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Research Framework What I Need to Know As you begin writing your research project, you must consider the framework that is suitable for your study. What is a research framework? A research framework illustrates the structure or blueprint of the research plan and helps the researcher formulate relevant research questions. The framework consists of the key concepts and assumed relationships of the research project. It is normally used as a guide for researchers so that they are more focused on the scope of their studies. It can be presented using visual (diagrams, chart, etc.) and narrative (paragraph stating the concepts and relationships of the study) forms. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework The types of research frameworks are classified as the theoretical and conceptual frameworks. A theoretical framework is commonly used for studies that anchor on time- tested theories that relate the findings of the investigation to the underpinning relevant theory of knowledge. At the same time, a conceptual framework refers to the actual ideas, beliefs, and tentative theories that specifically support the study. It is primarily a conception or model of what is out there that the researcher plans to study. Similarities of the Theoretical and Conceptual Framework The following are the similar characteristics of Theoretical and Conceptual Framework: Provide an overall view of the research study; Anchor a theory that supports the study; Guide in developing relevant research questions/objectives; Help justify assumptions/hypothesis; Aid in choosing appropriate methodology; Help in gathering and interpreting data and Guide in identifying possible threats to validity. NOAPen= Differences between the Theoretical and Conceptual Framework Theoretical framework Conceptual framework Scope * Broader * Narrowerffocused * Can be used in different studies | * Directly related to a specific study Focus of Content = The particular theory used| + Set of relaied concepts to a already in the field specific study Number of Theories ‘* Presents one theory atatime | May synthesize one or more theories Time of Development | + Already existing before the | Develop while planning and conduct of the stud) writing a specific research These are the following guidelines and strategies of choosing and developing a Research Framework according to Barrot (2017, p.73). Theoretical framework Conceptual framework Understand the variables included in your study as well as their relationship with one another. Review the existing literature related to your research topic. Using the information that you have gathered from the literature, look for possible theories that may potentially account for the expected results of your research topic, From these theories, select the one that is most relevant to your study and can provide a blueprint for your research. Identify the key concapts in your study by referring to your research questions or objectives. Search for existing theories that incorporate the same concept and look into their relationships with one another. Using the existing theories as a guide, plot your conceptual framework using a concept map. In case that there are concepts not covered by the selected theories. Incorporate them into your framework. However, make sure that you are incorporating this concept into your framework because it is necessary for your paper. + After completing the initial draft of your conceptual framework, write a narrative explanation of each concept and how each of them relates to one another. Again, there should be a basis for the relationship between the concepts being incorporated. + Refer once again to your research questions. Check if the conceptual framework is aligned with them. + Note that the process of creating a conceptual framework is developmental. This means that it may stil be refined or changed as you read more literature and look into more theories. + Insome cases, the research hypothesis is presented at the end of the conceptual framework. Concept Map Aconcept map is a visual representation of information that helps show the relationship between ideas. Concept maps begin with the main topic and then branch out into sub-topics, reflecting the connection of all the elements in the study. It can also provide and organize new ideas. It is composed of different figures such as lines, circles, boxes, and other marks or symbols which represent the elements of your research. It can take the form of charts, graphic organizers, tables, flowcharts, Venn Diagrams, timelines, or T-charts. Concept map arranges related ideas in a hierarchy. You start broad, and the sub-topics will get more and more specific. It also helps you in formulating a specific topic from the general or the main idea with significant connections of information. In other words, understanding the big picture makes the details more significant and easier to comprehend. 2 Concept Map Aconcept map is a visual representation of information that helps show the relationship between ideas. Concept maps begin with the main topic and then branch out into sub-topics, reflecting the connection of all the elements in the study. It can also provide and organize new ideas. It is composed of different figures such as lines, circles, boxes, and other marks or symbols which represent the elements of your research. It can take the form of charts, graphic organizers, tables, flowcharts, Venn Diagrams, timelines, or T-charts. Concept map arranges related ideas in a hierarchy. You start broad, and the sub-topics will get more and more specific. It also helps you in formulating a specific topic from the general or the main idea with significant connections of information. In other words, understanding the big picture makes the details more significant and easier to comprehend. 