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8.katalog Dan Msds

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Vision, MisSion, & Value 01

Company Overview 02

Production Process 03

Main Product 05

PT KHI Pipe Industries 35

Pipe Production Process 37

Pipe Product 39

PT Krakatau Wajatama 65

Bar & Section Production Process 67

Bar & Section Product 68

Vision Mision

1. A Competitive Corporation 1. Realizing productive and efficient

a. The Company as a provider of upstream to operational performance to produce
downstream steel solutions through strategic profitable quality products and services.
business cooperations. 2. Developing steel business through mutually
b. The Company's products must be able to compete beneficial cooperation with strategic
with domestic and imported competitor products partners.
in terms of quality, price, delivery time and quality 3. Developing application of steel solutions
of service. and downstream steel products to increase
c. Competitive advantage to create the Company's added value and customer satisfaction.
competitiveness is carried out through the use of 4. Increase business value of the group to
more competitive raw materials and energy as well make a positive contribution and optimize
as the right technology. supply chain.
5. Developing the best talents to be able
2. Profitable and Trusted to contribute optimally in all business
a. With its competitive advantages, the Company processes.
becomes the main option for steel users in
Indonesia and the region.
b. With superior performance, the Company earns
the trust of shareholders and other stakeholders.
c. The company can grow and evolve to become one
of Indonesia's top 10 best performing state-owned


The Company is no longer present only as a steel

company, but as a partner that has the ability to provide
additional strength to its partners, through every asset
“EXPLORE TO EMPOWER” owned by the Company (both in terms of human
resources and infrastructure capabilities).

Progressive Collaborative Robust

The Company is present as an The Company keeps its The Company with its renewed
innovative company, move hand commitment as a “trusted spirit remains present among
in hand with industry, as well partner” and mutually develop the stakeholders as a large
able to face all ready challenges each other. company supported by strong
that exist in the industry. infrastructure to lead the

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

To retain the Company’s leading position in the Indo- then, the Company’s stock, known as KRAS, has been
nesia’s steel industry, the company make continuous listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange.
investments and keep innovating both to improve effi-
ciency and enhance production capacity. Today, the Company’s production capacity reaches 4.65
million tons per year, with a number of major products
As the continuation of Trikora Iron Steel Project intiti- such as Hot Rolled Coils, Cold Rolled Coils, and Wire
ated by President Soekarno, the Company was estab- Rods. Through its subsidiaries, the Company produces
lished in 1970 under the name PT Krakatau Steel. Within steel products for specific requirements, such as Spiral
10 years of its establishment, the Company had shown Pipes, Electrical Resistance Welding Pipes, Reinforcing
significant progress with the construction of a number Bars and Section Steel which are needed by the oil and
of production facilities such as the Sponge Iron Plant, gas industry as well as the construction sector.
Steel Billet Plant, Wire Rod Plant, as well as the support-
ing infrastructure including the power plant generator, With its capacity for producing steel products with
water treatment plant, port and telecommunications specific requirements, particularly in supporting the
system. Driven by professional management, the Com- national defense infrastructure, the Company is regard-
pany is now known as the prominent steel producer in ed as a strategic industry in Indonesia. To maintain its
Indonesia. With its formidable infrastructure, the Com- position as the leader in the steel industry in Indonesia,
pany has became an integrated steel industry, which the Company is continuously investing and innovating,
not only supplies steel products, but also supports the to improve both efficiency and production capacity. In
growth of the national industry. addition to developing various infrastructure facilities
such as port development and industrial water supply,
In 1973, the Company produced spiral pipes with ASTM which does not only support the development of the
A252 and AWWA C200 specifications for the first time. Company’s production facility but also supports indus-
Since 1977, the Company has acquired the API 5L Certi- trial growth around the area. The Company is commit-
fication and since 2009 acquired the BC 1 Certification. ted to improve energy independency through the devel-
With superior technical capabilities and a high level of opment of a power generator plant. Today, in addition
productivity, in 1993 the Company was awarded the to being at the forefront of the domestic market, the
ISO 9001 certification. This was then renewed in 2003 Company is also entrusted by a number of foreign com-
through the ISO 9001:2000 Certification. With the com- panies to export high quality steel products.
mitment towards Occupational Health, Safety and the
Environment, SGS International awarded the ISO 14001
certification in 1997. These achievements demonstrate
the Company’s commitment to strive for international
quality standards. On November 10th 2010, Krakatau
Steel launched its Initial Public Offering (IPO) and since

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Product Description
HOT ROLLED COIL Hot Rolled Coil (HRC) is a steel product in form of coiled
steel strip produced from hot rolling process in Hot Strip
Mill facility. This product is often called as “black steel”
by the users to distinguish this product with cold-rolled
product which is often called as “white steel”. The HRC
which is produced by PTKS is processed with advanced
and state-of-the-art technology complying to both in-
ternational and national product quality standards. The
steel slab as the raw material is reheated up to 1,200 °C
then further rolled until achieving the final desired thick-
ness. The cooling mechanism is combining both forced
laminar water cooling prior to coiling process and air
cooling in the product storage area.

General & Welded Structure, Rerolling, Oil & Gas Pipe,
DIMENSION Automotive, Pipe & Tube, Container, Ship Building,
Thickness : 1.4 – 25.0 mm Heavy Duty Vehicle, Weathering & Corrosion Resistant
Width : 600 – 2,000 mm Steel, Boiler & Pressure Vessels.

Coil Inner Diameter : 760 mm

Product Excellence
Coil Outer Diameter : 2,000 mm max. • Compliance to international and national quality
Coil Weight : 30 Metric Ton max. standards.
• Certified with ISO 9001.

HOT ROLLED SLITTED Product Description

Hot Rolled Slitted Coil (HRS) is a steel product in form
of coiled-then-slitted steel strip produced from hot
rolling process in Hot Strip Mill facility. The HRS which
is produced by PTKS is processed with advanced and
state-of-the-art technology complying to both interna-
tional and national product quality standards. The steel
slab as the raw material is reheated up to 1,200 °C then
further rolled until achieving the final desired thickness.
The cooling mechanism is combining both forced lam-
inar water cooling prior to coiling process and air cool-
ing in the product storage area. The coiled steel is then
“cut-to-width” (split/slitted) to be smaller coils in terms
of narrower width, which is known as HRS.

General & Welded Structure, Oil & Gas Pipe, Automo-
tive, Pipe & Tube
Thickness : 1.4mm-25mm
Width : 128 – 990 mm Product Excellence
Coil Inner Diameter : 760 mm • Compliance to international and national quality
Coil Outer Diameter : 2,000 mm max. standards.
Coil Weight : 30 Metric Ton max. • Certified with ISO 9001.

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Product Description
HOT ROLLED PLATE Hot Rolled Plate (HRP) is a steel product in form of
coiled-then-sheared steel strip produced from hot roll-
ing process in Hot Strip Mill facility. The HRS which is
produced by PTKS is processed with advanced and
state-of-the-art technology complying to both interna-
tional and national product quality standards. The steel
slab as the raw material is reheated up to 1,200 °C then
further rolled until achieving the final desired thickness.
The cooling mechanism is combining both forced lami-
nar water cooling prior to coiling process and air cooling
in the product storage area. The coiled steel is then “cut-
to-length” (sheared) to be plates with various dimen-
sions, which is known as HRP.

General & Welded Structure, Container, Ship Building,
DIMENSION Heavy Duty Vehicle.
Thickness : 1.4mm-25mm
Width : 300 – 2,000 mm Product Excellence
Length : 1,250 – 12,500 mm
• Compliance to international and national quality
Pallet Weight : 6 Metric Ton max. • Certified with ISO 9001.

HOT ROLLED PICKLED OIL Product Description

Hot Rolled Pickled Oil (HRPO) is a steel product in form
of coiled steel strip produced from hot rolling process
in Hot Strip Mill facility and further picked and oiled
process in Pickling and Oiling Line. The HRS which is
produced by PTKS is processed with advanced and
state-of-the-art technology complying to both interna-
tional and national product quality standards. The steel
slab as the raw material is reheated up to 1,200 °C then
further rolled until achieving the final desired thick-
ness. The cooling mechanism is combining both forced
laminar water cooling prior to coiling process and air
cooling in the product storage area. The coiled steel is
soaked in the chloric acid in Pickling Line and coated
with rust-prevention oil in the Oiling Line, which is then
known as HRPO.

Thickness : 1.8 – 5.7 mm Automotive, Pipe & Tube.
Width : 620 – 1,250 mm
Coil Inner Diameter : 610 mm Product Excellence
Coil Outer Diameter : 2,000 mm max. • Compliance to international and national quality
Coil Weight : 23 Metric Ton max. standards.
• Certified with ISO 9001.

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Product Description
COLD ROLLED COIL Cold Rolled Coil (CRC) is a steel product in form of
coiled steel sheet produced from cold rolling process
in Cold Rolling Mill facility. This product is often called
as “white steel” by the users to distinguish this product
with hot-rolled product which is often called as “black
steel”. The CRC which is produced by PTKS is processed
with advanced and state-of-the-art technology comply-
ing to both international and national product quality
standards. The hot rolled coil is uncoiled, soaked with
chloric acid, oiled, and tandem-rolled. For certain me-
chanical properties requirement, the process is contin-
ued with annealing, which is a heat treatment applied
according to certain temperature curve. The final CRC
product is close-packed to maintain its surface quality
during transportation to customer’s warehouse.

DIMENSION Application
Thickness : 0.2 – 3.0 mm General Purpose, Galvalume Galvanized Sheet, Auto-
Width : 620 – 1,250 mm motive, Pipe & Tube, Home & Office Appliances, Drum

Coil Inner Diameter : 508 mm

Product Excellence
Coil Outer Diameter : 2,000 mm max. • Compliance to international and national quality
Coil Weight : 23 Metric Ton max. standards.
• Certified with ISO 9001.

COLD ROLLED SHEET Product Description

Cold Rolled Sheet (CRS) is a steel product in form of
coiled steel sheet produced from cold rolling process
in Cold Rolling Mill facility. This product is often called
as “white steel” by the users to distinguish this product
with hot-rolled product which is often called as “black
steel”. The CRC which is produced by PTKS is processed
with advanced and state-of-the-art technology comply-
ing to both international and national product quality
standards. The hot rolled coil is uncoiled, soaked with
chloric acid, oiled, and tandem-rolled. For certain me-
chanical properties requirement, the process is contin-
ued with annealing, which is a heat treatment applied
according to certain temperature curve. The coiled steel
is then “cut-to-length” (sheared) to be sheets with var-
ious dimensions, which is known as CRS. The final CRC
product is close-packed to maintain its surface quality
during transportation to customer’s warehouse.
Thickness : 0.6 – 2.0 mm
Width : 762 – 4,880 mm Application
Pallet Weight : 3 Metric Ton max. General Purpose, Home & Office Appliances, Drum

Product Excellence
• Compliance to int. & national quality standards.
• Certified with ISO 9001.
Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Product Description
WIRE ROD With the Production Capacity up to 450,000 tonnes
Wire Rod per annum, our Wire Rod Mill has the facili-
ties of Reheating Furnace, Roughing Mill, Intermediate
Mill, Finishing Mill, Two-Arm Mandrel, C-Hook, and

General purpose, wire mesh, galvanized wire, bolt,
nut screws, pre-stressed concrete (PC) wires,
wire ropes, steel core for cable (wire strand),
welding electrode, general steel construction.

Product Excellence
• Compliance to international and national quality
DIMENSION • Certified with ISO 9001.
Diameter : 5.5 - 20.0 mm
Coil ID : 860 mm
Coil OD : 1250 mm
Coil Weight : 2.2 MT (Max)

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Steel for automotive pipe and tube in major application PT Krakatau Steel has produced products which com-
is used for motorcycle and passenger car. It has func- ply with those characteristics.
tion as frame in the body of vehicle. In addition, pipe &
tube manufacturing is carried out by forming and weld- Standard specification in accordance to the following:
ing process. Thus, it requires the steel with the following
characteristic these: Standard Grade
- Low-Medium-High Strength JIS G 3132 SPHT 1, SPHT 2, SPHT 3, SPHT 4
- Excellent in formability and weldability JIS G 3141 SPCCT-SD, SPCD-SD
- Good appearance (painting) SNI BJDD1-SR, BJDCT-SR

KRAKATAU STEEL KS 290, KS 340, KS 370, KS 440

Hot Rolled Coil

Chemical Composition (%) Mechanical Properties

Spec. YS TS
C Si Mn P S Elongation(%)
(MPa) (MPa)

1,80≤T<3,00 : 32 min

(*) SPHT 1 0,10 max 0,35 max 0,50 max 0,040 max 0,040 max - 270 min 3,00≤T<6,00 : 35 min

6,00≤T≤13,0 : 37 min

1,80≤T<3,00 : 27 min

(*) SPHT 2 0,18 max 0,35 max 0,60 max 0,040 max 0,040 max - 340 min 3,00≤T<6,00 : 30 min

6,00≤T≤13,0 : 32 min

1,80≤T<3,00 : 22 min

(*) SPHT 3 0,25 max 0,35 max 0,30 – 0,90 0,040 max 0,040 max - 410 min 3,00≤T<6,00 : 25 min

6,00≤T≤13,0 : 27 min

1,80≤T<3,00 : 18 min

(*) SPHT 4 0,30 max 0,35 max 0,30 – 1,00 0,040 max 0,040 max - 490 min 3,00≤T<6,00 : 20 min
6,00≤T≤13,0 : 22 min

(*) KS 290 0,12 max 0,35 max 0,60 max 0,040 max 0,040 max 175 min 290 min 29 min

(*) KS 370 0,25 max 0,35 max 0,30 – 0,90 0,035 max 0,035 max 215 min 370 min 30 min

(*) KS 390 0,25 max 0,35 max 0,30 – 0,90 0,035 max 0,035 max 235 min 390 min 30 min

(*) KS 440 0,25 max 0,35 max 0,30 – 1,00 0,035 max 0,035 max 265 min 440 min 25 min

Note : *) Also produce in Hot Rolled Pickled Oil

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Cold Rolled Coil

Chemical Composition (%) Mechanical Properties

Spec. YS TS Elongation
C Mn P S
(MPa) (MPa) (%)

0,20≤T<0,25 : 25 min

0,25≤T<0,30 : 28 min

0,30≤T<0,40 : 31 min

0,40≤T<0,60 : 34 min
SPCCT-SD 0,15 max 1,00 max 0,100 max 0,035 max - 270 min
0,60≤T<1,00 : 36 min

1,00≤T<1,60 : 37 min

1,60≤T<2,50 : 38 min

2,50≤T<3,20 : 39 min

0,40≤T<0,60 : 36 min

0,60≤T<1,00 : 38 min
SPCD-SD 0,10 max 1,00 max 0,040 max 0,035 max - 270 min
1,00≤T<1,60 : 39 min

1,60≤T<2,00 : 40 min

KS 290 0,12 max 0,60 max 0,040 max 0,040 max 175 min 290 min 34 min

KS 340 0,14 max 0,60 max 0,035 max 0,035 max 180 min 340 min 34 min

KS 370 0,18 max 0,30 – 0,90 0,035 max 0,035 max 215 min 370 min 30 min


Hot Rolled Pickled Oil

Dimension Hot Rolled Coil (HRC) Cold Rolled Coil (CRC)

Thickness (mm) 1,80 – 13,00 1,80 – 5,70 0,20 – 3,00

Width (mm) 600 – 1.400 620 - 1250 620 - 1250

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Steel for automotive structures in major applica- The excellences following these:
tion is used for heavy vehicle. Heavy vehicles such • Medium-High Strength
as medium-heavy truck and bus have heavy load • Excellent in formability
which need material made from steel that resist its • Good impact and fatigue resistance
load. Chassis is one of component that functions to • Good surface appearance (painting)
absorbe engine and driveline torque, endure shock
loading, and accomodate twisting on uneven road Standard specification in accordance to the follow-
surfaces. Therefore, it requires material made from ing:
steel which fulfill those functions. The main compo-
Standard Grade
nents of Chassis generally consist of Side Rail and
JIS G3113 SAPH 310, SAPH 370, SAPH 400, SAPH
Cross Member. PT Krakatau Steel has been produc-
ing the steel which comply with those requirements.


Hot Rolled Coil

Chemical Composition (%) Mechanical Properties

Spec. YS TS Elongation
C Mn P S
(MPa) (MPa) (%)

(*) SAPH 310 - - 0,04 max 0,04 max T<8,00 : 185 min 310 min 2,00≤T<2,50 : 34 min

8,00≤T≤14,00 : 175 min 2,50≤T<3,15 : 28 min

3,15≤T<4,00 : 31 min

4,00≤T<6,30 : 34 min

6,30≤T≤14,0 : 28 min

(*) SAPH 370 - - 0,04 max 0,04 max T<8,00 : 225 min 370 min 2,00≤T<2,50 : 33 min

8,00≤T≤14,00 : 215 min 2,50≤T<3,15 : 35 min

3,15≤T<4,00 : 36 min

4,00≤T<6,30 : 37 min

6,30≤T≤14,0 : 38 min

(*) SAPH 400 - - 0,04 max 0,04 max T<6,00 : 255 min 400 min 2,00≤T<2,50 : 32 min

6,00≤T≤14,00 : 235 min 2,50≤T<3,15 : 34 min

3,15≤T<4,00 : 35 min

4,00≤T<6,30 : 36 min

6,30≤T≤14,0 : 37 min

(*) SAPH 440 - - 0,04 max 0,04 max T<6,00 : 305 min 440 min 2,00≤T<2,50 : 30 min

6,00≤T≤8,00 : 295 min 2,50≤T<3,15 : 32 min

8,00≤T≤14,00 : 275 min 3,15≤T<4,00 : 33 min

4,00≤T<6,30 : 34 min

6,30≤T≤14,0 : 35 min

(*) KS 440 0,20 max 1,20 max 0,05 max 0,03 max 2,00≤T<3,20 : 275 - 390 440 min 2,00≤T<2,50 : 30 - 43

2,30≤T<6,00 : 265 - 380 2,50≤T<3,20 : 32 - 45

3,20≤T<4,00 : 33 - 46

4,00≤T<6,00 : 34 - 47

KSAPH 540 0,25 max 1,50 max 0,03 max 0,02 max 375 min 540 min 26 min

KSAPH 590 0,20 max 1,50 max 0,04 max 0,04 max 440 min 590 min 18 min

KSAPH 620 0,20 max 1,80 max 0,025 max 0,010 max 550 min 620 min 23 min

Note : Above dimension applies to the lowest tensile strength, for the higher need discussion.

Note : *) Also produce in Hot Rolled Pickled Oil

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Dimension Hot Rolled Coil (HRC) Hot Rolled Pickled Oil (HRPO)

Thickness (mm) 2,00 – 14,00 2,00 – 5,70

Width (mm) 600 – 1.400 620 - 1250

B. AUTOMOTIVE PART • Excellent in formability and drawability

Steel for automotive part in major application is used • Good flatness and stiffness
for passenger and commercial vehicles. Passenger • Good appearance (painting)
vehicles such as Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV) and • Non-ageing properties
Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) and Commercial Vehi- Standard specification in accordance to the follow-
cle such as Light Truck need parts that function as ing:
frame and connector made from steel. Kinds of the
Standard Grade
parts such as Panel Roof, Back Door, Pillar, Frame,
Reinforce, etc.

The exellences of products made by PT Krakatau
Steel following these:
• Low-Medium strength
• Good weldability and formability

Hot Rolled Coil

Chemical Composition (%) Mechanical Properties

Spec. YS TS Elongation
C Mn P S
(MPa) (MPa) (%)

1,80≤T<3,20 : 29 min
(*) SPHC 0,12 max 0,60 max 0,045 max 0,035 max - 270 min
T<4,00 : 31 min

1,80≤T<2,00 : 32 min

2,00≤T<2,50 : 33 min

(*) SPHD 0,10 max 0,45 max 0,035 max 0,035 max - 270 min 2,50≤T<3,20 : 35 min

3,20≤T<4,00 : 37 min

T<4,00 : 39 min

2,00≤T<3,20 : 185 - 305 2,00≤T<3,20 : 37 - 51

(*) KSAPH 270C 0,15 max 0,60 max 0,05 max 0,05 max 270 min
2,30≤T<6,00 : 175 - 295 2,30≤T<6,00 : 38 - 52

Note : *) Also produce in Hot Rolled Pickled Oil

Cold Rolled Coil

Chemical Composition (%) Mechanical Properties

Spec. YS TS Elongation
C Mn P S
(MPa) (MPa) (%)

0,20≤T<0,25 : 25 min

0,25≤T<0,30 : 28 min

0,30≤T<0,40 : 31 min

0,40≤T<0,60 : 34 min
SPCCT-SD 0,15 max 1,00 max 0,100 max 0,035 max - 270 min
0,60≤T<1,00 : 36 min

1,00≤T<1,60 : 37 min

1,60≤T<2,50 : 38 min

2,50≤T<3,20 : 39 min

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Chemical Composition (%) Mechanical Properties

Spec. YS TS Elongation
C Mn P S
(MPa) (MPa) (%)

0,40≤T<0,60 : 36 min

0,60≤T<1,00 : 38 min
SPCD-SD 0,10 max 1,00 max 0,040 max 0,035 max - 270 min
1,00≤T<1,60 : 39 min

1,60≤T<2,00 : 40 min

0,30≤T<0,40 : 35 min

0,40≤T<0,60 : 38 min

SPCE-SD 0,12 max 0,60 max 0,040 max 0,040 max 175 min 270 min 0,60≤T<1,00 : 40 min

1,00≤T<1,60 : 41 min

1,60≤T<2,00 : 42 min

0,40≤T<0,60 : 40 min

0,60≤T<1,00 : 42 min
SPCF-SD 0,14 max 0,60 max 0,035 max 0,035 max 180 min 270 min
1,00≤T<1,60 : 43 min

1,60≤T<2,00 : 44 min

0,60≤T<0,80 : 37 - 47

0,80≤T<1,00 : 38 - 48
0,60≤T<0,80 : 145 - 265
1,00≤T<1,20 : 39 - 49
KS 270C 0,06 max 0,04 max 0,020 max 0,015 max 0,80≤T<1,00 : 135 - 255 270 min
1,20≤T<1,60 : 40 – 50
1,00≤T<2,20 : 125 - 245
1,60≤T<2,00 : 41 - 53

2,00≤T<2,20 : 42 – 55

0,60≤T<0,80 : 40 - 50

0,80≤T<1,00 : 41 - 51
0,60≤T<0,80 : 135 - 225
1,00≤T<1,20 : 42 - 52
KS 270D 0,05 max 0,30 max 0,015 max 0,015 max 0,80≤T<1,00 : 125 - 215 270 min
1,20≤T<1,60 : 43 - 53
1,00≤T<2,20 : 115 - 205
1,60≤T<2,00 : 44 - 55

2,00≤T<2,20 : 45 – 57

0,60≤T<0,80 : 42 - 52

0,80≤T<1,00 : 43 - 53
0,60≤T<0,80 : 130 - 205
1,00≤T<1,20 : 44 - 54
KS 270E 0,045 max 0,25 max 0,015 max 0,015 max 0,80≤T<1,00 : 120 - 195 270 min
1,20≤T<1,60 : 45 - 55
1,00≤T<2,20 : 110 - 185
1,60≤T<2,00 : 46 - 56

2,00≤T<2,20 : 47 – 58

Note : Above dimension applies to the lowest tensile strength, for the higher need discussion.


Dimension Hot Rolled Coil (HRC) Hot Rolled Pickled Oil (HRPO) Cold Rolled Coil (CRC)

Thickness (mm) 2,00 – 25,00 2,00 – 5,70 0,20 – 3,00

Width (mm) 600 – 1.400 620 – 1.250 620 – 1.250

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


PT Krakatau Steel has produced hot and cold rolled The available standard specification in accordance
steel for applications using galvanized, galvannealed to the following:
or galvalum coating on the next process. The prod- Standard Grade
uct needs requirements such as low-medium-high JIS G3131 SPHC
strength, excellent in weldability and formability, JIS G3141 SPCC-SD, SPCC-1D, SPCC-2D, SPCC-4D, SPCD-1D,
good coating and paintability, good flaness and stiff- SPCC-80
ness, and accurate and precise dimensions. The ap-
plications for frame housing and general structure.


Hot Rolled Coil

Chemical Composition (%) Mechanical Properties

Spec. YS TS Elongation
C Mn P S
(MPa) (MPa) (%)

1,80≤T<3,20 : 29 min
(*) SPHC 0,12 max 0,60 max 0,045 max 0,035 max - 270 min
T<4,00 : 31 min

Note : *) Also produce in Hot Rolled Pickled Oil

Cold Rolled Coil

Chemical Composition (%) Mechanical Properties

Spec. YS TS Elongation Hardness

C Mn P S
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (HRB)

SPCC-SD 0,15 max 1,00 max 0,100 max 0,035 max - - - 65 max

SPCC-1D 0,15 max 1,00 max 0,100 max 0,035 max - 550 min - 85 min

SPCD-1D 0,10 max 1,00 max 0,040 max 0,035 max - 550 min - 85 min

SPCC-2D 0,15 max 1,00 max 0,100 max 0,035 max - 440 – 590 - 65 – 80

SPCC-4D 0,15 max 1,00 max 0,100 max 0,035 max - 370 - 490 10 min 74 - 89

SPCC-8D 0,15 max 1,00 max 0,100 max 0,035 max - 290 - 410 25 min 50 - 71

SPCG 250 0,06 max 0,40 max 0,40 max 0,020 max 250 min. 320 min. 25 min -

SPCG 300 0,06 max 0,40 max 0,40 max 0,020 max 300 min. 340 min. 20 min -

SPCG 350 0,06 max 0,40 max 0,40 max 0,020 max 350 min. 420 min. 15 min

SPCG 450 0,06 max 0,40 max 0,40 max 0,020 max 450 min. 480 min. 10 min -

SPCG 500 0,06 max 0,40 max 0,40 max 0,020 max 500 min. 520 min. 8 min

SPCG 550 0,09 max 0,60 max 0,020 max 0,020 max 550 min. 550 min. 2 min -


Dimension Hot Rolled Coil (HRC) Hot Rolled Pickled Oil (HRPO) Cold Rolled Coil (CRC)

Thickness (mm) 1,80 – 6,00 1,80 – 5,70 0,20 – 3,00

Width (mm) 600 – 2.000 620 – 1.250 620 – 1.250

Note : Above dimension applies to the lowest tensile strength, for the higher need discussion.

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk has produced cold

rolled steel for general purpose application which has
properties are low strength, excellent in weldability and
Dimension Cold Rolled Coil (CRC)
formability, good paintability, and accurate dimensions.
Thickness (mm) 0,20 – 3,00

Width (mm) 620 – 1.250

The available standard specification in accordance to
the following:
Note : Above dimension applies to the lowest tensile strength, for the higher
need discussion.
Standard Grade



Cold Rolled Coil

Chemical Composition (%) Mechanical Properties

Spec. YS TS Elongation Hardness

C Mn P S
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (HRB)

SPCC-SD 0,15 max 1,00 max 0,100 max 0,035 max - - - 65 max

0,20≤T<0,25 : 25 min

0,25≤T<0,30 : 28 min

0,30≤T<0,40 : 31 min

0,40≤T<0,60 : 34 min
SPCCT-SD 0,15 max 1,00 max 0,100 max 0,035 max - 270 min 65 max
0,60≤T<1,00 : 36 min

1,00≤T<1,60 : 37 min

1,60≤T<2,50 : 38 min

2,50≤T<3,20 : 39 min

SPCC-1D 0,15 max 1,00 max 0,100 max 0,035 max - 550 min - 85 min

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Our everyday enamel cookwares are made of cold rolled titanium-stabillized steel to ensure excellent ground
steel sheet which coated by glass-like vitreous porce- and cover coat formation during and after enamelling
lain enamel. The benefits of this economical product are process (usually 3 times firing at 810°C). For moderate
countless: safe and non-toxic for our food, high tem- quality of enamelwares with slight enamelling process,
perature fire resistant, hard, clean, non-stick and non- we offers SPCC sheet with special treatments to en-
stained surfaces, and its beautiful colour and graphical hance its drawability and enamelability.
designs; the all households qualities to make our life eas-
ier, healthier and brighter. However, it is not easy to pro- The available standard specification in accordance to
duce highest quality of enamelware products, as well as the following:
its raw materials: cold rolled steel sheet. The steel spec-
ification for enamelwares should have good formability, Standard Grade
surface adherence, non-aging properties, and excellent
enamelability, which means its resistantace against un-
acceptable enamelling defects such as: carbon boil, hair
line or fish scale. PT Krakatau Steel has been producing
JIS G3133 SPP cold rolled sheet use ultra low carbon and

Cold Rolled Coil

Chemical Composition (%) Mechanical Properties

Spec. Criteria YS TS Elongation

C Mn P S
(MPa) (MPa) (%)

0,20≤T<0,25 : 25 min

0,25≤T<0,30 : 28 min

0,30≤T<0,40 : 31 min

Drawability & enamelability 0,40≤T<0,60 : 34 min

SPCCT-SD 0,15 max 1,00 max 0,100 max 0,035 max - 270 min
not guaranteed 0,60≤T<1,00 : 36 min

1,00≤T<1,60 : 37 min

1,60≤T<2,50 : 38 min

2,50≤T<3,20 : 39 min

0,40≤T<0,60 : 36 min

Drawability guaranteed & 0,60≤T<1,00 : 38 min

SPCD –SD 0,10 max 1,00 max 0,040 max 0,035 max - 270 min
enamelability not guaranteed 1,00≤T<1,60 : 39 min

1,60≤T<2,00 : 40 min

0,30≤T<0,40 : 35 min

0,40≤T<0,60 : 38 min
Drawability guaranteed &
SPCE-SD 0,12 max 0,60 max 0,040 max 0,040 max 175 min 270 min 0,60≤T<1,00 : 40 min
enamelability not guaranteed
1,00≤T<1,60 : 41 min

1,60≤T<2,00 : 42 min

0,40≤T<0,60 : 38 min

Drawability & enamelability 0,60≤T<1,00 : 40 min

SPP 0,01 max 0,50 max 0,040 max 0,040 max 220 min 270 min
guaranteed 1,00≤T<1,60 : 41 min

1,60≤T<2,50 : 42 min


Dimension Cold Rolled Coil (CRC)

Thickness (mm) 0,20 – 3,00

Width (mm) 620 – 1.250

Note : Above dimension applies to the lowest tensile strength,

for the higher need discussion.

