Mechanical and Thermal Stability of Retained Austenite in Plastically Deformed Bainite Based TRIP Aided Medium MN Steels
Mechanical and Thermal Stability of Retained Austenite in Plastically Deformed Bainite Based TRIP Aided Medium MN Steels
Mechanical and Thermal Stability of Retained Austenite in Plastically Deformed Bainite Based TRIP Aided Medium MN Steels
Received: 25 May 2021 / Revised: 25 May 2021 / Accepted: 8 August 2021 / Published online: 18 August 2021
© The Author(s) 2021
Advanced medium-Mn sheet steels show an opportunity for the development of cost-effective and light-weight automotive
parts with improved safety and optimized environmental performance. These steels utilize the strain-induced martensitic
transformation of metastable retained austenite to improve the strength–ductility balance. The improvement of mechanical
performance is related to the tailored thermal and mechanical stabilities of retained austenite. The mechanical stability of
retained austenite was estimated in static tensile tests over a wide temperature range from 20 °C to 200 °C. The thermal
stability of retained austenite during heating at elevated temperatures was assessed by means of dilatometry. The phase
composition and microstructure evolution were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy, electron backscat-
ter diffraction, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy techniques. It was shown that the retained austenite
stability shows a pronounced temperature dependence and is also stimulated by the manganese addition in a 3–5% range.
Keywords Hot-rolled sheet · Advanced medium-Mn steel · Plastic deformation · Retained austenite · Strain-induced
martensite · Phase transformation
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The external factors affecting the stability of the γ phase aluminum [22]. The increased Mn content was applied to
are associated with processing and service conditions of reduce the M s temperature. Nb and Ti microadditions were
steel products such as deformation temperature [14], strain intended to increase the strength through grain refinement.
rate [15], and stress state [16]. During forming operations, Mo was added for solid solution strengthening.
the temperature of steel sheets locally increases due to fric- The alloys were melted in a vacuum induction furnace
tion with tools and adiabatic heating of the deformed sheet. (Balzers VSG-50). After hot forging to a thickness of
Pereira et al. [17] reported that a die temperature during a 22 mm, the ingots were roughly hot-rolled in a decreasing
single stamping operation of DP780 and HSLA400 steels temperature range from 1200 °C to 900 °C to a thickness of
can reach 180 °C, whereas the blank can be heated to ca. 9 mm. The next step consisted of the final thermomechanical
110 °C. Due to higher strength properties of the TRIP steels, rolling in 3 passes at deformation temperatures: 1050 °C,
it is necessary to apply greater forces during the forming 950 °C and 850 °C. The applied strain rate was ~ 5 s−1. The
operation. Hence, even higher temperatures can be expected final sample thickness was ca. 4.5 mm. Hot rolling was real-
[18]. The importance of temperature influence also extends ized using the semi-industrial line at Institute for Ferrous
to crash events, where the ability to energy absorption is Metallurgy, Gliwice, Poland. A roll diameter of 550 mm
related to the temperature-dependent deformation behavior and a roll barrel length of 700 mm were used. The detailed
of steel [19]. It is documented in literature that the stability description of the line can be found in [23].
of RA gradually increases with increasing deformation tem- Following hot rolling, the 3Mn steel sheets were cooled
perature. The available studies concern mainly the high-Mn at a rate of 10 °C/s to 700 °C and held at this temperature
TRIP/TWIP steels [20]. Several studies deal with multiphase within 15 s. Then, samples were cooled at a rate of 27 °C/s
TRIP-aided steels composed of ferrite, bainite and metasta- to the isothermal holding temperature of 400 °C at the bai-
ble retained austenite [21]. nitic transformation range and held at this temperature for
The mechanical and thermal stability of RA is a crucial 300 s followed by air cooling. In the case of the alloy con-
parameter, which should be considered during designing taining 5% Mn, the test sheets were cooled directly from
the chemical composition and processing conditions of the final hot-rolling temperature to an isothermal holding
the TRIP-aided steels. Understanding the factors affecting temperature of 400 °C. The cooling and isothermal holding
the stability of retained austenite is very important for the conditions were the same like the ones applied for the 3Mn
explanation of temperature-driven phase transformations and steel. The modification of the cooling route was applied to
related issues. The optimization of the RA stability in mul- utilize the Mn addition for the particular steel grades.