2 Concept maps are very useful for researchers and readers who understand better visually. With the proper connection of lines and linking arrows to shapes and other symbols representing your concepts about the research, the readers can visualize a comprehensive picture of your study. However, in the concept map, you are not yet actually researching your study. It is developing or creating your plan or blueprint so that you will be guided on the flow and direction of your research study. And that includes your research questions, variables, and methodology. It means that you are just gathering and soliciting ideas on what you could learn about your chosen topic. Before creating your conceptual framework, you have to understand first the different variables of your study. Although these were already discussed in the previous module for the purpose of utilizing it in your framework, an in-depth concept is a need. The Input-Process-Output Model The Input-Process-Output Model (IPO) is a conceptual paradigm which indicates the inputs, required process, and the output. This approach is seated on the premise of acquiring essential information by converting inputs into outputs through the required processing steps in obtaining the result. The IPO Model is also referred to as a functional model that is usually used in action research where an intervention or solution is necessary to solve the identified problem. The Input is usually the independent variable of the study. Meanwhile, the Process is the intervention or solution consist of the instruments and analyses used to acquire the result. Lastly, the Output is the findings or outcome of the interventions being made to solve the identified problem. Common Example of Conceptual Framework As you read on different research studies, the common conceptual frameworks used of most studies are the independent and dependent variable model and the input, process, and output model. A. Independent Variable - Dependent Variable Model (IV-DV) For example: Independent Variable Dependent Variable HoursofStudy |————}_ Academic Performance Figure 1. The schematic diagram of the Independent and Dependent Variables of the Study. This conceptual framework shows the independent and dependent variables of the study. It is presumed that the more number of hours a student prepares for the exam, the higher would be the expected academic performance. B. The Input —- Process - Output Model (IPO) For example: Input Process Output Socio-demographic Profile 1.Age 2. Sex 3. Marital Status 1. Profiling 2.Survey Questionnaire 3. Data Analysis Proposed Intervention Program Food Safety Profile 1. Knowledge 2. Attitude 3. Practices Figure 2. The schematic diagram of the Input, Process, and Output Approach of the Study. This conceptual framework shows the input, process, and output approach of the study. The input is the independent variable, which includes the socio-demographic and food safety profile of the respondents. The process includes the tools and analyses in gathering the data, while the output is the outcome based on the results of the study. What Is It Example 1 Research Title: Effect of Mentoring Program on Academic Performance among Senior High School Students Conceptual Paradigm: Independent Variable Dependent Variable Effect of Mentoring Academic Program Performance In this conceptual framework, it is expected that the students who underwent the mentoring program will have better academic performance than those who did not. Example 2 Research Title: Awareness on the Safety Precaution against COVID 19 among the Senior Citizens who are living in the Home Care Facilities: Basis for a Proposed Intervention Program Conceptual Paradigm: INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT Socio-demographic Profile 1. Age 2. Sex 3. Marital Status 1. Profiling 4. Educational 2. Survey Tool Attainment 3. Data Gathering Bicposed Safety Precaution Awareness |» 4, Data Analysis Intervention Against COVID 19 and Interpretation rogram 1, Causes 2. Management 3. Prevention In this conceptual framework, the input is the baseline information about the respondents. Necessary steps and procedures are to be implemented to obtain the vital data as a result and findings of the research. Furthermore, these findings will be the basis for a proposed intervention program as the output of the study. Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework shows the process that will be ce in the study tt Consists of ideas and theories that are directly related to the study. It is ure that the researcher believes can best explain the natural progression of the phenomenon to be Studie (Camp, 2001). It is linked with the concepts, empirical research, and important theories Used in promoting and systemizing the knowledge espoused by the researcher (Peshkin, 1993). The following are the steps in writing the conceptual framework: 1. Write all input (the things done prior to research), process (the Steps to be done), and output (expected product). 2. Present in paradigm and show the connections. You may include external terms. 3. Discuss the connections of all the terminologies in paragraph form. 46 PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 What | Need to Know As you begin writing your research project, you must consider the framework that is suitable for your study. What is a research framework? A research framework illustrates the structure or blueprint of the research plan and helps the researcher formulate relevant research questions. The framework consists of the key concepts and assumed relationships of the research project. It is normally used as a guide for researchers so that they are more focused on the scope of their studies. It can be presented using visual (diagrams, chart, etc.) and narrative (paragraph stating the concepts and relationships of the study) forms. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework The types of research frameworks are classified as the theoretical and conceptual frameworks. A theoretical framework is commonly used for studies that anchor on time- tested theories that relate the findings of the investigation to the underpinning relevant theory of knowledge. At the same time, a conceptual framework refers to the actual ideas, beliefs, and tentative theories that specifically support the study. It is primarily a conception or model of what is out there that the researcher plans to study. Similarities of the Theoretical and Conceptual Framework The following are the similar characteristics of Theoretical and Conceptual Framework: ‘1. Provide an overall view of the research study; 2. Anchor a theory that supports the study; 3. Guide in developing relevant research questions/objectives; 4, Help justify assumptions/hypothesis; 5. Aid in choosing appropriate methodology; 6. Help in gathering and interpreting data and 7. Guide in identifying possible threats to validity. Differences between the Theoretical and Conceptual Framework