Senate Act 002 2223 1
Senate Act 002 2223 1
Senate Act 002 2223 1
002 – 2223
An Act Amending the Directorate Rules and Procedures Act of 2018
We, the members of the Senate of the Central Student Government of Xavier
University- Ateneo de Cagayan, in order to fulfill our constitutional duty to
make laws that effectively and positively respond to the needs of our fellow
students and fulfill our aspiration for the pursuit of the common good,
observation of the rule of law and the attainment of genuine student-
centered service, following the Vision of the University of forming men and
women for others, hereby promulgate and pledge faithful obedience to these
Section 1 Short Title. This Bill shall be known and cited as the “Senate
Rules and Procedures Act of 2022”. For the purpose of brevity,
the government shall be referred to as the XU-CSG.
Section 2 Definition of Terms. The following terms shall be used in this
a. Xavier University – Central Student Government or XU–CSG
– the highest seat of student governance of Xavier University
– Ateneo de Cagayan;
b. The Senate – the Legislative Branch of the Xavier University –
Central Student Government, composed of the College
Council Vice Presidents and the authorized representative of
the extra-curricular organizations, charged with the crafting
of legislation for the student body;
c. College Councils – the student governments of each College
Councils, led by their elected Presidents;
d. Assembly of Extra-Curricular Organizations or AECO – the
umbrella organization of the extracurricular organizations in
the University; and
e. Sectoral Representative – an individual who is either elected
or appointed to represent a particular sector of students.
Section 3 Scope. The coverage of this Act shall be limited to the Senate of
the Xavier University – Central Student Government
Section 1. Membership. The Senate by the operation of the 2005 XU – CSG
Constitution is composed of the College Council Presidents and
the Convener of the Assembly of Extra-Curricular
Representatives of identified sectors may participate in the
proceedings of the Senate but shall not be granted voting
Section 2. Senate Convener. The Senate shall be presided by the Xavier
University – Central Student Government Vice President, to be
referred as the Senate Convener during session.
Section 3 Senators. The College Council Vice Presidents and the Convener
of the Assembly of Extra-Curricular Organizations shall be
automatic members of the Senate and shall be referred to as
Sectoral Representatives may be granted membership to the
Senate as provided for by law or amendments to the
Constitution and then referred to as Senators.
Section 4 Duties of Senators The primary duty of Senators is to legislate.
In order to fulfill this duty, Senators shall:
a. Prepare, introduce, and work for the passage of legislative
measures to effectively address the needs and concerns of
XU students;
b. Attend regular sessions and committee sessions of which
they are members or where their proposed legislative
measures are under consideration; and
c. Actively participate in deliberations on legislative measures
Section 5. Legislative Secretary. The Senate Convener shall appoint a
Legislative Secretary, subject to the concurrence of the majority
of the Senate. The Legislative Secretary shall be responsible for
the documentation of the proceedings of the Senate in journal.
They shall also initially convene the session
for the purpose of electing a temporary presiding officer in case
the Senate Convener is absent.
They shall also prepare the agenda for the session of the body
and furnish the members thereof with a copy of the same at
least three (3) days before the session during which the agenda
is set for discussion.
Section 6 Associate Legislative Secretary. The Senate Convener shall
appoint an Associate Legislative Secretary, subject to the
concurrence of the majority of the Senate, who shall assist the
Legislative Secretary in their duties and other duties as provided
for by the law.
Section 7 Specialized Areas. A Senator shall have the function of an
investigative person who shall identify and recommend
possible policies or actions on issues concerning student
interest and welfare. They, being a member of the Senate, shall
be responsible for the drafting and lobbying of policies
The Senate Convener shall appoint Senators that will handle
each of the specialized areas present in the Senate.
The members of the body shall have Senatorship as follows:
a. Senator of Academic Affairs – the Senator of Academic
Affairs shall investigate, report, and study on matters and
measures relating to the academic affairs of the students.
