Linear Programming Lesson Plan
Linear Programming Lesson Plan
Linear Programming Lesson Plan
Students will solve real-world problems in order to develop an understanding of how to optimize given situations
using linear programming.
Lesson Tasks, Problems, and Activities (attach resource sheets): What specific questions, problems, tasks,
investigations, or activities will students be working on during the lesson?
In this activity, students will solve real-world optimization problems using linear programming.
1. The teacher will introduce the linear programming task and strategically pair/group students. Each
pair/group will be assigned one of the four problems, graph paper, rulers, color pencils, markers, chart paper,
and a graphing calculator. The students will read the problem to determine how to optimize the given task.
2. Pairs/groups will begin working to complete the task. The teacher will circulate the room to monitor the
students’ progress and ensure that students are on task. The teacher may ask thought provoking questions to
help students that may be struggling with the task.
3. After students have been working for 15 minutes, the teacher will ask students to copy their solutions on the
chart paper to present their solutions to the class.
4. Each pair/group will be asked to present their solution and explain the strategies that were used to complete
the task.
5. With the entire class, the teacher will pose the following questions:
What is a feasible region?
What is meant by optimization?
Is optimization the maximum or minimum?
What were some of the constraints in the problems?
Evidence of Success: What exactly do I expect students to be able to do at the end of the lesson, and how will I
know? That is, deliberate consideration of what performances will convince you (and any outside observer) that
your students have accomplished your objective.
Lesson Launch Notes: Exactly how will you use the Lesson Closure Notes: Exactly what summary activity,
first five minutes of the lesson? questions, and discussion will close the lesson and provide
a foreshadowing of tomorrow?
The teacher will present the students with the following Teacher will ask students the following questions:
scenario: Easy Electronics Company wants to keep
production costs down. The company produces digital One pair/group will summarize the strategies used to solve
audio players and digital video players. The following each of the four problems.
information was posted by the factory production
manager on the company bulletin board:
Notes and Nuances: Vocabulary, connections, common mistakes, typical misconceptions, etc.
Resources: What materials or resources are essential Homework: Exactly what follow-up homework tasks,
for students to successfully complete the lesson tasks or problems, and/or exercises will be assigned upon the
activities? completion of the lesson?
Linear Programming Word Problem A school is preparing a trip for 400 students. The company who
Graph paper is providing the transportation has 10 buses of 50 seats each and
Ruler 8 buses of 40 seats, but only has 9 drivers available. The rental
Color pencils cost for a large bus is $800 and $600 for the small bus.
Calculate how many buses of each type should be used for the
trip for the least possible cost.
Chart Paper a. Identify the unknowns.
Graphing Calculators b. Write a system of inequalities to represent the
c. Draw the graph showing the feasible region.
d. List the coordinates of the vertices of the feasible
e. Determine the number of each type of bus.
f. What is the minimum cost?
Post Lesson Reflections: What questions, connected to the lesson objectives and evidence of success, will you use
to reflect on the effectiveness of this lesson?