Theoretical framework Conceptual framework Scope e Broader * Narrower/focused * Can be used in different © Directly related to a studies specific study Focus of Content e The particular theory e — Set of related used already in the field concepts to a specific study Number of Theories |e Presents one theory ata May synthesize one time or more theories Time of e Already existing before Develop while Development the conduct of the study planning and writing a specific research 1 These are the following guidelines and strategies of choosing and developing a Research Framework according to Barrot (2017, p.78). Theoretical framework Conceptual framework e Understand the variables included in your study as well as their relationship with one another. @ Review the existing literature related to your research topic Using the information that you have gathered from the literature, look for possible theories that may potentially account for the expected results of your research topic. © From these theories, select the ‘one that is most relevant to your study and can provide a blueprint for your research. Identify the key concepts in your study by referring to your research questions or objectives Search for existing theories that incorporate the same concept and look into their relationships with one another. Using the existing theories as a guide, plot your conceptual framework using a concept map. Incase that there are concepts not covered by the selected theories. Incorporate them into your framework. However, make sure that you are incorporating this concept into your framework because it is necessary for your paper. After completing the initial draft of your conceptual framework, write a narrative explanation of each concept and how each of them relates to one another. Again, there should be a basis for the relationship between the concepts being incorporated. Refer once again to your research questions. Check if the conceptual framework is aligned with them. Note that the process of creating a conceptual framework is developmental. This means that it may still be refined or changed as you read more literature and look into more theories. In some cases, the research hypothesis is presented at the end of the conceptual framework Concept Map Aconcept map is a visual representation of information that helps show the relationship between ideas. Concept maps begin with the main topic and then branch out into sub- topics, reflecting the connection of all the elements in the study. It can also provide and organize new ideas Focus Significance of the Study The significance of the study includes possible contributions of the research to the field knowledge. In writing the significance of the study, list all beneficiaries of the Fesearch. Then, discuss in two to three sentences the specific benefit they will get from the thesis. . Scope and Delimitations The scope presents the inclusions of the study, while delimitations present what are no, Covered in the study or cannot be controlled for acceptable reasons. In writing the scope and delimitations, discuss the scope and the limits or things not included in the research, Include also a discussion on the scope and limit of the research instrument or the product of the research. ® EXEMPLAR Sample Significance of the Study The researcher believed that the study is significant and noteworthy. Specifically, it is beneficial to the following: Students. The study could provide students more opportunities to love writing and delete the notion that writing is dull as a field. This could also help them become more responsible for their own learning by transforming them from being passive recipients of information to being self-motivated, active meaning-makers, and expert learners. Teachers. This study could be of great help to the teachers of writing, especially those teaching in the senior high school level, for it would provide them with strategies related to the new trends the curriculum offers. Administrators. The results of this study could help administrators realize the need for teachers to provide appropriate and new learning strategies to students in the field of writing, specifically in the senior high schoo! level, Education Officials and Policy Makers. This study could encourage officials in the education sector to motivate education leaders to acknowledge the Project-Based Leaming highlighting the Cognitivism and Social Constructivism in the teaching of academic writing. Better yet, this research can encourage them to endorse a 21st century method of teaching, especially in the senior high school level. Curriculum Planners. The results of this study could provide curriculum planners with the insights necessary for evaluating and monitoring the educational scheme or curriculum. They may draw up plans to prepare teachers for a more active role in the improvement and enhancement of the curriculum based on students’ needs. Future Researchers. Through the results of the study, educational researchers may guided and inspired to explore and study more about how to teach writing. 32 PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 Scope and Delimitations is study was conducted to test the effectiveness of the Project-Based Learning in teaching English for Academic and Professional Purposes. It dwelled on the topics: academic writing, particularly reaction, concept, and position papers among de 12 students of Siena College of Taytay. The study was only limited to academic oth the concepts and actual application. reover, this study was limited only to the outputs of the two classes in the English for ic and Professional Purposes of the Grade 12 level. Each class had 40 respondents. idy was conducted during the first semester of academic year 2018-2019. e pretests and posttests were administered to test the effectiveness of the strategy. sts were a combination of knowledge and skills as well as actual academic writing tests. | outputs done during the teaching-learning process were evaluated through the use of cher-made analytic rubric. The purpose of using a rubric was to avoid biases. The rubric bjective in nature; thus, the researcher and two other evaluators checked the Content, nization, Vocabulary, Language Use, and Mechanics in the papers. DEFINITION OF TERMS The definition of terms must be listed alphabetically. Defining important terms is essential to ensure a common understanding of key