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J. Inst. Eng. India Ser.

C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375



Surface Roughness Modeling and Prediction Based on Vibration

Signal Analysis and Machining Parameters in Milling
of Aluminum by Artificial Neural Network
Sabreen Abdallah Abdelwahab1

Received: 17 July 2022 / Accepted: 15 January 2023 / Published online: 9 February 2023
© The Institution of Engineers (India) 2023

Abstract For computer numerically controlled (CNC) sigmoid activation function. They are structured into three
machines to handle online monitoring and adjustment of layers, with the hidden one having eight or ten neurons. The
machining parameters (MPs) for optimum machining perfor- experimental and expected values were very close, and the
mance, and to achieve high productivity and improve surface proposed ANN models have a high correlation factor of
quality, online prediction of surface roughness (SR) must be R = 0.97–1 for the prediction of VS and SR values. The third
adopted by researchers as an important issue. Studying the ANN model gave better results in predicting SR. Hence, tak-
MPs’ effects on both vibration signal (VS) and SR for alu- ing the VS into account improves the capability of the ANN
minum alloy material (AA5083) in a CNC milling machine in predicting the SR.
and developing three models to predict VS and SR based on
the artificial neural network (ANN) technique is the aim of Keywords Vibration signal · ANN model · Surface
this work. The first ANN model was developed to predict roughness · Aluminum alloy (AA5083) milling · CNC
vibration frequency and amplitude based on MPs, feed rate machine · Sensor accelerometer
“f”, depth of cut “a”, and cutting speed “N”. The second
model of ANN was developed to predict SR using MPs as
well. The third model of ANN was developed to predict Introduction
SR using both the MPs and vibration frequency and ampli-
tude. The experiments involved fifteen test specimens. The Manufacturers need automation growth as a method to get
vibration measurement was performed in the cutting feed higher productivity and improve quality. Computer numeri-
direction using the sensor accelerometer that was fixed on cally controlled (CNC) machines have been employed in
the machine tool holder. The readings were recorded online totally automated machines throughout the earlier eras.
in the MATLAB program, and SR was measured offline. Cost, time, and precision are factors considered while
The results showed that the feed rate and depth of cut were selecting a manufacturing process. Dimensional accuracy,
the most significant elements that affected the VS, as the surface roughness, and surface performance are often the
VS increased as they increased. The minimum VS and SR three factors that determine surface precision [1]. Surface
values were obtained for the MPs’ combinations (N = 23 m/ quality contributes significantly to machining performance
min, a = 1.5 mm, and the feed rate values were f = 150, 200, because a well-machined part’s surface enhances corrosion
and 250 mm/min). The ANN models developed have a feed- resistance, fatigue strength, creep life [2], strength, and
forward architecture and supervised learning technique using wear [1]. The surface’s imperfections, particularly valleys
the algorithm of backpropagation Levenberg–Marquardt and and grooves, create stress concentrations that allow material
plastification and cracks to propagate [1].
The surface integrity concept, presented in the litera-
* Sabreen Abdallah Abdelwahab ture [3], can be characterized as a collection of differ-
ent surface-and subsurface-level characteristics of an
Production Technology Department, Faculty of Technology engineering surface that influence how well the surface
and Education, Helwan University, Cairo 11732, Egypt performs. Surface roughness, texture, profile, fatigue,

346 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375

corrosion, wear resistance, adhesion, and properties of

diffusion are a few of these characteristics. Other ser-
vice characteristics like optical attributes, absorptivity,
adsorption, bonding ability, emissivity, flatness, frictional
resistance, score strength, stain resistance, surface tem-
perature, surface tension, thermal emissivity, washabil-
ity, wettability, and biological and chemical properties
should be taken into account as well, when appropriate.
Geometrical parameters (such as surface finish, texture,
and bearing curve parameters), physical parameters (such
as micro-hardness, residual stresses, and microstructure),
chemical parameters (such as affinity oxidation, adsorp- Fig. 1  SR definition terminology, reproduced from [7]
tion, chemisorption, surface electrical polarization, and
surface chemical reactions), and biological parameters are
different types of surface integrity parameters (e.g., cell 1 L
proliferation and cell attachment). Ra = ∫ |Y(x)|dx, (1)
Surface roughness (SR) represents the main property
of surface integrity. SR influences numerous practical where L is the sampling interval and Y is the profile cur-
features, for example, the friction of surfaces induced by vature’s coordinate, and Ra is the sum of the absolute
contact, wear, light reflection, heat transfer, a lubricant’s contour height over the evaluation length, or the region in
capability to be distributed and held, fatigue resistance, or between the roughness contour and its mean line in l m,
coating. Henceforth, the targeted surface finish is stated which needs to be optimized [5, 8].
and a suitable processes are nominated to get the desired Regarding SR measurement technologies, there are four
quality [2]. types of measurement techniques to assess surface geom-
Numerous issues may influence the SR in a CNC mill- etry and texture: scanning probe microscopy, electronic-type
ing operation. The SR is the sum of the ideal SR result- measurement, optical-type measurement, visual-type meas-
ing from the geometry of the tool and feed rate (FR) “f”, urement, and tactile-type measurement. They are reviewed
and the natural SR resulting from the abnormalities in the in [3], which provides further details.
cutting process [4]. Additional factors that can affect SR Statistical methods and soft computing techniques were
are the machining parameters (MPs) (depth of cut (DC) used in the modeling and optimization of machining pro-
“a”, FR, cutting speed (CS) “N”, cooling fluid, process cesses. More specifically, the factorial design method, the
kinematics, step over, and tool angle), cutting tool proper- Taguchi method, response surface methodology, analysis of
ties (tool material, tool shape, nose radius, and run out), variance, grey relational analysis, statistical regression meth-
work piece properties (diameter, length, and hardness), ods, artificial neural networks (ANN), fuzzy logic, genetic
and cutting phenomena (friction, acceleration, chip for- algorithms (GA), ant colony optimization, expert systems,
mation, and cutting force variation) [5]. CS, FR, and DC particle swarm optimization, simulated annealing, various
can be tuned beforehand, while the tool and properties of swarm intelligence, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems,
the workpiece material are unadjustable [6]. SR prediction and Bayesian networks, which are reviewed for the improve-
methods should be developed for products before mill- ment of machining processes, where these methods have
ing to estimate the suitability of the MPs for achieving proven to be very powerful and reliable tools, especially in
the required SR and increasing the quality of the product. machining [9]. Intelligent machining was also introduced
These prediction techniques should be reliable, accurate, in [1], as various computational techniques are described,
non-destructive, and low-cost. such as ANN, fuzzy set theory, and neuro-fuzzy modeling.
The texture of a surface is the outline of the surface Moreover, various modeling techniques using the combina-
that diverges from a nominal reference. The divergence tion of fuzzy logic and GA to construct a model of a physical
could be recurring or unintended, and it could be brought process, including manufacturing processes, were presented
on by defects, roughness, and waviness [5]. So, the sum of in [10].
waviness, roughness, and fault form represents the true SR modeling, optimization, and prediction techniques are
surface shape. A well-known definition of SR is a sparse, categorized into three classes: analytical models, investiga-
irregular deviation on a scale under waviness. Figure 1 tional models, and models based on artificial intelligence
shows the standard terms and symbols for the SR [7]. In (AI). Analytical and experimental models are established by
machining, SR is usually stated mathematically using the means of traditional methods such as statistical regression
average deviation from the mean: techniques [2, 11], and linear regression models [12–15].

