Reportable: W.P. (CRL.) No. 129/2012
Reportable: W.P. (CRL.) No. 129/2012
Reportable: W.P. (CRL.) No. 129/2012
Madan B. Lokur, J.
1. This writ petition under Article 32 of the Constitution raises important and
accused but in the context of the victims. Do the next of kin of deceased victims
2. The allegations made in the writ petition concern what are described as
fake encounters or extra-judicial executions said to have been carried out by the
Manipur Police and the armed forces of the Union, including the Army. According
to the police and security forces, the encounters are genuine and the victims were
operations. Whether the allegations are completely or partially true or are entirely
years. This right was articulated by the United Nations High Commissioner for
Study on the right to the truth, it was stated in paragraph 8 that though the right
It is necessary to know the truth so that the law is tempered with justice. The
exercise for knowing the truth mandates ascertaining whether fake encounters or
extra-judicial executions have taken place and if so, who are the perpetrators of the
human rights violations and how can the next of kin be commiserated with and
Promotion and Protection of Human Rights: Study on the right to the truth. Report of the Office of the
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; 8 th February, 2006. Commission on Human Rights,
Sixty-second session, Item 17 of the provisional agenda.
in W.P. (Crl.) No. 129 of 2012 says that it is a registered trust having as its
members the wives and mothers of persons whom they say have been
extra-judicially executed by the Manipur Police and the security forces (mainly the
Assam Rifles and the Army). The Human Rights Alert (petitioner no. 2) also
the petitioners.
executions carried out by the police and security forces in Manipur. It is alleged
that a majority of them have been carried out in cold blood while the victims were
in custody and allegedly after torturing them. The compilation was presented in
March 2012. We do not know what action has been taken on the Memorandum,
but a perusal of the compilation indicates that the place of encounter is not
documented in some cases and the identity of the victim is not known in some
cases. Of these 1528 cases documented by the petitioners, they have made a more
elaborate documentation of 62 cases. For the purposes of the writ petition filed
under Article 32 of the Constitution, they have referred to 10 specific cases (out of
executions but the police and the security forces have justified them as encounters
with militants. The details of these 10 cases are mentioned in the writ petition but
6. The petitioners say that not a single First Information Report (for short
‘FIR’) has been registered by the Manipur police against the police or the security
forces even though several complaints have been made in respect of the alleged
register an FIR not a single investigation or prosecution has commenced and the
cries of anguish of the families of the victims have fallen on deaf ears.
7. The petitioners say that the victims of the extra-judicial executions include
innocent persons with no criminal record whatsoever but they are later on
conveniently labeled as militants. The petitioners also say that the National
rights abuses and recommend punishment of the guilty has turned out to be a
toothless tiger. The Manipur State Human Rights Commission is defunct due to
of the Manipur Bench of the Gauhati High Court in PIL W.P. No. 15 of 2011. It is
under these circumstances that the petitioners have been compelled to approach
this Court under Article 32 of the Constitution for appropriate orders for setting up
a Special Investigation Team (for short ‘SIT’) of police officers from outside the
8. Dr. Th. Suresh Singh is the petitioner in W.P. (C) No. 445 of 2012 and he
says that he is a vigilant citizen who safeguards the fundamental rights of all
Section 3 of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (for short ‘the AFSPA’)
9. At the outset it may be stated that though both the writ petitions were
listed for hearing over several days, the sum and substance of the submissions
executions with a clear understanding that W.P. (C) No. 445 of 2012 would be
taken up for consideration later. Therefore, we are not at all considering the
10. During the course of hearing, a detailed reference was made by the learned
December, 2012 in W.P. (C) No. 445 of 2012. This was more for convenience in
placing the detailed facts rather than anything else. In the affidavit, it has been
stated, inter alia, that the security of the nation is of paramount importance and
this involves the security of the States as well. A reference is made to Article 355
of the Constitution which casts a duty on the Union to protect every State against
external aggression and internal disturbances and also to ensure that the
Schedule of the Constitution (the Union List) relating to the deployment of armed
355. Duty of the Union to protect States against external aggression and
internal disturbance. - It shall be the duty of the Union to protect every State
against external aggression and internal disturbance and to ensure that the
government of every State is carried on in accordance with the provisions of this
11. It is stated that militant groups are operating in north-east India demanding
separation from the country and indulging in violence by way of killing innocent
promote their ideology and goals. These militant groups possess sophisticated
arms and have cross border support from countries inimical to the country’s
interests; they have no respect for the law of the land and indulge in crimes
12. It is submitted that violence has become a way of life in the north-eastern
States and the State Governments do not possess the strength to maintain public
order and as such military aid by the Union to the States becomes inevitable.
13. With specific regard to Manipur it is stated that there is a constant threat from
armed militant groups and therefore there is a need for counter insurgency
operations through the armed forces in conjunction with the civil administration.
These operations also hold out a threat to the lives of the armed forces personnel
since the militants wield deadly weapons. It is in this background that the AFSPA
environment and the imperative to give legal and logistic protection to the armed
forces personnel posted on duty so as to enable them to operate with the required
14. It is stated that to sensitize the armed forces personnel on human rights
2-A. Deployment of any armed force of the Union or any other force subject to the
control of the Union or any contingent or unit thereof in any State in aid of the civil
power; powers, jurisdiction, privileges and liabilities of the members of such forces
while on such deployment.
Don’ts’. The armed forces follow these instructions strictly and observe restraint
in their operations.
requisite expertise in the domain of internal security. The actions that need to be
16. It is stated that AFSPA was withdrawn from the Imphal Municipal Area in
August 20044 illustrating that the appropriate government has been periodically
reviewing the security situation in the “disturbed area” and wherever necessary,
17. With reference to the allegation that in view of Section 4(a) of the AFSPA
a person can be killed without any reason by the armed forces, this is categorically
denied by stating that there are several safeguards and pre-requisite conditions that
need to be fulfilled under AFSPA before a person might be killed by the armed
forces. These safeguards and pre-requisite conditions have been mentioned in the
affidavit and it is concluded that it is absolutely wrong to suggest that the armed
forces personnel can kill any person without any reason, as alleged. The
(d) The person against whom action is being taken by armed forces
must be “acting in contravention of any law or order for the time
being in force in the disturbed area”.
(e) Such law or order must relate to prohibiting the assembly of five
or more persons or the carrying of weapons or of things capable of
being used as weapons or of fire-arms, ammunition or explosive
18. It is submitted that though Manipur is facing an insurgency problem and the
police and the armed forces are dealing with that problem to the best of their
ability, the common man is not generally affected by the counter insurgency
operations. It is stated that the people of Manipur have been actively participating
in the electoral process and by way of example it is stated that in the 1990
elections for the assembly seats, the voting turnout was 89.95% and similarly in
the 2012 elections for the assembly seats the voting percentage was 83.24%. It is
submitted that the voting percentage in Manipur is amongst the highest in the
19. It is emphasized that only 5000 militants are holding a population of about
23 lakhs in Manipur to ransom and keeping the people in constant fear. It is further
stated that the root cause of militancy in Manipur is the constant endeavour of
insurgent groups to extort money so that their leaders can lead a luxurious life in
foreign countries. Additionally, ethnic rivalries, the tribal divide and factions in
society and the unemployed youth are being exploited by militant outfits to fuel
international border of over 250 kms that is shared with Myanmar and that the
border is heavily forested and has a very difficult terrain. The border area is
inhabited by the same tribes on either side. These tribes have family relations and
social interactions and therefore a free movement regime to move upto 16 kms on
both sides is permitted. Taking advantage of this, the militant outfits utilize the
21. With regard to the amendments to the AFSPA it is stated that the Justice
Jeevan Reddy Committee was set up by the Government of India in 2004 and it
submitted a report on 6th June, 2005 recommending the repeal of AFSPA and
short ‘the UAPA’) to achieve the purpose of AFSPA. However, the Cabinet
Committee on Security has not approved the proposal and a final decision has not
yet been taken by the Cabinet and the exercise of amending the AFSPA is under
Commission had endorsed the view of the Justice Jeevan Reddy Committee and
dialogue between the Government and militant outfits willing to abjure violence.
The Government has also framed a surrender policy whereby the militants who
24. On the human rights issue, it is stated that a Human Rights Division in the
Army Headquarters ensures that prescribed ‘Dos’ and Don’ts’ (while dealing with
militants and insurgents) are adhered to. Additionally, the Chief of Army Staff has
also issued ‘Ten Commandments’ and this indicates that the armed forces
the NHRC are received by the Ministry of Defence in respect of alleged violations
by the Army and in the Ministry of Home Affairs (Human Rights Division) in the
concerned, the complaints are sent to the Army Headquarters (Human Rights
Division) and they are then investigated by the District Magistrate and the local
police. A separate enquiry is also conducted by the Army and wherever necessary
Police Forces, State level investigations are conducted and the factual position
for human rights violations and therefore it is incorrect to say that no one has been
27. The Union of India has filed two substantive affidavits in W.P. (Crl.) No.
129 of 2012. The first is an affidavit dated 5th December, 2012 which is a
There is a third affidavit which is a response to the report of the Justice Hegde
Commission5 but we are not concerned with its contents in any detail.
28. In the affidavit of 5th December, 2012 it is stated that the persons killed
most of these cases, persons might have been killed in the lawful exercise of the
powers and/or performance of the official duties by personnel from the police and
armed forces.”
29. Attention is then drawn to provisions of law that permit the killing of a human
and which may not amount to an offence but might be justifiable under law.
1973 (for short ‘the Cr.P.C.’) and it is submitted that in certain extreme situations
it may be justifiable even if the death of a person being arrested is caused if the
conditions mentioned in the Section are satisfied and if the person being arrested is
30. Reference is also made to Sections 129 to 132 of the Cr.P.C. relating to the
“Maintenance of Public Order and Tranquility”. These sections allow the use of
extreme situations use of such force may even lead to causing the death of a
Referred to later.