concepts and terminology is shared between the dissertation author and his or her audience, particularly if the term is unusual or not widely known. There are two ways of defining the key terms in the study: a. Conceptual Definition — the definition of terms is based on concepts of hypothetic ones which are usually taken from dictionary, encyclopedia, published journals or books. Operational Definition — the definition of terms is based on observable characteristics and how it is used in the study. It is preferable when defining technical terms. Guidelines in defining terms: fl. 2; 3. Only terms, words, or phrase which have special unique meaning in the study are defined. Terms should be defined operationally, that is, how they are used in the study. The researcher may develop his own definition from the characteristics of the term defined. Definitions may be taken from encyclopedias, books, magazines, newspaper articles, dictionaries and other publications but researcher must acknowledge his sources. Definitions should as brief, clear and unequivocal as possible. Acronyms should always be spelled out fully especially if it is not commonly known or if it is used for the first time. SCOPE AND LIMITATION This section is a description of what is included in the study and what is not included. The population under study and the locale of the study should be described. It is important to narrow down the research topic and limit the scope of the study. As Biay & Cortez (2017) asserts, “The scope identifies the boundaries of the study in term of subjects, objectives, facilities, area, time frame and the issues to which the research is focused.” On the other hand, the limitation is delimiting a study by geographic location, age, sex, population traits and size, and the other similar considerations. It is to make the study more feasible and identifies the limits of the study. Sample phrases that help express the scope of the study: The coverage of this study.......... The study consists of .. The study covers the .. This study is focus on....... Sample phrases that expressed the limitations of the study The study does not cover the...... The researcher limited this research to...... This study is limited to......... Example: The study shall only include children studying at the Sunday school of Beth Yaacov synagogue in Makati City. This will include only children from ages five (5) to twelve (12), being the age when Jewish children begin their religious education, and ending at the age when they become bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah. Children from other Jewish communities in the country, like the “Bagel Boys” in Pampanga or the recently established Chabad House also in Makati, are not included. Children below the age of religious instruction (five years old) and beyond (twelve years old) are not included. Attendees of the various adult classes held at the synagogue, are likewise not included. (Guerrero, October 2011) SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This is a list of the people or institutions who will benefit from the study and how they will benefit from the study. It encompasses the aims and objectives of the researcher hopes to achieve with the research. The presentation of the significance of the study either in the inductive and deductive perspective. Example: The study will provide some insights and information on the effect of watching Korean dramas on housewives’ perception on marriage. Also, the useful and relevant information acquired from this study will stimulate awareness on housewives on the possible effects the message weight after their beliefs and attitudes. Married couples. The study would be beneficial to them since they are married and they would be able to understand each other more and be more aware of each other's feelings toward a certain topic. Future researchers. The study would serve as their reference in their research study which could be beneficial and similar to this. Housewives. Since they are the participants, this would help them to know more and be aware in Korean dramas’ effects in their lives as well as their perception on marriage and family life. (Arcibal, April 2011) Definition of Terms Y It explains the variables (terminologies) used in the study operationally or conceptually. www.shsph. blogspot.com Definition of terms is essential to ensure a common understanding of key concepts and terminology used in the study between the researcher and its reader. Y It helps both the researcher and its reader to have clear understanding of the key terms in the study. 2 types of definitions 1. Operational definitions define the terms on how it is measured in the present study. Example: Performance - refers to the students’ academic grades earned in Technology and Livelihood Education subject in the school year 2014-2015. 2. Conceptual definition defines a concept in terms of specific ideas, principles, or theories associated with terms. Example: Performance — the execution of an action; a public presentation of exhibition. By taking note of the examples of operational and conceptual definition, the definition of performance: “refers to the students’ academic grades earned in Technology and Livelihood Education subject in the school year 2014-2015” is an operational definition since the term was defined according to its use in the study. On the other hand, the definition: “the execution of an action; a public presentation of exhibition” which is adapted from a dictionary is a conceptual definition. Points to Ponder: > Definition of terms must be listed alphabetically. > Define only terms or variables that have unique use or meaning in the study being conducted. > Using of definitions from dictionary, as much as possible, is avoided. Define or explain variables or terms on how it is operationally used in the study. > In defining a term, use only one paragraph. A. The scope and delimitation of the study sets boundaries and parameters of the problem inquiry and narrows down the scope of the inquiry. The scope is the domain of your research-what is in the domain, and what is not. You need to make as clear as possible what you will be studying and what factors are within the accepted range of your study. B. Scope and delimitations are two elements of a research paper or thesis. The scope of a study explains the extent to which the research area will be explored in the work and