Intro To The Math of Knots - Links - Koytcheff
Intro To The Math of Knots - Links - Koytcheff
Intro To The Math of Knots - Links - Koytcheff
Take a string, such as a loose shoelace, tie it up in some manner and then tape the two ends together to form a
closed loop. A thin cable that can be clipped to itself will also work. Perhaps you will tie either the left or middle
loop shown in Figure 1. Without untaping the ends or cutting the string in any way can you untangle either of
these loops to get an unknotted circle, as in the rightmost loop in Figure 1? You might be tempted to say no, but
would you be willing to bet a million dollars that it is impossible to untangle these knots?
Figure 1. A few simple knots. The one on the right is called the unknot. Can you untangle either of the other two to get the unknot?
Next, consider the knots in Figure 2. Again, by moving the strings around in space, but without cutting, can
you make some of these knots into the same knot? Is any of them the unknot? Depending on the availability of
nearby strings and tape, you might prefer to attempt this puzzle with a pen and paper, redrawing the pictures
in Figure 2 and drawing what they would like after you moved certain strands around in space. We'll guide you
through some examples below, but you might enjoy trying it on your own without any hints. If you want to start
with a small hint, there is at least one pair of knots which are “the same knot."
As an example of how to untangle one knot into another, start with the second knot shown in Figure 2. Take the
red strand between the two dots shown in the first picture in Figure 3 and drag it over and to the left to where
the dotted arc is. The middle picture shows the resulting knot, which you can reshape into the third knot in
Figure 2 by wiggling the string a bit. Thus the second and third knots in Figure 2 are "the same knot."
Figure 3. “Untangling" a knot. Notice the rightmost picture has fewer crossings than the leftmost picture.
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In Figure 4, we show that the rightmost picture in Figure 2 is really just a complicated picture of the unknot.
So far our untangling has shown that there are at most four different knots in Figure 2. It turns out that the first
and fourth knots are "the same," though seeing this may be bit more difficult than the above examples. So there
are actually, at most, three different knots in Figure 2. Are all of those different? It might seem impossible to
untangle the knot in Figure 3 to the unknot, but before you jump to this conclusion consider that both of the
knots in Figure 5 can be untangled to get the unknot.
This leads us to the main underlying problem of knot theory, nowadays a mathematical subject in its own right.
The problem is to classify all knots, or even just tell when two arbitrary knots are different knot types. In the
19th century, Lord Kelvin conjectured that different knot types corresponded to different atoms in the periodic
table. This theory turned out to be false, but led P. G. Tait to begin the systematic tabulation of knots. There
are infinitely many knots, just like there are infinitely many whole numbers. The use of computers has allowed
mathematicians to tabulate the first six billion knots, but we do not yet have a systematic way of understanding
all knots. The situation is analogous to studying numbers. Even though we know how to write down all the
numbers, there are still patterns among them (such as properties of prime factorizations) that we do not
fully understand. Arguably, knots are even more difficult because it is easier to write down the first six billion
numbers than the first six billion knots. Moreover, knot theory has applications in studying DNA molecules
[Ada94, Mur96] (and perhaps others still to be discovered). Here, we will focus on purely mathematical aspects
of the subject.
We now turn to the problem of distinguishing knots. Start with a knot diagram or planar projection of a knot,
meaning a picture of the knot lying on a table, with over/under- crossings, such as any of the pictures above.
Suppose you had a function on all such diagrams. By a function we mean a "machine" that takes in such a
diagram as input and gives a number as output. If such a function gives the same number for any two pictures of
the same knot type, we call it a knot invariant.
Let's try to find a knot invariant. We want to associate a number to each picture, so we'll try counting
something. As a first guess, we might try counting the crossings in a diagram. However, this is not an invariant:
by untwisting the knot on the left in Figure 6, we see that it is same knot as the unknot, whose standard diagram
is shown on the right; however, the diagram on the left has one crossing, whereas the diagram on the right has
no crossings. A slicker variation would be to count the "minimum number of crossings in any planar projection
of this knot type." By definition, this does give the same number for any two diagrams of the same knot type!
But this is not easy to compute. To know that a diagram has a minimal number of crossings, we would have to
know that it is impossible to lower this number by further untangling. In some cases, you may feel convinced,
but would you bet a million dollars? Admittedly, we would for the diagram on the right in Figure 6, which has
no crossings. So the minimal crossing number for the unknot is zero, but that's not useful so far.
