Cpucgo 128
Cpucgo 128
Cpucgo 128
Prescribed by the
Price: $5.00
General Order Number 128
Public Utilities Commission of the State of California
Rules for Construction of Underground Electric Supply and
Communication Systems
Decision or Resolution No. Date Effective Rules Herein Revised, Deleted or Added
Decision No. 76970 April 13, 1970 12.3, 12.3-A, 12.3-B, 12.3-C, 17.2, 17.8, 23.2.1
31.5-D, 31.6,32, 41.5-C, 41.6, 42.3, 42.4, 42.8,
Figures17 and 18
Resolution No. E-1401 July 16, 1974 36.5-A
Resolution No. E-3076 March 9, 1988 Revise41.4X2, Add 43.3-C, D
Resolution No. SU-6 November 21,199O Add Rules 12.2-A, 22.4
Resolution No. SU-15 November 6,1992 ReviseRules 20.2,20.4.
Resolution No. SU-25 January 19,1993 ReviseRules 36.3,36.4.
Resolution No. SU-40 Octobber 9, 1996 12.1,12.3,20.1,20.2,20.5,20.6,20.7,20.8,20.9,
22.5, 22.7, 23.6, 23.7, 32.9, 34.2, 44.1, 46.1
i January 1997
Decision No. 73195
Before the Public Utilities Commission of the
State of California
Investigation into the Requirements for a General Order Providing Rules Governing
Construction of Underground Electric and Commun{cation Lines in the Stateof California.
Earl W. Cooper,Richard G. Campbell, for Sierra Pacific Power Company; Chickering & Gregory, by
ShermanChickering, G. Hayden Ames and Donald J. Richardson,Jr. also J. A. Georgeand Stanley
Jewel& for San Diego Gasand Electric Company;Orrick, Dahlquist, Herrington & Sutcliffe, by JamesF.
Craft, Jr., also N. B. Gilbertson, for California-Pacific Utilities Company; William W. Eyers, for Southern
California Water Company;A. E. Engel, for Plumas-SierraRural Electric Cooperative; A. M. Hart and
H. Ralph Snyder,Jr., by H. Ralph Snyder,Jr., for GeneralTelephoneCompanyof California; Pillsbury,
Madison & Sutro; JohnA. Sutro, GeorgeA. Sears,JohnA. Sutro, Jr., Arthur T. George,by GeorgeA.
Searsand John A. Sutro, Jr., for The Pacific Telephoneand TelegraphCompany; F. T. Searls,John C.
Morrissey, Malcolm A. MacKillop and RossWorkman,for the Pacific Gas and Electric Company; Rollin
E. Woodbury, Harry W. Sturges,Jr., and John R. Bury, for SouthernCalifornia Edison Company; Jack T.
Stiles, for Pacific Power and Light Company; GeorgeW. Allen, for California Interstate TelephoneCo.;
William J. Adams, for the City of Novato; Robert S. Binsacca,for the City of El Cerrito and for Contra
Costa County Mayors’ Conference;John Bonadelle,for Home Builders, Fresno;Russell E. Bush, for the
City of Vallejo; William C. Sharp,H. W. Carmack,for the City of Oakland; JamesS. Milch, Hubert C.
Cavanagh,for the City of San Diego; K. R. Edsall, Eric W. Martins, H. L. Goth, for SouthernCalifornia
Gas Company and SouthernCounties Gas Companyof California; Harvey W. Edmund, Henry J. Fritz,
for County of SantaCruz; C. G. Ferguson,J. A. Wade,Jr., P. M. Robinson,for California Water Service
Company; Wayne N. Frederickson,for Alameda County; Warren Earl Standeven,GeorgeHarris, for
State of California, Division of Industrial Safety; Harold H. Heidrick, for Wilsey, Ham & Blair; Marino
L. Iacopi, for California Community Television Association; Stanley S. Johnsonand Joe Pecharich, for
San Mateo County EngineersOffice and Building Construction Office; Henry E. Jordan, Roy A. Wehe,
Phil J. Shafer, for City of Long Beach; Thomas P. Kelly, Jr. Harold S. Lentz, Gary S. Anderson, John
Gordon for SouthernPacific Company,NorthwesternPacific Railroad Company,San Diego-Arizona
Eastern Railway; N. J. Kendall, for SanJoseWater Works; Mark L. Kermit, for Contra Costa County;
Bruce V. Kunde, for Line Material Industries; Gayle T. Martin, for City of Manhattan Beach; Robert E.
