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Astm D7905 D7905M 19

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This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what

changes have been made to the previous version. Because

it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.

Designation: D7905/D7905M − 14 D7905/D7905M − 19

Standard Test Method for

Determination of the Mode II Interlaminar Fracture
Toughness of Unidirectional Fiber-Reinforced Polymer
Matrix Composites1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7905/D7905M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope
1.1 This test method describescovers the determination of the mode II interlaminar fracture toughness, GIIc, of unidirectional
fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composite laminates under mode II shear loading using the end-notched flexure (ENF) test (Fig.
1.2 This method is limited to use with composites consisting of unidirectional carbon-fiber- and glass-fiber-reinforced laminates.
This limited scope reflects the experience gained in round robin testing. This test method may prove useful for other types and
classes of composite materials; however, certain interferences have been noted (see Section 6).
1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each
system mayare not benecessarily exact equivalents; therefore, to ensure conformance with the standard, each system shall be used
independently of the other. Combiningother, and values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the
standard.shall not be combined.
iTeh Standards
1.3.1 Within the text the inch-pound units are shown in brackets.

1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety safety, health, and healthenvironmental practices and determine the
applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
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1.5 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization
established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued
by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
ASTM D7905/D7905M-19
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D792 Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity (Relative Density) of Plastics by Displacement
D883 Terminology Relating to Plastics
D2584 Test Method for Ignition Loss of Cured Reinforced Resins
D2734 Test Methods for Void Content of Reinforced Plastics
D3171 Test Methods for Constituent Content of Composite Materials
D3878 Terminology for Composite Materials
D5229/D5229M Test Method for Moisture Absorption Properties and Equilibrium Conditioning of Polymer Matrix Composite
D5687/D5687M Guide for Preparation of Flat Composite Panels with Processing Guidelines for Specimen Preparation
D7264/D7264M Test Method for Flexural Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials
E4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines
E6 Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing
E18 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Materials

This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D30 on Composite Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D30.06 on Interlaminar
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2014March 15, 2019. Published November 2014June 2019. Originally approved in 2014. Last previous edition approved in 2014 as
D7905/D7905M – 14. DOI: 10.1520/D7905_D7905M-1410.1520/D7905_D7905M-19.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards
volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D7905/D7905M − 19

FIG. 1 ENF Test Fixture and Specimen Nomenclature

E122 Practice for Calculating Sample Size to Estimate, With Specified Precision, the Average for a Characteristic of a Lot or
E177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in ASTM Test Methods
E456 Terminology Relating to Quality and Statistics
E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method
E1309 Guide for Identification of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Matrix Composite Materials in Databases (Withdrawn 2015)3
E1434 Guide for Recording Mechanical Test Data of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials in Databases (Withdrawn 2015)3
E1471 Guide for Identification of Fibers, Fillers, and Core Materials in Computerized Material Property Databases (Withdrawn
3. Terminology iTeh Standards
relating to plastics. Terminology (https://standards.iteh.ai)
3.1 Terminology D3878 defines terms relating to high-modulous fibers and their composites. Terminology D883 defines terms
E6 defines terms relating to mechanical testing. Terminology E456 and Practice E177 define terms
relating to statistics. In the event of conflict between terms, Terminology D3878 shall have precendence over the other terminology
standards. Document Preview
NOTE 1—If the term represents a physical quantity, its analytical dimensions are stated immediately following the term (or letter symbol) in
fundamental dimension form, using the following ASTM standard symbology for fundamental dimensions, shown within square brackets: [M][M] for
ASTM D7905/D7905M-19
mass, [L][L] for length, [T][T] for time, [u][u] for thermodynamic temperature, and [nd][nd] for non-dimensional quantities. Use of these symbols is
restricted to analytical dimensions when used with square brackets, as the symbols may have other definitions when used without the brackets.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 Compliance Calibrationcompliance calibration (CC) Method—method—the method of data reduction where the
relationship between specimen compliance [T2/M] and delamination length [L] is determined prior to testing by measuring
specimen compliance [T2/M] at multiple simulated delamination lengths.
3.2.2 Mode II Interlaminar Fracture Toughness,mode II interlaminar fracture toughness, GIIc [M/T2]–—the critical value of
strain energy release rate, G, [M/T2] for delamination growth [L] due to an in-plane shear force [M/T2] or displacement [L] oriented
perpendicular to the delamination front.
3.2.3 Non-precrackednon-precracked (NPC) toughness [M/T2]—an interlaminar fracture toughness value that is determined
from the preimplanted insert.
3.2.4 Precrackedprecracked (PC) Toughnesstoughness [M/T2]—an interlaminar fracture toughness value that is determined
after the delamination has been advanced from the preimplanted insert.
3.2.5 Strain Energy Release Rate,strain energy release rate, G [M/T2]—the loss of strain energy, dU [ML2/T2], in the test
specimen per unit of specimen width [L] for an infinitesimal increase in delamination length, da [L], for a delamination growing
self-similarly under constant displacement [L]. In]; in mathematical form,
1 dU
G 5 2 (1)
B da

U = total elastic strain energy in the specimen;
a = delamination length; and

The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on www.astm.org.

