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Indian Farming 71(11): 24–27; November 2021

Integrated farming system models

for arid and semiarid rainfed regions
B Sahadeva Reddy1*, M M V Srinivasa Rao2 and Y Padmalatha3
Agricultural Research Station, Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Ananthapuram 515 001

Rainfed agriculture accounts to about 52% net sown area in diverse agro-ecologies contributes
over 40% to our food basket, supports 40% of human and 60% of livestock populations. Due to
ever increasing population and decline in per capita availability of land in the country,
practically there is no scope for horizontal expansion of land for agriculture. Only vertical
expansion is possible by increasing cropping intensity or by integrating farming components
requiring lesser space and time and ensuring reasonable returns to farm families. Integrated
Farming Systems (IFS) approach is described as “A judicious mix of two or more components using
cardinal principles of minimum competition and maximum complementarities with advanced
agronomic management tools aiming for sustainable and environment friendly improvement of
farm income, family nutrition and ecosystem services. IFS is an economically and environmentally
sound diversified production system which may have great potential in doubling farmers’ income
with careful planning and scientific intervention under Indian context. Integration of field crops,
horticultural crops, dairy, fishery, goatry, poultry, duckery and piggery with existing farming
systems enhances farm income by many folds. Recycling and intermittent use of products and by-
products within the system could save cost to the extent of 45% and even more by reducing the
dependency on external inputs.

Keywords: Agroforestry, Arid region, Integrated farming systems, Poultry rearing system, Semi-arid region

I N general, in regions with rainfall

of 500 to 700 mm, the farming
systems should be based on livestock
Cenchrus ciliaris L., Lasiurus scindicus
(Henrard), and breeds of cattle (e.g.
‘Tharparkar’, ‘Kankrej’) and small
Moisture conservation practices are
indispensable component of the
model. The expected net returns
with promotion of low water ruminants (Marwari sheep and goat). calculated from this IFS model are
requiring grasses, trees and bushes to Owing to risky crop production, land 70,000/ha with a payback period of 5
meet fodder, fuel and timber is put to alternate uses with perennial years at an (IRR) of 33%. This IFS
requirements. In areas of 700 to components like agroforestry, agri- model is expected to generate
1100 mm rainfall, crop, horticulture horticulture, agri-pasture, horti- employment to the tune of 130 man-
and livestock based farming systems pasture, farm forestry etc. At ICAR- days/ha. This diversification is also
can be adopted depending on the soil CAZRI, Jodhpur with 250–400 mm equally effective to provide ecosystem
type and the marketability factors. rainfall an IFS model for 5–7 ha farm services, viz. enhanced biodiversity,
Runoff harvesting is a major holding arable cropping (20%), carbon-sequestration, fuel-wood
component in this region in the agroforestry (30%), agri-horticulture production and greenery in the
watershed-based farming system. (20%), silvi-pasture (10%) horti- desert.
pasture (10%) and boundary
IFS Model for Arid Regions plantation (10%) has been IFS model for semi-arid regions
Arid regions of Rajasthan recommended. In the livestock In Ananthapuramu district of
endowed with some of the most component, ‘Tharparkar’ cattle [0.75 Andhra Pradesh with the mean
drought hardy crops, multi-purpose adult cattle unit (ACU)/ha] and annual rainfall is 553 mm, it was
trees [e.g. Prosopis cineraria (L.) ‘Marwari’ sheep and goat (3 animals/ found that farmers with cropping
Druce (khejri) and Ziziphus ha) found rational to fully utilize activity alone incurred losses due to
mauritiana Lam. (ber)], grasses (e.g. family labour and available fodder. poor yield of pigeonpea and

Indian Farming
November 2021
Fig. 1. Kadaknath poultry in two tier integrated farming system. Fig. 2. Duplex system of housing poultry.