Michalski, J. S. Taylor, for City of Palo Alto; Ralph E. Mohagen, for City of Richmond; Morgan,
Beauzay & Holmes, by David Leahy, for SanFranciscoBay Area Labor ManagementCommittee for
the Bay Area; ThomasM. O’Connor, McMorris Dow, Robert R. Laughead,for City and County of San
Francisco; Paul E. Pughfor City of Healdsburg;Arthur W. Reschke,Henry Weisner,for City of Daly
City; Maurice K. Roper,for Ukiah Municipal Electric System; Norman J. Stiene, for Town of
Hillsborough, Ernest L. Nelson, Stanley Strizver, for City of San Leandro; M. A. Walters, for Local
Unions 18, 47, 465, and 1245 International Brotherhoodof Electrical Workers; H. L. Woodbury, for City
of Glendale Public Service Department;Fred F. Cooper,for Home Builders Council of California; Sidney
Long, for Division of Building and Housing Standards,Departmentof Housing and Community
Development; Ernest E. Lockwood, for Central SolanoCounty Planning Commission, City of Fairfield
and City of Suisun; GeorgeH. Harter, for Electrical ContractorsAssociation; Arne E. Westerback,for
East Bay Municipal Utility District; J. D. Newton, Alameda County Water District; David W. Baker, for
Alameda-Contra CostaCounties Mayor Conferences;Norman Ingraham, for City of SantaClara and
NCMEA; GeorgeD. Moe, for State of California, Departmentof Public Works; John W. Gancy, Walter
G. Treanor, for the WesternPacific Railroad; Ralph E. Anderson, Daniel J. Curtin, Jr. for Leagueof
January 1997 ii
California Cities; H. Stuart Goehler,for California-Nevada Line ConstructorsChapter,National
Electrical ContractorsAssociation; J. L. Mulloy, for Departmentof Water and Power, City of Los
Angeles; Stanley Hiller, in propria persona;C. G. Ferguson,for California Section of American Water
Works Association; JanStaklis, for William E. Warne,Departmentof Water Resources;Lynden E.
Merritt, for Allen System;Herbert H. Hunt, Donald M. Haight, for SacramentoMunicipal Utility District;
Herbert B. Fuster,Jr., for Departmentof Public Health, State of California; Roger Arnebergh,by Charles
E. Mattson, C. E. Robinson,for City of Los Angeles; interestedparties.
Timothy E. Treaty, Robert C. Marks, Melvin E. Mezek, for the Commission staff.
.. .
111 January 1997
(This Page Intentionally Left Blank)
January 1997
Nature of Proceeding
The Commission, on June 22,1965, noting that the increasing demandfor undergroundelec-
tric and communication facilities in California hasbrought about substantialincreasesin the
construction of such facilities, and that it appearedit may be desirable,pursuant to Sections
761,768 and 8056 of the Public Utilities Code,to establishby generalorder rules governing
the construction of underground electric and communication lines to promote and safeguard
public health and safety, instituted this investigation.
Public Hearings and Proceedings Prior to Submission
Public hearings were held, after due notice, at San Francisco and Los Angeles, before Corn- .
missioner Gatov and/or Examiner Gillanders on 20 days during the period beginning Octo-
ber 20,1965 and ending May 2,1966. During this period prehearing conferenceswere held.
(Rules of Procedure,Rule 41.) Opening briefs were filed on June 10,1966, reply briefs on
June 20, 1966, and the matter then taken under submission.
General Remarks
During the course of the proceeding, evidencewas adducedfrom 30 witnesses,43 exhibits
were received and 2,733 pages of transcript were recorded.
The record shows that, as between the parties, there are two issues.These issuesare:
1.1sthere a need for a general order?
2.Can the Statepreempt the field in the regulation of safety relative to undergroundelectrical
and communications facilities?
Is There a Need for a General Order?
The record showsthat California electric andcommunications utilities beganinstalling their
facilities underground during the latter part of the 19th century.
Undergrounding proceededat a leisurely paceuntil about five years ago. Since then, due to
a combination of acceleratedpublic interest andtechnical developmentswhich substantially
reduced the cost of undergrounding, a large percentage of new residential developments
have been supplied from underground distribution systems.
