Nohynek 2007
Nohynek 2007
Nohynek 2007
Jürgen Lademann
Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Center of Experimental and Applied Cutaneous Physiology,
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Christele Ribaud
L’Oréal Research and Development, Life Science Research, Aulnay-sur-Bois, France
Michael S. Roberts
Department of Medicine, University of Queensland, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia
some, or liposome formulations contain small vesicles (range: 50 to 5000 nm) consisting of tradi-
tional cosmetic materials that protect light- or oxygen-sensitive cosmetic ingredients. Transder-
mal delivery and cosmetic research suggests that vesicle materials may penetrate the stratum
corneum (SC) of the human skin, but not into living skin. Depending on the physical/chemical
properties of the ingredient and the formulation, nano-sized formulations may enhance or re-
duce skin penetration, albeit at a limited rate. Modern sunscreens contain insoluble titanium
dioxide (TiO2 ) or zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles (NP), which are colorless and reflect/scatter
ultraviolet (UV) more efficiently than larger particles. Most available theoretical and experi-
mental evidence suggests that insoluble NP do not penetrate into or through normal as well
as compromised human skin. Oral and topical toxicity data suggest that TiO2 and ZnO NP
have low systemic toxicity and are well tolerated on the skin. In vitro cytotoxicity, genotoxicity,
and photogenotoxicity studies on TiO2 or other insoluble NP reporting uptake by cells, oxida-
tive cell damage, or genotoxicity should be interpreted with caution, since such toxicities may
be secondary to phagocytosis of mammalian cells exposed to high concentrations of insoluble
particles. Caution needs to be exercised concerning topical exposure to other NP that either
have characteristics enabling some skin penetration and/or have inherently toxic constituents.
Studies on wear debris particles from surgical implants and other toxicity studies on insoluble
particles support the traditional toxicology view that the hazard of small particles is mainly
defined by the intrinsic toxicity of particles, as distinct from their particle size. There is lit-
tle evidence supporting the principle that smaller particles have greater effects on the skin or
other tissues or produce novel toxicities relative to micro-sized materials. Overall, the current
weight of evidence suggests that nano-materials such as nano-sized vesicles or TiO2 and ZnO
nanoparticles currently used in cosmetic preparations or sunscreens pose no risk to human skin
or human health, although other NP may have properties that warrant safety evaluation on a
case-by-case basis before human use.
Keywords CAS 1314-13-2, CAS 13463-67-7, Cosmetics, Dermal toxicity, Genotoxicity, Nanopar-
ticles, Nanotechnology, Percutaneous penetration, Photogenotoxicity, Sunscreens, Risk
Assessment, Titanium dioxide, Zinc oxide
Address correspondence to Gerhard J. Nohynek, L’Oreal R&D, 25–29 quai Aulagnier, 92600 Asnières, France. E-mail: gnohynec@rd.loreal.
to the medical field in diagnosis, imaging, and drug delivery though their agglomerates may be larger (Maynard, 2006). One
(SCENIHR, 2005; Nel et al., 2006). The U. S. National Science of the largest applications of NP is their use in sunscreens where
Foundation estimated that the global market for NTs may reach the NP diameter is normally more than 10 nm. The global pro-
$1 trillion or more within 20 years (Maynard, 2006). duction of NP for sunscreen products was estimated to be ap-
The arrival of NT also initiated public debate about its poten- proximately 1000 tons during 2003/2004 (Borm et al., 2006),
tial risks. Michael Crichton’s novel Prey (2002), a tale of rioting and principally consists of titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) and zinc ox-
and runaway nanobots, popularized Eric Drexler’s earlier Grey ide (ZnO) particles. Today there is a broad consensus that the
Goo Theory (1986), a hypothetical end-of-the-world nanotech- principal human health risk may be from inhalation of NP (ECE-
disaster scenario, in which out-of-control self-replicating nano- TOC, 2005; Hoet et al., 2004; Maynard, 2006). Human cooking
robots (assemblers) consume all living matter on Earth. Al- activities (e.g., toasters, oven cooking, frying) or other indoor
though Grey Goo seems more science fiction than science, emissions (e.g., candles) may be the most important sources for
the theory has raised concerns in the public and the media human exposure to airborne NP (Olson and Burke, 2006; Afshari
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as well as prominent persons, such as the Prince of Wales, et al., 2005). However, concerns have also been raised about po-
termed as Royal Nanoangst by the UK media (Telegraph, 2003). tential dangers of the contact of NP with human skin. Recently,
The fear of this new technology was neatly described by Ball the Friends of the Earth warned against NT in cosmetic and
(2003): Overnight nanoscientists had become the new Franken- sunscreen products, since they may produce a possible uptake
steins, modern Prometheuses, contemporary Fausts, dabbling of particles by human skin: if nanoparticles penetrate the skin,
with dangerous forces they cannot control. they can join the bloodstream and circulate around the body
A source for concern may also arise from ignorance. Tsuji with uptake by cells, tissues and organs (FOE, 2006a). Possible
et al. (2006), for instance, suggest that the skin penetration and human systemic exposure from topically applied NP has also
toxicological impact of nanoparticles is unclear but there is a been suggested in toxicological reviews by Hoet et al. (2004),
potential for a range of local, chronic, metabolic, and photo- Oberdörster et al. (2005a), and even the US EPA Draft White
induced toxicities. These potential, albeit largely hypothetical, Paper (2005a), with the last hypothesizing that nanoparticles
risks to human heath and the environment have resulted in sev- may penetrate the skin and distribute throughout the body once
eral nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) demanding a ban or translocated to the circulatory system.
greater regulation of NT applications (Greenpeace, 2003; ICTA, Overall, the key questions that must be asked for any NP
2006; FOE, 2006a). An active discussion about potential risks applied to the skin is (1) what is the exposure, (2) is it absorbed
of NT has been undertaken by regulatory agencies and engaged and, if so, how much reaches the viable cells, and (3), if so,
scientists and has resulted in position papers from various regu- is it intrinsically toxic? More specific questions that may be
latory bodies. Some toxicologists proposed that new properties raised concerning the safety of NT/NP in cosmetic products and
of nano-materials may require novel approaches for their hazard sunscreens include the following:
assessment and a need for the new discipline of nanotoxicology
(Oberdörster et al., 2005a, 2005b), whereas others argued that • Do cosmetic formulations containing nano-sized fea-
toxicology itself may become a new discipline of nanoscience tures (vesicles or droplets) pose new risks when com-
(Kurath and Maasen, 2006). However, in the view of more tradi- pared with those of traditional cosmetic products?
tional toxicologists, the approaches and study protocols for rou- • Do nano-sized cosmetic formulations enhance the skin
tine toxicological characterization of chemicals are sufficiently penetration of cosmetic ingredients, thereby increas-
robust to provide meaningful characterization of nanoscale ma- ing the risk of human skin sensitization or systemic
terials (NTP/NIEHS, 2004). During recent years, the potential exposure?
risks of nano-materials to human health and the environment • Are insoluble NP in sunscreens intrinsically more haz-
have been reviewed by numerous national and international ex- ardous than larger particles, i.e. micro-particles or bulk
pert groups, such as the U. S. NTP/NIEHS (2004), Royal So- material?
• Do topically applied insoluble NP remain on the skin compromised. In the second part, we consider intrinsic, cellular,
surface or are they able to pass the skin barrier of nor- and phototoxicity of NP, their ingredients, and their coatings.
mal or compromised skin to gain access to systemic The third part examines in vivo considerations such as the like-
compartments of the organism? lihood of toxicity after systemic exposure, topical exposure, and
the risk of sensitization. The final part attempts to objectively
To this end, we attempt to summarize the available informa- assess the risks and benefits of topical NP use.
tion on the use of NTs in cosmetic and sunscreen products and
to review the evidence on potential adverse effects of NP on or 2. NANOTECHNOLOGY AND NANOPARTICLES IN
in the skin, including their potential to penetrate into or through COSMETICS AND SUNSCREENS
human skin and/or to pose a risk of human systemic exposure
and toxicity. In the first part of this article, we examine formu- 2.1 Cosmetic Formulations Containing Nano-Sized
lations containing NP and then examine the penetration of NP Structures (Figure 1)
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into and through the skin, addressing ZnO and TiO2 penetra- 2.1.1 Micro- and Nanoemulsions
tion, follicular penetration, penetration of other NP, the effect Nano-emulsions are commonly used in certain cosmetic
of formulation, and the consequences of the skin integrity being products, such as conditioners or lotions to be applied to the skin
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and hair (Figure 1). The optical, tactile, and texture properties of 2.2. Insoluble, Mineral-Based Nanoparticles
nano-emulsions make them highly attractive for cosmetic or con- in Sunscreens
sumer products. These emulsions combine traditional cosmetic Modern sunscreens contain insoluble, mineral-based materi-
ingredients, such as water, oils, and surfactants, to manufacture als whose performance depends on their particle size. Mineral
two-phase systems in which droplets of size 50 to 100 nm are particles, such as TiO2 , reflect and scatter UV light most effi-
dispersed in an external phase. The small droplet size enables ciently at a size of 60 to 120 nm (Popov et al., 2005), whereas
nano-emulsions to flow easily, be transparent, and be pleasant to ZnO has an optimal size of 20–30 nm (Cross et al., 2007; Figures
the touch. Their unique texture and rheological properties have 1 and 3). As such particles scatter UV and not visible light, the
yet to be obtained by other formulation methods (Sonneville- resulting sunscreen appears to be clear. Sunscreen-grade nano-
Aubrun et al., 2004). Nano-emulsions pose no different risk to sized TiO2 ranges from an ultrafine particle form with a diameter
consumers than traditional emulsions, as both are composed of of 14 nm to micro-sized aggregates (Table 1). ZnO is generally
water and oil droplets, and tend to break down into their con- used in the form of particles at 30–200 nm in diameter. The
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stituent ingredients upon application to skin or hair (Van den surface of these mineral particles is frequently treated with inert
Berg et al., 1999). Micro- or nano-emulsions can enhance skin coating materials, such as silicon oils, SiO2 or Al2 O3 , in order
penetration of some cosmetic or dermatological ingredients but to improve their dispersion in sunscreen formulations (see Table
usually less than that seen with these ingredients in solution 1; SCCNFP, 2000).
