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Os Chap 1

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Compiled by: Dida

Chapter One

An Introduction To Operating Systems

Chapter content

 Introduction to Operating Systems

 Role and purpose of operating system
 History of operating system
 Type of operating system
Introduction To operating System

Definition of Operating System

The operating system is an essential part of a computer system;
it is an intermediary component between the application programs and
the hardware.
 The ultimate purpose of an operating system is:
1. to provide various services to users' programs and
2. to control the functioning of the computer system hardware in an
efficient and effective manner.
 In the simplest scenario, the operating system is:
the first piece of software to run on a computer when it is booted.
to coordinate the execution of all other software, mainly user applications.
provides various common services that are needed by users and applications
Introduction To operating System…

Figure 1-1 Conceptual view of a computer system

OS and Software Components

A program is a sequence of instructions that enables a computer to

execute a specific task.
Before a program executes, it has to be translated from itsoriginal
text form source
( program ) into amachine language program .
The program then needs to be linked and loaded into memory.
The software components are the collection of programs that
execute in the computer.
These programs perform computations and control, manage, and
carry out other important tasks.
There are two general types of software components: -
System software , Application software.
System software

System software: is the set of programs that control the activities

and functions of the various hardware components, programming
tools and abstractions, and other utilities to monitor the state of
the computer system.
 The most important part of system software is the operating
system (OS) that directly controls and manages the hardware
resources of the computer.
The OS also provides a set of services to the user programs.
The most common examples of operating systems areLinux, Unix,
Windows, MacOS, and OS/2.
Application software

Application software: are the user programs and consists of

those programs that solve specific problems for the users and
execute under the control of the operating system.
Application programs are developed by individuals and
organizations for solving specific problems.
The purpose of an operating system involvestwo key goals :
1. Availability of a convenient,
easy-to-use , andpowerful set of services that are provided to
the users andthe application programs in the computer system.
2. Management of the computer resources in the most efficient

Application and system programmers directly or indirectly

communicate with the operating system in order to request some of
this services.
 Memory Management
 Processor Management
 Device Management
 File Management
 Security
 Control over system performance
 Job accounting
 Error detecting aids
 Coordination between other software and users
Role and Purpose of OS

1.Managing a computer resources like: CPU, Memeory, Disk

Drivers and Printers
2.Establishing an efficient user interface
3. Carrying out and providing services for applications software.
Operating System Interfaces

Users and application programmers can communicate with an

operating system through its interfaces.
There arethree general levels of interfaces provided by an
operating system: -
 Graphical user interface (GUI)
 Command line interpreter (also called the shell)
 System-call Interface
History of Operating system

In order to find the first operative systems, we must travel to the decade
of the 50’s of the 20th Century.
Previously, during the 1940s, programs were introduced directly onto
the machine hardware through a series of micro switches.
In the 1950s some technologies emerged that allowed a “simpler”
interaction between the user and the computer.
History of Operating system

Resident monitor: - this is a system that loads the program into the
computer, reading it from a tape or punched cards.
This technology gave rise to the first operating system in history,
created in 1956 for anIBM 704 computer, which was responsible for
loading programs successively (starting with the next one when the
previous one had finished loading), reducing the work time required.
Temporary storage: this is a system that also tried to increase speed
by simultaneously loading programs and executing tasks.
In the 1960s, the rise of the integrated circuit launched the power of
computers, and operating systems responded by becoming
increasingly complex and offering new techniques.
History of Operating system

Multiprogramming: - In this technique, the main memory already holds

more than one program, and the operating system is responsible for
allocating the machine’s resources to execute tasks based on existing
Timeshare: - This is a system that assigns the execution of applications
within a group of users working online.
Real time: - it is used specially in the area of telecommunications, it is
responsible for processing events external to the computer, so that,
once a certain time has passed without success, it considers them as
History of Operating system

Multiprocessor: - these are systems that try to manage the readings and
writings made in memory by two programs that are running
simultaneously, in order to avoid errors. As their name suggests, they are
designed for use in computers that use more than one processor.
In the 1970s, IT continued to become increasingly complex, resulting in
the first versions of some of the operating systems that have served as
the basis for many of the ones we use today, such as UNIX.
History of Operating system

The1980s gave rise to the boom in commercial

The arrival of computers in thousands of offices and
homes changes the focus of operating systems, forcing
the development of more user-friendly systems that
introduced graphic elements such as menus.
MS-DOS: - developed by Microsoft forIBM PCs, which
contributed enormously to the popularization of
computing and gave rise to Windows systems.
Mac OS: - a system of Macintosh computers developed by
Apple Inc, launched in1984 , and which included a novel
graphic interface and the use of the mouse (a rarity at that
History of Operating system

The decade of the 90’s continues with the explosive line marked in the
80’s, giving rise to many of the operating systems that, in more
modern versions, we use today:
GNU/Linux: it was developed based on UNIX, and which is one of the
greatest exponents of free software. Today, GNU/Linux is widely used
all over the world, having a pre-eminence close to 100% in fields as
striking as supercomputers.
History of Operating system