The record indicates that respondent utilities have followed acceptablestandards of care
basedupon past experienceand are continuing to improve methodsof construction, includ-
ing joint construction with other utilities, to better serve the public and reduce costs.
The evidence further disclosesthat the presentunderground electrical and communications
systems cannot be considered hazardousand the safety record is good.
It is recognized, however, that not only hasundergrounding beengrowing rapidly using new
equipment, techniquesand material, but in keeping with the Commission’spolicy of encour-
aging, and when necessaryordering, more andmore utilities’ distribution systemsto be bur-
ied, this pace will be greatly accelerated.This is not to say,therefore, that becauseof a good
V January 1997
past record we should not do what we can now to avoid serious accidentsor fatalities in the
Can the Commission Preempt the Field of Safety Regarding Underground Electrical and
Communications Facilities?
Pursuant to Article XII, Sections 22 and 23 of the California Constitution, the Legislature
enactedSections701,761 et seq.,and 8037 of the Public Utilities Code. Under this authority
the Commission has undertakento exerciseits jurisdiction by the enactmentof several gen-
eral orders, such as General Order No. 95 governing the construction of overhead electric
lines, General Order No. 103 governing the construction of water servicefacilities, and Gen-
eral Order No. 112-A governing the construction of gas transmission lines. These general
orders promote safety, not only to the public utility involved and its employees,but also to
the public in general. There canbe little doubt that a uniform statewidepolicy of safety regu-
lation is in the general public interest. Such matters are not solely matters of local interest
and concern. The Commission, being a constitutional body exercisingstatewidejurisdiction,
is the logical agency of the State to exerciseauthority of this nature.
It is this Commission which regulatesthe operations of public utilities to the end that their
services to the general public are adequateand safe. Regulation of safety is cognate and ger-
mane to the regulation of public utilities.
Changing times and changing conditions require the Commission to exercise its right and
duty to establish rules governing the construction, maintenance and operation of tmder-
ground electric and communication facilities.
We come now to the consideration of the proposedgeneral order itself (Exhibit No. 11). The
precision and detail which marks our safety regulations in older or better-establishedengi-
neering and operational techniquesis, it is true, evident here only in part. We are aware that
a considerable part of this proposed general order is, as our staff itself pointed out, only a
foundation of broad principles on which details canbe built. This doesnot in our view consti-
tute a deficiency or flaw. To the contrary,we deemit prudent to havein being a vehicle, how-
ever embryonic, for immediately capitalizing experiencesas they occur.
The Commission finds that it hasthe right, pursuantto Article XII, Section 23, of the Califor-
nia Constitution and Sections701,761, et seq., and 8056 of the Public Utilities Code, to es-
tablish the rules contained in Exhibit No. 11 governing the construction, maintenance and
operation of underground electric and communication facilities.
The Commission further finds that the rules containedin the attachedGeneral Order No. 128
are reasonable,meet the aforesaid requirements and should be adopted.
All motions not consistent with the findings herein are denied.
January 1997 vi
It Is Ordered that General Order No. 128 attachedhereto be and it hereby is adopted.Said
General Order No. 128 shall apply to all underground electric supply and communication
systemscoming within the jurisdiction of this Commission, andshall be effective on Decem-
ber 1, 1967. 1
It Is Further Ordered that the electric and communication utilities subject to theserules,
either individually or collectively, shall file annually on or before June 30 a report setting
forth such recommendedchangesin rules as they deemnecessaryto keep this generalorder
up to date in keeping with the purpose and scope thereof, or stating that no changesare
deemedto be necessary.Utilities recommending changesshall, either collectively or other-
wise, file appropriate formal applications seeking Commission approval for such changes.
However, nothing herein shall preclude other interestedparties from initiating appropriate
formal proceedings to have the Commission consider any changesthey deem appropriate,
or the Commission from acting upon its own motion.
The effective date of this order shall be twenty-five days after the date hereof.
Dated at San Francisco, California, this 17th day of October, 1967.
Peter E. Mitchell
William M. Bennett
A. W. Gatov
William Symons, Jr.
Fred P. Morrissey
1 Petition for rehearing filed by the State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, stayed
Decision No. 73915 until December 12,1967, when the petition was denied by Decision No. 73462.
