gold solution may be made up
by a thermostat otherwise trouble will as follows:
be encountered. The results may be all Sodium Gold Cyanide % oz.
right for a while, but Without an auto- Sodium Cyanide %--l oz.
matic control it just cannot last long. Disodium Phosphate 2 '

A formula for the solution that has stood Water 1 gal.
the test is: Temperature 120-130® F. Current
Formula for Bronze Solution density 1-5 amp./sq. ft. Insoluble stain-
Copper Cyanide 4 oz. less steel anodes or 24K gold anodes
Zinc Cyanide Vq oz. may be used.
Sodium Cyanide 5 oz.
Sodium Carbonate 2 oz.
Bochelle Salts 2 oz. Platinum Plating
Water 1 gal. Formula 3Sfo. 1
Temperature 95® F. ;
thermostatically Chloroplatinic Acid 0.60 oz.
controlled. Caustic Soda 0.25 oz.
Cathode current density 2 to 2% amp. Disodium Hydrogen
per sq. ft.; 2 to 3 volts. Phosphate 6.00 oz.
Anodes: rolled 90% copper and 10% Sodium Bicarbonate 1.00 oz.
zinc; (sometimes referred to as rich low Potassium Nitrate 1.00 oz.
brass). Boric Acid 1-2 oz.
To replenish metal content, don ^t make Water to make 1 gal.
a stock solution of copper cyanide, zinc
cyanide and sodium cyanide. It is im- No. 2
possible to control* the constituents in Ammonium Platinochloride 15,50 g..
proper proportion to produce a uniform Ammonium Chloride 6.25 g.
color in the deposit.
Sodium Citrate 125.00 g.
Separate stock solutions of the zinc Water to make 1.00 i.

salts and copper salts are better. They

are prepared by dissolving equal parts
No. 3
Sodium Platinic Hydroxide 18.5 g,
of copper cyanide and sodium cyanide,
Sodium Hydroxide 5.1 g.
and zinc cyanide and sodium cyanide in
Sodium Oxalate 5.1 g.
water and placing in separate containers
Sodium Sulphate 30.8 g.
until needed for adding to solution.
Water 1 1,
Bochelle salts are added when neces-
sary to remove oxides by dissolving them Operate at 65-80® C. at 7.5 amp./sq. ft.
from the anodes. This should be done For heavy deposits use 2-3 amp./sq. ft.
when the deposit is not uniform. Don^t Platinum plated copper anodes are used.
add more than 1 to 2 ounces per gallon
of water. No. 4
Make three solutions as follows:
Platinum (as chloride) 5 g. per 1. (12.3
Cheap Bose Gold Finish for Brass
g. PtCh(H.O)a).
Thearticle to be finished is first im-
Ammonium Phosphate (NH4)2HP04
mersed in the following dip until a deep per
45 g. 1.
red smut is formed on the surface;
Sodium Phosphate Na2HP04(H20)i3
Copper Sulphate 16 oz. 240 g. per 1.
Muriatic Acid %
Dissolve substances separately. Add
Water 1 gal.
the ammonium phosphate solution to the
Dissolve the copper sulphate in water platinum chloride solution. To the mix-
and then add the acid. Use at normal ture add the sodium phosphate solution,
temperature. Astone crock can be used which dissolves most or all of the pre-
for a container. cipitate. Boil for several hours or until
After the deep red smut has been odor of ammonia is gone.
formed it should be lightened somewhat After cleaning suspend object in plat-
by placing in a saturated salt solution ing bath with current on. Keep bath at
for a few seconds and then rinsed in 70° C. Use initial current density of
clean cold water. Plate in a fine gold 0.3 amp. per sq. dm. for approximately
solution for about 30 seconds; then re- 5 to ten minutes to get plating to start.
lieve high lights with a fine brass or Then plate with current density of 0.10
tampico wheel with bicarbonate of soda. to 0.13 amp, per sq. dm. This will de-
After relieving plate for a few seconds posit 0.00085 mm. of platinum per hour*

the deposit becoming apparent at a con-

Silver Plating Preparations
centration of about .5 N.
tlie metal by^re- Piltration becomes very important in
^"riean th^surface of
dust, oxide) stains. this type of solution and should be done
movinff all (grease,
in the presence of a filter aid of the
CST^-snth a cotton pad. The
scratches. diatomaceous type.
be very fine to avoid
chalk powder (pre-
Polish with some
cipitated) on a woolen rag. Making Silver Cyanide from Silver
(A) Conversion
Silver-Plating Liquid
45 g.
For a gal. of plating solution, take 2
Silver Nitrate troy oz. of pure silver, roll it thin, twist
Ammonia 45 g.
the strips so they will not lie fiat, place
Sodium Hyposulphite 75 g.
them in an evaporating dish or porcelain
Whiting, Finest Grade g.
casserole, and cover them with nitric
pistilled Water 760 g.
acid. Dilute the acid with about one-
third water. Ordinary tap water con-
Silvering Fluid tains salts that cause a cloudiness in the
Silver Nitrate
20 g. solution, but this does no harm (beyond
Whiting 40 g. worrying the inexperienced worker) and
Ammonia 10 g. so tap water is commonly used. How-
Turkey Bed Oil 5 g. ever,, if you have distilled water on hand,
Sodium Hyposulphite 35 g. use it.
Water, Distilled 400 g. Usually the acid goes to work at once
in cold weather yon may have to warm
Silver Plating Paste it a little. Dangerous fumes appear, so
Silver Chloride work near a flue or fan. Do not use any
Cream of Tartar, Powdered 526 g. more acid than necessary ; this is accom-
Sodium Chloride 395 g. plished by adding the acid a little at a
To use, add a little water and make a time, and leaving a .small piece of silver
paste. Apply with a piece of cotton. nndissolved.
Next, evaporate the solution slowly to
dryness to drive off any unused nitric
Economical Silver Plating i

acid. Do not overheat. White crystals

Silver Nitrate 4 oz./gal. of silver nitrate will be seen as the liquid
Sodium Cyanide 4 oz./gal. cools. If you started work with pure
Potassium Nitrate 15 oz./gal. silver,and use pure nitric acid, yon
With the usual type of agitation and should now have silver nitrate of such
operating between 75 and 80° F. uniform purity that no repnrification of these
bright plate is obtained on flatware crystals is called for.
from 12 to 18 amp. per sq. ft. average,
amp. (B) Precipitation
and on hollowware at from 7 to 10
Wash the silver nitrate into a big jar,
per sq. ft. average. As with the
ventional solution, higher current density
and make up to about %
gal. with water,

but uniformity of deposit is preferably distilled. In a separate ves-

is possible,
this solution the lower sel dissolve about 4 oz. avoirdupois of
sacrificed. With
uniform bright plate is not so
limit of
potassium cyanide, in %
gal. of water.
Sodium cyanide is cheaper and goes
marked as with the conventional solu- ^
further, but many workers maintain
tion. ,
potassium cyanide gives better results*

brighter color is obtainable by re-

A Cyanide alters on standing, and changes
duction of the free cyanide to .15 to .20
strength, so it is impossible to say ex-
N. At this concentration anode polari-
actly how much will be necessary. Now
zation may become a problem and no ad-

vantage is evident in the finishing of the

add a little of the cyanide solution to the

silver nitrate solution, and stir. Do not

deposit. If the free cyanide content is
breathe any fumes that may appear
increased to about .5 N, a milkier deposit
they are especially dangerous^ if your
nitrate contains any unused nitric acid.
Concentration of silver is best held
above .15 N(2 troy oz. per gal.) but
The heavy white insoluble salt, silver
den- cyanide, will settle slowly. Use only just
little limitation in average current
sity, .13 N
(1.75 troy oz. per gal), is enough cyanide solution to convert all the
silver into the solid form; this is hard
be re- to do because you do not know exactly
It is suggested that carbonate work.
how mneh cyanide will do the
moved when the concentration reaches
.4 N, a slight change in the character of Most Workers add too much and thereby
'waste silver. So work slowly, add a little The hot dip tinning process consists
cyanide and then let the mixture settle first in cleaning off any oil, grease
in a dark pla<^e; then add another drop foreign matter from the metal parts by
or two of cyanide and see if it produces putting them through a good commercial
more of the white precipitate; if so, add cleaning solution. This solution is kept
a few more drops and let settle again, at a temperature of 180 to 200® E. The
Pinally you will find that no more white tanks can be steel tanks. After passing
cloud forms; this will probably use up through the cleaning solution, the parts
about a third of your cyanide solution, are then washed thoroughly in clear run-
more or less, according to its strength. ning water. This removes the alkali of
Now set the jar aside until all the the cleaner and the solution is generally
white stuff has settled well, then pour off held at about the same temperature.
the clear solution, which should be of no ^
After cleaning, the work must be
value. (If you used too much cyanide pickled to remove all scale and iron
it will contain a little silver.) Now you oxides. If the parts to be tinned are
must wash this white sediment by filling castings, a small quantity of hydrofluoric
the jar with clean water, stirring well, acid must be used in the pickle to re-
and letting it settle again. Pour off the move all traces of sand or siliceous ma-
clear wash-water and throw it away. Re- terial. The sulphuric acid solution for
peat this washing two or three times, and steel is generally about a 2 to 4% solu-
leave the silver cyanide sediment in the tion in acid strength, and is carried at
jar. about 140® P. The acid strength and
(C) Solution in Cyanide temperature of the pickle depend entirely
Next, dissolve this washed silver cya- upon the character of the scale and iron
nide in the potassium cyanide solution, oxide to be removed. After pickling the
watching to see how much solution you parts are washed thoroughly and then
use. You can keep a record of this by put into a liquid flux solution of zinc
having the cyanide solution in a gradu- chloride.
ate and pouring from it, very slowly, The last step is putting them through
stirring all the time, until the last grain the tin bath. They should be allowed to
of white sediment dissolves. Note how drain thoroughly and then be slowly put
many ounces of the liquid were required. into the tin bath which is held at a tem-
It will probably be about one-half of perature from 480 to 520® E. depending
what remained from process B. upon the size of the articles to be tinned
Your jar now contains a solution of the and the production put through the bath
double salt, potassium-silver-cyanide. If in a unit time. Tin melts at 450° P. and
you had been working with sodium cya- a little practice will quickly determine
nide it would now be the sodium-silver- which temperature is most suitable to use
cyanide. These are the essential salts in for the work at hand. The tin bath has
silver-plating baths. a light film of zinc chloride over it and
For successful plating, other sub- '
this is skimmed back with a skimmer
stances are added, primarily a certain when the articles are slowly drawn out.
amount of ^‘free'^ cyanide. Therefore, They may be placed on a rack if they
for each oz, of solution that you poured are very small parts or work that can
out of your graduate in process C, add be conveniently handled in such a man-
1/5 of an oz. more of that same cyanide ner.
solution. This constitutes the ^^free^^ Very small metal parts are cooled in
cyanide. Let settle; usually there is a kerosene oil. This bath is surrounded by
slight precipitate that should be filtered a water jacket, and the tank usually has
out and discarded. Your complex silver a small mesh basket in it that the parts
cyanide is now ready for use; add enough can be emptied into. The basket is then
water to bring the volume to a gallon. quickly lifted out of the oil, and the parts
dried in sawdust, and then the sawdust is
Hot Tinning
sifted out later. With certain kinds of
work it is often put in a tumbling barrel
Equipment required for the usual small
with cedar sawdust and given a very light
article that is to be hot dip tinned, con-
tumbling to dry the work of oil and give
sists of a cleaning tank, a wash tank,
a very clean, bright finish.
pickling tank and a wash tank, a flux
tank and a tin pot. In some cases in tin-
ning various metal parts they are either Tin Coating by the Hot-Tinning Process
tumbled or sandblasted in the cleaning Good wetting of a solid metal ny a
process; the kind and character of the liquid one is possible only when the
metal part will determine whether these formation of a compound or a solid solu-
steps are necessary. tion is possible. Thus copper can be


bismuth only if 1% of tin The by running

strip is then, cleaned

I Med The type of the boundary through a hot 1% sodium hydroxide bath,
coating of copper with tin rinsed first in cold water, then in hot
dloT to the

undeistopd Its crystal water for drying. This will produce a

f not clearly
be determined microscopi- high lustre on tinned strip.
form cannot
tin and copper If an oil layer is not used on the tin-
In the deposition of
^^ATifains alumiimm there is
8% ning bath some suitable means for wiping
should be employed as the strip leaves
?Sd an SLy of 46.4% tin 49.0%
aluminum. In the bath. A vnpe made of loose stranded
!“pper and 3.9% diameter can be
” of copper in a tin-lead eu- cotton rope about
“tinning _

employed to good advantage. After the

an adherent coating is
eutectic fluxing ma- wiping, strip is passed through the alka-
!t ISS" when the
part of ammonium chlo- line bath as mentioned above.
tPrial contains 1
ride and 3
of zinc chloride ; rnth 2 parts
ammonium chloride to 1 of zinc chlo- Tin Plating without Electricity
obtained under
Jide such a deposit is not Tin Chloride oz. %
sen” Aconcentrated solution of tin Aluminum Sulphate 2 oz.
is well
t^rabromide which melts at SI" Cream of Tartar 2 oz.
suited as a
fluxing material for the tin gal*
Since hydrogen re-
Water 1
plating of copper.
copper oxides even under The work is immersed in an iron wire
duces tin and basket, large quantities of work being
Q00° it is possible to coat
copper wire
atmosphere of hydrogen separated by sheets of zinc. The tank
with’ tin to an sheet
is of copper or cast iron lined with
^thout a fluxing matenal. Steel which
pohshmg with emery zinc. The work is boiled for 30-45 min-
ias been cleaned by utes.
tin by dipping in tin
can be coated with
phosphorus. Iln-
which contains 0.05%
der certain
circumstances a wavy surface Tin Wash
is formed
during the hardening of the The following procedure may be used
tin coating. This can be prevented^ for depositing tin on steel tacks and
cobalt or 0.1%
the addition of 0.04% nails : ,

It is probable, therefore, that 1. Eemoval of oil dirt either by

such alloys, which give
smooth surfaces, electro-cleaning in alkaline cleaning solu-
possess a hardening or solidifleation range tion or by the use of solvent and vapor
compound degreasing. If electro-cleaner is used
^thto which crystals of the
form. At working temperatures follow by hot water and cold water rinses.
240° and 280°, tin with 1.1%
popper 2. Eolling in neutral soap
solutions in
cives a smooth surface.
The addition a wood lined barrel or an open end ob-
the forma- lique wood barrel to obtain bright
of bismuth to the tin causes

tion of large crystal

spangles, similar to If hard water is used it may be neces-
tliose formed in lead-containing tin.
sary to soften by the addition of borax
or soda ash.
3. After rolling rinse in clean
hot and
Tinning Steel Sheets
hot tin- then cold running water.
A common procedure used for strip 4. Blectro-elean in suitable brass
ning consists of pickling the steel
at 17 U- mesh baskets or other suitable container.
in a hot 2% sulphuric acid bath
180® F. then rinsing in cold water. It Einse in clean hot water, then cold water
have the steel dip in 10% muriatic acid pickle; rinse
is essential of course to
cold water; dip in cyanide pickle
clean before pickling. After
tion, 5® Be.; rinse in cold
water and
the strip is passed through a zinc

ride dux then through a molten

tin bath, then place in plating barrel. _
5. After tin plating the
parts should
which has a layer of palm or cottonseed clean cold running water.
be rinsed in
oil. In some instances two tin baths are be
used the first being run at a somewhat To obtain high lustre parts should
higher temperature than the second.
tumbled in an open end oblique wood
barrel using a neutral soap
The temperature of the tin should be 10 min^
Eolling time should not be over
around 570® F. for good results, while
the temperature of the oil layer should
utes* T . • X
6. After rolling in soap solution
he around 475® F, then rolled
are rinsed in cold water and
The strip should be run between rolls in type of
to squeeze off excess tin as it leaves
the in cold hardwood sawdust
The oil can be removed by rubbing barrel mentioned to dry. ^
bath. sawdust, parts are
7. After drying in
with some substance such as bran, or sawdust. The size of
riddled to separate
: -

mesh in riddle depending upon size of Plating Lead Castings with Brass
parts. Copper Cyanide 3.6 oz.
The tin solution used is as follows Zinc Cyanide 1.2 ozl
Sodium Stannate 24 oz./gal. Sodium Cyanide 7.5 02!
Sodium Acetate 4 oz./gal. Sodium Carbonate 4.0 oz*
Powdered Bosin 3 oz,/gal. Water 1
Temperature 130° P. Current density Temperature 75-100° P., anodes 80%
12 amp. per sq. ft. copper, 20% zinc, free cyanide 2.5 oz
It is advisable to add small amounts gal.
daily of 100 volume hydrogen peroxide One pt. of ammonia added to each 100
to oxidize the stannite salts back to stan- gal. will aid in producing a good color
nate condition. This will prevent the when starting a new solution.
building up of stannite salts. Arsenic isused as a brightener. Bis-
Time of plating at least 30 minutes. solve 2 lb. caustic soda in %
gal. water
The panels of the cylinder used in barrel and then add 1 lb. white arsenic. Use i
must either be canvas or hard rubber oz. of this solution to each 100 gal. plat-

with perforations of such a size to pre- ing solution. An excess must be avoided
vent parts coming through. as it will cause the anodes to turn black.

Protecting Surface of Magnesium Alloys

Blacking Coating for Tin
U. S. Patent 2,066,842
relatively hard, blue-black film is
A method of coating a surface the
produced on tin and its alloys in the fol-
major ingredient of which is magnesium,
lowing :
consists in treating the surface with an
Bisodium Hydrogen approximately 1% solution of oxalic acid
Phosphate 200 g. at about 100° C.
Water 1 1.

Phosphoric Acid sufficient to give pH Electro-Bubbing Plating of Lead

3. Operate at 90°; e.d. 30-40 amp./sq. By electro-rubbing^^ is meant the
eleetrodeposition of a metal by wrapping
the anode with a cloth impregnated with
Lead Plating on Iron Bath electrolyte and rubbing it on the cathodic
Lead Silicofluoride 135 g. surface. The anode must be of lead be-
Hydrosilicofluoric Acid 30 g. cause separation of lead peroxide occurs
Boric Acid 5 g. at an insoluble anode, producing exhaus-
Glue 1 g. tion of the electrolyte. The most suitable
Water to make 1 1. electrolyte is found to be borofluoride
Use at 40° C. at 0.3-1.0 amp./sq. dm. solution of the following composition:
with a lead anode for 90 hours. basic lead carbonate, 142 g. per 1. ; hydro-
fluoric acid (100%), 120 g. per 1.; boric
acid, 106 g. per 1.; glue 0.2 g. per 1.
Black Glossy Protective Coating for Iron With this electrolyte, very high current
U. S. Patent 2,046,061 densities can be employed both at anode
A black, lustrous, rust-resisting film is and at cathode. Lead coatings produced
produced on the surface of ferrous me- by ^ ^ electro-rubbing ^ ' are found to be
tals by immersing them for 5 minutes at quite satisfactory in respect of resistance
50-90° C. in a solution pH 1-3) of to corrosion, adhesion, and appearance.
vanadous oxide (1.66%) in oxalic acid
(2.6%) ; formation of the film is acceler- Brignt Cobalt Plating Solutions
ated by aerating the solution or adding Formula No. 1
hydrogen peroxide. The toughness and Cobalt Ammonium
adherence of the film are improved by Sulphate 200
baking the articles at 100-200° C. Water 1000 ce.
Sulphuric Acid 10
Bluing Iron Hydroquinone 0.2
British Patent 464,749 Sodium Bisulphite 0.05 g*
Iron articles are immersed in
: :No.:2',
Caustic Soda 36 oz.
Cobalt Ammonium
Litharge 7 oz. Sulphate 200 S-
Sodium Cyanide 2 oz. Water 1000 ce.
Lead Acetate 2 oz.
Ammonium Acetate 30 g.
50 oz. Acetic Acid 3 g.
Metol 1 oz. Cadmium Sulphate 0.2
At 100-135° 0. for 2-4 minutes. Formaldehyde 3:

Formula No. 2 can be used on steel, satisfactory results in practice. solu- A

brass, copper or zinc and requires no tion may be prepared according to the
polishing, if temperature is kept below following formula in which the concen-
25® G. Above 25° C. more cadmium sul- trations have been rounded off to con-
phate is necessary. venient values.
Zinc Oxide 45 g./l.
Zinc Plating Anode Sodium Cyanide 75 g./l.
U. S. Patent 2,064,307 Sodium Hydroxide 15 g./l.
Nickel 0.1-1.0% It should be operated at temperatures
Mercury 0.1-0.3% below 40° C. in order to reduce the de-
or Aluminum 0.5-1.0% composition of the cyanides. Current
Zinc to make 100 % densities up to 3 amp. per sq. dm. (28
amp./sq. ft.) may be employed upon
Zinc Plating Bath smooth surfaces but for general work 2
Patent 473,147
British. amp./sq. dm. (19 amp./sq. ft.) is prefer-
Zinc Oxide 45 g. able. The presence of large amounts of
Sodium Hydroxide 38 g. carbonate causes rough or striated de-
Sodium Cyanide §0 g. posits, Carbonates should therefore be
Molybdenum Oxide 1 g. removed from the solution at intervals
Thiourea 10 g. by cooling the solution to low tempera-
Water to 1 1- tures.

Bright Zinc Plating Zinc Plating of Iron

British Patent 470,624 Zinc Sulphate 200.0 g.
Sodium Cyanide 10 oz. Sodium Sulphate 50.0 g.
Zinc Cyanide 8-10 oz. Zinc Chloride 20.0 g.
Sodium Thiosulphate %- 2 oz. Sulphuric Acid 5.0 g.
Sodium Hydroxide 8-10 oz. Starch 3.0 g.
Water to 1 gal. Mercuric Sulphate 0.2 g.
Use at 15-30 amp./sq. ft. and then dip Water 1000 g.
Use above at pH 2.1 with current
Chromium Oxide 40 oz. density of 3 amp./sq. dm. at room tem-
perature. The iron should have been
Sodium Sulphate 2 oz.
Nitric Acid 7/10 oz. pickled in 15% hydrochloric acid or 20%
sulphuric acid and degreased eleetrolytie-
Water to 1 gal.
ally in 10% caustic soda.

Coating Zinc with Lead

British Patent 464,367 Bhodium Plating
Immerse zinc articles for 30 seconds
• Canadian Patent 365,965
in the following hot solution: Ammonium Bhodium Nitrate (to give
Ammonium chloride (60% solution) Bhodium 2 g.). Sulphuric Acid (5%),
withdraw; allow to dry and dip into 1000 ee.
molten lead. Heat until dissolved. Cool to 50° 0.
Use at 4 volts and current density of
Black Finish on Zinc 20-30 amp./sq. dm. This gives a silver
A good
black deposit, said to equal re- like coatingwhich does not tarnish.
sults from Black Nickel, can be obtained
on surfaces plated with zinc by the foi- Burnishing of Iron, Electrolytic
lowing; The iron is oxidized anodlcally in 20 to
Water 1 gal. 40% caustic soda solution at a current
Temperature 100° F. density of 1 to 6 amp./sq. dm. at 1 to 2
Nickel Chloride 4 oz. volts at 60-70° C.
Ammonium Chloride 6 oz.
Sodium Sulphocyanide 2 oz. Metallizing Baby Shoes .
Zinc Chloride 2 oz.
To plate baby shoes, make up a weak
solution of shellac in denatured or wood
Zinc Cyanide Plating Solutions alcohol. Dip shoes in this solution. Al-
It was found that satisfactory zinc low to dry. Bepeat until leather is im-
plating solutions can be made by using pregnated. Then spray with a bronze
zinc oxide to replace part or all of the lacquer, thatis, a clear lacquer to which

zinc cyanide formerly employed for this has been added some thinner and some
purpose. The following conditions yield bronze powder.
Platers V Copper Bronze per sulphate solution with
Powder connection*^
3 oz. made at several points with copper
Cellulose Lacquer 'Pree Use a copper sulphate solution
from Gum 14 pt.
made up
Lacquer TMuner % pt.
Copper Sulphate 27
Allow the hronze to dry. 02./gal.
Apply an- Sulphuric Acid 6.5 02./gal
other coat. Dry. Then hang in a cop-


SaU Formula
% Metal
Cadmium Oxide CdO 87.5
Chromium Trioxide CrOa 52.0
Cobalt Sulphate CoS04-7HjO 21.0
Copper Cyanide CuCN
Copper Carbonate (Basie) 71.0
Ou(OH)2*CuCO« 55.3
Copper Sulphate CuS04-5H,0 25.5
Gold Chloride AuCl, 65.0
Chlorauric Acid ILAuCl^AHjO 47.8
Gold Cyanide AuCN
Iron Chloride 87.7
PeCl2.4H,0 28.1
Perrons Ammonium Sulphate PeS04-(NH4)*S04-6H,0 14.2
Nickel Carbonate (Basic) 2NiC03-3Ni(0H)2.4H,0 49.9
Nickel Chloride NiCh-eH^O
Nickel Salts Single— NiS04. 6 H 2 O
Nickel Salts Single— NiS04. 7HoO
Nickel Salts-—Double NiS04‘(NH4)2S04-6H,0
Platinum Chloride 14.9
PtCh 57.8
Chlorplatinic Acid H^PtCl.
Silver Chloride 37.7
AgCl 75.2
Silver Cyanide AgCN
Silver Nitrate 80.5
AgNO« 63.5
Tin^ Chloride SnCl*
Sodium Stannate 52.5
NajSnOa-SHsO 44.4
Zinc Carbonate ZnCOa 52.2
Zinc Chloride ZnCh
Zinc Cyanide 48.0
Zn(CN), 55.7
Zinc Oxide ZnO
Zinc Sulphate 80.3
ZnS04-7H20 22.8
Lead Carbonate (Basic)
2PbC03Pb(0H)a 79.2
^1*®^ above, are for the pure compounds. The purity of

and sane chloride are hygroscopic and absorb water

fan chloride
smgle mckel salts and copper sulphate lose part of
their water of
stading, the actual metal content of a commercial
chemical may^ differ
somewhat from the figure given in the above table.

Weather-Proof Mirrors by sublimation from strips heated at

British Patent 473,869 1400—1850° C, under 10“
Glass plates are coated with rhodium
mm, pressure or
by cathodic sputtering.
Axito-Polislies No. 5
Foimiila No. 1 Tmjentine 38.5 g.
Water 55 g. Oleic Acid 15 g.
Glue, Pale 6g. Kaolin 20 g.
Lactic Acid 3 g. Kieselguhr 5 g.
Sand, Finely Sifted,! Iron Oxide 5 g.
^^0000,^^ or 7 g. Mineral Oil 5 g.
or Water 10 g.
Kieselguhr Potash, Caustic 1 ^ g.
Turpentine 15 g. No. 6
Spindle Oil, Thin 14 g. Turpentine 25 g.
Perfume (Pine Needle Oil, Naphtha 15 g,
or similar oil) to suit Oleic Acid 10 g.
Kaolin 15 g,
No. 2 Whiting 15 g.
Acetic Acid, 80%, Iron Oxide 5 g.
13 or, Lactic Acid 4 g-
Mineral Oil 2 g.
[Water Water 10 g.
'Spindle Oil, Eefined 9 g. Triethanolamine 3 g.
Boseen Oil 4 g. No. 7
Camphor Oil, Viscous 2 g.
Soap 20 g.
3. Neuburger Chalk, Kieselguhr 10 g.
or Tripoli, Finest 7 g. KaoUn 15 g.
To solution 1 add the mixture 2. Stir Iron Oxide 5 g.
until homogeneous, and stir in 3. Mineral Oil 5 g.
Naphtha 5 g.
No. 3 Water 40 g.
rCamauba Wax, (N.C.) 600 g. No. 8
llparaffin Wax (50/52® C) 200 g. Wax 25 g-
Beeswax 100 g. Stearic Acid 2.5 g-
[Colophony 150 g. Potashj Caustic 2.5 g-
fTurpentine Oil 4000 g. Turpentine 20 g-
S.^Tetralin 800 g. Water to make 100 g-
[Methyl Hexalin 800 g. No, 9
otash Carbonate 100 g. Wax 20 g-
oft Soap 50 g. Stearic Acid 2.5 g-
f rater 5000 g.
600 g.
Ammonia (0.88)
2 g-
1.5 g.
4.fNeuburger Chalk
|Methanol 100 g. Turpentine 25 g.
(which Water to make 100 g.
Melt 1., with stirring, add 2. is
warmed up to 55® C), cool for a while, No. 10
add 3., and finally 4. Camauba, or Ig. Wax O 12 lb.
Montan Wax, Bleached 4 lb.
No. 4 Beeswax 3 lb.
l.f Sulphuric Acid, (44° Bd) 12.5 g. [Ozokerite-Ceresin (56“58° C.) 6 1b.
’Water 295 g. Of melted mixture of waxes take
Bpindle Oil, Eefined 33 g. (changing with the season)
2.-! Turpentine or Eosin Oil 12.5 g. 6-8 lb.
Camphor Oil 2 g. Heavy Benzoline, or
Neuburger Chalk 10 g. Turpentine 80 lb.
Petroleum 12-14 lb.
Prepare 1. and 2. separately, and
by vigorous stirring. To the emulsion The cooled finished product should be
thus formed add 3. a still-liquid jelly.

No. 11 No. 17
Montan Wax A, Double Mineral Oil, White 35 hg
Bleached 14 kg. Beeswax 5 kg
Beeswax 6 kg. Carbon Tetrachloride 10 kg
Turpentine 60 kg. Kieselguhr
Petroleum 20 kg. Oleic Acid I
3 a"
Potash Carbonate 0.5 kg
Melt waxes with gentle heat. Put
out fire and stir in the solvents at about
Ammonia 0.5 kg
55-60® C. the preparation can be put
Water 43 1.

into containers. Close as soon as a non- No. 18

transparent skin has formed on the a. White Oil 20 kg
surface. Castor Oil 10 kg.
Solvent Naphtha 5 kg.
No. 12 Glycerin 5
Cellite 75 g- Turpentine 15kg.
Isopropyl Alcohol 60.8 cc. Diglycol Laurate 2.5 kg.
Glycerin 20,8 cc. h. Water 100 kg.
Varnolene 28.5 cc. Neuburg Chalk 25 kg.
Camphor Oil 28.5 cc. Kaolin, Finest 5
Spindle Oil 147.5 cc. Bentonite 3 kg-
Saponin 6. g-
Make mixtures a and b, and add a
470. cc.
to b. Homogenize, if desired.
8 g-
Oxalic Acid 2 g- No. 19
Linseed Oil 200
Let last four ingredients stand over- g,
Dipentene 300
night. Then mix in ingredients
other g.
.Paraffin Oil 200
in a mayonnaise or churn type mixer. g.
Petroleum, Refined 250
Mix intermittently for a few hours. g.
Camphor Oil, Light 50 g.
No. 13 Apply simply with a rag.
Olein, Distilled 15 g.
White Spirit No. 20
(Lacquer Benzoline) (Non-abra.sive)
90 g.
Spindle Oil, Yellow 450
Chalk, Neuburg, Fine 45 g. g
Linseed Oil 300
Ammonia, 25% 1 g- g
Petroleum, Refined 150 g
Saponify this mixture adding the am- Turpentine 100 g
monia with thorough agitation. Cltronella Oil 1-1.5 g
Orange, Oil-Soluble Dye
No. 14
ParaffinWax 8 oz. No, 21
Carnauba Wax 24 oz.
Turpentine 68 oz. Mineral Oil, Yellow 70 g.
No. 15 Linseed Oil, De-Slimed SO g.
Lavender Oil 5 oz. Petroleum, Refined 50 g.
Ceresin 25 oz. Dekalin 50 g.
Stearic Acid 40 oz. Methyl Hexalin 10 g.
Beeswax 40 oz. Neuburg Chalk 90 g.
Paraffin Wax 80 oz. Lactic Acid (50%) 60 g.
Turpentine 810 02. Water 400 g.

No. 16 Mix the first six ingredients, adding

(Non-Greasy Finish) them in the given order with good agi-
Naphtha V. M. & P. 25 lb.
tation. The lactic acid is thinned with
Mineral Oil (Spindle) the water, and the solution is added in
20 lb.
Perilla Oil a thin jet and with good agitation to the
8 lb.
Emulsifier L83A oil-chalk mixture.
8 lb.
Water 30 lb. 22'

Silica 20 lb.
u. Carnauba Wax 500 lb.
Disperse the silica in water add the Paraffin Wax (50/52® 0.) 200 lb.
emulsifiej and stir thoroughly. Mix the Beeswax 200 lb.
oils and add slowly to the above with Rosin 150 lb.
high speed agitation. b. Turpentine Substitute 4000 lb.
An oil polish which does not leave a ^^Tetralin’^ or
greasy or oily film on the car. Metliylhexalin 600-800 lb.

Potash Carbonate 100 lb. b. Black Soap 1.5

Soft Soap 50 lb. Water 10
Water ^ 0. Solvent (Turpentine
d. Whiting or Neuburg Chalk 600 lb. White Spirit, etc.) 60
100 lb. Melt a at 95-100° C., prepare the hot
Melt add the hot solvents I, stir soap solution b.
until about
55° C., add c. When all are Add 0 with good agitation, and stir
until it begins to go heavy (at about
mixed thoroughly, add d.
48° C.).
No. 23
No. 2
Teilow Beeswax or
36 a. Carnauba Wax, Gray 15

Montan Wax, Eefined lb.
Beeswax or Japan Wax 5
Potash Carbonate 3 lb.
14^ Glyeowax 5
Water b. Kaolin or Floated Chalk 30-35
Turpentine or Substitute 10.5 lb.
c. Solvent (Turpentine, White
Melt a carefully; add slowly a 'boiling Spirit, or a Mixture of both
solution h, boil until the saponification is and 10 parts of Kerosene) 30
completed. Cool, thin with a d. Black Soap 1
Water 7-10
Melt ct, stir in b very thoroughly; add
Wax Paste Auto and Furniture Polish slowly Cj with continuous agitation.
Carnauba Wax 8 oz.
Add hot d and stir until a paste forms
Montan Wax 5 oz.
on cooling.
Ceraflux 13 02 .

Naphtha 40 oz. No. 3

Turpentine 40 oz. a. Montan Wax, Bleached 3
Carnauba Wax Residues 4
Warm on a water or steam bath until Yellow Beeswax 1.5
waxes have melted; stir until thick and Japan Wax 1.5
pour into tight closing cans. Glyeowax 1
b. Potash Carbonate 0.2
Automobile Polishes (Oils) Borax 0.3
No. 1 Black Soap 0.5

Water-Soluble Oil 35 Water 35

30 0. Kerosene 10
Turpentine 10
b. Caustic Soda (38° B4.) 8
0. Water-Soluble Oil 25 Melt a at about 100° G., and add b,
Kerosene 15 of equal temperature, to it with very
d. Water 5-10 good agitation. Watch closely to pre-
e.Turkey Bed Oil 5- 7 vent from foaming over (carbon dioxide
Mix a, add b at 70° C., very slowly formed!) and keep boiling until the
Boil. When saponified, saponification is finished and add c.
with agitation.
Stir until cold.
add 0 , and d with stirring (all hot)
e may be added if desired.
Automobile Polishes
No. 2
5 Formula No. 1
a* Oleic Acid ^
6 Solvent—Drying Oil Type
Rosin, in small pieces
Paraffin Oil,
(Straw-Colored) 60.0 lb.
b. Caustic Soda (38° B4,) 2.5
Linseed Oil 24.0 lb.
c. Kerosene 70
Chinawood Oil 5.0 lb.
Turkey Red Oil 8
5-10 Soya Bean Oil 3.5 lb.

Heat a ^with the amount of alcohol
Naphtha 4.5
desired. Mix well, and add b at about
No. 2
70° C, Add e with continuous agitation. Abrasive—Drying Oil Type
The addition of d is optional.
Paraffin Oil,
(Straw-Colored) 20.0 lb.

Automobile Polishes (Pastes Blown Castor Oil 2.0 lb.

Formula' No. '!' Kieselguhr 4.0 1b,

Carnauba Wax, Gray 10 China clay, Colloidal 1.0 lb.
Montan Wax, Bleached 3 Tragacanth, Gum 0.6 1b.

Japan Wax 5 Sodium Benzoate 0.2 lb.

Scale Wax (50-52° C.) 2 Water 72.2 lb,


No. 3 No. 4
Wax-Solvent Type a. Acetic Acid,
Carnauba Wax 4.5 lb. Concentrated 4
Ceresine Wax 5.5 lb. Water 74
Candelilla Wax 7.5 lb. h. Spindle Oil, Refined 9
Paraffin Wax 12.0 lb. Turpentine 4
Naphtha 60.5 lb. Clovel 2 kg
Turpentine 10.0 lb. Neuburg Chalk 7 ke
No. 4
Method as in No. 3.

A. R. No. 5
Carnauba Wax 4.0 3.0 lb. Petroleum Jelly, Yellow 200 g.
Yellow Beeswax 2,0 2.0 lb. Mineral Polishing Oil, Yellow 70 g!
Paraffin Wax 2.0 1.5 Linseed Oil 30 g]
Tripoli — 12.0
lb. Dekalin 50

Bentonite — 3.0 lb. Petroleum 50 g*.

Kieselguhr 15.0 —
lb. Neuburg Chalk 100 g*
Mix the chalk with the hot melted
Naphtha 30.0 34.0 lb.
White Spirit 5.0 — lb. mixture. Stir until cooled.
Kerosene -
3.0 lb. No. 6
Oleine — 4.0 lb. a. Methyl Hexalin 10 Ih.
Triethanolamine Linseed Oil 30 lb.
Stearate 5.0 5.0 lb. Pekalin 50 lb.
Water 37,0 36.0 lb. Petroleum 50 lb.
Polishing Oil 70 lb.
Automobile Cleansers 5. Neuburg Chalk lb. 90
Formula No. 1 c. Lactic Acid, (50%) lb. 50
o. Sulphuric Acid (66®) 12.5 lb. Water lb. 400
Water 295 lb. Mix a, grind with b until homogene-
h. Spindle Oil or Linseed Oil 35 lb. ous. Mix in 0 and emulsify in a homo-
Turpentine or Pine Oil 12.5 lb. genizer.
Camphorated Oil 2 lb.
c. Neuburg Chalk 10 lb. Polishing Wax for Rotating Discs
Make up a and h separately. Add Z> Montan Wax 3 lb.
to a with vigorous stirring, until emulsi- Tallow 3 lb.
fied. Add 0, Stearic Acid 4 lb.
Shake before use. Mineral Oil, Yellow 24 lb.

No. 2 Viennese Chalk

a, Carnauba Wax, Waste 5 kg. to desired consistency
Paraffin Wax 2 kg* Non-Scratching Polish
Beeswax 1 kfiT.
Used for highly polished metal sur-
Rosin 1.5 kff.
h. Turpentine 40 kg.
U. S. Patent 2,093,660
Tetralin 8 kg.
Whiting 250 g.
c. Potash Carbonate 1 kg.
Feldspar (400 mesh) 250 g.
Soft Soap 0.5 kg.
Wetting Agent 12%~18 g:
Water 50 1.
Water 125-205 ec.
d. Neuburg Chalk 0 kg.
Methanol 1 kg. Emulsion Polish
Melt a, take the fire, and stir in h.
off XT. S. Patent 2,081,073
When cooled to 60° C., add the solution Mineral Spirits 169.00 g.
c with good stirring. When at 55° C., Light Mineral Oil 187.50 g.
add d. Stir until cooled completely. Castor Oil 93,60 g.
Ricinoleic Acid 11.03 g.
No. 3
<1. Sulphuric Acid,
Water 624.75 g,
Water solution of Potas-
Concentrated 4 kg.
sium Hydroxide contain-
Water 79 kg.
ing 1.65 g. of Potassium
h. Camphorated Oil, Heavy 7.5 kg.
Linseed Oil
Hydroxide 19.25 g.
7.5 kg.
Pumice Powder, Finest 2 kg.
'^Lannette^^ Wax 30.00 g.

Mix grind up b until completely Lacquer Polish

smooth. British Patent 446,146
Add a slowly to h, agitating thor- Water 49.0 lb.
oughly. Sulphuric Acid 2.6 lb.

penatured Alcoliol 7.8 lb. Add /. Mix, let stand for hours,
Glycerin 9.4 lb. and strain.
1.9 lb.
Ethyl Lactate No. 5
3.4 lb.
gutyl Acetate a. Hard Soap, Powdered 12 kg.
Keuburg Chalk 17.4 lb.
Water 55 kg.
Burnt Turkey Umber 1.7 lb.
h. Whiting 15 kg.
Spindle Oil 1.9 lb.
Kieselguhr 10 kg.
Naphtha 5.0 lb.
c. Alcohol 8 kg.
Make the hot soap solution a, add in
Liquid Metal Polishes h slowly with mixing. Let stand cov-
Formula No. 1 ered.
a. Diglycol Stearate 5 kg. Add c the next morning, Allow to
Water 20 kg. rest for 6 hours. Mill.
Oleic Acid^ 4 kg.
5 kg.
No. 6
Mineral Oil a. Oleic Acid 15 kg.
Alcohol 10 kg.
Turpentine 30 kg.
Ammonia (0.910) 3 kg.
c. Spindle Oil, Rehned 10 kg.
Neuburg Chalk 25 kg.
d. Alcohol 12 kg.
Water, 60® C. 27
27 kg.
e. h. Ammonia (0.910) 6 kg.
Make Separately, mix the
solution a. c. Methyl Hexalin 2 kg.
^'oils^^ h, and emulsify
them by adding d. Kieselguhr 25 kg.
To the emulsion add a, stir thor*
Add e in small at room temperature. Add h
Mix a
oughly, and work in d.
Let stand with good agitation, and thereafter stir
portions, stirring strongly.
in c and d.
Let stand for 12 hours. Strain.
No. 2
No. 7
a. Oleic Acid or Talloil 15 kg.
a. Rosin 12 kg.
Liglycol Laurate 5 kg.
25 kg.
h. Turpentine
Petroleum 15 kg.
Benzine 20 kg.
Alcohol 5 kg.
12 kg. c. Ammonia (0.910) 8 kg.
h. Ammonia (0.960)
Alcohol 5 kg.
c. Kieselguhr 30 kg.
d. Eaeselguhr 30 kg.
d. Water, 60® C. 28 kg.
To the solution a add 1 with stirring. Melt a. Shut off all heat, and add the
mixture h. Stir thoroughly and emulsify
To the emulsion thus formed add slowly
•with agitation c, and afterwards, in the
with c.
same way, d. Run through a mill the Work in d. Allow to stand for sev-
following morning. eral hours. Strain.

No. 8
No. 3
w. Oleic Acid or Talloil,
a. Liglycol Laurate 20 kg.
Distilled 16 kg.
Water 35 kg.
Mineral Oil 16 kg.
h. Whiting 25 kg.
40 kg.
Alcohol 10 hg.
10 kg.
h. Ammonia (0.910) 8 kg.
Benzine Whiting 20 kg.
<3 .

Add h with stirring to a. Let stand

Add h to the mixture a with agitation.
Let Add c to this emulsion in small portions.
Add the mixture o with stirring. Strain.
stand for 6 hours. Strain.
No. 9
No. ,4 .

3 gal. batch
a. Hard Soap, Powdered 4 kg.
Naphtha 3 gal.
Water 30 kg.
Silica (Air Floated
OleicAcid 5 kg. 2
350 mesh) lb.
c. Whiting 26 kg. 4 oz.
5 kg. Red Oil fl.
d. Ammonia (0.910)
Aqua Ammonia (26®) 1 pt.
Water 5 kg.
3 kg. Water to make up to 3 gal.
e. Oxalic Acid
Water 15 kg. Stir the silica into the naphtha, add
/. Alcohol 8 kg. the red oil and stir, then pour in the am-
monia with continuous stirring, add some
Dissolve a, and stir in slowly in the
order given h, c, d, e. Allow to stand of the water, when the emulsion becomes
overnight. complete, add rest of water needed and
color if desired. To make a creamier Water (50-60® C.) 70 oz
product double the amount of red oil and d, Neuburg Chalk, Fine 25 oz!
ammonia, more silica may also be used. Dissolve a by heating to about 50-60®
m. 10 0. on water bath, saponify with h, and
Type ^^SidoP’ add the solution c. The resulting liquid
Oleic Acid, Distilled 20 kg. is mixed with d in a good mixer.
Alcohol 15 kg. No. 14
Heavy Benzine 15 kg. Oleic Acid 16 oz.
Ammonia (sp. g. 0.91) 12 kg. Ammonia 10 oz.
Heuburg Chalk 18 kg. Clay, Powdered 60 oz.
Kieselguhr 12 kg. Alcohol 10 oz.
White Bolus 8 kg. White Spirit 10 oz.
The oleic acid, dissolved in the solvent Oxalic Acid 3 oz.
mixture, saponified on the water-bath
is Water 160 oz.
at temperature below the boiling point No. 15
of the alcohol (60-70® C.). The strongly Oleic Acid 18 oz.
smelling liquid is now thickened with the White Spirit 150 oz.
abrasives which are added with good agi- Clay, Powdered 56 oz.
tation. Ammonia 6 oz.
Alcohol 4 oz.
No. 11
Neuburg* Chalk 80 lb No. 16
Kieselguhr 4 lb. Spindle Oil 4 oz.
Water 300 lb. Oleic Acid 10 oz.
Oleic Acid 3.5 lb. White Spirit 3 oz.
Ammonia (0.91) 1 lb. Ozokerite 4 oz.
Alcohol 6.5 lb. Clay 15 oz.
Naphtha 10 lb. Ammonia 0.5 oz,
) the mixture a, made 24 hours No. 17
earlier and left overnight, add &, which a. Ammonium Oleate 2.1 kg.
is made by saponification at gentle heat Water 19.5 kg,
to a soft-soap like mass. Stearic Acid 1 kg.
c. Ammonia (0.91) 0.5 kg.
No. 12 d. Alcohol 2.1 kg.
Water 110 kg.
Neuburg Chalk
^ e. 6 kg.
Oxalic Acid 16 kg.
Oleic Acid 25 kg.
Heat a to almost a boil to dissolve;
Stearic Acid 4 kg. add h with good stirring, cool to 75® C.,
Alcohol 15 kg. and saponify with c. Cool to 50® C..
Turpentine 7.5 kg add d and work in e with very thorough
Neuburg Chalk 125 kg.
Water 215 kg. No, 18
Ammonia (0.910) 27.5 kg. Water 60 oz,
Dissolve the oxalic acid in of the
necessary water by heating to about 60°
% Naphthenic Soap 6
1 oz.

0. and add the remainder of the water.

Silica or Tripoli 15 oz.

Melt up the fatty acids, turn out any Mineral Oil 18 oz.
flames, and add the solvents wuth stir-
ring. Metal-Polish Cake
Addthe oils to the water, with stirring, Mon tan Wax, Crude 25 g.
add the chalk, and ultimately saponify Montan Wax, Double Bleached 5 g.
with the ammonia, until, after an initial Chromium Oxide 70 g.
thickening, the mass starts to go thin Melt together and stir until cool.
Keep in kettle for 2 days, stirring in- Metal Polish (Non-Inflammable)
termittently. Ammonium Linoleate R. 20 lb.
If the mass still settles, add more oleic
Oxalic Acid 2 lb.
Ammonia 4 lb.
No. 13 Water 150 lb.
a. Olein, Distilled 9 oz. Naphtha V. M. & P. 10 lb.
Stearic Acid 2 oz. Silica 60 1b.
Alcohol 10 oz. Alcohol 5 lb.
h. Ammonia (sp. g. 0.91) 14 oz, Heat the water to 70® C. Dissolve the
c. Oxalic Acid 2 O*. oxalic acid, add the silica and stir until

/fispersed. Add tlie ammonia and stir No.

a few minutes
keeping at 70® 0. a. Soft Soap 20 lb.
Then add the ammonium
linoleate E. and Turpentine 15 lb.

^tiruntil dissolved. Add the naphtha Alcohol 5 lb.

slowly and stir.
The mixture becomes b. Water 15 lb.

very heavy. The alcohol is then added c. Whiting 35 lb.

glowly until the

desired body and vis- Yellow Ochre 10 lb.

cosity are obtained. Make solution a, add h, and when

homogeneous, use to make a paste with
Metal Polish (Solvent Type) c.
Ammonium Linoleate E. 20 lb.
No. 6
Naphtha V. M. & P. 100 lb.
Pumice, Powdered 25 lb.
40 lb.
Whiting 20 lb.
Ammonia ^ Jp- Glass, Powdered 10 lb.
Alcohol Chrome Oxide 10 lb.
Heat the naphtha cautiously to 60® C. Oleic Acid, or Spindle Oil,
Dissolve the ammonium linoleate
E. and Eefined (Thickened by 8%
aisperse the silica. Add the ammonia of Paraffin Wax) 35 lb.
when the mixture becomes very heavy. No. 7
It is then thinned
down as desired by Paraffin Wax (50/52°’C.) 20 lb.
the addition of the
Spindle Oil, Eefined 30 lb.
b. Whiting 20 lb.
Metal Polish Pastes Emery 20 lb.
Pormula Ho. 1
Carbon Black 10 lb.
a. Ceradux 8 lb.
Ozokerite 2 lb. Mix a hot, and work in slowly h with
Acid 40 lb. good agitation.
h. Whiting, Finest 50 lb. No. 8
and work in the well sifted ta. Soft Soap 30 lb.
Melt up «•,
h. Turpentine 10 lb.
No. 2 c. Alcohol 5 lb.

Paraffin Wax (50/52® C.) 5 lb. <2. Water 10 lb.

16 e. Kieselguhr 20 lb.
Stearic Acid lb.

Oleic Acid 29 lb. Emery 20 lb.

Whiting, Finest 20 lb. Chrome Oxide 5 lb.

Magnesium Carbonate 30 lb. Thin a with h, c. d in the given order
Combine as in No. 1. work in e.
No. 3 No. 9
a. Paraffin or Scale Wax a. Oleic Acid or Talloil 5 lb.
(50/52® C.) 17 lb. Turpentine 15 lb.

Montan Wax, Eefmed 3 lb. h. Ammonia 3 lb.

Spindle Oil, Eefmed 30 lb. c. Water 30 lb.

b. Whiting, Finest, Sifted 46 lb. d. Whiting 10 lb.

Iron Oxide, Bed 4 lb. Emery 20 lb.

Combine as in No. 1. Powdered

Glass, 10 lb.
Graphite Dust 7 lb.
No. 4
(For chrome and nickel) To the solution a add b with good agi-
a. Paraffin Wax (50/52® C.) 10 lb. tation. Thin with c. Work in d to get
hlontan Wax, Eefined 2 lb. a paste.
Spindle Oil, Eedned 38 lb. No. 10
h. Kieselguhr 49 lb. a. Soft Soap 20 lb.
Iron Oxide Bed 1 lb. h. Potato Flour 2 lb.
Combine as in No. 1. Water 28 lb.

No. 5 c. Pumice, Powdered 30 lb.

Ammonium Linoleate 9 lb. Emery, Finest 10 lb.

Turpentine 20 lb. Iron Oxide Bed 10 lb.

h. Alcohol 4 lb. Mix a add starch dispersion by and

"'22 lb. make a paste with c. Thorough stirring
c. 40 db. is necessary.
Chrome Oxide 5 lb. No.ll-
Mix a, which has been previously Globus ^
^ Type
Distilled Olein 3 lb.
heated to about 50® 0. with h, adding
Wool Fat 2 lb.
the latter with good agitation work in c.

Paraffin Wax 1 lb. thinned with a volatile solvent allowing

the cloth to dry before packaging. ^
Spindle Oil 25 lb.
Neuburg Chalk 35-40 lb. No. 3
No. 12 a, Whiting 12 kg.
^^GlohoP» Type Iron Oxide, Red 5 kg.
Scale Wax (50/52® C.) 5 g. h. Sard Soap 6 kg!
Ceresin (58/60® C.) 3 g. Biglyeol Stearate 2 kg!
Stearin 15 g. Water 75 kg!
Olein, Distilled 17 g. Add a, finely powdered, to the solution
Spindle Oil 10 g. 5 which is made by boiling. Stir thor-
Calcium Carbonate, Floated 30 g. oughly. Dip the rags into the solution
Neuburg Chalk 15 g. press out, and dry them,

Chrome Green 5 g.
No. 4
Melt up the 5 first ingredients and stir Whiting
a. I5 kg.
in the abrasive powder. Lime, Green 5 kg.
h. Gum Arabic 7 kg!
Water 73 kg!
Metal Polishing Cloths
Cloths used for polishing vary only Mix the powders a with the gum dis-
slightly in their treatment. There are persion h. The latter is made by stir-

two classes those which depend upon ring the gum into the cold water, and
heating till the solution is clear.
some abrasive mechanically held on the
fibre, and those which have an acid such Strain. Dip rags as in No. 1.
as oxalic as their effective agent. The No. 5
abrasive cloths can be prepared in many a. Kieselguhr 12 kg.
waysj by the use of a wax to hold the Yellow Ochre 3 kg.
abrasive, which requires mechanical ma- 6. Ammonium Linoleate 3 kg.
nipulation to apply, and by the use of a Water 77 kg.
volatile solvent with a fixed oil or fatty Stir ct into the soap solution h. Strain,
acid to fix the abrasive in the fibre. Dip rags as in No. 1.
Cloths dipped in the following suspension
will give satisfactory results: No. 6
Red Oil 20 oz.
Formula No. 1 Castor Oil 3 oz.
Benzine 600 cc. Gasoline or Benzine 10 oz.
Whiting 200 g. Infusorial Earth 6 oz.
Infusorial Earth 50 g. Citronella Oil 1 oz.
Oleic Acid 3 g. Nitrobenzol 1 oz.
The mixture should be hept in constant Mix well by shaking. Dse outing
agitation; the cloths are dipped, slightly flannel of desired size and saturate with
wrung out, and allowed to dry in a place the liquid. Wring out the excess of the
remote from fire. The whiting or in- oil and expose to the air in order to per-
fusorial earth may be replaced by white mit the gasoline or benzine to evaporate
bole or jeweller ^s rouge if desired. completely. Put up in Glassine paper
Canton flannel is the usual fabric em- envelopes.
ployed and it is cut about 18 x 24 or
18 z 36 inches in size. The cloth may be No. 7
bound or left unbound. The fabric is Dissolve 1 lb. of best (neutral) castile
immersed in the polish solution and the soap in %
gal. of water and add lb. %
excess squeezed out by passing through of powdered Tripoli. Cut fluffy woolen
an ordinary clothes wringer with the rolls cloth or outing flannel to proper size and
set quite tight. An alternative method thoroughly soak in the liquid mixture.
is to suspend fabric in a spray booth and Hang up to dry. Put up in Glassine en-
spray with a spray gun containing the velopes.
polish. No. 8
No. 2 a. Hard Soap 6 kg.
The polishing liquid may be straight Water, Boiling 35 kg.
oleic acid suitably scented. Sometimes Glycerin 5 kg.
petrolatum or stearic acid, or both, are h. Oleic Acid 7 kg.
dissolved in it to the extent of 6 to 10% Tripoli, Fine 35 kg.
to render it less oily. The oleic acid c. Ammonia (0.96) 5 kg.
may be replaced in whole or in part with d. Alcohol,Denatured 8 kg.
paraflBln oil. To facilitate absorption and Heat solution a, add h, saponify with
reduce the final oil content it may be c. Cool to 40-45® 0. and add d.

Impregnate at 45/40° C., dry the No. 2

out gently, pack. Nitric Acid (50%).
cloths, dust
Ko. 9 No. 3
U. 8. Patent 2,098,607 Methyl Amine
Glotli is impregnated
witli the follow- (33% Solution) 10 oz.
Nitric Acid (25%) 32 oz.
ing and dried: 07
Water 97 oz. The above can be made into pastes by
Mineral Oil 3 oz.

Vinegar 1 02;.
Turpentine % Brass Polish Paste
Linseed Oil % oz.
Stearic Acid 10 kg.
Naphtha 30 kg.
Tripoli Compo (Polish)
Caustic Potash (30° Be) 5 kg.
StearicAcid 55 lb.
Alcohol 6 kg.
Edible Tallow 2 lb.
Mixture of Clay,
Oleo Stearine 5 lb.
Tripoli 1:4 to make paste
Bosin 9 lb.
40 lb. To the naphtha-stearic acid solution
add the alkali, then the alcohol. Work
Japan Wax 1 lb.
into a paste with the minerals.
Elint 315 lb.

Tripoli Flour, Double Ground 93 lb.

Ponolith 2 lb. Aluminum Polish Powders

Formula No. 1
Tripoli Buffing Stick Pink
Double Pressed Saponified Stearic Acid or Paraffin
Stearic Acid 30 g. Wax (Powdered) 10 g.
Edible Tallow 25 g. Magnesium Oxide 40 g.
Paraffin Wax 25 g. Calcium Carbonate,
Tripoli Flour 20 g. Precipitated 30 g.
(or as much as will be Iron Oxide Bed 20 g.
absorbed) No. 2
A buffing or polishing paste inay be Magnesium Oxide 40 g.
made, using the above formulae, with the Whiting 40 g.
addition of a small amount of turpentine Bole, White 20 g.
and of water to bring to the consistency No. 3
desired. White
Whiting 40 g.
Metal Cleaner and Brightener Kieselguhr 30 g.
XT. S. Patent 2,062,038
2 oz. Alum, Powdered 30 g.
Phthalic Anhydride
Sodium Sulphate 5 oz.

Soap Polishing Powders for Copper, Brass,

Soap Bark o oz. Nickel, Chromium, etc.
Water to suit. For Copper and Brass
Formula No. 1
Polishing Metals for Metallographic Hard Soap, Powdered 10 g.
Analysis Whiting SO g.

Preliminary to a final felt polishing a Kieselguhr, Calcined 20

metal sample is burnished with chromium Iron Oxide Bed 20 g.
oxide wetted with kerosene. The chro- No. 2
mium oxide is prepared by heating a Vienna Chalk 30 g.
mixture of potassium dichromate with

Kieselguhr, Calcined 30 g.
sulphur at 1500° for a coarse paste and Whiting 20 g.
at 1000° G. for a fine paste for
Lime Green ^
20 g.
hours. The grinding is best eifected Copper and Steel Polish
upon Pyrex plates. Oxalic Acid, Powdered 3 lb.
Silica 50 lb.
'"Metal. Cleaner 'for '.Beer Pipes
and' Apparatus

: .

British Patent 458,163 Nickel and Chrome Polish

Magnesium Oxide 30 g.
Formula No. 1
Acetamide 12 oz. Calcium Carbonate,
25 oz. Precipitated 30 g.
Nitric Acid (50%)
Urea ^16 oz. Iron Oxide Bed 40 g.
Polish for Nickel, Chrome and Alloys Lime Green 4
Kieselguhr, Calcined 50 g. d. Ammonia (0.910) 4
Calcium Carbonate, e. Alcohol 10 kg
Precipitated 40 g. Mix h with <2, work in c with good agi-
Chrome Oxide 10 g. tation; saponify with d. Let stand
night. Keep covered.
Nickel, Chrome, Copper and Brass Polish Add Strain 6 hours later.
Kieselguhr, Calcined 40 g.
Whiting 35 g. No. 3
Iron Oxide Red 10 g. a. Oleic Acid or Talloil,
Paraffin (50/52° C.) 15 g. Bistilled 20 kg.
Melt and grind in a mill. Benzine 14 |jS‘
Methylhexalin 2 kg.’
Copper Kettle Polish h. Alcohol 16 kg!
Hard Soap, Powdered 10 g.
Ammonia (0.960) 13 kg!
Pumice Flour c. Kieselguhr, Finest 35 kg!
20 g.
Kieselguhr, Calcined 50 g. Add the mixture h to the solution a
Iron Oxide Red 20 g. with agitation. Work in c.
Let stand overnight. Strain.
Iron and Steel Polishing Powder
For Forks, Knives, etc.
Liquid Polishes for Iron or Steel
Formula No. 1
Hard Soap, Powdered Formula No. 1
10 g. a. Ammonium Linoleate
Kieselguhr, Calcined 9 lb.
30 g. Turpentine Substitute
Pumice, Powdered 16 lb!
35 g. Alcohol
Emery 2 lb.
10 g. h. Emery
Lime, Green 20 lb!
15 g. Whiting 25 lb.
No. 2 Powder
Glass 10 lb.
Whiting 40 g. 0.Water 18 lb!
Pumice, Finely Powdered 40 g. Mix and wet thoroughly
h in this
Chrome Oxide 20 g. oil-solvent mixture. Add c to the whole
with thorough agitation and in small por-
Oven Frame Polish tions.
Whiting or Infusorial Earth 40 g.
Emery 40 g. No. 2
Powdered Glass 15 g.
a. Ammonium Linoleate 25 lb.
Frankfurt Black Water 40 ib!
5 g.
5. Whiting 15 ib.
Quartz Flour 10 lb.
Oven Cover Polish
Pumice, Powdered Chromium Oxide 10 lb.
50 g.
Whiting 35 g. No. 3
Chromium Oxide 15 g. a. Soft Soap 15 lb.
Methyl Cyclohexanol 2 lb.
Liquid Chromium or Nickel 5. Turpentine 15 ib.

c. Ammonia (0.910) 5 lb!

Formula No. 1 Water 23 lb.

«. Biglycol Stearate
d. Green Earth 10 lb.
6 kg.
Water Whiting 10 lb.
66 kg. Pumice Meal
h. Oleic Acid 5 kg. 10 lb.
c. Kieselguhr Emery 10 lb.
14 kg.
Iron Oxide Red 6 kg. Stir together a and h, add c with good
d. Ammonia (0.910) 3 agitation. Now add the powders d. mix-
Mix 2> with the hot solution ing very thoroughly.
a. Work
in the abrasives <?, and saponify with d.
Mix thoroughly, and allow to stand over
No 4 ,

For Forks and Knives

night. Strain. a. Oleic Acid 15 lb.
No. 2 Mineral Oil, White 10 lb.
Biglycol Laurate 8 hg. Alcohol 45 lb.
Water 50 kg. h. Ammonia (0.910) 5 Ib.
h. Oleic Acid or Talloil, c. Chrome Oxide 25 lb.
Bistilled 4 kg. Emulsiify adding h to a with stirring.
c, Kieselguhr, Calcined 20 kg. Work in c with thorough agitation.

Ho. 5 Make emulsion by adding 1) to a with

Work into this the fine powder
Por Porks and Knives stirring.
Cellulose 2 lb. c.
a. Methyl
No, 1 and 2 are for tin cans. No. 3 is
I Water
5 for collapsible tubes.
c] Tri-Sodinm Pkospliate lb.


Whiting Liquid Silver Polishes
Chrome Oxide or Emery 15 lb. Formula No. 1
Pour boiling h over a and let
soak over- a. Biglyeol Stearate 7 g.
Tiiffht Add the solution c to it the next Water 60 g.
morning, and add now, with
agitation, h. Oleic Acid 6 g.

the abrasives d,
c. Ammonia (0.910) 3 g.
d. Alcohol 10 g.
Magnesium Carbonate 10 g.
Polish for Silver, Nickel, Brass,

Chromium, etc. ParisBed 6 g.

Formula No. 1 I
Make a hot solution of with
add h
Biatomaceous Earth 18 oz. stirring. Add carefully o, cool to some
Gum Arabic 5 oz. extent, and add d.

Mica (Coarse Grade) 12 oz. which should be of the

The abrasives e
Phenol finestpowder-grade are then suspended
Water ^5 oz. with good agitation.
Kerosene 5 oz.
No. 2
No. 2 Ammonium Linoleate 8 g.
Diatomaceous Earth 80 oz.
Water 30 g.
Gum Karaya 2 oz.
24 oz.
h. Calcium Carbonate,
Mica (Coarse Grade) Precipitated 26 g.
China Clay 24 oz.
c. Water 67 g.
Water 260
oz. Make ahot solution of a. Work h m
oz. thoroughly. Add o in small portions
Kerosene A
water-soluble ani-
with good agitation.
After the powders and the phenol have lino-dye may be added. The abrasive is
been mixed together, thoroughly, to be of the finest grade.
water should be added with constant
atirring to prevent the formation of No. 3
lumps. Thereupon the kerosene can be a. Oleic Acid 16 g*
incorporated into the paste. The latter h. Alcohol 68 g.
fulfills a two-fold purpose in
that it as- c. Ammonia (0.910) 7 g.
sists materially in dissolving
and re- d. Calcium Carbonate,
moving stubborn stains and tarmsh, and Precipitated 10 g.
furthermore remains in the cracks and Magnesium Carbonate 10 g.
crevices of the metal to retard To a add h. When homogeneous, add
c slowly with good agitation. The abra-
sives, d—^which should be of the finest
Silver Polishes grade—are suspended by good stirring
Formula No. 1 for a sufficient period of time.
a. Stearic Acid 10
60 lb. No. 4
Glyceryl Oleate
Calcium Carbonate, Fine lb. 35 Kaolin S*
5 lb. Kieselguhr 7.5 g.
Paris Bed
Ammonia 6.0 g.
Melt up a, and add the strained pow- Carbon Tetrachloride 15 cc.
ders h, mixing thoroughly. Alcohol, Denatured 60 cc.
,.No. 2 Water 75 cc.
a. Paraffin Wax ( 50/62® 0. ) 8 lb.
Mineral Oil, White 45 lb.
35 Silver Plating Polish
h. Magnesium Carbonate lb.
60 g.
12 lb. Silver Nitrate
Calcium Carbonate 60 g.
Method as in No. 1.
Ammonia (0.910)
Sodium Thiosulphate 100 g.
No. 3 Water 1000 g.
Ammonium Linoleate 6 lb.
100 S-
Water 28 lb. Shake before use. Polish is to be ap-
h. up
40 lb. plied by a flock of cotton, and shined
0 . Calcium darbonate
Pigment (e.g. Ultramarine) 10 lb. afterwards with a linen rag.

Silver Polisli Powders Cool to 60® C., and add h with stirring-
White add c through a fine strainer,
Eieselguhr, Calcined 80 lb. When homogeneous, stir in d, let stand
Soap Powder 20 lb. overnight in a covered kettle (should be
Yellow: enamelled). Add c with stirring to the
Calcium Carbonate, Precipi- cold emulsion. Strain or mill.
tated, or Magnesium Car- Impregnate rags or cotton pads in this
bonate, Light 80 lb. bath, and dry.
Yellow Ochre 20 lb. No. 4
Bed 05 . Hard Soap 6 g.
Calcium or Magnesium Car- Water 50 g]
bonate, Finest 90 lb. h. Oleic Acid, Bistiiled 10 g.
Iron Oxide Bed 10 lb. c. Ammonia (25%) 2 »
d. Tripoli 10 I;
Calcium Carbonate,
Kieselguhr, Calcined 80 lb.
Precipitated 8 g.
Lime, Green 20 lb.
Caput Mortuum (Paris Bed) 7 g.
Dissolve a by heating, add h, e, and
Calcium Carbonate,
the mixture d* Keep stirring while the
Precipitated 60 lb.
cotton is dipped into the bath.
Magnesium Carbonate, Light 20 lb.
IFltramarine Blue 20 lb.
Bemoving Silver Tarnish
IT. S. Patent 2,051,697
Calcium Carbonate,
Immerse silver in following:
Precipitated 40 lb.
Diaminopropanol 2 oz.
Kieselguhr, Calcined 40 lb.
Frankfurt Black 20 lb.
Ammonium Chloride % oz.
Water 97% oz.

Silver Polishing Cloths Stove and Oven Polishes

No. 1 Aqueous Paste
a. Diglycol Stearate 15 kg. a. Soap Powder 50 g.
Water 55 kg. Alcohol 25 g.
b. Glycerin (28® BA) 5 kg. Water 100 g.
c. Calcium Carbonate, h. Chrome Oxide 200 g.
Precipitated 10 kg. Infusorial Earth 125 g.
Magnesium Carbonate 10 kg. Dissolve the soap first in alcohol, add
Paris Bed 6 kg. the water, and to this solution stir in
Dissolve a boiling, add b, and add the strained, finely powdered abrasives h.
through a strainer, while stirring, the Liquid
powders o. Imprecate rags or cotton Chrome Oxide 200 g.
pads at 30-40® C., press o5 the excess Kieselguhr 125 g.
liquid between rollers, and dry. Alcohol 65 g.
No. 2 Water 200 g*
Bath 1:
Potassium SiHcate Solution Oily Paste
(30/33® B6.) 16 kg. Formula No. 1
Water 84 kg. a. Stearic Acid 50 g.
Bath 2: b. Oleic Acid, Distilled 125 g.
Hydrochloric Acid (20® Bd.) 8 kg. 0. Chrome Oxide, Green 200 g.
Water 92 kg. Kieselguhr or Neuburg
Dip rags into the first and afterwards Chalk 125 g.
into the second bath, thus precipitating Melt o, thin with h. Work in the finely
silicic acid on the fiber. ground and sifted o.

No. 2
Hard Soap Oleic Acid, High Titer 3 kg.
a. 10 lb.
Water Paraffin, Soft Grade 4 kg.
46 lb.
b. Oleic Acid Emery, Powdered, 000 12.6 kg.
6 lb.
0. Calcium Carbonate 20 lb.
Chrome Oxide 0.5 kg.
Iron Oxide Bed 5 lb .
d. Ammonia (0.910) 4 lb. Viscous Oily Liquid
€, Alcohol 10 lb. Chrome Oxide 200 g.
Make solution a by taking up to a boil. Kieselguhr 125 g.

OleieAeid S- Japan Wax 0.7 lb.

viscosity Nigrosin, Oil Soluble 0.6 lb.
Alcohol, to thia to desired
<j. Potassium Carbonate 1.5 lb.

EmulsioiL Stove PoHsli Water 63.9 lb.

Wax wr ^ 3_ O d. Graphite 28.0 lb.
0. MontaB Wax, Crude 2 kg.
12.0 lb.
1 kg. Soot
Carnauba Wax 2 kg. Melt a. Dissolve h in the melted a.
Potassium Carbonate 2 kg. Boil 0, and stir in d to get a gpnooth
Water 83 kg. suspension.
Lampblack 3 kg. Miy c d into 4* h with good stir-
Graphite Flakes
U-rapiute x* lo-rLco 5 kg. ring, Put into cans while hot.

d, Nigrosine, Water Soluble 3-4 kg. No. 4

a. Gum Arabic or Dextrin 1 lb.

Block Stove Polish Water 45 lb.

Stearic Acid 30-40 kg. h. Nigrosin, Water Soluble lb. 2

7 lb.
Infusorial Earth, Neuburg Diglycol Stearate
Chalk, Chrome Oxide, c. Graphite 45 Ib.^
Iron Oxide ISed, Tripoli, Dissolve a hot, add h with good stir-
Emery, Carborundum or ring; mix thoroughly with c. Pill into
Slate Flour 60-70 kg. cans while hot.
No. 5
Wax Paste Stove Polish a. Potato Flour 5 lb.

Formula No. 1 Water 40 lb.

8 kg. Soda (35® B6.)
h. Caustic 1.5 lb.
Ceresin (56/58® C.)
Oleic Acid 10 kg. 0 Bosin, Powdered
2.5 lb.
12 kg. Nigrosin, Water-Soluble 1.0 lb.
Spindle Oil
20 d. Graphite 40.0 lb.
Neuburg Chalk g.
10 kg. Lampblack 10.0 lb.
Quartz Flour
Emery, Powdered 25 kg. Mix a to give a starch milk; stir in b
Carborundum 15 kg. in the cold, agitating until a heavy paste
No. 2 has formed.
Ceresin (66/58® 0.) 3 kg. Add c when homogeneous, mix with a
Oleic Acid 17 kg. in a kneading machine.
Petroleum Jelly, Natural 4 kg.
Spindle Oil 6 kg. Stove Polish, Semi-Liquid
^ ^ v- Formula No. 1
Quartz or Pumice, Powdered 45 kg

Chrome Oxide 25 kg, o. IG Wax CB 1.0 lb.

Beeswax 1.5 lb.
Paraffin Wax
(50/52° C.) 1.0 lb.
Stove Polish, Paste Bosin 1.0 lb.
Formula No. 1 b. Hard Soap Chips 1.0 lb.

€L Crude Montan Wax 5.0 lb. Nigrosin, Water-Soluble 0.5 lb.

Ceraflux 1.5 lb. Potassium Carbonate 0,5 lb.
Beeswax 0.5 lb. Water 28.5 lb.
Nigrosin Oil-Soluble 0.5 lb. Graphite 35.0 lb.
c. Graphite 40.0 lb. Lampblack 5.0 lb.

Lampblack 2.5 lb. Turpentine 25.0 lb.

60 lb.
Turpentine Melt a,, add b, and boil with good
Melt cc, dissolve b in the melted a with stirring. Prepare suspension c, stir into
stirring. the hot einulsion.
Prepare suspension c, and stir it slowly
No. 2
into the melted wax — color. Let solidify
<1 . Nigrosin, Water-Soluble 1 lb.
Hard Soap 3 lb.

Water 32 lb.
No. 2
Ceraflux 10 lb. b^ Paraffin Wax 3 lb.
2 lb . Ozokerite 1 lb.
I. G. Wax OP
48 lb. Nigrosin, Oil-Soluble 11b.
25 lb. Turpentine
20 lb.
15 lb. Graphite
39 lb.
Melt b, thin with c; make a paste of

Prepare as in No. 1.
this wax solntion with d. _
No.'3': a
2.5 Ib. Boil <1 separately, and add b, c, and
a. Montan Wax, Crude
0.8 lb. to this with good stirring.

Liquid Stove Polisli No. 2

Formula No. 1 Montan Wax, Crude S g.
a. Montaa Wax, Crude 2.0 lb. Rosin 1.5 g.
Beeswax 1.0 lb. Paraffin Wax (40/42® C) 1.5 g.
Turpentine 64.0 lb. GrapMte 56 g.
GrapMte 20.0 lb. Carbon Black 24
Lampblaclc 3.0 lb. Nigrosine Base BB 10 g.
0. Ammonium Linoleate 2.5 lb. Potassium Carbonate 3 g.
water 8.5 lb. Water 200 ff.

Melt 05, Make suspension b; thin a No. 3

-»dth b. a. GrapMte 24 lb.
Heat o to almost boiling temperature, Glycerin, Crude 5 lb.
iiidd to a and b. Formaldehyde 1 lb.

No. 2
b. Hard Soap 3.2 lb.
€8. Crude Montan Wax 2 lb.
Water 26 lb.
Paraffin 4
Camauba Wax 2 lb. lb.

Rosin 1 lb. Prepare the solution b by boiling, and

Potash Carbonate 2 lb. add it to the paste a.
Water 72 lb. Stir till cold, and pour.
b. Nigrosin, Water-Soluble 1 lb.
Graphite 20 lb. Stove Polish
until homogeneous. Stir in b (to clean shiny metaHie parts of ovens)
gradually, until smooth. Stearic Acid 10 g.
Spindle Oil 20 g.'
No. 3 Triethanolamine Linoleate 27 g.
a. Crude Montan Wax 2 lb. Water 13 g.
Rosin 1 lb. Spindle Oil 20 g!
Potash Carbonate 1 lb. Tetralin 10 g.
Water 30 lb. Ahrative (Emery, Tripoli,
b. ParafSn Wax (40/42’» C.) 2 lb. Silieaceous Earth, etc.) until pasty
Nigrosin, Oil-Soluble 1 lb. Dissolve the fatty acids in the first
0. Turpentine 38 lb. spindle oil, mix wtith triethanolamine
d. Graphite 20 lb. Imoleate ; add the second spindle oil,
Lampblack 5 lb. the tetralin, and ultimately the abrasive.
Boil up n until homogeneous. Melt b
sej^rately, thin it with c, and suspend Non-Infiammable Stove Polish
d in it.
Roseen Oil 2 0 %,
Add to a with good stirring. M;ontan Wax (Black) 2 oz.
No. 4 Camauba Wax 2 oz.
a. Ammonium Linoleate 8 lb.
Water 82 oz.
Water 60 lb. Caustic Potash 2 oz.
b. Water 5 lb. Nigrosine 3 oz.
Potato Flour 2 lb. Graphite 5 oz.
0. Graphite 20 lb. Lampblack 3 oz.
Lampblack 5 lb. The oil and waxes are carefully melted.
Make solution a, and separately paste The potaifii and nigrosin© are dissolved in
b. Add b to a, mixing thoroughly. Work the water and gradually stirred into the
c slowly into this dispersion. wax mixture at 85® to 90® C. The re- :

sultant product is agitated thoroughly

during the cooling, when the graphite
Stove Blacking and. lampblack are uniformly incorpo-
Formula No, 1 rated. The caustic potash forms a soap
a, Camauba Wax 6 lb. with the resin and aids emulsification and
Montan Waz^ Bleached 3 lb. retards settling of the black.
Beeswax 3 lb.
Rosin 1 lb.
Quick Drying Stove Polish
Diglycol Stearate 1 lb.
The following formul® include in-
Potadi Carbonate 1 lb.
fiamxnable but quidk drying solvents:-—
Water 45 lb.
Formula No. I '

Turpentine 40

b. lb. , ,

Asphalt or Petroleum
Boil a until a homogeneous mass is Bitumen (80® C.) 15 oz.
formed. White Spirit, or Coal
Thin with b. Tar Naphtha 40 oz.

Lampblack 5 oz. c. Kaolin 10 lb.

oz. Emery, Finest 30 lb.
Fine Graphite

constituent is dis- Graphite 5 lb.

The bituminous
in the spirit, warming if neees- To give the desired consistency.
gjiry, and the blacks are stirred in thor-
oughly. Stove and Oven Polish Powders
No. 2 Formula No. 1
3 oz. Trisodium Phosphate lOHb.
Turpentine 84 oz. Soda Ash 10 lb.

LainpWaek 1 oz. Sodium Perborate 20 lb.

12 oz. No. 2
Trisodium Phosphate 20 lb.
This separates more readily than
Soda Ash 30 lb.
nrevious composition and
requires well
prepared as Sodium Hydroxide,
shaking before use. It is
Powdered 50 lb.
for (1).
No. 3
No. 3
Trisodium Phosphate 50 lb.
Ceresin or Ozokerite Wax 8 oz.
Soda Ash 10 lb.
Japan Wax 7 oz.
Sodium Perborate 30 lb.
Turpentine 70 oz.
Lampblack 8 oz. To all these, about 3~5% of abra-
7 oz. sives and powdered soap are usually
The waxes are dissolved in the turpen-
under heat, or No. 4
tine, either by refluxing
stirring the Pumice, Powdered 3 lb.
by melting and carefully Alum 1 lb.
turpentine in at 80/90® C., and then the
Salt 1 lb.
blacks are incorporated.
Red Iron Oxide 2 lb.
No. 4
Ceresin or Ozokerite Wax 5 oz.
Wax 1 oz. Stove and Oven Polishes, Liquid
Oarnauba Formula No. 1
Turpentine 39 oz.
50 oz. Tripoli 45 lb.
Lampblack 10 lb.
5 oz. Alcohol
Sodium Hydroxide Solution 5 lb.
This is similar to (3) except that Oleic Acid 10 lb.
carnauba wax forms the hardening con- Naphtha 30 lb.
stituent, and additionally it aids, polish-
No. 2
ing. It is prepared in a like manner. 80--100 lb.
Soft Soap 30 lb.

Stove Cleanser
Water 60 lb.

25 kg. Alcohol 10 lb.

a, Kieselguhr
Glass Powder 25 kg. No. 3
Soot 5 kg. Tripoli 200 lb.

Ammonium Linoleate 10 Naphtha 200 lb.

Petroleum Jelly 10 Oleic Acid 50 lb.

c. Ammonia % Alcohol 10

d. Water 10 kg. Water lb.

e. .Heavy Benzine 15 Ammonia 15 lb.

Melt h, and saponify with thin with .

d, cool, add e, and make a

paste with Oven Polish, Solid
part or all of the powders a. Emery 25 lb.
Quartz, Powdered 25 lb.

Scale Wax (52/54® 0.) 10 lb.

Liquid Oven Polish Oleic Acid, Distilled 10 lb.
a. Oleic Acid, Distilled 5 lb. 10 lb.
Spindle Oil
Stearic Acid, Distilled 3 lb.
J). Petroleum 15 lb.
G. Ammonia (0.910) 5 lb. Oven Polish
d. Water 30 lb. Flake Graphite 33 lb.
Lampblack 1.7 lb.
a in h on^ the water bath
Dissolve 4 lb.
Saponify with c, and dilute with d- (58/60® C.) 1 lb.
This can be mixed with


Nigrosin, Oil-Soluble 4 lb. hted by a volatile emulsifier. The
Heavy Benzine or erate volatility of morpholine is
Carbon Tetracliloride 25 lb. that it gradually evaporates along
water from the drying emulsion film, thus
Oven Polish Emulsion leaving the emulsion film witer resistant *

Montan Wax, Crude 2 lb.] that is, it is not hygroscopic nor will
Posin 1 IbA spotted and removed by water. At
Carnauba Wax, Dark 2 Ib.J same time, morpholine can be satisfac-
Potash (Carbonate) torily employed in wax-emulsion
(2.5% Boiling Solution) 87 lb. nique, since it does not evaporate selec-
Soot tively from a hot solution, and it
3 Ib.l is
Elake Graphite not lost from emulsions standing in open
5 Ib.i
Nigrosin, Alkali-Proof containers.
3-5 Ib.J
A translucent, almost clear solution
of morpholine, oleic acid and wax makes
Oven Polish, White a water-resistant polish which gives a
Stearic Acid 5 kg. film of high brilliance with little or
Ammonium Linoleate 19 kg. no
rubbing. All that is necessary is to
Spindle Oil 20 kg. spread the solution evenly over a surface
and allow it to evaporate. However it
Alcohol until liquid is essential that a good grade of light-
colored wax and fresh shellac be used
Abrasive (Heuburg Chalk, and that attention be given to all the
Marble Powder, Quartz details of preparation.
Powder, Pumice, etc.) to make paste
Formula No. 1
a. Carnauba Wax 11.2 lb.
Stove Lacquer
Oleic Acid 2.4 lb.
Formula No. 1 Morpholine
Black: 2.2 lb.*
Water 67lo lb.*
Gilsonite 40 g.
Copal &. Shellac 1.5 Jb.
5 g*
Flexoresin DAI Morpholine 0.2 lb!
5 g.
Lampblack 5 g*
Water 15.5 ib!
White Spirit 100 g-
No. 2 Melt the carnauba wax carefully with
Bronze: the oleic acid and maintain the tem-
Coumarone Besiii, Pale, Hard, 10 g. perature closely at 90 deg. C. Stir until
White Spirit-Benzol (4:2) 00 g. well mixed, add the morpholine, and
Bronze Powder stir constantly until the whole mass is
quite clear. In the meantime, the water
Liquid Grate Polish should have been brought to a simmer in
Crude Mon tan Wax 2 oz. a separate kettle. Add it slowly to the
Rosin 1 oz.
hot wax mixture with steady stirring,
Carnauba Wax 2 oz.
making certain that each small portion
is well incorporated before further ad-
Heat to 90® C. with stirring, and to
it add slowly:
dition. The mixture becomes inereas-
ingly viscous and should be of the ap-
Caustic Potash 2 oz. pearance of petrolatum when two-thirds
Water (Boiling) 86 oz. of the water has been added. After this
Nigrosin 2 oz. stage has been reached, the mixture be-
Keep on heat and agitate vigorously gins to thin out and the remainder of
until uniform. Cool and work in: the water may be added rapidly. The
Graphite (Flake) 5 oz.
total time for adding the water should
Lampblack 3 oz. be 30-40 minutes, A steam- Jacketed
Mix thoroughly until uniform. This kettle and a hand-operated paddle, or
formula is capable of variation of in- slow-speed, large-bladed propeller are
gredients and color. recommended for successful production.
Allow the mixture to cool. While
slowly stirring, add the shellac solution.
Water-Besistant Floor Emulsion Polish This has been made by warming to-
Morpholine in combination with fatty gether the morpholine, water and shellac
acids is an excellent emulsifying agent indicated in h above and filtering if
for polishes, paper coatings, paints, lac- necessary.-.
quers and other mixtures which are bene- Another morpholine dry-bright polish

is formulated as follows, using paraffin Melt the wax in the oleic acid, add
as a substitute for part of the carnauba trigamine and heat to 90° C. Then add
7/ax: the caustic soda and 25 ce. of water at
Ho. 2 about 95® C. Stir until jell is formed.
Carnauba Wax 64.8 lb. Then add the rest of the water which
Paraffin Wax 7.2 lb. must be boiling. Stir thoroughly till
Morplioline 14.4 lb. cool.

Oleic Acid 15.3 lb. No. 2

Boiling Water 430.0 lb. Hydromalin 138 lb.
Cold Water 100.0 lb. Carnauba Wax No. 1 or No. 2
Yellow 250 lb.
Preparation Heat to 120® 0.-140® C. half an hour.
observing great care in the gradual
By Cool to 100® G.-105® C.
addition of boiling water up to the point Add to the above slowly with stir-
of. emulsion inversion (see above), a
polish is prepared which is exceptionally Water (at 100° C.) 280 lb.
Stir to smooth paste then add slowly
with good stirring.
Non-Slippery Bright Drying Floor Wax Water (at 100® C.) 1500 lb.
tJ, S. Patent 2,088,795 Keep as close to 100° as possible for
Vulcanized Rubber Latex 5-30 g. 15 minutes with rapid stirring. Then
Bright Drying Floor Wax stir till cool.
Emulsion 95-70 g.
No. 3
Aqnamel 15 lb.
Bright Drying (Non-Rubbing) Polish Carnauba Wax No. 2 Yellow or No. 3
Formula No. 1 Refined 25 lb.
Carnauba Wax 11.9 g. Water 225 lb.
Paraffin Wax 1.3 g. Heat the wax and Aquamel together
Oleic Acid 3.0 g. till a clear jelly is obtained. Then add
Triethanolamine 1.9 g. the water which must be as near boiling
Water (hot) 50.0 g. as possible. Stir thoroughly till cool.
Water (cold) 50.0 g.
Melt the wax and add the oleic acid
and triethanolamine. With the temper- Transparent Bright Dry Wax Emulsior
ature at 95® C., add small (5-part) por- a. (Carnauba Wax 120 g.
tions of boiling water, stirring between (Oleic Acid 20 g.
each addition and continuing them until h. Trigamine 20 g.
a heavy translucent paste is formed. c. (Caustic Soda (50%) 8 g.
Add the remaining boiling water and stir (Water 32 g.
until homogeneous. Add the cold water j Water
d. 800 g.
cool the complete dispersion to room Use method given for Rubless Bright
temperature. If desired, all of the water Drying Water Wax Polish.
may be added at boiling temperature.
Due to the possible variation in the
composition of some of the suggested in- Semi Bright Drying Wax Emulsion
gredients and to the varying methods and Polishes
conditions which may attend the com- Formula No. 1
pounding, modifications to meet individ- 'Carnuba Wax 2 10 g.
ual requirements may be necessary. a.J Candelilla Wax 10 g.
This is a low priced product which is Oleic Acid 3 g.
not as good as the subsequent formulae. Use method given under Candelilla
Wax Emulsions on this and others in
Rubless Bright Drying Water Wax this group.
Polishes fTriethanolamine 4 g.
The following formulae give rubless hA Borax 2 g.
floor polishes characterized by high initial Water 185 oe.
lustre and durability. .

No., 2
Formula No. 1 'Carnauba Wax ^ 2 10 g.
Carnauba Wax No. 2 120 lb. a.- Candelilla Wax 10 g.
Oleic Acid 13.7 lb. Oleic Acid 3 g.
Trigamine 19 lb. 'Triethanolamine 4 g.
Caustic Soda (47%) 3.5 lb. 6 .- Borax iy2 g.
Water 843.5 lb. Water 185 eo.


Bright Drying Floor Polish Turpentine 7a ^
(Non-Eubbing) Hap h til a
IJ. S. Patent 2,045,455 60
Colored with oil soluble colors.
Carnauba Wax 10.0 oz.
Triethanolamine 1.4 oz.
Ho. 5
Oleic Acid 1.4 oz*
I. G. Wax T 0.5 oz.
Borax 1.0 oz.
I. G. Wax OP 1*5 oz.
Eefined Shellac Montan Wax, Bleached 3
1.4 oz. oz.
Ozokerite (68°-70° C.)
Ammonium Hydroxide 0.2 oz. 1 oz,
Water to make 100.0 fl. oz.
Paraffin Wax (50°-52® C.) 8 oz.
Turpentine 100
This composition is of the ^ ' Drybrite ^ ^ oz.
Type. It is prepared by melting the H0. 6
carnauba wax and adding the oleic acid Montan Wax, Bleached o oz.
Ozokerite (74°~76° C.)
to same. To about one third of the 2 oz.
above amount of water is added the tri- Carnauba Wax 2 oz.
ethanolamine, the ammonium hydroxide Paraffin Wax (50°-52° C.) 6 oz.
and the borax dissolved in this mixture. Turpentine 80 oz.
This is warmed and the shellac added
and stirred until same is completely Colored Floor Polish
passed into solution. To this last solu- Beeswax 2 4 o7
tion, which is being agitated vigorously I.G. Wax ft If
by means of an electric honiogenizer, is Ozokerite 2 4 oz'
added the carnauba wax oleic acid mix- Montan Wax, Bleached 1 2 oz’
ture which should be very close to the Paraffin Wax (50°-52° C.') 42* m
boOing point of water. For best results Turpentine 38 If
this emulsion should be passed through
Naphtha 68 oz.
colloid mill in order to keep its viscosity Colored with oil soluble colors.
low,^ and prevent separation. All or a Brown
portion of the remainder of the water Cerolbrown G.)
(1. 0.75 oz.
may be added. xCecl Brown:
Cerolblue (I. G.) 02 oz
Floor Polish For Inlaid Floor Brown E (I. G.) 0.3 oz*
a, Carnauba Wax 6 kg.
BedBB(£G.)' 0.72 oz
Montan Wax, Bleached 4 kg]
Ozokerite, Low grade 2 kg Floor Polish (for Eubber Floor)
Paraffin Wax (50/52° C.) 4 kg. Montan Wax, Bleached 8 l4
b* Heavy Benzine 160 kg. 'Hiilan Wax^^ 2 kg
Turpentine 24--20 kg.* Eosin 2 kff
Paraffin Wax 12 w’
a, thin with h. By using more Hard Soap g*
or less solvent, the product 1
can be Potassium Carbonate
adapted to various requirements. 2 kl’
Water 70 kg.*

Floor Polishes Liquid Floor Wax 5 gal. Batch

Formula Ho. 1 Ho. 2 Ho. .3
Cerafiux q
Carnauba Mineral Seal Paraffin Oil
5 gal.
Wax 15 oz. 15 oz. 15 07 .. Melt the wax and stir into the oil.
Eesin 6 oz, 10 oz. 4 oz. Antiseptic Insecticidal Floor & Furniture
Oleic Acid 4 oz. 5 oz. 5 oz. Polish' '

Melt together and while hot add fol- Turpentine

lowing mixture brought to a boil. 05 ^
Terpineol 5
Triethanol- Berris, Powdered 3
amine 4 Pyrethrum, Powdered
5 oz.oz. 5 oz. 3 g]
Borax 6 oz. 6 oz. 3 oz. Heat on a water bath for hour and %
Water 25 oz. 25 oz. 185 oz. then add
The above dry dull but polish on rub- Bornyl Acetate 2 g
bing to give a hard glossy finish. Bornyl Chloride 7 S]

Ho. 4
Zinc Eesinate
g U
Filter after 2-3 days.
I. O'. Wax 0-P 6 02 Beeswax may be incorporated if de-
Ozokerite (68°-70° G.) 4 oz

sired and the turpentine content

Paraffin Wax (50°^52° 0.) 40 oz.’


Floor Polish Powders No. 5

Formula No. 1 Stearic Acid 5 g.
Mix powdered waxes (eeresin, stearic Ceresin ^ g*
acid, paraffin) in
any desired ratio. Paraffin Wax, Soft 40 g.
No. 2 Tale 50 g.
Melt a composition of waxes (such as No. 6
carnauha wax, eeresin, paraffin) on the Ceraflux 50 kg.
water hath in the desired ratio, pour in Aluminum Stearate % hg.
thin plates. Cool, and grind. Stearic Acid 5-10 kg.
No. 3 Tale 45-40 kg.
Seale Wax, Powdered 20-30 g.
Talcum 70-80 g.
Ochre to suit Non- Slippery Linoleum Wax
Mix thoroughly, and sift. Carnauba Wax 15 Ib-l

No. 4
Montan Wax 5 lb.;-
Rosin, Light 5 Ib.j
Stearic Acid, Powdered 80 g.
Turpentine 20 lb.
Ceresin, Powdered 15 g.
Potash Carbonate 5 Ib.l
Hard Soap, Powdered 5 g.
Diglycol Stearate 5 Ib.^
No. 5 Water 45 Ib.J
Stearic Acid, Powdered 80 g. Alkaline Yellow Dye to suit
Ceresin, Powdered 20 g.
Melt the first three ingredients on the
No. 6 water-bath, stir in the turpentine and
Paraffin Wax, Powdered 70 g. add the hot solution of soap and alkali
Talcum 30 g. in a thin jet with stirring. Keep at
55-60® 0. on bath until completely
Dance Floor Wax bound’! Pour at lowest possible tem-
Formula No. 1
Ceresin 10 kg.
Stearic Acid 10 kg.
Paraffin Wax 80 kg. Floor Mop Oil
For Floors
Pine Needle Perfume to suit
Formula No. 1
No. 2 Spindle Oil, Distilled, Thin,
(Discs) (Yellow) 60 cc.
Paraffin Wax ('50®-52® C.,) 100 oz. Diglyeol Laurate 5 ce.
Ozokerite (68°-70° C.) 5 oz. Naphtha 40 ce.
Colored with oil soluble color yellow Hydro terpin (or Turpentine) 15 ce.
and cast in discs. Gitronella Oil, Ceylon 5 cc.

No, 3 No. 2
Stearic Acid 20 kg. Spindle Oil, Befmed, Pale
Paraffin Wax 50 kg. (2-7® E/20® C.)
Zinc Stearate ¥2 kg. (Flash point above
Talcum 30 kg. 150®O.) 99 lb.
Pine Needle Oil to suit Perfume* 1 lb.
* Perfume for Floor Oils.

Pine Needle Oil, Siberian 5.0 oz.

Ball Boom Wax Bornyl Acetate 3.0 oz.
Formula, No. 1
Camphorated Oil 1.5 oz.
Stearic Acid 20 g.
Eorneol 1.0 oz.
Ceraflux 50 g.
Lemonone 0.5 oz.
Tale 30 g.
No. 2 No. 3
Stearic Acid

10 g. Spindle Oil (3.5® E Vis-

Paraffin Wax, Hard 30 g. cosity) 100 oz.
Tale 00 g. Linseed Oil 3 oz.

No. 3 '
Oil Soluble Dye 0.005 oz.
Stearic Acid ,,5,,g.
Amyl Acetate 0.3 oz.

Paraffin Wax, Hard 35 g. 'No. A'"''

Tale 60 g. Spindle Oil, Refined
'''No. 4" (I.8-2.5® E/20® 0.) 60 lb.

Stearic Acid, Soft 50 g. White Spirit 36 lb.

Talc 50 ff. Clovel 4 lb.

ISTo. 5
No. 5
Paraffin (Mineral) Oil 40 jSL. oz. (Quick Drying)
Turpentine 20 fl. oz. Mineral Oil (Spindle) 15
Cedar Oil ^ fl. oz. Perilla Oil 3 jp*
Emulsifier L83A 8 jp’

Furniture Polish
Naphtha, V. M. & P. 25 lb*
Water 50
Formula No. 1 ip.*

Beeswax 25
Mix the oils and emulsifier. Add the
Biglyeol Stearate water slowly with high speed stirring
Montan Wax, Bleached Continue stirring for about five minutes
Rosin after all the water has been added.
Ozokerite, (60/62® 0.) This gives a polish that dries rapidly
Ammonia leaves a hard high-lustrous surface
(0.91) 70 kg. with
Water 850 kg.
the minimum amount of finger-marking.
Dye,* Water Soluble 0.3-0.5% No 5
Linseed Oil 20 g.
Yellow: Metanil Yellow, Extra X Yellow Mineral Oil 20 g.*
Orange: Orange II Concentrated. Naphtha, Refined 20 q .

No. 2 White Spirit 30

Turpentine 8 oz.
Camphor Oil 5
Naphtha Citronella Oil, Ceylon
30 oz. 5 g
Spindle Oil 49 oz.
Orange Yellow, Oil soluble to suit
Acetic Acid (36%) 6 oz.
Antimony Chloride 4 oz. French Polishing
Lemon Oil 1 oz. ^
In French polishing the wood surface
Gum Arabic 100 gm. IS first carefully sandpapered and
Water 40 oz. smoothed, then stained to the desired
color, oiled with linseed oil, and
Dissolve gum in water and then mix in again
sandpapered with extremely fine sand-
other ingredients in a rapidly beating paper and left to dry thoroughly. Then
churn type mixer. the French polish, or shellac gum dis-
No. 3 solved with alcohol to a very thin solu-
Beeswax tion, is applied very sparingly by means
500 g.
Water 400 of a pad, and applied with a rotary rub-
Calcium Carbonate 100 bing motion.
Water 4000 ec.
During rubbing process the skill-
ful polisher at
intervals adds to the
Boil the three ingredients for a
solution^ a drop of raw linseed oil or
period. Thin with the water. To 3 kg. sweet oil and allows this to be spread
of the resulting mixture add over the surface with the shellac gum
Kassel Brown (Dye) 125 g. flowing lightly from the saturated cotton
Potash Carbonate 250 g. and linen pad. This process has to be
Water 600 g. continued, according to the size of the
article, for about an hour and then al-
Boil altogether with stirring. The lowed to dry overnight, and the same
product is applied when it is still warm,
operation repeated the next day and a
putting it on the furniture in a thin
third time a few days after. The final
layer and polishing with a brush.
application is made about a week later.
By this method the thinnest film can be
No. 4 applied with a maximum of lustre and
Montan Wax, Double Bleached 5 kg. transparency.
Paraffin Wax, 50/52® C. 5 kg. It is possible to obtain with the French
Diglycol Stearate 1 kg. polishing process any desired eifect from
Water 67 kg. a thin patina finish to an egg-shell finish
Ammonia (0.910) 2 kg. or high polish. If an egg-shell finish is
Alcohol 20 kg. required the polisher should be informed
of this when beginning his work as he
Soap and waxes are cut into small will have to reduce the use of oil to a
pieces and taken up to a boil in the minimum during the polishing process.
water and the ammonia, stirring thor- When the surface is finished it should be
oughly, When the mass is homogeneous, left to dry for one day.
cool with stirring, and add the alcohol
The polisher
should then take a pad of wadding
when cooled sufficiently. Keep agitating saturated with turpentine and quickly
until it goes heavy.
moisten the whole surface, and should

next sprinkle or scatter fine pumice part of the mineral oil with kerosene or
nowder moderately and evenly over it. naphtha. (Pine oil may also be sub-
stituted for some of the naphtha, or
He skould then take a fair-sized brush
somewhat like those used for shoe polish- other solvent changes made.) When this
brush the pumice stone polish is to be used for lacquers, a fine
ing and lightly
in the direction
of the grain of the wood abrasive is frequently added in small
until the pumice has
absorbed all the quantity, Aperfuming agent such as
turpentine on the surface. The crafts- sassafras or cedarwood oil may also be
finally -wipe the surface incorporated.
man should
clean with a very soft
rag, always follow-
ing the direction
of the grain of the
an even Cleaning and Polishing Table Tops
wood, and the result will be the table top with warm (not
egg-shell finish. . ,
hot) soapsuds, made by adding a little
French polishing is practiced today in
finely shaved mild soap to warm water,
America in finishing only the finest ex- rinse with clear water, and when dry
amples of hand-made furniture. repolish with a good furniture polish or
paste wax. Or, wipe the table top with
Polish For Piano Keys a soft cloth saturated with gasoline, and
Montan Wax 30 g. repolish with prepared furniture polish
Tallow 20 g. or paste wax.
Piglyeol-Laurate 100 g.
Micro-Asbestos 1200 g.
Ski Wax
Formula No. 1
Furniture and Automobile Polish Wood Tar 70 kg.
Nelgin 8 lb. 20 kg.
Diglyeol Stearate
Water 126 In*
6 oz.
Carnauba Wax 10 kg.
Moldex ^
No. 2 (For cold weather)
Allow to soak a few hours, heat, stir
Wood Tar 50 kg.
and then add the following mixture to Parafi&n Wax 25 kg.
it slowly with good
Turpentine 5 kg.
Light Mineral (Spindle Oil) 26 lb.
Perilla Oil 13 lb* No. 3 (For melting weather)
Varnolene or Solvent Naphtha 16 lb. Montan Wax 17 kg.
16 Ih. Woolfat 18 kg.
Lemonone, Crude
Exceptionally good on lacquered, Paraffin Wax 10 kg.
Bosin 28 kg.
painted or varnished metal surfaces. 25 kg.
Spindle Oil 5 kg.
Oil Polish Wood Tar 2 kg.
Mineral Oil 48 lb.
16 lb. No, 4 (For collapsible tubes)
Sulphonated Castor Oil Wax 10 kg.
1.3 lb. Montan
Oleic Acid 5 kg.
1.0 lb. Bosin
Triethanolamine 5 kg.
Gum Tragacanth Powder 1.0 lb.
Boseen Oil 30 kg.
Formaldehyde (40%) 0.5 lb.
Linseed Oil 16 hg.
Water 80.0 lb.
Spindle Oil 20 kg.
Warm the triethanolamine, gum trag- Wood Tar 20 kg.
aeanth, and water to 40° C. and stir
No. 5 Climbing and Gliding
until the gum is uniformly dispersed. Wax (50-53° C.) 40 lb.
Add the formaldehyde and a mixture of Crude Montan Wax 15 lb.
the mineral and sulphonated oils and
Woolfat, Neutral 15 lb.
oleic acid, agitating rapidly to obtain 10 lb.
complete emulsification. Mineral Oil 15 lb,
An oil polish of this type can be used Wood Tar 5 lb.
both for furniture and automobiles. It
can be rubbed dry to leave a glossy No. 0 Climbing (Klister)
finish on the varnish or lacquer surface.
Crude Montan Wax 17 lb.

