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Cola TCM - Merged

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KNOWN: Method of separation of variables (Section 4.2) for two-dimensional, steady-state conduction.
FIND: Show that negative or zero values of  , the separation constant, result in solutions which
cannot satisfy the boundary conditions.

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Two-dimensional, steady-state conduction, (2) Constant properties.

ANALYSIS: From Section 4.2, identification of the separation constant  leads to the two ordinary
differential equations, 4.6 and 4.7, having the forms
d 2X d 2Y
 λ 2X  0  λ 2Y  0 (1,2)
2 2
dx dy
and the temperature distribution is θ  x,y   X  x   Y y . (3)
Consider now the situation when  = 0. From Eqs. (1), (2), and (3), find that
X  C1  C 2x, Y  C3  C 4y and θ  x,y    C1  C 2x   C3  C 4y  . (4)
Evaluate the constants - C1, C2, C3 and C4 - by substitution of the boundary conditions:
x  0: θ  0,y   C1  C 2  0  C3  C4 y   0 C1  0
y 0: θ  x,0   0  C2 X C3  C4  0   0 C3  0
x  L: θ  L,0   0  C2 L 0  C4 y   0 C2  0
y  W: θ  x,W    0  0  x  0  C4 W   1 01
The last boundary condition leads to an impossibility (0  1). We therefore conclude that a  value
of zero will not result in a form of the temperature distribution which will satisfy the boundary
conditions. Consider now the situation when  < 0. The solutions to Eqs. (1) and (2) will be
X  C e-λ x  C e +λ x ,
5 6 Y  C cos λ y  C sin λy
7 8 (5,6)
and θ  x,y    C5 e-λ x  C6 e +λ x   C7 cos λ y  C8 sin λ y  . (7)
 
Evaluate the constants for the boundary conditions.
y  0 : θ  x,0   C5 e-λ x  C6 e-λ x   C7 cos 0  C8 sin 0   0 C7  0
 
 0
x  0 : θ  0,y  C5 e  C6 e 0 
 
0  C8sin λ y  0 C8  0
If C8 = 0, a trivial solution results or C5 = -C6.
x  L: θ  L,y   C5  e-xL  e+xL  C8 sin λ y  0.
 
From the last boundary condition, we require C5 or C8 is zero; either case leads to a trivial solution
with either no x or y dependence.
KNOWN: Two-dimensional rectangular plate subjected to prescribed uniform temperature boundary
FIND: Temperature at the mid-point using the exact solution considering the first five non-zero terms;
assess error resulting from using only first three terms. Plot the temperature distributions T(x,0.5) and

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Two-dimensional, steady-state conduction, (2) Constant properties.

ANALYSIS: From Section 4.2, the temperature distribution is
n +1
T − T1 2 θ ( −1) + 1 ⎛ nπ x ⎞ sinh ( nπ y L )
θ ( x, y ) ≡ =
T2 − T1 π
∑ n
sin ⎜ ⎟⋅
⎝ L ⎠ sinh ( nπ W L )
. (1,4.19)
n =1
Considering now the point (x,y) = (1.0,0.5) and recognizing x/L = 1/2, y/L = 1/4 and W/L = 1/2,
n +1
T − T1 2 θ ( −1) + 1 ⎛ nπ ⎞ sinh ( nπ 4 )
θ (1, 0.5) ≡
T2 − T1 π
= ∑ n
sin ⎜ ⎟⋅
⎝ 2 ⎠ sinh ( nπ 2 )
n =1
When n is even (2, 4, 6 ...), the corresponding term is zero; hence we need only consider n = 1, 3, 5, 7
and 9 as the first five non-zero terms.
2 ⎧⎪ ⎛ π ⎞ sinh (π 4 ) 2 ⎛ 3π ⎞ sinh (3π 4 )
θ (1, 0.5) = ⎨2sin ⎜ ⎟ + sin ⎜ ⎟ +
π ⎪⎩ ⎝ 2 ⎠ sinh (π 2 ) 3 ⎝ 2 ⎠ sinh (3π 2 )
2 ⎛ 5π ⎞ sinh (5π 4 ) 2 ⎛ 7π ⎞ sinh (7π 4 ) 2 ⎛ 9π ⎞ sinh (9π 4 ) ⎫⎪
sin ⎜ ⎟ + sin ⎜ ⎟ + sin ⎜ ⎟ ⎬
5 ⎝ 2 ⎠ sinh (5π 2 ) 7 ⎝ 2 ⎠ sinh (7π 2 ) 9 ⎝ 2 ⎠ sinh (9π 2 ) ⎪⎭
θ (1, 0.5) = [0.755 − 0.063 + 0.008 − 0.001 + 0.000] = 0.445 (2)
T (1, 0.5) = θ (1, 0.5)( T2 − T1 ) + T1 = 0.445 (150 − 50 ) + 50 = 94.5 C . <
If only the first three terms of the series, Eq. (2), are considered, the result will be θ(1,0.5) = 0.46; that is,
there is less than a 0.2% effect.
Using Eq. (1), and writing out the first five
terms of the series, expressions for θ(x,0.5) or 150
T(x,0.5) or T(1,y), C