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375 347

Instead, models based on AI are developed using nontradi- variables and the parameters of the fuzzy rule base. Lo [24]
tional methods such as ANN [16–20], fuzzy logic, GA [21], considered the application of an adaptive FISs (ANFIS) to
and hybrid or mixed systems [22–25]. Researches [8, 20] forecast the workpiece SR afterward the milling operation.
introduce reviews of the several practices and techniques Two dissimilar membership functions, trapezoidal and tri-
that are being applied for the prediction of SR. angular, were assumed throughout the training operation of
ANN has been used in SR prediction in milling; Tsai ANFISs to correlate the accurateness of SR prediction by
et al. 1999 [26] offered a Ra surface recognition system for both networks. The triangular membership function gave a
end milling while processing. Many ANN structures were higher accuracy in prediction. Abdel Badie Sharkawy [31]
applied. The three MPs (DC, CS, and FR) and the aver- presented an end milling process SR model. Several intel-
age vibration per revolution were chosen as independent ligent networks have been used: radial basis functions neural
variables to guess the Ra. The ANN model showed a good networks (RBFNs), ANFISs, and genetic FIS. The three MPs
accuracy rate of 96–99% while predicting Ra in compari- have been utilized as inputs to model the SR with the highest
son to the statistical regression model results. Benardos and accuracy. Experimental data was used to train the networks.
Vosniakos [27] constructed a feed-forward ANN to predict It is determined that ANFIS has a local minima issue, and
Ra in a CNC milling process. Many features were chosen perfect optimality cannot be insured by Genetic FISs unless
as inputs: the three MPs, the cutting tool engagement, wear using appropriate parameters such as (number of genera-
of the machining tool, and machining forces. A (5 by 3 by tions, population size, etc.). The RBFN model gave the best
1) structured ANN can expect the SR with a mean-squared performance. Vallejo et al. [32] established an online SR
error of 1.86%. Topal [19] studied the estimation of SR forecast module for peripheral end milling. An ANN model
where a feed-forward ANN was used in the milling process using five MPs and one variable signal was developed. High
with three layers. It was trained using the backpropagation correlations with the SR in the workpiece were shown by the
method. The inputs are the three MPs and the step-over vibration signal (VS). Wu and Lei [5] examined the possibil-
ratio. The average predicted error was 0.04. Oktem et al. [23] ity of using the VS features measured and the MPs in the
suggested an ANN model in addition to the GA approach. milling operation to predict the SR of S45C steel. The VS’s
The error predicted was no more than 0.0534. Colak et al. features are taken out by the envelope investigation and sta-
[13] suggested a gene formula programming technique built tistical calculation, as kurtosis, root mean square, multi-scale
on MPs in CNC milling machines, but there was no quan- entropy, skewness, and frequency normalization. The MPs’
tification for error. Azlan Mohd Zain et al. [28] presented and the VS’s features were used to improve the accuracy of
an ANN model for SR prediction in the milling operation. SR prediction through the milling operation.
The toolbox of ANN in MATLAB is utilized. Feed-forward Built on the preceding studies [33–40], the capabilities of
backpropagation is the algorithm selected by learngdx, ANN for machining process modeling can address the next
traingdx, logsigm, and MSE, which are the learning, train- issues: ANN can deal with nonlinear modeling where the
ing, transfer functions, and performance, respectively. The input data is mapped to the output data. Compared to con-
(3 by 1 by 1) network structure gave the best ANN model ventional techniques, ANN has advantages such as speed,
for predicting the SR value. The layers’ and nodes’ numbers simplicity, and a high capacity for learning from available
in the layers of the ANN structure could be modified on data sets. It does not need much experimental data, and no
behalf of improvement. They suggested high CS with a low initial assumptions are needed. Experimental results’ behav-
FR and radial rake angle to get the best SR. Patel et al. [29] ior can be improved easily and in a small duration. The per-
decreased the SR through optimizing the numerous MPs of formance of the ANN prediction model can be enhanced
the milling operation. ANN has been implemented. SR was by using trial-and-error approaches and frequent training
influenced by FR, then CS, and finally DC. Chen et al. [30], simulations. Further, ANN has some limitations in machin-
a backpropagation ANN was suggested to predict the SR of ing operation modeling, such as experimental practices are
the workpiece. An analysis of variance was used to inves- essential in building a realistic network. It may be time-con-
tigate the effects of the three MPs and milling length. The suming and cost a lot. Training repeatability for an enhanced
mean square error gained through using the backpropagation model is not certain. Using the ANN, the greatest prediction
ANN is much smaller than that gained via the conventional model for SR can be reached by using a trial-and-error tech-
linear regression technique. nique with adjusting the ANN model structure. Furthermore,
Various neuro-fuzzy inference systems (FISs) have also the workpiece’s SR is attributed to both the MPs’ effect and
been applied to get the SR in machining processes. The the machine vibrations’ effect in the milling operation.
structure of the if–then rules was extracted via the obtainable Gaining a good surface finish is a vital issue in every
in–out data. With knowledge of fuzzy rules’ number and engineering part’s design and manufacturing. Consequently,
structure, ANN and GA’s optimization methods are applied measurement, characterization, and prediction of SR play an
to modify the shape of the membership function of the fuzzy important role in the assignment of machining performance.