(Lehmann et al., 2001; Kreilgard, 2002; Korting et al., 1990; Sunscreen products containing mineral UV filters protect
Kogan and Garti, 2006). consumers from the harmful effects of UV exposure, includ-
ing skin aging, skin and lip cancers, and herpes labialis (Pogoda
and Preston-Martin, 1996; Nohynek and Schaefer, 2003). Con-
2.1.2 Liposomes, Niosomes, Nanosomes, and Nanocapsules sequently, dermatological associations and national or interna-
Liposomes and niosomes are globular vesicles with diam- tional health authorities strongly recommend the application of
eters between 25 and 5000 nm. Such vesicles are composed sunscreens before sun exposure (WHO, 1998). Given that nano-
of suitable amphiphilic molecules that associate as a double sized particles of titanium or zinc oxides are transparent, these
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layer (unilamellar vesicles) or two to four double layers (mul- UV filters are not only more efficient, but also result in better
tilamellar vesicles). In general, the outer and the inner layers consumer acceptance and, ultimately, improve the protection of
of vesicles have a hydrophilic character (Figure 1). Liposomes human skin against UV-induced damage. Interestingly, it has re-
and niosomes may incorporate hydrophilic or lipophilic sub- cently been shown that lead-based traditional hair dyes that have
stances or drugs. Liposomes are mainly generated from phos- been used since the Greco-Roman period produce their darken-
pholipids; niosomes are composed of nonionic surfactants, such ing of gray hair by formation of lead sulfide NP (size about 5
as polyoxyethylene alkyl ethers or -esters (Junginger et al., nm) on the surface of the hair (Walter et al., 2006). Thus, the
1991). Vesicles materials mainly consist of phospholipids, sph- use of and human exposure to cosmetic-derived NP appears to
ingolipids, or ceramides; due to their lipophilic interior they have have a history of more than 3000 years.
an enhanced capacity to enclose lipophilic substances (Castor,
2005; Brunke and Charlet, 1991). The ultrastructure of some 3. LOCAL AND SYSTEMIC EXPOSURE FOLLOWING
of these vesicles is quite similar to that of mammalian milk, DERMAL APPLICATION OF NANOMATERIALS
which contains nano-sized fat droplets surrounded by the milk
fat globular membrane (Lopez, 2005). Rigid nano- or microcap- 3.1 General
sules have rigid walls consisting of sucrose esters, cholesterol Mammalian skin is structured in several layers: the stratum
or cholesterol sulfate, or biodegradable polymers, such as poly- corneum (SC), epidermis, dermis, and the subcutaneous layer.
caprolactone (Van den Bergh et al., 1999; Alvarez-Roman et al., For most substances, the SC is the rate-limiting barrier against
2001). the percutaneous penetration of topically applied substances
Vesicle formulations are produced from traditional cosmetic (Schaefer et al., 2003). The rate of skin absorption and pen-
ingredients by techniques such as coacervation or phase separa- etration of cosmetic ingredients may be measured in vivo or
tion. These formulations are important in cosmetic applications in vitro under realistic conditions of product use. However, in
because they may improve the stability and, possibly, tolerance vitroand in vivo skin absorption data should be interpreted with
of ingredients such as unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, or an- caution. Currently used in vitro models, such as pig and human
tioxidants that are encapsulated within the vesicle, but also the skin, may yield comparable results, provided the total quantity
efficacy and tolerance of ultraviolet (UV) filters on the skin sur- of ingredients present in skin sample is taken into consideration.
face (Padamwar and Pokharkar, 2006; Alvarez-Roman et al., However, the distribution of a substance in the different com-
2001). When applied on skin, vesicles tend to break down into partments may vary due to difference in the relative thicknesses
their constituent ingredients, which tend to remain in the upper of the SC, epidermis, and dermis of human and pig skin. Differ-
layers of the stratum corneum (Junginger et al., 1991; Van den ences in relative distribution between pig and human skin may
Bergh et al., 1999; Choi and Maibach, 2005). be large or small depending on the substance under evaluation
Commercial coated and noncoated sunscreen-grade titanium dioxide particles: Results of in vitro phototoxicity, genotoxicity, and
photo-genotoxicity tests (unpublished data included in the industry safety dossier, summarized in the EU SCCNFP opinion on
TiO2 ; SCCNFP, 2000)
AN = anatase; RU = rutile.
CA = chromosome aberration test in mammalian cells; standard photo-genotoxicity tests included test under dark conditions; NRU = neutral
red uptake phototoxicity test.
Pigment-grade TiO2 .
(Diembeck et al., 1999). The proportion of the substance ab- also lead to artifacts in that hair follicle or skin furrow mate-
sorbed or penetrated may also vary as a function of the quantity rial may be assayed together with the epidermis or the living
applied. This variability depends on the nature of the substance skin. In reality, particles readily penetrate into the hair follicle
under evaluation and is not easily predicted. For this reason, it is opening (its ostium), which is several tens of micrometers deep.
crucial to use experimental protocols where the quantity applied Sectioning or stripping of the epidermis by heat treatment may
is representative of the actual use conditions of the product. result in material stored in hair follicles or skin furrows being
Experimental protocols that produce partial or total occlu- collected together with sections of the epidermis so that a po-
sion tend to favor the penetration of substances into the SC by tential incorrect conclusion that may be reached that a substance
increasing its level of hydration, which reduces its barrier func- had penetrated into the epidermis. In vitro, NP or micro-particles
tion (Zhai and Maibach, 2001). Therefore, when determining are known to aggregate in the hair follicle ostium or skin fur-
the localization of a substance in an in vitro absorption model, it rows without further penetrating into or through the living skin
is important to consider swelling phenomena that may produce (Lademann et al., 1999; Mavon et al., 2007). We have used mul-
artifacts. tiphoton and confocal microscopy to confirm that many NP >
Some percutaneous penetration studies used isolated human 15 nm do not penetrate the human stratum corneum beyond the
or animal epidermis or stratum corneum (SC), which are avail- superficial layers (M. Roberts, unpublished observations, 2006).
able in the form of thin and fragile films, although such mate- In vivo skin penetration studies are often carried out in a
rials will yield higher absorption or penetration rates than full- range of rodent or farm animals as well as in human subjects
thickness skin (Surber et al., 1990; Potts and Guy, 1992). Similar (Schaefer and Redelmeier, 1996; Walters and Roberts, 1993).
to occlusion, immersion may produce substantial swelling of the Interpretation of in vivo skin penetration studies between differ-
SC; therefore, substances may penetrate into spaces between ent species must be undertaken with caution as the permeability
swollen corneocytes, whereas skin absorption may be low or can vary widely depending both on the nature of the species
absent after topical application of substance to intact skin (Zhai and of the compound being studied. In general, the penetration
and Maibach, 2001). Destructive methods for studying the dis- of rabbit skin > rat > pig > monkey > human, with the pig
tribution of a substance in the skin and stripping of the SC can being about 4 times or more and the rat up about 9 times more
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FIG. 2. Section of the hair follicle and routes of possible penetration pathways of externally applied substances into and through
skin (adapted from Lademann et al., 1999, 2006).
permeable than human skin for certain compounds (Magnusson transmission and scanning electron microscopy as well as x-ray
et al., 2001). diffraction techniques detected particles only on the surface of
the stratum corneum. No skin or intracellular penetration of par-
ticles was found (Dussert and Gooris, 1997). A series of in vivo
3.2 Passive Penetration of Insoluble ZnO and TiO2 NP and in vitro studies were performed on the percutaneous pene-
Into or Through the Skin (Figure 2) tration of nano-sized TiO2 pigments. The results of more than 10
Skin penetration studies on TiO2 and ZnO micro- or nanopar- different published or unpublished studies in vitro (human and
ticles are summarized in Table 2. The maximum flux into or pig skin) or in vivo (rat model, or biopsies of human skin) were
For personal use only.
through the skin of molecules in solution or as pure solutions summarized in a relatively recent opinion of the EU Scientific
falls exponentially with molecular weight to have an upper limit Committee on Cosmetics and Non-Food Products (SCCNFP)
of 10−12 mol/cm2 /h at 800 Da (Magnusson et al., 2004). Brown on TiO2 (2000). All studies included in the SCCNFP opinion as
et al. (2006) have suggested that solutes that are >500 Da, well as published investigations concluded that micro- or nano-
have high melting points and have insufficient amphiphilicity sized TiO2 particles remain on the skin surface or the outer layers
show little or negligible tendency for passive penetration into or of the SC and do not penetrate into or through the living skin
through intact human skin. Simulations show that a solute with (Tan et al., 1996; Pflücker et al., 2001; Lademann et al., 1999;
a molecular volume equivalent to insoluble NP and that is one Schulz et al., 2002; Gontier et al., 2004; Gamer et al., 2006).
