Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Economics is a vital field of learning that continues to gain increasing recognition
in both the public and private sectors of the Nigerian society. As a discipline, it essentially
concerns the application of economic principles to the solution of agricultural production,
marketing and consumption problems. It deals with the management and allocation of scarce
productive resources to different agricultural enterprises and uses. Agricultural economics,
therefore, uses social science methodology to analyse agricultural problems. The philosophy of
the Master of Science Degree Programme in Agricultural Economics is to develop high level
manpower to pursue careers in academics and research.
The primary objective of the programme is to equip students with theoretical and practical tools
required to apply themselves usefully to the nation’s agricultural sector and the general
economy. Consequently, the students are exposed to research methodology, applied theory,
applied quantitative techniques, traditional agricultural economics areas like farm management,
production economics, agricultural finance, marketing, rural development and cooperatives.
Courses are offered to students pursuing their Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Doctor of
Philosophy (PhD) degree. The students are exposed to both the theoretical concepts and
field/research studies in general agriculture. Students should be able to apply their knowledge of
theories to agricultural production decisions.
Entry Requirements:
The following are eligible for admission:
For M.Sc.:
1. Graduates of Agriculture (B. Agric.) or related areas with a minimum of second class
lower degree.
2. Graduates of Agriculture (B. Agric.) or related areas with third class honours degree,
who obtained a minimum of credit in the Postgraduate Diploma programme in
Agricultural Economics of this University or other recognized university.
3. Holders of Higher National Diploma (HND) in Agriculture who obtained a minimum of
credit in the Postgraduate Diploma Programme in Agricultural Economics of this
University or other recognized University.
4. Graduates of other disciplines who obtain a minimum of credit in the Postgraduate
Diploma Programme in Agricultural Economics of this University or other recognized
5. Candidates are also expected to satisfy the university matriculation requirements.
For PhD:
(1) Master of Science (M.Sc.) holders in Agricultural Economics who score a GPA of 3.50
(A = 5.00) and above.
Course work and dissertation, where research and course work shall be equally emphasised.
MSc: (Full-time) - Four (4) semesters (minimum)
Six (6) semesters (maximum)
Employment prospects of agricultural economics graduates are vast and bright; covering almost
the entire sectors of the country’s economy. Our graduates have been and are still being
employed as Research Officers, Farm Managers, Planing Officers, Monitoring and Evaluation
Officers in both the private and public sectors of the economy. Some have gone into full-fledge
agricultural consultancy with encouraging results. In the Finance sub-sector, agricultural
economics graduates are employed as Credit Officers, Agricultural Finance experts and Project
Analyses in Commercial, Merchant and Development Banks. Many agribusiness enterprises are
also seeking the expertise of agricultural economics graduates in the areas of Sales promotion,
Product marketing, Farm Accounting and Project Formulation, Appraisal and Execution. Many
Agricultural Economics graduates have branched out as Accountants and Financial Analysts
and Managers. Thus, the opportunities for employment are very bright and will become even
brighter as Nigeria develops economically. Also, many post graduates are self employed.