specifies the parameters within which the study will be operating. For example, let us say a researcher wants to study the impact of mobile phones on the behavior patterns of elementary school children. However, it is not possible for the researcher to cover every aspect of the topic. So, the scope will have to be narrowed down to a certain section of the target population. In this case, the scope might be narrowed down to a group of 50 children in grades 3-5 of one specific school. Their behavior patterns in school may have been observed for a duration of 6 months. These would form the delimitations of the study. Thus, delimitations are the characteristics that limit the scope and describe the boundaries of the study, such as the sample size, geographical location or setting in which the study takes place, population traits, etc. Source: https://www.editage.com Cc. Guidelines in writing the scope and delimitation The scope and delimitations should include the following: 1. A brief statement of the general purpose of the study. 2. The subject matter and topics studied and discussed. 3. The locale of the study, where the data were gathered or the entity to which the data belong. 4. The population or universe from which the respondents were selected. This must be large enough to generalizations significant. 5. The period of the study. This is the time, either months or years, during which the data were gathered. What is scope and delimitation of the study? The scope of study in the thesis or research paper contains the explanation of what information or subject is being analyzed. It is followed by an explanation of the limitation of the research. Research usually limited in scope by sample size, time and geographic area. While the delimitation of study is the description of the scope of study. It will explain why definite aspects of a subject were chosen and why others were excluded. It mentions the research method used as well as the certain theories that applied to the data (Esposito, 2002). Delimitations and limitations clarify the boundaries, exceptions, and reservations inherent in every study. The two concepts are different in that: Delimitations It involves the scope of a study. For example, the scope may focus on specific variables, specific participants, specific sites, or narrowed to one type of research design (e.g., ethnography or experimental research). Limitations It aims to identify potential weaknesses of the study. For example, all statistical procedures and research strategies, such as surveys or grounded theory studies have limitations. In introductory discussions about these strategies, authors typically mention both their strengths and their weaknesses (Fatatado, 2016). Sample Scope and Delimitations The main focus of this project was the design of an efficient Energy Recovery System of Seawater Reverse Osmosis Plant. The system will be using pressure technology by application of pressure exchanger as an energy recovery device. Pressure exchanger transfer pressure from a high-pressure stream to slow pressure stream in a ceramic motor. The proposed system is limited only in reducing high power consumption of the high-pressure pump. The project can be used in all existing Seawater Reverse Osmosis Plant in the Philippines. Some calculations, assumptions, and selections were made as a consideration of a proper and realistic design (Creswell, 2012). What is written in the Significance of the Study Section? SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY is written as part of the introduction section of the study. It provides details to the readers on how the study will contribute to the respondents and the community or educational institution. It will state who will benefit from the findings of the study. It also includes an explanation of the work’s importance as well as its potential benefits for future researches. Working Title: Impact of Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd) Curriculum to the Cultural and Socio-economic Development of Teduray at Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat Significance of the Study Education is a significant step towards empowering Indigenous Peoples (IPs) to participate in their communities. Given the importance of lands and natural resources to their livelihood, culture and well-being, IPs' traditional knowledge about their lands should be interconnected to education, where elders pass down knowledge, values and histories to new generations. Further, this study will be a useful tool in improving the implementation of the Indigenous Peoples Education (PEd) curriculum in the Division of Sultan Kudarat. In addition to this, this study is deemed significant to the following stakeholders: Indigenous Learners. This study will enhance learning capabilities and interests of the indigenous learners since topics are being contextualized based on their local needs. Providing inclusive and quality education with the integration of indigenous knowledge and skills, IP learners will be guided on how they can protect, appreciate and preserve their cultures. The direct beneficiaries of the IPEd curriculum are the indigenous learners to become ready in facing life challenges and embracing modernization without forgetting their histories and traditions. IPEd curriculum will be geared towards the improvement of learning opportunities of IPs to equip themselves with necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes of preserving their cultural heritage and developing their socio-economic status. When indigenous leamers are able to see how their cultures are given importance, they are able to incorporate in their learning the protection, appreciation and preservation of their ancestral domain. Teachers. The obtained data in this study will help the teachers implement the IPEd curriculum and improve their teaching pedagogies that can cater the needs and priorities of the indigenous learners. Indigenous education plays a major role on how the ethnic minorities learn, their motivation to learn and how teachers improve their teaching pedagogy. This research will help the teachers gain insight on how they can understand and address the needs of the indigenous learners. This endeavor would help teachers develop culture sensitive skills and strategies in dealing with the diverse students and resources in the delivery of the indigenous education. School Administrators. Through