tiphase steels still requires detailed investigations. So far, the
issue was properly covered for the 1st and 2nd generations of 2.2 Mechanical testing
AHSS (Advanced High Strength Steels). The problem needs
to be resolved in advanced multiphase alloys with intermedi- Static tensile tests were performed using the INSTRON 1195
ate Mn contents. Therefore, the present study was performed universal testing machine equipped with an environmental
to determine the effect of the temperature in a range between chamber. The tests were conducted at room (20 °C) and
20 °C and 200 °C on the stability of dispersed retained aus- elevated (60 °C, 100 °C, 140 °C and 200 °C) temperatures.
tenite in the ferrous alloys containing 3% and 5% Mn. Prior to testing, the samples were soaked for 30 min at ele-
vated temperatures, and then they were deformed in tensile
tests. The nominal strain rate of 10−3s1 was applied. The ten-
2 Materials and experimental methods sile specimens were machined from the thermomechanically
processed sheets parallel to the rolling direction. Three ten-
2.1 Materials and processing parameters sile samples for each variant with 50 mm gauge length and
12.5 mm width were used. The thickness of tensile samples
Investigations were performed on two thermomechanically was 4.5 mm. The tensile tests were performed in accordance
processed TRIP-aided iron alloys with two different man- with the requirements of the ASTM standard [24].
ganese contents. The chemical compositions are listed in
Table 1. To suppress carbide precipitation during the bai-
nitic transformation, the steels were alloyed by silicon and
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (2021) 21:133 Page 3 of 14 133
2.3 Microstructural examination using the Averbach–Cohen method [25]. The average car-
bon content in RA (Cγ in wt. %) was calculated by Eq. (1)
Different microstructural techniques were applied to reveal taking into account major alloying elements in steels, i.e.,
structural features and morphological details of the inves- Mn and Al [26]:
tigated steels. A scanning electron microscope (SEM)
equipped with EBSD device was applied. The morphol-
a𝛾 = 3.556 + 0.0453C𝛾 + 0.00095Mn + 0.0056Al, (1)
ogy of structural constituents was assessed using trans-
mission electron microscopy (TEM). The microstructures where aγ is the lattice constant (Å) of the austenite measured
were revealed using 3% nital in the FEI Inspect F scanning by XRD, Cγ, Mn and Al, are the contents (wt.%) of carbon
electron microscope. The energy used for the analysis was in retained austenite and manganese and aluminum in the
15 keV and the working distance was 10 mm. alloy, respectively.
The EBSD analysis was performed using a high-resolu- Thermal stability of retained austenite was assessed using
tion JEOL JSM 7200F scanning electron microscope. The dilatometric measurements. The kinetics of phase trans-
EBSD characterization included the scanning of different formation during tempering at 140 °C and 200 °C within
maps (low-angle and high-angle grain boundary maps, 30 min was characterized using high-resolution BÄHR
indexing quality IQ maps, phase maps, inverse pole figure dilatometer DIL805A/D with induction heating of the sam-
IPF maps). A step size of 0.025 µm was applied. The sam- ples in vacuum. The time corresponded to the one applied
ples were prepared by mechanical grinding, followed by during tensile testing. The samples with dimensions of 4 mm
electrolytic polishing using a TenuPol-5 device working at diameter and 10 mm in length were machined for the dilato-
a voltage of 17 kV for 30 s. The A3 electrolyte by Struers metric analysis. The cooling was conducted using helium.
at a temperature 0 °C was used. TEM lamellae obtained
by focused ion beam (FIB) milling were examined using
a FEI Titan 80–300 S/TEM operating at an accelerating 3 Results
voltage of 300 kV.