Woolfat, Neutral 18 lb.

Such a polish is more easily applied than
a wax polish but it does not leave the
Paraffin Wax 10 lb.

Bosin 28 lb.
same hard and permanent film.
25 lb.
The cleaning action of this polish can Ozokerite
Mineral Oil 5 lb.
be increased with a slight alteration in 2 Ib.
formula j namely by the substitution of Wood Tar
No. 7 Magnesium Oxide 4 lb.
^'Skate^' c. Alcohol 10 lb.
Crude Montan Wax 10 lb. Make solution a using boiling water
Rosin 12 lb. add the abrasives b. Cool. Strain or
Paraffin Wax 30 lb. mill. Stir in c.
Ozokerite 20 lb.
Petrolatum No. 4
8 lb.
Wood Tar a. Hard Soap, Powdered 12 lb
5 lb.
Water 56
No. 8 h. Whiting
Climbing 22 lb.
c. Alcohol 10 lb.*
Rosin 10 kg.
Ceresin Dissolve a hot, add in b with agitation.
5 kg.
Montan Wax Cool. Strain or mill. Add c.
5 kg.
Paraffin 5 kg. No. 5
Japan Wax 10 kg' a. Methyl Cellulose 2.0 lb.
Beeswax 5 kg. Water 30.o lb.*
Tallow 5 kg. h. Soap Bark 2.0 lb.
Lanosyn 5 kg. Water 4o!9 ib!
No. 9 c, Whiting 20.0 lb.
Gliding Iron Oxide Red 5.0 lb.
Rosin 5 kg. <7. Salicylic Acid 0.1 lb.'
Ceresin 20 kg. The (boiling) water is poured on
Montan Wax 7.5 kg. a. The dispersion is allowed to stand
Ceraflux 5 kg. over night. The next morning, make up
Japan Wax 7.5 kl! h using boiling water, strain it, and
Woolf at 5 kg. to a. Add c and d for preservation.
No. 10 No. 6
Climbing and Gliding Precipitated Chalk 10 oz.
Montan Wax, Crude 30 g. Quassia (Ground) 1 oz!
Rosin 10 g. Ammonium Carbonate 1 oz!
Woolfat 25 g. Grind together to form a uniform
Wood Tar 8
Paraffin (52/54® C.)
powder. Apply with a wet rag.
20 g!
Ozokerite-Ceresin 7 g.
Apply on dry ski. Rub in (until Paste for Wax Calf Leather
shiny) using a cork or the palm of the Add
5 lb. of fiour to sufficient water
hand. For climbing rub in some wax until a fairly thin mixture is obtained.
transverse to axis of ski. Polish this Then cut up 1 lb. of soap into small
down before gliding. pieces and add to this mixture. Also add
1 qt. of cod oil, 4 oz. of nigrosine and %
lb. of glue that has been
WindowPolishes thoroughly
Formula No. 1 soaked in 2 qt. of water. Boil this entire
a. Diglyeol Stearate mixture for at least half an hour and
15 lb.
Water then allow it to stand for 8 to 10 hours.
50 ib.
h. Magnesium Carbonate 15 lb.
Add sufficient water to thin it so that it
Viennese Chalk can be fed through a machine if neces-
10 lb.
Wlaite Bole sary. Apply a light coat of this thinned
10 lb.
Dissolve the soap in boiling water a,
mixture to the leather and then hang the
stock up until it is almost dry. Next
and mix in the abrasives h. Strain, gloss the leather on a jack and hang it
cool, fill into containers.
up again and allow it to remain until the
No. 2 mixture is bone dry before applying any
Ammonium Linoleate
20 1b. finish.
Water 30 lb*
b. Viennese Chalk 20 lb Leather Cleaning and Polishing Stick
'Wming 10 1b!
c. Alcohol
British Patent 456,281
20 lb.
Into the solution a is added the abra- A mixture of white eeresine (100

sives 5.. Stir till cooled, and thin earnauba and bleached montan waxes
with (60 g.), shellac wax and white ozokerite
c. Strain or mill.
(15 g.), and coloring matter dissolved
'.No. 3 in white stearine is east into a mould
a. Hard Soap, Powdered 10 1b with conically tapered apertures. The
Water 00 ib. material is applied to the leather with u
b. Whiting 16 1b. special pad of soft material.

Belt Wax io w^ed to soak in the water for several

Rosin 25 kg. hours. The mass is then heated in a
Paraffin W ax 15 kg. water jacket until all the glue passes into
Japan Wax 10 kg. solution. The rest of the water is then
Tallow 50 kg. added. The calcium carbonate is placed
Laiiosyn 20 kg. in a kneading machine. While the ma-
Turpentine, Venice 10 kg. chine is operating the glue solution is
sprayed in through a large number of
White Shoe Cleaner Formulation small jets which disperse it throughout
Cleaners for shoes are almost as old the mass.
as shoes themselves. No part of our Liquid types of cleaners came next,
wearing apparel gets dirty so quickly, and these were paralleled by the paste
or needs cleaning so often as do our form because of the concurrent popular-
shoes. This is especially true of light ity of the collapsible tube as a convenient
colored shoes. container. Representative compositions
This so-called cleaning operation is
of the early liquid types were made up
reallya two stage task. One is the re- as follows
moval or near removal of dirt or foreign Lithopone 22 lb.
matter, the other is the reconditioning Dextrin 3 lb.
of the surface to simulate that of the Borax 0.5 lb.
new shoe. This undertaking is usually Water 74.5 lb.
achieved with greater or less success with The early paste forms were of the
a single composition of the present day same composition, except only about one-
types. However, the effectiveness of the third of the amount of water was used;
present day cleaner is largely measured this was sufficient to make a p)aste of the
by its ability to form a successful coat- viscosity desirable for collapsible tubes.
ing of great hiding power. The actual All types of cleaners are made up es-
cleaning operation or dirt removal may sentially of two elem,ental constituents;
be accomplished by either brushing dry a pigment and a vehicle. This auto-
or wet, or wiping while wet with water matically characterizes them as a typical
or the particular shoe cleaner. coating composition. Seldom, however,
Types of Cleaners is either component a single substance,

One of the early varieties of cleaners but rather a mixture of several of the
was a bar of chalk which was rubbed on same general type, each contributing a
the shoe to renew its appearance. This desirable property by its addition in
had in its favor ease of application, properly formulated products.
relatively low initial cost, as well as cost The vehicle in turn is made up of a
per application. The cleaning job, how- volatile and a non-volatile portion in the
ever, was short lived, and the wearer ex- liquid. Certain of the paste type of
perienced the additional difficulty of cleaners, and also the solid forms of
readily dusting off on the clothes. This cleaners, which come in sticks, cakes or
product is still offered to the limited shallow cans, contain only a very small
consuming public who still prefer this percentage of vehicle, all of which is non-
type. It is prepared by kneading a volatile.
white chalk such as calcium carbonate There are essentially two forms of ve-
with a minimum of water carrying in hicle mixtures : the water and the organic
solution a small amount of glue or other solvent types. Obviously, the non-vola-
adhesive. This jmste is then placed in tile constituent of the vehicle must be
molds, pressure applied to form the mass more or less soluble in the volatile solvent
to the shape of the mold. Heat is ap- to facilitate satisfactory application and
plied to drive off the water. On re- formation of a continuous uniform coat-
moval from the mold the bar or cake ing film.

possesses the desired hrmness, yet it is In lower priced liquid cleaners the
sufficiently loosely bound to permit the water type of vehicle is invariably used.
particles to be readily transferred from It usually carries a non-volatile vehicle
the stick to the shoe surface. repre- A consisting of some water soluble gum or
sentative composition of this type is: resin. Yery often the carbohydrate
gums, such as the pentosans and pentose
Calcium Carbonate 90 lb.
sugars, are employed. In these groups
Animal Glue 0.995 lb.
are included such gums as arable, acacia,
Sodium Salicylate 0.005 lb.

Senegal, tragacanth, karaya, locust bean

Water .

gum, and plant mucilages like quince
The sodium salicylate is dissolved in seed and Irish moss. Treated starches
about A4 of the water. The glue Is al- and the dextrins also act in a similar
maanex. Of course, water solutions of referred to above. It is used for the trim-
glue, gelatin, the alginates, alkali casein- ming of the edges of the soles and the
ates, agar, blood and egg albumen may side faces of the heels, giving them a
also be used. In addition, there are now good wearing surface which dries to a
available several types of water soluble hard permanent gloss in several minutes.
resins which serve excellently in this role. A lacquer for this purpose is made up
As water solutions of these products are according to the following formulation;
unstable as well as excellent culture media Titanium Dioxide 25 oz.
for bacteria and mold growths, adequate Cellulose Nitrate
amounts of preservatives must be in- (% sec. viscosity) 8 oz.
cluded to act as inhibitors. Toxic in- Ester Gum, Pale 6 oz.
organic salts and the phenolic types of Dibutyl Phthalate 6 oz.
preservatives are in general use. Ethyl Lactate 8 oz.
Eepresentative compositions in this Butyl Acetate 12 oz.
class are made up in accordance with a Butanol 10 oz.
general formula as below: Toluol 25 oz.
Mixed Pigments (Litho-
pone. Zinc Oxide, etc.) 25 lb.
Among the natural resins used in the
solvent type of cleaner are dammar and
Tehicle (Dextrine, Arabic,
extra pale rosin. Shellac, mastic, san-
Glue, etc.) 6 lb.
darac, etc, could be used, but would
Preservative (Sodium
require alcohol as the solvent. The syn-
Salicylate, Thymol, etc.) 0.02 lb.
thetic resins include pale ester gum,
Water 69 lb.
cumar, phenol-aldehyde, vinyl esters,
The material cost of this type will vary glyceryl-phthalate and the like. These
from 15e to 25c per gallon depending are worked into a solution in a manner
upon the form of pigment and vehicle similar to that described for the cellu-
used. lose esters. Plasticizers are added to
With a demand for a waterproof form these gums and are of the same general
of cleaner, it became necessary to shift type as for the cellulose derivatives, but
from water to the organic solvents. The include the various fatty glycerides.
petroleum hydrocarbons being the lowest This variety would then be formulated
in price and available with the proper as follows:
boiling range, became the preferred sol-
Mixed Pigments (Litho-
vent. However, if non-inflammability is
pone. Zinc Oxide, etc.) 22 oz.
a prerequisite, then more than three quar-
Vehicle (Pale Ester Gum,
ters of the petroleum hydrocarbon must
be replaced with the carbon tetrachloride.
Dammar, etc.) 4 oz.
Plasticizer (Tricresyl
The petroleum fraction which finds most
Phosphate, Castor Oil, etc.) 1 oz.
extensive use is solvent naphtha with a
Solvent Mixture:
boiling range of 200° to 300 P.
Active Solvent (Ethyl
As the non-volatile vehicle for this
Acetate) 18 oz.
type, the natural and synthetic resins are
Diluent (Solvent
largely used. Many of these require the
Haphtha) 55 oz.
addition of more active solvents than the
petroleum oils; for example, the aromatic The agent primarily responsible for the
hydrocarbons, and esters and ketones to final appearance of shoes so treated is the
bring them into solution. In fact the pigment. This is the only visible com-
maximum amount of solvent naphtha is ponent, and upon its value rests most of
used as a diluent or thinner to a point the merit of the dressing. It gives to
just prior to precipitation of the resin the surface its seeming cleanliness, fresh-
from its solution in the active solvents. ness and new-like appearance. The ve-
In this same class, the lacquer type hicle, however, determines the longevity
which is made up of a properly formu- of these properties, barring accidents.
lated solution of the cellulose esters such The cheapest of these pigments is calcium
as the nitrate and acetate, might also be carbonate as whiting, then certain clays,
included. These cellulose derivatives are Abestine, etc. The zinc pigments such
dissolved in their respective solvents and as lithopone, zinc oxide and zinc sulphide
then diluted with non-solvents to their are more costly on a pound basis, but as
toleration point. To these products must they require less to give equivalent hid-
be added suitable plasticizers in proper ing power and have better whiteness, they
amounts to give the ultimate eoating the are of greater economic worth. This is
desired flexibility. This type of compo- equally true of the titanium pigments.
sition is more frequently used as a per- Pure titanium dioxide is almost prohibi-
manent coating rather than for the uses tive because of its cost, but when used


with calcium or barium sulphate as ex- small amount of the proper type of per-
tenders it is almost as effective at a sub- fume to increase the sales appeal. The
stantially reduced cost. These pigments above is of course subject to wide varia-
are used in both the water and solvent tions depending upon the type, use, and
types. price requirements for the product in
The emulsion type variety is a hybrid mind.
between the solvent and water types. It In fabricating these compositions it is
consists of an emulsion of the oil in a quite essential that the pigment be thor-
water type. A suitable emulsifying oughly divided and wet with the vehicle.
agent is added to a resin solution as This operation may be performed in a
above described, and at least half of tli«e ball or bar mill, or in the usual pigment
by water. It is
volatile solvent replaced rolls used by the paint manufacturers.
considered by some as a general utility In the compounding operation the ve-
composition. It can be formulated to be hicle is dissolved in the solvent, and the
nearly non-inflammable and almost water- pigment added to this mixture. This
proof. It works nearly as effectively as product should be passed through a fine
a dressing for leather as for cloth. A screen of 100 mesh, and then allowed to
typical composition under this classifica- stand for several hours to allow the en-
tion is: trapped air to be released before pack-
Titanium Dioxide 5 oz.
Barium Sulphate 15 oz.
Most of these compositions described
have to be swabbed on, and result in a
Gum Dammar 4 oz.
fairly heavy layer for the finish. As
Carbon Tetrachloride 10 oz.
Naphtha 13 oz.
each subsequent application of these solu-
tions has the capacity of dissolving the
Triethanolamine Linoleate 3 oz.
50 residue of the preceding treatment, it is
Water oz.
desirable to make a two operation job
In preparing this product, the carbon out of cleaning. This should consist of
tetrachloride is mixed with the solvent First, the cleaning of the surface using
naphtha and the gum dammar is dissolved the preparation as the cleansing agent
in this mixture. This pigment combina- through the solvent action of its vehicle
tion is obtained already mixed and is in- and solvent. The rag, paper, cotton or
corporated with the above solution. The dauber will carry most of the removed
triethanolamine linoleate is dissolved in dirt (possibly back into the bottle con-
the water which should preferably be taining the cleaner). Second, the flow-
around 60° C. This is agitated vigor- ing on or swabbing of the preparation as
ously with a suitable electric mixer while a coating composition to hide the spots
the pigment, gum and solvent mixture is and stains, leaving a uniform smooth
being slowly added. Better results and matte surface simulating new shoes.
a more permanent emulsion are obtained While many of these types of composi-
if this composition is passed through a tions are fairly meritorious products,
colloid mill. they have many shortcomings and much
In compounding a suitable ^'Shoe remains to be done in the further de-
White certain ratios of the components velopment of products which are more
are fairly closely adhered to in most of effective, easily applied, and whose useful
the satisfactory brands now on the mar- life is longer.
ket. The ratio of the dry pigment to
the total weight of the finished product White Shoe Polish
is between 15% and 30% depending on Formula No. 1
the type of pigment used. To this is Sodium Silicate 40 lb.
usually added about 4%(all per cents Water 60 gal.
are based on the total weight of the fin- Trisodium Phosphate 16 lb.
ished product) of Asbestine to prevent Soda Ash 1 lb.
packing of the pigment. If the product Acetone 5 gal.
is of the water type, 5%
to 7%of the Gum Tragacanth
proper type of gum is used. In addition (1% Solution) 6 gal.
a thickening gum such as tragacanth ^is Gum Arabic 2 lb.
added to give satisfactory body or vis- Titanium Dioxide 8 lb.
cosity to further prevent pigment settling Lithopone 180 lb.
and also to improve the flowing qualities Moldex or Other ''

of the preparation. A
fraction of a per Preservative '
cent of the preservative is added and a No. 2
very small amount of a blue dye or pig- (Oil-Paste)
ment is added to correct the color. It Carnauba Wax 3.5 oz.
has recently become popular to add a Beeswax, White B.O oz.
Ozokerite (68-70° C.) 3.0 oz. Gelatin 2 oz.
Ceraflux 3.0 oz. Tragacantli, Gum 2 oz.
Turpentine 40.0 oz. No. 5
Casein 4 oz.
No. 3
Triethanolamine y2 oz.
The following formula gives a white Titanium Dioxide 20 oz.
shoe dressing equally good for buckskin,
Whiting 4 oz.
leather and canvas. The pigment gives
Phenol 1 oz.
the minimum settling and is easily re-
Clovel to suit for odor
dispersed on shaking. Based on a new
Water 70% oz.
type of emulsion (water-in-oil) a dress-
ing is obtained with the least amount of No. 6
^ ^
rub-off ^ Calcium Carbonate,
Precipitated 5
Diglycol Oleate 5 lb.
Magnesium Carbonate 9 kg.
Naphtha 20 lb.
Zinc White 3 kg.
Toluol 25 lb.
Garagheen Moss Mucilage
Titanox C 30 lb.
(2%) kg-
the above together, wetting the Preservative (of the Para
pigment thoroughly. Hydroxy Benzoate type) 0.25 kg.
Then add mth high speed stirring: Formalin (40%) 2 kg.
Hydro wax Liquid N. L. 60 lb.
Water 20 lb. White Shoe Dressing
a. Triethanolamine Oleate 3 oz.
Finally add with high speed stirring:
Naphtha 10 oz.
Trichlorethylene 40 lb. Carbon Tetrachloride 11 oz.
Diglycol Oleate 1 lb. Spirit Varnish 6 oz.
No. 4 h. Titanium Dioxide 10 oz.,

Methyl Cellulose 2 oz. Precipitated Chalk 10 oz.

Water 100 oz. Water 50 oz.
Zinc Oxide 25 oz. Add a to d slowly with vigorous mix-
Magnesium Carbonate 5 oz. ing with a high speed mixer. For maxi-
Perfume 0.3 oz. mum stability run through a colloid mill
Ingredients Formula No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4
Titanox A, W.D. 15 15 15 15 oz.
Gum Arabic 5 4 5 oz.
Bentonite IVs iy2 oz.
Pine Oil 1 1 oz.
Preservative (Moldex) 1/10 ”l/10 1/10 oz.
Water 77 80 77 78 oz.
Castile Soap, Powdered % % oz.
Glue 5 oz.

White Kid Cleaner White Leather Polish

Carnauba Wax, Gray 50 g- A white cleaner which has stood the
Montan Wax, Bleached 50 test of application by a large number ol
Paraffin Wax (50/52° C.) 20 retail shoe dealers and given quite gen-
Japan Wax 20 g-
eral satisfaction is made as follows:
Rosin 15 g- a. Shellac Solution:
Diglycol Stearate 10 g- Super-Fine Wax Free
Potassium Carbonate 32 g- Bleached Shellac 16 oz.
Water 600 g- Borax 3 oz.
Turpentine 150 ml.
Benzene Pinal volume, 1 gal. with water.
100 ml.
Trichlor Ethylene 150 ml
To the shellac and borax, add 3 qt. of
water and boil for one hour in a double
Acetone 50 ml.
jacketed kettle. At the end of 1 hour,
Boil a together wdth stirring, until a remove from kettle and permit to cool,
homogeneous emulsion has been formed. then add^ enough water to make 1 gal.
Cool to 40° C., and add the solvents d. and strain through a double layer of
Stir until cooled. cheesecloth.

I, Wax Emulsion Reddish Brown:

Carnauba Wax (Yellow) 16 oz. Brown 1435 6 g-
Castile Soap (Pure) 8 oz. Brown 20162 6 g.
Pinal volume, 1 gal. witb. water. Brown 17484 6 g.
R. L. Ponceau 1 g.
The wax is broken into very small
pieces and the soap is shaved or diced No. 2
into small pieces. Place into a double Brown
jacketed kettle and heat until the mass Carnauba Wax 2 lb.

is homogeneous. A
very small amount Candelilla Wax 2 lb.

of hot water may be added to attain a Wax L33 12 lb.

homogeneous mass. When both are Ozokerite Wax (74—76° 0.) 1.5 lb.
melted, add hot water in small amounts, Paraffin Wax 5 lb.

keep the mass boiling and well stirred all Turpentine 50 lb.

this time. After each addition of hot Oil Soluble Brown as required.
water, the mass must be stirred to a Melt the waxes together, add the oil
smooth petrolatum-like consistency. Ad- soluble color and stir thoroughly. Allow
dition of hot water is continued until the the temperature to drop to 85° 0., add
mass becomes quite liquid, but it must the turpentine. Stir thoroughly. This
remain translucent, finally heating is dis- can be poured at 48° C. and air cooled.
continued and enough water is added to No. 3
obtain 1 gal. in volume. The emulsion (Water Paste Type) Black
is correctly made, if and when, on dilu- Montan Wax (Bleached) 10 lb.
tion with ten parts of water a clear Montan Wax (Crude) 5 lb.
opalescent solution is obtained. Color L34 6 lb.
Formula Candelilla Wax 4 lb.
a. (Above) V2 pt. Carnauba Wax 2 lb.
Water 4 pt Paraffin Wax 5 lb.
h. (Above) V2 pt Diglycol Stearate 3 lb.
Titanium Oxide 2 lb. Scap (Powdered) 2 lb.
Mix in the order given and grind in a Water 50 lb.
ball mill or a burrstone mill. Then add Turper tine 70 lb.

Water 1 pt. Melt the waxes, color and diglycol

Methyl ^ ' Cellosolve ’ ^ 2 pt. stearate together. Bissolve the soap in
the water which must be boiling and add
The above formula is subject to change
slowly with slirring tj the melted waxes.
to meet the requirements of different
types of leather. It was especially de-
When th. temperature has fallen to 80°
veloped for white elk leather. It is ap- C. add the tu-p tine sbwly with thor-
plied with a soft cloth or sponge with
ough agitation. Pour at 55° C.
gentle rubbing to remove dirt, then a
For colorr, use oil soluble colors dis-
solved in the waxes.
thin coat is applied which is permitted to
dry. When dry, it is brushed up with a No. 4
soft cloth to obtain a polish. Black
a. Montan Wax, Crude 5 kg.
Shoe Polishes Ceresin 15 kg.
Formula No. 1 Beeswax 5 kg.
Base Nigrosin, Oil-Soluble 2 kg.
Paraffin Wax (50/52° G.) 2.50 kg. h. Turpentine 50 kg.
Carnauba Wax, Pale 0.65 kg. Melt u at 90-100° C. on a waterbath,
Beeswax, White 0.80 kg. cool to 80-90° 0., and add h. Pour into
Turpentine 10.00 kg. cans at 40° C.
Byes for this Formula No. 5
Brown: iBlack
Brown 1435 2 g- Paraffin Wax 8.3 kg.
Brown 3148 10 g- Bye, Black* 3 kg.
Orange, in Pieces 2.5 Mon tan Wax 3.5 kg.
Pale Brown: Carnauba Wax 2.9 kg.
Brown 1435 1 g* Turpentine 48.0 kg.
Brown 3148 6 g- * Bye;
Orange, in Pieces 1.5 g' kContan Wax, Crude 1 kg:.
Bark Blown: Oleic Acid 1 kg.
Higrosin Base 1 kg.
Brown 1435 1.5 g.
Brown 3148 13 g. Melt waxes in the given order in a
Orange, in Pieces 3 g- steam-heated kettle, not heating above
90° C. Tlie dye is added to the melted to about 50 to 60 parts. If a colored
waxes. To the whole, the solvents (at paste is desired an aniline dye is dis-
room temperature) are added in thin jet, solved in the water used.
With good stirring.
Pill up at 40/45° G. into cans.
Shoe or Floor Polish
No. 6
Formula No. 1
Carnauba Wax 5
Montan Wax, Crude 15 lb.
Ceresin Wax 15
Carbon Black 3 lb.
Rosin 80
Color L34 2 lb.
Paraffin Wax 60
Wax L33 15 lb.
Naphtha 165
Carnauba Wax No. 3 2 lb.
Candelilla Wax 1 lb. Glue 35
Paraffin Wax 17 lb. Water 75
Turpentine 70 lb. Soft Soap 3
Starch 0.1 g.
Melt the crude montan wax and color
Warm a and h separately and stir until
L34. Disperse the carbon black thor-
uniform then mix together while stirring
oughly and add the other waxes. Allow
the temperature to f all to 85° C. and add
the turpentine. Stir thoroughly. This No. 2
can be poured at 48° 0. and air cooled. a. Beeswax 100 g.
No. 7
Paraffin Wax 20 g.
Carnauba Wax, Gray 8 g-
Naphtha 80 g.
Carnauba Wax 4989 g*
Turpentine 70 g.
Solvent Naphtha 7000 g-
Stearic Acid 1360 g. b. Water 200 g.
Nigrosin, Oil Soluble 907 g- Potassium Carbonate,
Diglycol Laurate 200 g- Calcined 6 g.
Triethanolamine 450 g- Glue 35 g.
Water 29937 g- Method as above.
Nigrosin, Water Soluble 453 g-
Dissolve the water-soluble Nigrosin in Liquid Shoe Polish
the water, add the triethanolamine, and, Formula No. 1
while hot, the stearic acid and diglycol Neutral
laurate. Take up to a boil I. G. Wax 0 2.25 oz.
Add to this the solution of carnauba I. G. Wax E 3.15 oz.
wax and the oil-soluble nigrosin in the Paraffin Wax 1.8 oz.
naphtha, at 85-90° 0. Stir until cold. Beeswax 0.9 oz.
No. 8 Montan Color 2 oz.
Non-Alkaiine Water 3.15 oz.
It has recently been shown that al- Potassium Carbonate 0.85 oz.
kalies and alkali-soaps used in the manu- Turpentine 41 oz.
facture of shoe creams cause the leather No. 2
to dry out and crack. The following Carnauba Wax 1.5 oz.
formula contains no borax, caustic soda, I. G. Special Wax 2.5 oz.
caustic potash or amines. Ozokerite (6S°-70° C.) 1.5 oz.
Carnauba Wax 6 lb. Carnauba Wax, Residue 12 oz.
Ceresin Wax 3 lb. Paraffin Wax (50°-52° C.) 7 oz.
Candelilla Wax 3 lb. Turpentine 50 oz.
Turpentine 5 lb. Colored with oil soluble colors.
Lemongrass Oil % lb.
No. 3
Light Mineral Oil 1 lb.
Diglycol Stearate 5 lb.
Carnauba Wax 30 g-
Paraffin Wax 45 g-
Heat together below 90° 0. and stir Ozokerite 10 g-
until clear. Pour slowly while stirring V.M.&P. Naphtha 215 ee.
with high speed stirrer into Turpentine 20 cc.
Water (Boiling) 100 1b. Stearic Acid 20 g-
Stir until temperature falls to 70° C. Triethanolamine 7.5 g*
The finished product is snow white, ap- Water 650 cc.
plies easily and rubs to a high gloss. If Oil Soluble Black 15 g-
a paste polish is desired reduce the water Water Soluble Black ,
5 g-

Shellae Wax, Befined 0.5 kg.
No. 4
Emulsion Type Sudan Brown 5B 0.1 kg.
Sudan Eed 5E 0.05 kg.
I. G. Wax N 1.5 oz.
83 kg.
4 Turpentine
Montan Wax, Bleaelied oz.

Japan Wax 1 oz.

Eosin 0.25 oz.

0.6 oz.
Shoe Creams
Potassium Carbonate High Temperature Pouring
0.4 oz.
Soap, Powdered ^ (75° to 80° C.)
Turpentine 22
^ oz.
60 oz.
Wax Mass:
Water '

Crude Montan Wax 20 kg.

Paraffin Wax
Shoe Polish-Paste (50° to 52° C.) 10 kg.
Formula No. 1 Eosin 5 kg.
Candelilla Wax
Saponifying Solution:
Paraffin Wax
Potassium Carbonate 6 kg.
Water 60 kg.
V.M.&P. Naphtha Dye Solution:
Nigrosin T. 5.5 kg.
Oil Soluble Black
Water 50 kg.
No. 2
Emulsion Type Pinal additional water 50 kg.
Montan Wax Crude 4 oz.
Low Temperature Pouring High Grade
Japan Wax 0.3 oz.
Cream (40° to 50° C.)
Paraffin Wax (50“-52° C.) 1 oz.
Wax Mass:
Carnauba W
ax Residue 2 oz.
Crude Montan Wax 10 kg.
Carnauba Wax 0.5 oz.
Beeswax 4 kg.
Eosin 0.7 oz.
Carnauba Wax 1 kg.
Beeswax 0.3 oz.
Japan Wax 5 kg.
Potassium Carbonate 1.15 oz.
30 oz.
Shellac Wax 1.25 kg.
Turpentine 10 oz. Saponifying Solution:
Potassium Carbonate 1.5 kg.
No. 4
Boiling Water 75 kg. It
Albaeer 15 oz.
Borax 0.5 kg.
Ceraflux 30 oz.
Diglycol Stearate 1 kg.
IG—Wax—OP 4 oz.
Palm Oil Soap 1.5 kg.
Hexalin 4 oz.
Varnolene or Naphtha 47 oz. Dye Solution:
Melt the first four items, heating to Water 50 kg.
130° C. Nigrosin 5 kg.
Eemove from heat and add the [ varnol- Pinal additional water 150 kg.

This gives a white wax paste which Colored Water Creams if:
spreads well, shines easily and takes a Wax Mass:
high polish. For a black paste add oil Bleached Carnauba Wax 10 kg.
soluble nigrosine to give the^ desired Japan Wax 5 kg.
Bleached Beeswax 2 kg.
shade. For a tan polish, add oil soluble
brown to produce a light or dark tan as Pale Eosin 0.5 kg.
desired. Bleached Montan Wax 3 kg.
Stearin 0.5 kg.

Tropical Shoe Creams Saponifying Solution:

Black White Tallow Curd Soap 0.75 kg.
Montan Wax, Crude 4.5 kg. Potassium Carbonate 1.5 kg.
Nigrosin Base 1.2 kg. Caustic Soda, (36° Be.) 0.25 kg.
Carnauba Wax, Gray 5.5 kg. Water 35 kg.
Paraffin Wax (54/56° C.) 8 kg. Turpentine 1 kg.
Ozokerite, Yellow (66° C.) 1.3 kg.
Candelilla Wax 1.3 kg. Dye Solution for Dark Reddish-Brown
Shellac Wax 1.2 kg. Cream (per 100 kg. of above mass)
Turpentine, American 77 kg. Brown B 350 gm.
Mahogany Mars Bed 250 g.
Carnauba Wax, Gray 8.5 kg. Nigrosin G 15 g.
Ozokerite, Yellow 3.5 kg. Tartrazine X 50 g.
Paraffin Wax (54/56°) 4.5 kg. Final additional water 40 kg.

Saponified Shoe Cream Shoemaker Waxes

Pormula No. 1 Black, Soft:
Montan Wax, Crude 10 g- Rosin 5 kg.
Montan Wax, Double Paraffin 70 kg.
Bleached 3 g« Beeswax 5 kg.
Rosin 2 g- Asphaltnm 20 kg.
Parafan Wax (50/52° C.) 2 g- Black Color to suit
Potassium Carbonate 2.2 g- Black, Eard:
Soap, Castile 0.3 g- Rosin 10 kg.
Sodium Tetraborate 0.3 g- Paraffin 45 kg.
Nigrosine,Water Soluble 2 g- Beeswax 5 kg.
Metanil Yellow Dye 0.08 g* Asphaltnm 10 kg.
Water 95 g- Black Color to suit
Pour at 65° C.
Yellow, Soft:
No. 2 Rosin 10 kg.
Montan Wax, Crude 15 g- Paraffin 85 kg.
Paraffin Wax (40/42° C.) 20 g* Beeswax 5 kg.
Rosin 5 g- Yellow, Oil Soluble Color to suit
Potassium Carbonate 3 g-
Water 96 Yellow, Eard:
Metanil Yellow 0.9 g-
Rosin 10 kg.
Paraffin 55 kg.
Yellow Mandarin Dye,
Water Soluble 0.8 g*
Beeswax 5 kg.
Yellow, Oil Soluble Color to suit
Pour at 40*45° C.
No. 3
Montan Wax, Double Wax Polish
Bleached 15 g*
Carnauba Wax 6 kg.
Paraffin Wax (40-42° C.) 20
Beeswax 4 kg.
Ceresin 4 kg.
Rosin 5 g-
Turpentine 70 kg.
Potassium Carbonate 3 g*
Trichlor Ethylene 2 kg.
Water 95 g-
Oleic Acid 7 kg.
Metanil Yellow 0.05 g.
Triethanolamine 2.5 kg.
Yellow Mandarin Dye,
Water Soluble 0.1
Water 75 kg.
Petroleum 40 kg.
Pour at 40-42° C.
Shoe Stain:
Mix triethanolamine, oleic acid, and
a. Montan Wax Crude 15
water, and take up to a boil. Melt
waxes on a waterbath and thin with the
Rosin 2 g-
solvents in the absence of open flames.
Paraffin Wax(40/42° C.) 3 g-
Add now the hot soap solution and stir
Potassium Carbonate 0.5 g«
till a smooth emulsion has formed. Stir
Soap, Castile 4 g-
till cooled.
Water 65 g-
If the polish appears too heavy, thin
b. Shellac 20 g-
with hot water.
Sodium Tetraborate 7 g*
Water 75 g*
c, Nigrosin, Water Soluble 5.5 g- Wax Polish
Water 25 g-
Bleached Beeswax 2 oz.

a, h, c, are prepared separately and

Carnauba Wax 6 oz.

then mixed together.

Halowax No. 1013 4 oz.
Turpentine 20 oz.
Polishing Dye’’ (or Polishing Ink) Stearic or Oleic Acid 3.5 oz.
(to dye and polish shoes by means of a Triethanolamine 1.5 oz.
rag wheel”) Water 63 oz.
u. Water 80 kg. Perfume to suit

Marseilles Soap 3 kg. Melt the three waxes and add the tur-
Carnauba Wax 4 kg. pentine with agitation. Prepare the soap
Japan Wax 2 kg. solution by heating the trietliaiiolamine
Z>. Water 20 kg. dissolved in the water almost to the boil
Methyl Cellulose 1 kg. and adding the molten stearic acid or
c. Turpentine Oil 1 kg. liquid oleic. The soap may also be pre-
Citronella Oil 0.2t kg. pared by heating the triethanolamine
Boil the mixture a, when cooled, add and water with stearic acid in powdered
the dispersion h which has been boiled form. Run the former solution into the
separately. When cooled, add c. latter with agitation. Continue to agi-


tate until cool. If properly made the The exact size of grain used in the
emulsion is stable. above operations will de|)end on the
final finish required or the condition in

Hard Polishing Paste Wax wliieh it is desired to leave the work for
the next operation.
Shellac Wax, Bleached 2 oz.
I. G. Wax 0 6 oz. The purpose of lapping is to pro-
duce a true, accurate surface as well as
I. G. Wax OP 2 oz.
Ozokerite 3 oz. a smooth one. This is done by rubbing
Paraffin Wax 12 oz. the work on a carefully prepared master
Turpentine 140 oz. surface called a lap, the top side of
which is filled with a fine abrasive pow-
der. Lapping blocks are usually made
Polishing Wax of soft, close grained cast-iron, and the
Carnauba Wax 10 kg.
abrasive powder is pressed in with a
Paraffin Wax 60 kg.
hard steel block or rolled in with a steel
Japan Wax 15 kg.
roller. The addition of the abrasive
Beeswax 15 kg.
powder has to be repeated from time to
time as the lap loses its sharpness..
Turpentine Wax-Polish Cylindrical laps are charged by rolling
Carnauba Wax 4 kg. them on a hard steel block covered with
Ozokerite, Refined 2 kg. abrasive powder.
Paraffin, 50-52° C. 2 kg.
Tumbling is comparable to polishing
Sudan Yellow 2 kg.
in that it prepares metal surfaces for
Thinner (Turpentine, or
plating or ball-burnishing. The opera-
Substitute 90 kg.
tion is performed by placing the articles
in a revolving barrel with a charge of
Emulsion Wax-Polish abrasive. The sizes of abrasive com-
a. Montan Wax, Double monly used are Nos. 24 and 36. Tum-
Bleached 7 leg. bling is confined to small east articles
h. Potash Soap 3 kg. which must be easily and cheaply
Caustic Potash 0.8 kg. smoothed up. To obtain a lasting finish
Dye, Water Soluble 2 kg. on such articles, the castings must be
Water 87.2 kg. smooth and free from sand or scale.
Add the hot h to the melted a in small
portions with good agitation. Abrasives
Formerly emery was universally used
POLISHING-, LAPPING for polishing. This abrasive is an ex-
AND TUMBLING ceedingly impure form of crystalline
Abrasive polishing is the process alumina, containing from 25 to 50 per
whereby tool marks, scratches, etc,, are cent of iron oxide, as well as other im-
purities possessing little or no abrasive
removed from metals and other sub-
stances and a smooth finish secnred. value. These impurities make the grains
The work is done by abrasive grains or soft and porous compared with high
powders glued to the surface of polish- grade modern abrasives produced in the
ing wheels or strapping belts. There are electric furnace. On this account emery
three divisions grains quickly lose their sharpness in
BougMng is done dry with abrasives
Emery, like all other ores, is subject
in sizesnumbers 24 to 60. Examples of
to wide variatioDs in quality. The best
roughing are plow polishing, for which
Turkish emery contains from 60 to 65
synthetic abrasives are used; and auto-
per cent alumina. Some American em-
mobile bumpers for which coarser grain ery contains less than 50 per cent alu-
is commonly employed.
mina. Crystalline alumina is the part
Dry fining is the second operation. of the abrasive which makes it cut. The
This is also done dry, but the sizes of other ingredients are merely adulterants,
grains used run from 70 to 120. Emery grains lack the rapid cutting
Finishing^ sometimes called oiling, is qualities, the durability, and the uni-
the third operation, and is done with sizes formity of the manufactured abrasives.
120 and finer. The wheel is first Synthetic abrasives produced in the
smoothed down a little and is then electric furnace are made by melt-
^ grease d
^ ^
with lard oil, tallow, or ing, purifying, and crystallizing bauxite.
suet. This improves the finish of the They contain upwards of 94 per cent
work. Por a high color, beeswax or crystalline alumina, are extremely hard
charcoal is used. and strong. They will carry a heavy

cut and remain sharp where emery what the requirements are and supply a
grains would soon become dull and use- high grade glue for the polishing trade.
less. This difference in hardness is It costs a little more than common, im-
easily shown by the scratch test. They pure glue, but is well worth the differ-
will scratch emery, but emery will not ence. Cheap glue always costs more in
scratch them. the end, because it wastes the abrasive.
ToUshing wheels, if properly set up Either ground or flake glue may be
with such abrasives, will do from two used, but the latter requires longer soak-
to six times as much worTc as wheels set ing. Soak ground glue in cold water
up with emery, and will do the worTc for two to four hours flake glue three

quicTcer and better* This means a great times as long. Use pure water free from
saving of abrasive and glue, time used alkalis, acids, and other substances harm-
in setting up wheels, number of wheels ful to glue. Use definite weights of
required, and time lost in changing. glue and water. Equal weights of glue
They are also more uniform than emery. and water generally will produce the
Polishers sometimes assume that be- right consistency for setting up grains
cause these abrasives are harder than from No. 20 to No, 60, although some
emery, that a high finish cannot be ob- glues require more water. For finer
tained with them. The following illus- grains it will have to be thinned down
trations show the fallacy of this idea. a little. Grains cannot be properly im-
Abrasive grains are cutting tools. A bedded in glue that is too thick. In
sharp tool will give a cleaner, smoother every case the glue should be thin
cut than a dull one. Depth of marks is enough so that the grains will actually
determined by size of grain used. By enter it and so be surrounded by it.
selecting the proper grain size any de- After soaking, the glue should be
sired finish can be obtained. heated to a temperature of 145® to 150®
Carbonite^ ^ or other synthetic ab- for half an hour and then allowed to
cool to 135®, the temperature at which
rasives of this type is a compound of
carbon and silicon, made from sand and glue is strongest. Fever allow the glue
coke. It is never found in nature and
to boil. Boiling will spoil any glue.
is formed only at the high temperature
Glue heaters, using either electricity,
of the electric furnace. The charge is gas, or steam are now obtainable
packed around a core of granular coke, with automatic temperature control.
through which a powerful current is These will be found profitable wherever
nassed. The core soon becomes white much polishing is done. In smaller
plants, where an automatic heater is con-
hot and the heat gradually radiates
through the charge, converting it into sidered unnecessary, a glue thermometer
will avoid any uncertainty about tem-
carbide of silicon.
perature. Glue pots made of aluminum
Carbonite is nearly as hard as the
diamond but the crystals are brittle. In are best, as they are easiest to clean, but
granular form it finds its widest applica- copper pots are satisfactory.
tion in the granite and glass industries.
Heat up only small batches at a time
These abrasives are graded into many and never allow glue to remain in the
different sizes by passing them over silk
pot overnight. Tests have shown that
screens of great accuracy. after heating for 12 hours glue loses
more than half its strength. Therefore
"Floated Flours of extreme accuracy
only freshly heated glue should be used,
and fineness are graded by means of an
preferably within four (4) hours after
elaborate water flotation system. They
heating. Pots should be cleaned thor-
are numbered 280, 320, 400, 500, and
oughly every night.
600. For optical work, fine cutlery pol-
ishing, and similar operations.
Polishing Wheels
Too much emphasis cannot be laid on
the importance of buying good glue and Polishing wheels are made of a variety
preparing it correctly. Synthetic abra- of materials. The most used wheels are
sive grains are harder and sharper than those made of canvas, cloth, leather of
emery and will take heavier and cleaner various kinds, and wood (leather cov-
cuts provided they are held securely to ered). Other materials used for polish-
the polishing wheel. To accomplish this, ing wheels include felt, composition (duck
good glue, properly prepared, must be and rubber), sheepskin, walrus, and pa-
used. It must be strong and tough, not per. The best kind of wheel to use de-
brittle. Should the glue become brittle, pends on the character of the work and
it can be made more flexible by adding the finish desired.
a small amount of glycerin. A widely used type of wheel is the
Most of the glue manufacturers know compress polishing wheel which is con-

strueted by compressing the material Wood Wheels (Leather Covered) were

radially and clamping it between steel formerly used for nearly every sort of
flanges on iron centers. Compress wheels polishing. With the advent of pliable
are usually made of leather or canvas, wheels of canvas and sheepskin, their use
and can be had in various degrees of has become restricted mainly to polish-
density. They make a strong, resilient ing flat surfaces or to work requiring a
and smooth cutting wheel, run true and square corner. They are widely em-
hold the abrasive well. They are em- ployed where wheels of large diameter
ployed for almost every variety of polish- are used, as in concaving shears and
ing. Used dry or with oil and grease, scissors. They are built up in layers
they make an excellent finishing wheel. with the grain of alternate layers cross-
Canvas Wheels are used for a wide ing and glued together under pressure.
range of work, including agricultural The face is then covered with a strip of
leather (back, bull neck or other kind)
tools, stove parts, tubing, and a great
variety of steel and cast iron parts.
3/16'' or thick. Where wood wheels
wheels, having their sections are used for fine finishing a double thick-
glued together, are excellent for rough- ness of leather is desirable. This makes
a more resilient working face suitable
ing out. They are also used extensively
They hold the abrasive for fine work.
for dry fining.
well, and are readily cleaned with a buff Solid Faper Wheels are another of the
stick or abrasive brick, —a much quicker old styles. Their use now is largely
limited to the tableware and silver trades.
and better method than washing off.
They may be readily balanced, will main-
Glued Cloth Wheels are used for fin-
tain their shape and run true.
ishing shovel work, stoves, plows, and
other agricultural tools. In the smaller Speed of Polishing Wheels, Make cer-
sizes they are popular as a jobbing wheel tain that all polishing wheels are oper-
for blacksmiths. Cloth wheels are made ated at the proper surface speed. For
ordinary work the surface speed should
in a variety of grades, from both bleached
and unbleached cloth. be about 7,500 feet per minute. Where
small polishing wheels are used and the
SheepsMn Wheels also make an ex-
pieces are not large, a lower wheel speed
cellent wheel for fine finishing. The may be used with good results. Slower
disks are cemented, stitched, or used speeds are also used for coloring work.
loose. The loose disks, make a very soft, If wheels are run too fast the glue may
pliable wheel, often used for buffing and be overheated and melt. If too slow,
polishing irregular surfaces. The stitched the work is likely to tear the abrasive
wheels are used principally by the silver from the face of the wheel. This causes
trade on soft metals. The cemented waste, shortens the life of the wheel and
wheels make an extra good wheel for impairs the finish. A few trials will
fine finishing on small work. soon determine the best speed for any
Felt Wheels are made of Mexican and particular operation. It is a good plan
Spanish felt and are employed for fine to occasionally use a revolution counter
finishing,especially on stove work and to make sure the speed is not varying
cut glass work. on account of loose belts or other cause.
Full NecTc Leather Wheels are very
efficientfor oiling and finishing and are Strapping Belts
well adapted for quick work and hard
Strapping Belts are made of canvas,
service. Disks of the required diameter rubber, and leather and are useful for
are cut from oak-tanned bull neck leather
polishing recesses which cannot be
to %" thick and cemented together.
reached with a polishing wheel. They
Bull neck wheels are used for polishing
are also used for finishing irregular sur-
forgings, stove trimmings, brass goods,
faces, particularly on brass work. The
tools and similar work.
belt runs over a pair of pulleys. The
Walrus Wheels are made from the face is coated with glue and abrasive,
thick hide of the walrus. Wheels up the same as that of a polishing wheel.
to 1%" in thickness can be made with- For flat surfaces a rest underneath or
out seams. Owing to the tough, resilient behind the working face is often pro-
quality of walrus leather, it is partic- vided to help support the belt which is
ularly adapted for fine finishing. For from 4" to 18" wide, according to the
such work walrus wheels enjoy the high- size of the pieces to be finished. Belts
est reputation. They are widely used supported in this way are used for sur-
for finishing cutlery, guns, pistols, brass, facing parts of airtight stoves, flat irons,
silverware, and wherever a fine polish is valves, etc. Strapping belts should be
required on iron or steelt operated at about 2,800 feet per minute.

Automatic Polishing Machines to avoid premature cooling of the glue.

Arecent development in polishing is For the same reason it is important to
the automatic machine for flat work. preheat both the wheel and the grains
In one such machine, several polishing to a temi3erature of about 120® F. The
wheels are mounted above a revolving work should be done in a room arranged
circular table which carries the work. for the purpose so that drafts cannot
The latter is held in place hj magnetic strike the wheel and chill the glue. The
chucks or mechanical fixtures. Bough- grains should be put in a trough (heated
ing, dry fining, and finishing may all be where possible) and this should be long
done on one revolution of the table. The enough to allow one complete revolution
capacity is very large. For example, in of the wheel. This wdll help to get the
the machine above referred to, as many grains on evenly. After coating, the
as 600 flatiron bases can be polished in wheel should be dried.
one hour with one operator. Other ma- On finishing wheels only one coat of
chines of even larger capacity are avail- abrasive should be used, but on roughing
able, but these employ more operators. wheels two or more coats may be applied
to lengthen their period of service. In
the latter case the wheel should be dried
PBEPABINO AND SETTINO IIP between each coat.
POLISHING WHEELS If all wheels are set up by one ex-
It has long been customary to remove perienced man it will result in economy
the glue and used grains from polishing of materials and increase in the efd-
wheels by washing on water rollers. ciency of the polishing department.
There are objections to this.
Water is ruinous to leather and may Drying
warp a wood wheel. It is much better Recent investigations have shown that
to dry clean all polishing wheels with an most of the variation in performance of
abrasive brick. This should be at least polishing wheels is directly due to faulty
three numbers coarser than the grains drying. Glue develops its maximum
on the wheels. Special wheel dressing strength when allowed to set slowly and
machines also are available and are com- naturally. The dry room temperature
ing into more general use. should not exceed 85® F. If drying is
Where oil or grease has been used in hastened by using higher temperatures
the polishing operations, be sure that the the glue will shrink away from the grains
wheel is thoroughly cleaned and dried and fail to grip them strongly.
before setting it up. Glue will not ad- Of equal or greater importance in
here strongly to an oily surface. drying are atmospheric conditions. Too
much moisture in the air will prevent the
Balancing and Truing glue from setting and holding properly.
must be kept in bal-
Polislring wheels Wheels dried in a hot, moist atmosphere
ance to give the best results. This can have a short life. In damp weather the
readily be done on balancing ways made relative humidity of the air is high. This
for the purpose. Small pieces of lead condition is likely to be most serious in
should be nailed on the light side until plants located near the ocean or close
the wheel will stand in any position. to lakes and rivers, but at times it may
Some polishing wheels are provided with be a prolific source of trouble almost
balancing holes and weights. anywhere. Tests show that with a dry
After the wheel is balanced it may be room temperature of 75° to 85® F. ex-
put on an arbor and speeded to see if it cellent results are obtained if the rela-
runs true on the face; if not, it may be tive humidityis kept between 45% and
trued by holding an old file against the 55%, Every plant should have an hy-
face. The file should be supported on a grometer to determine the humidity and
solid rest. A
wheel trued in this way if the humidity is frequently low or high,
will come in contact with the work an air conditioning cabinet should be in-
throughout its entire periphery. stalled.
Wheels should be thoroughly dry be-
Setting Up fore they are used. Forty-eight (48)
After and moisture have been
all oil
hours is necessary for glue to set. If
removed from the polishing wheel, and used before the glue is thoroughly set,
it has been made to run true, apply a the wheels will wear out too fast.
sizing coat of glue and dry for four If 'production per polishing 'wheel falls
hours. Then apply another coat and off} drying conditions should akoays he
roll and pound the wheel in the abrasive cheched up first. If the relative hu-
grains. The work should be done quickly 'midity is above 55 or the temperature

above 85° F, it u:i'l not he necessary to 2. Triethanolamine 2 kg.

tools farther for the
cause of the diffi- Water 125 kg.
culty. 3. Naphtha 5 kg.
4. Ammonia 2-3 kg.
Using Synthetic Abrasive Wheels 5. Clay 1 kg.
Tripoli 11 kg.
Avoid using too much pressure. With
Aluminum Oxide 77 kg.
a dull abrasive such as emery, heavy
pressure is often necessary. But syn-
To the solution 1 add with good agita
thetic abrasives are hard and sharp.
tion the solution 2. When emulsified
add 3, 4, and finally the mixture 5 to ge.
On this account they work quickly, with
Too much pressure tears a paste.
less pressure.
out the grains and shortens the life of
the wheel.
Liquid Abrasive Polish
To break in afinishing wheel set up Methyl Cellulose
Solution {!%) 20 oz.
with synthetic abrasive rough out or dry
fne a few pieces first to take off the
Water 40 oz.
Clay, Powdered 30
harshness. Add a little grease or other oz.

lubricant now and then. In finishing it is Emulphor 0 (I. G.) 0.5 oz.
particularly important to avoid excessive
Chromium Oxide 6 oz.
To force the wdieel will make Oleic Acid 4 oz.
cut deeper than necessary, and may Spindle Oil 4 oz.
and break Gasoline 5 oz.
also cause it to heat out.
If synthetic abrasives are used in the
White Spirit 30 oz.
Glass Dust 50 oz.
way described and the foregoing sugges-
Alcohol 5 oz.
tions are follo^ved in regard to glue, set-
ting up, and drying the wheels, one set-
ting will last from 2 to 6 times as long Buffing Compound
as emery and the work will be done faster U. S. Patent 2,078,876
and better. Less abrasive grains and Formula No. 1
fewer polishing wdieels will be needed, 100 lb. oleo-stearine and 20 lb. of
more pieces can be polished per day, time double-pressed stearic acid is placed
will be saved in setting up and changing in a kettle and melted by being brought
wheels, and the finish will be better and to a temperature slightly above 130
more uniform. degrees F.
To this hot mixture, add five lb. of tri-
Abrasive ethanolamine and allow the resultant mix-
Russian Patent 45,412 ture to stand, while still hot, a suffi-
Aluminum Oxide 97.75 oz. cient time for thorough commingling
Antimony 1.50 oz. and to enable the chemical reaction of
1. Charcoal 0.75 oz. saponification to be completed.
Porm then bake at about 1700° G. The above mixture is fed into a suit-
able mixing machine, which has been
Abrasive Polish Pastes previously heated, and there slowly com-
Formula Ko. 1 mingled with 220 lb. of tripoli powder
a. Paraffin Wax (50/52° C.) 5 g. and 180 lb. of powdered flint, this mix-
Diglycol Stearate 16 g. ing operation generally requiring about
h. Oleic Acid 25 g one and one-half hours. The compound
c. Whiting 20 g. is transferred to suitable molds in which
Magnesium Carbonate 30 g. it is allowed to solidify and harden into
cakes of suitable size and shape for con-
Melt a, add h, and at last c in small
venience in application to buffing wheels.
No. 2
'No. 2
Ammonium Linoleate
White Buffing Compound
a. 20 g.
Turpentine 15 50 pounds of stearic acid is melted and
mixed thoroughly with 37% pounds of
1. Alcohol 5 g.
beef tallow. To this mixture is added
e. Water 15 g.
Whiting two pounds of triethanolamine, and the
d. 45 g.
resultant mass is allowed to stand till
Dissolve a, add h, c, and ultimately d.
completely commingled and saponified.
Mix thoroughly.
While maintaining the above mixture
at 130 degrees F., 215 pounds of pow-
Abrasive Emulsion Polish dered white silica is slowly added, as
Naphtha 60 kg. before, and the compound placed in
Oleic Acid, Distilled 5 kg. molds to solidify and harden.
No. 3 Sodium Thiosulphate
White Stainless Buffing Compound 1 oz.
Iron Oxide
Stearic Acid 14 lb.
% oz.
Beef Tallow 9% lb.
Triethanolamine 2 oz. Liquid Polish
Malt Vinegar
and mix as above and add Alu-
4 oz.
minum Oxide, White 72 lb. and mix as 1 oz.
Paraffin Oil
above. 1 oz.
1 oz.
Powdered Bath Brick
Diamond Dust Abrasive Lemon Oil
2 oz.
German Patent 626,512 sufficient
Diamond Dust 20-30 g.
Iron Powder 80-70 g. Cutting Compound for Cellulose
Heat until sintered and press into de- Lacquer
sired shape. Any hard wax poHsh can be used as a
base, and to this are added
Dental Grinding Wheel Composition compounds such as silica, air-floated
British Patent 466,065 tripoli powder, pumice flour,
Sodium Silicate 15-30% etc. A suitable wax poHsh base is

Shellac 5% Beeswax 5 lb.

Glass, Powdered to make 100% Caraauba Wax 6 lb.
Mold and bake at a temperature high Xylol 10 lb.
enough to burn-out^’ the organic ma- Benzine 20 lb.
terial. Paraffin Oil
2% lb.
61/2 lb.
J eweler ^s Polishing Bar
Refined Tallow <xwpaaj.vt5 will ae-
8 oz.
pend upon the type used and the
Iron Oxide 2 oz. degree
of cutting action required. The
Oxalic Acid 1% dr.
should be mixed with a proportion
Powder the acid, mix with oxide and of
the paraffin and turpentine
mold with the tallow into bars like soap. to wet it
thoroughly and is then mixed
The oxide must be quite free from grit, thoroughly^
into the wax base.
or it may scratch
valuable work. It
may be prepared by
calcining equal
quantities of oxalic acid and iron sul- jriasmcs
•Di r®
Plastics having an albumin
phate in a crucible for about fifteen base are
minutes with a good draught. polished first with emery and
then with
kaobn and tripoli; asphalt base
White Polishing Paste with powdered glass, tin dust,
and red
Formula No. 1 iron oxide in the order given;
White Petrolatum plastics with micro-asbestos,
9 oz. kieselguhr.
Kieselguhr kaolin and red iron oxide.
3 oz.*
Paraffin Wax 1 oz.
Whiting 1 oz! jTuiisn jrasie tor Galalith
Sodium Thiosulphate 1 oz. (Synthetic Resin Polish)
No. 2 Petrolatum
Tallow as required
9 oz. Emery 0000 50 g.
White Petrolatum 5 oz. Sulphur, Flowers of
Chalk g 5 g.
Oz. Tin Oxide
Levitigated Flint 1 oz.
27 g.
Powdered Pumice 1 oz.
Oxalic Acid % oz. Bakelite-Polish
Formula No. 1
Polishing Powder Montan Wax 3 l^g.
Formula No. 1 Tallow or Bone Fat 2
Kieselguhr ^ oz.
Diglycol Oleate 1
Asbestos, Fine Fibres }S-
Putty Powder 2 oz 12 ^g-
Pipe Clay 2 oz.
Tartaric Acid No. 2
2 dr.

Montan Wax 1.5 kg.

No. 2


Tallow or Bone Fat 1.5 kg.

Kieselguhr 7 oz. Dlglyeol Stearate 2
Powdered Pipe Clay kg.
6 oz! Mineral Oil
Flake White 12 kg.
2 oz. Chalk, Vienna to suit

BurnisHng Clay sodium cyanide 0.5 kg., water 100 liters.

Glue % 11). For aluminum: soap flakes 3 kg,, con-
Water % lb. centrated ammonia solution 1 kg., and
Warm in a double boiler and stir until water 100 liters is used. For copper and
copper alloys the following solutions are
suitable: (1) soap powder 3 kg., potash
In a separate container put
2 kg., sodium cyanide 1 kg., water 100
Clay 1 lb.
liters; or (2) grain soap 4 kg., tartar 1
Water (Warm) IV2 lb.
kg., sodium bisulphate 1 kg., water 100
and mix thoroughly. liters.
Addthe glue solution, a little at a Strongly profiled parts are best pol-
time to the clay mixture, while stirring, ished by the ball-polishing method; the
finally add balls should be very hard and of highly
Denatured Alcohol 1 oz. polished chrome steel of 0.5 to 10 mm.
diameter. The sizes should be well mixed
according to the shape of the article so
Marble or Wood Polish that the small balls can act in the re-
French Patent 796,186 cesses. The drum rotates at 20 to 40
Linseed Oil 200 g.
rpm. The time required for fine polish
Mineral Oil 200 g.
varies between 1 hour and 3 hours ac-
Fine Sawdust 1000 g.
cording to material and shape.

Tumbling Barrel Sawdust, for 1st Stage

Abrasive Polishing in Drums Sawdust 60 lb.
Polishing in drums is a method best Pumice, Powdered 13 lb.
suitable for mass production on small Mineral Oil 1 lb.
articles, especially those plated with
copper, brass, nickel or cadmium chrome-;

plated articles can not be polished in this Tumbling Barrel Polish

manner. If the articles are very rusty Chalk, Precipitated 2 oz.
or scaly they must first be scoured be- Turkelene 8 oz.
fore polishing. This is usually done in Hydrogenated Castor Oil Wax 4 oz.
cylindrical and watertight drums of hard Sawdust 56 oz.
wood. The articles are placed in sand
wetted with water or dilute sulphuric
acid, the drum rotating at 30 to 60 rpm. Eazor-Strop Preparations
Brass and bronze require 10 to 12 hours, Formula No. 1
steel 20 to 30 hours, and cast parts 40 Tallow, Acidless 250 g.
to 60 hours. Caput Mortuum 750 g.
The polishing liquid must contain a
slip agent which permits an easy rub- Melt the fat, and work in the iron
bing of the parts against one another pigment.
and permits wear without hindering the
polishing action. The polishing liquid No. 2
Emery, Finest Powder 30 g.
mast be slightly pickling so that thin
Tin Oxide
oxide films are dissolved. A
Paris Bed
solution for brass, bronze or nickel-silver
Petrolatum, Natural 30 g.
(German silver) consists of potash and
Beeswax 30 g.
sodium cyanide which can be used for 8
hours without renewal. No. 3
Amixture of 200 g. '^ISTekaP’ and Petrolatum, Natural 82 g.
800 g. sodium bisulphate is applied for English Red (Iron Oxide) 18 g.
iron and steel objects; 10 g. of the mix-
For collapsible tubes. Run through a
ture are used for 1 liter solution ; or also
a mixture of 500 g. tartar, 300 g. sodium
bisulphate and 200 g. boric acid in 100
liters of water. Razor Hone Paste
For aluminum and its alloys: 500 g. Levigated or washed emery or carbo-
acidic potassium fiuoride, 100 g. rundum powder 400-500 or 600 mesh, 6
‘^Nekal, 400 g. sodium bisulphate, in lb., beef suet (freshly rendered) 2 lb.
100 liters of water is used. and yellow beeswax 1 lb. Melt the
If soap is to be used to obtain a par- suet and the wax then incorporate the

ticularly fine polish, a solution for iron emery or carborundum. Cool and cut
and steel is: soap flakes 4 kg., soda 2 kg., into small bars.
Abrasive Polisb Ko, 2
(For Tubes) a. Stearic Acid 10 lb.
Methyl Cellulose Solution Japan Wax 10 lb.
(10%) 30 oz. h. Oleic Acid 10 lb.
Stearic Acid 1 oz. c. Pumice, Finely Powdered 60 lb.
Oleic Acid 3 oz. Chrome Oxide 10 lb.
Gasoline 10 oz. As in No. 1.
White Spirit 25 oz.
Ammonia 2 oz. No. 3
Glass Dust 50 oz. a. ParafBn Wax (50/52° C.) 10 lb.
Clay,Powdered 10 oz. Stearic Acid 10 lb.
Chromium Oxide 5 oz. Japan Wax 8 lb.
h. Pumice, Powdered 25 lb.
Grinding Paste for Valves, etc. Kieselguhr 25 lb.
Ammonium Linoleate 1 kg. Yellow Ochre 22 lb.
Oleic Acid 0.1 kg.
Stir the powders h into the melte..
Water 5 kg.
waxes a. Stir till the paste sets, anc^
Silicon Carbide, Green 5 kg.
pour into forms.
Quartz, Powdered 1.5 kg.
Keep wet while applying. No. 4
Abrasive for Aluminum Surfaces
a. Paraffin Wax (50/52° C.) 25 lb.

Mon tan Wax 10 lb.
60 g.
h. Whiting 40 lb.
Puller ^s Earth 10 g. Emery 20 lb.
Stearic Acid, Powdered 10 g.
Carbon Black 5 lb.
As in No. 3.
Knife-Polishing Stones
Formula No. 1
a, Parafan Wax (50/52° G.) 10 lb.
Copper Polishing Stone
Ozokerite 5 lb.
&. Diglycol Laurate 10 lb. Sodium Bisulphate, Powdered 30 lb.

c. Pumice, Powdered 30 lb. Calcium Sulphate, (Gypsum) 10 lb.

Emery 25 lb. Clay 20 lb.

Lime Green 20 lb. Quartz, Powdered 40 lb.

Melt a, add h, and stir in slowly Moisten with water just to make it
c. Cool till the paste sets, and pour possible to press the material into blocks.
into molds. Package in lead-foil.


Metal or Surface Hardness Polishing Gutting Down Color Buffing

Aluminum 2.9 Aluminum Oxide Tripoli Silica

Brass 3 5 Aluminum Oxide
. Tripoli Silica, Lime
Copper 3 Emery Silica Lime
Chromium Plate 9 Chromium Oxide Unfused Alumina
Gold 2.5 Tripoli Rouge
Hard Rubber Pumice Tripoli
Monel Metal 4 5 Aluminum Oxide,
. Tripoli Unfused Alumina
Molded Resins Tripoli Unfused Alumina
Nickel 4 Aluminum Oxide, Tripoli Lime
Nickel Silver 4.2 Emery Tripoli Lime, Rouge
Stainless Steel 7 Aluminum Oxide, Unfused Alumina, Chromium Oxide
Silicon Carbide Emery
Silver 2.7 ........... Hard Rouge Soft Rouge
Steel 4-7* Aluminum Oxide, Emery Lime
Silicon Carbide
Tin 1.8 ............ Tin Oxide Crocus
Zinc Die Cast 2.5 Aluminum Oxide, Tripoli Lime
* Depending upon carbon content and heat treatment.

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Safety Matelies in use. After cooling to about 40® 0.
Aspen splints are immersed for 30-60 the gum is gently stirred into the glue
seconds in tlie following solutions to pre- and the potassium dichromate added
vent after-glow. with stirring until solution is complete.
All the other finely ground chemicals with
Formula No. 1
the exception of the potassium chlorate
Bi-Ammonium Pliosphate 1.4 oz.
are well mixed in a ball mill and then
or Phosplioric Acid (sp.
added to the mixture. Finally, the
gr. 1.5) 1.5 oz.
potassium chlorate, damped with the re-
"Water 99.5 oz.
mainder of the water, is added and the
Use cold.
mixture thoroughly stirred. The com-
No. 2 position is then ground in a flat plate
Bi-Ammonium Phosphate 1.0 oz. mill until the desired smoothness is ob-
or Phosphoric Acid (sp. tained. Throughout the mixing and
gr. 1.5) 1.1 oz. manufacture of matches this paste has
Water , 98 oz. to be kept at a temperature of 34® to
Use at about 60-70® 40® C., and great care has to be taken to
The splints are then dried, while ro- avoid loss of moisture due to evaporation.
tating in a special drying oven.
Owing to the fact that the paste is mainly
The dried splints are now polished by a suspension of insolubles, loss of mois-
rotating in a large cylindrical drum, ture causes it to become lumpy and
cleaned from wood flour and broken difficult to work.
splints, and fed into the match-making Formula No. 1
machine. The thoroughly dried splints Glue 5.0 lb.
are passed over steam coils, which en- Gum Tragacanth 1.0 lb.
sures the drying and prepares the splints Potassium Bichromate 3.5 lb.
for the first dipping. This consists of Potassium Chlorate 37,0 lb.
dipping the splints into molten paraffin Glass Powder 8.5 lb.
wax (m. p. 45® C. to a depth of about Zinc Oxide 0.5 lb.
7 mm. at a temperature of 110® 0. The Manganese Bioxide 4.7 lb.
heating of the splints prior to dipping Sulphur 3.5 lb.
helps and makes the absorption more Iron Oxide 3.8 lb.
uniform. Kieselguhr 1.0 lb.
After paraffining, the splints are cooled Water 31.5 lb.
and dipped in a heading paste; a thick, No. 2
sticky paste with the consistency of thick Glue 2.5 lb.
honey. After dipping and during drying Gum Arabic 7.5 lb.
the matches pass through the machine, Gum Tragacanth 0.6 lb.
where they are inverted two or three Potassium Bichromate 2.5 lb.
times at intervals of about five minutes, Potassium Chlorate 32.3 lb.
to ensure the formation of well-shaped Glass Powder 8.7 lb.
heads. The complete cycle of this ma- Kieselguhr 1.2 lb.
chine takes forty-five minutes. Sulphur 5.0 lb.
Chemicals used for safety match com- Manganese Bioxide 4.0 lb.
positions are generally mixed in the Iron Oxide 1.0 lb.
f ollowing proportions Water 34,7 lb.
Binding Materials 6-10 lb.
It will be noticed that the second
Oxygen Providers 35-45 lb.
formula contains considerably more ad-
Fillers 15-20 lb.
hesives than the first, mostly gum. Gum
Water 25-35 lb.
arabic, which is not such a strong ad-
The glue and gum, previously soaked in hesive as glue, has replaced part of the
the requisite amount of water, are cooked glue in order to obtain a smoother work-
at that temperature and for that length ing paste and consequently better shaped
of time found suitable for the adhesives heads on the matches.


Eed-lieaded book matches of the safety Glass Powder 1.8 lb.

type are made from the following for- Asbestos Powder 3.1 lb.
mula: Barium Chromate 1.3 lb.
No. 3 Antimony Sulphide 37.0 lb.
Glue 5.5 lb. Iron Oxide 1.0 lb.
Gum Tragacanth 0.5 lb. No. 2
Gum Senegal 2.5 lb. Red Phosphorus 49.5 lb.
Potassium Dichromate 2.5 lb. Gum Arabic 20.9 lb.
Potassium Chlorate 34.6 lb. Gum Tragacanth 0.8 lb.
Sulphur 3.3 lb. Antimony Sulphide 27.6 lb.
Zinc Oxide 7.2 lb. Formula 1, which appears to be un-
Glass Powder 7.2 lb. necessarily complicated, is less sharp than
Kieselguhr 1.2 lb. formula 2 and has been in use for several
Rhodamine Color 0.5 lb. years in the production of a high-class
Water 35.0 lb. Continental match.
For Continental use yellow-headed
safety matches are manufactured from Match Head Composition
formulae similar to the one above, with Sulphur Powdered 1 lb.
the omission of the rhodamine. The Manganese Dioxide 2 lb.
large percentage of potassium dichromate Ferric Oxide lb.
and sulphur, together with a large per- Glass, Powdered 1% lb.
centage of good quality zinc oxide, pro- Glue, Powdered 1 lb.
duces a very good yellow head. Potassium Bichromate 0.8 lb.
Potassium Chlorate 6% lb.
Paraffin Wax, Powdered 1 oz.
Match Box Compositions This should be mixed with gre:
Whereas heading compositions present caution as it is ex]Dlosive.
the greatest troubles in manufacture and
still more so in the working, box com-
Match Box Striking Composition
positions present no difficulties whatso-
U. S. Patent 2,030,892
ever. The analysis on the dry basis is
Rosin 85
usually of the order
Shellac 3
Binding materials 20 lb. Paraffin Wax 1
Bed phosphorus 40 lb. Beeswax 1
Fillers 40 lb. Gutta Percha 10
The phosphorus content can be varied The above is melted together and
to suit the manufacturer. If a sharper mixed until uniform. Grains of abrasive
striking paste is required, the percentage are embedded in a coating of the above.
of phosphorus is increased and vice
versa. Generally speaking, owing to the Self Lighting Cigarette Tip
high cost of phosphorus, it is the aim of
IT. S. Patent 2,040,733
the match manufacturers to use as little A composite sheet is used consisting ot
as possible, with due regard to quality. a layer of following:
This is the reason for grinding the com-
Glass, Powdered 0.36 g.
position as hue as possible and painting
Potassium Dichromate 0.27 g.
the boxes with the thinnest layer suffi-
Manganese Dioxide 0.18 g.
cient to strike 50 matches. In. this way Potassium Chlorate 3.60 g.
it is possible to paint 150,000 to 250,000
Sulphur d.75 g.
boxes with 10 lb. of phosphorus.
Cellulose Acetate Solution 2 cc.
The preparation of the composition is united with a layer of
similar to that for heading pastes. The Glass, Powdered 0.22 g.
powdered chemicals, with the exception Potassium Dichromate 0.59 g.
of the red phosphorus, are added to the
Manganese Dioxide 0.13 g.
prepared adhesives and stirred in. Potassium Chlorate 3.15 g.
Finally, the phosphorus is carefully Hickory Wood, Powdered 3.60 g.
added and well mixed in. The mix- Cellulose Acetate Solution 2 cc.
ture is then ground in an eccentric mill
or ball mill until the required fineness
is obtained. Explosives
German Patent 583,179
Formula No. 1 Formula No. I
Red Phosphorus 40.0 lb. Ammonium Nitrate 75 g.
Gum Arabic 12.0 1b. Plant Meal 6 g.
Gum Tragacanth 0.7 lb. Mineral Oil 4 g.
Dextrin 3.1 lb. Nitroglycerin 15 g.

No. 2 Blasting Cartridge
Ammonium Nitrate 71 g. British Patent 432,850
Plant Meal 6 g- Binder consists of
Liquid Hydrocarbons 3 g. Orthoclase 55 lb.
Nitrocellulose 0.2 g. Potassium Sulphate 35 lb.
Nitroglycerin 19.8 g. Clay 10 lb.
No. 3 The above is packed in a sleeve sur-
Canadian Patent 364,079 rounding composition below or mixed
Potassium Chlorate 10 lb. with it in proportion of 30% by weight.
Sugar or Antimony 5 lb. Explosive.
Sulphur lb. Nitroglycerin 11 lb.
Sodium Bicarbonate 2 oz. Dinitrotoluene 1 lb.
Salt 22 lb.
Explosives for Shells Ammonium Nitrate 59 lb.
French Patent 742,312 Cellulose 6.85 lb.
Ethylene Diamine Nitrate 45 g. Lampblack 0.15 lb.
Ammonium Nitrate 55 g.
Flashlight Cartridge Powder
Ammonium Nitrate 60 g.
XT. S. Patent 2,098,341
Methylamine Nitrate 40 g.
Magnesium, Powdered 120-140 oz.
Aluminum, Powdered 25- 32 oz.
Ammonium Nitrate 55 g.
Precipitated Chalk 45- 56 oz.
Ethylene Diamine Nitrate 40 g.
Silica,Powdered 18- 24 oz.
Methylamine Nitrate 5 g.
Magnesia 8- 12 oz.

Granular Explosive
IT. S. Patent 2,109,049 Black Powder
Potassium Chlorate 35 F. S. Patent 2,030,096
Sugar 35 Sodium Nitrate 60.0 lb.
Finely Divided Cellulose 10 Sulphur 10.0 lb.

Dinitrotoluene 12 Charcoal 17.9 lb.

Toluene 6 Ammonium Nitrate 10.0 lb.
Petrolatum 2 Calcium Carbonate 1.2 lb.
Drea 1.0 lb.
A method of making an explosive
Eomprises heating dinitrotoluene, toluene
and petrolatum to the boiling point, add- Priming Mixture
ing a small quantity of nitric acid thereto Formula No. 1
and continuing the boiling until the nitric D. S. Patent 1,918,920
acid fumes have passed off, and adding Lead Sulphocyanide 30-50 oz.
to the mixture finely divided cellulose Oxidants, like
and a granulated powder made of potas- Potassium Chlorate 10-30 oz.
sium chlorate and sugar, the granulated Nitrocellulose, or
powder and the cellulose being taken in Smoke-Free Powder 30-40 oz.
proportion that the total mixture results No. 2
in. a granulated powder. Polish Patent 15,569
Potassium Chlorate 85 g.
Mining Explosive Asbestos Fibre 1.5 g.
British Patent 435,588 Nitrotoluol 4.5 g.
Ammonium Kitrate 90 lb. Petroleum 8.5 g.
Aluminum Powder 6^ lb. Castor Oil 0.5 g.
Manganese Dioxide 3 % lb.
The above mixture is coated with
a waterproofing material. Cartridge Priming Mixture
Formula No. 1
Improved Plasticity & Safety Explosive D. S. Patent 2,035,597
British Patent 460,57 Potassium Chlorate 48 -53% oz.
Nitroglycerin-Nitroglycol Potassium Ferro-
Mixture 30.0 oz. cyanide 33%-36 oz.
Nitro Cotton 1.3 oz. Glass, Powdered 13%-16 '
Dinitrotoluene 3.0 oz. No,.' 2 .

Bentonite 5.0 oz. D. S. Patent 2,009,556

Ammonium Nitrate 45.7 oz. For Center-Fire Cartridges
Sodium Nitrate
Starch, Maize (Corn)
10.0 oz.
5.0 oz.
Tetrazene 1- 4 %
Diazonitrophenol 12-18%

Barium Nitrate 25-40% Ferrosilicon 16 oz.

Antimony Trisulphide 8-18% Linseed Oil 1 oz.
Lead Peroxide 15-25%
Calcium Silieide 8-20% Detonating Mixture
No. 3 French Patent 41,470 (to 721,636)
For Eim-Fire Cartridges Gum Arabic 30 g.
Tetrazene 4- 7% Phosphorus Sulphide (P4S3) 15 g.
Diazonitrophenol 15-20% Magnesium Carbonate 12 g*
Basic Lead Azide 6-12% Calcium Carbonate 5 g.
Barium Nitrate 20-30% Ochre 25 g-
Lead Peroxide 12-20% Potassium Chlorate ^0 g.
Ground Glass 20-28%
No. 4 Detonator Igniter Powder
For Eim-Fire Cartridges U. S. Patent 2,008,366
U. S. Patent 2,001,212 Zirconium 20
Lead Azide 20-25 oz. Mercury Fulminate 23.5
Powdered Glass 20-25 oz. Potassium Chlorate 37.6
Flake Aluminum 6- 8 oz. Nitrostarch 11.3
Barium Nitrate 35-38.5 oz. Charcoal, Powdered 7.5
Trinitrotoluol 0- 2.5 oz.
Canada Balsam or Pyrotechnic Sparklers
Cellulose Acetate 0- 2.5 oz.
Formula No. 1
Barium Nitrate 22 lb.
amide 0- 1 oz.
Iron Pilings 10 lb.
No. 5 Aluminum Powder 2 lb.
IT. S. Patent 2,027,825 Starch Flower 6 lb.
Mercury Fulminate 20-50% Water, Boiling to form dough
Barium Nitrate 10-45% No. 2
Lead Chromate 2-20% Barium Nitrate 55 lb.
Lead Sulphocyanide 3-25% Aluminum Powder 5 lb.
Zirconium Powder 2-30% Iron Pilings 25 lb.
Ground Glass 30% Dextrin 15 lb.
Water to form a dough
Explosive Primer No. 3
French Patent 818,285 Powdered
Iron, Coarsely 1.0 lb.
Mercury Fulminate 65 g. Aluminum Powder 0.2 lb.
Barium Nitrate 22 g. Barium Nitrate 2.2 lb.
Antimony Sulphide 11 g. Starch 0.6 lb.
Hexogene 15.5 g. Water to form dough
Barium Carbonate 1.5 g.
The materials are mixed, moistened
with hot water to give a sticky, viscous
Explosive Priming Mixture dough, and then put on to % of the
Formula No. 1 the length of thin iron wires of 10-20
IT. S. Patent 2,002,960 cm. length.
Basic Lead Trinitro-
resorcinol 27 oz.
Non-Toxic, Non-Hygroscopic Pyrotechnic
Lead Dinitrophenylazide 13 oz.
U. S. Patent 2,096,258
Potassium Nitrate 30 oz.
Antimony Trisulphide 7 oz.
A non-toxic and non-hygroscopic hre-
work composition adapted to produce
Ground Glass 23 oz.
successive detonations when ignited, con-
No. 2 sists of
French Patent 737,561
Potassium Chlorate 45 oz.
Mercury Fulminate 33 g.
Magnesium Oxide (Heavy) 20 oz.
Thallium Nitrate 40 g.
Magnesium Oxide (Light) 11 oz.
Cobalt Nitrate 10 g.
Magnesium Sulphate (Hy-
Antimony Tri-Sulphide 17 g.
drated) 30 oz.
Gum Arabic 4 oz.
Betarder for Burning Primer Together with a solid solu-
(For Shells) tion of:
IT. S. Patent 1,877,127 Sesquisulphide of Phos-
Lead Oxide 44 oz. pWus 12 oz.
Lead Chromate 39 oz. Sulphur 2 oz.
Chemical Snakes Bed Fusees
Add an excess of red mereurie oxide Strontium Nitrate 71.1 oz.
to 50 cc. concentrated nitric acid. Shake Potassium Perchlorate 13.1 oz.
and let stand till saturated. Decant Sulphur 11.1 oz.
solution. Add a 10% solution of am- Sawdust 4.2 oz.
monium sulphocyanide until mercury is Charcoal 0.5 oz.
completely precipated as mercury sulpho-
Green Fusees
cyanide. Filter and dry. Before en-
tirely dry, it may he made into tablets
Barium Nitrate 68.7 oz.
or pills.
Sawdust 9.2 oz.
Potassium Perchlorate 8.4 oz.
Sulphur 5.3 oz.
White Pyrotechnic Light
Bosin 4.6 oz.
U. S. Patent 2,035,509
Barium Nitrate 38 oz.
Kauri Gum 3.8 oz.
Strontium Nitrate 7 oz. Yellow Fusees
Magnesium, Powdered 52 oz. Barium Nitrate 47.4 oz.
Paraffin Wax 3 oz. Strontium Nitrate 23.7 oz.
Sulphur 12.1 oz.
Signal Eocket Powder Potassium Perchlorate 9.0 oz.
Sawdust 3.2 oz.
Sodium Nitrate 5 g- Sodium Oxalate 3.2 oz.
Sulphur, Powdered 4 g- Stearine 1.0 oz.
Wood Charcoal, Powdered 3% g. Charcoal 0.4 oz.
Make into a paste with alcohol and
In red fusees color of the flame is nro-
•y in forms.
duced by strontium nitrate. Potassium
perchlorate is the oxidizing agent upon
Orange Smoke which the rate of burning depends. The
U. S. Patent 1,975,785 amount is variable and therefore may be
Lead Peroxide 50 g. increased or decreased if necessary to in-
Potassium Dichromate 35 g. crease or decrease the time of burning.
Magnesium 15 g. The sulphur serves to increase the ignita-
bility of the mixture and the character
Brown Smoke of the flux resulting from the burning.
U. S. Patent 1,975,099 The sawdust is obtained from hard wood,
Copper Oxide 50 g. maple preferably, and is used to give
Lead Peroxide 25 g. structure to the composition. This re-
Magnesium 15 g. quires it to be coarse, approaching what
might be termed the chip stage. The
Smoke Cloud charcoal of necessity must be fine and
Zinc Dust 648 g. preferably low ash willow charcoal. It
Hexachlorethane 864 g. serves as a fuel and the percentage used
*Thermite 44 g. may be varied. An increase of one-half
Ammonium Chloride 48 g. per cent enhances the rate of burning
* ThermiteType Powder and adds materially to the vigorous dis-
Aluminum Powder 23 g. posal of the flux formed from burning.
Iron Oxide Powder 73 g.
This point is essential since the forma-
tion of flux, if it is not blown away, will
Tracing Bullet, Smoke Colored cause a chemical chimney to be formed
German Patent 629,803 which obscures the flame.
To the usual tracer compositions is
The addition of lithium carbonate to
added 5% nitronaphthalene to get a green the extent of 2 to 5% greatly improves
color or 2% nitro aniline and 3% acet-
the color of red flares. Lithium carbon-
anilide to get a red color.
ate is non-hygroscopie and its price is
not prohibitive due to the effect pro-
Safety and Distress Signals duced by the addition of relatively small
Bailroads have used for many years amounts. Flame coloration produced by
red, yellow and green fusees as signals volatile strontium compounds contains o
for various specified emergencies. The large percentage of green and orange,
frequency of the trains and nature of the which are to a large extent neutralized
existing emergency determine not only by the monochromatic red of lithium
the color of the flare but also the burn- salts.
ing interval of five or ten minutes. The Green fusees are produced by the sub-
following are typical formulae for the stitution of barium nitrate for the cor-
manufacture of railway fusees: responding strontium salt.

Yellow fusees are produced by combin- Military Signals

mg barium and strontium nitrates with The most important type of military
sodium salts. The proportions are set signal is the red and green star, three in
forth in the formula for yellow fusees. number, which are attached to an as-
The ingredients for the desired colors bestos string, suspended from a para-
must be absolutely dry, of a standard chute. The United States Army fires this
fineness and intimately mixed to secure signal into the air with a discharger at-
a homogeneous mass. The composition tached to a Springfield rifle. The Navy
is then carefully loaded mechanically in launches it under water from a submarine
Kraft paper tubes of suitable diameters. with compressed air. It is buoyant, and
as it reaches the surface, a grenade is
shot into the air, releasing a parachute
Marine Signals bearing a chain of three red or green
Barium and strontium nitrates and stars. Typical formulae for each star
non-hygroscopic lithium salts are chiefly are as follows:
used for the production of emergency
and distress signals in the various fields
Red Star
The red stars and flares Potassium Perchlorate 63.0 oz.
of navigation.
Strontium Nitrate 19.5 oz.
of marine ship rockets depend solely on
Shellac 15.5 oz.
the use of strontium nitrate, strontium
Rosin 2.0 oz.
carbonate and non-hygroscopic salts of
lithium for their red flame. The candle Green Star
power is increased by the addition of Barium Nitrate 75.5 oz.
fine aluminum or magnesium metal Aluminum 21.8 oz.
powder. However, the candle power Sulphur 2.7 oz.
when it exceeds 30,000 reduces the in-
tensity and quality of the red. If a These formulae can be varied for bril-
green flare is desired, barium nitrate is liancy of color and variation of burning
generally used. Barium nitrate is also time.
used to produce an intense white light in The general use of barium and stron-
connection with different proportions of ^

tium nitrates in the formulae given is

metallic magnesium and aluminum. apparent. The preference is given to
potassium perchlorate over the usual po-
tassium chlorate. The perchlorates are
Aviation Signals more stable and than the
less sensitive
United States Army and Navy aircraft, chlorates, even though they contain a
as well as commercial aircraft, are pro- large percentage of oxygen. This is
vided with emergency landing signals. natural when the nature of free chloric
For these the following are used: Red and perchloric acid is taken into con-
Star Parachute, White Star Parachute, sideration. Chloric acid is more unstable
Aircraft Parachute Flare, Wind Flares than perchloric acid, and this instability
and Floatlights for the aviator flying is reflected in its salts. Mixtures of per-
over water. These flares are held in chlorates with reducing agents are not
racks in the cockpit of the plane and a only less sensitive to shock, but in addi-
pistol is provided to project the flare tion the free acid does not produce the
well beyond the plane. same dangerous decomposition. Sulphur
The small white star parachute is shot is omitted wherever it is possible, chiefly
into space while reconnoitering at night. for the avoidance of potential manufac-
The red star signal is used to indicate turing hazards. Screening of sulphur
distress. The Aircraft parachute flare causes it to become statically charged
is used for emergency landing. This and it is therefore preferable to use sub-
flare produces a dazzling white light for stitutes.
one minute with a candlepower in excess Presence of a chloride in the mixtures
of 125,000. intended to produce a red or green flame
The main ingredient in the small red coloration will accentuate color of the
parachute flare is strontium nitrate, plus flame and produce the same beneficial
an oxidizing agent, as for example, po- eflect in color obtained by use of barium
tassium perchlorate, sulphur, aluminum chlorate and potassium chlorate. For
and magnesium metal powders. The this purpose, the chlorides of strontium
white flares are loaded with a composi- or barium are preferable. Uniform de-
tion, chiefly barium nitrate, an additional grees of fineness, dryness and purity are
oxidizing agent, and the metallic ele- most essential. Barium and strontium
ments magnesium and aluminum sub- nitrates should be at least 99.5% pure
jected to a pressure of five to ten tons. and virtually free from sodium.
Eubber Latex higher percentage on the weight of the
Liquid latex is a natural emulsion or casein must be employed.
suspension of rubber in water It is ob- Latex and casein solutions can be
tained from the rubber tree chiefly the mixed together in almost any desired
Heva brasiliensis. It is not the sap as proportions depending upon the effect
many suppose but an excretion found be- desired. In the event that the casein
tween the bark and the trunk of the tree. solution has been prepared by the use of
Kormally, it exists as a white fluid con- borax, some ammonia should be added
taining about 36% rubber and 64% and the latex solution stirred into it.
water. A variety of other water soluble ma-
Normal latex may, however, be con- terials may
be substituted, or used with
centrated by a variety of means such as casein. These include
centrifugalization, evaporation, etc. Ammonium Alginate
Such concentrated latices contain as high Dextrin
as 60% to 70% rubber in the solution. Gum Tragacanth
The consistency of such solutions varies Gum Arabic
from that of a good grade of cream to Irish Moss
somewhat pasty masses. Glue
In most instances, a small amount of Gelatine
ammonia is added to the solution, as a Diglycol Stearate
stabilizing agent. In other instances, Substances of the above type may
soaps are added for the same purpose. function simply as thickening agents or
Tor most applications, the normal or may add other properties such as ad-
36% latex will suffice. It is sometimes hesiveness, lustre, hardness, etc. to the
desirable however, to employ heavier deposited coating.
coatings, such as in the manufacture of Latex adhesives may be prepared for
what is known as dipped goods ’ ' which
‘ ^
several different purposes:
include toy ballons, bathing caps, gloves,
etc. and in such cases, the concentrated
1. Simple adhesion — stickiness.

varieties best serve the purpose.

2. As a waterproof adhesive.
Latex mixes well with most substances
3. To adhere but peel readily.
that are soluble in water or may be held Combinations for the first purpose have
in water suspension provided that they been used for a considerable period for
are of an alkaline nature. Some of them, the lamination of chair backs. Latex-
however, have a tendency to thicken the casein mixtures adhere well to wood as
resultant solution on standing. well as paper and other materials ordi-
Latex solutions may be thickened ar- narily thought of in this connection.
tificially by the addition of small amounts In other instances, a waterproof ad-
of such clays as bentonite, gums such as hesive is desired. Certain types of wall
tragacanth, arabic, and other substances paper for example are laminated, con-
such as casein. sisting of the printed sneet with a blank
Casein in particular is rather widely sheet pasted on the reverse side. The
used in latex mixtures. It functions not laminated sheet is then put through en-
only as a thickener but also increases the graved rollers and embossed while still
adhesiveness and serves also to retain moist. The latex solution serves as a
waterproof adhesive which is neces-
pigments, if present, in suspension.
sary as the embossing would disappear
Casein solutions may be prepared by
when the paste is applied when it is
soaking casein overnight in water with pasted on the wall. Latex, casein, and
about 1.5% of borax on the weight of the dextrin mixtures are being applied to
casein and then heating with gentle stir- good advantage for this purpose,
ring. Solutions of high concentration In other instances, such as the past-
and consistency may be prepared in this ing of photographs in albums, prepara-
manner. If desired, ammonia may be tion of business charts, etc., it is de-
substituted for the borax but a somewhat sired to have good adherence and still
permit the pasted subject to be removed paper on an inclined bed coating machine
readily without tearing. In this instance or any other machine of a similar char
such substances as casein, dextrin and acter.
the like are kept to a minimum. In some instances, however, if the coat-
Another useful compounding ingredi- ing is to be applied by means of a doctor
ent for latex solutions is sodium silicate blade, the solution may be thickened by
or what is odinarily known as water the addition of bentonite or similar sub-
glass ’h Care must be used in employ- stances.
ing this substance, however, as it has a
decided tendency to thicken the solution Latex Compounding Hints
when used in even small amounts. Some In compounding latex no dry materials
grades of sodium silicate tend to cause should be added. The latter should be
coagulation (clotting) of the latex. One dissolved or dispersed. Zinc oxide should
of its functions is that it imparts some- always be added last.
thing of a gloss to the surface when dry.
Very closely allied to the field of ad- Latex Molding or Casting Compound
hesives is the coating of paper and paper- Latex (60%) 100 oz.
board. There are wide uses for water- Sulphur 5 oz.
proof and greaseproof papers. These Castor Oil 6 oz.
may vary from such simple purposes as to Ultra- Accelerator (B.Z.) 1 oz.
stop the penetration of moisture on paper Zinc Oxide 5 oz.
used for the wrapping of vegetables to Casein (10% Solution) 3 oz.
proofing against such penetrating sub-
stances as mineral, vegetable, and fish
Butchers^ paper for example must
Latex Mixing for Molding
be proof against both grease and blood.
A typical mix for use in a process for
The proofing of paperboard is of great
making cast rubber shoes and other open
hollow articles follows:
importance, particularly those types ^
which are used in the manufacture of Eevertex ' (Concentrated
^ ’

food containers. In most instances, the Latex) 1,300 g.

proofing must be directed against both Zinc Carbonate 150 g.
grease and moisture and in some instances Sulphur 30 g.
serve also to retain the moisture in the Zinc Diethyl Dithio-
I)ackaged product. carbamate 10 g.
Proofing of this type has not as yet Water 415 cc.
found wide application due to the fact This mix is rendered unstable by the
that the coating must be absolutely odor- addition of 230 cc. of a 30% ammonium
less. The odor of rubber while not pro- nitrate solution, and the resultant mix-
nounced ordinarily is readily absorbed ture is poured into a mold. To obtain
by many substances particularly if al- the quick setting which is so desirable,
lowed to remain at something above or- the mold should be heated to, for ex-
dinary room temperatures. ample, 80 to 90^ C. (176 to 194° E.).
For mixtures of this type, somewhat If, however, cold setting is desired, the
different compositions are employed than proportion of the setting agent should
in the case of adhesives. Emulsified be increased, for example, by taking 380
waxes may be used to good advantage cc. of a 71% ammonium nitrate solution.
with sodium silicate to give the desired
surface effect.
Stabilized Latex
A typical mixture of this kind may be The stability of natural latex, for ship-
prepared as follows: ment is greatly increased by the follow-
Parafiln Wax Emulsion 800 g. ing additions:
60% Latex 300 g. Formula No. 1
Sodium Silicate Ammonia (28° Be) 0.1%
(Water Glass) 100 g. Sodium Arsenite 0.3%
The paraffin wax emulsion is prepared No. 2
by emulsifying 150 g. of paraffin in 650 Ammonia (28° B5) 0.1%
g. of water with the aid of heat, stirring, Sodium Arsenite

and emulsifying agents. When cool, the

sodium silicate is stirred in the emulsion,
made slightly alkaline with ammonia, and Adhesive Eubber Latex Coating
the latex then added with mild stirring. British Patent 455,538
A coating of the above type has a con- Adhesive latex compositions are made
sistency not much greater than that of by compounding at 50-70° C, rubber
water but may be readily applied to the latex, preferably of 60% rubber content^
witlia solution (50% or 60%) of resin- Water jO cc.
ous matter in an organic solvent. The Benzine 10 ec!
resinous matter may be rosin, ester gum,
synthetic resin or resinified or oxidized
rubber. When the latex is stabilized by Toy Balloon Dipping Compound
casein, calcium hydroxide may be dis- Latex (60%) 100 oz.
solved or dispersed in the resinous solu- Casein (10% Solution) % oz.
tion in amount sufficient to convert the Caustic Potash oz.
casein to insoluble calcium caseinate. Zinc Oxide % oz.
Eubber compounding ingredients and Sulphur 2 oz.
fillers may be added. If cork dust is Accelerator %" oz.
added, the composition may form a lino- Mineral Oil 5 oz,
leum cement. E.g., 21 lb. of ester gum Karaya Gum 1/10 oz^
and 8 lb. of coumarone resin of m.p. Color 2-3 oz.
125® C. are dissolved in 17 lb. of benzol
and 17 of trichloretliylene and brought
Ballon llibric Coating
to an end wt. of 88 lb. Three lb. of the
"Viscose 250 oz.
solution are mixed with 3-4% of calcium
hydroxide warmed to 60® G., and mixed
Latex (40%) 30 oz.
Sulphur 3 oz.
with 8 lb. of 10-20% casein solution.
Zinc Oxide 5 oz.
During mixing the batch is warmed to
60° G. The mixture may be thinned with Ultra-Accelerator (P.P.D.)
% oz.
2-4 lb. of warm water to a suitable con- 18 oz.

Water 420 oz.
Zinc Sulphate 4 oz.
Ammonia (26° Be) 10 oz.
Latex from Coagulated Eubber 1. Size fabric with glue.
Drench Patent 794,787 2. Apply 6 thin coats drying each coat
Artificial dispersions of coagulated at 55° C. and 40% relative humidity.
rubber, gutta-percha, balata and resins 3. Pass fabric through 25% magnesium
are obtained by using coagulated prod- sulphate solution to harden viscose.
ucts obtained from a latex which before 4. Pass through a sodium bisulphite
coagulation has had added to it all or solution to whiten coating.
some of the dispersion and (or) protec- 5. Wash in water and finally dip in
tion agents necessary for return to the
dispersed state. Thus, to natural latex
15% glycerine.
is added oleic acid 6, caustic potash 2
and glue 4 lb. for 100 lb. of rubber be- Cloth Proofing Compound
fore coagulating. Latex (40%) 100 oz.
Casein (10% Solution) 1 oz.
Powdered Eubber Latex Caustic Potash 1 oz.
Dutch Patent 37,343 Whiting 250 oz.
Latex is mixed with a 20% solution of Gum Karaya (2% Solution) 4 oz.
cassava starch and heated with an equal Sulphur 5 oz.
volume of water containing 0.01-0.1% Zinc Oxide 3 oz.
sulphuric acid and 5% phenol. It is Ultra-Accelerator (P.P.D.)
Castor Oil
% oz.
then sprayed and dried at 100° C. 10 oz.

Eubber Thread Combining Cloth Compound

British Patent 442,304 Latex (60%) 100 oz.
The following mixture is extruded onto Sulphur 3 oz.
a moving belt for drying: Zinc Oxide 3 oz.

Latex (70%) 145 g.

Ultra-Accelerator (B.Z.)
Mineral Oil
%" oz.

Zinc Oxide 10 oz.

5 g.
Clay 50 oz.
Sulphur 2 g.
Casein (10% Solution) 6 oz.
sulphide 0.2 g.
Oleic Acid 0.5 g.
Preservation of Crude Eubber Latex
Light Mineral Oil 5 g.
U. S. Patent 2,004,156
To the above is added 10 cc, , of follow- Blienol 0.3-0.5 lb.
ing mixture: Boap 0.1-0.5 lb.
Sodium Silicate Solution Ammonia 0.1-0..3 lb.
rd. 1-2V 10 cc. The above is used per 100 lb. latex,

Plantation Latex Preservative The Alkali Digestion Process:

A mixture of soda, paranitroplienol The method commonly used in the re-
(PKP), and supMte of soda, is effective claiming of rubber is known as the al-
and costs less than half as much as am- kali process. This process was patented
monia to use. PNP gives great stability in 1899 and derives its name from the
and prevents the formation of mold on fact that the fabric is removed from
smoked sheet and dry crepe. It has the fabric bearing scrap, chiefly whole tire
property of coloring acid latices yellow; scrap, by means of caustic soda.
while it gives alkaline latices a deeper The scrap tires are received from the
tint tending to orange. When a coagu- brokers in box cars and occasionally by
lent is subsequently added, the latex be- truck. Beads are removed from the
comes white again. Advantage is taken scrap tires by debeading machines of
of this tendency to coloration to deter- which there are several types. The de-
mine the correct strength of the solution beaded tire is then ground by passing it
and the right amount to be added to the through cracker rolls and past rapidly
latex in the field to correct the acidity. rotating knives in order to comminute the
A solution consisting of 1.55 kilos of scrap so that it will be in a condition
99% NaoH, 1.25 kilos of’ commercial suitable for digestion under pressure with
PNP, and 10 kilos or 98% sulphite of caustic soda. The degree of fineness to
soda in 100 liters of water is satisfac- which the scrap is ground influences to
tory. The dose recommended is 100 cc. a large extent the thoroughness of tho
for 10 liters of latex; this proportion subsequent heating and plasticizing op-
may be increased as necessary, without eration, a uniformly ground and
harmful effect. a much greater sur-
finer scrap will ofler
face per unit weight. After the scrap is
Artificial Eeclaimed Eubber ground, it is passed over magnetic sepa-
Smoked Sheet Eubber 100 oz. rators which remove a large percentage
Mineral Eubber 50 oz. of the magnetic metal, such as steel.
Gilders Whiting 41 oz. The next step is the treatment of the
Zinc Oxide 5 oz. scrap in autoclaves. These machines are
Heptene Vb oz. steam- jacketed vessels equipped with
stirring devices and having a capacity of
Eeclaiming Eubber 2 to 4 tons of ground tire scrap. In the
U. S. Patent 2,069,151 digestion, solutions of caustic soda of
1,000 lb. of properly shredded waste from 4 to 8% strength are used together
rubber stock are placed in a digestor with oils or swelling agents as required.
with tSjOOO lb. of water and 150 lb. of The strength of the caustic soda solu-
caustic soda. To
the digestor 3 to 5 lb. tion is determined by the temperature,
of ammonium persulphate crystals are pressure and duration of the heat treat-
added. The digestor is sealed, and the ment.
mass heated and agitated for 12 to 16 Different oils and swelling agents have
hours at 370 to 390*^ F. The reclaimed specific effects on the final product and
rubber mass is then discharged from the are chosen for these results. Generally
digesters, washed, and dried. The proc- speaking, a neutral oil used at this point
ess provides a reclaim which may be re- gives a flatter and less nervy final prod-
fined in the usual way and is not markedly uct, whereas a saponifiable oil makes the
elastic or resilient. product seem to have more body and
nerve. This effect is due to the soap
Eeclaiming Scrap Eubber
formed during the digestion. The pres-
The various types of scrap to be re-
sures used may vary from 160 to 200
claimed and also the type of product to
lb. per sq. in., and the time from. 8 to 24
be made will determine which of several
methods shall be used as the manufac-
hours. The longer times are used for
bus or giant tires which are in general
turing process. These processes may be
less aged and consequently tougher and
enumerated as:
require a more drastic treatment.
1. The alkali digestion process.
2. The water digestion process.
After the digestion, or ^ ^ devulcaniza-
3. The acid process.
tion as it is incorrectly called, is com-
4. The open steam process. pleted, the scrap is blown under pressure
5. The mechanical process. into wash tanks and thence over de-water-
The alkali digestion process ’will be dis- ing screens in which process it is washed
cussed and illustrated in some detail, free of residual caustic and dirt. A con-
whereas in the remaining processes the siderable amount of fine partially hy-
important operations will be only briefly drolyzed cellulose passes through the de-
/ieseribed. watering screens. This material is thick-
ened continuously and tiiereafter filtered a fine screen to remove the non-magnetic
on a rotating drum filter. After its re- metals such as brass and copper and the
covery, it may be dried and used in spe- last traces of the steel. These screens
cial products. The digested and ‘washed generally have openings of from .015 to
scrap is then passed through a squeezing .025 in.
press to remove as much water as possi- The final refining operation is then per-
ble before it is dried. It is necessary to formed, giving a thin uniform sheet of
control the -washing and de- watering rubber which is wound on a rotating
operations in order to remove all foreign drum to a given thickness, after which it
material and also to keep a uniform re- may be cut to form a square flat slab.
sidual alkalinity. The effect of this al- These slabs are dusted with powder to
kalinity will be discussed later. prevent them from adhering.
The digesting operation is intermit-
Occasionally after the last refining
tent, a considerable quantity of material
operation the slabs are passed through
being discharged at one time, and it has
a sheeting mill purely for the purpose of
been found necessary to have storage bins
blending and putting them in condition
from which the digested and w^ashed scrap
for shipment. The objection to this pro-
is fed manually into the dryers. Auto-:
cedure is that it covers up any roughness
matie feeders have not been particularly
which may have been present in the origi-
successful. The dryers in common use
nal slabs, whereas the slabs direct from
are belt dryers utilizing temperatures of
the refiner are very easily inspected.
from 200° to 250° P. Depending upon
The Water Digestion Process :
its type, the scrap is usually dried to a
In the processing of scrap which does
moisture content of 3 to 5%.
not contain fabric, such for example as
The finishing operation in the reclaim-
airbags, the same process may be ap-
ing of rubber is one requiring careful at-
plied as outlined above except that caus-
tention. The dried scrap is first milled
tic soda is not used and the washing
either on an open roll mill or in an in-
process may be minimized.
ternal mixer for the purpose of further
plasticizing. During this operation, it The Acid Process:
In order to impart certain qualities of
is sometimes desirable to add certain in-
inertness and dryness to whole tire scrap
gredients to give the reclaimed rubber
specific properties. After the milling and boot and shoe scrap, it may be sub-
eeted to wbat is commonly known as the
operation, the massed slabs are given a
first pass through a refiner. A
refiner is
“double process” or “acid process.”
similar to a two-roll mill, the rolls usu-
Two separate operations are involved for
the removal of fibre and the plasticiza-
ally being 30 to 36 inches long and
capable of being squeezed together with
tion. The scrap is prepared as usual but
is first digested in sulphuric or hydro-
enormous .pressure in order to compress
chloric acid for the pur^jose of removing
the particles of rubber into a very fine
the cellulose. This operation is carried
sheet. In order to produce a uniform
out at low temperatures in open tanks
sheet the refiner rolls have crowns cor-
rectly determined by test and continually
and after digestion, the acid is removed
kept to specification. The roll surface by washing and neutralization, followed
temperature should be between 180° and by further washing and riffling.
210° P. for best results of quality and In riffling, the scrap plus wash water
passes through a long trough equipped
During the first refining operation, this with cross pieces or riffles which hold back
sheet may have a thickness of .010 in., the dirt and metal during the passage of
the scrap down the trough. This whole
and in the final operation, it may be from
.002 to .005 in. The refining operation operation of washing and riffling also re-
derives its name from the fact that any
moves the water-soluble materials, thereby
hard, unsoftened pieces of scrap are left giving a product which offers greater re-
behind in the ^^bite l^ of the rolls or are sistance to water absorption.
passed out at the edges of the rolls, the If desired, the defiberized scrap may
unrefined pieces being called ‘/tailings./’
be ground and further washed. It is
then dried and treated by the pan or
These “tailings” are quite dry and hard
open Steam process described below. Oc-
and must be re-worked through the de- casionally the plasticized scrap is fur-
vulcanization process.
ther washed to remove any soluble soaps
After the first refining, the scrap is formed during the steam treatment. The
usually in condition to be strained ; that finishing, straining and refining opera-
is, it is put into a machine equipped with tions are carried out in the same manner
a barrel and screw, similar to a tubing as described for the alkali digestion pro-
machine, which forces the scrap through cess."