IPC’) particularly Sections 99 to 106 which deal with the right of private defence.
It is submitted that when personnel from the police or armed forces are attacked
with firearms etc. by insurgents or other criminals, uniformed personnel have the
right to exercise their right of private defence which may extend to causing the
32. Reliance is placed on Section 4 of the AFSPA where, for the maintenance
of public order in a “disturbed area” the armed forces may fire upon or otherwise
use force even to the extent of causing death. However, this power is given only to
certain personnel of the armed forces and that power may be exercised only if that
order, after giving such due warning as he may consider necessary. It is also
provided that the person fired upon must be acting in contravention of any law or
order for the time being in force in the disturbed area prohibiting the assembly of
33. It is stated that without going into the alleged extra-judicial executions, the
that justify the use of such force under the legal provisions mentioned above.
34. It is emphasized that only around 1500 militants are holding a population of
about 23 lakhs in Manipur to ransom and keeping the people in constant fear.6
This may be contrasted with the assertion in the affidavit of 15 th December, 2012 in W.P. (C) No. 445 of
2012 of the number of militants. The Census of 2011 suggests a population of over 27 lakhs in Manipur.
stated that a large number of terrorist groups are active in the State with varying
demands including outright secession from India. These terrorist groups have safe
havens across the border and they have been indulging in the cold blooded murder
copies of the Constitution of India and the national flag and have, to a certain
extent, subverted the local administration and muzzled the voice of the people by
36. It is further stated that the armed forces conduct operations within the
framework of the military ethos wherein local customs and traditions are deeply
the number of casualties suffered since 1990 - approximately for every two
terrorists killed, one security force personnel has been killed and for every two
security force personnel killed, three of them have been wounded in operations.
37. The Union of India has filed detailed written submissions on 4th May, 2016
within the aforesaid definition [Section 3(x) of the Army Act, 1950] and it is the
enemy within the definition of Section 3(x) of the Army Act, 1950. This view is
carried forward by submitting that the victims have been persons waging war
against the Government of India and in terms of Section 121 of the IPC anyone
offence of waging war. In this regard, reference is made to State (NCT of Delhi) v.
Navjot Sandhu9 wherein it is held that under Section 121 of the IPC ‘war’ is not
38. The State of Manipur has filed five affidavits in W.P. (Crl.) No. 129 of 2012
but only two of them are substantive. In the affidavit dated 17 th November, 2012 it
is stated that of the 10 cases detailed by the petitioners in the writ petition, reports
have been furnished by Manipur to the NHRC in all of them and significantly, in
none of these cases has the NHRC given a finding of violation of human rights. In
Chairman is a retired Chief Justice of India and under the circumstances, it cannot
require the NHRC to indicate the status of the 10 cases and intervene only if the
Section 3(x) of the Army Act, 1950: “enemy” includes all armed mutineers, armed
rebels, armed rioters, pirates and any person in arms against whom it is the duty of
any person subject to military law to act.
1992 Supp (1) SCC 716
(2005) 11 SCC 600
39. With regard to the problem of insurgency in Manipur, it is stated that Manipur
has an international border of over 360 kms with Myanmar. About 30 extremist
organizations operate in Manipur and all of them are very powerful and heavily
armed with sophisticated weapons, including rocket launchers. Their aim and
object is to form an independent Manipur by its secession from India. They have
forces and law abiding citizens of Manipur to achieve their objective. They have
also been intimidating, extorting and looting civilians for collection of funds and
making efforts to get established abroad for influencing public opinion and
organizations under the UAPA, the ordinary criminal laws are insufficient to deal
with insurgency problems which have warranted enforcement of the AFSPA. The
State of Manipur has also given the following statistics for the period 2000 to
October 2012 of police personnel killed and injured, security forces personnel
killed and injured and civilians killed and injured to highlight the problem of
other criminals inasmuch as they are heavily armed and operate from foreign
countries and it is not possible to identify the members of the banned organizations
and though they may be few in number, they have many supporters and
41. The other affidavit filed by the State of Manipur on 3 rd August, 2013 is
State of Manipur and possess sophisticated arms, some of which are transported
from neighbouring countries. The affidavit reiterates the statistics and submissions
made in the earlier affidavit of 17 th November, 2012 and indicates that the genesis
of declaring the entire State as a “disturbed area” goes back to a notification dated
15th October, 1970 and it has continued to be declared as a “disturbed area” since
then. In August 2004 the Imphal Municipal Area in the State was de-notified as a
“disturbed area” under the AFSPA. The State Government has been trying to
de-notify more and more areas but given the circumstances, it is finding it difficult
42. It is stated that to synergize security issues and counter insurgency operations
as its Chairman, Strategy and Operations Group headed by the Chief Secretary,
that even though the number of incidents of militancy are large and casualties are
heavy, the State Government will not tolerate even one false encounter and will
innocent act performed in good faith and without any mala fide intentions.
43. With regard to the specific cases dealt with by the Court appointed
Commission and the recommendations made by the said Commission, the State of
Manipur has raised several preliminary objections and made several submissions.
For the present purposes, it is not necessary for us to go into this aspect of the
matter. It is stressed that the implementation of AFSPA is necessary and that it has
December, 2012 detailing its viewpoint with regard to the 10 cases identified by
the petitioners. For our purposes, it is not necessary to deal with the merits of these
cases. Written submissions have also been filed by Manipur on 3 rd May, 2016 and
45. The NHRC has filed as many as four affidavits in W.P. (Crl.) No. 129 of 2012.
46. In the first affidavit dated 30.11.2012/03.12.2012, it is stated that the NHRC
has issued guidelines on 29th March, 1997 recommending the correct procedure to
be followed by all the States in relation to deaths due to encounters between the
police and others. These guidelines were forwarded with a request to all the States
to issue appropriate directions through the Director General of Police to all the
47. The guidelines were revised on 2nd December, 2003 on the basis of
experience gained over the previous six years. It was noted, unfortunately, that
most of the States were not following the earlier guidelines in their true spirit.
December, 2003 was the requirement of a Magisterial Enquiry in all cases of death
which occur in the course of police action. Another significant modification was
that all States were required to furnish six-monthly statements to the NHRC in
respect of all deaths in police stations in a prescribed format along with the
49. The guidelines were further modified on 12th May, 2010 once again with the
NHRC observing that most of the States were not following the recommendations
earlier made in their true spirit. These guidelines recommended that the
death which occur in the course of police action preferably within three months. It
was also recommended that a report be sent to the NHRC in a format prescribed in
the guidelines in all cases of death in police action within 48 hours of the death
50. The NHRC has generally stated in the affidavit that in all cases the State
Governments invariably take more than reasonable time to submit the Magisterial
Enquiry report, post-mortem report, inquest report and ballistic expert report and
in view of these delays the NHRC is not in a position to conclude its proceedings
at an early date.
NHRC says that it has no option, in view of Section 19 of the Protection of Human
Rights Act, 1993 except to seek a report from the Central Government and
thereafter make a recommendation and publish it with the action taken by the
Central Government.10
52. It is stated that between 2007 and 2012, the NHRC has received 1671
and it has awarded monetary compensation to the tune of Rs. 10,51,80,000/- (Rs.
Ten Crores Fifty One Lakhs and Eighty Thousand) in 191 cases. It is further stated
that on receiving the Magisterial Enquiry report and other related reports, if the
NHRC finds itself in agreement with them, and if as per the report the encounter
has been found to be genuine, then it closes the complaint by passing an order to
that effect. However, if it is found that the encounter was fake, then a show cause
the family of the victim. In other words, between 2007 and 2012 the NHRC has
found 191 cases of fake encounters. It is not clear which of these, if any, relate to
19. Procedure with respect to armed forces.—(1) Notwithstanding anything
contained in this Act, while dealing with complaints of violation of human rights by
members of the armed forces, the Commission shall adopt the following procedure,
(a) it may, either on its own motion or on receipt of a petition, seek a report
from the Central Government;
(b) after the receipt of the report, it may, either not proceed with the complaint
or, as the case may be, make its recommendations to that Government.
(2) The Central Government shall inform the Commission of the action taken on
the recommendations within three months or such further time as the Commission
may allow.
(3) The Commission shall publish its report together with its recommendations
made to the Central Government and the action taken by that Government on such
(4) The Commission shall provide a copy of the report published under
sub-section (3) to the petitioner or his representative.
53. By way of a complaint (if we may call it that) the NHRC states in the affidavit
that it has written to the Central Government to increase its staff but the request
has not been acted upon. It also states that to give more teeth to the guidelines
issued by the NHRC, it would be appropriate if this Court directs all the States to
54. In the second affidavit dated 3rd January, 2013 it is stated that as far back as on
10th August, 1995 the NHRC had advised all Chief Ministers to introduce
in all cases of deaths in police action or armed forces action to avoid any
55. In a communication dated 27th March, 1997 the NHRC expressed its distress
to all the Chief Ministers on the quality of post-mortem reports being prepared and
sent to the NHRC. Along with the letter, the NHRC annexed a Model Autopsy
Form prepared by it based on the U.N. Model Autopsy Protocol and recommended
to all the State Governments to prescribe the said Model Autopsy Form and the
Additional Procedure for Inquest as indicated in the letter dated 27th March, 1997.
56. In the affidavit, the NHRC expresses helplessness in taking any coercive
measures since it has no power to take action against persons or authorities who do
not follow the guidelines laid down by it nor does it have power to give directions
stated that the Government of Delhi by its letters dated 9 th February, 2011 and 14th
57. The NHRC has again lamented the shortage of staff available with it resulting
in delays taking place and follow up action being made more difficult. The NHRC
has also lamented the poor quality of the Magisterial Enquiry reports received by
it wherein the family of the person killed is not examined nor independent
witnesses examined.
58. The NHRC has annexed some statistics of disposal of cases along with the
affidavit but they are not necessary for the present purposes. The NHRC has
prayed that in view of the circumstances and on the basis of its experience of
several years the suggestions incorporated in the affidavit may be made an order of
this Court.