3.1 Microstructures in the initial state
2.4 Retained austenite examination 3.1.1 SEM observations
An Empyrean PANalytical diffractometer with Co–K α The matrix of 3Mn alloy is composed of fine bainitic ferrite,
anode and an iron filter in configuration with a Pixcel dispersely distributed retained austenite and some fraction of
detector was applied. The amount of retained austenite martensite (Fig. 1a). Layers of retained austenite embedded
and its lattice parameter were determined. A tube voltage in bainitic ferrite and martensitic–austenitic (MA) constitu-
of 40 kV and a tube current of 30 mA were applied. The ents can be distinguished. MA constituents were formed as
samples were processed with 0.02626° step and scanned a result of a partial martensitic transformation of blocky RA
over 46°–105° angle range. Integrated intensities of the grains, which took place during the final cooling of the steel
(110)α, (002)α, (211)α peaks and (111)γ, (002)γ, (220)γ to room temperature. It is associated with a lower carbon
and (311)γ were used to estimate the amount of RA. The content in blocky-type austenite grains compared to the thin
volume fraction of the retained austenite Vγ was calculated
133 Page 4 of 14 Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (2021) 21:133
layers RA [27]; therefore, they were characterized by differ- green). The red color corresponds to microstructural con-
ent local Ms temperatures. stituents with bcc lattice (ferrite, bainite, martensite). Dis-
5Mn alloy microstructure consists of bainitic ferrite laths, persed RA occurs as thin layers located between the bainitic
martensite areas and thin layers of retained austenite located ferrite laths and in martensitic areas (Figs. 2b and 3b). The
among them (Fig. 1b). The amount of RA is lower than in fraction of RA estimated by EBSD for 3Mn steel was 8.3%.
the steel containing 3% Mn. This is due to the lower thermo- The local amount of RA in steel with the higher manganese
dynamic stability of the RA resulting from a lower carbon content (Fig. 3b) is smaller than in the alloy with the lower
enrichment [28]. Small precipitates characterized by a vari- Mn content.
ous shape can be observed inside the bainitic areas. In both investigated alloys, the occurrence of high-angle
grain boundaries (misorientation angle > 15°) marked as
3.1.2 EBSD analysis blue is predominant (Figs. 2c and 3c). Retained austenite
occurs in the high-angle grain boundary areas. Inverse pole
Figures 2 and 3 show different types of EBSD maps. figure maps show that the RA grains exhibit various crys-
Retained austenite occurs as dark areas characterized by a tallographic orientations (Figs. 2d and 3d). However, some
low value of the IQ parameter (Figs. 2a and 3a). The darkest RA grains in 5Mn steel show the privileged crystallographic
areas are represented by martensite due to its highest dislo- orientation in the < 111 > direction.
cation density [29]. It can be seen that for the undeformed
alloy containing 5% Mn, more MA areas were identified
when compared to 3% Mn type steel (Figs. 2a and 3a). It is
reflected in a higher fraction of areas characterized by the
low diffraction quality (a low value of the IQ parameter).
Figures 2b and 3b show the RA distribution (marked in
Fig. 2 EBSD maps of 3Mn alloy in the initial state: a image quality map, b phase distribution map—retained austenite (RA) as green, c low-
angle boundary (< 15°—as red and green lines) and high-angle boundary (> 15°—as blue lines), d inverse pole figure map
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (2021) 21:133 Page 5 of 14 133
Fig. 3 EBSD maps of 5Mn alloy in the initial state: a image quality map, b phase distribution map—retained austenite (RA) as green, c low-
angle boundary (< 15°—as red and green lines) and high-angle boundary (> 15°—as blue lines), d inverse pole figure map
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Initial state 12.1 ± 1.9 1.10 ± 0.09 8.0 ± 1.4 0.92 ± 0.09
20 2.7 ± 0.5 1.15 ± 0.08 <2 –
60 5.9 ± 0.9 1.08 ± 0.10 <2 –
100 7.8 ± 0.2 1.05 ± 0.04 2.6 ± 0.2 0.99 ± 0.06
140 9.3 ± 0.8 1.04 ± 0.07 2.9 ± 0.4 0.96 ± 0.08
200 10.5 ± 1.0 1.07 ± 0.03 3.4 ± 0.2 0.89 ± 0.05
this phase and its lower tendency to strain-induced marten- a decrease in the carbon content. This effect is more pro-
sitic transformation. The 3Mn steel in the initial state pos- nounced in the case of 5Mn steel.