Figure 6. Two planar projections of the unknot, with different numbers of crossings.
If we desperately wanted a knot invariant, we could associate any fixed number, such as 17, to every diagram.
Any constant function like this qualifies as a knot invariant and is easy to compute, but it is useless for
distinguishing knots.
Rather than pursuing knot invariants directly, we will consider a similar setup where the first interesting
invariant is easier to describe. Consider two strings tied up into loops in space. Such objects are called links (of
two components). The simplest two-component link, the unlink is shown below on the left. Each component is
drawn in a different color; this helps clarify that there are two separate strings, which can be difficult to see in
more complicated examples such as in Figure 12. It sure looks like you can't pull apart the two strings on the
right of Figure 7 without cutting the strings. But would you bet a million dollars that it's impossible?
Soon we'll see that you should bet that million dollars, should the opportunity arise. We'll describe an invariant
of two-component links that takes different values on the two links above. First, notice that for each of the two
components in the link, there are two ways of going around the loop. Pick one such orientation and mark it with
an arrow as in Figure 8.
We will now define the linking number ℓ as follows. We will count the number of times the two components
cross, but some crossings will count as +1, and others will count as −1. Specifically, as in Figure 9, a crossing as
on the left will be called positive and count as +1,
Issue 18 - Fall 2014
while a crossing as on the right will be called negative and count as −1. Note that we will
Figure 9. A positive and a negative crossing.
not count a crossing where both strands are on the same component. (This is where drawing the two
components in different colors can be useful.) The colors of the strands do not change the sign of the crossing;
the only point is that we do not count crossings of strands of the same color. See Figures 10 and 11.
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Figure 10. How to count crossings for a two-component link, with the different link components shown in two different colors.
Now, add up all the +1's and −1's. It turns out that the result will always be an even integer, so divide this
number by two; this is the linking number ℓ. This invariant was studied by Gauss in the early 19th century via
calculus and thus, ℓ is sometimes called the Gauss linking number (and the integral that Gauss wrote down to
compute ℓ is called the Gauss linking integral).
To verify that this number is independent of the planar projection, i.e., an invariant of links, we would use a
theorem of Reidmeister from the 1930s. This theorem says that if
Figure 11. Some more examples showing how to count crossings for a two-component link. The sign for each picture here can be deduced by rotating the picture so
that the arrows point upward as in Figure 10.
this count ℓ is unchanged under three simple types of moves of the strands, then ℓ is an invariant. The details are
slightly beyond the scope of this article but may be found in books such as [Ada94, Mur96].
Changing the orientation on either component will multiply the resulting ℓ by −1. (As an exercise, you can
try to convince yourself of this.) So actually, ℓ is an invariant of oriented two-component links, i.e., links with
a chosen orientation on each component. Still, this helps us distinguish some links. For example, the ℓ of the
projection of the unlink shown at the left in Figure 7 is zero, regardless of the choice of orientations: there are no
crossings to count. If we believe that ℓ is independent of the planar projection, then we conclude that it is zero
for any projection of the unlink. Then if ℓ is nonzero on some other link, it will still be nonzero after multiplying
by −1, i.e., it will be nonzero regardless of our choice of orientations. Thus, that link cannot be the unlink. In
particular, we can now deduce that the link on the right in Figure 7 (called the Hopf link) cannot be the unlink:
depending on how you oriented the two circles, you'll get +1 or −1 for the linking number. (With the choices
shown in Figure 8, we get −1.)
If you are unimpressed by having distinguished the links in Figure 7, you may want to try computing the linking
number of some more complicated links, where it may not be so obvious that you can't untangle to get the
unlink. After calculating the linking numbers,
you may also find that you can distinguish these links from each other, as well as from the Hopf link.
Finally, we point out that even this invariant has its limitations. As you can check, the linking number of the link
in Figure 13 is zero. However, this link cannot be untangled. Explaining this is beyond the scope of this article,
so we leave the interested reader to explore this, as well as constructions of interesting invariants of knots, in
future studies.
Figure 13. The Whitehead link, which has linking number zero, but is not the unlink.
[Ada94] C. Adams. The Knot Book. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1994.
[Mur96] K. Murasugi. Knot Theory and Its Applications. Birkhäuser, Boston, 1996.