to two orders of magnitude larger than a solute with a molecu- Gottbrath and Müller-Goymann (2003) showed that the pene-
lar mass of ∼500 Da results in epidermal concentrations of the tration of TiO2 (20 nm and 100 nm) into human stratum corneum,
order of 10−18 nmol/ml after a safety factor of 100 is included studied by tape stripping, was limited to the surface and valleys
and becomes even lower when desquamation is taken into ac- between the corneocytes. In contrast, Menzel et al. (2004) sug-
count (Roberts, 2006). Accordingly, based on the available skin gested that TiO2 applied in formulations to pig skin penetrates
permeability data, it is predicted that there will be no passive into the stratum granulosum but not the stratum spinosum. Pen-
penetration of solid, insoluble particles into or through the skin. etration via the follicles was discounted. The very recent study
This absence of skin penetration has also been corroborated by by Mavon et al. (2007) on the percutaneous absorption of TiO2
numerous experimental data, summarized later in this article. NP (20 nm) in a sunscreen formulation in human skin in vitro as
However, a number of exceptions have also been reported. well as in human subjects showed that penetration was limited
The penetration of micro-fine zinc and titanium oxide parti- to the upper layer of the stratum corneum and confirmed once
cles into animal and human skin appears to be the most studied again that these particles do not penetrate into or through living
of all NP. Most studies have reported that NP applied to the human skin. In addition, the study revealed that small amounts
skin only penetrate into hair follicle openings and skin furrows, of particles may be found in the epidermal compartment in vitro,
with minimal material being found below the stratum corneum which corresponds to sunscreen located in the skin furrows or
surface. Landsdown and Taylor (1997) measured the penetra- the infundibulum, but not in the living epidermis.
tion of micro-fine zinc and titanium oxide particles into rabbit Similarly, as shown in recent in vitro percutaneous penetra-
skin. Most of the applied material remained on the skin sur- tion studies, ZnO NP showed negligible penetration into pig
face, the outer layers of the SC, or the outer aspects of the hair (Gamer et al., 2006) and human skin (Cross et al., 2006). These
follicles, and no deposits were found in deeper aspects of the findings confirmed the results of a number in vitro or in vivo
epidermis or the dermis. Another study on the skin penetration percutaneous penetration studies on ZnO particles that were re-
of nano-sized, sunscreen-grade TiO2 and ZnO particles using viewed in the recent SCCNFP opinion (2003a). None of these
Overview of TiO2 and ZnO skin absorption/penetration studies
TiO2 (No information Unknown (microfine) Human skin, in vitro No significant Tan et al., 1996
on particle coating) penetration into
living skin
ZnO (No information Unknown (microfine) Human skin, in vitro 0.34% absorbed after Pirot et al., 1996
on particle coating) 72 h
TiO2 and ZnO (No <2 to 20 µm Rabbit, in vivo Penetration of particles Landsdown and Taylor,
information on into stratum corneum 1997
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penetration into
living skin.
Various TiO2 , anatase 14 nm to 200 µm Pig and human skin in No penetration beyond EU SCCNFP Opinion,
and rutile, coated and vitro, human subjects the stratum corneum 2000
uncoated materials (skin stripping or in any study.
TiO2 (SiO2 -, Al2 O3 -, 10 to 100 nm Human skin, in vitro Penetration of particles Pflücker et al., 2001
Al2 O3 , + into the upper layers
SiO2 -coated) of stratum
penetration into
living skin.
TiO2 (SiO2 -, Al2 O3 -, 10 to 100 nm Human subjects Particles on or in the Schulz et al., 2002
Al2 O3 ,/SiO2 -coated) (biopsy) outmost surface of
the stratum corneum.
No penetration into
living skin.
TiO2 -containing Not specified Human subjects (tape Particles on or in the Gottbrath and
sunscreen stripping) outmost layers of the Müller-Goymann,
stratum corneum. No 2003
penetration into
living skin.
ZnO, various particle Not specified Human normal and No increase in plasma EU SCCNFO Opinion,
sizes psoriatic subjects (Zn levels. In vitro, 2003a
plasma levels after penetration was <1%
topical treatment); in of applied dose. Most
vitro pig skin ZnO was recovered in
the stratum corneum.
(Continued on next page)
Overview of TiO2 and ZnO skin absorption/penetration studies (Continued)
Al2 O3 , ZnO, TiO2 Nanoparticles (size not Mouse, pig and human TiO2 detected in the Gontier et al., 2004
specified) skin in vitro intercellular spaced
between corneocytes
of the outermost
layers of the stratum
corneum. No
penetration into
Critical Reviews in Toxicology Downloaded from by Brown University Library on 06/17/12
living skin.
TiO2 in various Needles: 45 to 150 nm Pig skin, in vitro Particles on/in the Menzel et al., 2004
formulations (no × 17 to 35 stratum corneum;
information on minimal penetration
coating) into stratum
granulosum. No
penetration into
living skin.
ZnO 15 to 30 nm Human skin, in vitro Less than 0.03% of Cross et al., 2006
applied Zn recovered
in the receptor
solution, no particles
detected in epidermis
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or dermis.
TiO2 (SiO2 - or TiO2 : 30 to 60 nm ZnO: Pig skin,in vitro No penetration beyond Gamer et al., 2006
dimethicon-coated) <160 nm stratum corneum.
and ZnO (uncoated) Receptor solution
recoveries of
0.8–1.4% of applied
TiO2 in a sunscreen Particles: 20 nm Human skin in vitro Penetration limited to Mavon et al., 2007
formulation, and human subjects, upper layers of
silicone-coated skin stripping, TEM, stratum corneum. NP
backscattering in skin furrows or
spectrometry follicular opening
may be mistaken to
be in the epidermal
studies suggested significant penetration into or through living although the particles remained outside the living epidermis or
human or animal skin. However, although TiO2 NP can have dermis were shown be eliminated by sebum flow. Lademann
particle diameters as low as 10 nm, ZnO NP are typically >20 et al. (1999) and Weigmann et al. (1999), in studying the pen-
nm in order to have transparency in visible light (Figure 3). etration of sunscreen-grade TiO2 nanoparticles into the skin by
means of tape stripping, showed that particles were mainly lo-
3.3 Penetration of NP Into the Stratum Corneum cated on the skin surface and in the lipid layers around the cor-
and Follicular Penetration neocytes of the first cell layers of the stratum corneum (Figure 4).
Hair follicles represent a potential target for transdermal drug In deeper parts of the stratum corneum, TiO2 was absent. Signif-
delivery, since they are surrounded by a tight network of capil- icant amounts of TiO2 particles were detected in the orifices of
laries which may be an important target for drug uptake (Figure hair follicles; their presence was confirmed by skin biopsy in hu-
2). However, the presence of TiO2 NP in the hair follicle re- man subjects. Interestingly, not all hair follicle orifices appeared
ported by Lademann et al. (1999, 2001) has frequently been to act as a reservoir for topically applied nanoparticles, there
misquoted or misinterpreted as penetration into the living skin, were open or closed follicle orifices (Lademann et al., 1999).
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FIG. 3. ZnO nanoparticles and topical absorption: (A) TEM of coated particles, (B) PCS size distribution of micronized particles,
(C) spectral transmittance of ZnO particles in aqueous solution, and (D) TEM showing ZnO particles present on the skin surface
and around desquamating corneocytes (no penetration into the underlying stratum corneum was observed (from Cross et al., 2006).
FIG. 4. TiO2 penetration into the stratum corneum of human subjects after in vivo sunscreen application for 4 days (adapted from
Lademann, 1999).
follicular sink does not mean that they pass the skin barrier. Insol-
uble particles collected in the follicular orifices do not penetrate
into the living epidermis, but remain in the follicular orifices for
some time and are slowly removed by sebum flow. There may
be an optimal size of particles concerning their collection and
storage in the follicular orifice. For example, Toll, et al. (2004)
investigated the tendency of particles at different sizes (600 to
2,500 nm) to collect in the follicular orifice of hair follicles of
excised human skin. They found that the smallest particles (600
nm) had the greatest tendency for follicular storage.
Teichmann et al. (2006) compared in pig-ear skin the
penetration and storage of the fluorescent dye fluorescein in a
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particle (320 nm) formulation as well as in solution. The dye FIG. 5. Hair follicle content removed with a cyanoacrylate
formulations were applied with and without massage, which biopsy (laser scanning microscopy). Adapted from Lademann
was performed using a commercial massage applicator for 1 min et al. (2006).
following the application of the formulations. In the absence
of massage, an identical penetration depth of the particle and
nonparticle formulations was observed. However, subsequent particle- and solution-based formulations in hair follicle orifices
to massage, particles moved five times deeper into the hair showed quantitative disappearance of the dye solution after 6
follicles when compared with the depth of penetration of the days, whereas dye particles remained in the hair follicles for
dye solution. It was suggested that the cuticula of moving hair more than 10 days before being eliminated.
shafts could act like a geared pump, pushing the particles deeper Summarizing the current knowledge on the follicular sink, it
into the hair follicles by mechanical force. This process seems could be established that the orifice of hair follicles may repre-
to be particularly efficient when the size of applied particles sent a long-term reservoir for topically applied substances and
is in the same order of magnitude as the cuticula of human particles. Dermal application of substances targeted for follic-
hair, that is, 400 to 700 nm. Interestingly, nano-sized particles ular orifices may open new routes in drug delivery. However,
(<100 nm) showed no tendency of enhanced movement into the although insoluble NP, such as TiO2 , were shown to be present
follicular orifice. Although massage resulted in a greater depth in the hair follicle orifices, they remained outside the living skin
of particle distribution into the follicular orifice, the particles and no evidence for local (living skin) or systemic exposure via
remained outside the living epidermis. follicular penetration was found.