T(x,0.5) and θ(1,y) or T(1,y) were keyboarded 130

into the IHT workspace and evaluated for 110
sweeps over the x or y variable. Note that for 90

T(1,y), that as y → 1, the upper boundary, 70

T(1,1) is greater than 150°C. Upon examination
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
of the magnitudes of terms, it becomes evident
that more than 5 terms are required to provide x or y coordinate (m)

an accurate solution. T(1,y)

KNOWN: Square shape subjected to uniform surface temperature conditions.
FIND: (a) Temperature at the four specified nodes; estimate the midpoint temperature T o, (b) Reducing
the mesh size by a factor of 2, determine the corresponding nodal temperatures and compare results, and
(c) For the finer grid, plot the 75, 150, and 250°C isotherms.

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Steady-state, two-dimensional conduction, (2) Constant properties.

ANALYSIS: (a) The finite-difference equation for each node follows from Eq. 4.33 for an interior point
written in the form, Ti = 1/4∑Tneighbors. Using the Gauss-Seidel iteration method, Section 4.5.2, the finite-
difference equations for the four nodes are:

( )
T1k = 0.25 100 + T2k −1 + T3k −1 + 50 = 0.25T2k −1 + 0.25T3k −1 + 37.5

T2k = 0.25 (100 + 200 + T4k −1 + T1k −1 ) = 0.25T1k −1 + 0.25T4k −1 + 75.0

T3k = 0.25 ( T1k −1 + T4k −1 + 300 + 50 ) = 0.25T1k −1 + 0.25T4k −1 + 87.5

T4k = 0.25 ( T2k −1 + 200 + 300 + T3k −1 ) = 0.25T2k −1 + 0.25T3k −1 + 125.0

The iteration procedure using a hand calculator is implemented in the table below. Initial estimates are
entered on the k = 0 row.

k T1 T2 T3 T4
(°C) (°C) (°C) (°C)
0 100 150 150 250
1 112.50 165.63 178.13 210.94
2 123.44 158.60 171.10 207.43
3 119.93 156.40 169.34 206.55
4 119.05 156.40 168.90 206.33
5 118.83 156.29 168.79 206.27
6 118.77 156.26 168.76 206.26
7 118.76 156.25 168.76 206.25
PROBLEM 4.53 (Cont.)

By the seventh iteration, the convergence is approximately 0.01°C. The midpoint temperature can be
estimated as

To = ( T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 ) 2 = (118.76 + 156.25 + 168.76 + 206.25) C 4 = 162.5 C
(b) Because all the nodes are interior ones, the nodal equations can be written by inspection directly into
the IHT workspace and the set of equations solved for the nodal temperatures (°C).

Mesh To T1 T2 T3 T4
Coarse 162.5 118.76 156.25 168.76 206.25
Fine 162.5 117.4 156.1 168.9 207.6

The maximum difference for the interior points is 1.5°C (node 4), but the estimate at the center, To, is the
same, independently of the mesh size. In terms of the boundary surface temperatures,

To = (50 + 100 + 200 + 300 ) C 4 = 162.5 C
Why must this be so?

(c) To generate the isotherms, it would be necessary to employ a contour-drawing routine using the
tabulated temperature distribution (°C) obtained from the finite-difference solution. Using these values
as a guide, try sketching a few isotherms.

- 100 100 100 100 100 -

50 86.0 105.6 119 131.7 151.6 200
50 88.2 117.4 138.7 156.1 174.6 200
50 99.6 137.1 162.5 179.2 190.8 200
50 123.0 168.9 194.9 207.6 209.4 200
50 173.4 220.7 240.6 246.8 239.0 200
- 300 300 300 300 300 -

COMMENTS: Recognize that this finite-difference solution is only an approximation to the

temperature distribution, since the heat conduction equation has been solved for only four (or 25)
discrete points rather than for all points if an analytical solution had been obtained.
KNOWN: Diameter and initial temperature of steel balls cooling in air.
FIND: Time required to cool to a prescribed temperature.