Tlie Open Steam Process: plants carry out this operation in order
Tlie open steam (or pan) process is to utilize their overflow and defective
used chiefly on inner tubes and acid- production. The operations consist only
treated fabric scrap. In this procesSj the in grinding, screening and cooling, the
scrap is commonly ground to about pea size of the ground particles being deter-
size or flner, after which it is mixed with mined by the particular requirements.
caustiC; swelling agents or oils, as de- The product thus obtained is used as a
sired. This mixing is carried out in an filler. It has a low specific gravity, as-
open internal mixer, the scrap then be- sists molding, and cuts down shrinkage.
ing placed in containers such as open
pans four to six in. deep. These pans Reclaimed Rubber in Tires
are stacked on cars which are rolled into The use of reclaim in first-grade car-
a cylindrical, horizontal heater into cass stocks for passenger cars tires is gen-
which live steam may be passed. The erally considered when crude rubber
material is subjected to this live steam prices are on a rising market. One com-
treatment at pressures from 100 to 175 pound incorporating reclaim, consists of
lb. for varying periods of time. After the following: 85 lb. smoked sheets, 30
the treatment is finished, the biscuits’^ lb. high zinc oxide truck tire reclaim, 13.5
as they are called, are removed, dried, lb. whiting (fine particle size, such as
and are then ready for the mill room Calcene), 0.5 lb. stearic acid, 1.5 lb. palm
operations as described above. oil, 0.3 lb. Accelerator 808, 3 lb. sulphur,
The Mechanical Process: and 1 lb. Neozone D. 45 minutes of
A great deal of scrap is partially re- optimum press cure at 274° P. for a thin
claimed by what may be called a ^^me- sheet is used. The stock is suitable for
chanical process, namely, grinding the the carcass of first-line passenger car
scrap without previous heating. Many tires.

Tire Tread
Rubber 100 100 100 100 100 100 lb.
Whole Tire Reclaim 22 22 22 22 22 22 lb.
Carbon Black 42 42 42 42 42 42 lb.
Zinc Oxide 10 10 10 10 10 10 lb.
Stearic Acid 2 2 2 2 2 2 lb.
Mineral Rubber 6 6 6 6 6 6 lb.
Pine Tar 2 2 2 2 2 2 Ib.
Sulphur 3.875 3.875 3.875 3.875 3.875 3.875 lb.
Monex 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.20 0.25 0.30 lb.
DPG 0.60 0.75 0.90 lb.
Trimene Base 0.30 0.375 0.45 lb.
Cure at 30 lb. steam pressure.

Tread Type Stock 1 Safex .75 lb.

Rubber 100.000 lb. Sulphur 4.50 lb.
Whole Tire Reclaim 22.000 lb. Cure 30 minutes at 25 lb.
Carbon Black 42.000 lb. Rubber
Zinc Oxide 10.000 lb. Red Molded Inner Tube:
Stearic Acid 2.000 lb. 1st 2iid
Mineral Rubber 6.000 lb. Qual. Qual.
Pine Tar 2.000 lb. Rubber 100 00 100.00 lb.
VGB 1.125 lb. Sulphur 2.00 2.00 lb.
Safex 1.000 lb. ''808''
Sulphur 3.875 lb. Accelerator 1.00 1.00 lb.
Cure 30 minutes at 25 lb. Age Rite Resin ,75 1.00 lb.
Zinc Oxide 10.00 5.00 lb.
Tire Carcass Tvue Stock Blanc Fixe 25.00 60.00 lb.
Rubber 100.00 lb.
Mineral Oil 5.00 1.00 lb.
Tube Reclaim 30.00 lb. Stearic Acid .50 ,";.75^ ib.

Carcass Reclaim 40.00 lb. Gray Molded Inner Tube :

Zinc Oxide 11.00 lb. 1st 2nd

Mineral Oil 6.00 lb. Qual. Qual.
Pine Tar 2.00 lb. Rubber 100.00 100.00 lb.
VGB 2.00 lb. 1
Sulphur 3.60 3.60 ]I>.


<<g 08 ^^
Ethylene Glycol ( 50-80%) 2 gal.
Accelerator .90 .90 lb. Water 2 gal.
Age Eite Eesin 1.00 1.00 lb. Mix thoroughly and introduce into the
Zinc Oxide 10.00 5.00 lb. tire tube, under pressure, while the tube
Blanc Pixe 28.00 95.00 lb. is inflated.
Mineral Oil 5.00 1.00 lb.
Palm Oil .60 .30 lb.
To Bleach White Side Wall Tires
Unsightly white side wall tires may be
Molded Truck Tube made completely black by painting with
White Black a 10% solution of Typophor Black in
Eubber 100.0 100.0 lb. toluene.
Captax 2.0 2.0 lb.
Sulphur 2.25 1.5 lb. Eed Force Cup Eubber
Stearic Acid 1.5 1.5 lb. Eeclaim Eubber 60.0 lb.
AgeEite Pale Crepe

1.0 1.5 lb. 30.0 lb.
Zinc Oxide 65.0 5.0 lb. Iron Oxide 5.0 lb.
P-33 40.0 lb. Zinc Oxide 2.0 lb.
Cure for 5 minutes at 50 lb. stea Trimene 1.0 lb.
pressure. Stearic Acid .5 lb.
Sulphur 1.5 lb.

Heat Eesisting Truck Tube Chocolate Eubber Stair Tread

Smoked Skeet 100.000 lb.
Eeclaim Eubber 32.000 lb.
E. P. D. .567 lb.
Whiting 24.625 lb.
D. P. G. .567 lb.
Mineral Eubber 12.000 lb.
Sulphur 2.000 lb.
Clay 24.000 lb.
Zinc Oxide 10.000 lb.
Iron Oxide 4.000 lb.
Eed Iron Oxide 5.000 lb.
Zinc Oxide 1.000 lb.
Blanc Pixe 20,375 lb.
Paraffin Wax 1.000 lb.
Stearic Acid .500 lb,
Stearic Acid .250 lb.
Keozone 0 1.000 lb.
Sulphur .875 lb.
Cure iy2 minutes at 55 lb. steam pres* Mercaptobenzothiazole .250 lb.

Oil Proof Eubber

Hon- Adhesive Tire Mold Liner Formula No. 1
Pormula No. 1 Eubber 30 lb.
A mixture of casein 45, glycerol 45, Accelerator A-16 4 lb.
and kaolin 10 parts is moistened with Drying Oil 20 lb.
water to the required consistency, ap- Sulphur 10 lb.
plied 2—3 times on both sides of cotton Clay 40 lb.
material, dried for 1~1.5 hr., and treated
Cure at 325° F. for 40 minutes. Any
with formaldehyde.
drying oil such as linseed, tung, china-
The following formulas are (g. per
wood, perilla, etc, may be used.
kg. of final product) No. 2 gelatin 75,

tech, glycerol 85, talc 30, dye of any

color 10, water 800, and No. 2 10% No, 2
formaldehyde solution. The gelatin is Eubber, Smoked Sheets 100 kg.
dissolved in water at 80°, and while stir- Whiting 112 kg.
‘ ^ ' ’
ring the talc, glycerol and dye are added. Gastex Carbon Black 38 kg.
The cotton is worked up with mixture 2 Glue 15 kg.
from both sides and is dried; afterward Zinc Oxide 10 kg.
the cotton material is worked into mix- Cotton Seed Oil 1 kg.
ture 3, dried again and put through a Stearic Acid 1 kg.
roller or calender. One thousand sq. Phenyl-p-Naphthylamine 2 kg.
m. of cotton material requires (in kg.) Sulphur 6 kg.
gelatin 37,5, glycerol (or polyglycol) Butyraldehyde- Aniline 1 kg.
42.5, tale 15, dye 0.5 and formaldehyde
Oil-Eesistent Duprene Eubber
Buprene 100 kg.
Tire Puncture Sealing Compound Whiting 85 kg.
Canadian Patent 359,821 * ^
Gastex ^ ’
Carbon Black 28. 5 kg.
Asbestos (Pine Fibers ) 25 lb. Glue 11.5 kg.
Yellow Ocher 5 lb. Zinc Oxide 10 kg.
Magnesia 10 kg. Parafidn Oil 8.35 lb.
Cotton Seed Oil 2 kg. Titanium Dioxide 2. lb.
Wood Eosin 5 kg. Vulcan Bed 0.66 lb.
Phenyl-j3“Naphtliylamme 2 kg. Vulcan Orange 0.40 lb.
Sulphur 1.5 kg.
Total 110.66 lb.
Duprene Eubber Mixture Compound D
of High Temperature Eesistance Compound 0 (above) 55 lb.
Duprene 100 kg. Solution A
(above) 35 oz.
Zinc Oxide 50 kg. Ethyl Alcohol 13 oz.
Magnesia 25 kg.
Phenyl-p-Naplitkyl amine 5 kg. Method of Processing
Colophony (Eosin) 5 kg. A sixteenby forty-two inch mill is
Bnprene Eubber Compositions . —
Compound JB The rubber is milled for
Duprene Type D 100 kg. 30 minutes with the rolls set to form a
Wood Eosin 5.0 kg. small rolling bank. Water is circulated
Medium Process Oil 4.2 kg. through the rolls to keep the mill at
Pine Tar 2.0 kg. ordinary milling temperatures (i. e.,
Magnesia 10.0 kg. about 160° P.). At the end of the 30-
Zinc Oxide 5.0 kg. minute mastication period, the compound-
Carbon Black 114,0 kg. ing ingredients are added. The addi-
tion of the compounding materials takes
Thiokol Eubber Composition about 30 minutes, including the time
Thiokol D 100 kg. to
cross roll and cross cut, to insure

‘ (Gas Carbon) 55 kg. uniform dispersion. This is aged for
Zinc Oxide 10 24 hours before use in compound C.
Stearic Acid
0.5 kg. Compound C The milling of com-
. —
‘^Altax^^ (Dibenzoyl- pound C is also in accordance with stand-
ThiazybBisulphide) 0.3 kg.
ard procedure, L e., the mill is cooled to
the normal milling temperature of ap-
proximately 160° P. and compound B is
Duprene Eubber Mixture
allowed to sheet to form a small rolling
of High Friction Eesistance bank. As soon as the compound is sheet-
Duprene kg. 100 ing smoothly, the compounding ingredi-
Active Gas Carbon kg. 45 ents are added in the usual way and
Zinc Oxide kg. 10
cross cut and cross rolled to insure uni-
Magnesia kg. 10
form dispersion, after which the batch
Colophony (Eosin) 5 kg. is slabbed off and allowed to cool thor-
Cotton Seed Oil 3 kg.
oughly before piling. This compound-
PhenyPp-Haphthylamine 2 kg. ing operation takes about 20 minutes.
Sulphur 1 kg.
This mixture is to be vulcanized for
Compound D For mixing this com-
. —
pound, the mill is cooled to as low a
40 minutes at 60° C.
temperature as possible. The rolls
should, under no circumstances during
PEODUCTIOH OP SPONGE EUBBEE the mixing operation, exceed a tempera-
ture of 100° P. The roll opening is such
Solution A that when compound C
' is sheeting it
Water 25 gal. forms a small rolling bank. The gas-
Ammonium Carbonate 50 lb. forming solutions are added as rapidly
Compound B as the compound will absorb them and
Pale Crepe Eubber 44. lb. the batch cross cut and cross rolled as
Amber Petrolatum 1.75 lb, soon as all of the solutions are absorbed,
Aldol Alpha Naphthylamine 0.5 lb. and the batch is slabbed off. The total
Tuleacit D (D.P.G.) 0.15 lb. time for this operation should not ex-
Paraf&n Wax 2.85 lb. ceed 8 minutes.

Total 49.25 lb. Preparation for Curing

Compound C The mill is cooled as for mixing com-
Compound B (above) 49.25 lb. pound D, i e,, the roll temperature should
Zinc Oxide 2.2 lb. not exceed 100° P. Twenty-two pounds
Chalk 41.8 lb. of compound D are placed on the mill
Magnesium Carbonate 3. lb. and allowed to form a sheet on the front
Sulphur 3, lb. roll. The opening between the mill rolls
is sucli that the sheet, when slabbed oft, structure of this truck are 38 inches wide
will be approximately one inch thick. by 40 inches high by 130 inches long.
The sheet is allowed to roll until free of The center and each of the end uprights
blisterswhen the entire sheet is cut off of the rack are tied together by a tier
from the mill roll and laid out on a ffat of ten round metal rods one-half inch
table. As soon as initial rapid shrink- in diameter and spaced four inches apart
age has stopped, sheets 22 x 22 inches vertically from center to center. In ad
are cut out of the slab. The scrap from dition to stiffening the rack, these metal
these sheets is mixed with sufficient ad- rods act as supports for the perforated
ditional compound I) to make a total of metal sheets carrying the rubber sheet
22 pounds to be sheeted out in the same during the process of vulcanization.
manner and to be cut into sheets 22 Metal sheets about %-in. thick and
inches square by one inch thick. 37 in. wide by 130 in. long are used for
As rapidly as possible after sheeting, supporting the rubber sheets and metal
these 22 X 22 inch by 1 inch thick sheets frames surrounding them during vulcani-
of compound D. are placed in a metal zation. These metal plates are perfor-
frame the same size as the sheet (i, e., ated with holes approximately one-
22 X 22 inches inside dimensions x 1 inch quarter of an inch in diameter and
thick). The frame and sheet are placed spaced approximately one-half inch apart
between one-eighth inch thick metal on centers. The metal plate is laid on
plates sufficiently large to completely a table and a sheet of light tissue paper
cover the frame and rubber sheet. The laid over it to cover it completely. Three
frame and rubber sheet and the metal metal frames, the inside dimensions of
plates are dusted lightly with soapstone which are 36 x 42 inches, are spaced
or mica before assembly. This assembly equally on the tissue over the metal plate.
is placed in a press cooled with water This assembly is then lightly dusted
at 70° P. for 10 to 15 minutes. The with mica or talc. Then a sheet of com-
hydraulic pressure on a press with a pound D which has been prepared as
fifteen-inch ram should be about 250 described above to a size of 22 inches
pounds per square inch. square by 1 inch thick is centered in
each of these metal frames on the dusted
Vulcanization tissue which has been laid on a per-
forated metal plate. The assembly is
A horizontal cylindrical steam vulcan-
then placed on the bottom set of hori-
izer five feet in diameter by twelve feet
zontal supporting rods in the wheeled
long may be used for vulcanization. This
rack described above. Niue more plates
is equipped with tracks to carry the
containing rubber sheets centered in
truck containing the rubber sheets and
metal frames are assembled as described
immediately above and placed in a tier
A mixture of steam and air is used for
to completely fill the movable rack.
vulcanization. Both the steam and air
lines are equipped with quick-acting
The movable rack is wheeled into the
pressure regulators so that the pressure vulcanizer and the door closed. The by-
may be adjusted rapidly and accurately. pass around the steam trap on the outlet
Also, the steam and air lines should be
of the vulcanizer is opened. The regu-
lators on the air and steam lines leading
manifolded to one inlet to the vulcanizer
to the manifold attached to the inlet of
between the respective regulators and the
vulcanizer. The size of the steam and the vulcanizer are set to 48 pounds per
air inlet pipes leading to the manifold square inch pressure. The manifold
are adjusted to furnish air and steam valve is then opened and the mixed air
in the right proportions to uniformly and steam admitted to the vulcanizer at
obtain the temperatures specified below such a rate that the temperature of the
for curing. The outlet must be suffi- vulcanizer reaches 270° E. within ten
ciently large so that the pressure may be minutes. In the meantime, as soon as
reduced in the very short space of time relatively dry steam is flowing from the
specified below in the description of the outlet, the by-pass is closed and the
vulcanizing cycle. This outlet is, of outlet exhausted through the steam trap.
course, by-passed around the steam trap The temperature of 270° E. is maintained
— the steam trap being of the usual type. for 46 minutes.
The timing of this next operation is
An open rack, mounted on wheels to
form a truck which may be rolled onto very important. The 'temperature must
the tracks in the vulcanizer, is utilized be reduced from 270° E. to 256° E. in
for supporting the sheets during the one minute. To accomplish this, the
process of vulcanization. The inside di- regulators on the inlet steam and air
mensions of the rack fotming the super lines leading to the manifold must be

p.djusted to reduce the incoming pres- suitable container, and water added to
sure from 48 pounds to 30 pounds and make the container two-thirds full. The
the hy-pass on the outlet opened im- pail is placed on a small flame, just
mediately and kept open until the tem- enough to melt the •wax and yet not hot
perature in the vulcanizer drops to 256° enough to boil the -water.
F, and the pressure from the previous A quart bottle with a smooth surface
one of 48 pounds to 30 pounds per square is cleaned thoroughly. It is filled with
inch. As soon as these new lower tem- cold water and the outside surface rinsed
perature and pressure conditions are in a strong solution of soap and water.
established in the vulcanizer, which The bottle is then dipped in the melted
should be within one minute, the by-pass wax and immediately withdrawn. This
on the outlet is again closed and the will deposit a thin smooth layer of wax
vulcanizer maintained at a temperature on the bottle. After a wait of thirty
of 256° F. for a period of 80 minutes seconds to one minute, for the wax on
longer. The incoming steam and air the bottle to cool, the bottle is dipped
are then turned off and the by-pass on again. This is continued until enough
the outlet and the vents in the vulcanizer layers of wax have been built up to give
are opened. the needed thickness.
As soon as the pressure in the vulcan- If the wax does not pile up fast
izer has reached zero the vulcanizer enough, it is because the wax in the
is opened and emptied. The sheets pail is too hot, and instead of piling
will be vulcanized and expanded from layer upon layer, it melts the wax al-
an original size of 22 inches by 22 inches ready on the bottle. If the bottle is
by 1 inch thick to a size of 42 inches by kept in the wax too long, or not enough
36 inches square by 3 inches thick. The time is allowed to elapse between dip-
original volume of the unvulcanized sheet pings, the wax may also fail to pile up.
was 484 cubic inches while the volume If the wax piles up heavy and rough, the
of the vulcanized sheet is 4560 cubic wax is too cold.
inches, L e,, if the processing and vul- When the desired amount of wax has
canization have been carried on under been built up, the bottle is chilled slightly
carefully controlled conditions, the ex- under running cold water. However, the
pansion of the vulcanized sheet is on wax should not be chilled too much as it
the order of nine times that of the un- •'will become brittle and break. The bot-
vulcanized sheet. The cell structure will tom and top edges of the wax are then
be round and of a uniform diameter of cut around the bottle and a slit is made
approximately 3/16ths of an inch lengthwise. If the bottle has been
throughout the entire body of the sheet. soaped and chilled properly the wax
sheet should peel off without difficulty.
Non-Metallic Dies for Molding Bubber If the wax sticks to the bottle the soap
solution may not have been strong enough
The object that is to be molded in or the surface of the bottle may not have
rubber is carved or shaped in wax and been clean.
the plaster mold is cast from this wax The sheets of wax are laid flat and
pattern. The molds are plastered in a cut to the size needed. If very long
special metal flask, and the wax boiled
strips are needed the wax is cut in a
out. Eubber stock is packed in the spiral around the bottle. The scraps are
mold and then vulcanized in an oven. thrown back in the pail and remelted.
With a little practice wax can be When the wax has cooled to room tem-
easily handled, and objects of any de- perature, it is tested, and if found too
sired shape can be quickly carved or soft, more paraffine is added. If too
modeled. It is true that making the hard, more beeswax is added. More
wax pattern is an operation requiring carnauba wax will make the wax harder
some degree of skill, but, on the other for fine detail carving. The wax can be
hand, the operations to be described are colored by dissolving oil paint of any
very simple and can be quickly and color in a small can containing hot wax,
easily mastered.
and then adding it to the wax in the
The following formula is one that can
pail. To form wax rods, a sheet of
be varied so that the wax will not be
too brittle in the winter or too soft in
wax is heated over a Bunsen burner
the summer. It can also be varied to flame and shaped by hand slightly -wider
make a hard wax for sharp carving of than desired. It is then rolled between
small objects, or soft for easy modeling two sheets of glass to the exact gauge.
in big masses. One part paraffine, one Wherever possible full size drawings
quarter part beeswax, and one fifth part should be made. A tracing of the draw-
carnauba wax is placed in a pail, or other ing outlining the body of the object is
rubber, resins, plastics, waxes
then made. This, in turn, is traced on
a sheet of Casting the Stone Mold
wax which is then cut to
shape. For the raised sides of the pat- A heavy sheet of wax is
cut into
a strip, and the plaster
tern, strip of wax of the proper ffauffe mold with the wax
w Tused to the base with a hot tool. pattern is boxed by fusing
the strip of
Eods of the proper dimensions are cut wax around the plaster.^
The bSinJ
to exact lengths and also fused should extend at least
at the above the
necessary places. The wax pattern wires of the pattern. The
is plaster flange
then chilled and holes drilled. Finally of
it is sandpapered smoothly
which has been diluted with
over rough one-thirl
parts with a fine grade of sandpaper
alcohol. (A heavy coat of shellac
not dry well and leaves does
then polished by rubbing with a piece a rough surface ^
of smooth silk. Whea the shellac coating!
Wherever possible rods (wires, round pughly dry, one coat of
sandarae varnish
or square) of aluminum, iron sandarae var-
or steel
can be used by fusing them in the wax plaster flange is rubbed
pattern. These will subsequently ™il by a brush which has
become been rubbed
part of the plaster and stone mold. In on a piece of stearine wax.
this case, wires are inserted sandarae and stearine, properly shellac
into the
holes to extend 1/32" through the wiU assure a clean separation applied'
the two halves of the between
leaving exposed %” on the surface mold. The boxed
the pattern. The %"
parts of exposed
about ^15 minutes after
wires will subsequently be embedded which it is
the mold. The wires, therefore, drained by turning it
are upside down.
notched to give them a better grip. The The second half of the mold
is cast in
shorter part of exposed wire on the base dental or artificial stone.
IS cast against stone,
When stone
will make a notch in the opposite there is a tendency
half for the two eastings
of the mold in which it will fit when to fuse regardless
the of how carefully the
mold is closed. surface hfs been
prepared. For this reason
the whole
Casting the Plaster Mold hal/of
naif simpler
of the mold being east
The wax pattern in nlastpr
is placed on a board, as described above.
and, with artists^ plasteline, a flange To obtain a dense cast
is in dental
built around the pattern. This flange stone, It 18 necessary
to vibrate the mix-
determines where the mold will separate. ture vigorously while
it is being poured
The simpler, or least complicated surface othei wise the mold will
of the pattern, is left exposed. be full of air
This bubbles. The plaster
simpler part is to be cast in plaster half of the mold
and IS boxed to hold
the stone in place while
the other part in dental stone.
The best place to separate the mold ®*one is mixed in
a lieavier consistency and

ISat a point where the subsequent for a longer

trim- period than plaster. The
ming of the surplus rubber will be most stone mixture
.0“® siiie and allowed to
convenient. The wires extending out at flowT®'i piaee while, at the same
the side of the pattern are covered Tnni,i™ time, the
with mold IS being vibrated
vigorously. Den-
a_ thick layer^ of plasteline in order
allow a sufficient thickness of stone ntes.At the end of that time it is im-
hold the wires in place. In addition, mersed in cold water and
a allowed to S-
piece of plaster or wood is shaped
into another hour and a half
a triangular cone and pressed
into a becomes as hard as
few places in the plasteline flange to stone
form a notch which will act as a registry
between both halves of the mold. mix A
of plaster is then applied over the Elasking the Mold
pat- _

tern and the plasteline flange. bronze flask is

Care needed for this work. It
must be taken to break all air bubbles as is made in
,® A°**oai, an extension frame
the plaster is applied.
the plaster jells, it is built
an? a
and s top +
has three %" holes. Two
up to guide pins are fixed to the
about one-half inch. When the bottom part
plaster is and run through the frame
set hard, the entire mass is to the' top
turned over, part of the flask. For very
the plasteline is removed and, flat work
thus, the the extension IS eliminated.
wax pattern is left on the plaster half Molds for
of the mold, l^ow the complex
of the pattern which is to be
cast in _The bottom of the flask
dental stone is exposed. is filled flush
with a plaster mix, and the
plaster part

of the mold is pressed into it. As the To make duplicates, the rubber object
plaster jells, it is shaped even with the is treated in the same manner as was
line of separation in the mold. When the wax pattern. Wires are inserted into
the plaster in the flask is set hard, it is the holes and plasteline is formed into
sandpapered smooth, the sides of the a flange around the rubber object. The
flask scraped clean, and the plaster on plaster and then the stone halves of the
the bottom of the flask only painted with mold are cast as previously described.
a heavy coat of petrolatum. The frame When both halves of the mold are cast,
extension and top of the flask is^ then the mold is separated and the rubber
fitted over the bottom, and a mix of removed. As many molds are made from
plaster poured through the holes. the original rubber object as are re-
When the plaster is set hard, the flask quired. The molds are then closed and
is placed in a pail of water and boiled sealed around the edge with wax. As
! for 15 minutes. This will soften the wax many molds are placed in the flask as
in the mold. The flask is then separated the flask will hold. Objects of unlimited
and boiling water poured over the mold size can be produced by this process.
until all traces of wax have washed Before attempting the curing process,

away. The wax in the mold should not it is advisable to make a test with a
be washed by boiling the mold in water piece of rubber embedded in a flask filled

as this will carbonize the wax and make with plaster. After making a few tests,
; it more difiScult to clean. a routine process of vulcanization that
gives uniform results can be developed.
Backing the Rubber in the Mold
While the flask is still hot the mold Hard Rubber Coating
is packed with rubber stock which has IT. Patent 2,023,582
been cut into pieces of different sizes. Smoked Sheet Rubber 500 lb.
Some of the pieces should be small Sulphur 180 lb.
enough so that they can be packed into Diphenylguanidine 2^^ lb.
the deep and narrow parts of the mold. Thiobenzthiazol . 2% lb.
The rubber is packed by means of smooth Benzine 2500 lb.
wooden tools. When the deep recesses Mix until dissolved. This solution is
in the mold have been packed, enough applied to form a coating which is then
rubber placed in the mold to form a
is vulcanized.
surplus. is then closed and
The mold
screwed tight with nuts and bolts. Resistant Coating for Rubber
Canadian Patent 366,029
Vulcanizing the Rubber Rubber 100 lb.
Vulcanizing is accomplished in an Carbon Black 150 lb.
oven at a constant heat of 360® E. At Asphalt (High Melting) 50 lb.
that heat in the oven the heat in the Sulphur '
flask will not rise above 220° E. during Vulcanize on rubber surface to form
the time it takes to vulcanize the rubber a semi-hard coating resistant to chalking
and as long as the plaster is wet. A action of chlorine water.
higher degree of heat will dry the plaster
quickly and raise the heat in the flask
so fast that control is impossible. The Improving Surface of Rubber Goods
size flask used in the description re-
Ereneh Patent 816,466
quires one hour and forty minutes. We The suppleness and appearance of
have, therefore, a slow steam vulcaniza-
rubber goods is improved by dipping in
tion that insures thorough curing of
Glycerin 80 g.
even heavy masses of rubber. The time
Almond Oil 4 g.
of vulcanization will, of course, vary
Lavender Oil 4 g.
with the size of the flask. Sugar 4 g-
As soon as the time of vulcanization is Petrolatum 3 g.
completed the flask is put under cold Lemon Peel, Powdered 2g.
running water, and when cool enough it Lemon Juice 3 g.
is opened. When vulcanizing the first
Mix well continuously.
few times, it is best, when in doubt, to
under- vulcanize. When the flask is Gas Impervious Rubber Coating
opened and the rubber is found to require British Patent 454,316
additional curing the part of the flask Gelatin 16% oz.
containing the rubber can be returned Poly glycerol 33% oz.
to the oven and the curing continued in Water 50 oz.
the open mold until completed. Warm and stir until uniform.
Pire-Besisting Eubber dyestuff will crystallize out and the
Canadian Patent 358,696 crystals will slowly migrate to the sur-
Raw Rubber 10 Ib. face of the rubber with the production
Vulcanized Rubber 40 lb. of a dull brown bloom
^ ^
(in the case
Sulphur 21/2 lb. of Vulcafor Red III). Certain sub-
Litharge 4 lb. stances, to which reference will be made
Zinc Oxide 231/2 lb. later, tend to delay this crystallization
Stearin Pitch 20 lb. but still more remarkable, certain sub-
After vulcanization free stearin pitch stances which would be expected to be
no longer present. quite inert in this respect tend to ac-
celerate it; thus, if iron oxide is added
to a mix containing Vulcafor Yellow I in
Fire Resistant Rubber for Cables
such concentration as to be perfectly
British Patent 447,926
stable under normal conditions, the Yel-
Rubber 33 oz.
low will soon commence to ^ bloom
Carbon Black % oz.

from both uncured and cured rubber.

Sulphur % oz.
The incorporation of these colors into
Kaolin 5 oz.
the rubber is often attended with diffi-
Magnesium Carbonate 42 oz.
culties due to the big difference in solu-
Chlorinated Mineral
bilities at milling and curing tempera-
Rubber 14 oz.
Chlorinated Naphthalene 2 oz.
tures. A small speck of dyestuff may
Selenium remain undissolved after the milling, but
11/2 oz.
during the curing will dissolve and pro-
An antioxidant and accelerator may be duce a darker colored spot, which owing
to diffusion may become a large blot.
Various attempts have been made to
Shock Resistant Rubber overcome this difficulty, such as pro-
British Patent 469,269 longed grinding of the color with some
Smoked Sheet Rubber 56 lb. white pigment, e. g., blanc fixe, but only
Super Floss Silica 160 lb. with partial success. There is, however,
Zinc Oxide 8 lb. a method by which not only can easy
Gutta Percha, Deresinated 320 lb. incorporation be secured, but also a slight
French Chalk 320 lb. decrease in the risk of blooming, viz.,
Aromatic Oil 1 lb. first to convert these colors into their
Turkey Red Oil 1 lb. stearates by melting them with about
Mill, press between heated plates and twice their weight of crude stearic acid.
chill. The fused mass on cooling may be
roughly broken up and milled into the
rubber into which it will pass with the
Coloring Rubber
Rubber colors can be divided into three greatest ease and perfect solubility. A
mixture of stearic acid and common

main classes: (1) those soluble in rub-
rosin has been suggested, but offers little,
ber (2) an intermediate class slightly
if any advantage,

soluble in rubber j (3) those insoluble in _

over crude stearic
rubber. The first two classes are purely
acid. The ideal solution to this prob-
organic dyestuffs, but the third class may
lem would be to discover a protective
colloid which would prevent the growth
be divided into three groups: a inorganic
of the color particles, but such protec-
pigments; h organic pigments; and c
tive colloids for substances which crys-
tallize easily are difficult to find.
The most common colors belonging to
the class of rubber-soluble colors are the Rubber-soluble colors have great limi-
tations in use, because they bleed from
reds and yellows. Blues and violets are
also found and are exceptionally fast to one piece of rubber to another, or into
light, but they are rather too expensive paper placed in contact. They are not
for everyday use. fast to naphtha or most organic solvents.
As a class these colors have one great They are used for special purposes, e. g.,
failing; not only do they dissolve in marking the position of valve patches.
rubber but they crystallize from rubber.
To use them successfully, therefore, it Colors Slightly Soluble in Rubber
is necessary to determine their solubility The most characteristic members of
at the ordinary temperature in the par- the small slightly rubber-soluble group
ticular mix used, and not to exceed this are Vulcafor Yellow and Vulcafor Scar-
concentration. In ordinary pale cr§pe let. These colors are not sufficiently sol-
this figure is very low indeed, about 0.5 uble to bleed from one piece of cold
per cent. If this figure is exceeded the rubber to .another, but when the rpbbor

is liot tliej do show this tendency to a Jazz Effects

slight degree. Under no conditions will In many of the early attempts to pro-
these colors bleed from rubber to packing duce marbled and jazz effects the colored
paper. pigment was simply dusted upon the mix
For most purposes these colors are as it passed through the calender. The
need not necessarily be
ideal, since they result was neither pleasing nor practical.
in a fine state of division in order to The best effects can only be obtained by
secure dispersion; they contain the maxi- the partial mixing of different portions
mum amount of dyestuff and the mini- of the basic rubber compound into which
mum amount of filler. the various colored pigments have been
properly incorporated.
Colors Insoluble in Rubber There are three important consider-
The rubber-insoluble class comprise in- ations to be kept in mind in the produc-
organic and organic pigments, and the tion of these effects, (1) the colors em-
lakes made from water-soluble organic ployed must be practically insoluble in
colors. It is difficult to decide in some rubber, both in the cold and during the
cases whether a given organic pigment cure. In steam-cured goods, the selec-
should be classified as belonging to this tion of pigments is still further narrowed
or the prior group. Generally speaking, down, since some colors which do not

if it is possible to use an organic pig- bleed in press cures will do so in open

ment as such, it will be found to be steam; (2) the various portions of
more easily dispersible in rubber than colored mix should be of the same plas-
the corresponding lake, although for ticity when put through the rolls, pro-
t’ certain purposes the lake is to be pre- ducing the jazz effect; and (3) the degree
ferred. of mixing must be just sufficient to give
1 In the case of open-air cures, with or the effect and no more, or dull patches
without pressure, the straight pigments will result from the bleeding of com-
are perfectly satisfactory, and the same plementary colors.
remark applies to press-cures. A novel method of obtaining a far more
natural marble pattern is to split the
Transparent Rubber rubber as it leaves the calender upon
The pale crgpe to be used for trans- which the jazz mixing has been effected
parent rubber should be as free from (U.S,P. 255,017). From the aesthetic
point of view a pleasing jazz will always

suspended matter as possible, and great

care should be taken to ensure that the he found to contain a predominanaee of
white, or some bright color, such as
rubber and compounding ingredients are
perfectly dry, or turbidity will result
yellow. With regard to the most suitable
accelerators for use in the curing of
during the cure,
colored soft rubbers, in press-cured goods,
The accelerator and activator should a thiuram accelerator should be em-
be selected with a view to perfect solubil- ployed, and for use in dry heat prefer-

! ity in the rubber. Zinc or cadmium ably an accelerator of the type of zinc
stearates are perhaps the safest activa- diethyl dithiocarbamate. Quite satisfac-
tors, since there is less danger of undis- tory results can be obtained with most
solved particles than when the oxides are of the slower accelerators, e. g., D.O.T.G.,
employed. For coloring transparent rub- except in the case of one or two vat
ber, the ideal color is one perfectly solu- colors, which appear under certain con-
ble in the rubber, and used at such con- ditions to be partially reduced during
centration that there is no fear of any the cure ; in such cases quite excellent
separation or blooming on storage. Rub- results may be obtained by the sub-
ber-soluble colors are, however, not ab- stitution of aldehyde- ammonia as the
solutely essential, since certain colors accelerator. The only class of acceler-
ators which should be definitely ruled
given in rubber colloidal dispersions
out in these effects is the resin type made
which do not aggregate may be employed
from aromatic amines, since these dis-
with success.
color the rubber.
Another novel and interesting effect,
which requires the same technique, is the
production of rubbers with metallic lus-
In the coloring of ebonite there is the
tres. These effects may be obtained by obvious difficulty of covering up its na-
compounding aluminumpowder into tural brownish-black color; this involves
white transparent rubber for a silver ef- the use of large proportions of color. If
fect or into a transparent rubber colored this color is first covered by the use of a
with Vulcafer Yellow I for a gold effect. white pigment such as lithopone, it is
necessary to overcome the hiding power of color during vulcanization, but they tend
this, and furthermore the introduction of to cause evolution of hydrogen sulphide.
ihe inorganic pigment tends to give rise In all cases the surface must be carefully
to a stone-like ebonite. In most eases the protected against the action of live steam.
brightest results can be obtained by the Unlike soft rubber, the surface of ebonite
correct balance of white pigment and cannot be protected by mere cloth wrap-
color, in fact in the case of the darker ping. Although this destructive action
colors the use of white pigment is essen- is only a surface effect which can be
tial, since at the necessary concentration removed in the final polishing, it is in
these colors are in themselves very dark. most eases too deep seated to allow the
With the paler colors, however, such as use of colors, e.g., Yulcafor Orange, in
yellow or orange, quite bright products can the production of dental plates, which are
be obtained in the absence of inorganic cured in open steam, since the plaster
pigments with consequent improvement in mould is not steam-tight. Certain vat
physical properties. colors, however, have been used success-
In the successful production of colored fully in the coloring of dental ebonites.
ebonite it is necessary to balance the Another method of manufacture is
three factors of time, temperature, and press-moulding from ebonite dust. It is
sulphur. It is unfortunate from the difficult to produce satisfactory colored
point of view of colored ebonite that the ebonite by moulding a mixture of ordi-
action of accelerators in its production nary ebonite moulding powder and color,
differs fundamentally from their action but satisfactory results can be obtained
in soft rubber, inasmuch as the acceler- when the moulding powder is made from
ator has no effect upon the physical properly prepared colored ebonite dust.
properties of the vuleanizate and hence
the sulphur cannot be reduced. Acceler-
ators merely speed up the inevitable re- Colored Powdered Rubber
sult and the beneficial effect consists in
U. S. Patent 2,053,530
either reducing the temperature, or short- A colored, powdered rubber may be
ening the time, of the cure. If power- prepared in accordance with the follow-
ful accelerators are not used carefully
ing procedure. About 60 pounds of a
they do more harm than good in the 10% casein solution is added, with stir-
production of colored hard rubber, since ring, to about 250 pounds of ammonia-
under certain conditions they tend to preserved latex of 40% solids content.
generate sulphuretted hydrogen, which, An aqueous suspension of coloring matter,
apart from the harmful effect of the re- the particles of which are of colloidal
fineness, is then added in desired amount
sulting microporosity upon the ease of
polishing the product, tends to destroy to the latex-casein mixture. The re-
the colors by reduction. Since many of sulting colored mixture may, if desired,
the best ebonite colors, especially the be diluted with water to a solids content
vermilion substitutes, are vat dyes, this of about 20%. The mixture is then
generation of a reducing gas is especially treated while being stirred with a solution
harmful. It can, however, be avoided by prepared by dissolving five pounds of
employing a well-regulated temperature zinc chloride and about one ounce of
rise in curing. In thick layers or masses acetic acid in about 200 to 500 pounds
of accelerated mix, this generation of gas of water. The mixture thus treated may
may become sufficiently powerful and
have a pH value of approximately eight.
spontaneous to assume the character of It gradually thickens, and its solids con-
an explosion, and cases are known where tent is finally resolved into a slurry of
quite heavy presses have been completely rubber floes. The slurry of dyed rubber
floes is then dewatered, as in a filter press,
disrupted by this effect.
A typical bright reddish-orange hard producing a cake of about 60% to 70%
rubber, suitable for, e. g., fountain pen solids content which will crumble readily.
stocks, may be made as follows: rubber
It is preferably dusted with tale, zinc
stearate, or other suitable dust and passed
100, Yulcafor Orange 125, magnesia 4,
sulphur 40, Yulcafor Resin 4. through a rotary cutter, that reduces it
Generally speaking, the best ebonite to a powder of about 50 or finer mesh,
after which it is dried.
colors are insoluble colors, especially vat
The colored powdered rubber can be
dyestuffs, but these colors vary consider-
readily worked in the desired amount into
ably, probably depending upon their ease
a rubber batch as it is being milled, the
of reduction to the leuco compounds by dyed rubber particles tending to dis-
hydrogen sulphide. The rubber soluble perse uniformly throughout the batch
colors are on the whole unsuitable for and to color it substantially uniformly.
ebonite, since not only do they change in Not only does this practice make possible

increased capacity in a rubber mill and ing it onto the surface. The article, if
a saving of power, but it enables the in the unvulcanized state when the mix-
realization of maximum coloring effect ture is applied, is then vulcanized in the
in the resulting rubber compound through ordinary manner. If in the vulcanized
the use of a given amount of coloring state when the mixture is applied, it may
agent. be finished by merely drying the mixture,
These principles apply to the com- or in addition the mixture may be treated
pounding with rubber of other than color- with sulphur chloride or bromine to re-
ing agents, for instance, vulcanizing move surface tack. The ink may con-
agents, accelerators of vulcanization, an- tain vulcanizing agents if desired.
: tioxidants, etc., all of which have here- This process is applicable to a large
tofore presented to a greater or less variety of rubber articles such as bathing
degree the same compounding difficulties caps, toys, hot water bottles, bathing
as have been experienced with coloring shoes, golf balls, gloves, aprons, bibs,
agents. playing balls, raincoats, overshoes, etc.

Rubber Color Finish Neutral Colored Rubber Mat

U. Patent 1,940,315
S. Reclaim Rubber 38.00 lb.
Colored luster finish is imparted to the Smoked Sheets 4.00 lb.
surface of a rubber article by applying Sulphur .75 lb.
finely powdered aluminum and a solution Biphenylguanidine .25 lb.,
of rubber in an organic solvent. The Zinc Oxide 1.00 lb.
rubber solution is prepared by first de- Clay 27.00 lb.
polymerizing the rubber either by milling Whiting 25.25 lb.
it excessively or by heating it at high Medium Process Oil 3.00 lb.
temperatures with the solvent. Such a Paraffin Wax .50 lb.
solution is of low viscosity and adapted Stearic Acid .25 lb.
to spraying operations. At the same
time it contains sufficient rubber to em- Wire Insulation
bed the aluminum powder in the layer Formula No. 1
of rubber laid down from the solution. Reclaim Rubber 40.0 lb.
To such a solution is added a coloring Smoked Sheets 10.0 lb.
material as eosin lake. This mixture is Whiting 34.3 lb.
considered as a rubber ink. Mineral Rubber 10.0 lb.
The aluminum powder and rubber ink Zinc Oxide 2.5 lb.
are mixed in various proportions accord- Paraffin Wax 1.5 lb.
ing to the luster on the article desired. Stearic Acid .5 lb.
Suitable proportions of the ingredients Sulphur 1.0 lb.
follow: Captax .2 lb.
Formula No. 1 No. 2
Blue Ink 20 fl. oz. U. S. Patent 2,047,736
Aluminum Powder 1 oz. Conductive cores such as metal wires
Solvent 16 fl.. oz. are provided with a vulcanized insulation
No. 2 formed of crude rubber 22, reclaimed
Red Ink 12 fi[. oz. rubber 20, mineral rubber’^ 5, whiting
Aluminum Powder 1 oz. 44.7, zinc oxide 2.5, antioxidant 1.5,
Solvent 20 fl. oz. sulphur 1, pine tar oil 3 and ultra-
No. 3 accelerator 0.3 lb. each.
Green Ink 14 fl. oz. No. 3
Aluminum Powder 1 oz. Canadian Patent 367,225
Solvent 16 fl. oz. Reclaimed Rubber 30-45 lb.
Vegetable Pitch or Blown
The solvent is any of the naphtha
solvents and is added to give the mixture
Asphalt 50-45 lb.

the proper fluidity.

Ground Silica or Asbestos

The aluminum and rubber ink are Fibers 20-10 lb.

kept in intimate mixture by continual

stirring or shaking which may be effected Splicing Large Rubber Belts
as an additional operation in which the This method of connecting belts permits
mixture is applied. an endless splice of an 8-inch belt in one
Application may be by spraying the hour by the aid of the air-acetylene torch.
mixture under air pressure, using the In making the splice the plies are cut out
ordinary type of spray gun, by dipping out at an angle and in steps in each end
the article into the mixture, or by brush- of the belt with the plies of one belt


fitting into tlie plies of the other, as is Cotton Linters 30.0 lb.
the customary practice in such splices. Zinc Oxide 5.0 lb.
This gives a belt joint of the same thick- Stearic Acid 5.0 lb.
ness as the original and as near maximum Sulphur 3.5 lb!
strength as possible. About 28 inches Mercaptobenzothiazole 0.8 lb.
extra is required for making the splice Aldol-Naphthylamine 2.0 lb.
in an 8 -inch rubber belt. The cotton linters are milled before
After separating and cutting the plies using. To the above batch is added
to match, all excess rubber is carefully 15-17 lb. of following emulsion:
removed from the surfaces of the fabric Sodium Bicarbonate 6 lb.
so as not to injure the threads. Two Casein 5 lb.
or three coatings of Balata gum cement Ammonium Hydroxide 3 lb.
are then applied carefully to the fabric,
Water 84 lb.
allowing each coating to dry thoroughly.
Excess gum should be removed from the Warm and stir until uniform and then
corners of the cut because, if the gum mix in
is not dry enough when heat is applied, Alizarin Oil 8 lb.
gas pockets are created which result in Cure in steam at 3.5 atmospheres or
^bootlegging^’ or separation of the plies. in a press at 142® C.
This is especially true with large belts. A mixture that may be used in place
Two applications of cement are con- of the above emulsion is a paste con-
sidered ample for 8-inch belts. sisting of:
When the gum cement is dry the two Sodium Bicarbonate 60 lb.
ends of the belt are joined carefully. ^^Agerite” 8 lb.
The belt is then placed in a belt press Paraffin Wax 2 lb.
and compressed until perfectly flat and Glue 12 lb.
even. An air-acetylene torch is then ap-
Liquid Petrolatum 18 lb.
plied to the entire surface over the top
joint which is heated thoroughly but care-
fully to prevent burning or discoloring
Water Dispersible Bubber
the surface of the belt. This requires British Patent 445,542
rapid movement of the torch over the To 100 lb. of finely divided spray or
film dried rubber there is added
surface of the belt. In the case of an
8-inch belt the torch is used for ap- Oleic Acid 6 lb.
proximately 5 minutes. Caustic Potash 2 lb.
The heat draws the cement into the Clue 4 lb.
fabric, thus creating a firm bond. Im- It is then plasticized on rolls and
mediately after heating, the spliced sec- worked in an internal mixer with am-
tion should again be placed in the belt monium hydroxide.
press for a few minutes until the belt
is reasonably cool. Eor an 8-ineh belt
this requires about 5 minutes. Water ISTon-Tacky Eubber Goods
may be used to hasten cooling. British Patent 445,534
Eor large rubber belts the two ends of The form is dipped into latex con-
the splice should be stitched to prevent taining following %ured on 100 lb. dry
the ends opening. This is not considered rubber
necessary on the lighter and smaller Piperidine penta methylene
sizes. dithiocarbamate 1 lb.
On completion of this work the belt is Zinc Oxide 1 lb.
ready for use. With 8-ineh belts the Sulphur 2 lb.
entire splice can be made in an hour or Condensation Product (pro-
less depending upon the skill and speed duced by heating lecithin
of the workman. This represents an im- (3) and oleic acid (1) at
portant saving in time compared to 60® 0. for 45 minutes with
splices made with cold cement, which stirring and dispersing in
usually require a stoppage of 8 hours or dilute ammonia) 3 1b,
more depending upon the size and num-
ber of plies in the belt.
Deodorized Vulcanized Bubber
37% lb. pale crepe rubber
; 14 oz,
Microporous Eubber Soles sul phur 2 ; %
oz. Thionex 3 lb. zinc ;

Base Formula oxide; 36 lb. whiting; 10 lb. barytes;

Eubber 100.0 lb. and %
oz. green color. To this is added
Lampblack 50.0 lb. % lb. Para-Dor and the compound is
Pine Tar 5.0 lb. cured at 56 pounds for 8 minutes,

Non-Tarnisliing Rubber omitted. In this case a few lumps of

Rubber 85.0 oz. coagulated rubber may appear, but this
Gaptax 2.0 oz. does not affect the rest of the procedure.
Zinc Oxide 2.0 oz.
Stearic Acid 4.0 oz. Removing Bonded Rubber Prom Metal
Sulpbur .4 oz.
H. S. Patent 2,077,785
Cure at 240° F. for 60 minutes. The process of removing rubber from
metal which has been bonded thereto by
Flexible Hardened Slip Finish For vulcanization, consists of immersing the
Rubber Goods rubber and metal in a bath of lubricating
H. S. Patent 2,057,717 oil, and maintaining bath of oil at a
Surfaces of latex treated materials are temperature of approximately 250° to
treated for a short time with 300° F. for a period of about 36 hours.
Sulphuric Acid 5 oz.
Glycerin 15 oz. Plastic Rubber
H. S. Patent 2,041,,223
Forming Rough Surface on Rubber Goods Crude Rubber 120 lb.
British Patent 448,214 Rubber Solvent 78 gal.
The following mixture is applied to Asbestos Fiber 200 lb.
the surface of unvulcanized rubber goods: Portland Cement 200 lb.
dried and vulcanized. Melt together rub* Carbon Black 12 lb.
ber waste (100), colophony (200), and Rosin 10 lb.
mineral pitch (400), treating this with Stearic Acid 3 lb.
turpentine oil (200), and adding a mix- Sulphur 14 lb.
ture of benzol (1000) and benzine (2000) Zinc Oxide 14 lb.
all parts by weight. Denatured Alcohol 2 gal.
Ground Rubber Tires 155 lb.

Transparent Chlorinated Rubber Film This milled together to give a non-

Canadian Patent 358,457 sticky plastic, hardening without shrink-
A solution of 7% of a partially age.

saturated rubber hydrochloride, e. g.,

rubber hydrochloride containing 29- Rubber Display Figure Composition
30,5% chlorine dissolved in benzol is French Patent 810,765
I spread as a thin film on a smooth endless Latex (75%) 250 g.
belt, and the benzol evaporated until the Casein (Ammonia Dis-
solvent content is reduced to 5-15% of persion 10%) 40 g.
the weight. The film is passed between Chalk 250 g.
polished pressure rollers, and the rest of Titanium Dioxide 50 g.
the solvent evaporated. An operating Asbestos, Powdered 50 g.
I temperature of 190-200° F. is preferred. Sulphur 5 g.
Zinc Oxide 10 g.
Accelerator, Rapid 2 g-
Incorporating Glue in Rubber Acetic Acid 100 g.
First 100 grams of strong glue are Water 40 g.
allowed to swell 24 hours in 100 grams This is coagulated by drying.
of water; then it is melted by heating
over a hot water bath. With the mix-
ture still over the hot bath, 10 cubic Softening Rubber Goods
centimeters of ammonia at 22° Be. are Practically all rubber articles, may be
added; then 166 grams of 60% latex are softened with little difficulty by a simple
poured into the liquid glue while be- process. First cleanse the article by
ing stirred. After a homogeneous mix- scrubbing thoroughly with a brush dipped
ture is obtained, it is poured into a in warm water and place in a solution of
shallow mold and allowed to cool. one part of ammonia to two parts of
After unmolding and drying, a horny water, allowing it to remain an hour or
product results which can easily be so until the ammonia has evaporated.
incorporated into rubber on an ordi- Then rinse the articles with a dilute solu-
nary mixer. Dispersion is excellent and tion of glycerin and water, wipe off and
very easily effected. This process can, dry, and store in a cool spot away from
of course, be modified so as to yield the light.
a product with different proportions of
rubber and glue. The above formula Calculating Equivalent Time of Cure
gives a product with 50% of rubber and It is frequently necessary to change
50% of glue. The ammonia may be the time (and therefore the temperature)
or the temperature (and therefore
the minimum. After cooking, the comoo-
nme) of^ cure of a rubber compound. sition IS cast in
The relation is a complicated one but is molds of the proper sizp
and cooled. ^

easily determined by solving the

_ ex-
potential equation
Bubber Dispersion
Ma—zMi X 2 Where Mt and M«
mixture of smoked sheet 37
claimed rubber 37, Eubberax
16.2 6, rosin 10
zinc oxide 3, oleic acid
are given and required times in minutes 2, and wheat
flour o is milled until very
Ti and Ta are given and required tem- plastic and
hydrophilic flllers were added
peratures (° P.) The
product is mixed with 2% aqueous
potash at 40-60°, the latter being
Bubber Storage Battery Separators gi’adually. As the water is increased
there is a sudden reversal of
Canadian Patent 370,360 phases and
Smoked Sheet Bubber the rubber becomes the disperse
100 lb phase.
Sulphur 50 1b:
StearicAcid 5 Synthetic Bubber Dispersions
Porous Bubber Dust 24 lb* Two
mixtures: (1) natural rubber
Silica Gel 67
226 lb! synthetic rubber 33, oleic acid
12, dextrin
10, kaolin 30, caustic soda 1.5,
and ('2^
synthetic rubber 100, oleic acid
Synthetic Bubber Emulsion Cement 18, kaolin
30, dextrm 18, caustic soda 2, are dis-
[Water 40 oz.
G.J Casein (Acid)
rubber is milled at
5.4 oz. 20 minutes, following which
1 Ammonia 1.45 02’ are added oleic acid, synthetic
(Oleic Acid rubber and
0:34 oz.* the remaining ingredients except
oAbynthetie Bubber 13.2
(Gasoline caustic soda
39.34 02! is^added very gradually. The mass
Dissolve ingredients I and add slowly is
mixed in a Werner-Pfleiderer mixer
to C!> while mixing vigorously. rpre-
35-50°), vulcanizing agents
and the remaining caustic soda
are added very gradually until
Printers^ Boilers a change
of phase takes place, and
Me- the mass is
Me- diluted with water to the
dium dium required con-
centration. Addition of 10%
Hard Hard Soft dry casein
Soft improves considerably the quality
Glue 100 100 of the
100 100 dispersion. The dispersion keeps for 2
Glycerin 62 73 91 94 weeks; in hot weather a small
Sorbitol proportion
of phenol is added.
( 85 %) 45 63
128 100
Water 43 39
28 33
- — . acxci bu gross weignts of
DolPs Head Composition
IT. S. Patent 2,024,124
materials as received. The range
covers Broken down rubber 35
all seasons. In practice, old remeltablo ]|)
Goumarone Besin 35 pj*
composition is generally added, as
these Mineral Oil, Heavy
compositions are remeltable; this 10-40 lb!
for an economic advantage
makes Gum Chicle 20-40 lb.
over non-
melt composition. To make the
mixture ‘/non-melt,” about 1 oz. of
Rubber Printing Blanket Softener
formaldehyde, or some similar Castor Oil 25 oz
may be added for each 100 lbs. of mix- ^^Cellosolve’^ 75 ^2]
ture. Bub into blanket and allow it to soften.
Tliese compositions give printers
rollers Then wash out with dry cleaners^
that have greater resistance to naphtha.
changes, greater toughness,
increased heat
resistance, greater resistance to ink Bubber Bottle Caps
solvents and longer life than
the straight 50 per cent Colloidal
glue-glyeerin composition.
Sulphur Paste 2
The ingredients are mixed Colloidal Zinc Oxide
together 1
and cooked for about 2 hours oz]
in a steam Accelerator 0.5 oz*
jacketed kettle at about 170°
P. the 60 per cent Latex 96.5 oz*
mixture being stirred constantly
in^such In mixing, the zinc oxide and acceler-
a way that a.^r bubbles are
kept to a ator are moistened with distilled
: .


or dilute ammonia, and ground witli the solution is being added, the mixture
sulphur paste to a smooth cream. The thickens and is finally completely floc-
latter is then added to the latex with culated. The flocculated rubber has a
continual stirring till uniform dispersion pH value of about 8.2. The slurry of
is effected. rubber floes is filter-pressed until a cake
If carbon black is included, it can be of about 60% to 70% solids content is
dispersed in potassium oleate solution, reached. The cake is characterized by
or in casein solution. But in any case, its crumbliness and tends to fall apart
if an appreciable quantity of filler is into a powder upon merely being rubbed
used, it is advisable to use a mill or between the fingers. Upon removal of
homogeniser to disperse it in water be- the cake from the press, it is preferably
fore adding to the latex. dusted with tale, zinc stearate, or other
suitable powder in the amount of prefer-
^ ^
Preserver ^ ^ for Rubber Rugs ably only about 1 to 2%. The powde:
Rubber, Crude, Cut 4 kg. facilitates the comminution of the cake
Coumarone Resin 1 kg. into particles or granules of the desired
Spindle Oil 100 kg. fineness and inhibits cohesion of the par-
Camphorated Oil, or Spike ticles during handling, drying, and after-

Oil to perfume wards; so they are possessed of a free-

flowing quality. The dusted cake is
Heat the rubber and the resin in the subjected to comminuting action in a.
spindle oil until dissolved. Cool, and
suitable machine, for instance, in an
perfume (if desired)
Abbe rotary cutter, equipped at its out-
let with a screen permitting discharge
Non-Blooming Rubber Flux from the machine of only rubber par-
U. S. Patent 1,985,261 ticles or granules of the desired fineness,
Coumarone Resin 8.65 lb. for instance, particles or granules of 20
Stearic Acid 5.00 lb. to 50, or even finer mesh.
Paraffin Wax 1.35 lb.
The above is used in following pro-
portions Mixtures of Phosphatides
Rubber 25 lb. and Caoutchouc
Above Flux 114 lb.
German Patent 627,580
Zinc Oxide 3 lb.
a. Soybean Lecithin, contain-
Sulphur 1% lb.
ing 30-70% Oil 100 g.
Accelerator % lb.
5. 10% Rubber Solution in
to extract
Pigment 10 lb.
Filler 60 lb Benzine 100 g.
Extract all the oil from the lecithin.
The remaining lecithin, containing some
Granulated Rubber
acetone, is miscible with the rubber-
U. S. Patent 2,019,055
solution b.
A specific procedure cited by the in-
ventor follows. To about 250 pounds of
ammonia-preserved latex of about 40% Chicle Substitute
solids content is added, with stirring, XT. S. Patent 2,078,078
about 60 pounds of a 10% casein solu- Amyrin Acetate 26-31 lb.
tion. The casein solution may be pre- Amyrin Caproate 40-50 lb.
pared by swelling dry casein in water, Resenes 5- 8 lb.
dissolving it with strong ammonia water Bepolymerized Rubber 15-20 lb.
under heat to form ammonium caseinate, Cocoa Butter 0- 5 lb.
and diluting with water to 10% casein The ingredients specified in the above
strength. formula may be mixed in the kettle at a
The latex-caseinate mixture is prefer- temperature up to 105 0., and the mix-

ably, though not necessarily, diluted with ture stirred in the kettle until a homo-
water so that its rubber content is less geneous mass is secured. It is best to
than 20%, as such practice tends to reduce the viscosity of the rubber to a
produce a smaller particle size in the predetermined point before combining it
resulting granulafed rubber. To the with the major portion of the resins.
mixture of latex and ammonium caseim This can be done by masticating the
ate is then added with stirring a solution rubber with about 25% of its own weight
prepared by dissolving about five pounds of resin or cocoa butter in a kettle at a
of zinc chloride and about an ounce more temperature of 140-150'" C. until the
or less of acetic acid in about 200 to 500 desired degree of depolymerization has
pounds of water. As the zinc chloride been obtained. If rubber is used which
liasbeen previously depolymerized, melt Floor Coverings
the resins and to combine them with the German Patent 644,389
rubber in a mixing kettle at a tem- Acomposition comprising a filler
perature preferably not exceeding 105° C. natural or synthetic resin, and
an un-
oxidized drying oil is streivn on
Synthetic Molding Eesin
The reaction product (11^ mols.) of
Hydrogen sulphide and formalin in
of fabric cardboard or like
after rolling, is warmed to
to effect oxidation of the
a support
about 45= n’
oil. After
aqueous solution at pH 4-7.5 is heated further rolling, the product
is finally
at 40-50° 0. with urea (1 mol.). The uiied at a temperature rising
to 80°
products can be molded or cast. A typical composition contains linseed
100 colophony 11, wood meal
60, cork
Synthetic Resin Molding Composition meal 60, and ochre 45 parts by
U. S. Patent 2,038,113
Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin 288 oz. Retarding Crystallization of
Gluten 330 oz. IT. 8. Patent
Wood Flour 350 oz. 2-5% of a fatty acid soap is
Calcium Oxide 5 oz.
to gum or wood rosin to prevent
or re-
Wax 4 oz.‘
tard crystallization.
Zinc Stearate 3 oz.
Color 20 oz.* Testing for Different Resins
Aquick test comprises heating
a few
Glass Like Synthetic Resin grams of the synthetic or natural
IT. S. Patent 2,019,453 shellac, for example—-with
Formaldehyde 2-2.5 mols. gram of sulphur and soda for a half
Urea 1 j^ol. minutes in a porcelain dish while
Heat in a slightly acid solution (pH with a gkss rod during the
5-6) and then make alkaline (pH 7-8) process. When completely melted the
with triethanolamine and evaporate to a contents are allowed to cool and
the color
s;gup; add^ more urea and acidify to change is carefully noted.
The test
pH 3.5-5 with an alkyd resin and evap- originally devised for shellac,
is equally
orate. Pulverize to get molding powder. indicative for other gums.
coJurs for specific resins are
as follows:
Shellac, green to deep green:
Cotton Mill Roller Covering Rosin,
brown; Dammar, yellowish brown:
British Patent 457,937 Copal,
yellowish brown; Sandarac, light
Chloroprene brown;

oz. Mastic, light green; Glyptals,

Gas Black, Soft no color
50 oz. change ; Colophony, yellow-brown.
Magnesium Oxide 10 oz*
Zinc Oxide 10 ol*
Rosin Molding Compound
5 02. Ethyl Cellulose 80 oz
Phenyl-g-Naphthylamine % oz. Baker's Plasticizer P-6 20 oz.*
Water Soluble ''Glyceryl Phthalate'' Rubbcr Mill and
Hot Mold.
Glycerin 92o g.
Phthalic Anhydride 1480 g.
Heat with stirring at 145-150° C. for Molding Composition
five hours. Add Formula No. 1
TJ. S. Patent 2,026,106
Sodium Bisulphite 50 g. Wood Flour 60 oz.
and stir until no more sulphur dioxide Sulphide Liquor Residue,
is evolved. Neutralize with 40 oz.
Caustic Potash (45% ^^ater to make a paste
solution) 600 ec.
Phenyl Chloride 12 oz.
Heat to 200° C. for 3 hours and pulver-
Vinyl Resin Insulation ^

ize to get a black molding powder.

British Patent 470,380
Lead Oxide 5 qz No. 2'
Carbon Black

5 oz* IT. S. Patent 2,054,243

Polymerized Vinyl Chloride 52 oz* a. Coal Tar Pitch XO lb.
Tncresyl Phosphate 38 oz* Cumarone Resin 10 lb*
This composition has a low
and power factor
dieleetnc Rubber 10
b. Wood Four or Other Filler to suiti
Mill a in a heated heavy duty mixer Cold Molding Composition
until uniform and then mill in the filler Canadian Patent 362,451
Cumarone Resin 7-10 oz.
Rubber 8-10 oz.
No. 3
Coal Tar Pitch 9-14 oz.
Austrian Patent 150,629
Fillers to suit.
Casein 50 kg.
Calcium Oxide 5 kg.
Molding Plastic
Zinc White 15 kg.
U. B. Patent 2,036,574
Portland Cement 10 kg.
Water 20 kg.
Paraffin Wax 50 oz.
Rosin 35 oz.
Pour into molds and dry at 60° C. Sulphur 10 oz.
Remove while warm and treat with 5% Carnauba Wax 5 oz.
formaldehyde. Melt together and mix until uniform.


Formula No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4
Powdered 30.0 g-

32.5 g-
32.5 g-

30.0 g*
— — —

30.0 g-

— 30.0 g-
32.5 g-
No. 5
30.0 g*
No. 6
30.0 g.


5.0 g- 5.0 g*
— — — —
32.5 g*

— —
5.0 g- 5.0 g- 5.0 g* 5.0 g-
Micro- Asbestos
Wood Four
Urea —
65.0 g-

— —
65.0 g*
1.8 g-
65.0 g-

1.8 g-
65.0 g-
1.8 g*

Where urea is not present a mold temperature of 120° 0 with . ejection at 40° 0.
is used. With urea, mold at 130-150° C. and eject at 80° C.

Gasoline and Oil Resistant Plastic tion is to be used. Add 30 parts of con-
U. S. Patent 2,096,662 centrated hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.18)
Chlorinated Rubber 100 oz, to 70 parts of furfurin-furfural solution
Cumarone Resin (Low and stir vigorously. Pour this solution
Melting) 5 oz. immediately into an acid resistant mold
Magnesium Oxide 15 oz. (e.g. glass) and allow it to set for 24
Mix in a heated rubber mill. hours. After removing the objects from
the mold, place them in storage and al-
Vase Decoration Plastic low them to dry for about a week at or-
U. S. Patent 2,047,058 dinary room temperatures. The black
Cement 35 lb. material formed is quite strong and has a
Sand, Dry Bank 55 lb. lustrous finish. This method can be used
Whiting 10 lb. only for small objects.
Water 15 qt.
Vinegar 5 qt. Molded Asbestos Plastic
U. S. Patent 1,985,764
Button & Buckle
Composition A mixture of asbestos fibre 40, wood
German Patent 655.989 fibre 60, and slaked lime 10 —
15 oz. with
Paper Pulp 45 oz. water is rolled into sheets; utensils are
Rye Meal 45 oz. molded from the material, and stiffened
Gypsum 10 oz. by immersion in sodium silicate (d.
Add water to suit. Mix well and press
)jato forms.
Powder for Casting Molds
(to substitute for lycopodium powder)
Cold-Molding Composition
Calcspar, Finely Ground 100 g.
for Small Objects
Take 55 grams of hydrofuramide and Montan Wax, Coarsely
heat it at 120° C. for 1 hour. This con- Powdered, Light, Refined 5 oz.

verts it into furfur in. Take 50 grams of Heat together for 30 minutes at 110-
this furfurin and dissolve it in 200 grams 120° 0- in an agitated kettle, until homo-
of furfural (tech.) to make solution A. geneous. May be dyed with 0.1-0.2 per
This solution will keep for an indefinite cent of oil-soluble dye, to match the
length of time. To 45 parts by volume yellow color of the lycopodium.
of solution A
add 25 parts by volume of Cool, powder, sift.
technical furfural j ust before the solu- Molds for Metal Casting are usuallv
dusted in” on iheir inside
witn cliarcoal powder in a bag. issuitable for casting
less steel and s stain-

Papier Mache Dental Impression

Paper Powder 100 Composition
u. S. Patent 2,077,418
Zinc White 75 ij|;
Barium Oxide Bolid Portion
25 kg. Zme Oxide on
Cellulose Acetate or Phenol Eosiu
nyde Laquer (20%) to suit. Magnesium Chloride,
2 d-
Electrical Pesistance IVEolding In making up the solid
formula tec
Composition magnesium chloride is preferably
British Patent 444,023 mth mixed
4 parts of zinc oxide before add; '
JSesin Base tipn to the balance of
the ing edien^
Novolak-Type Eesin 100 oz.
Likewise the rosin is finely
Pyndine ground and
preferab y mixed with an
g ^2. eqLl part “f
Calcium Stearate 2 oz.*
zinc oxide. A finely ground air floLd
Calcium Hydroxide 10 oz*
rosin _ia desirable although
the air flota^
Cure at 150-170® C. tion is not absolutely
essential. Both
the rosin and zinc oxide
Molding Mixture should be in the
Above Eesin Base form of Tery finely divided
powder if the
best results are to be
(Poy^ered) 350 obtained, prefer-
oz. ab y of such fineness as to
(Powdered) 645 oz pass through
Montan Wax a 100 mesh screen. The
2.1 oz." balance of the
zinc oxide is then added
Mold this cold and then under heat to the mixture
and^ pressure until resin partially chloride and zinc oxide
poly- and the rosin and zinc oxide
merizes: then immerse in etching mixture is
bath of mixed in thoroughly to obtain
C9.ustic soda solution, washed, a uniform
dried distribution of the magnesium
and baked to complete polymerization. chloride
throughout the powdered
This composition can be painted material. Tho
with mixing must be very carefully
rollowing resistant paint: performed
to ol^ain the necessary
uniformity of
Coating Mixture distribution of the magnesium
Above Eesin Base relatively small percentage
(Powdered) 65 oz.
of ThT
the whole.f The mixing must be par-
Carbon Black I7.5 done, if the ingredients^are
Graphite all mixed in a single
I7.5 step.
Acetone 200 oz.
Amyl Acetate Liquid Portion
200 oz. Eugenol or Clove Oil
This paint after application and lOO o-
thor- Eosin on
ough drying is heated to polymerize Olive Oil
the 3Q
Linseed Oil 20
Light Mineral Oil g.*
Dentist's Molding Mass 20

Manila Copal, Soft When the preparation is to be

used, a
30 g definite quantity of the
Colophony, Light, Drench 30 solid formula i.s
g measured out, as, for instance,
Carnauba Wax, Eefined 10 a half-
g. teaspoonful (approximately
Stearin 5* 1 g.) and
Peruvian Balsam placed on a glass slab or the
2.5 g.* like^, and
then a definite quantity
of the oil
formula, such as 10 drops
Dental Mold (approxi-
British Patent 447,478
mately 0.3 g.), is measured’^out
slab and the oil and powder
Quartz, Powdered thoroughly
60 g. mixed form a paste. Ho water is
5 g. added, nor should any moisture or
Grog watej-
10 g. be present on the slab during
Alumina the mixing
15 g. process. After the paste
Afagnesium Oxide has been pre-
pared, itmay be allowed to stand
Zinc Oxide for up-
Mix 5 g. wards of an hour or longer without
the above with set-
ting. In case the humidity is very high
Phosphoric Acid (25%)
50 g. the setting occurs more rapidly.
and _ The
setting may be retarded
Phosphoric Acid somewhat under
these conditions by using a
Water heated mix-
40 g. ing slab.

W'hen the paste is used in the mouth, Aeseulin 0.5- 5 oz.

however, it sets into a relatively hard, “Cellosolve’^ 3 -10 oz.
dense, coherent and somewhat flexible Ethyl Acetate 11 -30 oz.
mass within a very short period, as for Blown Castor Oil 2-5 oz.
instance, within 5 minutes. Lacquer Thinner 30 -70 oz.

Technical Beeswax Substitute Preventing Adhesion of Cellophane and

Japan Wax 20 g, Similar Materials
Indene or Paracumarone 5 g. British Patent 459,344
Glyceryl Tristearate 1 g. A coating lacquer is applied contain-
Melt together and stir until quite ing :

thick. Aluminum Steamte 0.03%


Asbestine —Modeling
40 oz.
Ceresin 0.05%
Whiting 15 oz. Transparent Cellulosic Film Wrapping
Glucose 20 oz.
Canadian Patent 356,860
Magnesium Chloride oz. 10 Ethyl Cellulose 20 g.
Water oz. 15 Paraffin Wax 1 g.
The magnesium chloride is added to Chloroform 70 g.
the water in which it dissolves quickly, Ligroin 30 g.
and the glucose is then added to this Dissolve and east into forms and dry
solution. If glucose is not available for 18 to 20 hours.
sucrose may be used. The pigments are
mixed and then incorporated with the
viscous solution. The consistency can be Moisture-Proofing ‘ ‘
Cellophane ^ ^
varied by changing the ratio of the pig- Canadian Patent 359,729
ments and the vehicle. Colored pig- The following solution is applied to
ments may be added to vary the shade of the ‘
Cellophane [ and the solvent is
‘ ^

the clay. evaporated at a temperature just below

the melting point of the waxes used:
Moisture Proof Gelatin Carnauba Wax 4 oz.
U. S. Patent 2,065,792 Paraffin Wax (m.p. 62° 0.) 4 oz.
Amethod of making a transparent, Gandelilla Wax l^/^ oz.
flexible, non-tacky and moistureproof Triethanolamine Oleate
sheet material suitable for use as a Toluol 100 oz.
wrapping tissue wherein the moisture-
proof coating effectively adheres and is
Synthetic Wool From Casein
secured to the base, the steps which com-
Casein is dissolved in 2% caustic soda
prise treating the surface of a fllm of
solution containing 2% carbon bisul-
gelatin with an aqueous solution contain-
phide and the solution is spun in a pre-
ting 1 to 2%
of acetic acid at a temper-
cipitating bath of:
ature of approximately between 50° to
90° C. for approximately 1 to 10 min- Sulphuric Acid 120-420 g.
utes to form a hydrolyzed gelatin surface Sodium Sulphate 240 g.
to which a moistureproof composition Formaldehyde 40 g.
will effectively adhere, and thereafter Water to make 1 1.

applying to the hydrolyzed surface a Wash fibers alternately with water and
moistureproofing composition comprising dilute formaldehyde.
a cellulose derivative and a wax in pro-
portions to produce a transparent, flexi-
ble, adhering, non-tacky and moisture- Flexible Transparent Casein Film
proof coating, whereby a moistureproof Casein 60 g.
coating is effectively secured to the gela- Ammonia (26° Be.) 15 g.
tin base sheet or film. Water 540 g.
Moldex 1.3 g.
Soak and warm to 40° 0. and stir until
Light Protective ^
‘Cellophane ^ ^
Type Wrappers
smooth. Add
U, S. Patent 2,058,786 Glycerin 60 g.
Films of regenerated cellulose are Boil off water with good stirring. Al-
coated with: low air bubbles to come out, keeping at
Pyroxylin 3 oz. lowest fluid temperature. Pour on glass
Amyl Acetuxe 5 —25 oz. or smooth, metal plates.
Flexible Casein Films
XJ. 8. Patent 2,030,226 20 lb
Acetone or Other Solvent
Formula No. 1 100 gal
Casein Lampblack or tale may be
Ethyl Cellulose
lO.oo ^ ated to reduce transparency.
10 00 s*
Ethyl Alcohol 50.00 I’
Sulphonated Castor Oil 30.00 g. Gem Material
The casein is dispersed in sulphonated^ Patent 2,012,411
TJ. S.
castor oil and part of the ethyl masses which may be cut
alcohol1 and
and then blended with the ethyl cellulose^ polished to resemble diamonds
are ob
dispersed in the remainder of the condensing urea (1 mol)
ethyl1 and
alcohol. formaldelyde (2.0-2.5 mol.) in
The compositions illustrated in the fol- of activated silica gel or sodium
lowing examples are prepared as in^ by boiling for about 35 min.,
Formula No. 1. ing, and concentrating.

Casein 10.00 g. Leather Waste Plastic

Ethyl Cellulose 10 £
00 g.
10.00 Russian Patent 35,754
Butyl Alcohol 45*00 g.
Plastic masses are prepared
45.00 g from
Sulphonated Olive Oil 35.00 g.
I* leather waste ground to
powder, mixed
No. 3 with polyatomic alcohols or
phenols or
Casein 9 30 g.
9.30 p* Jiiytnres, followed hy pressing
Ethyl Cellulose &
9.30 g.
while hot. Formalin may be
Methyl Alcohol g*
46.51 g.
m the powder mixture or the
Sulphonated Castor Oil g*
27.92 g. .tJ-eated with formalin.
Diethylene Glycol 6.97 g.
The following illustrations
are cited:
The diethylene glycol in this example (1) 100 kg. hnely ground leather
xunctions to give films of increased are mixed with 10 kg.
flexi- glycerin and
bility. pressed in forms at 120'='
0. and 250
atm.; (2) 100 kg. finely ground
^ leather
powder are mixed with 5 kg. of
Casein 5.55 technical
g. phenol and pressed at 150° C.
Benzyl Cellulose 5.55
and 300
g. atm. The goods are then
Benzyl Alcohol placed for 12
27.75 g. hours in a 5% solution of
Ethyl Alcohol 55.60
g. and dried; (3) 100 kg. finely
Sulphonated Castor Oil 5.55
g. leather powder are mixed with
3 kg. glyc-
erin, 4 kg. tricresol and 3
kg. (of 40%')
Tear Eesis tan t Flexible Film
Canadian Patent 366,072
Chlorinated Rubber 90 o 7
Butyl Stearate 10 oz.
Woven Leather
Phonograph Records Without Shellac French Patent 810,694
Benzyl Cellulose Manila hemp paper is coated with
29-32% Vinyl Acetate
Tritolyl Phosphate 3-4% 20 g
Cotton Linters Diethylphthalate 3
3% Methanol
SS 29"
are woven or knitted
77 g
dried and then cut up into strands
Charcoal, Powdered 9%
2- 3 % Leather Substitute
stearin IT. 8. Patent 2,098,789
Asphalt .

This process comprises impregnating

Press mixture into sheets square weave unnapped cotton
lTn^ at 140-150°
1 cr A o rs t-t _
* fabric
'n.m.) 0.
. ,

Heat to 155-165° weighing SYs ounces per linear

yard of
and press cold at 150-200 hg./sq. 38 inch Width with a gasoline
cm. dispersion

Formula No.

Wire Glass Substitute
Rubber 4q p,
Canadian Patent 353,940
Wire Factice (White) i p,'
is coated with following
to give 10
a clear flexible ^^glass’^: '

15 11,;

Cellulose Acetate

Lithopone 30
100 lb Magnesium Carbonate
Ethyl-p-Toluene- 10 lb.*
Pigment 1 iv*

removing tlie gasoline, coating one face into a hot plastic layer, assembled with
o£ the impregnated fabric with a disper- preheated craft paper, the prrduct
sion of one part of cotton flock and three treated with heat and pressure uiitii the
parts of a composition consisting of the plastic layer has permeated the paper to
same above formula; calendering the form a coating on both sides, the treated
coated, impregnated fabric, coating the paper embossed or decorated to imitate
calendered, coated, impregnated fabric mcker or other fibrous substance, slit
with a cement consisting of dispersing into strips, twisted into strands, and
agent and above formula,* dusting the made into wicker-Hke furniture.
coated, calendered, coated, impregnated
fabric to avoid a tacky surface and vul- Wood Substitute
Australian Patent 100,119
No. 2 Wood Lust 20
Rubber 100 lb. Casein 1
Light Petroleum 175--200 lb. Sodium Silicate (9% Solution)
Leather Waste or Mix well until thoroughly homogene-
Vegetable Fibres 120 lb. ous and press and air-dry.
Lampblack 20 lb.
Zinc Oxide 10 lb.
Sulphur Neoprene Artificial Leather
2 lb.
Neoprene 1 lb.
2 lb.
Benzol 214 lb.
Pine Tar 6 lb.
The mixture is rolled onto a fabric be-
Lichloroethane 2% lb.
Dissolve the above and work into it
tween heated cylinders. Bosin 142 lb.
No. 3 Coal Tar " 142 lb.
Rubber, Finely Divided 100 lb. Carbon Black 154 lb.
Rosin 19 lb. Zinc Oxide 60 Ib.
Oleic Acid 5 lb. Magnesium Oxide 60 lb.
Wheat Flour 15 lb. Chrome Fiber, Dry 1000 lb.
Glue 5 lb.
Kaolin 10 lb.
Sulphur Asphalt Plastic Flooring
5 lb.
Mill together and vulcanize. Petroleum Asphalt 45-50 lb.
Ferric Chloride 5 lb.
No. 4 Heat for one hour at 300® C. and add
Canadian Patent 358,833 Tung Oil 50 lb.
The following composition is applied
on a fabric base: (All parts are by
weight.) Oilcloth Coating
Cellulose acetate 100, triacetin 60,
A typical coating for making oil cloth
is 650 gallons of linseed oil heated to
ethyl -p-toluenesulfonamide 40, triphenyl
375® F. and 60 lbs. of litharge added,
phosphate 30, latex (50% rubber con-
the heating is then continued until the
tent) 60, chrome green 80 parts, which is
suspended in 500-600 parts water and temperature reaches 525® F. and held at
this temperature for about nine hours or
fed to a colloid mill.
until the oil reaches the proper viscosity.
It is then allowed to cool overnight to
Shoe Sole Composition about 250° C. and is drawn off into stor-
German Patent 648,254 age tanks in the morning where it is
Water 5 kg. thinned to coating consistency. The oil
Calcium Oxide 1 kg- is allowed to stand for some time before
Casein 2 kg. use in order to allow the
."Rubber Solution
break and
2 kg. other impurities to settle out.
Rubber Latex 30-40 kg.
Rubber, Powdered
Non-Inflammable Linoleum
Other Filler 50-25 kg. British Patent 443,645
5^6 parts of chlorinated paraffin wax

(42 per cent chlorine) are thoroughly

Synthetic Wicker or Fiber mixed in a steam-heated apparatus with
Canadian Patent 364,775 17 parts of chlorinated rubber .When the
A mixture of cellulose acetate 100, di- mass is uniform, additions are made of
ethyl phthalate 25, ethyl p-toluenesul- 40 parts of cork powder and 17 parts of
fonamide 15, tritolyl phosphate 10, iron oxide pigment. The mixer is used
chrome green pigment 33, and rubber 50 for the first portions of the additives,
oz. homogeneously compounded, is rolled but steam-.heated rollers finally become


necessary. A
sheet, some %0 inch thick, No. 3
is then produced and backed before cool- Kaolin 69%
ing with a jute backing. If desired, the Beeswax s%
mixture can be applied to the surface to Rubber 23%
be coated directly without a backing The above is worked together in a
material, pressure being employed to en- rubber mill. As a filler the following
sure good adhesion and surfacing. may be added:
Barium Carbonate 4%
Plugging Composition Calcium Carbonate 1%
(For imbedding
filling holes or nails,
screws, etc., in walls or other solids). Friction Brake Lining
Mill Puff (Wood Flour) 26 oz. IT. S.Patent 2,081,578
Petroleum Jelly 21 oz. Rubber 77 oz.
Dextrin 29 oz. Asbestos Fiber 112 oz.
Slate Powder 20 oz. Graphite 28 oz.
Zinc Chromate 5 oz. Zinc Oxide 28 oz.
Sulphur 42 oz.
Screw Putty Gasoline 368 oz.

Rosin 30 lb. Phenolic Resin, Powdered 22 oz.

Spindle Oil 70 lb.

Iron Oxide Red as desired Fireproof Film Container
German Patent 601,571
Packing for Fluid Seals A container is molded from the follow-
XJ. S. Patent 2,027,389
ing composition wetted with water
Asbestos is steeped in following at Sawdust 25 g.
200° F. then drained and cooled. Magnesite 25 g.
Hydrogenated Castor Oil 78 oz. Magnesium Chloride 30 g.
Sodium Stearate 10 oz. Potassium Alum 10 g.
Graphite 12 oz. Asbestos Fiber 10 g.

Acid Proof Composition (^^Haveg’^

Gasket & PackingComposition
IT. S.Patent 2,040,348
Sand 80 lb.
Asbestos millboard is impregnated
Coal or Oil Bitumen 15 lb.
with the following: Acid Resisting Mineral 5 lb.
China Wood Oil 50-90 oz.
Heat at 150-200° 0. and mold.
Linseed Oil 5-25 oz.
Turpentine 5-30 oz.
Metallic Resinates 1~ 2 oz.
Printing Matrix Compound
U. S. Patent 1,974,714
Cardboard or asbestos millboard is
Packing Composition, High Temperature impregnated with a suspension of:
U. S. Patent 1,987,109 Glue 200 oz.
Asbestos 9 lb.
Antimony 75 lb.
Paraffin Wax 70 oz.
Bronze Powder 100 oz.
Graphite, Flake 10 lb.
Nitric Acid (0.2%) 5000 oz.
Palm Oil 2 lb.
Rubber Solution 10-15 Then coat with a paste of
(4%) lb.
Bronze Powder 50 oz.
Casein 35 oz.
Packing for StufSng Boxes Mineral Powder 4000 oz.
Formula No. 1 Paraffin Wax 10 oz.
IT. S. Patent 2,099,241 Glycerin 10 oz.
Asbestos 20-30% Nitric Acid 1% oz.
Graphite 30-45% Alcohol 20 oz.
Aluminum Powder 13-18% Water 500 oz.
Lubricating Oil 3-10% An aluminum foil backing may be ap-
Dispersed ^^ThiokoP^ 2-13% plied to the board.
No. 2
H. S. Patent 2,099,242 Revetment Mat
Rubber (Vulcanized) 7 -12.5% H. Patent 2,051,578
Lubricating Oil 5-10 % A flexible sheet is formed of asphalt
Asbestos Fiber 25 -37 % 50-57.5, pulverized calciferous material
Aluminum Powder 14.5-18.5% such as limestone dust 42-33,6% and
Graphite 28 -44 % pulverized iron oxide.

Preserving Cellulose Bottle Caps Paraffin Wax Soluble”)

IT. S. Patent 2,013,739 a. Paraffin Wax 50 g.
Eegenerated cellulose bottle caps are Stearic Acid 14 g.
preserved in a solution of h. Trigamine 7 g.
Glycerin 5.0 oz. Melt a to about 70° C. Turn off the
Chlorinated Cresol 0.1 oz. heat and add b stirring thoroughly.
Water 94.9 oz. Continue stirring till it begins to so-
lidify. One part of the above disperses
Eeinoving Dents Prom Celluloid Toys easily in two parts of hot water.
Puncture with a sharp pin and blow
into hole. The air pressure will force
^ut ail dents.
Japan Wax (” Soluble”)
a, Japan Wax 50 g.
Drilling and Tapping Bakelite Stearic Acid 14 g.
Machining — especially drilling and b. Trigamine 7 g.
tapping —Bakelite products, is hard upon Procedure as for paraffin wax.
Emulsion obtained by dispersing one
milling cutters, drills, and taps. It is
also difiS-Cult to get good threads, and part of above in eight parts of hot
clean, small-sized holes. Drilling and water.
tapping sheet and molded Bakelite is
greatly facilitated when carbon tetra-
Purifying Lignite, Ozokerite or Montan
chloride is used as a cutting lubricant.
It is possible to tap 8-32 holes in
"W axes
laminated stock at a relatively high
Crude Wax 100 lb.
Benzol 220 lb.
speed without stripping threads or pro-
ducing ragged edges, when the tap is Warm and stir until dissolved.
kept moist with carbon tetrachloride. Add
Tap wear is very greatly reduced when Alcohol 400-800 lb.
this fluid is used. Filter and wash residue with
Alcohol 1200 lb.
Polyvinyl Acetate Solvents Benzol 300 lb.
French Patent 44,809 Bleach by heating at 105-115° C. for
Formula No. 1 7 hours using
Methyl Alcohol 38 cc. Potassium Dichromate 1 lb.
Benzene 62 cc. Sulphuric Acid (48%) 10 lb.
No. 2 Nitric Acid (4%) 10 lb.
Ethyl Alcohol 100 cc.
Benzene 135 cc.
Water 13 cc.
High Melting ^^Wax”
Iron Sulphide 1 lb.
Soluble Waxes Zinc Sulphide 1 lb.

The following formulae will give Lead Sulphide 1 lb.

waxes which are readily dispersible in Sulphur 1 lb.
hot water to form stable, white emulsions These should be melted together with
of different viscosities. These are use- mechanical mixing and allowed to cool.
ful in the textile industry for sizing, The result is a very tough grey com-
flnishing, etc., in the polishing industries pound of specific gravity 3.4, and a
for furniture, floor and automobile pol- melting point of about 160° C. On
ishes, for leather finishing, paper sizing cooling it expands and fills every little
and flnishing, etc. crevice, and will withstand the action of
all acids, alkalis, and atmospheric con-

Carnauba Wax Soluble’ ditions.

a, Carnauba Wax 90 g.
Oleic Acid 10 g. Master Eecord Wax
Trigamine 10 g. British Patent 473,459
h. Caustic Soda (50%) 6 g. Stearic Acid 632 g.
Water 24 g. Montan Wax 140 g
a is melted, h is mixed together and Heat to 175° 0.
heated. It is added to a slowly with MixtureCSoda Ash 55 g.
stirring and the whole stirred until it be- of Lead Carbonate 84 g.
gins to solidify. One part of the After reaction has ceased, mix in a
above disperses easily in five parts of plasticizer such as sperm oil or dimethyl
boiling water. phthallate.

Sealing Wax Dental Molding Wax

Bleached, or Orange Shellac 35 kg. Pormula No. 1
Heavy Turpentine 25 kg. Paraffin Wax 75 g.
Turpentine 6 kg. Japan Wax 10 g-
Magnesium Carbonate 20 kg. Beeswax 15 g.
Cinnabar 25 kg. Thymol 0.05 g*
Carmine 0.5 kg. Menthol 0.05 g«
No. 2
Wax Molds Carnauba Wax 5 g-
Melt together Beeswax 40 g-
Parafdn Wax 10 oz. Kauri Copal 15 g*
Beeswax 2% oz. Ozokerite, 58/60° C. 10 g-
Carnauba Wax 2 oz. Soft-Paraffin, 40/42° C. 30 g-
Melt together and mix until uniform. This plastic mass softens at 55° C.
Pour into a box or other form (the
inside of which has been painted with No. 3
a soap solution). When cool, tap out. Manila Copal 15 g.
Cut out and engrave design desired. Dammar Eesin 15 g.
With this plaster casts can be made. Stearin (53/54° C. Titer) 1 g.
Ceresin (58/60° C.) 2 g.
Peru Balsam 1 g.
Parting Wax
for Molding Work
Barium Sulphate, Precipitated 20 g.
TJ. Patent 2,103,527
Carmine to color to suit
[Paraffin Wax, Melted 1 pt.
Gasoline 1 pt. Melt the first five ingredients to-
Light Cylinder Oil 1 pt. gether, work in the barium sulphate, dye
Kerosene % gal with some carmine, and stir down to
Castor Oil % oz. very little above the solidification point,
5’Rosin 1/6 lb. where plates can be poured without
1 V2 pt. danger of separation of the barium sul-
Modelling Wax
Pormula No. 1 Shoemaker’s Thread Wax
Beeswax 10 g. Pormula No. 1
Mastic 10 g. Eosin 76.5 oz.
Ceresin 7.5 g. Tallow 8.5 oz.
Paraffin Wax, Hard 15 g. Beeswax, Yellow 15.0 oz.
Tallow 65 g. Melt and stir until uniform. Pour
Sulphur (Flowers) 90 g. into containers at lowest possible tem-
Calcium Sulphide 42.5 g. perature.
Kaolin 120 g.
No. 2
Grind the powders into the melted Rosin 54 lb.
waxes. A mineral pigment, e.g. Ar- Beeswax 6 lb.
menian bolus, is added. (4%). Stir
Melt and stir until uniform. Cool
thoroughly and cool.
to 150° P.and add
No. 2
Benzene 9y2 gal.
Montan Wax, Bleached 10 g-
Paraffin Wax (40-42° 0.) 20 g-
Petrolatum, Yellow 2 g- Shoemaker’s Polishing Wax
Wool Pat 15 g- Carnauba Wax Yellow 26-28 lb.
Clay, Pine Powdered 50 g- Olein (Low titer) 10- 7 lb.
Mineral Color 20 g* Abrasive (TripoH, Bole,
Clay, etc.) 64-65 lb.
Jewelers’ Molding Wax
Cumar Resin 5 oz.
Beeswax 20 oz.
Shoemaker’s Brushing Wax
Carnauba Wax, Yellow to
Carnauba Wax 5 oz.
Tan 63 lb.
Diglyeol Stearate 5 oz.
Lacquer Benzine (0.78-0.80) 37 lb.
Montan Wax 35 oz.
Ceresin Wax 30 oz.
This wax gives sharper moldings and i

Polishing Wax for Lacquered Heels

is tough and sufficiently elastic . It Paraffin Wax (50/52° C.) 27.5 lb.
burns out easily without leaving a Spindle Oil, Pale 13.5 1b.
residue Chalk, Pinest Powder 59.0 lb.

Filler Wax for Soles Fixed Electrical Condenser Wax

Beeswax 25 lb. H. S. Patent 2,083,007
Ozokerite or High Melting Chlorinated Naphthalene 25-40 oz.
Petrolatum 40 lb. Gilsonite 20-30 oz.
Bosin 35 lb. Montan Wax 30-35 oz.
This gives a product of minimum
Shoemaker ^s Pitch shrinkage.
Formula No. 1
Petroleum Pitch 40 g. Electrical Arc Resistant Insulation
Bosin Pitch 45 g. IT. Patent 2,049,370
Woolfat, Crude 15 g. A material suitable for panels con-
No. 2 sists of asbestos board carrying through-
Colophony 85 g. out its surface and interior a mixture of
Bosin Oil, Blue 15 g. carnauba wax 2 and paraffin wax 1
Color with lampblack, or with earth part.
Cable Wax
Tailor’s Wax Bosin 10 kg.
Ozokerite 5 kg.
Ceresin 15 kg.
Ceresin 30 kg.
Paraffin Wax 15 kg.
Mon tan Wax
Japan Wax 25 kg.
10 kg.
Stearin Pitch 15 kg.
Beeswax 45 kg.
Paraffin Wax 20 kg.

Ironing Wax Wax Strings for Foundry Work

Ceresin 10 kg.
Montan Wax, Bleached 10
Stearic Acid 30 kg.
Beeswax 10
Japan Wax 5 kg.
Beeswax 5 kg.
Paraffin Wax (40-42® C.) 20
Wool Fat 5
Nigrosine, Oil Soluble 0.5
Bed Wax
To Tighten Cover Cloths of
die Wax, Imitation for Figures
Feather Beds Montan Wax, Bleached 40
Formula No. 1 Barium Sulphate 60
Beeswax 10 kg. Bed Iron Oxide 0.5
Bosin 1 kg.
Oaustie Soda (30® Be.) 1.5 kg.
Water, Hot 47.5 kg.
Bottle Sealing Wax
Bosin 5 kg.
Melt first two ingredients, saponify, Ceresin 10 kg.
and stir with the water to obtain a Paraffin Wax 5 kg.
white, smooth cream. Japan Wax 10 kg.
No. 2 Beeswax 30 kg.
Bosin 2 kg. Turpentine, Venice 2 kg.
Ceresin 3 kg.
Paraf&n 20 kg. Hand Dipped Candles
Japan Wax 5 kg. White
Beeswax 20 kg. 135/137° F. Paraffin Wax 90 lb.
Stearic Acid (Double
Pressed) 10 lb.
Wax Composition To Protect Parts of
To make colored candles add any one
Surface of Painted Tiles Against
of the following amounts per 100 lb. of
the Adhesion of Glaze
above wliite composition.
Colophony 10 g.
Montan Wax, Bleached Ited
20 g.
Ozokerite, Soft 40 g. Oil Bed GRO National 1% oz.
Paraffin, Soft, 48/50® G, JSose
30 g.
Oil Bed GRO National 3% g.
Med. Green
Engraver ^s Transfer Wax Quinolene Yellow Base 21 g.
Beeswax 3 oz. Quinizarine Green Base 2% g.
Tallow 3 oz. Yellow
Balsam, Fir 1 oz. Quinolene Yellow Base IV2 oz.
Olive Oil 1 oz. Jade Green
Melt together and stir while cooling. Quinizarine Green Base 24 g.
Quinolene Yellow Base 4 g. Candle Decoration Wax
Sh. Green Paraffin 30 kg.
Quinizanne Green Base 1 oz. Beeswax 40 kg.
PinJc Turpentine, Venice 30 kg.
CeTbos Pink 3% g,
Candle Wick Impregnant
Brilliant Orange
% g.
Borax 4 oz.
Oil Brown Potassium Chlorate 1 oz.
114 oz.
Violet Ammonium Chloride 1 oz.
Violet Oil Soluble Base 31/2 g.
Potassium Nitrate 1 oz.
Orange Water 3 qt.
Orange Oil #2B669 31/2 g.
Soak wicks in above solution and dry
BlacTc thoroughly.
NTigrosine Oil Soluble 21 g.
Violet Oil Soluble 21/2 g.
Extraction of Sugar Cane Wax
IT. Patent 2,009,522
The filter cake obtained in clarifi-
Colored Light —Candles cation of raw cane juice is dried and
(German Patent 646,129) extracted with
Red Light Alcohol 100 1.
Paraformaldehyde 30 g- Ether 10 1.
Paraffin Wax (Scale) 5 g* Methyl Alcohol 2 1.
Lithium Chloride 0.1 g-
Menthol 0.2
De-Oiling Beeswax
Coumarin 0.2
10 lb. beeswax in 1 gal. water are
Lithium Nitrate 0.025 g- melted over a direct flame. As soon as
the melted beeswax begins to rise to the
Blue Light surface 1 oz. potassium hydroxide dis-
Paraformaldehyde 30 g* solved in a little water is added and
Paraffin Wax
(Seale) 3.5 g- the mixture stirred for 3 minutes. Hy-
Copper Chloride 0.15 g*
drochloric acid is then added until the
Menthol 0.2 g* reaction to litmus is neutral, when heat-
Coumarin 0.2 g- ing is interrupted and cold water stirred
Green Light in with the object of forming an emul-
Paraformaldehyde 30 g- sion with the oil which runs out through
Paraffin Wax
(Scale) 3 g- a strainer at the botton. The de-oiled
Copper Chloride 0.05 g- wax is dried by spreading in thin layers
Barium Nitrate 0.4 g- and is finally obtained in the form of
Boric Acid 0.3 g- a somewhat gummy fawn powder.
Menthol 0.2 g-
Coumarin 0.2 g- Colored Liquid Wax-Emulsions
The mixtures are press i into the Eormula No. 1
shape of candles, without wicks.
ks. Black
The candles are wrapped in a thin Montan Wax, Crude 7 lb.
cellulosic fiber foil, and covered with a Rosin, Dark 1 lb.
thin coating of paraffin to give the im- Potash Carbonate 1 lb.
pression of real candles. Water 120 lb.
Nigrosine, Water-Soluble 4)lb.
Candle Strings Water, 80-90° C. 12pb.
Summer No. 2
Paraffin Pitch, Pale (44/46° Carnauba Wax 10 lb.
0.) 70 kg. Montan Wax, Bleached 5 lb.
Woolf at 20 kg. Marseilles Soap 3 lb.
Ozokerite, Yellow 5 kg. Potassium Carbonate 3 lb.
Rosin, Pale 5 kg. Water 160 lb.
Winter Nigrosin, Water-
Paraffin Pitch (38/40° C.) kg.30 Soluble 0.1-- 0.4 lb.
Paraffin Pitch (44/46® C.) kg.40 English Red 15 lb.
Ozokerite, Second Quality kg. 5 Chrome Orange 6 lb.
Woolf at, Crude kg.25 Emulsify the melted waxes with the
The wicks are made from strings, un- alkali ( soap ) solution j in the former
bleached yarn, cotton strings or jute. ease, the dye-solution is added last. In
The production is easiest in winter the latter ease, the dye is dissolved in
(quick, cheap cooling). Colors: Yellow the emulsification water. The pigments
and black, .
are then worked in on a pigment mill.
Soaps Containing Silicates cate of soda may be helpful. Silicates
A well-made cake of soap has a firm, of soda are made by melting together
smooth texture. The use of silicates tend soda ash (sodium carbonate) and silica
to harden the finished cake and keep it in furnaces that are heated over 2000°
firm, even in a warm or hot climate. Fahrenheit. The resulting products are
Silieated soaps, therefore, are not unduly combinations of sodium oxide (]Sra 20 )
softened and wasted in hot water. They and silica (SiOg). As they come from
^ bloom
than soaps
are less likely to
the furnace they resemble glass, but can
made with other builders. Chips are
be made to dissolve in water. Since the
readily made from the silieated soaps.
commercial silicates are not definite
When silicate is used in fiake soaps the
amount added must not be too great. chemical compounds, glasses containing
Large quantities of silicate in soaps to different relative amounts of sodium ox-
be flaked give white, crumpled flakes. If ide and silica may be produced. Special
a clear, smooth flake is desired, the treatment is necessary to dissolve in
amount of silicate used should not be too water the silicates that are used in soap
great. However, by special procedures, making. The solutions are usually made
the silicate content can be increased and as concentrated as possible in order to
the smooth quality of the flakes still re- save freight. When the solid content is
tained. too high, the more alkaline silicates be-
Soaps made from some kinds of fat come very viscous (^Uili:e molasses in
stocks become rancid on exposure to the
January and the more siliceous ones
air. The presence of silicate prevents
become stiff jellies. Each brand of P.Q.
this. For that reason, small quantities
(2 to 4%) of ''N'' or Brand sili- silicate is made within
fixed standards of
cate are added to toilet soaps. ratio and
concentration. The grades
Grades of Silicates of Soda which are most likely to be of interest
Perhaps some explanation of the difier- to the soapmaker are given in the fol-
enee between the various grades of sili- lowing table.