59. With regard to the alleged fake encounter killings, the third affidavit dated 21 st
February, 2014 filed by the NHRC is extremely vague. All that it says is that the
NHRC held a camp sitting in Imphal, Manipur between 23 rd October, 2013 and
the armed forces/police. During the sittings the NHRC had listed 46 cases, as per
the cause list attached, but only in 5 cases it could reach a conclusion that the
victims were murdered/killed by the armed forces/police while they were in their
custody. Accordingly, monetary relief ranging from Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 20 lakhs
was ordered to be given to their next of kin. It is not at all clear which five cases
were dealt with. It is also not clear what happened to the remaining cases. All that
the NHRC has annexed with the affidavit is the record of proceedings in one case
60. In the fourth affidavit dated 27th July, 2015 the NHRC has given the progress
in respect of 62 cases of which details are given in the writ petition. Subsequently,
during the course of hearing, the up to date information was given to us and
therefore it is not necessary to refer to the information given in the affidavit. All
that needs to be said is that the NHRC has complained that the State of Manipur
has not been furnishing the required documents and information within the
prescribed time and has also not been submitting the compliance report in respect
the 62 cases during the course of hearing and also in the written submissions filed
62. The above chart clearly suggests that 31 of the 62 cases were those of a fake
to the NHRC. As regards, the cases that have been closed, we find from a perusal
of some orders produced before us that some of these complaints have been closed
without any application of mind and simply because of the conclusion arrived at in
submissions made in the various affidavits filed by it and presently do not need
frustration) that the petitioners might not be very wrong in describing the NHRC
as a toothless tiger!
64. The petition was taken up for consideration by this Court from time to time on
the above broad pleadings. At this stage it is necessary to have a brief overview of
the proceedings that took place in this Court over the last couple of years.
65. On 1st October, 2012 notice was issued in the writ petition to the respondents,
that is, the Union of India and the State of Manipur. A request was also sent to the
National Human Rights Commission for its response in the matter. Ms. Menaka
66. On 4th January, 2013 the case was heard at great length and it was proposed to
appoint a high-powered Commission to inform this Court about the correct facts
with regard to the killing of persons in the cases cited by the petitioners.
Santosh Hegde, a former Judge of this Court as the Chairperson; Mr. J.M.
Lyngdoh, former Chief Election Commissioner and Mr. Ajay Kumar Singh,
67. The Commission was requested to make a thorough enquiry in six identified
cases and record a finding regarding the antecedents of the victims and the
agencies were directed to hand over to the three-member Commission all relevant
records. The Commission was free to devise its own procedure and also address
the larger question of the role of the State Police and the security forces in
its report within twelve weeks. The order passed by this Court is reported as
68. On 30th March, 2013 the Commission submitted its report and the case was
taken up on 4th April, 2013. While recording its gratitude for the painstaking effort
put in by the three-member Commission, this Court noted that the Commission
had found that in all the six cases, the killing of the victims was not in any true
encounter with the police or the security forces. A very brief resume of the
The incident in which the deceased Md. Azad Khan was killed was not an
encounter nor was he killed in exercise of the right of self-defence.
69. The Commission further found that there was no evidence to conclude that the
criminal activities. However, as per the report of the NHRC now made available to
us, it is stated that the High Court of Manipur passed a direction in W.P. (Crl.) 49
of 2009 for monetary relief of Rs. 5 lakhs to the mother of the deceased since the
police personnel and Assam Rifles personnel were responsible for the death.
70. The Commission further found that Khumbongmayum Orsonjit did not have
any adverse criminal antecedents. As per the latest report of the NHRC, a notice
has been issued to the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Government of India to
show cause why monetary relief should not be paid to the next of kin of the
71. The Commission further found that the two deceased did not have any
criminal antecedents. As per the latest report of the NHRC, a recommendation has
been made to the Government of Manipur for payment of Rs. 5 lakhs to the next
of kin of the two deceased. The matter is still pending with the NHRC on the
request of the State Government awaiting the decision of the present petition by
this Court.
Even if the case put forward by the complainant cannot be accepted, the
case put forth by the security forces cannot also be accepted because they
exceeded their right of private defence. Therefore, this Commission is of
the opinion that the incident, in question, cannot be justified on the ground
of self-defence.
72. The Commission further found that there were no adverse antecedents against
the deceased. As per the latest report of the NHRC, a notice has been issued to the
of kin of the deceased. Apparently the matter is pending with the NHRC awaiting
73. The Commission further found that although there were allegations against the
deceased, the veracity of those allegations was not established. We have been
Manipur for payment of Rs. 5 lakhs to the next of kin of the deceased. Apparently
74. The Commission further found that there is no acceptable material to come to
the conclusion that the deceased had any adverse antecedents. The NHRC has
recommended to the Government of Manipur to pay Rs. 5 lakhs to the next of kin
of the deceased. The matter is still pending with the NHRC on the request of the
75. In other words, in all the six cases, the Commission found that the encounter
76. We may mention that during the course of oral submissions, the learned
Attorney General was rather critical of the procedure adopted by the Commission
and the conclusions arrived at. His principal grievance was that the right of
contrary to the stand taken by the Union of India in the affidavit filed in December
2012]. He also relied on Kailash Gour v. State of Assam12 to contend that the rules
of evidence and the standards of evaluating the evidence cannot be given a go-by
77. It is not necessary for us to deeply go into the report of the Commission in
the view that we are taking. For the present, we must acknowledge the efforts put
in by the Commission and also acknowledge that it has put us on the right track
and has convinced us that the allegations made by the petitioners cannot be
summarily rubbished. There is some truth in the allegations, calling for a deeper
probe. How the whole truth should be arrived at is the question that concerns us.
However, before that exercise is undertaken, the position in law must be clear and
78. An objection was raised by the learned Attorney General to the effect that in a
writ petition like the present one, a prayer to order a police investigation is not
maintainable. It was submitted that the procedure laid down in the Cr.P.C. is quite
(2012) 2 SCC 34
had to the grievance redressal procedure laid down in the Cr.P.C. In this context
reliance was placed on Hari Singh v. State of U.P.,13 Aleque Padamsee v. Union
79. We are not impressed by this submission. This is not an ordinary case of a
police complaint or a simple case of an FIR not being registered. This case
involves allegations that the law enforcement authorities, that is, the Manipur
Police along with the armed forces acting in aid of the civil power are themselves
perpetrators of gross human rights violations. This is also not a case where the
of internal disturbance has prevailed for decades and the ordinary citizens of
Manipur have had little access and recourse to law in the situation that they find
themselves placed in. To make matters worse, FIRs have been registered against
the victims by the local police thereby leaving the next of kin of the deceased with
80. This case immediately brings to mind the view expressed by Dr. Ambedkar
with respect to Article 32 of the Constitution: “If I was asked to name any
which this Constitution would be a nullity - I could not refer to any other article
except this one. It is the very soul of the Constitution and the very heart of it.” If in
(2006) 5 SCC 733
(2007) 6 SCC 171
(2014) 14 SCC 48
(2013) 9 SCC 447
approaching this Court or a High Court under Article 226 of the Constitution,
possible grave injustice would have been done to the next of the kin of the victims
who are alleged to have been killed in a fake encounter or have been victims of
alleged extra-judicial executions. We are not satisfied that this petition under
Article 32 of the Constitution should not be entertained. The truth has to be found
out however inconvenient it may be for the petitioners or for the respondents. In
matters concerning gross violations of human rights this Court and every
constitutional court should adopt an ‘open door policy’. The preliminary objection
is rejected.
Constitutional provisions
81. The background of the case, as we have understood it, leads us to conclude
that we are concerned in this petition not so much with a law and order situation in
82. Maintenance of public order falls within the jurisdiction of a State in view of
Entry 1 of List II of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution. 17 But, the Union
Government may deploy its armed forces in any State in aid of the civil power in
terms of Entry 2A of List I of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution. 18 This has
been the constitutional position ever since Entry 1 of List II of the Seventh
and Entry 2A was inserted in List I of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution by
1. Public order (but not including the use of any naval, military or air force or any other armed force of
the Union or of any other force subject to the control of the Union or of any contingent or unit thereof in
aid of the civil power).
See footnote 2.
83. Article 352 of the Constitution finds place in Part XVIII of the Constitution
(Forty-fourth Amendment) Act, 1978 and the amendment that concerns us is the
84. The impact of the above substitution of words was the subject matter of
of Human Rights v. Union of India.20 It was held therein that though an internal
disturbance is cause for concern, it does not threaten the security of the country or
a part thereof unlike an armed rebellion which could pose a threat to the security
under Article 352 of the Constitution is rather serious, its invocation is limited to
situations of a threat to the security of the country or a part thereof either through a
proclamation of emergency under Article 352 of the Constitution. This is what the
For the present purposes, the relevant portion of Article 352 of the Constitution as it now stands is of
352. Proclamation of Emergency.—(1) If the President is satisfied that a grave emergency exists
whereby the security of India or of any part of the territory thereof is threatened, whether by war or external
aggression or armed rebellion, he may, by Proclamation, make a declaration to that effect in respect of the
whole of India or of such part of the territory thereof as may be specified in the Proclamation.
Explanation.—A Proclamation of Emergency declaring that the security of India or any part of the
territory thereof is threatened by war or by external aggression or by armed rebellion may be made before
the actual occurrence of war or of any such aggression or rebellion, if the President is satisfied that there is
imminent danger thereof.
(2) A Proclamation issued under clause (1) may be varied or revoked by a subsequent Proclamation.
