Week 7 - PHR514-Pharmacy Law and Regulatory Affairs
Week 7 - PHR514-Pharmacy Law and Regulatory Affairs
Week 7 - PHR514-Pharmacy Law and Regulatory Affairs
Lecture 7
Dr Shaouki Munir
Module Contents
1. Direct method
Pharmaceutical companies directly
supply medicine to the consumer by
prescription order, which is written by
a physician
Drug delivery system in Bangladesh
2. Indirect method
Pharmaceutical companies supply
medicines to the consumer through
various intermediaries, Such as
agents, wholesalers, retailers, etc.
Function of Clinical Pharmacist
• Taking the medical history of the patient • Order and store medicines, keeping
• Patient Education them safe, pure and effective
• Patient Care • Formulation and management of drug
• Research and development policies
• Patient counselling • Drafts formation
• Drug interaction monitoring • Teaching and training medical and
• Safe use of the drug paramedical staff
• Specialize in dispensing drugs prescribed • Participation in drug utilisation studies
by physicians • Adverse drug reaction reporting
• Disease management cases
Level of action of clinical pharmacists
1. Before the prescription 2. During the prescription
• Clinical trials • Counselling activity
• Formularies • Influence the attitudes and priorities of the
• Drug information prescribers to choose the drug for the
• Drug-related policies treatment
• Monitor, detect, and prevent the medication-
related problem by giving special attention to
the drug dosages
3. After the prescription Information Source
• Counselling ✓ Medical record
• Preparation of personalised ✓ Patient
formulation ✓ Family
• Drug use evaluation ✓ Health care team
• Outcome research
• Pharmaco-economic studies
Clinical pharmacy practice areas
▪ Critical care
▪ Drug information
▪ Geriatrics and long-term care
▪ Internal medicines and subspecialties
▪ Different branches of medicine specialisations
▪ Nutrition
▪ Surgery
▪ Nuclear pharmacy
▪ Ambulatory care
Scope of clinical pharmacy in Bangladesh
• Maturity
• Attentiveness
• Responsibility
• Excellent interpersonal skills
• Organizational skills
• Verbal communication skills
• Confidence
• Commercial awareness
Two organizations regulate drugs & pharmacies in
Primary Hospital /
Supplier Manufacturer
Retail pharmacy design in abroad
(mostly first world countries )
• Prescriber details
• Patient details
• Medicare
• Confirm items to be dispensed
• Preference for generic medicine
2. Review and process
Script validity
I. meets legal requirements
II. Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme eligibility
Patient-specific factors
I. age
II. allergies
III. other health conditions
3.Select/prepare and check
Select product
I. appropriate drug, brand, strength, form, quantity
II. repack if needed (non-standard quantity)
III. prepare where needed (reconstitute or compound from raw
Dispensing check
I. correct drug, brand, strength, form, quantity
II. correct formula/methodology for compounded products
III. confirm Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme processing
4. Label and assemble
• Reddy, V., 2019. INTRODUCTION OF CLINICAL PHARMACY. [online] Slideshare.net. Available at:
<https://www.slideshare.net/BVSubbaReddy/introduction-of-clinical-pharmacy> [Accessed 17 March