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk has produced cold The available standard specification in accordance to
rolled steel for home, office, and electrical appliaces. the following:
The steel have spme properties such as low – medium
strength, good weldability and forming, good flatness Standard Grade

ang paintability. JIS G3141 SPCCT-SD, SPCD-SD, SPCE-SD, SPCC-SD,




Cold Rolled Coil

Chemical Composition (%) Mechanical Properties

Spec. YS TS Elongation
C Mn P S
(MPa) (MPa) (%)

SPCC-SD 0,15 max 1,00 max 0,100 max 0,035 max - - -

0,20≤T<0,25 : 25 min

0,25≤T<0,30 : 28 min

0,30≤T<0,40 : 31 min

0,40≤T<0,60 : 34 min
SPCCT-SD 0,15 max 1,00 max 0,100 max 0,035 max - 270 min
0,60≤T<1,00 : 36 min

1,00≤T<1,60 : 37 min

1,60≤T<2,50 : 38 min

2,50≤T<3,20 : 39 min

0,40≤T<0,60 : 36 min

0,60≤T<1,00 : 38 min
SPCD –SD 0,10 max 1,00 max 0,040 max 0,035 max - 270 min
1,00≤T<1,60 : 39 min

1,60≤T<2,00 : 40 min

0,30≤T<0,40 : 35 min

0,40≤T<0,60 : 38 min

SPCE-SD 0,12 max 0,60 max 0,040 max 0,040 max 175 min 270 min 0,60≤T<1,00 : 40 min

1,00≤T<1,60 : 41 min

1,60≤T<2,00 : 42 min

0,40≤T<0,60 : 40 min

0,60≤T<1,00 : 42 min
SPCF-SD 0,14 max 0,60 max 0,035 max 0,035 max 180 min 270 min
1,00≤T<1,60 : 43 min

1,60≤T<2,00 : 44 min


Dimension Cold Rolled Coil (CRC)

Thickness (mm) 0,20 – 3,00

Width (mm) 620 – 1.250

Note : Above dimension applies to the lowest tensile strength,

for the higher need discussion.

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


High strength structural steel plate for heavy equipment The requirements of steel specification for heavy equip-
application such as excavator, tractor or dump truck re- ments must have characteristics following these:
quires high strength and also impact due to its opera- • High strength and impact to withstand the impact
tions in critical condition.The tensile strength required loads in critical condition
varies depending on the components and specifica- • Good fatigue resistance to improve the life time
tions, ranging from 440 MPa, 490 MPa, 590 MPa, and • Good weldability while manufacturing process
620 MPa or higher. PT Krakatau Steel has been produc-
ing hot rolled steel having tensile strength ranging from The available standard specification in accordance to
400 to 620 MPa for heavy equipment application using the following:
High Strength Low Alloy Steel.
Standard Grade

JIS G3101 SS 400

JIS G3106 SM 490YA, SM 490YB



Hot Rolled Coil

Chemical Composition (%) Mechanical Properties

Spec. TS Elongation Hardness

(MPa) (%) (HRB)

SS 400 - - 0,05 max 0,05 max 245 min 400 - 510 21 min 27 min

SM 490YA
0,20 max 1,65 max 0,035 max 0,035 max 365 min 490 min 19 min 27 min
SM 490YB

KSAPH 540 0,18 max 1,50 max 0,02 max 0,02 max 375 min 540 min 26 min 27 min

KSAPH 590 0,18 max 1,50 max 0,02 max 0,02 max 440 min 590 min 18 min 27 min

KSAPH 620 1,60 max 1,60 max 0,02 max 0,02 max 550 min 620 min 23 min 27 min


Dimension Hot Rolled Coil (HRC)

Thickness (mm) 2,00 – 25,00

Width (mm) 600 – 1.400

Note : Above dimension applies to the lowest tensile strength,

for the higher need discussion.

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Steel checker plate (also known as floor plate) is a steel STANDARD GRADE GROUP
plate with a raised pattern on one side of the surface. APLICATION
KRAKATAU STEEL Checkered Floor Plate
Application :
KRAKATAU STEEL Checkered 400 Floor Plate
Stairs, walkways, ramps, infrastructure, automobile
floor, and engineering stairs

Can be supplied in coil or plate

Gauge : Thin Gauge = 2.30 – 6.00 mm (for Checker)
= 3.50 – 6.00 mm (for Checker 400)
Thick Gauge = 6.00 – 12.70 mm
Width : 4 feet and 5 feet* (Need for further discussion)

2.30 – 6.00 mm 6.00 – 12.70 mm

Length (L) 26.80 mm 33.00 mm

Width (W) 4.90 mm 7.70 mm

Height (H) 1.50 mm max. 1.50 mm max.

Pitch Size (P) 45.00 mm 60.00 mm

Angle of Profile to Rolling Direction (α) 45 45

Specification Yield Strength Tensile Strength Elongation

Checker 400 Min. 235 MPa 400 - 510 MPa t 3,00 - 4,99 mm : Min. 21% (Lo : 50 mm)

t 5,00 - 12,70 mm : Min. 17% (Lo : 200 mm)

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Hot rolled steel plate for boiler and pressure vessel PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. supplies the steel
produced by PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. has in the form of coils or plates with supply condition as
the following properties. as-rolled or thermomechanically controlled process
• Strength level according to standard specifica- (TMCP).
• Good weldability Other application of thesteel is LPG bottle. PT
• Good formability Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. has been supplying
• Good steel cleanliness achieved by clean steel materials for LPG bottle 3 kg, 12 kg, and 50 kg ac-
practice in steelmaking. cording to JIS G3116 and SNI 07-3018-2006.As the
• Accurate dimension according to standard addition of common mechanical testing, there are
other testings which are required for LPG bottle
Application of these materials are boiler and pressure application: bursting test and expansion resistance
vessels in several industries such as power plants, testing. PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. material of
coal gasifiers, refineries, process industries, and pet- SNI 07-3018-2006 Bj TG 255 and Bj TG 295 (equiv-
rochemical exchangers. The steel for such applica- alent to JIS G3116SG255 and SG295 respectively)
tions are ASTM A285, ASTM A516, BSEN 10120, etc. shows good performance on the testing.

Hot rolled steel plate for boiler and pressure vessel application
ASTM A53 ASTM A53 GRB Pipe Hot Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and
Dimension Hot Rolled Coil (HRC)
Thickness 1.80 - 25.0 mm
ASTM A283 ASTM A283 GRA Plates, Carbon Steel, Low and Intermedi-
Width 600 - 2,000 mm
ASTM A283 GRB ate-Tensile Strength
Coil weight 30 Ton Max
Length for Plate 12000 mm max




ASTM A515 ASTM A515 GR70 Plates, Carbon Steel, for Intermediate and

Higher - Temperature Service

ASTM A516 ASTM A516 GR70 Plates, Carbon Steel, for Moderate and Lower

- Temperature Service

BSEN 10120 BSEN 10120 P265NB Plates for building boilers and pressure ves-

sels such as petroleum, chemical industry,

reactor, etc.

SNI 07-3018-2006 Bj TG 255 Welded containers for high pressure gas

Bj TG 295 holder of volume less than 500 l for LPG,

JIS G3116 SG255 acetylene and propane gas.


SAE 1019 SAE 1019 These steels are the lowest carbon steels of

SAE 1020 SAE 1020 the plain carbon type, and are selected where

SAE 1021 SAE 1021 cold formability is the primary requisite of the

SAE 1022 SAE 1022 user. They are produced both as rimmed and

SAE 1026 SAE 1026 killed steels

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Weathering corrosion resistant High-Strength Low-Al- weldability. Thus atmospheric corrosion resistant steel
loy (HSLA) steel is intended for structural applications have strength 35–40% higher than carbon steel (effect
where a combination of high strength and enhanced of vanadium addition). The extra strength of HSLA steel
atmospheric corrosion resistance are desired. It has makes it more durable and offers a longer useful life
approximately 4 times the atmospheric corrosion resis- span for chimney, bridge, tubular bridge, container and
tance of structural carbon steel, good formability and tank.


JIS G3125 SPAH Having Superior atmospheric corrosion resistance, it is applied to archi-

tecture, steel tower, steel container and other structures.

KRAKATAU STEEL BTKC GRA Weather corrosion resistance steel for structure



BS 4360 BS 4360 WR50A Weathering resistant steel

ASTM A588 GRADE A Atmospheric corossion resistance

Chemical Compositions Mechanical Properties

Yield Tensile
Specification Elongation
C Si Mn P S Cu Ni Cr V Strength Strength
(MPa) (MPa)

0.20 0.6 max 0.07 0.035 0.25 0.65 0.30 -

SPAH - - max - Max - 355 min 490 min 22 min
0.75 0.15 0.55 1.25

0.20 0.20 0.07 0.050 0.25 0.65 0.30 -

BTKC-A - - - max - Max - 345 min 485 min 22 min
0.75 0.50 0.15 0.55 1.25

0.30 0.80 0.040 0.050 0.25 0.40 0.40 0.02

BTKC-B - - max max - Max - - 345 min 485 min 21 min
0.65 1.25 0.40 0.65 0.10

0.30 0.80 0.040 0.050 0.25 0.40 0.40 0.04

BTKC-C - - max max - Max - - 415 min 550 min 21 min
0.60 1.35 0.40 0.70 0.10

ASTM A588 0.19 0,30- 0,80- 0.040 0.050 0,25- 0.40 0,40- 0,02-
345 min 485 min 21 min
max 0,65 1,25 max max 0,40 Max 0,65 0,10

JIS G 3125 SPAH 0.2 - 0.25 - 0.07 - 0,04 0.25 - - 0,65 0.3 -
0,12 355 N/mm2 490 N/mm2
0.5 0.75 0.15 0.60 1.25

Thickness 2.35 - 25.0 mm

Width 600 - 2,000 mm

Coil weight 30 Ton Max

Length for Plate 12000 mm max

Weight Loss Testing and Measurement

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Hot rolled steel plate for shipbuilding produced by PT Application: Material for pier facilities, bridge, dock, and
Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. has the following prop- other construction near corrosive environment.
• Strength level according to standard PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. is currently capable of
• High toughness producing ship plate with various class of certifications,
• Good formability from the ordinary strength (Grade A and B) until higher
• Good weldability strength (Grade A32 and A36).
• Excellent corrosion resistant

Some advantages of ship plate from PT Krakatau Steel Klasifikasi Indonesia (KI) KI Grade A, KI Grade B, KI A32,

(Persero) Tbk. KI A36

• Accurate dimension ABS Register ABS Grade A, ABS AH32, ABS

• Suitable chemical composition AH36

• Its high impact resistant at temperature up to as low BV Register BV Grade A, BV Grade B, BV AH32,

as -40oC makes the plates suitable for extreme envi- BV AH36

ronment ranging from warm tropical ocean to cold GL Register GL Grade A, GL Grade B

polar ocean LR Register LR Grade A

NK Register NK Grade A, NK A32, NK A36

DNV Register NV Grade A, NV A32, NV A36

Typical mechanical properties requirements of ship plate.

Ship Plate Grade YS (MPa) TS (MPa) Elongation (%) Impact Energy (Joule)

Grade A 235 min 400 – 520 22 min Not Specificationified

Grade B 235 min 400 – 520 22 min 27 min (Long) at 0 oC

20 min (Trans) at 0 oC

Grade A32 315 min 440 – 590 22 min 31 min (Long) at 0 oC

22 min (Trans) at 0 oC

Grade A36 355 min 490 – 620 21 min 34 min (Long) at 0 oC

24 min (Trans) at 0 oC

Thickness 4.00 – 25.00 mm

Width 600 - 2,000 mm

Length 6,000 – 12,000 mm

Typical range of ship plate produced by PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk.

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk



PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. has been supplying hot
BSEN 10111 BSEN 10111 DD11 Mild steel/low carbon steel,
rolled coil for rerolling application. The HRC has the fol-
may still fall under the cat-
lowing properties.
• Accurate dimension according to standard egory of special steel if any

• Suitable chemical composition according to stan- special properties is specified

in the steel
• Good profile and flatness SAE 1006 SAE 1006 These steels are the lowest

• Good surface quality SAE 1006 B carbon steels of the plain

• Good picklability SAE 1006 C carbon type, and are selected

SAE 1008 SAE 1008 where cold formability is the

SAE 1010 SAE 1010 primary requisite of the user.

Related to the formation of aluminum nitride precipitate
SAE 1012 They are produced both as
in subsequent annealing process, hot rolled coil for re-
SAE 1015 rimmed and killed steels
rolling requires a different coiling temperature. General-
ly, coiling temperature requirement is classified into two SAE 1016 SAE 1016

different value: high and low coiling temperature. High SAE 1018 SAE 1018

coiling temperature is employed for steel to be pro- SAE 1019 SAE 1019

cessed in continuous annealing, while low coiling tem- SAE 1020 SAE 1020

perature is for steel to be processed in batch annealing SAE 1021

furnace. With the existing facilities in hot strip mill, PT SAE 1022 SAE 1022
Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. is capable to fulfil these SAE 1026
two requirements, making the steel suitable for the de- ASTM A1006 ASTM A1006
sired application. ASTM A1008 ASTM A1008

List of hot rolled coil for rerolling produced by PT TYPE B
Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. ASTM A1010 ASTM A1010

ASTM A1010M1

ASTM A1010M2
Thickness 1.80 mm (min) ASTM A1011 ASTM A1011
Width 600 – 2,000 mm ASTM A1011 ASTM A1011B

PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. supplies HRC for
rerolling with the following dimension
ASTM A1012 ASTM A1012

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


With over 20 years’ experience, Krakatau Steel sup- STANDARD GRADE GROUP APLICATION
plies more than 1.5 million metric tons of Hot Rolled API 5CT API 5CT H40 Hot rolled steel for casing, pipe
Coil (HRC) for oil and gas pipeline application with and tubing is used for drilling,
various type of specification both API-5L Series for high weldability and excellent
application in offshore to sour gas as well as API-5CT fracture resistance.
series for casing tube application. HRC for oil and
API 5L API 5L GRA Hot rolled steels makes excel-
gas pipeline application has very stringent require-
API 5L GRB PSL 1 lent pipeline material because
ments so parameter process in steel making and hot
API 5L GRB M of its strength, low temperature
rolling mill should be controlled precisely.
API 5L GRB N toughness, weldability and

API 5L X42 hydrogen induced crack resis-

Slab produced for this application should have a
API 5L X42 M tance (sour services).
good internal quality and surface quality with imple-
API 5L X42 MO Use in pipeline transportation
mentation of Clean Steel Practice. Processing condi-
API 5L X46 M system in the petroleum and
tion in steel making Krakatau Steel :
natural gas industries.
• Killed Steel API 5L X52 M These use in pipeline
• Secondary Metallurgy : Vacuum Degasser and API 5L X52 MO transportation systems in the
Laddle Furnace
API 5L X52 MS petroleum and natural gas
• Continuous Casting API 5L X56 M industries, for use as casing

API 5L X60 M and tubing for wells, as well as

Thus, Thermo Mechanical Controlled Process (TMCP)
API 5L X60 MO for other applications, applies
is should be applied in hot rolling mill to achieve HRC
API 5L X60 MS to pipe piles in which the steel
with the following properties :
cylinder acts as a permanent
• Strength level according to standard API 5L X65 M
load-carrying member, or as
• High toughness API 5L X65 MO
a shell to form cast-in-place
• Good formability API 5L X65 MS
concrete piles.
• Good weldability API 5L X70 M

• No Bauschinger Effect API 5L X80

ASTM A139 ASTM A139 GRB For Electric-Fusion

(Arc)-Welder Steel

DNV 485 DNV 485 Sub marine pipe line system

DNV OS F101 OS F101 GR450

OS F101 GR450


Thickness 1.80 - 25.0 mm

Width 600 - 2,000 mm

Coil weight 30 Ton Max

Scheme of TMCP
1. Reheating slab before hot rolling process
2. Controlled rolling above non-recrystallization
3. Controlled rolling at recrystallization tempera-
4. Cooling after rolling

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Wear resistant steel plate for mining industry, explo- Process Quech & Temper :
ration, forestry or agro-industry can be produced in Wear resistant steel plate KSTA 400, 450 and 500 are
the country with quality no less than imported steel designed using special alloy steel with high contents of
plates. PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk as the state carbon and manganese, and using molybdenum, chro-
owned and the largest company in the field of steel mium and nickel alloy to obtain a superior hardening
industry in Indonesia has stepped up with its own re- properties.
sources to build the roll-quencher and temper ma-
chine, which has been able to produce wear plate The process of steel making specifically using a ladle
with a hardness value equivalent to 500 HBW. furnace which undergo an intensive process to get the
best quality of steel slab which is very clean and homo-
End-use application : geneous.
Recommended end-use application are: bucket,
chute, mixer, bearing, crusher, grinder, wear line, Steel slab then processed in the hot strip mill to produce
dump truck etc. steel plates with dimensions of thickness, width and
length according to the order. Furthermore, the steel
plate is processed in the roll-quencher to produce steel
Specification Thickness (mm) Hardness (HBW)
plate with martensite structure which has a very high
KSTA 400 6,00 - 20,00 380 - 420 hardness. At the final stage the steel plate is processed
KSTA 450 6,00 - 20,00 420 - 480 in a temper furnace to get a tempered martensite struc-
KSTA 500 6,00 - 20,00 480 - 540 ture that ensures superior toughness properties.
HBW : Brinell Harness Number

Chemical Composition, max in wt% Carbon Equiva-

Spec. Thickness (mm)
C Mn Cr Ni Mo lent, Typical

KSTA 400 6,00 - 20,00 0,28 1,4 0,8 0,30 0,25 0,50

KSTA 450 6,00 - 20,00 0,30 1,4 0,8 0,30 0,25 0,55

KSTA 500 6,00 - 20,00 0,30 1,4 1,0 0,50 0,40 0,60

Typical Microstructure

Certification & Test Result Available Dimension

The wear resistance test result of KSTA 500 which Available dimensions of KSTA 400, 450 and 500 steel
performed at Laboratory of Materials Testing De- plates are in the table below. Ordering for special di-
partment of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering Uni- mensions can also be accepted as far as in the range
versity of Indonesia shows specific abrasion values of roll-quencher machine capacity, in particular for the
0.3x10-7 mm3/kg, which is equal and even better length of the plate which is now limited to 3 meters.
than imported plates. Likewise, for booking with a particular plate shapes can
also be met through sales representatives who have
been appointed.

Specification Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm)

KSTA 400 6,00 - 20,00 1000 - 1600 3000 max

KSTA 450 6,00 - 20,00 1000 - 1600 3000 max

KSTA 500 6,00 - 20,00 1000 - 1600 3000 max

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Steel in modern decades is always playing a signif- ances to build our cities, town and countries. In other
icant role as a major material for all construction words, steel is indeed a national power.
buildings, brigdes, towers and other structural appli-

General & Welded Structures

For general and welded structures as for building and bridges, hot rolled steel grades are supplied with medi-
um-high strength and good weldability. The available standard specifications are:
• JIS G 3101 SS 400, SS 490, SS 540 for structural steel application
• DIN 17100 St 37, St 44, St 50, St 52 for structural steel application
• BS 4360 43A, 43B, 43C, 50A, 50B, 50C for structural steel application
• BSEN 10025 S275 (J0, JR, J2), S355 (J0, JR, J2) for welded structure application
• JIS G 3136 SN 400A, B, C, SN 490A, B, C for square pipe application
• JIS G 3106 SM 400A, B, C, SM490YA, YB, SM570 for superior strength and weldability structure
• ASTM A570 Gr 30, 33, 36, 40, 45, 50 for structural steel application
• DIN 17175 15Mo3 for fire resistant steel application

JIS G 3101 (Rolled Steel for General Structure)

Yield Strength (MPa) Elongation (%)

Specification Tensile Strength (MPa)
t ≤ 16 mm 16< t ≤ 25 mm 5< t ≤ 16 mm 16< t ≤ 25mm

SS 300

SS 400 245 min 235 min 400 – 510 17 min 21 min

SS 490 285 min 275 min 490 – 610 15 min 19 min

SS 540 400 min 390 min 540 min 13 min 17 min

JIS G 3106 (Rolled Steel for Welded Structure)

Yield Strength (MPa) Elongation (%)

Specification Tensile Strength (MPa)
t ≤ 16 mm 16< t ≤ 25 mm 5< t ≤ 16 mm 16< t ≤ 25mm

SM 400 A,B,C 245 min 235 min 400 – 510 18 min 22 min

SM 490 A,B,C 325 min 315 min 490 – 610 17 min 21 min

SM 490 YA,YB 365 min 355 min 490 – 610 15 min 19 min

SM 520 B, C 365 min 355 min 520 – 640 15 min 19 min

SM 570 460 min 450 min 570 - 720 19 min 26 min (16< t ≤ 20mm)

20 min (20< t ≤25mm)

Detail Specification for Infrastructrure Application


AS/NZ 1594 - 2002 HA 200 General Structures for Building, Bridges Ships

HA 250

HA 300

HA 350

HA 400

ASTM A36 ASTM A36 Carbon steel of structural quality for use welded construction of bridges and buildings and general

structural purpose.

ASTM A242 ASTM A242 GR2 High Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel


Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


ASTM A572 ASTM A572 GR42 High Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Structural Steel

ASTM A572 GR50

ASTM A572 GR55

ASTM A572 GR60

ASTM A572 GR65

ASTM A573 ASTM A573 GR70 Structural Carbon Steel Plates of Improved Toughness

ASTM A792 ASTM A792 This product is intended for applications requiring corrosion resistance or heat resistance, or both.




BS 4360 BS 4360 GR43A High - Strength low Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Steel for Structural Quality

BS 4360 GR50B

BS 4360 GR50C

BS 4360 GR55C

BSEN 10025 BSEN S235 J0 Welded Structure for Building, Bridges, ships, Petroleum Storage, Tank Containers




BSEN S275 J2



BSEN S355 J2

BSEN S355 J2+M


MS EN 10025-2:2011 S275 JR+AR Hot Rolled Products of Structural Steel

S275 J0+AR

S275 J2+AR

S355 JR+AR

S355 J0+AR

S355 J2+AR

CSA G4021 CSA G4021 300W Structural, Carbon & HSLA Steel Plate

CSA G4021 350W

DIN 1543 DIN 1543 ST37-2 Welded Structure for Building, Bridges, ships, Petroleum Storage, Tank Containers


DIN 1543 ST52-2


DIN 17100 DIN 17100 ST37-2 Applies to steel sections (including wide flange beams), steel bars, wire rod, flat products(strip,

DIN 17100 ST44-2 plate, wide flats) seamless and welded, square and rectangular hollow sections, forgings and

DIN 17100 ST52-3 semi-finished products in the general structural steels nemed, which are delivered in the hot formed

or normalized condition after production

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


DIN 17175 DIN 17175 15Mo3 Seamless Steel Pipe/ tube It is used for the pipelines of boiler industry

EN 10025 EN 10025 Hot rolled products of non-alloy structural steels


EN 10025


EN 10025


EN 10025


JIS G3101 SS330 Having each strength level, it is applied to structural materials for architecture, bridge, ships, rolling

SS400 stocks and other structures.



JIS G3106 SM400A Having superior strength and weldability, it is applicable to architecture, bridge, ships, rolling stock

SM400B body, petroleum storage tanks, container and other constructions.










JIS G3136 SN400B Hot rolled – seismic improved structural steels, used for structural members buildings, architecture

SN490B structures.

JIS G3466 STKR 400 Carbon steel Square for general structural purposes

SNI 07 0601 BJPC General Fabrication & Drawing Quality


BJPE Corrugated Steel Structures

MS 1705 : 2003 SPHC Carbon steel strip and sheet of commercial and drawing qualities

Product Dimension
Thickness 1.80 - 25.0 mm

Width 600 - 2,000 mm

Coil weight 30 Ton Max

Length for Plate 12000 mm max

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


For general pipes and tubes, as for small-medium weld- are:

ed pipes & tubes for structural and/or non-structural • JIS G 3132 SPHT 1, 2, 3, 4 for pipe and tube appli-
uses, hot rolled steel grades are supplied with low-me- cation
dium strength, good formability and bendability, and • ASTM A252 Grade 1, 2, 3 for piling pipe application
good weldability. The available standard specifications

JIS G 3132 (Hot rolled carbon steel for pipes & tubes)
Elongation (%)
Spec Tensile Strength (MPa)
1.6 ≤ t < 3.0 mm 3.0 ≤ t < 6.0 mm 6.0 ≤ t ≤ 13 mm

SPHT 1 270 min 32 min 35 min 37 min

SPHT 2 340 min 27 min 30 min 32 min

SPHT 3 410 min 22 min 25 min 27 min

SPHT 4 490 min 17 min 20 min 22 min

ASTM A252 (Hot rolled carbon steel for piling pipe)

Spec Yield Strength (MPa) Tensile Strength (MPa) Elongation (%)

Grade 1 205 min 345 min 30 min

Grade 2 240 min 415 min 25 min

Grade 3 310 min 455 min 20 min



JIS A5525 SKK400 Welded pipes with low and high frequency

SKK490 welding.