(1998) 2 SCC 109
Article 356 of the Constitution.21 This has been so held in Naga People’s
86. There is therefore a clear distinction between an armed rebellion that threatens
the security of the country or a part thereof and an internal disturbance. The former
comes within the purview of Article 352 and Article 356 of the Constitution while
the latter comes within the purview only of Article 356 of the Constitution and not
itself cannot be a ground for invoking the power under Article 356(1) of the
87. At this stage, it is also important to refer to Article 355 of the Constitution. 23
This Article makes it the duty of the Union Government to protect a State from
Page 101 in Volume 2 of the Report
See footnote 1.
aggression for this purpose includes a war and an armed rebellion that threatens
the security of the country or a part thereof. We therefore have four situations: war,
external aggression and armed rebellion, all of which can threaten the security of
empowered to deploy the armed forces of the Union under Entry 2A of List I of
the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution “in aid of the civil power”.
88. The conclusion therefore is that in the event of a war, external aggression or an
armed rebellion that threatens the security of the country or a part thereof, it is the
duty of the Union Government to protect the States and depending on the gravity
of the situation, the President might also issue a proclamation of emergency. That
apart, the Union Government also has a duty to protect the States from an internal
disturbance. However the President cannot, in the event of the latter situation,
issue a proclamation of emergency except by using the drastic power under Article
356 of the Constitution which has in-built checks and balances. In providing
protection to the States in the event of an internal disturbance, the armed forces of
the Union may be deployed “in aid of the civil power”. What does the expression
89. In Naga People’s Movement of Human Rights the Constitution Bench sought
to explain this expression by implication, namely, a situation that has made the
deployment of the armed forces of the Union necessary for the maintenance of
public order. It was made clear that such deployment does not mean that the civil
forces do not supplant or substitute the civil power - they only supplement it. This
“The expression “in aid of the civil power” in Entry 1 of the State
List and in Entry 2-A of the Union List implies that deployment of
the armed forces of the Union shall be for the purpose of enabling
the civil power in the State to deal with the situation affecting
maintenance of public order which has necessitated the deployment
of the armed forces in the State. The word “aid” postulates the
continued existence of the authority to be aided. This would mean
that even after deployment of the armed forces the civil power will
continue to function. The power to make a law providing for
deployment of the armed forces of the Union in aid of the civil
power in the State does not comprehend the power to enact a law
which would enable the armed forces of the Union to supplant or act
as a substitute for the civil power in the State. We are, however,
unable to agree with the submission of the learned counsel for the
petitioners that during the course of such deployment the supervision
and control over the use of armed forces has to be with the civil
authorities of the State concerned or that the State concerned will
have the exclusive power to determine the purpose, the time period
and the areas within which the armed forces should be requested to
act in aid of civil power. In our opinion, what is contemplated by
Entry 2-A of the Union List and Entry 1 of the State List is that in
the event of deployment of the armed forces of the Union in aid of
the civil power in a State, the said forces shall operate in the State
concerned in cooperation with the civil administration so that the
situation which has necessitated the deployment of the armed forces
is effectively dealt with and normalcy is restored.”
90. On a reading of the above passage, it is clear that the Constitution Bench does
not limit the deployment of the armed forces of the Union only to a situation
affecting public order. The armed forces of the Union could be deployed for
situations of law and order (although this would be extremely unusual and rare) as
also for humanitarian aid such as in the event of an earthquake or floods, should it
be necessary, in aid of the civil power. This is because Entry 2A of List I of the
not limit the deployment of the armed forces to any particular situation. The view
of this Court, beginning with the decision of the Federal Court in United
Provinces v. Atiqa Begum24 has always been that legislative entries must not be
read in a narrow or restricted sense and that each general word should be held to
extend to all ancillary or subsidiary matters which can fairly and reasonably be
91. Be that as it may, what is of significance is that this Court has implied that the
armed forces of the Union could be deployed in public order situations to aid the
civil power and on such deployment, they shall operate in cooperation and
conjunction with the civil administration and until normalcy is restored. This view
reasonable period. What would be the consequence if normalcy is not restored for
failure of the civil administration to take effective aid of the armed forces in
be the case, normalcy not being restored cannot be a fig leaf for prolonged,
order or law and order purposes) as it would mock at our democratic process and
would be a travesty of the jurisdiction conferred by Entry 2A of the Union List for
(1940) FCR 110
Navinchandra Mafatlal v. Commissioner of Income Tax, 1955 (1) SCR 189 (5 Judges Bench). This view
has been followed by the Constitution Bench in Jagannath Baksh Singh v. State of U.P., (1963) 1 SCR 220
and several other decisions rendered by this Court.
internal disturbance.
(a) The public order situation in Manipur is, at best, an internal disturbance.
(b) For tackling the internal disturbance, the armed forces of the Union can be
deployed in aid of the civil power. The armed forces do not supplant the
(c) The deployment of the armed forces is intended to restore normalcy and it
Statutory provisions
93. The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (hereinafter ‘the AFSPA’) was
originally enacted as the Armed Forces (Assam and Manipur) Special Powers Act,
1958. It was initially extended to the State of Assam and the Union Territory of
Manipur. Since then the entire Union Territory of Manipur (and subsequently the
entire State of Manipur) has been declared a disturbed area in terms of Section 3 of
the AFSPA.26 In other words, Manipur has been a disturbed area for about sixty
3. Power to declare areas to be disturbed areas.—If, in relation to any State or Union Territory to
which this Act extends, the Governor of that State or the Administrator of that Union Territory or the
Central Government, in either case, if of the opinion that the whole or any part of such State or Union
Territory, as the case may be, is in such a disturbed or dangerous condition that the use of armed forces in
aid of the civil power is necessary, the Governor of that State or the Administrator of that Union Territory
the Governor of Manipur or the Central Government if either is of opinion that the
that the use of armed forces in aid of the civil power is necessary”. The declaration
Official Gazette. As mentioned above, Manipur has been a disturbed area since
1958 as a result of declarations issued under Section 3 of the AFSPA from time to
time. However, the Imphal Municipal Area ceased to be a ‘disturbed area’ from
94. The postulates for a declaration under Section 3 of the AFSPA are that a public
order situation exists and that the assistance of the armed forces of the Union is
required in aid of the civil power. In such a situation, the AFSPA enables the
95. One of the vast powers exercisable by the armed forces of the Union in a
disturbed area is in terms of Section 4(a) of the AFSPA. The power so exercisable
includes the use of force even to the extent of causing the death of “any person
who is acting in contravention of any law or order for the time being in force in
the disturbed area prohibiting the assembly of five or more persons or the carrying
a disturbed area and is to be exercised under definite circumstances that is: (i) after
giving such due warning as the authorized officer may consider necessary; (ii) the
disturbed area which (a) prohibits the assembly of five or more persons or (b)
concerned with other powers conferred by Section 4 of the AFSPA. What we are
contravened any prohibitory order, that is, an order prohibiting an assembly of five
substances. We are also concerned, in the facts of this case, with the power to
97. Section 6 of the AFSPA grants immunity, inter alia, from prosecution to any
powers conferred by the AFSPA (including Section 4(a) thereof), except with the
98. Section 4 of the Cr.P.C. as well as Section 5 of the Cr.P.C. concern themselves
The sum and substance of both these provisions is that the investigation, enquiry,
trial and other proceedings in respect of offences under the Indian Penal Code,
1860 (or the IPC) and other laws shall be carried out in accordance with the
provisions of the Cr.P.C. However, this does not preclude any enactment
dealing with such offences. Further, the applicability of any other special or local
provided by any other law for the time being in force shall not be affected by the
Cr. P.C. For example, there are special requirements for dealing with juveniles in
conflict with law and therefore that special law would be applicable to those
different from the Cr.P.C. In other words, unless a statute specifically provides for
it, the investigation, enquiry, trial and other proceedings in respect of offences
under the IPC and other laws shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions
of the Cr.P.C. This is mentioned in the context of the submission by the learned
Attorney General that the provisions of the Cr.P.C. would not be applicable to
4. Trial of offences under the Indian Penal Code and other laws - (1) All offences under the Indian
Penal Code (45 of 1860) shall be investigated, inquired into, tried, and otherwise dealt with according to
the provisions hereinafter contained.
(2) All offences under any other law shall be investigated, inquired into, tried, and otherwise dealt
with according to the same provisions, but subject to any enactment for the time being in force regulating
the manner or place of investigating, inquiring into, trying or otherwise dealing with such offences.
5. Saving - Nothing contained in this Code shall, in the absence of a specific provision to the contrary,
affect any special or local law for the time being in force, or any special jurisdiction or power conferred, or
any special form of procedure prescribed, by any other law for the time being in force.
99. The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 (hereafter ‘the UAPA’) is
concerned, inter alia, with cession and secession of a part of the territory of India
and terrorist activities. Section 2(m) of the UAPA defines a terrorist organization
same name as the listed organization.30 Schedule 1 of the UAPA lists some
100. An unlawful activity is defined in Section 2(o) of the UAPA as, inter alia,
India or secede a part of the territory of India from the Union. 31 Similarly, an
(p) “unlawful association” means any association,—
(i) which has for its object any unlawful activity, or which
India or intends to strike terror or is likely to strike terror in the people or any
section of the people by any one of the activities mentioned in the section such as
using bombs or firearms or other lethal weapons that cause or are likely to cause
death or injury.33
102. In view of the above, there is no doubt that the organizations in Manipur
encourages or aids persons to undertake any unlawful activity, or of which the members undertake
such activity; or
(ii) which has for its object any activity which is punishable under
Section 153-A or Section 153-B of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), or which encourages or
aids persons to undertake any such activity, or of which the members undertake any such activity :
Provided that nothing contained in sub-clause (ii) shall apply to the
State of Jammu and Kashmir;
15. Terrorist act.- (1) Whoever does any act with intent to threaten or likely to threaten the unity,
integrity, security, economic security, or sovereignty of India or with intent to strike terror or likely to strike
terror in the people or any section of the people in India or in any foreign country,—
(a) by using bombs, dynamite or other explosive substances or inflammable substances or
firearms or other lethal weapons or poisonous or noxious gases or other chemicals or by any
other substances (whether biological radioactive, nuclear or otherwise) of a hazardous nature
or by any other means of whatever nature to cause or likely to cause—
(i) death of, or injuries to, any person or persons; or
(ii) loss of, or damage to, or destruction of, property; or
(iii) disruption of any supplies or services essential to the life of the community in India
or in any foreign country; or
(iii-a) damage to, the monetary stability of India by way of production or smuggling or
circulation of high quality counterfeit Indian paper currency, coin or of any other
material; or
(iv) damage or destruction of any property in India or in a foreign country used or
intended to be used for the defence of India or in connection with any other purposes of
the Government of India, any State Government or any of their agencies; or
(b) overawes by means of criminal force or the show of criminal force or attempts to do so or
causes death of any public functionary or attempts to cause death of any public functionary;
(c) detains, kidnaps or abducts any person and threatens to kill or injure such person or does
any other act in order to compel the Government of India, any State Government or the
Government of a foreign country or an international or inter-governmental organisation or any
other person to do or abstain from doing any act; or,
commits a terrorist act.