348 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375

This work focuses on an experimental study of the effect of widely used and extensively researched supervised learning
MPs on VS and SR results in the aluminum alloy AA5083 training algorithm. The mean-squared error of the difference
end milling process and developing three ANN models for between the network outputs and the targets in the training
potential use in the online prediction of VS and SR in a CNC set is minimized using a gradient-descent approach [45]. The
milling machine. The first model will be developed to pre- basic steps for network training are completed by doing the fol-
dict the VS amplitude and frequency related to the selected lowing actions: calculations of the related output value using
MPs set. Another ANN model will be developed to predict the ANN after applying the input data. Find the incorrect value
the average SR value against the selected MPs values. The by comparing the output to the desired result. To change each
last ANN model will be developed to predict the average weight for error reduction, consider the changes and the ori-
SR value against the combination of the selected MPs set entation (positive or negative) of the weights. Determine the
and the VS amplitude and frequency. These ANN models new weights’ values. Apply the weight modifications. With
will represent an experimental guide for workers to select each training input–output data set, repeat the previous stages
optimum MPs of aluminum alloy AA5083 milling that guar- until the error is at a desirable level. The output of the layers
antee an optimum material removal rate without unwanted is passed through activation functions by the ANNs. These
vibrations and with a good surface finish. Milling experi- activation processes scale the ANN’s output into the appro-
ments are accomplished with different sets of machining priate ranges. The sigmoid function used for activation is the
conditions: CS, FR, DC, and with the use of a coolant. The standard option for the feed-forward layer:
results will be utilized in inferring the relationship between
the selected machining conditions and the measured VS and f (x)1 = , (2)
1 + e−x
SR during the milling process.
where x is the input value.
The classic neuron is composed of a linear activator and
Artificial Neural Network Modeling Technique a nonlinear constraining function. The linear activator func-
tion of the classic neuron produces the sums of the weighted
AI techniques such as ANN and fuzzy logic have been inputs together with an additional independent term known
widely used in the development of predictive models [41, as bias [47].
42]. ANNs are widely utilized in a variety of fields, con- The hidden layer employs a sigmoid-type transference
taining mathematics, economics, engineering, and medicine. function:
For different purposes, ANNs are used in data compression,
optimization, forecasting, pattern and voice recognition, 1
f (x)2 =

−b− wi xi )
, (3)
classification, and vision systems. Currently, ANNs are 1+e
capable of recognizing sophisticated problems that present
The last layer (output layer) utilizes a linear function:
a challenge to the old-style techniques [43, 44]. ANNs have
( n−1 )
been considered to resolve issues concerning missing or ∑
inaccurate data [45]. The benefits of ANNs are flexibility, Output = wi xi + bn , (4)
speed, and the ability to learn from examples as compared to i=0

classical methods. Hence, engineering work in these fields where xi is the input value number i, n the total number of
can be decreased. ANNs can deal with nonlinear problems input–output data sets, w the weight value, i the number of
and show robustness and fault tolerance, but they cannot input–output data set, and b the bias value.
deal with problems demanding great precision and exact-
ness, as in arithmetic and logic problems [44].
The ANN methodology simply allows a computer to simu- Experimental Work
late human brain neurons’ attitudes. It is commonly structured
into layers; each layer comprises a number of neurons. An Experimental Setup
ANN is trained by employing a set of input and output data.
During training, the model’s structure automatically adapts to Aluminum alloy (AA 5083) material has been selected
the data, and the resulting model can be used to make predic- for the end milling operations. Tables 1 and 2 contain
tions. The training method is clearly described as a process specific information on the AA 5083 alloy’s chemical
that involves controlling a network’s weights and biases in content and mechanical characteristics. The CNC milling
order to reduce the error of the chosen function between the machine used for the investigation is the Intelys C3000
desired and actual outputs [46]. Backpropagation is the most CNC milling machine, a three-axis, high-speed machine.
Machine mechanical and physical properties are attached

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375 349

Table 1  AA5083 alloy’s Mn Fe Cu Mg Si Zn Cr Ti Al

chemical composition [48]
0.40–1 0.40 0.10 4–4.90 0.40 0.25 0.05–0.25 0.15 Balance

Table 2  Mechanical properties of the AA5083 alloy [48] accelerometer was fixed to the tool holder. It was calibrated
Hardness Shear Elongation Tensile Proof stress
by employing a double-ended reference (comparison) accel-
Vickers strength strength erometer, which is a convenient way to conclude the sensi-
tivity and frequency response characteristics of indefinite
75 HV 175 MPa 23% 300 MPa 145 MPa displacement, velocity, and acceleration sensors. A vibra-
tion laboratory equipped with an electrodynamics shaker
and control system that can simply employ the reference
Table 3  Intelys C3000 physical and mechanical properties accelerometer to achieve in-house calibrations is used. The
Property Value
shaker detrain PCB was used to calibrate the accelerometer.
The data acquisition system used in the experiments was
Max chuck speed (r/min) 3000 the LMS Pimento instrument system. This was used in data
Min chuck speed (r/min) 100 acquisition and signal processing. The accelerometer data
Processor frequency (Hz) 2,000,000 was acquired as a time domain acceleration signal (measured
Max FR (mm/min) 700 raw signal) to be sent to the computer, with the measured
signal band width set to 0: 25 kHz and the sampling time set
to 0.00002 s. Table 4 summarizes the specifications of the
in Table 3. In Fig. 2, the experimental setup is displayed. data acquisition system. Measuring raw signals were trans-
The machining operations were performed using a high- formed into the frequency domain using fast Fourier trans-
speed steel end mill tool with a parallel shank, 4 flutes, form (FFT) in MATLAB software, and the vibration ampli-
a 6 mm diameter, and a 40 mm length. An emulsified tude and frequency were assigned. A schematic diagram of
coolant was used. the system is displayed in Fig. 3a, and the data acquisition
system is shown in Fig. 3b.
Vibration Measurement and Analysis Techniques
Experiments Plan
An accelerometer sensor was used in measuring the VS. The
accelerometer model is (333B32 Model Array), a ceramic The MPs proposed in this work to machine AA 5083 alu-
shear ­ICP® accelerometer with 100 mV/g, 0.5–3 kHz, and a minum alloy are selected and displayed in Table 5. Then,
10–32 side connector. Its operation is based on the deforma- in order to study the effect of MPs on VS and SR, different
tion of the sensing element, which results from the internal combinations of the selected cutting conditions are made to
force of the mass element due to its acceleration. This defor- find the effect of each parameter independently.
mation change leads to a change in the resistance of the ele- Five experiments have been performed at different surface
ment and hence the electric output of the accelerometer. The CSs to study the CS effect. These are 19, 21, 23, 25, and

Fig. 2  Experimental setup

350 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375

Table 4  Data acquisition system specifications Table 7  MPs combinations to study DC effect on VS and SR
Property Value Experiment no. Machining parameters’ combinations

Model Asp 424 N (m/min) f (mm/min) a (mm)

Number of input channel 4 6 23 250 0.7
Number of output channel 1 7 23 250 1
Interface to computer IEEE1394A Fire wire 8 23 250 1.5
Power DC power input 9 23 250 2
10 23 250 2.3

Table 5  The selected cutting conditions

Cutting condition Selected values Table 8  MPs combinations to study FR effect on VS and SR

