1. Types of Aircraft: There are various types of aircraft, each designed for
specific purposes. Commercial airliners transport passengers, cargo planes
carry goods, military aircraft serve defense purposes, and general aviation
includes private and recreational flying.
2. Components of an Aircraft:
Fuselage: The main body of the plane, housing the crew, passengers,
and cargo.
Wings: Provide lift and stability during flight.
Empennage (Tail Section): Includes the horizontal stabilizer, vertical
stabilizer, and rudder, contributing to stability and control.
Engines: Power the aircraft and generate thrust for propulsion.
Landing Gear: Supports the plane during takeoff and landing,
retracting during flight.
3. Principles of Flight:
Planes have revolutionized the way we connect with the world, making
long-distance travel accessible and contributing to the growth of
economies and societies across the globe.