Barracuda Email Security Gateway Deployment
Barracuda Email Security Gateway Deployment
Barracuda Email Security Gateway Deployment
This article describes how to deploy your Barracuda Load Balancer ADC version 5.1 or 5.2
with the Barracuda Email Security Gateway.
The Barracuda Email Security Gateway is used to protect your organization's email infrastructure
whether it is Microsoft's Exchange, 365, or even Google Apps. This article will detail how to put an
ADC in front of your two Spam Firewalls to balance the mail traffic in and out of the two Spam
Term Definition
DNS Domain Name Server, typically hosted on the Domain Controller
Virtual Internet Protocol (VIP) address. In the ADC deployment, the VIP is added to
the service on the Barracuda Load Balancer ADC.
A combination of a virtual IP address and one or more TCP/UDP ports that the
Service Barracuda Load Balancer ADC listens on. Traffic arriving on the specified port(s) is
directed to one of the real servers associated with a service.
With Direct Server Return, connection requests and incoming traffic are passed
from the Barracuda Load Balancer ADC to the real server but all outgoing traffic
DSR goes directly from the real server to the client. DSR is ideal for high-bandwidth
requirements such as content delivery networks and lets you keep the existing IP
addresses of your real servers.
Lets the Barracuda Load Balancer ADC use the client IP address as the source IP
Client address to communicate to the real server. If client impersonation is disabled, the
Impersonation IP address of the Barracuda Load Balancer ADC used to communicate to the real
server as the source IP address.
Installed your Barracuda Load Balancer ADC(s), connected to the web interface, and
activated your subscription(s).
Installed your Barracuda Email Security Gateways, connected to the web interface, and
activated your subscriptions.
If you want to deploy with high availability, cluster your Barracuda Load Balancer ADCs. For
more information, see High Availability.
On the Barracuda Load Balancer ADC, create the applicable service depending on what you want:
One-Armed or Two-Armed.
Step 1. Configure your email service with the Barracuda Email Security Gateway
The Barracuda Email Security Gateway is compatible with multiple email services such as
Microsoft's Exchange, 365, and Google Apps. See the Barracuda Email Security Gateway
documentation for instructions on how to deploy with your specific email solution.
Step 2. Create the Spam Service on the Barracuda Load Balancer ADC
On the Barracuda Load Balancer ADC, create a service according to your deployment type:
Add your Barracuda Email Security Gateways to your service. For each Barracuda Email Security
1. On the BASIC > Services page, verify that the correct service for the server is displayed.
2. Click Add Server.
3. Enter the IP address for the Barracuda Email Security Gateway and enter port 25
4. If you are using a one armed setup, enable DSR (Set DSR to "ON" under the configure server
settings) and configure a Loop Back Adapter on the Barracuda Email Security Gateway as
1. Log on to the Barracuda Email Security Gateway and go to the Advanced >
Advanced Networking > Loop back Adapter page.
2. Enter the VIP address you set for the SPAM_Layer4 service you created above.
5. For a two armed SPAM_TCP service, turn on Client Impersonation in Advanced >Show >
Client Impersonation.
6. For the SPAM_TCP service, ensure that the gateway settings on both Barracuda Email
Security Gateways are set to the Barracuda Load Balancer Interface IP Address (on the
same network that your servers are on).
7. Click Create.
Use Telnet or another email service that is not on located on your domain to send email to your
domain's to verify that emails are flowing to both Barracuda Email Security Gateways.
1. one_arm_deployment_new.png
2. two_arm_deployment_new.png
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