CS (m/min) “N” 19, 21, 23, 25 and 27 Experiment no. Machining parameters’ combinations
FR (mm/min) “f” 150, 200, 250, 300 and 350 N (m/min) f (mm/min) a (mm)
DC(mm) “a” 0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.3
11 23 150 1.5
12 23 200 1.5
13 23 250 1.5
14 23 300 1.5
Table 6  MPs combinations to study CS effect on VS and SR
15 23 350 1.5
Experiment no. Machining parameters’ combinations
N (m/min) f (mm/min) a (mm)
Fif teen test specimens were prepared wit h
1 19 250 1.5 60 × 40 × 15 mm dimensions. A total of 125,000 reads per
2 21 250 1.5 sample were taken at each experiment for 25 s through 5
3 23 250 1.5 reading sections, where each reading section duration was
4 25 250 1.5 5 s. The recorded VSs during milling were analyzed and
5 27 250 1.5 studied in the frequency domain.
After the measurement of the VS for all test samples,
the SR (Ra; the surface roughness arithmetic mean) of
27 m/min, whereas keeping the FR and DC values constant each sample was measured offline by a mobile roughness
at f = 250 mm/min and a = 1.5 mm, as shown in Table 6. measurement device (model: Mitutoyo SJ-210) as shown
Moreover, to study the DC effect, an additional five experi- in Fig. 4. Three SR values, Ra, were taken for each sam-
ments have been performed at different DC values. These ple at different places. Then the average SR value was
are 0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.3 mm, while keeping the CS and calculated.
FR values constant at N = 23 m/min and f = 250 mm/min,
as presented in Table 7. Additionally, in order to study the
FR influence, another five experiments have been performed
at different FR values. These are 150, 200, 250, 300, and
350 mm/min while keeping the CS and DC values constant
at N = 23 m/min and a = 1.5 mm, as shown in Table 8.

Fig. 3  a Schematic diagram of

the experimental setup system,
and b Data acquisition system

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375 351

maximum six values of amplitude in both frequency and

time domains and their related time and frequency values for
the 15 experiments. X is the time, and Y is the amplitude in
the time domain. X1 and Y1 are the frequency and amplitude
values in the frequency domain. Adding to that, Figs. 20,
21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 show the relationship between the
VS amplitude and frequency and the different MPs’ com-
binations, while Figs. 26, 27 and 28 show the relationship
between the SR and the different MPs’ combinations.
Considering the CS effect, Figs. 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 express
the CS effect on VS. The highest signal amplitude values
ranged from 3200 decibels (dB) to 28,570 dB, and the
related frequency values were 50, 100, 200, and 300 Hz.
Fig. 4  Surface roughness measurement device The highest amplitude values were observed at frequen-
Results cies of 50 and 100 Hz. Excluding these frequency values,
steady machining was achieved throughout the frequency
With respect to MPs’ effects on VS and SR values, Figs. 5, range up to 25,000 Hz. The maximum amplitude value in
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 show the the time domain was 14.5 mm/s2 for experiment 5 (N = 27 m/
time-domain VSs in the cutting feed direction (raw signal), min, f = 250 mm/min, a = 1.5 mm). Figures 20 and 21 illus-
and the signal frequency analysis in the frequency domain trate the relationship between VS amplitude and frequency
for different MPs’ combinations. The highest vibration and the CS. In Fig. 20, the highest amplitude value is at
amplitudes in the cutting feed direction and their related N = 27 m/min, and the lowest value is at N = 25 m/min,
frequency values were assigned for interpretation. Table 9 while N = 19 and 23 m/min gave the mean amplitude val-
shows the average SR values related to different MPs’ com- ues. In Fig. 21, the highest frequency value is at N = 23 m/
binations in each experiment. And Table 10 illustrates the min and the lowest value is at N = 25 m/min. Further, the
highest SR value was Ra = 3.068 µm at N = 19 m/min and

Fig. 5  Raw signal and frequency analysis at (N = 19 m/min, f = 250 mm/min, and a = 1.5 mm), experiment 1

352 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375

Fig. 6  Raw signal and frequency analysis at N = 21 m/min, f = 250 mm/min and a = 1.5 mm, experiment 2

Fig. 7  Raw signal and frequency analysis at N = 23 m/min, f = 250 mm/min and a = 1.5 mm, experiment 3

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375 353

Fig. 8  Raw signal and frequency analysis at N = 25 m/min, f = 250 mm/min, and a = 1.5 mm, experiment 4

Fig. 9  Raw signal and frequency analysis at N = 27 m/min, f = 250 mm/min and a = 1.5 mm, experiment 5

354 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375

Fig. 10  Raw signal and frequency analysis at N = 23 m/min, f = 250 mm/min and a = 0.7 mm, experiment 6

Fig. 11  Raw signal and frequency analysis at N = 23 m/min, f = 250 mm/min and a = 1 mm, experiment 7

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375 355

Fig. 12  Raw signal and frequency analysis at N = 23 m/min, f = 250 mm/min and a = 1.5 mm, experiment 8

Fig. 13  Raw signal and frequency analysis at N = 23 m/min, f = 250 mm/min and a = 2 mm, experiment 9

356 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375

Fig. 14  Raw signal and frequency analysis at N = 23 m/min, f = 250 mm/min and a = 2.3 mm, experiment 10

Fig. 15  Raw signal and frequency analysis at N = 23 m/min, f = 150 mm/min and a = 1.5 mm, experiment 11

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375 357

Fig. 16  Raw signal and frequency analysis at N = 23 m/min, f = 200 mm/min and a = 1.5 mm, experiment 12

Fig. 17  Raw signal and frequency analysis at N = 23 m/min, f = 250 mm/min and a = 1.5 mm, experiment 13

358 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375

Fig. 18  Raw signal and frequency analysis at N = 23 m/min, f = 300 mm/min and a = 1.5 mm, experiment 14

Fig. 19  Raw signal and frequency analysis at N = 23 m/min, f = 350 mm/min and a = 1.5 mm, experiment 15

