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Current Trends in

Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering

ISSN: 2577-2929
Mini Review Curr Trends Fashion Technol Textile Eng
Volume 4 - Issue 2 - July 2018
Copyright © All rights are reserved by Satish Kumar R
DOI: 10.19080/CTFTTE.2018.04.555631

Emerging Trends in Textile Industry

Satish Kumar R*
Department of Marketing Area, IFIM Business School, India
Submission: June 14, 2018; Published: July 17, 2018
*Corresponding author: Satish Kumar R, Department of Marketing Area, IFIM Business School, Bangalore, India,

mechanical and highly sophisticated information- and micro-
The textile industry in India is highly labor intensive and
processor-based technologies. The processing sector is one of the
fragmented. Textile industry is growing with increasing demand
significant stage in the value chain contributing to the end user
from both domestic and international markets. The industry is
an array of properties like easy care and wrinkle free finishes
contributing 4 percent to the country’s GDP. Textile Industry
besides aesthetic value addition in terms of colors, motifs and
contributes 17 percent to the country’s exports, and 21 percent
designs. The value addition at this stage is immense, with a range
employment. It is the second largest employer after agriculture,
of other functional finishes like hydrophilic, stretch-back effect,
is expected to employ around 50 million people in the next
oil and water repellent, and peace effect, to name a few. Specialty
five years. India has rich natural resources such as cotton, jute
chemicals have played a significant role in the production of
and silk. Indian textile products are known for their designing,
fibres and textiles. Awareness of chemical reactions, polymer
embellishment and craft. The industry at present is growing at
sciences and understanding complex biochemical reactions
12 percent. Indian textile industry presently enjoys a share of
have resulted in what we see as a dramatic shift in the minds of
4.7% in world market of textiles and clothing. India is the largest
a processor [2].
producer of jute in the world, the second largest producer of silk,
the third largest in cotton and second largest in cellulosic fibres, Global apparel market
and the fifth largest in synthetic fibres/yarns. Table 1: Global Apparel Market Size (US$ Bn.).

Textile industry is considered as a self-reliant industry, S. No Region 2015 CAGR Projected 2025
from the production of raw materials to the delivery of finished 1 EU 28 350 1% 390
products, with substantial value-addition at each stage of 2 USA 315 2% 385
processing; it is a major contribution to the country’s economy
3 China 237 10% 615
4 Japan 93 1% 105
Indian textile products are popular across the world due to 5 India 59 12% 180
the versatility, quality and design of these products. The major 6 Brazil 56 5% 90
retailers include Dockers, Bed, Bath and Beyond, J.C.Penney,
7 Russia 40 3% 55
Nautica, Target, Kohl’s Liz, Calvin Klein, Sprit, Marks & Spencer,
8 Canada 25 2% 30
GAP, United Colors of Benetton, Mango, Zara and Dillard’s etc.
Others 510 4% 750
The Indian textile industry is as diverse as the country is and
Total 1685 4% 2600
as complex an entity. Indian population is around 1.2 billion out
Source: Wazir Research and Analysis
which around 30 percent are from middle class. Indian middle-
class population is more than the population of U.K, Italy and The current global apparel market is worth US$ 1.7 trillion,
France put together. Since India is among the emerging countries and it amounts to 2 percent of the world’s GDP. EU, USA & China
with high GDP growth rate may foreign investors are investing are the world’s largest apparel markets with a combined share
in India. Today textile products are not only sold through retail of approximately 54 percent. The top eight apparel consuming
outlets but also through e-Commerce platforms such as Flipkart, nations form a dominating share of 70 percent of the global
Myntra, Snapdeal, Amazon, and eBay. Recently major shares apparel market size (Table 1).
of Flipkart was acquired by Wal-Mart. Indian textile industry
is an organized, decentralized sector and down the line, there
are weavers, artisans as well as the farmers. The spectrum The global apparel market is expected to reach US$ 2.6
of technology is widespread, right from handmade to semi- trillion in 2025 with growth projection at 4%. The major drivers

Curr Trends Fashion Technol Textile Eng 4(2): CTFTTE.MS.ID.555631 (2018) 0023
Current Trends in Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering

of the growth are the developing nations such as India and References
China. China will be the number one apparel market expected to 1. http://wazir.in/textile-apparel-insights/industry-report/
reach US$378 bn. 2025 followed by India at around US$121. The
2. Bharadwaj MR, Noor Afza (2017) Emerging Trends in Textile Industry
growth is mainly due to the growing demand in both domestic in India.
and global markets. The Indian textile companies have to adopt
latest technologies and come out with innovative product
designs to be competitive in the global market.

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How to cite this article: Satish Kumar R. Emerging Trends in Textile Industry. Curr Trends Fashion Technol Textile Eng. 2018; 4(2): 555631. DOI:

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