Explanation.—For the purpose of this sub-section,—
(a) “public functionary” means the constitutional authorities or any other functionary notified in
the Official Gazette by the Central Government as public functionary;
(b) “high quality counterfeit Indian currency” means the counterfeit currency as may be declared
after examination by an authorised or notified forensic authority that such currency imitates
compromises with the key security features as specified in the Third Schedule.
(2) The terrorist act includes an act which constitutes an offence within the scope of, and as defined in
any of the treaties specified in the Second Schedule.
defined in Section 2(l) of the UAPA)34 but are unlawful associations, for they
103. The Army Act, 1950 (for short ‘the Army Act’) is of considerable
importance for deciding the present controversy. A person subject to the Army Act
is said to be in active service if that person is, inter alia, attached to or forms a part
defined as armed mutineers, armed rebels, armed rioters, pirates and any person in
arms against whom it is the duty of any person subject to military law to act. 35 The
104. The Army Act also provides for offences in relation to the enemy which
are punishable with death,36 offences not punishable with death37 and offences that
are more severely punishable while on active service. 38 The significance of these
(l) “terrorist gang” means any association, other than terrorist organisation, whether systematic or
otherwise, which is concerned with, or involved in, terrorist act;
3. Definitions.—In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,—
(i) “active service”, as applied to a person subject to this Act, means the time during which such
(a) is attached to, or forms part of, a force which is engaged in operations against an enemy, or
(b) is engaged in military operations in, or is on the line of march to, a country or place wholly or
partly occupied by an enemy, or
(c) is attached to or forms part of a force which is in military occupation of a foreign country;
(x) “enemy” includes all armed mutineers, armed rebels, armed rioters, pirates and any person in arms
against whom it is the duty of any person subject to military law to act;
Section 34
Section 35
Section 36
maintaining public order in a disturbed area to cause the death of an enemy, that is
sovereignty of India.
105. For an offence committed by a person subject to the Army Act, the alleged
offender may be tried by a Court Martial but the period of limitation for the trial of
such an alleged offender is regulated by Section 122 of the Army Act. The
limitation provided is a period of three years commencing from (a) the date of the
offence; or (b) when the commission of the offence is not known to the person
aggrieved or the competent authority, the date on which the commission of such an
authority whichever is earlier; or (c) when the identity of the offender is not
known, the date on which the identity is known to the person aggrieved or the
106. Section 125 and Section 126 of the Army Act are of considerable
ought to be read in conjunction with Section 4 and Section 5 of the Cr.P.C. These
Sections provide that when both a criminal court and a Court Martial have
jurisdiction in respect of an offence, the first option would be with the Army to
decide whether the accused person should be proceeded against in a criminal court
or before a Court Martial. However, if the criminal court is of opinion that the
proceedings should be instituted before itself, it may require the Army to send the
constituted under the Army Act, that conflict shall be referred to the Central
107. In this context, it is necessary to refer to the Criminal Courts and Court
Martial (Adjustment of Jurisdiction) Rules, 1978. These Rules provide, inter alia,
that when a person subject to the Army Act is brought before a Magistrate and is
charged with an offence also triable by a Court Martial, then such Magistrate shall
125. Choice between criminal court and court-martial - When a criminal court and a court-martial
have each jurisdiction in respect of an offence, it shall be in the discretion of the officer commanding the
army, army corps, division or independent brigade in which the accused person is serving or such other
officer as may be prescribed to decide before which court the proceedings shall be instituted, and, if that
officer decides that they should be instituted before a court-martial, to direct that the accused person shall
be detained in military custody.
126. Power of criminal court to require delivery of offender - (1) When a criminal court having
jurisdiction is of opinion that proceedings shall be instituted before itself in respect of any alleged offence,
it may, by written notice, require the officer referred to in Section 125 at his option, either to deliver over
the offender to the nearest magistrate to be proceeded against according to law, or to postpone proceedings
pending a reference to the Central Government.
(2) In every such case the said officer shall either deliver over the offender in compliance with the
requisition, or shall forthwith refer the question as to the court before which the proceedings are to be
instituted for the determination of the Central Government, whose order upon such reference upon such
reference shall be final.
opinion in writing that he should so proceed without being so moved. 40 In the latter
event, the Magistrate shall give a written notice of fifteen days to the Commanding
Officer of that person and shall until then effectively stay his hands. 41
108. In the event a Magistrate concludes that a person subject to the Army Act
has committed an offence triable by the Magistrate but the presence of such a
person cannot be procured except through the competent Army authority, then the
person either to deliver such person to a Magistrate to be named in the said notice
for being proceeded against according to law, or to stay the proceedings against
such person before the Court Martial …… and to make a reference to the Central
Rule 3: Where a person subject military, naval, air force or Coast Guard law, or any other laws relating
to the Armed Forces of the Union for the time being in force is brought before a Magistrate and charged
with an offence for which he is also liable to be tried by a Court Martial or Coast Guard Court, as the case
may be such Magistrate shall not proceed to try such person or to commit the case to the Court of Session,
(a) he is moved thereto by a competent military, naval, air force or Coast Guard authority; or
(b) he is of opinion, for reasons to be recorded, that he should so proceed or to commit without
being moved thereto by such authority.
Rule 4: Before proceeding under clause (b) of rule 3, the Magistrate shall give a written notice to the
Commanding Officer or the competent military, naval, air force or Coast Guard authority, as the case may
be, of the accused and until the expiry of a period of fifteen days from the date of service of the notice he
shall not :-
(a) Convict or acquit the accused xxxx xxxx; or
(b) frame in writing a charge against the accused xxx xxx; or
(c) make an order committing the accused for trial to the Court of Session xxx xxx; or
(d) make over the case for inquiry or trial under section 192 of the said Code.
109. The principal contention of the learned Attorney General in opposing any
the situation that vast powers have been given to the armed forces under AFSPA
and the constitutionality of AFSPA has been upheld by the Constitution Bench in
Naga People’s Movement of Human Rights. It is only due to the efforts of the
Manipur Police and the armed forces of the Union that the security environment in
Manipur has not deteriorated but has vastly improved over the years. The efforts
made in the past and the successes gained, the efforts being presently made and the
efforts that will be made in the future should not get hamstrung through wanton
excessive force. These have a deleterious and demoralizing impact on the security
forces to no one’s advantage except the militants, terrorists and insurgents. This is
apart from the submission that the deaths caused were justified, being deaths of
110. There is no doubt from the records of the case that Manipur has been and
Rule 8: Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing rules, where it comes to the notice of a Magistrate
that a person subject to military, naval, air force or coast guard law, or any other law relating to the Armed
Forces of the Union for the time being in force has committed an offence, proceedings in respect of which
ought to be instituted before him and that the presence of such person cannot be procured except through
military, naval, air force or coast guard authorities, the Magistrate may by a written notice require the
commanding officer of such person either to deliver such person to a Magistrate to be named in the said
notice for being proceeded against according to law, or to stay the proceedings against such person before
the Court Martial or coast guard court, as the case may be if since instituted, and to make a reference to the
Central Government for determination as to the court before which proceedings should be instituted.
is that this situation has continued since 1958 – for almost 60 years. This goes so
far back that when we requested learned counsel for the State of Manipur to place
before us the declarations under AFSPA and the prohibitory orders issued under
Section 144 of the Cr.P.C. only fairly recent declarations and prohibitory orders
were produced, the rest having perhaps been lost in antiquity. A generation or two
has gone by and issues have festered for decades. It is high time that concerted and
sincere efforts are continuously made by the four stakeholders – civil society in
Manipur, the insurgents, the State of Manipur and the Government of India to find
a lasting and peaceful solution to the festering problem, with a little consideration
from all quarters. It is never too late to bring peace and harmony in society.