MS 1768:2004 SPHT1 Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Strip for Pipes

SPHT2 and Tubes

ASTM A252 ASTM A252 GR 1 Electrical Resistance Welded Carbon steel

ASTM A252 GR 2 for Boiled Tube

ASTM A252 GR 3

ASTM A53 ASTM A53 GR B Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped,

Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless

KRAKATAU STEEL SPHK 1 Welded steel pipes and tubes


Mechanical prop or chem.comp and dimensions (if any)

Product Dimension
Thickness 1,80 - 25.0 mm

Width 600 - 2,000 mm

Coil Inner Diameter 760 - 2,000 mm

Coil weight 30 Ton Max

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Wire rod for the manufacture of low carbon steel wires conditions and used for Specificationial purpose. The
by cold heading and cold forging. Forged to make bolts, Specificationial steel for cold heading application grade
nuts and screws. This steel requires strict quality con- SWRCH 8A, 10A, 12A and 18A
trol, because the steel is placed under severe working

Chemical Composition (%)

Specification KRAKATAU STEEL
C Si Mn P S Al

JIS G3507 SWRCH 8A KS 1008 ACH 0.10 max 0.10 max 0.60 max 0.30 max 0.035 max 0.02 min

JIS G3507 SWRCH 10A KS 1010 ACH 0.08-0.13 0.10 max 0.30-0.60 0.30 max 0.035 max 0.002 min

JIS G3507 SWRCH 12A KS 1012 ACH 0.10 - 0,15 0,10 max 0,30-0,60 0,30 max 0.035 max 0.002 min

JIS G3507 SWRCH 18A KS 1018 ACH 0.15-0.20 0.10 max 0.60-0.90 0.30 max 0.035 max 0.002 min

Mechanical Properties :
Fabrication Performance:
Drawability 5* Specification
Headability A
(Kg/mm2) (Kgmm2) (%)
Weldability 5*
SWRCH 8A _ 40 max 25 min
Coating 5*
SWRCH 10A _ 45 max 25 min

SWRCH 12A _ 46 max 23 min

*1-Limited to 5-Exellent
SWRCH 18A _ 48 max 23 min

**NA-Not Applicable *Basis in diameter 5,5-7,0 mm.


Welding Electrode Wire is a low carbon steels for stick ability and deposit metal quality. It is supplied with low
electrode applications in carbon grades For covered strength, good drawability and Specificationial chemical
electrode wire which are principally used for arc welding. compositions.
Precise component control is required to ensure weld-

Mechanical properties
Chemical Composition
C Si Mn P S Cu El (%)
(Kg/mm2) (Kg/mm2)

JIS G3503 0.09 max 0.03 max 0.35-0.65 0.020 max 0.023 max 0.20 max 24-34 35-45 20 min


Fabrication Performance:

Drawability 5*

Headability NA**

Weldability 5*

Coating 5*

*1-Limited to 5-Exellent

**NA-Not Applicable

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


High Carbon Steel Wire Rod are used for high carbon ifications are JIS G 3506 SWRH 42A, 62A, 62B, 67A,
steel for prestressed concrete (PC) wires, wire ropes, 67B, 72A, 72B, 77B and 82B. High carbon steel used for
steel core for cable ( wire strand), etc., and are sup- shafting bar automotive application medium strength,
plied with medium-high strength, medium formability good formability and excellent cleanliness. Available
& drawability, and excellent cleanliness. Available spec- specification are JIS G 4051 S 30C, 35C and 45C.

Specification EQUIVALENT GROUP APPLICATION Fabrication Performance:

JIS G 4051 S 30C KS 1030 Carbon Steel for Shafting Bar Drawability 5*

Headability NA
JIS G 4051 S 35C KS 1035
Weldability 2*
JIS G 4051 S 45C KS 1045
Coating 3*
JIS G 3506 SWRH 42A KS 1042A Umbrella Ribs, Helical Wire

JIS G 3506 SWRH 62A KS 1062A Screw Driver, Spring Wire *1-Limited to 5-Exellent

JIS G 3506 SWRH 62B KS 1062B Screw Driver, Spring Bed **A-Applicable

JIS G 3506 SWRH 67A KS 1067A Cable Housing, Spring Bed, Wire Rope **NA-Not Applicable


JIS G 3506 SWRH 67B KS 1067B Bead Wire, Spring Bed, Wire Rope Mechanical Properties :
Standard Typical
JIS G 3506 SWRH 72A KS 1072A ACSR, Bead Wire, Wire Rope Strand
Yield Strength (kg/mm2) - 57 – 108
JIS G 3506 SWRH 72B KS 1072B Tensile Strength (kg/ - 68 – 130
JIS G 3506 SWRH 77B KS 1077B Frame Spring Bed, Wire for Rolling mm2)
Door Elongation (%) - 8 – 14
JIS G 3506 SWRH 82 B KS 1082B Wire Rope, PC Strand
*Basis in diameter 5,5-7,0.
KS 1082B1 PC Strand, PC Wire

Chemical Composition & Mechanical Properties

Chemical Composition (%) Mechanical Properties

Specification Diameter YS TS Elongation

C Mn P S
(Kg/mm2) (Kg/mm2) (%)

KS 1042A 5,5-14 0.39-0.46 0.15-0.35 0.30-0.60 0.030 max 57-68 68-78 8-14

KS 1062A 5,5-7,0 0.59-0.66 0.15-0.35 0.30-0.60 0.030 max 71-81 86-98 8-12

KS 1062B 5,5-7,0 0.59-0.66 0.15-0.35 0.60-0.90 0.030 max 78-87 94-104 8-12

KS 1067A 5,5-7,0 0.64-0.71 0.15-0.35 0.30-0.60 0.030 max 79-88 98-105 8-12

KS 1067B 5,5-7,0 0.64-0.71 0.15-0.35 0.60-0.90 0.030 max 81-90 98-108 8-12

KS 1072A 5,5-7,0 0.69-0.76 0.15-0.35 0.30-0.60 0.030 max 83-91 99-109 8-12

KS 1072B 5,5-7,0 0.69-0.76 0.15-0.35 0.60-0.90 0.030 max 88-96 108-115 8-12

KS 1077B 5,5-7,0 0.74-0.81 0.15-0.35 0.60-0.90 0.030 max 92-100 110-120 7-12

KS 1082B 5,5-7,0 0.79-0.86 0.15-0.35 0.60-0.90 0.030 max 96-108 115-130 7-12

KS 1082B1 8,0-11,0 0.79-0.86 0.15-0.35 0.60-0.90 0.030 max 96-108 115-130 7-12

Chemical Composition for Shafting Bar Automotive Application

Chemical Composition (%)
C Si Mn P S

KS 1030 0.27-0.33 0.15-0.35 0.60-0.90 0.030 max 0.035 max

KS 1035 0.32-0.38 0.15-0.35 0.60-0.90 0.030 max 0.035 max

KS 1045 0.42-0.48 0.15-0.35 0.60-0.90 0.030 max 0.035 max

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Low-medium Carbon Steel Wire Rod are used for gen- formability & drawability and good weldability. Avail-
eral wires, wire mesh, general fasteners, fence, galvanish able Specificationifications are JIS G 3505 SWRM 6, 8,
etc., and are supplied with low-medium strength, good 10, 12, 15, 20.

EQUIVALENT Fabrication Performance:


JIS G 3505 SWRM 6 KS 1006 1006 Nails, Wire Mesh Headability NA**

JIS G 3505 SWRM 8 KS 1008 1008 Weldability 5*

JIS G 3505 SWRM 8 KS 1008 1008 Shafting bar, Automotif Coating 5*

JIS G 3505 SWRM 10 KS 1010 1010 Nails

*1-Limited to 5-Exellent
Wire Galvanish
**NA-Not Applicable
JIS G 3505 SWRM 12 KS 1012 1012 Wire Mesh

JIS G 3505 SWRM 15 KS 1015 1015 Nails, Wire Mesh

JIS G 3505 SWRM 20 KS 1020 1020 Nails, Wire Mesh

Mechanical properties
Chemical Composition
Specification Diameter
YS (Kg/
C Mn P S TS (Kg/mm2) EL (%)

SWRM 6 5,5-20.0 0.08 max 0.60 max 0.040 max 0.040 max 22-35 32-44 21-31

SWRM 8 5,5-20.0 0.10 max 0.60 max 0.040 max 0.040 max 22-35 35-46 21-31

SWRM 10 5,5-20.0 0.08-0.13 0.30-0.60 0.040 max 0.040 max 22-35 36-47 21-31

SWRM 12 5,5-20.0 0.10-0.15 0.30-0.60 0.040 max 0.040 max 24-36 38-48 21-31

SWRM 15 5,5-20.0 0.13-0.18 0.30-0.60 0.040 max 0.040 max 26-40 41-56 21-29

SWRM 20 5,5-20.0 0.15-0.20 0.30-0.60 0.040 max 0.040 max 27-40 45-58 19-28

*Basis in diameter 5,5-7,0

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Deformed bar in coil was manufactured PT Krakatau waste, save costs and saving time. Market demand for
Steel (Persero) Tbk. by using lines of wire rod mill pro- wire mesh will now move to the high product segment
duction process. Diameter of 6-16 mm were used com- high tensile elongation, thus forcing manufacturers for
mercially, have been used for the support of construc- the fulfillment these demand. Deformed bar in coil ap-
tion with the costumize size. Excellence deformed bar plications for the manufacturing industry, EPC, Precon
in coil compared with deformed bars such as have high and wire mesh.
tensile strength, high elongation, good weldability, zero


KS1318 JIS G 3112 SD 490 Low Carbon Deformed Bar In coil for Gener-

(Good Weldability) al construction

KS1325V JIS G 3112 SD 490 Medium Carbon

Mechanical Properties :

Standard Typical

Yield Strength (kg/mm2) 50 - 63 50 - 56

Tensile Strength (kg/mm2) 63 min 65 - 75

Elongation (%) 13 min 16 - 25

Ratio TS/YS - 1,25 min

Chemical Composition
Specification Diameter
C si Mn P S

KS 1318 6.0-13.0 0.17-0.21 0.16-0.20 1.50-1.7 0.030 max 0.030 max

KS1325V 6.0-13.0 0.25-0.27 0.20-0.30 1.40-1.50 0.030 max 0.030 max

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Grinding Balls are made from high carbon steel (0.80- material round bar for the grinding ball manufacture for
1.0%C) with controlled amounts of alloying. PT Krakatau Specification KS1082B2 and 1095GB
Steel (Persero) Tbk. has been experienced to supply raw


KS 1082 B2 JIS G 3507 Alloy Steel For Grinding Ball

KS 1095 GB SWRH 82B

Chemical Composition
Chemical Composition
C si Mn P S

KS 1082B2 0.76-0.84 0.15-0.35 0.70-0.80 0.030 max 0.030max

KS 1095GB 0.92-1.0 0.15-0.35 0.70-0.80 0.030 max 0.030max

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

PT KHI Pipe Industries is one of the subsidiar- ing applicator company through dedication

ies of PT Krakatau Steel, specialized in steel and conscious efforts. We have grown into a

pipe producer and coating applicator. We mature and experienced organization, which

supply major type of steel pipe and have es- have better understandings of the market

tablished quality management system which needs and demands. We work with the objec-

is capable of responding to a wide range and tive of providing maximum customer satis-

stringent customer requirement. faction through our superior quality.

Established in 1972 as a pipe manufacturing Pursuing of excellency in its wide range of

company, PT KHI Pipe Industries gained ex- products, we implement the utmost strin-

cellence as a pipe manufacturing and coat- gent quality management system such as API

Monogram, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015

and OHSAS 18001:2007.

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


A. Spiral Welded Steel Pipe Capacity

& Capability
• Machine Capacity= 100.000 Tons/Year
• Diameter = 12-80 Inch
• Wall Thickness = 3.2 - 25 mm
• Material = Up to SMYS 80,000 Psi

B. Electric Resistance Welded Steel Pipe

Capacity & Capability
• Machine Capacity= 150.000 Tons/Year
• Diameter = 1/2-20 Inch
• Wall Thickness = 2,77 - 16 mm
• Material = Up to SMYS 70,000 Psi


C. FBE/3LPE/3LPP Coating Capacity

& Capability
• Machine Capacity= 1,600,000 sqm/Year
• Diameter = 4 - 48 Inch

D. Concrete Weight Coating (CWC)

Capacity & Capability
• Machine Capacity = 500,000 MT/Year
• Diameter = 4 - 48 Inch
• Coating Thickness = up to 150 mm

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

E. Asphalt Enamel Coating Capacity
& Capability
• Machine Capacity = 800,000 sqm/Year
• Diameter = 4 - 48 Inch
• Coating Thickness = up to 5,5 mm

F. External Painting Capacity

& Capability
• Machine Capacity = 800,000 sqm/Year
• Diameter = 4 - 80 Inch

G. Internal Painting Capacity & Capa-

• Machine Capacity = 800,000 sqm/Year
• Diameter = 4 - 48 Inch

H. Cement Lining Capacity

& Capability
• Machine Capacity = 800,000 sqm/Year
• Diameter = 4 - 60 Inch

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Chemical Composition (%) Mechanical Strength

C Mn P S Yield Strength Ultimate Tensile Strength
Specification Grade Application
max max max max Psi N/mm2 Psi N/mm2

A25 0.21 0.60 0.03 0.03 25,382.00 175.0 44,962.40 310.0

A 0.22 0.90 0.03 0.03 30,458.40 210.0 48,588.40 336.0

B 0.26 1.20 0.03 0.03 35,534.80 245.0 60,191.60 415.0

X42 0.26 1.30 0.03 0.03 42,061.60 290.0 74,695.60 515.0

X46 Oil & Gas Line 0.26 1.40 0.03 0.03 46,412.80 320.0 63,092.40 435.0
API 5L (*)
X52 Pipe 0.26 1.40 0.03 0.03 52,214.40 360.0 66,718.40 460.0

X56 0.26 1.40 0.03 0.03 56,565.60 390.0 71,069.60 490.0

X60 0.26 1.40 0.03 0.03 60,191.60 415.0 75,420.80 520.0

X65 0.26 1.45 0.03 0.03 65,268.00 450.0 77,596.40 535.0

X70 0.26 1.65 0.03 0.03 70,344.40 485.0 82,672.80 530.0

H40 - - 0,03 0,03 40.030,5 276 60.045,7 414

API 5CT J55 OCTG - - 0,03 0,03 54.969,4 379 74.984,6 517

K55 - - 0,03 0,03 54.969,4 379 94.999,9 655

1 - - 0.050 - 29,733.20 205.0 50,038.80 345.0

Steel Pipe
ASTM A252 2 - - 0.050 - 34,809.60 240.0 60,191.60 415.0
3 - - 0.050 - 44,962.40 310.0 65,993.20 455.0

A 0.25 1.00 0.0350 0.0350 29,733.20 205.0 47,863.20 330.0

B 0.26 1.00 0.0350 0.0350 34,809.60 240.0 60,191.60 415.0

Steel Pipe
ASTM A139 C 0.28 1.20 0.0350 0.0350 42,061.60 290.0 60,191.60 415.0
D 0.30 1.30 0.0350 0.0350 45,687.60 315.0 60,191.60 415.0

E 0.30 1.40 0.0350 0.0350 52,214.40 360.0 65,993.20 455.0

44,962.40 310.0
A 0.14 0.9 0.035 0.04 23,931.60 165.0
60,191.60 415.0

50,038.80 345.0
B 0.17 0.9 0.035 0.04 26,832.40 185.0
Steel Pipe 65,268.00 450.0
Piles 55,115.20 380.0
C 0.24 0.9 0.035 0.04 29,733.20 205.0
74,695.60 515.0

60,191.60 415.0
D 0.27 0.9 0.035 0.04 33,359.20 230.0
79,772.00 550.0

A Electric 0.25 0.95 0.05 0.045 29,733.20 205.0 47,863.20 330.0

ASTM A53 Resistance
B 0.30 1.20 0.05 0.045 34,809.60 240.0 60,191.60 415.0


0.25 - 0.04 0.04 34,084.40 235.0 58,016.00 400.0
41/400 Steel Pipe
JIS A5525
SKK Piles
0.18 1.50 0.04 0.04 45,687.60 315.0 71,069.60 490.0

0.25 - 0.04 0.04 34,084.40 235.0 58,016.00 400.0
41/400 Steel Pipe
JIS A5330
SKY Piles
0.18 1.50 0.04 0.04 45,687.60 315.0 71,069.60 490.0

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Chemical Composition (%) Mechanical Strength
C Mn P S Yield Strength Ultimate Tensile Strength
Specification Grade Application
max max max max Psi N/mm2 Psi N/mm2

- - 0.05 0.05 - - 42,061.60 290.0

0.25 - 0.04 0.04 34,084.40 235.0 58,016.00 400.0
JIS G3444 Structural 0.24 1.30 0.04 0.04 51,489.20 355.0 72,520.00 500.0
0.18 1.50 0.04 0.04 45,687.60 315.0 71,069.60 490.0

0.23 1.50 0.04 0.04 54,565.60 390.0 78,321.60 540.0

195.0 47,863.20 330.0

SS 380 - - 0.050 0.050 28,282.80
62,367.20 430.0

General 58,016.00 400.0

SS 400 - - 0.050 0.050 34,084.40 235.0
JIS G31001 Structural 73,970.40 510.0

Purpose 71,069.60 490.0

SS490 - - 0.050 0.050 39,886.00 275.0
88,474.40 610.0

SS540 0.30 1.60 0.040 0.040 56,565.60 390.0 78,321.60 540.0


0.20(2) 71,069/ 490/

50B (1) 1.50 (2) 0.05 0.05 51,489 355
General Truc- (3) 92,825 640(7)
SA 4360**
tural Purpose 79,772/
50C (1) 0.22 1.6 0.04 0.04 550/ 700 62,367 430

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Normal Size : Diameter 1/2"-20" General Purposes : AWWA C200, AS 1163, AS 1396,
Wall Thickness : 3.2-16 mm BS 1387, JIS G3444, SNI
Pipe Length : 5 up to 18 meter/pcs
Line Pipe : API 5L Grade A uo to API 5L X 80
Structural : ASTM A53, ASTM A252

ASTM A53 Steel Line Pipe Grade A & B

2800Test Pressure
Nominal Outside Diameter 0.719Wall Thicknis Weight
Sch. No. Grade A Grade b
Size In
In mm In mm lbs/ft kg/m psi kPa psi kPa

1/2 0.840 21.3 0.109 2.77 40/STD 0.85 1.27 700 4800 700 4800

3/4 1.050 26.7 0.113 2.87 40/STD 1.13 1.69 700 4800 700 4800

1 1.315 33.4 0.133 3.38 40/STD 1.68 2.50 700 4800 700 4800

1 1/4 1.660 42.2 0.140 3.56 40/STD 2.27 3.39 1200 8300 1300 9000

1 1/2 1.900 48.3 0.145 3.68 40/STD 2.72 4.05 1200 8300 1300 9000

2 2.375 60.3 0.154 3.91 40/STD 3.66 5.44 2300 15900 2500 17200

2 1/2 2.875 73 0.203 5.16 40/STD 5.80 8.63 2500 17200 2500 17200

0.125 3.18 - 4.51 6.72 1290 8900 1500 1000

0.156 3.96 - 5.58 8.29 1600 11000 1870 12900

3 3.500 88.9
0.188 4.78 - 6.66 9.92 1930 13330 2260 15600

0.216 5.49 40/STD 7.58 11.29 2220 15300 2500 17200

0.188 4.78 - 8.66 12.91 1500 10340 1750 12070

0.219 5.56 - 10.01 14.9 1750 12070 2040 14070

4 4.500 114.3
0.237 6.02 40/STD 10.79 16.07 1900 13100 2210 15240

0.250 6.35 - 11.35 16.90 2000 13790 2330 16060

0.188 4.78 - 12.92 19.27 1020 7030 1190 8200

0.219 5.56 - 14.98 22.31 1190 8200 1390 9580

0.250 6.35 - 17.02 25.36 1360 9380 1580 10890

6 6.625 168.3 0.280 7.11 40/STD 18.97 28.26 1520 10480 1780 12270

0.312 7.92 - 21.04 31.32 1700 11720 1980 13650

0.344 8.74 - 23.08 34.39 1870 12890 2180 15030

0.375 9.52 - 25.03 37.28 2040 14070 2380 16410

0.188 4.78 - 16.94 25.26 780 5380 920 6340

0.203 5.16 - 18.26 27.22 850 5860 1000 6890

0.219 5.56 - 19.66 29.28 910 6270 1070 7380

0.250 6.35 23 22.36 33.31 1040 7170 1220 8410

0.277 7.04 30 24.70 36.31 1160 7800 1350 9310

0.312 7.92 - 27.70 41.24 1300 8960 1520 10480

8 8.625 219.1
0.322 8.17 40/STD 28.55 42.55 1340 9240 1570 10820

0.344 8.74 - 30.42 45.34 1440 9930 1680 11580

0.375 9.52 - 33.04 49.20 1570 10820 1830 12620

0.406 10.31 60 35.64 53.08 1700 11720 2000 13790

0.438 11.13 - 38.30 57.08 1830 12620 2130 14690

0.500 12.70 80 43.39 64.64 2090 14410 2430 16750

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

2800Test Pressure
Nominal Outside Diameter 0.719Wall Thicknis Weight
Sch. No. Grade A Grade b
Size In
In mm In mm lbs/ft kg/m psi kPa psi kPa

0.188 4.78 - 21.23 31.62 630 4300 730 5000

0.203 5.16 - 22.89 34.08 680 4700 800 5500

0.219 5.56 - 24.65 36.37 730 5000 860 5900

0.250 6.35 20 28.06 41.75 740 5800 980 6800

0.279 7.09 - 32.23 46.49 930 5400 1090 7500

0.307 7.80 30 34.27 51.01 1030 7100 1200 8300

0.344 8.74 - 39.27 56.96 1150 7900 1340 9200

10 10.750 273.0 0.365 9.27 40/STD 40.52 60.29 1220 8400 1430 9900

0.438 11.13 - 48.28 71.87 1470 10100 1710 11800

0.500 12.70 60/XS 54.79 81.52 1670 11500 1950 13400

0.594 15.09 80 95.97 95.97 1990 13700 2320 16000

0.719 18.26 100 114.70 114.70 2410 16600 2800 19300

0.844 21.44 120 133.00 133.00 2800 19300 2800 19300

1.000 25.40 140/XS 155.09 155.09 2800 19300 2800 19300

1.125 28.57 160 172.21 172.21 2800 19300 2800 19300

0.203 5.16 - 27.23 40.55 570 3900 670 4600

0.219 5.56 - 29.34 43.63 620 4300 720 5000

0.250 6.35 20 33.41 49.71 710 4900 820 5700

0.281 7.14 - 37.46 55.75 790 5400 930 6400

0.312 7.92 - 41.48 61.69 880 6100 1030 7100

0.330 8.38 30 43.81 65.18 930 6400 1090 7500

0.344 8.74 - 45.62 67.90 970 6700 1130 7800

0.375 9.52 STD 49.61 73.78 1060 7300 1240 8500

12 12.750 323.8 0.406 10.31 40 53.57 79.70 1150 7900 1340 9200

0.438 11.13 - 57.65 85.82 1240 8500 1440 9900

0.500 12.70 XS 65.48 97.43 1410 9700 1650 11400

0.562 14.27 60 73.22 108.92 1590 11000 1850 12800

0.688 17.48 80 88.71 132.04 1940 13400 2270 15700

0.844 21.44 100 107.42 159.86 2390 16500 2780 19200

1.000 25.40 120/XXS 125.61 186.91 2800 19300 2800 19300

1.125 28.57 140 139.81 208.00 2800 19300 2800 19300

1.312 33.32 160 160.42 238.68 2800 19300 2800 19300

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

2800Test Pressure
Nominal Outside Diameter 0.719Wall Thicknis Weight
Sch. No. Grade A Grade b
Size In
In mm In mm lbs/ft kg/m psi kPa psi kPa

0.210 5.33 - 30.96 46.04 540 3700 630 4300

1.219 5.56 - 32.26 47.99 560 3900 660 4500

0.250 6.35 10 36.75 54.69 640 4400 750 5200

0.281 7.14 - 41.21 61.35 720 5000 840 5800

0.312 7.92 20 45.65 67.90 800 5500 940 6500

14 14.000 355.6 0.344 8.74 - 50.22 74.76 880 6100 1030 7100

0.375 9.52 30/STD 54.62 81.25 960 6600 1120 7700

0.438 11.13 40 63.50 94.55 1130 7800 1310 9000

0.469 11.91 - 67.84 100.94 1210 8300 1410 9700

0.500 12.70 XS 72.16 107.39 1290 8900 1500 10300

0.594 15.09 60 85.13 126.71 1530 10500 1790 12300v

0.750 19.05 80 106.23 158.10 1930 13300 2250 15500

0.938 23.83 100 130.98 194.96 2410 16600 2800 19300

1.094 27.79 120 150.93 224.65 2800 19300 2800 19300

1.250 31.75 140 170.37 253.56 2800 19300 2800 19300

14 14.000 355.6 1.406 35.71 160 189.29 281.70 2800 19300 2800 19300

2.000 50.80 - 256.56 381.83 2800 19300 2800 19300

2.125 53.97 - 269.76 401.44 2800 19300 2800 19300

2.200 55.88 - 277.51 413.01 2800 19300 2800 19300

2.500 63.50 - 307.34 457.40 2800 19300 2800 19300

0.219 5.56 - 36.95 54.96 490 3400 570 3900

0.250 6.35 10 42.09 62.64 560 3900 660 4500

0.281 7.14 - 47.22 70.30 630 4300 740 5100

0.312 7.92 20 52.32 77.83 700 4800 820 5700

0.344 8.74 - 57.57 85.71 770 5300 900 6200

0.375 9.52 30/STD 62.64 93.17 840 5800 980 6800

0.438 11.13 - 72.86 108.49 990 6800 1150 7900

16 16.000 406.4 0.469 11.91 - 82.85 115.86 1060 7300 1230 8500

0.500 12.70 40/XS 107.60 123.30 1120 7700 1310 9000

0.656 16.66 60 136.74 160.12 1480 10200 1720 11900

0.844 21.44 80 164.98 203.53 1900 13100 2220 15300

1.031 26.19 100 192.61 245.56 2320 16000 2710 18700

1.219 30.96 120 223.85 286.64 2740 18900 2800 19300

1.438 36.53 140 223.85 333.19 2800 19300 2800 19300

1.594 40.49 160 245.48 365.35 2800 19300 2800 19300

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

2800Test Pressure
Nominal Outside Diameter 0.719Wall Thicknis Weight
Sch. No. Grade A Grade b
Size In
In mm In mm lbs/ft kg/m psi kPa psi kPa

0.250 6.35 10 47.44 70.60 500 3400 580 4000

0.281 7.14 - 53.23 79.24 560 3900 660 4500

0.312 7.92 20 58.99 87.75 620 4300 730 5000

0.344 8.74 - 64.93 96.66 690 4800 800 5500

0.375 9.52 STD 70.65 105.10 750 5200 880 6100

0.406 10.31 - 76.36 113.62 810 5600 950 6500

0.438 11.13 30 82.23 122.43 880 6100 1020 7000

0.469 11.91 - 87.89 130.78 940 6500 1090 7500

18 18.000 457
0.500 12.70 XS 93.54 139.20 1000 6900 1170 8100

0.562 14.27 40 104.76 155.87 1120 7700 1310 9000

0.750 19.05 60 138.30 205.83 1500 10300 1750 12100

0.938 23.83 80 171.08 254.67 1880 13000 2190 15100

1.156 29.36 100 208.15 309.76 2310 15900 2700 18600

1.375 34.92 120 244.37 363.64 2750 19000 2800 19300

1.562 39.67 140 274.48 408.45 2800 19300 2800 19300

1.781 45.24 160 308.79 459.59 2800 19300 2800 19300

0.250 6.35 10 52.78 78.55 450 3100 520 3600

20 20.000 508 0.281 7.14 - 59.23 88.19 510 3500 590 4100

0.312 7.92 - 65.66 97.67 560 3900 660 4500

0.344 8.74 - 72.28 107.60 620 4300 720 5000

0.375 9.52 20/STD 78.67 117.02 680 4700 790 5400

0.406 10.31 - 84.04 126.53 730 5000 850 5900

0.438 11.13 - 91.59 136.37 790 5400 920 6300

0.469 11.91 - 97.92 145.70 850 5900 950 6500

0.500 12.70 30/XS 104.23 155.12 900 6200 1050 7200

20 20.000 508 0.594 15.09 40 123.23 183.42 1170 8100 1250 8600

0.812 20.62 60 166.56 247.83 1460 10100 1710 11800

1.031 26.19 80 209.06 311.17 1860 12800 2170 15000

1.281 32.54 100 256.34 381.53 2310 15900 2690 18500

1.500 38.10 120 296.65 441.49 2700 18600 2800 19300

1.750 44.45 140 341.41 508.11 2800 19300 2800 19300

1.969 50.01 160 379.53 564.81 2800 19300 2800 19300

Chemical Composition (%)

ASTM A53 Carbon Manganese Phosphorus Sulfur Copper Nickel Chronium Molybdenum Vanadium

Grade A 0.25 0.950 0.05 0.045 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.15 0.08 1.00

Grade B 0.30 1.200 0.05 0.045 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.15 0.08 1.00

Mechanikal Properties

Yield Strength (mm) Tensile Strength (mm)

Grade A 30,000 ps (205 Mpa) 48,000 psi (330 Mpa)

Grade B 35,000 ps (240 Mpa) 60,000 psi (415 Mpa)

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Wall Inside
Ou tside Weight Minimum Pressure, kpa x 100
Thickness Diameter

in mm in mm mm Grade A Grade B Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
lb/ft kg/m
D t d Std Alt Std Alt X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80