Stress Areas
Applied Economic Theory 0
Quantitative Techniques 1
Farm Management & Production Economics 2
Agricultural Marketing & Agribusiness 3
Agricultural Cooperatives 4
Agricultural Finance & Project Analysis 5
Resource and Environmental Economics 6
Research in Agricultural Economics 7
Seminar 8
Dissertation/Thesis 9
1. Farm Management and Production Economics
2. Agricultural Marketing and Agribusiness
3. Agricultural Finance and Project Analysis
4. Agricultural Cooperatives
5. Resource and Environmental Economics
Sub-Total 26
Second Semester
AEC 602 Agricultural Development, Planning and Policy 3
AEC 604 Advanced Agricultural Economics Theory (Macro). 3
AEC 624 Advanced Farm Management 3
AEC 654 Agricultural Project Analysis 3
AEC 690 Dissertation 10
AEC 662 Environmental Economics 3
AEC 642
Cooperative Business Management 3 6
AEC 634
International Agricultural Trade and Policy 3
Sub-Total 28
Grand Total 54
Sub-Total 26
Second Semester
AEC 602 Agricultural Development, Planning and Policy 3
PGC 601 Advanced Agricultural Economics Theory (Macro). 3
AEC 632 Marketing Management for Agribusiness Firms 3
AEC 633 International Agricultural Trade and Policy 3
AEC 690 Dissertation 10
AEC 642 Cooperative Business Management 3
AEC 624 Advanced Farm Management 3 6
AEC 662 Environmental Economics 3
Sub-Total 28
Grand Total 54
Sub-Total 26
Second Semester
AEC 602 Agricultural Development, Planning and Policy 3
D) Agricultural Cooperatives
AEC 662 Environmental Economics 3
AEC 634 International Agricultural Trade and Policy 3 6
AEC 624 Advanced Farm Management 3
Sub- Total 28
Grand Total 54
Sub-Total 26
Second Semester
AEC 602 Agricultural Development, Planning and Policy 3
AEC 604 Advanced Agricultural Economics Theory (Macro). 3
AEC 653 Agro-industrial Project Analysis 3
AEC 662 Environmental Economics 3
AEC 690 Dissertation 10
AEC 624 Advanced Farm Management 3
AEC 642 Cooperative Business Management 3 6
AEC 634 International Agricultural Trade and Policy 3
Sub-Total 28
Grand Total 54
Common Courses
First Semester
AEC 701 Advanced Microeconomic Theory 3
AEC 705 Agricultural Policy Analysis 3
AEC 703 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory 3
AEC 771 Research Methodology 3
AEC 711 Advanced Quantitative Techniques in Agricultural Economics
PGC 701 Synopses and Grant Writing 3
AEC 781 Seminar 1 1 To be given any
time the student is
AEC 783 Seminar 2 1 ready
Sub-Total 20
Second Semester
Farm Management and Production Economics Option
Second Semester
Agricultural Finance and Project Analysis
Course No. Title Units
AEC 756 Advanced Agricultural Finance 3
AEC 754 Advanced Agricultural Project Analysis 3
AEC 752 Cost-Benefit Analysis 3
AEC 790 Thesis 16
Sub-Total 25
Grand Total 42
Second Semester
Agricultural Cooperatives
AEC 744 Advanced Agricultural Cooperatives 3
AEC 742 Cooperative Business Management 3
AEC 756 Advanced Agricultural Finance 3
AEC 790 Thesis 16
Second Semester
Resource and Environmental Economics
AEC 762 Advanced Land Economics 3
AEC 763 Advanced Environmental and Natural Resource Economics.
AEC 756 Advanced Cost-Benefit Analysis 3
AEC 790 Thesis 16
Sub-Total 25
Grand Total 42
(3 units)
AEC 633 – International Agricultural Trade and Policy
International Trade Theory; Tariff barriers to trade; Exchange rates; Economic integration,
Balance of international payments as they affect agriculture; ECOWAS; NEPAD; Case studies.
(3 units)
AEC 634 – Agricultural Price Analysis
Quantitative analysis of demand and supply of agricultural products; impact of elasticities, price
flexibilities, marketing margins, and price discrimination on agricultural commodities;
Government intervention in pricing farm products, Spatial price relationships; Price indices;
Case studies.
(3 units)
Identification of types and nature of grant and grant writing; mining of grants application calls
on the internet Determining appropriate strategy for each grant application. Study of various
grant application structures and contents and writing of concept notes, detailed project
description, budgeting and budget defense. Study of sample grant writings in various forms and
writing of mock research and other grants. Identification of University of Nigeria synopsis
structure and requirements (Introduction, Methodology and Results). Determining the contents
of each sub-unit of the synopsis. Steps in writing of synopsis from the Dissertation/Thesis
document. Structural and language issues. Common errors in synopsis writing and strategies for
avoiding them. The roles of the student and the supervisor in the production of a synopsis.
Writing of mock synopsis. All registered Ph.D students must attend a solution-based interactive
workshop to be organized by the School of Postgraduate Studies for a practical demonstration
and application of the knowledge acquired from the course conducted by selected experts.