111. Be that as it may, we need to be clear that the situation in Manipur has
threatens the security of the country or a part thereof. No such declaration has been
made by the Union of India – explicitly or even implicitly - and nothing has been
aggression or an armed rebellion in Manipur. That is not anybody’s case at all nor
112. In support of his contention that a war-like situation was and is prevailing
in Manipur, the learned Attorney General relied on Navjot Sandhu to submit that
under Section 121 of the IPC ‘war’ is not necessarily conventional warfare
between two nations and even organizing and joining an insurrection against the
the UAPA and were provoking cession or secession from India and were therefore
‘enemy’. On this basis it was contended that even if there is no war-like situation
113. Navjot Sandhu was a case in which Parliament was attacked by terrorists.
There can be no doubt that those who attacked the heart of our democracy were
our enemies for all practical purposes, regardless of whether they were carrying
out a war against our country or not. It is not necessary for us to dwell at length on
the facts of that case since we have already observed that there is no declaration of
a war in Manipur, even as per the case of the Union of India. However, the
114. This Court analyzed the law on the subject in Navjot Sandhu and held
(inter alia) in paragraphs 282 and 283 of the Report that in the context of ‘war’ (i)
the animus of the party is important; (ii) the use of force or arms is necessary;
(iii) the number of members in the party is not relevant and even a few can cause
devastation; (iv) ‘pomp and pageantry’ accompanying a war is irrelevant and even
a stealthy operation could be a war. However, what is important is that it was made
clear that all acts of violent resistance, even against the armed forces and public
283. While these are the acceptable criteria of waging war, we must
dissociate ourselves from the old English and Indian authorities to
the extent that they lay down a too general test of attainment of an
object of general public nature or a political object. We have already
expressed reservations in adopting this test in its literal sense and
construing it in a manner out of tune with the present day. The court
must be cautious in adopting an approach which has the effect of
bringing within the fold of Section 121 [of the IPC] all acts of
lawless and violent acts resulting in destruction of public
properties, etc., and all acts of violent resistance to the armed
personnel to achieve certain political objectives. The moment it
is found that the object sought to be attained is of a general
public nature or has a political hue, the offensive violent acts
targeted against the armed forces and public officials should not
be branded as acts of waging war. The expression “waging war”
115. Therefore, animus to wage a war or any other similar activity is important
before a non-conventional war or war-like situation can be said to exist. Every act
of violence, even though it may be directed against the armed forces or public
officials would not lead to an inference that a war is going on or that war-like
and ambushes would not lead to a conclusion of the existence of a war or war-like
(1820) 1 State Tr NS 609, 610
AIR 1946 Nagpur 173, 185
our armed forces that they are unable to effectively tackle a war-like situation for
the last almost six decades. It would also reflect poorly on the Union of India that
war-like situation under control for almost six decades. We cannot be expected to
cast or even countenance any such aspersions on our armed forces or the Union of
India. All that we can and do say is that in such a situation, our Constitution
and that ought to be dealt with by the civil administration with the services of the
116. The submission of the learned Attorney General is nothing but a play on
words and we reject it and hold that an internal disturbance is not equivalent to or
akin to a war-like situation and proceed on the basis that there is no war or
war-like situation in Manipur but only an internal disturbance, within the meaning
117. Therefore, the questions before us are quite straightforward – to quell this
internal disturbance, has there been use of excessive force by the Manipur Police
and the armed forces in the 1528 cases compiled by the petitioners through fake
Manipur as alleged by the petitioners. Secondly, has the use of force by the armed
forces been retaliatory to the point of causing death and was the retaliatory force
permissible in law on the ground that the victims were ‘enemy’ as defined in
simply put, the right of self-defence or private defence is a right that can be
exercised to defend oneself but not to retaliate. 45 This view was reiterated but
said: “To put it differently, the right is one of defence and not of requital or
reprisal. Such being the nature of right, the High Court could not have exonerated
the accused persons of the charges levelled against them by bestowing on them the
120. In Rohtash Kumar v. State of Haryana 48 this Court cautioned against the
Manjeet Singh v. State of H.P., (2014) 5 SCC 697
(1997) 4 SCC 496
(2005) 10 SCC 358
(2013) 14 SCC 290
122. From the above, it is abundantly clear that the right of self-defence or
private defence falls in one basket and use of excessive force or retaliatory force
that victim exceeds the right of private defence or self-defence by using excessive
retaliation leads to the death of the original aggressor. When the State uses such
(2010) 2 SCC 333
liquidation”. Society and the courts obviously cannot and do not accept such a
death caused by the State since it is destructive of the rule of law and plainly
123. The problem before the courts tends to become vexed when the victims are
(including the court) assess the degree of force required in a given situation and
whether it was excessive and retaliatory or not? Scrutiny by the courts in such
cases leads to complaints by the State of its having to fight militants, insurgents
and terrorists with one hand tied behind its back. This is not a valid criticism since,
and this is important, in such cases it is not the encounter or the operation that is
under scrutiny but the smoking gun that is under scrutiny. There is a qualitative
difference between use of force in an operation and use of such deadly force that is
akin to using a sledgehammer to kill a fly; one is an act of self-defence while the
124. This concern, both from the perspective of the State and from the
Prof. Aharon Barak a former President of the Supreme Court of Israel who
acknowledges that sometimes a democracy must fight with one hand tied behind
“We are aware that this decision does not make it easier to
deal with that reality. This is the fate of democracy, as not all
means are acceptable to it, and not all methods employed by
its enemies are open to it. Sometimes a democracy must fight
with one hand tied behind its back. Nonetheless, it has the
upper hand. Preserving the rule of law and recognition of
individual liberties constitute an important component of its
understanding of security. At the end of the day, they
strengthen its spirit and strength and allow it to overcome its
difficulties.” 51
125. It is this preservation of the rule of law, recognition of human rights and
check on the abuse or misuse of power that has been the highlight of a few
decisions placed before us. In Matajog Dobey v. H.C. Bhari52 a cautious step by
step approach was advocated by the Constitution Bench of this Court in the matter
Criminal Procedure, 1898. The first step is to ascertain whether the act complained
the discharge of official duty. “There must be a reasonable connection between the
act and the official duty. It does not matter even if the act exceeds what is strictly
necessary for the discharge of the duty, as this question will arise only at a later
stage when the trial proceeds on the merits. What we must find out is whether the
act and the official duty are so inter-related that one can postulate reasonably that
it was done by the accused in the performance of the official duty, though possibly
in excess of the needs and requirements of the situation.” Causing the death of a
Aharon Barak: The Judge in a Democracy, page 283 (Princeton University Press)
(1955) 2 SCR 925
between the death and the official act or whether excessive force or retaliatory
force was used in the act has to be determined at an appropriate stage. It does not
matter whether the victim was a common person or a militant or a terrorist, nor
does it matter whether the aggressor was a common person or the State. The law is
the same for both and is equally applicable to both. It is for this reason that with
regard to the abuse or misuse of power by the State this Court expressed the
the Report:
“In order that the people may feel assured that there is an effective
check against misuse or abuse of powers by the members of the
armed forces it is necessary that a complaint containing an allegation
about misuse or abuse of the powers conferred under the Central Act
[the AFSPA] should be thoroughly inquired into and, if it is found
that there is substance in the allegation, the victim should be suitably
compensated by the State and the requisite sanction under Section 6
of the Central Act should be granted for instruction of prosecution
and/or a civil suit or other proceedings against the person/persons
responsible for such violation.”
126. In other words, the decision of the Constitution Bench requires that every
death caused by the armed forces, including in the disturbed area of Manipur
or misuse of power. All of us are bound by this direction of the Constitution Bench
which has been given to assure the people that there is no abuse or misuse of
complainant’s son. The version of the police was that they were fired upon and
they had to retaliate to save themselves and that resulted in the death. The
Magistrate and also before the NHRC. The decision of this Court arose out of the
private complaint. Be that as it may, the complaint made to the NHRC was
enquired into and the NHRC concluded that it was not a case of a fake encounter.
This Court also took a similar view. Though the case related primarily to the grant
of sanction to prosecute under Section 197 of the Cr.P.C., it was held, relying upon
Jew55 that if there is a “reasonable connection” between the official duty and the
use of excessive force, then the use of excessive force will not be a ground for
denial of protection under Section 197 of the Cr.P.C. Thereafter, it was held in
paragraph 42 of the Report that it is not the duty of the police to kill a person even
if he is a dreaded criminal and that such killings must be deprecated. It was said:
“It is not the duty of the police officers to kill the accused merely
because he is a dreaded criminal. Undoubtedly, the police have to
arrest the accused and put them up for trial. This Court has
repeatedly admonished trigger-happy police personnel, who
liquidate criminals and project the incident as an encounter. Such
killings must be deprecated. They are not recognised as legal by our
criminal justice administration system. They amount to
State-sponsored terrorism. But, one cannot be oblivious of the fact
that there are cases where the police, who are performing their duty,
are attacked and killed. There is a rise in such incidents and judicial
notice must be taken of this fact. In such circumstances, while the
police have to do their legal duty of arresting the criminals, they
(1960) 2 SCR 89
(2004) 8 SCC 40
128. How does anyone determine whether the action of causing the death of a
person was “indefensible, mala fide and vindictive”? It can only be through a
in Om Prakash that enquiry had been conducted at the instance of the NHRC by
under the Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act, 1999. The prisoners were
130. On the directions of the Bombay High Court, a Sessions Judge conducted
an inquiry into the incident and submitted his report. The report was accepted by
the High Court and on the basis thereof the Government was directed to hold a
departmental inquiry against the officials for use of excessive force in bringing the
131. This Court then considered the question whether the High Court was
justified in giving the direction that it did. It was held that the report was
preliminary57 and “flawed in many respects”. Nevertheless this Court held that the
inquiry report could provide “no more than a prima facie basis for the Government
(2012) 13 SCC 192
There is nothing to indicate that the report was preliminary.
found guilty.”
a facet of the rule of law and in a country governed by the rule of law “police
excesses whether inside or outside the jail cannot be countenanced in the name of
133. In People’s Union for Civil Liberties it was alleged that two persons from
Manipur were killed in a fake encounter by the police. This was denied by the
police who averred that the deceased were killed in a cross-fire between the police
and an unlawful organization in Mizoram. In a writ petition filed in this Court, the
District and Sessions Judge was directed to conduct an inquiry and submit a
report. In his report given to this Court, the District and Sessions Judge concluded
that there was no encounter and that the two deceased were shot dead by the police
while in custody. Objections to the report were filed by the State of Manipur but
134. It was submitted by the learned counsel for the State of Manipur that it
of the Report that the actions of the police could not be countenanced even in a
disturbed area and that “administrative liquidation” was not a course open to them.
It was said:
135. It must be held, and there can be no doubt about it, that in view of the
would always require to be met regardless of whether the State is concerned with a
question that will arise is who should conduct that thorough enquiry.
136. In this regard, it was submitted by the learned Attorney General that apart
from anything else, an internal enquiry is conducted through the Human Rights
Division of the Army and the Ministry of Defence to ensure that any violation of
human rights is duly punished. In this regard, it was submitted that though the
enquiry may be internal, it is nevertheless fair and over the years as many as 70
personnel have been punished for human rights violations. Therefore, there is no
need to have any independent enquiry into the alleged fake encounters.