Sodium Oxide (NasO) 8.9% 11.0% 13.8% 18.0%
Silica (SiO,) 28.7% 31.2% 33.7% 36.0%
Water 62.1% 67A% 52.0% 45.5%
Eatio Na20 :Si 02 1:3.22 1:2.84 1:2.44 1:2.00
Baum^ 41® 47® 52® 59®

Soap makers who encounter difficulties corporated into the soap while it is being
with the mottling of the crutched soap, made, the silicate will readily mix in.
use more alkaliije silicates such as As the soap cools and stiffens, the sili-
and Brands. Here again, if cate also stiffens up. The water which
the concentration and alkalinity of the the silicate contains is combined with the
mixture becomes too high, there may be water which is in the soap, so that when
mottling. the soap dries out, the whole mass be-
comes uniformly hardened. The silicate
Mixing Soap and Silicate
in the course of drying tends to become
In the cold and semi-boiled processes,
P.Q. silicate is added directly to the soap
harder than the soap itself would natu-
rally become. Therefore, as already
batch. In the boiled process, it is mixed
in a Crutcher with the settled soap from stated, the use of silicate makes the soap
the kettle. The procedure sounds rela- firmer. It is this action that enables the
tively simple, but actually it takes con- manufacturer to produce soap of satis-

siderable skill to get smooth mixtures faetory working qualities from fats or
which will give uniform bars. formulae that would otherwise make a
If the silicate of soda is properly in- very soft soap.

With, certaia stocks and with the cor- silicate mixed with the soap. The
rect moisture content, considerable quan- amount of added varies with
caustic thus
tities of / ^ N ^
' Brand or even ^^S’’ the character of the soap stock and the
Brand silicate of soda may be mixed with judgment of the soapmaker. Por ex-
the settled soap from the kettle and a ample, one may add 1.85 pounds of solid
satisfactory uniform bar obtained. Un- caustic (containing 76% Na20 ) per hun-
der carefully controlled conditions there dred pounds of Brand. This is
will be no tendency to mottle. Some equivalent to 1.41 parts of NaaO and
soapmakers however, as above noted, pre- makes a silicate solution of a ratio ap-
fer to use a silicate of soda which is proximately 1:2.8, which would be similar
more alkaline than the ^ ^ ’ ^ Brand. to diluting the Brand already
Because of a saving in cost most soap mentioned. Sometimes more caustic is
makers prefer to buy Brand and used, but it is best not to exceed 5.85
obtain the increased alkalinity by adding pounds per hundred pounds of ^ ^
caustic soda. Some of the additional Brand. The amount is equivalent to 4.45
alkali may be supplied by having the pounds of ISTasO, making a silicate of
grained soap from the kettles finished a ratio about 1:2.2. The caustic is
strong Usually, however, a suitable added to the silicate in the form of a
amount of caustic soda lye is added to lye solution varying from 30° to 36°
the silicate at least 24 hours before the Baume.



Ratio Nao0;Si02 1:3.0 1:2,8 1:2.5 1 2.2


Solid Caustic (76% NaaO) 0.95 lb. 1.85 lb. 3.45 lb. 5.85 lb.
Liquid Caustic’’ (38% NasO) 1.90 lb. 3.70 lb. 6.90 lb. 11.70 lb.
36° Lye 3.07 lb. 5.98 lb. 11.23 lb. 17.93 lb.
30° Lye 3.90 lb. 7.59 lb. 14.26 lb. 22.77 lb.

The use of an already prepared alka- alkaliand the fatty acids combine to
line silicate has several advantages. form soap and liberate glycerin. If the
(1) The soapmaker saves the labor and boiled or settled soap process is used, the
other costs necessary to make up the glycerin can be recovered. In the cold
caustic solutions to be added to the sili- and semi-boiled processes the glycerin re-
cate. mains in the soap and likewise all the
(2) He also avoids a separate storage impurities from all the materials used are
tank for causticized silicate. retained. In the settled process, how-
(3) The proportions of NagO and Si02 ever, many of the impurities are removed
of the prepared silicates are carefully during the changes”. Consequently
controlled. To obtain equivalent control when using badly contaminated stocks,
the soap manufacturer must analyze each the boiled process is preferable. Varia-
mixture he makes and correct by the tions in the stock can be taken care of
addition of one or the other solution if without any additional attention during
necessary. the boiling process while only minor ad-
(4) The reaction between the caustic justments are possible in the other proc-
and the silicate is slow and a period of esses after they are once started. The
at least 24 hours should elapse before manufacture of soap by the settled
the mixture is used. No matter how method is better suited to the production
carefully the caustic is added to the sili- of large quantities rather than small
cate, under the conditions ordinarily pre- ones. The soapmaker ’s choice of the cor-
vailing in soap plants, there is usually rect method must be based on the type
some chance that complete reaction will of soap to be made, the capital or equip-
not take place. Any silicate more sili- ment available, the kind of stock, the
ceous than Na20:2Si02 (t^O” Brand) cost of recovery, the market for glycerin,
will reduce the free alkali in the soap, etc.
but causticized silicate which has not
Silicates in Boiled
fully reacted, may introduce free alkali.
Free alkali might result in injury to the The following formula one which is
has been used for boiled laundry soap.
hands when packing the soap.
It may be modified when other stocks or
other proportions are used.
Essentially the manufacture of soap Tallow 400 lb.
consists in treating fats or oils with an Cottonseed Oil 120 lb.
alkali under such conditions that the The first treatment with weak lye is

called the killing change Melt the of soap to 100 pounds of silicate.
stock with gentle heat, then add approxi- Larger amounts can be used in bar soaps.
mately 25 gallons of 8° to 10° Banme However, as the proportion of silicate
caustic soda lye and heat to boiling. increases, more attention must be paid
Wlien the whole mass becomes homo- to details of temperature, moisture con-
geneous, add 28° caustic soda lye if open tent, and general practice. Differences in
steam is used or 8° lye if closed steam the stock used also affect the amount of
is used at such a rate that the mixture silicate which can be incorporated.
remains alkaline but not fast enough to In making cold-process and semi-boiled
make the soap grain. Continue until the soaps, a suitable amount of additional
soap becomes partially transparent and caustic is provided in the formulae for
maintains a sharp taste on continued boil- the batches and none needs be added to
ing, Then open with salt or brine and the silicate before using. If a more
allow to settle. Then draw off the lower alkaline silicate is used, there should be
aqueous layer from which the glycerin is a proportionate decrease in the amount
recovered. of caustic.
When rosin is added, the rosin change
comes next. Add at least sufficient 18° Silicates in Cold Process Soap
to 20° caustic soda lye to cover any In the cold process of soap making,
closed steam pipes. Boil until the soap instead of prolonged boiling of the fats
grains. Then gradually add the desired with weak lye, settling, reboiling, etc.,
amount of rosin and sufficient additional as already outlined, the whole process is
lye to keep the soap grained or
^ ‘
open ^ \ carried out in a cruteher, in a single
When all the rosin is in and saponified, operation and in a very short time. The
add brine to improve the separation and exact quantities of fats, strong lye and
then settle. other ingredients required are carefully
Next the soap from the ‘^killing weighed and measured out, and every-
change or if rosin is used from the thing that goes into the cruteher remains
rosin change, is treated to be sure all
in the soap. There is no spent lye to
the stock is saponified. This is the drain off and the glycerin is retained
^ strengthening change ’ ^ Add lye at in the soap. The equipment required for
13° to 14° Baume if closed steam is used the cold process is much less than for
or 20° to 22° if open steam. In the boiling, as no kettles are needed. It is
former case the lye should cover the hard to make a good, uniform soap by
steam pipes. Boil, adding fresh lye as the cold process. Unless the mixing is
required. A ^Ciead’’ or foam will rise very thorough, there will be spots con-
on the surface of the soap; continue taining excess alkali and others contain-
boiling until the foam disappears and ing excess fats and oils.
the soap settles to a smaller space in the Many formulae are in regular use, but
kettle. The soap should be in a pea the following have been successfully used
grain, and lye thrown up by the boiling for many years and may be taken as
should settle down quickly through it. illustrations of the process.
When the soap reaches this condition, it Formula No. 1
has taken up all the strength with which Tallow 75 lb.
it will combine. Add water and boil Gocoanut Oil 25 lb.
with open steam. The soap grains will Caustic Soda Lye (35.5° Be.
soften. Continue the dilution until the made of 76% Caustic) 75 lb.
soap is in large soft curds from which '^N^^ Silicate of Soda 125 lb.
the lye will separate on a paddle. Settle
over night and draw off the lye into a Soap 300 lb.
tank for future use. No. 2
The soap should now contain approxi- Tallow 75 lb.
mately 31% water. Melt it and run it Gocoanut Oil 25 lb.
into the crutehers at about 185° to 200° Caustic Soda Lye (35.5° B6.
E. While crutching, add the silicate, the made of 76% Caustic) 70 lb.
temperature of which should be between ‘^N^' Silicate of Soda 100 lb.
85° and 110° F. Crutch thoroughly and
drop into the frames at about 140° E. Soap 270 lb.
Usually the frames can be stripped after If the tallow contains connective tissue
about forty-eight hours and the soap cut or other impurities, it should be boiled
after another three days. on salt brine and allowed to settle in
The amount of silicate added to the order to remove them.
kettle soap varies. Acommon proportion Three weighing tanks are usually ar-
for the erutcher charge is 200 pounds ranged.

1. To supply tlie exact amount of of 8° to 10° Baum6 lye or of cocoanut

grease stock. oil. When the materials have combined
2. For the exact amount of lye. into a homegeneous mass, the soap is run
3. For the silicate. into a frame or frames. Further mixing
The whole amount of grease stock is here may be necessary to prevent the
first run into the crutcher. Its tempera- formation of streaks. It is desirable to
ture should be about 145° to 150° F. in reduce the temperature until the mixture
cold weather and 125° to 130° F. in will just discharge from crutchers with-
summer. The crutcher is started and out sticking. This will prevent separa-
then the whole amount of the lye is tion in the frames.
quickly run into the grease. This should Care is necessary to prevent erutching
not take over two minutes. The mixture too much air into the soap in the semi
is crutched rapidly until it begins to boiled process. The movement should be
thicken. At this time considerable heat slow. In the center-well type of crutcher,
is liberated by the reaction between the the tube should be covered with the soap
stock and the caustic. The silicate is batch to avoid trapping air in the soap
added quickly while the crutcher is run- thrown out by the screw.
ning. At first the mixture becomes thin- Some soapmakers prefer to use some
ner, but the crutching is continued and carbonate in their formulae. In semi-
in a few minutes the whole mass will boiled soap the addition of pearl ash
gradually turn creamy. The whole proc- (potassium carbonate), for example, 30
ess is a quick one, taking from ten to lb. of 32° Baume lye in the above for-
fifteen minutes. As soon as the soap mula, will make the soap more fluid and
is thick enough for a mark made on it easier to work, due to the formation of
to remain, it is quickly dropped into a some potassium soaps. It would be
frame and the frame moved immediately preferable to replace part of the caustic
to the spot where it is to stand to cool. soda with caustic potash to obtain this
The formation of the soap goes on to result. Soaps in which sodium carbonate
some extent in the frame while standing, (soda ash, etc.) is used are more likely
and it is particularly important that the to effloresce or ^ ^ bloom ’h Since sodium
frame should not be moved or shaken carbonate crystallizes with large amounts
until the soap is cold. of water at temperatures below 95° F.,
it will set the cake in the frame more
Semi-Boiled Process rapidly. On the other hand, it has a
The semi-boiled method is similar to salting-out tendency. In general, the
the cold process except that a longer disadvantages of adding carbonates out-
period at a high temperature is provided. weigh the advantages, particularly in
A more uniform soap results with less boiled soaps.
chance of incomplete saponification. No
kettle is needed but the crutcher must Variations in Soap Stock
be steam jacketed. There perhaps are
more variations in the details of the The choice of fats and oils depends
on the type of soap to be produced, the
process than in the others. The follow-
stocks available and the relative prices.
ing formula illustrates the general prin-
When other stocks are used, their saponi-
fication numbers and behavior with lyes
Tallow 315 lb. of different strengths must be considered.
Cocoanut Oil 55 lb. The effect on the hardness and resistance
Caustic Soda Lye (35° BA) 280 lb. to washing away will be influenced. For
Silicate of Soda 185 lb. example, in the cold process formulae
The stock is warmed to 140° F. and given above cottonseed oil can be sub-
the lye and the silicate added, as de- stituted for part of the tallow. The re-
scribed in the cold process. Some soap- sulting soap will take longer to harden
makers prefer to mix the silicate with during the process, and the final product
the lye and add them together. As soon will be softer. Packing house grease
as the silicate or the silicate and lye is may be used in place of cottonseed oil.
thoroughly mixed with the stock, the The amount of tallow which can be re-
crutcher is stopped and the mixture al- placed will depend on the hardness of
lowed to stand for one to one and a half the tallow itself and the titre of the fatty
hours. The temperature should then be acids from the oil or grease. IJp to 50
about 180° F. Steam is used to bring per cent of hard tallow can be replaced.
up the temperature if necessaiy. The In the manufacture of boiled soap the
crutcher is next started slowly. After melting point of the soap, which is di-
ten or fifteen minutes, the alkalinity of rectly proportional to the titre of the
the soap can be adjusted by the addition fatty acids, will control the temperatures

in the Crutcher. Thus, if cocoauut oil The causticity is ^ ^ reduced ^ by the ’

were substituted for cottonseed in the use of about 25 kg. potassium carbonate
boiled soap formula above, the tempera- per 100 kg. of caustic potash.
tures would be lower than those given.
The solubility of the soap in water Patty Stock for Yellow Soft Soaps
will affect the conditions of saponifica- For Summer
tion and separation. The substitution of Pormula No. 1
eocoanut oil for cottonseed as mentioned Cottonseed Oil 600 kg.
in the preceding paragraph would also Tallow 300 kg.
make it desirable to use salt in place Palm Oil, Crude 100 kg.
of brine in the salting-out operation.
With extremely soluble soaps, such as No. 2
Cottonseed Oil 600 kg.
those made from linseed oil, special pro-
cedures are necessary to avoid the loss
Neck Pat 300 kg.
of too much soap in the lye.
Palm Oil, Crude 100 kg.
Pa, tty acids may be used in place of For Winter
fats or oils. In making boiled soap from No. 3
fatty acids, there is no separation of Cottonseed Oil 500 kg.
glycerin, as the glycerin has already Peanut Oil 200 kg.
been removed. But otherwise, the process Tallow 200 kg.
A similar to that already described. Palm Oil, Crude 100 kg.
8oda ash may be used instead of caustic
No. 4
soda lye, though care must then be taken
Cottonseed Oil 600 kg.
cO guard against excessive foaming from
Peanut Oil 200 kg.
the carbon dioxide of the soda ash.
The ease of saponification is not de- Palm Kernel Oil 100 kg.
pendent on the melting point of the
Palm Oil, Crude 100 kg.

stock. Tallow is much more readily The caustic lye used is as for white
saponified than soya bean oil. Each soft soaps (see).
stock has different characteristics and, in
addition, of course, there are variations
Soft Soaps
between lots of the fats and oils. These
For Summer
facts simply emphasize the complexity
Pormula No. 1
of the subject.
Linseed Oil 1000 g.
Water 150 g.
White Soft Soaps Potash Lye
(Patty Stock Only) (25° Be.) about 850 g.
For Summer Soda Lye
Pormula No. 1 (25° Be.) about 350 g.
Cottonseed Oil, Pale 700 kg.
Tallow 300 kg. No, 2
No. 2 Maize, Bean, or
Cottonseed Oil, Pale 600 kg. Similar Oil 500 g.
Colza, Peanut, or
Pig Pat, Pale 300 kg.
Palm Bleached
Oil, 100 kg. Cottonseed Oil 500 g.
Rosin 50 g.
No. 3 Water 150 g.
Cottonseed Oil, Pale 900 kg. Potash Lye
Tallow 100 kg. (25° Be.) about 1000 g.
For Winter Soda Lye
No. 4 (25° B5.) about 240 g.
Cottonseed Oil, Pale 800 kg.
Pig Pat, Pale 200 kg. For Spring and Fall
No. 5 No, 3
700 kg. Linseed Oil 1000 g.
Cottonseed Oil, Pale
Tallow 200 kg. Water 150 g.

Palm Oil, Bleached 100 kg. Potash Lye

(25° Be.) about 950 g.
No. 6 Soda Lye
Cottonseed Oil, Pale 900 kg (25° B4) about 250 g.
Tallow 100 kg.
The caustic potash lye used for the For Winter
saponification (50° B6,) is partially re- No. 4
placed by caustic soda (10-30%) to Linseed Oil 1000 g.
harden the soap and give it pearliness. Water 150 g.

Potash Lye Eapid cooling of the liquid soap

(25° Be.) about 1150 g. (by means of mechanical devices such as
Soda Lye a cold-water cooling-frame) is essential
(25° B4.) about 50 g. for maximum transparency.
Important: The potash lye is a 50%
commercial lye (or a 50° Be. lye, from Transparent Milled Soap
solid potassium hydroxide), reduced’^ Formula No. 1
with 15 per cent potassium carbonate. Saponify 60 kg. of tallow, 12 kg. of
Then the alkali is diluted to a 25° Be. olive oil, 18 kg. of coconut oil and 10
strength. kg. of castor oil with 46 kg. of 32.5%
The ^^Soda Lye^^ is prepared corre- caustic soda. Eun the white soap at 90°
spondingly. on to cooled cylinders. Dry and mill the
transparent soap strips.

Transparent Soap Novelties No. 2

This transparent soap base has been Treat, as in No. 1, 60 kg. of tallow,
specially made to withstand shrinkage
12 kg. of olive oil, 10 kg. of castor oil,
8 kg. of coconut oil, 10 kg. of palm-
and to avoid the absorption of moisture

during the rainy season. The soap has kernel oil fatty acids, 2.5 kg. of glycerol.
the following composition: A transparent soap is obtained which,
with the addition of a small quantity of
Stearine 35 lb.
glycerol, is even clearer than that of
Castor Oil 25 lb.
No. 1.
Coconut Oil 40 lb.
Caustic Soda (37° B4) 50 lb. No. 3
Sugar Syrup (24° Be.) 50 lb. Treat 68 kg. of tallow fatty acids, 20
Glycerin 30 lb. kg. of palm-kernel oil fatty acids, and
Alcohol 50 lb. 12 kg. of castor oil fatty acids with
Spirit- Soluble Color caustic soda lye containing 16 kg. of
(If Required) to suit 75% sugar solution.
Perfume to suit
Saponification is accomplished with Transparent Soft Soap
caustic soda. The stearine, oil, etc., are For Summer
warmed and remove suspended
filtered to Formula No. 1
impurities. The caustic soda solution is a. Soybean Oil 800 kg.
mixed with 15 parts of alcohol and added Train Oil, Brown, Clear 200 kg.
to the melted oil stock at intervals at a h. Caustic Potash
temperature between 60° C. and 70° C. (50° Be.) 410 kg.
The vessel is kept on a water-bath, where Soda Ash 80 kg.
the desired temperature may be main- Potassium Chloride
e. 20 kg.
tained during, the operation. In order Water about 600 kg.
to prevent evaporation of alcohol and d. Bleaching Lye (10~12°
other volatile materials, the vessel must Be.) (not Hypo-
have a lid that fits tightly —
^it being a chlorite Solution)
300 kg.
useful precaution in most cases to wrap
If using sodium hypochlorite solution,
a wet rag tightly round the lid, to stop
as bleaching lye, no soda ash, but only
any further leakage. The following pre-
potash carbonate or potassium chloride
cautions should be taken, both during
(130-140 kg.) can be used.
saponification and after:
(1) Alcoholic caustic soda should be No. 2
used for rapid saponification. Linseed Oil 300 kg.
(2) The temperature of the hot soap Peanut Oil 500 kg.
should not exceed 80° C. to 85° C. after Pig Fat, Light 200 kg.
the whole of the rectified spirit has been Water 150 kg.
added. Caustic Soda (36° B5.) 50 kg.
(3) Two hours at least should be al- '

lowed :^r saponification. , No. 3

(4) The sugar solution and glycerin Soy Bean Oil 600 kg.
should be added hot, after saponifica- Cottonseed Oil 250 kg.
tion. Train Oil 150 kg.
(5) Color, if added, should be dis- Water 150 kg.'
solved in some of the alcohol and must Caustic Soda (25° Be.) 75 kg.
be clearly soluble in the latter, leaving The soaps containing train can be oil
no residue. The color solution w-wst be freed of the unpleasant odor by a chlor-
filtered before use. ine bleaching.

For Winter *Metliyl Cellulose Solution for IJse as

(Only Soap Bases) Soap Filler
a. Water 200 kg.
No. 4 Caustic Lyef (38--39® B6.) 40 kg.
Peanut Oil 500 kg. h. Methyl Cellulose 40 kg.
300 <J. Vater, to make 1000 kg.
Bean Oil kg.
To the boiling a, h is added •with stirring.
Rosin 150 kg. Let stand and swell for about hour. Stir in
Rape Oil 40 kg. c, cold. Let stand over night, stir up again,
Palm Oil 10 kg. t Soda for hard soaps, potash for soft soaps.
Water 150 kg. Methyl Cellulose Transparent Soap
No. 5 a, Patty Acid 1000 kg.
Bean Oil 800 kg. Potassium Hydroxide/
Cottonseed Oil 100 kg. about 370 kg.
Train Oil 50 kg. h. Potassium Chloride
Pig Fat 50 kg. (20° Be.) 54 kg.
Water 150 kg. Potash Carbonate
(36° Be.) 53 kg.
d. Methyl Cellulose
^^Elaidine^’ Soaps Solution (as in pre-
For Bummer ceding formula) 600 kg.
Formula No. 1 Sodium 100 kg.
d. Silicate (50%)
Linseed Oil 300 kg. e. Potassium Hydroxide
Cottonseed Oil 160 kg. 38° Be.) 53 kg.
Pig Fat, Light 160 kg. Method as given above. Sodium sili-
Palm Oil 30 kg. cate and methyl cellulose solutions are
Tallow 350 added alternatively.
No. 2 Soap resulting should have 30% fatty
Soy Bean Oil 450 kg. acids.
Beef Pat 200 kg.
Palm Oil, Crude 20 kg. Soap-Stocks for Pearly Soft Soaps
Tallow 330 kg. For Bummer
Formula No. 1
For Winter Tallow 1000 lb.
No. 3 Mutton Tallow 500 lb.
Bean Oil 500 kg. Light Bone Pat 500 lb.
Train Oil 150 kg. No. 2
Tallow 350 kg. Cotton Seed Oil 400 lb.

No. 4 Mutton Tallow 300 lb.

Bean Oil 300 kg. Palm Kernel Oil 100 lb.

Linseed Oil 200 kg. Light Pork Pat 300 lb.

Cottonseed Oil 100 kg. No. 3

Bone Pat 40 kg. Mutton Tallow 500 lb.
Tallow 360 kg. Light Pork Pat 500 lb.
No. 4
Tallow 200 lb.
Methyl Cellulose Soft Soap Hard Pat 300 lb.
a. Patty Acids 1000 kg. Light Bone Pat 200 lb.
Potassium Hydroxide Light Pork Fat 300 lb.
(50° B6.) 370 kg. For Winter
Sodium Carbonate 42 kg. No. 5
Sodium Hydroxide 24 kg. Cotton Seed Oil 600 lb.
h. Potassium Chloride Peanut Oil 200 lb.
(20° BA) 50 kg. Pork Pat 200 lb.
Potassium Carbonate No. 6
(36° Be.) 25 kg. Cotton Seed Oil 500 lb.
0, Methyl Cellulose Soy Bean Oil, Bleached 200 lb.
Solution* 500 kg. Tallow 300 lb.
d. Sodium Hydroxide No. 7
(38° Be.) 25 kg. Cotton Seed Oil 600 lb.
Train Oil 150 lb.
Make n in the usual fashion, adjust Palm Kernel Oil 100 lb.
to 40% fatty acids, and treat with bleach Tallow 150 lb.
lye. Add and to this, in alternutive No. 8
small portions c and d. Soy Bean Oil, Bleached 500 lb.
The soap resulting should have 32 to Neat^s Foot Oil 250 lb.
.33% fatty acids. Pork Pat 250 lb.

Ho. 9 Heat a in the first kettle, and melt "b

Cotton Seed Oil 300 lb. in the hot oil. Strain.

Linseed Oil 100 lb. Heat c separately in
a second kettle
Tallow 150 lb. to a boil, and crutch it into the rosin-fat
Pork Fat 250 lb. mixture in the other kettle. Caution is
Soy Bean Oil 200 lb. necessary lest the soap boil over. When
Ho. 10 the rising is over, the soap is finished,
Soy Bean Oil, Bleached 300 lb.
and should be solid when cooled (sample).
Pork Fat 200 lb.
If not solid enough, the soap can be
Peanut Oil 200 lb.
hardened by the addition of a soda ash
Palm Kernel Oil 100 lb. solution (35° Be.).
Tallow 200
lb. Ho. 2
The pure tallow soaps are usually made a. Rosin, Bark 250 kg.
with potassium hydroxide. The other Palm Kernel Oil 180 kg.
soaps, which are filled with starch, etc., Woolfat 70 kg.
are made from sodium hydroxide, using b. Waterglass 50 kg.
it together with a high amount of potas- Caustic Soda (39° Be.) 238 kg.
sium carbonate solution. Water 30 kg.
Ho. 3
Soft Soap a. Palm Kernel Oil 525 kg.
Cottonseed Oil 430 Palm Oil 225 kg.
Bekanormal Solution of Rosin 150 kg.
Potassium Hydroxide 100 ce. b. Caustic Soda (30° B6.) 1000 kg.
Bekanormal Solution of Waterglass 375 kg.
Sodium Hydroxide 50 cc. Water 100 kg
Water, a sufficient quantity Ho. 4
To make 1000 a. Palm Kernel Oil 110 kg.
Mix the dekanormal solutions with the Rosin 30 kg.
oil. Stir occasionally during the three Palm
Oil 10 kg.
hours, then set aside for twenty-four b. Caustic Soda (24° B4.) 132 kg.
hours. Add warm water enough to make Water if desired
the product weight 1000 g. c. Salt Water (20° B4.) 180 kg.
Potassium Carbonate
(20° Bd.) 160 kg.
Transparent Rosin Soap
a. Palm Kernel Oil 750 kg. Melt add the hot b with good
Palm Oil, Lagos 250 kg. and thorough agitation. When the soap
Rosin, Pale 100 kg. has a satisfactory consistency, run in c
h. Water glass about 100 kg. and crutch tho whole thoroughly. Sam-
c. Caustic Soda ples should now be sol “ and dry on cool-
(30° Be.) as required ing. Let stand in the covered kettle, and
Melt a slowly, strain. mold at 65° C.

Heat the correct amount of o and add

to a in little portions, with good agita- Rosin Soaps with Silicate Filler
tion. When three quarters is added, the Formula Ho. 1
soap will remain stable. The remaining a. Palm Kernel Oil 103 kg.
caustic is added and mixed in thoroughly. Palm Oil, Red 2 kg.
Add the hot h which perhaps has to be Rosin 120 kg.
brought to the correct strength, according b. Soap-Stone, Very Finely
to the alkalinity of the soap sample. Powdered 20 kg.
Harden with a little salt solution. Pour c. Caustic Soda (38° B4.) 105 kg.
at low temperature after thorough mix- Sodium Silicate 75 kg.
ing. In the first kettle, the mixture a is
Cool quickly in shallow molds. melted and well mixed, strained hot, and
returned into the hot kettle, which should
Rosin Soft Soaps be spacious enough to take in the hot
Formula Ho. 1 —
alkali c cheated to 60”70° C,—which has
«. Palm Kernel or Coconut been prepared by evaporating it down in
Oil 216 kg. a second kettle to 40-42° Be. concentra-
Palm Oil '80 kg. tion.
b. Rosin 60 kg. Before adding o, b is mixed with a in
o. Caustic Soda (30° Bd.) 400 kg. the first kettle. "TOen o is added to the
Waterglass X50 kg. first kettle, vigorous agitation is neces-
"Watei 40 kg. sary, and precautions should be taken to

spray cold water on the soap if it threat- Palm Oil, Crude 3 g.

ens to boil over. Sodium Silicate 25 g.
When heavy enough, pour into molds. Caustic Soda (40° Be.) 50 g.
Cut quickly, because the soap hardens Preparation (m the ^ ‘ half -hot’ ^ way):
very much when cold. Add the waterglass to the caustic soda
No. 2 which has been calculated for the saponi-
a. Bosin 250 kg. fication of the fats. Heat to 80-85° C,
Palm Kernel Oil 180 kg. To this add the fat mixture with con-
Woolfat 70 kg. tinuous stirring. The fats should be at
b. Caustic Soda (39° Be.) 238 kg. the lowest temperature possible.
Sodium Waterglass 50 kg. Keep covered for hour.
Water 20-30 kg.
No. 3
Mottled Soap
a, Bosin 150 kg.
Formula No. 1
Palm Kernel Oil 110 kg.
Palm Kernel Oil 400 kg.
Tallow 20 kg.
Caustic Soda (20° B5.) 480 kg.
Palm Oil, Bed 20 kg.
Potassium Carbonate
h. Caustic Soda (36° B4.) 152 kg.
(30° Bk) 175 kg.
Potassium Carbonate Salt Water (24° B5.) 350 kg.
(30° B6.) 15 kg.
Color with:
Waterglass 10 kg.
Frankfurt Black 200 g.
No. 4 Ultramarine Blue 800 g.
a, Bosin 60 kg. Sodium Silicate Solution 8000 g.
Palm Kernel Oil 60 kg. Potassium Carbonate
h. Caustic Soda (39° Be.) 57 kg. (20° Bd.) 4000 go
c. Soap Yellow 35 g.
Water, Boiling 3 kg. No. 2
d. Waterglass to suit Palm Kernel Oil 50 kg.
Caustic Soda (20° Be.) 60 kg.
The procedure for Formulas 2, 3, 4
Potassium Carbonate
corresponds to that of No. 1, except (30° Be.) 50 kg.
that the waterglass, at 80° 0., is added Salt Water (25° Be.) 70 kg.
directly to the unsaponified rosin-fat be- Color:
fore adding the caustics. As in No. 1.
Fillers for Hard Soaps No. 3

Formula No. 1
Palm Kernel Oil 50 kg.
Caustic Soda (20° Be.) 59 kg.
Water 192 g.
Potassium Carbonate
Salt 22 g.
(30° BL) o
Potassium Carbonate 17 g.
Salt Water (24° B4.) o
Sugar 24 g.
Borax 3 g.
Waterglass 2.5 kg.
No. 2 Water 1.5 kg.
Water 800 g. Caustic Soda (20° B4,) 1.25 kg.
Sugar 200 g. Black or Blue Colors 100 kg.
Potassium Carbonate 100 g.
Salt 100 g. The formation of the mottled soap is,

Caustic Soda (38-40° B4.; in the main, due to the tendency of the
used in dilution to 20- silicate to lump, as a result of lack of
24° Be.) 40 alkali, because of the difference in specific
gravity, and also because of the presence
d CO
of the salt.
Sugar 30 g.
Procedure: Saponify regularly with so-
Potassium Carbonate 25 g.
dium hydroxide and potassium carbonate,
Salt 20 g.
crutch in the salt solution. Allow to
Water 160 g.
clear. Skim off foam. Crutch in the
Dissolve hot at 60-70° C. Cool and color solution at 75-80° C.
thin the cold solution to 24° B^. with If the soap is white with large blue
cold water. flames some caustic is lacking, and
the mottles will settle out.
Filled Hard Soap If a sample is blue throughout, there
Palm Kernel Oil or is too much alkali in the soap.
Fatty Acid 70 g. Cooled sample should show a very
Soft Pat 27 g. slightly dyed white, that is, should have

a shade of blue. This soap will remain stirring and adding a preheated caustic
mottled. soda solution, obtained by dissolving
38.65 parts of flake caustic soda in 4C
Bile Soaps
parts of water and having a temperature
of 90° to 92° C., discontinuing the stir-
Formula No. 1
100 kg. ring upon the thickening of the emulsion
Coconut Oil
Sodium Hydroxide and causing the spontaneous reaction to
(38° Be.) 50 kg. proceed with the simultaneous generation
Ox 3 kg. of heat until substantially complete, the
Bile (Evaporated)
generated heat bringing the soap mixture
The be added as a solution
bile is to
to about 120° C. and the hot mixture
in a little hot water, as soon as the lye
being intermittently stirred to control
and the oil are forming an emulsion. the reaction, again stirring the mixture
No. 2 after the exothermic reaction has sub-
Coconut Oil 50 kg. sided and adding to the hot soap mix-
Palm Kernel Oil 50 kg. ture a preheated alkaline aqueous solu-
Sodium Hydroxide tion of silicate, said solution of silicate
(38° BA) 50 kg. being obtained by mixing together 8
SoAlum Silicate 4 kg. parts of water, 5 parts of silicate and 1
Bile (Evaporated) 5 kg. part of a caustic soda solution of the
6 CO
strength employed for saponification and
Coconut Oil 100 kg. heating the silicate mixture to 90° 0.,
Sodium Hydroxide the said silicate solution being gradually
(38° Be.) 50 kg. added and the stirring being continued
Bile (Evaporated) 2 kg. until the soap mixture has the desired
Ammonia 4 kg. alkalinity, and recovering the soap so
Turpentine 2 kg. produced.
No. 4
Coconut Oil 50 kg. Acid Soap
Palm Kernel Oil 50 kg. French Patent 752,879
Sodium Hydroxide Peanut Oil Patty Acid 40 kg.
(38° Be.) 50 kg. Coconut Oil Fatty Acid 15 kg.
Sodium Taurocholate 0.5 kg. Palm Oil Fatty Acid 15 kg.
Green Bye
Brilliant ) Soy Bean Oil, Snlphonated 30 kg.
to suit
Eosemary or Spike Oil j
Sodium Carbonate,
No. 5 Anhydrous 9 kg.
Coconut Oil Patty Acid 50 kg. Mix the oils and the carbonate to gel
Caustic Soda (38° Be.) 30.5 kg. a homogeneous mixture.
Ox Bile Concentrate* 10 kg.
Filler 28 kg. Soaps Containing Chlorinated
* Made hy evaporating 63 kg. of fresh ox Hydrocarbons
bile and adding 6.5% of ethyl acetate at 80'
0. Take off foam. German Patent 639,733
Formula No. 1
a. Soft Soap 250 lb.
Gnillaya Bark Soap b. Glycol Monobutyl Ether 40 lb.
Coconut Oil Fatty Acid 50 kg. c. Carbon Tetrachloride 200 lb.
! Caustic Soda (38° BA) 30.5 kg. Mix a and h hot, cool to moderate tem-
Filler 31.5 kg. perature and stir in c. This soap does
Guillaya Bark 1.5 kg. not separate when dissolved in water.
OxBile 5 kg. No. 2
a. Hard Soap 50 lb.
Controlled Alkalinity Soap Soft Soap 200 lb.
U. S. Patent 2,087,267 5. Glycol Monomethyl
In the manufacture of soaps having Ether 40 lb.
a controlled alkalinity by cold processing c. Carbon Tetrachloride 200 lb.
and producing a pink color when mois- Mix a thoroughly (hot), add b, and
tened with phenolphthalein solution, the add in c with good mixing thereafter
improvement comprises mixing together A stiff gel. Clearly water-soluble.
200 parts of beef tallow and 50 parts of No.,,
coconut oil, heating the mixture to be- Sodium Soap, Hnseparated 250 lb.
tween 50® and 52® C., stirring the hot Glycol Monoethyl Ether 40 lb.
mixture and adding 1.2 parts of hydro- Carbon Tetrachloride 200 lb.
gen peroxide solution, continuing the A stiff paste, clearly soluble in water.

Half’Boiled Soap Containing Glycerin Starch

Coconut Oil' 80 g. Caustic Soda (93° Tw.°)
Tallow 40 g. Soda (140° Tw.°)
Silicate of
Caustic Soda (38° B6.) 60 g. Water may be added up to
pienol 3 g.
The mixing process is carried out in
The fat and lye are agitated together the same manner as for the toilet variety
at 35° 0. until reaction is complete. and when the soap is properly formed,
The phenol, dissolved in a little water, the silicate, mixed with the water (if
is then introduced. The soap may be any) is added and well mixed in just
perfumed with a small amount of clove, prior to removing the mass from the
lavender, or rosemary. The soap wrap- mixer. After maturing it is milled and
pings should be air-tight. plodded in the usual way.

Saponified Starch Soap

Salt Water Soap
A little-known form of soap that finds
Coconut Oil 282 lb.
its uses in the cheaper market is the
Caustic Soda (30° Be.) 282 lb.
saponified starch soap which may be
Caustic Potash (30° Be.) 85 lb.
made either for toilet or household use. Sodium Silicate 281 lb.
The ingredients are undried milling Water 70 lb.
soap base, coconut oil fatty acids, maize
starch and caustic soda of 93® Tw.
The 62-63 per cent fatty acid milling Sea Water Soap
base is framed or put through the cooler Formula No. 1
in the usual manner and cut into bars; Coconut Oil or Fatty Acid 25 lb.
then it is chipped as though it were Castor Oil Fatty Acid 3 lb.
going to the drying room. Caustic Soda (38° B6.) 15 lb.
Twenty pounds of the chipped base is 'VT'ater 10 lb.
placed in a dough mixer with 44 lb. of Sodium Silicate (36° B6.) 25 lb.
the acid oil and 32 lb. of fine maize Potassium Carbonate
starch and the whole is thoroughly mixed (30° Bd.) 8 lb.
for fifteen minutes and kneaded to a stiff
paste. The strong caustic solution is now No. 2
added in a thin stream. The mass be- Coconut Oil 50 lb.

gins to thin out and become very hot. Caustic Soda (30° B6.) 60 lb.

Mixing is continued until there is no Waterglass (38° Be.) 20 lb.

longer a color reaction to phenolphthalein Turkey Red Oil 5 lb.

solution and all lumps have been dis-. Potash Solution (30° Bd.) 15 lb.

persed, the whole operation taking about

half an hour.
Oil (Fat) -Dissolving Soap
The soap is now properly formed and 1 kg.
Triethanolamine Oleate
may be removed from the mixer. It is Lacquer Benzine (White
then spread out on a clean wooden floor
Spirit) or Turpentine,
and left to mature for at least 24 hours
Acetone, Xylol 2 kg.
the longer the better, up to a week. 2-4 kg.
Potash Soap Solution
After maturation it is broken up into
small pieces and is ready to be milled
and plodded in the usual way of toilet Pure Vegetable Oil Soap
soaps, adding colors and perfumes as one (4000 lb, batch)
would do to ordinary milling base. The Cotton Seed Oil
natural color of the soap is somewhat Fatty Acids 800 lb.
creamy, so delicate shades are not at- F or G Wood Rosin 160 lb.
tainable. Soda Ash 128 lb.
If the neat soap is found to be too Caustic Soda 100 lb.
coarse, it may be mixed in all proportions Ultramarine Blue 6 lb.
with ordinary toilet millings but a
reasonably good soap results if high- Melt fatty acids, add the soda ash and
speed metal roller mills are used. heat until reaction subsides, now add the
The household variety is produced on lye in water at 33° B4, and continue
exactly the same principle throughout boiling until soap is clear solution, in-
but the ingredients are not quite the troducing water as needed, then add the
same. rosin and bring the volume up to 500
The charge is as follows: gal., stir in the ultramarine which has
Undried Milling Soap Base 15 lb. been previously well mixed with 2 gal
Acid Oil 30 lb. of warm water.

Quick, Lasting Lather Soap Casein Baste (To' Be Added to Soaps to

U. S. Patent 2,055,581 Make Them Smoother)
150 oz. of commereial triethanolamine o. Casein 16 lb.
are warmed slightly and mixed with 125 Water 59 lb,
oz. of benzoic acid. The heating and h. Borax 1,6 lb.
agitation is continued until the acid dis- Water 8 lb.
solves in the triethanolamine to a pale Preservative
yellow semi-liquid mass which solidifies Mix a in the cold and let . soak over
on cooling. night.
This compound, namely the benzoic Take up h to a boil, and add into a
acid salts of the alkylolamines which is with stirring. Heat all together to 70®
more or less crystalline, is dissolved in C. on a waterbath for about 2 hours, un-
warm water or in warm glycerinated til* all is- dispersed smoothly.
water, that is water containing a small Add 5% to the (hard) soap.
percentage of glycerin. The compound
is then incorporated with soap in a pro-
Preventing Soap Discoloration
portion equal to about 20 times the
If the total salt content does not
weight of the alkylolamine salt, and the
amount to more than 54 per cent, a
compound may be added at any stage
smooth, firm, pliable soap is obtained.
during the manufacture of the soap.
With a higher salt content, the soap be-r
For instance, the agent can be added
comes flaky and shows a tendency to
during or soon after the boiling process
crack. If a soap, for example, contains
or it can be crutched-in or it can be
0.4 per cent to 5 per cent salt and is to
mixed with the soap chips or jflakes dnr-
be treated with 0.2 per cent sodium thio-
ing milling operations, or, again, it can
sulphate, it is necessary to increase the
be added to the perfume with wMch the
pliability. This is best done by knead-
soap is to be scented.
ing -into the dry soap, before milling, 0.7
Another example is the following: 205
per cent of the following mixture
oz. of potassium hydrogen phthalate are
mixed with 150 oz. of triethanolamine Beeswax 300, anhydrous lanolin 400,
liquid paraffin 390, water 300, borax 17,
with the aid of heat if necessary until
sodium thiosulphate 690, water 200.
combination results.
Melt together the wax, lanolin and
paraffin oil; then dissolve the borax in
Incorporating Borax into Toilet Soap 300 parts of water and pour this solu-
To a suitable soap base (such as the tion in a thin jet into the hot mass of
shaving soap type), the glycerin is added molten fats at a temperature of about
as follows:
95® C. Boil for a few minutes longer,
then set aside and let cool to 50® G.,
Borax Z kg. stirring frequently. Pour the hot solu-
Glycerin 6 kg. tion of sodium thiosulphate in 200 g. of
Water 4 kg.
water into the fat-borax emulsion in a
Superfatting Agent 5 kg. thin jet and stir until smooth. In some
This emulsion paste (which is obtained cases, for example, when using an un-
when adding the superfatting agent to usually large quantity of perfume, it is
the borax solution) can be incorporated advisable to add 1 per cent of the follow-
into the soap base. ing:
Beeswax 200, anhydrons lanoRa 600,
liquid paraffin 390, water 200, borax
Anti-Eancidity Composition for Soaps
17, sodium thiosulphate 690, water 200,
a. White Beeswax 300 g. sodium silicate 450, granulated sugar
Lanolin 400 g. 253.
Mineral Oil, White 390 g. The use of sodium thiosulphate pre-
b. Water 300 g. vents cracking as well as the formation
Borax 17 g. of metallic sulphides, which are formed
0. Sodium Thiosulphate 690 g. under certain conditions—-for example, in
Water 200 g.
iron frames-yand which cause decompo-
Melt a to about 90® C., and add to it sition and discoloration.
boiling h —
cautiously, to prevent boiling
over. Keep boiling for a couple of min- Liquid Soap
utes, take off and let stand with occa- Formula No. 1
sional stirring, c is now dissolved by Coconut Oil 12 lb.
boiling and added to the emulsion in a Sesame, Sunflower, Light
thin jet with good agitation. Soya Bean, Olive, or
2% of this is added to the soap chips. Sulphur Olive OiJ 4 Ih

Caustic Potasli Potassium Carbonate 3 kg.

(50° B6.) about 7.8 lb. Caustic Potash (50° B^.) 31.8 kg.
Potassium CMoride 0.2 lb. Water, Distilled 304.8 kg.
Water, Distilled 70 lb. No. 4
Glycerin, or Alcohol 6 lb. Coconut Oil Patty Acid 45 kg.
Keep the iinished soap for 1-2 weeks Oleic Acid, White 20 kg.
at the lowest possible temperature, and Potassiuni Carbonate
filter at this same temperature. or Chloride 3.5 kg.
Caustic Potash (50° Be.) 33 kg.
Ko. 2
Water, Distilled 332.5 kg-
Coconut Oil 16 lb.
Caustic Potash 4 ^ lb. In all these soaps, the saponification
JPine Oil 14 lb. has to be brought about by adding the
Sodium Kaphthenate 5 lb. —
fatty acids to the hot lye with very
Water 60% lb. thorough mixing and in small portions,
since the reaction is quite violent and the
ISTo. 3
soap will rise high in the kettle. Finally
Coconut Oil 21.0 lb.
put in the filler, to bring the soap down.
Caustic Potash (50%) 9.5 lb.
Sugar 12.0 lb.
Borax 2.0 lb. Transparent Soap
Water 55.5 lb. (Without Glycerin)
Ko. 4 Coconut Oil Patty
Acid, Light 20 kg.
Soya Bean Oil 8.0 lb.
Caustic Potash
Tallow Patty Acid, Light 18 kg.
(50%) 4.6 lb.
Sugar 8.0 lb. Castor Oil Patty
Glycerin 6.0 lb. Acid, Light 12 kg.
Potassium Carbonate 2.0 lb. Caustic Soda
Water 71.4 lb. (38° B4.) about 26 kg.
Sugar 10 kg.
No. 5
Alcohol 25 kg.
Coconut Oil 6.0 lb.
Water 15 kg.
Soya Bean Oil 12.0 lb.
Caustic Potash (50%) 9.6 The sugar should be added to the fin-
Glycerin 12.0
lb. ished soap. —If the use of glycerin is
Water 60.2 lb. possible, it is recommended
to take
Lavender Oil 0.1 lb. Glycerin 10 kg.
Linalyl Acetate 0.1 lb. substituting it for the alcohol or the
water, or for parts of both water and
In the formulas 3-5 saponify by add- alcohol.
ing the caustic alkali slowly to the oil
which has been heated to 70° C. by an
open steam coil. Near the end of the Vegetable Oil Liquid Soap
saponification, water should be added to
Coconut Oil 600 lb.
prevent foaming.
Soya Bean Oil 300 lb.
After the saponification add the other Caustic Potash 211 lb.
ingredients, such as sugar, glycerin, etc., Melt fats together, add the lye at 33°
and finally the bulk of the water. Cool, B4.; heat with caution to control the
and add perfumes and dye. saponification. Add water slowly on
completion to bring volume to 620 gaL
Age, filter or decant.
Patty Acid Liquid Soaps
Formula No. 1
Coconut Oil Liquid Soap
Coconut Oil Patty Acid 100 ig.
Coconut Oil 100 lb.
Caustic Potash (50° B4.) 55.3 kg.
Caustic Potash 25.5 lb.
Water, Distilled 509,7 kg.
Water, to make 73.5 gal.
No. 2
Coconut Oil Patty Acid 30 kg. Liquid Soap Base
Castor OiLPatty Acid 15 kg. Coconut Oil 100 lb.
Potassium Carbonate 2.£ kg. Linseed Oil 100 lb.
"5 kg.
Sugar Caustic Potash 44.8 lb.
Caustic Potash (50° B4.) 22.3 kg.s
Water 168 lb.
'Water, Distilled 224.4 kg.1

No. 3 ;
Green Soap (65%)
Coconut Oil Patty Acid 50 kg. Soya Bean Oil 350 lb.
Boya Beaa Oil Patty Acid 10 kg. Com Oil Patty Acids
350 Ik


Soap Stock Base 75 lb. Citronellal 250 g.

Caustic Potash 132.6 lb. Spike Lavender Oil 140 g.
Water, to make 1350 lb. Rosemary Oil 100 g.
Peppermint Oil 80 g.
Liquid Soap for Dispensers Lavender Oil ^
Coconut Gil 16 oz. Sandal Wood Oil, Australian 80 g.
Caustic Potash oz. Methyl Acetate 50 g.
Pine Oil 14 oz. Vetivert Oil, Bourbon 45 g.
Sodium Naphtlienate 5 oz. Tonkarol 40 g.
Water 60^ oz.

Mechanics Soap
Pine Oil Jelly Soap Formula No. 1
a. Red Oil 96 oz. Silica 175 lb.
Caustic Soda 13 oz. Fine Sand 240 lb.
Water 640 oz. Pure Vegetable Oil Soap 135 lb.
h. Pine Oil 23 oz. Water 10 gal.
’ ’
‘ 11 oz.
No. 2
Mix a until uniform and then stir h Sand 525 lb.
into it. Soap 160 lb.
Water to secure desired consistency.
Stilf Soap Gels No. 3
German Patent 639,583 A popular grit soap in which the grit
Formula No. 1 is 200-mesh feldspar, is as follows:
a. Linseed Oil 240 g. Soap 8 lb.
Monoethyl Ether of Feldspar 92 lb.
Polyethylene Glycol 100 g.
h. Caustic Potash 54
The hot soap solution is put into a dough
mixer, and the requisite amount of feld-
Water 81 g.
Carbon Tetrachloride spar added. These are mixed until a stiff
e. 180 g.
dough is produced. It is sometimes
Mix saponify hot with h. Add o
necessary to blow open steam directly
with thorough stirring. The product is into the mixer so as to plasticize the mix
a very heavy gel. without the use of an excessive amount
No. 2 of water: The soap is then dropped into
Ethyl Ether of frames. When cool it is cut into bars
Polyethylene Glycol 100 g. and racked off for a month or more to
Hard Soap 200 g. harden.
Product is a solid gel.
No. 4
No. 3 Moisture 0.68 lb.
o. Soft Soap 400 g. Soap 24.45 lb.
Polyethylene Glycol Soda Ash 0.32 lb.
Ethyl Ether 100 g. Mineral Grit 74.02 lb.
h, Tetrahydronaphthalene 150 g.
No. 5
Dissolve a in the hot. Add h to the Coconut Oil Fatty Acid 50 kg.
clear solution, to give a heavy gel. Caustic Soda (38® B§.) 30.5 kg.

No. 4 Fillers and Builders 13 kg.

o. Soft Soap 400 g. Pumice, Finely Powdered 25 kg.
Polyethylene Glycol
Ethyl Ether 100 g.
h. Toluol 150 g.
Pumice Soaps
Formula No. 1
Dissolve a hot, till clear, and add b to
Coconut Oil Fatty Acid 50 kg.
give a very hea'^^ gel.
Caustic Soda (38® Be.) 30.6 kg.

Sand, Finest 15 kg.

Soap, Palm and Olive Pumice Powder 10 kg.
Tallow, Best, Fresh 50 lb. Filler or Builder 13 kg.
Palm Oil, Bleached 30 lb.
10 lb.
No. 2
Coconut Oil, Cochin
Coconut Oil Fatty Acid 50 kg.
Sulphur-Olive Oil 10 lb.
Caustic Soda (38° Be.) 30.5 kg.

JPerfume for this soap (use lb. on Pumice Powder 20 kg.

100 lb. of soap) Filler 3 kg.
Citronal 400 g. Tetralin, Benzine and
Geranium Oil, Bourbon 400 g. Turpentine (1 :1 :2) 15 kg.


No. 3 Turpentine 1 g.
Coconut Oil Fatty Acid 50 kg. Petrolatum 1 g-
Caustic Soda (38® BA) 30.5 kg. Citronella Oil 3 g-
Sodium Silicate Solution 5 kg. No. 3
Pumice Powder 10 kg. a. Oleic Acid 11 kg.
Pine Oil 10 kg. Triethanolamine 5 kg.
Sand 5 kg. Mineral Oil 34 kg.
Filler 8 kg. Kerosene 50 kg.
b. Saw Dust 1 feg.
Sand Soap Pumice, Powdered 3 kg.
(Type Abrador^O Mix a till clear; stir in b to get a
Coconut or Palm Kernel paste.
Oil, Ceylon 50 kg.
Caustic Soda (38® Be.) 26 kg.
Waterless Hand Cleanser
Water 4 kg.
French Patent 653,584
Sand, Very Fine, or Pumice,
Water 3 1.
Finely Powdered, or Neu-
Tallow Soap 450 g.
burg Okalk 30 kg.
Agar-Agar, Alkalized 4- 5 g.
Ferfume Saw Dust up to 17%
Spike Oil 150 g.
Rosemary Oil 100 g.
Medicated Soaps
Caraway Oil 30 g.
Mostmedical works refer only to
Peppermint Oil g. 25 liquid and paste soaps, but medicated
•Tke perfume should be added to the solid soaps can be made just as well.
melted fats, since the soap gets heavy Precautions in the latter ease are to keep
too rapidly. the amount of free alkali low, limit the
F^e: Ultramarine Blue.
salt content to a maximum of 0.2 per
cent, and also keep the water content
Powdered Hand Soap down. Before crutching, the water con-
Soda Ash 5 lb. tent should be 10-11 per cent. If the
Powdered Soap (88%) 20 lb. soap should be drier than this and the
Pumicite 75 lb. ^dded material is of a hygroscopic na-
ture, the latter is best treated with an
Hand Cleansing Powder equal amount of water and allowed to
a. Saw Dust 40 kg. stand for a few hours before addition
Pumice, Finely to the soap. It is then mixed into the
Powdered 20 kg. soap and the whole allowed to stand cov-
h. Wool Fat 5 kg. ered overnight. The following is a gen-
Pine Oil 10 kg. eral formula:
c. Hard Soap, Powdered 10 kg. Caustic Soda 120 1b.
Sodium Carbonate 10 kg. Lard 50 lb.
Sodium Metaphosphate 5 kg. Olive on 40 1b.
The fine powder a is wetted with the Alcohol 12 lb.
solution b, and to this, the powders c are Sodium Chloride 25 lb.
added. Soda Ash 3 lb.
Mix thoroughly. Water 280 lb.
The lye is heated on a water bath and
the melted lard and olive oil mixed into
Hand Cleanser
it and heated with stirring for a half
Formula No. 1 hour. The alcohol is added and then 200
a. Soft Soap 40 lb.
parts of water in small portions with
Water 20 lb.
continued warming, until a homogeneous
Alcohol 20 lb.
mass is obtained. A sample portion of
b. Triethanolamine Oleate 8 lb.
this should give a completely clear solu-
Decalin or Heavy Benzine 12 lb. tion in hot distilled water. If this is
c. Saw Dust to make paste
the case, a filtered solution of the salt
Dissolve a, add b; mix—until homo- and soda in 80 parts of water is added
geneous and pasty—with c. '
and the heating continued until the soap
separated out. The cooled soap, sepa-

''No. 2 is
Austrian Patent 147,024 rated from the salt liquor, is washed
Potassium Soap 120 g. several times with water, pressed, cut into
Marble Dust 70 g. cakes and dried in a warm place.
Clycerin 3 g. Medicinal soap so prepared is tested

“by dissolving 1 gram in 10 cc. of alcohol. Tar Soap

It should not turn red on addition of Soap Base 100 kg.
phenolphthalein or form a precipitate on Anthrasol 5- 7 kg.
addition of hydrogen sulphide. The soap Tar- Sulphur Soap
is generally powdered before use. Vari- Anthrasol 5 kg.
ous combinations of fats can be used in Sulphur 5 kg.
place of those given for sapo medicatus, Fine Sand 20 kg.
based on the experience of the soap- Soap Base . 70 kg.
boiler. A soap paste used in making soap
Suitable additions for medicinal soap plastersand in other such products may
are as follows: be prepared from the following:
Thymol Soap Soybean or Linseed Oil 30 kg.
Thymol 1.5 kg. Caustic Potash (17® Be.) 40 kg.
Soap Base 48.5 kg. Alcohol 3 kg.
Tannin Soap
Tannin 2.5 kg.
Germicidal Soap
Soap Base 47.5 kg.
Sodium Silicate 3 g.
Camphor Soap Dry Sodium Abietate 15 g.
Camphor 2.5 kg. Sodium Hexametaphosphate 13 g.
Soap Base 47.5 kg. Soda Ash 15^ g.
Waphthol Soap Sodium Chloro-o-phenyl-
E-Naphthol 2.5 kg. phenolate 1 g.
Soap Base 47.5 kg. Use 1 of above per 100 ce. water
Formaldehyde Soap at 45® C. for best results.
Soap Base and 1% Formalin
Iodide Soap
Surgical Soap
Soap Base and 1% Potassium Iodide
Corn Oil 700 lb.
Menthol Soap Soap Stock Base 75 lb.
Menthol 1 kg. Caustic Potash 132,6 lb.
Soap Base 49 kg. Water, to make 1340 lb.
Naphthalene Soap
Naphthalene 4 kg.
Soap Base 46 kg. Medicinal Potash Soap
(For Dental Soaps)
One of the oldest medicaments is sul- Linseed Oil 43 g.
phur. The action of free sulphur is Caustic Potash
weakljr reducing and antiparasitic, so (50® BA) about 17 g.
that it Imds use in such skin ailments Alcohol 5 g.
as acne, seborrhea, etc. Although amor-
Heat the oil in a double boiler to about
phous and crystalline sulphur are used, 70® C. To it add the caustic potash
colloidal sulphur is more effective on
which has been thinned with some dis-
account of its greater surface area.
tilledwater and with the alcohol. There
Sulphur Soaps are two possibilities of further treat-
Formula No. 1 ment:
Colloidal Sulphur 5 kg. 1. Leave alone as soon as a good emul-
Soap Base 45 kg. sion is formed, until saponified.
No. 2 2. Speed up the saponification by blow-
8-Naphthol 2.5 kg. ing hot .steam into the mixture, stir.
Ichthyol 5 kg. Caution is necessary to prevent boiling
Soap Base 42.5 kg. over.
No. 3
Sulphur 3 kg. Medicinal Sodium Soap
Potassium Iodide 1 kg. (For Dental Soaps)
Soap Base 46 kg. Tallow, Best, Non- Acidic 7000 g.
Tar soaps are doubtless among the Caustic Soda (38° B4.) 3250 g.
more popular medicated soaps. Tar soap Caustic Potash (20® BA) 600 g.
may be a hard white soap, for whicn Melt the tallow, take up to 75° 0.,
anthrasol is mostly used. Anthrasol is a and stir in slowly the mixture of soda
light yellow oil obtained from pitch or and potash (35-40® C.). After hour %
coal tar. Tar soap may be combined of agitation let stand to finish saponifica-
with sulphur soap. tion. Stir up every hour.

Dental Soap Transparent Tooth Soap

Formula No. 1 English Patent 453,995
. Sodium Soap, as above 10,750 g. Cocoa Butter 20 kg.
1, Yellow Ochre 500 g. Glycerin 70 kg.
timber, Brown 125 g. Water 6.9 kg.
Calcium Carbonate, Thymol 0.5 kg.
Precipitated 1,500 g. Menthol 2.6 kg.
Water 2,000 g,
. Peppermint Oil 150 g. Carbolic (Phenol) Soap
Clove Oil 25 g. Formula No. 1
Coconut Oil 80 lb.
Make the soap a as given above. Add
Tallow 40 lb.
to it the suspension h, and perfume with
Caustic Soda (38® B6.) 60 lb.
c. Keep stirring all the time, making
homogeneous before each addition. Phenol 3 lb.
Stir the fat and the lye together at
No. 2 35® C. until the reaction is complete.
Glycerin, Hot ^
6 g.
Add the phenol (in a little water).
Magnesium Oxide 0.5 g.
Perfume : Glove, lavender, or rosemary.
Sodium Bicarbonate 4 g.
Medicinal Soap 30 No. 2
Peppermint Oil 1 g. Bone Fat 150 g.
Bosin 150 g.
Mix and sodium bi-
glycerin, magnesia,
Phenol 25 g.
carbonate thoroughly, and mix in the Caustic Soda (37° B6.) 150 g.
peppermint oil.
and add Bring the mixture of fat and rosin to
Heat up soap until liquid,
75® C., add the phenol and agitate. Add
the mixture of the other ingredients to it.
gradually to the lye, wanning until the
Mix thoroughly. Cool with agitation.
reaction is complete. Cool and cut into
No. 3 bars.
Soap Powder (60%) 250 g. No. 3
Calcium Carbonate 500 g. Bone Fat 150 lb.
Glycerin 50 g. Bosin 150 lb.
Alcohol (50%) 150 g. Phenol 25 lb.
Peppermint Oil 10 g. Caustic Soda Lye (37° B6.) 150
Tale 15 g. Bring the mixture of fat and rosin to
Water SO g. 75® C., add the phenol and agitate. Add
Make a solution of the soap powder in gradually to the lye, warming until the
the alcohol and perfume, warming as reaction is complete. Cool and cut into
little as possible. To this solution add bars of the usual size. The presence of
all the other ingredients with thorough phenol in this type of soap lends it a
mixing. rather refreshing odor, which masks the
undesirable odor of the cheap bone fat.
As to the actual antiseptic value of such
Liquid Dental Soap a soap, it must be admitted that soap
Olive Oil 70 g. chemists are aware of the fact that it
Caustic Potash is relatively small.
(38® Bd.) about 35 g A half -boiled soap containing glycerin
Alcohol 280 g can be made from the following for-
Glycerin 230 g mula;
Water 350 g Coconut Oil 80 lb.
Perfume 35 g. TaUow 40 lb.
Caustic Soda Lye- (38® B6.) 60 lb.
Saponify the oil with the caustic potash
Phenol 3 lb.
which is dissolved in about an equal
weight of the alcohol The fat and lye are agitated together
To the soap formed add the water and at 35® C. until reaction is complete. The.
the glycerin with good agitation, both phenol, dissolved in a little water, is then
introduced. The soap may be perfumed

being warmed up before the addition.

Let stand for some time in the kettle, with a small amount of clove, lavender,
to cool. or rosemary. The soap wrappings should
Add the rest of the alcohol and the be air-tight.
perfume with good agitation. Gresols can be used in place of phenols.
Let settle for days in smaller They have the advantages of being less ,

vessels. FUter, corrosive and somewhat less expensive^


Iodine Soap Dry Cleaning Soap

The antiseptic action of iodine is well Formula No. 1
known but this action is not very great Carbon Tetrachloride 10 oz.
when the iodine is in the form of its Cyclohexanol 10 oz.
derivatives. The most active form is in Sodium Naphthenate 10 oz.
solution in alcohol or potassium iodide. No. 2
Iodine can not be used in this form in Liquid Soap (15%) 40 lb.
soap as it is unstable. The best method Hydrocarbon Solvent 10 lb.
of introducing it into soap is in the form Turkey Bed Oil or
of a compound with an unsaturated acid Other Emulsiher 25 lb.
such as oleic acid. The procedure is to Alcohol (Methyl Glycol,
add 6 to 7 per cent of potassium iodide Ethanol, etc.) 25 lb.
dissolved in a small quantity of warm
No. S
water to the liquid soap, at the same OleicAcid
<3. 10 g.
time adding 0.5 per cent of sodium bi-
Trigamine 4 g.
h. Carbon Tetrachloride 17 g.
Solvent Naphtha 69 g.
Liquid Soap (Antiseptic) Heat a to about 50® C. Turn off the
CoconutX Oil 16 oz. heat and add h with high speed stirring.
Caustic Potash oz. This gives a very efficient soap which
Pine Oil 14 oz. does not build up on filters.
Sodium Naphthenate 5 oz.
No. 4
Biglycol Laurate 1 oz.
Oleic Acid 7 lb.
Water, to make 100 oz.
Hexalin 4 lb.
Caustic Potash 1% lb.
^'Formobor,'’ for Sterilizing Instruments Water 8% lb.
An aqueous solution containing 4 per No. 5
cent of formaldehyde, and 1.5 per cent H. S. Patent 2,070,908
of borax. Sodium Oleate 1.08 lb.
Trichlorethylene 1,47 lb.
Textile Scouring Soap Triethylene Glycol 7.00 lb.
Soft Soap 84 oz. 1 lb. of the above is used per 99 lb.

Hexalin 6 oz. trichlorethylene.

Tetralin 10 oz.
BugCleaners Soap
Formula No. 1
Textile Spot- Wash a. Oleic Acid 35 g.
(For removing oil spots picked up Trigamine 15 g.
in mill)
Water 125 g.
Castile Soap 10 lb.
h. Butyl Cellosolve 5 g.
Chloroform lb.
Ethylene Bichloride 13 g.
Ammonia (26° Bd.) 3 lb.
c. Biethylene Glycol 15 g.
Water, to make 300 lb.
Isopropyl Alcohol 20 g.
Mix a and add h with high speed agi-
Textile Soap tation. Add c slowly. Continue stirring.
French Patent 685,412 This gives a clear liquid which readily
Marseille Soap 200 g* emulsifies in water. It is an energetic
Tallow-Soap, Powdered 95 g- cleaner which does not affect color or
Soda Ash 20 g- harshen the fiber.
Borax 10 g* No. 2
Turpentine 25 g- Sodium Naphthenate 30 oz.
'Potassium Hydroxide 20 Trisodium Phosphate 65 oz.
Water 30 Triethanolamine 5 oz.
Use 40 pts. in 1000 pts. of water for
the washing of fabrics.
Rug and Carpet Cleaners Soap
Formula No. 1
Bry Gleaning Soap Concentrate Trisodium Phosphate 23 oz.
Stoddard’ Solvent
2 gal. Borax 27 oz.
Biglycol Laurate 15 lb. Sodium Metasilicate 3 oz.
Alcohol gal.^ Soda Soap 30 oz.
Sulphonated Castor Oil 1 pt. Soda Ash 8 oz.
Anamonia % pt. Para-dichlorbenzene 3 oz.
Ethyl Acetate 10 lb. Mix
till dissolved and add
5 lb. Acetic Acid, Glacial
Amyl Acetate 5 lb.
% fl.
This should always be made up
No. 4 fresh
before use.
Methylene Chloride 30 lb.
Carbon Tetrachloride or No. 6
Sodium Bisulphite 1 02
30 lb.
Toluol Water
20 lb. 1 pt.'
Xylene 20 lb.
No. 5 Benzene Jelly
Carbon Tetrachloride or (For Dry Cleaning)
Trichlorethylene 75
, Bark
Quillaya 9 ib
Xylene Water g-lO lb.’
15 lb.
Ethyl Ether 10 lb.
Soak cold for several hours, take up to
boil for % hour, strain, cool,
No. 6 and use for
Carbon Tetrachloride or . Quillaya Extract
1 gal
Trichlorethylene 75 Benzine
lb. 3 gaL
Methyl Acetate
Ethyl Alcohol
Shake this for about %
hour, or stir
by a mixer. Let stand for a day,
Amyl Acetate and
5 lb. remove the water.
No. 7 The benzine should gel.
Carbon Tetrachloride or Perfume may be added.
Trichlorethylene 80 lb.
Acetone 15 ib Benzine Emulsion Paste
Toluol 5 Ibi Benzine 37 jb.
JmportaTit; Perfume with citronella oil Oleic Acid
or similar substances, if amyl acetate is 5 ib!
5. Ammonia 1 2b.*
not included. Triethanolamine 4 lb*
c.Water, Distilled 50-60 lb!
Dry Gleaners^ Pre-Spotting Fluid Mix a and h at slightly elevated tem-
Oleic Acid perature (caution!). Add water
3 pt. c of
Carbon Tetrachloride 1 qt! same temperature. Stir tiU cooled suf-
Hexalin 1 qt. nciently.
Mix together and add slowly with vig-
orous stirring Oil-Spot Remover for Fine Textiles
Ammonia (28%) pt Formula No. 1
To this add slowly with strong mixing Carbon Tetrachloride 60 kg
Water pt. Trichlorethylene 10 kg
Xylene 15
Alcohol 10 kg.
Dry Cleaners' Spot Bleaches Ethylene Bichloride 5 kg!
Formula No. 1
Oxalic Acid No. 2
1 oz Carbon Tetrachloride
Water 60 kg

Oxalic Acid
No. 2
1 pt.* Hydroterpin
15 k|.
1 oz
Alcohol 10 kg.
1 pt.* Do not keep these cleaners in metallic
No. 3 vessels!
a. fOxalie Acid 1 oz.
[Water 1 pt
&. fSodium Bisulphite 1 oz.
Rust Remover — For Textiles and Paper
Ammonium Bifluoride 25 oz
1 pt Citric Acid
Mix a and h in equal parts before use. 1 oz
Distilled Water
74 oz!
No. 4 The remover is applied to the rust spots
Water ±l by a swab or brush made of pure
cotton ;
Acetic Acid, Glacial
1 pt the spots are then rinsed with
pure water.
1 oz'
Oxalic Acid 1 oz
Scouring Solution for Piece Goods
^0. 5

Tnsodium Phosphate

: :

Sodium Bisulphite 1 oz,

W.M.S Agent

Textile Scouring Emulsion addition to being oil soaked, the dirt

Oleic Acid 10 g. usually loosens and settles to the bottom.
Pine Oil 87 g. The dirt that does not loosen and settle
Trigamine 3 g. can generally be removed with ease by
Water 100 g. brushing or scraping. To hasten drying
the belt may be run through an ordinary
Mix 30 grams of tlie.pine oil with, the
washing wringer, provided the belt is not
trigamine, and oleic acid and stir thor-
too wide. If too wide for a wringer, dry
oughly. Then add slowly 35 grams of
with a cloth.
water and stir till a smooth thick emul-
sion is formed. Then add the remainder A putty knife or similar broad scrap-
ing device having rounded corners is a
of the oil with high speed agitation and
good tool for scraping leather belts. Fi-
finally the rest of the water.
bers of a belt, whether leather or substi-
tute, must never be injured.
Cleaning Tarnished Metal Fabrics Place dry sawdust on the belt after
Eub the cloth with a weak solution
(1) laying the belt flat on the floor and clean
of ammonia followed by dilute acetic with a stiff broom. Then turn, the belt
acid, using a soft clean cloth. and do the same to the other side. After
(2) Polish with jeweler rouge, just
this pack the belt in powdered chalk.
as you would table silver, only handling Fuller’s earth, or fine sawdust and keep
the fabric more carefully. it in a warm place. The warmth improves
capillary attraction and will aid the ma-
Spotting Heavy Pile Fabrics terial in absorbing the oil. After the
A successfid formula for spotting vel- belt is dry lubricate it with a suitable
vet, plush, corduroy or any goods having dressing.
a heavy pile: Mix one-half pint each of
acetone, denatured alcohol and water. Cleaning Suede Gloves
This mixture is used in the same way Dissolve neatsfoot oil in benzol in the
that plain water would be and for the proportion of one part of the oil to four
same kinds of stains. Cannot be used parts of benzol. Apply the mixture by
on cellulose acetates or mixtures. dipping a piece of cheesecloth into it and
rubbing lightly over the entire glove. As
Cleaning Upholstery each glove is treated, lay it aside. The
Make a warm soapsuds of ordinary benzol will evaporate, leaving the oil in
strength and sponge the surface of the the leather, so ’it makes no difference
upholstery with this. If necessary use a whether the rinsing is done immediately
scrub brush to assist in removing the dirt. following the completion of the first
When the dirt is softened sponge the sur- treatment or any time later. There will
face with clear water to thoroughly rinse be no appreciable effect on the color.
it. When dry you will find the surface The oil solution may be applied quickly
well cleaned. with a soft-bristle brush.
The next procedure is to rinse the
Soapless Bug Shampoo or Cleaner gloves, one at a time, in dry cleaning
Monoethanolamine 1 g- solvent and squeeze out well, or roll up
Sulfatate 4 g- in a cloth, to dispose of the excess sol-
Wetanol 20 g. vent, then hang to dry at ordinary tem-
Isopropyl Alcohol 18 g. perature. The idea is to make quick work
Water 500 g. of the rinsing and so reduce loss of color
Allow to stand
to a minimum. Do not allow the glove
Stir until dissolved.
to lie in the solvent, nor should it be
overnight in a cool place. Filter. This
brushed. Simply rub and squeeze in the
is an excellent cleaner which does not
hands to remove the oil, and with the oil
affect colors or ^^feel”.
the soil that can be removed, in that way.

Carpet Cleaner Glae4 Kid Benovator

Alcohol 1
Vinegar 5
A renovator is made from 1 lb. shellac,

Sulfatate % oz.
2 oz. castor oil to 5 % pints of spirit,
stained with the appropriate dyestuff,
spirit soluble nigrosine for black, and a
spirit soluble tan for browns.
Immerse the loosely wound coil, on
edge, in the liquid, and allow to soak Cleaning Straw and Panama Hats
overnight. Then stand on the other edge A simple wet process for cleaning and
for 10 hoars. If the belt is dirty in bleaching straws is to go over the hat

'with,sponge dipped in soapy water, then them in the bath about 12 hours, wring-
rinsing under a water tap. The hat is ing and rinsing in cold water.
then wiped nearly dry with a soft cloth,
after which a solution of oxalic acid Modified or ISTcutral Laundry Sodas
(one-half ounce in one quart of water) Formula No. 1 2 3
is applied and allowed a few minutes Sodium Bicarbonate 27 50 64 lb.
time. Then rinse under a water tap. Sodium Carbonate 60 37 27 lb.
This method, though used by many, is
not recommendedj since it may cause ten- Poison Gases, Washing Off
dering of the straw if not well rinsed For the removal of chlorine, phosgene,
out. chlorpicritt and ehloroacetophenone from
Panamas are usually cleaned by plac- objects, air for 1 hour then rub with
ing on a block and sponging or brushing 10% sodium carbonate solution. Dichlor
over with soap and water, rinsing and arsine is neutralized with a 5% solution
allowing to dry. If greasy around the of calcium chloride or chloramine.
band, the hat should first be brushed with Metal parts should be rubbed 'with oil
dry cleaning solvent. The main thing in after washing and drying to prevent rust-
cleaning a panama is to remove all the ing. Yperite is removed by a 10% solu-
old sulphur dressing. tion of chloramine and airing for two
A fairly simple and satisfactory finish hours.
or dressing for panamas is to make up
a solution of gum arabic by dissolving Mildew Removal
a rounding tablespoonful in one quart of Mildew on white goods is rather difd-
water and letting stand overnight. This cult to remove. Above all it is important
is used with lac sulphur by having a dish not to use such strong chemicals that the
of the sulphur at hand and lightly squeez- spots will be changed into holes. The
ing a sponge out of the gum arabic solu- mildewed part should be first rubbed
tion, then dipping it into the sulphur and lightly -with soap paste, then washed and
applying to the hat. This should be done dried. Sometimes the spots are bleached
evenly and the hat allowed to dry. ‘When out by this process alone. For further
dry, the hat is brushed over well with treatment use a solution of 2 to 5 parts
the dry sulphur, then the excess sulphur of citric acid in 100 parts of water, or
is brushed off and the hat rubbed over a mixture of 30 parts of commercial
with a soft cloth to finish. hydrogen peroxide, 5 parts of ammonia
Some hatters prefer to use the gum water, and 125 parts of water. Moisten
arabic solution in mixture with the lac the spots frequently with this and then
sulphur in proper proportions to make a rinse in plain water. In extreme cases
creamy paste which is applied to the hat even this method will fail, for sometimes
and allowed to dry. When dry the hat the structure of the material itself is
is brushed over with the dry sulphur, changed. In any event the spots will not
which is then brushed off and the hat be removed by friction, that is by heavy
rubbed with a soft cloth. pounding in the wheel.
Still another method is to make up a
creamy solution by mixing lac (precipi- Enzyme-Containing Detergents
tated) sulphur with either full strength S’wiss Patent 176,622
hydrogen peroxide or a solution of per- Formula No, 1
borate, as above, which is applied evenly Sodium Alginate 15 g.
to the hat and allowed to dry. When Salt 5 g.
dry the loose powder is brushed off. This Sodium Carbonate 75 g.
gives some bleaching effect, but since the Pancreatin 5 g.
proper application of sulphur with a gum No. 2
arabic solution (as above) has covering Sulphonated Fatty Alcohol 20 g.
power, the matter of bleaching becomes Salt 5 g.
of less significance. Sodium Carbonate 70 g.
Pancreatin 5 g.
Washing Clothes Without Boiling
British Patent 443,615 REMOVAL OF MILL SPOTS IN
CJothes are washed without boiling by TEXTILE PLANTS
introdueing them into a bath at about It is hoped that the publication of some
80® containing per 100 1. of water and problems and their respective answers of
addition of a clear solution in 1-2 1. of one textile chemist wiU not only give aid
water of 60 grams of sodium peroxide to the chemists now in the industry, but
and a further addition of 250 g. of liquid offer hints to the newly initiated mem-
waterglass at 34-38° B6., maintaining bers of the profession.

The most important problems cannot cent by volume sulphonated castor oil,
be enumerated, but we all agree that the and 5 per cent by volume water. Pull the
successful elimination of mineral oil spots goods from the kier through a hot wash
from textile fabrics is a mutual ground and then to the finishing wash mill and
on wMcii we may begin a discussion. process as originally planned.

Bemoval of Mineral Oil Bemoval of Graphite and Other Stains

Many effective solvents and emulsifiers It is a too frequent occurrence for some
are available. A spot remover, which
weaving^ mills to get the griege goods

leaves the least trace of a ' spot-washed’
soiled with graphite and loom oil stains.
place, is the chief factor which governs
There is also another type of stain which
one in. the choice of the solvent or emul- is caused when a broken warp end is re-
sifier. Now consider the removal of min- tied by a weaver. A long black stain is
eral oil or grease spots from grey goods.
usually left after the broken end is tied.
These spots probably came from the loom, This consists of perspiration mixed with
though oil has been known to get on yarn the soil and grime from the weaver’s
in the spinning and winding departments.
hands. It is practically impossible to
The chief problem is to remove the oil entirely remove all traces of these stains.
and not take out the natural fats, waxes However, some can be completely removed
or color of the fiber. A
solution of 100
and others can be made so much lighter
cc. of methyl alcohol in which is dissolved
that the stains are no longer noticeable.
50 g. of neutral soap in 100 cc. water An inexpensive means of treating such
will remove the oil if the spot is rubbed
stains consists of passing the cloth
lightly with a glass rod. After the oil through a two roll mangle containing the
or grease is sufficiently loose, wipe it following solution
with a damp cloth and absorb the re-
maining moisture with a dry cloth or Hexalin 2 qt
paper towel. The precaution of absorb- Pine Oil 4 qt.
ing the moisture is taken to prevent a Soap Solution (1%) 3 gaL
subsequent mold or mildew growth.
The method of ‘^spot washing” is ac- These are mixed together to form a
complished by rubbing the spot with a fairly stable emulsion. Hot water is
glass rod 4 to 6 inches long. It is ad- added while stirring constantly until the
visable to heat each end of the rod in a emulsion is diluted to 50 gallons.
Bunsen fiiame and form a knob by press- After passing the cloth through this
ing the heated end against a flat surface. mixture the batclied-up goods are left
A dressed pine board free of knots forms rolled up on the shell overnight. If time
a good surface on which to rub the oil does not permit, the cloth is held at least
or grease spot. three hours before further processing.
An oil wMeh is light in color such as The fabric is now treated like any other
lubricating mineral oil, S.A.E. 20 or 30, griege goods. It will be found after
will not usually be hard to remove, but boil-off that this preliminary treatment
the hot oils and grease from the dry has helped to remove practically all the
cans or tenter frame penetrate the fiber objectionable oil and graphite stains.
and it is difficult to remove the spots
caused by hot oil or grease. An effective
solution which has been found to readily
Soft Transparent Laundering Soap
emulsify these spots and effect their re-
Coconut Oil 90 g.
moval is prepared as follows in the order
Tallow or Hard Fat 10 g.
Caustic Potash (40® Be.) 50 g.
Tetralin 280 cc.
TJse cold way of saponification to ob-
Hexalin 200 cc.
tain light-colored soaps.
Sulphonated Castor or
Seal against air, since the high content
Olive Oil 100 cc.
of coconut oil makes the soap hygro-
Neutral Soap Dissolved in
50 cc. Water 4 g*
The addition of 75 cc. carbon tetra-
chloride is optional.
Perborate Laundry Soap
Bemoval of Paint British Patent 435,710
Treat the goods in Her under 4 pounds Sodium Hexametaphosphate 15 lb.
pressure for 5 hours, using 2 per cent of Sal Soda 10 1b.
the weight of the goods of the following Sodium Perborate 10 lb.
solution: 50 per cent by volume tetralin, Magnesium Silicate 1 lb.
35 per cent by volume hexalin, 10 per Soap, Powdered 50 lb.

Polisliing Soap Soap Powder 90

Pormula No. 1 Sodium Bicarbonate 300
Coconut Oil Patty Acid 50 kg. 6-Naphthol 10
Caustic Soda (38° Be.) 30.5 kg. No. 4
Filler 15 kg. Soap Powder 650
Whiting, Finest 15 kg. Trisodium Phosphate 250
Talcum 3 kg. Sodium Bicarbonate 70
No. 2 Boric Acid 30
Coconut Oil Fatty Acid 50 kg. No. 5
Caustic Soda (38° Be.) 30.5 kg. Soap Powder 700
Tripoli 8 kg. Sodium Bicarbonate 280
Pumice, Finest Powder 5 kg. Chinosol 20
Neuburg Chalk 25 kg. No. 6
Soap Powder 550
Sodium Biborate 430
Saddle Soap
Chloramine 20
a. Palm Oil, Lagos 14 kg.
Rosin, Light 1 kg.
Liquid Bog Soap
Caustic Soda, 38° Be. 7 kg. /Ml
a. Coconut Oil 10 kg.
o. Water 35-40 kg.
h. Caustic Potash
Glycerin, 30° Be.,
(50° Be.) 5.3 kg.
Light 5 kg.
Water 3 kg.
d. Talcum 0.2 kg.
Potassium Carbonate 1
c. kg.
Melt a and saponify in the usual man- Calcium Chloride 1 kg.
gier withto the desired consistency;
h, Sugar 10 kg.
add 0, iinally d. Let cool in molds. Water 46 kg.
Some of these soaps contain 1-2% bees- d. Liquefied Phenol 4 kg.
Melt to 50° C., add h and keep hot

till the saponification is finished. Must

Bog Soap be just alkaline to phenolphthalein; Add
a. Potassium Hydroxide 4.05 kg.
d, and the hot solution c. Mix thor-
Water 6.15 kg.
oughly. CooL Filter through glass-
Z>. Linseed Oil 18 kg.
0 . Alcohol to clear
d, Cresol 1.55 kg.
Bulk Paste Soap
Mix a and add o. Let stand at Tallow 50 kg.
room temperature, shaking intermittently, Hard Fat 50 kg.
until saponified. Add d. Mix until dis- Caustic Soda (25° BA) 100 kg.
solved. Water 600 kg.
Agar-Agar Solution
Shampoo for Young Puppies (%-l%) 100 kg.
Starch, Be-greased 75 lb.
fats (other fats can be taken) are
Silica Gel 10 lb.
saponified with the soda, after thinning
Borax, or Bicarbonate 10 lb.
the latter with a part of the water to
Pyrethrum Powder or
Paradichlorbenzene 5 lb.
10-12° BA The remainder of the water
is added hot to the finished soap, and
Perfume* 1 lb.
* Consisting: of: the whole is mixed with the agar muci-
Thymol 10 oz. lage in the crutcher. Fill into barrels.
Laurel Oil 15 oz.
Eucalyptus 0x1 10 oz.
Oritless Soap Paste
Bog Bath Powders Soap Chips 8 lb.
Formula No. 1 Soda Ash 4 lb.
Sodium Bicarbonate 200 g.
Borax 1 lb.
Sodium Chloride 750 g-
Water 80 lb.
Soap Powder 30 g- Sassafras Oil 3 lb. '

Chloramine 20 g- Bissolve soap, soda ash and borax in

No. 2 half the water under slow heat, add oil
Trisodium Phosphate 350 g- and rest of water, let boil 10 min.
Sodium Biborate 200 g-
Sodium Chloride 120 g* White, Cheap Paste Soap
Boric Acid 30 g- a. Hard Soap, Chips 100 kg.
No. 3 Water (90° 0.) 650 kg.
Sodium Chloride 500 g* h. Agar-Agar 1- 2 kg.
Sodium Perborate 100 g- Water: 80-100 kg.

Cleanser Paste Scouring Powder

Hard Soap, Powdered 5 kg. Formula No. 1
Sodium Carbonate 10 kg. Soap Powder 7 lb.
Pumice Powder, Pine 60 kg. Powdered
Silica, 93 lb.
Sea Sand 25 kg. Mix thoroughly.
(5-10%) to paste
Silica 100 lb.
Neutral Soda 10 lb.
Soap Powder
Pormnla No. 1 Detergent Powder
Soap 42 g. Silica 30 lb.
Soda Ask 42 g. Soap Powder 10 lb.
Borax, Powdered 15 g. Neutral Soda 65 lb.
Salt 1 g.
No, 2 Detergent Soap Powder
Coconut or Palm Kernel Soap Powder 140 lb.
Oil Patty Acid 20 lb. Neutral Soda 315 lb.
Tallow or Bleached Palm SiUca 245 lb.
Oil, or Pale Bone Pat
Patty Acid 20 lb.
Caustic Soda (38® B^.) 20 lb.
Powder Cleanser
Sodium Carbonate 22 lb.
Formula No. 1
Sodium Silicate (36-38® B4.) 4 lb.
Trisodium Phosphate 15 lb.

Water 20 lb.
Sal Soda, Powdered 85 lb.

Mix the thus obtained, finished pow- No. 2

dered soap with sodium perborate, 9:1. Soda Ash 95 oz.
Ammonium Sulphate 5 oz.
No. 3 Some tricalcium phosphate or dried
Soap Stock Base 400 lb.
starch may be added if desired, to obvi'
Soda Ash 350 lb.
ate caking.
Neutral Soda 700 lb.
No. 3
No. 4 TJ. S. Patent 2,041,744
Soap Stock Base 480 1b.
Soda Ash 350 lb. Free (30-150 Mesh) 65-90 oz.
Neutral Soda 250 lb. Soap, Powdered 2-10 oz.

No. 5 Soda Ash 30 oz.

<^PersiP' Type
Palm Kernel Oil Floor and Tile Grit Cleansers
Patty Acid 15-17 kg. Formula No. 1
Tallow- or Hard Fat Moisture 6.74 lb.
Patty Acid 17-15 kg. Volcanic Ash 66.28 lb.
Caustic Soda (38® B^.) 17 kg. Soda Ash 20.01 lb.
Sodium Silicate (38® B6.) 8 kg. Anhydrous Soap 7.14 lb.
Sodium Carbonate 20 kg.
No. 2
Water 23 kg.
Soap 5 lb.
To the Soda Ash 10 lb.
Finished Powder 90 kg.
Volcanic Ash 85 lb.
add The fineness called for is that not moi
Sodium Perborate 10 kg. than 5 per cent shall be retained on the
20-mesh screen, 70 per cent shall pass
through a 60-mesh screen, and 25 per
Soap Chip®
cent shall be retained on the 100-mesh.
Soap from the Kettle 1000 kg.
Borax, Powdered 130 kg.
A variation of 10 per cent in any of the
above shall not be considered sufficient
Caustic Soda (40%) 23 kg.
cause for rejection. The volchnic ash
Perfume to suit
shall be free from any hard particles that

will scratch glass under 12 lb. pressure.

Scrubbing Powder The soap used shall be true anhydrous
Abrasi?© Powder M lb. soap of either animal or vegetable origin,
Soda Ash 15 lb. excluding fish oil soaps.
Trisodium Phosphate 10 lb. The soap employed in such a powder
Sodium Meta Phosphate 5 lb. should be of relatively low titre, so that

specks of soap shall not stick to the sur- Cleaning Dairy Equipment
face being cleaned. Metal equipment is more effectively
The Pennsylvania R.R. furnishes the freed from bacteria by 5% trisodium
following specifications for ‘^soap pow- phosphate solution than by customary
der ^ ^ for cleaning painted and varnished chlorine solutions. The corrosive action
surfaces: of the alkaline solution is eliminated by
The powder shall be a mixture contain- addition of 3% of sodium chromate to
ing 30 per cent of neutral soap, the re- the dry crystals.
mainder being a siliceous abrasive ma-
terial consisting of pulverized pumice,
Floor and Wall Soap
tripoli, quartz, or feldspar. The abrasive
Pure vegetable oil soap (see index)
used must be of such fineness and char-
without ultramarine blue while still hot
acter that it wiU not scratch varnish.
This railroad also uses a scouring pow-
and fluid when made is diluted with an
equal volume of water. Product is a
der for marble, tile, and generally where
soap jelly of fine texture.
painted surfaces are not involved. It is
a mixture of soap 5 per cent, soda ash
2 to 8 per cent, and siliceous abrasive 90 Soap Bubble Composition
per cent. In either of these powders the Coconut Potash Soap
abrasive must pass 90 per cent through (Anhydrous Basis) 15.0 oz.
the 200-mesh sieve. Gum Arabic 2.0 oz.
A product which has been found a very Glycerol 6.0 oz.
effective garage floor cleaner consists of Dye, Basic, to color, about 0.3 oz.
12 per cent low titre soap and 88 per Water 76.7 oz.
cent sodium metasilicate. This composition is used to prepare
very large soap bubbles of lasting value.
Gritty Powdered Cleansers If warm air is blown into same they will
The purpose of cleansers containing rise rapidly. This has been used for ad-
water-insoluble substances is to assist the vertising purposes and for spectacular
cleansing operation by means of their effects, mostly indoors. It is usable out-
abrasive properties. The most common doors if there is not a high wind. Dyes
of these are the household cleansers used may be omitted and a very small amount
for pots and pans, bath tubs, tile, etc. of petroleum oil added when an irri-
The average composition is: descent effect upon the surface is pro-
Anhydrous Soap 5 lb. duced. The percentages may be varied
Soda Ash 10 Ib^ widely which applies particularly to the
Silica 85 lb. glycerol content. This value wiU have to
In practice, such a product is made by be increased if the relative humidity that
noixing powdered soap with the requisite day is low. The gum arable may be
amount of alkali and silex, of about 140 increased if it is desired to increase the
mesh, in a horizontal mixer. longevity of the balloons or bubbles,
though it will substantially diminish their
Floor Scrubbing Powder size. While any kind of a soap may be
Pumice, Powdered 85 lb. used, coconut potash usually produces
Soda Ash 10 lb. the best suds.
Soap, Powdered 5 lb.

Scouring Powder for Kitchen and

Garage Floor Cleaner
Soap, Powdered 12 lb.
Hard Soap, Powdered 7 g.
Sodium Metasilicate 86 lb.
Sodium Metaphosphate 5 g.
Sodium Carbonate 8 g.
Floor Cleaner Trisodium Phosphate
Carbon Tetrachloride 5 g.
60 oz.
Neuburg Chalk (or partially
Gasoline 40 oz.
substituted by Edeselguhr
Amyl Acetate 0.5 oz.
or Pumice) 75 g.
Mopping Powder Mix powders thoroughly. Use ingre-
dients of equal particle size to get a
Silica 100 lb.
Soap Powder 20 lb.
homogeneous product.
Neutral Soda 10 lb.
Household Cleaner
Washing Powder for Dairies Soap 25 Ib.
Soda Ash 60 lb. Trisodium Phosphate 10 lb.
Trisodium Phosphate 40 lb. Silica, Powdered 65 lb.

Paste Detergent, Household Bathtub Cleaners

Water 19.88 lb. Suitable bathtub cleansers may be
Silica 71.42 lb. made with the following ingredients:
Boap ^‘04 lb. Formula No. 1
The silica used is about 140 mesh. Trisodium Phosphate 25 oz.
The soap is made of tallow and coconut Soap, Powdered 25 oz.
oil. To produce such a product the soap Fine Abrasive (Chalk) 50 oz.
is dissolved in the requisite amount of No. 2
hot water, then cooled to about 150® F., Trisodium Phosphate 10 oz.
and the sUica is added and mixed in. Soap, Powdered 20 oz.
The mixture is filed into cans before it Pine Abrasive (Chalk) 70 oz.
starts to gel, so that the sand has not These give efficient mechanical and de-
sufficient time to settle out. tergent action.

^Pipe and Sink Cleanser Bath Tub and Porcelain Cleanser

German Patent 527,293 Trisodium Phosphate 250 g.
Bodium Hydroxide, Solid 80 lb. Soap Powder 250 g.
Sodium Carbonate 10 lb. Whiting 500 g.
Aluminum Filings 7 lb.
Zinc Pilings 3 lb. Toilet Cleanser
Muriatic Acid 27 lb.
(Beer-, Milk-) Pipe Cleaning Compound Water 2 gaL
Formula No. 1 Water-soluble red color is added if
Soda Ash 25 lb. desired.
Sodium Perborate 75 lb.
No. 2 Lavatory Cleaner
Soda Ash 320 lb.
Sodium Hydrogen Sulphate 6 lb.
Sodium Hydroxide, Alum (Powdered) 3 lb.
Powdered 64 lb. Salt 1 lb.

Potassium Chlorate, The powdered ingredients are well

Powdered 40 lb. mixed and kept away from air.
Caution; Do not grind or press in mix-
ing. Glass Windshield Cleaners
Formula No. 1
No. 3 Trisodium Phosphate 4
Caustic Soda Lye, Water 96
Technical 4 lb.
Green Dye to suit
Chlorine Solution, No. 2
Concentrated 1 lb.
Caustic Soda 3 oz.
Must be diluted for use. Sodium Metasilicate 1 oz.
Green Dye ) .

Benzaldehyde f
Enamel Cleanser No. 3
Soap Powder 10 kg.
Sodium Metasilicate 1 oz.
Sodium Carbonate 15 kg.
Water 99 oz.
Sodium Metaphosphate 5 kg.
Dye to suit
Pumice, Fmest Powder 70 kg.
No. 4
Denatured Alcohol 20 oz.

Sink Cleanser Water 80 oz.

German Patent 527,293 Perfume and Color to suit
Caustic Soda, No. 5
Powder or Scale 80 kg. Denatured Alcohol 35 oz.

Soda Ash 10 kg. Ethylene Glycol 1 oz.

Aluminum Filings 7 kg. No. 6
Zinc Filings 3 kg. Kerosene 100 oz.
Paraffin Wax % oz.
No. 7
To Clean Sinks and Basins Kerosene 65 oz.
A paraffin oil on a clean rag or
little Carbon Tetrachloride 35 oz*
cloth will easily clean the dirtiest wash No. 8
basin or sink. The paraffin smell may be Light Petroleum Oil 40 oz.
removed by rinsing with cold water. Dipentene 60 oz.

TSTo. 9 For Beer Jars, Etc,

TrietHanolamine Oleate 2 oz. Trisodium Phosphate 20 g.
Kerosene 15 oz. Whiting 40 g-
Beeswax 4 oz. Kieselguhr, Calcined 40 g-
Carnauba Wax 1 oz.
For All Glassware
Celite (Light Abrasive) 16 oz.
Sodium Metasilicato 30 g.
Sodium Carbonate 20 g.
Window-Glass Spray Cleaner Trisodium Phosphate 50 g*
A glass spray cleaner consists of an
The first" two powders are wetted with
approximately 5%
water solution of some
water or alcohol and thus smeared on the
organic solvent which, like soap, greatly
glass. When they are dried there, the
reduces the surface tension of water, but
powder is wiped off with dry paper or
which is also volatile, thus excelling soap
for the purpose. The liquid thus spreads
The following two powders (which
quietly over the glass and does not sepa-
should be packed in parchment bags) are
rate in droplets. The solvent is usually used suspended in water. They "should
one which is only slightly soluble in
be rinsed out at once with clear water.
water. Of the following examples, the
The last powder is water-soluble (1:10
second is somewhat cheaper, but of in boiling water). Wash the glass in
slightly more offensive smell. Perfumes this solution, and rinse out with clear
and identifying dyes may of course be water.
Pormula Ko. 1 Glass Cleaner
Cellosolve Acetate 1 pt. Formula No. 1
Sulfatate (Wetting Agent) 10 g. Formalin 1 OZ-
Water 19 pt Alcohol 1 gal.
Ko. 2 Glycerin 2 oz.
n-Butyl Alcohol 1 pt No. 2
Sulfatate (Wetting Agent) 10 g. Olive Oil 14 kg.
Water 19 pt Ammonia about 7 kg.
Water 8 kg.
No. 3
Pormula No. 1
French Patent 802,615
o. Quillaya Bark,
Chlorbenzol 60 g.
Powdered 1.5 kg.
p-Dichlorbenzol 5 g.
Water, Boiling about 100 1,
Turpentine 6 g.
h. Sulphuric Acid
Sawdust 19 g.
(66® BA) 5 1.
Fullers Earth
Copper Sulphate 10 g.
20 g.
c. Kleselguhr to make paste
Scrubbing Powder for Glass
No. 2
(Bon Ami Type)
Cologne Chalk (Whiting) 60 g. Powdered Soap (90%) 5 lb.
Tripoli 30 g. Silica (200 Mesh) 90 lb.
Bolus 15 g.
Apply with a linen cloth, to the
moistened glass. Cleaner for Glass Molds
H. S. Patent 2,116,034
Glass Cleanser Powders
Tartaric Acid
Stannous Chloride
% oz.
5 lb.
For Windows, Etc, Water
Hard Soap, Powdered 1 gal.
15 g.
Whiting 50 g.
Kieselguhr, Calcined 25 g. Cleanser for Dishes
Bole, White 10 g. Pumice Powder, Fine 60 g.
For Windows, Etc, Soap Powder (30%) 30 g,
Whiting 30 Trisodium Phosphate 10 g.
Calcium Carbonate,
Precipitated 50 g. Hard Water Dish Cleaner
Kieselguhr, Calcined 20 g. U. S. Patent 2,035,652
For Beer Glasses, Etc, Sodium Hexametaphosphate 40 oz.
Lime Hydrate, Screened 25 g. Sodium Metasilicate 40 oz.
Whiting 50 g. Trisodium Phosphate 15 oz*
Pumice Flour 25 g. Caustic Soda 5 oz«

Dish Washing Powder Ultramarine 0.5 g.

Neutral Soda 70 lb. Perfume 1 g*
Soap Powder 80 lb. Make a dough of ® and bake it. Dry
completely, grind, and mix with h.
Dish Cleaner and Disinfectant Paste with water for use.
Trisodium Phosphate 15 oz. No. 3
Sodium Hexametaphosphate 40 oz. Wheat Starch, Powdered 300 g.
Sodium Silicate 40 oz. Sodium Chloride,
Caustic Soda 5 oz. Saturated Solution 650 g.

Use 1 of above mixture to 99 oz.

oz. Heat on steam-bath, stirring continu-
of water at 60° C. Rinse with water
at 75° C. No. 4
Potato Flour 20 lb.

Bottle Washing
Solutions Pumice Powder 4 lb.

For soak tanks, 1-2% caustic soda so- Ammonia a little

lution is the most economical, but for Water to give paste

soaker washers 1 pt. of sodium phosphate Heat to 60° C. for some time to get
or metasilicate, sodium silicate or triso- a viscous paste.
dium phosphate to 4 pts. of caustic soda No. 5
is advisable. The caustic soda-metasili- a. Bran 500 g.
cate combination gives a more brilliant h. Waterglass 2 g.
bottle and is further enhanced by small Water 330 g.
additions of metaphosphate. The sludge c.Petroleum a little ^

formed by trisodium phosphate is objec- Add a to a boiling solution h. Stir

tionable. till cold, add c.

No. 6
Cleaning Cloth for Glass, Metal and a. Wheat Starch 10 kg.
Furniture Water 10 kg.
U. S. Patent 2,051,435 h. Copper Sulphate 1 kg.
A cloth of cotton or wool is' impreg- Sodium Carbonate,
nated with Crystals 0.5 kg.
Ammonium Hydroxide 1 fi. oz. Alum 0.3 kg.
Sulphonated Castor Oil 29 fl. oz. Water, to make concentrated
Ammonium Citrate solution
(20% Solution) 70 fi. oz. To the starch paste made by gentle
warming add the concentrated solution
Lens Cleaning Fluid (Lens of salts.