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Negligible radiation effects, (2) Constant properties.

ANALYSIS: Applying Eq. 5.10 to a sphere (Lc = ro/3),

hLc h  ro / 3 20 W/m  K  0.002m 

Bi     0.001.
k k 40 W/m  K

Hence, the temperature of the steel remains approximately uniform during the cooling
process, and the lumped capacitance method may be used. From Eqs. 5.4 and 5.5,

 Vcp
ln 
 ln

Ti  T   D / 6 c p Ti  T
hAs T  T h D 2 T  T

7800kg/m3  0.012m  600J/kg  K 1150  325

t ln
6  20 W/m 2  K 400  325

t  1122 s  0.312h <

COMMENTS: Due to the large value of Ti, radiation effects are likely to be significant
during the early portion of the transient. The effect is to shorten the cooling time.
KNOWN: Diameter, density, specific heat and thermal conductivity of aluminum spheres used in
packed bed thermal energy storage system. Convection coefficient and inlet gas temperature.
FIND: Time required for sphere to acquire 90% of maximum possible thermal energy and the
corresponding center temperature. Potential advantage of using copper in lieu of aluminum.

Aluminum sphere
Gas D = 75 mm, Ti = 25oC
= 2700 kg/m3
Tg,i = 300oC c = 950 J/kg-K
h = 75 W/m2-K k = 240 W/m-K

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Negligible heat transfer to or from a sphere by radiation or conduction due to
contact with other spheres, (2) Constant properties.
ANALYSIS: To determine whether a lumped capacitance analysis can be used, first compute Bi =
h(ro/3)/k = 75 W/m K (0.025m)/150 W/mK = 0.013 < 0.1. Hence, the lumped capacitance
approximation may be made, and a uniform temperature may be assumed to exist in the sphere at any
time. From Eq. 5.8a, achievement of 90% of the maximum possible thermal energy storage
corresponds to
 0.90  1  exp   t /  t 
 cV i

where  t   Vc / hA s   Dc / 6h  2700 kg / m 3  0.075m  950 J / kg  K / 6  75 W / m 2  K  427s. Hence,

t   t ln  0.1  427s  2.30  984s <

From Eq. (5.6), the corresponding temperature at any location in the sphere is

 
T  984s   Tg,i  Ti  Tg,i exp  6ht /  Dc 

T  984s   300C  275C exp 6  75 W / m  K  984s / 2700 kg / m  0.075m  950 J / kg  K
2 3

T  984  s  272.5C <
Obtaining the density and specific heat of copper from Table A-1, we see that (c)Cu  8900 kg/m 
6 3 6 3
400 J/kgK = 3.56  10 J/m K > (c)Al = 2.57  10 J/m K. Hence, for an equivalent sphere
diameter, the copper can store approximately 38% more thermal energy than the aluminum.

COMMENTS: Before the packed bed becomes fully charged, the temperature of the gas decreases
as it passes through the bed. Hence, the time required for a sphere to reach a prescribed state of
thermal energy storage increases with increasing distance from the bed inlet.
KNOWN: Diameter and initial temperature of roller bearings. Temperature of oil bath and
convection coefficient. Final centerline temperature. Number of bearings processed per hour.
FIND: Time required to reach centerline temperature. Cooling load.
Stainless steel
Ti = 500oC
T(0,tf ) = 50oC Oil bath
N = 10 L= 1m Too = 30oC
h = 500 W/m2-K

D = 0.10 m

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) One-dimensional, radial conduction in rod, (2) Constant properties.

  3
PROPERTIES: Table A.1, St. St. 304 T  548 K : =7900 kg/m , k = 19.0 W/mK, cp = 546
-6 2
J/kgK,  = 4.40  10 m /s.

ANALYSIS: With Bi = h (ro/2)/k = 0.658, the lumped capacitance method can not be used. From
the one-term approximation of Eq. 5.52c for the centerline temperature,
T T
 o  o  
50  30
Ti  T 500  30  
 0.0426  C1 exp 12 Fo  1.1382 exp    0.9287  Fo 


where, for Bi = hro/k = 1.316, C1 = 1.2486 and 1 = 1.3643 from Table 5.1.