Lademann et al. (2007) repeated the experiments with fluo-
rescein in a particle formulation and in solution in human skin 3.4 Penetration of Other NP Into the Skin
using differential cyanoacrylate skin stripping (Teichmann et al., It has been argued that there is some evidence suggesting
2006), which allows a noninvasive removal of the hair follicle that nanoparticles may penetrate into or through human skin
content (Figure 5). After the follicle contents were removed by (Hoet et al., 2004; Oberdörster, 2005a). However, most of this
cyanoacrylate surface biopsies, the amount of nanoparticles in work has been undertaken using NP other than ZnO or TiO2
the tape strips and the cyanoacrylate biopsies was determined and, in general, equivocal results have been found. For instance,
and storage of the particles in the stratum corneum and the hair on application of covalently bound, fluorescent nanocapsules to
follicle orifice was compared. The results suggested that parti- pig skin, fluorescence was detected in open follicles and in fur-
cles located in the stratum corneum were nearly quantitatively rows of the skin, but no penetration of these particles into the
removed after one day, whereas particles in the hair follicles living epidermis or dermis was found (Alvarez-Roman et al.,
remained for more than 10 days. Comparison of the storage of 2004a, 2004b), and Stracke et al. (2006) found no penetration
not, and also that neutral and positively charge particles did not
penetrate. Shim et al. (2004) showed that neutral PEG coated
40-nm NP penetrated into the epidermis of hairless guinea pig
skin. The earlier quoted work of Ryman-Rasmussen et al. (2006)
reported that quantum dots could not be detected in the perfusate
of dermatomed pig skin mounted in flow through diffusion cells.
However, significant penetration of neutral, positively charged,
and negatively charged nanoparticles (diameters: spherical 4.6
nm, ellipsoid 6 × 12 nm) into the epidermis and, for cations, also
into the dermis was found. While these findings suggest that very
small NP may have a capacity for passive penetration into intact
skin, the relevance of pig skin and of the alkaline pHs used to
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Examples of drug substances that are currently used in passive TDD were recently reviewed (Benson, 2005). Drug formulations
TDD systems are shown in Table 3. During recent decades, huge containing nano- or micro-sized vesicles, such as emulsions, li-
TDD research efforts investigated drug formulations to enhance posomes, niosomes, or nanosomes, have been the object of in-
or facilitate the percutaneous penetration of topically applied tensive research, since they were considered to be highly promis-
substances. Skin penetration enhancement techniques used in ing to carry drugs into or through human skin. TDD using novel
Examples of drug substances used in commercial passive transdermal drug delivery systems (occlusive patches), molecular
weight, drug structures, and calculated molecular sizes (adapted from Benson, 2005)
Distance in angstroms (1 nm = 10 Å) between the two farthest atoms of the molecule, calculated with the molecular modeling software
SYBYL (Tripos, Inc.) after geometry optimization with the Tripos force field (SYBYL 7.1, Tripos, Inc., St. Louis, MO).
formulations and techniques resulted in numerous innovative ap- times resulted in a somewhat greater penetration of the drug from
plications and indications of traditional drug substances, which the NP-formulation, presumably due to protection of the active
has recently been termed a transdermal revolution (Thomas and ingredient. NP were only detected in the upper layers of the SC
Finnin, 2004). and no penetration into the living skin was observed (Luengo
An in-depth review on the TDD of various lipophilic and et al., 2006).
hydrophilic drug substances (retinoic acid, 5-fluorouracil, trip- The degree and magnitude of skin penetration of drugs sub-
tolide, ascorbic acid, diclofenac, lidocaine, prilocaine) formu- stances formulated in vesicles does not appear to be related or
lated as different microemulsions on the basis of several fatty proportional to a smaller particle size of vesicles. For example, it
acids as oil phases, phospholipid-type and anionic surfactants, was shown that the skin penetration of triamcinolone acetonide
short-chain alcohols cosurfactants, and penetration-enhancing in rat skin of mono- or multilamellar vesicles at 200 or 1000 nm
substances has recently been published. The results in animal diameter was similar (Yu and Liao, 1996). An in-depth study
and human skin suggested that there are many factors affect- in mouse, hamster, and pig skin on the skin penetration of cy-
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ing the delivery of topically applied drugs. Although some mi- closporine A in liposomes of various particle sizes (60, 300, and
croemulsions were capable to enhance the skin penetration of 1000 nm) showed the greatest penetration into or through the
drug substances (max. 2 to 3 times), their delivery rate depended skin for the 300 nm vesicles and suggested that skin penetration
on the physical/chemical properties and concentration of the of intact vesicles or their materials does not occur (Du Plessis
drug, structure and ingredients of the carrier and the type of the et al., 1994). Another study on the penetration in human abdomi-
skin membrane used for penetration studies. When compared nal skin of hydrophilic or lipophilic fluorescent dyes formulated
to standard formulations (gels, creams, solutions), drug delivery in liposomes of 5 different particle sizes (73 to 810 nm) found
enhancement by microemulsions appeared more efficient for hy- an enhanced penetration of the hydrophilic dye from liposomes
drophilic than for lipophilic drug substances (Kogan and Garti, of 120 or 190 nm, whereas the lipophilic dye penetrated most
2006). from vesicles at a size of 71 nm (Verma et al., 2003).
The use of liposome and niosome formulations in TDD in- Formulation is, however, important. Bennat and Müller-
cluding their skin penetration characteristics has been reviewed Goymann (2000) had previously reported that oily microfine
For personal use only.
by Choi and Maibach (2005), who concluded that vesicle formu- TiO2 (20 nm) penetrates deeper into stratum corneum from an
lations may significantly enhance the percutaneous penetration oily emulsion than an aqueous one and liposomes increases the
of drug substances, but only for certain and suitable molecules. penetration depth of TiO2 into the stratum corneum. This result
For drug substances that have a high intrinsic capacity for skin was confirmed by Gottbrath and Müller-Goymann (2003). An-
penetration, such as steroid hormones, caffeine, or nicotine, li- other large study investigated the skin penetration of tretinoin
posome formulations may result in less skin penetration when in positive- or negative-charged liposomes of different particle
compared with that from solutions, but may result in higher drug sizes (135 to 1163 nm) and types (multi- and monolamellar), as
concentrations in the stratum corneum. For more poorly pene- well as in water/ethanol, oil, and a dermatological cream for-
trating drug substances, liposomes or other vesicle-type formu- mulation. The results suggested that skin penetration from neg-
lations may enhance their skin penetration, although the mag- atively charged vesicles was superior, when compared with that
nitude of penetration enhancement tends to be moderate. These of traditional (cream, oil, ethanol/water) formulations (maximal
reports are consistent with the experience of our own laboratory, twofold increase), but was unaffected by vesicle size or lamellar-
which found that liposome or nanosomes vesicle formulation ity and primarily depended on the vesicle material. No evidence
may enhance or reduce skin penetration of cosmetic ingredients, for intact skin penetration of vesicles or their materials was found
although at a limited scale, that is, maximally two- to threefold in the study (Sinico et al., 2005).
(C. Ribaud, unpublished data, 2006). Overall, these data suggests that vesicle materials as well
Encapsulation of lipophilic ingredients in rigid nanocapsules, as vesicle size may affect the skin penetration of liposome- or
such as polycaprolactone capsules, was shown to enhance the niosome-encapsulated drugs, whereas the degree of the pene-
skin penetration of some molecules, such as OMC, a lipophilic tration of the active ingredient is not proportional to a reduced
ultraviolet filter, but also increased its skin protection against (<100 nm) vesicle size. No evidence was found that vesicles
UV light, which would permit the use of lower concentrations at nano-range produce greater skin penetration of encapsulated
(Alvarez-Roman et al., 2004a). In contrast, in an earlier study, drugs when compared with that of micro-sized vesicles. Pos-
the same UV filter formulated in nanocapsules consisting of the sibly, an ideal vesicle size exists depending on the individual
same polymer after application to pig skin was only found in vesicle material and drug substance (Verma et al., 2003). The
the SC, but was not detected in the deeper layers of the skin results of reports on skin penetration of vesicles and their mate-
(Alvarez-Roman et al., 2001). Similarly, comparison in excised rials consistently concluded that the vesicles or their materials
human skin of the penetration of the drug flufenamic acid in do not penetrate beyond the most superficial layers of the SC
poly(lactide-coglycolide) nanoparticles with that of the drug in (Ganesan et al., 1984; Schreier and Bouwstra, 1994; Honeywell-
solution showed less penetration of the NP-formulation over 12 h Nguyen et al., 2004). Similar results were found in an in-depth
when compared with that of the drug solution; longer incubation investigation on the skin penetration of formulations containing
elastic or rigid vesicles (particle size: 100 to 150 nm), confirm- cutaneous penetration, or sensitization testing in vitro, in vivo
ing that that vesicle materials did not penetrate further than the or in human subjects should be performed on normal, healthy
stratum corneum (Van den Bergh et al., 1999). skin, and not on compromised or diseased skin (SCCNFP,
The only TDD system that resembles solid NP consists of 2003b).