323.9 29.31 43.96 0.219 5.6 312.7 43 53 50 62 65 92 105 113 121 131 141 162

323.9 33.38 50.11 0.250 6.4 311.1 49 61 56 71 96 105 119 129 138 150 162 185

323.9 37.42 55.47 0.281 7.1 309.7 54 68 64 80 108 119 134 145 155 168 181 207

323.8 41.45 61.56 0.312 7.9 308.1 61 76 71 88 121 132 149 161 172 186 200 207

323.8 43.77 65.35 0.330 8.4 307.1 64 80 75 94 127 139 158 169 182 197 207 207

323.8 45.58 67.62 0.344 8.7 306.5 67 83 78 98 132 145 165 177 189 205 207 207

14 355.6 32.23 48.33 0.219 5.6 344.4 ..... ..... ..... ..... 77 84 95 103 110 119 128 148

14 355.6 36.71 55.11 0.250 6.4 342.8 44 55 52 65 88 96 109 117 125 136 147 169

14 355.6 41.17 61.02 0.281 7.1 341.4 50 62 58 72 99 108 122 132 141 153 163 187

14 355.6 45.61 67.74 0.312 7.9 339.8 55 69 65 61 110 120 136 146 156 169 183 207

14 355.6 50.17 74.42 0.344 8.7 338.2 61 76 71 89 121 132 150 161 173 187 261 207

14 355.6 54.57 81.08 0.375 9.5 336.6 66 83 77 97 132 144 163 176 188 204 207 207

16 406.4 31.75 47.54 0.188 4.8 396.8 29 37 34 43 58 63 72 77 83 90 96 111

16 406.4 34.25 51.45 0.203 5.2 396.0 32 39 37 46 63 68 77 83 89 96 104 120

16 406.4 36.91 55.39 0.219 5.6 395.2 34 43 39 50 68 74 83 90 96 104 112 129

16 406.4 42.05 63.13 0.250 6.4 393.6 39 48 45 56 77 84 95 103 110 119 128 148

16 406.4 47.17 69.91 0.281 7.1 392.2 43 54 51 63 86 94 107 115 123 134 144 164

16 406.4 51.27 77.63 0.312 7.9 390.6 48 61 56 70 96 105 119 128 137 148 160 82

16 406.4 57.52 85.32 0.344 8.7 389.0 53 67 62 78 106 116 131 141 151 164 176 201

16 406.4 62.58 92.98 0.375 9.5 387.4 58 72 68 85 115 126 143 154 165 178 192 207

16 406.4 67.62 100.61 0.406 10.3 385.8 .... .... .... .... 125 136 154 167 178 193 207 207

16 406.4 72.80 108.20 0.438 11.1 384.2 68 85 79 99 134 147 167 180 192 207 207 207

16 406.4 77.79 115.77 0.496 11.9 382.6 .... .... .... .... 144 158 178 192 206 207 207 207

16 406.4 82.32 123.30 0.500 12.7 381.0 77 97 90 113 154 168 190 205 207 207 207 207

16 406.4 92.66 138.27 0.563 14.3 377.8 87 97 90 113 154 168 190 205 207 207 207 207

16 406.4 102.63 153.11 0.626 15.9 374.6 63 121 113 141 192 207 207 207 207 207 207 207

18 457.0 35.76 53.53 0.188 4.8 447.4 26 32 30 38 52 56 63 68 74 79 85 98

18 457.0 41.59 62.34 0.219 5.6 445.8 30 38 35 44 60 65 74 80 85 92 100 115

18 457.0 47.39 71.12 0.250 6.4 444.2 34 43 40 50 68 75 85 91 98 105 114 131

18 457.0 53.18 78.77 0.281 7.1 442.8 39 43 45 56 76 84 95 103 110 119 128 146

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Wall Inside
Ou tside Weight Minimum Pressure, kpa x 100
Thickness Diameter

in mm in mm mm Grade A Grade B Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
lb/ft kg/m
D t d Std Alt Std Alt X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80

18 457.0 58.94 87.49 0.312 7.9 441.2 43 54 50 63 85 94 105 114 122 132 142 162

18 457.0 64.87 96.18 0.344 8.7 439.6 48 59 55 69 94 103 116 127 136 145 156 178

18 457.0 70.59 104.84 0.375 6.5 438.0 52 65 61 75 103 112 127 136 146 158 171 195

18 457.0 76.29 113.46 0.406 10.3 436.4 .... .... .... .... 111 121 137 148 158 172 185 207

18 457.0 82.15 122.05 0.438 11.1 434.8 61 76 70 88 120 131 148 160 171 185 207 207

18 457.0 87.81 130.62 0.469 11.9 433.2 .... .... .... .... 128 141 158 171 183 198 207 207

18 457.0 93.45 139.15 0.500 12.7 431.6 69 86 81 101 136 150 169 182 195 207 207 207

18 457.0 104.67 156.11 0.563 14.3 428.4 77 96 90 113 154 168 190 205 207 207 207 207

18 457.0 115.98 172.95 0.626 15.9 425.2 86 107 101 125 171 187 207 207 207 207 207 207

20 508.0 16.27 69.38 0.219 5.6 496.8 27 34 32 39 57 63 71 77 82 89 96 109

20 508.0 52.73 79.16 0.250 6.4 495.2 31 39 36 45 65 72 81 83 94 102 109 125

20 508.0 59.18 87.70 0.281 7.1 493.8 35 43 41 51 71 80 90 97 104 113 121 139

20 508.0 65.60 97.43 0.312 7.9 492.2 39 48 45 56 81 89 100 108 116 125 135 154

20 508.0 72.21 107.12 0.344 8.7 490.6 43 53 50 62 89 98 111 119 128 138 149 170

20 508.0 78.60 116.78 0.375 6.5 489.0 47 58 54 68 97 107 121 130 139 151 162 185

20 508.0 84.96 126.41 0.406 10.3 487.4 .... .... .... .... 106 116 131 141 151 164 176 201

20 508.0 91.51 136.01 0.438 11.1 485.8 54 68 63 79 114 125 141 152 163 176 190 207

20 508.0 97.83 145.58 0.469 11.9 484.2 .... .... .... .... 122 134 151 163 174 189 204 207

20 508.0 104.13 155.12 0.500 12.7 482.6 62 77 72 90 147 143 161 174 186 202 207 207

20 508.0 116.67 174.10 0.563 14.3 479.4 70 87 81 102 163 161 182 196 207 207 207 207

20 508.0 129.33 192.95 0.626 15.9 476.2 77 97 90 113 180 179 202 207 207 207 207 207

20 508.0 141.90 211.68 0.689 17.5 473.0 85 107 99 125 196 197 207 207 207 207 207 207

20 508.0 154.19 230.27 0.752 19.1 469.8 93 116 109 136 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207

20 508.0 166.40 247.60 0.811 20.6 466.8 101 126 118 147 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207

22 559.0 50.94 76.42 0.219 5.6 547.8 25 31 29 36 52 57 65 70 75 81 87 99

22 559.0 58.07 87.21 0.250 6.4 546.2 28 35 33 41 60 65 74 80 85 92 99 114

22 559.0 65.18 96.63 0.281 7.1 544.8 32 39 37 46 66 73 82 88 95 102 110 126

22 559.0 72.27 107.36 0.312 7.9 543.2 35 44 41 51 74 81 91 99 105 114 123 140

22 559.0 79.56 118.06 0.344 8.7 541.6 39 48 45 56 81 89 100 108 116 126 135 154

22 559.0 86.61 128.73 0.375 6.5 540.0 42 53 50 61 89 97 110 118 127 137 148 169

22 559.0 93.63 139.37 0.406 10.3 538.4 .... .... .... .... 96 105 119 128 137 149 160 183

22 559.0 100.86 149.97 0.438 11.1 536.8 50 62 58 72 104 114 128 138 148 160 173 197

22 559.0 107.85 180.55 0.469 11.9 535.2 .... .... .... .... 111 122 137 148 159 172 185 207

22 559.0 114.81 171.09 0.500 12.7 533.6 56 70 65 82 118 130 147 158 169 183 197 207

22 559.0 128.67 192.08 0.563 14.3 530.4 63 79 74 92 133 146 165 178 190 207 207 207

22 559.0 142.68 212.95 0.626 15.9 527.2 70 88 82 103 148 162 184 198 207 207 207 207

22 559.0 156.60 233.68 0.689 17.5 524.0 78 97 90 113 163 179 202 207 207 207 207 207

22 559.0 170.21 254.30 0.752 19.1 520.8 85 105 99 123 178 195 207 207 207 207 207 207

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Wall Inside
Ou tside Weight Minimum Pressure, kpa x 100
Thickness Diameter

in mm in mm mm Grade A Grade B Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
lb/ft kg/m
D t d Std Alt Std Alt X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80

22 559.0 183.75 273.51 0.811 20.6 517.8 92 114 107 134 192 207 207 207 207 207 207 207

24 610.0 63.41 95.26 0.250 6.35 596.9 26 32 30 38 54 59 68 72 77 84 91 104

24 610.0 71.18 105.56 0.281 7.14 594.3 29 37 34 42 61 67 76 81 87 94 101 115

24 610.0 78.93 117.30 0.312 7.92 593.8 32 40 38 47 68 74 84 90 96 105 113 128

24 610.0 86.91 129.45 0.344 8.7 592.6 36 44 41 52 74 81 92 99 106 115 124 154

24 610.0 94.62 140.94 0.375 9.5 591.0 39 48 45 56 81 89 101 108 116 126 135 154

24 610.0 102.31 152.39 0.406 10.3 589.4 .... .... .... .... 88 96 109 117 126 136 147 167

24 610.0 110.22 164.17 0.438 11.1 587.8 45 56 53 66 95 104 118 127 136 147 158 180

24 610.0 117.86 175.55 0.469 11.2 586.2 .... .... .... .... 102 112 126 136 145 158 169 193

24 610.0 125.49 186.92 0.500 12.7 584.6 52 65 61 75 109 119 134 145 155 158 181 206

24 610.0 156.03 232.94 0.626 15.9 578.2 65 81 75 94 136 149 168 181 194 207 207 207

24 610.0 171.29 255.69 0.689 17.5 575.0 71 89 83 103 150 164 185 199 207 207 207 207

24 610.0 186.23 278.32 0.752 19.1 571.8 77 97 90 113 163 179 202 207 207 207 207 207

24 610.0 201.09 299.41 0.811 20.6 568.8 84 105 98 123 176 193 207 207 207 207 207 207

26 660.0 68.75 103.15 0.250 6.4 647.2 24 30 28 34 50 55 62 67 72 78 84 96

26 660.0 77.18 114.31 0.281 7.1 645.8 27 34 31 39 56 61 70 75 81 87 93 107

26 660.0 85.60 127.04 0.312 7.9 644.2 30 37 34 43 63 68 77 83 90 96 104 119

26 660.0 94.26 139.73 0.344 8.7 642.6 33 41 39 48 69 76 85 92 99 107 115 131

26 660.0 102.63 152.39 0.375 9.5 641.0 36 45 42 52 75 82 93 100 107 116 125 143

26 660.0 110.98 165.02 0.406 10.3 639.4 .... .... .... .... 81 89 101 108 116 126 136 155

26 660.0 119.57 177.62 0.438 11.1 637.8 42 52 49 61 88 96 109 117 125 136 146 167

26 660.0 127.88 190.19 0.469 11.9 636.2 .... .... .... .... 94 103 116 125 134 138 157 179

26 660.0 152.68 227.70 0.563 14.3 631.4 54 67 63 78 113 124 140 151 161 175 188 207

26 660.0 169.38 252.55 0.626 15.9 628.2 60 74 70 87 126 138 155 167 179 184 207 207

26 660.0 185.99 277.27 0.689 17.5 625.0 65 82 76 96 138 151 165 184 201 207 207 207

26 660.0 202.00 301.87 0.752 19.1 621.8 72 90 83 104 151 165 187 201 207 207 207 207

26 660.0 218.43 324.81 0.811 20.6 618.8 77 97 90 113 163 178 201 207 207 207 207 207

28 711.0 74.09 110.36 0.250 6.4 698.5 22 28 25 32 47 51 58 62 66 72 78 89

28 711.0 83.19 123.91 0.281 7.1 696.9 25 31 29 37 52 57 65 70 74 81 87 99

28 711.0 92.26 137.42 0.312 7.9 695.4 28 34 32 40 58 63 72 77 83 90 96 110

28 711.0 101.61 151.35 0.344 8.7 693.7 .... .... .... .... 64 70 79 85 92 99 107 121

28 711.0 110.64 164.80 0.375 9.5 692.2 33 41 39 48 70 76 86 93 100 108 116 133

28 711.0 119.65 178.22 0.406 10.3 690.6 .... .... .... .... 76 83 94 101 108 117 126 144

28 711.0 128.93 192.04 0.438 11.1 688.9 39 48 45 56 81 90 101 109 116 126 136 155

28 711.0 137.90 205.40 0.469 11.9 687.4 .... .... .... .... 88 96 108 116 125 135 145 166

28 711.0 146.85 218.69 0.500 12.7 685.6 44 55 52 65 93 102 115 124 133 144 155 177

28 711.0 164.69 245.68 0.563 14.3 682.4 50 62 58 72 105 114 130 139 150 162 174 199

28 711.0 182.73 272.54 0.626 15.9 679.2 55 69 65 81 116 127 144 155 166 180 194 207

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Wall Inside
Ou tside Weight Minimum Pressure, kpa x 100
Thickness Diameter

in mm in mm mm Grade A Grade B Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
lb/ft kg/m
D t d Std Alt Std Alt X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80

28 711.0 200.68 299.28 0.689 17.5 676.0 61 76 71 89 128 140 158 171 183 198 207 207

28 711.0 218.27 325.89 0.752 19.1 672.8 66 83 77 91 139 153 173 186 199 207 207 207

28 711.0 235.78 350.72 0.811 20.6 669.8 72 90 84 105 151 165 187 201 207 207 207 207

30 762.0 79.45 118.31 0.250 6.4 749.3 21 25 24 30 43 48 54 58 62 68 72 83

30 762.0 89.19 131.85 0.281 7.1 747.7 23 29 27 34 49 54 61 65 70 76 81 92

30 762.0 98.93 147.36 0.312 7.9 746.2 25 32 30 38 54 59 67 72 77 84 90 103

30 762.0 108.95 162.28 0.344 8.7 744.5 .... .... .... .... 60 65 74 80 85 92 99 113

30 762.0 118.65 176.73 0.375 9.5 743.0 31 39 36 45 65 72 81 87 93 101 109 124

30 762.0 128.32 191.13 0.406 10.3 741.4 .... .... .... .... 70 77 88 94 101 109 118 134

30 762.0 138.29 205.98 0.438 11.1 739.7 37 45 42 53 76 83 94 101 109 118 127 144

30 762.0 147.92 220.32 0.469 11.9 738.2 .... .... .... .... 81 89 101 109 116 126 136 155

30 762.0 157.53 234.64 0.500 12.7 736.6 41 52 48 61 87 95 107 116 124 134 145 165

30 762.0 176.69 263.18 0.562 14.3 733.5 46 58 54 68 98 107 121 130 139 151 163 186

30 762.0 196.08 292.54 0.625 15.9 730.2 52 65 61 75 109 119 134 145 155 168 181 207

30 762.0 215.38 321.29 0.689 17.5 727.0 57 71 66 83 119 131 148 159 171 185 199 207

30 762.0 234.29 349.91 0.752 19.1 723.8 62 77 72 90 130 143 161 174 186 201 207 207

30 762.0 253.12 376.63 0.811 20.6 720.8 67 84 79 98 141 154 174 188 201 207 207 207

30 762.0 272.17 405 0.874 22.2 717.6 72 90 84 105 152 167 188 203 207 207 207 207

32 813.0 84.77 126.26 0.250 6.4 800.1 19 24 23 28 41 45 50 54 58 63 63 78

32 813.0 95.19 141.79 0.281 7.1 798.5 22 28 25 32 45 50 56 61 65 71 76 87

32 813.0 105.59 157.28 0.312 7.9 797.0 24 30 28 35 51 56 63 68 72 79 85 96

32 813.0 116.30 173.23 0.344 8.7 795.3 .... .... .... .... 56 61 70 74 80 87 93 106

32 813.0 126.66 188.66 0.375 9.5 793.8 29 37 34 43 61 67 76 81 88 94 102 116

32 813.0 136.99 204.05 0.406 10.3 792.2 .... .... .... .... 66 72 82 95 94 102 110 126

32 813.0 147.64 219.91 0.438 11.1 790.5 34 43 39 50 71 78 88 102 102 110 119 135

32 813.0 157.94 235.25 0.469 11.9 798.0 .... .... 45 .... 76 83 94 109 109 118 127 145

32 813.0 168.21 250.55 0.500 12.7 787.4 39 48 51 56 81 89 101 109 116 126 136 155

32 813.0 188.70 281.07 0.562 14.3 784.3 43 54 56 63 92 100 113 122 131 141 152 174

32 813.0 209.43 312.54 0.625 15.9 781.0 48 61 56 71 102 112 126 136 145 158 169 194

32 813.0 230.08 343.30 0.689 17.5 778.0 53 67 62 78 112 123 138 150 160 174 187 207

32 813.0 250.31 373.93 0.752 19.1 774.8 58 72 68 85 122 134 151 163 174 189 203 207

32 813.0 270.47 402.54 0.811 20.6 771.8 63 79 74 92 132 145 164 176 489 205 207 207

32 813.0 290.86 432.93 0.874 22.2 768.6 68 85 79 99 143 156 176 190 203 207 207 207

34 864.0 90.11 134.22 0.250 6.4 850.9 18 23 21 27 39 42 48 51 54 59 66 73

34 864.0 101.19 150.72 0.281 7.1 849.3 21 25 24 30 43 47 53 57 61 67 72 82

34 864.0 112.25 167.20 0.312 7.9 847.8 23 28 27 33 48 52 59 63 68 74 80 91

34 864.0 123.65 184.18 0.344 8.7 848.1 .... .... .... .... 52 58 65 70 75 81 88 100

34 864.0 134.67 200.58 0.375 9.5 844.6 28 34 32 40 57 63 71 76 82 89 96 109

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Wall Inside
Ou tside Weight Minimum Pressure, kpa x 100
Thickness Diameter

in mm in mm mm Grade A Grade B Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
lb/ft kg/m
D t d Std Alt Std Alt X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80

34 864.0 145.67 216.85 0.406 10.3 843.0 .... .... .... .... 62 68 77 83 89 104 103 118

34 864.0 157.00 233.85 0.438 11.1 841.3 32 40 37 47 67 74 83 90 96 111 112 127

34 864.0 167.95 250.16 0.469 11.9 839.8 .... .... .... .... 72 79 89 96 103 119 120 137

34 864.0 178.89 266.46 0.500 12.7 838.2 37 45 43 53 76 84 95 102 110 133 127 146

34 864.0 200.70 298.94 0.562 14.3 835.1 41 51 48 60 86 94 107 115 123 148 143 164

34 864.0 222.78 331.83 0.625 15.9 831.8 45 57 53 67 96 105 119 127 137 148 160 183

34 864.0 244.77 365.31 0.689 17.5 829.0 50 63 59 73 105 116 130 141 151 163 176 201

34 864.0 266.33 397.95 0.752 19.1 825.8 54 68 64 80 115 126 142 153 164 178 192 207

34 864.0 287.81 428.44 0.811 20.6 822.8 59 74 69 86 125 136 154 166 178 192 207 207

34 864.0 309.55 460.85 0.874 22.2 819.6 64 80 74 93 134 147 166 178 192 207 207 207

36 914.0 95.45 142.17 0.250 6.35 901.1 17 21 20 25 36 40 45 48 52 56 61 89

36 914.0 107.20 159.67 0.281 7.14 900.1 19 24 23 28 41 45 50 54 58 63 68 77

36 914.0 118.92 177.12 0.312 7.92 898.6 21 27 25 31 45 50 58 60 65 70 75 86

36 914.0 131.00 195.12 0.344 8.74 896.9 .... .... .... .... 50 54 61 66 71 77 83 94

36 914.0 142.68 212.52 0.375 9.52 895.4 26 32 30 38 54 59 68 72 77 84 90 103

36 910.0 154.34 142.17 0.406 10.3 893.8 .... .... .... .... 59 64 73 79 84 91 98 112

36 910.0 166.35 247.78 0.438 11.1 892.1 30 38 35 44 63 70 79 85 90 98 105 120

36 910.0 177.97 265.09 0.469 11.9 890.6 .... .... .... .... 68 74 84 90 97 105 113 129

36 910.0 189.57 282.36 0.500 12.7 889.0 34 43 40 40 72 79 90 96 103 112 121 138

36 910.0 212.70 316.82 0.562 14.3 885.9 39 48 45 56 81 89 101 108 116 125 136 155

36 910.0 236.13 351.72 0.625 15.9 882.6 43 54 50 63 90 99 112 121 130 140 151 173

36 910.0 259.47 386.88 0.689 17.5 879.0 48 59 55 69 99 109 123 133 142 154 166 190

36 910.0 282.35 421.50 0.752 19.1 875.8 52 65 61 75 109 119 134 145 155 168 181 207

36 910.0 305.16 453.84 0.811 20.6 872.8 56 70 65 81 118 129 145 157 168 182 196 207

36 910.0 328.24 488.22 0.874 22.2 869.6 61 75 70 88 127 138 157 168 181 196 207 207

38 965.0 125.58 187.05 0.312 7.9 949.4 21 25 23 30 43 47 53 57 61 66 71 81

38 965.0 138.35 206.07 0.344 8.7 949.7 23 28 26 33 47 52 59 63 68 73 79 89

38 965.0 153.69 224.45 0.375 9.5 966.2 25 30 28 36 52 56 63 68 74 79 85 98

38 965.0 163.01 242.80 0.406 10.3 944.6 26 33 31 39 56 61 69 74 79 86 93 106

38 965.0 175.71 261.72 0.438 11.1 942.9 28 36 33 42 60 65 70 80 85 93 100 114

38 965.0 187.99 280.01 0.469 11.9 941.4 30 39 36 45 64 70 80 85 92 99 107 122

38 965.0 200.25 298.27 0.500 12.7 939.8 32 41 38 48 68 75 85 92 98 106 114 131

38 965.0 224.71 324.71 0.562 14.3 936.7 37 46 45 54 77 84 As 103 110 119 128 147

38 965.0 249.48 371.60 0.625 15.9 933.4 41 51 48 59 85 94 106 107 123 132 143 163

38 965.0 274.16 408.89 0.689 17.5 930 45 56 52 65 94 103 116 126 135 146 157 180

38 965.0 298.37 445.52 0.752 19.1 926.8 49 61 57 72 103 112 127 137 147 159 172 196

38 965.0 322.50 479.75 0.811 20.6 923.8 53 66 62 77 112 122 138 148 159 172 185 207

38 965.0 346.93 516.14 0.874 22.2 920.6 57 72 67 83 120 132 149 160 172 185 200 207

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Wall Inside
Ou tside Weight Minimum Pressure, kpa x 100
Thickness Diameter

in mm in mm mm Grade A Grade B Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
lb/ft kg/m
D t d Std Alt Std Alt X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80

40 1,016.0 132.25 196.99 0.312 7.9 1,000.2 19 24 23 28 41 45 50 54 58 63 68 77

40 1,016.0 145.69 217.01 0.344 8.7 998.5 21 23 25 31 45 49 55 60 64 70 81 85

40 1,016.0 158.70 236.38 0.375 9.5 997.0 23 29 27 34 49 54 61 65 70 76 74 93

40 1,016.0 171.68 255.72 0.406 10.3 995.4 25 32 30 37 53 68 65 70 76 82 83 101

40 1,016.0 185.06 275.65 0.438 11.1 993.7 27 34 32 39 57 63 70 76 81 88 95 108

40 1,016.0 198.01 294.94 0.469 11.9 992.2 29 37 34 43 61 67 76 81 88 94 102 116

40 1,016.0 210.93 314.18 0.500 12.7 990.6 31 39 36 45 65 72 81 87 93 101 109 124

40 1,016.0 236.71 352.58 0.562 14.3 987.5 35 43 41 51 73 80 91 98 105 113 122 140

40 1,016.0 262.83 391.49 0.625 15.9 984.2 39 48 45 56 81 89 101 109 116 126 136 155

40 1,016.0 288.86 430.26 0.688 17.5 981.0 43 53 50 62 90 98 111 119 128 138 150 171

40 1,016.0 314.39 468.28 0.750 19.1 977.9 47 58 54 68 98 107 121 130 139 152 163 186

40 1,016.0 339.84 506.19 0.812 20.6 974.8 50 63 59 74 105 116 131 141 151 164 176 201

40 1,016.0 365.62 544.59 0.875 22.2 971.6 54 68 63 79 114 125 141 152 163 176 190 207

42 1,067.0 153.04 227.95 0.344 8.7 1,049.3 20 25 23 30 43 47 53 57 61 66 71 81

42 1,067.0 166.71 248.31 0.375 9.5 1,047.8 22 28 26 32 47 51 58 62 66 72 78 88

42 1,067.0 18.035 268.63 0.406 10.3 1,046.2 24 30 28 35 50 55 62 67 72 78 84 96

42 1,067.0 194.42 289.59 0.438 11.1 1,044.5 26 32 38 54 59 68 72 78 84 84 90 103

42 1,067.0 208.03 309.86 0.469 11.9 1,043.0 28 34 32 41 58 63 72 78 83 90 97 111

42 1,067.0 221.61 330.09 0.500 12.7 1,041.4 30 37 34 43 62 68 76 83 89 96 103 118

42 1,067.0 248.72 370.47 0.562 14.3 1,038.3 33 41 39 48 70 76 86 93 100 108 116 133

42 1,067.0 276.18 411.37 0.625 15.9 1,935.0 37 46 43 54 77 85 96 103 111 120 130 148

42 1,067.0 303.55 452.14 0.688 17.5 1,031.8 41 51 48 59 85 94 105 114 122 132 142 163

42 1,067.0 339.41 492.15 0.750 19.1 1,028.7 44 55 52 65 93 102 115 124 133 114 155 148

42 1,067.0 357.19 532.03 0.812 20.6 1,025.8 48 60 56 70 101 110 125 134 144 156 168 163

42 1,067.0 384.31 572.43 0.875 22.2 1,022.6 52 65 61 75 109 119 134 145 155 168 181 178

44 1,118.0 160.39 237.99 0.344 8.7 1,100.9 19 24 23 28 41 45 50 54 59 63 68 77

44 1,118.0 174.72 259.69 0.375 9.5 1,099.0 21 26 25 31 44 49 55 59 63 69 74 84

44 1,118.0 189.03 281.35 0.406 10.3 1,090.4 23 29 27 23 48 52 59 64 69 74 80 91

44 1,118.0 203.78 302.99 0.438 11.1 1,095.8 25 31 29 36 52 56 64 69 74 80 86 98

44 1,118.0 218.04 324.59 0.469 11.9 1,094.2 26 33 31 39 56 61 69 74 79 86 92 106

44 1,118.0 232.29 346.16 0.500 12.7 1,092.6 28 25 33 41 59 65 73 79 85 92 99 113

44 1,118.0 260.72 389.21 0.562 14.3 1,089.4 32 39 37 46 67 73 83 89 95 103 111 127

44 1,118.0 289.53 432.13 0.625 15.9 1,086.2 35 44 41 52 74 81 92 99 105 114 123 141

44 1,118.0 318.25 474.92 0.688 17.5 1,083.0 39 48 55 56 81 89 101 109 116 126 136 155

44 1,118.0 346.43 517.59 0.750 19.1 1,079.8 42 53 50 61 89 97 110 119 127 137 148 169

44 1,118.0 374.53 557.47 0.812 20.6 1,076.8 45 57 54 67 96 105 119 128 137 149 161 183

44 1,118.0 403.00 599.90 0.875 22.2 1,073.6 50 61 58 72 103 114 128 138 148 161 173 197

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Wall Inside
Ou tside Weight Minimum Pressure, kpa x 100
Thickness Diameter

in mm in mm mm Grade A Grade B Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
lb/ft kg/m
D t d Std Alt Std Alt X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80

46 1,168.0 167.74 249.85 0.344 8.7 1,150.9 19 23 21 27 39 43 48 52 56 60 65 74

46 1,168.0 182.73 272.18 0.375 9.5 1,149.4 20 25 23 30 43 47 52 56 61 65 71 81

46 1,168.0 197.70 294.47 0.406 10.3 1,147.8 22 28 25 32 46 50 57 61 65 71 76 87

46 1,168.0 213.13 317.46 0.438 11.1 1,146.1 23 30 28 34 50 54 61 66 71 76 83 94

46 1,168.0 228.06 339.70 0.469 11.9 1,144.6 25 32 30 37 53 58 65 71 76 82 88 101

46 1,168.0 242.97 361.90 0.500 12.7 1,143.0 27 34 32 39 56 62 70 76 81 88 94 108

46 1,168.0 272.73 406.23 0.562 14.3 1,139.9 30 38 35 44 63 70 79 85 91 99 106 121