sesses 1.1% C, whereas it is 0.92% C in the 5% Mn alloy
(cf. Table 2). It resulted in a more intense partial martensitic 3.2.3 EBSD analysis
transformation of blocky-type RA during final cooling after
the hot-rolling step in 5Mn steel (Figs. 1b and 3a). The car- Figure 5 displays the EBSD crystallographic analyses of
bon in RA within samples deformed at different tempera- 3Mn steel deformed at selected elevated deformation tem-
tures refers to a carbon content in the phase, which remained peratures: 100 °C and 200 °C, respectively. An increase
stable after deformation. It can be observed that in the 5Mn in the amount of dark areas characterized by low Kikuchi
alloy deformed at the highest temperature (200 °C), some pattern quality (IQ) typical for dislocated martensite was
decrease in a carbon content in RA was noted. It is due to observed (Fig. 5a and b), when compared to the undeformed
the occurrence of thermally activated processes leading to specimen (Fig. 2a). Phase distribution maps (Fig. 5c and
d) show that the specimen deformed at 200 °C possesses a
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (2021) 21:133 Page 7 of 14 133
Fig. 5 EBSD maps of 3Mn alloy deformed at 100 °C and 200 °C: a, b IQ maps, c, d retained austenite (green color) maps, e, f misorientation
angle maps, g, h IPF maps
133 Page 8 of 14 Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (2021) 21:133
lower fraction of RA than the specimen deformed at 100 °C. of RA are based on carbon and/or manganese enrichments
Only a few small RA grains were identified at 200 °C [9]. In the present study, the stabilization of the γ constituent
(Fig. 5d). RA identified at 100 °C occurs in a form of layers is possible only by carbon diffusion. Stabilization through
with various thicknesses located between the bainitic ferrite Mn partitioning has not taken place due to applied process-
laths and as small grains in martensitic areas, which were ing parameters, i.e., the investigated hot-rolled steels were
formed due to the fragmentation of larger austenite grains by cooled directly from the finishing rolling temperature to
newly formed martensite. Some grain coarsening can be also 400 °C (diffusion of Mn is impossible for such short times).
seen for bainitic ferrite grains at 200 °C (Fig. 5b). The results obtained for undeformed specimens showed
The amount of low-angle grain boundaries was higher that an increase in manganese amount from 3 to 5% leads to
(Fig. 5e and f) when compared to the specimen in the initial a reduction of the carbon content in RA from 1.1% to 0.92%
state. The boundaries were formed in the austenitic–mar- (Table 2). Hojo et al. [31] observed the similar effect in
tensitic constituents [30]. Inverse pole figures (Fig. 5g and Fe-0.2C-(1.5-5Mn)-1.5Si steels with a microstructure com-
h) show that retained austenite was mainly < 111 > -oriented posed of martensite and retained austenite. They found that
with respect to rolling direction. increasing the Mn amount from 1.5% to 3% resulted in the
In case of 5Mn steel, almost all fraction of RA trans- reduction of C content in the austenite from 1% to 0.7%. Fur-
formed into martensite during straining at 100 °C and ther increasing the Mn amount to 5% led to the reduction of
200 °C. Thus, numerous dark areas of low diffraction quality the C content in RA to only 0.3%. No such huge decrease in
represented by martensite can be observed (Fig. 6a and b). the carbon content was noted here. In the present study, RA
The presence of RA was not detected in phase distribution in the steel containing 5% Mn was characterized by its lower
maps (Fig. 6c and d). The microstructural constituents are stability due to the lower C enrichment. Hence, some fraction
characterized by various crystallographic orientations inde- of blocky-type RA (characterized by a lower C content than
pendent from the deformation temperature (Fig. 6g and h). film-type RA [2]) transformed into martensite already dur-
ing cooling of sheet samples. Therefore, the fraction of MA
3.2.4 TEM observations constituents in the initial state was higher than in the 3Mn
alloy (Fig. 1).