solid-lipid nanoparticle (SLNP) systems that were investigated A review of the literature suggests that there is little evi-
for skin penetration enhancement for a wide variety of sub- dence suggesting a general rule that slightly compromised skin
stances. Although SLNP were initially reported to improve the has a greater susceptibility to skin penetration by small parti-
skin absorption of some drugs, sunscreens or vitamins (Santos cles (Schäfer-Korting et al., 1994), although it has been recog-
et al., 2002), the enhancement has been recognized to be mainly nized that certain pathological skin conditions may affect skin
related to an increase in skin hydration produced by an occlusive penetration of topically applied substances. Overall, it is un-
lipid film formed on the surface of the skin, and not by actual certain whether all conditions of compromised skin enhance
skin penetration of the SLNP themselves (Wissing and Müller, percutaneous penetration of topically applied substances or par-
Critical Reviews in Toxicology Downloaded from by Brown University Library on 06/17/12
2003; reviewed by Benson, 2005). ticles. For example, it has been shown that the percutaneous ab-
In general, the penetration-enhancing capacity of vesicle- sorption and systemic bioavailability following application of a
containing formulations appears to be limited; such formula- [14 C]methylprednisolone aceponate-containing lotion to intact
tions are not able to perform miracles and drive any compound and inflamed skin (UVB-induced sunburn) of human subjects
into or through human skin. Today it has been recognized that were identical or lower for inflamed skin, whereas removal of
passive TDD, that is, delivery by occlusive patches, vesicle- the stratum corneum by tape stripping significantly enhanced the
type formulations, gels, or creams, may only yield significant penetration of the drug into normal and inflamed skin (Gunther
skin penetration and therapeutic effects of drug substances that et al., 1998). This is not surprising, given that skin inflamma-
combine a high pharmacological potency, a suitable log octanol– tion produces a thickening of the epidermis and thereby may en-
water partition coefficient (log P) value (1 to 3), a melting point hance, rather than reduce, the barrier function of the skin (Walker
below 200◦ C, and a molecular mass of <500 Da, a combina- et al., 2003).
tion of parameters similar to Lipinski’s Rule of Five predicting Some skin diseases, such as psoriasis vulgaris, produce hy-
For personal use only.
bioavailability of oral drugs (Lipinski et al., 2001). Drug sub- perkeratosis, which may also result in a reduced penetration of
stances marketed today in passive TDD systems all fit into these topically applied substances, whereas other skin diseases, such
limits, they have molecular weights between 160 and 360 and a as eczema or podoconiosis (elephanatiosis), may produce rup-
molecular size between 0.75 to 1.6 nm (Benson, 2005; Table 3). ture of the stratum corneum and thereby reduce the barrier func-
For larger molecules and/or physical characteristics outside tion of the skin, resulting in increased penetration of topically
this range, such as large molecules, peptides, proteins, or nu- applied substances (Korting et al., 1990). Low-frequency ultra-
cleotides, significant percutaneous penetration may only be sound promotes the penetration of 20-nm quantum dots through
achieved by active delivery methods, such as skin abrasion, pig skin in a heterogeneous manner to an epidermal depth of ∼60
skin erosion (suction blisters), electrical (ionophoretic) and me- nm (Paliwal et al., 2006). This penetration was considerably
chanical (skin stretching) methods, or other energy-related tech- increased by the presence of sodium lauryl sulfate. Recently,
niques, such as ultrasound or needleless injection, or by the Upadhyay (2006) has suggested that mild hyperthermia results
combination of active and/or passive delivery methods (Benson, in higher mass transport dot quantum dot antigen-labeled NP.
2005; Thomas and Finnin, 2004). A range of immune responses in vivo followed, leading to the
suggestion that NP may be used for transdermal immunization.
3.6 Nanoparticles and Altered, Compromised, However, quantum dots are often cell-impermeable and require
or Diseased Skin transporters to facilitate crossing over cell membranes (Zhang
In the absence of the stratum corneum barrier, there is a po- et al., 2006).
tential for certain NP to lead to immune modulation. Kim et al. Work by Tinkle et al. (2003) also suggests that fluorescent
(2004) have shown that quantum dots may be translocated to dextran beads penetrate into flexed human skin with NP be-
regional lymph nodes, possibly via macrophages and Langer- ing found in the epidermis or dermis. However, the skin sec-
hans cells after application to the dermis. In general, however, tions flexed were relatively thin (300–400 µm), and the find-
other than with lacerations and burns, some epidermal barrier ings may alternatively be explained by penetration of particles
function normally exists in compromised skin. Further, most into hair follicles (Lademann et al., 1999), which is known to
cosmetic products, with perhaps the exception of sunscreens or be enhanced by mechanical movement (Cormier et al., 2001;
after-sun products that are applied to sunburned, that is, inflamed Teichmann et al., 2006). In addition, the human skin was stored
skin, cosmetic products are designed to be used on healthy skin. in a tissue medium at 4◦ C for 24 h before the studies. Further,
In contrast, certain topical dermatological drugs are applied to one should take into account the possibility that mechanical
diseased skin. This position is reflected by current EU Notes flexing of mammalian skin with a sufficiently large NP may
of Guidance for Testing of Cosmetics and their Ingredients that create sufficient pressure to cause epidermal penetration (Tin-
indicate that key dermal safety studies, such as irritation, per- kle, personal communication to M. Roberts, 2006). A lack of a
diffuse fluorescence in the skin treated with fluorescent-marked tors, noble metals, and magnetic transition metals. Of these, in-
NP suggests that a detachment of dye molecules from parti- dium arsenate, cadmium tellurium, and gallium arsenate appear
cles with subsequent penetration of the dye into the skin has to be quantum dots with potential intrinsic toxicity sufficient to
not occurred (Tinkle, personal communication to M. Roberts, warrant appropriate exposure limits. In addition, dissolution of
2006). However, such a detachment and other sample prepara- the core to the elemental metal, such as cadmium, may also be
tion artifacts have caused interpretation issues in other studies. associated with toxicity.
For example, in two recent, independent inhalation studies on Intrinsic toxicity may also be modified by the type of par-
Tc-marked carbon NP it has been recognized that marker sub- ticle coating used. In principle, coating with polyethylene gly-
stances may become detached from inhaled NP, thereby leaching col makes NP less hydrophobic and more biocompatible. Other
into the tissue and resulting in the semblance of systemic expo- coatings, however, may be intrinsically toxic, such as mercap-
sure to NP, although the particles remained localized in the lungs toacetic acid or immunogenic, for example, covalent serum albu-
(Wiebert et al., 2006a and 2006b). Our own unpublished work min, coatings (Hardman, 2006). Ryman-Rasmussen et al. (2006)
Critical Reviews in Toxicology Downloaded from by Brown University Library on 06/17/12
(Roberts, 2006), has shown that ZnO NP are retained at the stra- showed carboxylic acid or PEG-amine coatings of quantum dot
tum corneum surface and in follicular openings after flexing of NP produced cytotoxicity, whereas PEG-coated NP were non-
human skin. toxic. The study concluded that quantum dot surface coating is
The fact that topical application of metals such as beryllium a primary determinant of cytotoxicity and immunogenicity in
or nickel or their salts may lead to skin sensitization has been human epidermal keratinocytes.
suggested as supporting evidence for skin penetration of NP
(Tinkle et al., 2003). However, this phenomenon may not rep- 4.2 In Vitro Toxicity Studies on Insoluble NP
resent genuine evidence for skin penetration of particles or NP, in Mammalian Cells
since metals are principally thought to penetrate the skin by A wealth of information on the behavior in the organism
diffusion of their ionized, that is, atomic or molecular forms and adverse effects of small, insoluble, and foreign particles is
(Hostynek, 2003). available from studies on adverse effects of surgical implants,
such as artificial hip or knee joints. Such devices may produce
wear debris consisting of nano- and micro-sized particles on their
For personal use only.
(200 nm), and W (tungsten, 27 µm) in rat liver cells. The re- to be treated with caution, especially since such findings may
sults showed no correlation of cytotoxicity with the particle size, often be more convincingly explained by the phagocytic activ-
but with the chemical nature of the test substance. Materials of ity of treated cells. Given that human keratinocytes in culture
known toxicity (CdO and Ag) were highly cytotoxic at all par- are known to have considerable phagocytic capacity (Korting,
ticle sizes, whereas the remaining materials showed a similar 1993), reports on uptake of NP or carbon nanotubes by cultured
degree of cytotoxicity independently of particle size (Hussain keratinocytes (Monteiro-Riviere et al., 2005a) or other cells do
et al., 2005). These findings are also supported by the results of not necessarily predict a potential toxicity or a risk to intact
Olivier et al. (2003), who showed that the cytotoxicity of 0.45- human skin or the human organism, but may simply reflect
and 3.45-µm polystyrene or 0.43- and 2.81-µm alumina parti- the intrinsic biological response of cultured mammalian cells
cles to macrophages or fibroblasts was unrelated to their particle to treatment with an insoluble, foreign material. This view is
size. Similar results were found in an investigation on the in vivo supported by a recent report suggesting that the principal route
or in vitro toxicity of metallic titanium particles in osteoblasts of uptake of quantum dots by mammalian cell cultures was via
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species and lysosomal enzymes in order to destroy or degrade particles in human lymphocytes (Wei and Meng, 2006) does
the ingested, insoluble particles, attempting to convert them to not necessarily suggest a genotoxic risk of desert dust to human
an ineffective, safer form (Yoshikawa, 1991). When phagocy- health, but the observed effects may be more consistent with the
tosed particles cannot be degraded, they may accumulate in the response of mammalian cells to an excessive uptake of insoluble
cell, resulting in oxidative cell damage, inhibition of cell pro- particles.
liferation, and, ultimately, cytotoxicity, and provoking a phys- Similarly, the results of a recent report on the uptake of TiO2
iological response termed activation; the nonproliferating cell NP by murine brain microglia cells and subsequent generation of
may release numerous inflammatory factors, produce inflamma- reactive oxygen species (Long et al., 2006), do not necessarily
tory responses in adjacent tissues, and/or stimulate fibroblasts mean that TiO2 particles in sunscreens are potentially neuro-
for fibrogenesis (Yamamoto et al., 2004). toxic or may cause brain damage in people, as suggested by
This well-known sequel, a normal physiological response of media or NGOs (Anonymous, 2006; FOE, 2006b), but should
phagocytosing cells to an excessive amount of insoluble parti- most likely be attributed to the well-known phagocytic capacity
cles, may result in oxidative cell damage, such as lipid perox- of microglia, which has been characterized by Schilling et al.