groundnut, sometimes even failure of on-farm evaluation of farming system density to graze in the silvipasture
crops, as a result of drought/ modules for improving profitability land with Cenchrus setigerus,
prolonged dry spells during crop and livelihood of small and marginal Stylosanthes hamata, fodder sorghum
growing season. However, farmers in Northern transitional tract and fodder system with sheep (5+1)
integration of sheep rearing with of Dharwad district, Karnataka. and buffalo (2 Nos.) and this was the
crop production gave higher Crop + dairy and crop + dairy + best promising IFS, which generated
economic returns compared to crop horticulture systems, the average the highest system productivity,
production alone for both marginal gross returns (` 1,61,425 and employment generation and net
and small farmers. On farm studies 2,50,330 per household) were 71 and returns.
indicated that ram lamb rearing 74% higher than the respective Organic Farming System model
farmers were benefited by getting benchmark values (` 94,175 and for improving productivity and
additional income of ` 300-400 per ` 1,43,615) and average net returns livelihood of tribal areas:
sheep per month after harvest of were (` 78,810 and ` 1,46,560 per Promotion of organic farming in
groundnut. By investing ` 3,000 per household respectively) 37% and niche locations especially low
ram lamb and rearing for about five 67% higher than the respective nutrient consuming tribal areas have
months, net profit of ` 500-2,000 benchmark values (` 57,580 and great scope to enhance soil and crop
could be realized. Depending upon 88,025). Added to this, newly productivity along with livelihood for
the financial capacity of the farmers introduced module of processing and the people. A 0.43 ha organic
can rear 20 to 50 ram lambs for more value addition contributed, 13% and farming system model comprising of
profitability. Rearing black Bengal 11% to total gross returns in crop + cereals, viz. rice and maize, pulses
goat is also profitable due to highly dairy and crop + dairy + and oilseeds, viz. soybean, lentil and
prolific (twinning character), resistant horticulture, respectively. In spite of pea, vegetable crops, viz. french bean,
to common diseases, thrive on this, significant enhancement in gross tomato, carrot, okra, brinjal, cabbage,
meagre feeding conditions (browsers and net returns is highly potato, broccoli, cauliflower, chilli,
like sheep), and can produce encouraging. Family nutrition was coriander, fodder, fruits, viz. Assam
excellent-quality meat within a short improved because of introduction of lemon and papaya, dairy (1 cow + 1
span (6–8 months). By rearing one soybean (40% protein and 20% oil) calf) and a farm pond of 0.04 ha with
female and a male goat costing about and peas, vegetables like lady’s finger depth of 1.5 m for life saving
` 6,000, a net profit of ` 9,000 could and cucumber, increased food grains irrigation and fisheries was developed
be realized in a span of one year. Due and milk yields, butter and butter at Umiam, Meghalaya under
to high labour cost in grazing, stall milk availability. Livestock nutrition Network Project on Organic Farming
feeding of ten ram lambs with was also improved because of (NPOF) for improving the
harvested groundnut haulms and introduction of perennial green productivity and livelihood. FYM (6
horsegram bhusa for five months was fodder, azolla as feed, mineral t) and vermicompost (2 t) generated
remunerative and profitable farming mixture and salt cake, soybean (grain within the system could able to meet
system compared to that of growing and haulm) and maize (grain) as the nutrient requirement of all the
groundnut alone. cattle feed. crops. Total net returns of ` 58,321/
Two integrated farming systems, In Western zone of Tamil Nadu on year could be realized which is 5.7
viz. (1) Crop + Dairy and (2) Crop crop – livestock - silvi pastoral times higher than existing system
+ Dairy + Horticulture (4 and 8 farming system revealed that, (Rice-fallow + dairy (1 cow) being
farmers and 0.86 and 1.28 ha mean rotational grazing of 39 numbers of practised in the local areas. Crop
area, respectively) were identified for sheep per ha is optimum stocking component contributed 57% towards