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375 359

Table 9  Average surface roughness measurements frequency and the FR. In Fig. 24, the amplitude values at
Experiment MPs Average surface
f = 150, 200, and 250 mm/min are much lower than the values
no. roughness value at f = 300 and 350 mm/min. In Fig. 25, at f = 300 and 350, the
N (m/min) f (mm/min) a (mm) Ra (µm) lower frequency values appeared (50–100 and 200 Hz), while
other f values gave frequency values from 500 to 1300 Hz. The
1 19 250 1.5 3.068
highest SR value was Ra = 3.120 µm at f = 350 mm/min, and
2 21 250 1.5 1.619
the minimum value was Ra = 1.047 µm at f = 150 mm/min, as
3 23 250 1.5 2.132
shown in Fig. 28.
4 25 250 1.5 3.042
Generally, the minimum VS amplitude values in both
5 27 250 1.5 2.663
frequency and time domains were obtained at MPs’ com-
6 23 250 0.7 1.317
binations related to experiments 11, 12, and 13. In these
7 23 250 1 2.483
experiments, both N and a were kept at the values N = 23 m/
8 23 250 1.5 2.093
min, and a = 1.5 mm, and the FR values were 150, 200, or
9 23 250 2 2.028
250 mm/min. These MPs’ combinations resulted in the mini-
10 23 250 2.3 2.430
mum SR values as well. Ra = 1.047 µm, and Ra = 1.229 µm
11 23 150 1.5 1.047
which are related to experiments 11 and 12, while the MPs
12 23 200 1.5 1.229
related to experiment 13 resulted in a mean SR value of
13 23 250 1.5 2.710
Ra = 2.710 µm, as explained in Table 9.
14 23 300 1.5 2.391
While the maximum VS amplitude values were obtained
15 23 350 1.5 3.120
for MPs’ combinations of (N = 23 m/min, f = 250 mm/min,
and a = 2.3 mm), and (N = 23 m/min, f = 350 mm/min,
and a = 1.5 mm). The first MPs’ combination was related
the minimum value was Ra = 1.619 µm at N = 21 m/min, as to experiment 10, where N and f were kept at their values
shown in Fig. 26. (N = 23 m/min and f = 250 mm/min), and the DC was at the
As for the DC effect, Figs. 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 express highest proposed value a = 2.3 mm. The second MPs com-
the DC effect on VS. The highest values of amplitude ranged bination was related to experiment 15, where N and a were
from 5859 to 43,940 dB, and the related frequency values kept at their values (N = 23 m/min, and a = 2.3 mm), and the
were 50, 100, and 200 Hz. Apart from these frequency FR was at the highest proposed value f = 350 mm/min. Fur-
values, steady machining was achieved throughout the fre- ther, the maximum SR value (Ra = 3.120 µm) was obtained
quency range up to 25,000 Hz. The maximum amplitude at the MPs’ combination of experiment 15 (N = 23 m/min,
values in the time domain were 13.5 mm/s2 for a = 0.7, 1, f = 350 mm/min, and a = 1.5 mm), which was related to the
1.5, and 2 mm (experiments 6, 7, 8, and 9), then increased maximum VS values. Experiment 10 resulted in a mean
to 21.68 mm/s2at a = 2.3 mm (experiment 10). Figures 22 SR value (Ra = 2.430 µm), which was related to maximum
and 23 illustrate the relationship between VS amplitude and VS values too. Furthermore, experiments 1, 4, 7, and 13
frequency and the DC. In Fig. 22, the highest value of the had high SR values, with Ra = 3.068 m, Ra = 3.042 m,
amplitude is at a = 2.3 mm. In Fig. 23, all the DC values Ra = 2.483 m, and Ra = 2.710 m, respectively.
gave a frequency range from 50 to 100 to 200 Hz. As shown
in Fig. 27, the maximum SR value was Ra = 2.4838 µm at
a = 1 ~ 2.3 mm, and the minimum value was Ra = 1.317 µm Discussion
at a = 0.7 mm.
However, for the FR effect, Figs. 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 SR measurement, characterization, and online prediction
express the FR effect on the VS. The high amplitude values present a vital role in the enhancement of machining per-
range from 584 to 41,000 dB, and the related frequency values formance and the increase of machine automation. In order
start from 50 Hz up to 1187 Hz. The highest amplitude val- to ensure a machining process free of unwanted vibrations
ues appeared at 50, 100, and 150 Hz frequencies. By exclud- and with a good surface finish, this work focuses on an
ing these frequency values, steady machining was achieved experimental investigation of the MPs’ influence on VS and
throughout the frequency range up to 25,000 Hz. The maxi- SR in the aluminum alloy AA5083 end milling operation.
mum amplitude values in the time domain were 0.7767 mm/s2 It also develops three ANN models for potential use in the
and 0.7056 mm/s2 for f = 150 and 200 mm/min, respectively, online prediction of SR in a CNC milling machine. Differ-
2.787 mm/s2 for f = 250 mm/min, 13.14 mm/s2 for f = 300 mm/ ent combination sets of the MPs (CS, DC, and FR) were
min, and 21.67 mm/s2 for f = 350 mm/min, while N and a were used to assess each cutting parameter’s effect individually
kept constant at values (N = 27 m/min, a = 1.5 mm). Figures 24 on both the VS and SR. The results showed a significant
and 25 illustrate the relationship between VS amplitude and

360 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375

Table 10  Maximum amplitude Experiment Property Maximum amplitude values in both time and frequency domains and
values in both time and no. its related time and frequency values
frequency domains and their
related time and frequency 1 X [time] 12.06 12.39 12.55 12.63 12.71 12.99
Y [Amplitude] 14.18 13.47 13.89 13.38 13.59 13.25
X1 [frequency] 100 100.6 50 100.8 99.2 94.19
Y1 [Amplitude] 3206 13,240 11,140 7866 7778 7404
2 X [time] 12.12 12.30 12.48 12.68 12.84 12.96
Y [Amplitude] 12.72 12.63 13.03 12.75 12.60 11.71
X1 [frequency] 100 100.6 101 50 200 100.6
Y1 [Amplitude] 27,360 15,150 7542 6129 3435 15,400
3 X [time] 12.18 12.26 12.49 12.86 12.92 12.98
Y [Amplitude] 13.77 13.36 13.82 12.67 13.63 12.32
X1 [frequency] 100 100.7 50 200 50.26 300
Y1 [Amplitude] 28,740 12,000 7749 4640 5856 3678
4 X [time] 12.08 12.22 12.54 12.72 12.84 12.96
Y [Amplitude] 13.43 13.75 13.84 12.55 13.66 12.61
X1 [frequency] 100 100.8 50 50.51 100.9 50.22
Y1 [Amplitude] 29,650 11,400 10,610 5722 9405 8505
5 X [time] 12.1 12.38 12.50 12.58 12.84 12.96
Y [Amplitude] 14.11 14.14 13.75 14.57 12.98 12.44
X1 [frequency] 100 100.7 101 100.9 50 50.29
Y1 [Amplitude] 28,570 15,010 8689 5100 10,860 8139
6 X [time] 12 12.2 12.46 12.70 12.98 12.70
Y [Amplitude] 13.18 13.47 13.62 12.53 12.72 12.53
X1 [frequency] 100 50 100.82 100.85 100.88 100.85
Y1 [Amplitude] 28,830 9575 8337 8077 7015 8077
7 X [time] 12.21 12.37 12.53 12.77 12.83 12.93
Y [Amplitude] 13.77 13 13.19 12.84 12.60 13.68
X1 [frequency] 100 100.7 50 100.8 200 50.4
Y1 [Amplitude] 28,850 11,340 9186 6422 4642 5324
8 X [time] 12.16 12.26 12.43 12.7 12.82 12.98
Y [Amplitude] 13.5 12.44 12.52 12.65 12.88 12.54
X1 [frequency] 100 99.33 50 99.17 100.8 50.36
Y1 [Amplitude] 26,480 10,970 8805 7260 7787 5859
9 X [time] 12.17 12.22 12.42 12.48 12.68 12.76
Y [Amplitude] 13.69 12.32 12.42 12.3 12.84 12.45
X1 [frequency] 100 50 100.9 100.8 49.66 50.4
Y1 [Amplitude] 25,240 9068 7324 8180 6214 5699
10 X [time] 12.09 12.23 12.39 12.56 12.86 12.98
Y [Amplitude] 21.06 21.27 21.31 21.59 21.6 20.68
X1 [frequency] 50 49.5 50.67 100 50.66 50.89
Y1 [Amplitude] 29,420 15,880 10,740 42,800 11,000 43,940
11 X [time] 12.18 12.52 12.83 12.87 12.48 13
Y [Amplitude] 0.6655 0.7205 0.6087 0.7767 0.5364 0.7265
X1 [frequency] 822 1055 616 1187 1040 791
Y1 [Amplitude] 1145 1078 856 629 672 629
12 X [time] 12.05 12.14 12.33 12.66 12.79 12.95
Y [Amplitude] 0.6781 0.6662 0.7056 0.6457 0.6323 0.6218
X1 [frequency] 822 616 791 1055 1187 511
Y1 [Amplitude] 1346 1077 1069 942 786 584