idation or DNA damage and cytotoxicity (Görög et al., 1988). (2005). The same mechanism may also explain the findings of a
Ultimately, oxidative cell damage may also produce genotoxic recent report on oxidative damage in human bronchial epithelial
effects (Yoshikawa et al., 1991), the mechanisms of which were cells following exposure to rutile and anatase-type TiO2 (10, 20
recently reviewed by Schins (2002). Consequently, in order to and 200 nm) nanoparticles (Gurr et al., 2005). In today’s climate,
avoid false positive findings, international guidelines for in vitro it is surprising that media and NGOs have not paid attention to a
genotoxicity testing in mammalian cell cultures recommend test- recent, curious report describing a high capacity for antioxidant
ing of insoluble compounds only up to the lowest precipitating depletion in an in vitro model of the human respiratory tract of
concentration (ICH, 1996). Cerium oxide NP uptake into fibrob- nano-sized combustion particulates generated by burning cow
last cell cultures is strongly inversely dependent on particle size, dung (Mudway et al., 2005)—another, albeit hypothetical, risk
and uptake is faster than would be predicted by diffusion, sug- of NP to human health?
gesting a biological uptake process at the cell surface (Limbach It has been recently been shown that both cytotoxicity and
et al., 2005). Agglomeration at the cell surface is a prerequisite cellular interleukin (IL)-8 release produced by the interaction
for uptake and emphasizes the need to relate the environmental of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) with human ker-
conditions used in cell culture studies to that actually likely to atinocytes were affected by the type and concentration of sur-
be seen by tissues in vivo. factants used to keep the hydrophobic test materials in solution,
Accordingly, reports claiming the discovery of active pen- secondary to complex interactions of the surfactant with the
etration of nanoparticles into mammalian cells in vitro need physical shape of MWCNT as well as the viability/activity of
the cells (Monteiro-Riviere et al., 2005b). A critical appraisal in vivo for their capacity to penetrate into or through skin and
of in vitro assays measuring possible toxicological effects of their toxicity, phototoxicity, genotoxicity, photo-genotoxicity,
carbon nanomaterials recognized that in vitro tests may yield and carcinogenicity. In 1999/2000, following a report suggest-
conflicting results due to interference of test and control car- ing that several types of TiO2 (crystalline form anatase; par-
bon materials with dye markers used in cell cytotoxicity assays ticles size: 255 to 420 nm) were photo-genotoxic in mouse
(Monteiro-Riviere and Inman, 2006). Conflicting results of in lymphoma and Chinese hamster lung cells (Nakagawa et al.,
vitro/in vivo test results have also been recently been described 1997), producers of TiO2 -based sunscreens performed a large
for the pulmonary toxicity of TiO2 particles (Sayes et al., 2006; safety program, consisting of genotoxicity (Ames test, clasto-
Warheit et al., 2006). genicity in mammalian cells), photo-genotoxicity (photo-Ames
However, it is unclear whether all mechanisms of uptake of test, photo-clastogenicity in mammalian cells), and cytotoxic-
NP by mammalian cells occur via phagocytosis or endocytosis. ity (CHO and V-79 cells) under conditions of good laboratory
For example, a recent report described uptake of very small practice (GLP) on more than 10 different sunscreen-grade TiO2
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TiO2 particles (22-nm agglomerates of smaller particles) by particles, including micro- and nano-sized rutile and anatase
lung macrophages and human blood cells via a nonphagocy- crystalline forms, as well as coated and noncoated particles.
totic mechanism (Geiser et al., 2005). Clearly more research is The overall conclusion suggested a similar toxicity profile for
needed to clarify the mechanisms of cellular entry and subse- all substances, which were all noncytotoxic, nonphototoxic,
quent adverse effects of NP in cultured mammalian cells. nongenotoxic, and non-photo-genotoxic; no major difference
Given these uncertainties and confounding factors, reports of in the safety profile was observed for micro- and nano-sized
in vitro studies that claim discovery of intracellular penetration particles, and no evidence was found suggesting that nano-sized
and oxidative stress-related toxicities of nano- or micro-particles particles pose greater or qualitatively new hazards (Table 1; SC-
in cultured mammalian cells should be interpreted with great CNFP, 2000). However, Serpone et al. (2001) suggested that
caution in terms of their relevance for the intact organism. This micrometer-size TiO2 can have deleterious effects on DNA af-
view is supported by consensus recommendations of a recent ter irradiation through photocatalytic free radical generation.
workshop on toxicology testing of nanomaterials that concluded These effects may be reduced by the use of appropriate coatings
For personal use only.
that evaluation of the safety of nanomaterials should be primar- while retaining the TiO2 transparency. Cai et al. (2001) also
ily based on in vivo toxicity models, rather than use of in vitro showed that TiO2 (100 µg/ml) and UV irradiation resulted in
assays (NTP/NIEHS, 2004). cytotoxicity in rapidly dividing HeLa cells by oxidative stress.
However, the relevance of these results concerning sunscreen
4.3 Cytotoxicity, Phototoxicity, and Photo-Genotoxicity safety is uncertain.
of TiO2 and ZnO Micro- and Nanoparticles The genetic and photogenetic toxicity of micro- or nano-
Sunscreen-grade TiO2 and ZnO of different particle sizes, sized ZnO is summarized in Table 4. In standard in vitro clas-
including nano-sized particles, have been evaluated in vitro and togenicity tests (dark conditions) in Chinese hamster ovary
Results of in vitro phototoxicity, genotoxicity/photo-genotoxicity tests on micronized (200 nm) ZnO particles; Unpublished data
included in the industry safety dossier, summarized and reviewed in the SCCNFP opinion on ZnO (SCCNFP, 2003;
Dufour et al., 2006)
Test Test organism tested (µg/mL) Result Rating
Neutral red uptake BALB/c 3T3 mouse 1000 to 100,000 Negative Nonphototoxic
Ames test S. typhimurium Up to 5000 µg/plate Negative Nonmutagenic
Photo-Ames test S. typhimurium TA98, Up to 5000 µg/plate Negative Nonphoto-mutagenic
100, 1537
In vitro clastogenesis CHO cells Up to 1000 µg/ml Positive at ≥814 µg/ml Clastogenic in vitro
In vitro CHO cells Up to 1000 µg/ml Positive at ≥195 µg/ml Photo-clastogenic in vitro
In vitro clastogenesis V-79 cells Up to 20.0 µg/ml Positive at 10.0 µg/ml Clastogenic in vitro
In vitro V-79 cells Up to 10.0 µg/ml Positive at 3.0 µg/ml Photo-clastogenic in vitro
In vitro Comet Human keratinocytes Up to 31.0 µg/ml Negative Nonphotogenotoxic in vitro
test/photo-comet test (HaCaT cells)
(CHO) and Chinese hamster V-79 cells, ZnO was clastogenic synthesis, stability and repair (Stefanidou, 2006). Although no
(SCCNFP, 2003a), but it was nonclastogenic in vivo (CSTEE, data are available on the subchronic or chronic toxicity of zinc
2003; US EPA, 2005b). According to the SCCNFP opinion oxide, the results of dietary subchronic oral toxicity studies on
(2003a) ZnO particles were nonphoto reactive, -phototoxic or the soluble salt zinc sulfate in rats and mice suggest that zinc
-photosensitizing, but were judged to be photo-clastogenic in ions in general have low oral toxicity, as indicated by a dietary
vitro, since they were clastogenic in CHO or V-79 cells at ap- no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL) of 3000 ppm in rats
proximately 4-fold lower concentrations in the presence of UV corresponding to a daily intake of 53.5 Zn2+ /kg/day (Maita et al.,
irradiation when compared with effective concentrations in the 1981). Given that ZnO is only slightly soluble, which may be
dark. expected to reduce its bioavailability, the oral NOAEL of ZnO
In the meantime it has been shown that these effects were may be estimated to be considerably higher than this value.
not due to genuine photo-genotoxicity, but secondary to UV- A single study indicated that repeated oral administration
induced experimental artifacts. In a recent study, Dufour et al. of micro-sized TiO2 particles (12.5 mg/kg/day; mean particle
Critical Reviews in Toxicology Downloaded from by Brown University Library on 06/17/12
(2006) applied ZnO to CHO cells (a) in the dark, (b) under si- size 500 nm) in rats may result in the uptake of particles in the
multaneous irradiation with UV light, and (c) pre-irradiated with mesenteric lymph nodes, small intestine and liver. The amount
UV light, followed by treatment with ZnO in the dark. Interest- taken up was a small percentage relative to the administered oral
ingly, the nature, incidence, and severity of chromosome aberra- dose, ranging from 0.03% (small intestine) to 2.18% (mesenteric
tions in pre-irradiated and simultaneously irradiated cells were lymph nodes), and resulted in tissue levels ranging from 6.81 to
nearly identical when related to cytotoxicity (Figure 6). Given 545.9 µg/g tissue, respectively (Jani et al., 1994). Although no
that CHO cells pre-irradiated in the absence of ZnO showed the adverse effects were observed in this study, these data suggest
same increase in the incidence and type of chromosome aberra- that oral uptake of some small particles may produce a limited
tions as CHO cells receiving simultaneous ZnO-treatment and local or systemic exposure. Although the reversibility of this
irradiation, this suggests that the increase in the incidence of uptake was not investigated in the study, taking into account the
chromosome aberrations was due to a UV-mediated, enhanced results of oral toxicity studies on TiO2 , which showed virtual
susceptibility of the mammalian cells to ZnO; in other words, absence of toxicity after lifetime oral uptake, it is extremely
For personal use only.