Fo  n  0.0341 /1.86  1.82

t f  Fo ro2 /   1.82  0.05 m  / 4.40 10 6  1031s  17 min

From Eqs. 5.47 and 5.54, the energy extracted from a single rod is

 2  
Q   cV  Ti  T  1  o J1 1  
 1 

With J1 (1.3643) = 0.535 from Table B.4,

 0.0852  0.535 
Q  7900 kg / m3  546 J / kg  K   0.05 m  1m  470 K 1 
  1.54 107 J
   1.3643 
The nominal cooling load is

N Q 10 1.54  107 J
q   1.49 105 W  149 kW <
tf 1031s
COMMENTS: For a centerline temperature of 50C, Eq. 5.52b yields a surface temperature of

T  ro , t   T   Ti  T  o J o 1   30C  470C  0.0426  0.586  41.7C

KNOWN: Spheres of 40-mm diameter heated to a uniform temperature of 400C are suddenly
removed from an oven and placed in a forced-air bath operating at 25C with a convection coefficient
of 300 W/m K.
FIND: (a) Time the spheres must remain in the bath for 80% of the thermal energy to be removed,
and (b) Uniform temperature the spheres will reach when removed from the bath at this condition and
placed in a carton that prevents further heat loss.
Sphere, D = 40 mm
T(r,0) = Ti = 400oC
Air bath
(, c, k)
Too = 25oC
h = 300 W/m2-K

r Energy out, Q(t)

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) One-dimensional radial conduction in the spheres, (2) Constant properties, and
(3) No heat loss from sphere after removed from the bath and placed into the packing carton.
PROPERTIES: Sphere (given):  = 3000 kg/m , c = 850 J/kgK, k = 15 W/mK.
ANALYSIS: (a) From Eq. 5.55, the fraction of thermal energy removed during the time interval t =
to is

 1  3 o / 13 sin 1   1 cos 1  

where Q/Qo = 0.8. The Biot number is
Bi  hro / k  300 W / m 2  K  0.020 m /15 W / m  K  0.40
and for the one-term series approximation, from Table 5.1,
1  1.0528 rad C1  1.1164 (2)
The dimensionless temperature  o , follows from Eq. 5.53b.

 o  C1 exp 12 Fo  (3)

where Fo   t o / ro2 . Substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (1), solve for Fo and to.
 
 1  3 C1 exp  12Fo / 13 sin 1   1 cos 1   (4)

Fo  1.45 t o  98.6 s <

(b) Performing an overall energy balance on the sphere during the interval of time to  t  ,
Ein  Eout  E  Ef  E i  0 (5)
where Ei represents the thermal energy in the sphere at to,
Ei  1  0.8  Qo  1  0.8   cV  Ti  T  (6)
and Ef represents the thermal energy in the sphere at t = ,

Ef   cV Tavg  T  (7)
Combining the relations, find the average temperature
 
 cV  Tavg  T  1  0.8  Ti  T    0
 
Tavg  100C <
KNOWN: Initial temperature of copper and glass plates. Initial temperature and properties
of finger.
FIND: Whether copper or glass feels cooler to touch.

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) The finger and the plate behave as semi-infinite solids, (2) Constant
properties, (3) Negligible contact resistance.
PROPERTIES: Skin (given):  = 1000 kg/m , c = 4180 J/kgK, k = 0.625 W/mK; Table
A-1 (T = 300K), Copper:  = 8933 kg/m , c = 385 J/kgK, k = 401 W/mK; Table A-3 (T =
300K), Glass:  = 2500 kg/m , c = 750 J/kgK, k = 1.4 W/mK.

ANALYSIS: Which material feels cooler depends upon the contact temperature Ts given by
Equation 5.66. For the three materials of interest,

 k c 1/
skin 
 0.625  1000  4180 
1/ 2
 1, 616 J/m 2  K  s1/2
 k c 1/2
cu 
 401 8933  385 
1/ 2
 37,137 J/m 2  K  s1/2
 k c 1/
glass 
 1.4  2500  750 
1/ 2
 1, 620 J/m 2  K  s1/2 .

Since  k c cu   k c glass , the copper will feel much cooler to the touch. From
1/2 1/2

Equation 5.66,

 k c 1/2
TA,i   k c B TB,i
Ts 
 k c 1/2
A 
 k c  B

1, 616  310   37,137  300 

Ts cu    300.4 K <
1, 616  37,137
1, 616  310   1, 620  300 
Ts glass    305.0 K. <
1, 616  1, 620
COMMENTS: The extent to which a material’s temperature is affected by a change in its
thermal environment is inversely proportional to (kc) . Large k implies an ability to
spread the effect by conduction; large c implies a large capacity for thermal energy storage.

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