MFRS 123 - Borrowing Costs
MFRS 123 - Borrowing Costs
MFRS 123 - Borrowing Costs
Chapter 16 FAR in Malaysia, TLT Vol 1 (7th Ed)
At the end of this topic, students should be able to:
• Determine the definition of borrowing cost and
qualifying assets.
• Explain the accounting treatment for
borrowing costs.
• Determine the initial cost of the PPE (inclusive
borrowing cost).
• Explain the disclosure requirements of MFRS
• The objective of MFRS 123 Borrowing Costs is to
prescribe the accounting treatment for borrowing costs
limited to the costs of borrowing to construct or develop
qualifying assets.
Core principle
• Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the
acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying
asset form part of the cost of that asset. Other borrowing
costs are recognised as an expense
Calculate the amount of borrowing cost to be
capitalised for the year ended 31 December 2020.
Description RM
Bank loan, 6% p.a. 200,000
Bank loan, 8% p.a. 130,000
Debenture, 5.5% p.a 50,000
The bank loan at 6% p.a. was taken in July 2021 to finance the construction
of a new production hall (construction began on 1 March 2021).
The bank loan at 8% p.a. and debenture were taken for no specific
purpose and KK Bhd used them to finance general spending and the
construction of a new machinery.
KK incurred RM60 000 for the construction of the machinery on 1 February
2021 and RM25 000 on 1 September 2021.
Calculate the amount of borrowing cost to be capitalised for the year
ended 31 December 2021.
• Ignore bank loan at 6% p.a., because it is a specific
borrowing for another asset.
• Only general borrowings relate to the financing of the
new machinery and therefore, we need to calculate
the capitalisation rate:
Outstanding Interest Rate Interest expenses
Amount (RM) (%) (RM)
Bank Loan 130,000 8% 10,400
Debenture 50,000 5.5% 2,750
180,000 13,150
• Capitalisation rate = Total interest on general borrowings X 100%
Total borrowings oustanding
Discuss briefly the accounting treatment of the borrowing cost for the
loan obtained to finance the construction of a condominium building
in accordance with MFRS 123 Borrowing Costs. (No calculation is
The borrowing costs cannot be capitalised from 1 June 2019 until 31
October 2019 and need to be written off to the SOPL. During this period,
the construction has not started yet and do not meet the recognition
criteria for capitalisation (Borrowing costs are being incurred,
expenditure for the asset are being incurred, construction work are in