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375 361

Table 10  (continued) Experiment Property Maximum amplitude values in both time and frequency domains and
no. its related time and frequency values

13 X [time] 12.12 12.16 12.24 12.48 12.53 12.66

Y [Amplitude] 2.795 2.349 2.471 2.26 2.787 2.766
X1 [frequency] 412 504 823 206 490 642
Y1 [Amplitude] 5482 4794 4463 3684 2502 2472
14 X [time] 12.09 12.33 12.45 12.55 12.61 12.94
Y [Amplitude] 11.76 12.2 12.28 12.26 12.51 13.14
X1 [frequency] 100 50 100.7 200 51 300
Y1 [Amplitude] 26,180 9313 8463 4701 4065 3786
15 X [time] 12.06 12.24 12.5 12.66 12.88 12.94
Y [Amplitude] 20.52 21.67 21.66 21.01 20.45 21.14
X1 [frequency] 50 50.47 50.64 100 100.5 150
Y1 [Amplitude] 27,200 15,880 10,930 41,000 22,030 19,730

Fig. 20  Relation between 16 19 m/min

CS and vibration amplitude.
Vibration amplitude (mm/sec2)

15.5 21 m/min
a = 1.5 mm, f = 250 mm/min,
N = 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 (m/min) 15 23 m/min
14.5 25 m/min
14 27 m/min
12 12.2 12.4 12.6 12.8 13 13.2
time (sec)
a = 1.5 mm, f = 250 mm/min, N = 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 (m/min)

Fig. 21  Relation between 350

CS and vibration frequency. 19 m/min
a = 1.5 mm, f = 250 mm/min, 300
N = 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 (m/min) 21 m/min
Vibration Frequency (HZ)

250 23 m/min
200 25 m/min
27 m/min



12 12.2 12.4 12.6 12.8 13 13.2
Time (Sec)
a = 1.5 mm, f = 250 mm/min, N = 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 (m/min)

relationship between both VS and SR, and the FR, then the and 5). Further, SR values were high and nearly the same
DC, and finally the CS. throughout the proposed range of CSs and experienced a
Increasing the CS while keeping the FR and DC constant slight decrease in experiment 5. The high VS and SR values
at the selected mean values kept the VS amplitude values may refer to the mean selected values for FR and DC used
high through the proposed range (experiments 1, 2, 3, 4, in these experiments (the interaction effect of the MPs).

362 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375

Fig. 22  Relation between 23

DC and vibration amplitude. 22.5 0.7 mm
N = 23 m/min, f = 250 mm/min, 21.5
1 mm
a = 0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.3 (mm) 20.5

Vibraon amplitude (mm/sec2)

20 1.5 mm
19 2 mm
17.5 2.3 mm
11.8 12 12.2 12.4 12.6 12.8 13 13.2
Time (Sec)
N = 23m/min, f = 250 mm/min, a = 0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.3 (mm)

Fig. 23  Relation between 250

DC and vibration frequency. 0.7 mm
N = 23 m/min, f = 250 mm/min, 1 mm
a = 0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.3 (mm) 200
1.5 mm
Vibration Frequncy (HZ)

2 mm
2.3 mm



11.8 12 12.2 12.4 12.6 12.8 13 13.2
Time (Sec)
N = 23m/min, f = 250 mm/min, a = 0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.3 (mm)

Fig. 24  Relation between 25

FR and vibration amplitude. 150mm/min
Vibraon amplitude (mm/sec2)

N = 23 m/min, a = 1.5 mm, 200 mm/min

F = 150, 200, 250, 300, 350
(mm/min) 250 mm/min
15 300 mm/min
350 mm/min

12 12.2 12.4 12.6 12.8 13 13.2
Time (SEC)

N = 23m/min, a= 1.5 mm, F = 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 (mm/min)

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375 363

Fig. 25  Relation between 1400

FR and vibration frequency. 150 mm/min
N = 23 m/min, a = 1.5 mm, 1200

Vibraon Frequency (HZ)

F = 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 200 mm/min
(mm/min) 250 mm/min
300 mm/min
350 mm/min


12 12.2 12.4 12.6 12.8 13 13.2
Time (Sec)
N = 23m/min, a= 1.5 mm, F = 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 (mm/min)

Fig. 26  Effect of CS on 3.5

surface roughness. a = 1.5 mm,
f = 250 mm/min, N = 19, 21, 23, 3
Surface Roughness Ra (µm)

25, 27 m/min 2.5



18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Cutting speed N (m/min)

a = 1.5 mm, f = 250 mm/min, N = 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 m/min

Fig. 27  Effect of DC on surface 3

roughness. N = 23 m/min,
f = 250 mm/min, a = 0.7, 1, 1.5,
Surface Roughness Ra (µm)

2, 2.3 mm


0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5
Depth of cut (mm)

N = 23 m/min, f = 250 mm/min, a = 0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.3 mm

As seen in experiments 6 through 10, the increase in the values, as in experiments 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. The mini-
DC had a substantial influence on the VS amplitude values mum FR values associated with experiments 11, 12, and 13
and SR values. Increasing DC while keeping FR and CS at yielded the minimum VS amplitude in the time domain and
mean values resulted in a continuous increase in VS and SR frequency domain values as well as the minimum SR values.
until they reached their maximum values when DC was at While the maximum VS amplitude values and SR values
its maximum value. In addition, increasing the FR values were obtained in experiments 10 and 15, the DC and FR
had a significant effect on the VS amplitude values and SR were at their highest proposed values. Hence, both FR and

364 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375

Fig. 28  Effect of FR on surface 3.5

roughness. N = 23 m/min,

Surface Roughness Ra (µm)

a = 1.5 mm, f = 150, 200, 250, 3
300, 350 mm/min 2.5


125 175 225 275 325 375
Feed rate (mm/min)