ZnO is non-photo-genotoxic. unlikely that an oral exposure from sunscreen particles may pose
Overall, whilst TiO2 or ZnO micro- or nano-sized particles a systemic human health risk. Similarly, given the low order of
may cause cytotoxicity in the presence of UV irradiation, they oral toxicity, the oral absorption of ZnO from sunscreens should
do so at relatively high concentrations and in in vitro systems pose no risk to human health. In addition, ZnO is slightly soluble,
only. It is unlikely that, given the low concentrations epidermal which would diminish its potential to be stored in the organism.
cells will be exposed to, either ZnO or TiO2 NP pose a photo- In an inhalation carcinogenicity bioassay, a 2-year exposure
toxic, genotoxic, or photo-genotoxic risk; on the contrary, there of rats to air concentrations of TiO2 particles at 250 mg/m3 pro-
is robust evidence that these substances applied topically protect duced an increased incidence of lung tumors (Lee at al., 1985).
human skin against UV-induced adverse effects, including DNA However, this effect has been recognized to be due to chronic
damage and skin cancer (Nohynek and Schaefer, 2001). inflammation secondary to lung overload, which is considered to
be irrelevant to human health under normal inhalation exposure
conditions (ILSI, 2000). It is beyond the scope of the present
4.4 In Vivo Toxicity Studies and Clinical Safety on NP article to discuss these findings in depth, although details on
Used in Sunscreens the mechanisms may be found in the ILSI report (2000) or the
4.4.1 Oral Toxicity, Systemic Exposure After Oral Uptake, review by Hexte et al. (2005). However, given that the use of
or Inhalation titanium oxide particles in sunscreens is unlikely to produce hu-
TiO2 - or ZnO-containing sunscreens are applied to the face or man inhalation exposure; this effect should be considered to be
lips, in contact with the hands of consumers, and may therefore irrelevant for a topical exposure of human skin.
produce, although low, oral exposure. Therefore, their use in
sunscreens also raises the question of their health risk after oral
uptake. 4.4.2 Toxicity After Topical Exposure
Oral toxicity studies on micro-sized TiO2 showed absence of Given that the safety of sunscreens and their ingredients is
toxicity in rats and mice up to dietary dose levels of 10,000 ppm regulated in the EU (EU SCCP) and the United States (U.S.
for 15 weeks, while oral exposure to dietary levels of up 50,000 Food and Drug Administration, FDA), sunscreen preparations
ppm (5%, corresponding to 3700 mg/kg/day) for 24 months pro- containing TiO2 and ZnO nano- and micro-sized particles have
duced no toxicity or carcinogenic effects in rats (NCI, 1979). The been subjected to a series of preclinical toxicological safety eval-
absence of adverse effects at these extreme oral doses suggests uations via the topical route as well as their efficacy and safety
that TiO2 is a biologically and toxicologically inert material. in humans. All study results suggested that these materials are
Zinc is an essential trace element in the mammalian organ- nontoxic, nonirritant and nonsensitizing, nonphototoxic, non-
ism and is an essential component of cellular DNA and RNA photosensitizing, and produce no adverse effects after repeated
dermal application to animal or human skin. All data consistently regarded as new substances and therefore should they undergo
indicated that these substances should be considered as biolog- additional safety testing? Although toxicological properties of
ically inert after topical application to animal or human skin substances tested as bulk, suspension, solution, or particles tend
(SCCNFP, 2000, 2003a). to be similar, there are indeed particle size-related exceptions,
which may alter, enhance, or reduce toxicity:
4.4.3 Nano-Sized Cosmetic Formulations and Risk • Small particles size producing systemic exposure and
of Skin Sensitization toxicity: Some studies suggested that certain inhaled or
The potential of a topically applied substance to produce skin orally administered NP may be systemically absorbed,
sensitization is directly related to its capacity to penetrate into the whereas recent data and studies on other NP materials
skin and its potency to produce sensitization (ECETOC, 2003; found no or little systemic uptake. It also suggested
Kimber et al., 2003). The potential of substances in vesicle- that aggregated particles at the viable cell surface are
Critical Reviews in Toxicology Downloaded from by Brown University Library on 06/17/12
type formulations to penetrate into or through intact skin has better taken up than individual particles—implying that
recently been reviewed (Section 3.4; Choi and Maibach, 2005; a threshold concentration of particles needs to have
El Maghraby et al., 2006). been absorbed for toxicity.
Liposomes or nano-capsules are generally used to protect • Particle size affecting pharmacokinetics: Different par-
sensitive cosmetic ingredients, such as unsaturated fatty acids, ticle sizes may produce different pharmacokinetic
vitamins, or antioxidants, against oxidation or photodegrada- properties of a substance and may result in enhanced or
tion. Given that the products of oxidation or photodegradation, reduced uptake, distribution, metabolism, and elimina-
such as organic peroxides, aldehydes, ketones, or epoxides, tend tion. For example, the oral administration of a bioavail-
to have a higher chemical reactivity when compared with that able substance at a small particle size usually leads
of the original substances (Niki et al., 2005), they are more to faster dissolution and may produce higher plasma
likely to produce adverse skin reactions, including sensitization. CMAX values, whereas larger particles may dissolve
Therefore, improved stability of ingredients protected by vesi- more slowly and lead to an extended duration of sys-
cles should reasonably be expected to benefit the local tolerance
For personal use only.
temic exposure.
of these formulations, when compared with that of conventional • Surface effects: Following inhalation, the large relative
formulations. surface area of small particles may increase or reduce
Finally, new cosmetic formulations and sunscreens, includ- adverse effects. For example, smaller, insoluble parti-
ing those containing nano-materials, are generally tested in hu- cles may have a greater potential to produce lung over-
man subjects for their skin tolerance (Nohynek and Schaefer, load; in contrast, more soluble smaller particles may
2003). In addition, new in vitro test methods are increasingly undergo a more rapid clearance from exposed tissues.
used to screen the sensitization potential of cosmetic formula- • Particle size affecting external and internal exposure
tions (Jowsey et al., 2006). These tests would detect a potential parameters: Smaller particles may remain airborne for
of a product to produce skin sensitization. The cosmetic indus- longer and may produce increased inhalation and alve-
try scrupulously avoids sensitizing ingredients in sunscreens and olar exposure when compared with larger particles.
leave-on products on the basis of their potential risk to human Conversely, smaller particles may have a greater ten-
health as well as product liability, taking into account the large dency to agglomerate, which may reduce inhalation
numbers of consumers exposed as well as the exposure to a and alveolar exposure.
large skin surface per consumer. Overall, the question of the • Physical shape and charge: Sometimes the toxicologi-
risk of potential skin sensitization is relevant not only for for- cal properties of insoluble materials may be determined
mulations containing nano-materials, but concerns all cosmetic by their particle shape and charge, and not just their
formulations or products. No responsible manufacturer would chemical composition. Single-wall carbon nano-tubes
knowingly market products that pose an unreasonable risk of (fibers) have different toxicological properties than car-
sensitization to the consumer. bon black (particles). Particle shape has also been rec-
ognized to play a role in the cytotoxicity of other in-
We have attempted to convey the principles that potential
NP toxicity depends on exposure, the likelihood of sufficient In our view, NP safety evaluations on materials cannot be
absorption and in sufficient quantities to affect viable cells, and conducted on the basis of their particle size only but must rec-
the need for an intrinsic toxicity of both the NP ingredient or its ognize other determinants of toxicity. To illustrate this point,
coating (with and without UV irradiation) to be present. These one may consider the toxicological testing of drugs, chemicals,
considerations exist for all formulations whether NP are present cosmetics, or food ingredients. For example, preclinical toxi-
or not. However, one of the central questions often asked on cology tests of drug substances generally use simplified formu-
the safety of NT is, should substances in nano-sized form be lations, such as aqueous suspensions or solutions, although the
final drug product may contain the drug substance in a different study in human volunteers found no differences in the adverse
galenic form (ICH, 2000). It is well established that drug prod- effects following inhalation of ultrafine (<100 nm) or micro-
ucts at different particle sizes may change the pharmacokinetic fine (0.1 to 1 µm) ZnO particles (Beckett et al., 2005). Nano-
profile of systemic exposure when compared with that of a drug sized particles of biologically inert ceramic or metallic materials
in aqueous suspension, which may result in quantitatively dif- were less cytotoxic than micro-sized particles (Yamamoto et al.,
ferent toxicological profiles. Nevertheless, the use of simplified 2004), which was supported by similar data of Hussain et al.
formulations for preclinical safety testing has been accepted on (2005), Olivier et al. (2003), or Choi et al. (2005), all of which
the basis of the rationale that the high doses administered in showed that cytotoxicity of inert or toxic micro- or nanoparti-
preclinical toxicity studies will compensate for differences in cles was mainly correlated with their chemical nature and not
pharmacokinetic properties of formulations of drug products. their particle size. Similarly, the results of recent toxicity stud-
Given the multitude of different chemical, cosmetic, food, or ies on a series of engineered quantum dots concluded that their
drug formulations that may contain synthetic or natural ingredi- absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity de-
Critical Reviews in Toxicology Downloaded from by Brown University Library on 06/17/12
ents in the form of solids, solutions, or suspensions of particles pended on multiple factors derived from physicochemical prop-
at various sizes, it would be unpractical and, in most cases, un- erties and environmental conditions, but not on their particle size
ethical to multiply toxicology testing as a function of the final (Hardman, 2006). These data are consistent with the results of
formulation or particle size of the substance in a final chemical, genotoxicity/photo-genotoxicity programs on nano- and micro-
consumer, food, or cosmetic end product. One should also take sized TiO2 or ZnO particles, which showed no correlation of
into account that current cosmetic regulations in the EU do not toxicity with smaller particle size (SCCNFP, 2000, 2003a; Table
permit in vivo toxicological testing of cosmetic final products, 1). Overall, these results support the traditional rule of toxicol-
which would preclude testing of ingredients that may be present ogy that the intrinsic toxicity of substances is primarily related
in cosmetic formulations at different physical states or forms, to the chemical nature, whereas physical form of substances,
such as molecular (solutions or vapors), in bulk, particles, or such as particle size and shape, may enhance or reduce the char-
formulations with nano-sized features (SCCNFP, 2003b). For acteristic toxicity of a substance, although some exceptions to
example, nanoemulsions and nano-vesicles are only produced this rule (insoluble fibers, different crystalline forms) exist.