The Senator must also be familiar with the academic
provisions of the Magna Carta of Students’ Rights and
b. Senator of Environmental Affairs – the Senator of
Environmental Affairs shall act on matters pertaining to the
environmental issues in the University. The Senator shall act
on legislations relating to environmental initiatives, policies,
and programs;
c. Senator of Formation and Social Involvement – the Senator
of Formation and Social Involvement shall study, investigate,
and report on matters pertaining to the formation of
students in the areas of social issues, and the objective
promotion of these issues in the University;
d. Senator of Information and Promotion – the Senator of
Information and Promotion shall act on the appropriate
measures pertaining to the management and dissemination
of information relating to matters that the Xavier University
– Central Student Government is engaged in, including but
not limited to its projects, activities, legislation, policies, and
e. Senator of Physical Enhancement – the Senator of Physical
Enhancement shall act on matters pertaining to the
infrastructures and maintenance of university facilities,
improvement to the usage of these facilities, and ensure that
the provisions pertaining to University facilities in the
Magna Carta of Students Rights and Responsibilities are
f. Senator of Political Affairs – the Senator of Political Affairs
shall act on matters relating to the political structure of the
Xavier University – Central Student Government, the Electoral
Process, the Local Government Code, and the XU – CSG
Constitution. The Senator shall also act on legislations,
including but not limited to the amendments, pertaining to
the aforementioned matters and other matters deemed
g. Senator of Rules and Regulations – the Senator of Rules and
Regulations shall prepare and enforce the rules of the body
for the smooth conduct of the body’s proceedings.
Furthermore, the Senator shall study the legal aspect of all
matters and measures including proposed motions,
resolutions, bills, or the amendment of any existing bill
recommended for enactment. The Senator shall also be
familiar with the processes and regulations being enforced
in the University and must be familiar with the policies and
provisions of the Magna Carta of Students’ Rights and
Responsibilities; and
h. Senator of Student Services and Welfare – the Senator of
Student Services and Welfare shall investigate, report, and
study on matters pertaining to the needs of the students in
terms of the services provided by the University offices,
assistance to student groups, infrastructures, and
maintenance of university facilities. In the process, they
secure the students’ well-being in the university.
The Sectoral Representative/s shall also be the Senator of the
respective sector that they are representing. They shall focus on
drafting legislation about the wellbeing of the sector that they
are representing.
Section 8 Standing Committees. Standing Committees are permanent
and established committees engaged in specific areas of
concern to better formulate legislation. They shall investigate
and have oversight responsibilities to determine whether laws
and programs addressing within their jurisdictions are being
implemented and carried out in accordance with the intent of
the Senate, and whether they should be continued, curtailed, or
Section 1 Regular Session. The Senate, as the highest policy-making body
of the Xavier University – Central Student Government, requires
expediency in all matters. The natures of its organization and
objectives behoove regularity in its meeting. The administering
Senate will be given the liberty to decide on the regularity of its
Section 2 Senate Audience. All Senate sessions shall be opened to the
public except on sessions deemed by the Senate necessarily
closed. No authorized person shall be permitted to address it
nor discuss with any person thereof during session. However, for
purposes of necessity deemed by the Senate Convener, this
provision may be suspended.
Section 3 Special Session. The Senate may meet on such other dates as
necessitated by the nature of the agenda or agendum to be
discussed. The Senate Convener or a majority of the Senators
shall have the sole power to convene the Senate.
Section 4 Closed Door Session. On matters requiring a high degree of
confidentiality, the Senate may decide by a simple majority to
close the door from spectators.
Section 5 Voting Privileges. Except the Senate Convener who will only vote
in cases of a tie, every member present shall vote as required.
Section 6 Adjournment and Recess. A session shall not be suspended or
adjourned except by the direction of the Senate which will
require a simple majority of the votes casted. However, recess
may be declared by the Senate Convener in short intervals.
Section 1 The quorum of the Senate Sessions shall be constituted at 50%
+ one (1). The Senate shall not transact business without a
Section 2 Call to Order. The Senate Convener shall call the Senate into
order. After calling the Senate into order, the invocation shall
commence by a member designated by the Senate Convener.
Section 3 Roll Call. The names of members shall be called by surnames
alphabetically. When two (2) or more members have the same
surnames, the full name of each shall be called. If a member’s
name is called, they shall say “present and voting” to record
their presence in the chamber. For members who are not
present, their names should be called twice before they are
recorded “absent”.
