1299 EC2153 Signed
1299 EC2153 Signed
1299 EC2153 Signed
Customer : GTN Engineering (India) Ltd Unit-II (PMS) TC No. : EC2153 Date : 20.12.2023
Invoice No.:DWIF/23-24/ Date :
P.O. No.: 4710048186-0 Line Item: 3 PO Date : 07.11.2023 Spec. Ref.: M25070 Rev. : F (Date:16.07.2021)
Die No. Description Part No. Condition Forging Qty Material Melting Practice
Drg. No. PSL Level Ratio Sr.No. Mill
1299-GTN VALVE 1 ULT150 F/UNION 3257105 Rev L Normalized, 8.30 : 1 100 Nos. AISI 4140 BF-EOF-LRF-VD-CCM
FMC SPEC M25070 Tempered, - JSW STEEL
Shot Blasted
Heat Code: OUR DU500001271 Rev C
Heat No :- C Mn Si S P Cr Mo V Ni Grain Size
F18157 0.40 0.87 0.20 0.010 0.018 1.04 0.22 0.001 0.02 7
Specn. Min. 0.38 0.75 0.15 - - 0.80 0.15 - - 6
Max. 0.43 1.00 0.35 0.025 0.025 1.10 0.25 0.30 1.00 -
Procedure :- Q00025 Rev S
Heat Treatment Furnace :- Continous Type Furnace (CHTF) Temperature Monitoring Method:- Side Thermocouples in the Working Zone ( Method A)
HT Load No. of N :- AG-984 HT Batch No. of Q&T:- AG-991 Qty :- 100 Nos.
Test Piece Heat Treatment :- Along with job QTC location:- Sacrificial QTC Size- Actual Part
Hot Working Normalising Time Hardening Time Quench Quench Bath Temp. 1st Temper Time
Ratio Temp. Hrs. Temp. Hrs. Media Start End Temp. Hrs.
QTC 8.30 : 1 900⁰C 3 Hrs 20 Min 870⁰C 3 Hrs 20 Min OIL 37°C 50°C 570°C 5 Hrs (Air Cool)
Forging 8.30 : 1 900⁰C 3 Hrs 20 Min 870⁰C 3 Hrs 20 Min OIL 37°C 50°C 570°C 5 Hrs (Air Cool)
Specn. Min. 870⁰C 840⁰C --- --- 540⁰C
Max. 925⁰C 900⁰C --- 80⁰C 700⁰C
QTC Test Specimen QTC Test UTS YS Elg RA Charpy Impact
Specimen Orientation Hardness Temp. 0.2 % Offset Test ( Charpy ) J
Location after H.T. ⁰C PSI PSI % % Temp. Requirement 1 2 3 Average
Enclosures: 1) Steel Mill TC 2) Hardness report 3) Testing Annexure 4) Lab Reports 5) HT Graphs 6) Dimensional Report
Note :- We hereby guarantee that no weld repairs have been performed.
. We hereby certify that the above figures are accurate and are contained in the records of the company
For heat treatment batch traceability, "AG-991" is stamped near the heat code.
Furnace calibration has been conducted in accordance with AMS 2750G and meets the specified requirements.
The material is free from radioactive and mercury contamination.
Furnace used for normalizing and austenitizing (CF3): Calibration is due on 22.02.2024.
Furnace used for tempering (CF4): Calibration is due on 24.02.2024.
The above material meets the requirements of ASTM A788/A788M-23.
Method of Forging : Closed Die Forging
Std Block Details: SH-0346/23 (Hardness value - 303.2 HBW) Calibrated On: 07.08.2023
Magnetic Particle Used : MG 410 Magnaflux Make Batch no: 23J19 Sep-23
Bath Medium : LTM 105 Carrier oil Batch no: VO9P1572 Sep-23
Surface Temp.
Surface Condition : As Shot Blasted 48°C Observed 25°C
Area to be examined : 100 % of accessible Surfaces
: 48 Gauss - Digital Hall Effect Probe Sr no:6050 Make: NDT Consultant (UK)
Observed Field Strength (Tangential)
Calibrated on: 11.07.2023 Due on:11.01.2024
Applied Current : Circular : 2640 AMP , Longitudinal : 3600 AMP Technique Sheet No. -
WIF/MT/78 Rev -01
Sensitivity ensured By : QQI - SHIMS CX-430 Date - 09.12.2023
: Within (± 3 Gauss) - Make: GNAT, DRFI Digital Gauss Meter Sr
Residual field ensured after Demagnetization
no:218001 Calibrated on:08.09.2023 Due on:08.03.2024
Result : No relevant linear or rounded indication observed.
0.5" below HT
L 311, 311 Ambient I-23-1016-P 1 149.40 132.29 19.49 59.33
QTC Test
Specimen Requirement Test Temp. NABL Lab Sample
Specimen 1 2 3 Average
Orientation (⁰C) Report No. No.
Avg. - 42 J Min
70 68 60 66.00
Single - 32 J Min
LE - 0.51 mm Min -29°C I-23-1017-P 0.88 0.86 0.80 0.85
%Shear - Report 65 65 60 63.33
Avg. - 27 J Min
56 58 66 60.00
Single - 20 J Min
LE - Report -40°C I-23-1018-P 0.78 0.80 0.85 0.81
I. Material
A. Material Type : AISI 4140
B. Material Spec/ Rev. : As per Spec no : M25070 Rev No. F (Date:16.07.2021)
C. Material Test Report No : Mill Heat No : F18157
II. Dimensional
A. AQL : AS PER QUALITY PLAN B. Sample Size : 20 Nos.
B. Process Name : QT
Heat Lot No. : AG-991 Process Spec : Q00025 Rev S
A. Process Name : MPI
Q00207 Rev E Clause
Certificate No : EC2153 Process Spec :
no: 5.0
B. Process Name : UT
Certificate No : NA Process Spec : NA
This is to certify that the subjected material is manufactured from the material mentioned above and
has been verified by us according to the specified sample size. The material has been found to conform
to the requirements.
For heat treatment batch traceability, "AG-991" is stamped near the heat code.
The above material meets the requirements of ASTM A788/A788M-23.
Method of Forging : Closed Die Forging
Sign with Stamp
Ajay Joshi (HEAD-MQC, HT & NDT)