Use isopropyl alcohol (98-99%). No. 7

a. Copper Sulphate 40 g.
Sodium Carbonate,
Dishwashing Water Softener
French Patent 811,602
Crystallized 4 g.
Water lOOO cc.
Sodium Fluoride 100 g.
Ammonia a few drops
Soda Ash 50 g.
c. TOeat Flour 1000 g. ^

To* the solution a add b, and work in

Wall Paper Cleaners c while boiling.
Formula No. 1 Knead the product thoroughly, ahd
a. Wheat Starch 500 g. apply like a rubber eraser. Make up
Water 500 g. freshly each day.
h. Copper Sulphate 80 g.
Soda Ash, Crystallized 20 g.
Cleanser for Natural and Artificial
Alum 10 g. Stones
Heat a to obtain a (stiU viscous) Caustic Soda 30 g.
starch solution. Trisodium Phosphate 20 g.
Make a concentrate of the salts h, Sodium Carbonate, Calcined 10 g,
and work it into a, Whiting 20 g.
'No.:, 2,
Wood Flour 20 g.
a. Water
20 §•
Use a 10% aqueous dilution.
Wheat Flour 65 g*
Yeast 1.5 g- Cleaning Stone Work
b. Alum 5 g* A
mixture consisting of one gallon
Borax 5 g* good soft soap, two pounds nnely pow-
Clay 2 g- dered pumice stone and one pint clear

ammonia solution usually works satisfac- a good household scrubbing brush, to

torily on both glazed and unglazed stone. loosen the dirt. Have plenty of warm
First remove the soot and dust from the water ready, and rinse the surface down,
surface, then apply a liberal coating of using a large sponge or a hose. This
the soap-pumice-ammonia mixture. Let will effectively remove smoke stains and
it stand a half hour or so, then with a dirt. If you have no soft soap, and
stiff brush or stubby broom, scrub the cannot obtain any, linseed oil soap may
mixture well into the surface. Follow- be used, or you can make a soft soap
ing this, rinse the stone thoroughly with by shaving high-grade laundry soap in
dean water. If one treatment fails to hot water and heating on a stove until
do the work, a second should do a com- the soap is dissolved. As a rule one
plete job. large bar of good laundry soap will make
one gallon of soft soap. The soft soap
must not be thinner than a fairly heavy
Tile Cleanser for S’lvimming Pools
paste, however, after it is cold.
Soap Powder (30%) 25 lb.
Sodium Carbonate 50 lb.
Trisodium Phosphate 20 lb. Efficient Cleanser for Hands
Sodium Metaphosphate 5 lb. a. Cottonseed Oil Fatty Acid 6 g.
Coconut or Balm Kernel
Oil Fatty Acid 6 g.
Cleaning Sandstone Buildings Lanolin 1 g.
If the surface is begrimed with smoke Castor Oil Fatty Acid 3 g.
and dirt, a strong solution of caustic b. Alcohol, Denatured 6 g.
soda or pearlash, applied with a long- Camphorated Oil, Light 6 g.
handled hbre brush and left to work for 0 Caustic Potash (50® BA)
5 g.
fifteen minutes will usually accomplish Water 6 g.
the desired results. The surface should d. Ammonia (10%) 5 g.
then be washed and rinsed several times Triethanolamine Oleate 5 g.
with clear water and a stiff brush or Cananga Oil 10 g.
broom to remove the last trace of the Turpentine Oil 5 g.
caustic solution. TJse rubber gloves while e» Bolus, White 1 g.
handling or applying the solution, and Pumice, Fine, 9^000 4 g.
be sure not to get any of the solution Perfume (Citronella OH,
on the face nor in the eyes. If possible, Spike Oil or Sassa-
use a hose in washing the solution off fras Oil)
the surface, but if a hose is not avail-
Dissolve a in b on waterbath, saponify
able then use plenty of water and a large,
with c until a sample dissolves clearly in
soft sponge. If the surface is not per-
water, add the mixture d. Work in e
fectly clean when it becomes dry, scrub
again with a stiff fibre brush, using a
until pasty. Perfume if desirei
mixture of soft soap, concentrated lye
and fine sand. Allow this to remain on Hand Cleanser Paste for AutomobiHsts
the surface until nearly dry, then remove Vegetable Oil Fatty Acid 6 lb.
the cleansing material by brushing hard Coconut or Palm Kernel
with a stiff fibre brush and plenty of Oil Fatty Acid 6 lb.
cold water. The hands should also be Castor Oil Fatty Acid 3 lb.
protected by rubber gloves while handling Turpentine 6 lb.
the soap, lye and sand mixture. A sand- Alcohol 6 lb.
blast outfit will also prove effective in Caustic Potash (50® BA) 5 lb.
removing dirt and grime from sandstone Water 6 lb.
surfaces. Tombstones and grave vaults Pumice, Finely Ground to form
of sandstone may be cleaned the same paste
as buildings. Citronella or Spike Oil as perfume

Cfleaning Terra Cotta Buildings Metal Cleaner

To one gallon of soft soap add two Formula No. 1
pounds of powdered pumice stone and Trisodium Phosphate 15 lb.
one pint of household ammonia and beat Soda Ash 60 lb.
the mixture to a soft, smooth batter. Neutral Soda 25 lb.
After sweeping and dusting the surface .No.'2

fbe batter with a fiat fibre brush H. S. Patent 1,967,394

or a whitev/ash brush. Let the material Formula No. 1
remain on the surface from twenty to Amyl Alcohol 1 lb.
thirty minutes* then rub the surface with Cyclohexanol 1 lb.

No. 2 ,
Block Cleanser for Aluminum
Trisodium Phosphate 4 lb. Diglycol Stearate 10 g.
Organic Wetting Out Agent 0.4 lb. Stearic Acid 20 g.
Oyelohexanol 1 lb. Tripoli 200 g.
No. 3 Mix hot very thoroughly, strain. The
U. S. Patent 2,062,038 fatty powder which results can be pressed
into bricks.
A dry metal cleaning and brightening
composition consists essentially of 2
parts by weight of phthalic anhydride, Cleaner for Tin, Zinc and Aluminum
5 parts of sodium sulphate, 5 parts of U. S. Patent 2,037,566
soap, and 5 parts of soap bark, adapted Trisodium Phosphate 63 oz.
to be dissolved in water for removing Sodium Borate 10 oz.
deposits and stains on metals, and pre- Sodium Silicate 25 oz.
venting tarnishing. Magnesium Sulphate 2 oz.

No. 4
Hungarian Patent 115,327 Tin Ware Cleanser
Chalk, Precipitated 120 g. British Patent 451,025
Oleic Acid 10 g. Sal Soda 10 lb.
Ammonium Carbonate 8 g. Sodium Sulphite 1 lb.
Soda Ash 12 g.
Oxalic Acid 11 g. Tin Equipment Cleaner
The above is applied with a wet cloth. The following cleaners have a minimum
corrosive effect on tin.
Formula No. 1
Aluminum Cleansers Sodium Sulphite 1 lb.
Formula No. 1 Sal Soda 10 lb.
Magnesium Oxide 30 lb. No. 2
Whiting^ 30 lb. Sodium Sulphite 1 lb.
Iron Oxide Red 40 lb. Sal Soda 4 lb.

No. 2
Vienna Chalk 50 lb. Silver Cleanser
Infusorial Earth, Calcined 30 lb. Viennese Chalk 20 g.
Red Bole 20 lb. Emery, Finely Powdered 15 g.
Iron Oxide Red 15 g.
No. 3
Powdered Soap 20 g.
Tartaric Acid, Powdered 5 lb.
Triethanolamine Oleate
Magnesium Oxide 30 lb.
(10% Solution) to make paste
Calcium Carbonate,
Precipitated 40 lb.
White Kleselguhr, Calcined 30 lb. Cleaning Corroded or Discolored Coppei’
First wash with 5% ammonium hy-
No. 4 droxide; then with an oxalic acid solu-
Neuburg Chalk, Finest 60 lb.
tion; then with water.
Clay 20 lb.
Magnesium Carbonate 10 lb.
Tartaric Acid 10 lb.
Cleaner for Auto Radiators and
1 lb.
Cooling System
JJ. S. Patent 2,036,848
Water 15 lb.
Diglycol Stearate 1 lb.
Kerosene 4 oz.
Ortho-diehlorbenzol 7 oz.
All formulae can be made up into Oleic Acid 1 oz.*
pastes by using dextrin solution as in Add the above to water (while cir-
No. 4.
culating). This deposits on and softens
No. 3 and No. 4 are for fine-polishing. dirt and grease. Then add 2 oz. caustic
No. 5 soda and circulate to saponify grease and
Caustic Soda, Powdered 6 lb. oil. Wash out with water.
Soda Ash, Light 56 lb.
Trisodium Phosphate, Automobile Radiator Cleaner
Powdered ,
30 lb.
D. S. Patent 2,104,385
Sodium Metasilieate 3 lb.
Kerosene 50 oz..
No. 6 Sodium Metasilicate 50 oz.
Soap Chips 15 lb. Sodium Dichromate %"' 2 oz.
TripoE 85 lb. Water 20-60gaL

Auto Degreaser This makes an excellent fast working

Trisodium Phospliate, non-inflammable cleaner.
Powdered 7 lb.
Sodium Carbonate 2 lb. Rust Remover
Sodium Metasilicate 1 lb. U. S.Patent 1,988,823
Ammonium Chloride 100 lb.
Cleanser for Electrical Collectors* Ammonium Acetate 50 lb.
a. Solar Oil (Mineral Oil) 12 kg. Sugar 18 Ib.
Oleic Acid 10 kg. Glue 18 lb.
Benzene 45 kg. Pyrogallol 1 lb.
5, Ammonia 3 kg. Water 100 gal.
Alcobol 2 kg.
0. Neuburg Chalk 28 kg. Cleaners for Printing Rolls
Decahydro Naphthalene 50
Mix a, and stir in b. Fse of the ^ Turpentine or White Spirits 30
emulsion to mix with o, then add the
other half to thin the suspension. Benzol 20 lb.

Benzene can also be replaced by an-

other solvent, such as carbon tetra- Cleaner Emulsion for Printing Rolls
chloride, etc. a. Oleic Acid 45.5 lb.

* Of motors and generators.

Caustic Soda ^5 lb.
Water 26.5 lb.
b. Alcohol 45.5 lb.
Drain Pipe Cleaner c. Trichlorethylene 900.0 lb.
Sodium Hydroxide 99 g.
Aluminum Filings Saponify a to give a clear soap gel
1 g.
Dissolve by working in b; stir steadily
and add c slowly, until completely mixed.
Cleanser for Beer Piping
Gives an emulsion with water, valuable
Formula Ho, 1
Caustic Soda 10-25 g.
for cleaning the rolls of printing ma
chines, etc.
Soda Ash 10-25 g.
Water 1 1.
Abrasive Cleaner
No. 2 c. Scale Wax (50/52® C.) Sr lb.
German Patent 628,795 Ceresin 5 lb.
Aluminum Sulphate 25 g. Oleic Acid 8 lb.
Water 75 cc. Spindle Oil 5 lb.
Kieselguhr 5 g- Petroleum 3 lb.
Mix thoroughly and force through b. Heuburg Chalk 25 lb.
)ipes under pressure. Bitter Almond Oil,
Artificial 0.1 lb.
Milk Utensil Antiseptic Melt a, and mix thoroughly with b.
Sodium Sulphate 1.3 kg. Pill into cans, while hot.
Sodium Bisulphate 3.7 kg.
Aluminium Sulphate 1.4 kg. Paint Cleaner
Sodium Rhodanide 3.6 kg. Formula Ho. 1
Water, to make 100 kg. Dry Soap, Powdered 10 oz.
Trisodium Phosphate 20 oz.
Geanser for Printing Machinery Soda Ash 40 oz.
Pure Vegetable Oil Soap 16 lb. Air-Blown Silica 5 oz.
Soda Ash, Light 4 lb. Finely Powdered Kaolin 5 oz.
Petrolatum 4.5 lb. Water 20 02.
Kerosene 3 lb. Gtronella Oil 0.15 oz.
Melt soap and petrolatum, stir in soda All ingredients should be mixed and
ash then kerosene, continue slow agitation well ground and milled. A
trace of color
until cold. may be added.
Ho. 2
Type Cleaner Soap, Powdered 10 lb.
Trichlorethylene 80 lb. Caustic Soda 5 lb.
Dichlorbehzene 10 lb. Trisodium Phosphate 85 lb.
Decahydronaphthalene 10 lb. Sulfatate lb. 1
Dissolve 1 lb. in 10 gal hot water.
Typewriter Type Geaner Ho. 3
Diglycol Oleata
18 oz, a. Naphtha % gal
82 oz. Diglyeol Stearate 1 Ih.


Trisoditim Phosphate
&. 4 oz. Carbon Tetrachloride 1-85 to 8 lb.
Water 3 qt. Water 15 to 30 lb.

Heat <2 on a water bath and stir until An alkali from

dissolved. Heat & to a boil and run into group consisting of
a slowly while mixing vigor ously. sodium hydroxide, so-
dium carbonate and
mixtures thereof ap-
Removing Blood Stains from Paint
proximately .75 to 3.5 lb.
Apply lukewarm water to the stained
places repeatedly until the dried blood
is dissolved, then wash the surface clean
Removing Ink from Hands
with lukew'arm water. Do not have the U. S. Patent 2,056,916
water hot, or it will be likely to ^^set^’ Titanium Trichloride 1 oz.
the blood, but lukewarm water should Glycerin 1 oz.
gradually soften and remove the blood Alcohol 3 oz.
and dissolve it. If a little liquid ammo-
nia is added to the water this will help Removers for Iodine Stains
to dissolve and remove the blood, but Pormula No. 1
great care must be exercised to avoid a. Potassium Iodide (10% Solution)
getting enough ammonia in the water to 5. Sodium Thiosulphate (10% Solu-
injure the paint. Just keep rubbing the tion)
surface with a sponge wet in the luke- 0 , Water.
warm water until the blood is all removed. Apply in the order given, a may not
A little mild soap added to the water be necessary.
will also assist in removing the blood.
No. 2
If any stains persist in remaining on the Ammonia (Sp. gr. 0.960)
surface, a rag wet with peroxide of hy- No. 3
drogen and passed over the surface a few Sodium Bicarbonate, Powdered.
times, followed by the lukewarm water Apply on the moistened stains.
or water-ammonia solution, should remove
every tra'ce of the blood.
Removers for Silver Nitrate Stains
Pormula No. 1
Removing Picric Acid Stains from Skin a. Copper Chloride (20% Solution)
Dust with powdered potassium sulphate h. Sodium Thiosulphate (10% Solu-
wet slightly; rub into skin and wash of? tion).
with soap and water. Treat with a, and afterwards with 5.
Rinse thoroughly.
Lacquer Remover for Hands No. 2
U. S. Patent 2,056,916 a. Copper Sulphate 8 g.
Butyl Acetate 13 oz.
Hydrochloric Acid 2 g.
Soap 15 oz.
Water 90 g.
Carbon Tetrachloride 7 oz.
5. As in No. 1.
Glycerin 7 oz.
Diatomaeeous Earth 14 oz. No. 3
Sand 19 oz.
a. Potassium Permanganate So. (5%
Water 25 oz.
5. Sodium Thiosulphate (10% Solu-
Removing Lacquer from Skin Diluted Hydrochloric Acid (1 to
H. S. Patent 2,064,725
2, or 1 to 4)
A relatively harmless, water rinsible d. Rinse thoroughly.
detergent composition for the removal of
cellulose lacquer and stains from the skin
No. 4
consists essentially of:
a. LugoPs Solution (Iodine-Potas-
sium Iodide)
A highly volatile cellulose lacquer solvent
capable of loosening cellulose lacquer Always use in the order given.
from the skin and selected from the
group consisting of ethyl acetate, butyl
acetate, pentyl acetate, ethyl propion- Cleaning Upholstery
ate, ethylene-glycol-mono-ethyl-ether —
Candy- ^Rub the spot with a cloth wet
acetate, ethylene-glycol-mono-butyl- with very hot water. If necessary, fol-
ether acetate and mixtures thereof, ap- low by sponging the spot after drying,
proximately 10 to 20 lb. with a cloth dampened with approved
Soap 8 to 20 lb. cleaner or carbon tetrachloride.
Glycerin 5.5 to 16 lb. Chewing Gum—-W et the spot with


cleaner or carbon tetrachloride and work No. 4

the gum off with a dull table knife while Hydrogen Peroxide (2<%) 50 kg.
moist. Ammonia 60 kg.
Fruits—-Wet with very hot water, For fruit juice and wine stains.
scraping any pulp from the fabric. An No. 5
extreme case may make it necessary to Soft Soap, Unfilled 25 g.
pour very hot water, boiling if necessary, Triethanolamine Oleate 5 g.
directly on the spot before scraping. Water 30 g.
This works, too, for wine or liquor stains. Alcohol 20 g.

Grease and Oil Clean and rub spots Acetone 10 g.
with a clean cloth wet with approved Talcum 10 g.
cleaner or with carbon tetrachloride. Shake before use.
Ice Cream —Eub with a cloth wet with Let dry on stain, and remove by brush-
warm soap suds and clean with a cloth ing.
wet with cold water. After drying,
cleaning fluid may be used to clear up Preventing Zinc Stains on Linens
any last traces. French Patent 817,828

Lipstick Apply a small amount of To prevent zinc stains on linen boiled
cleaning fluid or tetrachloride directly to in zinc containers, add 3% of sodium
the stain and immediately press a blotter thiosulphate to solution.
flrmly on the spot. Eepeat this until the
stain is removed. Ink Eemover

Water Spots Dampen the entire Oxalic Acid 8 kg.
panel showing the stain with a clean cloth Sodium Hyposulphite 2 kg.
wet with cold water. Allow to dry and Water 90 kg.
sponge the spot with cloth wet with clean-
ing fluid. Eemoval of Ink Stains
Spot Polish and Dressings ^After — If all other methods fail try a solution
the polish has become thoroughly dry of potassium permanganate followed by
brush vigorously. If necessary, moisten a solution of sodium tliiosulphate and
the spot with cold water, allow to dry, citric acid. Then wash with clear water.
and again repeat the brushing operation.
Glycerin as a Stain Eemover
Stain Eemovers Glycerin applied warm to stains made
(Ink, Bust, Fruit Juice, Wine etc.) by mustard, coffee, cocoa, and so on, on
Formula No. 1 delicately colored fabrics is efficient in
a. Chloride ofLime 6 kg. removing them without damaging the
Water 72 kg. color or the fabric. After application
h. Sodium Carbonate, it is allowed to stand for a few minutes

Crystallized 12 kg. and then rinsed off with water.

Water 24 kg. For removing grease and other stains,
Add the solution h to the suspension a,
a cleaner made by mixing glycerin (1
ounce), alcohol (1 ounce), ether (1
let stand and settle.
ounce), ammonia (4 ounces), and eastile
Syphon off the supernatant solution,
soap (1 ounce) mixed and stirred into
Alter it, and
All it into brown bottles.
enough water to make two quarts, has
Seal corks with paraffin.
been recommended.
Use this way, or in aqueous dilution;
on dyed cloth; test out the resistance of Eust and ink spots can be removed by
using a solution of two ounces of potas-
the dye against the bleaching action of
the preparation.
sium binoxalate in 88 ounces of water,
to which 11 ounces of glycerin have been
This solution is know as Bau de La-
harraque (Sodium Hypochlorite Solu- added. In use, the rust or ink spot is
moistened with this solution and rinsed
out carefully after three hours. Lipstick
No, 2 stains are said to yield to a mixture of
Eau de Laharraque glycerin (1 part), glacial acetic acid (1
(See No. 1) 90 kg. part ) , and methyl alcohol (3 parts )
Oxalic Acid 10 kg. Although this is not unfailing, it is said
Special for ink and rust stains. to be highly efficient.
No. 3 ^

Oxalic Acid 10 k g. Eemoving Oil Stains from Fabrics

Sodium Thiosulphate 3 kg. Aniline Oil 1 oz.
Water 87 kg. Powdered Soap 1 oz.
For ink or rust stains. Water 10 oz.
: —


The stained portion of the goods should Cleanser for Milk Vessels
be allowed to remain in the solution for Ammonium Carbonate
some time and then be well washed with Caustic Soda, Powdered
water. Sodium Meta Phosphate
Sodium Meta Silicate
Removal of Bust Stains TriSodium Phosphate
Use a solution of Potassium Acid Oxa- Sodium Sulphite*
late. * Anti-corrosive.

Removing Nail Polish Stains from

^^Celanese^’ Composition to Clean Wooden Surfaces
Two ounces of amyl acetate ; one ounce Montan Wax, Double Bleached 4 g.
of benzol and one -half ounce of denatured Paraffin Wax (50/52^ C.) 6 g.
alcohol. Soap, Castile 1 g.
Since nail polishes are of different com- Water 68 g.
position, this formula may not apply to Methyl Alcohol 20 g.
all of them, but only to the cellulose Ammonia (Concentrated) 1 g.
nitrate polishes, which are the most com- Color with any water soluble color.

Removing Automobile Grease Stains Cleaning Light Oak Desks

First rub lard or white petrolatum on
Make up a wash of 8 ounces of soda
ash in a gallon of warm water and scrub
the spot on the wrong side. Use a clean
with a soft bristle brush. Follow this
rag to remove this, with as much of the
with a wash of warm water and then dry
black grease as possible, lay the spot face
with a cloth.
down on a clean pad, apply carbon tetra-
chloride on the wrong side, to push the
dirt out, rather than rub it in from the Washing Butter Churns
right side. Brush lightly or feather’^
A small quantity, not to exceed 35 or
the edge of the spot, so there will be no 40 gallons, of hot water is added to the
ring. churn as a first wash. This first water
should be added to the churn as quickly
To Remove Mold-Stains from (White) as possible, the churn placed in high gear
Laundry and permitted to operate for 8 or 10
1. Pre-spot with soft soap by rubbing revolutions. The water is then removed
it in gently; wash out in clear water. as quickly as possible. This procedure
Dry. eliminates the fat that is adhering to the
2. Bleach with walls of the churn and assists in prevent-
W'ater 100 cc.
ing the churn from becoming oil-soaked.
Citric Acid 2-5 g- Following the first washing, the churn
or should be washed with a hot water (water
Hydrogen Peroxide 50 g* at about 200® F.) which may contain
Ammonia 5 g- (occasionally) a small amount (not more
Water, Distilled 125 g* than 1,4 per cent) of such washing pow-
Wet the repeatedly with the
stains der as may be employed in the plant.
lution, and then wash with clear water. Following the washing of the churn
with a second washing, a third -washing
Dried Milk Stain Cleaner is given with clear hot water as a rinse.
Ammonium Carbonate 50 g. If it is desired to add a solution contain-
Trisodium Phosphate 40 g. ing chlorine, itmay be added with this
Sodium Metasilicate 10 g. last rinsing. When the churn is ready
Sodium Meta Phosphate 5-10 g. for use, it should be rinsed with cold
water, A chlorine solution may be ‘used
Chewing Gum Remover if desired, followed by a cold water rinse.
Carbon tetrachloride or its emulsion is
Cleaning Piano Keys
Cleaner for Carbon Paper, Ink and Use a soft rag dipped in alcohol in
Typewriter Ribbon Stains which a small piece of camphor has been
U. S. Patent 2,091,220
Titanium Trichloride
(20% Solution) 1 oz. Cleaning Gilded Surfaces
Glycerin 1 oz. Slake two ounces of quick lime in a
Alcohol 3 oz. little hot water, then gradually add two

and one-half pints of boiling water to Stir this mixture vigorously with the
form a milk of lime. In another vessel mop in a pail, and rinse in water.
dissolve four ounces of pearlash in three
and three-fourths pints of boiling water,
Shoe Cleaner
and mix the two solutions, keeping the
Carbon Tetrachloride 70 oz.
vessel containing the mixture covered for
Gasoline 30 oz.
one hour, shaking occasionally. When
Amyl Acetate 0.5 oz.
cool pour the clear liquid off and apply
it to the gilded surface with a soft sponge
until all dirt and tarnish are removed, Feed Water Heater Cleaning
and wash the surface with plenty of clear U. S. Patent 2,057,189
water. Another preparation that is used The process of removing the gummy
for cleaning gilded surfaces is made by coating formed by the deposit of burned
dissolving seven ounces of bicarbonate of and carbonized lubricating oil from ex-
soda, seven ounces of chloride of lime haust steam, resulting from the high
and two ounces of table salt in one and temperature of the exhaust steam in ex-
one-half pints of distilled water. This haust steam heated feed water heaters,
solution is to be kept in a well-stoppered and the like, comprises immersing the
glass bottle for use. Apply the solution heater in a composition comprising 00 to
to the gilded surface with a soft sponge 85 per cent paraffin oil distilled off di-
and rub lightly. Repeat the operation rectly above gas oil having a Saybolt
until all dirt and tarnish are loosened, viscosity at 100° F. of about 50 to 200
wipe loose material off with a clean rag, and a flash point of about 265° F. to
then wipe the surface of the cross with 410° F., and 15 to 40 per cent coal oil at
a clean rag wet with denatured alcohol. a temperature substantially between 150°
If neither of the foregoing solutions re- F. and 250° F., the proportions being by
move the dirt and tarnish, apply a solu- volume.
tion of one-half ounce of cyanide of
potassium in one pint of distilled water.
Let this solution dry on the surface, and Cleaning Surgical and Dental
brush off with prepared chalk. Cyanide Instruments
of potassium is one of the most deadly Formula No. 1
poisons known. Wear rubber gloves, and Sulfuric Acid 1 g.
exercise the greatest possible caution both Alcohol 50 g.
while handling the material and in keep- Pour the acid gradually into the al-
ing it where no one else will be able to cohol.
get hold of it. Mark all vessels contain- Place the instruments in the liquid for
ing the cyanide solution DEADLY POI- 10 minutes, then remove, wash in hot
SON. water and dry in clean sawdust.
No. 2
Cleanser of Wax-Polished Surfaces Prepared Chalk 2 oz.
Tetralin 50 lb. Ammonia 2 oz.
Hydroterpin 30 lb. Alcohol 2 oz.
Sangajol, Terlitol, or Terapin
Water 4 oz.
(Turpentine Oil Substi-
tutes) 20 lb.
Rub the instruments with a cloth satu-
rated with this mixture and then wipe
them with a dry cloth.
Cleanser for Rubber Rugs
Oleic Acid 8 kg. No. 3
Triethanolamine 3 kg. Ammonium Carbonate 30 S*
Water 30 kg. Water 120 g-
Spindle Oil 40 kg. Dissolve and add
Precipitated Chalk 480 g-
The cleanser should not be left on the
rubber for too lon^ because it has a Spread the paste upon the instruments
softening action on it. and then rub them flrst with soft flannel
and lastly with chamois.

Cleansing Greasy Household Mops

Trisodium Phosphate 2 oz. Washing Compound for Canning
Hot, Strong Soap Solution Industry
(enough soap to make Caustic Soda 28 oz.
good suds) 2 gal. Soap 2 oz.
Cleaning Solvent or Other Sodium Silicate 141 oz.
Light Petroleum Solvent Ai pt. Sodium Hypochlorite 48 oz.

Removing Insects from Windshields of an ounce of oleic acid. Bring to a

Diglycol Lanrate 2 boil and stir to dissolve all lumps. While
Sulf atate 2 solution is still hot (above 160° F.), pour
Soda Ash 1 in one gallon of 16 degree Baumd aqua
Water 95^ ammonia. Stir vigorously until the mix-
Apply to windshield; allow to soak in ture becomes uniformly milky. There
gind wipe off with a wet cloth. should then be no lumps or solid matter
remaining. If for any reason, there does
Cleanser Similar to the of Henkel remain any solid matter, strain it out
Trisodium Phosphate 60 g. with a cloth or absorbent cotton filter.
Sodium Carbonate, Calcined 20 g. This stock solution is then added to
Waterglass, 38° Be. 20 g. solutions of ammonia and water until the
Mix, allow to solidify, grind. desired cloud is made. The usual con-
centration will be the entire above batch
to fifty gallons of ammonia solution.
Watch Cleaning Eluid
Solution #1. Boil 1 oz. oleic acid in No. 2
Heat one and one-half ounces of stearic
1 quart of w'ater. Keep hot until ready
acid to melting and pour into three
to use.
Solution #2. Boil 4 oz. household am- ounces of oleic acid. Pour this mixture,
monia (6%) with 1 quart of water. Add while w’arm, into one and one-half pints
2 oz. of acetone and bring to boiling. of hot w'ater. Then slowly add o’ne-half
Slowly mix solutions one and two and pint of 26 degree Baume aqua ammonia
stir until uniform. with vigorous stirring. A creamy white
liquid will result. Dissolve three ounces
Warren’s Bust Cleaning Compound of powdered castile soap in one quart of
Sift sawdust (that is, not line sawdust
hot water and when completely dissolved
but the kind preferably which comes
add it slowly to the oleic acid and stearic
from a lathe. Take 150 lb. calcium chlo- acid mixture. Mix w^ell and make up to
and heat up with 6 pails water in one gallon by adding hot water, this is
the stock solution (f). Mix ammonia
an iron kettle. Considerable time is
taken for all the calcium chloride to go
and water to the desired concentration
Take out 1 pail hot cal- for the final product and to every gallon
into solution.
of this ammonia solution (h), add one-
cium chloride solution and add 1 lb. red
Stir this in when it will go into
half ounce of clear lime water. Stir w^ell.
solution. Then -pour this pail of red so- To each 200 parts of ammonia and
water, already containing lime water (h),
lution slowly into an electric dough mixer
with the sawdust. After 5 or 10 minutes
add slowly one part of the stock solution
mixing pour in another pail, etc., until
it comes to the fffth pail. In this dis- Stir while adding. The cloud will form
solve one-fourth lb. dye again and pour
in. Finally pour in sixth pail of calcium Milky Ammonia
chloride solution and let mix for 20 min- Into a two gallon iron container, pour
utes. Then barrel while warm. Add a three pints of water and add two ounces
safrol or pine oil (as perfume) as
little of stearic acid. Bring to a boil and stir
soon as last pail calcium chloride has vigorously to break up any lumps.
been poured in. WTiile solution is still hot (above 160®
F.) pour in while stirring, one gallon of
Sweeping Compound 16° Baume aqua ammonia. Continue
Formula No. 1 :
stirring until the mixture becomes uni-
formly milky. When cool dilute with
Paraffin Oil

more 16° Baumd aqua ammonia or bottle
without dilution. The product will re-
main permanently milky with only slight

Venetian Bed or
Chrome Green sediment formation, for a period of years.
No. 2 If a sediment is formed when ammonia
Sand 100 lb. and water are mixed, it is usually caused
Salt 15 lb. by the use of a very bard water or the
Sawdust 40 lb. presence of alum or rust in the water.
Alum is commonly used in the treatment
Cloudy: Ammonia ,
of municipal water supplies, which would
Formula No. 1
. , ,
account for its presence in ordinary tap
Into a two gallon iron container, pour water. Bust is generally picked up in
three pints of water and then add two pipe lines.
ounces of stearic acid and three-quarters If cloudy ammonia containing lime


water curdles, add less lime water or cut or a quart) of boiling water in an earth-
it out entirely. If city water itself is enware or glass vessel, and add, a little
hard, tile addition of more lime may ag- at a time, while stirring, oxalic crystals
gravate any curdling tendency. Trouble until no more will dissolve. Apply this
can usually be expected when using lime solution with a brush, and leave it on
water. overnight, if possible. The next day re-
If cloudy ammonia made from soap move the acid by washing, first with
curdles and the. curd floats, it is a sign warm water, then several times with cold.
that during preparation the stearic and When the surface becomes dry it will be
oleic acids were mixed with too little found to be beautifully bleached, and
ammonia or at too low a temperature. ready for repainting or varnishing. Ox-
Add the ammonia while stearic acid and alic acid is a deadly poison and the occu-
oleic acid are hotter. Stir more vigor- pants of the building must be warned
ously. Be sure you are adding ammonia that no one must be permitted to go near
to hot acid and not hot acid to ammonia. the windows while the white coating
If the curd settles to the bottom, try formed by the acid is on the surface.
using less stock solution thus forming a Leftover acid must be destroyed just as
light cloud that will be less likely to soon as the application is completed, and
curdle. must not, under any circumstances, be
No. 3 left standing for a single instant where
Powdered Borax 2 dr. children or pets can get at it.

Water 6 oz.
Ammonia Water (30%) 5 oz.
Removing Wax from Woodwork
Oleic Acid 2 dr.
If the woodwork was filled with a paste
Cologne Water 4 dr. filler and varnished before the wax was
Dissolve the borax in the water; add applied, heat a quantity of turpentine
the ammonia water, and then the oleic by placing some in a tin vessel and
acid previously mixed with the cologne placing this in a pail of hot water. Let
water. the turpentine stand in the hot water,
Instead of the oleic acid, 4 drams of and apply it to the surface of the wood-
soft soap may be used. work with a* stub of a brush, scrubbing
The cologne water used has the follow- the surface with the hot turpentine. As
ing formula soon as the wax has been melted, wash
COLOGNE WATER. the surface with a clean rag or bunch of
Bergamot Oil 10 ce. cotton waste dipped in gasoline. This
Orange Oil, Sweet 10 cc. should remove every trace of the wax and
fit the surface to receive paint. If the
Neroli Oil 2 cc.
Lemon Oil 2 cc. surface has not been filled with paste
filler, but the wax has found its way
Cologne Spirit 1000 cc.
Stronger Orange Flower into the pores of the wood, the problem
Water is more complicated. In such a case it
to suit
will be better to apply hot solutions of
The oils are dissolved in the spirit and
one of the new dry powder floor cleaners.
enough orange flower water is added to
This treatment will remove the wax com-
cause a slight opalescence. The liquid is
pletely, if enough applications of the hot
allowed to age as much as possible before
solution are put on. Wash the surface
thoroughly after the hot cleaner has done
No 4 .
its work, and when dry the surface will
Castile Soap 2 oz. be both clean and beautifully bleached.
Ammonia (0.880) 2 pt. Before applying any paint, fill the sur-
Slaked Lime 5 g. face with paste wood filler, and when the
Oil of Lavender 2 1. dr. filler is thoroughly dry sandpaper lightly
Water,to make 1 gal. with fine sandpaper. After a good dust-
Dissolve the soap in 5 pints of water, ing the surface will be ready to receive
then add the liquid ammonia and stir in the first coat of undercoater. It is as-
the oil of lavender. Dissolve the calcium sumed, of course, that the surplus filler
hydroxide in the remainder of the water will be wiped in the usual way before
and mix all together. the filler dries.

Removing Stains from Window Sash Bleaching Powder

Sandpaper the discolored surface, then Patent 2,075,913
XT. S.
^Pplj the oxalic acid solution, made as Calcium Hypochlorite 10 oz.
foUows; Place a small quantity (a pint Monocalcium Phosphate 10 oz.

Laundry Bleacli Sodium Silicofluoride 1 oz.

(For use in water containing iron) Sodium Bifluoride 1 oz.
French Patent 46,658 No. 8
tr. S. Patent 1,989,312
Sodium Perborate 17 g.
Sodium Bifluoride 50 g.
Soda Ash 34 g.
Ammonium Silicofluoride

30 g.
Ammonium Dihydrogen
Bleaching Agent Phosphate 20 g.
French Patent 792,904 Water lb
Sodium Perborate 1 kg.
Soap 2-6 kg. Laundry Gloss
Tetra Sodium Pyro- Gloss preparations to be used with
phosphate 1-3 kg. starch are widely employed in the laun-
Soda Ash 1-3 kg. dry, not only to lend a flne smooth flnish,
This does not give a precipitate in but also to prevent scorching and stick-
water containing iron. ing of the iron. The following is a
typical formula:
Laundry Sours Acacia, Gum 1 oz.
Laundry sours are used to neutralize Borax 2 oz.
any alkali which may remain in the fab- Glycerin 1 oz.
rics after washing. Ammonium silico Water 32 oz.
fluoride 98 per cent is used for neutraliz- Soak the acacia in the water for six
ing only. Ammonium bi-fluoride (93 per hours, add the borax, then heat to a boil
cent minimum for use with iron bearing and add the glycerin, let cool and strain.
water supplies) is used alone or in con- To use, add two ounces of this prepara-
junction with ammonium silico fluoride tion to 3 quarts of the usual starch solu-
as a neutral sour and as an aid in ^pre- tion.
vention of discoloration caused by iron-
bearing water. This material being more Laundry Starch Solution
soluble than sodium bifluoride is suitable British Patent 450,192
for souring to a pH as low as 4.2. The following gives a better penetrat-
Formula No. 1 ing starch and yields a more uniform
Sodium Bifluoride 25 oz. and glossier flnish.
Sodium Silico Fluoride 75 oz.
Sodium Hexametaphosphate
No. 2 (25% Solution) 1 qt.
Sodium Bifluoride 50 oz. Prepared Starch Solution 25 gal.

Sodium Silico Fluoride 50 oz.

No. 3
Collar Glaze for Laundries
Ammonium Bifluoride ^ 25 oz.
Stearic Acid, Powdered,
Ammonium Silicofluoride 75 oz.
75 kg.
Double Pressed
No. 4 Borax, Powdered, Finest

25 kg.
Ammonium Bifluoride^ 50 oz.
Wheat Starch, Finest 100^ kg.
Ammonium Silicofluoride 50 oz.
Ultramarine Blue a little
Another authority recommends the fol-
lowing typo of laundry sour because it
removes iron stains, by virtue of the Starch Wax

formation of complex iron oxalate anions. Formula, No. 1

Three pounds of oxalic acid dissolved in Stearic Acid 2 kg.
three of hot water, and when
gallons Caustic Soda
cool, 844 pounds of acetic acid (56 per (10% Solution) 0.2 kg.
cent) added. One pint of this sour is Water, Hot 10 kg.
used per 200 pounds of goods. Starch, Moistened 50 kg.

No. 5 Saponify the stearic acid with the

Sodium Silicofluoride 3.4 oz. soda, then thin with the water, and mix
Sodium Bifluoride 1.0 oz. in the wetted starch. Mix thoroughly,
No. 6
Sodium Silicofluoride 78 oz. ..

No. 2
Sodium Bifluoride 10 oz. Use a stearic acid solution in petroleum
Gelatin 0.85 oz. ether instead of making a soap solution.
No. 7 To such starch is added and

Acetic Acid 4 oz. mixed thoroughly to a paste. This is

Oxalic Acid 1 oz. dried by spreading in the air.

Preventing Water Marks Sodium Pyrophosphate 30 oz.

Saturate the stain and the fabric for Sodium Perborate 30 oz.
some space around the stain with naphtha, Aluminium Hydroxide 10 oz»
then use the water solution on the stain
immediately. When the stain has been
dissolved, take up the moisture by wiping
Dairy Detergent
over the treated section lightly with a Soda Ash 40 kg.
soft cotton cloth.
Trisodium Phosphate 35 kg.
Waterglass 10 kg.
Caustic Soda, Powdered 5 kg.
Detergent Block Sodium Sulphite 7 kg,
D. S. Patent 1,992,692 Chloramin (Aktivin) 3 kg.
A mixture of trisodium phosphate

(90), water-glass (5), vegetable oil soap

(2iy^), and paraffin oil containing
5% of
aluminum stearate (2Vi%) is softened a. Sodium Bisulphite,
by heat, kneaded into granules, and com- Ground 7 kg.
pressed into blocks under 30,000-40,000 h. Zine Dust 1.35 kg.
Ib./sq.in. c. Sulphuric Acid, Diluted
1:2.5, and Cooled 7 kg.
Stable Perborate Detergents d. Water, Cold 60 kg.
British Patent 436,235 Put the water d into a handy con-
Formula JSTo. 1 tainer, which can be emptied at once into
Soap 57 oz. the kettle of soap, or oil. Dissolve a in
Sodium Pyrophosphate 12 oz. the water with good agitation, add the
Sodium Perborate 12 oz. 1:2.5 diluted acid c which ought to be
Soda Ash 14 oz. prepared several hours before to be com-
Aluminium Hydroxide 5 oz. pletely cold. Add right after it the zinc
Ko. 2 dust &, stir thoroughly, and empty the
Soda Ash 30 oz. container into the kettle with the soap.

Clearing Processing Spots on Textiles rinse, soap, rinse and dry. For the po-
One of the hardest tasks to undertake, tassiiun ferricyanide wnth caustic soda
in a dyeing or printing plant, is the re- treatment, it is necessary to run through
moval of spots. There are so many ways a hot bath, spy and follow with a warm
that spots will occur that the cause of rinse, hot soap and cold rinse and dry.
this trouble is often undetermined. In all the above mentioned treatments,
If the spot is simply dirt, then a good it is necessary to vary the quantity of
soaping will clear this up. If it is ingredients in every case in order to re-
grease, there are two ways of removal. move various types of _spots. A trial
The first method is usually used for light should be run on all the above mentioned
grease spots and consists of running the remedies before the cloth is actually run.
cloth in a jig with a soap, soda and car- This prevents any poor work and will
bon tetrachloride bath at a low tempera- often solve the problem where otherwise
ture. The second method is to spot the the cloth is ruined.
blot with ordinary Bed oil and then run
into a hot caustic soda bath. Color spots
Bemoval of Ink Stains from Cloth
are usually quite hard to get rid of.
Ink stains are best removed by first
Sometimes the remedy will spoil the rest
applying a dilute oxalic acid solution
of the pattern or color and this is un-
(2%). Dab the spot with this and allow
the cloth to stand 1-2 minutes, mean-
There are two general methods of re-
while having a cotton cloth pad under-
moval, namely the oxidation and the
neath the spot. Then gently apply a
reduction method. The oxidation method
includes the use of chlorine water, hy-
dilute chemic solution to 1 %avail-
able chlorine). Wiien the spot is re-
drogen peroxide and potassium perman-
moved, spot well with water followed by
ganate followed by sodium bisulphite.
a very weak acetic acid solution and,
The reduction method uses sodium hydro-
subsequently more water, then dry.
sulphite, sodium sulf oxalate-formalde-
hyde, sodium bisulphite, potassium ferri-
cyanide with caustic soda. The Cleaning and Bleaching of Linen
In the oxidation method using chlorine The pieces to be treated must be
water, it is best to run at a weak con- singed, de-sized and boiled out. The best
centration into luke warm water and known de-sizing processes are the follow-
after immersion to spy for a short period ing:
of time followed by a warm rinse, dilute 1. The goods are placed in a cold sul-
acetic acid and another rinse. Hydrogen phuric acid bath, of from 1 to 2° BA,
peroxide is run about the same way but preferably overnight;
the concentration may be increased. 2. They are placed for several days
When using the permanganate method it in warm water, when the sizing ferments,
is best to pad with a weak solution of whereupon they are thoroughly rinsed
potassium permanganate and then dry. 3. They are ti’eated with a malt or
Hollow this up with a passage through —
diastafor solution 2 to 4 g. malt or
a weak hot sodium bisulphite bath and diastafor to 1 1. of bath-—and placed in
subsequently rinse well. the de-sizing bath at 50° C., preferably
In the reduction method using sodium overnight.
hydrosulphite and caustic soda, it is best After the de-sizing, the goods are
to run at a uniform speed through a boiled for five or six hours under pressure
controlled reduced bath at a tempera- or on the jigger, or if necessary on the
ture not exceeding 130° H,, spy for a few reel, for which there are used per 100 kg.
seconds and follow with a run through of goods from 2 to 2.5 kg. of caustic
warm water, hot soap then cold water. soda, 0.75 to 1 kg. of calcined soda, 0.3
When using sodium sulfoxalate formalde- to 0,4 kg. of Marseille soap, and from
hyde, it is best to pad at a weak con- 100 to 200 cc. bisulphite, 38° BA When
centration and dry. Then run the goods the goods are well rinsed, the bleaching
through a rapid ager and subsequently follows.

Chloride of lime is almost exclusively to each article washed in usual suds.

used for the bleaching, the goods being Colored goods can be bleached clear in
turned several times in a cold chloride tone without damage to colors provided
of lime solution, of from 0.5° to 1° Be. they are first of all fast to soap and
They are then soaked several hours or water.
overnight, afterwards rinsed, slightly Caution: Never use Javelle Water,
acidified with hydrochloric acid, and well which sodium hypochlorite, on wool,
rinsed again. If the goods are not suffi- silk or any fine fabric. Javelle Water is
ciently bleached the treatment is re- suitable only for cottons, linens and ray-
peated. The chloride of lime solution ons which are white. Never use Javelle
needed for the bleaching is made by Water on colored goods of any descrip-
grinding chloride of lime as fine as pos- tion.
sible in a wooden or earthen vessel, stir-
ring it in a quantity of water, and Bleaching (Angora) Babbit Wool
allowing it to settle. The clear liquid is The material hasto be lightly scoured
then poured through a cloth into the before bleaching or dyeing it. Soap and
bleaching bath, which is prepared in a ammonia, with or without an addition
wooden tub, whereupon the liquor is di- of a proportion of one of the proprietary
luted to the proper strength. scouring assistants, are the usual deter-
After bleaching and acidifying, in gents employed. Scouring is carried out
order to obviate later undesirable action at a temperature of about 106° F. The
of the chlorine, the goods are passed small amount of natural fatty substance
several times through a bath in which in the fibre is easily saponified by the
100 g. of sodium thiosulphate per 100 1. use of very little alkali in the scouring
of water are dissolved, and afterwards bath. Scouring is usually performed in
rinsed. In place of chloride of lime, apparatus of similar type to that used
hypochlorite of soda can be used. It for cleansing sheep’s wool.
is prepared by stirring 1 kg. of chloride Bleaching of raw Angora rabbit wool
of lime to a paste, as above described, is preferably done with peroxide of hy-
to which is added a solution of 600 g. drogen, as this agent yields a purer white
calcined soda dissolved in 3 1. of boiling than is obtainable by the use of bisul-
water. The whole is then stirred for 15 phite of soda bleach. Furthermore, the
or 20 minutes. After being allowed to material handles softer owing to the non-
settle, the bleaching bath prepared from acid character of the peroxide bleaching
this should also be from 0.5 to 1° B5. process. To carry out the peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide and sodium per- bleach, the bath is prepared with 8 pt.
oxide can also be used for bleaching of peroxide of hydrogen (12 volumes)
linen, but are, in practice, more expensive per 100 lb, of material. The liquor
than chlorine. should be made faintly alkaline before
entering the rabbit wool. A small pro-
Bleaching White Woolens, Silks and portion of sodium silicate may be em-
Other Fine Fabrics ployed in making the bath, after which
Formula No. 1 the temperature should be Raised during
Water (Not Over 100° F.) 5 gal. one hour to 100° F. The batch may be
Soap, Neutral %
lb. then left to steep several hours in the
Modified Soda ^
oz. cooling bath. The material should be
Sodium Perborate 1 oz. finally given a thorough rinsing in cold
No. 2 water to free the fiber from sodium sili-
Water (Not Over 100° F.) 5 gal. cate, since the presence of this harshens
Hydrogen Peroxide the handle.
(100 vol.) 1 pt.
Sodium Bicarbonate 10-20 g. Bleaching Tussah Silk
Soap, Neutral %
lb. For 50lb. of tussah silk a bath is pre-
Soak for fou? or five hours, and al- pared containing 30 lb. of magnesium
though the baths are not expended at the sulphate dissolved in 110 gal. of water.
end of this time they must be strength- The silk after being well boiled-off and
ened by adding half of the above quanti- washed, is thoroughly impregnated with
tiesbefore entering each new batch. this liquor and then lifted from the bath,
Work must be carried out in wood or while 6 lb., 10 oz. of sodium peroxide is
enamel, earthenware or stainless steel. carefully added in three portions during
Iron, brass or copper should be avoided. 45 minutes, working the silk in the bath
When the goods do not require a full after each addition. It is important not
bleach the solutions can be added to the to neglect to first impregnate the silk
ordinary washing process about gal. with the magnesinm sulphate solution,^

otherwise the luster of the fiber would be Formic Acid, 8 per cent (4 times the
impaired by the strongly alkaliue solution usual amount but determined as
of sodium peroxide acting on the silk. the most effective).
After the final addition of the sodium Bring to boil in one-half hour; boil
peroxide, the bath is heated during 45 one-half hour.
minutes to 190° F. Dilute sulphuric acid Rinse.
is then added to clear the
liquor which Ammonia, 5 per cent.
will have become milky through the pre- Bring to boil in one-half hour; boil
cipitation of magnesium hydrate. The 10 minutes.
silk is then given two or three turns in Rinse.
this liquor, wmshed and worked for 30 Dye.
minutes in a bath containing 30 per cent Results : —Sulphur black threads are all
of soap for the purpose of restoring and stripped. Cloth is about the
increasing the luster ; it is finally washed same as in Formula No. 1. The shade is
and brightened. a little dull due to the fact that the
shoddy is not stripped quite thoroughly.
Stripping Shoddy Materials Further stripping will probably have
Boil for V2 -%
hour with tendered the fabric too much.
Potassium Bichromate 3-6% In both of the above procedures a
Sulphuric Acid 6-12% sulphonated alcohol is used as a wetting-
adding to advantage also out agent in the permanganate bath.
Oxalic Acid 3-6%
After stripping, rinse well, neutralize
Dye Stripper
if necessary, and rinse.
U. S. Patent 2,046,317
Mono Calcium Phosphate 3 lb.
Stripping in Presence of Wool Zinc Sulphoxylate-
Formula No. 1 formaldehyde 8 lb.

20 yards Shoddy-Wool Cloth fin- j

Sodium Hyposulphite 8 lb.
ished weight 18 oz. Sodium Sulphite 6 lb.
Potassium Permanganate, 2 lb, per
100 gal.
1 hour cold.
Bleaching Gray Goods
Drain and rinse. The gray goods, after being steeped in
Sodium Bisulphite, 7 lb. per 100 gal. a dilute solution of soda ash or sulphuric
acid in order to hydrolyze the starchy
Sulphuric Acid, pt. % impurities added during weaving, should
1 hour cold.
Wash thoroughly. be thoroughly washed in a plentiful sup-
Kequired per cent of Sodium Sul- ply of water and then directly led into
foxylate Formaldehyde to strip the pressure kierand boiled for 8-10
the shoddy. hours with about 30-35 lb. pressure in
Formic Acid, 2 per cent. the following:
Bring to boil in one-half hour; boil Soda Ash 2 lb.
one-half hour. Caustic Soda 3.. lb.
Rinse. Soap % lb.
Ammonia, 5 per cent (to neutralize Water 95 lb.
formic acid thus making it easier Of course, the above proportions which
to dye cotton specks). are to be calculated on the weight of the
Bring to boil in one-half hour; boil cloth would vary considerably with the
10 minutes. variation in the nature of the materials
Wash. to be treated. However, it should be
Dye. pointed out that the above will give quite
Results: —
^All the sulphur black dyed satisfactory results with heavy goods
threads are stripped. The cloth may be woven with 20s to 30s yarn.
tendered more than desired. After boiling, the cloth is well washed
No. 2 on an ordinary washing machine and then
treated for five to six hours with the
15 yards Shoddy-Wool Cloth ; fin-
ished weight 18oz. following bleaching liquor at 90° C. to
lb, per
95° C.:
Permanganate of Potash, 2
100 gal. Hydrogen Peroxide
1 hour cold. (40% by Volume) 1% lb.
Drain and wash. Silicate of Soda 1 lb.
Usual per cent of Sodium Bulfoxy- Soda Ash % lb.

late Formaldehyde, Water 97 lb.



the end of the treatment, the cloth chloric acid per 1. Then with hydrogen
iswashed for half an hour in the kier peroxide (3 g, active oxygen per 100 g.
and then on the washing machine. By flax in 0.2% sodium silicate and 0.7%
this method, the cloth acquires the neces- caustic soda) for 90 minutes at 90 ° G,
sary whiteness and there is no need of Finally treat with diluted sulphuric acid
any further treatment. The goods, after for 10 minutes.
washing, can be directly taken up for the
finishing operations. Bleach for Hair and Feathers
German Patent 636,258
Peroxide Bleaching of Bhoties Hydrogen Peroxide (30%) 100 g.
cloth, after being de-sized and
The Ammonium Persulphate SO g.
washed, should be fed into the kier con- Alcohol 20- 30 g.
taining : Water 1000 cc.
Silicate of 1.0 % Immerse in above bath for a few hours
Turkey Red Oil 0.2 % until bleached.
Soap 1.0 %
Caustic Soda 0.17% Fur Bleaching Bath
Hydrogen Peroxide TJ. S, Patent 2,092,746
(40% by Volume) 0.2 % Water 100 gal.
and the whole should be boiled for 8-10 Hydrogen Peroxide
hours. After washing, the kier is refilled (100 Vol.) 5 gal.
with the material. The bleaching liquor Sodium Silicate 12 lb.
should consist of the following: Sodium Oxalate 2 lb.
Silicate of Soda 0.75%
Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching of Natural Sponges
(40% by Volume) 0.75% Bath a
Soda Ash 0.3 % Potassium Permanganate 5 g.
Turkey Red Oil 0.2 % Water 100 g.
The liquor should be heated to 160’ Bath 5
P. and kept at that temperature for five Sodium Thiosulphate 100 g.
to six hours. This treatment leaves a Water 1000 g.
slight yellowish tinge' which can be re- Bath c:
moved by treating the goods with a Hydrochloric Acid
Tw. bleaching powder for three to four (Free of Arsenic) 25 g.
hours. The whiteness in this case is also Water 1000 g.
satisfactory but the processes are longer. Remove sand and other impurities, then
In the case of dhoties, no trouble is ex- dip into the baths a, 6, c for 5-10 min-
perienced in bleaching by the peroxide utes each; the solutions should be pressed
method. out from the sponges before changing to
the next bath. After bath c wash with
Bleaching Hemp clean water until neutral.
For string and light ropes a rough Dry with air-blower.
bleach sometimes employed. For this
purpose the goods are first boiled for Protecting Iron Bleaching Kiers
half an hour in a solution of 10 kg. sili- The kier, after being well scraped off
cate of soda at 70° Tw. in 500 1. water. with an iron brush, should be coated with
They are then boiled in water alone, a mixture of portland cement and lime.
after which they are rinsed and steeped This coating must be uniform and so de-
for 24 hours in a solution of 10 kg. posited that the surface is not too brittle.
bleaching-powder in 1,500 1. water. The consistency of the cement-lime mix-
After being allowed to drain they are ture and also the thickness of the film
hydro-extracted and soured in hydro- play an essential role. After the first
chloric acid (11. commercial hydrochloric
coating, the surface is allowed to dry for
acid in 1,000 1. water). They are then 24 hours. If the coat is not found to
wen washed in water and dried. bet- A be^ completely dried and set even after
ter white is obtained by repeating these
this period, it should be kept longer.
After the coating has been weE dried,
the kier should be filled with water con-
Bleaching Flax taining the following:
Flax treated with boiling
is 1%
sodium Silicate of Soda 40 lb.
silicate solution in 1%
caustic soda for Caustic Soda 10 lb.
45 minutes. Then with a bleach eontain- Lime 5 lb.
iag 3 g. active chlorine and 6 g. hydro- Magnesium Oxide 5 lb.

and the solution circulated at or near Textile Fibers from Plants

the boil for eight hours. It
at least British Patent 452,082^
should then he allowed to cool. The kier Flax, hemp, jute, etc. is^ boiled with
should then be kept overnight in order agitation in 1%
soap solution, drained,
to allow the thin film of the above mix- and similarly treated several times with
ture to set in. This process would also 1% trisodium phosphate. It is then
give a good and efficient initial lining rinsed several times and finally treated
to the circulating pump. with a solution containing 1%
of soap
Another effective method of coating an and 0.1% of calcium chloride, and dried.
iron kier is to make a paste of the fol- The fibres are drained after each treat-
lowing materials; ment and rinsed.
Portland Cement 4 Ib.
Lime 1 lb. Purifying Bast Fibres
•Magnesium Oxide 1 lb. U. S. Patent 2,054,779
Paste up the above ingredients with a Hemp, flax, ramie, etc., is boiled at
20® Tw. silicate of soda and apply it 30-90 Ib./sq. in. for 2-6 hr. with 15-
to the kier with a brush. Allow the coat 40% sodium sulphite solution. The pulp
and dry. is then rinsed, digested with ammonium
to set
oleate solution at 30 Ib./sq. in. for 4 hr.
Stabilizing Peroxide Bleaching Baths and then washed.
The comparatively rapid decomposition
of peroxide baths depends very largely Textile Finishing
upon the general working conditions. The materials used in finishing may be
Catalytic action of iron or copper may classified as follows:
cause rapid decomposition in alkaline 1. Stiffening Materials
baths, but not in acid baths. Even at Starches and Gums
higher temperatures an acidified hydrogen 2. Binders
peroxide bath remains fairly stable. In Casein, Glue, ^^TragasoF’, Rosin
a certain sense the fibers of the fabric 3. Fillers
also have a catalytic action, since in their China Clay, Talc, Pigments
presence the bleaching bath decomjjoses 4. Softening Agents
much more rapidly. It remains an open Sulphonated Tallows
question whether the fibers themselves Soluble Oils
have this action, or whether it may be Waxes
attributed to the impurities contained in 5. Luster Producing Materials
the fibers. In the case of catalytic de- Waxes
composition of the peroxide, it is char- 6. Weighting Materials
acteristic that a very small quantity of Glucose
catalytic substance will decompose a con- 7. Hygroscopic Materials
siderable part of the peroxide. The fact Glycerin
that it has been ascertained that germs 8. Waterproofing Agents
and enzymes can act as catalyzers points | Aluminum Stearate
to the possibility of eliminating this ac- |
tion by adding sterilizing agents. For
On dark shades for stiffening agents,
this purpose hypochlorite has been found
it isbest to use potato or tapioca starch
effective for vegetable fibers, and hydro-
and not com starch. The latter is too
fluorie acid, hydrosulphites and siif ox-
white and not transparent enough so that
alates for animal fibers.
the shade is affected more.
To produce ordinary luster, a sbriner
Carbonizing Wool Bags
calender is used. For high luster, a fric-
Woolen rags or
loose wool are immersed
tion calender wiB produce excellent re-
for 2 to 12 hours in dilute sulphuric
sults. To avoid luster, pass through a
acid at from 2® to 8® Tw., the duration
rup of a cold steel cylinder.
of the immersion depending upon the
Most by running
finishes are produced
strength of the acid. After the excess
through a hot solution of the finishing
of acid has been removed in hydro-
agents and then drying. This is fol-
extractors, the rags are carefully dried,
lowed in turn by a calendering operatiom
first at a temperature of 30® to 45° F.
which is raised after two to three hours
to 70° to 80° F., at which temperature Textile Finishing Compound
the vegetable fiber is carbonized. The Calcium Chloride 58 kg.
material is now taken out, and the vege- Water 42 kg.
table fiber, which crumbles to dust by Magnesium Chloride 57 kg.
friction, is mechanically removed^ Water 43 kg.
: ; 2


G. Galcium CMoride Water 120 1.
Solution (a) 68 kg. Solubilized Starch 10 - 8 kg.
Magnesium GUoride Magnesium 'Sulphate 10 - 8
Solution (6) 18 kg. Glycerin 0.5 kg.
Potato Flour 22 kg. Sulphonated Patty
Water to make paste Alcohol 1 kg.
. No. 7
Finisliing Batlis for Linen Fabrics Water 400 1.
Pine, bleached articles of mixed fabric Starch 15 kg.
are finished in a bath- like the following: Gelatin 5 kg.
Formula No. 1 Solubilized Starch 8 kg.
Water 100 1. Sodium Sulphoricinoleate 1.5 kg.
Starch 7kg. The tickings are dried on frames,
Solubilized Starch '3 kg. dampened, and^ pressed in a calender.
Talc 2.5 kg.
White Soap .
'1 kg.
or Linen Damask Finish Solution
Patty Alcohol Sulphonate '

0.3.,kg. a. Senegal Gum 36 lb.

The pieces are dried while spread, Cream Gloss Softener 40 lb.

sprayed with water, run through a * * beat- Starch, Wheat 20 Ib.

ing-machine ^ ^ (to soften and stretch the Starch, Potato 20 lb.

fabric), and folded. Water 13 gal.

Strain to remove lumps.
No. 2 b. Zinc Sulphate 1 lb.
For ihin JianSketoMef-fabrics the fol- Ammonia (28%) 1 lb.
lowing bath gives a sizing effect and Water 27 gal.
pleasant touch c. Glycerin IVs lb.
Water 200 1, China Clay 5 lb.
Laundry Starch 16 kg. Water 150 gab
Swelling Starch 1 kg.

Talc,.. .
6 kg.
Mix solutions of a, h and c vigorously
Softener 2 kg.-
and bring to a boil.

For fine bandlcerckiefs the following

two baths will give a particularly fine Cotton Dress Goods Finish
touch: Corn Starch 25 lb.

Water 100 '

1. ;
Potato Starch 25 Ib.
Laundry Stareli 10 .kg, Tapioca Starch 25 1b,

1.5 kg. ^Cotton Softener A 40 lb.

Alabaster 10 kg. Water, to make 140 gal.
Soft Soap 0.25 kg. Heat and mix until proper consistency
Cocoa Butter ' ^-25 kg. is gotten.
Ultramarine 0.02 kg.
* Cotton Softener A
No. 4 Stearic Actd 15 Ih.
Soft Water 100 1. Paraffin Wax 5 lb.
Water 100-400 lb.
Starch 12 kg. Ammonia 1 lb.
Laundry Starch 3 kg. Melt the stearic acid wax and water and
White Soap 0.5 kg. while agitating vigorously run in the ammonia
in a thm stream.
Table-Cloths are dipped into a finishing
bath of: Black Latex for Textiles
Water 250 1.
The following mixture
after grinding
Laupdry Starch 8 kg. in a ball mill for 3 hours produces a rich
Solubilized Starch 8 kg. black flexible film when- added to the
Talc '

15 kg. latex:
B.orax, 0.5 kg. Carbon Black ‘
25 lb,
.Marseilles Soap 0.75 kg. Sulfatate or Other Wetting

Ultramarine 0.0075 kg.


Out, Agent lb.
Dry on frames, spray with water to /Water ;

10. gal.
dampen, and press in a calender.'

Three parts of this dispersion is added
No. 6 to five parts of normal latex made al-
Mattress-Tickings are sized and fin- kaline with one-half part of 1% sodium
ished in a bath of hydroxide solution.

Decreasing Luster of Cellulose For a medium stiff effect:

Acetate Rayon Starch Solution 50 1.

Impregnate clotli for 5-10 minutes Glycerin 11 .

with: Water 100 1.

Isobutyl Alcohol 30— 40 g*

For a stiff effect:
Soap 2- 3 g. 100 1.
Starch Solution
Water 950 ec. Glycerin 1 L
then treat at 95® for 5-10 minutes with; Water 100 i
Soap 3-4 g.
Water 1 L
Rayon Finish
Finishing Deluster for Rayon a. Starch 8 kg.
This is’ an excellent practical working Water 60 I
deluster for toning down the highly lus- Aktavin-S 120 g.
terous sheen that rayon ordinarily has. Glycerin 800 g.
h. Finishing Oil 1 kg.
Fullers’ Earth 50 1b.
Titanium Dioxide 40 lb. The solubilizing is obtained by % hour
Sulphonated Castor OE boiling of a. After h is added and the
(30%) 150 lb. solution cooled down, use it diluted with
Stearic-Tallow Softener. 10 to 12 parts of water of about 30® 0.
(28%) 15 lb.
Mix the fullers’ earth and titanium di-
oxide well and wet out with the sulphon- Rayon Lubricants and Finishes
ated castor oil. Finally add the softener U. S. Patent 2,079,108
and grind Use varying amounts
well. Formula No. 1
together with other assistants in f nishing Diethylene Glycol 50 lb.
to obtain the desired delustered effects. Glycerin Mono-Oleate 50 lb.

Before use both of these materials are

Partially Saponifying Celanese stabilized as to the atmosphere, that is
Celanese is sometimes partially saponi- they are permitted to absorb as much
fied for direct and uniform dyeing with moisture as they can.
certain dyes such as direct colors. This The above mixture is applied to an
is done by padding with the .following acetone-soluble cellulose acetate yam, by
and then drying; causing such yarn to pass over wicks,

Soda Ash 30 lb. rollers or other suitable devices for ap-

Glycerin 2 gal. plying such mixture, in their transit to a
Water, to make 50 gal. winding machine. The amount of finish
After drying steam for 4 minutes in a
applied is 10% of the weight of the yarn.
The yarn so treated is more pliable, knits
rapid ager. Then rinse well and dye
with lessdistortion and irregularities,
with any direct dyestuff.
takes high twists more smoothly and gen-
erally exhibits improved properties from
Restoration of Luster to Celanese a textile manipulation point* of view.
Sometimes celanese is delustered by Fabrics en greige comprising this yarn
soap at a high temperature. This may scour oil-free very readily and also wet
be restored by padding with 28% acetic out rapidly.
acid. Enter and dry under tension. If instead of employing the above mix-
Then rinse well and re-dry. ture, glycerin mono-oleate alone is ap-
plied in amounts of about 10% of the
weight of the yarn, similar benefits are
Starch Finishing of Rayon obtained,
Starch Solution:
Water 100 I.
No. 2
Starch 10 kg.
The process of Formula No. 1 is re-
peated, with the exception that the finish
Aktavin-B® 250 g.
also contains 2 parts by weight of soaps
Boil %
hour^ ,.
such as^ thO oleate of sodium, potassium

Of this, uses or triethanolamine. Similar improved re-

For U' soft: e'^eci: sults are obtained. The fabrics, yarns
Starch Solution 10 1. and the like so treated scour, and wet out
Soft Soap 3 kg. with remarkable ease, the finish diffusing
Water 100 L from the yam quite readily, even in cold
* *‘A preparation to solnhilize starch.” water.
No. 3
Tallow Emulsion for Textile
spinning solution is pre- Softeninv
pared Formula No, 1 ®
Cellulose Acetate Water ry ,,
25 pj
Acetone 3 K
72 lb! TaUow
g 2jl^
Glycerin Mono-Oleate ^
1.25 lb' m ^
thorougUy auxed and 200
Bltered and then is forced Caustic Potash (45%)
through ori- 30 lb
“ spinneret into a warm evapora-
tiTe atmosphere Artificial Chamois Finishes
where the aeetone^and
substmtially evaporated off. Ihe treatment of cotton
Thfl and other
filaments ttas formed cellulosie fibers to give
are twisted a water resistant
7^® y®™ so formed is ^ leather-Hke finish may
vAi in!
volve b^h mechanical and chemical nrot
and. bas the improved properti^ of tho esses. First, tke knit cotton
dry, is teazled, carded matSw
preceding examples. or ground
Thfi^ ^ property of de-
to raise
either one Sde
lustenng or assuming or on both. It is then
a subdued luster steeped in a nyri-
when scoured or dyed in aqueous baths ^ne solution of stearic acid chloride
at at
temperatures beloV boiljg,
^t suc“ w • gains in
I'®^ ®®”^*- fatty
the hydro^l groups of
the cellulose and,
mnXte «^®
as a result, the treated
fabric acquires a
handle somewhat like deer
skin o?
chamois leather. Eyeing may
either nre-
Oiling Viscose Tam cede or follow the chei&calVr^"
Oleate (Contain- Stearic acid chloride is
formed when
Al“ohof~^‘’^”“®“^“^> ffo"-
A 1% emulsion of the above in
la applied at 40» 0. for 25-30

Lubricant f or Synthetic
Textile Mbers
British Patent 450,420
of pyridine. There should be no
®*teriflcation, hence
the need for drying the
fabric before
Formula No. 1 tieatment. AH other dressing
. and filling
Tnethanolamine Oleate ingredients in the cloth
1 Th should be re^
Biethylene Glycol o i-u’
moved too. Esterification should not
Fugitive Color
tra^g fabric should' be maintained
No. 2 in motion

Tnethanolamine Stearate
^ meanwhtie. To neutralize any
10 Ib free acid
45 iP- ^®™®A divided alkaU cSonSe
oo suspended in the reaction
Diethylene Glycol
H Jb! fnr^^ tte esterification, the
sho^d '*’.® “I warm soap and soda,
Textile Emulsion ailllo
^^® iiaWe to decom-
-fapanese Patent 110,729 o
pose and liberate hydrochloric acid
Lecithin i tn r.. increase in weight of 15
to 25 per
the feel of the fabric,
if only 2 per cent is Lt
oOO-lOOO oz. taken -up. water re-
Wafer pellent qualities are
1000 OZ. acquired.^
and entirely different method
Thread and Yarn Lubricant of getting a chamois
finish on. a fabric
British Patent 446 A04 "^oven fabric is
Pass through a bath of ^ersed in a ^lut© ^^solution^^
of aoft-
urelatin «
4. gasoline containing
Dextrin k compatible with
Glycerin o f*
milM ® gnm rubber Is
Olive OH lA 1 f* ^ softener, a filer and glyc-
Hexylresorcin ^ ia% f*
erol, pr glycol, taken up in gasoline

aaomng the yam to take up

100 T fabrie^dip^d!

weight of solid materials. 5% of its dried dipped again several times

over. After dusting the rubbered

witli tale, it isvulcanized witk sulpliur basis is 12%%on viscose and 5%on
chloride in the usual manner. Certain acetate rayon.
inorganic hygroscopic agents are suitable In testing size, it is best to dry out
besides glycerol, namely, sodium lactate, on a glass plate and then note trans-
ammonium, zinc or sodium acetate. parency, flexibility and strength. The
viscosity of the size should not be greater
String Impregnations than an ordinary printing paste. _It
Waxing should not be too ^ ^ short, due to in-
I Formula No, 1 sufficient adhesiveness. Potato and tapi-
! Full the string through melted paraffin
oca starch are good for adhesiveness.
and rub off with leather when cooled, For a given yarn to be sized, viscosity
should be maintained constant. In using

No. 2
potato starch, in order to obtain the
Turpentine, Venice 500 g. maximum value, it should be brought to
Was, Vegetable 400 g. the boiling point and boiled at least 10
Ozokerite 300 g.
^ minutes. Then run at a temperature of
Spermaceti 250 g. 180-190® F. Corn starch is not as af-
Tanning fected as potato starch is by excessive
Dip the string into a decoction of oak boiling but neither should be boiled
bark, to which some cutch has been more than 10 minutes.
added, dry, wipe over with an oiled rag. Acetate size is usually composed of a
good grade of gelatin, manufactured by
Fulling Oil cooking with water and jellying. In us-
a. Turkey Red Oil, 100%, ing this size, dilute with one part water
Commercial 80 kg. and bring to 140® F.
Cyclonol 3 kg.
Methyl Cyclo Hexanol 12 kg. Cotton Sizings
h. Caustic Soda to neutralize The following mixtures are suitable for
The mixture a is neutralized until it light sizing. They can be made to giro
eolors phenolphthalein weakly. greater or less percentage, according to
the density of the mixture.
Soapy Fulling Oil Formula No. 1
a. Oleic Acid 70 kg. Wheat Flour 91 lb.
Methyl Cyclo Hexanol 5 kg. Tallow 9 lb.
Carbon Tetrachloride 20 kg. No. 2
h. Caustic Potash (50® B4.) Sago 31 lb.
To a add enough i to just neutralize Farina 59 lb.
to phenolphthalein. Tallow 8 lb.
Soap 2' lb.
Rope-Makers Grease A mixture which may be used for fine
Formula No. 1 counts is:
Petrolatum, Yellow 5 g. No. 3
Linseed Oil Varnish, Hot 15 g. Farina 79 lb.
Tallow 80 g. Wax 12 lb.
No. 2 Tallow 9 lb.
Rosin, Dark 10 g. 1 gah of Water to 1 lb. of Farina
Soft Soap, YeHow 24 g. For adding weight to the cloth china
Woolfat, Neutral 25 g. clay is the chief ingredient used, because
linseed Oil, Crude 30 g. of its easy assimilation with other ingre-
dients, and its smoothness. French chalk
Sizing Cotton Materials is better in color, but is not so heavy and
The' requirements of a good sizing is more costly. Sulphate of magnesia

agent are flexibility, low frictional sur- and sulphate of soda are chiefly used for
face, cohesion of the fllaments- and ability weighting yams which are intended for
to wash out. bleaching or dyeing.
The materials used vary with the For what
is termed medium sizing, that
count. For cotton and viscose, starches is,adding about 30 to 50 per cent to the
and dextrins are mostly used. For ace-
weight of the cloth, the following ingre-
tate yarns, animal proteins such as gela- dients are used in various proportions,
tin are em^ployed. For hygroscopic the proportion given being an example.
agents, glycerin and waxes in small quan- Flour 66% per 150 lb.
tities are used. The percentage of size Clay 26% per 150 lb.

put on varies, but ordinarily on an airdj^ Tallow 8% per 150 Ik '



Chloride of Magnesium* 1 gal. Medium Cotton Warp Size
Chloride of Zinc* % .gaL Talc 400 g.
Farina 550 kg.
For heavy sizing the proportions of
Caragheen Moss 4 kg.
clay and mineral ingredients are in-
Copper Sulphate 100 g.
creased. In some cases over 100 per cent
Water 300 I
is added to the weight of the yarn. The
adhesive ingredient most used is wheat
Non-Mildewing Rayon Size
flour, as it carries the added ingredients
British Patent 446,404
better than farina or sago. Sometimes
Gelatin 40 oz.
two parts clay to one of flour is used for Dextrin 50 oz.
very heavy sizing.
Glycerin 20 oz.
For 100 per cent sizing the following Olive Oil 5-10 oz.
proportions are given as an example:
Hexylresorcinol % oz.
Flour 37%
per 250 lb. Water sufficient
Clay 56%
per 250 lb.
TaUow 7% per 250 lb. Bayon Warp Size
, Chloride of Magnesium* 514 gal. Water 50 gal.
Chloride of Zinc* 214 gal. Gelatin 20 lb.

It will be noticed that chloride of mag-

Sorbitol (85%) 7 lb.

nesium and chloride of zinc are intro-

Penetrant % lb.

duced along with china clay. Chloride

Wool and Hair Setting Compound
of magnesium is a powerful softener as
British Patent 443,359
well as a weighting material, and one of
Sodium Cetyl Sulphate 50 lb.
its uses is to prevent the gritty feel
Sodium Sulphite 40 lb.
which the addition of clay alone would
Borax 40 lb.
give to the cloth.
Water 2600 gal.
* Both chloride of magnesium and chloride Worsted or other fiber is steeped in
of zinc are commercially sold in the liquid
form. The percentage
of the chloride varying
above solution at 60® C. for 20 minutes.
from as low as 30% in some cases to as high
as 45%. The above recipe is based upon a Drapery and Suiting Size
product approximating 40-45% of the content. Formula No. 1
Drapery (1.50 yd./lb.)
Avitex 0 15 lb.
Cotton Corset Filling Composition
Glucose 170 lb.
Formula No. 1
Dextrin 20 lb:
Com Starch 56 lb.
China Clay
Wax Emulsion m
No. 2
100 gal.

Clycerin 8 lb. Drapery (2.00 yd,/lb.)

Water 100 gal. Avitex 0 10 Ib.
Bluing to suit Dextrin 100 lb.
Water 100 gal
No. 2
No. 3
Com Starcli 35 lb.
Dextrin, White 12 lb.
Avitex C 25 lb.
Paraffin Wax Emulsion 8 lb.
Tapioca Starch 5 lb.
Sulphonated Castor Oil 4 lb.
Water 100 gal
Water, to make 65 gab
No. 3 Size for Transparent Velvet
Com Starch 25 lb. Canadian Patent 365,468
Dextrin, White 4 lb. Thiourea 10 lb.
Paraffin Wax Emulsion 8 lb. Brea 60 Ib.
Sulphonated Castor Oil 8 lb. Formaldehyde 140 lb.
Water, to make 80 gal. Ammonia (26® BA) 14 lb,

No, 4 Water 160 lb.

Borax Diammonima. Hydrogen'

5 oz.
Phosphate 0.5 1b.
Farina 35 lb.
Water, to make 100 gal
Ammonium Sulphate ;
0.5 1b.

Dextrin, Yeflow
ms 65 lb.
Latex Backing for Rugs
Tapioca Flour 55 ,1b.
BodaAsh 3 oz. cooked in
Water, to make 80 gal Water 128 gaL

made alkaline and added to Caustic Soda 3.00 oz.

Normal Latex 26 gal. Soluble Olive Oil 3.00 oz.
in wHeli are dispersed
Clay 90 Ib. Textile Printing Standard Thickener
WMting 90 lb. Starch 6 lb.
Zinc Oxide 3 lb. British Gum (80%
Snlpbiir 1 lb. Soluble Com) 6 lb.
Accelerator No. 552 1 lb. Soda Ash 13% lb.
Agerite WMte Anti-Oxidant 7 oz. Sulfoxy^late 12 lb.
Glycerin 6 lb.
Dry Cleaners ^ Sizing Water 56% lb.
TMs is used to restore stiffness and Procedure: The cooking is started with
luster to garments that have been dry the starch, British Gum and water.
cleaned. When the starch has thickened (about
Put 1 lb. flax seed in a muslin bag 175° F. with corn starch), the soda ash
and suspend in 1 gal. water. Cook until is added and the cooking continued for
seeds burst and stop when a brown oil the specified time at a temperature of
begins coming ont. Squeeze the rest of 205° P. to 210° F. Boiling water is
liquid from bag into rest of solution and added every half hour to replace that
dilute with water if too thick. Then add which has evaporated so that there are
% oz. Wetanol to preserve and make only slight changes in concentration dur-
solution spread more easily. ing the preparation. At the end of the
cooking time, the heaters are removed.
Thinning Starch ^ ‘ Solutions ^ ^ Stirring is continued until the samples
It is desirable in some cases to reduce arfe cooled to room temperature, the sul-
stiffness’^ of a starch paste or to re- foxylate and glycerin being added at
duce ‘^heaviness’’ of the starch syrup, about 150° F.
without making the solution or paste
Crimping Cotton
Addition of small amount (3-5%) of
Beautiful effects may be obtained by
gelatin solution to the starch solution,
printing on a gum resist and then pass-
will substantially decrease the stiffness
ing the cloth through a strong caustic
of the paste or increase the fluidity of
soda solution. The dry content of the
the syrup.
gum used is very important. A
highly converted British gum is usually
Cold Swelling Starch
used and the strength will run 3-4
British Patent 447,810
pounds per gallon. The greater the dry
Starch 60-25 lb.
content of a gum resist, the more effec-
Sodium Silicate, tive is its power to resist the caustic
Powdered 40-75 lb.
soda. The latter will vary in strength
from 25-30% according to the length of
Laundry Starch time the cloth is let lie after immersing
B. S. Patent 2,014,794 and squeezing and prior to washing out.
Bice Starch 99 oz. For best results it is advisable to select
Sulphated Higher Fatty a light weight cotton cloth and print a
Alcohol 1 oz. design that is largely composed of lines
If tablets are desired mix with 2 oz. running parallel to the selvage of the
glucose and form. cloth. The reason for this is that the
shrinkage, for the most ^art, takes place
Gelatin Sizing Compound in the warp. After printing, run the
Water 80.25 oz. cloth through the strong caustic soda in
Oleic Acid 2.56 oz. a pad box and let set 1-2 minutes. Fin-
Triethanolamine 1.33 oz.
ally rinse well wdth cold and hot water,
Gelatin 6.25 oz.
hydro-extract and dry in a crepe dryer.
Benzoate of Soda 0.31 oz. dyeing grounds for this type of work
it is best to select colors that will not be
Coconut Gil 9.25 oz.
affected^ by the caustic soda. If crepe
dyeing is possible then beautiful two-
Wax Sizing Compound toned effects may be obtained by dyeing
Water 59.60 oz. the cloth after crimping. In dyeing the
Beeswax 9.40 oz. latter the dyestuff will have much more
Japan Wax .

11.00 oz. affinity for that part of the cloth that

Stearic Acid 11.00 oz. has been attacked by the caustic and as
Oleic Acid 3.00 oz. a lesult this portion will come out much
Feavier, Other effects may be obtained
Dressing for Prepared Yarns
by selecting printing colors that will of
de- Upholstery Cottons
velop in a steaming operation and
that Montan Wax, Double
yml work well with a gum resist. These
Bleached 10
colors are printed on with the
gum re- Stearic Acid
sist and then steamed,
padded with 15
Soap 2
the caustic and finished as above. The .

final result is a crimp in
the colored
2 .

Soda Ash 0
or printed parts of the cloth. By .
se- Starch
lecting dyed grounds that may 10
be dis- Water
charged, it is possible to obtain 400
of the cloth.
A discharge is made up with the gum Artificially Crinkled Fibers
resist and upon printing and
/fa synthetic resin is fully formed
ing the color is discharged at the within a fiber while this is in a
printed deformed
part. After running through the caustic condition, particularly while
soda and finishing as mentioned above, this deformation is permanently ^ ^
set ^ ^ •

itjpll be noted that the crimp is in the It is even highly resistant

to washing
w^te portion of the cloth whereas the and other wet processes to which it
colored portion is uncrimped. be desu-able to subject the fibers
The most useful synthetic resins for
Lacquer Printing of Cloth with Metallic ^plication to textiles are those
and Pigment Colors from urea and formaldehyde since

This type of work is largely being these

are white and not easily
earned out on silk, rayon and Celanese discolored by
reaction with other chemicals.
where excessive handling is to be avoided. Hence it
is a resin of this
The advantage of this type of printing type which is recom-
mended for givmg fibers a permanent
is in the fact that finished
goods may be cn^le, and the following examples
printed, dried and shipped without il-
any lustrate how this can be
carried out
mtermediate process of steaming, wash- satisfactorily.
ing, etc. The colors are really, in a For treating viscose rayon it is
sense, painted on the cloth and the first
secret prepare a resin preparation
of success of this type of printing thus^^^^
cmeny in the softness of the resultant 50 grams of urea and 200 cc. of
prmt Formerly bronze and pigment 40%
formaldehyde solution are boiled together
prmts were extremely harsh when printed. for 3 mnutes and then
Bronze or metallic prints are not nearly cooled. Then
^ solution of tartaric acid
as fast as the pigment class of colors. are added and the mixture
They tend to go dull on standing and further boiled
lor 10 to 15 minutes,* it is
Will wash out in. time. Pigment then diluted
colors with about one-half its volume
are extremely fast and will even stand of water.
Viscose rayon yam is impregnated
a good rubbing. In order to do a with
the above bquor and squeezed
perfect job the engraver, printer so that it
and retains about its own weight
of the liquor
colorist must work together. The en- and then dried at 60° to 80°
paving is very important as to shal- O. The
yarn is then passed between fluted
low a depth rollers
will make
the color stick-in. to deform it so that the
The colorist must have the proper amounts individual fibers
become crinkled. It is preferable
of solvents in his printing paste so that that
the rollers be hot enough
th^paste will not dry too fast in the to cause hard-
ening and insolubilization of the
engraving. The printer must run at resin
a in yarn j but if not, the yarn should
uniform speed so that the paste as be further heated to a high
worked out by the colorist will give even temperature
(say, ^50° 0.) for a few
results. Too fast a drying paste will seconds to com-
plete this hardening process.
make the color stick-in whereas too slow Instead of the resin liquor described
a drying paste, will not dry fast enough _
above, it is also satisfactory
to use one
over the dry cans. A
nitrocellulose lac- prepared by boiling together for
3 min-'
quer of cellulose acetate can be made in utes the following mixture:
accordance with formulae given in sec-
tion on lacquers. In using pigment
Urea 5q «
pastes Formaldehyde (40%)
IS advisable to have them lOO cc.
finely ground in a solvent such
extremely Ammonia (0.880 sp. gr.) 4.5 g>.
as acetone followed by cooling and the addition
together with castor oil. A
paint or
^ o cc. of a 33% solution of
ointment mill is necessary for srood re- tartaric acid,
and finally diluting the whole
sults. with an
equal amount of water.

The crinkled yarns may be nntwisted formed. In this treatment there is lost
and then twisted in the reverse direction per 100 lb. of air dry wool, gallons
before incorporating them in the pile of of white spirit and not more than 10 lb.
carpets where they tend to untwist and of sulphuryl chloride.
so give a special attractive appearance. It is also possible to use the vapor of
sulphuryl chloride instead of a solution
Cnpro-Ammonium Rayon of this substance. In this case, the wool

U. S. Patent 204,766 is placed in a closed chamber and the air


Mix one hundred fifty (150) pounds evacuated by means of an air pump.

of copper hydroxide, three hundred (300) The sulphuryl chloride is then admitted
pounds of cotton linters and nine hun- in sufficient amount to make the wool
dred (900) pounds of 26° (Baume) am- unshrinkable (under low pressures and
monia water j abstract by vacuum one a moderately high temperature the sul-

hundred fifty (150) pounds of anhydrous phuryl chloride readily volatilizes). Fi-
ammonia and then ^lute with water to nally the vapor of the sulphuryl chloride
secure a concentration of about 4 per is blown out of the wool with a current
cent of cellulose in the solution to be of warm air and it is then thoroughly
spun. washed and neutralized.
No. 2
Anti-Statie Agents for Rayon British Patent 475,422
Mixtures may be made from diethylene Wool which has been scoured is impreg'
glycol, water, magnesium chloride or
; nated with foUovdng solution:
triethanolamine oleate or triethanolamine
stearate with a trace of free triethanol-
Formaldehyde 19 oz.
Boric Acid 4 oz.
amine. The amount to apply is 2 to 10
Glycerin 3 oz.
per cent on the basis of 100 diethylene
glycol to 30 water and 6, 7, or 10 of the
Urea 10 oz.

other ingredients.
Water 95 oz.

Anti-static materials which also have The wool materialis then dried almost
lubricating properties are used up to 2 bone dry (the moisture content should
per cent and include emulsions of oil, not then exceed 2 %) so that the urea-
water, and such substances as triethanol- formaldehyde resin is formed. Excess of
amine lactate, tartrate, citrate or borate chemicals is then removed by a light
or similar salts of ethylene diamin or scouring in a soap liquor and the wool
similar amines; also solutions of alkylo- is left soft and unshrinkable.
lamine salts of fatty acids, like oleic, in
glycols or other polyhydrie alcohols.
Imitation Chamois
U. a Patent 2,075,967
Filling Soaking for Rayon A napped woven cotton fabric base is
Gelatin 1% lb. impregnated with a rubber dispersion
Dextrin lb. containing in proportion 40 lb. of raw
Sulphonated Coconut and pale crepe rubber, 10 lb. of white factice,
Olive Oil 18 lb. 10 lb. of glycerine, 31 lb. of pigment,
Water to make 55 gal. and 33 lb. of filler, this compound being
The above is used for 110 lb. of yarn. dispersed in 49 gal. of gasoline passing
the fabric through squeeze rolls, repeat-
ing the impregnating and squeezing until
Wool, Unshrinkable the desired amount of rubber compound
Formula Ko. 1 has been deposited in the fabric, drying,
The process consists essentially of dusting both sides of the fabric with
steeping the wool material for about one tale, vulcanizing by means of sulphur
hour at room temperature in a 2% solu- chloride and then subjecting the treated
tion of sulphuryl chloride in white spirit fabric to an atmosphere of ammonia.
(carbon tetrachloride and trichloroethy-
lene are also cited as suitable alternative
organic solvents which can take the place Translucent Tracing Cloth
of white spirit but which have the is- British Patent 464,280
advantage of being more costly). At the Translucent waterproof tracing cloths
end of this steeping the wool is un- are made by treating thin opaque cloth
shrinkable and thereafter it is simply with
necessary to remove excess of the solution Formula No. 1
by hydroextraction followed by thorough Nitrocellulose
washing with water and neutralization of (Low Viscosity) 20 « lb.
the hydrochloric and sulphuric acids Alcohol 10 lb.


Tritolyl Phosphate 17 lb. so that 5 to 10% of latex on the weight
Carbitol 5,6 gal. of the material is finally taken up. After
No. 2 this the goods are dried by hot air, out
Chlorinated Rubber 40 lb. of contact with metallic surfaces. Next,
Poppyseed Oil 20 lb. the goods are immersed for three and
Xylene 100 lb. one-half hours in a boiling, aqueous dis-
Cyclohexanol 10 lb. persion of sulphur and accelerator, as
Mercering Wetting Agents Formula No. 1
Formula No. 1 Colloidal
Cresol 90-75% Sulphur 24% on wt. of rubber
Oleic Acid 1-11% Zinc Oxide 2% on wt. of rubber
Pine Oil 9-14% Accelerator 2% on wt. of rubber
2% of the above is used in mercerizing The bath contains 10 volumes of water
bath. to 1 of fabric. At the expiration of the
time period the bath is generally ex-
Ko. 2
hausted; the goods are then rinsed, dried
Xylenol 80 lb.
and treated in a chamber for 15 to 45
18 lb.
minutes at 115° C. Tests conducted on
Diethylene Glycol and
fabrics made by this process are said to
Butyl Ether 2 lb.
have shown a 92% recovery from creas-
ing in two minutes.
'Anti-Slip and Non-Wrinkling Backing
for Rugs No. 2
U. S. Patent 2,073,831 Viscose rayon fabric is impregnated
Wheat Flour 1 lb. with a solution of colophony in tetra-
Magnesium Chloride (36® B4.) 3 lb. hydrofurfuralcohol (1 part dissolved in
Apply to back of rug and imbed in it 20 parts). The fabric is then squeezed
powdered silica, sawdust or burlap. uniformly and entered into a 5% solution
of formaldehyde containing i/^% of
acetic acid, the period of immersion be-
Non- Curling Rug Backing ing about 2 minutes. The fabric is
A filler that will both prevent the rug again squeezed and then dried and heated
from curling and leave it flexible may at 150° C. for 20 minutes. After this
be prepared by mixing three parts, by treatment the fabric can be hard scrum-
weight, of laundry starch, and five parts, pled yet it will regain its uncreased con-
by weight, of chemically pure glycerin. dition quickly.
Make a batter of the starch by adding When paraffin wax is used, trichloro-
cold water and beating until all lumps e^ylene can be used as a cheap and
have been dissolved, then add the glyc- suitable solvent. For example,, a cotton-
erin and water, a little at a time, stirring linen mixture fabric which readily creases
constantly until the size is of a consist- can be impregnated within about 5 min-
ency to be spread easily. Apply with utes by a 5% solution of paraffin wax
a soft sponge, smoothing the material all (melting point about 63° C.) in trichloro-
over the back of the rug. When dry the ethylene (this solvent is non-inflamma-
rug will be ready for use. ble). After squeezing out excess of so-
Another size, that will make the rugs lution, the fabric is then saturated with
stifler, is made by mixing seven and one-
half parts, by weight, of gypsum and
a solution containing 5%
of formalde-
thirteen and one-half parts, by weight,
hyde and %% of acetic acid; it is then
dried and heated at 150° C. for 20 min-
of china clay in suflicient water to make utes.
a ^soft batter. Add three parts, by It is possible to vary the order of
weight, of chemically pure glycerin as a
procedure and this is illustrated by an ex-
binder. Apply with a soft brush, and
ample dealing with knitted viscose rayon
when* dry brush smooth with a stifl
fabric. This is first impregnated with the
solution containing 5% of formaldehyde
and %% of acetic acid, and then im-
Crease-Resistant Textiles pregnated with a 5% solution of sper-
In this process, during which the nat- maceti in trichloroethylene. The fabric
ural feel and wetting-out properties of is then squeezed uniformly, and heated
the fabric are not affected, impregnation for 20 minutes at 150° G*
rather than coating is employed, while 'No.. 3
vulcanization takes place in two separate British Patent 447,651
stages. ’The cotton goods are treated with Treat fabric at 60° C. with an emul-
latex and squeezed through heavy rolls sipa of

Hydrogenated Sperm Oil 50 g. while heating to about 120° F. then add

Olive Oil Soap 10 g. the dissolved color and proceed with the
Glue, Pearl Hide 5 g. regular dyeing operation. In this man-
Water 1 1. ner you have no need to give a prelim-
Squeeze out excess from fabric and inary scour thus scouring and dyeing in
treat with one operation.
Formaldehyde ^
5 g.
Acetic Acid, Glacial 5 g. Dyeing Hosiery
Alum 5 g. Frequently a dyer produces some bath
Water 100 ce. which has unevenly penetrated due to
Dry at 150° P. for 20 minutes. the papers plugging the openings in the
Ho. 4 —
impeller or to uneven winding or too —
Rayon or cotton is impregnated with —
rapid an addition of salt or failure to
Urea 10 kg. properly operate the shift lever. Simply
Water, Cold 60 1. put the batch back (if dyed with Direct
Dissolve and mix with Colors) add pyridine (4 oz. per 100 gal.)
Succinic Acid 500 g. bring to a sufficiently high temperature
Ammonium Chloride 75 g. to start the color, then add approximately
Just before use add ten per cent more of the color or colors
Formaldehyde 30 1. and proceed as though starting a new
Impregnate squeeze and stretch fabric.

dyeing salting on reaching a boil.
No. 5 Denatured alcohol is used most effec-
tively in wetting out raw stock (simply
Cellulosic material, especially rayon
(not cellulose acetate), is freed from size
adding the ’water in the machine)
it to

and stiffening agents, and impregnated in vacuum dyeing machines

prior to their
dyeing with vat colors.
with a non-resinous vitreous or (semi-)
transparent (not ffnely-divided or dis-
persed) metallic salt of an inorganic or Hosiery Composed of Rayon, Mercerized
organic acid (excepting salicylic acid, or Cotton Top-heal and Toe, with Dye
acids which polymerise to form resins), Resist Spun Silk Clockings
e.g.f silicic, boric, lactic, or citric acid. This is a difficult combination to dye
Small amounts of non-aeidic substances uniformly and leave the C.R. spun silk
that cannot form, or are present in such a clear especially where white is used in
small amount as to be incapable of form- the clocfang.
ing, a synthetic resin (polyhydric alco- After scouring (use no alkali for it
hols, lactic acid, etc.) may be included. has a disastrous effect upon D.R silk)
Heating to 100-150° improves the effect. add one per cent of either Katanol W
B.g., The fabric is impregnated with 5% or Thiotan RS or similar product to the
aqueous calcium lactate containing 0.5- dye bath, then the color, then heat slowly
1.0% of glycerol, squeezed, dried, steeped taking at the least twenty minutes in
in 5-10% sodium silicate containing 0.5- bringing the bath to temperature depend-
1.0% of glycerol, dried in hot air, and ent upon the color dyed ; then add Glau-
calendered at 100-150°. bers salt (or for dark shades, common
salt), in portions, and run at the proper
temperature for at least %hr. Some
DYEING PENETRANTS, SOFTEN- sample formulae are given below:
Denatured alcohol and pyridine are the
100 lb. goods
cheapest and most useful.
Direct Fast Gray 2 G 0.45 1b.
Pyridine is a solvent with a boiling
Pontamine Yellow NNL 0.12 lb.
point of 116° C. and is an excellent dye-
Diphenyl Red B 0.18 lb.
ing assistant and wetting out agent. The
Glaubers Salt Crystals 115 lb.
great objection to its use is its odor but
this is a minor fault because of its great One of Katanol
lb. W
or Thiotan RS
efSciency. added to bath before the color. Dye at
In the dyeing of Franklin yarns or in 160° F. for 45 minutes. Rinse at 120°
any package or raw stock machine an F., lukewarm, then cold.
addition of 2-4 oz. per 100 gallons will Maroon
insure level dyeings and clean shades. Pontamine Fast Scarlet
In dyeing cotton or mercerized yarns 4BS 2.2 lb.
in the package, after tilling the machine Pontamine Fast Scarlet
add 2-4 oz. per 100 gallons dependent 8BS 0,4 lb.
upon the depth of shade or the winding Pontamine Diazo Black

of the package circulate both ways BHSW .52 lb.


Glaubers Salt 35 Hi). bronze appearance and the
Dye at 160° P. for 45 min. worsted will
show through, imparting a sort
Katanol W
or TMotanRS 1 lb. cast when viewed overhand.
of snowy
Good Grade Sulplionated
Red Oil or Castor Oil eliminates these bad
2 lb. tu^s^*^ fea-
* dark shades the castor
better results.
oil insures 100 lb. Stock
Erie Black KRX .50 lb.
Navy Erie Yellow WB
100 goods
lb. .05 lb.
Trisulphon Brown BT
Pontamine Diazo Black .02 1b.
Burol Black B
BHSW 31/2 lb. Glaubers Salt 20
.04 lb,
Sulphonated Oil TT lb.
2 lb.
Up in 20 min.~boil 30—steep
Glaubers Salt 30.
30 lb* it no worsted is present
Temp. 170° P. for 45 min. Erie Black NRX 06 Ih
The above color being a silk wliite Erie Yellow WB [06 lb*
color requires no Thiotan or Katanol and Trisulphon Brown BT *24 lb*
the same happens to be true where the Common Salt 25*
black is dyed.
Black ^
Light Gunmetal
Pontamine Past Black GCW 5 lb. excellent combination
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb! ^losiery and requires
Salt at 160° P. for 45 min. 20 lb.*
no changT^^^^^^
Nigger Pont. East Black LX 03 lb
100 lb. goods Trisulphon Brown BT 09 lb*
Pontamine P. Orange EG 1.81 lb. Pont. Caled 3G
06 h
Pontamine P. Scarlet 1.7 lb. Durol Black B 03 lb
Direct Past Gray 2G 3 lb. Glaubers Salt 10*
Katanol or Thiotan 1 lb.* Up to a boil in
hour, add Glaubwa 1/2
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb! and dye cooking 14 hour.
Salt at 160° P, for 45 min. 25 lb!
Bark Green* Bleaching
Ami dine Green ST .

31^^ Ib.
Katanol or Thiotan
Sulphonated Oil
1 lb. AlW
2 lb! Silicate of Soda
Salt at 170° P. for 45 min. 30 lb!
Irrespective of the hosiery
In dyeing a dark green nearly all greens construction

impart a yellowish tinge to the white B.R.

topun biik--the above color was prepared must be W.W. (water-white)
espe- and iron
cially for leaving the white B.R.
Spun Silk
Note: Sometin^s immunized cotton is used
AM silicate to the bleach bath and
nave water at about 90-100°
to i^place the D.R. Spun Silk but this is for
a cheaper grade stocking.
P add
Where immunized
cotton replaces the B.R. Spun Silk it
is un cotton or cotton rayon
necessary to use Thiotan or Katanol. «
Dyeing 50% Merino Dnderhose 45 min,, rinse thoroughly
first hot, then lukewarm,
Flesh Shade then cold
100 lb. Stock combinations, heat gradually
Diamine Orange P then raise to 125°
, T? for
Pontamine Past Orange sj 13
fi. one hr. give two warm rinses,
g- then
Erie Past Orange A a bath containing 114-2 lb
Diamine Orange B of Blankit I per gallon and
16% g. run at 115°
Polar Red RS Cone.
Glaubers Salt
9% g. give an acidu-
5 g. P^-^ts per 1000
start dyeing at 120“ S', bring to parts of sulphuric acid).
_ boU
an ^2 hour and boil 10 min.
Wng out the white to
fullest, for otherwise the worsted

gumnetal shade on hosiery partieu-
WM® Of course the
best bleaches are those made
by allowing
larly hosiery made up of rayon
the goods to lie overnight
face- but the fo^
worsted back and mercerized heel mulae submitted here are given
and for the
toe IS a difficult shade unless purpose of obtaining the maximum
done with result
proper selection of colors for the in a minimum of time.
tend- .After blea,ching some dyers
ency IS for the rayon to have wish to
a shiny give a special white effect.
This is done

by blueing in the final rinsing bath. If Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.

the dyer finds it difficult to secure uni- Glaubers Salt 40 lb.
form can overcome this diffi-
results he Dyed as above.
culty by doing it in a slightly frothy Navy /Muscadine
soap bath. Diphenyl Fast Blue 2GL
For this purpose there are a number of Cone. 3 lb.
colors to choose from. Diphenyl Direct Gray 2G .85 lb.
Alizarine Sky Blue B Setacyl Direct Orange 2B
Acid Yiolet 4BN and GBE" Powder .14 lb.
Any Methyl Violet or Setacyl Direct Blue 2GS
Crystal Violet crystals Powder .05 lb.
and where an extremely fast blue white Setacyl Direct Violet R
is required it would be advisable to use Powder .12 lb.
a vat blue such as Indanthrene Blue EZ Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.
powder. This product is stirred well in Glaubers Salt 40 lb.
water and added to the bath by allowing Dyed as above.
to filter through a linen bag.
Never use a combination of Methyl or Navy/Burgundy
100 lb. Goods
Crystal Violet with any of the acid
colors, though they alone or together are
Diphenyl Fast Blue 4GL 3 Ih.
Direct Gray 2G .85 lb.
suitable for blueing.
Setacyl Violet B 2.2 lb.
Setacyl Orange 2R .8 lb.
Fancy Half Hose Containing (Celanese) Setacyl Blue 2GS .7 lb.
Acetate Silk Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.
Construction: Mercerized cotton top Glaubers Salt 40 lb.
36/2 ply Dyed as previous.
125 Celanese )leg.
Steel Gray /White
125 Mercerized C.P. Yarn 3
Pontamine Fast Black LN .16 lb.
Single 80/1 Mercerized CP in H.S. and Trisulphon Brown BP .08 lb.
2 ends 60/2 ply mercerized Heel and Toe. Pontamine Yellow NNL .01 lb.
Blach/White Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.
100 lb. Goods Glaubers Salt 20 lb.
Pontamine Fast Black GCW 5 lb. Dyed as above.
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.. Steel Gray /Gold
Glaubers Salt 40 lb.
Pontamine Past Black LN .16 lb.
Dyed at 120-175° F. for 45 min.- 1 hr. Trisulphon Brown BP .08 lb.
Blade /Maroon Pontamine Yellow NNL .01 lb.
Black GCW 5 lb. Setacyl Direct Orange 2B
Setacyl Orange 2E Powder .15 lb. Powder .48 lb.
Setacyl Blue 2GS Powder .06 lb. Setacyl Direct Blue 2GS .03 lb.
Setacyl Violet B Powder .07 lb. .Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb. Glaubers Salt 20 lb.
Glaubers Salt 40 lb.
Dyed as above. lb. Goods
Blade/ Must Pontamine Fast Black FP .5 lb.
100 lb. Goods Diphenyl Cateehine B .05 lb.
Black GCW 5 lb.
Diphenyl Bed B .01Mb.
Setacyl Direct Orange 2R Setacyl Direct Orange 2R 1 lb.
Powder 1 lb.
Setacyl Direct Bed B
Setacyl Direct Bed B Powder .8 lb.
Powder 0.8 lb.
Setacyl Direct Blue 2GS .16 lb.
Setacyl Direct Blue 2GS Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.
Powder 0.16 lb. Glaubers Salt 40 lb.
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.
Dyed as previous.
Glaubers Salt 40 lb,
Dyed as previous shades. Cocoa/Whiie
Navy/Iris Diphenyl Cateehine B 1 lb.