DC had a more substantial influence on VS and SR values cutting condition on SR using multiple linear regression.
than spindle CS in the proposed range, as changing each He indicated that CS, followed by FR, and then the interac-
one of them though keeping the other two MPs constant led tion of both CS and FR had a substantial influence on SR.
to a significant change in VS values and SR values. In gen- Whereas the DC, the interaction of both CS/DC and FR/DC,
eral, the rise in DC and FR results in a rise in VS amplitude had no substantial influence on SR. The disagreement could
values and SR values, while the increase in CS led to an be due to a change in material, the machining operation used
increase in VS amplitude values and a decrease in SR values. (turning and milling are different), or the interaction effect of
This is similar to what has been found in previous inves- the MPs. Davim and Figueira in the literature [51] compared
tigations presented by numerous researchers: using a mul- the machining forces, SR, and tool wear of traditional and
tiple regression model, Lou et al. estimated the SR in alu- wiper ceramic tools when turning AISI D2 steel. They came
minum 6061 milling with a four flute high-speed steel cutter to the conclusion that FR had the greatest statistical impact
tool in [2]. They claimed that by using CS, FR, DC, and on SR and that SR grows with cutting time and primarily
their interactions, the SR is accurately expected. The FR with FR. For this range of MPs, the relationship of SR with
was the highest important MP for SR prediction. Response CS is unclear. In the researches [52], Ibraheem et al. used
surface modeling was used by Arokiadass et al. in [11] to ANN to forecast tool wear for cold-drawn plain carbon steel
study SR in the milling of Al/SiCp metal matrix compos- turning with a square carbide insert tool (grade P25). They
ites by carbide-based tool. They found that the SR will claimed that the VS amplitude was significantly affected by
significantly decrease with the increase in CS, and the SR the DC and tool wear. The VS amplitude increases some-
will increase with the FR increase. A slight increase in SR what as the DC increases, and the vibration frequency is not
resulted from increasing the DC. High CS, low DC, and significantly affected by the change in DC. As CS rises, VS
low FR will achieve the best SR. In the literature [49], Ravi amplitude rises as well. The VS frequency changes are not
kumar D. Patel et al. predicted the SR in the CNC milling influenced by the state of the flank wear or the cutting condi-
of Aluminum using HSS CNC milling cutters and modi- tions, but rather by the tool holder’s natural frequency, and
fied the MPs using ANN. They found that the SR is influ- the FR has a negligible impact on the VS amplitude. When
enced mostly by the FR, then the CS, and lastly the DC. This turning free machining steel using a carbide tool, Gaitonde
arrangement of parameter significance disagrees with this et al. [53] used the Taguchi technique and utility concepts
study (FR, then DC, and lastly CS). This can be referred to to enhance the MPs with the goal of minimizing SR and
the different Aluminum material alloys used, the different maximizing the metal removal rate. According to their find-
cutting tool used, or the different cutting conditions range ings, CS and DC are the two MPs that have the most impact
used, or taking all parameters interaction into consideration on the optimization of multiple performance criteria. And
by them. in order to concurrently reduce SR and increase the material
Other researchers reported further notes while turning removal rate, a group of greater levels of CS, DC, and FR at
different steel alloys; for the steel 9SMnPb28K (DIN) turn- the middle level is essential. However, the SR rises with a
ing utilizing carbide inserts TPUN 160,308 P10 (ISO), rise in FR, as the SR is proportionate to the FR square. The
Davin in the investigations [50] examined the influence of

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375 365

disagreement may come up from studying the optimization

of multiple criteria and cutting parameter interactions.
There are some limitations to this study, such as, it con-
centrated on Aluminum AA5083 alloy end milling, and a
proposed range of MPs was used. Experimental measure-
ments were applied in the feed direction only. The machining
operation used in the experiments is milling only. The study
also concentrated on the SR performance criteria based on
MPs and VS measurements. The effect of each parameter
was studied individually, keeping the other two parameters
constant at mean values. Parameter interactions were not
studied in depth. Optimization of multiple criteria was not
taken into account.
The implication and significance of the study are that
although many investigations have been done to predict SR
based on MPs, a small number of investigations have taken
VS into account. Hence, SR could be predicted based on
the MPs and VS measurements and save a lot of effort to get
a good surface finish without unwanted vibration and with
good machining criteria. Fig. 29  Structure diagram of: a The first ANN model (vibration sig-
nal), b The second ANN model (SR), c The third ANN model (SR)

Development and Validation of ANN Models

of Vibration Signal Measurement and Surface The measured data are separated into three groups: the
Roughness training data set (70%), the validation data set (15%), and
the testing data set (15%). All the training set of data is
In this research, three models of ANN were established to introduced to the ANN for learning, and the weights are
properly infer VS level and SR related to MPs’ conditions updated after each epoch of the presentation of the data. In
during milling operations and led to stable machining and general, the training does not stop until a training error is
good surface quality. The first ANN model was developed reached or a certain number of iterations are finished. The
and optimized with the CS, FR, and DC as inputs and the network performance evaluation is carried out at this step by
frequency and amplitude of the VS as outputs. The second the comparison between the expected outputs related to the
ANN model was developed with the CS, FR, and DC as presented inputs with the experimentally measured values.
inputs and the SR value as the output. The third ANN model The network performance has been tested irregularly,
was established with the CS, FR, and DC, the frequency and at one thousand iterations, against the testing set. When
amplitude of VS as inputs, and the SR value as the output. generalization stops improving, the training automatically
ANN models were established and trained by applying the ends, as demonstrated by an increase in the validation data
MATLAB 2018a software package, with a feed-forward mean-squared error. Numerous architectures of ANN have
architecture and the supervised learning technique of the been checked to get the best performance. In the different
backpropagation Levenberg Marquardt algorithm, with a training runs, initial weights were taken as random numbers
sigmoid activation function. Three layers; input, output, ranging from − 1 to + 1. The training took place on a PC for
and hidden were proposed, with 8 (in the first ANN model) several minutes.
or 10 (in the second and third ANN models) neurons in the Figure 30 shows the ANN training using the nntrain tool
hidden layers. Figure 29a–c shows the structure diagrams in the three developed ANN models. In Fig. 31, the ANNs
of the ANN models proposed to predict VS, SR (when the regression for training, validating, and testing the model
MPs are used as inputs), and SR (when the MPs, vibration is illustrated. The solid line denotes the ideal fit, whereas
frequency, and amplitude are used as inputs). the broken line denotes the best line fit (output equals tar-
gets). Because the experimental and predicted values are so

366 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375

Fig. 30  ANN training: a The first ANN model (vibration signal), b The second ANN model (SR), c The third ANN model (SR)

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375 367

Fig. 31  Regression plot: a The

first ANN model (vibration
signal), b The second ANN
model (SR), c The third ANN
model (SR)