46 1,168.0 302.88 451.14 0.625 15.9 1,136.6 34 42 39 49 71 77 88 94 101 110 118 135

46 1,168.0 332.95 495.93 0.688 17.5 1,133.4 37 46 43 54 48 85 96 104 112 121 130 149

46 1,168.0 362.45 539.87 0.750 19.1 1,130.3 41 50 47 59 85 93 105 113 121 132 141 162

46 1,168.0 391.88 583.70 0.812 20.6 1,126.8 44 54 51 64 92 101 114 123 132 143 153 175

46 1,168.0 421.69 627.27 0.875 22.2 1,123.6 47 59 55 69 99 109 123 132 141 154 165 189

48 1,219.0 175.08 260.78 0.344 8.74 1,201.7 18 22 21 26 37 37 46 50 53 58 62 71

48 1,219.0 190.74 284.11 0.375 9.52 1,200.2 19 24 23 28 41 41 50 54 58 63 68 77

48 1,219.0 206.37 307.11 0.406 10.31 1,198.6 21 26 25 30 44 44 54 59 63 68 74 84

48 1,219.0 222.49 331.40 0.438 11.13 1,196.9 23 28 26 33 48 48 59 63 74 74 79 90

48 1,219.0 238.08 354.62 0.469 11.91 1,196.4 24 30 28 35 51 51 63 68 73 79 85 97

48 1,219.0 253.65 377.81 0.500 12.70 1,193.8 26 32 30 38 54 54 68 72 77 84 90 103

48 1,219.0 284.73 424.11 0.562 14.3 1,190.7 29 37 34 42 61 61 76 81 87 94 102 116

48 1,219.0 316.23 417.02 0.625 15.9 1,187.4 32 41 38 47 68 68 84 90 97 105 113 129

48 1,219.0 347.64 517.81 0.688 17.5 1,184.2 36 44 41 52 74 74 92 99 107 116 125 142

48 1,219.0 378.47 563.47 0.750 19.1 1,181.1 39 48 45 56 81 81 101 109 116 126 136 155

48 1,219.0 409.22 609.53 0.812 20.6 1,177.8 42 52 49 61 88 96 109 118 126 136 147 168

48 1,219.0 440.38 655.94 0.875 22.2 1,174.6 45 56 53 66 95 104 118 127 136 147 158 181

52 1,321.0 206.76 307.97 0.375 9.5 1,301.8 18 22 21 26 39 41 47 50 54 58 63 71

52 1,321.0 223.72 333.23 0.406 10.3 1,300.2 19 24 23 28 41 45 50 54 58 63 68 77

52 1,321.0 241.20 359.27 0.438 11.1 1,298.5 21 26 24 30 44 48 54 59 63 68 73 83

52 1,321.0 258.11 384.45 0.469 11.9 1,297.0 22 28 26 32 47 52 58 63 67 13 79 89

52 1,321.0 275.01 409.63 0.500 12.7 1,295.4 24 30 28 34 50 55 62 67 72 78 83 95

52 1,321.0 208.74 459.87 0.562 14.3 1,292.3 27 34 31 39 56 61 70 75 81 87 94 107

52 1,321.0 342.93 510.79 0.625 15.9 1,289.1 30 37 34 43 63 69 78 83 90 97 104 119

52 1,321.0 377.03 561.59 0.688 17.5 1,285.8 33 41 39 48 69 76 85 92 99 107 115 131

52 1,321.0 410.51 611.45 0.750 19.1 1,281.7 36 45 42 52 75 82 98 100 107 116 125 143

52 1,321.0 443.91 661.2 0.812 20.6 1,279.8 39 48 45 56 81 89 101 108 116 126 138 155

52 1,321.0 477.76 711.62 0.875 22.2 1,276.6 42 52 49 61 88 96 109 117 125 136 146 167

56 1,422.0 222.78 331.83 0.375 9.5 1,403.4 17 21 19 24 35 38 43 46 50 54 58 66

56 1,422.0 241.06 359.06 0.406 10.3 1,401.8 18 23 21 26 38 41 47 50 54 59 63 72

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Wall Inside
Ou tside Weight Minimum Pressure, kpa x 100
Thickness Diameter

in mm in mm mm Grade A Grade B Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
lb/ft kg/m
D t d Std Alt Std Alt X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80

56 1,422.0 259.91 387.14 0.438 11.1 1,400.1 19 24 23 28 41 45 50 54 58 63 68 77

56 1,422.0 278.15 414.30 0.469 11.9 1,398.6 21 26 24 30 43 48 54 58 62 68 73 83

56 1,422.0 269.37 441.44 0.500 12.7 1,397.0 22 28 26 32 47 51 58 62 66 72 78 89

56 1,422.0 332.75 495.63 0.562 14.3 1,393.9 25 31 29 37 52 57 65 70 74 81 87 100

56 1,422.6 369.63 550.56 0.625 15.9 1,390.7 28 34 32 41 58 63 72 77 83 90 97 111

56 1,422.0 406.42 605.36 0.688 17.5 1,387.4 30 38 36 45 64 70 79 85 92 99 107 122

56 1,422.0 442.55 659.18 0.750 19.1 1,384.3 33 41 39 48 70 76 86 93 100 108 116 133

56 1,422.0 478.60 712.87 0.812 20.6 1,330.8 36 45 42 52 76 83 94 101 108 117 126 144

56 1,422.0 515.14 767.30 0.872 22.2 1,377.6 39 48 55 56 81 89 101 108 116 126 136 155

60 1,524.0 238.80 355.69 0.375 9.5 1,505.0 16 19 18 23 32 36 41 43 47 50 54 62

60 1,524.0 258.40 384.89 0.406 10.3 1,503.4 17 21 19 25 35 39 43 47 50 54 59 67

60 1,524.0 278.62 415.00 0.438 11.1 1,501.7 18 23 21 26 38 41 47 51 54 59 63 72

60 1,524.0 298.19 444.15 0.469 11.9 1,500.2 19 24 23 28 41 45 50 47 58 63 68 77

60 1,524.0 317.73 473.26 0.500 12.7 1,498.6 21 26 24 30 43 48 54 58 62 68 72 83

60 1,524.0 356.76 531.39 0.562 14.3 1,495.5 23 29 27 34 49 54 61 65 70 76 81 93

60 1,524.0 396.33 590.33 0.625 15.9 1,492.3 26 32 30 38 54 59 68 72 78 84 90 103

60 1,524.0 435.81 649.14 0.688 17.5 1,489.0 28 36 33 41 60 65 74 80 85 92 99 114

60 1,524.0 474.59 706.90 0.750 19.1 1,485.9 31 39 37 45 65 71 81 87 93 101 109 124

60 1,524.0 513.29 764.54 0.812 20.6 1,482.8 34 42 39 49 71 77 88 94 101 109 118 134

60 1,524.0 552.52 822.98 0.875 22.2 1,479.6 37 45 42 53 76 83 94 101 109 118 127 144

64 1,626.0 297.33 442.87 0.438 11.1 1,603.3 17 21 20 25 36 39 44 48 51 55 59 66

64 1,626.0 318.22 473.99 0.469 11.9 1,601.8 18 23 21 26 38 42 48 51 54 59 63 73

64 1,626.0 339.09 505.07 0.500 12.7 1,600.2 19 24 23 28 41 45 50 54 58 63 68 78

64 1,626.0 380.76 567.14 0.562 14.3 1,597.1 22 28 25 32 45 50 56 61 65 71 76 87

64 1,626.0 423.03 630.10 0.625 15.9 1,593.9 24 30 28 35 54 56 63 68 72 79 85 97

64 1,626.0 465.21 692.93 0.688 17.5 1,590.6 27 33 31 39 56 61 70 74 80 87 93 107

64 1,626.0 506.63 754.63 0.750 19.1 1,587.5 29 37 34 43 61 67 76 81 88 94 102 117

64 1,626.0 547.98 818.21 0.812 20.6 1,584.8 32 39 37 46 66 72 82 88 94 102 110 126

64 1,626.0 589.90 878.65 0.875 22.2 1,581.6 34 43 39 50 71 78 88 95 102 110 119 136

68 1,727.0 338.26 503.84 0.469 11.9 1,703.4 17 21 20 25 36 39 45 48 51 56 60 68

68 1,727.0 360.45 536.89 0.500 12.7 1,701.8 18 23 21 27 39 42 48 51 54 59 64 73

68 1,727.0 404.77 602.90 0.562 14.3 1,698.7 21 25 24 30 43 47 53 57 61 67 72 82

68 1,727.0 449.73 669.87 0.625 15.9 1,695.5 23 28 27 33 48 52 59 64 68 74 80 91

68 1,727.0 494.60 736.71 0.688 17.5 1,692.2 25 32 29 37 52 58 65 70 75 81 88 101

68 1,727.0 538.67 802.35 0.750 19.1 1,698.1 28 34 32 40 57 63 71 76 82 89 96 110

68 1,727.0 582.66 869.64 0.812 20.6 1,685.8 30 37 34 43 62 68 77 83 89 96 103 118

68 1,727.0 627.28 936.24 0.875 22.2 1,682.6 32 40 37 47 67 74 83 90 96 104 112 127

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Wall Inside
Ou tside Weight Minimum Pressure, kpa x 100
Thickness Diameter

in mm in mm mm Grade A Grade B Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
lb/ft kg/m
D t d Std Alt Std Alt X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80

72 1,829.0 381.81 568.83 0.500 12.7 1,803.6 17 21 20 25 37 39 45 48 52 56 60 69

72 1,829.0 428.78 639.93 0.562 14.3 1,800.4 19 24 23 28 41 45 50 54 58 63 68 78

72 1,829.0 476.43 710.91 0.625 15.9 1,797.2 21 27 25 32 45 50 56 60 65 70 75 86

72 1,829.0 523.99 781.75 0.688 17.5 1,794.0 23 30 28 34 50 54 61 66 71 77 83 95

72 1,829.0 570.71 852.47 0.750 19.1 1,790.8 26 32 30 38 54 59 68 72 78 84 90 104

72 1,829.0 617.35 918.66 0.811 20.6 1,787.8 28 35 32 41 59 64 73 79 84 91 98 112

72 1,829.0 664.66 989.14 0.874 22.2 1,784.6 30 38 35 44 63 70 79 84 90 98 105 120

76 1,930.0 403.17 600.46 0.500 12.7 1,904.6 17 21 19 24 37 37 43 45 49 53 57 53

76 1,930.0 452.79 675.55 0.562 14.3 1,901.4 19 23 21 27 39 42 48 52 55 60 64 60

76 1,930.0 503.13 750.51 0.625 15.9 1,898.2 21 25 24 30 43 47 53 57 61 66 72 66

76 1,930.0 553.38 825.34 0.688 17.5 1,895.0 23 28 26 33 47 52 59 63 68 73 79 73

76 1,930.0 602.75 900.05 0.750 19.1 1,891.8 25 30 28 36 52 56 63 68 74 79 85 79

76 1,930.0 652.04 969.97 0.812 20.6 1,888.8 26 33 31 39 56 61 69 74 79 86 93 86

76 1,930.0 702.04 1,044.43 0.875 22.2 1,885.6 28 36 33 41 60 65 74 80 85 93 100 93

80 2,032.0 476.80 710.19 0.562 14.3 2,003.5 17 22 21 25 37 40 45 49 52 56 61 56

80 2,032.0 529.83 789.04 0.625 15.9 2,000.3 19 24 23 28 41 45 50 54 58 63 68 63

80 2,032.0 582.77 868.04 0.688 17.5 1,997.0 21 27 25 31 45 49 55 69 64 79 74 70

80 2,032.0 634.79 945.52 0.750 19.1 1,993.9 23 29 27 34 49 54 61 65 70 76 81 76

80 2,032.0 686.73 1,022.88 0.812 20.6 1,990.8 25 32 30 37 53 58 65 70 76 82 88 82

80 2,032.0 739.42 1,101.36 0.875 22.2 1,987.6 27 34 32 39 57 63 70 76 81 88 95 88

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Pipa Baja Medium Hitam (BSP)

Pipa Baja Medium Galvanis (GSP)

Diameter Luar
Nominal Size Tebal Berat
Grade Minimum Maximum

in mm in mm in mm mm Kg/m

1/2 15 0.831 21.1 0.856 21.7 2.60 1.21

3/4 20 0.831 26.6 1.072 27.2 2.60 1.56

1 25 1.047 33.4 1.346 34.2 3.20 2.41

1 1/4 32 1.316 42.1 1.678 42.9 3.20 3.10

1 1/2 40 1.657 48 1.919 48.8 3.20 3.57

Medium 2 50 1.889 59.8 2.394 60.8 3.60 5.03

2 1/2 65 2.354 75.4 3.014 76.6 3.60 6.43

3 80 2.969 88.1 3.524 89.5 4.00 8.37

4 100 3.459 113.3 4.524 114.9 4.50 12.20

5 125 5.461 138.7 5.535 140.6 5.00 16.60

6 150 6.46 164.1 6.539 166.1 5.00 19.70

Komposisi Kimia
Karbon Manganese Sulfur Phasporus

0.20 % Max 1.20 % Max 0.045 % Max 0.045 % Max

Sifat Mekanik
Batas Mulur (N/mm2) Kuat Tarik (N/mm2) Regangan (Min)

195 320 - 460 20%

Panjang Pipa : 6 meter per batang

Toleransi Panjang : ± 2%
Toleransi Tebal : Plus tidak terbatas
Minus (-) 12,5%

Catatan :

Pengujian Tekanan Akhir (Hydrostatic Test Pressure) : 50 kg/cm²

Pengujian Hydrostatic dapat diganti dengan Pengujian Ultrasonic atau

Pengujian Eddy Current

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Nominal Specified Calculated

Specified Wall
Size Outside Weight Inside Minimum Test Pressure (kPa x 100)
Diameter Diameter Diameter

Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
D (mm) (mm) (in) (kg/m) d (mm)
A B X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80

STD 88 123 146 161 181 197 205 205 205 205
4.8 0.19 12.96 104.70
ALT 110 154 183 202 227 246 261 283 306 350

STD 96 134 158 175 197 205 205 205 205 205
5.2 0.20 13.99 103.90
ALT 119 167 198 218 246 266 283 307 331 379

STD 103 144 170 188 205 205 205 205 205 205
4 114.3 5.6 0.22 15.01 103.10
ALT 129 180 213 235 265 287 305 331 356 408

STD 110 154 183 202 205 205 205 205 205 205
6.0 0.24 16.02 102.30
ALT 138 190 228 252 283 307 327 354 382 437

STD 118 165 195 205 205 205 205 205 205 205
6.4 0.25 17.03 101.50
ALT 147 190 244 269 302 328 349 378 407 466

STD 60 84 124 137 154 167 178 193 205 205

4.8 0.19 19.35 158.68
ALT 75 105 124 137 154 167 178 193 208 237

STD 65 91 134 148 167 181 192 205 205 205

5.2 0.20 20.91 157.88
ALT 81 114 134 148 167 181 192 209 225 257

STD 70 98 145 160 180 195 205 205 205 205

5.6 0.22 22.46 157.08
ALT 87 122 145 160 180 195 207 225 242 277

STD 80 112 165 183 205 205 205 205 205 205
6.4 0.25 25.55 155.48
ALT 100 140 165 183 205 222 237 257 277 317
6 168.3
STD 89 124 184 203 205 205 205 205 205 205
7.1 0.28 28.22 154.08
ALT 111 155 184 203 228 247 263 285 307 351

STD 99 138 204 205 205 205 205 205 205 205
7.9 0.31 31.24 152.48
ALT 123 173 204 225 254 275 292 317 342 391

STD 109 152 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205
8.7 0.34 34.24 150.88
ALT 136 190 225 248 279 302 322 349 376 430

STD 119 166 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205
9.5 0.37 37.20 149.28
ALT 148 190 246 271 305 330 351 381 411 470

STD 46 64 95 105 118 128 136 148 159 182

4.8 0.19 25.36 209.48
ALT 58 81 95 105 118 128 136 148 159 182

STD 50 70 103 114 128 139 148 160 173 198

5.2 0.20 27.43 208.68
ALT 62 87 103 114 128 139 148 160 173 198

STD 54 75 111 123 138 150 159 173 186 205

5.6 0.22 29.48 207.88
ALT 67 94 111 123 138 150 159 173 186 213
8 219.1
STD 61 86 127 140 158 171 182 197 205 205
6.4 0.25 33.57 206.28
ALT 77 107 127 140 158 171 182 197 213 243

STD 67 95 141 156 175 190 202 205 205 205

7.0 0.28 36.61 205.08
ALT 84 119 141 156 175 190 202 219 236 270

STD 76 106 157 173 195 205 205 205 205 205
7.9 0.31 41.14 203.28
ALT 95 133 157 173 195 211 224 243 262 300

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Nominal Specified Calculated

Specified Wall
Size Outside Weight Inside Minimum Test Pressure (kPa x 100)
Diameter Diameter Diameter

Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
D (mm) (mm) (in) (kg/m) d (mm)
A B X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80

STD 79 110 163 180 202 205 205 205 205 205
8.2 0.32 42.64 202.68
ALT 98 138 163 180 202 219 233 253 272 312

STD 83 117 173 191 205 205 205 205 205 205
8.7 0.34 45.13 201.68
ALT 104 146 173 191 214 232 247 268 289 331

STD 91 127 189 205 205 205 205 205 205 205
8 219.1 9.5 0.37 49.10 200.08
ALT 114 159 189 208 234 254 270 293 315 361

STD 106 149 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205
11.1 0.44 56.93 196.88
ALT 133 186 220 243 274 296 315 342 369 422

STD 0 170 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205
12.7 0.50 64.63 193.68
ALT 0 190 252 278 313 339 361 391 422 483

STD 37 52 87 96 108 117 124 134 145 166

4.8 0.19 31.75 263.45
ALT 46 65 87 96 108 117 124 134 145 166

STD 40 56 94 104 117 126 134 146 157 180

5.2 0.20 34.35 262.65
ALT 50 70 94 104 117 126 134 146 157 180

STD 43 60 101 112 126 136 145 157 169 194

5.6 0.22 36.93 261.85
ALT 54 75 101 112 126 136 145 157 169 194

STD 49 69 116 128 143 155 165 179 193 205

6.4 0.25 42.08 260.25
ALT 62 86 116 128 143 155 165 179 193 221

STD 55 76 128 141 159 172 183 199 205 205

7.1 0.28 46.56 258.85
ALT 68 96 128 141 159 172 183 199 214 245
10 273.1
STD 60 84 141 155 175 189 202 205 205 205
7.8 0.31 51.02 257.45
ALT 75 105 141 155 175 189 202 219 236 270

STD 67 94 157 173 195 205 205 205 205 205

8.7 0.34 56.71 255.65
ALT 84 117 157 173 195 211 225 244 263 301

STD 72 100 168 185 205 205 205 205 205 205
9.3 0.37 60.49 254.45
ALT 89 125 168 185 208 226 240 261 281 321

STD 85 120 200 205 205 205 205 205 205 205
11.1 0.44 71.70 250.85
ALT 107 149 200 221 249 270 287 311 335 384

STD 98 137 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205
12.7 0.50 81.54 247.65
ALT 122 171 229 253 285 308 328 356 383 439

STD 31 44 73 81 91 98 105 113 122 140

4.8 0.19 37.77 314.25
ALT 39 54 73 81 91 98 105 113 122 140

STD 34 47 79 87 98 106 113 123 132 151

5.2 0.20 40.86 313.45
ALT 42 59 79 87 98 106 113 123 132 151

STD 36 51 85 94 106 115 122 132 143 163

12 323.9 5.6 0.22 43.95 312.65
ALT 45 64 85 94 106 115 122 132 143 163

STD 42 58 97 108 121 131 139 151 163 186

6.4 0.25 50.10 311.05
ALT 52 73 97 108 121 131 139 151 163 186

STD 46 64 108 119 134 145 155 168 181 205

7.1 0.28 55.46 309.65
ALT 58 81 108 119 134 145 155 168 181 207

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Nominal Specified Calculated

Specified Wall
Size Outside Weight Inside Minimum Test Pressure (kPa x 100)
Diameter Diameter Diameter

Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
D (mm) (mm) (in) (kg/m) d (mm)
A B X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80

STD 51 72 120 133 149 162 172 187 201 205

7.9 0.31 61.55 308.05
ALT 64 90 120 133 149 162 172 187 201 230

STD 54 76 128 141 159 172 183 198 205 205

8.4 0.33 65.34 307.05
ALT 68 95 128 141 159 172 183 198 214 245

STD 56 79 132 146 164 178 190 205 205 205

8.7 0.34 67.61 306.45
ALT 71 99 132 146 164 178 190 206 221 253

STD 62 86 145 160 180 194 205 205 205 205

12 323.9 9.5 0.37 73.64 304.85
ALT 77 108 145 160 180 194 207 224 242 277

STD 67 94 157 173 195 205 205 205 205 205

10.3 0.41 79.64 303.25
ALT 83 117 157 173 195 211 224 243 262 300

STD 72 101 169 186 205 205 205 205 205 205
11.1 0.44 85.61 301.65
ALT 90 126 169 186 210 227 242 262 283 323

STD 82 115 193 205 205 205 205 205 205 205
12.7 0.50 97.45 298.45
ALT 103 144 193 213 240 260 277 300 323 370

STD 28 40 67 73 83 89 95 103 111 127

4.8 0.19 41.52 346.00
ALT 35 50 67 73 83 89 95 103 111 127

STD 31 43 72 80 89 97 103 112 121 138

5.2 0.20 44.93 345.20
ALT 38 54 72 80 89 97 103 112 121 138

STD 33 46 78 86 96 104 111 120 130 149

5.6 0.22 48.33 344.40
ALT 41 58 78 86 96 104 111 120 130 149

STD 35 50 83 92 103 112 119 129 139 159

6.0 0.24 51.73 343.60
ALT 44 62 83 92 103 112 119 129 139 159

STD 38 53 89 98 110 119 127 138 148 170

6.4 0.25 55.11 342.80
ALT 47 66 89 98 110 119 127 138 148 170

STD 42 59 98 109 122 132 141 153 165 188

7.1 0.28 61.02 341.40
ALT 52 73 98 109 122 132 141 153 165 188

STD 47 65 110 121 136 147 157 170 183 205

14 355.6 7.9 0.31 67.74 339.80
ALT 58 82 110 121 136 147 157 170 183 210

STD 48 68 114 125 141 153 163 176 190 205

8.2 0.32 70.25 339.20
ALT 61 85 114 125 141 153 163 176 190 218

STD 50 69 116 129 145 157 167 181 195 205

8.4 0.33 71.92 338.80
ALT 62 87 116 129 145 157 167 181 195 223

STD 51 72 121 133 150 162 173 187 202 205

8.7 0.34 74.42 338.20
ALT 64 90 121 133 150 162 173 187 202 231

STD 55 77 129 142 160 173 185 200 205 205

9.3 0.37 79.42 337.00
ALT 69 96 129 142 160 173 185 200 216 247

STD 56 79 132 145 163 177 188 204 205 205

9.5 0.37 81.08 336.60
ALT 70 98 132 145 163 177 188 204 220 252

STD 61 85 143 158 177 192 204 205 205 205

10.3 0.41 87.71 335.00
ALT 76 106 143 158 177 192 204 222 239 273

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Nominal Specified Calculated

Specified Wall
Size Outside Weight Inside Minimum Test Pressure (kPa x 100)
Diameter Diameter Diameter

Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
D (mm) (mm) (in) (kg/m) d (mm)
A B X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80

STD 66 92 154 170 191 205 205 205 205 205

11.1 0.44 94.30 333.40
ALT 82 115 154 170 191 207 220 239 257 295

STD 70 98 165 182 205 205 205 205 205 205

11.9 0.47 100.86 331.80
ALT 88 123 165 182 205 222 236 256 276 316
14 355.6
STD 71 99 166 184 205 205 205 205 205 205
12.0 0.47 101.68 331.60
ALT 89 124 166 184 207 224 238 258 278 318

STD 75 105 176 194 205 205 205 205 205 205
12.7 0.50 107.39 330.20
ALT 94 131 176 194 219 237 252 273 294 337

STD 25 35 58 64 72 78 83 90 97 111
4.8 0.19 47.54 396.80
ALT 31 43 58 64 72 78 83 90 97 111

STD 27 38 63 70 78 85 90 98 105 121

5.2 0.20 51.45 396.00
ALT 34 47 63 70 78 85 90 98 105 121

STD 29 41 68 75 84 91 97 105 114 130

5.6 0.22 55.35 395.20
ALT 36 51 68 75 84 91 97 105 114 130

STD 31 43 73 80 90 98 104 113 122 139

6.0 0.24 59.24 394.40
ALT 39 54 73 80 90 98 104 113 122 139

STD 33 46 78 86 96 104 111 120 130 149

6.4 0.25 63.13 393.60
ALT 41 58 78 86 96 104 111 120 130 149

STD 37 51 86 95 107 116 123 134 144 165

7.1 0.28 69.91 392.20
ALT 46 64 86 95 107 116 123 134 144 165

STD 41 57 96 106 119 129 137 149 160 183

7.9 0.31 77.63 390.60
ALT 51 71 96 106 119 129 137 149 160 183

STD 42 59 99 110 123 134 142 154 166 190

8.2 0.32 80.52 390.00
ALT 53 74 99 110 123 134 142 154 166 190
16 406.4
STD 43 61 102 112 126 137 146 158 170 195
8.4 0.33 82.44 389.60
ALT 54 76 102 112 126 137 146 158 170 195

STD 45 63 106 116 131 142 151 164 177 202

8.7 0.34 85.32 389.00
ALT 56 79 106 116 131 142 151 164 177 202

STD 48 67 113 124 140 152 161 175 189 205

9.3 0.37 91.07 387.80
ALT 60 84 113 124 140 152 161 175 189 216

STD 49 69 115 127 143 155 165 179 193 205

9.5 0.37 92.98 387.40
ALT 61 86 115 127 143 155 165 179 193 221

STD 53 75 125 138 155 168 179 194 205 205

10.3 0.41 100.61 385.80
ALT 67 93 125 138 155 168 179 194 209 239

STD 57 80 135 149 167 181 193 205 205 205

11.1 0.44 108.20 384.20
ALT 72 100 135 149 167 181 193 209 225 258

STD 61 86 144 159 179 194 205 205 205 205

11.9 0.47 115.77 382.60
ALT 77 108 144 159 179 194 207 224 241 276

STD 62 87 146 161 181 196 205 205 205 205

12.0 0.47 116.71 382.40
ALT 78 109 146 161 181 196 208 226 243 279

STD 66 92 154 170 191 205 205 205 205 205

16 406.4 12.7 0.50 123.30 381.00
ALT 82 115 154 170 191 207 220 239 258 295

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Nominal Specified Calculated

Specified Wall
Size Outside Weight Inside Minimum Test Pressure (kPa x 100)
Diameter Diameter Diameter

Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
D (mm) (mm) (in) (kg/m) d (mm)
A B X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80

STD 22 31 52 57 64 70 74 80 87 99
4.8 0.19 53.55 447.60
ALT 28 39 52 57 64 70 74 80 87 99

STD 24 33 56 62 70 75 80 87 94 107
5.2 0.20 57.96 446.80
ALT 30 42 56 62 70 75 80 87 94 107

STD 26 36 60 67 75 81 86 94 101 116

5.6 0.22 62.36 446.00
ALT 32 45 60 67 75 81 86 94 101 116

STD 28 39 65 71 80 87 93 100 108 124

6.0 0.24 66.76 445.20
ALT 34 48 65 71 80 87 93 100 108 124

STD 29 41 69 76 86 93 99 107 115 132

6.4 0.25 71.15 444.40
ALT 37 51 69 76 86 93 99 107 115 132

STD 33 46 77 84 95 103 110 119 128 147

7.1 0.28 78.81 443.00
ALT 41 57 77 84 95 103 110 119 128 147

STD 36 51 85 94 106 115 122 132 142 163

7.9 0.31 87.53 441.40
ALT 45 64 85 94 106 115 122 132 142 163

STD 38 53 88 98 110 119 127 137 148 169

8.2 0.32 90.79 440.80
ALT 47 66 88 98 110 119 127 137 148 169

STD 39 54 91 100 112 122 130 141 151 173

8.4 0.33 92.97 440.40
ALT 48 68 91 100 112 122 130 141 151 173

STD 40 56 94 104 116 126 134 146 157 180

8.7 0.34 96.22 439.80
ALT 50 70 94 104 116 126 134 146 157 180
18 457.2
STD 43 60 100 111 124 135 144 156 168 192
9.3 0.37 102.72 438.60
ALT 53 75 100 111 124 135 144 156 168 192