2GL Direct Gray 2G .1 lb.

Diphenyl Fast Blue 2
Sulphonated Oil lb.
Cone. 3 lb.
Glaubers Salt 20 lb.
Direct Gray 2G 85 lb.
Setacyl Direct Blue 2GS .09 lb. Medium Brown /White
Setacyl Direct Violet B .07 lb. Diphenyl Cateehine B 1.2 lb.
Setacyl Direct Orange 2B ,01 lb. Diphenyl Cateehine BB .06 lb.

Sulphonated Oil 2 lb. Gun Gray/White

Glaubers Salt 30 lb. 100 lb. Goods
Chestnut f White Erie Black NRX .6 lb.

Trisulphon Brown BP 1¥2 lb. Erie Yellow WB .06 lb.

Biphenyl Catechine BB % lb. Trisulphon Brown BP .24 lb.
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.

Glaubers Salt 30 lb. Common Salt 15 lb.

.100 lb. Goods
Trisulphon Brown BP 1.5 lb.
French Blue /White
Biphenyl Catechine BB .5 lb. Pyrazol Fast Blue BS .04 lb.

Setacyl Direct Orange 2R 1 lb. Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.

Setacyl Direct Red B. Bun 20 min.

Powder .8 lb.
Glaubers Salt 10 lb.

Setacyl Direct Blue 2GS Bun 30 min.

Powder .16 lb. Maise /White
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb. Pontamine Yellow CH .15 lb.
Glaubers Salt 40 lb. Diphenyl Red B .01 lb.
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.
Pastel Shades Run 10 min.
Green/ White Glaubers Salt 10 lb.
100 lb. Goods Run 35 min.
Direct Gray 2G .15 lb. Light Gray /White
Diphenyl Blue 2GL Cone. .075 lb. Pontamine Fast Black LX .042 lb.
Pontamine Yellow NNL .12 lb. Diphenyl Catechine G .03 lb.
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb. Diphenyl Bed B .003 lb.
Glaubers Salt 20 lb.
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.
Tan /White Run 10 min.
Diphenyl Catechine .42 lb. Glaubers Salt 10 lb.
Pontamine Fast Bed 8BLX .05 lb. Run 15 min.
Direct Gray 2G .05 lb. Salt 5 lb.
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb. Run 20 min.
Glaubers Salt 20 lb. Nile Green /White
Blue/ Chin g or Coyenl agen Tastusol Green LBB .2 lb.
100 lb. Goods Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.
Direct Gray2G .15 lb. Run 20 min.
Diphenyl Blue 2GL .06 lb. Salt 5 lb.
Setacyl Direct Blue 2GS Run 30 min.
Powder .15 lb. Black/Bed
Setacyl Direct Yellow 2G Pontamine Fast Black
Powder .1 lb.
GCW 5 lb.
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.
Artisil Direct F. Bed
Glaubers Salt 30 lb. BP Con. 2 lb.
Black /Baric Bed Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.
Pontamine Fast Black Glaubers Salt 40 lb.
GCW 5 lb.
Setacyl Direct Red B Trisulphon Brown BP 2.5 lb.
Powder 5 lb.
Diphenyl Past Blue 4 G1 .25 lb.
Setacyl Direct Blue 2GS Celanthrene Scarlet G .025 lb.
Powder 1 lb.
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.
Glaubers Salt 40 lb.
Glaubers Salt 40 lb.
Navy/Bark Blue Bark Cordovan Nigger/Blue
Pontamine Diazo Black Benzochrome Brown 2.5 lb.
BHSW 3.2 lb. Setacyl Direct Blue 2GS 2 lb.
Setacyl Direct Blue 2GS Glaubers Salt 40 lb.
Powder 1 lb. Sulphonated Oil 2 lb.
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb. All above dyeings except the pastels
Glaubers Salt 40 lb. are dyed between 170-175° F. for 45
Cordovan/White min.-lhr. and the Glaubers salt added
Benzochrome Brown B 2.5 lb. in portions after reaching that tempera-
Sulphonated Oil 2 lb. ture.
Glaubers Salt 40 lb. The Celanese or Acetate colors are first

pasted witK the sulphonated oil then Soda Ash 1 %

added to the bath. Salt 25 %
at 140° F. —30 min.
Hosiery Dyeing Mix well —diazotize as for Oxford,
In the dyeing of hosiery, frequently, Develop using
there is a demand for oxford gray Beta Naphthol 1%
heather yarn for ingrains. The custom- Caustic Soda 1%
ary method has been for the manufac- Cold—10° F.
turer to purchase a merino blend and
Brown Heather
knit up the half hose from this yarn. A Diazo Orange 3G 2.5%
formula has been developed whereby it Diazo Bordeaux 7B 1.3%
is only necessary to purchase 70 cot-
ton/30 or 60 cotton/40 white merino yarn
Diazo Black BHSW .5%
and produce at a low cost a very fast (Dyed as for Navy)
dyeing oxford gray. For the production of very lark cor~ <

After the usual scour the bath is given dovan heather with reasonable fastness
1% sodium carbonate and run with just and at a niinimum of cost:
the chill off the water for ten minutes Diamine Brown M 31/2 %
— then 3% Developed Black (any stand- Direct Brown D3G 11/2 %
ard diazo black BH
type) is added to
may be used and although they are ordi-
the bath (previously dissolved) and run nary direct (or substantive) colors they
a few minutes, the steam is turned on are capable of being diazotized and de-
and the temperature brought to 140° F. veloped and produce w^hen dyed a very
—then add slowly and in portions 30% fine Cordovan Heather at a minimum
common salt and run at 140° F, for at
least 30 minutes. The dyeing procedure is identical with
Rinse well and diazotize cold for 20 that for the Navy Heather and Brown
minutes using Heather.
Sodium Nitrite 3 %
Muriatic or 5% Sulphuric
Textile Printing Pastes
Acid 7.5% China Blue (Bleu Fayence)
Rinse thoroughly and develop, using —
10 gal. hot water 50 lb. green cop-
Beta Naphthol

peras 25 lb. acetate of leadj dissolve
and let settle; thicken the clear with gum
Caustic Soda .8% Senegal very thick. Indigo, 1 lb. ground
and run cold for 10-15 minutes. up well, with 3 qt. of the acetate of iron
It is extremely important to use the
mixed developers as stated for this rea-
above— lb. crystals of tin —
1 gal. of
the thickened acetate of iron.
son. If M.T.D. and soda ash alone are Process of fixing (1)— lime— (2) cop-
used the animal fibers take on a yellow peras liquor 6 lb. per 10 gal. (3) — Strong
to golden stain (due no doubt to forma- —
lime vat- (4) copperas liquor at 11 lb.
tion of chrysoidine). —
per 10 gal. (5) caustic soda or potash
If beta naphthol and caustic alone are
used the animal fibers will be clear but
14° Tw.

(6) sulphuric acid at 4° or 5°

there will be a blueness to the cotton China Blue

present. 1 lb. indigo, best quality 1 lb. sul-—
This formula has ben used on thou-
sands of dozens of half hose in produc-
phate of iron (green copperas) 1 qt. —
water. Grind well together and add 4 lb.
tion of English rib and plain merino
clocked numbers and in the Franklin
iron liquor at 14° Tw. —
pt. water;
heat gently up to 140° F. and thicken
machines. with gum.
It is not necessary to use any of the
many products for resisting animal fibers

Process of fixing. There are four vats.

to replace the soda ash and no destruc-

(1) lime —
(2) sulphate of iron at 10°

tive action has been evident nor have

Tw. (3) caustic potash or soda (4)
sulphuric acid at 4° Tw. Three dips al-

the results been improved by such change. ternately in the first and second vats of
To produce a good Navy in a similar fifteen minutes each; thirty minutes in
manner for heather effect the following No. 3 vat and fifteen minutes in No. 4.
is. used:
BarTc China Blue
Navy Eeather —
12 lb. indigo 2^/^ gal. iron liquor at
Diazo Black BHSW 1.5% 12° Tw.; heat to 212° F. and leave to
Diazo Blue BB 1.5% steep—12 lb. green copperas 3 lb. crpi-—
Diazo Violet BL .5% ment; grind all together perfectly, and

add 1 gal. iron liquor at 12® Tw. I lb. — A

Textile Resist
copperas-lime vat containing ap-
Barbary or Senegal ; grind all together.
For darkest color and standard add 4 proximately 800 gal. of liquor consists
gal. iron liquor at 12® Tw. thickened with of roughly the following proportions of
16 lb, gum. Reduce for lighter shades ingredients:
with iron Hquor at 12® Tw. thickened Ground Indigo 36 lb.
with gum. Ferrous Sulphate or
The colors having been printed, the Copperas 60 lb.
prints are allowed to age for some time Slaked Lime 85 lb.
prior to further processing.

Textile Printing Resist White

Textile Printing Paste
Starch-British Gum
German Patent 601,860 Thickening 3 gal.
Sirius Yellow 20 g. Soft Soap 4 lb.
Urea 50 g. Zinc Sulphate 10 lb.
Phenol 25 g. Nitrate of Copper
Furfural Alcohol 1 pt
10 g. Bulk to
Glycol 15 g. Print Paste 5 gaL
Water 230 cc.
Gum Tragacanth Thickening 650 g.
Vat Printing Pastes
Textile Printing Paste Formula No. 1
Starch-Tragacanth or Com Starch 55 lb.
Starch-British Gum Dark Burnt British Gum 220 lb.
Thickening 4-5 pt.
Potash, Calcined 220 lb.
Dyestuff in Paste Form 1 lb.
Hydrosulphite, Lump 160 lb.
Lactic Acid 8 oz.
Glycerin 5 gal.
Tartaric Acid 4 oz.
Hydrocarbon Oil 2 gaL
Water, to make 100 gal.
Glycerin % giU
Ferrous Sulphate (1:2) pt. No. 2
Bulk to Corn Starch 60 lb.
Print Paste 1 gaL light Burnt British Gum 180 lb.
Potash, Calcined 220 lb.
Textile Resist for China Blue Hydrosulphite, Lump 160 lb.
Water 1 gal. Glycerin 5 gal.
Sulphate of Copper 2 lb. Textile Gum 5 gaL
Sugar of Lead 2 lb. Hydrocarbon Oil 2 gaL
Flour 2^ lb. Water, to make 100 gaL
Boil, and when nearly cool, add No. 3
Hitrate of Copper Crystals 5 lb. Wheat Starch 40 lb.
Strong Lime Juice 1 qt. Gum Tragacanth
Paste (6%) 30 gaL
Textile Resist Glycerin 8 gaL
Stock Vat with Ferrous Sulphate Soda Ash 160 lb.
and Tin Crystals Hydrosulphite, Lumps 125 lb.
Vat Dyestuff Paste 10 lb. Water, to make 100 gal.
Caustic Soda (70® Tw.) 4 gal.
Add Steaming Recipe for Soluble Vat Dyes
Ferrous Sulphate 13 lb. Soluble Vat Dyestuff 50 g.
dissolved in dissolved in
Water 3~ 4 gaL Water 2 pt.
and and added to
Tin Crystals 2% lb. Neutral Starch-
dissolved in
Water 1 gal. Add
Tragacanth % gal.

Bulk to 10 gaL Chlorate of Soda,

Stir wen —
cover and allow to stand for 4 lb. per gal. % pt
^ hour. If kept covered this solution and just before use

will be stable for several days. The Ammonium Vanadate

foregoing proportions are, of course,
only set forth in a general way to illus-
Solution (1%)
Ammonia (25%)
% glass

trate the preparation of a stock vat of Bulk to

% glass

this type. Print Paste gaL


Non-Caking Starch Paste at 8® Tw. and again allowed to lie over-
French Patent 811,598 night in the wet state. The cloth is
Starch 97-95 g. subsequently treated at the boil in a bath
Lecithin 3- 5 g. containing 10% burnt lime. Great care
The above will swell without caking in
must be taken in ensuring that the lime
is boiling and remains alkaline at the
cold water.
end of the operation so that complete
fixation of the iron salt is obtained. The
Zinc Dust Color Discharge Paste cloth is then given four ends through
Basic Dyestuff 4 oz.
cold water and dyed with the following
pasted up with mixing
Acetin %
For 100 lb. Material.
Aniline %
Hematine Crystals 2A 5 lb.
Glycerin gm% Bark Extract 4 lb.
and dissolved in
Hot Water 1 pt.
30 gaL
Add this solution to
8 ends at the boil.
British Gum Thickening 3-4 pt.
Zinc Dust 2 lb.
Precautions During Dyeing and Washing
Formaldehyde ^4"- % gill
The pieces are finally washed-off very
Sodium Bisulphite
(71° Tw.) 1% pt. well in cold water and are ready for
Tannin- Acetic Acid (1:1) % pt. mangling and drying. It should be noted
that the myrabolam extract is best added
Print Paste 1 gal. in two portions, i.e., one half at the
beginning of the first and second ends,
Steam Black Dyeing of Cotton and also the same remarks apply as far
as the Hematine crystals are concerned.
Steam Black is produced by padding
There is no question however of this be-
the cotton pieces with a solution contain-
ing necessary with the iron liquor or lime
ing aniline salt, sodium chlorate and yel-
low prussiate of potash. This is followed
It is important to take care that the
by steaming in a rapid ager of the
Mather-Platt type for about 2 minutes
myrabolam is at the boil during the
whole run through, in order to ensure a
and by chroming for about 1 minute in
a solution of potassium bichromate (5 lb.
complete saturation of the cotton. A
very important operation is the washing-
per 100 gal.) at 122® F.
The following padding solution is
off after liming, and to obtain a clean
black, the loose iron salt must be com-
recommended: 40 lb. aniline salt, dis-
pletely removed before the goods enter
solved in 6 gal. of water, 26 lb. yellow
the dye liquor. Finally the dyestuff
prussiate, dissolved in 15 gal. of water,
must be thoroughly dissolved before add-
and 15 lb. of sodium chlorate, dissolved
ing to the jig and the liquor kept well
in 3 gal. of water.
stirred until the solution is complete.
For very thin, light goods, it is ad-
The shade of logwood black is not fully
visable to make the padding liquor
produced for some time after dyeing and
slightly alkaline by the addition of a

results cannot be judged on the tone

small quantity of ammonia.
immediately the pieces leave the drying
cylinders. There is no question with log-
DYEING PROCEDURE WITH wood blacks of taking out patterns, be-
LOGWOOD BLACK cause the process is more of a chemical
Logwood black is produced on cotton one and depends mainly upon the correct
piece goods by mordanting the cotton proportions of the various products. If
first with a metal hydrate and after- I
the right quantities and conditions pre-
wards treating with logwood. The fol- vail each time, the shade will more or
lowing is a procedure which may be less automatically come up the same sub-
adopted The goods are first given two
sequently. There is a tendency however
ends in warm water, which removes any for the black sometimes to come up on
loose six© that may be present and might the purple side, and this can be rectified
in the course of time interfere with the by the addition of a little fustic or bark
myrabolam liquor. The goods are then extract to the starch.
g^ven two ends boiling in a 10% solution
of myrabolam extract, and allowed to lie Beetling^' to Obtain Finish
overnight. Next day, the pieces are and Luster
mangled, and treated on a padding ma- After drying and conditioning, black
chine or ordinary mangle with iron liquor silesias are lighly damped and stretched

to about 38%". They are thea trans- Standard Logwood Black 3 pt.
ferred to the beetles for a slabbing/’ When add
ranging from 16-48 hours, according to
the nature of the cloth and the required
Tannic Acid Standard % gal

degree of luster. Very low qualities of Bulk to 6 gal

blacks are rarely beetled longer than 16 After printing, the goods are steamed
hours, but some of the old-time heavy for half an hour in a cottage steamer at
weights will stand as long as 64 hours about 40 lbs. pressure. In some cases,
beetling before the best results are ob- to cheapen the process, this latter pro-
tained. This initial beetling or ^ ^ slab- cedure is omitted, though inferior fast-
bing'” serves not only for luster, but to ness obviously results.
give a closeness of fabric unobtainable
by any other means. Beetling is prefer-
Cotton Yarn Brightener
ably carried out on metal beams with
Brightening with an emulsion of oil
the heavy type of wooden fallers; the
is applied chiefly for blacks the dyeings
pieces will be changed round every four j

not only gain thereby considerably in

hours or so.
fullness and depth of shade, but also
acquire a much softer handle.
Application of Colored Starch
This brightening is also useful if the
After beetling, the goods are starched shades have been dyed too deep and
once or twice with a mixing similar to thereby appear bronzy in such cases
the following: 1^-3 oz. glue previously soaked in cold
For 25 pcs. Blk. Silesias. Weight water are added to the bath in addition
18 lb./70 yd. to the following weights.
Sago Flour 90 lb. The ingredients per 10 gal liquor are
Bextrine 100 lb. approximately
Oleine Oil (50%) % gal. Xeutral Soap 3 -8 oz,
Direct Black B 4 oz. Olive Oil 1%-41^ oz.
Soda Ash %-l% oz.
60 gal. To commence with, they are boiled
The above mixing serves for this par- well for 20 or 30 minutes with 1-2 gal
ticular weight of cloth, but the quantity of water as free from lime as possible,
of filling must obviously be regulated and are then added to the bath for which
according to the weight of the pieces as soft water as possible should also be
being dealt with. Eoughly speaking the used.
heavier the cloth, then the less filling is In this bath the yarns are treated for
required. 15 to 20 minutes, whereupon they are
whizzed without rinsing, and dried.

Viscose-Cotton Mixture Dyeings

Turquoise Shade Vat Color Printing Paste for Shirtings
Turquoise Blue GGrS 5^4 oz* Dyestuff Pastes 2 pt.
Victoria Blue B oz, % Starch-Tragacanth
Tartaric Acid (1-1)
4-5 pt.
dissolved in y> pt.
Acetic Acid (40%) Glucose (1-1) U pt.
(210° F.) gal. % Tin Crystals (1-1)
Ferrous Sulphate
3^^^ pt.
Wheat Starch Standard li^ lb.
(1 Ib./l gal) 5 gal Water 2 pt.
Color Oil 2 pt.
Wlien cold add
Tannic Acid Solution Dyeing Cotton and Bayon,--^Leaving
Eayon White
(4 1b./l gal) gal % Dye at 120—130° F. using sodium
stannate (based on total weight of dye
Bulk to 6 gal
Chocolate Shade
Bismark Brown B 8 oz.
Auramine O 1 oz. Preliminary to Dyeing of Spun Bayous
dissolved in Treat for two hours at 70-75° C. in a
Acetic Acid (40%) bath of
(180° F.) gal Hydrogen Peroxide
Wheat Starch Standard (30%) 1 I 4 cc.
(1 Ib./l gal) 4 gal Sodium Silicate 6.0 g.
Color Oil 2 pt. Caustic Soda 0.5 g!

Sodium Pjropliospliate 5.0 g. per 1, at 20-70° C. depending upon the

Wetting Out Agent color used. After developing, the goods
(Sulfatate Type) 1~2 g. are thoroughly rinsed and neutralized in
treat for one hour at room tem- a warm
soda ash solution (2-3 g. per 1.)

perature with 1 g. active chlorine per 1. Dyestuff which has been dissolved in
Rinse and treat for two hours at 70-75® hot water (no direct steam)
C. with Soda Ash
Hydrogen Peroxide Gum Tragacanth (8 oz.
Sodium Silicate
1 L 1 cc. Paste)
Nekal BX or Other Wetting
5 %
6 g.
Caustic Soda 0.5 g. Out Agent i^o%
Wetting Out Agent 1-2 g. Sodium Nitrite 1 %
Al’ chemicals are dissolved and added
Mordanting Rayon to the padding bath. The addition of
In mordanting either viscose or cu- Sodium Hydrosulphite N.P. concentrated
is also advantageous, ranging from %-i
prammonium silks for the basic dyes,
lb. per 100 gal. depending upon the color
the rayon should remain for 2-3 hours in
a bath containing 2-5% of tannin and used. Temperature of padding bath 40-
60° C.
1% of hydrochloric acid, on the weight of
The goods are padded on the nip pass-
the goods, at, 50° C. (122° F.). The
material is then removed, the excess of ing through the liquor before it hits the
liquor removed (but not rinsed), and
nip which insures better penetration.

treated for about 20 minutes in a fresh After padding, the goods are batched up
cold bath containing 1-2.5%, or about and developed wet in 20 cc. sulphuric
half of the percentage of tannin used, of acid per 1. at a temperature from 40-60°
0. for 5 seconds, then skyed for 20 sec
tartar emetic. More even shades are ob-
tained on viscose mordanted with Kata- onds, rinsed, neutralized, soaped and
nol than on tannin-antimony mordanted
rinsed. All this is done continuously in
the open.
viscose. If particularly fast dyeings are
wanted, such as for cross-dyeing, the
basic dyes should also have a top mordant The Printing of Rayons, Both Lustrous
by repeating the above process after dye- and Delustered with Indigosols and
ing. Basic dyes are often used to top Pharmasols
the substantive dyes on rayons, thus The Indigosols and Pharmasols are
brightening the shade. particularly interesting for printing
rayons, both lustrous and delustered, by
the various processes given herewith.
INDIGOSOL DYEING ON RAYON Exceptionally bright colorings are obtain-
The indigosols, acid ester salts of able possessing excellent all around fast-
vat colors are especially adapted for ness properties.
the production of fast colors in light
shades on rayons. Any of the rayons, Printing LustrousEayon with Indigosols
lustrous or delustered, excepting the ace- There are 3 methods of printing Indi-
tates, can be dyed either on the jig, or gosols on rayon:
padded. Clear, even shades are obtained, (a) Steam process.
and bar or weave marks are eliminated. (b) Nitrite process.
The color is dissolved in hot water; (c) Nitrite and Chromate combination
(do not boil or heat with live steam as process.
that will destroy the color). An adtoion
All 3 give good results and the method
of 1% Nekal BX is recommended. used depends largely upon the equipment
Glauber ^s salt is required, about 25-
50 g. per 1. depending upon the depth
of shade dyed. The dyeing is started
at a temperature of 40-60° C., using
a. Steam Process
about % the required amount of color. The colors are made up as follows:
Bun 1 end, then add the remainder of the C^olor 1 oz.
color and run another end. Add %
required amount of Glauber ^s salt, run
the Urea
1 oz.
Cellosolve V’
' 2 oz.
2 more ends, add remainder of Glauber ^s V/ater ")

salt and run 2 or 4 more ends to shade. Gum Tragacanth 90 cc.

Then without rinsing or drying give 2 Sodium Chlorate (1:3) 6 cc.
ends in a developing bath containing 20 Ammonium Vanadate (1:100) 1 cc.
cc, sulphuric acid and 1 g. sodium nitrite Ammonia (26%) 1 ce.

Print, dry, and steam -^nthont pressure Gum Tragacanth Thickening 20 Ib.
20 minutes. Einse and soap. Pine Oil Mixture A 20 Ib.
Pine oil mixture A consists of the fol-
b. Nitrite Process lowing ingredients
Color 1 oz.
Pine Oil 70 1b.
Urea 1 oz.
Monopole Oil (or Turkey
^^Cellosolve’’ 2 oz.
Water )
Bed Oil) 15 lb.
96 cc. Caustic Soda 15 lb.
Gum Tragacanth j
Sodium Nitrite 1 oz. The cellulose acetate fabric is printed
with the above described paste, then
Print, dry Then
and age 8 minutes. dried, and steamed for 30 minutes at 100°
develop with 2% sulphuric acid by vol- C. Under these conditions the printed
ume 5 seconds at 60-70^ 0. Sky 20 portions acquire an opaque chalky ap-
seconds, rinse and neutralize with warm
pearance which is in distinct contrast to
soda ash solution (2-3 g. per 1.). Binse the surrounding lustrous fabric.
and If aged in acetic acid fumes
It may be remarked that cellulose ace-
the nitrite is omitted in the print paste
tate rayon fabrics may also be uniformly
and 1 g. per 1. is added to the develop- delustered all-over by boiling in a soap
ing bath to oxidize the Indigosols. liquor containing pine oil. If the liquor
is maintained at 99 to 150° 0. this de-
Dyeing Eayon Black lustering occurs quite rapidly, but if the
Aniline Hydrochloride 80 oz. temperature reaches only 95° C. then de-
Aniline 5 oz. lust ering is slow and may require at’ least
Sodium Chlorate 50 oz. 1^ hours to complete it. It will therefore
Copper Sulphate 5 oz. be concluded that delustering in a winch
Methylethyl Acetone 173 oz. machine is likely to be slow since it is
Diethylene Glycol 86 oz. difficult, because of the large surface of
Water 600 oz. the liquor which allows evaporation, to
secure a temperature of more than 95° 0.
For the most rapid delustering it is ad-
Acetate Eayon Printing Paste
visable to hang the acetate rayon material
Anthraquinone Dye in a pine oil liquor heated by means of
Powder 1- 8 oz.
closed steam coils placed at the bottom
paste up with
of the vessel; this enables a temperature
Sulfonated Olive Oil,
of 100° 0. to be obtained with certainty.
Glycerin, or Glycol, etc. 2—16 oz.
By means of the printing process de-
scribed above it is possible to secure some
Boiling Water 2 qt.
very pleasing luster patterns, but it
strain into
should be noted that the delustered parts
Textile Gum 2 qt. regain their luster if hot ironed at too
high a temperature.
Black Printing Paste for Acetate Eayon
Diphenyl Black Base I oz. Crepe Dye Liquor Baths
dissolved in Formula No. 1
Lactic Acid (Tech.) 12 oz. Olive Oil Soap 8 lb.
Formic Acid (90%) 12 oz. ^^GardinoP' WA 12 oz.
add to Soda Ash 1 lb.
Starch-Tragacanth No. 2
Thickening 2% qt. Olive Oil Soap 6 lb.
Add when cold Sulphonated Castor Oil 3 lb.
Sodium Chlorate (25%) 12 oz. Brilliant ^‘AviroP^ L-144 8 oz.
Aluminum Chloride Sodium Hexametaphosphate 1 lb.
Crystals 4 oz.
dissolved in Anti-Static Cellulose Acetate Dyeing
Water 12 oz. British 'Patent 452,160
Ammonium Vanadate Olyeol 100 oz.
(1 to 500) 1 oz. Magnesium Chloride 30 oz.
Dye (Fugitive) 1 oz.
Water 10 oz.
Printing Delustered Designs on Acetate
Eayon Dyeing Cellulose Esters
D, S. Patent 1,989,209 British Patent 468,863
Starch 15 1b. Water 300 1.
Wate 45 lb. Olive Oil Soap 300 g.

Calcimn Sulphate 3000 g. C., for processing at, or too near, the
l-Ainino-4-Hydroxy- boil prevents development of a rich, deep
authraquinoiie 25 g. shade of blue or navy.
Fse at 70 - 75 ° C. for 45-50 min. while Logwood extract may be used as foun-
blowing warm air through solution. dation dyestuff for processing inexpensive
navy on half -bleached jute, or jute in an
unbleached condition, where the amount
Translucent Printing Ink for Cellulosie
of yellowish-brown natural coloring mat-
ter in the fiber is insufficient to seriously
German Patent 639,186
flatten the shade of logwood blue. Bril-
Calcium Thiocyanate 710 g.
liant-toned acid violet dyes are used to
Water 106 cc.
enliven logwood blue on bast fiber; two
Viscose Waste 22 g.
methods of processing these compound
Formaldehyde (40%) 162 g.
blues will now be given. The cleanest
The patterns are developed by treating dyeings are secured first by mordanting
printed fabrics with steam or calcium the stock and then coloring it with log-
chloride solution. wood extract in a fresh bath; the mor-
danting process is as follows The kettle

Silk Brightening is prepared with 5% copperas, 2% potash

Boil with open steam 3-6% olive oil alum and 2% of acid violet similar to
with about one*half this amount of soda Pontacyl Violet C 4JB or Wool Violet 4
ash and three times the quantity of soft BN. The load is entered in the dry con-
water to form an emulsion; add this dition in the boiling kettle, about fifteen
emulsion to the brightening bath previ- minutes processing at boiling temperature
ously heated to about 30° C. (85° F.), being allowed; steam is then turned off,
and immediately enter the silk. Give the processing being continued in the cooling
silk a few quick turns in this liquor, then liquor for a further half-hour. The load
acidify the bath with an organic acid, is then raised out of the kettle and trans-
adding with advantage at the same time ferred to another apparatus for rinsing
one of the protective agents, sulphocya- in cold water. The dye-kettle is then
nides, thiourea or hydroxylamine (wliich prepared with 2% or more of dry log-
are patented as protective agents), then wood extract, the stock being entered
turn the silk again a few times, and into the lukewarm liquor. Absorption of
finish it off in the customary manner. the hematine is rapid, even at a lukewarm
Olive oil and potassium hydrate emulsions temperature. Care should be taken to
are used for the same purpose. slowly heat the kettle, for if the hematine
is absorbed in an irregular manner, it
will be necessary to boil the bath to
Dyeing Bleached Jute and Coir-
rectify the unlevelness; if boiling is re-
For 100 lb. stock, processed in a bath
sorted to, a good deal of the acid violet
of 300 gal. Sulfocyanine Navy type, 1%
leaves the bast fiber and is not re-ab-
Ib.j Direct Black BH type, 3 lb.; Sulfo-
sorbed entirely, even if processing with-
cyanine Black type, 12 oz. ; Eoccelline or
out steam is continued until the liquor
Fast Bed A type, 1 oz.; Direct Black E
has cooled to a lukewarm condition. It is
type, 5 oz.; common salt, 5 lb.; ground
therefore advisable to process logwood
potash alum, 1 lb. The load should be
blue at little more than half boil.
entered into the dyebath at about half-
boil, the salt and the alum being omitted.
When the stock is properly saturated, the Color Printing on Wool
common salt may be put in the kettle, Firstly, the wool must be clean and in
this then being raised to 90° 0. during the right condition for the process. A
about one-half hour; the alum may next mixture of 15 lb. sodium bisulphite liquor
be used, preferably in solution with about of 35° B4. and 85 lb. of water is made
a pailful of hot water. It is advisable up and a small piece of wool placed on
to add the alum solution slowly to the the surface of this solution. If the skein
kettle because its effect is to encourage sinks in 30 to 50 seconds, that wool is
the fiber to take up both the acid dye suitable for printing, but if not, if sink-
and the substantive color; should the ing takes longer, the goods must be given
latter be absorbed in an irregular manner, a boil in dilute vitriol containing a little
the unlevelness cannot readily be rectified wetting-out agent.
by vigorously boiling the kettle, as is The dyestuff paste is made up. of dye-
the case when it is desired to level-out stuff, 60 lb.; British gum, 400 lb.; 50
acid color. Wherever possible, dyeing per cent Monopole soap, 50 lb., and
should be completed without raising the water, 500 lb.
temperature of the kettle over about 90° A paste for printing purposes may be


made up from tlie foregoing color paste bloomy than if oxalic acid had been em-
as follows ployed. When it is perceived that the
Color Paste (as abo^e) 540 IK liquor has assumed the proper yellowish-
Gum Tragacantli (6%) 335 IK brown hue, the goods may be entered
Sodium Bisulphite (35® Be.) 125 IK into the boiling bath, for the color usu-
ally levels very well. If the fabric is of
After applying the paste on the drums,
a densely milled and rather thick variety,
the yarn is dried but only just, and then
it is better to enter the batch at about
steamed for one hour without pressure,
half -boil. Hematine crystals, if used in-
after which it may be washed.
stead of hematone red paste, should be
well dissolved before adding them to the
solution of the sulphates. It is best in
Logwood Dyeing of Wool such a case to boil up the hematine
The method adopted for carrying out
crystals iq,. the bath, in a large volume
the one-dip process with logwood proceeds
of water, before adding the well dissolved
on the following lines. When the goods
copper and iron sulphates.
are entered into the hot prepared dye-
bath, the wool almost immediately begins
One factor influencing the tone of the
black produced by the one-dip process is
to attract some of the metal salts con-
the relative proportions of copper sul-
tained in the solubilized color lake and
phate and iron sulphate. If an excess
the fiber becomes gradually mordanted
of the iron salt is employed, the resultant
as a result of the process. The fiber is
black shade possesses a more brownish
then in a condition to attract the hema-
tone than a black processed with a lesser
tine simultaneously liberated from the
proportion of iron sulphate. It is, in
combination with the metal salts as the
fact, quite feasible to omit the ferrous
color lake commences to dissociate, and
sulphate in a formula for one-dip log-
provided no excess of oxalic acid is pres-
ent in the bath, a certain amount of an
wood black; in this event, the shade is
frequently less rich than one processed
insoluble black color lake is gradually
in the presence of iron sulphate. The
deposited within the wool fiber. It is
following formula for one-dip black is
thus perceived that the goods are now
used for 180 lb. of worsted piecegoods;
colored a black of an intensity commen-
surate with the amounts of logwood, etc., Formula No. 1
that have been employed. One bath method
A sure guide to the proper condition Ferrous Sulphate 1 lb.
of a one-dip logwood black bath before Copper Sulj&ate 21/2 IK
entering the goods is the color of the Hematone Red Paste 50 IK
solution. This should be a golden brown Oxalic Acid 1 lb.
shortly after the oxalic acid has been put No. 2
in. If the liquor is black or greenish, Two bath method
it is a sign of the existence of un dissolved
Potassium Bichromate 4 IK
color lake, hence a little more oxalic acid Brown Tartar Crystals 3 IK
should be added, A method of stuffing Hematone Bed Paste 42 IK
the bath for one-dip black consists in
boiling up the requisite amounts of
No. 3
ferrous sulphate and copper sulphate in
One bath method
a volume of water practically equivalent
Ferrous Sulphate % lb.

to that which constitutes the normal

Copper Sulphate 1 % lb.

working amount for a certain batch Hematone Red Paste 27 IK

Oxalic Acid 1 Ib.
of goods. When the metal salts have
been dissolved, an appropriate amount Acid Black 4B 8 lb.

of heniatone red paste is stirred into

the bath and the liquor is then well Multi-Color Effects on Skein Wool
raked. The liquor will then be found to The goods are passed through a cold
have turned black, and if a little is bath of about 300 liters of water, five
poured on to a piece of blotting paper, liters of hypochlorite of soda solution
a black deposit of color lake will be left 5®^ Be. and 2 liters of 66° Be. sulphuric
behind. Finally, the oxalic acid may be acid. They are then rinsed. This chlo-
put in the bath, the crystals being added rinating has of course certain disadvan-
just as they are, since they readily dis- tages as far as the wool is concerned.
solve. Alternatively, a slightly increased The spinning and fulling capacity is al-
amount of brown tartar crystals may be ways more or less affected, and there is
used in place of oxalic acid. In this also the possibility of weakening the fiber.
event, the black color produced on the Therefore, as a substitute for chlorina-
goods will be a little bluer and more tion, tin can be used for bottoming. In

this case the -wool is treated in a 3-6® After steaming, the pieces are treated
Be. solution of sodium stannate, allowed for a few minutes in a lukewarm bath
to remain in the solution for several charged with 12 oz. of tartar emetic per
hours, passed through a sulphuric acid 10 gallons of water. This operation is
hath of 10° Be., thoroughly rinsed, and commonly performed in a star machine
dried. This tin treatment can also be but it may also be carried out in a winch
combined with the chlorine treatment, in apparatus where the more robust velvets
which case it precedes the chlorinating. are being dealt with. After being treated
In the case of combed silver which is with tartar emetic, the batch is given a
very delicate, it is better to omit the light rinse in cold wafer, after which the
chlorinating altogether. For the printing pieces are hydro-extracted.
paste any of the various dyestuff classes The following basic colors may be used
can be used. Yarns intended for men^s for printing upon acetate rayon velvet:
wear are printed if possible with mordant Magenta Crystals; Victoria Blue B, B;
dyestuffs, for the sake of greater fast- Safranine T; Rhodamine 6G and B;
ness, while for women fabrics ordinary Methyl Violet, all brands Bismarck

acid, basic, anddirect dyestuffs suffice. Brown; Aeronol Yellow TS; Acridine
The following is an example for a print- Orange; Nigrosine, etc.
ing paste:
No. 4
One-Dip Chrome Blue 50 g. Paste Vat Color 10 lb.
Water 515 g. Glycerin, Brown 31/2 lb.
British Gum 250 g. Potassium Carbonate 14 lb.
Oxalic Acid 30 g. Hydrosulphite Reducer
Sodium Chlorate 5 g. (Formosul) 7 lb.
Acetic Acid (7° Be.) 30 g. British Gum Thickening 7 gal.
Chromium Fluoride 50 g.
No. 5
(in 50 g. Water)
Diphenyl Brown BBN
Glycerin 20 g.
Extra 8 oz.
Sulphonated Castor Oil 10 g.
Direct Orange G 3 oz.
A formula for ordinary acid dyestuffs Chrysophenine G 8 oz.
is: British Gum, Dry 8 oz.
Dyestuff 30 g. Glycerin 10 oz.
Water 600 g. Trisodium Phosphate 12 oz.
British Gum 250 g. Water, Coudensed 1 gal.
Oxalic Acid 25 g.
Glycerin 60 g.
Coloring Plush Brown
AcetiC'Acid (7° B4) 50 g.
Permanganate of Potash 8 oz.
After the printing, the wool is not Epsom Salts 6 oz.
dried, but is steamed immediately twice, Gray China Clay 4 lb.
each time for one hour and a half, and Boiling Water 6 pt.
When cold the is ready for use.
No steaming required to fix this
Rayon Plush and Velvet Dye Bath color, and after printing, the plush is
Formula No. 1 simply rinsed in cold water. In the pro-
Substantive Dyestuff 2 lb. duction of discharge styles, the tips of
Glycerin, Brown 4 lb. the pile are brushed over with a cutting
Water, Condensed 2 gal. liquor made up as follows:
British Gum Thickening 6 gal.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Caustic Soda (75° Tw.) 1 gal.
(12 vol.) 1 gal.
No. 2 Acetic Acid (30%) % pt.
Basic Color
Acetic Acid (30%)
Oxalic Acid (20%) % pt.
In some instances, the brown and white
British Gum Thickening 8 gal.
color is subsequently changed into black
- No. 3 and white by treating the material for a
Basie Color 2 lb. few minutes in a bath containing aniline
Acetic Acid (30%) 15
salt and a little sulphuric acid.

British Gum 18 lb. Blotch Printing Paste for Pile Fabrics

Tannic Acid ) ^ 5 lb. Acid Dyestuff 1% lb.
Water ( 5 lb.
British Gum, Powdered 25 oz.
* This solution Glycerin 6 oz.
is only added when color solu-
tion is cold. Sodium Chlorate 2 oz.


Ammomiim Oxalate 10 oz. Dyeing Sponges

Ammonia % pt. The natural dark brown coloring mat-
Water 2% gal. ter is first bleached by immersion of the
This recipe will also serve for nse in sponges for %
hr. in 0.25 per cent po-
printing substantive dyestuffs upon ani- tassium permanganate solution. Excess
mal fiber. solution is removed by squeezing and the
Where union materials are to be printed sponges then treated in one per cent so-
with substantive colors, an addition of dium hydrosulphite solution. Finally, they
phosphate of soda is made to the print are rinsed well in cold water, soaped in
color, the acid developing salt being fre- a one per cent soap solution, and dyed
quently omitted. The f (Slowing is an ex- with caledon and Durindone dyes. Caus-
ample of a print color for wool, cotton, tic soda cannot be used in the preparation
silk union: of the vats, but reduction in presence of
Substantive Color 6 part sodium phosphate yields dye baths wMch
Sodium Phosphate 3 lb. are quite satisfactory. After dyeing, the
Brown Glycerin 1% part sponges are allowed to oxidize for 15
min., and then scoured in warm very
Thickening according to requirement.
dilute acetic acid. Finally, they are
In certain instances, chrome dyestuffs
rinsed well in cold water and soaped for
are employed in the preparation of color
10 min. in a one per cent hot soap solu-
pastes for stencil printing on pile fabrics.
The following recipe represents a typical
chrome print color:
Chrome Dyestuff, 20% Paste 4 lb.
Coloring Cellophane ’ ’
Chromium Acetate 2^ Ih.
Ammonium Oxalate lb. 2^ The following salt solutions in 1-2%
The foregoing substances are brought strength are nsed, the ^ ^ Cellophane ' ^ be-
into solution and suitably thickened. ing dipped in one first, drained and then
in the other.

Logwood Black Overprint Color f Ferric Chloride ) jg,

(A) Thickening (Potassium Ferrocyanide J
iron Liquor (32® Tw.) 5 gal Cadmium Sulphate)
Tapioca 15 lb. Sodium Sulphide
Com Starch 7% lb. 'Potassium Anti-
(B) Logwood Standard ]
mony Tartrate Orange Yellow
Hematine Paste 10 gal. Hydrogen SulphideJ
Acetic Acid (30%) 2 gaL
'Uranium Nitrate)
Sulphate of Iron 22% lb.
Potassium Ferri- 1 Burnt Orange
Nitrite of Soda 4% lb.
Bisulphite of Soda J
(72® Tw.) 11 pt. f Ferric Chloride)
' To use, mix one part
Water, Boilmg ]
of thickening (A)
with two parts of Logwood Standard (B). Potassium Permanganate )
After printing and lightly drying the Soda Ash I
fabric, steaming is done in the ordinary (Gold Chloride )
manner for wool prints. iTannin \
(Silver Nitrate )

Dyeing Casein Buttons iTannin f

Sharp edges are removed by barrelling 'Copper Sulphate 1
and the buttons well polished, preferably Potassium Ferricya- i Eed-Brown
by hand-buffing, with or without pretreat- nide J
ment with sodium hypochlorite or *^dip^’ 'Cobalt Chloride 1 •»

polish. They are then treated with am- Light P^^ple

Potassium Ferroey- I
monia (0.5% of cone, solution) at 80- anide
90® O. for 5-10 min., rinsed with water, J

and immersed in a dye bath, at 80-90®, Potassium Dichro-

using organic dyes of the acud type, in I
mate ’
• Light Green
presence of a diluted organie acid, e.g., [Sulphur Dioxide
0.1 vol.-% of formic acid (£*ied, and finafly Lead Acetate )
polished. Unsatisfactory dyes can be Potassium Dichro- • Yellow
removed by hot dilute ammonia solution. mate
Two-color effects may be obtained by f Nickel Chloride )
ornamentation after dyeing.
(Dimethylglyoxime j

Bleacliers Blue Cotton Padding Liquor

Ultramarine Blue 2% lb. In the preparation of a padding liquor
Make a paste with
into it will be found that the following liquor
Monoethanolamine 1 pt. will give good results, but it is capable
Sulphonated Castor Oil of slight modification to suit local cir-
(30%) 1 pt. cumstances :
Water to make 2 % gaL •^iliae 35 lb.
Hydrochloric Acid (28 Tw.) 35 lb.
Testing Colors for Fastness to Drj Yellow Prussiate 31 lb.
Cleaning Sodium Chlorate 23 lb.
Place dyed swatch in beaker and cover
Water to make the whole to a total
with dry cleaning solvent. If the solvent volume of 50 gallons.
is colored on standing the dye is not fast.
It will be seen that a liquor made as
indicated above contains about 7 per cent
Discharging Celanese Ground Shade of aniline, and although a certain amount
White of this may be lost during the steaming
Print with process, most of this aniline is converted
British Gum (Solution of into aniline black pigment, so that the
3 lb. per gal.) 5 gal. dyed fabric will contain this percentage
Sodium Sulphoxylate of pigment.
(4 per gal.)
lb. 2 gal.
Diethylene Glycol 1 gaL
Potassium Sulphocyanide 8 lb. Eayon Padding Liquor
After printing, age for 5 minutes in a Aniline Hydrochloride 80 oz.
rapid ager and then rinse well and dry. Aniline 5 oz.
Formic Acid 300 oz.
Potassium Ferrocyanide 70 oz.
Colored Discharges on Celanese Ground Sodium Chlorate 26 oz.
Sodium Sulphoxalate Formal- Water 518 oz.
dehyde (4 lb. per gaL) 1 pt.
Anthraquinone 4 ozu
Diethylene Glycol 1 pt. Hosiery Black Dye Padding Liquor
Potassium Sulphocyanide 1 lb. Aniline Hydrochloride 80 oz.
Aniline 5 oz.
Discharging Indigoid Vat Colors. Formic Acid 300 oz.
Print with Potassium Ferrocyanide 70 oz.
British Gum 40 lb. Sodium Chlorate 20 oz.
Water 11 lb. Water 518 oz.
Glycerin 4 lb. The acetate rayon is padded with the
Zinc Oxide 10 lb. above liquor and dried at a moderate
Leucotrope W 15 lb. temperature and the full black shade is*
Sodium Sulphoxalate developed on subsequent chroming and
Formaldehyde 10 lb. soaping.
Potassium Carbonate 10 lb.
After printing, age for 5 minutes in a
rapid ager and then run into a bath con- Vanadium Aniline Black for Textile
taining 2 oz. sodium silicate per gaL Printing
Finally soap at the boil to clear whites. 1 lb. wheat starch is boiled with
5 pt, water
6 oz. Chlorate of Soda are added while
Delustering a Ground Shade
the mixture is hot. Cool and add
Print with
Sodium Tungstate 1% lb. Aniline Salt dissolved in.
1^ lb. 1 pt. Water. Bulk to
Water 1 g^L 1 gallon and just before use add
Dsiiig starch-tragacanth thickening.
After printing and drying pass through
% glass Vanadium Chloride Solution
(1 : 1000 ).
a cold barium chToride solution (8 oz. per
gaL) and then rinse cold and dry, It will be noticed that the addition of
the vanadate is recommended to be made
just immediately prior to printing, and
Delustering Compound for Fabrics also when the color is quite cold. The
Titanium Pigment 32 1b. reason for these precautions is fairly

Clay :

8 lb. obvious in that the object is to prevent

Glue and Binders 10 lb. premature oxidation of the black in the
Water ,
50 lb. print color.

Aniline Black Padding Liquors cc. of above to 10 gallon tub of aniline

Tragacanth TMckening black.
(60:1000) 500 lb.
Aniline Salt 900 lb.
Aniline Black Dyeing
Aniline Oil 50 lb.
Prepare in adequately cooled apparatus
Water 2500 lb.
a mixture of the following proportions;
Yellow Prussiate of Potash 500 lb.
Aniline OU 275 lb.
Water 2500 lb.
Muriatic Acid (32° Tw.) 300 lb.
Sodium Chlorate 300 lb.
Water 355 lb.
Water 1200 lb.
The amount of aniline oil specified is
Use on a pad with the lower
about 10 per cent in excess of theoretical
roller wrapped.The three above solu- and is desirable for the best results in
tions are mixed before use and made up developing an ungreenable Aniline Black.
to 10,000 lb.
Any quantity desired may be made up.
The goods are immediately dried on A wooden tank of suitable size is used-
the drying cylinders, steamed neutral for
This is provided with a hood and draft
3-5 minutes, treated at 100® P. with
to carry away the fumes. The acid is
2 lb. bichromate of potash and 5 lb. soda reduced in strength to 14° Tw. with
ash per 100 gallons, rinsed thoroughly, water. This can be done in a barrel
soaped at the boil for 10 minutes, rinsed provided with a stoneware faucet which
and dried.
delivers the 14° acid through a lead pipe
to the oil. The lead pipe extends below
Dyeing with Aniline Black the surface of the aniline oil to reduce
Water 12 lb.
the fumes evolved. After adding the
Hydrochloric Acid acid the solution is allowed to stand for
(20° Be.) 12 lb.
some time until cooled off, and is then
Aniline 10 lb.
brought to 16° Tw. or such other strength
Formic Acid 1.3 lb.
as desired. Before bringing to strength,
Sodium Nitrite 0.05 lb. the solution should be tested for neutral-
ity with a very weak solution of Methyl
Sal-Ammoniac 1.2 lb.
Potassium Ferrocyanide, Violet. If on the oil side the dyestuff
dissolved in 30 lb. Water 10.2 lb. solution wiU remain red violet ; if strictly
Sodium Chlorate, dissolved neutral it will turn blue ; while if on the
in 20 lb, of Water 4.76 lb. acid side it will turn green. It is usually
desirable to have the solution on the oil
The whole diluted to 185 lb.
side. After testing, more oil or more
The same bath, without the nitrite,
acid may be added
to bring the solution
cannot exceed 145 to 148 parts, to attain to whatever condition is desired. For
the same depth of tone. best results either for printing or dyeing,
The bath must be acid to Congo paper a 10 per cent excess of oil is desirable
before addition of the nitrite solution, to insure a non-greening black after oxi-
wMch latter should be added at about dation.
40° 0., which temperature must be main- The most widely dyed Aniline Blacks
tained until the cerise-red color formed
are of the Prussiate type and properly
has reached its maximum. operated conform to the three essentials:
A single short passage through the
1. Hon-greenable
Mather-Platt gives a good black, while
with the ordinary bath (without nitrite, 2. Minimum tendering of the fabric
and 20 per cent stronger) would give in 3. Deep pleasing tone of shade
that time only a dirty green. It will be
seen that, with such rapid development Pad Liquor Solid Blacks Solid Blacks
of the color, the loss and danger from ‘Unmercerised Mercerised
escape of aniline vapor is greatly less. Muriate of
(16° Tw.) 20 gal. 20 gal.
Aniline Black Printing Oxidation
Catalyst Liquor 44 gal 37 gal.
Vanadate of Ammonia 10 g. Acetic Acid
Glycerin 7 g.
Hydrochloric Acid (32° Tw.) 70 ce.
Aniline Oil
% gal %gal.
1 gal. 1 gal
Water 300 cc. Gum Traga-
Heat until color of solution has become canth (6 oz.
pure blue and reduction is complete. per gal.) 2% gal. 2% gal.
Make up to 10,000 cc. volume. Add 150 Water .32 gal. 39 gaL
Prussiate Liquor Boil up in a steam jacketed copper
Sodium Chlorate 80 lb. kettle, cool and add:
Yellow Prussiate of Potash 140 lb. Calcozine Violet Ex. (C.I.
Water 50 gaL 680) (4 oz. Solution) 3 pt.
Bulk to 100 gal.
Bun the cloth through the pad liquor,

Yellow Prussiate Paste
Water 40 gal.
then through the squeeze rolls, and di- Cornstarch 60 lb.
rectly on to the dry cans. British Gum 30 lb.
Por heavier cloths or unscoured or Stearic Acid lb.
only partially scoured cloths a double dip
Boil up in a steam jacketed copper
and double squeeze or even more may be
kettle and add
required to insure penetration and the
depth of' shade desired. A
three bowl Sodium Chlorate 35 lb.
mangle is used for the purpose, or two Yellow Prussiate of Potash 70 lb.
padders may be used. Por deeper blacks Corn Oil 1 gal.
of greater solidity, a double dip is pre- Cool and bulk to 50 gal.
ferable. Mix ^^A’^ and ^^B^^ in equal propor-
Scouring and bleaching should be tions and add such quantities of reduc-
carried only to the point where sufficient tion paste as may be desired. Print,
absorbency to wet out readily is attained, dry moderately on dry cans, age one
and maximum strength preserved. Mer- minute in the rapid aniline ager, or
cerized fabrics require about 10 per cent four minutes in the vat ager if printed.
weaker pad liquors than unmercerized. * 70 lb. aniline salt dissolved in 15 gal. of
After padding, the goods are dried on water, may be substituted.

dry cans and should come off slightly

greenish in shade, and after running in Thread Dressing Composition
the rapid aniline ager for one minute U. S. Patent 2,017,242
they should come out a green black. Mineral Oil 75
Passage through hot soda ash solution to Olive Oil 20
neutralize the acidity, together with hot Kerosene 3
sodium dichromate to develop the oxida- Lecithin 2
tion to the ungreenable black, and a good
soaping completes the processing. Com-
mon practice is to utilize the open range, Shrinking Loosely Woven Rayon Taffeta
but a rope soaper is more thorough in Canadian Patent 370,720
washing effectively. Treat for 1 second in following bath
Black and white resists employ a thin- at 88° O.:
ner liquor: Water 4 gal.
Muriate of Aniline Alcohol 1 gal.
(16° Tw.) 12 gal.
Yellow Prussiate Liquor 30 gal.
Acetic Acid (56%) % gal. Shrinking Cellulose Acetate Fabrics
Aniline Oil % gal. British Patent 444,300
Gum Tragacanth Immerse for 1 second at 88° in a bath
(6 oz. per gal.) 18 gal. of:
Water 39 gal.
Water 40 lb.
and are run face up through the nip
Alcohol 10 lb.
only in order to preserve the whites as
Squeeze and dry.
much as possible. A
full bleached cloth
is best employed for this style as the A shrinkage of 17% in warp and 11%
cloth is more absorbent and the liquor is in weft direction results.
taken up more readily.
White resists are not run through
chrome as this treatment tends to yellow Reducing Shrinkage of Fabrics
British Patent 445,891
the whites. Soap converts the green
black to a denser or bluer black which Cotton or other fabric is impregnated
while not ungreenable, does meet trade with a 20% aqueous solution of a partly
requirements. formed synthetic resin (e.g., urea
thiourea +
formaldehyde) or a natural
Prussiate Aniline Black resin, then stentered and thereby
A —
* '
^Muriate of Aniline Paste stretched as required, heated at 120-140°,
Water 32 gal. washed in water, and again stentered.
Cornstarch 50 lb. The ordinary washing-shrinkage of cot-
Muriate of Aniline ton-voile fabric is thereby reduced from
(16° Tw.)* 20 gaL 7-9%' to 0.09-1.8%.
: :


Storing Dyestuffs the yield, the last batch of the barrel

To obtain a color true to sample, tbe willbe quite the same as the first.
necessary requirement is the use of an
absolutely reliable dyestuff. Unpleasant
surprises can be bad as regards the shade Waterproofing for Textiles
and depth of the color, when a dyestuff Formula No. 1
is used that, owing to careless treatment U. S. Patent 2,057,960
during storage, may no longer be con- Paraffin Wax 100 oz.
sidered quite true to type. Dyestuffs are Tetralin 15 oz.
standardized by their producers, as to Hexalin 15 oz.
shade* and the regulation intensity, with Warm and mix till clear. Add to fol-
meticulous precision. And it is the con- lowing brought to a boil:
sumer ’s duty to see to it by careful treat-
Casein 70 oz.
ment and handling that the quality of Aluminum Formate 30 oz.
the dyestuff does not deteriorate. "When-
Water 600 oz.
ever possible, the tins or barrels of dye-
stuff should be stored in a room separate No. 2
from the dyehouse, for instance, the German Patent 626,730
sample room, in order to prevent the Textiles are impregnated in following
steam and fumes of the dyehouse from solution at 90° C.:
affecting the dyestuff. The temperature Aluminum Chloride
in the storage room should be low and Solution (30%) 33 kg.
as even as feasible, and the danger of Soda Ash Solution (90%) 8 kg.
freezing should be obviated as far as Water 100 kg.
possible. The conducting of steam pipes
through the room is likewise undesirable,
No. 3
since this also causes changes in the at- British Patent 463,187
mospheric humidity. Increasing humid- Water 15 gal.
ity will make powdered dyestuffs pasty, Caustic Soda 15 lb.
and too dry an atmosphere will dry out Dissolve by heating and bring to a
dyestuffs in paste form. In the latter boil. Then add following melted mixture
case, it is difficult to recondition the slowly while mixing vigorously.
finely and evenly dispersed dyestuff paste. Rosin 180 lb.
The same is also true should the paste Paraffin Wax 20 lb.
be frozen in cold weather, as, when it is
Keep boiling and mixing until uni-
melted, a homogeneous preparation is
formly emulsified.
not readily obtained, since freezing fre-
The finished emulsion may be diluted
quently causes formation of sediment
with water as desired.
and disintegration. The best thing to do
is to melt the paste gradually by apply-
ing mild heat, and to stir it well before
use. Coated Waterproof Fabrics
Dyestuffs in powder form should be Formula No. 1
stored in closed tins, that is, the lids British Patent 451,669
should be kept on. It is a regrettable Fabric is impregnated with
fact that dyestuffs that are used often, Cellulose Nitrate 3 oz.
especially those needed for shading, are Ceresin 3- 4 oz.
frequently allowed to stand open. It Heavy Mineral Oil 3- 9 oz.
should be considered that some types not Volatile Solvents 81-84 oz.
only dust very easily, but at the same After drying the reverse side is coated
time they tend to absorb atmospheric with
moisture and therefore to coagulate. Cellulose Nitrate 32-39 oa.
Such hygroscopic dyestuffs are the cause Softener 44-46 oz.
of difficulties in dissolving and weighing. Pigment 15-24 oz.
It is advisable to store paste dyestuffs Volatile Solvent to make plastic
separate from the powder kind. To pre-
vent their drying up, the usual procedure
Boll and dry at 150-200® F.
is to spread a damp cloth over the top .

,;no. 2 :V'
of the barrel and then to put the cover Patent 2,082,592
U. S.
over the cloth. "Whenever dyestuff paste A process for producing a flexible,
is weighed, the entire content must be waterproof material comprises impreg-
thoroughly stirred to make sure that the nating a suitable textile fabric with a
required quantity will be homogeneous. composition having the approximate for-
This offers a guarantee that^ as regards mula by weight;


Cellulose Nitrate 3.05 rollers iron out the wrinkles in the fabric.
Pibutyl Phtlialate 6.00 After rolling, the fabric is hung over
Ceresiu Wax 4.05 lines to dry, care being taken to avoid
Paraffin Oil 3.00 any contact between two layers of fabric
Ethyl Acetate 22.60 to prevent their adhering to each other
Ethyl Alcohol 32.60 and also to accelerate drying of the com-
Toluene 28.70 pound.
applying to one face of impregnated fab- After allowing the treated, fabric to
dry for 18 hours, each one of four dif-
ric a continuous film of a composition of
ferent pieces may be given a different
the approximate formula by weight
finish. One may be sprayed with alumi-
Cellulose Nitrate 32.0
num varnish; one wutli navy gray
Softener enamel; one with aluminum lacquer, and
Pigment 24.0
one with navy gray lacquer. All coats
dispersed in an organic dispersing agent, are sprayed in a full wet coat. A
the amount of the impregnating composi- raise in the nap of the fabric occurs,
tion applied to the fabric being insuffi- but there is no lifting or poor adhesion
cient to destroy the fabric weave on the noticed.
face of the finished material. Brush coats are applied with better ap-
pearing results, but two spray coats give
Waterproof Coated Book Cloth a wonderful appearance.
British Patent 464,280 With a paint, varnish or enamel top
Medium cotton cambric is treated with coat, this fabric remains wonderfully
a ^^dope’’ of the following composition: flexible; it can be creased, folded and

Low Viscosity wrinkled but will not crack. It can be

Nitrocellulose 20 lb. machine-sewn or hand stitched after
Alcohol 10 lb. coating and has the advantage of not
’ ^ 5.6 gal- being greasy or oily to handle.
Tritolyl Phosphate ' 17 lb. When lacquer is applied as a finish
coat it is advisable to only use this ma-
Cloth passed through this dope and
terial on flat surfaces as it is slightly less
rolled up without drying. Allow to re-
flexible than when coated with oil-base
main for one hour and dry in drying top coats.
chamber; then pass through a calender.
Then coat twice on each side with same Waterproof Mattress Coating
^^dope’’ and dry. U. S. Patent 2,082,592
Cellulose Nitrate 3.05 lb.
Waterproofing Cotton Goods I

Dibutyl Phthallate 6.00 lb.

Pad the cloth with a 2® Tw. aluminum Ceresin 4.05 lb.
acetate and dry. Then immerse the cloth Paraffin Oil 3.00 lb.
in a 5% solution of sodium stearate at Ethyl Acetate 22.60 lb.
120® F. Einse well and dry. Alcohol 32.60 lb.
Toluene 28.70 lb.

Waterproofing of Canvas and Duck

U. S. Navy Material C47-0 Waterproofing Canvas Gun Cases
a. Gelatin 6 oz.
Three gallons of soya-bean oil com- ^
Eain Water 300 oz.
pound is poured into an ordinary tub
and to this is added 114 gallons of toluol. h. Alum 10 oz.
Water 300 oz.
(The reduction of course, controlled
by the viscosity of the soya-bean oil com- 0 . Eosin Soap 5 oz.
Hot Water 300 oz.
pound.) This mixture is stirred thor-
Mix equal portions of a, h and o, and
oughly and the fabric is placed into the
mixture, care being taken to avoid ex- apply with a soft brush.
cessive wrinkling. The fabric is allowed
to soak two hours.
Canvas Waterproofing
Aluminum Gleate 2- 3 kg.
Two 4-in. rollers of wood are used in
Paraffin Wax 7- 8 kg.

the manner of an ordinary clothes

Linseed Oil Varnish 100 kg.
wringer;, the fabric,, is, carefully run be-
tween these rollers so that all excess
Apply by brush from both sides of the
compound is removed. In the case of the canvas.
12-oz. material it is necessary to run this
through the roller three times, increasing Waterproofing for Tarpaulins
the tension after each run. In addition Crude Fuel Oil 60 oz.
to removing the excess compound these Paraffin Wax, Hard 20 02*

Paraffin ^Vax, Soft 5 oz. Olie^s method of applying cutch and

Montan Ti'ax 10 oz. ammoniacal copper sulphate (every four
Wood Pitch 10 oz. months) gives very good results with
The hardness of the coating may be cotton. It is better than cutch alone or
varied by changing the relative propor- cutch and chrome.
tions of the first three ingredients. Copper soaps are used for such pur-
poses and the best is claimed to be cop-
per naplithenate (Cuprinol). The effect
Waterproofing of Tent Cloth
of such soap is improved by the addition
a. Glue, Light 10 hg.
of tar or benzol.
Water 50. kg.
Cotton and flax fish lines can also be
Glycerin 10 kg.
preserved by a solution of copper naph-
h. Formalin 100 kg.
thenate and tar in gasoline or by copper
Water 900 kg.
oleate or resinate with but little or no
Apply glue solution a on both sides of tar.
the cloth, let dry and harden in a bath Manila rope when kept under sea
of the composition h. Dry. water for 10 months had only 13% of
its original strength but it retained over
Fish Ket Preservative 70% wlien properly treated. Suitable
Formula No, 1 agents are copper naphthenate containing
Copper Naphthenate 30 oz. tar, 10% copper oleate in light coal tar,
Benzol 50 oz.. 10% copper resinate in creosote oil or
Mineral Spirits 20 oz. 10% of copper oleate and 20% coal tar
Antioxidant 0.5 oz. in a light tar oil (coalite).
Copper resinate at the rate of 10% in
The copper naphthenate is dissolved in
light tar oil kept sisal rope at 80-97%
the benzol and then the mineral spirits
of its initial strength for a year's im-
added v'ith stirring. The antioxidant is
dissolved in a small portion of the above
Coal tars are superior to wood tars
solution, and this mixture added to the
•when used alone but all are improved by
•whole. The antioxidant is a complex
amine and substantially increases the 10% of copper oleate or resinate.
longevity of the nets treated "with same.
Preserving Vegetable Fibers
No. 2
Hemlock Bark U. S. Patent 2,119,525
a. Oak or 12 oz.
Water 88 oz.
The art of preserving cordage com-
prises the, soaking thereof in an aqueous
h. Potassium Bichromate 0.4 oz.
solution of approximately 6% of catechu
Water 99.6 oz.
extract at approximately 210® F. for ap-
The above bark is boiled with water proximately twelve hours, boiling the
for about a half hour with continued material for approximately 15 minutes
stirring. The net is placed in the boiling in an aqueous solution of approximately
solution and allowed to remain for 15 to
20 minutes. It is then removed and
%% of potassium diehromate, rinsing
in water and drying the material thus
placed in solution h, which has been pre- treated, and thereafter immersing the
viously prepared and also brought to a dried material for approximately 3 mim
boil. The net is allowed to remain in utes in coal tar at a temperature of
this solution for 15 minutes, removed and
approximately 200® F.
hung in the shade to dry.
No. 3 Waterproofing for Jute
Coal Tar for Fish Nets 50 oz.
British Patent 437,083
Tar Base Oil 10 oz. Bubber Latex 10- 20 oz.
Benzol oz. 30 Linseed Oil 5 oz.
Kerosene oz. 10 Casein 2 oz.
This type of coal tar is heated and the Water 160 oz.
tar base oil added to reduce the body of
the same. When
cooled off, the benzol
is added and finally the kerosene.
Waterproofing Bristles
H. S. Patent 2,055,321
Formula No. 1
Preservation of Bopes and Nets The bristles to be treated are bleached
The preservation of ropes and nets by any suitable method and then soaked
against the effects of alternate wettings in a solution containing from 1-3% by
;n sea water and drying has always been weight of a dissolved 'aluminum salt, such
a problem. as aluminum acetate. After soaking the


bristles in this solution until Awning Fireproofing and Waterproofing
impregnated, they are transferred to a French Patent 796,827
solution of any suitable soap, such as a Chlorinated Rubber 100 g.
4% solution of a castile soap in water. Sodium Tritolyl Phosphate 100 g.
The bristles are removed, drained and Toluol 200 g.
dried. Allow to swell and mix until dissolved.
No. 2
1600 parts by weight of aluminum Rayon Fireproofing
palmitate are dissolved, with the aid of Sodium Tungstate 20 lb.
gentle heat, in about 7200 parts by Disodium Hydrogen
weight of cyclohexanol (hexohydro phe- Phosphate 4 lb.
nol). Water 7 6 lb.
In a separate step, 800 parts by weight
of white ceresin wax are melted and Fireproofing Canvas Belting
added to 5400 parts by weight of carbon Sodium Boro-Phosphate
tetrachloride. The aluminum palmitate
(Abopon) 15 lb.
solution in cyclohexanol is then added
Water 85 lb.
to the ceresin wax solution, together with
20,000 parts by weight of carbon tetra-
Heat to 75° C. and dip belting into
chloride and 7,000 parts by weight of it for %-2 minutes. Remove and dry.
y. M. & P. naphtha. The mixed solu-
tions are heated on a steam bath or Fireproofing Straw for Packing
steam plate with continuous stirring Straw can be satisfactorily fireproofed
until a fairly thin solution results. This by immersion in a solution of 45 g. of
solution may be advantageously left over- boric acid and 65 g. of borax per 1.
night or for an equivalent period before Another fireproofing treatment consists in
using. Upon standing, the solution be- immersing the straw in a solution of 50
comes more fluid and therefore more g. of ammonium phosphate, 25 g, of am-
satisfactory for impregnating purposes. monium sulphate, and 25 g. of ammonium
In treating bristles with the foregoing chloride per 1. A
further treatment con-
solution of aluminum palmitate and cere- sists in the use of a solution containing
sin wax, bundles of the bristles are im- (per 1.) 75 g. of sodium acetate, 75 g. of
mersed and soaked in the solution for trisodium phosphate, and 20 cc. of pale
approximately 30 minutes. The bundles neutral 28® Be. glycerin. This last-
of bristles are then removed and drained mentioned method of treatment has been
for not over 5 minutes and subsequently employed for fireproofing the 'straw pack-
are whirled very slightly in a centrifugal ing for carboys of nitric acid in Ger-
extractor. They are then removed to a many.
drier and dried at between 100 and 110®
F. for 4 or 5 hours. Fireproofing for Electric Heating Pads
British Patent 435,240

This fabric is impregnated with a 20-

Sizing and yTaterproofing Emulsion
40% aqueous solution of:
Paraffin Wax 40 g.
Oleic Acid 5 g.
Ammonium Sulphate 5 -10 oz.

Trigamine 3 g.
Ammonium Chloride 1-4 oz.

Water 112 cc. Boric Acid 2-5 oz.

The trigamine is dissolved in the water

Borax 1-3 oz.

and the oleic acid is added, stirring thor-

U rea-Formaldehyde
Resin 0,4- 0.8 oz.
oughly until completely homogeneous.
This is then heated to 65-70® C. and the
wax, previously melted, added with rapid Moth-Proofing Fabrics
agitation. Stirring is continued until the A
simple process has been developed
emulsion is cold. This emulsion can be for moth-proofing fabrics by the use of
diluted readily with warm water.
chromium and antimony fluorides, while
at the same time it affords considerable
protection against the growth of fungi.
Colloidal Copper Fungicide for Mildew Woolens so treated are said to have no
200 g. of copper sulphate and 50 g. harmful effects on the skin.
of citric acid are dissolved in 100 1. of The process is carried out by simple
water. Solution is then treated with immersion. For example, 100 lb. of cow
ferric chloride and Anally with soda, hair are placed in a vessel containing
until its reaction is neutral, or at the water at 180® F., in which 3 lb. oi
most, only very slightly acid. chromium fluoride have been dissolved.

just sufficient water being employed to at which temperature the antimony is

cover the materials to be treated. The also precipitated and this double precipi-
hair is agitated for 20 minutes to ensure tate is sufficient to nullify the pale green
complete saturation. It is then removed tint of the chromium oxides.
from the solution, allowed to drain and
is then hydro-extracted and dried in a Textile Moth-Proofing
hot air chamber at 150’'^ F. In the case Sodium Silico-Fluoride 0.60 g.
of woolen or felted material, this is Potash Alum 0.30 g.
passed at full width through a wooden Oxalic Acid 0.03 g.
box fitted with suitable rollers to guide Water 99.07 g.
the materials and to keep them at full
width. The padding box contains a solu-
tion of chromium fluoride, ly^ lb. dis-
British Patent 467,701
solved in 160 lb. of water at 80° F. On
The following solution is applied by
issuing from the machine, the thoroughly
brushing, dipping or spraying:
saturated material passes between two
Thianthrene 20 g.
squeezing rollers, the pressure on which
Alcohol 980 g.
is so arranged that 12 parts by weight
of material retain 10 parts by weight of
the solution. The treated and squeezed Gas-Proofing for Fabrics
material is then dried in a hot air cham- A resin is made by mixing glyc-
ber or on a tentering* machine at a tem- erol 9 triethanolamine 30 g., phthalic
perature of 155° F. After complete anhydride 50 g., and adipic acid 25 g.,
drying, the treated material contains heating for %
hour at 180° G. and for
0.65% of the chromium compounds per- 25 minutes at 210°, and dissolving in 114
manently fixed in the fibers. g. glycerol at 220°. When cool, the
It is known that chromium oxides are product is mixed with a solution of 114
valuable mordants for dyestuffs and in g. gelatin and 456 g. water.
some small measure such combinations
do act as deterrents to the larvae of Proofing Cloth Against Poison Gases
moths, but it has been found that the French Patent 802,816
amount of chromium requires to be Sodium Bulphoricinoleate 100 g.
greater than that necessary for mor- Blood Albumen 60 g.
danting and if the equivalent of 0.65% Water to make a paste
of chromium fluoride is introduced into The above coating when dry is covered
the fibers in the way set out there will with a flexible varnish or lacquer.
be fixed in the fibers, partly combined
with the constituents of the fiber, basic
chromium compounds, free oxides and Rot-Proofing Canvas
fluorides, which will render the fibers (Wiliesden Type)
proof against spoliation by -moth larvae. The principle of the production of
It has been found that the slightly Wiliesden canvas and similar goods lies
greenish tint of the chromium oxide af- in the solubility of cellulose (paper, cot-
fects delicate shades and it is therefore ton, etc.) in cuprammonium solutions.
proposed to minimize or neutralize its Wlien fabrics are immersed in the latter,
influence by precipitating a certain their surfaces only become effected by
amount of hydrated antimony oxide along solvent action, and re-precipitation can
with chromium oxide. produce a continuous surface of relatively
In this process, woolen and felted ma- good water impermeability. By treating
terials are treated on a padding machine, the fabric in a second solution contain-
being passed at full width through a ing, for example, caustic soda, copper as
solution of chromium fluoride plus an hydroxide can be precipitated and re-
amount of antimony fluoride, in the pro- tained in the fiber, which aids resistance
portion of 4:1, at 80° F. The fabric is to deterioration other than that caused
then passed between two suitable rollers, by water or moisture. A
typical pro-
the pressure of which is so arranged that cedure for this type of treatment is given
12^ lbs. of woolen material will retain
1 imperial gallon of the solution.

The Cuprammonium solution
squeezed material is dried in a hot air The fabric is thoroughly steeped in a
chamber or on a tentering machine at a cuprammonium solution (cupric sulphate
temperature of 155° F. The drying tem- solution with sufficient ammonia added
perature should never fall below 150° F., to re-dissolve all hydroxide)
of specific
in order to obtain the complete fixation gravity about 1.075 at 80-100 °F. The
of the chromium compounds in the fiber, fabric after draining is treated in a


solution of caustic soda, sp. gr, 1.01 to Starch 33 oz.

1.015, and dried. A
solution of alumi- Alum Solution (5%) 5 oz.
num sulpliate can substitute tbe caustic Finally, a modern efficient type of
soda with advantage. formulation intended for a one-bath
Another type of treatment involves process includes alum and lead acetate
soaking in solutions containing alumi- as the source of aluminum hydroxide for
num compounds, the general object being waterproofing, paraffin wax for softening
to precipitate aluminum hydroxide in or providing pliability, soap as emulsifier,
the pores for water resistance. and gum to improve wetting properties.
2. Aluminum acetate solution The following formula is quoted from
Immerse in aluminum acetate (sp. gr. British Patent 382,073;
1.04) for 12 hours, drain, dry, and evap-
Alum 2 lb.
orate at 140 to 150° F.
Lead Acetate 2.5 lb.
The acetate solution can be followed
by immersion in 5%
hard soap solution,
Paraffin Wax 6.5 oz.
Hard Soap 4 oz.
then by 2% alum solution, and finally
Gum Tragacanth 4 oz.
by air drying.
Water 67 lb.
The aluminum acetate can be pro-
duced from mixtures of lead acetate and
aluminum sulphate, or purchased as such Rot-Proofing Jute
in aqueous solution. British Patent 462,306
-third class of proofing utilizes glue The material is first boiled in a 3.3%
or gelatin in one solution, and a fixative aqueous solution of cuteh for three hours,
in a second, €*g . and then boiled in a 1.5% solution of
3. Gelatin treatment potassium bichromate for twenty minutes,
Soak in a 7% solution of 1% gelatin after which it is washed free from bi-
at 100 to 110° F. and after drying pass chromate and dried.
through a 4% solution of alum. Fry,
rinse in water, and re-dry. Mildew Proofing Wetting Agent
Some heavy fabrics are treated by ap- TJ. S. Patent 2,110,074
plying the following composition by Isopropyl Naphthalene
means of rollers: Sodium Sulphonate 10.0 g'
4. Wax composition Orthophenyl Phenol 2.2 g*
Japan Wax 28 oz. Water 71.5 g-
Paraffin Wax 22 oz. Ethylene Chlorhydrin 6.0 g-
Rosin Soap 12 oz. Alcohol 10.0 g*
Swimming Pool Maintenance able chlorine | furthermore, an alkaline
(a) Vacuum clean the bottom of the medium is unfavorable for the multi-
pool daily, •watching especially for any plication of many bacteria. This degree
materials which may have been dropped of alkalinity, on the other hand, is not
in the water. hard on the eyes.
(h) Wash the high-water mark off the If a comparator is at hand, the
tiles before adding the fresh water to amount of residual chlorine may also be
replace that removed by the suction. determined. This should not go below
This also furnishes an opportunity to 0.2 p.p.m., nor above 0.5 p.p.m. Less
clean the scum gutter thoroughly. residual chlorine is inadequate for prop-
(c) Befill pool, wanning when neces- erly protecting the water from pollu-
sary to maintain a satisfactory water tion, and more results in body and eye
temperature. irritation. If no comparator is at hand,
(d) Circulate water through a sand the problem becomes largely one of
filter from six to eight hours during the try and see what happens. Potassium
day and while the pool is in use. Only iodide, starch, and hydrochloric acid will
four times during five years is it neces- give the starch-iodide blue if excess
sary to use the alum pot which is pro- hypochlorite is present.
vided as part of the filter equipment. Again, in actual practice, it has been
(e) Daily (and this is important) found that from two to three quarts per
check the pH of the pool, adding soda day of a commercial solution of sodium
ash to correct for any acidity, and at hypochlorite of nine per cent strength
the same time add sodium hypochlorite has usually proved adequate, though, of
solution to the water. If the pH of the course, in this as in the use of soda ash,
water is kept between 7.8 and 8,2, no the amount needed depends on the ex-
free chlorine is liberated from the hy- tent to which the pool is used.
pochlorite, thus avoiding odors in thO
room and the water, and serving to re- Water Purification
tain a residual available chlorine content
30% sodium aluminate is in
in the water which is not only desirable general use as a coagulent in water
but also absolutely essential if the water treatment in ice-plants, swimming-pools,
is to remain practically sterile. It is etc. The use of the extra-soluble pow-
of interest to note that in the spring dered sodium aluminate now available
of the year an odor does develop, caused on the market, is equally efficient, and
by the chlorination of phenolic com- will effect a 60% saving. The pow-
pounds probably coming from surface or dered material is 90%, and usually sells
swamp drainage in the water supply, at about the same price per cwt. as does
but even at this time no free chlorine the 30% liquid.
is present.
In aetuar practice, on a seven-day-a-
week treatment, soda ash in the form of Purifying Small Amounts of Water
two-pound fused bricks is dropped in To 200 1. water, containing clay, is

the pool at the deepest point where added:

the outlet to the filter is located. It Water 1 1.

usually takes one or two of these Soda Ash 5 g*

bricks each day, the number being Water 5 1.

regulated by a determination of the Perric Chloride

pH. If no comparator is at hand, (45® Be.) 1 cc.
four drops of a 0.5 per cent solution Water 1 1
of phenolphthalein indicator added to Disodium Hydrogen
a test-tube of the pool water and Phosphate 18 g-
turning a good clear pink approximates Calcium Oxychloride 0.6 g*
the desired pH. This careful control Stir vigorously and let stand for 30
of the pH is most important, as it minutes. The bottom five litres is re-
allows the retention of residual avail-

Water De-Ohlorinating Agent Boiler Scale Preventives

Calcium SulpMte 74.93 IT. S.Navy Specification 13 C 3 G
Calcium Oxide 2.00 Anhydrous Sodium
Calcium Sulpliate 4.00 Carbonate 44 lb.
Carbon, Activated 19.07 Anhydrous Disodium
Phosphate 47 lb.
Ba^e Exclianger (Water Softening) Corn Starch 9 lb.
British Patent 450,574 TJ. Dept, of Commerce
Lignite,Powder 100 lb. Lighthouse Service Spec. No. 542
Sulphuric Acid 400 lb. Calcined Sodium
Heat to 150° C.; filter off excess acid Carbonate 68-70 lb.
and wash the residue until neutral. Trisodium Phosphate 19-22 lb.
Dextrine or Starch 1-2 lb.
Boiler Compounds Tannic Acid 4 lb.
Many commercial boiler-compounds City of N. Y. Boiler Comp. Spec. 5-C-l
contain sodium silicates. Besides hav- Anhydrous Sodium
ing a tendency to carry over and stick Carbonate 76 lb.
valves, this material leaves a lot to be Trisodium Phosphate 10 lb.
desired with any water, and is entirely Starch 1 lb.
valueless with some. Sodium aluminate Cut eh (to yield 2% Tannic
is better by far; but is higher-priced. Acid) — lb.
While lime-soda or zeolite softening is al-
ways to be preferred, the following are Elimination of Seale Formation in
recommended for use as boiler com- (Glycerol) Concentration.
pounds: Experiments in the concentration of
For water with very high pH Mono- — glycerol solutions show that on the addi-
tion of graphite (0.005%) based on the
sodium Phosphate.
For water with low pH value Tri- — weight of the evaporated water the scale
formation on the pipes is eliminated.
sodium Phosphate.
For water containing sulphates--'So- The coarse-grained aggregates of the
dium Metasilicate. salts formed are deposited at the bot-
Any of the above may be used in con- tom of the evaporator and are easily re-
junction with tannic acid or similar moved and separated from the glycerol.
material, to advantage. By this method the time required for
evaporation is reduced 50%. The or-
Boiler Compound ganic and inorganic residues in the
crude glycerols obtained by evaporation
Formula No. 1
witii and without the addition of graph-
Hungarian Patent 116,686
ite are 4.9 and 5.26% respectively.
To a 25 kg. catechu in 7 kg. water,
add 10 kg. ammonia soda, 7 kg. borax
Alcohol Gasoline Fuels
and 5 kg. tri-sodium phosphate in 16
kg. water. A greasy product is formed, Formula No. 1
Gasoline 7
70 gal.
750 g, of which is generally required for
Alcohol 3
30 gal.
1 cu. m. of water.
Isoamyl Alcohol 6 gal.
No. 2 No. 2
Canadian Patent 366,214 Heavy Motor Gasoline
Pulverized Iron 30 oz.
(sp. gr. 0,735-0.775)
Carbon, Powdered 50 oz.
Starch 20 oz.
No. 3
No. 3 Contardi^s Motor Fuel
Canadian Patent 368,212 Methanol
Soda Ash 44 1b.
Bisodium Hydrogen Gasoline
Phosphate (Anhydrous) 47 lb.
Starch 9 lb.
Stabilized ^^EthyP' Gasoline
No. 4'

British Patent 464,055

U. S. Patent 2,097,649 Lecithin 7.5-22.5 lb.
Trisodium Phosphate 75 oz. Ethyl Gasoline 1000 barrels
Soda Ash 20 oz.
Starch 5 oz. Anti-Knock Gasoline
The above used to give a concen-
is U. S. Patent 2,088,997
tration of not less than 7 ounces starch 0.2% of mercuric salt of cobalt car-
per pound of calcium in water. bonyl hydride is added to gasoline.
Non-Corrosive Powdered Writing Ink
No, 9 '

U. 8. Patent 2,088,006 Alcohol, Ethyl

Gallic Acid 72 1.
10 oz. Methanol (96.4%)
Ferrous Sulphate 10 1 .
15 oz. Treated Medium Tar Oil
Tartaric Acid 15 1.
1 oz. Nitrogen Peroxide 2 I
Anti-Knock Motor Fuel
IT. 8. Patent 2,021,088
Non-Gumming Motor Fuel
Ethylene diamine to the extent of U. 8. Patent 2,071,0*64
0.5-1% is added to decrease Gum formation in motor fuels is in-
hibited by the addition of 0.002-0 003%
p-hydroxy-N-phenyl morpholine.
Anti-Knock Alcohol Blend Fuel
Formula No. 1 Fuel Oil
French Patent 794,829 ^'Mineral Colza" Oil
Gasoline 75 lb. [Heavy Petroleum, sp.g. 0.84-0.85 at
Alcohol 22 lb.
^ 750 g.
Hydrogen Peroxide 3 lb. Colza Oil, Eefined 250 g.
No. 2
Benzene 30 lb. Fuel Combustion Catalyst
Alcohol 65 lb. British Patent 440,224
Hydrogen Peroxide 5 lb. Manganese Dioxide 32.1 g.
Charcoal 2.5 g.
Alcohol Blend Motor Fuel Salt 27.7 g.
Alcohol 40 gal. Sodium Chlorate 37.7 g.
Benzol 40 gal. One to two kilograms of
Gasoline the above
20 gal. mixture is used per ton of fueL

Automobile Racing Fuels

Formula No. 1 Activated Motor Gasoline
Alcohol, Anhydrous U. 8. Patent 2,088,000
90.8 1.
Benzine 8.2 L
1% of following solution is added to
gasoline to improve its acceleration:
No. 2
Alcohol, Ethyl 36.3 1.
Naphthalene i «
Alcohol, Methyl 26.0 L Alcohol 5
Benzine 37.7 1.
Acetone 10 g]
No. 3
Alcohol, Methyl 93.74 1.
Motor Fuel Energizer
Water 6.24 1.
British Patent 448,446
Castor Oil 0.02 1, A mixture of paraldehyde (20-50 pts.
No. 4 ^ polycyclic hydrocarbon
Alcohol, Methyl 99.98 1. (50-80), e,^., tetrahydronaphthalene,
Castor Oil 0.02 1. with or without a thin lubricating oil
No. 5 as upper-cylinder lubricant, is added
Alcohol, Anhydrous to
83.295 1. liquid fuels for internal-combustion
Water en-
13.877 1. gines in order to assist in initiating or
Denaturants 2.820 1. promoting combustion of the fuel. An
No. 6 amine, aniline, or prefer-
Benzene 10 1. ably aminoeymene, may also be present.
Alcohol, Ethyl 85 1. Normally 0.5% of the composition is
Naphthalene 3.0 kg. added to gasoline and 1% to diesel
Petroleum Ether 1.6 kg. fuels.
Castor Oil 0.3 kg.
Phenol 1.0 kg.
No. 7 Anti-Yapor Lock Compound
Benzine U. S.^ Patent 2,067,384
Alcohol, Anhydrous 43

A composition to be added in small
Methanol (96.4%) amounts to hydrocarbon internal com-
10 1;
bustion engine fuel for eliminating
Treated Medium Tar Oil 15 1.
Nitrogen Peroxide vapor lock conditions in internal com-
2'L bustion engines consists of the following
No. 8 ingredients taken in the appended ap-
Alcohol, Ethyl 90 1. proximate proportions for the produc-
Acetylene 20 L- tion of a fifty gallon batch;

Kerosene 27 gal. 44 oz. 10,000. Proper use eliminates need of

Mirbane Oil 5 gal. 60 oz. acid treatment of distillate from crack-
Creosote Oil ing stills and subsequent redistillation,
(U.S.P.) 10 gal. 120 oz. and the corresponding 5% loss.
Turpentine 2 gal. 44 oz.
No. 2
Cedar Wood Oil 2 gal. 44 oz.
IT. S. Patent 2,053,511
Camphorated Oil 1 gal. 72 OS,
About 6.01% 5-benzylamino-2-cresol or
5-amino-2-hyfiroxytoluene is added to
Stabilizing Color in Motor Fuels gasoline.
U. S. Patent 2,052,193 No. 3
0.005--0.1% of cobalt or manganese Patent 2,070,304
XT. S.
oleate or napbthenate is dissolved in tbe Add 2-5 lb. benzamide or phthala-
fuel to prevent color from fading when mide to 100 barrels of cracked gaso-
exposed' to sunlight. line.
No. 4
Gasoline Fuel Improver U. S. Patent 2,034,283
U. S. Patent 2,055,503 0.005-0.025% of any of the following
Basie Cadmium Nitrate 16 g. is added:
Isopropyl Alcohol 500 cc. Glyceryl Monostearate
Benzol 500 cc. Glyceryl Monoacetate
Potassium Bromide 4 g. Glyceryl Monobenzoate
Potassium Hydroxide 4 g. No. 5
The above is mixed to give a uniform IT. S. Patent 1,999,830
suspension and 2-4 cc. of it is added to The gum formation during storage is
each gal. of
gasoline. Corrosion and prevented by the addition of 0.1% of a
gum formation is lessened and cornbus- dihydroxyanisole.
tion is improved.
Eemoving Gum Forming Materials
Stabilizing Cracked^’ Gasoline From Naphtha
Naphthol (0.014%) and a wood-tar IT. S. Patent 2,062,377
fraction b. 260-90° (0.07-0.14%) in- The process of treating naphtha for
hibit gum formation in gasoline for 6 the production of gasoline of improved
months. Stable gasolines are obtained color and reduced sulphur content and
by rectifying a distillate with the above gum-forming tendency comprises agitat-
inhibitors. Acracked gasoline of low ing the naphtha with a treating agent .

b. p., purified with 1% sulphuric acid belonging to the class consisting of

and stabilized with 0.013% naphthol is boron fluoride and boron fluoride dis-
stable for 11 months. solved in sulphuric acid in the absence
of other treating agents of acid nature,
Preventing Turbidity in Gasoline the boron fluoride being employed in an
To eliminate turbidity in gasoline add
amount ranging from 0.06 to 0.15 lb.
per barrel of naphtha, and separating
one gal. of completely denatured alcohol,
the sludge formed from the naphtha.
188 proof, to 30 or 40 thousand gal. of
gasoline. Before using alcohol for
clarification, it was noted that certain Engine Carbon Eemover
gasoline turned to a milky-white color British Patent 470,322
when exposed to light for four or five Benzol or Edelenean Ex-
minutes. When this small percentage tract 41.5 gal.
of denatured alcohol is added, gasoline Lubricating Oil 40.0 gal.
does not become turbid until exposed to Soap 4.0 gal.
light for four or five hours. Secondary Butyl Alcohol 12.0 gal.
Water 2.5 gal.
Gasoline Gum Inhibitors
Formula No. 1 Fuel Briquettes
Gum inhibitors, intended to inhibit Formula No. 1
oxidation of cracked gasoline are alpha- U. S. Patent 1,990,948
naphthol, mono-benzyl, di-benzyl, or Coal is briquetted under pressure, us-
similar para-amino-phenols, dissolved ing as binder (60 to 75 lb. per ton of
preferably in benzol, but occasionally in fuel) a mixture of hydraulic cement
solvent No. 1 alcohol. Successful appli- 75 to 99.6% pitch or asphalt 0.2 to 10%,
cation implies total absence of moisture, calcium chloride 0.1 to 10%, sodium di-
and addition of an adequate amount of chromate 0.5 to 5%. The binder is
the material| i.e., 1^-2^ gallons per finely ground and the binder coal mix-
ture is suitably moistened before Solidified Benzine
briquetting. German Patent 630,280
No. 2 a. Beeswax, Yellow, Crude 3 g.
U. S. Patent 2,036,642 Benzine 100 g.
Amixture of petroleum-eoke fines b. Caustic Soda (.33%)
Ammonium Stearate
0.5 g.
88.5, crude cruslied rosin 4.42, fuel oil
e. 1-2 g.
(d 1.07—1.16) 5.31, and slaked lime To
the solution a add b, heat to
1.77 lb. is passed into a beated space saponify the beeswax, and add c while
wberein further mixing takes place, hot. Let cool.
partly cooled, water-sprayed, and then
molded wet. Activated Coal
British Patent 414,361
No. 3
U. S. Patent 2,040,609 The combustion properties of coal are
. Comminuted carbonaceous material, improved by the addition of of
borax or calcium borate with or without
e,g,, coal,briquetted by first mixing
with a 5% solution of molasses to a a similar amount of salt.
slushy mass, then cooking until white
steam ceases to be evolved, and carbon- Improving Bituminous Coal
ising in molds at 340-370° 0. U. S. Patent 2,059,388
Aprocess of treating ordinary coal
No. 4 comprises mixing with 1 gallon of water,
U. S. Patent 2,066,457 14 fluid ounces of sodium silicate having
Bituminous Coal 66% lb. a ratio of sodium oxide to silicon diox-
Wood Pulp Paper 20% lb. ide of about one to three, respectively,
Asphalt 12% lb. 8% ounces of sodium silicate having a
Grind in water; squeeze; dry and ratio of sodium oxide to silicon dioxide
compress. of about one to two, respectively, 1%
No. 5 pounds of salt, and applying the same
British Patent 437,870 evenly to the mass of coal to form a
Powdered Coking Coal 30 lb. thin coating thereon.
Starch, Powdered 1.8 lb.
Anthracite Fines 68.2 lb. Coal Combustion Improver
Mix well and heat to 80-100° C. and British Patent 469,241
briquette; then heat rapidly to 550-600° Manganese Dioxide 26 lb.
C. and bake at this temperature for an Iron Oxide 8 lb.
hour. Salt 24 lb.
Sodium Chlorate 23 lb.
Briquetting Coal Potassium Chlorate 5 lb.
German Patent 648,714 Potassium Dichromate 3 lb.
Coal Dust 94 lb. Barium Hydroxide 8 lb.
Peat Fiber, Dry 3 lb. Wood Charcoal 3 lb.
Pitch, Hard 3 lb.
The above issprinkled on coal in ratio
Heat to 70° C. and press at 120 at- of 2-2% lb. per ton of coal.
Illuminating Gas Purifleation
Waste Wood Fuel Briquettes
XT. S. Patent 2,019,468
Canadian Patent 358,647
Hydrogen sulphide is removed by
Sawdust 50, wood powder 28 and scrubbing the gas containing oxygen,
slivery sticks 22% by vol. are dried un-
0.5 lb. per sq. in. under pressure (85-
der controlled heat to eliminate moisture
125 lb. per sq. in.) with 1-5% soda ash
and leave the resins, compressed while
or caustic soda solution containing 0.01-
hot into briquettes, and dipped into a
parafifin bath to seal the surface against
4% nickel, manganese, copper, iron or
zinc salt.
moisture absorption.

Saw Dust Briquettes Dustproofing Coke

Rosin Waste 20 kg. Coke is sprayed with refined petro-
Montan Wax Pitch 20 kg. leum oil (d. 0.905) at rate of 0.2 gal.
Montan Grease 60 kg. per ton of coke.
Saw Dust to suit
Melt the binders in a kettle and mix Soot Remover
thoroughly with the saw dust. Cool in Throwing a piece of zinc on a hot fire
cast-iron molds, or press into shape in a is said to be an excellent way to loosen
hydraulic soap-press. chimney soot.

Tlie same result may be secured by Electrolytic Condenser Electrolyte

throwing an old -wliite truck inner tube Formula No. 1
on the fire, about a square foot at a IT. S. Patent 1,999,408
time. These tubes contain a high per- Potassium or Ammonium
centage of zinc oxide which is the effec- Tartrate 1 oz.
tive agent obtained by burning zinc. Gum Arabic .24 oz.
If the fire is hot and the draft good, Glycerin e.p. 104 oz.
no odor of burning rubber will penetrate No. 2
into the house. If the odor comes up U. S. Patent 2,028,775
through the registers from a hot air Agar-agar 1 oz.
furnace, it is a sure sign the furnace Potato Starch 7 oz.
needs resetting. Ammonium Borate 56 oz.
Glycerin 36 oz.
No. 3
Flue Soot Removers H. S. Patent 2,036,669
Formula No. 1 Diethylamine Borate 80 g.
Salt 54 g. Ethylene Glycol 1 1.
iJineOxide 33 g. No. 4
Zinc Sulphate 3 g. British Patent 448,830
Manganese Dioxide 10 g. Sorbitol 50 g.
No. 2 Boric Acid 100 g.
Salt 99 g.
Ammonia (d. 0.88) 20 cc.
Manganese Dioxide 99 g.
Heat until boiling point reaches 115°

No. 3
Salt 50
No. 5
British Patent 449,947
Zinc Oxide 50 g.
Ethylene Glycol 90-10 oz.
No. 4 Ammonium Citrate 10-90 oz.
Salt 90 g. Heat together to 120° C.
Zinc, Powdered 10 g.
No. 5 Electrolytic Condensers
Salt 50 g. British Patent 449,947
Zinc, Powdered 50 g. Aluminum strip is etched eleetrolyti-
cally using a carbon cathode by passing
a bath of aqueous sodium chloride or a
Fire Lighters mixture of hydrochloric acid (d. 1.16)
Convenient fire limiters may be pre- 8cc. and nitric acid (d. 1.42) 1.4ce. and
pared for picnic or camping by using a sulphuric acid (d. 1.84) 0.7 cc. per liter
heat vulcanizing rubber cement. This at 70° C. Oxide is removed by a bath
usually comes in two cans. Mix the of aqueous caustic soda or potash (2%)
contents and pour into the original con-
tainers. After two or three days the
at 70° C. Then pass through 5
phuric acid and clean in glycerin at
sul- %
cement will have vulcanized into a firm 100° C.
mass. Pieces the size of one^s thumb
will start a quick hot flame which will Rectifier Electrode
ignite wood or coal with ease. IT. S. Patent 2,017,842
The bulk and mass of this composi- A
copper plate is heated in a furnace
tion may
be increased by adding about to 1060° C. until a good oxide coating is
one pound of sawdust per quart of ce- formed. Cool to 600° C. and quench in
ment. The blaze is not so fierce but a bath of heavy mineral oil heated to
lasts longer. 70° C. and then cool to room temper-
ature in a bath of relatively thin min-
eral oil.
Plastic Cable Insulation
French Patent 809,261 Beck Effect Arc Electrode
Yinyl Chloride 70 g. British Patent 456,040
Vinyl Formate 30 g. Hon 11 oz.
Ethylene Diehloride 50 g. Cerium Fluoride 41 oz.
Benzoyl Peroxide 0.4 g. Carbon 48 oz.
Heat together until reaction is over.
Above product 100 g. Blectrie Discharge Tube Cathodes
Di-Isobuty Phthalate 25 g. British Patent 459,163
Graphite 50 g. The following mixtures are pressed
Mix until uniform. and heated at 1300° C.
Formula No. 1 Transmission Material for Hydraulic
40 "Pl'pcqpq
Barium Oxide oz.
Tungsten Carbide 20 oz. H. S. Patent 1,977,012
Zirconium 10 oz. A semi-fluid material is used compris-
Zirconium Oxide 30 oz. ing asphalt 60-90 oz. and a greasy fi.uid
such as oil or paraffin 10-40 oz.
No. 2
Barium Hydroxide 50 oz.
Tungsten Oxide 20 oz. Hydraulic Brake Fluid
Graphite 5 oz. Formula No. 1
Thorium Oxide 25 oz. U. S. Patent 2,020,543
Ethyl Acetate 3 oz.
Castor Oil 2 oz.
Electrical Conducting Hydrogenation No. .2
Catalyst German Patent 645,939
French Patent 807,157 Castor Oil 80 lb.

Iron, Powdered 60 Cyclohexanone- Glycerin 50 lb.

Tin Hydroxide 30 No. 3

Boric Acid 10 Glycerin 50 lb,.

Aluminum Hydroxide 20 Biacetone-Erytliritol 50 lb.

Phosphoric Acid 5 No. 4
Graphite 5 Glycerin 65 lb.

