Davco Diesel Pro 245
Davco Diesel Pro 245
Davco Diesel Pro 245
• Diesel engines with flow rates up to 60 gph Heater Port
Dimensions are in inches [millimeters] Mounting hole distance: 5.25 [33.4]
Mounting hole openings: .400 -.408. [10.16-10.36]
When new, the fuel level Fuel level increases in Fuel level at filter wrap The filter element is now
in the filter will be very clear cover. As contami- level. Even though the fuel completely covered by
low with minimal restric- nants collect on the filter, level is now more than half fuel. At this point, all of the
tion. As the filter is used, the fuel rises to a non-con- of the filter element, the media’s surface area is uti-
contaminants collect on the taminated section of the fuel is still flowing through lized. Restriction is increas-
filter from the bottom up. filter, providing optimal clean media at minimal ing and the filter element
Fuel rises on the filter indi- filtration while maintaining restriction levels. The filter should be changed at the
cating remaining filter life. lowest restriction. still has significant life next scheduled mainte-
remaining. nance interval.