this study, school administrators will be able to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) in implementing the IPEd curriculum so that they could adjust with their management and administration strategies. They will be able to determine the necessary improvements in order to sustain the quality of learning opportunities and to instil to the indigenous learners the importance of their cultural heritage. They will be guided on how they can effectively utilize school resources to have adequate facilities that can cater the glaring number of indigenous learners. The findings of this study would be important to the school administrators and legislators in developing program strategies that would be inclusive and culture sensitive curriculum to the needs of the IP communities. Parents. Engaging parents in the education of their children is likely to improve the latter's educational attainment and on-going engagement in school. Parents of indigenous learners will benefit from the findings of this study by understanding the importance of school engagement in PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 (Quantitative Research for Senior High School Students) by SAMSUDIN N. ABDULLAH, PhD, MOHAMAD T. SIMPAL, MST & ARJEY B. MANGAKOY 67 maximizing the learning opportunities of their children. Since parents are the immediate supporters of the students, their involvement is very crucial to the implementation of IPEd curriculum. This study will encourage their full support for the effective implementation of all activities and programs pertaining to indigenous education. DepEd - Sultan Kudarat Division. In line with its thrust to promote cultured-based education, the Department of Education (DepEd), through its Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd) program, should continue to strengthen its engagement with Indigenous Peoples (IP) communities, especially in the contextualization of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum. This study will be very beneficial to the DepEd — Sultan Kudarat Division to design a program for the indigenous learners. Division personnel will be acquainted of the things that should be regularly monitored for the effective implementation of IPEd curriculum. Future Researchers. Future researchers can use the result of this study as their guide or reference to conduct a study pertaining to the cultures and traditions of the ethnic minorities in the Philippines. This study will give confidence to them to expand their knowledge and skills in the field of education and the advancement of research process. The research instrument being produced in this study can be utilized by them to replicate this research in other IP communities. This noble research would be helpful to future researchers in developing an enhanced curriculum more effective and responsive to the unique needs of every student in modern learning environment. This noble research would be helpful to future researchers in developing an enhanced curriculum more effective and responsive to the unique needs of every IP learner in modem learning environment. What is written in the Scope and Delimitation of the Study Section? SCOPE AND DELIMITATION are two important elements of a research paper. The scope of the study explains the extent to which the research area will be explored in the work and it specifies the parameters within which the study will be operating. The delimitation of the study is the characteristic that limits the scope and describes the boundaries of the study. It should explain why specific choices will be made while others will be excluded and how this might affect the outcome of the research. Working Title: Impact of Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd) Curriculum to the Cultural and Socio-economic Development of Teduray at Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat Scope and Delimitation of the Study This study will determine only the impact of the implementation of Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd) curriculum to the cultures and socio-economic development of the Indigenous Peoples (IPs) of Esperanza, Bagumbayan and Senator Ninoy Aquino, Sultan Kudarat. It will be limited only to the IP learners, IP parents, IP teachers, IP Government Office workers and IP Barangay Officials. Purposive identification of the participants to this study will be employed. Only Grade 6 IP learners and all high school IP students will be considered in this study since they have already the ideas on how they can assess the implementation of IPEd curriculum in the public high schools. What is written in the De ition of Terms’ Section? DEFINITION OF TERMS is an important part of a research paper wherein key or important terms such as research variables, their indicators and other significant terms in the research title are operationally defined. Operational definition of terms means that definitions are based on how the terms are used in your study. Definitions should not be taken from dictionary. PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 (Quantitative Research for Senior High School Students) by SAMSUDIN N. ABDULLAH, PhD, MOHAMAD T. SIMPAL, MST & ARJEY B. MANGAKOY 68 70 of 196 Working Title: Impact of Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd) Curriculum to the Cultural and Socio-economic Development of Teduray at Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat Definition of Terms To better understand this study, key terms are hereby defined operationally. Appreciation refers to the process employed by IPs in showing respect and value to their cultural heritage. Capacity-Building refers to the training or retooling of teachers and school heads for IPEd implementation. This includes workshops for teachers and technical assistance training for school heads in the implementation of IPEd curriculum. Cultures are social behaviors and norms found in the Indigenous Peoples’ communities of Esperanza, Bagumbayan and Senator Ninoy Aquino. These include cultural protection, appreciation and preservation. Education refers to the implementation of Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd) curriculum. Education Planning refers to the orientation or training of school planning team and other stakeholders as well as planning activities of schools division office and schools with IP learners on culture-responsive or ancestral domain-based