For personal use only.
during the final formulation process of cosmetic end products It has also been suggested that nano-materials may produce
and could not be tested for in vivo toxicity in the absence of other qualitatively novel toxicities. This claim largely relies on the
formulation ingredients that ensure the formation and integrity results of pulmonary toxicity studies on single- or multiwall
of such preparations. However, when a significant increase in carbon nano-tubes (SWCNT/MWCNT), which suggested that
skin absorption is suspected, these properties may be verified these materials may produce adverse pulmonary effects that
via in vitro skin penetration studies in human or animal skin. were not observed in similar studies on amorphous carbon black
The effect of NP size on toxicity is equivocal. For instance, particles. Indeed, bronchial instillation of SWCNT or MWCNT
the inhalation toxicities of some biologically inert nanoparti- produced interstitial granulomas in the lungs of rats, which are
cles (TiO2 , carbon black or polystyrene) were reported to be typical for insoluble fibers (Warheit et al., 2004; Lam et al.,
somewhat enhanced—about 2 to 5 times (depending on the to- 2006). Since SWCNT or MWCNT are insoluble and have a
tal particle surface) more than observed for the corresponding fiber structure of a length of several micrometers, their dimen-
micro-sized particles—but did not lead to qualitatively new tox- sions are similar to those of other insoluble and toxic fibers,
icities (Brown et al., 2001; Bermudez et al., 2002, 2004). How- such as asbestos. Therefore, these findings are neither surpris-
ever, the enhanced pulmonary toxicity is not surprising, since ing nor new or nano-size-related, but should be ascribed to the
inhalation of high particle concentrations of biologically inert insoluble and fiber-like properties of these materials. Given that
materials may produce pulmonary toxicity secondary to lung the only nano-dimensional feature (<100 nm) of SWCNT or
overload, which is directly correlated with the relative particle MWCNT is their wall thickness and, sometimes, their diam-
surface of the test material (ILSI, 2000), although this was not eter, whereas their length may be several micrometers (Lam
confirmed for TiO2 in a recent study (see later discussion). et al., 2006), it is difficult to accept their effects as evidence sup-
In contrast, there is considerable evidence suggesting that porting a general rule claiming qualitatively new toxicities of
the size of many insoluble particles is not correlated with their nanomaterials.
toxicity. For example, the results of a recent pulmonary toxic- Many published toxicological studies on NP had a major
ity study on TiO2 particles, including pigment-grade (200 nm), weakness in that they attributed adverse findings to the nano-
nano-scale rods (200 × 35 nm) and nano-dots (40 nm), showed size of the test material, although the studies included no bench-
a similar magnitude and severity of the pulmonary inflammatory mark groups treated with micro-sized particles of the same ma-
response to all particle sizes tested, suggesting no differences in terial. When such studies used surrogate endpoints for toxicity
toxicity (Warheit et al., 2006). Inhalation toxicity studies on sil- (oxidative cell damage, lipid peroxidation, genomic endpoints),
ica particles suggested that nanoparticles of a mean diameter of in the absence of benchmark groups treated with micro-sized
10 ± 5 nm were less toxic than that following an equivalent ex- particles, it is impossible to determine whether reported effects
posure to micro-sized (1–5 µm) particles (Chen et al., 2004). A were substance- or particle size-related. Therefore, claims of
nano-size-specific effects of such studies should be considered All of us inhale airborne NP from a range of sources com-
to be unsubstantiated and bearing little scientific evidence. mencing possibly with debris from fires in the very early times.
In our view, the hypothesis that NP could penetrate into and Cooking activities such as toasters and oven-cooked or stovetop
through the skin and get access to the lymphatic system is un- foods (Olson and Burke, 2006), gas heaters and stoves, aerosol
likely for ZnO and TiO2 . First of all, all available data and sprays, or wax candles may generate nanoparticles with concen-
theoretical considerations suggest that particles do not pene- trations ranging from 100,000 to 270,000 particles/cm3 indoor
trate into or through human skin. Second, it is very unlikely air (Afshari et al., 2005). It has been estimated that 50 to 80%
that even absorbed NP would enter the systemic circulation to of human inhalation exposures to ultrafine particles (<100 nm)
circulate freely in the organism without first being phagocy- are due to indoor sources (Wallace and Howard-Reed, 2002).
tosed. Recent data suggested that inhalation of NP did not pro- It is of concern that several NGOs have called for restrictions,
duce significant systemic exposure in humans (Wiebert 2006a, bans, or regulatory control of NT in the absence of documented
2006b), because, in part, nanoparticles do not circulate freely in scientific evidence that potential health hazards, let alone health
Critical Reviews in Toxicology Downloaded from by Brown University Library on 06/17/12
the blood. Indeed, NP- or nano-vesicles in intravenous drug for- risks, really exist. It is essential that such calls are responded
mulations are rapidly cleared from the circulation by monocytes to and, when appropriate, balanced using rigorous and appro-
or macrophages, that is, by the phagocytic barrier. Appropriate priate toxicological science on the potential health risk in the
surface coatings are therefore required (stealth particles) in or- individual. For instance, an excess of insoluble particles is asso-
der to protect circulating particles against unwarranted clearance ciated with observed phagocytosis by cultured mammalian cells.
(Moghimi et al., 2001). This view is supported by the experience Hence, interpretation of these results in the context of the likely
on insoluble wear debris particles from surgical implants, which actual absorption and exposure of NP for those cells must be
suggests that small insoluble particles do not freely roam around appropriate. Obviously, substances with a high inherent toxic-
the organism, but tend to remain at their location of origin. ity may cause adverse effects whether delivered by NP or by
A recent international work shop on the safety of nanomate- in solution. The minimal adverse effects of implant wear debris
rials concluded that human dermal exposure to NP is of minor particles are consistent with those inert materials have a low in-
concern (ECETOC, 2005). A review by the German Federal trinsic toxicity, although microparticles tended to be more toxic
For personal use only.
Institute of Risk Assessment (BfR) on the safety of nanoparti- than NP. Nanotoxicology must seek to move beyond in vitro
cles in sunscreens concluded that investigations on the potential toxicity of NP and examine the likely translation into health
penetration through the skin showed that nanoparticles of ti- hazards of NP to the intact organism. Indeed, in doing so, it
tanium or zinc oxides did not penetrate through the stratum would confirm the recommendation of NTP/NIEHS Work Shop
corneum. Nanoparticles are too large for a passive transport (2004) that such investigations should preferably be performed
through the skin. Therefore a dermal absorption is improbable. in vivo.
Biological properties of nanoparticles are not necessarily differ- Overall, our view on the safety of NP with inherently low
ent than those of larger particles. The toxicological properties of or absent toxicity applied to the skin as topical cosmetics or
nanoparticles are determined by their water solubility and their sunscreens may be summarized as follows:
persistence. Taking into account the results of available stud-
ies with nano-sized ZnO and TiO2 in standard formulations, a • Soluble nano-sized materials: Vesicle- or emulsion-
health risk for the consumer is not expected (BfR, 2006). A sim- type nano-sized formulations of cosmetic ingredients
ilar position was adopted in a review of the safety of ZnO and may result in reduced or enhanced skin uptake when
TiO2 nanoparticles used in sunscreens by the Australian Depart- compared with that from solutions, although the mag-
ment of Health stating that the weight of current evidence is that nitude of these changes is limited. Therefore, the po-
TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles remain on the surface of the skin tential human skin and systemic exposure from nano-
and in the outer dead layer (stratum corneum) of the skin (TGA, sized formulations should be rated similar to those of
2006). solutions of the respective ingredients. Skin penetra-
These views are consistent with the potential risks of topi- tion of vesicle materials has been shown to be absent
cally applied ZnO or TiO2 NP to human skin and organism being or negligible.
hypothetical and unsubstantiated. However, caution must be ap- • Insoluble nanoparticles: At present, there is no evi-
plied in allowing the topical exposure to other NP that have dence that insoluble ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles used
a high intrinsic toxicity. Further, given the formidable barrier in sunscreens penetrate into or through human skin or
properties of the stratum corneum, human systemic exposure to may produce human local or systemic exposure and/or
NP via inhalation or, possibly, ingestion appears to be a more adverse health effects. The evidence of the health ben-
important route for potential NP toxicity than topical absorp- efit of sunscreens clearly outweighs unproven and hy-
tion (ECETOC, 2005; Borm et al., 2006), although it is notable pothetical risks.
that recent reports by Wiebert et al. (2006a, 2006b) questioned
whether inhaled nanoparticles are translocated into the systemic In conclusion, our views are tempered by the current and in
circulation. some cases contradictory evidence. Overall, the current weight
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