Solaris: - also developed on UNIX basis by Sun Microsystems for servers

and workstations.
Microsoft Windows: - which has resulted in a popular family of
commercially successful operating systems used by millions of users
around the world.
In the first decade of the present century, new operating systems continue
to succeed each other, perhaps with less impact than those that emerged
in the previous decade, but have their own place. Highlights include
SymbOS, MorphOS, Darwin, Mac OS, Haiku and Open Solaris.
So now we see the current decade, in which the rise of phones gives rise
to some popular operating systems, including Android, developed by
Operating system type and their function

1. Batch operating system

 In this type of system, there is no direct interaction between user and
the computer.
 The user has to submit a job (written on cards or tape) to a computer
 Then computer operator places a batch of several jobs on an input
 Jobs are batched together by type of languages and requirement.
 Then a special program, the monitor, manages the execution of each
program in the batch.
 The monitor is always in the main memory and available for execution.
Batch operating system

Advantages: -
➢ No interaction between user and computer.
➢ No mechanism to prioritize the processes.

Disadvantages: -
➢ Large Turnaround time.
➢ More difficult to debug program.
➢ Due to lack of protection scheme one batch job can affect pending
Operating system type and their function

2. Time sharing operating system

Time Sharing is a logical extension of multiprogramming.
Multiple jobs are executed simultaneously by switching the CPU back
and forth among them.
The switching occurs so frequently (speedy) that the users cannot
identify the presence of other users or programs.
Users can interact with his program while it is running in timesharing
mode. Processor’s time is shared among multiple users.
Time sharing operating system

A time-shared operating system uses CPU scheduling and

multiprogramming to provide each user with a small portion of a time-
shared computer.
Each user has at least one separate program in memory.
A time-shared operating system allows many users to share computer
simultaneously. Since each action or command in a time-share system
tends to be short, only a little CPU time is needed for each user.
Time sharing operating system

Advantages: -
➢ Easy to use
➢ User friendly
➢ Quick response time

Disadvantages: -
➢ If any problem affects the OS, you may lose all the
contents which have stored already.
➢ Unwanted user can use your own system in case if
proper security
Operating system type and their function
3. Real Time Operating System
A real time operating system is used, when there are rigid (strict)
time requirements on the operation of a processor or the flow of
It is often used as a control device in a dedicated application.
Systems that control scientific experiments, medical imaging
systems, and industrial control system are real time systems.
These applications also include some homeappliance system ,
weapon systems , andautomobile engine fuel injection systems .
Real time Operating System has well defined, fixed time constraints.
Processing must be done within defined constraints or the system
will fail. Since meeting strict deadlines is crucial in real time
Operating system type and their
5 function
There are two types of real time operating system
Hard real system:
This system guarantees that critical tasks complete on time.
Many of these are found in industrial process control, avionics,
and military and similar application areas.
This goal says that all delays in the system must be restricted.
Soft real system:
In soft real-time system, missing an occasional deadline, while
not desirable, is acceptable and does not cause any
permanent damage. Digital audio or multimedia systems fall
in this category. An example of real time system is e-Cos.
Operating system type and their
2 function

4. Distributed operating system

The motivation behind developing distributed operating systems is the
availability of powerful and inexpensivemicroprocessors and
advances in communication technology .

These advancements in technology have made it possible to design

and develop distributed systems comprising of many computers that
are inter connected by communication networks.
The main benefit of distributed systems is itslow price /performance
ratio .
Operating system type and their function
Advantages Distributed Operating System
 Failure of one will not affect the other network communication, as all
systems are independent of each other.
 Fast processing.
 Less load on the Host Machine.
Disadvantages of Distributed Operating System

Failure of the main network will stop the entire communication.

To establish distributed systems the language is used not well-
defined yet.

These types of systems are not readily available as they are very
expensive. Not only that the underlying software is highly complex
and not understood well yet.
Types of Distributed Operating Systems 

Following are the two types of distributed operating
➢ Client-Server
systems used: Systems
➢ Peer-to-Peer Systems
Client-Server Systems
Centralized systems today act as server systems to satisfy
requests generated by client systems. The general structure of a
client-server system is depicted in the figure below:
Types of Distributed Operating
9 Systems
Server Systems can be broadly categorized as: Compute Servers and File
➢ Compute Server systems, provide an interface to which clients can
send requests to perform an action, in response to which they execute
the action and send back results to the client.
➢ File Server systems, provide a file-system interface where clients can
create, update, read, and delete files.
Types of Distributed Operating Systems

Peer-to-Peer Systems
The growth of computer networks - especially the Internet and World
Wide Web (WWW) – has had a profound influence on the recent
development of operating systems.

When PCs were introduced in the 1970s, they were designed for
personal use and were generally considered standalone computers.
With the beginning of widespread public use of the Internet in the 1990s
for electronic mail and FTP, many PCs became connected to computer
Types of Distributed Operating Systems
In contrast to the Tightly Coupled systems, the computer networks
used in these applications consist of a collection of processors that
do not share memory or a clock.
Instead, each processor has its own local memory. The processors
communicate with one another through various communication lines,
such as high-speed buses or telephone lines.
These systems are usually referred to as loosely coupled systems (or
distributed systems). The general structure of a client-server system is
depicted in the figure below:
The most commonly used operating systems

Windows (Linux)
Mac OS X (Apple)

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