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Unit Test 6B

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B2 Unit test 6B

1 Listen and mark where you hear an extra

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
/j/, /w/ or /r/ sound.
the words from the box.
1 I objected to the proposed change and my manager
adjust ancestor ceremony
thought the same thing.
citizen community costume
2 Laura hoped her cousin would be enthusiastic about
decorate immigrant neighbourhood
the surprise party.
3 We decided to go over the presentation again the
night before the conference.
1 Although my grandfather was born in Ireland, he
4 Is Jack a Mac user or has he got a PC?
became a Canadian __________ after living in the
5 I’m not sure who installed the new system, but
country for a number of years.
they’ve done a great job!
2 People wore some fabulous colourful __________
2 points for each correct answer 10 during the festival.
3 The USA receives thousands of __________ each
2 A woman called Gita is leaving a voicemail year from many different countries around the
message for her colleague. Listen and complete world.
the message. Write two missing words in each 4 I’ve often wondered where my __________ came
space. from originally and what their lives were like.
5 Our __________ is a very peaceful one – there’s
Hi Angela. It’s Gita. I just thought I’d touch base with never any trouble and everyone’s friendly.
you because I thought you might 6 It took some time for everyone to __________ to
___________________ to know how we’re the new working practices.
progressing with the project. Well, I’m pleased to 7 A __________ celebrating our town’s history
report that in terms of the schedule, we’re on track and passes through the High Street every 1 May.
should be able to deliver 2___________________ 8 Everyone in the local __________ was angry about
within the next week. We’re 3___________________ plans to build another supermarket in the village.
the last stage now and just waiting for the testing 9 The opening __________ at the London Olympics
department to complete their checks. I’ll actually was one of the best I’ve ever seen.
___________________ holiday from next Monday, 10 It took ages to __________ my sister’s birthday
so someone else will be looking after things. I don’t cake, but I wanted it to look perfect!
know 5___________________ will be yet, but I’ll let
you know as soon as I do and I’ll send you an email as 1 point for each correct answer 10
a follow-up to this call. Thanks.

2 points for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

B2 Unit test 6B

4 Read the text below. Use the word given in

5 Complete the text with a/an, the or - (no article).
capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a
word that fits in the gap in the same line Diwali

Although many of us might say we The festival of Diwali, also known as the festival of
know exactly what a community is, lights, is one of 1 _____ most significant festivals in
the word itself does not have a nice Indian culture. During 2_____ festival, millions of
simple 1__________. DEFINE
people attend firework displays, prayers and
Firstly, a community is a model.
We cannot see a whole community, celebratory events held across 3_____ world.
we cannot touch it and we cannot Diwali is celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains for
__________ experience it. DIRECT 4
_____ variety of reasons, although the main theme
Communities may come in many
shapes, sizes, colours and which runs throughout is 5_____ victory of 6_____
locations, no two of which are light over darkness and 7_____ good over evil. The
__________. LIKE actual day of Diwali is traditionally celebrated on
More importantly, a community is 8
_____ festival’s third day. During this time, families
not just the people who are in it. It and friends share sweets and gifts and there is also
is something more than the sum of 9
_____ strong belief in giving food and goods to those
its parts, residents or community
in need. It is traditional for 10_____ homes to be
members. It is a set of types of
communication and human cleaned at the time of the festival.
__________ that have meaning BEHAVE
and expectations between its 1 point for each correct answer 10
members. And there may be
communities within larger
communities, 5__________ INCLUDE
districts, regions, ethnic groups,
nations and other boundaries.

2 points for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

B2 Unit test 6B

6 Complete the text. Use one word in each

7 Choose the correct option a–c to complete the

When the day of the exam comes, make 1__________ 1 I wonder if Ahmed and Huda have_____________
you give yourself plenty of time to do everything: yet for their wedding.
remember to have breakfast, but don’t drink
__________ much. Arrive on time, but not too early, a set free
or you may get nervous while you wait. b set a date
c set a limit
During the exam, 3__________ yourself down by
2 James wasn’t happy about having to
taking deep breaths and thinking positively. Read the
_____________ for all the mistakes that had been
questions carefully and underline all the key words
which indicate how the questions should be
__________. If possible, start with the 5__________ a take the blame
you are sure you know. This will increase your b take control
confidence. Remember what you’ve learned from c take a look
doing practice exams and plan how to make the most
3 Due to my poor language skills, I can’t always
of your time. Don’t panic 6__________ everyone
_____________ when I’m travelling abroad.
around you seems to start writing straight away and
don’t be tempted to do the same. a make sure of
b make the most of
After the exam, don’t get involved in 7__________ c make myself understood
discussion about what other people did; it won’t do
you any good and you don’t want 8__________ lose 4 Nina thought that a holiday would _____________
confidence for 9__________ next exam. Above after the difficult year she’d had.
__________, remember that exams are not designed a do her good
to catch you out, but to find out what you know and b do nothing
what you understand. c do damage

1 point for each correct answer 10 5 I hope we’re not going to _____________ with the
technology during the conference!
a have an argument
b have any difficulties
c have a lie-down

2 points for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

B2 Unit test 6B

8 Rearrange the letters in italics to make the 5 We couldn’t buy both flowers and chocolates for
words that complete the sentences. our host because we didn’t have _____ money.
a some
1 According to the latest political survey, there has
b little
been a big hisft in opinion and the Environment
c enough
Party is now in the lead. ___________
2 Make sure you take full advantage of the resort’s 6 _____ has changed at work since the last employee
aifclietis – the gym and pool there are excellent. survey was carried out.
a Little
3 I wouldn’t say I know Steve well. I’ve just met him
b Some
syiclola on a few occasions. ___________
c Few
4 Some of the rdisetens of the apartment block
collected money to buy plants for the entrance hall. 7 Considering that you spent _____ time on this
___________ essay, the result is quite disappointing.
5 Online crime, known as cybercrime, has increased a a number of
lboglaly in recent years. ___________ b a large quantity of
c a great deal of

2 points for each correct answer 10 8 _____ new team members are provided with a free
9 Choose the correct option a–c to complete
the sentences. a Every
b All
1 If I had _____ more time, I might be able to help c Each
you. 9 It took me ______ minutes to install the
a many software update.
b a little a any
c a lot of b much
2 _____ people attended the wedding of the well- c several
known artist. 10 Did you know that _____ people in the company
a A large quantity of speak four languages fluently?
b Hundreds of a a number of
c A great deal of b a large quantity of
3 Jans admitted that he didn’t have _____ c too many
information that could help the police.
1 point for each correct answer 10
a any
b some
c many
4 _____ of the twins is really good at maths, though
neither is very creative.
a Each
b Every
c All

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Name _______________________________________

B2 Unit test 6B

10 Choose the correct option A–F to complete the

mini-dialogues. There is one letter that you don’t

A Excuse me, do you mind if

B I hope you don’t mind me asking
C So, how do you know Jack?
D Have you been in this class long?
E I couldn’t help overhearing
F Lovely weather, isn’t it?
Anya ____
Ivana Well, we spent a fair bit of time together
while we were volunteering in the rainforest.
Lars ____
Helen It’s long overdue, I say – it’s hardly been
spring-like recently, has it!
Henri ____, but weren’t you at that charity event in
town last week?
Carmen I think you must be confusing me with
someone else.
Jacek Sorry, ____ – did you just say that Bridge
Street is closed?
Kazumi That’s right. Traffic’s being diverted via Park
Zara ____ I close the window?
Emre Not at all.

2 points for each correct answer 10

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B2 Unit test 6B

Unit 6B test total 100

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