368 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375

Fig. 31  (continued)

similar, the suggested ANN models have a strong correlation and frequency) from experiments 1–15. The trained results
factor for VS and SR prediction. are close to the measured results in the three ANN models.
The performance plot is presented in Fig. 32 for the The results of the training show that the ANN is capa-
training, validation, and test sets, expressed in terms of ble of reproducing the experimental data with acceptable
mean-squared error and shown on a log scale. The first accuracy. The third ANN presented better results than the
ANN model reached its best performance of 0.27433 at 726 second ANN, indicating that using the VS in combination
epochs. While the second ANN model reached 0.018899 at 6 with the MPs enhances the modeling and prediction of
epochs, the third ANN model reached 0.018487 at 9 epochs. SR using ANN.
The developed ANN models are validated and tested, Similar observations were reported by different research-
and the results are displayed in Figs. 33, 34, 35 and 36. ers; in the literature [32], Antonio Vallejo used ANN to
The measured data is compared to the output data of the forecast the SR in peripheral milling; all ANN architectures
trained ANNs for the same inputs. Figures 33 and 34 show had extremely low prediction errors and good performance
the measured vibration amplitude and frequency compared when it came to machining various aluminum alloys and
to the output vibration amplitude and frequency of the cutting tools. The wiper ceramic and traditional inserts in
trained first ANN to the same inputs (MPs’ combinations) the turning of AISI D2 cold-worked steel through ANN were
from experiments 1–15. Figure 35 shows the measured compared by Vinayak Gaitonde et al. [54]. It was shown
SR compared to the ANN output SR of the trained sec- that ANN models can be used to evaluate the performance
ond ANN for the same inputs (MPs’ combinations) from of both ceramic inserts in terms of machinability and to
experiments 1–15. Figure 36 shows the measured SR com- analyze the effects of cutting conditions effectively. In the
pared to the output SR of the trained third ANN for the researches [28], Azlan Mohd Zain et al. predicted the SR of
same inputs (MPs’ combinations and vibration amplitude the Ti-6A1-4 V alloy in end milling machining using ANN.

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375 369

Fig. 32  Performance plot: a The first ANN model (vibration signal), b The second ANN model (SR), c The third ANN model (SR)

They concluded that the SR model could be enhanced by steel during the milling process. They discovered that the
changing the layers and nodes’ numbers in the hidden lay- vibration performance throughout the milling operation, in
ers, which carried out an accurate performance evaluation addition to the MPs, has an impact on the SR. As a result,
by small training data samples. In the literature [31], Abdel the characteristics of VS are used to improve the accuracy
Badie Sharkawy used three different forms of artificial net- of SR predictions.
works to estimate the SR of end milling aluminum 6061
alloy. It has been determined that the radial basis function
network model provides the highest prediction accuracy.
Monitoring tool wear by investigating the tool’s vibration Conclusions
amplitude was carried out using a multilayer ANN system
created by Ibraheem et al. [52]. The number of iterations, the The vibration signal and surface roughness of AA5083
error level, the learning rate, and the momentum parameter alloy end milling were studied using 15 experiments under
of several ANN topologies have been tested. The training the proposed machining parameters’ combinations. The
results demonstrate that the ANN can satisfactorily rep- influence of each machining parameter on both vibration
licate the experimental data. In the literature [5], Wu and signal values and surface roughness were studied sepa-
Lei used VS analysis and ANN to forecast the SR of S45C rately, whereas the other parameters were kept constant at a

370 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375

Fig. 33  Measured and trained 1

results of vibration amplitude Measured Amplitude
using the first ANN model: a In Trained Amplitude

experiments 1–5, b In experi-
ments 6–10, c In experiments 0.7
11–15 0.6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Measured Amplitude
Trained Amplitude

5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Measured Amplitude
0.7 Trained Amplitude

10 11 12 13 14 15 16


selected value. Artificial neural network technique is used rise in depth of cut and feed rate, and get lower with the rise
in the modeling and prediction of both surface roughness in cutting speed. Both feed rate and depth of cut had a more
and vibration signal. substantial influence on vibration values and surface rough-
The findings support that the rise in cutting speed, depth ness values than cutting speed.
of cut, and feed rate led to a rise in vibration signal level Cutting Parameters’ combinations related to minimum
values. Also, surface roughness values get higher with the and maximum vibration levels and surface roughness were

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375 371

Fig. 34  Measured and trained 3500

results of vibration frequency Measured Frequency
using the first ANN model: a In Trained Frequency
experiments 1–5, b In experi- 2500

ments 6–10, c In experiments
11–15 2000




0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Measured Frequency
2500 Trained Frequency





5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Measured Frequency
2500 Trained Frequency





10 11 12 13 14 15 16


assigned. The cutting parameters that result in low vibra- parameter combinations (N = 23 m/min, f = 350 mm/min,
tion levels are a cutting speed of 23 m/min, depth of cut and a = 1.5 mm), which was related to the maximum vibra-
of 1.5 mm, and feed rate values of 150, 200, or 250 mm/ tion values.
min, which lead to a low surface roughness of 1.047 µm. Three artificial neural networks with one hidden layer
While the maximum vibration values were obtained at that consists of eight or ten neurons were successfully
(N = 23 m/min, f = 250 mm/min, and a = 2.3 mm) and used to predict the vibration signal and surface roughness.
(N = 23 m/min, f = 350 mm/min, and a = 1.5 mm) machin- The artificial neural network models showed a reason-
ing parameter combinations, the maximum surface able agreement with the experimental results. Vibration
roughness value (Ra = 3.120 µm) was obtained at cutting levels and surface roughness can be controlled using the

372 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375

Fig. 35  Measured and trained 4 Measured Surface Roughness


results of SR using the second 3.5 Trained Surface Roughness
ANN model: a In experiments
1–5, b In experiments 6–10, c
In experiments 11–15 2.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Measured Surface Roughness

3 Trained Surface Roughness

5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Measured Surface Roughness

Trained Surface Roughness



10 11 12 13 14 15 16

developed artificial neural network models that represent different neural network types, such as adaptive neuro-fuzzy
a guide for operators in selecting the proper cutting speed, inference systems, genetic-based fuzzy inference systems,
feed rate, and depth of cut that guarantees stable cutting radial basis neural networks, or other artificial intelligence
with acceptable surface quality. Taking the vibration sig- techniques could be used in surface roughness and vibration
nal into account enhances the ability of the artificial neural level model prediction. The developed models may be used
network to infer the surface roughness for different cutting to build an adaptive control system for online monitoring,
conditions. prediction, and control of both surface roughness and vibra-
However, these findings may be related to certain machin- tion level. Optimization of multiple criteria (such as surface
ing operations, specific materials, cutting tools, and pro- roughness, material removal rate, etc.) and cutting param-
posed cutting parameter ranges. In future research work, eters’ interactions may be taken into account.

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (April 2023) 104(2):345–375 373

Fig. 36  Measured and trained 3.5

results of SR using the third Measured Surface Roughness


ANN model: a In experiments 3
Trained Surface Roughness
1–5, b In experiments 6–10, and
c In experiments 11–15



0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Measured Surface Roughness

3 Trained Surface Roughness

5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Measured Surface Roughness

Trained Surface Roughness
10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Funding No funding. References

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