Indian Farming
November 2021
net income while dairy and Different types of units for
fisheries contributed 22 livestock maintenance
and 21% respectively.
1. Duplex Poultry Unit
Agro-forestry based The Duplex Poultry Unit
Integrated farming system: is an agri-innovation to rear
A field demonstration the backyard poultry in a
on IFS with watershed safe and secure condition.
approach was conducted on This unit is portable,
red sandy loam soil at designed and fabricated at
GKVK, Bangalore, Agricultural Research
Karnataka. One ha land Station, Vizianagaram,
with five block were used Andhra Pradesh, with
for cultivation of food Fig. 3. Two tier integrated farming system unit. specifications of 4 × 8 ×
crops (Field bean, Finger 4.5 feet size made up of
millet, Groundnut, Niger, etc.,), on sloppy (8-15%) and LCC IV Zinc material and rust proof (Fig. 2).
dryland orchards (sapota, cashewnut lands. Amla based agri-horti system It is suitable to rear 15-20 backyard
and mango), fodder crops (napier i.e. amla + groundnut on LCC IV poultry birds with security from
grass, alley cropping of sesbania, lands integrated with ram lamb dogs, jackals, neighbors with less
glyricidia, subabul, calliandra and rearing found to be appropriate attention. The 4 weeks old Rajasri
drumstick), commercial crops system for higher system birds were evaluated for 10 months
including flower crops (rose, jasmine productivity, profitability and with 36 farmer’s households, 30
and crosandra) and vegetable crops resource use efficiency for arid birds (20 female and 10 male) each
(radish, lady’s finger, brinjal, etc.,) Ananthapuramu region. family. The 10 female and 5 male
and kitchen garden as a part of birds reared in control group in
subsistence farming. Farm pond of Enhanced income through high value Duplex Poultry Unit and provided
250 m3 was excavated to utilize the poultry race Kadaknath with feed and water regularly in
runoff water. Forage tree species, viz. The Indian poultry breed, confinement whereas another 10
Moringa olifera, Glyricidia sepium, ‘Kadaknath’ is popular for its quality female and 5 male birds were reared
Sesbania grandiflora, Calliandra meat (texture, flavour etc.) which conventionally in open range and
calothrysus and Leucaena leucocephala also has special medicinal value in were provided with shelter during
were planted on bunds for getting homeopathy (Fig. 1). Due to these night only. The birds were reared in
balanced forage yield during lean and good qualities, the meat fetches high Duplex Poultry Unit were 100%
regular season. Dairy consisting of price and is in high demand. The secure from dogs and jackals.
two milch animals along with sheep, birds gain body weight in short time Whereas, the birds reared in open
fisheries and backyard poultry has and attain saleable weight of 1.10 kg range were taken away by these
been established to overcome short in 105-120 days. On an average, by animals. The birds population reared
term expenditure and income. After rearing ten days old chicks one in the open range rearing was
sixth year, there is sustainable increase hundred birds, a net income of reduced 47%. Further, the
in net profit of ` 87,900 with benefit ` 90,000-1,00,000/year can be performance of birds reared in
cost ratio of 3.04 apart from obtained. Duplex unit was superior with 54.5%
generating employment of 462-man
days under rainfed condition. Table 1. Economics of two tier ram lamb and poultry integrated farming system
Glyricidia on bunds recorded large
Particulars Unit-I Unit-II
quantity of green biomass of 5.5 t/ha
resulted in production of required No. of ram lambs 20 50
quantity of compost 4.9 t/ha which No. of poultry 100 200
in turn helped in improving soil Total fenced area 900sft (30ftX30ft) 2500sft (50ftX50ft)
health and reduced dependency on Estimated cost @ ` 500/sft ` 1,00,000 ` 2,25,000
external inputs and reducing the cost Cost of ram lambs ` 50,000 ` 1,25,000
` 30,800 ` 72,000
of cultivation. cost of concentrate feed, haulms Medicine
and miscellaneous for 6 months
On Land capability class (LCC)
Cost of chicks ` 7,500 ` 15,000
IV lands, soapnut is the only tree that Cost of feed, medicines and miscellaneous ` 7,000 ` 14,000
withstands low rainfall and with for 6 months
slopy (8-15%) topography. Since Total Expenditure ` 95,300 ` 2,26,000
tamarind comes to fruiting only in From sale of ram lambs (10% mortality) ` 1,08,000 ` 2,70,000
well distributed rainfall years, it Sale of poultry birds (10% mortality) ` 27,000 ` 54,000
should be integrated with pasture Total income ` 1,35,000 ` 3,24,000
(Stylosanthes) and sheep rearing Net income for 6 months ` 39,700 ` 98,000
components as horti pastoral system Net income per month ` 6617 ` 16333