School Improvement Plan (SIP). Educational Background refers to the baccalaureate degree and post-graduate education successfully earned by Indigenous Peoples (IPs). Implementation refers to the process of putting a decision or plan into effect or execution to improve the operation of IPEd curriculum. Income refers to the monthly family source of living of Indigenous Peoples (IPs). It is based from BIR Form No. 1701. Indigenization refers to the teachers’ strategic and purposeful process of delivering the lessons to suit a local culture of the indigenous peoples. This also refers to the integration of the cultures of indigenous peoples in the delivery of instructional activities. Indigenous Peoples (IPs) refer to the learners, teachers, learners and community leaders whose ethnic affiliations are Teduray. IPEd Curriculum refers to the DepEd Order No. 62, s. 2011 which recognizes the right of IP’s to culturally rooted basic education that provides a framework on DepEd engagement and approach to indigenous education. This includes curriculum and learning resources development, capacity building, education planning, localization, indigenization and sustainable community engagement. IP Learners refer to the Grade 6 and high school learners who belong to the Teduray tribe living in Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat. Learning Resources Development refers to the development and _ production of learning resources with content duly validated by the concerned IP communities and has gone quality assurance. Localization refers to the teachers’ process of relating learning experiences to local information and materials in the communities of indigenous peoples. This also refers to the incorporation of local names, narratives and stories to make the learning competencies relevant, meaningful and useful to the indigenous learners. Occupation refers to the profession or job of Indigenous Peoples (IPs). Preservation refers to process employed by Indigenous Peoples (IPs) in restoring historic traditions significant to their cultural heritage. Protection refers to the process employed by Indigenous Peoples (IPs) in safeguarding their cultural heritage. Socio-economic Status refers to the social standing that Indigenous Peoples (IPs) have in society and is indicated by educational attainment, occupation and monthly family income. Sustainable Community Engagement refers the participation or involvement of the teachers and indigenous learners in the community. Note: Strictly follow the American Psychological Association (APA) format of listing your references. See the following APA format of listing references. List of References of Hadjiesmael-Camsa (2020) using APA Format Abdullah, S. N. (2020). Comparative assessment on the full implementation of senior high school curriculum among private and public high schools. Educational Research Journal. 10 (2): 8- 25, Accra City, Ghana, South Africa. Retrieved from https:/Awww.resjournals.com on April 25, 2020 Abdullah, S. N. (2019). Implementation of child-friendly school (CFS) environment among public high schools in Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat. Action Research funded by Basic Education Research Fund (BERF). DepEd — Region XII, Carpenter Hills, Koronadal City, Region XII Abdullah, S. N. (2018). Assessment on the full implementation of the senior high school curriculum among private and public schools in Sultan Kudarat. Applied Research funded by Basic Education Research Fund (BERF 2016), DepEd-Region XII, Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal, Philippines Abubakar, Y. P. (2019). Child-friendly school (CFS) environment, students’ behavior and school performance among public high schools in Sultan Kudarat. Master's Thesis, Sultan Kudarat State University, ACCESS Campus, Tacurong City PROBABILITY SAMPLING -each member of the defined population has an equal chance of being selected -gives the researcher the opportunity to assess sampling error -enables investigators to specify the size of the sample that they will need if they want to obtain degree of certainty that the sample size would definitely represent the whole -usually used in descriptive research ‘Types of Probability Sampling 1. SIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLING (SRS) -most basic and commonly-used sampling technique in descriptive research -can be done through lottery or fish bowl method and also with the use of the table of random numbers Procedure in obtaining sample using lottery or fish bowl technique. * Compute the sample size. Determine where you will get your sample. Determine the technique in selecting your respondents. Make a listing or assign numbers to each of the total population Put them in a container or box, then draw the sample. After drawing the sample, refer to your listing and determine the actual names of the respondents. 2. SYSTEMATIC RANDOM SAMPLING - consists of the selection of each nth term from a list -you need to obtain first the sample size using the Slovin’s Formula -the sample size is the basis for the computation of starting number Ex. Teacher’s Population = 15, 345 Sample size = 390 Computation of nth =N Cv n 15, 345/390 = 39. 34 or 39 = is the distance Therefore, your respondents are #s 39, 78, 117, 156, 195, etc. until you have taken the total computed sample size of 390 Another version of selecting respondents using the systematic random sampling -Writing numbers 1-10 on a piece of paper, put it in a container, and pick a number. The number that will be picked will be the starting number and the interval to be used in the selection of respondents. 