The above mixed with any aqueous

Acetone-Mannitol 35 lb.

solution of stannous chloride, aluminum No. 5

chloride, zinc bromide and chromium Acetone-Glycerine Cetyl
duoride to form a p)lastic mass which is Ether 45 lb.
molded and dried. Castor Oil 55 lb.
No. 6
Ethylene Glycol Mono Ethyl
Brake Lining Ether 30 lb.
Cycl 0 pen tan on e- Glycerin
H. S. Patent 2,026,767
Plithalate 70 lb.
Thoroughly mix 18 parts of drying
vegetable oil and 2.7 parts sulphur with
25 parts finely divided pyrobituminous Hydraulic Shock Absorber Fluid
material and 65 parts of short fiber as- Formula No. 1
bestos, form mixture into shapes, and IT. S. Patent 2,0(50,110
then cure shapes in a baking oven with- Glucose 5-20 lb.
out pressure for four to five hours at Glycerin 20- 5 lb.
approximately 125® F. and then for five Alcohol 37.5 lb.
to six hours at approximately 300® F. to Water 37.5 lb.
set the oil by sulphiiration to bond the
No. 2
ingredients of the element.
U. S. Patent 2,084,404
Fusel Oil 75 oz.
Triethanolamine 25 oz.
Brake Lining Treatment
U. S. Patent 2,037,189
The is dipped at 90®, baked at
lining Automobile Anti-Freeze Solution
190®, and calendered while hot; after U. S. Patent 2,071,482
drying and ageing, it is treated with 1:1 Formula No. 1
thiuner-eastor oil mixture for 10 min. Glycerin 85 g.
and again calendered. Alcohol 1 g.
The dipping solution consists of Water 14 g.
Urea 4 g.
Castor Oil 0.5 lb. Flaxseed 5 g.
Eosin 2.0 lb. Tertiary Butyl Phenol 4 g.
Gilsonite 16.0 lb. goda Ash 1 g.
Minium 1.5 lb. Dye to suit
Carbon Black 0.5 lb.
Tung Oil 5.0 lb.
Linseed Oil 2.5 lb.
German Patent 641,156
a. Di Potassium
These heated together at 230^
are Phosphate 70 g.
before mineral thinner and pigment! Mono Potassium
(72%) are added. Phosphate 21 g.
No. 4
to make 100 cc.
Flaxseed Meal
h. Potassium Carbonate 5 & Powdered Aluminum
Sodium Pyrophosphate 2 g* Sodium Silicate, Dry
Boric Acid 1.5 g* Casein
Potassium Hydroxide 2.8 g-
No. 5
To the solution a add h. The : freez-
Linseed Meal
ing point is -37° C.
Umber Brown
Non-Corrosive Anti-Freeze Solution Water
Canadian Patent 360^963
No. 6
A noncorrosive antifreeze compound White Lead
is prepared by adding to commercial de-
natured absolute ethyl alcohol sufficient Tallow
40% aqueous sodium nitrite solution to Soap
introduce 0.25 g. of the salt/100 cc. of Caustic Soda
alcoholic kerosene in the proportion of Linseed Oil
3 ce./lOO cc. of alcohol and 0.09 g. soap/ Cinnamon
too g, alcohol.
No. 7
Powdered Aluminum
Preventing Leakage of Glycol Corn Meal
Anti-Freeze Sodium Carbonate
U. S. Patent 2,042,830 Boap
Lard Oil 0.25 Sodium Phosphate
Mineral Oil 3.00
Triethanolamine 0.75
No. 8
4 fluid oz. of above is used to 96 fluid
Ground Linseed
oz. anti-freeze mixture.
Sodium Carbonate
Preventing Corrosion of Anti-Freeze Flour
Alcohol Camphor
French Patent 785,117 No. 9
0.03% ethyl or diethylamine is added Powdered Aluminum
to alcohol to prevent corrosion of steel Nitrocellulose
and attacking of copper. Butyl Acetate
Radiator Seale Preventing Compound
No. 10
French Patent 810,744 Graphite
Trisodium Phosphate 10 g. Tannin
Sodium Silicate 30 g. Gum Guaiae
Irish Moss
Radiator Stop Leak Compounds Caustic Soda
Formula No. Cutch
Iron Filings Red Oak Bark Extract
Ferrous Sulphate No. 11
Rye Meal Flour
Graphite Lime
Red Lead Sulphur
Asbestos (Powder) Gum Arabic
No. 2 No. 12
Graphite Powdered Aluminum
Molasses Flaxseed Meal
Phenol Sulphur
Sodium Bisulphate Soap
Water No. 13
No. 3 Powdered Aluminum
Asbestos (Powder) Sodium Silicate, Dry
Dry Pa]3er Pulp Flaxseed Meal
Wheat Paste Sodium Phosphate
Salicylic Acid No. 14
Gum Arabic Powdered Aluminum
Rosin Soap
Linseed Meal 60.00 Sulphation Preventive for Storage
Ammonium Carbonate 8.00 Batteries
No. 15 Britisli Patent 461j836
Powdered Aluminum 12.00 Tartaric Acid 40 g.
Corn Meal 60.00 Magnesium Sulpliate 40 g.
Soap 18.00 Water 2000 ee.
Borax 10.00
Liquid Primary Battery Fluids
U. S. Patent 1,988,139
Storage Battery Plates
The carbon electrode is surrounded by
Formula No. 1
following depolarizer:
U. S. Patent 2,035,315
Sodium Dichromate 30 g.
Positive Plate
Magnesium Chloride 18 g.
Litharge 65 oz.
Sulphuric Acid 72 g.
Eed Lead 35 oz.
The zinc electrode is surrounded by
Water containing 0.05 part Zinc Chloride 10 g.
of Sodium Borophosphate 10 oz.
Sodium Sulphate 30 g.
Sulphuric Acid 1.250 sp. gr. 8 oz.
Sulphuric Acid 5 g.
No. 2
Negative Plate
Litharge 100.0 oz, Pocket Lamp Battery Compositions
Blanc Fixe 1.0 oz. Formula No. 1
Lampblack 0.2 oz.
a. Pyrolusite 75 g.
Water containing 0.05 part Graphite Powder 25 g,
Sodium Borophospliate 8.0 oz.
1). Ammonium Chloride as Electro-
Sulphuric Acid 1.250 lyte Solution.
sp. gr. 10.0 oz.
No. 2
No. 3 a. Pyrolusite 64 g.
Litharge 100.0 oz.
Manganese Dioxide, Syn-
Cellulose or Other Organic
thetic 11 g.
Agent 0.5 oz.
Graphite Powder
Blanc Fixe 0.5 oz.
25 g.
1. Ammonium Chloride as Electro-
Lampblack 0.2 oz.
lyte Solution.
Water containing 0.10 part
Sodium Borophosphate 8.0 oz. No. 3
Sulphuric Acid 1.250 Pyrolusite 60 g.
sp. gr. 10.0 oz.
Manganese Dioxide,
The prepared active material is pasted Synthetic 12 g.
in the plates in conventional manner Graphite Powder 18 g.
and dried in an oven under controlled Acetylene Soot 3 g.
humidity conditions bonding to an elec- Ammonium Chloride 7 g.
trode of excellent physical strength. Pure Zinc Metal and Good Coal Elec-
Excellent results are gotten with these trodes are necessary.
electrodes when dried at a speed of thirty Mectrolyte
minutes or more total treating and dry- Ammonium Chloride 20 g.
ing time. In those cases where the total Magnesium Chloride 10 g.
treating and drying time is less than Calcium Chloride 6 g.
thirty minutes the results achieved are Zinc Chloride 5 g]
not as satisfactory as in those eases of Water g*
thirty minutes or more. Plates so made Slaked Lime, to neutralize
are entirely sound and of uniform struc- exactly about 2 g.
ture throughout, a result very much to
No. 4
be desired. Infusorial Earth or Paper
Mp 100 kg.
Cleaning Sulphated Storage Battery Magnesium Sulphate 20 kg.
Ammonium Chloride 60 kg.
French Patent 793,677 Zinc Chloride 50 kg.
Pass a current of less than 15 amperes Hydrochloric Acid 5 kg.
for one half hour through plates im- Water to suit
mersed in following solution:
Trisodium Phosphate 160 g. Non-Blackening Discharge Lamp
Lead Oxide, Powdered 24 g. British Patent 431,651
Malachite Green 1 g. A double wall tube isused; the spac<
Water 1 1, between tubes is filled with oxygen, aii
: :


carbon dioxide or nitrogen. The glass The rubber pad containing above is
has following composition prepa;red^ for therapeutic use by plac-
Silica 54 lb. ing it in boiling water and boiling
Calcium Oxide 15 lb. it for more than ten minutes.
Boron Oxide 8 lb. After the element will be found
Aluminum Oxide 21 lb. to be partially liquefied and during
Sodium Oxide 1 lb. recrystallization will give off heat at
Barium Oxide Vs lb. a comparatively even temperature for
approximately one hour, after which
White Insulating Tape the element will have solidified com-
U. S. Patent 2,044,175 pletely. The temperature will range
Asbestos tape is soaked in from approximately 114 F. down to ap-
Boric Acid 5 ]b. proximately 108 F.
Water 95 lb. The pad cannot be used until boiled,
for 10-18 hr. to take up 3-4% by so it is necessarily sterilized before each
weight ; drained and dried at 100° C. application.

Chemical Heating Pad Fillers Activated (Adsorbent) Carbon

Formula No. 1 Formula No.
Iron Powder 1 kg. Anactive carbon suitable for use in
Potassium Chlorate 1 kg. respirators has been prepared, under
both experimental and large-scale con-
1 kg. of this mixture yields 1000
ditions, by carbonising a coal of low
Seat-Units, that is 3 times as much caking power (durain) at 480° C. or
as obtained with burned lime.
650° C. and subsequently activating
No. 2 the coke in a current of steam at about
Sodium Acetate is used which is 950° 0. The yield of carbon is 26-32%
melted inside a rubber bag by dipping of the coke. It compares favorably in
the bag into hot water, and which keeps activity with a carbon produced from a
heat for hours. briquetted coal, but the latter has the
No. 3 lower friability. Choice of the coal is
U. S. Patent 2,040,406 an important factor in the process.
Aluminum, Powdered 2 oz. No. 2
Copper Carbonate 4 oz. IT. S. Patent 2,056,854
Oxalic Acid 3 oz. Shells of cocoa beans are impregnated
Barium Chloride 3 oz. with a sodium sulphide
On addition of water, heat
solution and
is gener- then heated to 500° 0.

Regenerating Spent Carbide’^

Heating Pad Chemicals Spent Calcium Carbide 850 kg.
British Patent 474,249
(Containing less than 75%
Iron Filings 8 oz. water)
Ammonium Chloride 1 oz. Powdered Coke 600 kg
Wet well and mix thoroughly. Then Heat at 550° C.
disintegrate the mass and add 1/16 oz.
of the following mixture
Recovering Gas Works Sulphur
Manganese Oxide 10 oz. Gasworks sulphide paste, containing
Calcium Chloride 1 oz. about 50% of water is heated in an
Iodine or Thymol .005 oz. autoclave at 154°/4— 5 atm., whereby
molten sulphur separates as the lower
Heat Producing (Thermophoric) layer, leaving the soluble impurities in
Composition the upper aqueous layer, and the in-
U S. Patenf 2,118,586 soluble ones as a slag at the phase
Manganous Chloride, Tetra- interface.
hydrate 3.3 oz.
Sodium Acetate, Trihydrate 94.0 oz. Regeneration of Fat Hydrogenation
Ethylene Glycol 2.7 oz.
The method consists in first treating
Heating Pad Powder, Safe the used catalyst with a boiling solution
Sodium Acetate 135.1 g. of caustic (8° Bd.) sufficient in quantity
Glycerin 4.5 g. to saponify half the fat contained on
Sodium Sulphate Crystals 3.0 g. the catalyst; on the formation of an
Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous 6.7 g. emulsion additional caustic ( 3 ° B4. ) is


added, sufficient to saponify the remain- Wash three times with boiling
ing half of the fat, and boiling is water and dry. It is impossible to
continued for a couple of hours. The give exact figures, but one sample of
next stage is to add to the mixture a linseed oil worked out as follows:
solution of hypochlorite (containing 1,4 Linseed Oil 881 lb.
per cent of available chlorine) in a Caustic Soda 120 lb.
quantity approximately equal to that of Barium Chloride Crystals 244 lb.
the catalyst being treated, followed by
an equal weight of water; the mixture
is then further heated at 60* C. for an Triphenyl and Tricresyl Phosphates
hour. At the end of this period the U. S. Patent 1,983,588
solution is diluted with 3~4 times its a. Phenol or Oresol 15 mols.
bulk of water and boiled for a few T). Phosphorous Penta-
hours, the supernatant emulsion of fat ehlorlde 3 mols.
and foreign matter is then decanted off c. Phosphorous Pentoxide 1 mol.
and the catalyst washed with boiling
water (acidified with sulphuric acid) Add a h at less than 90° C. and
placed in a filter press, and washed till when add to c. Heat for three
free from any reaction for sulphate; it
hours at 210-215° C. If a catalyst
is then dried and is ready for use. The such as aluminum chloride is used the
loss of nickel by the above method of
reaction proceeds at 150° C.
regeneration is 6-10 per cent, which
compares favorably with losses of 40 Stable Calcium Hypochlorite Pellets
per cent and more that are experienced U. S. Patent 2,023,459
when it is sought to recover the metal Bleaching Powder (65%
in the form of one of its salts.
Available Chlorine) 60 lb.
Plaster of Paris 30 lb.
Sulphuric Acid Catalyst Water 40 lb.
Sulphuric Acid contact catalysts are Mix well and form into pellets and
prepared as follows : magnesium sulphate
crystallized with 1 molecule of water
dry. Finished product contains 36%
available chlorine.
(prepared by dehydration at 100 to
120° C. of the fully hydrated salt) is
powdered, mixed with half its weight Coarsely Crystalline Ammonium
of water to a paste and evaporated to Sulphate
dryness with vigorous stirring. After U. S. Patent 2,021,093
final calcination in an electric furnace at A solution of the following is allowed
600° C., product in the form of granules to crystallize:
(2.5 to 3.5 mm. diameter) is platinized Ammonium Sulphate 100 lb.
in platinum chloride solution, concen-
Water 100 lb.
tration of which is equivalent to 0.1%
Urea 2-8 lb.
platinum. After dehydration in the air
at 350° C., catalyst is activated at the The crystals contain
less than %%
same temperature with a gas containing
2% sulphur dioxide.
Stabilizer for Carbon Tetrachloride
Barium Linoleate U. S. Patent 2,094,367 & 2,094,368
This metallic soap useful as a fungi-
The addition of 0.34% naphtliylamine
cide and preservative for fish nets. It
or diphenylamine stabilizes and inhibits
is also used in compounding greases.
corrosive properties of carbon tetra-
In brief, the method of preparation chloride.
of barium linoleate may be described as
(1) Determine the saponification Protecting Calcium Carbide
value of the linseed oil to be used. U. 8. Patent 2,048,962
(2) Add just under the amount of Calcium carbide is sprayed with 4%
caustic soda required to neutralize. of its weight of gasoline or kerosene to
Boil. protect it against atmospheric moisture.
(3) Add more dilute caustic until the
soap just
is a faint pink to phenol-
phthalein. Antioxidants for Decalin
(4) Add barium chloride solution at Autoxidation of decalin can be
the boil until precipitation is complete greatly retarded by 0.001-0.01% of
and boil for a few minutes. pyrogallolj hydroquinone or a naplithol.

Salt Benaturants Air Conditioning Behumidifier Solution

For 100 kg. of salt use U. S. Patent 2,091,983
Formula No. 1 Lithium Chloride 1-31 oz.
Mineral Oil 0.25 kg. Lithium Bromide 99-69 oz.
No. 2
Iron Oxide 0.25 kg. Gas Warning Odorant
No. 3 U. S. Patent 2,068,614
Soap Powder or Flakes 1 kg. Mercaptan 0.5 lb.

No. 4 Alkylnitrosoamine 0.1 lb.

Sudan III Bye 0.75 lb.
Soda 2 kg.
Gasoline 1 gal.
Heliotropin 20 g.
Chicago Blue 6B 0.5 g. The above solution will odorize 500,-
000 cu. ft. of gas.
The charge used is Carbon Bioxide Absorbent
Bauxite 49 kg. British Patent 473,913
Calcium Carbonate 28 kg. Slaked Lime 10 kg.
Soda Ash 23 kg. Sodium Acetate (125 g./l.) 4 1.
Aftex’ calcining the alumina is ex-
Mix together & granulate. Bry at
110° C. and calcine in a rotary furnace
tracted with aqueous sodium carbonate
at 350-380° C. for iy2-2 hr. Then mois-
at 70° C.
ten granules with 1 1. aqueous caustic
soda (d. 1.33).
Artificial Perspiration
Salt 10 g. Preventing Spontaneous Explosion of
Lactic Acid 1 g. Ether
Sodium Bihydrogen Phosphate 1 g. Ether should be kept in an amber
Water 1 1. bottle with a piece of copper wire (#20
Old gage) extending to surface of liquid to
Salt 10 g. prevent formation of explosive ether
Ammonium Carbonate 4 g. peroxides. The copper does not dis-
Bisodium Hydrogen Phosphate 1 g. solve.
Water 1 1.

Gettering ’ ^ Vacuum Tubes

^ ^

Brying Agents for Gases British Patent 471,636

Commercial operations on a large Barium vapor is produced in vacuum
scale in many industries require dry tubes to remove harmful gases, by
gases. The most efficient methods of electrically heating to 1200° C. a tung-
water removal depending on either phys- sten wire coated with an equimolecular
ical or chemical action are listed below. mixture of barium and strontium oxides.
Silica Gel Eire Extinguisher
Charcoal (Active) Formula No. 1
Kieselguhr An excellent fire-extinguishing powder
Clay, Porcelain, Alumina can be made by incorporating 1-2%
(Low temperature fired) iodine crystals with bicarbonate of soda.
Glass Wool No. 2
Refrigeration U. S. Patent 2,010,729
Sodium Bicarbonate 32 oz.
Chemical Potassium Acid Tartrate 3 oz.
Phosphoric Anhydride Boron Oxide 8 oz.
Magnesium Perchlorate (Anhydrous) Borax 1 oz.
Magnesium Perchlorate Trihydrate The above are finely powdered and
(^^Behydrite^O mixed together.
Barium Oxide
Calcium Sulifiiate Hemihydrate (^^ Anhy-
drite^^) Fireproofing Composition
Sulphuric Acid, Cone. Canadian Patent 368,886
Fused Potassium Hydroxide Ammonium Sulphate 14 oz.
Magnesium Oxide Borax 2 oz.
Barium Perchlorate (^^Besicchlora^^) Boric Acid y
j oz.
Copper Sulphate (Anhydrous) Water 100 oz.

Einger printing Method Chemical ^ ^
Barometer ’ ^

Make print of cleaned finger on white A glass tube, 10 in. long and 1 in.
cardboard and dust a basic dye (e.g. in diameter, is sealed at one end, the
Victoria Blue BS) oyer the print. To other end being drawn to a fine neck
fix dye hold card for a few minutes about 8 in. from the sealed end. For
over 30% boiling acetic acid to obtain this the quantities required are:
a positive which can be photographed. Camphor ya oz.
Eor photographing prints on colored Hitre (Powdered) y, oz.
objects the same method is used with a
suitable shade of any basic dye.
Sal Ammoniac (Powdered) % oz.
Eectified Spirits, or Com-
mercial Alcohol 4 oz.
Finger Prints, Developing Latent The equipment required includes
Latent fingerprints can be rendered small double saucepan, a Fahrenheit
visible by applying iodine to the sus- thermometer, a glass funnel, a 12-oz.
pected surface and then making an im- glass bottle, glass wool, a cork to fit
pression upon a specially coated white the barometer tube and carrying a
paper. The iodine can be applied by bent glass tube of sufficient length to
placing a petri dish containing a fused reach the bottom of the bottle, a Bun-
iodine crystal over the area under ex- sen burner, and a mouth blow-pipe.
amination or by directing a current of The nitre and sal ammoniac are placed
air upon it from a wash bottle con-
taining a few iodine crystals. The
in the saucepan, and %
oz. of water
added. By direct heat and stirring as
coating solution for the paper consists complete a solution as possible is ob-
of 1 gram starch, 0.3 gram thymol and tained, and the saucepan is then placed
2 grams potassium iodide dissolved in in its water jacket, which must contain
20 cc. water. After the imprint has water at 110° F. The camphor,
been made it can be protected against crushed, is then added, and the tem-
injury by coating with a 3 per cent perature of the mixture brought to
solution of dammar resin in benzene. approximately 100° F. The alcohol is
gradually added, with stirring, until a
Finger-Printing Powder complete solution is obtained at 100° F.
U. S. Patent 2,099,028 Great care should be exercised not to
Hydroquinone 8 oz. add excess alcohol, and to keep the
Gum Acacia, Powdered 1 oz. bath gently heated at the required tem-
perature. The funnel, containing a
Finger Prints on Metal wad of glass wool, is warmed, and the
U. B. Patent 1,993,920 solution filtered into the warm bottle,
Gelatin 1.5 g. the temperature being carefully main-
Sodium Chloride 28.4 g. tained, as crystallisation during this
Copper Sulphate 35,5 g. operation must be avoided.
Water 113.6ee. The bottle is then corked and placed
in hot water. The tube of the barom-
Loosening Glass Stoppers eter is now warmed until just bearable
Formula Ho. 1 to the hand, and a small quantity of the
When glass stoppers in bottles are prepared solution coaxed into it through
stuck, they can often be loosened by the narrow neck. The fitted cork is
letting a few drops of glycerin soak then inserted in the mouth of the tube,
down the inside edges. and the narrow tube inserted in the
Ho. 2 bottle of solution. By boiling the alco-
holic solution in the tube, all the air
Glass which have become
fixed can easily be loosened without heat
can be expelled, and on cooling the
stock liquid is drawn into the tube.
by allowing a few drops of the follow-
ing solution to soak in between the Surplus liquid is removed from the top
portion of the wide tube, and the latter
neck of the bottle and the stopper:
sealed by means of the Bunsen fLame
Chloral Hydrate 10 g.
and blowpipe. A small air space at
5 g. the top of the tube is of no great conse-
Water 5g. quence. The finished tube may be
Hydrochloric Acid (25 per mounted in a perpendicular position in
cent) 3 Sr
a wooden frame, and a scale, dividing
Ho^ 3 the length of the tube into three, and
Quickly heat the neck of the bottle marked ^^Fair,^^ Change^' and
so that it expands before the heat -^^Btorm’’ may be affixed, ^^Fair,” sf
reaches the stopper. course, being the lowest division.

The reactions of the harometer are If the windshield is wiped occasion-

merely a function of temperature. The ally -with the cloth prepared as directed
tube being hermetically sealed, neither below the glass will not fog.
atmospheric pressure nor humidity can Water
5 qt.
have any effect, nor can electrical condi- Glycerin 1 oz.
tions affect precipitation in any marked Sodium Oleate 1 oz.
degree. Temperature changes, however, Boil together for five minutes, then
are definitely related to other conditions immerse the cloth (usually flannel) in
of weather.
the Anti-cyclonic condi-

the boiling solution for ten minutes.


tions during the summer are generally

accompanied by settled periods of high
1 temperature and clear skies, and in such Mist- & Rainproofing Windshields

/’ircumstances the tube shows a precip- Apply the following lightly but thor-
itate level in the ‘^S’air’^ section and oughly:
a clear liquid above. On the approach Glycerine 100 g. pipBC
of cyclonic conditions the usual warm Glycol Bori-borate
of the disturbance is reflected
40 g.
front Water 10 g. ij 3S[Jt
in the fall of the separation line, while
the arrival of the colder
‘ ^
centre ’ ’ iioqijiA!
causes a rapid precipitation with cloud- Anti-fogging Composition for Glass
ing of the liquid, and a rise of the Windows ]U0S9f
dividing line into the ^ Storm
forecasting the windy ’weather associ- Glycerin
IT, S. Patent 2,107,361
1 gal.
J pm
ated with the passage of a depression. Camphor 4 oz. 3?aBnb
In winter the glass usually prophe-

Turpentine pt.
^ ^
Change. ^ ^
Potassium Oxalate 1 lb. s;uaA9
Oxalic Acid 4 oz.
Solution for Blowing Strong Soap
Eye-Glass Mist Preventer Pencil
Any convenient weight of triethanol-

amine is thoroughly stirred with a little

a. Glycerin-Soap 65 g. :;
09J oj
h. Glycerin 30 g.
less than twice its weight of oleic acid in ,SBA9p

Turpentine 5 g.
a flask (no heating’ necessary). The

0 White Bole
. to desired
flask is stoppered and set aside for r

twenty-four hours. consistency

A thirty-gram portion of the result-
ing soap is mixed with about a liter of
Melt the soap on a water-bath, add
the glycerin and turpentine, and work in


distilled water, in which it slowly dis- enough of the bole to form a moldable

solves. Solution is hastened by oc- material. Make pencils while hot. ^isira i

easional shaking. Finally, it is allowed
to settle for twenty-four hours. (It r
becomes translucent but never clear.) INTon-Cracking Ice
The lower, light-gray layer is siphoned
i : >
There are many processes on the
I off and mixed well with three- tenths of market designed to prevent cracking, 'pIAip
its volume of glycerin. The solution is checking, and shattering of ice frozen !
stored in the dark, and the bottle in from raw-water at low temperatures. ’.AP'Bri
which it is kept is well-stoppered to All are based upon lowering the pH.
I protect it f romT the air. After aging Ammonium chloride, used 5 gms, per
for twenty-four hours it is ready for 300 lb. cake, will buffer the down pH
use. to the proper value, regardless of in-
itialpH, within any reasonable limits,
Inhibitors Cracking in distilled’ water ice, is usu-
ally due to too low pH values, and can
IT. a
Patent 2,074,380
be remedied by raising pH to 7-7.2.
The addition of of triamyl-
amine or other liquid, substantially
water insoluble amine reduces or elim-
inates foam formation. Refrigerating Medium
H. S. Patent 2,058,924
A hold-over brine or cold aecumulatox
Frost Formation Preventer fluid consists of
Salt 1 oz. Propyl Alcohol 17 -25 lb.
Glycerin 16 oz. Water 83 -75 lb.
Water 8 oz. Sodium Chromate 0.1- 0.2 lb.
Freezing Mixtures ference is probably due to the presence
Formula No. 1 —especially in old slides— of a small
Ammonium Chloride 1 oz. amount of moisture in the mounting
Potassium Nitrate 1 oz. medium around the margin of the cover
Water 3 oz. glass. Such moisture would offer a
Eeduetion of temperature about 40® barrier to thepenetration of pure
xylene, but notto xylene containing
No. 2, n-butyl alcohol; for the latter is mis-
cible with small amounts of water, as
Ammonium Nitrate 1 oz.
Sodium Carbonate 1 oz. well as with xylene, balsam and damar.
It should be remembered that butyl al-
Water 1 oz.
cohol is a solvent of the aniline dyes, and
Reduction of temperature about 60®
so material stained with these sub-
F. stances will be destained in this xylene-
butyl alcohol mixture.
Artificial Ice for Skating Rink
Formula No. 1 Removing Flesh From Skulls
British Patent 466,908 XJnfieshed of small animals,
Carnauba Wax 100 lb. kept overnight in a screened bait box
Naphthalene 70- 90 lb. containing a dozen or more crawfish, will
Montan Wax 20 lb. be cleaned of every particle of flesh.
Melt together and apply hot. Spread The voracious crawfish devour the tis-
with heated rollers. When cool coat sues, leaving the skull odorless and
glycerin with or without a small amount snowy white, in excellent condition to
of soap solution as a lubricant. be stored indefinitely. The usual
No. 2
method of boiling the skulls has a
tendency to soften the jaw hinges, mak-
IT. S. Patent 2,057,906
ing it necessary to wire the lower jaw
IG Wax 100 lb.
to the skull. Crawfish are unable to
(Esterified Montan Wax)
40-100 lb. loosen the jaws from their sockets be-
cause the tough gristle forming the
Melt together j mix well and pour on hinges is located beyond reach.
an even surface. After this composition
has hardened it is made smooth by Low Cost Giemsa Stain
scraping and hot irons. For reducing
friction, the surface is moistened with
Azur II —Eosin 3.0 g,
Azur II 0.8 g.
Glycerin (C.P.) 250.0 g.
Any of the IG waxes may be used in
Methyl Alcohol, Absolute
the above with or without carnauba (Neutral), Acetone Free 250.0 g.
Dissolve the Azur II and Azur II

Permanent Aqueous Microscopic Slide

— eosin in the methyl alcohol in an
Erlenmeyer flask. Shake well for fif-
teen minutes, add the glycerin, shake
Lanolin Anhydrous 80 g.
for ten minutes and filter through a
Rosin 20 g.
moderately fine grade of filter paper.
Melt together and stir until uniform. Collect the filtered stain in a bottle and
Dry the slide and cover glass before discard the undissolved residue.
application and apply melted. There is generally quite a bit of stain
that does not dissolve. This, however,
Removing Cover Glasses of Microscope seems to make very little difference in
Slides the character of the resultant stained
It is often necessary in cytological work blood films. Results have been equally
to remove the cover glass of a slide, in satisfactory with human blood and
order to replace a broken cover glass avian blood. Malarial parasites are
or restain the sections underneath. For brought out sharply, with distinct dif-
this purpose most workers use xylene. ferentiation of chromatin and cyto-
It has been found, however, that a mix- plasm.
ture of 90 parts of xylene and 10 parts
of n-butyl alcohol acts much more Algae Growing Food
rapidly. The hard and brittle balsam Potassium nitrate, Ig., calcium sul-
or damar of old slides, which would re- phate, 0.5 g., magnesium sulphate, 0.5
quire an immersion of several days in g., ferrous phosphate, 0.10 g,, tri-
pure xylene, is usually dissolved by this calcium phosphate, 0.25 g., distilled
mixture in a few hours. This time dif- water LOOO cc.

Fish Bait Rock-Salt in Small Crystals 20 lb.

U. S. Patent 2^02,052 Mineral or Spindle Oil
1. A method of making artificial fish (3-^° Engler/20° C.) 10 lb.
bait includes cutting a piece from a Oil-Soluble Green Dye to suit
slab of pork rind and forming it to a Pine Needle Oil, etc. to suit
shape suitable for artificial bait, wash-
ing it in warm water to remove im-
purities, impregnating it with a sodium Pouring Small Amounts
alkyl sulphate, dehydrating it with a
A discarded lens from a hand flash-
nolyhydric alcohol maintained at a con- light is excellent for use on a bottle
centration in excess of 50% by weight, when pouring solution. By moving the
and mechanically kneading it to render lens, as much or as little solution as you
it pliable. desire will be released.

Decorative Spangles
Starch 10 oz. Imitation Iced Tea Display

Sodium Perborate 0.5 oz. a glass three quarters full with

Sodium Salicylate 2.5 oz. water, colored with a little water soluble
Water 87 oz. brown dye. Crumple some clear Cello-

The sodium perborate is dissolved in phane'^ and stuff in top of glass. It

will look like ice.
the water and then the starch added.
This mixture is then heated in a water
jacket with continued stirring to the
bursting of the starch granules, and
Denicotinized Tobacco Products
heating continued until the mass is
Patent 2,048,624
IT. S.

clarified. The sodium salicylate is

A process of producing denicoiinised
tobacco, consists in moistening the to-
mixed in a small amount of water and
bacco, then subjecting the moistened
added to the mixture thoroughly stir-
tobacco to the action of an organic
ring the same, A smooth highly pol-
nicotine solvent, (e.g. formaldehyde and
ished metallic surface is coated with a
carbon tetrachloride), then treating the
very thin film of oil or wax and the
tobacco with warm air for the purpose
above solution spread out upon this sur-
of removing the solvent, again moisten-
face in a thin layer. It is then dried
ing the tobacco, again subjecting the
in an oven at about 180° F., after which
tobacco to treatment with warm air, and
it is easily removed from this surface
finally heating the tobacco to remove
with a knife or razor blade. These
the remaining moisture.
fiiakes can be crushed in a mortar to the
desired fineness. They scintillate like
mica. If the starch plastic is colored
with water soluble dyes, or colored pig-
Denieotinizing Cigarette Smoke
Put some cotton wool in the mouth-
ments added including powdered alu-
piece of the cigarette or cigarette
minum or bronze, very attractive and
holder. This will absorb 93% of the
varied novelty effects are obtained. If
nicotine in the smoke.
a sign, or design is made on any sur-
face with an adhesive drying material,
and while same is still tacky the above
Glycerin Substitute
flakes are dusted on same, a very
decorative effect is produced.
a. Magnesium Chloride,
Crystallized 4 kg.
Water 1.5 kg.
Removing Silver From Mirror h. Glucose 4 kg.
Muriatic Acid 1 oz. Water 3.5 kg.
Nitric Acid 1 oz.
Water 5 oz. Prepare solutions a and b, mix.
Dip the screened mirror in this solution Settle, or filter if necessary. Adjust
for about three to five seconds and the to a specific gravity of 1.23 (28° Bd).
silvering and copper back will be com-
pletely removed. Next rinse glass in
an acid-neutralizing bath of cyanide of Preparation of Zein
potassium ( 10 %
solution) , Then rinse U. S. Patent 2,044,769
with running water and dry. Gluten meal (from corn) is extracted
with a 4:1 mixture of alcohol and water.
Sweeping Aid’’ Adjust pH to 6.5~*12 and add 2 volumes
Wood Meal, Dry, Sifted 40 lb. of water below 37° C, This is added
Sand, White, Fine 30 lb. first slowly, Tvith stirring, then rapidly.
Wasli precipitate with water below 49° All materials should be ground to 325
0. and dry below 65° C. mesh.

Heavy Petroleum Drilling Mud

Galena 35 lb. Eevivifying Spent Oil-Decolorizing Clay
Hematite 35 lb. XT. S. Patent 2A13,310
Bentonite 1.2 lb. Heat clay to at least 1600° P. for
Water 28.8 lb. 4-5 seconds.
Abrasive & Cleaning Methods Drug & Cosmetic Industry
Agr. Gaz. N. B. Wales Druggists Circular
Alig. Oes. V, Gettzeitung Drugs, Oils, & Paints
Aluminum Co. of Amer.
Amer. Druggist Eastman Kodak Co.
Amer. Dyestuff Eeporter Electric Journal
Amer. Electrop. Society
Amer. Paint Jol. Parbe v. Lacke
Amer. Perfumer Parben Zeitung
Amer. Pliotograpliy Parming S. Africa
Amer. Wool & Cotton Eeporter Pein Mechanic v. Prazision
Pettchem, Umschan
Anal. Pis. Quim.
Pils .& Tissus
Ault & Wiborg Varnisli Wks. Handbook Plavours
Baker ^s Helper Pood Manufacture
Bakers Eeview Fruit Products Jol.
Baker ^s Weekly
Behr Manning Corp.
Gelatin, Leim, Klebstoffe
Better Enameling
General Abrasive Co.
Boonton Molding Co.
Glass Industry
Bottler & Packer
Boyce Thompson Inst.
Brewers^ Tech. Eeview Hawaiian Planters^ Eecord
Brick & Clay Eecord Hercules Powder Co.
Br. Jol. Dent. Science Hide & Leather
Brit. J ol. of Photography
Brit. Medical Jol. Ice Cream Eeview
Bull. Imp. Hyg. Lab. India Eubber World
Bulletin of Imperial Institute Indian Lae Eesearch Inst.
Bull. Soc. Erane. Phot. Indian Soap Jol.
Indiana Acad, of Sciences
Camera Industrial Chemist
Camera (Luzern) Industrial Finishing
Canadian Textile Jol. Instruments
Canner Intern T Salt Co.
Cement & Cement Mfr. IntT Tin Ees. & Dev. Council
Ceramic Age Iowa State College Bull.
Chemical Abstracts
Chemical Analyst Jol. Amer. Dental Assn.
Chemical Industries Jol. Amer, Medical Assn.
Chemical Weekblad Jol. Chem. Eng.
Chem. Zent. Jol. Chinese Chem. Soc.
Chemist Druggist Jol. Federation Curriers
Chr. Hansen ^s Lab. Jol. Federation Light Leather Tanners
Cleaning & Dying World Jol. Ind. & Eng. Chemistry
Combustion J. Ees. Hat. Bur. Standards
Confectioner's Jol. Jol. Eubber Industry
Cramer/s Manual J. Euss. Eubber Ind.
Jol. Soc. Leather Trades
Dairy World Jol. Soc. Eubber Ind. Japan
Damsk. Tids. Harm Job Tech. Physics
Dental Items
Dental Lab ^y Eeview Keram Steklo
Devt, Part. Zeitung Khimstroi
KozEevenna-Obuvnaya Prom. Physics
Kunstdunger, Uad Leim Phytopathology
Lakotras^ lad. Plater ^s Guide Book
Leather Trades Review Portland Cement Assn.
Les Mat. Grasses Power
Lithographic Tech. Foimdation Practical Druggist
Practical Everyday Chemistry
Malayan Agric. Jol. Printing Industry
Manufacturing Chemist Prob. Edelmetalle
Meat Process Engr. Mo.
Meat Merchandising Proc. World Petroleum Congress
Metal Industry Rayon & Mell. Tex. Monthly
Metall und Erz Refiner & Nat. Gas Mfr.
Metallurg Rev. Aluminum
Metallurgist Rev. Amer. Electro Society
Metals &j Alloys Rock Products
Mich. Agric. Exp. Sta.
Monatschr. TextilTnd.
Munie. Eng. San. Record
Sharpless Solvents Corp.
Shoe and Leather Journal
NatT Butter & Cheese Jol.
NatT Provisioner
Soap Gazette & Perfumer
Solvent News
Ober Elachen Tech. Steel
Oil & Color Trades Jol.
Synthetic & Applied Finishes
Oil & Soap
Textile Colorist
Pacific Rural Press
Textile Mfr.
Paint Technology
Textile Recorder
Paper Trade Jol.
Parfum Mod.
Peinture, Pigments, Vernis Univ. Nebr. Agric. Coll. Bull.
Phar. Acta Helva U. S. Department of Agriculture
Pharmaceutical Jol. IT. S. Bureau of Mines
Phot. Abstracts U. S. Bureau of Standards
Phot. Ind.
Phot. Korr. Veneers and Plywood
Photog. Kronik
Phot. Rev. Z, Elektrochem.
Photo Rundschau Zeit. Unters. Lebensm.
During the past few years, the practice of marketing raw materials,
under names which in themselves are not descriptive chemically of the
products they represent, has become very prevalent. No modern book
of formulae could justify its claims either to completeness or modernity
without numerous formulae containing these so-called Trade Names/'
‘Without wishing to enter into any discussion regarding the justifica-
tion of Trade Names," the Editors recognize the tremendous service
rendered to commercial chemistry by manufacturers of Trade Name"
products, both in the physical data supplied and the formulation sug-
Deprived of the protection afforded their products by this system of
nomenclature, these manufacturers would have been forced to stand
helplessly by while the fruits of their labor were being filched from them
by competitors who, unhampered by expenses of research, experimenta-
tion and promotion, would be able to produce something ‘‘just as good"
at prices far below those of the original producers.
That these competitive products were “just as good" solely in the
minds of the imitators would only be evidenced in costly experimental
work on the part of the purchaser and, in the meantime irreparable
damage would have been done, to the truly ethical product. It is ob-
vious, of course, that under these circumstances, there would be no
incentive for manufacturers to develop new materials.
Because of this, and also because the “Chemical Formulary" is pri-
marily concerned with the physical results of compounding rather than
with the chemistry involved, the Editors felt that the inclusion of for-
mulae containing various trade name products would be of definite value
to the producer of finished chemical materials. If they had been left out
many ideas and processes would have been automatically eliminated. m
As a further service a list of the better known “trade name" products
is appended together with the suppliers of these materials. The number i
after each trade name refers to the supplier given below with the corre-
sponding number.

.. . ,.


A Amidine

. 99

A-Syrup 171 Ancboracel 2p . 13

Aacagum 99 Anhydrone 24
— .

. 83
Accelerator 808 ,
71 ApcotMnner .14
Accelerator 833 ,
71 Aqualoid .125
94 Aqualube 99.

Acelose 6 Aquamel 99.

1 Aquapel .165
Acetoia ....... 138 Aquaplex .181
Acetol ........184 Aquaresin . 99
Acidolene ..... .145 Aquarome . 77
Acimul 99 Aquasol 10.

Aerolite ....... 63 Arapali .187

Aerxyeol ...181 Araskleen ,.151
Acrysol ....... 187 Archer-Baniels No. 635 . . . 16
Acto .......... 213 Arclier-Daniels-Midland Oil . 16
Adbeso "Wax . 99 Aridex . 71
A.D.M. No. 100 Oil 16 Arocblor ..218
Aerogel ....... 151 Arosol .. 89

Agerite Powder 232 Artisil ..194

Akeoeene 10 Asbestine ..123
Albaeer 99 Ascarite ..224
Alba-Ploc 228 Aseptex .. 99
Albasol ....... ........156 Astrinite .. 94
Albatex 55 Astrulan .. 10
Alberit 197 Atrapol ..164
Albertol * 197 Aurosal .. 22
Albinol 196 Avitex .. 71
Albolit 19 Avonae ..155
Albolith ...... ..160
Albone C 71 B
Albusol ...142
Aldebol 128 Badex ,.215
Aldol Bakelite .. 21
Aldydal ........119 Bakers Plasticizer .. 23
Alftalate 134 Bar dal . 26 .

Alkanol ....... 71 Barretan .. 26

Alloxaa ...... 32 Bartyl .. 97
Aloxite ....... 44 Beckacite .. 27
Alpbasol ...... ........ 10 Beekolin .. 27 ,

Altax 232 Beckosol .. 27

Alagel ........ 154 Bellapban ..127
Alvar ........ ........200 Bensapol ........ ..... . ..247
Amandol ...... ........ 71 Beutene ..158
Amberette . . . 219 Blandol ....... . .... . . . . ..204
Amberlac . . . , ........181 Blendene . ... . . ... .
. . . . ..99
Amberol . . .... ....... asi Blndtan ...... .......
. , , . 49
Ambreno ...... ........ 71 Bordow . . .... .... ....... .. 69
Amco Acetate . ........129 Borol ................... ..70
Amerine ........ 11 Bresin .......... ....... . ..113
Amerith, ...... ......... 47 ..178
Ameroid . . . . ........ 12 Broseo .................. ..195

Butalycle 60 Diafoam 181

= IV.’-.

Butyl Garb it ol 42 Diakonn ...120

Butyl Cellosolve 42 Diamond K Linseed Oil 206
Diastafor 210
Digestase 143
c Dilecto 63
Cadalyte 103 Dionin 148 i • pi''
GadmolitK 52 Discolite 189
Calagiim 99 Disperse ..245
Calcoloid 38 Distoline 246
Calcene 59 Drierite 108
Calgon 35 Duolith 132 I :% Bipc
Calorite 211 Dulux 71
Gaptax 235 Dupanol 71
Duphax 207
Garbasol 43
Carbitol 42 Duphonol 71 l-f:-

DuPont Rubber Red 71 as [11

Garbolae 37
Duprene 71
Garboxide 42
Duraplex 181 *^'.vioq;TA
Casco 45
Catalpo 152 Durez 95
Durite 216 i; jUOSSl
CGH 146
Celascour 4 Durophene
[;’ i pm
Celeron 63
Celite 124
Cellit 119 E [;i?;u9Aa
Cellon 72
Cellosolve 42 Eastman Products 73 i-
Censteric 48 Elaine V 6
Ceraflux 99 Emulphor 90
Cercon 62 Emulsifier L83A 99
Cerelose 64 Emulsone 99
Gereps 240 Emulsone B 99 !
Geresalt 74 Erinoid 12
Cetamin 99 Erio Chrome Dyes 86 PJOIJB
Cetec 91 Esterol ....166
CMorex 42 Estersol 229
Cblorasol 42 Ethox 233 ddeq'
Chremnitz White 78 Ethyl Parasept 115
Cinchophen 38 Ethyl Protol 68 I
• t.qsitu
Cinelin 56 Eulan 90
Clovel 99 Euresol 29 f,
Coblac 30
Cocoa Butter Oxanhydride 20
Codite 63 F i-purp
Color L34 99
Cominol Fabroil 91
CondCnsite Factolac 117
Convertit .162
Falba Absorption Base 170 fjiqo
Feectol 190 \' b
Coppercide 122 io
Cosmic Black Per-ox ..245
Cresophan Perrisul 151
Gromodine Ferrox 214
Cryptone Fiberlon 79
Cumar Filac .........118
Filtrol .. 80
Curgon ......................... ,197
Fixalt ....151 iojd
Cyclamal ........................ 89
Cyeline . . , . . .... , . . .... .
. .. ..151 . . .
Flavine ..... ..
.... .250
— 'f

Oymanol . . . ... . . . . . . ..... .121

. . . . . . .
. .

Fleetol ..... .............. 190

Flexoresitt .......... ............. 99 ;P«i9:t
D Foamapin 99
Formica 81
Darco 65 Formvar ............ . ... ..... 200
Daxad 67 Freon .130
Deramin ........ . . . . . . . . . . ....... 99 Fjrex .... . .. .. . . . ........... 236


G Isomerpin
Galagum 99
Gardinol . 71 j
Gastex , 87
Gelowax 99 Jasmogene ......... 235
Gelozone 243 Joint ex 99
Gelva 200
Gel va Resin 200 K
Gilsonite 25
Halite ,232
Glassheen 99
Karo 64
Kellogg Kuo 206
Glumide 99
Kellogg Varnish. Oil 206
Glycerawax 99
Kerol 34
Glycolac 133
Glyeomel Ketanol ,71
Glyeomine Kilfoam 8
Kolineuni ,131
Glycopon 99
Glycoride ......
Kopol ,
Koreon 153
Kryocide 169
Glyco Wax A 99
Glyco Wax B 99
Glyptal 92 L
Glutrin 186 Lactoid 33
Guai-a-phene 58 Lactol Spirits 52
Gnantal 190 Lacquer Blue ...... 15
Lanette Wax ...... 71
H Laurex 158
LauriC'Ol 98
Halex , 33 Lavekol 90
Halo wax 107 Lavene 97
Harcol , 99 Leeivit 125
Harveg ,111 Lemenone 99
Harvite 202 Lemonal 231
Haskelite 110 Leonil 10
Hercolyn 113 Le Page Cement . 191
Hereusol 113 Leptyne 172
Herkolite ,91 Lerbinia 77
Heveatex .114 Lethane 187
Hexone 42 Leueosol 71

Hydralite C 90 Leucotrope 247

Hydristear 244 Leukanol 187
Hydromalin ........ , 99 Leukonin 109
Hydromel 99 Lewisol 136
Hydronol , 71 Lindol 47
Hydroresin ........ 99 Lingasan 113
Hydrowax ..... , 99 Litex 221
Hygropon 99 Lithoform 7
Lognite 249
Lobrinol 99
I Lorinol 31
Lorol 71
Idalol ............ 112 Lubrisol 204
IG Wax 90 Lucidol 138
IG Wax O ......... 90 Lufax 187
Igepon 90 Lumarith .......... 47
Ignex 99 Luminol . 73
Indian Red ....... 30 Luxene ............ 21
Indigisols ..... 41 Lynsol ............ 113
Indur 180 Lysol ..... . . 135
Indusoil 121
Invadine 55
Isoliol 99
Isolene 157 Mabelite 10
Isoline 246 Mafos .......... . . 146
. .


Hanoi 201 Oildag 2
Hanox 144 Oil Boot Beer C ....198
Hapieo 30 Oilsolate 181
Hapxomin ....185 Olate .176
Hapromol 185 Ondnlum 99
Marcol 208 Opal Wax 71
Harlite 176 Oroco 188
Mazola 64 Orthosil .,169
Mellittis 97 Osmo-Kaolin 82
Merpentine 71 Oxynone 190
Mersol 151
Mertanol 151
Merusol 212 P
Methalate 0 85
Methasol 120 Parachol *. 99
MetMeol 96 Paracide .116
Methox .233 Para-dor 69
Methyl Cellosolve 42 Para-flux 106
Methyl Parasept 115 Paralae 120
Methylanol 71 Paramet 166
Methylate 85 Paranol 166
Metro-Nite 149 Parasept .115
Metso 171 Paris Black 30
Micoid 150 Paris White 205
Migasol 55 Paroil 8
Milcol 99 Peachol 99
Milk Gloss 99 Peerless Clay 232
Mirasol 43 Pegopren ....100
Pentrol 128
Moldex 99
Pentasol 199
Moldslip 99
Perehloron ...169
Monex 158
Permosalt 99
Monolite 91
Permosalt A 99
Montan Color 99 231
Mowilith ..119 Perspex ...120
Mulsene 99 Petr ex 113
Petrobenzol 14
N Petrohol .209
Pharmasol 41
Naccon 155 Phenac 10
Faccolene 155 Phobophene 241
Naeeonol 155 Plaskon 173
Napoleum Spirits . . . 66 Plastaeele 71
Narobin 99 Plastogen 232
National Oil Bed 155 Plastopal 119
Nekal 90 Plexignm 187
Nelgin 99 Plexite .187
Neolan 55 Plextol .197
Plioform 102
Neomerpin 71
120 Pliolite ......102
Pollopas 175
Nentroleiim .................. 85
Polycol 99
Neville Besin 159
Polyrin 99
Nevindene .... .............. .109
Nevinol — 1S9
Nipabenzyl Pontol 71
Nipagen ... .... ........... .101
. . . . . .
Prague Powder ...... ......
, .105 . . .

Nipasol .193 Proflex ..................... .... 99 .

Nitramon . ...... 71 Proofit .......... ... ... .. .. 99

. . . . .

Novolak 21 Protectoid ...... ........... ..... 47

Nn-Ghar 121 Provatol ••••••• 75 •

Nnlomoline .162 Proxate ........ ...... .137

. .

Nnodex . . 163 Prystal 5

Puerine 145 Sulphoricinol
. , . 28
Pyiain Bed ........ .178 Sunoco Spirits .217
Pyrax .232 Surf ex .177
Pyrefume .167 Suspendite ... , 99
Pyrethol .... .147 Suspensone .. 99
Syncroiite . . 125
Syntex 57
Synthane .... 220

R Tamol .187
Tanax 10
Eancidex 09
• •
Teglac 10
Bapidase 239
, .
Tegof an .197
Bayox Ill
..232 Tenex
Bedmanol 93.
• • Tenite .222
Beogen ..^32 Tergitol 42
Besin BA 1 99

. .
Thionex 71
Besin B-H-35 .. 71

Timonex .223
Besinox ..182 Tintite 99
Besoglaz ^

• •
Titanox .225
Bevertex ...... -.183 Ti-Tone .132
Bezidel •• 99 Tonsil .192
Bezinel 99
. .
Tornesit .113
T^iclene 71
Bodo ’*oQo ,

• •
Trigamine 99
Boseol ..140

Trigamine Stearate
Bosoap A •• 09 Trikalin
Troluoii 14
s Tuads 232
Tunguran A 3
Savolin 0Q Turkelene 99
Santieizers ’*151 Turkerol 99
Sapamine !.*
55 Typaphor Black 88
Schultz Silica ..50
Sellatan A ..86
Serinol ..126
Serrasol .......
Sherpetco *201 Lformite 181
SicapoE 99

mtrasene 18
Silex .242 intravon 55
Silvatol 55 Unilith 227
Soligen 3 tTayte
! 173
Solozone 7X TJreka G
Soluesso .213 Prsulin 10
Solwax .180 Xlversol 3
SperoE . 37
SBA Black . 4
^^S^^ Syrup ......... .171 V
Staccol . 99
Stearacol 99 Valex .............
.245 Vandex .232
Stearol .174 Vanillal
Stearorieinol ........ .203
- 99 Vanzyme .......... .232
Stoddard Solvent .... . 66 Varcrex ...... 4e
Stripolite 189

. Varcum .... . . , . . .
Stripper T. S. . . .
. . .
Varnolene ......... .213
Sulfatate 99
. Vaseline .....
Sulfo Turk A

. .
54 '

.99 Vaso ..............

Sulfo Turk B ....... ,237
• 99 Vatsol .......
Sulfo Turk G ... 10
• 99 Victron ......... .
TRADE ram:
Vinsoi .

Virif oam
Volclay .

Vultex .

Wax L33
1. Acetate Products Corp., London, England
2. Acheson Graphite Corp., ISTiagara Fails, IST. Y.
3. Advance Solvents & Chem. Corp., New York City
4. American Aniline Products, Inc., New York City
5. American Catalin Corp., New York City
6. American Cellulose Co., Indianapolis, Ind.
7. American Chemical Paint Co., Eochester, N. Y.
8. American Chemical Products Co., Eochester, N. Y.
9. American Colloid Co., Chicago, 111.
10. American Cyanamid & Chem. Co., New York City
11. American Insulator Corp., New Freedom, Pa.
12. American Plastics Corp., New York City
13. Anchor Chemical Co., Manchester, England
14. Anderson Prichard Oil Corp., Oklahoma City, Okla.
15. Ansbacher-Siegie Corp., Eosebank, N. Y.
16. Archer-Daniels-Midland Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
17. Arkansas Co., New York City
18. Atlantic Eefining Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
19. Augsburger, Kunst Fabrik, Augsburg, Germany
20. Autoxygen, Inc., New York City
21. Bakelite Corp., New York City
22. Baker & Co., Inc., Newark, N. J.
23. Baker Castor Oil Co., Jersey City, N. J.
24. Baker, J. T. Chem. Co., Philipsburg, N. J.
25. Barber Asphalt Co,, Philadelphia, Pa.
26. Barrett Co., New York City
27. Beck, Koller & Co., Detroit, Mich.
28. Bick & Co., Inc., Eeading, Pa.
29. Bilhuber-Knoll Corp., New York City
30. Binney & Smith, New York City
31. Bohme A. G., H. Th.,. Chemnitz, Germany
32. British Drug Houses, Ltd., London, England
33. British Xylonite Co., London, England
34. Bud Aromatic Chemical Co,, Inc., New York City
35. Buromin Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa.
36. Bush, W. J. & Co., Inc., New York City
37. Cabot, Godfrey L., Inc., Boston, Mass.
38. Calco Chemical Co., Bound Brook, N. J.
39. Campbell, John & Co., New York, N. Y.
40. Campbell, Bex & Co., London, England
41. Carbic Color & Chemical Co., New York City
42. Carbide & Carbon Chemical Corp., New York City
43. Carbogen Chemical Co., Garwood, N. J.
44. Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y.
45. Casein Mfg. Go., New York City
46. Cellonwerke, Chaxiottenburg, Germany
47. Celluloid Corp., Newark, N. J.
48. Century Stearic Acid & Candle Works, New York City
49. Champion Fibre Co., Canton, N. Car.
50. Chaplin-Bibbo, New York City
51. Chemical & Pigment Co., Baltimore, Md.
52. Chemical & Pigment Go., Inc., Scranton, Pa.
53. Chemical Solvents, Inc., New York City
54. Cheeseborough Mfg. Co., New York City
65. Ciba Co., Inc., New York City

56. Cinelin Co., Indianapolis, Ind.

57. Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co., Jersey City, N. J,
58. Colledge, E. W., Inc., Cleveland, OMo
59. Columbia Alkali Corp., New York City
60. Commercial Solvents Corp., Terre Haute, Ind.
61. Commonwealth Color & Chem. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.
62. Gonewango Refining Co., Warren, Pa.
63. Continental Diamond Fibre Co., Bridgeport, Pa.
64. Corn Products Refining Co., New York City
65. Darco Sales Corp., New York City
66. Deep Rock Oil Corp., Chicago, 111.
67. Dewey & Almy Chem. Co., Boston, Mass.
68. Dodge & Olcott Co., New York City
69. Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich.
70. Ducas, B. P. Co., New York City
71. DuPont, B. I., de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.
72. Dynamit A. G-., Troisdorf, Germany
73. Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y.
74. Economic Materials Co., Chicago, 111.
75. Eft*Laboratories, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio
76. Emery Industries, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio
77. Felton Chemical Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.
78. Fezandi4 & Sperrle, Inc., New York City
79. Fiberloid Corp., Indian Orchard, Mass.
80. Filtrol Co., Los Angeles, Calif.
81. Formica Insulation Co., Cincinnati, Ohio
82. Fougera, E. & Co., New York City
83. Franco-American Chemical Works, Carlstadt, N. J.
84. Fries Bros., New York City
85. Fritzchie Bros., New York City
86. Geigy Co., Inc., New York City
87. General Atlas Carbon Co., New York City
88. General Chemical Co., New York City
89. General Drug Co,, New York City
90. Genera] Dyestuffs Corp., New York City
91. GeneralElectric Co., Pittsfield, Mass.
92. GeneralElectric Co., Schenectady, N. Y.
93. GeneralNaval Stores Co., New York City
94. GeneralPlasties Corp., London, England
95. GeneralPlastics, Ine., No. Tonawanda, N. Y,
96. Girdler Corp., Louisville, Ky.
97. Givaudan-Delawanna, Inc., New York City
98. Glidden Co., Cleveland, Ohio
99. Glyco Products Co., Inc., New York City
100. Goldschmidt, A. G., Th., Essen, Ruhr
101. Goldschmidt Corp., New York City
102. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio
103. Grasselli Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio
104. Greef, R. W. & Co., New York City
105. Griffith Laboratories, Chicago, HI.
106. Hall, C. P. & Co., Akron, Ohio
107. Halowax Corp., New York City *
108. Hammond, W. A., Yellow Springs, Ohio
109. Harshaw Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio
110. Haskelite Mfg. Corp., Chicago, 111.
111. Haveg Corp., Newark, Dei.
112. Heine & Co., New York City '

113. Hercules Powd-er Go., Wilmington, Del.
114. He veatex Corp., Melrose, Mass.
115. Hey den Chemical Works, New York City
310. Hooker Electro-Chemical Co., New York City
117. Hopkins, J. L. & Co., New York City
118. Horn, Jeff erys & Go., Burbank, Calif.
119. I. G. Farbenindustrie, Frankfurt, Gerniany
120. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, Eng.
121. Industrial Chemical Sales Co., New York City
122. Innis, Speiden & Co., New York City
123. International Pulp Corp., New York City
124. JohnS'Manville Corp., New York City
125. Jungmann & Co., New York City
126. Kali Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
127. Kalle & Co., Wiesbaden-Bierieh, Germany
128. Kay-Fries Chemicals, Inc., New York City
129. Kessler Chemical Corp., New York City
130. Kinetic Chemicals, Ine., Wilmington, Del,
131. Koppers Products Co., Pittsburgh, Pa,
132. Krebs Pigment & Color Corp., Newark, N. J.
133. Kuhlman, Eta bis., Paris, France
134. Kurt, Albert G. M. B. H, Amoneburg, Germany
135. Lehn & Fink Corp., New York City
136. Lewis, John D., Inc., Providence, R. 1.
137. Liquid Carbonic Corp., Chicago, 111.
138. Lueidol Corp., Buffalo, N. Y.
139. Magnetic Pigment Co., New York City
140. Magnus, Mabee & Reynard, Inc., New York City
141. Makalot Corp., Boston, Mass.
142. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, St, Louis, Mo.
143. Malt Diastase Co., New York City
144. Manchester Oxide Co., Manchester, England
145. Martin, Dennis Co., Newark, N. J.
146. Mathieson Alkali Co., New York City
147. McCormick & Co., Baltimore, Md,
148. Merck & Go., New York City
149. Metro-Nite Go., Milwaukee, Wis.
150. Mica Insulator Co., New York City
151. Monsanto Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo.
152. Moore-Munger, New York City
153. Mutual Chemical Co. of America, Newark, N. J,
154. National Aluminate Corp., Chicago, HI.
155. National Aniline & Chemical Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
156. National Oil Products Co., Harrison, N. J.
157. National Rosin Oil & Size Co., New York City
158. Naugatuck Chemical Co., New York City
159. Neville Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
160. New Jersey Zinc Sales Co., New York City
161. Niacet Chemical Corp., Niagara Falls, N. Y.
162. Nulomoliue Co., New York City
163. Nuodex Products, Inc., Newark, N. J.
164. Onyx Oil & Chemical Co., Passaic, N. J.
165. Papermakers Chemical Corp., Wilmington, Del.
160, Paramet Chemical Corp., Long Island City, N. Y.
167. Penick, S. B. & Co., New York City
168. Penn. Alcohol Corp., Philadelphia, Pa.
169. Penn. Salt Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa,
170. Pfaltz & Bauer, Inc., New York Cityi»
171. Philadelphia Quartz Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
172. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
173. Plaskon Corp., Toledo, Ohio
174. Plymouth Organic Labs., New York City
175. Pollopas, Ltd., London, England
176. Fleeter & Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio
177. Pure Calcium Products Co., Gainesville, Ohio
178. Pylam Products Co., New York City
179. Ranh, Robert, Ine,, Newark, N. J.
180. Reilly Tar & Chemical Corp., Indianapolis, Ind.
181. Resinous Products ^ Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
182. Eesinox Corp.^ New York City
183. Eevertex Corp.^ New York City
184. Ehone-Poulenc, 8oc., Paris, Prance
185. Pickards Chemical Work, Jersey City, N. »T,
186. Eobeson Process Co., New York City
187. Eohni-Hass Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
188. Eoss-Eowe, Inc., New York City
189. Eoyce Chemical Co., Carlton Hills, N. J,
190. Eubber Service Labs. Co., Akron, Ohio
191. Eussia Cement Co., Gloucester, Mass.
192. Salomon, L. A. & Bro,, New York City
193. Sanmelson & Co., P., London, England
194. Sandoz Chemical Works, New Y^ork City
195. Scholler Bros., Inc., Philadelphia, Pa.
196. Schliemann Co., Inc., New York City
197. Scott, Bader & Co., London, England
198. Seeley & Co., New York City
199. Sharpies Solvents Corp., Philadelphia, Pa.
200. Shawinigan, Ltd., New York City
201. vSherwood Petroleum Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.
202. Siemon Co., Bridgeport, Conn,
203. Silver, Geo., Import Co., New Y'ork ^ty
204. Sonneborn, L. Sons, New Y'ork City ^
205. Southwark Mfg. Co., Camden, N. J.
206. Spence r-Kellogg Co., New York City
207. Stamford Eubber Supply Co., Stamford, Conn.
208. Stance Distributors, Bay way, N. J.
209. Stance, Inc., New "York City
210. Standard Brands, Inc,, New York City
211. Standard Oil Co. of Calif., San Prancisco, Calif.
212. Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, Chicago, 111. T
213. Standard Oil Co. of N. J., New
York City
214. Stauffer Chemical Co., New York City HAapi
215. Stein-Hall & Co., Inc.,New York City
216. Stokes & Smith Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ^

217. Sun Oil Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

218. Swann Chemical Corp., Birmingham, Ala.
219. Synfleur Scientific Labs., Monticello, N. Y.
220. Synthane Corp., Oaks, Pa.
221. Tannin Corp., New York City
222. Tennessee Eastman Corp., Kingsport, Tenn.
223. Texas Mining & Smelting Co., Laredo, Texas
224. Thomas, Arthur H., Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
225. Titanium Pigments Co., New York City
226. Hhlich, Paul Co., New York City
227. United Color & Pigment Co., Inc., Newark, N. J.
228. United States Gypsum Co., Chicago, 111.
229. United States Industrial Chemical Co., Inc., New York City
230. U. S. Eubber Products, Inc., New York City
231. Van-Ameringen Haebler, Inc., New York City
232. Tanderbilt, E. T. Co., Inc., New
York City
233. Van Schaack Bros. Chemical Co., Chicago, 111.
234. Varcum Chemical Corp., Niagara Palls, N. Y.
235. Verley, Albert & Co., Chicago, 111.
236. Victor Chemical Works, Chicago, 111.
237. Virginia Smelting Co., W. Norfolk, Va.
238. Vultex Corp. of America, Cambridge, Mass.
239. Wallerstein Co., Inc., New York City
240. Welch, Holme & Clark Co., Inc., New
York City
241. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa.
242. Whittaker, Clark & Daniels, Inc., New
York City
243. Wiffen & Co, Sons, Ltd., London, England
244. Will & Baumer Candle Co., New York City
245. Wislinick-Tumpeer, Inc.; New York City
246. Woburn Degreasing Co. of N. J., Harrison, N. J.
247. Wolf, Jacques & Co., Passaic, N. J.
248. Wyodak Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio
249. Young, J. S., Baltimore, Md.
250. Young, J. S. & Co., Hanover, ra-
Ahietic Acid
Hercules Powder Co., New York, N. Y.
Accelerators j Vulcanization
Rubber Service Labs., luc., Akron, O.
Amer. Chemical Products Co., Rochester, N. Y.
Acetic Acid
The Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Acetic Anhydride
American-British Chemical Supplies, Inc., New York, N. Y.

W. S. Gray Co., New York, N. Y.

Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J.
Acetyl Salicylic Acid
Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.
AcidSj Fatty
Arthur C. Trask Co., Chicago, 111.
A criflavine
Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, 111.
American Agar Co., Inc., San Diego, Calif.
Stein, Hall & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Alcohol, Denatured
Rogers & McClellan, Boston, Mass.
L. R. Van Allen & Co., Chicago, 111.
Alcohol, Pure
IT. S. Industrial Alcohol Co., New York, N. Y*
Columbia Alkali Corp., New York, N. Y.
Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J.

J. L. Hopkins & Co., New York, N. Y.

Almond Oil
Magnus, Mabee & Reynard, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Peck & Velsor, New York, N. Y.
Alpha Naphthol
Hord Color Products, Sandusky, 0.
Aluminum Co. of America, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Aluminum Co. of America, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Aluminum My dr ate
Ceramic Color & Chem. Mfg. Co., New Brighton, Pa.
The Grasselli Chemical Co., Cleveland, O.
Aluminum Acetate
Niaeet Chemicals Corp., Niagara Palls, N. Y.
Aluminum Bronze Powder
XT. S. Bronze Powder Works, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Aluminum Chloride (Solution, Crystals and Anhydrous)
The Calco Chemical Co,, Bound Brook, N. J.
Aluminum Stearate
Pranks Chemical Products Co., Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y-
§ 87 .
Grijco Products
Co., Inc., New York N Y
Nat a_ Ammonia Co., Ine., PhiiadelpUa,
Ammonium Bifluoride '
Tke liarskaw Chemical
Co., Cleveland, O
Carbonate ‘

Wishnick'Tumpeer, Inc., New

Ammonium Chloride
York,> N Y •

Garrigues, Stewart &

Ammonium Oleate
Davies, Ine., New York '
Gljeo Products Co., Inc., New York, N. Y
Ammonium JPersulphate
Buffalo Electro Chemical
Ammonium Phosphate
Co., Inc., ‘^unaio,
Buffalo N Yy.
in .

Swann Chemical
Ammonium Sulphate
Co., New York N Y *

H. J. Baker & New York

j N Y
• •


N. Y.

c. Tennant & Sons Co. of N. Y.,

Antimony Chloride
New York N V
Seldner & Enequist, Ine., Brooklyn, N Vx.
Antimony Oxide
O. Hommel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Antimony Sulphide

N. Y.

defining Co., New York, N. Y.

Woodlawn, Baltimore, Md.

PMIadelphia, Pa.
Batam N. Y.

BanWoLI®^’ ^•

Charleston, W. Va.
BarS Y
MZ-Z7^df ^•

B W. Va.
C. P. Be Lore Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Barium Sulphide
& OhemieaJ Co., Blue Island,
BaS«^° III.

Bradley Baker, New York N. Y.

Nat ’1 Pigments A Okemioal Co.’
St Louis, Mo.
i==- - .
- '
" '

BoMo Colors
Amor. Aniline Products, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Bayherry Wax
The W. H. Bowdlear Go., Syracuse, N. Y.
A. C. Drury & Co., Inc., Chicago, 111.
Theodor Leonhard Wax Co., Inc., lialedon, Paterson, N. J.
Amer. Colloid Co., Chicago, 111.
SilicaProducts Co., Kansas City, Mo.
The Wyodak Chemical Go., Cleveland, Ohio

I Bensaldehyde
Heyden Chem. Corp., New York, N. Y.
General Aniline Works, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Amer. Mineral Spirits Co., New York, N. Y.
Abbott Laboratories, No. Chicago, 111.
Bensoic Acid
Cams Chemical Co., Inc., La Salle, 111.
The Barrett Co., New York, N. Y.
Benzoyl Berozide
Lucidol Corp., Buffalo, N. Y.
Benzyl Cellulose
Advance Solvents & Chem. Corp., New York, N. Y.
Bergamot Oil
Orbis Products Corp., New York, N. Y.
Belmont Smelting & Refining Wks., Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y,
Beryllium and Its Salts
Beryllium Corp. of America, New York, N. Y.
Beta Naphtliol
The Calco Chemical Co., Bound Brook, N. J.
Cerro de Pasco Copper Corp., New York, N. Y.
Bismuth Subnitrate
The New York Quinine & Chemical Wks., Ine., Brooklyn, N. Y«,
Blane Fixe
Adolph Hurst & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Bleaching Powder
Electro Bleaching Gas Co., New York, N. Y.
Blood Albumen
Morningstar, Nicol, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Bone Ash
Denver Fire Clay Co., Denver, Colorado
Bone BlacJc
Siemon Colors, Inc., Newark, N. J.
Bone Glue
Darling & Co., Chicago, 111.
Bone Oil
Texas Chemical Co,, Houston, Texas
American Potash & Chem. Corp., New York, N. Y«
Bordeaux Mixture
Mechling Bros. Chem. Co., Camden, N. J.
Boric Acid '

Borax Union, Inc., San Francisco, Calif.

Botanical Products
S. B. Penick & Co., New York, N. Y.
J. Q. Dickinson & Co., Malden, W. Ya,
Glyco Products Co., Ine., New York, N. Y.
Bronse Bowder
B. K Drakenfeld & Co., New York, N. Y.
Burgundy Bitch
Geo. H. Lincks, New York, N. Y.
Butyl Acetate
Commercial Solvents Corp., New York, N. Y.
Publicker, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa.
Butyl Aldehyde
Commercial Solvents Corp., Terre Haute, Ind.
Butyl Alcohol (Normal)
Publicker, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa.
Butyl Bropionate
C. P. Chemical Solvents, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Butyric Ether
The Northwestern Chemical Co., Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Butyl Stearate
Kessler Chem. Corp,, New York, N. Y.
U. S. Smelting, Refining & Mining Co., New York, N. Y.
Cajuput Oil
D. W. Hutchinson & Co., New York, N. Y.
Calcium Arsenate
Bowker Chemical Corp., New York, N. Y.
Chipman Chemical Co., Inc., Bound Brook, N. J.
Calcium Carbonate
Limestone Products Corp. of Amer., Newton, N. J.
Calcium Carbonate (Precipitated)
Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J.
Calcium Chloride
Michigan Alkali Co., New York, N. Y.
Saginaw Salt Products Co., Saginaw, Mich.
Calcium Chloride (Anhydrous)
Pales Chemical Co., Inc., Cornwall Landing, N. Y.
Calcium Bhosphate
Provident Chemical Wks., St. Louis, Mo.
Calcium Sulphide (Luminous)
Amer. Luminous Products Co., Huntington Park, Calif,
Calcium Stearate
The Synthetic Products Co., Cleveland, Ohio
E. J. Barry, New York, N. Y.
Camphor Oil
Magnus, Mabee & Reynard, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Candelilla Wax
Innis, Speiden & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Caramel Color
Alex Pries & Bro., Cincinnati, Ohio
Caraway Oil
Geo. Lueders & Co,, New York, N. Y.
Carbolic Oil
Reilly Tar 8c Chemical Corp,, New York, N. Y,
Carbon, Activated
The Jennison-Wright Co., Toledo, Ohio
Carbon Bisulphide
J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N. J,
Carbon Blach
United Carbon Co., Charleston, W. Ya,
Binney 8c Smith, New York, N. Y,
Carbon, jDeoolorimng
Barco Sales Corp., New York, N, Yo

Carl) on Tetrachloride
Niagara Smelting Gorp., Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Cardamom Seed
Newmann-Buslee & Wolfe, Inc., Chicago, 111.
Carnauha Wax
Frank B. Ross Co., Ine., New York, N. Y.
The Casein Mfg. Co. of America, Inc., New York, N. Yo
Conti Products Corp., New York, N. Y.

*: Castor Oil
The Baker Castor Oil Co., New York, N. Y.
Castor Oil, Sulphonated
Jacques Wolf &i Co., Passaic, N. J.
Celluloid Corp., New York, N. Y.
. Celluloid Scrap
Moses Serinsky Co., Indianapolis, Ind.
Cellulose Acetate
Celanese Corp. of America, New York, N. Y.
; Cellulose Nitrate
Merrimac Chemical Co., Everett, Mass.

Ceresin Wax
Sherwood Petroleum Co., Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Cetyl Alcohol
Hummel Chemical Co., Inc., 90 West St., New York, N. Y.
ChaVhf Precipitated
Charles B. Chrystal Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Chas. L. Read & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Western Charcoal Co., Chicago, 111.
China Clay
Taintor Trading Co., New York, N. Y.
China Wood Oil
Balfour, Guthrie & Co., Ltd., New York, N. Y.
Abbott Laboratories, No. Chicago, 111.
Chlorine (Liquid)
Electro Bleaching Gas Co., 9 E. 41st St., New York, N. Y.
The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Michigan
Amer. Chlorophyll, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Pylam Products Co., New York, N. Y.
Digestive Ferments Co., Detroit, Michigan
Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J.
Chrome Green
Kentucky Color & Chem. Co., Louisville, Ky.
Chrome Yellow
Ansbacher-Siegle Corp., Rosebank, N. Y.
Chromic Acid
Mutual Chemical Co. of America, New York, N. Y.
Chromium Oxide
0. Hommel Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Givaudan-Delawanna, Inc., New York, N, Y.
Chas. Pfizer «&? Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Citronella Oil
H. C. Ryland, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Kentucky Clay Mining Co., Mayfield, Ky.
Olive Branch Minerals Co., Cairo, HL
Coal Tar
Cawley Tar Products Co., New York, N. Y.
Coal Tar Colors
H. Kohustamm & Co., New York, N. Y.
Cohalt Acetate
Pred L. Brooke Co., Chicago, 111.
Cohalt Driers
The McGean Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Cohalt Linoleate
The McGean Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Cocoa Butter ,

Alpha Lux Co., Inc., New York, N Y

Thomas J. Shields Co., New York, N Y
Coconut Butter
Procter & Gamble Co., Cincinnati, Ohio
Coconut Oil
Pranklin Baker Co., Hoboken, N. J.
Coconut Oil Fatty Acid
Acme Oil Corp., Chicago, 111.
Cod Liver Oil
Posen thal & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y,
Collodion ^

Charles Cooper & Co., New York, N. Y.

Colors, Dry
Holland Aniline Dye Co., Holland, Mich.
Colors, Oil Soluble
Commonwealth Color & Chem.
Copper Carbonate
Co., Brooklyn,’ N. Y
Chas. Copper & Co., New York, N. Y
Jungmann & Co., Inc., New York, N Y
Copper Cyanide
Charles Hardy, New
Copper Oxides
Inc., York, N. Y
fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.
^ Kansas City, Mo.
American Maize Products
Corn Sugar
Co., New York y N Y >

Staley Sales Corp., Decatur, 111,

Corn Syrup
Clinton Co., Clinton, la.
Corn Products Beliniug Co., New
Cottonseed Oil (Crude)
York ? NY • •

Battleboro Oil Co., Battleboro,N C

Welch, Holme Su Clark Co., New
York, N Y
Coumann ,

Maywood Chem. Works, Maywood, N. J

Coumarone Mesin
Barrett Co., New York, N. Y
Neville Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Cream of Tartar
^J^^^®Harshaw Chemical Co., Oleveland, Ohio
Products, Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Co^shohooken, Pa.
Eeilly Tar & Chemical Corp., New York N Y
Cresylic Acid ’

The Barrett Co., New York, N Y

Vitro Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh,
E. 1. Du Pont de Nemours
Co., Wilmington. Del.
Damar Gum
Geo. H. Lincks, Hew York, H, T.
Amer. Laiiolin Corp., Lawrence, Mass.
Berris Extract
Seacoast Laboratories, Hew York, H. Y.
; Berris Moot
W. Benkert & Co., Inc., Hew York, H., Y.
Morniiigstar, Hicol, Ine., Hew York, H. Y.
Takamine Laboratory, Inc., Clifton, H. J.
Biatomaceous Earth
Diealite Co., Hew York, H„ Y.
The Kessler Chemical Corp., Hew York, H. Y.
Hooker Electro Chemical Co., Hew York, H. Y.

Biethylene glycol
Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Corp., Hew York, H. Y
Van Byk & Co., Inc., Jersey City, H. J.
Biglycol Oleate
Glyco Products Co., Inc., Hew York, H. Y.
Biglycol Laurate
Glyco Products Inc., Hew York, H. Y.
Biglycol Stearate
Glyco Products Co,, Inc., Hew York, H„ Y,
^N ! :;f u
Carbide Carbon Chem. Corp., Hew York, H Y,
Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington, Bel.
Swann Chemical Co., Hew York, H, Y,
Drop Blach
Wilckes-Martin-Wilckes Co., Hew York, H. Y.
national Aniline & Chemical Co., Inc., Hew York, H. Y.
Egg, Bried
W. P. Pray, Hew York, H. Y,
Egg YolTc
Stein, Hall & Co., Hew York, H„ Y«
Abbott Laboratories, Ho. Chicago, 111.
Epsom Salt
General Chemical Co., Hew York, H. Y^
Essential Oils
Compagnie Buval, Hew York, H. Y.
Ester Gum
John B, Lewis, Inc., Providence, B. I.
Paramet Chemical Corp., Long Island City, H. Y.
Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Corp., Hew York, H. Y,
Ethyl Acetate
Merrimac Chemical Co,, Boston, Mass.
Ethyl Cellulose
Advance Solvents & Chem, Corp., Hew York, H. Y.
P. C. Bersworth Labs., Framingham, Mass.
Ethyl Lactate
American Cyanamid Chemical Corp., Hew York, H, Y.
Ethylene Biamine
F. 0. Bersworth Labs,, Framingham, Mass.
Mhylene Dichloride
Low Chemical Co., Midland, Mieh.
Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Corp., New York, N.
Eucalyptus Oil
Chas. Lislibeek Co.. New York, N. Y.
Consolidated Eeldspar Gorp., Trenton, N. L
C. K. Williams & Co., Easton, Pa.
Film Scrap
Horn- Jeff erys & Co., Burbank, Calif.
Fish Glue
a B. Hewitt & Bro., New York, N. Y.
Fish Oil
Falk & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Bisbee Linseed Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Hillside Fluor Spar Mines, Chicago, 111.
Formic Acid
Victor Chem. Works, Chicago, 111.
Heyden Chemical Gorp., New York, N. Y.
Fuller^ a Earth
L. A. Salmon & Bro., New York, N. Y.
Sinclair Refining Co., Olmstead, 111.
Fusel Oil
Empire Distilling Corp., New York, N. Y.
GaUic Acid
Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y.
Prank B. Ross Co., New York, N. Y.
Atlantic Gelatine Co., Woburn, Mass.
Kay- Pries Chem., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Geranium LaTce
Interstate Color Co., Inc., New York, N. Y
R. P. Revson Co., New York, N. Y.
Geranium Oil
Schimmel & Co., New York, N. Y.
George H. Lincks, New York, N. Y.
Utah Gilsonite Co., St. Louis, Mo.
C. H. Lewis & Co., New York, N. Y.
Glandular Products
The Wilson Laboratories, Chicago, 111.
Glauber Salt
Iowa Soda Products Co., Council Bluffs, la.
Cudahy Packing Co., Chicago, lU.
Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co., Chicago, 111.
Glyceryl Mono Stearate
Glyco Products Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Glyceryl Phthalate
Glyco Products Co., Inc.*, New York, N, Y.
Glyceryl Stearate
Glyco Products Co., Inc., New York, N. Y,
Glycol Oleate
Glyco Products Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.

Glycol Plithalate
Glyco Products Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Glycol Stearate
Glyco Products New York, N. Y.
Co., Inc.,
Gold Chloride
Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, St. Louis, Mo.
Adolphe Hurst & Co., Inc., New York, N, Y.
Asbury Graphite Mills, Asbury Park, N. J.
Gtm Aralio
T. M. Buche & Sons, New York, N. y.
Gum Benzoin
Peek & Velsor, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Gum Copal
George H. Lincks, New York, N. Y.
Gum Damar
Thurston & Braidieh, New York, N. Y.
Gum Karaya
Prank- Yliet Go., Inc., New York, N, Y.
Gum, Locust Bean
Innis, Speiden Co., New York, N. Y.
Gum Manila
Stroock & Wittenberg Corp., New York, N. Y*
Gum Tragacanth
E. Meer & Go., Inc., New York, N. Y.
J. L. Hopkins & Co., New York, N. Y.
IT. S. Phosphoric Prod. Corp., New York, N. Y.
MemlocTs Baric
Tanners Supply Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Eenna Leaves
S, B. Penick & Co., New York, N. Y.
John Clarke & Co., New York, N. Y.
Eexamethylenetetr amine
Heyden Chemical Corp., New York, N. Y.
Eydrochlorie Acid
General Chemical Co., New York, N. Y.
Eydrogen Feroxide
The Warner Chemical Co,, New York, N. Y,
Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y.
Merck & Co., Rahway, N. J.
L. E. Ransom Co., New York, N, Y.
Belmont Smelting & Refining Works, Brooklyn, N, Y.
Invert Sugar
Nulomoline Co., New York, N. Y.
New York Quinine & Chemical Wks., Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Baker & Co., Inc., Newark, N. J.
S. B. Penick & Co., New York, N. Y.
Iron Ammonium Citrate
Schuykill Chem. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Iron Chloride
Chicago Copper Ss Chem. Co., Blue Island, 111.

Binney & Smith Co., New York, N. Y.

Isopropyl Acetate
A. K. Hamilton, New York, N. Y


Isopropyl Alcohol
Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Corp., Uew York.
Insect Wax, Chinese
Frank B. Ross Co., Inc., Hew York, H. Y '
Inory Blach
Binney So Smith Co., New York, N. Y
Japan, Wax
Smith & Nichols, Inc., New York, N. Y
Colonial Beacon Oil Co., Everett, Mass.
Kerosene, Deodorized
Sherwood Petroleum Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Laboratory Equipment
Central Scientific Co., Chicago, 111
Chemical PubL Co. of N. Y., Inc., New
York, I
Chicago Apparatus Co., Chicago, 111.
Elmer & Amend, New York, N. Y
Experimenter ’s Supply Co., New York, N. Y.
Fisher Scientific Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
N._ J. Labwatory Supply Co., Newark, N. J.
fceientifie Glass Apparatus Co., Bioomfield, N.
v. ?

Maas & Waldstein, Newark, N. J.

Lactic Acid
Apex Chemical Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Lamp BlacTc
Binney & Smith Co., New York, N.
L. Martin Co., New York, N.
American Lanolin Corp., Lawrence, Mass.
^rck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J.
Praltz & Bauer, New York, N Y
Lard Oil
Enterprise Animal Oil Co., Philadelphia,
Lauryl Alcohol and Sulphonate

''^f“/“eriiigen-Haehler, Inc., New York, N. Y

Lead Acetate
National Lead Co., New York N.
Lead Arsenate
Y ’

Barada & Page, Inc., Kansas City,

General Chemical Co.,
Lead and Its Oxides
New York, N Y
American Lecithin Corp., New York N. Y.
Lemon Juice, Concentrated ^
Froducts Co., Anaheim, Calif.
B. W, Hutchinson &
Co.,, Inc.,j New York N Y
x, ,

MacAndrews & Forbes Co., New York N Y

X .
Lime ,

3. E. Baker Co., York, Pa.

Chazy Marble Lime Co., Inc., Chazy,
Limestone ’
F. E. Schundler & Co., Joliet,
Linoleic Acid
Glyco Products Co., Inc., New
Linseed Oil
York,^ N. Y
Bisbee Linseed Co., Philadelphia,
The Eagle-Pieher Lead Co., Cincinnati, Ohio


Krebs Pigment & Color Corp., Newark, N. J.
Marshall Dill Go., San Pranciseo, Calif.
Locust Bean Powder
T, M. Duche & Sons, New York, N. Y.
Logwood Extract
American Dyewood Go., New York, N. Y.
McKesson & Bobbins, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Philip Carey Co., Dockland, O.
General Magnesite & Magnesia Go., Philadelphia, Pa.
Magnesium Carbonate
Merck & Co., Inc., Bahway, N. J.
Magnesium Chloride
Wishnick-Tumpeer, Inc., New York, N. Y,
Magnesium Powder
Belmont Smelting & Befining Wks., Inc., Brooklyn, N. Y«
Maleic Acid
Natl Aniline & Cliem. Wks., New York, N. Y.
Ajax Metal Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Marble Bust
Hammil & Gillespie, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Manganese Dioxide
B. P. Drakenfeld & Co., New York, N. Y.
Menhaden Oil
Bobert Badcock & Co., New York, N. Y.
Chas L. Huisking & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Chas. L. Hnisking & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
George XJhe Co., New York, N. Y.
Wm. S. Gray Co., New York, N. Y.
Methyl Acetate
Carbide & Carbon Chem. Corp., New York, N. Y
Methyl Acetone
Delta Chem. & Iron Co., Wells, Mich.
Methyl Anthranilate
Plorasynth Laboratories, New York, N. Y.
Methyl pSydroxybenzoate
Heyden Chemical Corp., New York, N. Y.
Methyl Salicylate
Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Michigan
Southern Mica Co., Franklin, N. C.
MilTc Sugar
Mallinckrodt Chemical Wks., St. Louis, Mo.
Mineral Mubber
Barber Asphalt Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mineral Spirits
Amer. Mineral Spirit Co., New York, N. Y,
Montan Wax
Strahl & Pitsch, New York, N. Y.
Deep Bock Oil Corp., Chicago, 111.
The Barrett Go., New York, N. Y.
Napthenic Acid
Glyco Products Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Neatsfoot OH
National Oil Products Co., Harrison, N. J.
NicJcel Chloride
Chas. Cooper & Go., Hew York, H. Y.
Nickel Sulphate
The Harshaw Chemi'sal Co., Cleveland, O.
Tobacco By-Products & Chemical Corp., Louisville, Ky.
Nicotine Sulphate
Lattimer-Goodwiu Ohomical Co., Grand Junction, Colo,
Nitre Cake
Trojan Powder Oo., Allentown, Pa,
Nitric Acid
Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Calco Chem, Co., Bound Brook, N. J.
E. I. Du Pent de Hemours & Co., Inc., Parlin, H. J.
Smith Chemical & Color Co., Brooklyn, H. Y.
Oilf Citronella
D. W. Hutchinson & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Standard Oil Co. of California, San Eraneisco, Calif.
Oil, Olive
Leghorn Trading Co., Inc., New York, N, Y.
Oiticica Oil
L. N. Jackson & Go., New York, N. Y.
Century Stearic Acid Wks., New York, N. Y.
Seeley & Go., New York, N. Y.
Olive Oil, Sulphonated
Eoyce Chem. Co., Carlton Hill, N. J.
Orange Oil
Bodge & Olcott Co., New York, N, Y.
Ortho Dichlorhensene
Hooker Electrochemical Co., New York, N. Y.
Oxalic Acid
Mutual Chemical Co. of America. New York, N. Y.
Wilson Labs., Chicago, lU.
Cheney Chemical Co., Cleveland, 0.
Oxyguinoline Sulphate
Benzol Products Co., Newark, N. J.
OBokerite Wax
Strohmeyer & Arpe Co., New York, N. Y,
Naim Kernel Oil
Franklin Baker Co., Hoboken, N. J.
Naim Oil
Wishnick'Tumpeer, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Naraffin Oils
S. Schwabacher & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y,
Narajfin Wax
New York, N. Y.
Oil States Petroleum Co.,
Heyden Chem. Corp., New York, N. Y.
Nara Aminophenol
Verona Chem. Co., Newark, N, J.
Amido Products Co., New York, N. Y.
Paris White
Southwark Mfg. Co., Camden, N. J.
Peanut Oil
Elbert & Co., New York, N. Y.

Pearl Essence
Mearl Corp., New York, K Y
CaliL Fruit Growers’ Exchange, Ontario, Calif.
Peppermint Oil
Magnus, Mabee & Eeynard, Ine., New York, N, Y.
The Spaiiiawk Co., Sparkhill, N. Y.
Perilla Oil
S. L. Jones & Co., San Francisco, Calif.
Pennsylvania Refining Co., Butler, Pa.
Petroleum Jelly
L. Sonneborn Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Petroleum Spirits
Sun Oil Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
American-British Chemical Supplies, Ine., New Ycrk, N. Y.
PhenohEormaldehyde Pesins
Durite Plasties, Philadelphia, Pa.
Phosphoric Acid
Victor Chemical Works, Chicago, 111.
! International Selling Corp., New York. N. Y.
Phthalic Anhydride
Monsanto Chem. Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Pine Oil
General Naval Stores Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.

, Pine Tar
Southern Pine Chem. Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
Robert Ranh, Inc., Newark, N. J.
Plaster of Paris
Whittaker, Clark & Daniels, Ine., New York, N. Y.
Potash, Caustic
Niagara Alkali Co., New York, N. Y.
Potassium Carbonate
Joseph Turner & Co., New York, N. Y.
Potassium Chlorate
Joseph Turner & Co., New York, N. Y.
Potassium Ey dr oxide
Merck So Co., Ine., Rahway, N. J.
Potassium Iodide
New York Quinine So Chemical Wks., Ine., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Potassium Oleate
Glyeo Products Co., Ine., New York, N. Y.
Carl F. Miller & Co., Seattle, Washington
Potassium Permanganate
Cams Chemical Co., Inc., La Salle, 111.
Potassium Silicate
Philadelphia Quartz Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Prussian Blue
Kentucky Color & Chem. Co., Louisville, Ky.
Charles B. Crystal Co., New York, N. Y,
Psyllium Seeds
Laxseed Co., New York, N. Y.
Pyrethrum Extract
McLaughlin, Gormley, King & Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
S. B. Penick & Uo., New York, N. Y.
PyrogaUio Acid
Zinsser So Co., Ine., Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y,
Pyroxylin Solutions
Egyotian Lacquer, Kearney, N. J,
Quince Seed
J. L. Hopkins & Co., New York, N. Y.
Quinine Bisulphate
B. W. Greef & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Bapeseed Oil
Balfour, Guthries & Co., Ltd., New York, N. Y.
Bed Oil
Century Stearic Acid Candle Wks., New York, N. Y.
BesinSy Synthetic
Beck, Holier & Co., Inc., Detroit, Mich.
Marshall Dill, San Francisco, Calif.
Penn. Coal Products Co,, Petrolia, Pa.
Baker & Co., Inc., Newark, N. J.
Bochelle Salts
Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Bose Water
Geo. Lueders & Co., New York, N. Y.
General Naval Stores Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Bosin Oil
National Bosin Oil & Size Co., New York, N. Y.
Thoroeide, Inc., St. Louis, Mo.
Earle Bros., New York, N. Y.
Butter Latex
Littlejohn & Co., Inc,, New York, N. Y,
Heyden Chemical Corp., New York, N. Y.
Salicylic Acid
The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich.
Sal Soda
Church & Dwight Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Morton Salt Co., Chicago, 111,
Salt CaTce
Amer. Cyanamid & Chem. Corp., New York, N. Y*
Croton Chem. Corp., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Experimenters Supply Co.,New York, N. Y.
Jungmann & Co., New York, N. Y.
Amer. Metal Co., New York, N. Y.
Wm. Zinsser & Co., New York, N. Y.
Shellac Wax
Adolphe Hurst & Co., New York, N. Y.
Eezandie & Sperrie, Inc., New York, N. Y,
Barnsdall Tripoli Corp., Seneca, Mo.
Handy & Harman, New York, N. Y.
Silver Cyanide
Chas. Cooper & Co., New York, N. Y.
Silver Nitrate
Eastman Kodak Co., Bochester, N. Y
Soda Ash
Diamond Alkali Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Soda, Caustic
Mathieson Alkali "W orks, Inc., N ew York, N. Y.

SodOjj Sal/
Consolidated Gliem, Sales Corp., Newark, N, J.
Sodium Aluminate
National Aluminate Corp., Chicago, 111.
Sodium Arsenite
Harrison Mfg, Co., Ealiway, N. J.
Sodium Benzoate
Hooker Electrochemical Co., New York, N. Y.
Sodium Bicarlfonate
Church & Dwight Go., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Sodium Bichromate
Prior Cliem. Corp., New York, N. Y.
Sodium Bisulphite
The Grasselli Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Sodium Carhonate
Solvaj Sales Corporation, New York, N. Y.
Sodium Choleate
Difco Laboratories, Inc., Detroit, Mich.
Sodium Cyanide
E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co,, Inc., Wilmington, Del.
Sodium Fluoride
American Cyanamid & Chemical Corp., New York, N. Y.
Sodium Sydrosulphite
Eoyce Chemical Co., Carlton Hill, N. J.
Sodium Hydroxide
Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J.
Sodium Hypochlorite
Delta Chemical Mfg. Co., Baltimore, Md,
Mathieson Alkali Wks., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Sodium Hypochlorite Liqmd
Riverside Chemical Co., No. Tonawanda, N. Y.
Sodium Hyposulphite
The Grasselli Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Sodium Metaphosphate
Buromin Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sodium Metasilicate
Philadelphia Quartz Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Sodium Nitrate
Battelle & Eenwick, New York, N. Y.
Sodium Nitrite
Solvay Sales Corp., New York, N. Y.
Sodium Pert or ate
E. I, Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Wilmington, Del,
Sodium Phosphate
Swann Chemical Co., New York, N. Y.
Sodium Besinate
Paper Makers Chem. Corp., Wilmington, Del.
Sodium Silicate
Mechling Bros. Chemical Co., Camden, N. J.
Philadelphia Quartz Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Standard Silicate Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sodium Silico Fluoride
The Grasselli Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Sodium Sulphate
General Chem. Co., Ne-w York, N. Y.
Sodium Stannate
Harshaw Chem. Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Sodium Sulphite
Mechling Bros. Chemical Co., Camden, N. J.
Sodium Tungstate
J. T. Baker Chem. Co., Phillipsburgh, N. J.
Solvent Naphtha
Barrett Co., New York, N. Y.
Atlas Powder Co., Wilmington, Del
JSoyhean Oil
Speneer Kellog & Sons Sales Corp., Buffalo, N. Y.
Arthur G. Trask Co., Chicago, 111.
Sperm Oil
Cook Swan Co., Inc., Hew York, N. Y.
Strahl 8s Pitsch, Hew York, H. Y.
S. B. Peniek & Co., Hew York, H. Y.
Starch Products Co., Hew York, H. Y.
Stearic Acid
Century Stearic Acid Candle Wks., Hew York, H. Y.
M. Work Co., Cincinnati, Ohio
Stearin Pitch
A. Gross & Co., Hew York, H. Y.
Strontium Nitrate
Grasselli Chem. Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Chas. Pfizer & Co., Hew York, H. Y.
Sulphonated Castor Oil
Burkard-Schier Chem. Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Sulphonated Olive Oil
Jacques Wolf & Co., Passaic, H. J.
Stauffer Chemical Co. of Texas, Preeport, Tex.
Sulphur Dioxide
Virginia Smelting Co., Boston, Mass.
Sulphuric Acid
Merrimac Chemical Co., Everett Sta., Boston, Mass.
Charles B. Crystal Co., Inc., Hew York, H. Y.
Welch, Holme & Clark Co., Inc,, Hew York, H. Y.
Tartaric Acid
R. W. Greeff & Co., Inc., Hew York, H. Y.
Tar Acid Oil
Barrett Co., Hew York, H. Y.
Tartar Emetic
Apex Chem. Co., Hew York, IN. Y.
Tea Seed Oil
Lundt & Co., Hew York, H. Y.
D. W. Hutchinson & Co., Hew York, H. Y.
Tetrachlor ethane
Bow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich.
Tetrachlor ethylene
E. I. Bu Pont de Hemours & Co., Wilmington, BeL
Thallium Sulphate
Jungmann & Co., Inc., Hew York, H. Y.
Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Jungmann & Co., Hew York, H. Y.
Sherka Chemical Co., Inc., Bloomfield. H. J.
Union Smelting & Refining Co., Inc., Hewark, H. Ja
Tin Chloride
Seldner & Enequist, Inc., Brooklyn, H. Y.

Tin Oxide
The McGean Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich.
Titanium Dioxide
Marshall Dill, San Francisco, Calif.
E. T. Vanderbilt Co., New York, N. Y.
Jones & Daughlin Steel Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Macet Chemicals Corp., Niagara Palls, N. Y.
Tricresyl Phosphate
E. W. Greeff & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y,
Experimenter's Supply Co. (small lots). New York, N. Y.
Carbide & Carbon Chem. Co. (large lots). New York, N. Y.
Triethanolamine Oleate
Glyco Products Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Marshall Dill Co., San Francisco, Calif.
Triethanolamine Stearate
Glyeo Products Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Carl F. Miller & Co., Seattle, Washington
E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.
Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Tamms Silica Co., Chicago, 111.
Fansteel Products Co., No. Chicago, 111.
Turlcey Bed Oil
National Oil Products Co., Inc., Harrison, N. J.
Antwerp Naval Stores Co., Inc., Boston, Mass.
General Naval Stores Co., New York, N. Y.
Turpentine Siibstitute
Anderson-Prichard Oil Corp., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Turpentine (Venice)
National Bosin Oil & Size Co., New York, N. Y.
Turtle Oil
Edwin Seebach Co., New York, N. Y.
Ultramarine Blue
Standard Ultramarine Co., Huntington, W. Va.
Fezandi^ & Sperrle, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Uranium Nitrate
Harshaw Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Sherka Chemical Co., Inc., Bloomfield, N, J.
Vanilla Beans
Thurston & Braidich, New York, N. Y.
Seeley & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Van Ameringen-Haebler, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Varnish Gums and Besins
Amer. Cyanamid & Chem. Corp., New York, N. Y.
Vat Colors
Amer. Aniline Products, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Vegetable Colors
L. E. Eansom Co., New York, N. Y.
Hill Bros. Chem. Co., Los Angeles, Calif.
Fezandi^ & Sperrl4, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Vinyl Acetate
Niagara Chemicals Corp., Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Vinyl Chloride
Carbide & Carbon Chem. Corp., New York, N. Y,
Wax, Synthetic
Glyco Products Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Wetting Out Agents
Gljco Products Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Columbia Alkali Corp., New York, N. Y.
Limestone Products Corp. of America, Newton, N.
Witch Sasel Extract
E. E. Dickinson Co., Essex, Conn.
White Arsenic
H. H. Rosenthal Co.. New York, N. Y.
White Lead
National Lead Co., New York, N. Y.
Wood Flour
D. H. Litter Co., New York, N. Y.
Wood Flour, Inc., Manchester, N. H.
The Barrett Co., New York, N. Y.
Standard Brands, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Hegeler Zinc Co., Danville, 111.
Zmo Carhonate
Wishnick-Tumpeer, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Zinc Chloride
Wishnick-Tumpeer, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Zinc Chromate
E. M. & F. Waldo, Inc., Muirkirk, Md.
Zinc Oxide
Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J.
N. J. Zinc Co., New York, N. Y.
Zinc Stearate
Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J.
Wishnick-Tumpeer, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Zinc Sulphate
W. R. Russell & Co., New York, N. Y.
Virginia Smelting Co., West Norfolk, Va.
Zirconium Oxide
Foote Mineral Co., Philadelphia; Pa,,

^ j ^
- -/T. -'-.
_ ^ 1 iwi ,
I 11
mm u.« I II

, ,.,

Advice, Technical 5
Air-bubbles, Prevention of 380
AlbrasiveWheel Temporary Binder B'r Air-conditioning, Dehumidifier for ........567
Abrasive Wheels 434-7 Airplane Alloys, Painting 310
Abrasives 259, 433, 437-8 Dope 336
Table of 440 Albumin, Castor Bean 33
Absorbent, Carbon Dioxide .567 Insolubilizing 343
Absorption Bases ... 51 Soya Bean 33
Acetylene Welding 247 Vegetable 33
Acid Proof Cement 28 Motor Fuel
Alcohol, 557
Plastic 474 Rubbing Cream 93
Proofing Masonry 22 j Ale, Non-clouding 44
Proofing Wood 3^iS Algae Nutrient .570
Eesisting Lining 242 Alginate Water Paint 297
Acoustic Plaster 221 Alkali Proofing Masonry 226
Adhesion, Increasing Latex 448 Alloy, Austenitic 244
Adhesion, Steel to Rubber 293 Bearing .235
Adhesive 11, 16 Brazing 235
Aluminum to Paper 17 Contact Point 234
Bakelite 17 Dental Plate 238-9
Belt 21 Die Casting 235
Blood- Albumin 33 Electrical Contact 236
Bookbinders 17 Ferritic ...245
Casein 32 Frictional 238
“Cellophane” to Gauze 23 Fusible 24
Cellulose 18, 23 Heat Treatment of 239
Acetate to Paper 23 Hot Caustic Resistant ...238
Coating, Peelable 313 Lead 235
Compact Powder 70 Lead-in Wire 237
Cork 20 Low-expansion 237
Envelope 18 Low-freezing Mercury 236
Fireproof 81 Low Melting 230
Floor Covering 20 Martensitic 246
Glass 18 Pattern 235
Glassine Paper Laminating 16 Pen Nib 236
Glazed Paper 16 Watch Spring 236
Heat-sealing 31 Wood’s .....231
Heel-lining 21 Alloys, Bronze 232
Inner-sole 21 Hot Working Copper .234
Label 16 Low Melting 230
Latex 448—9 P ainting Airplane 310
Leather 20-22 All-purpose Cream 52
Library 18 Almond Extract 39
Linoleum 20 Imitation 39
Museum 32 Almond Flavor, Imitation - 41
Office 18 Alum Cream 54
Oiled or Inked Surface 32 Alumina 567
Paper 18 Aluminum, Abrasive for 440
Paper Board 17 Alloy, Seawater Resistant ..235
Plastic 20, 81 Anodic Oxidation of 264
Postage Stamp 19 Anodic Treatment of 393
Preservation of 33 Baking Enamel 298
Pressure Sealing 31 Black Coating on 394
Rubber 22 Brazing Alloy 235
Rubber Casein 23 Brightening 264
Rubber to Metal 22 Castings, Non-blistering 235
Self-sealing Envelope 19, 23 Coating Iron with .....267
Shoe Sole 21 Coloring .395
Silicate .31—2 Corrosion Proofing 286
Special 26 Cleaner 509
Strong 33 Copper Plating Anodized 395
Tape ...... 33 Drawing Compound 202
Tape Loosener 94 Electrolytic Polishing of 393
Tape, Mentholated 86 Flux 272
Tape, Removing 87 Gas-free . 269
Tile ............................ 20 Hard Strong . .235
Tortoise Shell ......................... 17 Impregnating .289
Universal ........ ’18 Low Thermal Expansion .... 235
Wall Paper 17 Oxide, Removing 270
Water-insoluble 32 Paint .305-7
Waterless 31 Polish 411
Waterproof 17, 32-33 Powder .288
Water-soluble ..... 32 Pre-treatment * , . 267
Waxed Paper ........................ . 16 Primer ............. • -307
Wood ................................. 18 Protective Coatin g for ..... . ...... . ... 267
—Continued 393
Bait, Pish
Pox Lure
Resistant to Hydrogen Peroxide '

. . . 86 Oil, Fish 121

Silver Plating 395 Bakelite Adhesive 17
to Copper Solder 273 Drilling . 475
to Paper Adhesive 17 Polish 438
Turnings, Melting 235 Bakers’ Shortening 124
Amalgam, Hental 238 Baking Finishes 350
Retarding Setting of 292 Powder 8, 123-4
Ambergris, Test for 69 Vehicle 347
Use of 69 Ball Bearing Grease 192
Ammonia, Cloudy 515 Balloon Compound, Latex 450
Ammonium Sulphate, Coarse Crystal ....566 Fabric Coating .450
Aniline Black Printing 548 Ink for .142
Animal Peed, Laboratory 114 Banana Flavor, Imitation 41
Anise Syrup 82 Powdered 136
Annealing 253 Spray, Insecticidal ...103
Files 242 Banding Compositions, Caterpillar ..102
Saw Blades 242 Barbecue Relish 134
Anode, Zinc Plating 401 Barium Carbonate 315
Anodic Oxidation 264 Linoleate 566
Treatment, Aluminum 393 Barometer, Chemical 568
Ant Poison 8, 109 Barrel Cement 25
Spray 104 Base, Absorption 51
Anti-foam for Glue 34 Exchanger, Water Softening 557
Anti-fogging, Windshield 569 Bast Fibers, Purifying . .523
Anti-freeze 15, 562-3 Bath Lotion, Astringent 58
Non-corrosive .563 Oil 48
Preventing Leakage of 563 Preparations 47
Antimony Surface Hardening ....... 243 Salt, Efferescent 47-8
Anti-oxidant, Decalin .....566 Salts 47
Antique Coloring 265 Tablet 47
Antiseptic Dairy 510 Tub Cleaner .......504
Oil 59 Bating 156
Ointment 2 Battery, Plash Light ..564
Photographic Developer 356 Fluid, Primary 564
Suppositories, Foaming 82 Plates, Cleaning Sulphated 564
Surgical Instrument 92 Plates, Storage 564
Tissue Cream 50 Separators, Rubber Storage 466
Aphid, Killing Root 105 Terminal Coating 313
Apparatus 3 Bead Oil 36
Apple Chutney 123 Beading Compound 36
Flavor, Imitation 41 Bearing^ Alloy, Bronze 232
A.prieot Cordial 36 Housing Joining .292
Flavor, Imitation 41 Jfetal 235. 276
Juice 35 Self Lubricating .293
Aquarium Cement 12 Bed S'ore, Treatment 94
Arc Welding Electrode 275 Bedbug Exterminator . 8
Artists’ Crayons 1 50 Bee Sting Treatment 77
Asbestos, Molded Plastic 469 Beer Can Coating 308
Putty 28 Non-clouding 44
Asphalt Emulsion 97 Pipe Cleaner 411, 510
Flooring Plastic 473 Beeswax, Artificial 471
Flux Oil Emulsion 96 De-oiling 473
Molasses Road 225 Beetle Poison 109
Non-sticking 349 Belt Adhesion Compound ..... .189
Pavement 225 Adhesive 2i
Sealer 337 Dressing, Non-static V. . . , 189
Sheeting 225 189
Asphaltum Paint ...329 Lubricant I89
Washout, Lithographic ,...374 Non-slipping V .186 .