Indian Farming
November 2021
higher egg production and 57.3% • Scope for intensive rearing of ram This also paves a way to meet the
higher meat production and 56.5% lambs/sheep/goat throughout the household balanced diet, improved
higher gross returns as compared to year. recycling of nutrients and water
that of birds reared in open range. • The floor remains dry in all seasons besides increasing the on- farm
and hence the problem of broncho- employment for family. A productivity
ii) Two Tier Integrated Farming System: pneumonia can be prevented. Less gain of 2 to 3 times and income gain
The profitability of the IFS varies chances of ectoparasite infestation of 3 to 5 times (enhancing the income
depending on integration of to the animals. of household to the level of at least
traditional farming practices upon the • Growth rate can be improved by ` 400-500/day) is possible with
local factors of demand and supply of 30% and mortality can be reduced improved integrated farming systems
livestock products and utilization of to below 2% in rainfed regions. Further, resource
the common property resources of • Habit of scavenging in the poultry saving of 40-50% can also be ensured.
the region. Two tier farming system through turning makes the faecal Additional employment of 70-80%
model has been established at Krishi matter dry thus avoiding fowl or can be generated. Improved
Vigyan Kendra, Yagantipalle, ammonia smell from the litter. diversified systems also ensure
Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh • Poultry birds can get natural household nutritional security. Most
where 50 Black Bengal Goats and protein from open area and hence importantly, the improved integrated
200 poultry are accommodated in the additional feeding cost can be farming systems are better resilient
2500 sq. feet area (Fig. 3). reduced. than the single commodity-based
production system, thus reduce
Features and advantages of two tier SUMMARY climate risks in arid and semiarid
farming system unit: Strengthening of the traditional regions.
• Total area allotted for the system is farming systems can be done with
2500 sq. feet which is completely crop diversification, inclusion and 1
Chief Scientist, All India Coordinated
protected (Table 1). improvement of livestock, Research Project for Dryland Agriculture,
• Elevated wooden floor shed horticulture crops, kitchen garden Ananthapuram, Andhra Pradesh. 2Scientist
constructed in an area on 350 sq. with primary and secondary (Agronomy), AICRP on Integrated Framing
Systems, Vijayanagaram, Andhra Pradesh.
feet and accommodated 50 black processing, boundary plantations for *Corresponding author’s e-mail:
Bengal goats. One woman labour is improving the farm income of small sahadevardd@gmail.com
engaged for caring. holders in arid and semiarid regions.

Livestock based Integrated farming systems for semi-arid Bundelkhand farmers

Five resources based and farmer specific IFS models (2 for rainfed and 3 for irrigated farmers) each of one
ha size were developed and demonstrated by IGFRI, Jhansi to enhance the livelihood of Bundelkhand
farmers. The models are irrigated intensive IFS with balanced enterprise combinations (for resource rich
farmers), irrigated dairy based IFS with greater emphasis on milch
animals and fodder (for dairy farmers), high value IFS with greater
emphasis on high value crops like vegetables and fruits (for peri-
urban and farmers near cities/market), rain-fed crop dominated IFS
with greater emphasis on rainfed crops and water harvesting (rainfed
crop based farmers) and rainfed livestock dominated IFS with focus
on livestock, rainfed fodder and crops and water harvesting (for
rainfed livestock based farmers). Among the irrigated IFS models,
dairy based IFS resulted in the highest net return (` 162,593),
employment (431 man-days/year) and resource recycling followed
by intensive IFS with balanced enterprises (` 108,638 and 336
man-days/year, respectively) while the B:C ratio was the highest in
intensive IFS with balanced enterprises (1.58) followed by dairy
based IFS (1.52). On the other hand, among the rainfed models,
highest net return (` 37,424) and B:C ratio (2.03) was observed in
rainfed crop dominated IFS as compared to rainfed forage dominated
IFS. The average annual income of irrigated and rainfed farmers in
Bundelkhand region is ` 80,000 to 10,000 and ` 25,000 to 30,000,
respectively, which can be enhanced to ` 1,60,000 and ` 40,000
View of water harvesting pond and rainfed IFS
by adopting dairy and rainfed IFS models, respectively. IGFRI is
also simultaneously promoting above IFS models on fields of representative farmers in the area and planning
for further up-scaling on larger scale through other inter-institutional programmes.
(Source: ICAR Annual Report 2020)

Indian Farming
November 2021

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