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Good Friday

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Good Friday…

It is the day when Christians remember / observe / commemorate Jesus Christ's crucifixion. So why is
it called Good Friday?

It's difficult to see what is "good" about it

There are many versions and studies done on this subject in which they say Good Friday is called as
Good because of the Day/Season observed by the Church which is Holy. the day was Holy i.e. Good.

Some believe that it came from the word God ie Gods Friday – Good Friday…

My belief is …
Good Friday is good because Jesus Christ Showed his Great Love for me, us the entire mankind..

On Good Friday we remember the day Jesus Christ willingly suffered and died on the cross which is
the ultimate sacrifice for our / for my sins

We all have been hearing to 7 words / 7 shabd since our childhood and every word/verse has lot of
meaning / mean the importance…

My fav of all is # 6 - It is finished

Today, I want to ponder upon this “word” because I can very well associate myself with it or I would
say we all would associate ourselves with this …

(Aramaic common language in Judea)

“It is finished” come from a Greek word “tetelestai” – in those days A servant would use it when
reporting to his or her master, “I have completed the work assigned to me”

these are the last words spoke by Jesus on the Cross…it is finished –
the reason why he came into this world was accomplished …

“These words specify not the end of Jesus’ life, but the completion of His task

the question I want to ask each one of you is – what is the reason for you to be born in this world, in
this family – or in the society that we leave.

Have you found out the reason, the purpose – some may say yes / or no / still haven’t thought about it

Purpose driven life – Rick Warren – 5 purposes…

 1. We were planned for God's pleasure

o so our first purpose is to offer real worship.
 2. We were formed for God's family
o so our second purpose is to enjoy real fellowship.
 3. We were created to become like Christ,
o so our third purpose is to learn real discipleship.
 4. We were shaped for serving God
o so our fourth purpose is to practice real ministry.
 5. We were made for a mission
o so our fifth purpose is to live out real evangelism.

Jesus chose his 12 disciples right – but they were not even qualified to understand HIS mission…God
doesn’t Call the Qualified, He Qualifies the Called…
Jesus does not need people who are qualified who are having high degree but he needs people who
are called – do you have the calling…

I know this message is incomplete but I want you to think over this thought ….understand the
meaning of life, know what is your calling, why you have been called into this world….

If you have found out the answer – speak to God, talk to him ! he is always waiting to hear from you…

God Be with you All…

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