Section 4 Absence of Quorum. Whenever there is no quorum, the Senate
Convener may declare a recess until such time a quorum is
constituted. A majority of the members present may decide to
adjourn the session.
Section 5 Authorized representatives shall be recognized accordingly as
provided by the 2005 XU – CSG Constitution.
Section 1 The order of business of the body shall be as follows:
a. Call to Order by the Presiding Officer;
b. Invocation;
c. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum;
d. Reading and Approval of Agenda;
e. Reading of Previous Minutes of the Meeting;
f. Special Reports;
g. Agenda;
h. Other Matters; and
i. Adjournment.
Section 1 First Reading. The First Reading of proposed bills shall consist
only the reading of the number and title thereof followed by its
referral to the appropriate Standing Committee. The First
Reading of proposed resolutions shall consist of reading of the
number and title thereof, followed by the reading of the full text,
and then the approval of the resolution.
Section 2 Committee Review and Consultation. Once a bill has been
approved in its First Reading, it shall be referred to the body
which will decide which Standing Committee the bill would be
submitted for review and consultation.
The Committee Chair shall conduct committee hearings and
consultations right after it has been referred by the body.
Section 1 Manner of Having the Floor. To have the privilege of having the
floor, members must raise their hand and request the Senate
Convener for recognition.
In the case that the session is held in a virtual setup, members
must use the “raise hand” button present in a teleconferencing
application and request the Senate Convener for recognition.
Section 1 The Legislative Secretary shall keep the minutes of all Senate
proceedings which shall be exact of what took place in the
Section 2 The minutes shall contain the following:
a. The members present;
b. The members absent;
c. The date and venue, or online platform;
d. The time convened and adjourned;
e. The motions, resolutions and bills approved; and
f. Initiators of moves and those who seconded,
against and abstained on each motion,
resolution, and enactment passed and
Section 3 The reading of the minutes of the previous session may be
dispensed with unanimous consent of the body.
Section 1 Manner of Voting. The Senate Convener shall state the motion
or question that is being put into vote in a clear, precise, and
simple language. The Senate Convener shall say “for those who
are in favor, say ‘aye’”. After the affirmative vote is counted, the
Senate Convener shall say “for those who are against, say ‘nay’”.
Section 2 Voting in any motion or questions shall be made in any of the
following methods or procedures:
a. By raising of hands;
b. By roll call;
c. By viva voce;
d. By secret ballot; and
e. By voting in the chat box of a teleconferencing
Section 3 Explanation of Vote. A member may explain the vote they made
in not more than three (3) minutes.
Section 4 No Interruption during Voting. The voting shall not be
interrupted by any other business or question.
Section 5 Tie Vote. The Senate Convener shall only vote in case of a tie.
Section 6 Recording of Results of Voting. The affirmative, negative, and
abstention votes on any subject shall be entered in the
Section 1 Conduct of Sessions through Electronic Platforms. In cases
when the attendance of Members in sessions becomes
extremely difficult or impossible, and there is urgent necessity
to act on any measure, the Senate Convener, may authorize the
conduct of sessions through electronic platforms like video
conference, telecommunications, and other computer online
Section 2 Attendance. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article IV,
Section 3 of these Rules, members shall, as far as practicable,
register their attendance by joining the virtual conference and
say “present and voting” when the roll is called. This shall be
verified and authenticated by the Legislative Secretary.
Members shall enter the virtual conference 15 minutes prior to
the call of order. A grace period of another 15 minutes is given to
members who are experiencing technical difficulties in
connecting to the online meeting platform. Beyond this period,
once a quorum is identified, the session will begin.
Section 3 Voting. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article X, Section 1
and Section 2, members shall register their votes through a roll
call, viva voce or the chat box of the virtual conference.
Section 4 Decorum. Each member is regarded as physically present when
one’s camera is turned on. All members must always turn on
their cameras during the session. Unless motions are made to
temporarily leave the chamber or when technical issues arise
among members.
Section 5 For the purpose of understandability on all virtual sessions,
each member must mute their microphones unless granted the
privilege to speak by the Senate Convener.