3. STRATIFIED RANDOM SAMPLING -used by making subdivisions of the total population into smaller groups to represent the sample of the study; Sometimes called "proportional" random sampling -different strata (groups) in the population are defined and each member of the stratum is listed -this type of sampling assures adequate cases for sub-group analysis -A stratum is a subset of the population that share at least one common characteristic; such as males and females ae Example no. 1: 14 of 24 Saranggani 10 10/86x100=12% 10x 12% (0.12) 1 General Santos 15 15/86 3 Koronadal City 10 10/86 1 South Cotabato 12 12/86 2 Tacurong City 10 10/86 1 Sultan Kudarat 9 9/86 1 Cotabato City 9 9/86 Bi Cotabato Province He 11/86 1 TOTAL 86 Bey Note: Mock data only Then, do the SRS in every stratum/group in getting the representative hospital of every place identified in Region XII Example no. 2. Saranggani 10 s as 8 Koronadal City 10 5 South Cotabato a2 6 Tacurong City 10 s Sultan Kudarat 9 5 Cotabato City 9 5 Cotabato Province aa 6 TOTAL 86 as Note: Mock data only Then, do the SRS in every stratum/group in getting the representative hospital of every place identified in Region XII 4. CLUSTER SAMPLING -selecting respondents in clusters rather than in separate individuals such as choosing 5 classes of 40 classes each from a whole population of 5, 000 students -population divided into clusters of homogeneous units, usually based on geographical contiguity. Cluster: a group of sampling units close to each other i.e. crowding together in the same area or neighborhood Cluster sam C—O 15 of 24 5. Multistage sampling -divides large populations into stages to make the sampling process more practical. -A combination of stratified sampling or cluster sampling and simple random sampling is usually used. Example: Let’s say you wanted to find out which subjects Philippine school children preferred. A population list — a list of all Philippine schoolchildren- would be near-impossible to come by, so you cannot take a sample of the population. Instead, you divide the population into regions and take a simple random sample of regions. For the next stage, you might take a simple random sample of schools from within those regions. Finally, you could perform simple random sampling on the students within the schools to get your sample. Note: In order to classify multistage sampling as probability sampling, each stage must involve a probability sampling method. Real Life Examples Multistage Sampling + The Census Bureau uses multistage sampling for the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics’ National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). A multistage probability sample of 42,000 households in 376 probability sampling units (PSUs are usually counties or groups of counties), which are chosen in groups of around four adjacent households. « The Gallup poll uses multistage sampling. For example, they might randomly choose a certain number of area codes then randomly sample a number of phone numbers from within each area code. « Johnston et. al’s survey on drug use in high schools used three stage sampling: geographic areas, followed by high schools within those areas, followed by senior students in those schools. + The Australian Bureau of Statistics divides cities into “collection districts”, then blocks, then households. Each stage uses random sampling, creating a need to list specific households only after the final stage of sampling. (Mcburney & White, 2014) Whatisa Hypothesis? - Hypothesis speci proposition which is resented for testing through research tts logical etationship between two or mare Variables expressed ina form of a testable statement Atypothesis isan educated guess or hunch of the researcher on the outcome of the research based on theoretical insight or observation. ‘The hypothesis is verifiable and a testable statement that elects the purpose ofthe study. ‘The erature review, not the researchers idea, shall be the bass of formulation ofa hypathess. ¥ tis composed of independent (cause) and dependent (effect) variables. What makes a pothesis good? ‘/ thexplains the expected outcome ofthe study. \Ytests the limitations ofthe study itis clear, understandable, testable and measurable. \ tts based on facts and theores. ‘ ttpresents the variables ofthe study and its relationships. ‘tt must be based on the main research questions oF problems. Null and Alternative Hypothesis 4. Null Hypothesis (Ho) ~ it pertains to the claim thatthe means ofthe variables understudy are equal othe values are ze. itis an assumption thatthe values observed has nochange. samples: 8. There sno significant relationship between the ‘memory-boosting tablet and the students’ score examination. b. The memory-boosting tablet has nothing todo with the students score in examination, 2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha or Ht) It's a statement that states the complete opposite of nul hypothesis as Iesuegests potential outcome of the study is aso the So called affirmative hypothesis asit claims that there is a significant change, effect, relationship, not equal, not answer your research questions Writing the review is your way of communicating tothe academic community {and showing them thet your research is hacked with sound and property synthesized ideas from credible 4 Selecting Related Literature Goals ofa titerature Review ‘The following ae the key goals for doing 2 literature review according to (Preto etal, 2017}: 1. Demonstrating your expertise with the chosen topic. 2 Summarize facts, theories, and resis of previous research conducted and show its relevance to study, 3. ically analyze and assess the information from previous research in the context of conducting further 4. roving your ability to perform the research study and provide 2 solution to an existing problem. Based on (Peace, nd, Literature Review) there are three (3) sources forterature review: Primary Sources ae raw sources of information. feprovides spactatinnd mnowtedge on the sublect oreo the same, and not equivalent to zero in the value of the ‘means being stued. examples: a. Theresa significant relationship between the ‘memory-boosting tablet and the students’ score in examination The memory-boosting tablet significantly affects the students score in evamination. Direcsonal ané Non-arectional Hypothesis 1. Directional hypothesis the direction ofthe relationship between the variables is incited Example: Children offaily with low income experience ‘more inferiority complex than children of faiy with high income. 2. Non directional hypothesis ~ there sno indication of the direction ofthe relationship between the variables. Example: Theresa ciference between the inferiority complex level of cideen of family wth ow income and ‘those of family with high income Points to Remember: ‘© Reject the null hypothesis if the sample supports the iterative hypothesis. ‘0 Accept the null hypothesis ifthe sample doesnot support the alternative hypothesis ‘othe study failed to reject the null hypothesis, it ‘means that needs to gather more data REVIEW OF RELATED UTERATURE The purpose ofthe literature review sto have anit

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