STD 44 61 102 113 127 138 147 159 171 196

9.5 0.37 104.88 438.20
ALT 55 76 102 113 127 138 147 159 171 196

STD 47 66 111 123 138 149 159 172 186 205

10.3 0.41 113.51 436.60
ALT 59 83 111 123 138 149 159 172 186 213

STD 51 71 120 132 149 161 171 186 200 205

11.1 0.44 122.11 435.00
ALT 64 89 120 132 149 161 171 186 200 229

STD 55 77 128 142 159 173 184 199 205 205

11.9 0.47 130.68 433.40
ALT 68 96 128 142 159 173 184 199 215 246

STD 55 77 129 143 161 174 185 201 205 205

12.0 0.47 131.74 433.20
ALT 69 96 129 143 161 174 185 201 216 248

STD 58 82 137 151 170 184 196 205 205 205

12.7 0.50 139.21 431.80
ALT 73 102 137 151 170 184 196 213 229 250

STD 64 90 151 167 187 203 205 205 205 205

14.0 0.55 153.01 429.20
ALT 80 113 151 167 187 203 216 234 250 250

STD 66 92 154 170 191 205 205 205 205 205

14.3 0.56 156.18 428.60
ALT 82 115 154 170 191 207 221 239 250 250

STD 69 96 162 178 201 205 205 205 205 205

15.0 0.59 163.57 427.20
ALT 86 121 162 178 201 218 231 250 250 250

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Nominal Specified Calculated

Specified Wall
Size Outside Weight Inside Minimum Test Pressure (kPa x 100)
Diameter Diameter Diameter

Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
D (mm) (mm) (in) (kg/m) d (mm)
A B X42 X46 X52 X56 X60 X65 X70 X80
STD 18 25 45 50 56 61 65 70 76 87
4.4 0.17 54.64 499.20
ALT 23 32 45 50 56 61 65 70 76 87

STD 20 28 49 54 61 66 71 77 82 94
4.8 0.19 59.56 498.40
ALT 25 35 49 54 61 66 71 77 82 94

STD 21 30 53 59 66 72 76 83 89 102
5.2 0.20 64.48 497.60
ALT 27 38 53 59 66 72 76 83 89 102

STD 23 32 58 63 71 77 82 89 96 110
5.6 0.22 69.38 496.80
ALT 29 41 58 63 71 77 82 89 96 110

STD 26 37 66 73 82 88 94 102 110 126

6.4 0.25 79.16 495.20
ALT 33 46 66 73 82 88 94 102 110 126

STD 29 41 73 81 91 98 104 113 122 140

7.1 0.28 87.70 493.80
ALT 37 51 73 81 91 98 104 113 122 140

STD 33 46 81 90 101 109 116 126 136 155

7.9 0.31 97.43 492.20
ALT 41 57 81 90 101 109 116 126 136 155

STD 34 47 84 93 105 113 121 131 141 161

8.2 0.32 101.07 491.60
ALT 42 59 84 93 105 113 121 131 141 161

STD 35 49 86 95 107 116 124 134 144 165

8.4 0.33 103.49 491.20
ALT 43 61 86 95 107 116 124 134 144 165

STD 36 50 89 99 111 120 128 139 150 171

8.7 0.34 107.12 490.60
ALT 45 63 89 99 111 120 128 139 150 171
20 508
STD 38 54 96 105 119 129 137 148 160 183
9.3 0.37 114.37 489.40
ALT 48 67 96 105 119 129 137 148 160 183

STD 39 55 98 108 121 131 140 151 163 187

9.5 0.37 116.78 489.00
ALT 49 69 98 108 121 131 140 151 163 187

STD 43 60 106 117 131 142 151 164 177 203

10.3 0.41 126.41 487.40
ALT 53 75 106 117 131 142 151 164 177 203

STD 46 64 114 126 142 153 163 177 191 205

11.1 0.44 136.01 485.80
ALT 57 80 114 126 142 153 163 177 191 218

STD 49 69 122 135 152 164 175 190 205 205

11.9 0.47 145.58 484.20
ALT 61 86 122 135 152 164 175 190 205 234

STD 50 69 123 136 153 166 176 191 205 205

12.0 0.47 146.78 484.00
ALT 62 87 123 136 153 166 176 191 206 236

STD 53 74 131 144 162 176 187 203 205 205

12.7 0.50 155.12 482.60
ALT 66 92 131 144 162 176 187 203 218 250

STD 58 81 144 159 179 193 205 205 205 205

14.0 0.55 170.55 480.00
ALT 72 101 144 159 179 193 206 223 241 250

STD 59 83 147 162 182 198 205 205 205 205

14.3 0.56 174.10 479.40
ALT 74 103 147 162 182 198 210 228 246 250

STD 66 92 163 180 203 205 205 205 205 205

15.9 0.63 192.95 476.20
ALT 82 115 163 180 203 220 234 250 250 250

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

hoop YS

Wall Test
Label Outside diameter thick- Pressure
ness (kPa x

Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade

1 2 mm kg/m mm H40 J55 K55
H40 J55 K55 H40 J55 K55

4-1/2 9,50 114,30 14,14 5,21 STD 20,1 27,6 27,6 0,8 276 379 379 201,3 276,4 276,4

4-1/2 9,50 114,30 14,14 5,21 ALT 20,1 27,6 27,6 0,8 201,3 276,4 276,4

4-1/2 10,50 114,30 15,63 5,69 STD 22,0 30,2 30,2 0,8 219,8 301,9 301,9

4-1/2 10,50 114,30 15,63 5,69 ALT 22,0 30,2 30,2 0,8 219,8 301,9 301,9

4-1/2 11,60 114,30 17,26 6,35 STD 24,5 33,7 33,7 0,8 245,3 336,9 336,9

4-1/2 11,60 114,30 17,26 6,35 ALT 24,5 33,7 33,7 0,8 245,3 336,9 336,9

6-5/8 20,00 168,28 29,76 7,32 STD 19,2 26,4 26,4 0,8 192,1 263,8 263,8

6-5/8 20,00 168,28 29,76 7,32 ALT 19,2 26,4 26,4 0,8 192,1 263,8 263,8

8-5/8 24,00 219,08 35,72 6,71 STD 13,5 18,6 18,6 0,8 135,3 185,7 185,7

8-5/8 24,00 219,08 35,72 6,71 ALT 13,5 18,6 18,6 0,8 135,3 185,7 185,7

8-5/8 28,00 219,08 41,67 7,72 STD 15,6 21,4 21,4 0,8 155,6 213,7 213,7

8-5/8 28,00 219,08 41,67 7,72 ALT 15,6 21,4 21,4 0,8 155,6 213,7 213,7

8-5/8 32,00 219,08 47,62 8,94 STD 18,0 24,7 24,7 0,8 180,2 247,5 247,5

8-5/8 32,00 219,08 47,62 8,94 ALT 18,0 24,7 24,7 0,8 180,2 247,5 247,5

10-3/4 32,75 273,05 48,74 7,09 STD 8,6 11,8 11,8 0,6 86,0 118,1 118,1

10-3/4 32,75 273,05 48,74 7,09 ALT 11,5 15,7 15,7 0,8 114,7 157,5 157,5

10-3/4 40,50 273,05 60,27 8,89 STD 10,8 14,8 14,8 0,6 107,8 148,1 148,1

10-3/4 40,50 273,05 60,27 8,89 ALT 14,4 19,7 19,7 0,8 143,8 197,4 197,4

16 65,00 406,40 96,73 9,53 STD 7,8 10,7 10,7 0,6 77,7 106,6 106,6

16 65,00 406,40 96,73 9,53 ALT 10,4 14,2 14,2 0,8 103,6 142,2 142,2

16 75,00 406,40 111,61 11,13 STD 9,1 12,5 12,5 0,6 90,7 124,6 124,6

16 75,00 406,40 111,61 11,13 ALT 12,1 16,6 16,6 0,8 120,9 166,1 166,1

16 84,00 406,40 125,01 12,57 STD 10,2 14,1 14,1 0,6 102,4 140,7 140,7

16 84,00 406,40 125,01 12,57 ALT 13,7 18,8 18,8 0,8 136,6 187,6 187,6

16 109,00 406,40 162,21 16,66 STD 13,6 18,6 18,6 0,6 135,8 186,4 186,4

16 109,00 406,40 162,21 16,66 ALT 18,1 24,9 24,9 0,8 181,0 248,6 248,6

20 94,00 508,00 139,89 11,13 STD 7,3 10,0 10,0 0,6 72,6 99,6 99,6

20 94,00 508,00 139,89 11,13 ALT 9,7 13,3 13,3 0,8 96,8 132,9 132,9

20 106,50 508,00 158,49 12,70 STD 8,3 11,4 11,4 0,6 82,8 113,7 113,7

20 106,50 508,00 158,49 12,70 ALT 11,0 15,2 15,2 0,8 110,4 151,6 151,6

20 133,00 508,00 197,93 16,13 STD 10,5 14,4 14,4 0,6 105,2 144,4 144,4

20 133,00 508,00 197,93 16,13 ALT 14,0 19,3 19,3 0,8 140,2 192,5 192,5

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

PT Krakatau Wajatama was established in

1992. Nowadays, it has been a foremost steel

producer in lndonesia.

Our company produces high quality products

such as Deformed Bar, Plain Bari EqualAngle,

Chanel, Wide Flange, H Beam and I Beam.

As a subsidiary company of PT. Krakatau Steel,

we have always committed ourselves to deliv-

er the highest product quality and the ultimate

customer satisfaction.

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Products Table

No Designation Nimonal Size (mm) Standart

SNI 2052-2017
1 Deformed Bar S.10 ~ S.32
Equivalent : ASTM A 615, ASTM A 706, JIS G 3112

SNI 2052-2017
2 Plain Bar P.8 ~ P.32
Equivalent : JIS G 3112

SNI 07-2054-2006
3 Equal Angles L.40 ~ L.150
Equivalent : JIS G 3112

SNI 07-0052-2006
4 U Channels U.150 ~ U.250
Equivalent : ASTM A 36, JIS G 3101

SNI 07-7178-2006
5 Wide Flange Beam 150 x 75 ~ 300 x 150
Equivalent : ASTM A 36, JIS G 3101

SNI 2610 : 2011

6 H Beam 100 x 100 ~ 150 x 150
Equivalent : ASTM A 36, JIS G 3101

SNI 07-0329 : 2005

7 I Beam I.100
Equivalent : ASTM A 36, JIS G 3101

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Mechanical Properties
According to SNI 2052-2017

Steel Class Tensile Test Bend Test

Yield TS/YS Tensile Min Bending Angle Inside

TS/YS Color
Strength Strength Elongation Radius
Ratio Marking
(YS) (TS) (Min)

MPa MPa % mm

Min. 280 11 (d ≤ 10 mm) 180° 3,5d (d ≤ 16 mm)

BjTS 280 Min. 350 Min. 1,25
Maks. 405 12 (d ≥13 mm) 180° 5d (d ≥ 19 mm)

9 (d ≤ 19 mm) 180° 3,5d (d ≤ 16 mm)

Min. 420 8 (22 ≤ d ≤ 25 mm) 180° 5d (19 ≤ d ≤ 25 mm)

BjTS 420A Min. 525 Min. 1,25
Maks. 545 180° 7d (29 ≤ d ≤ 36 mm)
7 (d ≥ 29 mm)
90° 9d (d > 36 mm)

14 (d ≤ 19 mm) 180° 3,5d (d ≤ 16 mm)

Min. 420 12 (22 ≤ d ≤36 mm) 180° 5d (19 ≤ d ≤ 25 mm)

BjTS 420B Min. 525 Min. 1,25
Maks. 545 180° 7d (29 ≤ d ≤ 36 mm)
10 (d > 36 mm)
90° 9d (d > 36 mm)

7 (d ≤ 25 mm) 180° 5d (d ≤ 25 mm)

Min. 520
BjTS 520 Min. 650 180° 7d (29 ≤ d ≤ 36 mm) Min. 1,25
Maks. 645 6 (d ≥ 29 mm)
90° 9d (d > 36 mm)

7 (d ≤ 25 mm) 180° 5d (d ≤ 25 mm)

Min. 550
BjTS 550 Min. 687,5 180° 7d (29 ≤ d ≤ 36 mm) Min. 1,25
Maks. 675 6 (d ≥ 29 mm)
90° 9d (d > 36 mm)

7 (d ≤ 25 mm) 180° 5d (d ≤ 25 mm)

Min. 700
BjTS 700 Min. 805 180° 7d (29 ≤ d ≤ 36 mm) Min. 1,15
Maks. 825 6 (d ≥ 29 mm)
90° 9d (d > 36 mm)

According to SNI 2052-2017

Nominal Nominal Height of Knot Max. Spacing Max. Gap

Diameter Area (H) (P) (T)
Designation Weight
(d) (A) Min Max Max. Max.

(mm) (mm2) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/m)

S6 6 28 0,3 0,6 4,2 4,7 0,222

S8 8 50 0,4 0,8 5,6 6,3 0,395

S 10 10 79 0,5 1,0 7,0 7,9 0,617

S 13 13 133 0,7 1,3 9,1 10,2 1,042

S 16 16 201 0,8 1,6 11,2 12,6 1,578

S 19 19 284 1,0 1,9 13,3 14,9 2,226

S 22 22 380 1,1 2,2 15,4 17,3 2,984

S 25 25 491 1,3 2,5 17,5 19,7 3,853

S 29 29 661 1,5 2,9 20,3 22,8 5,185

S 32 32 804 1,6 3,2 22,4 25,1 6,313

S 36 36 1018 1,8 3,6 25,2 28,3 7,990

S 40 40 1257 2,0 4,0 28,0 31,4 9,865

S 50 50 1964 2,5 5,0 35,0 39,3 15,413

S 54 54 2290 2,7 5,4 37,8 42,3 17,978

S 57 57 2552 2,9 5,7 39,9 44,6 20,031

Regular Product

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Mechanical Properties
According to SNI 2052-2017

Steel Class Tensile Test Bend Test

Yield TS/YS Tensile Min Bending Angle Inside

TS/YS Color
Strength Strength Elongation Radius
Ratio Marking
(YS) (TS) (Min)

MPa MPa % mm

Min. 280 11 (d ≤ 10 mm) 180° 3,5d (d ≤ 16 mm)

BjTP 280 Min. 350 -
Maks. 405 12 (d ≥13 mm) 180° 5d (d ≥ 19 mm)

According to SNI 2052-2017

Nominal Diameter Nominal Area Nominal

Designation (d) (A) Weight

(mm2) (kg/m) kg/m

P6 6 28 0,222

P8 8 50 0,395

P 10 10 79 0,617

P 12 12 113 0,888

P 14 14 154 1,208

P 16 16 201 1,578

P 19 19 284 2,226

P 22 22 380 2,984

P 25 25 491 3,853

P 28 28 616 4,834

P 32 32 804 6,313

P 36 36 1018 7,990

P 40 40 1257 9,865

P 50 50 1964 15,413

Regular Product

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Chemical Composition
According to SNI

Chemical Composition (%)

Steel Class
C Mn P S

Bj P 34 - - 0.05 max 0.05 max

Bj P 41 - - 0.05 max 0.05 max

Bj P 50 - - 0.05 max 0.05 max

Bj P 55 0.30 max 1.60 max 0.04 max 0.04 max

Mechanical Properties
According to SNI

Steel Class Tensile Test Bend Test

Minimum Yield Strength

Tensile Strength Minimum
kgf/mm² Thickness Bending Angle Inside Radius
kgf/mm² Elongation
(MPa) (mm)
(MPa) (%)
t < 16 16 < t < 16

t<5 26
Bj P 34 21 20 34 - 44
5 < t < 16 21 180° 0.5 x t
(SS 34) (205) (195) (330 - 430)
16 < t < 20 26

t<5 21
Bj P 41 25 24 41 - 52
5 < t < 16 17 180° 1.5 x t
(SS 41) (245) (235) (400 - 510)
16 < t < 20 21

t<5 19
Bj. P 50 29 28 50 - 62
5 < t < 16 15 180° 2xt
(SS 50) (285) (275) (490 - 610)
16 < t < 20 19

t<5 16
Bj P 55 41 40 55 min
5 < t < 16 13 180° 2xt
(SS 55) (400) (390) (540 min)
16 < t < 20 17

SNI 07-2054-2006 : Baja Profil Siku Sama Kaki Proses Canai Panas (Bj P Siku Sama
SNI 07-7178-2006 : Baja Profil WF - Beam Proses Canai Panas (Bj P WF - Beam)
SNI 07-0052-2006 : Baja Profil Kanal U Proses Canai Panas (Bj P Kanal U)
SNI 07-0329-2005 : Baja Profil I - Beam Proses Canai Panas (Bj P I - Beam)
SNI 2610-2011 : Baja Profil H - Beam Proses Canai Panas (Bj P H - Beam)

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Sectional Geometrical Moment Radius Gyration Modulus of Section

Steel Class Dimension (mm) Weight
Area Inertia (cm4) of Area (cm) (cm3)
Nominal AxB t r1 r2 (cm²) Ix Iy Ix Iy Zx Zy

40 x 40 x 4 40 4 4.5 3.0 3.05 2.39 4.48 4.48 1.21 1.21 1.15 1.15

50 x 50 x 5 50 5 6.5 3.0 4.80 3.77 11.10 11.10 1.52 1.52 3.08 3.08

60 x 60 x 6 6.5 6 6.5 3.0 6.89 5.41 25.50 25.50 1.82 1.82 5.29 5.29

65 x 65 x 6 6.5 6 8.5 4.0 7.52 5.91 29.40 29.40 1.98 1.98 6.26 6.26

70 x 70 x 7 7.0 7 8.5 4.0 9.37 7.40 42.40 42.40 2.12 2.12 8.43 8.43

75 x 75 x 7 7.5 7 8.5 4.0 10.11 7.94 52.40 52.40 2.28 2.28 9.69 9.69

75 x 75 x 8 7.5 8 8.5 4.0 11.47 9.00 58.90 58.90 2.27 2.27 10.97 10.97

80 x 80 x 8 8.0 8 9.0 4.5 12.25 9.61 72.30 72.30 2.43 2.43 12.60 12.60

90 x 90 x 9 9.0 9 10.0 5.0 15.50 12.17 116.00 116.00 2.74 2.74 17.96 17.96

100 x 100 x 8 10.0 8 10.0 7.0 15.36 12.06 129.00 129.00 2.90 2.90 17.70 17.70

100 x 100 x 10 10.0 10 10.0 7.0 19.00 14.90 175.00 175.00 3.04 3.04 24.40 24.40

120 x 120 x 11 12.0 11 13.0 6.5 25.40 19.90 341.00 341.00 3.66 3.66 39.50 39.50

120 x 120 x 12 12.0 12 13.0 6.5 27.50 21.61 368.00 368.00 3.65 3.65 42.70 42.70

130 x 130 x 12 13.0 12 12.1 8.5 29.76 23.40 467.00 467.00 3.96 3.96 49.90 49.90

150 x 150 x 12 15.0 12 14.1 7.0 34.77 27.30 740.00 740.00 4.61 4.61 68.10 68.10

150 x 150 x 15 15.0 15 14.0 10.0 42.74 33.60 888.00 888.00 4.56 4.56 82.60 82.60

200 x 200 x 20 20. 15 17.0 12.0 57.75 45.30 2,180.00 2,180.00 6.14 6.14 150.00 150.00

Regular Product

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

According to SNI 0052-2017

Geometrical Modulus of
Sectional Radius Gyration
Steel Class Dimension (mm) Weight Moment Section
Area of Area (cm)
(kg/m) Inertia (cm4) (cm3)
Nominal H B t1 t2 r1 r2 Ix Iy Ix Iy Zx Zy

100 x 50 x 5 100 50 5.0 7.5 8.0 4.0 11.92 9.36 188 26.0 3.97 1.48 37.60 7.52

120 x 55 x 7 120 55 7.0 9.0 9.0 4.5 17.00 13.40 364 43.2 4.62 1.59 60.70 11.12

150 x 75 x 6.5 150 75 6.5 10.0 10.0 5.0 23.71 18.60 861 117 6.03 2.22 115.00 22.40

180 x 75 x 7 180 75 7.0 10.5 11.0 5.5 27.20 21.40 1,380 131 7.12 2.19 153.00 24.30

200 x 80 x 7.5 200 80 7.5 11.0 12.0 6.0 31.33 24.60 1,950 168 7.88 2.32 195.00 29.10

250 x 90 x 9 250 90 9.0 13.0 14.0 7.0 44.07 34.60 4,180 294 9.74 2.58 334.00 44.50

Regular Product

I Beam
According to SNI 07-0329-2005

Geometrical Modulus of
Sectional Radius Gyration
Steel Class Dimension (mm) Weight Moment Section
Area of Area (cm)
(kg/m) Inertia (cm4) (cm3)
Nominal H B t1 t2 r1 r2 Ix Iy Ix Iy Zx Zy

100 x 50 x 4.5 100 50 4.5 6.8 4.5 2.7 10.60 8.34 171.0 12.2 4.01 1.07 34.20 4.88

125 x 75 x 5 125 75 5 9.5 9.0 4.5 20.50 16.10 538.0 57.5 5.13 1.68 86.00 15.30

150 x 75 x 5.5 150 75 5.5 9.5 9 4.5 21.83 17.10 819.0 57.5 6.12 1.62 109.00 18.30

180 x 100 x 6 180 100 6 10 10 5 30.06 23.60 1,670.0 138.0 7.45 2.114 186.00 27.50

200 x 90 x 7.5 200 90 7.5 11.3 7.5 4.5 33.40 26.20 2,140.0 117.0 8.00 1.87 210.00 26.00

Regular Product

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

According to SNI 07-7178-2006

Sectional Radius Gyration Modulus of Section
Steel Class Dimension (mm) Weight Moment
Area of Area (cm) (cm3)
(kg/m) Inertia (cm4)
Nominal H B t1 t2 r Ix Iy Ix Iy Zx Zy

100 x 50 x 5 100 50 5.0 7.0 8.0 11.84 9.30 187 14.8 3.93 1.12 37.50 5.91

125 x 60 x 6 125 60 6.0 8.0 9.0 16.84 13.20 413 29.2 4.95 1.13 66.10 9.73

150 x 75 x 5 150 75 5.0 7.0 8.0 17.85 14.00 666 49.5 6.11 1.66 88.80 13.20

150 x 75 x 6 150 75 6.0 9.0 11.0 26.80 21.10 1,020.0 151 6.20 2.40 138.00 30.10

200 x 100 x 4.5 200 100 4.5 7.0 11.0 23.18 18.20 1,580 114 8.26 2.21 160.00 23.00

200 x 100 x 5.5 200 100 5.5 8.0 11.0 27.16 21.23 1,840 134 8.24 2.22 184.00 26.80

200 x 150 x 6 200 150 6.0 9.0 13.0 39.01 30.60 2,690 507 8.30 3.61 277.00 67.60

250 x 125 x 5 250 125 5.0 9.0 12.0 32.68 25.70 3,540 255 10.40 2.70 285.00 41.10

250 x 125 x 6 250 125 6.0 9.0 12.0 37.66 29.60 4,050 294 10.40 2.79 324.00 47.00

350 x 175 x 7 350 175 7.0 11.0 14.0 63.14 49.60 13,600 984 14.70 3.95 775.00 112.00

400 x 200 x 8 400 200 8.0 13.0 16.0 84.10 66.00 23,700 1,740 16.80 4.51 1,190.00 174.00

Regular Product

H Beam
According to SNI 2610-2011

Sectional Radius Gyration Modulus of Section
Steel Class Dimension (mm) Weight Moment
Area of Area (cm) (cm3)
(kg/m) Inertia (cm4)
Nominal H B t1 t2 r Ix Iy Ix Iy Zx Zy

100 x 100 x6 100 100 6.0 8.0 8.0 21.59 16.90 378 134 4.18 2.49 75.6 26.7

125 x 125 x 6.5 125 125 6.5 9.0 8.0 30.00 23.60 839 293 5.29 3.13 134.0 46.9

150 x 150 x 7 150 150 7.0 10.0 8.0 39.65 31.10 1,620 563 6.40 3.77 216.0 75.1

175 x 175 x 7.5 175 175 7.5 11.0 13.0 51.43 40.40 2,900 984 7.50 4.37 331.0 112.0

200 x 200 x 8 200 200 8.0 12.0 13.0 63.53 49.90 4,720 1,600 8.62 5.02 472.0 160.0

Regular Product

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Unit : mm

Dimension Tolerance Remarks

A < 50 + 1.5

50 < A < 100 + 2.0

Leg Length (A or B)
100 < A < 200 + 3.0

A > 200 + 4.0

H < 100 + 1.5

100 < H < 200 + 2.0

Depth (H)
200 < H < 400 + 3.0

H > 400 + 4.0

t < 6.3 + 0.6

For leg length A
6.3 < t < 10 + 0.7
or under 130
10 < t < 16 + 0.8
in depth
t > 16 + 1.0

Thickness (t, t1, t2) t < 6.3 + 0.7

For leg length A 6.3 < t < 10 + 0.8

or 130 or over 10 < t < 16 + 1.0

in depth 16 < t < 25 + 1.2

t > 25 + 1.5

7 m or under + 40, - 0

Add 5 mm to the plus side tolerance

given in the above column for every 1

Over 7 m m increase in lengths or its fraction.

The minus side tolerance shall be 0


I Section 2.0 % or under of width B

Out of Square (T)
Section excluding I 2.5 % or under of width B

I Section 0.20 % or under of length Tp be applied to bend such as sweep and

Section excluding I 0.30 % or under of length camber

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk


Unit : mm

Dimension Tolerance Remarks

B < 100 + 2.0

Width (B) 100 < B < 200 + 2.5

B > 200 + 3.0

H < 400 + 2.0

Depth (H) 400 < H < 600 + 3.0

H > 600 + 4.0

t < 16 + 0.7

16 < t < 25 + 1.0

Web (t1)
25 < t < 40 + 1.5

t > 40 + 2.0

t < 16 + 1.0

16 < t < 25 + 1.5

Flange (t2)
25 < t < 40 + 1.7

t > 40 + 2.0

7 m or under + 40, - 0

Add 5 mm to the plus side tolerance

given in the above column for every 1

Over 7 m m increase in lengths or its fraction.

The minus side tolerance shall be

0 mm.

1.0 % or under of width B, provided that

300 or under in nominal depth
1.5 mm is the maximum
Out of Square (T)

1.2 % or under of width B, provided

Over 300 in nominal depth
that 1.5 m

300 or under in nominal depth 0.15 % or under of length

Bend To be applied to bend such as sweep and camber
Over 300 in nominal depth 0.10 % or under of length

300 or under in nominal depth

and 200 or under in nominal + 2.5

Eccentricity (S)
300 or under in nominal depth

and 200 or under in nominal + 3.5


Under 400 in nominal depth 2

Concavity of 400 or over to and excluding

Web (W) 600

600 or over 3

1.6 % or under of width B or of depth H,

Sectional Squareness (e .)
provided that 3.0 mm is the minimum

Product Specification PT KRAKATAU STEEL (PERSERO) Tbk

Copper Conductor PVC Insulated and PVC Sheathed non Armoured Power Cable

Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY)

SNI IEC 60502-1 : 2009

Annealed plain copper round solid or round circular stranded
according to SNI IEC 60228 not sustain mechanical damage.