Section 1 Code of Conduct. There is hereby established in the Senate the
following Code of Conduct:
a. A member shall act at all times in a manner that reflect
creditably on the Senate;
b. A member shall adhere to the spirit and the letter of these
Rules and to the rules of the standing committees;
c. A member shall not hold any other office in the Xavier
University – Central Student Government during the
member’s term as a Senator;
d. A member shall not personally appear as a counsel before
any courts of the Supreme Constitutional Court, the Electoral
Commission, and the Commission on Students’ Rights and
Welfare during the member’s term;
e. A member may not authorize or allow an individual, group, or
organization not under the direction and control of the
Senate to use the words “The Senate”, “Official Business”, or
the combination of both these words, or the seal of the
Senate, or any other representation thereof on any letterhead
or transaction or for any other purpose;
f. A member shall not disclose any matter requiring high
degree of confidentiality received in the course of the service
with the Senate, except as authorized by the Senate or in
accordance with its Rules;
g. A member must at all times be accountable to the student
body, serve them with paramount dependability, honesty,
loyalty, and competency, and do all with justice; and
h. A member must at all times defend, observe, and uphold the
XU –CSG Constitution.
Section 2 Sanctions. Any member who commits any of the following
disorderly behavior shall, by simple majority of the body and
after due process, be sanctioned as provided:
a. Refusal after three warnings made by the Senate Convener to
desist from employing derogatory, improper, or offensive
language while in session shall have a sanction of:
1. Oral reprimand
2. Removal from session; and
3. After three (3) offenses of which shall constitute a bad
b. Noncompliance to the Senate Convener and the body’s
rulings (point of order and other regulations) after three (3)
warnings shall be sanctioned with oral reprimand and three
(3) offenses shall qualify the member in bad standing.
c. Any violation of the Code of Conduct shall result in the
suspension of the member in question. Provided that the
suspension does not last more than three (3) session days.
Multiple violations of the Code of Conduct shall be
considered as neglect of duty, gross misconduct, and
conduct unbecoming of a student leader and shall be
constituted as grounds for removal from office. standing.
Section 1 Any proposed policy filed with the Legislative Secretary by an
individual member of the Senate or by a particular group must
bear the signature of the author. In the case of a group
proposing some policies, it must contain a signature of the
member in rank or recommended by the majority of the group
elements and the signature of the Senator of the specialized
area which pertains to the matter involved.
Section 2 Policies must be filed with the Legislative Secretary five (5) days
before its motion. The secretary shall assign to it a number for
purposes of record and identification and shall refer it to the
appropriate Senator of the body.
Section 1 Communications, petitions, and requests shall be addressed to
The Senate
Central Student Government
Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan
Section 2 Communications, petitions, and requests shall be sent to the
official electronic mail of the Xavier University – Central Student
Government Office of the Vice President at this address: csg-
Section 3 It shall be immediately referred to the Senators or individuals
concerned by the Legislative Secretary.
Section 1 The Rules of the body may be suspended to allow non-members
thereof to address it in session hour or whenever it is necessary
as may be judged.
Section 2 A motion to suspend the rules shall require a majority vote of
the members present.
Section 1 The Senate may require/invite, as may be essential, any official
or personnel of the Xavier University – Central Student
Government of the University, or an individual to appear before
it in any session to give insights on certain matters related to
their position or specialization which may aid in the legislation
of certain policies.
Section 1 For the purpose of clarity and understandability, Filipino,
Cebuano, and English shall be used in the proceedings of the
Section 1 Special reports may be addressed to the body on any matter of
student interest.
Section 2 The speaker so recognized shall be given time allotment by the
Senate Convener.
Section 3 While in privilege speech, the speaker shall not be interrupted,
except, on question of point of order.
Section 1 Proposals. The Senate, upon a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of all
its members, may propose amendment(s) to or revision of the
Constitution, supported by at least ten percent of the total
student population of Xavier University.
Section 2 Form of Proposals and Procedure for Adoption. Proposals to
amend or revise the Constitution shall be by resolution which
may be filed at any time by any member. The adoption of
resolutions proposing amendments to or revision of the
Constitution shall follow the procedure for the enactment of
Central Board Convener
Council of Nursing Students