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PDP Template

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Personal Development Plan Version 1.

Name: Eddy El Khoury
Covering the period from: 30/01/2023 to 30/01/2024
A personal development plan is an opportunity to review your strengths and weaknesses and identify the opportunities
available to create an action plan reflecting your proposed development for the future.

In which areas How will success be

do I need to How does this link to your current What do I need to learn Resources and Support measured and what is
improve my objectives? and how will achieve needed? the target date for
performance? this? completion?
External Wall  Define the scope of work Complete RICS course on RICS course funded and facilitated by The success will be measured
Systems Assessment effectively through contracts External Wall Systems Socotec by successfully passing an exam
Training Programme and terms of engagement Assessment in a testing centre and then by
when taking instructions (Target date of completion: the submission of an External
 Identify the legal framework June 2023) Wall Assessment Report that
and key standards affecting fire will be reviewed by the panel.
safety, and legal liability.
 Identify and interpret effective
information required for
inspections from stakeholders
 Undertake the inspection
process and intrusive
inspection processes
 Assess an external wall system
including the materials, the
construction and their fire
safety performance
 Understand the fire risk
presented by external wall
materials and systems
 Prepare a comprehensive
report with recommendations in
accordance with PAS 9980

 Preparing for success Complete the L3 management Fuel Learning course funded and Success will be measured by the
Management Level 3  Building relationships through course which is delivered over a facilitated by Socotec completion of monthly tasks
effective communications period of 14 months. and submission of assessments
 Delivering successful projects (Date of completion: February for the quality coach
 Leading people 2024)
 Managing People
Cardiff University  Civil Law and Procedures (2 Complete the Expert Witness Bond Solon course funded and The success will be
Bond Solon Expert days) course which will begin on 2nd facilitated by Socotec measured by the completion
Witness Course  Excellence in Report Writing of May 2023 of a CUBS multiple choice
 Courtroom skills (Target date of completion: test, submission of an Expert
 Cross examination day July 2023) Report and Video Evidence.
 Socotec Advisory workshops Additionally, internal case
study sessions will be
delivered by Socotec
Advisory team.

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