137. We are not inclined to accept this submission. We had asked the learned
Attorney General to hand over sample files so that we could understand the nature
of the internal enquiry and how it was conducted. We were handed over a sealed
cover which upon opening revealed that what was handed over to us were four
files relating to four cases enquired into by the Justice Hegde Commission. These
four cases are Case 1 - Md. Azad Khan, Case 3 - Nameirakpam Gobind Meitei &
Chongtham Umakanta. In all these cases the respondents have come to the
conclusion that the allegations were not supported by any credible evidence and
thorough enquiry having been made by the Justice Hegde Commission the view
taken was that all these persons were killed in a fake encounter or that the force
used against them was excessive. Under these circumstances, we do not wish to
comment on the nature of the internal enquiry conducted by the respondents but
only record that these cases apparently never reached the Human Rights Division
138. It was contended by the learned Attorney General that the general
this Court, including Darshan Singh would not be applicable to the disturbed area
of Manipur since the armed forces in that State were engaged with militants and
terrorists who are ‘enemy’ as defined in Section 3(x) of the Army Act. This is a
shift from the stand taken in affidavit filed by the Union of India but we let it pass.
defined under Section 3(x) of the Army Act. In that case, the record shows that
Ratan Singh was a member of the IPKF (Operation Pawan) in Sri Lanka and when
fired upon by militants, he quit his post. It was in this context that this Court
observed that “The operation in which the appellant was engaged was directed
against the militants who were undisputedly included in the expression ‘enemy’
within Section 3(x) [of the Army Act].” The reference was specific to “the
militants” against whom the IPKF was required to act. There was no general or
Navjot Sandhu this Court cited Sir James Stephen with approval in paragraph 276
140. Similarly, though in a slightly different context, it was held by this Court
in Indra Das v. State of Assam59 after referring to and relying upon Arup Bhuyan
incriminate a person. He might be a passive member and not an active one and so
Digest of Criminal Law by Sir James Stephen
(2011) 3 SCC 380
(2011) 3 SCC 377
141. In so far as the present case is concerned, the Justice Hegde Commission
found that none of the victims in the six cases examined by it at the instance of
this Court had any criminal antecedents or that there was any credible evidence to
show that they had affiliations with a banned or unlawful organization. Therefore
it would not be correct to say that merely because a person was carrying arms in a
of the petitioners that in most cases the arms are planted on the victims.
142. Significantly, the word ‘enemy’ is used in conjunction with the word
‘alien’ in Article 22 of the Constitution. But the Army Act provides for a broader
person. There can be little doubt that ‘armed mutineers’ and ‘armed rebels’ by
definition deal in violence. This Court has associated ‘mutiny’ with violence in
Maharashtra.62 Armed rioters are also involved in violence. Section 146 of the
(1985) 3 SCC 398 at paragraph 161
(1986) 2 SCC 112 at paragraphs 6 and 7
Similarly, an act of piracy inherently involves violence. Article 101 of the United
not ipso facto become an enemy. There has to be something much more to brand
such a person as an enemy. That a person is not a mere law-breaker but an enemy
143. In cases such as the present, there is a greater duty of care and an equally
greater necessity of a thorough enquiry since, we must not forget, the alleged
‘enemy’ in this case is a citizen of our country entitled to all fundamental rights
what the Constitution Bench said in Naga People’s Movement of Human Rights -
146. Rioting - Whenever force or violence is used by an unlawful assembly, or by any member thereof, in
prosecution of the common object of such assembly, every member of such assembly is guilty of the
offence of rioting.
To this we may add that ordinarily our armed forces should not be used against our
“The primary task of the armed forces of the Union is to defend the
country in the event of war or when it is faced with external
aggression. Their training and orientation is to defeat the hostile
forces. A situation of internal disturbance involving the local
population requires a different approach. Involvement of armed
forces in handling such a situation brings them in confrontation with
their countrymen. Prolonged or too frequent deployment of armed
forces for handling such situations is likely to generate a feeling of
alienation among the people against the armed forces who by their
sacrifices in the defence of their country have earned a place in the
hearts of the people. It also has an adverse effect on the morale and
discipline of the personnel of the armed forces.”
If members of our armed forces are deployed and employed to kill citizens of our
country on the mere allegation or suspicion that they are ‘enemy’ not only the rule
144. In view of our discussion, it is not possible to accept the contention of the
prohibitory orders in the disturbed area of Manipur is ipso facto an enemy or that
the security forces in Manipur in such a case are dealing with an ‘enemy’ as
defined in Section 3(x) of the Army Act. This is far too sweeping and general an
thoroughly enquired into to ascertain and determine the facts. In the enquiry, it
might turn out that the victim was in fact an enemy and an unprovoked aggressor
remain whether excessive or retaliatory force was used to kill that enemy.
145. The learned Attorney General also relied upon the UAPA to contend that a
Army Act and it is the duty of a person subject to military law to act against a
terrorist. The argument of the learned Attorney General proceeds on the basis that
presumption one way or the other and there is also no presumption one way or the
other that all the operations and encounters were faked as sought to be contended
by the petitioners. The facts have not yet been determined in this regard in all
November, 2012 is that the ordinary criminal laws including the UAPA are
enforcement of the AFSPA. Hence, reliance on the UAPA does not advance the
face are grave. In People’s Union for Civil Liberties v. Union of India64 the
2002 was under question. In that decision, this Court described terrorism as an
this Court observed that terrorist acts are meant, in several ways, to destabilize the
nation and, amongst others, demoralize the security forces. It was observed that
(2004) 9 SCC 580
are facing is now on an unprecedented global scale. It was further observed that to
course new laws. It is under these circumstances that the Prevention of Terrorism
147. In a similar vein, Section 15 of the UAPA which was relied on by the
with intent to threaten or likely to threaten the unity, integrity, security, economic
terror in the people or any section of the people in India by any of the acts
148. This Court had occasion to advert to the challenges from terrorists, the
response of the State and the constitutional commitment of the Courts. In Saeed
“Having said that we cannot ignore the fact that the country today
faces challenges and threats from extremist elements operating from
within and outside India. Those dealing with such elements have at
times to pay a heavy price by sacrificing their lives in the discharge
of their duties. The glory of the constitutional democracy that we
have adopted, however, is that whatever be the challenges posed by
such dark forces, the country’s commitment to the rule of law
remains steadfast. Courts in this country have protected and would
continue to protect the ideals of the rights of the citizen being
inviolable except in accordance with the procedure established by
149. Killing an ‘enemy’ is not the only available solution and that is what the
Geneva Conventions and the principles of international humanitarian law tell us.
caption: “List of Dos and Don’ts while acting under the Armed Forces (Special
Powers) Act, 1958” read with “List of Dos and Don’ts while providing aid to civil
authority” restrain the Army from using excessive force. In Naga People’s
58 of the Report:
Therefore, even while dealing with the ‘enemy’ the rule of law would apply and if
there have been excesses beyond the call of duty, those members of the Manipur
Police or the armed forces who have committed the excesses which do not have a
reasonable connection with the performance of their official duty would be liable
to be proceeded against.
150. Advocating caution and use of minimal force against our own people, it
was held in Naga People’s Movement of Human Rights that power can be
exercised under Section 4(a) of the AFSPA only under certain circumstances. It
“The powers under Section 4(a) can be exercised only when (a) a
prohibitory order of the nature specified in that clause is in force in
the disturbed area; (b) the officer exercising those powers forms the
opinion that it is necessary to take action for maintenance of public
order against the person/persons acting in contravention of such
the Chief of Army Staff. These read as follows and nothing can better elucidate
Remember that people you are dealing with, are your own countrymen. All
your conduct must be dictated by this one significant consideration.
Good intelligence is the key to success – the thrust of your operations must be
intelligence based and must include the militant leadership.
Be compassionate, help the people and win their hearts and minds. Employ
all resources under your command to improve their living conditions.
armed forces) that minimum force is to be used even against terrorists, militants
and insurgents. This is very much in tune with international law even in times of
toned down response cannot be given by our armed forces in times of internal
152. At this stage, we would like to make it clear that Section 6 of the AFSPA
and Section 49 of the UAPA65 presently have no application to this case. It has yet
the deaths were in genuine encounters in counter insurgency operations and it has
or not. If any death was unjustified, there is no blanket immunity available to the
perpetrator(s) of the offence. No one can act with impunity particularly when there
153. A contention was raised by the learned Attorney General that an offence
committed by a member of armed forces must be tried under the provisions of the
49. Protection of action taken in good faith - No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie
against -
(a) the Central Government or a State Government or any officer or authority of the Central
Government or State Government or District Magistrate or any officer authorised in this behalf by the
Government or the District Magistrate or any other authority on whom powers have been conferred under
this Act, for anything which is in good faith done or purported to be done in pursuance of this Act or any
rule or order made thereunder; and
(b) any serving or retired member of the armed forces or paramilitary forces in respect of any action
taken or purported to be taken by him in good faith, in the course of any operation directed towards
combating terrorism.
words, if anyone from the Army is found to have used excessive force, he should
be proceeded against under the provisions of the Army Act and not in a criminal
court. Reliance was placed in this regard on Balbir Singh v. State of Punjab.66
guilt by a Court Martial for an offence punishable under Section 304 and Section
149 of the IPC. The contention of the petitioner was that the Court Martial had no
jurisdiction to try him and that only a criminal court constituted under the Cr.P.C.
