Cola TCM - Merged
Cola TCM - Merged
Cola TCM - Merged
KNOWN: Method of separation of variables (Section 4.2) for two-dimensional, steady-state conduction.
FIND: Show that negative or zero values of , the separation constant, result in solutions which
cannot satisfy the boundary conditions.
( )
T1k = 0.25 100 + T2k −1 + T3k −1 + 50 = 0.25T2k −1 + 0.25T3k −1 + 37.5
The iteration procedure using a hand calculator is implemented in the table below. Initial estimates are
entered on the k = 0 row.
k T1 T2 T3 T4
(°C) (°C) (°C) (°C)
0 100 150 150 250
1 112.50 165.63 178.13 210.94
2 123.44 158.60 171.10 207.43
3 119.93 156.40 169.34 206.55
4 119.05 156.40 168.90 206.33
5 118.83 156.29 168.79 206.27
6 118.77 156.26 168.76 206.26
7 118.76 156.25 168.76 206.25
PROBLEM 4.53 (Cont.)
By the seventh iteration, the convergence is approximately 0.01°C. The midpoint temperature can be
estimated as
To = ( T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 ) 2 = (118.76 + 156.25 + 168.76 + 206.25) C 4 = 162.5 C
(b) Because all the nodes are interior ones, the nodal equations can be written by inspection directly into
the IHT workspace and the set of equations solved for the nodal temperatures (°C).
Mesh To T1 T2 T3 T4
Coarse 162.5 118.76 156.25 168.76 206.25
Fine 162.5 117.4 156.1 168.9 207.6
The maximum difference for the interior points is 1.5°C (node 4), but the estimate at the center, To, is the
same, independently of the mesh size. In terms of the boundary surface temperatures,
To = (50 + 100 + 200 + 300 ) C 4 = 162.5 C
Why must this be so?
(c) To generate the isotherms, it would be necessary to employ a contour-drawing routine using the
tabulated temperature distribution (°C) obtained from the finite-difference solution. Using these values
as a guide, try sketching a few isotherms.
Hence, the temperature of the steel remains approximately uniform during the cooling
process, and the lumped capacitance method may be used. From Eqs. 5.4 and 5.5,
Ti T D / 6 c p Ti T
hAs T T h D 2 T T
Aluminum sphere
Gas D = 75 mm, Ti = 25oC
= 2700 kg/m3
Tg,i = 300oC c = 950 J/kg-K
h = 75 W/m2-K k = 240 W/m-K
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Negligible heat transfer to or from a sphere by radiation or conduction due to
contact with other spheres, (2) Constant properties.
ANALYSIS: To determine whether a lumped capacitance analysis can be used, first compute Bi =
h(ro/3)/k = 75 W/m K (0.025m)/150 W/mK = 0.013 < 0.1. Hence, the lumped capacitance
approximation may be made, and a uniform temperature may be assumed to exist in the sphere at any
time. From Eq. 5.8a, achievement of 90% of the maximum possible thermal energy storage
corresponds to
0.90 1 exp t / t
cV i
T 984s Tg,i Ti Tg,i exp 6ht / Dc
T 984s 300C 275C exp 6 75 W / m K 984s / 2700 kg / m 0.075m 950 J / kg K
2 3
T 984 s 272.5C <
Obtaining the density and specific heat of copper from Table A-1, we see that (c)Cu 8900 kg/m
6 3 6 3
400 J/kgK = 3.56 10 J/m K > (c)Al = 2.57 10 J/m K. Hence, for an equivalent sphere
diameter, the copper can store approximately 38% more thermal energy than the aluminum.
COMMENTS: Before the packed bed becomes fully charged, the temperature of the gas decreases
as it passes through the bed. Hence, the time required for a sphere to reach a prescribed state of
thermal energy storage increases with increasing distance from the bed inlet.
KNOWN: Diameter and initial temperature of roller bearings. Temperature of oil bath and
convection coefficient. Final centerline temperature. Number of bearings processed per hour.
FIND: Time required to reach centerline temperature. Cooling load.
Stainless steel
Ti = 500oC
T(0,tf ) = 50oC Oil bath
N = 10 L= 1m Too = 30oC
h = 500 W/m2-K
D = 0.10 m
PROPERTIES: Table A.1, St. St. 304 T 548 K : =7900 kg/m , k = 19.0 W/mK, cp = 546
-6 2
J/kgK, = 4.40 10 m /s.
ANALYSIS: With Bi = h (ro/2)/k = 0.658, the lumped capacitance method can not be used. From
the one-term approximation of Eq. 5.52c for the centerline temperature,
o o
50 30
Ti T 500 30
0.0426 C1 exp 12 Fo 1.1382 exp 0.9287 Fo
where, for Bi = hro/k = 1.316, C1 = 1.2486 and 1 = 1.3643 from Table 5.1.
Q cV Ti T 1 o J1 1
0.0852 0.535
Q 7900 kg / m3 546 J / kg K 0.05 m 1m 470 K 1
1.54 107 J
The nominal cooling load is
N Q 10 1.54 107 J
q 1.49 105 W 149 kW <
tf 1031s
COMMENTS: For a centerline temperature of 50C, Eq. 5.52b yields a surface temperature of
o C1 exp 12 Fo (3)
where Fo t o / ro2 . Substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (1), solve for Fo and to.
1 3 C1 exp 12Fo / 13 sin 1 1 cos 1 (4)
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) The finger and the plate behave as semi-infinite solids, (2) Constant
properties, (3) Negligible contact resistance.
PROPERTIES: Skin (given): = 1000 kg/m , c = 4180 J/kgK, k = 0.625 W/mK; Table
A-1 (T = 300K), Copper: = 8933 kg/m , c = 385 J/kgK, k = 401 W/mK; Table A-3 (T =
300K), Glass: = 2500 kg/m , c = 750 J/kgK, k = 1.4 W/mK.
ANALYSIS: Which material feels cooler depends upon the contact temperature Ts given by
Equation 5.66. For the three materials of interest,
k c 1/
0.625 1000 4180
1/ 2
1, 616 J/m 2 K s1/2
k c 1/2
401 8933 385
1/ 2
37,137 J/m 2 K s1/2
k c 1/
1.4 2500 750
1/ 2
1, 620 J/m 2 K s1/2 .
Since k c cu k c glass , the copper will feel much cooler to the touch. From
1/2 1/2
Equation 5.66,
k c 1/2
TA,i k c B TB,i
k c 1/2
k c B