Aspirin Tablets 87 Splicing Rubber .463

Astbma Inhalant 80 Strapping ..435
59 Belting, Cleaning
Astringent, Facial
— 58
Leather . . . ^499
..... .498
Athlete’s Foot Remedies 78 _ Solidified .......560
Auto Enamel Base ... ........ ... .298 Bermuda Grass Eradicant ......106
Top Dressing .312 Beryllium ........ . 232
Degreaser 510 Bronze ; \2S2
Beverage Colors
Radiator Cleaner
Aviation Flares
— ......... 509
Bibliography .

Bichromate Relief Photographs

. . , . .

. , . .

Avocado Cleansing Cream ....... 49 Billiard Chalk .........152

Tissue Cream 50 Binder, Cork ’ ' 20
Awnings, Fireproofing .................. .553 Gum Arabic .... ’

Waterproofing ...... . . .553 Leather ] .135
Axle Grease .196 Non-organic 217
Porcelain Enamel Frit .217 1

Sand Paper 18
Strong Silicate . . ................... 34
Temporary .27
Babbitt Metal ..236 Bird Pood, Canary 9
Spraying ..236 Biscuit Flavor 42
Baby Powder 72 Bitumen Emulsion 97
. . .

Bituminous Emulsion
Surface Paint

Brass Continued
Gold (Imitation) Plating ,396
Blackberry Cordial 36 Ink for 144
Juice 35 Melting So Pouring ..231
Blackhead Cream 49 Oxidizing Finish for .266, 384
Blasting Cartridge 444 Plating .384, 400
Bleach, Angora Wool 520 Polish 411
Bhotie 522 Red 236
Dry Cleaners’ Spot 498 tuning 284
Fat 518 Welding Rod .276
Feather 522 Brazing ,253
Fur 522 Alloy .235
Gray Goods 521 Flux 270
Hair 522 Solder 270
Hemp 522 Bread, Retarding Staling of 124
Hosiery 533 Breath Lozenge 92
Laundry 13, 512, 517 Brewers’ Pitch 321
Leather ,...174 Brick, Building 224
Linen 519 Waterproofing 345
Liquid 512 Bright Dip, Bronze 266
Nail 62 Brilliantine . 66
Brine, Acid Meat Pickling 132
Ham 132
Perborate 517 “Brine,” Hold Over 569
Peroxide .521—2 Brine, Tongue Pickling 132
Photographic 370 Briquette, Lubricating 195
Powdered 517 Waste Wood 560
Babbit Fur 520 Briquetting, Coal 560
Shoe-bottom 184 Bristles,Degreasing 155
Silk ....520 Waterproofing 552
Skin 56 Brom Etching, Photographic 372 .

Soap .518 Bronze Alloys 332

Sponge 522 Beryllium ......232
Tussah Silk 520 Bright Dip for 266
Wood Floor 12 Finish 383
Wool 520 Fire Scale, Removing .269
Bleaching Blue 547 Melting & Pouring 231
Cream 52 Tablets 232
Figs, 135 Tinning 284
Pur 186 Bronzing Copper 265
Half-stuff 352 Lacquer 332
Leather ..155 Liquids .335
Maraschino Cherries 135 Brown Patch, Curing Lawn 106
Paper 352 Brush Bristle Cement 24
Powder 516 Brushes, Care of 342
Shellac 325 Cleaning 342
Walnuts 135 Brushless Shaving Cream 73
Wax 475 Bubbles, Prevention of Air- 380
Wood 348 Soap 504, 569
Bleeding, Stopping 86 Buffing 259
Blood Albumin Adhesive 33 Compound .411, 437-8
Albumin Solution 178 Stick, Tripoli 411
Stains, Removing 511 Wheels 260
Substitute 86 Building Slab, Artificial 224
Test for 86 Bulbs, Frosting Inside of . .212
Bloom, Improving Lubricating Oil ..... .210 Bullet, Tracer .446
Blue, Bleachers’ 547 Bunting Alloys 232
Blue Print Developer 361 Burlap, Flameproofing 229
Sensitizer 371 Burnishing, Ball 386
Bluing, Laundry IS Clay ,.439
Boar Odor, Removing 182 Electrolytic 401
Body Powder 72 Iron 401
Boiler Cement 25 Butter Churns, Washing 513
Compound 15, 657 Coloring 128
Insulation 222 Flavor 128
Scale Preventive ,557 Flavor, Imitation 42
Bonding Cement 27 Soybean .131
Book Cloth, Waterproof ................ .551 Tub Coating 303
Edges, Marble Coloring ........... .354 Buttermilk, Thickened . 45
Bookbinding Glue 17 Butterscotch Flavor 42-3
Boring BMuid 202, 207 Button Composition 469
Bottle Caps, Preserving Cellulose ......475 Buttons, Dyeing Casein 546
Rubber 466 Buying Chemicals 5, 587
Bottlers’ Extract 40
Bourbon Oil 85
Box Board, Counting Laminated ........ 354
Brake Fluid, Hydraulic 562 Cable Coating . 313
Brake Lining 474, 562 Sheath Alloy ...... .235
Treatment ..... . ,562
. Cadmium, Coloring .265, 393
Oil, Hydraulic .203 . Flux .276
Brandy Flavor 42 Purifying . .... . .269
French 36 Refining Flux .276
Brass, Coloring ... ..265, 384 Oaffein-free Coffee .................... 46
Corrosion Resistant ... ......... .286 . . . Calcium Carbide, Protecting .......... ,566
Drawing Emulsion .... .... .202 . . . • . . . Calculations ................. ... 2 . . . .

Finishing . ... . , , . , . ........ , .... ... . . . .385 Calf, Tanning ..... . , .... . , ... . ,158
. , , . .
. .

Calfskin Tanning
Calsomine, Painting Over
Cellulose —
to Paper Adhesive 23
Camphor Pace Lotion 67 Varnish ..324
Canary Bird Pood 9 Cellulose Adhesive .18, 23
Candelilla "Wax Emulsion 96 Esters, Dyeing 542
Candle Strings 478 Film Wrapping 471
Wick Impregnant 478 Lacquer ....327
Candles 11 Printing Ink .543
Coating 314 Transparent 353
Colored .477 Varnish 318
Colored Flame 478 Cement, Acid-proof ....28, 31, 218
Hand Dipped 477 Aquarium 12
Candy ...122 Artificial Latex 23
Glaze 333 Asbestos, Hardening Surface of ......218
Stains, Removing 611 Barrel 25
Canoe Finishing 311 Boiler 25
Canvas, Fireproofing 15 Bonding 27
Rot-proof 554 Brush Bristle 24
Waterproofing 14, 551 Caulking 27
Capsules, Gelatin 27 Cellular 218
Carbide, Regenerating Used 565 De Khotinsky 20
Carbon, Adsorbent .565 Film 19
Activated .565 ® Floor Hardener .12
Black, Dispersible 315 Gasket 25
Black Dispersion 524 Glass 25
Coating on Iron 286 Hard Stoi^ping 32
Dioxide, Absorbent for .567 Heat Resisting ...218
Dioxide Bath Tablets 48 Household 218
Paper 148 Iron 25
Paper Coating 148 Knife Handle 25
Remover, Engine 559 Laboratory - 19
Tetrachloride, Stabilizing 566 Leather 22
Carbonizing Wool Rags 523 Linoleum 20
Cardboard Paste 17 Litharge 24
Carnauba Wax, Soluble 475 Magnesium Oxychloride 218
Carriage Grease 196 Metal 22, 24
Carroting, Fur 186 Paraffin 26
Case Hardening Castings 242 Porcelain 27
Casein Adhesive 32 Porcelain or Glass to Metal 27
Buttons, Dyeing 546 Pressure Sealing 23
Paint 295-6 Reducing Viscosity of Rubber 23
Solution ..ITS, 352 Rubber 21-2
Transparent Flexible .471 Self-vulcanizing 22
Waterproofing 343-4 Setting, Accelerator of 219
Wool 471 Shoe 22
Cast Iron, Blackening 266 S'lag 218
Enamel ..267 Sole 22
Malleable 243 Steel 25
Solder 272 Stoneware 27
Tinning 276 Surface Coloring 219
Casting Compound, Latex .449 Synthetic Rubber 466
Crack Filler 25 Temporary Binding 27
Mold Powder ..469 Tile 25
Castings, Case Hardening ....242 Toughened 219
Tumbling 288 Turners’ 25
Castor Bean Albumin 33 Upholstery 24
Castor Oil, Disguised 81 Waterproof 23
Mineral Oil Soluble ...209 Waterproof Silicate . . , 32
Cat Flea Spray 115 Waterproofing 14, 225
Catalyst, Hj^drogenation 562 White 22
Regeneration of
Sulphuric Acid
— Wood
Cementation Bath, Steel
Catarrh Inhalant 80 Cementing Iron .243
Caterpillar Banding Compositions ....... .102 Centigrade Scale 3
Catching Glue 26 Ceramic Glaze .......215
Cathode, Electric Discharge Tube 561 High-strength 215
Catsup . 133 Kieselguhr 215
Cattle, Crayon for 142 Overglaze . .218
Cattle Spray .115 Ceramics, Ink for .....144
Caulking Cement 27 Chain Lubricant 200
Compound .349 Chalk, Billiard .152
Cautions 5 Crayon .152
Cedar Perfume - 69 Dustless 152
Celanese, Partially Saponifying ......... .525 Marking 152
Relustering .....525 Chamois, Artificial 526
Celery Salt ..133 Imitation 531
Cell, Dry .664 Chartreuse Essence ......
. . . 37 . . . . . . . . .

“Cellophane” Adhesive . . ......

, .16 Cheese Coloring ......... .... . 128 . . . . . . ,

Coloring . 546 Hot Pack Cream ...... ... .... . 130 , . ,

Light Protecting ... . .471 Rapid Curing of ........ . ..... 129 . . .

Moisture-proofing .343-4, 471 St. Louis Cream ......129

Non-adhering . . .471 Tilsiter .........129
Celluloid Dents, Removing . . .475 Wax Coating for ..................130
Ink for 142 Chemicals, Special ............ .575 . . . . . .

Cellulose Acetate Coating 313 Trade Name .... ...... .... ... .575
. . . .

Shrinking ..,....,.....,649 Where to Buy ..................... 5



Cherries, Bemoving Spray Besidue
—Continued .514
Flavor, Imitation 42 Bust ...285-6
Juice 35 Sandstone .508
Chest- rub 7, 8 Silver 509
Chewing G-um 122 Sink 505
Bemovin^ 511, 513 Spray 506
Chicken Diarrhea Treatment 114 Stick Leather 424
Tattooing Ink 149 Stone 507
Chickweed Eliminator 106 Stove 417
Chicle, Aritificial 467 Straw Hat 13, 499
Chilblains Remedy 78 Surgical Instrument 514
China, Chromium Plating 392 Swimming Pool Tile ,.508
Chiropodists’ Paste 78 Telephone Disinfectant 92
Chlorinated Bubber Emulsion 98 Terra Cotta ...508
Chocolate Milk 45, 126 Tile 508
Syrup 44 Tin 509
Chrome Glue 32 Tin Ware 509
Green .315 Tobacco Pipe 92
Tanning 169 Toilet 505 ill
Tanning Liquor 163, 167 Type ....510
Yellow 315 Typewriter 510
Chromium Iron, Testing for 290 Upholstery 497, 499
Plate Lacquer .329 Wall Paper 13, 507
Plating 386, 392-3 Watch 515
Plating, Black .378 Waxed Surface 514
Polish 411, 412 White Shoe 425-8
Steel, Testing for 290 Window 13
Chromometer Oil 203 Windshield 505, 515
Chutney, Apple 123 Wood 513
Cigarette Paper Adhesive 17 Zinc 509
Smoke, Denicotinizing 571 Cleansing Cream ... 5 49
Tip, Self Lighting 443 Cream, Avocado 49
Citrus Decay, Preventing 119 Pad Lotion 57
Frost Protection 103 Clearing Bath, Photographic 372
Clarification 4 Cloth, Cleaning 507
Fruit Juice 43 Coatings 313
Clay, Burnishing 439 Combining 450
lYoth Flotation Cleaning 288 Printing, Metallic 530
Modelling 215 Proofing 450
Eeviving Oil Decolorizing 572 Coal, Activated 560
Cleaner 12 Briquettes 560
Abrasive 504, 506, 510 Improved Bituminous 560
Aluminum 509 Tar Emulsion 96
Artificial Teeth , 90 Coatings, Cellulose Acetate 313
Auto 406 Cobalt Drier 314
Bathtub 505 Nickel Plating .387
Beer Pipe 411, 505, 510 Plating 400
Bottle 507 Copper, Antique 9
Building 508 Cocoa Beverage 46
Canning Equipment 514 Malt Powder 9
Carpet 499 Powder 9
Copper 509 Coconut Milk, Synthetic 45
Dairy Utensil 513 Oil Shampoo 65
Dental Instrument .514 Cod Liver Oil, Disguised 81
Dish 506-7 Emulsion 114—5
Dog 118 Codfish Skins, I’anning ....162
Drain Pipe 510 Coffee, Caffein-frce 46
Electrical Collector .510 Improving Flavor of 129
Enamel 505 Cog Lubricant 200
Feed Water Pleater 514 Cognac Essence 37
Gilded Surface 513 Coir, Dyeing 543
Glass 505 Coke, Dust Proofing 560
Glass Ware .506 Cold Accumulator .569
Hand .493 Cold Cream 5, 6
Hard Water Dish 506 Greaseless 48
Hbusehold 13, 604-5 Greasy 48
Lavatory 505 Pearly 48
Leather 185 Cold Inhalant - 80
Lens 607 Light 380
Light Oak Desk .513 Top Enamel, Photograpers’ 375
Machinery 510 Cologne Water 516
Metal .... .264, 411, 508 Color, Beverage 38
Mold 506 Blue Transfer 148
Mop 514 Egg 38
Paint ... 510
Paint Brnsh ..... ...
Fastness, Testing 547
.13, 343

'Paste" .503 Food .........38, 39, 126-7

Photographic Tray ...... .380 . . .
Photography Solution .... - 377
Piano Key ... ................. .613 Plates, Intensification ................ ..369
Pipe . . .............. ....
. . . .... .505 .
Plates, Reducer .371
Porcelain .505 Plates, Varnishing 377
Powdered 503 Water .153, 295
Printers’ ...... .510 Whiskey 37
Printers’ Boiler .610 Colored Gasoline, Stabilized ..... .559
Badiator , .509 Glass ....................213
Antique 265
Cotton —
Finishing .524
Butter 128 Plameproofing .......229
Cadmium ...393 Padding Liquor 547
Candles 477 Sizings 527
“Cellophane” 546 Softener 524
Cement Surface 219 Spraying 0.1 188
Cheese 128 Steam Black Dyeing of . ....... 539
Concrete 219 Waterproofing 551
Copper 9 Yarn Briglitener ... 540
Easter Eggs 128 Cough Mixture 80
G-ouda Cheese 130 Crack Filler ...25, 302
Gun Metal 266 Crayon, Artists’ ...150
Leather 180, 182-3 Cattle Marking 142
Metals ...265, 383-4, 393-5, 401 Chalk 152
Oak 37 Fluorescent 150
Pigskin 183 Hard Wax ... .150-1
Rubber 460, 463 Hot Metal 144
Steel 9 Luminous ...... .150
Wax 477 Marking 9
Colors, Carbon Printing 144 Munsel Type . ..151
. .. .

Discharging 539, 547 Shoe Repair . ...150

. ..
Lake 316 Textile Marking 142
Tempering 240-1 Uncured Rubber .......143
Combustion Improver, Coal 560 Water 150
Compact Pace Powder Cream, All-purpose
Concrete, Colored
— 219
Antiseptic Tissue
Hardening 220 Artificial 131
Heavy 220 Avocado Tissue 50
Light Weight 219 Black Head 49
Porous 219 Bleaching ....... 52
Sealing 219 Brushless Shaving 7, 73
Waterproofing 225 Cleansing 5, 49'
Condenser Dielectric 292 Cold 5, 6
Electrolyte 561 Cuticle 67
Wax 477 Deodorant 52
Condiment 133 Devonshire 130
Condition Powder 115 Finishing 52
Dog .....117 Foot 78
Confectionery Glaze 333 Frost-bite 51
Contact Point Alloy 234 Greaseless Cold 48
Containers, Mixing 3 Hormone 53
Copal Putty 28 Ice 125
Copper Alloy, Hotworking 234 Jewish Type Sour 130
Alloy, Machinable 234 Lime Hair 66
Alloy, Non-staining 234 Liquefying 5
Bronzing 265 Lotion 54
Cleaning Corroded 509 Massage Liquefying . . . . 51
Coloring 9* 383 Nail ....... 67
Enamel for 267 Neutral Cleansing 2
Etching 268 Non-Greasy 6
Hardening Nourishing 52
Mold Dressing 287 Oxy cholesterol 53
Polish -411 Peroxide 52
Polishing Stone .441 Perspiration ....... 53
Plating .383, 395 Pore 49
Tinning .. .278 Powder ....... 71
to Aluminum Solder 273 Preserving 133
Copper-iron Alloy Electrical ,..,..234 Grease-proof Finish ....... 530
Copper-nickel Plating 389 Cream, Protective Hand . 49
Copying Paper ...148 Rouge 54
Cordials Shaving ......72-3
Corduroy, Plameproofing 229 Sour .,130
Core Oil - 204 Sports 53
N on- crystallizing
Cork Adhesive
— • .
'*“* Triethanolamine Stearate 53
Dip-seal 0 ?^
347 Turtle Oil .... ...... 51
Vanishing .. ...e, 48
Paint -308
Waterproofing ...... 226 Vegetable Tissue ....... 50
Corn Plaster * • • • 85 Vegetable Vanishing . . 48
Remover 85 Crease-resistant Textiles . .. .. .531-2
Salve 84 Cresol Disinfectant ...... 8, 91, 112
Corpse Disinfecting Powder 77 Solution, Compound ..... 91
Drying Powder Crinkled Fibers, Artificially 530
*522 Cucumber Face Milk 59
Corrosion, Preventing .... * -

Preventive Coating .,,,......,...268 Cumarone Lacquers 333

Cosmetic Base ••• 49 Cup Grease 200
Cosmetics 47 Cuprammonium Solution . 554
Costs, Calculating 5 Curacao Essence 37
*•'*** Cure, Calculating Time of 465
'Hi Curing Salt, Meat 132
Cotton, Crimping
Dyeing -^89 Curled Prints, Preventing . 380
Pilling •••• 527—8 Custard, Frozen 124^
8 —

CuticleCream 67 Developer Continued
Remover 68 Fixing 361
Cutlery Polish. 412 Glyein 364
Cutting: Compound, Lacquir 438 High Contrast 364
Oil 96 Paper 365-6
Stimulant. Plant 119 Paraformaldehyde 364
Cutworms, Killing 107 Photographic 15, 356-60
Cyanide Stock Solution 376 Photostat ...360
Preservative 356
Reprolith 364
Soft Working Pine Grain 361
Dairy Antiseptic 510 Tank 362—3
Detergent 518 Tropical 364
Utensil Cleaner 513 Universal 365
Utensils, Cleaning 504 X-ray 362
Washing Powder 504 Developing Dot-etching Positives 361
Damask, Flameproofing 229 Dewaxing Oil 210
Damping-off Composition 106 Dextrin Binder 295
Dandelion Killer 106 Diabetic Baking Powder 124
Dandruff Lotion 67 Ice Cream 126
Dark Boom Light 380 Diamond Dust Abrasive 438
Decalcomania 350 Imitation 472
Decalin, Anti-oxidant for 566 Diarrhea Remedy 83
Decolorizing 4 Die Casting Alloy 235
Olay, Reviving Oil ...572 Castings, Plating 384
Class 214 Non-metallic Rubber 457
Gums 63 Dielectric, Ceramic 292
Deer Chaser 102 Discharge Lamp, Non-blackening 564
Defoamer for Glue 34 Disinfectant 91
Defoaming 100, 354, 569 Block 90
Degreaser, Auto 510 Cresol 8, 112
Degreasing Bristles 155 Pine Oil 90-1
Horse-hair 155 Seed 120-1
Metals 280 Strong Smelling 112
Dehumidifier 567 Telephone 91
De Khotinsky Cement 20 Toilet 92
Deliming Skins 155 Disinfection, Skin 77
Delustermg 547 Dispersing Agent 99
Rayon 525 Oil for Pigments 147
Demulsifier 99, 100 Dispersion, Rubber 466
Denaturant, Salt ...567 Display Figure, Rubber 465
Denicotinized Tobacco 571 Imitation Iced 571
Dental Amalgam 238 Dissolving 4
Disclosing Solution 90 Distress Signal 446
Filling Alloy 239 Dog Bath Powder 502
Impression Mixture 470 Cleaner .,..118
Mold 470 Deterrent 118
Molding Wax 476 Eczema Ointment 115
Pain Killer 84 Flea Spray 115
Pin Alloy 238 Food 114
Plaster Accelerator 219 Remedies 115
Plate Alloy 238-9 Rid ...118
Plates, Casting Gold 292 Shampoo 118
Dentifrice 89, 90 Soap .502
Dents, Removing 475 Doll’s Head Composition 466
Denture Cleaner 90 Dot Etching, Rehalogenization in 375
Deodorant Cream 52 Douche, Vaginal 83
Lotion 58 Draperies, Flameproofing 229
Spray .8, 92 Drawing Lubricant 202
Tohacco Pipe 92 Stainless Steel 255
Toilet 92 • Drier, Enamel . 297
Deodorizer, Paint 343 Paint .314
Telephone Booth 92 Drilling Fluid 202
Powder 58 Mud, Petroleum 572
Printing Ink 145 Stainless Steel 255
Soap Solution 58 Drums, Coating Inside of 312
Depilatory .60—1 Repainting 309
Hide ...... ..154 Dry Cleaners’ Sizing 529
Depitter, Nickel Plating 385 Cleaning Fluid 12
Derris Emulsion .108 Dry Rot Control 348
Root Extract 108 Drying, Gas ,.,..567
De-scaling, Stainless Steel .269 Duck, Waterproofing 551
Desensitizer, Dental * 84 Duplicating Ink - . . . 146
Photographic .369 Paper ...148
Desk Cleaner, Light Oak 513 Duprene Composition . 454
Detergent Block 518 Rubber Mix .455
Deodorizing 58 Duralumin, Pickling 262
Enzyme — 500 Solder
Dust Elimination, Road ................ 224
Developer, Aero
— 365
.445 Layer
Layer, Road ......224
Alkali Free 360 Proofing, Coke .560
Color Photographic .358, 360 Dye Bath, Crepe .542
Direct Brown-hlack . .865 Hair 62
Duplicating Film .358 Leather 179, 182-3
Fine Grain 359, 361-2 OU , , , , VV.V. V. vv » . V. . . . . . . . .... 31
.. .

Penetrant ..533
—Continued 108
Photographic Screening 377 Dry Cleaners’ 497
Polish ......429 Esparto Wax 96
Soluble Vat 538 Fatty Oil 95
Storing 550 Fish Oil 242
Stripper ......521 Hydrogenated Sperm Oil 533
Dyeing, Aniline Black . . 548 Japan Wax 96
Bleached Jute 543 Lacquer 97
Button 546 Lard Oil .202
Cellulose Ester 542 Lecithin 99
Coir 543 Lubricant ...2X0
Furs .155 Mineral Oil 93
Hosiery 533-7 Montan Wax 96, 326, 530
Ivory 290 Naphtha 510
Dye Leveler 533 Non-foaming Oil 95
Dyeing, Logwood Black . 539 Oil ..403, 405, 407
Logwood Wool 544 Olive Oil 187
Multi-color Wool 544 Opal Wax 96
Plush Rayon 545 Paraffin Wax 96, 553
Rabbit Skins ......155 Pine Oil ....499
Rayon ......542 Pitch 97
Rayon-Cotton 540 Pyrethrum 107
Sponge 546 Quenching .242
Steam, Black Cotton . 539 Rubber 466
Velvet Rayon 545 Rubber- Asphalt 97
Viscose-Cotton 540 Sesame Oil 95
Wood 345 Sizing 553
Spindle Oil ...187, 403
E Steel Spring Quenching 242
Synthetic Resin 7 99
Ear Irrigant 79 Synthetic Rubber 466
Earache Remedy 79 Tallow 526
Easter Eggs, Coloring 128 “Teglac” 99
Eau De Cologne, Solid 69 Tetralin 526
Eau De La Barraque 512 Textile 526
Ebonite, Coloring 461 Textile Scouring ,499
Efflorescence, Preventing Silicate 218 Tri chlorethylene 510
Egg Color 38 Water-in-oil 210 95,
Preserving 133 Waterproofing 553
Production Powder, Increased 114 Wax ..96, 188, 403-6, 415. 418-20, 431-3,
Stamping Ink 141 478, 529, 532
White, Dried 133 Wool Lubricating 187
White, Thinning 133 Emulsions 95
Yolk Substitute 131 Enamel, Acid-proof Vitreous ..217
Electric Shaver Lotion 72 Aluminum 298
Tools, Cleaning Water Soaked . 264 Oan ..299
Electrical Contact Alloy 234,236-7 Cold Top ...375
Insulating Tape Coating 313 Baking 297
Electrode, Arc Welding 275 Deck 299
Beck Effect Arc 561 Furniture 299
Discharge Lamp .......237 Gasoline Pump 323
Flux Welding 270 Gloss White 297
Hot Cathode 237 Lacquer 297
Rectifier 561 Odorless White 298
Electrolyte, Condenser 561 Oiticica .....320
Electro-rubbing, Plating by 400 Porch ...299
Embalmers’ Cavity Fluid 76 Refrigerator .298
Cosmetic Spray 76 Removing Porcelain .217
Covering Cream 76 Semi-flat 297
Deodorant Spray 77 Urea Resin 297
Liquefying Cream 76 Vehicle .....297
Tissue Filler 76 Vitreous .215-7
Vanishing Cream 76 White 267
Embalming Fluid 75 Enamelling Iron ...267
Embossing Ink .......349 Enamelware, Testing ..215
Emulsifier 99 Engine Cylinder Putty 28
Kaolin 95 Grease ....196
Water-in-oil 95 Engravers’ Wax
99 .477
Emulsifying Agent Enteric Coating
Emulsion, Abrasive 437 88
97 Envelope Adhesive 18
Benzine ..498 Enzyme Detergent .500
Bituminous 96-7 Equipment 3
Brass Drawing 202 Esparto Wax Emulsion ]. 96
Breaking ...99, 100 Essences 35
Gandelilla Wax ....... 96 Essential Oil Germicides . ........ ...
. . . 91. .

Carnauba Wax . . .418-20 Etching, Copper ... .... .268

. . . . .

Castor Oil ....... 81 Glass ........................ .....10, 212

Chlorinated Rubber .......... ....... 98 Half Tone Positive ................ ..375
Cleaner .......... 510 Metallographic .268
Cloudy Orange 45 Micrographic 2 68
Coal Tar 96 Molybdenum .268
Cod Liver Oil ....114-5 Mordant for Metal .268
Colored Wax 478 Photographic 372
Creosote ..... ... . , . . ..... . . . 112 Printing Plate .............. .iw, ..... .263


Steel .....268
Fire —
Kindler 15
Lead 268 Lighters .561
Ether, Preventing Deterioration of 86 Fireproof Paint 312
Preventing Explosion of 567 Fireproofing 226, 343, 567
Ethyl Gasoline, Stabilized 557 Canvas 15
Silicate Binder 27 Canvas Belting 553
Eucalyptus Oil Disinfectant 91 Cloth 553
Extract, Emit 35 Electric Heating Pad 553
Extracts 39-41 Leather 185
Eye-Glass, Preventing Mist on 569 Paper . .14, 354
Exciters, Fluorescent 381-2 Rayon 553
Explosive, Mining 444 Straw .553
Safety 444 Wood 223
Shell 444 Fire-Scale, Removing Bronze 269
Explosives .443, 444 Fireworks 445-7
Eye Drops 79 Fish Bait 571
Wash 79 Bait Oil 121
Eyebrow Pencil 67 Canning, Improvement in 136
Fertilizer 102
Keeping Fresh 136
Liver Oils 207
Net Preservative ..552
Fabric, Coated Waterproof .550-2 Fish-Glue Substitute 26
Fireproofing 15 Fishing Flies, Varnish for ...317
Face Lotion 57 Fixer,Non-Hardening Photographic 367
Milk, Cucumber 59 Photographic Hardening 367
Powder 70-1 Flameproofing 226-7
Facial Astringent 59 Wood 223
Fahrenheit Scale 3 Flares 446
Fake, Shoe 184 Flash Lamp, Activated Photographic 379
Pat, Bleaching 518 Flashlight Cartridge .444
Liquors 159, 160, 165, 174, 190 Powder ...379
Feather Bleach 522 Flavor, Butter 128
Peed, Laboratory Animal 114 Fruit 35
Pelt. Chroming 186 Improver, Liquor 36
Felting, Pre- 186 Liquor 35-6
Pence Pole Preservative 223 Removing 131
Perro-Chromium 238 Tooth Paste 89
Fertilizer 101 Vanilla 9
Citrus .102 Whiskey 35—6
Pish Meal 102 Flavors 89
Humus 101 Flax Paper Pulp .,355
Insecticidal 102 Flea Beetle Spray, Tobacco 104
Poultry Manure 102 Spray 115
Shark-Meal 102 Floor Cleaner 503-4
Fiber, Artificial 473 Covering Adhesive ..... 20
Board, Greaseproofing Id-
Covering, Impermeable 224
Board, Oilproofing 14 Coverings 468
Board, Eotproof 223 Hardener, Cement 12
Board, Waterproofing 14 Hardening Concrete 220
Fibers, Preserving Vegetable 552 Oil 321
Figs, Bleaching 135 Varnish 321
Figuring 2 Flooring, Asphalt Plastic 473
Filaments, Tungsten 237 Flotation Agent 100
Piles, Annealing 242 Compound, Froth ..288
Filler 313 Flour Mill Fumigant .112
Crack .....25, 302 Flower Pots, Growth Stimulating ..120
Expansion Joint 25 Flowers, Preserving Cut 120
Furniture .314 Flue Soot Cleaners 560—1
Highway Joint 32 Fluorescent Crayon ,.150
Hole 474 Oil Coloring 210
Metal 24 Paint ...317
Metal Crack 24-5 Screen Materials 381
Plastic Wood 25 Flushing Oil ,...203
Wax 477 Flux,Aluminum 272
Film Adhesive 19
Cabinet Humidifier 380 Aluminum Welding 275
Cement 19 Brazing ......270
Chlorinated Bubber ....465 Cadmium 276
Container Fireproof 474 Galvanizing ....270
Flexible Casein 471—2 Metal Melting .276
Hardener ....370 Non-Corrosive 15
Ink for Photographic 142 Soldering ..15, 271-2
Beversal ...372 Stainless Steel .272
Storing ........380 Welding .,275
Tear- Resistant ..472 Welding Rod .270
Washing .............. ... ........... ,380 . Fly Catcher Composition .............. . . 110
Wrapping, Cellulose .471 Chaser ...........110
Filtering . . . . ... . 4 Paper 8
Fingerprint Photography 379 Poisons ,.110
Fingerprinting 568 Spray ......... 8
Fingerprints, Developing Latent .,,......568 Foam Bath Salt 47
Finishing Cream 62 Breaking 100, 354
Fire Bronze Coloring ......384 Inhibitor . . .569
Extinguisher ................. t ... .15, 567 Producer ..... .............. 36
Fodder, Modified Animal
Fog Preventer, Photographic 356
...114 Gasoline —Continued
Stabilizing Cracked 559
Foil, Transparent 353 Stable Colored 559
Food Colors 88-9, 126-7 Gasometer Lubricant 202
Quick Freezing of 136 Gas-Proof Rubber 459
Soybean Breakfast ‘....129 Gas-Proofing, Fabric .......554
Foods .122 Gastric Juice, Artificial 93
Foot Bath Powder, Frost 78 Gauze to “Cellophane” Adhesive 23
Bath Salt 48 Gear Grease ...198
Cream 78 Gelatin Capsules 27
Ease Lotion 78 Capsules, Sealing 93
Ftmgiis Treatment 78 Moisture-Proof ...471
Powder 7, 72, 78 Preventing Mold in 86
Foreign Suppliers of Chemicals 605 Sizing 529
Foundry Core 286 W aterproofing 3 44
Mold Facings 244 Gems, Imitation 472
String Wax 477 Germicides, Essential Oil 91
Fountain Pen Barrel, Ink Eesistant 312 “Getter,” Vacuum Tube ..567
Fox Trap Bait Lure 121 Giemsa Stain 570
Freckle “Preventive” 66 Ginger Ale Essence 37
Freezing Mixture ....570 Extract 39
Frit Binder 217 Ginger Essence 37
Frost Preventer,^ Window ...569 Extract 39
Protection, Citrus 103 Glac5 Kid Renovator .,.,..499
Frost-Bite Cream 51 Gland Extracts 83
Frosting Class 311 Glass, Cellular 214

Froth Flotation Agent 288 Cement 25

Prevention .354 Chromium Plating 392
Frozen Custard 124 Cleaner 505
Fruit, Crystallized 123 Colored 213
Decay, Preventing of 119 Copper Plating 383
Essence 37 Decolorizing 214
Fly Spray 104 Decorating 213
Juice 35, 43 Etching 10, 212
Juice, Clarification of 43 Fiber, Oil Coating for 215
Juice, Sterilization of 43 Frosting 212, 311
Salts 45 Ink for 2, 143
Fudge, Hot 44 Laminated *.214
Fuel, Canned 15 Low Expansion 214
Combustion Catalyst 558 Luminescent 214
Lubricating Motor 199 Painting .....311
Motor 557-9 Photoluminescent 214
Oil 558 Safety 214
Solidified 15 Silvering ...213
Solidified Canned 560 Stoppers, Loosening 568
Fulling Oil ...527 Substitute, Wire 472
Fumigant, Flour Mill 112 Telescope Mirror 214
Fungicide 106, 666 Tempering 213
Soil 106 to Metal Cement 27
Fur Bleach 522 X-Ray Absorption 214
Bleaching 186 “Glassine” Paper 14
Oarroting 186 Glaze, Ceramic .215
Dyeing 155 Collar .517
Mordanting 155 Confectionery 333
Furnace Brick, Refractory 220 Insulator 218
Lining, Surface 292 Meat 132
Furniture Defects, Hiding 222 Paint 349
Fuses 446 Paper 352
Fusible Alloy 24 Wall 339
Metal Models, Pouring ...238 Glove Leather 165
Gloves, Cleaning Suede ,499
0 Glue and Casein, Testing For 26
Backing 16
Galalith Polish 438 Bookbinding ..17
Galvanized Iron, Ink for ...144 Caterpillar Catching 26
Iron Wash 347 Chrome 32
Sheet, Coloring 266 Defoamer for 34
Galvanizing Flux 270 Flexible .2, 16, 17
Gambier Tannage ...158 Magazine Backing ..................... 16
Garage Floor Cleaner 504 Painters’ ............. 26
Gargle 79 Paints .303
Garlic Flavor, Removing ....131 Photoengravers’ 19
Gas, Drying 567 Rubber Containing ........465
Purification, Illuminating 560 Substitute, Fish- 26
Warning, Odorant for 567 Veneer 32
Gasket .474 Waterproof ......... 26
Non- Seizing .263 Gluing Hints 26
Paste 25 Glycerin, Recovery of .... ......146
Gas-Mask Carbon .,..565 Stain Remover .572


— —
Gasoline, Activated ............ . . .558 .
Blended . .557-8 . Glycerin-Litharge Cement 24
Gum Inhibitor .. .. .. .....559
. . Glycerite of Starch 54
Improver ...... .559
^ Glyceryl Phthalate, Water “Soluble” ....46&
Preventing Turbidity in .559 “Glyptal” Type Varnish ^21
Solidified Id Goat Lice Control Tl5
mDEX 617

0old, Colloidal 99 Hard Water Soluble Oil 95

Green 395 Hardener, Acid Fixing .369
Imitation 236 Hardening Bath, Chrome Alum ... .367
Leaf, Applying 339 Harness Dressing 189
Plating 395 Stain 183
Plating Imitation 395 Hat Finishing ...338
Size 339 Heat Insulation 221
Slimes, Settling 292 Producer, Chemical 04, 565
Sol 99 Treating Bath 242
Oouda Cheese, Coloring 130 Treatment of Metals .....239
Grafting Wax 11 Heating 3
Grape Flavor, Imitation 42 Pad, Chemical ..565
Juice 44 Hectograph Composition 149
Graphite Grease 11 Ink 146
Lubricant 202 Paper 353
Paint 313 Hedge Rejuvenator 119
Stain, Eemoval of 501 Hielograph Printing Ink 147
Graphite-Silicon Carbide Refractory 220 Hemostatic, Local 86
Grasshopper Control 109 Hemp Bleach 522
Grease, Axle 196 Lubricant .ISG
Ball Bearing ...,192 Paper Pulp 355
Carriage 196 Henna Brilliantine 66
Cold-Roller 195 Herb Extract 132
Cup 200 Herbicide 106
Drilling Tube Coupling 202 Hercose 0 Coatings 334
Engine 196 Hiccough Remedy 80
Gear 198 Hide Depilatory 154
Graphite 11 Moth Proofing ......185
Horse-Shoe 203 Preserving 184
Hot-Roller 194 Soaking Dried ....175
Leather Stuffing .188 Tanning 15S, 159, 160
Lubricating 191 Hoary Cress Eradicant 106
Remover 13 Honey, Artificial 43
Rope Mahers’ 527 Combs, Artificial 135
Valve Cock 195—6 Perfume 68
Proofing Barrels .293 Hormone, Corpus Luteum 83
Proofing Paper 14, 354 Cream 53
Grinding 4 Horse-Hair, Degreasing 155
Compound, Valve 298 Horse-Shoe Grease 203
Paste, Valve 440 Hosiery, Dyeing 533, 534, 535, 536, 537
Wheel, Dental 438 Humidifier, Film Cabinet 380
Wheel Temporary Binder 27 Hydraulic Fluid 562
Wheels 260 Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching 533
Grub Killer 106-7 Peroxide, Storing 86
Gum Arabic Binder 295 Hydrogenation Catalyst 562
Candy 122 Catalyst, Regeneration of 565
Chewing 122 Hypo Eliminator 380
Inhibitor, Gasoline 559 Hypochlorite Pellets, Stable Calcium ....566
Gums, Decolorizing 63
Preventing lumping of 64
Gun Case, Waterproofing 185
Case, Waterproofing Canvas 551
Lubricant 11 Ice, Artificial 570
Metal Coloring ... .266 Ice Cream 125
Stock, Oil Finishing 347 Mix 125
Gut Leaders, Staining 317 Powder 125
Gypsum Plaster Retarder .224 Stabilizer 126
Thickener 126
Ice, Non-Cracking 569
Iced Tea, Imitation 571
Incense Cone 92
Hair Bleach. 62, 522 Pastille .. 93
Cream 66 Inconel, Testing for 290
Darkening Pomade 62 Indelible Copying Pencil ,149
Dyes 62 Ink 9
Fixative ........ 63 Infra Red Dark Room Light 3S0
Lotion ...66—7 Ingot Mold Coating 243
Milk 63 Ingots, Preventing Cavities in .243
Oil ...62, 66 Inhibitor, Pickling 243, 263
Pomade 66 Ink 137
Remover 60, 61 Acid-Proof 138,139
Setting Compound 528 Alkali Resistant .139
Straightener 65 Balloon .......142
Tonic 66 Base .137
Cinch Bub, Control of 107 Black 188
Waving Preparations 63 Brass ... 144
Tone Positives, Etching ... ...375 Burnishing ................ ....... . . . . .183
Ham Brine 132 Celluloid . ..... .... ..... ..... .143
. . . . . . . . .

Hand Cleaner 493, 508 Ceramic ............... .. . ..... ..... . . .144

Cream, Protective 49 Chicken Tattooing ........... ... ...... .149
Lotion 6, 55 Concentrated ......137
Lotion, Milky 6 Deodorizing Printing .145
Lubricant, Milkers’ 50 Document 138
Protection, Painters’ 349 Drawing .140
Salve 6 Dry 139
Whitener 56 Duplicating 146

Ink Continued
Eggs Stamping 141
Intestinal Juice, Artificial
Invar, Stable

Embossing 349 Invisible Ink .139
Fabric Paste 142 Iodine Stain Eemover .511
Fountain-Pen 137 Stock Solution .376
Gralvanized Iron 144 Iron, Aluminum Coating ,267
G-lass Marking 2, 143 Iron and Steel, Differentiating , .289
€rloss .137 Iron, Black Protective Coating on ,40<!)
Green .138 Blue Coloring 265
Hectograpb 146 Bluing ,400
Heliograph Printing 147 Bronzing 265
Indelible 9, 138 Burnishing .401
Invisible .....139 Carbon Coating on 286
Iron 144 Cement , 25
Kymograph 147 Cementing
Laundry 9, 141 Coloring
Leather Stamping 142 Cores, Ferro-Magnetic 292
Linen Marking 141 Enamelling ,267
Lithoprraphic Bubbing-up 374 Ink for 144
Machine Line-Drawing 147 Lead Plating .400
Marking 138 Pickling .262
Meat Stamping .........141 Polish 412
Multigraph “Ide Eustproofing ,400
Non-Corrosive 137, 558 Soldering Flux 272
Offset Printing .145 Stain, Black ,285
Oil Stamp 141 Testing for 290
Package Marking 138, 139 Wear Resistant ,270
Permanent 1B8 Zincplating .401
Photo Album 142 Ivory, Dyeing ,290
Photographic Film 142
Porcelain 143 J
Powdered 139, 558
Printing 144 Jamaica Ginger Extract . . . 39
Eecording 137 Japan Wax Emulsion . 96
Beducer for Printing 145 Wax, Soluble .475
Eemover 13, 511-12 Japanese Beetle Spray . . . .104
Eubber 142 Japanese Beetles, Trapping .109
Eubber Shoe 142 Jaundice Fluid, Embalmers’ . 75
Sheep Marking .142 Javelle Water . 13
Shoe Edge 150 Jewelers’ Cleaning Fluid . .515
Show Card 140 Jewelry Plating .395
Stamp Pad 137 Joint Filler, Expansion . . . . 25
Stamping 141-2 Highway . 32
Steel Marking 144 Joint Sealer .219
Stencil 140 Journal Lubricant, Driving .201
Tablets 139 Juice, Sweeted Fruit ...... . 43
Temperature Indicating .149 Jute, Dyeing .543
Transfer 149 Lubricant .188
Translucent Printing 543 Eotproofing .555
Transparent 140 Waterproofing .552
Typewriter Eibbon 148
Waterproof Stamping 142 K
White 142
Writing 9, 137 Kerosene, Soluble .207
Zinc 144 Ketchup .133
Insect Bite Anodyne 77 Kettle Putty . 28
Eepellant 8 Kid, Glace .170
Insecticidal Fertilizer 102 Kier Protection .522
Insecticide 107 Kieselguhr Ceramic . . . .215
Hide 185 Knife-Handle Cement . . 25
Spray 107 Knife Polishing Stones .441
Insectifuge, Plant 103 Kola Syrup . 44
Insomnia Eemedy 80 Konfyt .123
Instructions, Manufacturing 1 Kymograph Ink .147
Insulating Oil 211
Tape Coating 813 L
White 565
Insulation, Arc-Besistant .477 Label Adhesive 16
Boiler 222 Label Adhesive, Tin . . . .....18
Cable 222 Paste ...18, 19
Dynamo 222 Laboratory Cement ...... 19
Electric 222 Stop Cock Lubricant 204
Heat and Sound ....221 Lacquer, Airplane ...... 336
Plastic Cable .561 Aluminum ............ 329
PlasticHeat .222 Asphaltum ........... ......329
Transformer Plate 222 Auto Base ........... .....329
Vinyl Eesin .468 Auto Cylinder . . .... . .....329
Waterproof ..... .. .345 Base ................. .....327
Wire ....463 Beer Can .....329
Insulator Glaze ........................ .218 Black-Board ....... . .....331
Sound .220 Bottle Sealing . . . . . . . .....331
Spark Plug 222 Bronze .............. 332
-nsulin,Preventing Deterioration of ......86 Brushing ............. 324, 328
Chromium ,,368 Cardboard
Mercury — ...367
Monckhoven’s ......................... 368
Cellulose Acetate .....
Cellulose Acetobutyrate

Lacquer —Continued Latex —Continued

Chips, Colored
Chromium Plate
, — ..333

Laundry Bleach
Clear .....327 Blue 13
Cloth Coating 330, 334 Gloss . . .517.
Colored Master Batch 332 jDk 9, 141, 142
Confectionery 333 Sour 517
Cork Tile 335 gtarch 517, 529
Crystallizing 329 Wax 477
Cumarone 333 Lawn Brown Patch, Curing 106
Dental Model 333 Lawns, Destroying Worms in .109
Dipping 334 Grub-Proofing 107
Dull 332 Killing Ants in 109
Electric Bulb 331 Laxative Emulsion 81
Electric Cable 330 Jelly
, 81
Emulsion 97 Lead Alloy, Cable Sheath 235
Enamel 297 Anode 238
Finish Rejuvenator 332 Brass Plating ...400
Flat 327 Chromate 315
Flexible Plard 324 Chromium Plating 386
Floor .....327 Coating 236
Furniture 327-8 Coating on Zinc 401
“Gelva” 328 Etching 268
Glassine Paper 331 Nickel Plating 386
Gloss 827 Lead-in Wire Alloy 237
Insulating Cable 330 Lead, Plastic 243
Leather 177, 179, 180, 334 Removing Calcium from 270
Lithographic Plate 374 Sweat, Preventing 238
Luminous 328, 329 Leather 154
Marbleizing 332 Adhesive 20, 21, 22
Metal 298, 329, 335 Artificial 177, 185, 472-3
Metal Foil 330 Artificial Woven 472
Nitrocellulose 327 Binder 185
Non-Inflammable Film 334 Bleaching 155, 174
Oil Proof .327 Cleaner 185
Paper Coating 331 Coloring 180, 182, 183
Polish 406 Brying 175, 176
Polish for 332 Bye 179, 182, 183
Polyvinyl Acetate 328 Embossing Ink for Artificial 349
Primer 337 Finishing 157, 178-9, 182
Printing 530 Fireproofing 185
Putty ..331 Glove 165
Remover 13, 339-41, 511 Hard 175
Roller 324 Hardening Sole 176
Rubber 330 Ink for .142
Rubbing 330 Loading 175
Sealing 331, 336 Morocco 162
Shellac 328, 330 Oil 174, 185
Shoe Tip 330 Oiling-Off 177
Ski 328 Patent 172
Solvent 374 Pigskin 164
Spraying 334 Lead Plating 400
Steering Wheel 329 Pliable 161
Stencil Correcting 331 Polish 424
Stove 329, 418 Preservative 10
Suede Finish 330 Preserving 184
Textile.... 336 Roller 171
Thinner 337 Shark
Tin Foil 330 168
Stain 178, 182, 183
Undercoat .333
Vinyl Resin 329 Strap 172
Wall Paper 333 Stuffing 175, 190
Wax .828 Stuffing Grease 188
Wire 334 Suede 163
Wood 327 Translucent Waterproofing for 345
Lake Colors .316 Waste Plastic 472
Lakes, Basic 316 Waterproofing 185
Lamb Skin, Fat-Liquor for 191 Willow .162
Pickling .155 Leatherette Coating 17
Laminating Adhesive 20 Lecithin Emulsion 99
Lapping 433 Mixing Rubber with 467
Lar^ Imitation ......131 Lemon Essence 40
Larvacide, Mosquito .110 Extract 9, 40
Latex, Artificial 23, 450 Flavor .....40, 41
Black ..,.524 Peel, Candied ,122
Compounding ......................... .449 Preserve. 123
Dope .................... . . . .330 Soda 45
Drums, Coating Inside of ........... .312 . Squash 43 .40,
Molding Compound ...................449 Lens Cleaner .507
Powdered .450 Library Adhesive 18
Preserving .450, 451 Lice Control, Goat 115
Rubber ... ........ . ........ .448
. . . Powder. Poultry ..IkS
Rug Backing ........................ .528 Light, Cold ..380
Slip-Finish ......... ............. .465 Lignite Wax, Purifying ............... ..475
Stabilized .............. .. . . ........ . . .449 Lime Flavor. Imitation ............... . . 42

Lime- Plaster, ‘Waterproofing for
Liming Leather
Lubricant —Continued
Wire-Drawing .202
Linen, Bleaching 519 Worsted .187
Cleaning .519 Yarn 526
Furnishing 524 Lubricating Briquette 195,
Ink for 141 Crease 191
Paper Pulp 355 Adherent 191
Liniment 7 Anti-Freeze ..191
Linoleum Adhesive 20 Gasoline-Proof 191
Cement 20 Non-Separating 191
Non-Inflammahle 473 Lubricating Oil, Recovering Used 210
Linseed Oil, Artificial .....347 Lumber Defects, Hiding ..222
Lip Make-Up 54, 55 Luminescent Glass 214
Lipowitz’s Alloy 231 Materials 381
Lipsticks 54 Luminous Crayon 150
Liqueurs 35, 36 Lacquer 328, 329
Liquor Flavors 35, 36 Paints ...316
Litharge Cement 24 Lute, Acid Resisting 28
Putty 28
Lithograph Paste 18 M
Lithographed Can La'bel Paste 18
Lithographic Ink, Ruhbing-Up .374 Machine Parts Bluing 267
Plate, Lacquer for 374 Machining, Stainless Steel 255
Plate Resist 145 Magnesium Alloys, Hardening 234
Washout 374 Magnesium, Anode Coating of 267
Lithoplate Coating 374 Cutting Oil
375 207
Stripping Impregnating
Liver Extract 83 289
Oxychloride Cement 218
Log Ca'bin, Paint for 302
Protective Coating for 400
Logwood Black Dyeing 539 Magnet^ Permanent
Lotion, After-Shaving 75 292
Magnetic Iron Cores 292
Astringent 58 Make-Ready, Relief Printing
Astringent Hand 56 146
Make-up Remover 52
Cleansing Pad 57 Malted Milk Powder
Deodorant 58 8
Manganese Steel, Heat Treatment of 241
Depilatory Mange Remedy
Electric Razor Pre-Shaving 72 115
Manufacturing Hints 1
Face 57 Maple Flavor, Imitation
Foot Ease 78 43
66-7 Syrup, Concentrated 44
Hair Maraschino Cherries, Bleaching
Hair Wave 63 135
Marble, Artificial 215
Hand 6, 55-6
Polish 439
Pearly Hand 55
Skin 56
Marbleizing, Book Edge 364
Margarine 131
Skin Cleaning 57 Marine Flares
Sting 77 .447
Marking Composition .313
Sun Tan 60 Marmalade, Bitter Orange 123
Vinegar Pace 3
Seville .123
Vitamin F 59 Marshmallow
Lubricant 11 124
Masonry, Acidproofing 226
Anti-Oxidant .210
Alkaliproofing 226
Ball Bearing 192 Waterproofing for
Bodied 210 226
Massage Skin ‘‘Food” 51
Castor Oil 209 Mastic Varnish
Ceramic Mold .205 332
Mat, Revetment 474
Chain ..200 Match Box Composition
Cog 200 443
Head Composition 443
Cold Drawing 202 Matches, Safety
202 .442
Drawing Matrix Coating 314
Driving Journal .201
Emulsion • - .... .210
Printers' 474
Mattress Coating, Waterproofing ...551
Q-asometer .202 Mayonnaise .133
dear 198 Measuring
202 4
Oraphite Meat Curing Salt
High Pressure ...194 ,...,132
Glaze for .........132
High Temperature 1 94
Pickling Brine for
Hot Bearing .....193 132
Stamp Ink for 141
Machine Tool .203
Wrapping Sterilization
Metal Drawing .202 132
Mechanics' hand Soap Paste 13
Molding Press 205 Soap
Motor Cylinder .203 492
Mercerizing Wetting Agent 532
Plastic Molding .205 Mercury Alloy, Low Freezing
Rayon . .525 236
Metal, Abrasives for 440, 441
Rock Drill .207 Brightener
Roller Bearing 193 264, 41
Buffings for 440, 441
Rubber Bearing . .192
, . .
Cement 22, 24
Spring ,..,...,....,......*,,,..^..200 Cleaner 264, 508
Stop Cock .204 Coating, Stripping 263
Synthetic Resin Bearing 193

Coloring 265, 383-4, 394-5, 401

Textile . .187, 526 Crack Filler 24, 25
Thread .626 Degreasing 280
Top-Cylinder .199 Drawing Lubricant 202
Trolley Cable ...................... ...200 Etching 268
Upper Cylinder ...................... .203 Etching Mordant 268
Wire Rope ,202 Fabrics, Cleaning 499

—Continued 24
. *
G-reen Coloring of 265 Salve 77
Heat Treating of Light .. 242 ess, Removing 347
Lacquer 29'8 Moth Balls 93
Non-Oil-Wetting 289 Cards .113
Phonographs on 378 Spray ...113
Pickling 262 Mothproof Paper 354
Polish ...10, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412 Mothproofing 113, 553, 554
Spraying 236 Fluid 8
Surface Hardening 243 Hides ..185
to Glass Oenient 27 Motor Cleaner 510
Metallic Paint Pigments 315 Cylinder Lubricant 203
Metallizing Baby Shoes 401 Motor Fuel, Alcohol 557
Paper 312 Anti-Knock .558
Metallographic Etching 268 Energizer 558
Polish 411 Non-Gumming 558
Metallurgical Scavenger .....292 Racing 558
Methyl Cellulose Soap 485 Motor Sealing Compound 349
Metol Poisoning Salve 77 Windings, Cleaning 264
Mica Paint .305 Moustache Pomade 66
Micrographic Etching .268 Mouth Wash 7
Microscope Cover Glasses, Removing ....570 Movie Film Hardener 370
Slide Mount .570 Multigraph Ink 146
Midge Bite Preventive 77 Muscle Oil 59
Mildew, Preventing Paint 348 Museum Adhesive 32
Proofing 555 Mushroom Extract 132
Removal .500 Mustard Gas Treatment 78
Military Flares 447 Myristyl Alcohol Cream 54
Milk, Chocolate 45, 126 Myrobalan Tannage 158
Odor, Removing 131
of Magnesia 80
Milk-Yeast Beverage 45 N
Mimeograph Roll Moistener ...146
Nail Bleach
Mineral Oil Emulsion 93 62
Soluble 187 Brittleness, Preventing 67
95, Cream
Mirror Protective Paint 311 67
Weather-Proof 402
Polish Remover 67
Mirrors, Desilvering 571
Naphtha, Removing Gum from 559
Nasal Irrigant 79
Mistproofing, Glass 569 Neatsfoot Oil 208
Mixing 4 Negative Stain, Remover of 372
Model Coating, Dental 312 Neoprene, Artificial Leather from 473
Modeling Clay 215, 471 Newspaper, Bleaching 852
Wax .....476
Picture Transfer Fluid 145
Models, Pouring Fusible Metal 238
Moisture-Proofing 343
Nickel Casting Pacing 287
Cathodes, Carbonizing 241
Wood 845
Cobalt Plating 887
Molasses Road Binder .224
Mold, Coating for Sand- 244
Coloring 883
Foundry Copper Plating 389
Coating, 287 Dip 891
Coating Ingot .243 Nickel Plating 385, 386
Dental 470 Black 385
Dressing 244 Solutions 392
Dressing, Copper 287 Nickel Polish .411, 412
Liner, Non- Adhesive 454 Silver, Testing for .290
Plaster 458 Testing for 290
Powder 244 Nicotine Spray Spreader 105
Precision Casting .287 Nitrite, Arresting Formation of 132
Preventing 86 Nitro Cellulose Lacquer 327
Removing 513 Non-Slip Bug Composition 23
Rubber .457 Nose Jelly, Germicidal 79
Roofing Tile 214, 220 Nourishing Cream 52
Wash, Foundry .287 Nutrient Salts, Plant 101
Wax 476
Molding Composition 11
Compound .468, 469 O
Compound, Latex 449
Sand, Regenerating ..287 Oak Coloring 37
Moldings, Cold ,469 Odor Improvement 129
Mole Control ........................... .Ill Removing .132
Moles, Removing 85 Odorant Gas Warning 567
Molybdenum, Etching 268 Offset Compound 145
Monel Brazing ,.,.270 Preventing .144
Testing for ...290 Printing Ink 145
Montan Wax Emulsion 96 Oil, Anti-Corrosion ,204
Wax, Purifying .475 Anti- Rust .................. ... ....... .207
Mop Cleaner 514 Baking Fornx Greasing 209
Mopping Powder 504
Mordant, Purs 155 BleaclSng ..518
Rayon ...541 Chronometer .203
Morocco Leather, Preparing .162 Coating, Glass Fiber 215
Morpholine Polish .418 Core .204
Mortar, Gas-Proof 220 Cotton Spraying 188
Wall 224 Cutting 96, 206—7
Mosquito Deterrent 77, 110 Demulsifier ....................... .99, 100
Larvicide .....110 Dewaxing .210
— .

Oil — Continued Paint -Continued
Auto Refinishing 309
* Auto Top 312
*187 garn
Emulsion !!!.*!!!* ok ;:;;;;302
,Noii-Orawling .*.*!!*****
'349 Beer Can
Pish Liver 308
Floor .*.295^296
11 321 421 Cedar
Fluorescenl} Color for .,’ ’
210 Cleaner .[[[[510
Pulling ?2? Cold Water 296, 297
go^c^ete ....308
Insulating .*!!.*!!!!.*!**.*’* ‘211
274 *18^**100 302
Lemon Floor il? ’
Metal Protecting ,.343
Modified Turkey Bed 207
Mop * •• Pender 309
Neatsfoot on« Fireproof 312
Paint I?? Fluorescent 317
Parting 209
Penetrating 1 i
' 349
205_fi Glue 3Aq
Preventing Sludge in 210 Graphite
Becovering Used ‘
*210 313
Hardening, Preventing '
Bendering o^o Imitation Marble
* *
Industrial ***309
Insulation qnq
Lamp Shade qii
Log Cabin .**..*.’!!.**.*
Shark “’onft Luminous
Silk Throwine:
.!.*!.* *316
**lQq Machine 322
*“** Karine 1 !!
Solidifying !;.*!.*
2in Masking q-n
Soluble 95 *i87**2nfi Mica :..!.’:.*::;::;‘305
Soluble Tbread I?! MHdew, Preventing
Spinning .*!!!!!*!!! *188
Mirror Protective .*

Spots, Bemoval of *.i*3 *501 Non-Condensing Pipe .*.*.*.*.*
Ststnd ^
Qon .308
.*.'.*.**” Non-Inflammable 312
Tank Lining 347 Oil for
Transformer 011 ”347
Olive Drab .*
! . . !
***9n3 Outside House *'*299
Water Soluble *2nfi ^


Oilcloth Coating


Pitch *308
Oilproofing Paper !!!!!.’ **14* *353 Plastic ;

Ointment, Antiseptic * ’
2 Plastic Oil ;
Mosquito ••••.. 77 Primer for *.'!![***
Sulphur <
Protection, Hand
Oitieica Stand Oil qon Quick Drying !.*.*.* !.*.*!.' .*299
Varnish y .
[‘.’.320 Redwood

Old Masterpieces, Imitation of ,..*.***'*.** . 302

3 78 *. .12,*
'is*; *340-41
Olives, Creek Type '
Preparing Green lol Rubber-Casein 296
Onion Flavor, Removing iqi Semi-Gloss
Opncifier, White Enamel
*** 291
Shellac ..].*!’*: 325
Opal Wax Emulsion .*.'.'**
Orange, Cloudy ...!!!!!! 45 Ship Pipe
Essence, Imitation 07
Extract f®®
Peel Essence, Bitter .,.!!!!*.*
37 spot Removal .*'*.*.*.**!.'*!!
Preserve 190 ^
Steel *
Squash 43 Stone qnq
Worm Spray *‘*io4 Tablets ;
Orthodichlorbenzol Soluble Oil 95 Toxic *“’*309
Oxidation, Anodic .*’|[
Oxide Film, Remonng
Oxide Removal ............. ’
Wound ::::::;;::?o3
Oxychloride Cement 218 *

Oxy cholesterol Cream Ultra- vfoiet !

53 Underground Pipe
Oxygenevolving Composition ...*.*.*!:’.*.*.*.*; i.*
Oysters, SelfOpening 86
Ozokerite, Purifying
Ozone Proof Cable Coating *313 Wood Priming [[[[[’ 299
S i z©
•***••••• ••iio
Padding Liquors Painting^ Airplane' Alloy
K40 ^

Packing, “.‘*‘**474 \7X3fSS

Fluid Seal .... 311
High Temperature * *

Over Calsomine “099
Pretreatment ... . ... .,....’****“"** *
* * 30a
Paint, Acid_ Proof “ * *
* „ Stained Shingles ... .
*300 *301 . . . ,
* * ’

3 J3 Panama Hat Cleaner .. .......

Alginate Water ........ ’297 “ 499 * * ’ * ’ '

Aluminum ’‘'‘"’qak 17
Paper, Absorbent ... *35? . . . . . .
* *
Anti-Fouling Adhesive for Waxed ..... 16
Antiseptic . .... ......*
.*’.**”**“ *
“ Argentine ............... ..****’*”*' ‘qi?
qno Autograph ...............
Artificial Stone ******“’**onq "54
Asbestos Pipe Bed Sheets of Tissue ” S53

308 for ;..;:::;.:;::::353



Photoengravers’ Glue
Photoengraving Solutions, Caring for
Carbon 148 Photographers’ Cold Top Enamel ...375
Carton Coating 352 Photographic Developer 15
Cigarette 353 Film Adhesive 19
Copying 148 Film, Recovering 380
Curling, Preventing 380 Filters, Colored 377
Dielectric 353 Fixer 15
Duplicating 148 Fog, Eliminating Line 380
Filler 351 Hardener 15
Fireproofing 14, 354 Hints 356, 357, 358, 359, 860
“Glassine” 14 Varnish 377
Glaze for 352 Photographing on Rubber 379
Greaseproofing 14, 354 Photographs on Metal 378
Hectograph 353 Relief 375
Metallizing 312 Photoluminescent Glass 214
Mothproof 354 Photostat Developer 360
Non-Curling Gummed 16 Piano Keys, Cleaning 513
Oilproofing 14, 353 Pickle, Green Tomato 134
Playing Card 353 Pickling Inhibitor 243, 263
Pulp, Linen 355 Leather .165
Pulp, Straw 354 Metal 262
Eecovered Waste 353 Skins 155
Silver 352 Solution, Recovering 263
Sizing 351 Stainless Steel 254
Stiffening Shoe 351 Picric Acid Stain Remover 372
Tissue 352 Picture Transfer Fluid 145
Translucent Waterproofing 345 Pigments 30
Transparent 353 Dispersing Oil for 147
Varnish 318 Metallic 315
Waterproofing 14 Pigskin, Coloring 183
Wax Proofing 354 Leather 164
Paperhangers’ Paste 12 Pile Fabrics, Removing Spots from ......499
Papier MachS 470 Pill Coating, Enteric 88
Paraffin Cement 26 * 8^
Wax Emulsion 96 Pine Oil Disinfectant 9*0, 91
Wax, Soluble 475 Pineapple Syrup 82
Parasite Spray 104 Pine-needle Bath Tablet 47
Paste, Cardboard 17 Piper Seal 337
Cold 17 Pipes, Protecting Underground 308, 313
Gasket 25 Piston Rings, Case Hardening 243
Label 1918, Pistons, Freeing Frozen 289
Paperhangers’ 12 Pitch, Brewers’ 321
Quick-Binder 17 Emulsion 97
Tin 18 Shoemakers’ 477
Toe Cap 351 Shoemakers’ Sewing ..185
Pasture Seed 120 Plant Food 101
Patent Leather 172, 177 Growth Promoting Pots 120
Pattern Alloy 235 Growth Stimulant 119
Paving Composition 225 Insectifuge ...103
Pea Planting ..120 Spray 104
Peach Cordial 36 Textile Fibers 523
Essence, Imitation 37 Planting Peas 120
Flavor, Imitation 42 Plaster Accelerator, Dental ...219
Juice 35 Accoustic 221
Pectin, Changing Setting Kate of ...123 Bandage, Elastic Ill
Peel, Candied 122 Gasoline Proof 224
Peelable Adhesive Coating 313 of Paris Accelerator 219
Pen Nib Alloy 236 of Paris, Slow Setting 219
Pencil, Eyebrow 67 Patching 11
Indelible Copying 149 Retarder 224
Penetrant, Dye ..533 Wall .......224
Peppermint Extract 41 Plastic, Acid Proof 474
Percentage Proportions 2 Asbestos Molded 469
Perfume, Bath Salt 47 Asphalt 473
Cedar 69 Composition 466, 469
Depilatory 62 Electric Resistance 470
Honey 68 Gasoline and Oil Resistant 469
Polish 69 Lead .243
Soap 68, 69 Leather Waste 472
Solid 69 Mold Lubricant ...205
Permanent Wave Solution .......... .63, 64 . Paint, Oil . ,309

Milky 64 Polish for 438

Peroxide Bleach .521, 522 Synthetic Resin 468, 469
Cream ................................ 52 Vase Decoration 469
Stabilizing , , . . . . . ...
. . . . ........
. .523
. . . . Wood Dough 12
Perspiration, Artificial .567 Wood Filler 25
Cream ....... ......... ................ 53 Plasticizer 566
Preventive ............................ 58 Plating ..383
Petroleum Drilling Mud .572 Black Chrome ....................... .378 .

Phenol-Formaldehyde Baking Finish ..... 350 Brass .384, 400

Phonograph Eecord .................... .472 Brush ...400
“Phospatizing” .285 Chromium .386, 392, 393
Phosphorescent Materials ...... . .... ™ .381 . . Cobalt ..400
Paints • . ......... .............. ..... . .316 Copper 388, 395
Plating —
Electro-rubbing 400
^‘Polish” Suede
Polish, Tumbling Barrel
.. ..439
Gold 395 Water-resistant Floor 418
Jewelry 395 Wax .....403, 404, 405, 406, 432-3
Lead 400 Wax-solvent 406
Nickel 385, 386 White Shoe 425, 426, 427, 428
Nickel-cobalt 387 Window .424
Non-electric Tin 399 Wood 439
Platinum 396 Polishing, Abrasive .433, 439
Ebodium ....401 Bar, Jewelers’ 438
Salts, Metal Content of 402 Barrel ...439
Silver 395, 397 Cloth, Metal .410
Stripping 391 Cloth, Silver .414
Zinc 401 Wheels 434, 435
Platinum Plating 396 Polyvinyl Acetate Solvents .475
Vessels, Care of ....287 Pomade, Hair 66
Playing Cards 353 Hair Darkening 62
Plucking Depilatory 61 Moustache 66
Plugging Composition 474 Popcorn Coating 122
Plum Flavor, Imitation 42 Porcelain Cement 27
Plusb, Dyeing Rayon 545 Ink for 143
Flameproofing 229 Removing .217
Poison Gas Proof Cloth 554 to Metal Cement
78 27
Gas Treatment Pore Cream 49
Gas, Washing off 500 Postage Stamp Adhesive
Ivy, Eradicating 106 19
Poster Colors 295
Polish .403 Potato See Dip
440 120, 121
Abrasive ..403, 405, 406, 408, 437, Potatoes, Powdered
Aluminum 411 136
Storing 135
Antiseptic 420 Pottery Bedding 225
Auto 10, 403, 404, 405, 406, 423 Saggers
Bakelite 438 215
Poultry Constipation Treatment 114
Ballroom 421
Lice Powder 115
Brass 411, 413
Bright Drying .418, 419, 420
Pound Cake Flavor 43
406 Pouring Small Amounts 571
Powder, After-shaving 75
Cake Metal 408 Astringent
Chromium 411—13 71
Cleaner and 403, 405, 406, 408, 411
Baby 72
411 Black .444
Copper Cream
412 71
Dance Floor 421 Body 72
Disinfecting 112
Dry Bright 418, 419, 420
Dyes for 429 Drying 112
Face 70, 71
Emulsion 403, 404, 405, 406, 407
Foot 78
Floor 10, 321, 327, 418-21, 429
French 422 Talcum 72
Furniture 11, 405, 420, 422-3
Toilet 72
Galalith 438 Tooth 90
“Globol” Type .409 Witch Hazel 71
^‘Globus” Type 409 Preservative, Adhesive 33
Developer 356
Insecticidal .420
Iron 412 Pence Pole 223
.............412 Leather 10, 184
Lacquer Soapstone Table Top 215
.332, 406, 476 Wood
Leather 424 222
Preserves 123
Marble 439
Metal .,10, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412 Preserving Cream ...131
Metallographic 411 Eggs .....133
Nickel 411-13 Pre-spotting Fluid 498
Non-inflammable 408, 416 Primer, Cartridge .444, 445
Non-rubbing 418, 419, 420 Explosive 444, 445
Non-scratching 406 Lacquer 337
Non-slippery 419 Paint .815
Oil ..405, 406, 423 Retarder for Explosive .445
Oil and Wax 11 Wall ..318
Oven .412, 414, 417 Wet Wall..... 299
Paste 405, 408 White Baking .298
Perfume for 69 Wood .... 807
Piano Key ...423 Printers’ Cleaner ...510
Plastic .438 Matrix .474
Powdered .438 Roller ..................146, 466
Powdered Floor ..................... ,421 Roller Cleaner ....................... .510
Removing Wax ..,..,.516 Printing, Aniline Black 548
Rubber i...*.. 420 Blanket Softener, Rubber 466
Rubless ............418, 419, 420 Ink, Translucent 543
Shoe ..10, 429, 430, 431, 432 Lacquer 530
Shoemakers’ 476 Make-ready for Relief 146
“Sidol” Type ................... i .408 Metallic Lacquer 530
Silver .413 Paste, Textile 537, 538
Silver Plating ...413 Paste, Vat 538, 640
Soap . . , .502
........ ... Paste, Vafc Color 540
Sted ..412 Plate Etching 268
Stick ..,.424 Plate Treatment, Mercury 146
6-tove .,,,,,,,,.,..,,,,,,,,,,414 415, 416 Rayon 541
INDEX 62fc

Textile 538
Refrigerator Enamel .298
Wool, Color 543
Prints, Luster 378 Remover, Cuticle ... 68
Spotting C-lossy 378 Lacquer 339, 340, 341
Protective Coating, Temporary 312 Make-up .. .

Protein, Soya Bean 33

Vegetable 571 Oil-spot 498
Prune Essence, Imitation 38
Juice 35 Spot 501
Prussiate Aniline Black 549
Pulverizing 4
Putty 12 Varnish 339, 340, 341
Acid Eesisting 28 Wall Paper 18
Black 28
Enamelling 28 Resin, Increasing Yield of 120
Engine Cylinder 28
High Temperature 28 Synthetic 530
Kettle 28 Synthetic Molding 468
Screw 474 Resist, Glass Etching 212
Pyrethrin Insecticide 107 Lithographic Plate 145
Pyrethnim Spray 104 Resistance, Plastic 470
Pyrogallol Stain Remover ..372 Retort Lining, Petroleum ..220
Pyrotechnic Detonator 445 Revetment Mat 292
Flare 446 Rhodium Plating 401
Light 446
Smoke 446 Rifle, Cleaning Rusted 264
Snakes 446
Sparkler 445
Stars 447 Roach Powder .112
Pyroxylin Finishes 180 Spray ...112
Road Aggregates, Conditioning 225
Q Binder, Non-aging 224
Covering, Impermeable 224
Dust Layer 224
Quebrach Tannage 158 Rocket, Signal
Quenching 240 .446
Roller Covering, Cotton-mill 468
Emulsion 242 Printing
Quick Freezing of Foods 136 146
Rejuvenating Typewriter 146
Roof Coating 300
R Paint 300
Waterproofing 345
Rabbit Fur, Carroting 186 Roofing Granules, Colored 218
Rabbit-skins, Dyeing 155 Root Growth Stimulant 119
Radiator Anti-freeze 15, 562—3 Rope Grease 527
Cleaner, Auto 509 Lubricant 188
Scale, Preventing 563 Preserving 552
Seal 337 Rosa Bng f^prp.y . . . _ 1 Aft
Raisin Essence, Imitation 38 Rosin, Non-crystallizing 468
Rancidity, Preventive .490 Stimulating Yield of ....120
Raspberry Essence, Imitation 38 Rotenone Insecticides 108
Flavor, Imitation 42 Rot-proofing ...554, 555
Rat Poison Ill Rouge 54, 55
.Rayon Anti-static ...531 Cream 54
Oupro-ammonium 531 Resins, Testing for Different ...468
Delustering .525 Rubberj Artificial Reclaimed 451
Dyeing ...542 Bearing, Grease for 192
Filling ...531 Belt Dressing 189
Rireproofing ....553 BottleCaps 466
Indigisol Dyeing 541 Cement 21, 22
Dubricant 525 Cement, Synthetic ......466
IMordantirig 541 ClAftTlAT ^
... P\’\ d.

Padding Liquor ...547 Colored Powdered 462

Preliminary to Dyeing ..,.540 Coloring .......460, 463
Printing .541 Cup 454
Spinning Solution .....526 Curing 455
iStarch Finishing 525 Deodorized Vulcanized 464
Rayon-cotton, Dyeing 540 Dispersed 466
Radiator Stop Leak 563 Display Figure 465
Radium Protection Sheathing ,...267 Fire-resistant 460
Rayon, Flameproofing .229 Flux, Non-blooming 467
Razor Hone Paste 439 Gas Impervious 459
Strop Coating .439 Glue in 465
Reclaiming Oil 210 Granulated 467
Record Composition .472 Hard ..459
Wax, Master .475 Improving Appearance of 459
Reducer, Flattening . .371 Rubber, Ink for 142
Oas Light Paper ,.,.....371 Lacquer 330
Photographic Flattening . ....... .367 Latex ......... ...... 448
References . .573, 574 “Tjtqiiid” - * - - - -448
Reflectors, Aluminum .893 Marbleized 461
Stabilizing Aluminum .292 Marking IJncured 143
Refractory .220 Mat 463
Caustic Resistant .....220 Mieroporous 464
Refrigerant Liquid .569 Mixing Lecithin with 467
2 —

Noil-tacky ...... Seal Continued
Non-tarnishing *! 464 Badiator ...

465 Bcfrigerator 'joint* * ‘ * * •

Water ‘ ’
Sealer, Asphalt
" •••••••
• • • •
'jU Sanding ... ...219
gough Surface f Tin Can
Rng Preserver Sealing Compound, Barrel'.’ **.'*
I'eparating Metal Stuck ‘to Compound, Tin Can .
465 Concrete 24
Shoe Sole Mass * * • • -219
Slip-finish ....... Wax .*.’.*!.* *

' *
Seasoning ......28, 476
Soles Wood ..
....43, 133
Sponge jii
Stair Tread

Time ofCuring

* .* .*

* * * *

! ! ! ! ; [fet
Potato Dip ...
Self Lighting Cig'ar'e'tte 'Tip' *.

““ * *

to Metal Adhesive Envelope Adhesive

to Steel Adhesion Sesame Emulsion
on? .’

Transparent ^N,emoving Meat * ,* *


Transparent Chlorinated Shampoo, Coconut Oil . ; •••.....132


Using Eeclaimed . ! ! Jeg Dog • * • •

Non-lathering ... 118, 502

Tarnish for Oil f. 65
Vulcanizing ... *
Bug 65
Water Dispersible* *.*. *.*.*. *.
gubber-asphalt Emulsion .464
...“i 97 ®
gubber-casein Paint .
L^fhe?!’. isl
.296 ;:.••::::;;;
Alcohol, Cream no
Bug Backing, Latex rnf ihS'“on ; ; ; ; : ; ;lol
Backing, Non-slip .* Sharpening Stone's ?9?
Non-wrinkling Shaving Cream
Noms^’ . . ! i*. ;; I*. ’.fsl Brushless 72, 73
Shampoo Non-blade-rusting «... .7, 73
Bum Essence
aH Non-foaming 73
22 . .

• • • • • ••.285: -211 ••.».
pLvimoT S43
Soap Base 73
Bemover Soap Binder 74
Soap, Liquid .
Soap, Solid '!
^^Soap, Transparent .***’
Sheep Foot Rot Wash
Oil Ink for . .
35 Sheepskins, Pickling*.';
Freparing ® 155
S Tanning ... 170
Shellac, Bleaching * .'..* * •
Saccharin Tablets Compound
88 ..
Saddle Soap .... Molding
Safety Class ..... 502 Solution 139
Signal Substitute
Sealing Compound,* .’

* Water
*Ti‘re* 'Punctuie* til Sherry Base 338
Salami, Coating for
Salt, Bath .........
i:; * P““«“s'ove;'s:ainea':::;::s6b: -a!!
Denaturing *.*.*[.*.*.* *
Al Hydr'a'niic '

Salts, Emit .... ! ;

gaive. White Bofe* *.*.*;;!.*;;’** Shoe Bottom Filler .*.....521

Bottom Stiffener '*.*.* *
Sandpaper Binder .255 Cement .. 176
Sandstone Cleaner .*.*'****”*’**“ Cleaner * • * 22
coa ...514
Sarsaparilla Beer ... .
* * *
Cream .

Satin, Plameproofing * *
Dreeing ’mite ....431, 432
Sauce, Worcestershire ...... ??2 Edge Ink 10, 435-8
for Fake .... 150
ill Polish .. ......184
SawdusC TumbiiSr'Bfrrd ’ Protecting 'Film,' gh •
• • • •
10. 429-32
'"itl Bepair Crayon ... •/;; .184
Sole Grease ,150
•'*"***•**•*••••• .190
Metaiinrgieai Sole Paint .. .

Scot/‘h Whiskey Base .........292 .’

S^ole, Rubber .* .* .*

* * * * •

Sco^irmg Solution, Textile .y***-

Tip, Stiffener ..473
Scrap Rubber, Beclaiming ...***** Waterproofing 176
Screen, Fluorescent ...... 4H* *4?9
......451, 452 Shoemakers’ Pitch *
* '*•••**• • • • • • •

. . .
Projection oS? Shortening . .47';’
Bakers’ .,,***
* ' ’ * *
Bear-projection . . . .
' * *
*•*•**•**••.... .131

Scrubbing Powder ....... ’*****/****fI2

:: ;
: :36l
Gasoline * 4i7
••••••.. .............337
Oil ...349
••*•••••••••••..........337 *’**‘*”'’“***•*’••••^'^5*
Signal Rocket ..

.31, 32
Soap —
Patty Acid 491
Silicates in Soap ,.480 Filled 487
Silk Brightening 543 Filler for ,487
Flameproofing 229 Formaldehyde ,.494
Screen Stencil Filler ...314 Germicidal 494
Throwing Oil 188 Grease Dissolving 489
Silver, Anti-tarnish Bags for 286 Green 491
Braze 270 Half Boiled 489
Cleaner - 509 Hand 493
Cyanide 397 Hospital 494
Nitrate Stain, Kemoving 372, 511 Iodide 494
Non-hlackening ..239 Iodine 495
Plating 395, 397 Jelly 492, 498
Polish 413 Laundry 480, 501
Recovei’y of Photographio 379 Linseed 494
Slimes, Settling 292 Liquid 12, 490-92, 495-6
Soldering 253 Mechanics’ 492
Tarnish Inhibitor ,...286 Medicated 493
Silvering Fluid 397 Menthol 494
Class 213 Metallic 566
Sizing, Cotton 527 Methyl Cellulose 485
Drapery 528 Milled 484
Dry Gleaners’ 529 Mottled .487
Celatin .....529 Naphthalene 494
Gold 339 Naphthol 494
Hat 337, 338 Non-Rancid 490
Size, Painters’ 18 Palm and Olive ....492
Sizing,Paper 351 Paste ..502, 505
Paper Hangers’ 17 Paste, Gritless 502
Rayon 528 Paste, Mechanics’ Hand 13
Stone 339 Perborate ..,501
Suiting 528 Perfume 68, 69
Transparent Velvet .528 “Persil” 503
Warp 528 Phenol 495
Water Paint .....296 Pine Oil 492
Wax 529 Polishing 501
Skating Rink, Iceless .....570 Potash 494
Ski Lacquer 328 Powder 503
Wax 423, 424 Powder, Hand 493
Skim Milk, Defoaming 100 Pumice .492
Skin Bleach 56 Quick Lathering 490
Cleanser 57 Quillaya Bark » .488
Discoloration, Removal of 56 Rosin 481
Orange 51
77 Rosin in
Cleaners’ —
Milk 59 Salt Water 489
Oil 56 Sand .493
Tonic 58, 59 Scouring 496
Skins, Deliming 155 Scouring Powder 503
Pickling 155 Scrubbing Powder 504
Preserving 184 Sea Water 489
Soaking Dried 175 Semi-boiled 482
Tanning 158, 159, 160 Silicate 479
Skulls, Removing Flesh from 570 Sodium Perborate 503
Slate, Paint for 303 Soft 483, 484, 485, 486
Slivowitz Base 36 Solid Shaving 73, 74
Sludge, Preventing Oil 210 Solvent ..488, 496, 497, 498
Smoke, Colored 446 Soybean 494
Snake, Chemical 446 Starch .....489
Skins, Tanning 171 Stock, Variations in 482
Soap 12 Sulphur 494
Acid 488 Surgical ....494
Antiseptic 496 Tannin .494
Base .... 485 Tar .494
Base, Liquid 491 Textile 496
Bile 488 Thymol ...494
Binder 73 Tooth 495
Bleaching ... 518 Transparent 74, 484-6, 491
Boiled 480 Vegetable Oil 489, 491
Borax .490 Wall ..504
Bubbles 504, 569 Waterless .....493
Carpet Cleaning ..............
Soapstone Preservative
Soda, Laundry

.................. 215
Chip 503 Neutral ....500
Coconut Oil . . . ........
. . ......... .491
. . . . Water - . - 45
Cold Process ........ .... ... ..... .
. . .481 . . Water Flavor 40
Controlled Alkalinity .488 Soda-mint Tablets 88
Dental ....494, 495 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution .......... . .512
Discoloration, Preventing ......... .490 Softener, Textile 526
Dog .............................118, 502 Soil Conditioner .119
Dry Cleaners’ . . .488, 496, 497, 498 Fungicide 106
Elaidine ^ . . . . .. .... ......... .485
. Soiless Growth Plant Food ............. .101
Sol, Gold 99 Stain —
Solder 231, 273 Shingle 326
Brazing 270 Wax 326
Low Tin .273 Stainless Steel 244
Monel 273 Black Chrome on .379
Quick 273, 274 Etch 268
Silver 273 Finishing 250, 261
Soft 231, 273 Mold for Casting 287
Weak 273 Soldering ..252
Soldering Fluid 274 Testing for 290
Flux 15, 271-2 Stains,Removing 501, 519
Iron Tip 273 Removing Blood .511
Paste ....274 Removing Carbon Paper 513
Removing Fruit 512
Stainless Steel
Sole Filler, Wax
Removing Grease
Removing Ink
— 512, 513
Soluble Oil 95 Removing Lipstick 512
Antiseptic 59 Removing Milk .513
Base 187, 207 Removing Mold 513
Sea-water Stable 95 Removing Nail Polish 53
Solvent, Dry Cleaning .497 Removing Negative and Print .....372
Lacquer 337, 374 Removing Oil 512
Nitrocellulose 337 Removing Photographic .372
Polyvinyl Acetate 475 Removing Picric Acid 372, 511
Soot Remover 560, 561 Removing Pile Fabric 499
Sorbitol Composition Rollers 466 Removing Polish 512
Sound Insulating Coating ,...313 Removing Pyrogallol 372
Insulator 220 Removing Rust 498, 512, 513
Sound-movie Screen 379 Removing Silver Nitrate 372, 511
Soup Powder 129 Removing Textile Processing 519
Sour, Laundry .517 Removing Typewriter Ribbon .513
Soybean, Breakfast Food 129 Removing Water 512
Butter 131 Removing Window Sash .516
Improving Odor of 129 Removing Wine .512
Improving Taste of 129 Stamp Pad Ink 137
Oil Varnish 319 Stand Oil 320, 347
Protein 33 Starch Binder 295
Spray Spreader 106 Cold Swelling 529
Spangles, Decorative 571 Colored ..540
Spark Ping, Binder for 291 Finish, Rayon 525
Insulator 222 Gloss 517
Spice Extracts 41 Glycerite of 54
Oil 38 Laundry 517, 529
Spindle Oil Emulsion .....187 Non-caking 539
Spinning Stainless Steel 255 Soap 489
Split Leather, Tanning 157 Thinning 529
Spoilage 4 Wax, Laundry 517
Sponge Bleach .....522 Static, Preventing ..531
Dyeing 546 Stearate Cream 53
Rubber ......455 Steel,Bluing 9, 266-7
Sports Cream 53 Bronzing 265
Spot Remover 13, 501 Case Hardening .242, 243
Spots, Removal of Mill .500 Cement 25
Spray, Ant 104 Cementation Bath for 242
Cattle 115 Coloring 9
Deodorant 8, 92 Dephosphorizing .269
Flea 115 Dephosphorizing Flux 276
Fly 8 Desulphurizing^ Flux 276
Fruit Fly 104 Drawing Lubricant 202
Insecticidal Oil 105 Hardening 242
Insecticide 107 Heat Tempering Colors of ............ 241
Japanese Beetle ......... .104 Ink for 144
Moth 113 Marking ,144
Orange Worm 104 Pickling Inhibitor for ............... .243
Palargonium Rust ... 104 Plating Imitation Gold on ............ 395
Parasite ....... 104 Polish .412
Pyrethrum 104 Soldering Flux .272
Residue Removal .103 Splice Bars, Reconditioning ....... 289
Rose Bug ......103 Spring .238
Spreader ...105 Stainless 244
Theatre 92 Tempering Powder .242
Tobacco Plea Beetle .104 Testing for ,.290
Tree 104 Tinning 399
Spreader, Nicotine Spray ........ 105 to Rubber Adhesion 293
Spring Lubricant 200 Stencil Lacquer 331
Springs, Heat Treatment of 289 Moistening Fluid 149
Squash 43 Sheet 149
Stabilizer, Ice Cream .126 Stereotypes, Nickel Plating’ 386
Stabilizing Sour Cream .130 Sterilization, Pigs 135
Stain, Emulsion 326 Fruit Juice 43
Furniture i . .826 Meat Wrapping 132
Giemsa ...... 570 Sticking of Prints to Glass, Preventing ..380
Gut Leader 317 19
Leather . ^

. . ,



Sting Treatment
Hat 337, 338
I 221
Stone, Artificial Telephone Booth Deodorizer 92
Binder .... 27 Disinfectant ....91. 92
I Hardener .... 27 Telescope Mirror Glass . .214
j, Paint for 303 Temperature Indicating Ink . .149
preservative .... 27 Measurement . 3
Trydymite 215 Tempering .239
Stoneware Cement .... 27 Copper .242
Stopcock Lulbricant 204 Glass .213
Stop-leak, Eadiator • ....563 Powders .242
Stop-off Paste 270 Tennis Court Dressing . . .224, 294
Storage Battery Anode ...238
. Tents, Waterproofing . . . .552
Straw, Fireproofing ....553 Termite Control .223
Straw Hat Cleaning 13, 499 Termites, Killing .105, 109
Straw, Paper Pulp from ....354 Termite Proofing Oil .104
Strawberry Essence, Imitation 38 Textile Finishing ........ .523
Flavor, Imitation 42 Lubricant .187, 526
Stripper, Dye ....521 Printing ,547, 548
Lithoplate 375 Printing Paste .537, 538
Stripping Metal Coatings ......... ....263 Printing Resist .538
Shoddy ....521 Printing Thickener . . . .529
Solution - . . . .... 18 Soap ,496
Stuffing, Leather ..i .l75 Softener .526
Styptic Pencil .... 86 Textiles, Crease-resistant . .531, 532
Suede Dressing ....179 Fireproofing .226
Finish, Lacquer for ........... 330 Metal Coating .312
Gloves, Cleaning ..... ....499 Mothproofing .554
Leather ....163 Waterproof Insulating . .345
Sugar Cane Wax 478 Waterproofing ........ .550, 55i 552, 553
Sulphated Battery Plates, Gleaning ....564 Theatre Spray . 92
Sulphur, Colloidal 105 Thermal Insulation ...... .221
Ointment .... 77 Thermometer Alloy, Low Freezing .236
Eecovering Gas Works 565 Use of . 3
Sunburn Preparations .... 60 Thermophoric Composition .565
Sun Tan Lotions .... 60 Thickener, Ice Cream . .126
Suppliers, Chemical Specialty ....582 Latex .448
Suppositories, Foaming Antiseptic . .... 82 Textile Printing .529
Glycerin .... 82 Lacquer .337
Suppository Base .... 82 Printing Ink .145
Non-staining ...... ....82 Thiokol Rubber Mix .455
Surgical Instrument Antiseptic ... ....92 Thread Dressing .549
Sweeping Aid ....571 Rubber .450
Compound ....515 Wax .185
Swimming Pool Maintenance ...... ....556 Threads, Non-seizing .203
Synthetic Resin Emulsion .... 99 Throwing Oil, Silk . . . .188
Syrup, Anise .... 82 Tick Control .121
I Chocolate .... 44 Ticking, Flameproofing . . .229
Pineapple . ... 82 Tile Adhesive . 20
Pleasant Tasting .... 82 Binder for .291
Sugarless .... 82 Building .214

Cement w . 25
T Cleaner .503
Mold, Roofing .214, 220
Table Top, Acid Proofing 302 Wax .477
Cleaner 423 Tilsiter Cheese .129
Eefinishing .302 Tin Adhesive . 18
Waterproofing .302 Black Coating on .400
Tablet Coating, Enteric 88 Cleaner ........ .509
Making 87 Coating .398
Tablets, Aspirin 87 Dross Recovery of .... .288
Medicinal 87 Plating, Recovering Tin from .288
Taffeta, Shrinking 549 Plating, Non-electric ... .399
Tailor’s Wax ...477 Scrap, Recovering . . , . .288
Talcum Powder 72 Wash .399
Tanners’ Grease 190 Tinning Brass . . .284
Tanning, Alum .......159 Bronze .284
Chrome ..169 Cast Iron 276, 278, 283
.Extract 158, 159 Copper .278
Liquor, Chrome 163, 167 Copper Tubes .281
Shark Skins ..... . ....... ........168 Copper Wire - .282
Sheep Skins ......169 Hot 27^ 280, 398
Snake Skins .171 Milk Cans .279
Sole ,156 Milk Churns .......... .282
Tape, Adhesive .....33, 34 Steel ........A. .281
Adhesive Medicated .....86 Steel Wire .28?
Non-curling Gummed 16 Tableware .279
Tar Oil Varnish ....... . . . 319 . Tinplate, Testing ........ .279
Tarnish, Bags for Preventing Silver- ....286 Tire Carcass .453
Cleaning Textile ..................... .499 Paint ....... ... ... .454
Removing Silver ......414 Puncture Seal . . .... . .454
Tarpaulins, Waterproofing .651 Trfiail ... . . . .453
Taste Improvement 129 ‘453’, 454
Removing .......131 TissueCream . 50
Tattoo Marks, Removing . .. 85
. . Toadstools, Eradicating .107
Tattooing, Ink for Chicken .....149 Tobacco, Artificial Sundrying of . .120
“Teglac” Emulsion 99 Den icotinized ,571
.. . .

Tobacco— Oonfinw^id Valve Grinding Compound ...... .....293
Drying 120 Grinding Paste 440
Extract Insecticide 108 Vanadium Aniline Black Printing 547
Insects, Control of ........... .....103 Vanilla Extract 41
Pipe Gleaner 92 Flavor, Artificial ...... 9
Preventing Downy Mildew on 103 Imitation ...... 41
Toe Nail Softener 78 Vanishing Cream 6 ,
Toilet Deodorant ..... 92 Vapor Lock Compound, Anti- . . 558
Disinfectant 92 Varnish, Boat 320 ,
Milk 59 Brick ......318
Powder ..... 72 Cellulose ......318
"Vinegar .....57 Cellulose Acetate 324
Toillete “Vaseline” 49 Crystal ... ...321
Toisson’s Solution ..... 86 “El” .322
Tomato Ketchup 133 Ethyl Cellulose 324
Pickle, Green 134 Exterior 320 , 321
Bemoving Spray Residue from 103 (Fifteen Gal. Oil) .. ....319
Toner, Brown .....371 Fishing Ply 317
Hypo-alum 368 (Five Gal. Oil) ......318
Sepia ... .....368 Floor 321
Tongue Pickling Brine 132 Gasoline Pump ......323
Tonic Beverage ................. ..... 44 “Glyptal” Type ............... ......321
Tool Lubricant, Machine ....... .....203 Industrial ....... .. .320
. . .

Tooth Paste, Bleaching ........ ..... 89 Keg ......321

Tooth-paste, Kaolin ..... 89 Leather ......173
Tooth Paste, Magnesia ..... 89 Machine ......322
Paste, Non -foaming ..... 89 Mastic 322
Paste, Pepsin 89 Medium Long .. ....319
Powder ... 7 90 , Oiticica ... 320
Powder, Oxygen ..... 90 Paper ...... ......318
Stains, Removing 90 Patent Leather ............. 173
Straightening Metal Alloy . . 239 Photographic ............. ,377
Tincture ..... 90 Poster 318
"Wash ....... 90 Quick-drying 321
Toothache Remedy 84 Remover ......339
Top Dressing, Auto ... ...... 312 Rubber .318
Tortoise Shell Adhesive ..... ..... 17 Soybean .319
Tracing Bullet 446 Spar ,320 321 ,

Cloth .....149 Spirit 322

Cloth, Translucent .....531 Stove-pipe ......323
Trade Name Chemicals .....575 Tar Oil ... 319
Transfer, Color for 148 (Ten Gal. Oil) ......319
Pluid, Picture .....145 'Tough ,323 324 ,
.....149 Undercoat ,321
Transformer Oil .... . . . ..... .....211 Vinsol . 324 ,
Steel,Heat Treating ..... .....241 Water 317
Transmission Pluid, Power . .....562 Wrinkle Finish .............. 321
Tree Protection Against Deer .....102 Vat Dyes, Soluble ......538
Spray 104 Printing Paste . 538 ,
Wax 103 Vegetable Concentrate .133
Wound Dressing ... .....103 Extract 133
Wound Paint .....103 Velour, Plameproofing 229
Tricresyl Phosphate ......... 566 Velvet, Dyeing Rayon ..545
Triphenyl Phosphate 566 Plameproofing 229
Tripoli Compound .......... .....411 Veneer Glue 32
Trydymite Stcne .....215 Vermicide ......108
Tumbling 433 ,
439 Vignette Paste ...... 18
Castings • 288 Vinegar, Toilet .... 57
Tungsten Wire .....237 Vinyl Lacquer, Solvent for .. . , . ......337
Turkey Red Oil, Modified . 207 Resin Insulation ............. .468
Turners’ Cement ............ ..... 25 Resin Lacquer .329
Turtle Oil Cream ..... 51 Viscose, Oiling ................ ......526
Type Cleaner .....510 Viscose-cotton, Dyeing ......540
Metal Dross, Reducing .... .....238 Viscosity, Reducing ..... ... 23
Typewriter Cleaner 510 Vitamin A Concentrate ...... 84
Ribbon Ink .....148 A, Stabilization of 84
Ribbon, Renewing ....... .....148 F Skin Lotion ...... 5S
Rollers, Rejuvenating .... 146 Vitreous Enamel ......215
Volume Proportions ...... 2
V Vulcanizing Rubber ... ...... . 456 459 ,

Ultra Violet Paint ....... ...........317 '

Unhairing ... ............ ...........156 'W'
Hides and Skins ....... 154
Units 2 Wall Board, Acoustic ....221
Board, Insulating ....222
Unshrinkable Wool ...... . ...........531
Upholstery Cement . . . . .......... 24 Covering, Impermeable ... ... 224
Cleaning ...........
. .

497 499 511

, ,
Paper Adhesive ... .17
Urea Formaldehyde Resin ...........530 Paper Cleaner 13 507 ,

Resin Enamel ......... ...........297 Paper Lacquer ..,.333

91 Paper Stripping Solution .... 18
Urinal Drip Fluid ...... .... .

Paper, Varnishing ....318

; Y Size, Paper Hangers’ . . ... 17
Walls, Waterproofing ....345
Vacuum Tube “Getter” . . ,567 Walnut Essence, Imitation .. .. 38
Vaginal Douche , 83 Walnuts, Bleaching ....135
. 6 8

Warts, Eemoving
Washing, Cold Water 500
85 Wax —Continued
Tree A
Wasp Sting Treatment 77 Waxing, String !.’.*!!.*”*
Wasps, Destroying 104 * ' 507
Waxproofing Paper ’ ’ ocl
Watch Cleaning Fluid .... 515 Weather Indicator, Chemical * .*

Oil 203 5e
Spring Alloy 236 Weighing
Water Colors 295 Weight Proportions .*.*.*.’

Dechlorinating 557 t
Wdding, Acetylene *04.7
Logged Devices, Cleaning ....264
Pipe Condensation, Preventing 348 Electric Resistance 248
Purification 556 Electrode
Softening 507, 557
Stains,Preventing 518 IlS?
Watermark Fluid
Ills f«T»eh
Hydrogen (Atomic) 250
Cement 225
Cork 226 Rod, Brass 07ft
Leather 185 Rod, Iron ’

Liquid 14
1 ] ! ! ! 276
Scale, Removing ....... rq
Masonry ....226 Spot
Paper Ifo
14 Stainless Steel
Root 345 Wetting Agent
Shoe qq i no
10 Mercerizing
Textiles 550 Wetting-out Agent ’99* *100
Wave Set, Hair 63 Where to Buy Chemicals
Wax, Auto 10

Bed Cloth ....447 Whiskey Coloring .*

Belt ...425 Flavors '.*.'.'.*.**.**
Bleaching 475 35 36
Whitewash, Mold Resistant *

Bottle Sealing 477 Whooping Cough Remedy “ ’34ft

* *
477 Wick Impregnant, Candle
Candle Decoration 478 i 478
Wicker, Artificial ”*473
Coating, Cheese 130 Window Cleanser
Colored 477 iq
Condenser 477
Crayons, Hard 150 Windshield Cleaner
Dental Molding ...476 515
Frost Preventer Kna
Deposits, Preventing 210 Wine, Clarifier for 37
Deposits, Removing 210 Wintergreen Extract !!!.’!.”**’ 41
Displajr Figure 477 Wire .*.'.*].*!*”
Cable, Cutting *989
Emulsions 188, 403-6, 478, 529, 553 Glass Substitute
Engravers’ !!!!!!!! *472
477 Rope Lubricant .*!.*.*!***
Finish 326 Wood, Acidproofing

Floor 10 Alcohol, Testing for *

Foundry String 477 Artificial
11 Bleaching
High Melting 475 iisi ‘348
Imitation 477 Dyeing . *345
Ironing 477 Finishing

Jewelers’ 476 [ 3I5

Fireproofing [223
Lacquer 328 Flameproofing
Laundry 477 *.'.'.**.’.*.*’*
Moistureproofing 345
Laundry Starch 517 Preservative .*.**.*.***
Liquid ll Seasoning !!.*!!.*!] ]289
Liquid Floor 420 Termite Control in .* 223
Master Record 475 Tick Control ]!”!,*121
Modelling 476, 477 Wood-worm Insecticide
Mold Parting *108
476 Wool, Color Printing
Molds ...476 Flameproofing
...!.* . ’
543 T
”..*]] 229
Non-adhering 477 Logwood Dyeing of

Non-slippery Linoleum ............... .421 Lubricant
Orchard ........103 ’!!l87
Rags, Carbonizing .523
Parting 476 Setting Compound
* *

Paste 10 Synthetic ’471
Paste Cleaner, Auto 405 Unshrinkable .'.*!.*!.*!
Polishing 11, 476
i i 531
Worcestershire Sauce !!.'*!
Purifying 475 Worm Poison *!.*'*"!l33
Remover for 109
514 Remedy, Dog ..”.*! !ll
Removing ....516 Worsted Lubricant
Sealing 137
.28, 29, 476
30, Wrinkle-proof Finish ..'..V.lsso
Shoe Defect Covering 184
Shoemakers’ ........432, 476
Shoemakers’ Sewing 185
.... 529
..423, 424
X-my Absorption Glass
— .............. .214
Sole. Filler .477 Photography

3 79
Soluble 475
Stain .326
Sugar Cane ........478
Tailor’s ............ . .477 Yarn Dressii^
.. 188 530
.185, 476 Yeast Milk Beverage

Tile Protective .477 '

Nutrient .124
Transfer'' ..... ...... 477 Yellow Jackets. Destroviner
. . . . . ... . . . . . J0 4

632 IOT)EX

z Zinc Continued
Ink for 144-
Zein ....571 Lead Coating on .401
Zinc, Black Finish on 401 Nickel Plating 386, 387
Gleaner 509 Plating 401
Cyanide 401 Plating Anode 401
Die Castings, Plating 384 Stains,Preventing 512
Btching ....268 Welding Flux 270

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