It Project
It Project
It Project
(SESSION 2023-24)
(Inventory Control Management)
Student name- Vidhi Bathri
Vidhi Bathri
Class 10th
Teacher sign…………………………….
Topic: Inventory Control Management data base design
An inventory management system has several critical component s. it is the
process by which the tracking of good throughout the entire supply chain,
from purchasing to production to end sales. It is a combination of hardware
and software technology, which tracks and manages product inventory,
product sales and other productions processes.
First of all we will have to properly think of the useful field required and
insert them in tables. Here we will require two tables- Suppliers, item.These
will contain some important records like supplierid, suppliername, address,
city, phone number and item
item_code,item_name,price,SKU,shipping_wt,packaing_fee etc.After that we
will try to fill records in these tables using Forms. Then we will take out
important information’s using Query. And at last we will have present then in
presentable format using Reports.
1. Click on Tables > Use Wizard to Create Table, the window shown
below will open
2. Select Fields > Choose Category > Select the table
4. After setting the properties of the fields such as field name, type.
5.Click on Next Button.
3. Select and ADD the Tables from which to retrieve data for the
1. Add the tables in amongst which you want to create the relationship.
Select the tables and click on Add button.
5. Click next; you should where in you can specify the styles to be
used in the form.
6. Click next; you see where you can specify the name of the form.
Click Finish.
6. Select define grouping for the fields of the table. click Next .
9. Define a name for the report or you can use the name of the table
itself for the report also. Click Finish.
10. Now create a report.
In this data base project we have successfully drawn
out the efficient data required for a useful database
regarding inventory control management. This help
companies which and how much stock to order at
what time. This database provides companies with
an accurate, up-to-date picture of stock levels for
each product so that they have sufficient stock to
meet customer demand without over stocking. All
the tables are providing sufficient records and fields
helping the working proper inventory management.
The supplier information in this database also makes
it quicker and easier to place orders or to find
alternative suppliers if one company cannot meet
your delivery requirements. Accurately maintaining
figure on the finished goods inventory makes it
possible to quickly convey information to sales
personnel as to what is available and ready for
shipment at any given time by buyer. So, our
database is containing all these useful and sufficient
information to make the supplying chain efficient
and effective.