Special Features on Request :

Extruded layer of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) complied with • Fire Resistance • Flame Retardant Cat. A/B/C • Oil Resistance
SNI IEC 60502-1

Colour : Note : [re] round solid conductor

- Light Blue [rm] circular stranded conductor

Packing : D] Drum
Outer Sheath
The Outer Sheath shall be a layer of Extruded Polyvinyl Chloride
PVC Grade ST1 to SNI IEC 60502-1. Black Colour

No. of Nominal thickness

cores Current Carrying Capacity @ 30°C
Overall Weight Short Circuit Standard
and cross Diameter of Cable In Air In Ground Current
Outer DC Resistance at Delivery
(approx) (approx) Capacity @
area Sheath 20° Length
1.0 sec

sq.mm mm mm mm kg/km M.Ohm.km A A A A kA m

1 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.4 5.8 50 12 21 27 27 27 0.17 1000/D
1 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.4 6 52 11 21 24 27 27 0.17 1000/D
1 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.4 6.2 63 10 28 27 35 35 0.29 1000/D
1 x 2.5 rm 0.8 1.4 6.5 67 9 28 27 35 35 0.29 1000/D
1 x 4 re 1.0 1.4 7.1 87 10 38 37 45 46 0.46 1000/D
1 x 4 rm 1.0 1.4 7.4 92 9 38 37 45 46 0.46 1000/D
1 x 6 re 1.0 1.4 7.6 110 9 48 46 57 57 0.69 1000/D
1 x 6 rm 1.0 1.4 8 117 8 48 46 57 57 0.69 1000/D
1 x 10 re 1.0 1.4 8.5 157 7 65 64 76 76 1.15 1000/D
1 x 10 rm 1.0 1.4 8.8 163 6 65 64 76 76 1.15 1000/D
1 x 16 rm 1.0 1.4 10 227 5 87 84 97 98 1.84 1000/D
1 x 25 rm 1.2 1.4 11.6 336 5 117 114 125 127 2.88 1000/D
1 x 35 rm 1.2 1.4 12.7 437 4 144 140 150 152 4.03 1000/D
1 x 50 rm 1.4 1.4 14.3 562 4 177 172 178 180 5.75 1000/D
1 x 70 rm 1.4 1.4 16 768 4 225 218 218 220 8.05 1000/D
1 x 95 rm 1.6 1.5 18.5 1049 4 278 270 260 264 10.93 1000/D
1 x 120 rm 1.6 1.5 20 1280 3 325 315 296 300 13.8 1000/D
1 x 150 rm 1.8 1.6 22.5 1275 3 373 362 331 336 17.25 1000/D
1 x 185 rm 2.0 1.7 24.5 1959 3 433 420 374 379 21.28 1000/D
1 x 240 rm 2.2 1.8 28 2538 3 518 503 432 439 27.6 1000/D
1 x 300 rm 2.4 1.9 31 3157 3 598 580 486 494 34.5 1000/D
1 x 400 rm 2.6 2.0 34 3995 3 695 674 549 558 46 1000/D
1 x 500 rm 2.8 2.1 38 5075 3 806 781 618 629 57.5 1000/D
1 x 630 rm 2.8 2.3 43 6449 3 930 901 692 704 72.45 500/D

sales@kabelindo.co.id 12
Copper Conductor PVC Insulated and PVC Sheathed non Armoured Power Cable

Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY)

SNI IEC 60502-1 : 2009

Conductor Outer Sheath

Annealed plain copper round solid or round circular stranded The Outer Sheath shall be a layer of Extruded Polyvinyl Chloride
according to SNI IEC 60228 (PVC) Grade ST1 to SNI IEC 60502-1. Black colour.

Extruded layer of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) complied with

SNI IEC 60502-1 Colour where not sustain mechanical damage.

Colour : Special Features on Request :

- Light Blue, Brown • Fire Resistance • Flame Retardant Cat. A/B/C • Oil Resistance

Zero Halogen

Extruded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Black colour Note : [re] round solid conductor
[rm] circular stranded conductor

Packing : [D] Drum

Current Carrying Short Circuit

No. of cores Nominal Thickness Overall Weight Capacity at 30°C Current Standard
and cross Diameter of Cable DC Resistance at Capacity at delivery
Outer 20° In Ground In Air 1.0 second length
Sheath (approx) (approx)

sq.mm mm mm mm kg/km M.Ohm.km A A kA m

2 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.8 10.8 159 12 27 21 0.17 1000/D
2 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.8 11.1 168 11 27 21 0.17 1000/D
2 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.8 11.6 196 10 36 29 0.29 1000/D
2 x 2.5 rm 0.8 1.8 12.1 209 9 36 29 0.29 1000/D
2 x 4 re 1.0 1.8 13.3 269 10 47 38 0.46 1000/D
2 x 4 rm 1.0 1.8 13.9 289 9 47 38 0.46 1000/D
2 x 6 re 1.0 1.8 14.3 333 9 59 48 0.69 1000/D
2 x 6 rm 1.0 1.8 15.1 359 8 59 48 0.69 1000/D
2 x 10re 1.0 1.8 16.1 452 7 78 66 1.15 1000/D
2 x 10 rm 1.0 1.8 16.8 485 6 78 66 1.15 1000/D
2 x 16 rm 1.0 1.8 18.9 657 5 102 90 1.84 1000/D
2 x 25 rm 1.2 1.8 22.3 959 5 134 120 2.88 1000/D
2 x 35 rm 1.2 1.8 24.5 1224 4 160 150 4.03 1000/D
2 x 50 rm 1.4 1.8 27.7 4578 4 187 180 5.75 1000/D
2 x 70 rm 1.4 1.9 31.4 2131 4 230 230 8.05 1000/D
2 x 95 rm 1.6 2 36.4 2905 4 280 275 10.93 1000/D
2 x 120 rm 1.6 2.1 39.7 3531 3 320 320 13.80 1000/D
2 x 150 rm 1.8 2.2 43.7 4321 3 355 379 17.25 500/D
2 x 185 rm 2.0 2.4 48.6 5368 3 409 430 21.28 500/D
2 x 240 rm 2.2 2.6 55.1 6964 3 472 510 27.60 500/D
2 x 300 rm 2.4 2.7 60.8 8605 3 525 590 34.50 500/D

13 www.kabelindo.co.id
Copper Conductor PVC Insulated and PVC Sheathed non Armoured Power Cable

Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV(NYY)

SNI IEC 60502-1 : 2009

Conductor Outer Sheath

Annealed plain copper round solid or round circular stranded The Outer Sheath shall be a layer of Extruded Polyvinyl Chloride
according to SNI IEC 60228 (PVC) Grade ST1 to SNI IEC 60502-1. Black colour.

Extruded layer of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) complied with

SNI IEC 60502-1 where not sustain mechanical damage.

Colour : Special Features on Request :

- Yellow Strip Green, Light Blue and Brown • Fire Resistance • Flame Retardant Cat. A/B/C • Oil Resistance
- Brown, Black And Grey
Zero Halogen

Extruded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Black colour Note : [re] round solid conductor
[rm] circular stranded conductor
[Sm] Sector shape conductor

Packing : [D] Drum

Current Carrying Short Circuit

No. of cores Nominal Thickness Overall Weight Capacity at 30°C Current Standard
and cross Diameter of Cable DC Resistance at Capacity at delivery
Outer 20° In Ground In Air 1.0 second length
Sheath (approx) (approx)

sq.mm mm mm mm kg/km M.Ohm.km A A kA m

3 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.8 11.2 181 12 24 18 0.17 1000/D
3 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.8 11.6 191 11 24 18 0.17 1000/D
3 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.8 12.1 229 10 32 25 0.29 1000/D
3 x 2.5 rm 0.8 1.8 12.6 245 9 32 25 0.29 1000/D
3x4 re 1.0 1.8 14 319 10 41 34 0.46 1000/D
3x4 rm 1.0 1.8 14.6 342 9 41 34 0.46 1000/D
3x6 re 1.0 1.8 15.1 401 9 52 44 0.69 1000/D
3x6 rm 1.0 1.8 15.9 433 8 52 44 0.69 1000/D
3 x 10 re 1.0 1.8 17.1 578 7 69 60 1.15 1000/D
3 x 10 rm 1.0 1.8 17.8 596 6 69 60 1.15 1000/D
3 x 16 rm 1.0 1.8 20 822 5 89 80 1.84 1000/D
3 x 25 rm 1.2 1.8 23.6 1213 5 116 105 2.88 1000/D
3 x 35 rm 1.2 1.8 26 15.65 4 138 130 4.03 1000/D
3 x 50 sm 1.4 1.8 25.3 1898 4 165 160 5.75 1000/D
3 x 70 sm 1.4 2 28.6 2580 4 205 200 8.05 1000/D
3 x 95 sm 1.6 2.1 32.7 3485 4 245 245 10.93 1000/D
3 x 120 sm 1.6 2.2 35.5 4312 3 285 285 13.80 1000/D
3 x 150 sm 1.8 2.3 39.2 5300 3 315 325 17.25 500/0
3 x 185 sm 2.0 2.5 43.8 6478 3 355 370 21.28 500/D
3 x 240 sm 2.2 2.7 49.3 8491 3 415 435 27.60 500/D
3 x 300 sm 2.4 3.1 55 10652 3 535 600 34.50 500/D

sales@kabelindo.co.id 14
Copper Conductor PVC Insulated and PVC Sheathed non Armoured Power Cable

Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY)

SNI IEC 60502-1 : 2009

Conductor Outer Sheath

Annealed plain copper round solid or round circular stranded The Outer Sheath shall be a layer of Extruded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
according to SNI IEC 60228 Grade ST1 to SNI IEC 60502-1. Black colour.

Extruded layer of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) complied with

SNI IEC 60502-1 not sustain mechanical damage.

Colour : Special Features on Request :

- Yellow Strip Green, Brown, Black and Grey • Fire Resistance • Flame Retardant Cat. A/B/C • Oil Resistance
- Light Blue, Brown, Black And Grey

Note : [re] round solid conductor

Extruded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Black colour [rm] circular stranded conductor
[Sm] Sector shape conductor

Packing : [D] Drum

Current Carrying Short Circuit

No. of Cores Nominal Thickness Overall Weight Capacity at 30°C Current Standard
and Cross Diameter of Cable DC Resistance at Capacity at delivery
Outer 20° In Ground In Air 1.0 second length
Sheath (approx) (approx)

sq.mm mm mm mm kg/km M.Ohm.km A A kA m

4 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.8 12 213 12 24 18 0.17 1000/D
4 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.8 12.4 224 11 24 18 0.17 1000/D
4 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.8 13 273 10 32 25 0.29 1000/D
4 x 2.5 rm 0.8 1.8 13.6 292 9 32 25 0.29 1000/D
4x4 re 1.0 1.8 15.1 385 10 41 34 0.46 1000/D
4x4 rm 1.0 1.8 15.8 413 9 41 34 0.46 1000/D
4x6 re 1.0 1.8 16.3 490 9 52 44 0.69 1000/D
4x6 rm 1.0 1.8 17.2 527 8 52 44 0.69 1000/D
4 x 10 re 1.0 1.8 20.3 724 7 69 60 1.15 1000/D
4 x 10 rm 1.0 1.8 21 743 6 69 60 1.15 1000/D
4 x 16 rm 1.0 1.8 24 1035 5 89 80 1.84 1000/D
4 x 25 rm 1.2 1.8 28 1541 5 116 105 2.88 1000/D
4 x 35 rm 1.2 1.8 30 1999 4 138 130 4.03 1000/D
4 x 50 sm 1.4 1.9 32 2498 4 165 160 5.75 1000/D
4 x 70 sm 1.4 2.1 36 3374 4 205 200 8.05 1000/D
4 x 95 sm 1.6 2.2 40 4536 4 245 245 10.93 1000/D
4 x 120 sm 1.6 2.3 44 5676 3 285 285 13.80 1000/D
4 x 150 sm 1.8 2.5 49 6910 3 315 325 17.25 500/D
4 x 185 sm 2.0 2.7 53 8596 3 355 370 21.28 500/D
4 x 240 sm 2.2 2.9 60 11087 3 415 435 27.60 500/D
4 x 300 sm 2.4 3.1 66 13549 3 465 500 34.50 500/D

15 www.kabelindo.co.id
Copper Conductor PVC Insulated and PVC Sheathed non Armoured Power Cable

Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY)

SNI IEC 60502-1 : 2009

Conductor Outer Sheath

Annealed plain copper round solid or round circular stranded The Outer Sheath shall be a layer of Extruded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
according to SNI IEC 60228 Grade ST1 to SNI IEC 60502-1. Black colour.

Extruded layer of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) complied with SNI IEC

60502-1 not sustain mechanical damage.

Colour : Special Features on Request :

- Yellow Strip Green, Light Blue, Brown, Black and Grey • Fire Resistance • Flame Retardant Cat. A/B/C • Oil Resistance

Extruded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Black colour Note : [re] round solid conductor
[rm] circular stranded conductor

Packing : [D] Drum

Current Carrying Short Circuit

No. of Cores Nominal Thickness Overall Weight Capacity at 30°C Current Standard
and Cross Diameter of Cable DC Resistance at Capacity at delivery
Outer 20° In Ground In Air 1.0 second length
Sheath (approx) (approx)

sq.mm mm mm mm kg/km M.Ohm.km A A kA m

5 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.8 12.8 255 12 24 18 0.17 1000/D
5 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.8 13.3 268 11 24 18 0.17 1000/D
5 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.8 14 329 10 32 25 0.29 1000/D
5 x 2.5 rm 0.8 1.8 14.6 352 9 32 25 0.29 1000/D
5 x 4 re 1.0 1.8 16.3 470 10 41 34 0.46 1000/D
5 x 4 rm 1.0 1.8 17.1 505 9 41 34 0.46 1000/D
5 x 6 re 1.0 1.8 17.7 602 9 52 44 0.69 1000/D
5 x 6 rm 1.0 1.8 18.6 650 8 52 44 0.69 1000/D
5 x 10 re 1.0 1.8 20.4 893 7 69 60 1.15 1000/D
5 x 10 rm 1.0 1.8 21.1 912 6 69 60 1.15 1000/D
5 x 16 rm 1.0 1.8 23.8 1279 5 89 80 1.84 1000/D
5 x 25 rm 1.2 1.8 28.3 1914 5 116 105 2.88 1000/D
5 x 35 rm 1.2 1.9 31.5 2505 4 138 130 4.03 1000/D
5 x 50 rm 1.4 2.0 36.4 3273 4 165 160 5.75 1000/D

sales@kabelindo.co.id 16
Copper Conductor PVC Insulated and PVC Sheathed non Armoured Control Cable

Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY)

SNI IEC 60502-1 : 2009

Conductor Outer Sheath

Annealed plain copper round solid or round circular stranded The Outer Sheath shall be a layer of Extruded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
according to SNI IEC 60228 Grade ST1 to SNI IEC 60502-1. Black colour.

Extruded layer of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) complied with SNI IEC

60502-1 not sustain mechanical damage.

Colour : Special Features on Request :

- Black, with White printed number • Fire Resistance • Flame Retardant Cat. A/B/C • Oil Resistance

Extruded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Black colour Note : [re] round solid conductor
[rm] circular stranded conductor

Packing : [D] Drum

Current Carrying Short Circuit Current

No. of Cores Nominal Thickness Overall Weight Capacity at 30°C Capacity at Standard
and Cross Diameter of Cable DC Resistance at delivery
Outer 20° In Ground In Air 1.0 length
Sheath (approx) (approx) second
sq.mm mm mm mm kg/km M.Ohm.km A A kA m
7 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.8 14.5 324 12 17 13 0.17 1000/D
7 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.8 15 341 11 17 13 0.17 1000/D
8 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.8 15.5 362 12 16 12 0.17 1000/D
8 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.8 16 381 11 16 12 0.17 1000/D
10 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.8 17.4 434 12 15 12 0.17 1000/D
10 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.8 18.1 458 11 15 12 0.17 1000/D
12 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.8 17.9 480 12 14 11 0.17 1000/D
12 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.8 18.6 506 11 14 11 0.17 1000/D
14 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.8 18.7 542 12 13 11 0.17 1000/D
14 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.8 19.5 572 11 13 11 0.17 1000/D
16 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.8 19.5 599 12 12 10 0.17 1000/D
16 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.8 20.3 632 11 12 10 0.17 1000/D
19 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.8 20.4 670 12 12 9 0.17 1000/D
19 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.8 21.3 707 11 12 9 0.17 1000/D
21 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.8 21.4 728 12 11 9 0.17 1000/D
21 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.8 22.3 768 11 11 9 0.17 1000/D
24 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.8 23.4 821 12 11 8 0.17 1000/D
24 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.8 24.4 866 11 11 8 0.17 1000/D
30 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.8 24.6 970 12 11 8 0.17 1000/D
30 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.8 25.7 1024 11 11 8 0.17 1000/D
40 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.8 27.3 1226 12 11 8 0.17 1000/D
40 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.8 28.5 1294 11 11 8 0.17 1000/D
52 x 1.5 re 0.8 1.9 32 1585 12 11 8 0.17 1000/D
52 x 1.5 rm 0.8 1.9 33.4 1673 11 11 8 0.17 1000/D
61 x 1.5 re 0.8 2.0 33 1815 12 11 8 0.17 1000/D
61 x 1.5 rm 0.8 2.0 34.6 1916 11 11 8 0.17 1000/D

17 www.kabelindo.co.id
Copper Conductor PVC Insulated and PVC Sheathed non Armoured Control Cable

Cu/PVC/PVC 0.6/1 kV (NYY)

SNI IEC 60502-1 : 2009

Conductor Outer Sheath

Annealed plain copper round solid or round circular stranded The Outer Sheath shall be a layer of Extruded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
according to SNI IEC 60228 Grade ST1 to SNI IEC 60502-1. Black colour.

Extruded layer of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) complied with SNI IEC

60502-1 not sustain mechanical damage.

Colour : Special Features on Request :

- Black, with White printed number • Fire Resistance • Flame Retardant Cat. A/B/C • Oil Resistance

Extruded Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Black colour Note : [re] round solid conductor
[rm] circular stranded conductor

Packing : [D] Drum

Current Carrying Short Circuit Current

No. of Cores Nominal Thickness Overall Weight Capacity at 30°C Capacity at Standard
and Cross Diameter of Cable DC Resistance at delivery
Outer 20° In Ground In Air 1.0 length
Sheath (approx) (approx) second
sq.mm mm mm mm kg/km M.Ohm.km A A kA m
7 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.8 15.8 421 10 26 21 0.29 1000/D
7 x 2.5 rm 0.8 1.8 16.5 450 9 26 21 0.29 1000/D
8 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.8 16.9 471 10 23 18 0.29 1000/D
8 x 2.5 rm 0.8 1.8 17.7 505 9 23 18 0.29 1000/D
10 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.8 19.1 570 10 21 17 0.29 1000/D
10 x 2.5 rm 0.8 1.8 20.1 611 9 21 17 0.29 1000/D
12 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.8 19.7 637 10 20 16 0.29 1000/D
12 x 2.5 rm 0.8 1.8 20.7 682 9 20 16 0.29 1000/D
14 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.8 20.5 724 10 18 15 0.29 1000/D
14 x 2.5 rm 0.8 1.8 21.6 777 9 18 15 0.29 1000/D
16 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.8 21.5 804 10 17 14 0.29 1000/D
16 x 2.5rm 0.8 1.8 22.6 863 9 17 14 0.29 1000/D
19 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.8 22.5 907 10 17 13 0.29 1000/D
19 x 2.5 rm 0.8 1.8 23.6 974 9 17 13 0.29 1000/D
21 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.8 23.6 989 10 16 12 0.29 1000/D
21 x 2.5 rm 0.8 1.8 24.9 1062 9 16 12 0.29 1000/D
24 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.8 25.9 1118 10 15 11 0.29 1000/D
24 x 2.5 rm 0.8 1.8 27.3 1200 9 15 11 0.29 1000/D
30 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.8 27.3 1335 10 14 11 0.29 1000/D
30 x 2.5 rm 0.8 1.8 28.8 1433 9 14 11 0.29 1000/D
40 x 2.5 re 0.8 1.9 30.5 1718 10 14 11 0.29 1000/D
40 x 2.5 rm 0.8 1.9 32.3 1846 9 14 11 0.29 1000/D
52 x 2.5 re 0.8 2.0 35.8 2220 10 14 11 0.29 1000/D
52 x 2.5 rm 0.8 2.0 37.9 2384 9 14 11 0.29 1000/D
61 x 2.5 re 0.8 2.1 37 2552 10 14 11 0.29 1000/D
61 x 2.5 rm 0.8 2.1 39.1 2741 9 14 11 0.29 1000/D

sales@kabelindo.co.id 18

Gardex Premium Gloss

1. Identifikasi Senyawa (Tunggal atau Campuran)

Identitas / nama produk : Gardex Premium Gloss
berdasarkan GHS
Identifikasi lainnya : Tidak tersedia.
Label No. : 10540
Deskripsi produk : Cat.
Tipe produk : Cairan.
Penggunaan zat atau campuran yang diidentifikasi dan relevan dan penggunaan yang tidak disarankan
Pengunaan-penggunaan yang dianjurkan
Use in coatings - Consumer use: Gunakan produk ini hanya sebagaimana ditentukan pada label.

Tidak berlaku.
Data rinci mengenai : PT. Jotun Indonesia
pemasok Kawasan Industri MM2100 Blok KK-1
Cikarang Barat, Bekasi 17520,

Phone: + 62 21 89982657
Fax:: + 62 21 89982658
Nomor telepon darurat : Office phone +62 2189982657
(serta waktu beroperasi) or + 47 33 45 70 00 Jotun Norway (Head office)
10540 5 10540
^(ValidationDate) 1

2. Identifikasi Bahaya
Klasifikasi bahaya produk : CAIRAN MUDAH MENYALA - Kategori 3
(senyawa / campuran) KOROSI/IRITASI KULIT - Kategori 3
TUNGGAL (Efek narkotik) - Kategori 3

Elemen label termasuk pernyataan kehati-hatian

Piktogram (simbol bahaya) :

Kata sinyal : Peringatan.

Pernyataan Bahaya : H226 - Cairan dan uap mudah menyala.
H316 - Menyebabkan iritasi kulit ringan.
H336 - Dapat menyebabkan mengantuk atau pusing.
H412 - Berbahaya terhadap kehidupan akuatik dengan efek jangka panjang.
Pernyataan Kehati-hatian
Pencegahan : P210 - Jauhkan dari panas, permukaan panas, percikan, nyala api, dan sumber
penyulutan lainnya. Dilarang merokok.
P271 - Gunakan hanya di udara terbuka atau di area dengan ventilasi yang baik.
P273 - Hindari pelepasan ke lingkungan.
P261 - Hindari menghirup uap.
Tanggapan : P304 + P312 - JIKA TERHIRUP: Hubungi PUSAT RACUN atau dokter jika Anda
merasa tidak enak badan.
Penyimpanan : P403 + P233 - Simpan di tempat berventilasi baik. Pastikan wadah tertutup rapat.

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Gardex Premium Gloss

2. Identifikasi Bahaya
Pembuangan : P501 - Buang isi dan wadah sesuai dengan peraturan lokal, regional, nasional dan

Bahaya lain di luar yang : Tidak diketahui.

berperan dalam klasifikasi

3. Komposisi / Informasi tentang Bahan Penyusun Senyawa Tunggal

Zat/sediaan : Campuran
Identifikasi lainnya : Tidak tersedia.

Nomor CAS/ pengenal lainnya

Nomor CAS : Tidak berlaku.
Nomor EC : Campuran.
Kode produk : 10540
Nama bahan Nomor CAS
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy, (<0.1% Benzene) ≥25 - ≤50 64742-48-9
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. ≤3 64742-95-6
xylene ≤3 1330-20-7
2-butanone oxime ≤0.3 96-29-7
2-ethylhexanoic acid, zirconium salt ≤0.3 22464-99-9
calcium bis(2-ethylhexanoate) ≤0.3 136-51-6
Oleic acid, compound ≤0.3 34140-91-5
3-iodo-2-propynyl butylcarbamate (IPBC) ≤0.3 55406-53-6
Tidak terdapat bahan lainnya yang, sejauh pengetahuan pemasok saat ini dan pada konsentrasi yang berlaku,
diklasifikasikan sebagai bahan berbahaya pada kesehatan atau lingkungan dan karenanya diperlukan
pelaporan dalam bagian ini.
Nilai ambang batas pemaparan, (jika ada), tercantum di bagian 8. Ada).

4. Tindakan Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan

Uraian langkah pertolongan pertama yang diperlukan
Kena mata : Segera menyiram mata dengan air yang banyak serta kadang-kadang mengangkat
kelopak mata atas dan bawah. Periksa apakah memakai lensa kontak, dan
lepaskan jika ada. Lanjutkan dengan membilas sedikitnya selama 10 menit.
Dapatkan bantuan medis jika terjadi iritasi.
Penghirupan : Pindahkan korban ke udara segar dan istirahatkan pada posisi yang nyaman untuk
bernafas. Jika terduga bahwa masih ada asap, petugas penolong harus
mengenakan topeng pelindung yang layak atau self-contained breathing apparatus
(SCBA). Jika tidak bernapas, jika napas tidak teratur atau jika terjadi serangan
pernapasan, sediakan pernapasan buatan atau oksigen oleh petugas terlatih.
Mungkin dapat membahayakan bagi orang yang memberikan pertolongan resusitasi
dari mulut-ke-mulut. Dapatkan pertolongan medis. Jika diperlukan, telepon pusat
racun atau doktor. Jika tidak sadarkan diri, baringkan pada posisi pemulihan dan
segera dapatkan pertolongan medis. Jaga agar saluran pernapasan tetap terbuka.
Longgarkan pakaian yang ketat seperti, bagian leher, dasi, ikat pinggang atau
lingkar pinggang.
Kena kulit : Basuh kulit yang terkontaminasi dengan air yang banyak. Lepaskan pakaian dan
sepatu yang terkontaminasi. Dapatkan pertolongan medis jika terjadi gejala. Cuci
pakaian sebelum dikenakan lagi. Bersihkan sepatu secara menyeluruh sebelum
digunakan kembali.
Tertelan : Cuci mulut dengan air. Lepaskan gigi palsu jika ada. Pindahkan korban ke udara
segar dan istirahatkan pada posisi yang nyaman untuk bernafas. Jika bahan sudah
tertelan dan orang yang terkena dalam keadaan sadar, berikan air minum dalam
jumlah sedikit. Hentikan, jika orang yang terkena merasa mual karena muntah
dapat membahayakan. Jangan memaksakan muntah kecuali disuruh
melakukannya oleh petugas medis. Jika terjadi muntah, kepala harus ditundukkan
agar muntahan tidak masuk ke dalam paru-paru. Dapatkan pertolongan medis.
Jika diperlukan, telepon pusat racun atau doktor. Dilarang memberikan apapun

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Gardex Premium Gloss

4. Tindakan Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan

melalui mulut kepada orang yang di bawah sadar. Jika tidak sadarkan diri,
baringkan pada posisi pemulihan dan segera dapatkan pertolongan medis. Jaga
agar saluran pernapasan tetap terbuka. Longgarkan pakaian yang ketat seperti,
bagian leher, dasi, ikat pinggang atau lingkar pinggang.

Kumpulan gejala / efek terpenting, baik akut maupun tertunda

Berpotensi efek kesehatan yang akut
Kena mata : Tidak diketahui efek signifikan atau bahaya kritis.
Penghirupan : Dapat menyebabkan mengantuk atau pusing.
Kena kulit : Tidak diketahui efek signifikan atau bahaya kritis.
Tertelan : Tidak diketahui efek signifikan atau bahaya kritis.
Tanda-tanda/gejala kenanya berlebihan
Kena mata : Tidak ada data khusus.
Penghirupan : Gejala-gejala gangguan kesehatan mungkin akan meliputi:
mual atau muntah
sakit kepala
rasa mengantuk/letih
tidak sadarkan diri
Kena kulit : Tidak ada data khusus.
Tertelan : Tidak ada data khusus.

Indikasi yang memerlukan bantuan medis dan tindakan khusus, jika diperlukan
Catatan untuk dokter : Obati berdasarkan gejala. Segera menghubungi ahli perawatan racun jika jumlah
besar termakan atau terhirup.
Perawatan khusus : Tidak ada pengobatan khusus.
Perlindungan bagi : Tidak boleh melakukan tindakan yang menyangkut risiko pribadi atau tanpa
penolong pertama pelatihan yang sesuai. Jika terduga bahwa masih ada asap, petugas penolong
harus mengenakan topeng pelindung yang layak atau self-contained breathing
apparatus (SCBA). Mungkin dapat membahayakan bagi orang yang memberikan
pertolongan resusitasi dari mulut-ke-mulut.