Results obtained in the transmission electron microscope
(TEM) confirm the occurrence of the TRIP effect and ther- 4.2 Thermal stability of retained austenite
mally activated processes affecting the stability of RA at ele- at elevated temperatures
vated deformation temperatures. Figure 7 shows the results
of TEM observations obtained for 3Mn alloy deformed at The thermal stability of retained austenite and carbide precipi-
100 °C. Layers of retained austenite, which partially trans- tation phenomena were further studied in dilatometric tests.
formed into martensite can be observed. The central part of Results of the dilatometric study (Fig. 10) show that in both
RA transformed into martensite (Fig. 7b and c), whereas alloys, 5Mn and 3Mn steel tempered at 140 °C and 200 °C,
outer areas stayed stable due to their higher carbon enrich- respectively, the precipitation of carbides took place. In case
ment [5]. The presence of martensite was confirmed by of 5Mn steel, it can be seen that at 140 °C after approximately
selected area diffraction (SAD, Fig. 7d). 700 s the relative change in length (RCL) started to decrease
TEM observations of both investigated alloys deformed at from 0.080% to 0.061%. A drop in the RCL value means that
200 °C revealed subgrains with various sizes (0.2–0.3 µm) the precipitation process took place in the alpha phase (mar-
resulting from the dynamic recovery (Fig. 8a and b). Moreo- tensite) [32]. A similar tendency was noted in 3Mn steel. How-
ver, the reduced dislocation density can be observed both in ever, the precipitation started after 1300 s. An opposite trend
the bainitic ferrite matrix and in the non-transformed RA. was observed at 200 °C in 5Mn steel. In this case, the RCL
In case of 5Mn alloy, the presence of fine-dispersed carbide increased from 0.138% to 0.153% after 450 s. This observation
precipitates in martensitic laths was identified (Fig. 9). confirmed that some amount of carbides were formed in RA
or thermal decomposition of RA into ferrite and carbides took
place [33]. Such effect was not noted for the alloy containing
4 Discussion 3% of manganese. Therefore, it can be concluded that depend-
ing on the tempering temperature, the carbides were formed
4.1 Effect of manganese content on the stability in different phases [34]. Moreover, the results of dilatometric
of retained austenite tests confirmed that the RA in 5Mn steel is more sensitive to
temperature than in the case of steel containing 3% manganese.
The metastability degree of dispersed retained austenite The presence of cementite precipitates was also confirmed in
substantially depends on the chemical composition of this thermodynamic calculations using JMatPro [35]. Figure 11
phase. The processing strategies providing the stabilization indicates carbide formation is predicted for both steels. Their
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (2021) 21:133 Page 9 of 14 133
Fig. 6 EBSD maps of 5Mn alloy deformed at 100 °C and 200 °C: a, b IQ maps, c, d retained austenite (green color) maps, e, f misorientation
angle maps, g, h IPF maps
133 Page 10 of 14 Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (2021) 21:133
volume fractions are very similar. It is clear that the precipita- 4.3 Mechanical stability of retained austenite
tion process is started at 140 °C, whereas at 200 °C the pre- at different temperatures
cipitation is accelerated in both alloys reaching the maximum
vol. % of carbides (ca. 2.5%) after 200 s. The microstructure evolution during plastic deformation
is related to the deformation of all structural constituents.