January1997 VII1
Rule Page
ix January 1997
Rule Page
January 1997 X
I” ,-, -,, .-. ..,,_..,-.--- _, _,..
21.8 Independently Installed ........................................ II-3
21.9 Interconnection ............................................... II-3
22.0 Isolated ...................................................... II-4
22.1 Joint Trench Operation ......................................... II-4
22.2 Live (Energized) Parts ......................................... II-4
22.3 Maintenance ................................................. II-4
22.4 Maintenance Program ......................................... II-4
22.5 Manhole .................................................... II-4
22.6 Parkway .................................................... II-4
22.7 PermanentCable Trench ....................................... II-4
22.8 Practicable .................................................. II-4
A. Clearancesand Depths. ................................... II-5
22.9 Protection (Mechanical) ................................. t ...... II-5
23.0 Random Separation ........................................... II-5
23.1 Service(s) ................................................... II-5
23.2 Shielding (Cable) ............................................. II-5
23.3 Sidewalk .................................................... II-5
23.4 SubsurfaceEquipment Enclosure ................................ II-5
23.5 Supply System ............................................... II-5
23.6 Thoroughfare ................................................ II-5
23.7 Vault ....................................................... II-6
23.8 Voltage (or Volts) ............................................. II-6
24.0 Wire Gage ................................................... II-6
A. American Wire Gage (AWG) .............................. II-6
B. Birmingham Wire Gage (BWG) ............................ II-6
24.1 WorkingSpace ............................................... II-6
Section III Requirements for Supply Systems
30. General....................................................... III-1
31. Duct System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III-1
31.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III-1
xi January1997
xv January 1997
Rule Page
Rule 12.1-A
11 Purpose of Rules
The purpose of these rules is to formulate, for the State of California, uniform
requirements for underground electrical supply and communication systems, the
application of which will insure adequateservice and securesafety to all personsengaged
in the construction, maintenance,operation or use of underground systems and to the
public in general.
12 Applicability of Rules
These rules shall apply (a) to all underground electrical supply systems used in
connectionwith public utility service;when located in buildings, the vaults, conduit, pull
boxes or other enclosures for such systems shall also meet the requirements of any
statutes,regulations or local ordinancesapplicable to such enclosuresin buildings; (b)
to all undergroundcommunication systemsused in connectionwith public utility service
located outside of buildings.
A. Services
Services may be added to existing plant without necessitating changes in the
system from which they originate.
12.2 Maintenance
Systemsshall be maintained in such condition asto securesafety to workmen and
the public in general. Systemsand portions thereof constructed,reconstructed,or
replaced on or after the effective dateof theserules shall be kept in conformity with
the requirement of these rules.
A Electric Supply System -An Auditable and consistentmaintenanceprogram, see
Rule 22.4, shall be in place to minimize deterioration of underground equipment.
Note: Rule 12.2-A added November 21, 1990 by Resolution No. W-6.
13 Scope Of Rules
These rules are not intended as complete construction specifications, but embody only
the requirements which are most important from the standpoint of safety and service.
Construction shall be according to acceptedgood practice for the given local conditions
in all particulars not specified in the rules.
15 Exemptions or Modifications
15.3 Notification
For the purpose of keeping theserules up to date and reflecting the latest state of
the art, the Commission shall, at appropriate times, advise interested parties of
exemptions or modifications granted and notifications received under the
provisions of Rules 15.1 and 15.2
16 Saving Clause
The Commission reservesthe right to grant relief from any of the provisions of these
rules in specific caseswhen, in the Commission’s opinion, public interest would be
served by so doing.
Compliance with these rules is not intended to relieve a utility from any statutory
17.2 Inspection
Systems shall be inspected by the operator frequently and thoroughly for the
purpose of insuring that they are in good condition and in conformance with all
applicable requirements of theserules
(SeeRule 12.3).
Note: Revised April 13, 1970 by Decision No. 76970
17.3 Location
Facilities shall be located with consideration for safety of property, the general
public andpersonsengagedin the construction, operation and maintenancethereof
(See Rule 17.1).
Compliance with these rules is not intended to relieve a utility of any location
requirement of the State or any county or city with respect to the use of public
streets or highways.
17.6 Encroachments
Nothing in these rules shall be construed as permitting unauthorized occupancy,
accessto, connection to, rearrangement, or removal of underground supply or
communication system facilities or any other underground facilities.