Lihat informasi toksikologi (bagian 11)

5. Tindakan pemadaman kebakaran

Media pemadam kebakaran/api
Media pemadaman yang : Gunakan bahan kimia kering, CO₂, semprotan air atau busa.
Sarana pemadaman yang : Jangan menggunakan jet air.
tidak sesuai

Bahaya spesifik yang : Cairan dan uap mudah menyala. Aliran ke selokan dapat menimbulkan kebakaran
diakibatkan bahan kimia atau bahaya ledakan. Dalam kebakaran atau jika memanas, peningkatan tekanan
tersebut akan terjadi dan wadah bisa meledak pecah, dengan risiko ledakan susulan. Bahan
ini berbahaya bagi kehidupan air dengan efek yang berakhir lama. Air bekas
memadamkan kebakaran yang tercemar dengan bahan ini harus dibendung dan
dicegah agar tidak mengalir masuk/dibuang ke saluran air, parit, atau selokan.
Produk dekomposisi : Bahan-bahan berikut ini mungkin dapat termasuk golongan produk penguraian-
termal berbahaya hayati:
karbon dioksida
karbon monoksida
oksida sulfur
oksida logam/oksida

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5. Tindakan pemadaman kebakaran

Prosedur pemadaman : Jika ada kebakaran segera isolasi tempat kejadian dengan menjauhkan semua
kebakaran yang spesifik / orang dari lokasi kebakaran. Tidak boleh melakukan tindakan yang menyangkut
khusus risiko pribadi atau tanpa pelatihan yang sesuai. Pindahkan wadah dari kebakaran
jika ini dapat dilakukan tanpa risiko. Gunakan semprotan air untuk menjaga agar
wadah yang terkena panasnya api tetap dingin.
Alat pelindung khusus : Petugas pemadam kebakaran harus memakai perlengkapan pelindung yang
untuk petugas pemadam memadai dan alat bantu pernapasan (Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus - SCBA)
kebakaran yang berpelindung-wajah penuh dan yang beroperasi dalam mode tekanan positif.

6. Tindakan Penanggulangan jika terjadi Tumpahan dan Kebocoran

Langkah-langkah pencegahan diri, alat pelindung dan prosedur tanggap darurat
Untuk pegawai non-darurat : Tidak boleh melakukan tindakan yang menyangkut risiko pribadi atau tanpa
pelatihan yang sesuai. Evakuasi area sekitarnya. Jaga agar personil yang tidak
berkepentingan dan yang tidak menggunakan alat pelindung diri tidak masuk.
Jangan menyentuh atau berjalan kaki melintasi tumpahan bahan. Matikan semua
sumber penyalaan. Jangan ada kobaran, merokok atau pasang suar area
berbahaya. Hindari menghirup uap atau kabut. Sediakan ventilasi yang memadai.
Pakai alat pernafasan (respirator) yang sesuai bila ventilasi tidak memadai.
Kenakan peralatan perlindungan pribadi yang sesuai.
Untuk perespon darurat : Jika pakaian khusus diperlukan dalam mengatasi tumpahan, memperhatikan
informasi di Bagian 8 mengenai bahan-bahan yang cocok dan tidak cocok. Lihat
juga informasi di "Untuk pegawai non-darurat".

Langkah-langkah : Jagalah agar tumpahan bahan tidak menyebar, mengalir ke tanah, saluran air, parit
pencegahan bagi lingkungan dan selokan. Beritahu pihak berwewenang yang terkait jika produk telah
menyebabkan polusi lingkungan (saluran pembuangan, aliran air, tanah atau udara).
Bahan polusi air. Dapat membahayakan lingkungan jika terbebaskan dalam jumlah

Metode dan bahan penangkalan (containment) dan pembersihan

Tumpahan kecil : Hentikan kebocoran jika dapat dilakukan tanpa risiko. Pindahkan wadah dari area
tumpahan. Gunakan alat tahan-percikan dan perlengkapan tahan-ledakan. Jika
larut dalam air mencairkan dengan air dan mengepel. Sebagai kemungkinan lain,
atau jika larut dalam air, menyerap dengan memakai bahan kering yang tidak giat
dan masukkan ke wadah bahan buangan yang tepat. Buang melalui kontraktor
pembuangan limbah yang memiliki izin.
Tumpahan besar : Hentikan kebocoran jika dapat dilakukan tanpa risiko. Pindahkan wadah dari area
tumpahan. Gunakan alat tahan-percikan dan perlengkapan tahan-ledakan.
Mendekati pelepasan/tumpahan dengan menurut arah angin. Mencegah
pemasukan ke selokan, parit, ruang di bawah tanah atau area yang terbatas.
Alirkan tumpahan ke dalam sarana pengolahan efluen atau lanjutkan sebagai
berikut. Bendung dan kumpulkan tumpahan dengan bahan penyerap yang tak-
mudah-terbakar, mis. pasir, tanah, vermikulit, tanah diatom dan masukkan ke
dalam wadah untuk dibuang sesuai dengan peraturan lokal/nasional (lihat Bagian
13). Buang melalui kontraktor pembuangan limbah yang memiliki izin. Bahan
penyerap yang terkontaminasi dapat menghadirkan bahaya yang sama seperti
tumpahan produk. Catatan: lihat Bagian 1 untuk informasi kontak darurat dan
Bagian 13 untuk pembuangan limbah.

7. Penanganan dan Penyimpanan

Langkah-langkah pencegahan untuk penanganan yang aman
Tindakan perlindungan : Kenakan perlengkapan perlindungan pribadi yang layak (lihat bagian 8). Jangan
dimakan/diminum. Hindari kontak dengan mata, kulit dan pakaian. Hindari
menghirup uap atau kabut. Hindari pelepasan ke lingkungan. Gunakan hanya
dengan ventilasi yang memadai. Pakai alat pernafasan (respirator) yang sesuai bila
ventilasi tidak memadai. Jangan masuk ke tempat penyimpanan dan ruang
terbatas kecuali ada ventilasi yang memadai. Simpan dalam wadah aslinya atau
dalam tempat lain yang diakui dan layak, tutup rapat selama tidak digunakan.
Simpan dan gunakan jauh dari sumber panas, percikan api, nyala api terbuka atau
sumber penyulutan lainnya. Gunakan peralatan listrik yang anti-ledak (untuk
ventilasi, penerangan dan penanganan bahan). Hanya gunakan peralatan yang
tidak menimbulkan percikan. Lakukan tindakan pencegahan terhadap pelepasan
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7. Penanganan dan Penyimpanan

muatan elektrostatik. Wadah yang sudah kosong masih mengandung residu
produk dan bisa berbahaya. Jangan menggunakan wadah kembali.
Nasihat tentang : Makan, minum dan merokok harus dilarang di tempat di mana bahan ini ditangani,
kebersihan (hygiene) disimpan dan diolah. Para pekerja harus mencuci tangan dan muka sebelum
pekerjaan umum makan, minum dan merokok. Tanggalkan pakaian dan peralatan perlindungan
yang terkontaminasi sebelum memasuki lingkungan tempat makan. Lihat juga
Bagian 8 untuk tambahan informasi mengenai langkah-langkah kebersihan.

Kondisi untuk : Simpan sesuai dengan peraturan setempat. Simpan di tempat terpisah dan yang
penyimpanan yang aman, diakui. Simpan di wadah aslinya terlindung dari sinar matahari langsung di tempat
termasuk inkompatibilitas yang kering, sejuk dan berventilasii baik jauh dari bahan yang tidak cocok (lihat
Bagian 10) dan makanan dan minuman. Simpan di tempat terkunci.
Menghilangkan semua sumber penyulut. Pisahkan dari bahan-bahan yang
mengoksidasi. Jaga agar wadah tertutup rapat dan tersegel sampai siap untuk
digunakan. Wadah yang sudah dibuka harus disegel kembali dengan hati-hati dan
disimpan tetap tegak untuk mencegah kebocoran. Jangan menyimpan di dalam
wadah yang tidak berlabel. Gunakan bendungan yang layak untuk menghindari
kontaminasi pada lingkungan. Lihat Bagian 10 untuk bahan yang tidak kompatibel
sebelum penanganan atau penggunaan.

8. Kontrol Paparan / Perlindungan Diri

Paramater pengendalian
Nilai ambang batas di tempat kerja
Nama bahan Batas pemaparan
xylene Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik
Indonesia (Indonesia, 4/2018).
NAB: 434 mg/m³ 8 jam.
NAB: 100 BDS 8 jam.
PSD: 651 mg/m³ 15 menit.
PSD: 150 BDS 15 menit.
2-ethylhexanoic acid, zirconium salt Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik
Indonesia (Indonesia, 4/2018). Catatan:
sebagai Zr
NAB: 5 mg/m³, (sebagai Zn) 8 jam.
Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik
Indonesia (Indonesia, 4/2018).
PSD: 10 BDS, (sebagai Zn) 15 menit.
Prosedur pemantauan : Jika produk ini mengandung komponen dengan batas pemaparan, atmosfir tempat
yang direkomendasikan kerja pribadi atau pemantauan biologis mungkin akan diperlukan untuk
memutuskan keefektifan ventilasi atau pengukuran kontrol yang lain dan/atau
pentingnya untuk menggunakan perlengkapan perlindungan pernafasan. Acuan
harus dibuat untuk standar pemantauan terkait. Referensi untuk dokumen
pedoman nasional untuk metode penentuan zat berbahaya juga akan diperlukan.

Pengendalian teknik yang : Gunakan hanya dengan ventilasi yang memadai. Gunakan proses terkurung,
sesuai ventilasi pembuangan lokal atau pengendalian teknis lainnya untuk menjaga agar
pemaparan pekerja terhadap kadar kontaminan di udara berada di bawah batas
menurut Undang-Undang atau yang direkomendasikan. Pengendalian teknis pun
harus menjaga agar konsentrasi gas, uap atau debu di bawah batas ledakan
terendah yang ada. Gunakan peralatan ventilasi yang anti-ledakan.
Pengendalian pemaparan : Emisi dari ventilasi atau peralatan proses kerja harus diperiksa untuk memastikan
lingkungan mereka memenuhi persyaratan Perundang-undangan Perlindungan Lingkungan.
Pada beberapa kasus, penyaring asap (fume scrubbers), saringan atau modifikasi
teknik terhadap peralatan proses akan diperlukan untuk mengurangi emisi sampai
level yang bisa diterima.

Tindakan perlindungan diri

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Gardex Premium Gloss

8. Kontrol Paparan / Perlindungan Diri

Tindakan Higienis : Cuci tangan, lengan dan wajah sampai bersih setelah menangani produk kimia,
sebelum makan, merokok dan menggunakan WC dan seusai waktu kerja. Teknik
yang sesuai harus digunakan untuk melepaskan/membuang pakaian berpotensi
terkontaminasi. Cuci pakaian yang terkontaminasi sebelum dipakai kembali.
Pastikan bahwa tempat pencucian mata dan pancuran keselamatan berada di dekat
lokasi kerja.
Perlindungan mata : Pelindung mata yang memenuhi standar yang diakui harus digunakan jika hasil
evaluasi risiko menunjukkan bahwa hal ini perlu untuk menghindari keterbukaan
terhadap cipratan cairan, kabut, bermacam gas atau debu. Apabila kemungkinan
kontak terjadi, pelindung berikut harus dipakai, kecuali penilaian menunjukkan
tingkat perlindungan lebih tinggi: kacamata pelindung dengan perisai samping.
Perlindungan kulit
Perlindungan tangan : Sarung tangan yang kuat, tahan bahan kimia yang sesuai dengan standar yang
disahkan, harus dipakai setiap saat bila menangani produk kimia, jika penilaian
risiko menunjukkan, bahwa hal ini diperlukan. Berdasarkan parameter yang
ditentukan oleh produsen sarung tangan, periksalah saat menggunakan bahwa
sarung tangan masih memiliki sifat pelindung. Perlu dicatat bahwa masa pakai
bahan sarung tangan mungkin berbeda untuk produsen yang berbeda. Dalam
kasus campuran, yang terdiri dari beberapa bahan, waktu perlindungan sarung
tangan tidak dapat diestimasi secara akurat.
Tidak ada satupun bahan sarung tangan atau kombinasi bahan yang dapat
memberikan ketahanan tidak terbatas pada satu atau kombinasi bahan kimia.
Waktu terobosan harus lebih lama daripada waktu penggunaan akhir produk.
Instruksi dan informasi yang diberikan oleh produsen sarung tangan tentang
penggunaan, penyimpanan, pemiliharaan dan penggantian harus diikuti.
Sarung tangan harus diganti secara teratur dan jika ada tanda keruskan pada
bahan sarung tangan.
Selalu pastikan bahwa sarung tangan bebas dari cacat dan disimpan dan
digunakan secara benar.
Kinerja atau efektivas sarung tangan dapat berkurang oleh kerusakan fisik/kimia
dan pemiliharaan yang buruk.
Krim penghalang dapat membantu melindungi area kulit yang terbuka, namun tidak
boleh dioleskan jika sudah terkena.
Kenakan sarung tangan sesuai standar EN374.
Direkomendasikan, sarung tangan(waktu terobosan) > 8 jam: alkohol polivinil
(PVA), karet nitril, ,
Tidak direkomendasikan, sarung tangan(waktu terobosan) < 1 jam: neoprena,
karet butil
Bisa digunakan, sarung tangan(waktu terobosan) 4 - 8 jam: PVC

Untuk pemilihan bahan sarung tangan yang tepat, pertimbangan utama adalah
daya tahan terhadap bahan kimia dan waktu penembusan, untuk itu mintalah
nasihat dari pemasok sarung tangan tahan bahan kimia.
Pengguna harus memeriksa bahwa pilihan terakhir dari jenis sarung tangan yang
diputusan untuk penanganan produk ini adalah yang paling sesuai dan
dipertimbangkan kondisi khusus penggunaannya, seperti yang sudah termasuk
dalam perkiraan resiko pengguna.
Perlindungan tubuh : Perlengkapan perlindungan pribadi untuk tubuh harus dipilih berdasarkan tugas
yang dilakukan dan risiko yang terlibat serta harus disetujui oleh petugas ahli/
spesialis sebelum menangani produk ini. Ketika terdapat risiko penyalaan dari listrik
statis, kenakan pakaian pelindung anti-statis. Untuk perlindungan maksimal arus
listrik statis, kenakan ketelpak, sepatu bot dan sarung tangan anti-statis.
Perlindungan kulit yang : Alas kaki yang sesuai dan segala tambahan langkah-langkah perlindungan kulit
lain harus dipilih berdasarkan tugas yang sedang dilakukan dan risiko yang terlibat dan
harus disetujui oleh seorang ahli sebelum menangani produk ini.
Perlindungan pernapasan : Berdasarkan bahaya dan potensi paparannya, pilih sebuah respirator (alat
pernapasan) yang memenuhi standar atau sertifikasi yang sesuai. Respirator harus
digunakan sesuai program perlindungan pernapasan untuk memastikan kesesuaian
yang tepat, pelatihan, dan aspek-aspek penggunaan yang penting lainnya.

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9. Sifat fisika dan kimia

Bentuk fisik : Cairan.
Warna : Berbagai
Bau : Karakteristik.
Ambang bau : Tidak tersedia.
pH : Tidak berlaku.
Titik lebur : Tidak berlaku.
Titik didih : Nilai terendah yang diketahui: 136.16°C (277.1°F) (xylene). Berat rata-rata:
183.57°C (362.4°F)
Titik nyala : Cawan tertutup: 46°C (114.8°F)
Waktu untuk membakar : Tidak berlaku.
Kecepatan membakar : Tidak berlaku.
Laju penguapan : 0.77 (xylene) dibandingkan dengan butyl acetate
Flamabilitas (padatan, gas) : Tidak berlaku.
Nilai batas flamabilitas : 0.8 - 7.6%
terendah/tertinggi dan
batas ledakan
Tekanan uap : Nilai tertinggi yang diketahui: 0.9 kPa (6.7 mm Hg) (pada 20°C) (xylene). Berat rata-
rata: 0.23 kPa (1.73 mm Hg) (pada 20°C)
Rapat (densitas) uap : Nilai tertinggi yang diketahui: 3.7 (Udara = 1) (xylene).
Kerapatan (densitas) relatif : 0.9 sampai dengan 1.166 g/cm³
Kelarutan : Tak dapat larut pada bahan-bahan berikut: air dingin dan air panas.
Kelarutan dalam air : Tidak tersedia.
Koefisien partisi (n-oktanol/ : Tidak tersedia.
Suhu dapat membakar : Nilai terendah yang diketahui: 280 sampai dengan 470°C (536 sampai dengan
sendiri (auto-ignition 878°F) (Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy, (<0.1% Benzene)).
Suhu penguraian : Tidak tersedia.
SADT : Tidak tersedia.
Kekentalan (viskositas) : Kinematik (40°C): >0.205 cm2/s (>20.5 cSt)

10. Stabilitas dan Reaktifitas

Reaktivitas : Tidak ada data tes khusus yang berhubungan dengan reaktivitas tersedia untuk
produk ini atau bahan bakunya.

Stabilitas kimia : Produk ini stabil.

Reaksi berbahaya yang : Dibawah kondisi penyimpanan dan penggunaan yang normal, reaksi yang
mungkin di bawah kondisi berbahaya tidak akan terjadi.
spesifik / khusus

Kondisi yang harus : Hindari semua sumber yang memungkinkan penyulutan (percikan api atau nyala
dihindari api). Jangan diberi tekanan ,dipotong,dilas, disolder,dibor,digerinda atau wadah
dibiarkan dekat panas atau sumber pengapian.

Bahan-bahan yang tidak : Jauhkan dari bahan berikut untuk mencegah reaksi eksotermik yang kuat: bahan
tercampurkan pengoksidasi, alkali kuat, asam kuat.

Produk berbahaya hasil : Pada kondisi penyimpanan dan penggunaan yang normal, produk-produk
penguraian penguraian-hayati yang berbahaya seharusnya tidak terproduksi.

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11. Informasi Toksikologi

Informasi efek-efek toksikologi
Toksisitas akut
Nama produk/bahan Hasil Spesies Dosis Pemaparan
xylene LC50 Penghirupan Uap Tikus besar 20 mg/l 4 jam
LD50 Oral Tikus besar 4300 mg/kg -
TDLo Dermal Kelinci 4300 mg/kg -
3-iodo-2-propynyl LD50 Oral Tikus besar 1470 mg/kg -
butylcarbamate (IPBC)
Nama produk/bahan Hasil Spesies Angka Pemaparan Observasi
xylene Mata - Pengiritasi ringan Kelinci - 87 milligrams -
Kulit - Pengiritasi ringan Tikus besar - 8 jam 60 -
2-butanone oxime Mata - Iritan parah Kelinci - 100 -
3-iodo-2-propynyl Mata - Iritan Binatang - - -
butylcarbamate (IPBC) Menyusui -
yang belum
Nama produk/bahan Rute Paparan Spesies Hasil
2-butanone oxime kulit Binatang Menyusui - Spesies Penyensitif
yang belum ditentukan
3-iodo-2-propynyl kulit Binatang Menyusui - Spesies Penyensitif
butylcarbamate (IPBC) yang belum ditentukan
Tidak tersedia.

Tidak tersedia.
Toksisitas reproduktif
Tidak tersedia.

Tidak tersedia.
Tosisitas sistemik pada organ target spesifik karena paparan tunggal
Nama Kategori Rute Paparan Organ sasaran
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy, (<0.1% Kategori 3 - Efek narkotik
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. Kategori 3 - Iritasi saluran
Kategori 3 Efek narkotik
xylene Kategori 3 - Iritasi saluran
Toksisitas sistemik pada organ target spesifik karena paparan berulang
Nama Kategori Rute Paparan Organ sasaran
Oleic acid, compound Kategori 2 - -
3-iodo-2-propynyl butylcarbamate (IPBC) Kategori 1 - trakea (tenggorok)
Bahaya aspirasi
Nama Hasil
Naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy, (<0.1% Benzene) BAHAYA ASPIRASI - Kategori 1
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), light arom. BAHAYA ASPIRASI - Kategori 1
xylene BAHAYA ASPIRASI - Kategori 1

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11. Informasi Toksikologi

Informasi tentang rute : Tidak tersedia.

Berpotensi efek kesehatan yang akut
Kena mata : Tidak diketahui efek signifikan atau bahaya kritis.
Penghirupan : Dapat menyebabkan mengantuk atau pusing.
Kena kulit : Tidak diketahui efek signifikan atau bahaya kritis.
Tertelan : Tidak diketahui efek signifikan atau bahaya kritis.

Kumpulan gejala yang berkaitan dengan sifat fisik, kimia, dan toksikologi
Kena mata : Tidak ada data khusus.
Penghirupan : Gejala-gejala gangguan kesehatan mungkin akan meliputi:
mual atau muntah
sakit kepala
rasa mengantuk/letih
tidak sadarkan diri
Kena kulit : Tidak ada data khusus.
Tertelan : Tidak ada data khusus.

Efek akut, tertunda dan kronik dari paparan jangka pendek dan jangka panjang
Pemaparan jangka pendek
Potensi efek-efek cepat : Tidak tersedia.
Potensi efek-efek : Tidak tersedia.
Pemaparan jangka panjang
Potensi efek-efek cepat : Tidak tersedia.
Potensi efek-efek : Tidak tersedia.
Berpotensi efek kesehatan yang kronis
Tidak tersedia.
Umum : Tidak diketahui efek signifikan atau bahaya kritis.
Karsinogenisitas : Tidak diketahui efek signifikan atau bahaya kritis.
Mutagenisitas : Tidak diketahui efek signifikan atau bahaya kritis.
Teratogenisitas : Tidak diketahui efek signifikan atau bahaya kritis.
Efek-efek perkembangan : Tidak diketahui efek signifikan atau bahaya kritis.
selama masa
Efek-efek kesuburan : Tidak diketahui efek signifikan atau bahaya kritis.

Ukuran numerik tingkat toksisitas

Perkiraan toksikitas akut
Rute Nilai ATE (Acute Toxicity Estimates (ATE)
= Perkiraan Toksikitas Akut)
Dermal 72552.61 mg/kg
Penghirupan (uap) 1319.14 mg/l

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12. Informasi Ekologi

Nama produk/bahan Hasil Spesies Pemaparan
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), Akut EC50 <10 mg/l Dafnia 48 jam
light arom.
Akut IC50 <10 mg/l Ganggang 72 jam
Akut LC50 <10 mg/l Ikan 96 jam
xylene Akut LC50 8500 µg/l Air laut Binatang air berkulit keras 48 jam
(Crustaceans) - Palaemonetes
Akut LC50 13400 µg/l Air tawar/segar Ikan - Pimephales promelas 96 jam
3-iodo-2-propynyl Akut EC50 0.022 mg/l Ganggang - Scenedesmus 72 jam
butylcarbamate (IPBC) subspicatus
Akut EC50 0.16 mg/l Binatang air berkulit keras 48 jam
(Crustaceans) - Daphnia magna
Akut LC50 0.067 mg/l Ikan - Oncorhynchus mykiss 96 jam
Kronis NOEC 70 ppb Air tawar/segar Ikan - Oncorhynchus mykiss - 96 jam
Juvenile (Fledgling, Hatchling,

Persistensi dan penguraian oleh lingkungan

Tidak tersedia.
Nama produk/bahan Waktu-paro akuatik Fotolisis Keteruraian-secara-
(lingkungan air) hayati
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), - - Tidak mudah
light arom.
xylene - - Mudah
3-iodo-2-propynyl - - Mudah
butylcarbamate (IPBC)

Potensi bioakumulasi
Nama produk/bahan LogPow BCF Potensial
Naphtha (petroleum), - 10 sampai dengan 2500 tinggi
hydrotreated heavy, (<0.1%
Solvent naphtha (petroleum), - 10 sampai dengan 2500 tinggi
light arom.
xylene 3.12 8.1 sampai dengan 25.9 rendah
2-butanone oxime 0.63 2.5 sampai dengan 5.8 rendah
2-ethylhexanoic acid, - 2.96 rendah
zirconium salt
calcium bis - 2.96 rendah

Mobilitas dalam tanah

Koefisien partisi tanah/air : Tidak tersedia.

Efek merugikan lainnya : Tidak diketahui efek signifikan atau bahaya kritis.

13. Pembuangan Limbah

Metode pembuangan : Pembentukan limbah harus dihindari atau diminimalisasikan bilamana
memungkinkan. Pembuangan produk ini, larutan dan produk sampingan harus
selalu sesuai dengan persyaratan perlindungan lingkungan dan ketentuan hukum
pembuangan limbah serta persyaratan dari otoritas lokal atau regional. Buang
kelebihan produk dan produk non-daur ulang melalui kontraktor pembuangan
limbah yang memiliki izin. Limbah tidak boleh dibuang kedalam saluran
pembuangan tanpa diolah kecuali memenuhi persyaratan dari pemerintah atau
departemen terkait. Limbah kemasan harus di daur ulang. Pembakaran atau

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13. Pembuangan Limbah

penimbunan (landfill) semestinya hanya dipertimbangkan jika daur ulang tidak
mungkin. Bahan ini dan wadahnya harus dibuang dengan cara yang aman. Harus
berhati-hati ketika menangani kontainer kosong yang belum dibersihkan atau dicuci.
Wadah kosong atau penyalut mungkin menyimpan sejumlah residu produk. Uap
dari sisa produk bisa menimbulkan atmosfir yang sangat mudah terbakar atau
mudah meledak di dalam kontainer. Jangat memotong, menelas atau menggerinda
kontainer bekas kecuali dalamnya sudah dibersihkan sepenuhnya. Jagalah agar
tumpahan bahan tidak menyebar, mengalir ke tanah, saluran air, parit dan selokan.

14. Informasi Transportasi

Nomor PBB UN1263 UN1263 UN1263

Nama pengapalan Paint Paint Paint

yang sesuai
berdasarkan PBB
Kelas bahaya 3 3 3

Kelompok III III III

Bahaya Tidak. Tidak. Tidak.
Informasi - Jadwal darurat F-E, S-E -
ADR / RID : Kode batas terowongan: (D/E)
Nomor identifikasi bahaya: 30
ADR/RID: Bahan kental. Tidak dibatasi, acuan bab (dapat dipakai untuk
tempat menyimpan dengan kapasitas < 450 liter)

IMDG : IMDG: Bahan kental. Pengangkutan dilakukan sesuai dengan paragraf
(dapat dipakai untuk tempat menyimpan dengan kapasitas < 450 liter).
Tindakan kehati-hatian : Transportasi di tempat/pabrik pengguna: Selalu diangkut dalam kontainer-
khusus bagi pengguna kontainer tertutup yang menghadap ke atas dan aman. Pastikan orang-orang yang
mengangkut produk ini mengetahui apa yang harus dilakukan jika terjadi
kecelakaan atau terdapat tumpahan.

15. Informasi yang Berkaitan dengan Regulasi

Regulasi tentang : Sejauh diketahui tidak ada peraturan nasional atau kedaerahan spesifik yang
lingkungan, kesehatan, dan berlaku untuk produk ini (termasuk bahan-bahan produk tersebut).
keamanan untuk produk

16. Informasi Lain

Sejarah / Riwayat
Tanggal pencetakan : 22.10.2021
Tanggal terbitan/Tanggal : 22.10.2021
Tanggal terbitan : 27.08.2019
Versi : 1.08

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16. Informasi Lain

Kunci singkatan : ATE = Perkiraan Toksikitas Akut
BCF = Factor Biokonsentrasi
GHS = Sistim Terpadu Global tentang Klasifikasi dan Pelabelan Kimia
IATA = Asosiasi Pengangkutan Udara Internasional
IBC = Wadah Besar Tingkat Menengah (Intermediate Bulk Container)
IMDG = Barang Berbahaya Bahari Internasional
LogPow = logaritma koefisien dinding pisah (partision) oktanol/air
MARPOL = Konvensi Internasional untuk Pencegahan Polusi Dari Kapal, Tahun
1973 dan dimodifikasi oleh Protokol tahun 1978. ("Marpol" = polusi laut)
UN = Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa
Referensi : Tidak tersedia.
Menandakan informasi yang sudah berubah dari versi yang dikeluarkan sebelumnya.
Pemberitahuan kepada pembaca
Sejauh pengetahuan kami, informasi yang tercantum di sini akurat. Namun, baik pemasok yang namanya
tersebut di atas, maupun anak-perusahaannya yang manapun, tidak dikenakan tanggung-jawab apapun
untuk keakurasian atau kelengkapan informasi yang dimuat di sini.
Penentuan kecokokan bahan apapun adalah tanggung-jawab pengguna sendiri. Semua bahan/zat mungkin
mengandung bahaya yang tidak diketahui dan harus digunakan dengan hati-hati. Walaupun ada beberapa
sumber bahaya yang didefiniskan di sini, kami tidak dapat menjamin tak ada bahaya lain.

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