However, in TRIP-aided steels special attention is paid to
the tendency of dispersely distributed retained austenite to
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (2021) 21:133 Page 11 of 14 133
Fig. 10 The dilatometric curves of 3Mn and 5Mn alloys during tem-
pering at 140 °C and 200 °C
Fig. 11 Thermodynamic analysis (JMatPro) of cementite precipita-
strain-induced martensite formation. Results of the present tion of 3Mn and 5Mn alloys during tempering at 140 °C and 200 °C
study show that the microstructural changes are affected by
the intensity of TRIP effect and thermally activated pro- austenite to strain-induced martensite. At higher deforma-
cesses occurring at the highest deformation temperatures tion temperatures, an increased stability of RA was noticed
(140 °C and 200 °C). (Table 2). Zhang et al. [36] reported similar results for
In a temperature range from 20 °C to 100 °C, the Fe–0.12C–7Mn–0.3Si and Fe–0.12C–10Mn–2Al–0.05Si
microstructure evolution during tensile deformation is alloys with ferritic–austenitic microstructures. The same
mainly controlled by phase transformation of retained tendency was also observed in steels containing Mn in the
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Fig. 12 TEM micrographs of the investigated alloys deformed at 200 °C. a HAADF STEM: subgrains, carbide precipitates and martensitic laths
in 3Mn steel, b subgrains and plate carbides in 5Mn steel; moire fringes—high-resolution TEM: c 3Mn steel and d 5Mn steel
range between1.5% and 5% [37]. This can be attributed to can be observed both in the bainitic ferrite matrix and in the
an increase of the stacking fault energy (SFE) value of aus- untransformed retained austenite. So far, such effects have
tenite [5]. not been reported in medium manganese steels. The alloy
Results of the present study show that at the highest containing 5% Mn is characterized by a higher tendency to
deformation temperature (200 °C), besides the local marten- carbide precipitation (Fig. 9), which is reflected in a decrease
sitic transformation, thermally activated processes took also in its carbon content in RA at the highest deformation tem-
place (Figs. 11 and 12). The occurrence of dynamic recovery perature (Table 2). Moreover, some fraction of plate carbides
and carbide precipitation were confirmed by the transmis- in bainitic ferrite laths can be observed (Fig. 12b). They
sion electron microscopy (Fig. 12a and b). The formation of were also revealed using SEM in the undeformed sample
small globular grains and increased bainitic lath thickness (Fig. 1b). The high-resolution TEM images show the pres-
were also revealed via EBSD method (Figs. 5h and 6h). Fig- ence of Moire fringes (Fig. 12c and d), which indicates an
ure 12a and b show subgrains characterized by various sizes initial stage of low-angle boundary formation (usually < 2°)
in the range of ~ 100–300 nm resulting from the dynamic [38]. Moreover, the Moire fringes revealed the increased
recovery process. Moreover, the reduced dislocation density density of dislocations at grain boundaries [39].
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (2021) 21:133 Page 13 of 14 133
The EBSD analyses at 100 °C and 200 °C showed that Acknowledgements A. Kozłowska acknowledges the scientific intern-
deformed specimens (Figs. 5e–f and 6e–f) were character- ship at RWTH Aachen University, IEHK Steel Institute, Aachen, Ger-
many from October to December 2020. The publication was supported
ized by higher fraction of low-angle grain boundaries (< 15°) under the Initiative of Excellence—Research University program
compared to the samples in the initial state (Figs. 2c and 3c). implemented at the Silesian University of Technology in 2020, grant
It indirectly indicates a significant rise in dislocation den- no. 10/010/SDU20/10-2701.
sity during deformation [40]. An increased amount of such
boundaries is also due to the dynamic recovery at the highest Data availability statement The data that support the findings of this
study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable
deformation temperature (Fig. 8). However, the amount of request.
high-angle boundaries also increases for the deformed sam-
ples due to the strain-induced martensitic transformation and Declarations
resulting formation of austenite–martensite interfaces. This
type of grain boundaries occurs in martensitic areas [30]. Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
Therefore, the final distribution between low-angle and high- interest.
angle boundaries is the resultant of several opposite effects.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
5 Conclusions as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
The mechanical and thermal stability of retained austen- included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
ite (RA) in thermomechanically processed alloys contain- otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
ing 3% and 5% Mn were reported in the present study. The the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
microstructure evolution and intensity of thermally activated permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
processes at elevated temperatures were characterized. The copy of this licence, visit
conclusions were as follows:
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