Army Act, the Constitution Bench held that under the Army Act there are three
It was held by the Constitution Bench that subject to a few exceptions, the third
category of cases is not triable by a Court Martial but is triable only by ordinary
criminal courts. The exceptions are to be found in Section 70 of the Army Act and
(1995) 1 SCC 90
(1969) 2 SCR 177
155. The Constitution Bench then considered the provisions of Section 125 and
Section 126 of the Army Act in this context. It was held that Section 125
Martial have concurrent jurisdiction. Section 125 of the Army Act read with
Section 126 thereof gives discretion to the officer mentioned in Section 125 to
decide before which forum the proceedings shall be instituted. If it is decided that
the proceedings should be instituted before a Court Martial then the accused is
taken into military custody. However, if the criminal court is of opinion that the
offence should be tried before itself then it must follow the procedure laid down in
Section 126 of the Army Act pending a reference to the Central Government. It
was held that these two sections of the Army Act provide a satisfactory machinery
On the facts of the case, it was held that the police had not completed its
investigation into the alleged offence and that the accused had not been brought
before the Magistrate after the filing of the charge sheet, hence the criminal court
156. At this stage, it may be mentioned in the above context that in Ram
Swarup v. Union India68 a Constitution Bench of this Court held that the exercise
of discretion by the competent authority under Sections 125 and 126 of the Army
Act is not unguided and does not violate Article 14 of the Constitution.
157. In Balbir Singh the accused was in active service in the Air Force and was
tried and convicted by a criminal court for an offence punishable under Sections
302 and 34 of the IPC. The contention urged before this Court was that the
criminal court inherently lacked jurisdiction to try the accused. This Court
considered the provisions of Section 72 of the Air Force Act, 1950 (corresponding
to Section 70 of the Army Act), Sections 124 and 125 of the said Act
(corresponding to Sections 125 and 126 of the Army Act) and the Criminal Courts
and Court Martial (Adjustment of Jurisdiction) Rules, 1952. It was held that in the
event of a Court Martial and a criminal court both having jurisdiction to try the
offence, the first option to try a person subject to the Air Force Act who is in active
service is with the Air Force authorities. If the Air Force authorities do not
(1964) 5 SCR 931
accused could be tried by the criminal court in accordance with the procedure laid
down by the Cr.P.C. It was further held that if the criminal court decides to
proceed in the matter despite the contrary view of the Air Force authorities, then
Section 125(2) of the said Act and the decision of the Central Government would
be final.
We may note that the provisions of the Criminal Courts and Court Martial
to the Criminal Courts and Court Martial (Adjustment of Jurisdiction) Rules, 1952
provisions of the Armed Forces (Jammu and Kashmir) Special Powers Act, 1990
and the AFSPA were considered. The decision arose out a charge sheet filed in the
courts the view canvassed by the Army was that the prosecution could not be
launched without the previous sanction of the Central Government, the action
complained of was in performance of official duties and therefore the charge sheet
proceedings are concerned institution does not mean filing, presenting or initiating
proceedings but it means taking cognizance of the offence as per the provisions of
the Cr.P.C. and that cognizance means taking judicial notice of an offence by an
under the provisions of the Cr.P.C. Relying upon Matajog Dobey it was held that
the criminal court lacks jurisdiction to take cognizance of the offence unless
161. A reference was then made to Sections 125 and 126 of the Army Act and it
was held in paragraph 86 of the Report, following Som Datt Datta and Balbir
Singh as follows:
“Military authority may ask the criminal court dealing with the case
that the accused would be tried by the Court Martial in view of the
provisions of Section 125 of the Army Act. However, the option
given by the authority is not final in view of the provisions of
Section 126 of the Army Act. Criminal court having jurisdiction to
try the offender may require the competent military officer to deliver
the offender to the Magistrate concerned to be proceeded with
according to law or to postpone the proceedings pending reference to
the Central Government, if that criminal court is of the opinion that
proceedings be instituted before itself in respect of that offence.
Thus, in case the criminal court makes such a request, the military
officer either has to comply with it or make a reference to the
Central Government whose orders would be final with respect to the
venue of the trial. Therefore, the discretion exercised by the military
officer is subject to the control of the Central Government. Such
matter is being governed by the provisions of Section 475 CrPC read
with the provisions of the J&K Criminal Courts and Court Martial
(Adjustment of Jurisdiction) Rules, 1983.”
162. This Court then recorded its conclusions in paragraph 95 of the Report and
163. The law is therefore very clear that if an offence is committed even by
criminal court constituted under the Cr.P.C. To contend that this would have a
deleterious and demoralizing impact on the security forces is certainly one way of
looking at it, but from the point of view of a citizen, living under the shadow of a
gun that can be wielded with impunity, outright acceptance of the proposition
164. The result of the interplay between Section 4 and Section 5 of the Cr.P.C.
and Sections 125 and 126 of the Army Act makes it quite clear that the decision to
try a person who has committed an offence punishable under the Army Act and
who is subject to the provisions of the Army Act does not always or necessarily lie
only with the Army – the criminal court under the Cr.P.C. could also try the
Issue of limitation
165. The next contention of the learned Attorney General was that even today
the Army would be entitled to hold a Court of Inquiry and determine whether an
offence had been committed by any of its personnel, identify the offender (if any)
and then punish him in accordance with the provisions of the Army Act. It was
submitted that the issue of limitation postulated by Section 122 of the Army Act
166. It may be mentioned that the period of limitation provided under Section
122 of the Army Act commences from (a) the date of the offence (the commission
of which is denied in the present case); (b) where the commission of the offence
was not known to the competent authority, the first day on which the commission
of such offence comes to the knowledge of the competent authority; (c) when it is
not known who committed the offence, the first day on which the identity of the
167. Reference was made by the learned Attorney General to Union of India v.
was only much later when a Staff Court of Inquiry gave its recommendations
blaming the respondent that Court Martial proceedings were initiated against him.
This Court took the view that the period of limitation for convening a Court
Martial would commence from the date on which the competent authority of the
(2010) 5 SCC 579
recommendation against the appellant that he had defrauded the Army through
such as the present in which the Army categorically says that no offence has been
any Court of Inquiry and Section 122 of the Army Act does not even come into
picture, nor does the question whether a particular person is guilty of any offence
or not. Therefore, even holding a Court Martial cannot arise. But if the Army has
an open mind on the issue, it can certainly hold a Court of Inquiry, if the law
170. However, we make it clear that even if the armed forces decide to take
action and inquire into the allegations at their own level, it would not preclude any
stated in their affidavits that the guidelines issued from time to time are not being
followed in their true spirit. That apart, the NHRC has complained that the State
Governments (including perhaps the State of Manipur) invariably take more than
inquest report and the ballistic expert report as well as the Magisterial Enquiry
(2010) 11 SCC 586
apparently conducted in a casual manner) and not a judicial enquiry, not much
credence can be attached to the Magisterial Enquiry report. In this context, it may
also be mentioned that the NHRC has also complained about the poor quality of
the Magisterial Enquiry reports received by it and it is pointed out that in some
instances the family of the person killed is not examined nor any independent
witness is examined by the Magistrate. That being the position, it is not possible to
attach any importance to the Magisterial Enquiry conducted at the behest of the
State Government, even though it might have been conducted under Section 176
of the Cr.P.C.
172. Therefore, we make it clear that even if the State Government decides to
hold Magisterial Enquiries and take suitable action on the report given, it would
not preclude any other inquiry or investigation into the allegations made. In
situations of the kind that we are dealing with, there can be no substitute for a
that the use of excessive force or retaliatory force by the Manipur Police or the
armed forces of the Union is not permissible. As is evident from the Dos and
Don’ts and the Ten Commandments of the Chief of Army Staff, the Army believes
in this ethos and accepts that this principle would apply even in an area declared as
a disturbed area under AFSPA and against militants, insurgents and terrorists.
There is no reason why this principle should not apply to the other armed forces of
(c) We respectfully follow and reiterate the view expressed by the Constitution
allegation of excessive force resulting in the death of any person by the Manipur
Police or the armed forces in Manipur must be thoroughly enquired into. For the
time being, we leave it open for decision on who should conduct the inquiry and
appropriate directions in this regard will be given after the exercise mentioned
below is conducted.
(d) We respectfully follow and reiterate the view expressed by this Court
that in the event of an offence having been committed by any person in the
Manipur Police or the armed forces through the use of excessive force or
retaliatory force, resulting in the death of any person, the proceedings in respect
being followed.
Further steps
174. Unfortunately, we have not been given accurate and complete information
Therefore, there is a need to obtain and collate this information before any final
directions can be given. Learned Amicus has told us that there are 15 cases out of
inquiries conducted at the instance of the Gauhati High Court that the encounters
were faked. On the other hand, the NHRC has informed us that there are 31 cases
out of 62 in which it has been concluded that the encounters were not genuine and
compensation is pending.
representative and the learned Amicus will prepare a simple tabular statement
an inquiry under the Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952 has been held and the
result of the inquiry and whether any First Information Report or complaint or
petition has been filed by the next of kin of the deceased. We request the NHRC
to render assistance to the learned Amicus in this regard. We make it clear that
(b) The representative of the petitioners and the learned Amicus will
revisit the remaining cases (1528 minus 62) and carry out an identical exercise as
occurrence or any other relevant detail and then present an accurate and faithful
176. We propose to consider the grievance of the NHRC that it has become a
toothless tiger, after hearing the Union of India and the NHRC on this important
issue. We also propose to consider the nature of the guidelines issued by the
177. For the time being we keep open the question whether Court Martial
proceedings can be initiated by the Army against an offender, if any, to await the
result of the first step as mentioned above. We are making it clear that we have
not precluded the petitioners from contesting this issue. We are not deciding it for
the time being only because full facts are not available to us. However, if the law
permits and the Army is so inclined, it may hold a Court of Inquiry in each case.
178. We record our appreciation for the assistance rendered by the learned
Amicus at every stage of hearing of the case and for the valuable assistance
rendered and expect her to continue assisting us till the closure of this petition.
179. List the matter for further proceedings immediately after four weeks.
(Madan B. Lokur)
New Delhi; (Uday Umesh Lalit)
July 8, 2016
Ms. Shobha,Adv.
Mr. Akanksha Kaushik, Adv.
of the Constitution.
from the Dos and Don’ts and the Ten Commandments of the
Further steps
has been concluded that the encounters were not genuine and
held and the result of the inquiry and whether any First
177. For the time being we keep open the question whether