D7905/D7905M − 19

B = specimen width.
3.3 Symbols:
3.3.1 A—intercept of the linear fit of compliance versus crack length cubed data
3.3.2 a—delamination length
3.3.3 ai—insert length in the trimmed specimen
3.3.4 aj—the jth crack length used during compliance calibration (j = 1,2)
3.3.5 ao—delamination length used in fracture test
3.3.6 acalc—crack length calculated from an unloading curve after the NPC test
3.3.7 aPC—actual crack length used during the PC test
3.3.8 avis—visually determined crack length after the NPC test
3.3.9 B—specimen width
3.3.10 C—specimen compliance
3.3.11 C0—specimen compliance during load-up of the fracture test (See Figure 6 in 13.1)
3.3.12 Cu—specimen compliance from unloading after the non-precracked test
3.3.13 δ—displacement of loading roller during testing perpendicular to the plane of the specimen (Fig. 1)
3.3.14 E1f—flexural modulus of the specimen
3.3.15 G—total strain energy release rate
3.3.16 GIIC—mode II interlaminar fracture toughness
3.3.17 GQ—candidate mode II interlaminar fracture toughness

iTeh Standards
3.3.18 %GQ—peak percentage of GQ achieved during compliance calibration
3.3.19 h—specimen half-thickness (Fig. 2)

3.3.20 L—specimen half-span (Fig. 2)
3.3.21 Lc—distance from the center of the support roller at the cracked end of the specimen to the cracked end of the specimen
(Fig. 2)
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3.3.22 Lu—distance from the center of the support roller at the uncracked end of the specimen to the uncracked end of the
specimen (Fig. 2)
3.3.23 m—slope of the linear fit of compliance versus crack length cubed data
ASTM D7905/D7905M-19
3.3.24 P—force applied to center loading roller and perpendicular to the plane of the specimen (Fig. 1)
3.3.25 Pc—critical force for mode II fracture
3.3.26 Pj—the compliance calibration force used at crack length aj
3.3.27 PMax—maximum value of force on the force-displacement curve
3.3.28 r1—radius of the loading roller (Fig. 2)
3.3.29 r2—radius of the support rollers (Fig. 2)
3.3.30 r2—correlation coefficient of linear fit of compliance versus crack length cubed
3.3.31 ∆s—Maximum measured difference in crack length along the delamination front of the precrack

FIG. 2 ENF Specimen, Fixture, and Dimensions

D7905/D7905M − 19
3.3.32 U—total elastic strain energy in the specimen
3.3 Symbols:
A—intercept of the linear fit of compliance versus crack length cubed data
a—delamination length
acalc—crack length calculated from an unloading curve after the NPC test
ai—insert length in the trimmed specimen
aj—the jth crack length used during compliance calibration (j = 1,2)
ao—delamination length used in fracture test
aPC—actual crack length used during the PC test
avis—visually determined crack length after the NPC test
B—specimen width
C—specimen compliance
C0—specimen compliance during load-up of the fracture test (see Figure 6 in 13.1)
Cu—specimen compliance from unloading after the non-precracked test
δ—displacement of loading roller during testing perpendicular to the plane of the specimen (Fig. 1)
E1f—flexural modulus of the specimen
G—total strain energy release rate
GIIC—mode II interlaminar fracture toughness
GQ—candidate mode II interlaminar fracture toughness
%GQ—peak percentage of GQ achieved during compliance calibration
h—specimen half-thickness (Fig. 2)
L—specimen half-span (Fig. 2)
Lc—distance from the center of the support roller at the cracked end of the specimen to the cracked end of the specimen (Fig.

iTeh Standards
Lu—distance from the center of the support roller at the uncracked end of the specimen to the uncracked end of the specimen
(Fig. 2)
m—slope of the linear fit of compliance versus crack length cubed data
P—force applied to center loading roller and perpendicular to the plane of the specimen (Fig. 1)
Pc—critical force for mode II fracture
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Pj—the compliance calibration force used at crack length aj
PMax—maximum value of force on the force-displacement curve
r1—radius of the loading roller (Fig. 2)
r2—radius of the support rollers (Fig. 2)
ASTM versus
r2—correlation coefficient of linear fit of compliance D7905/D7905M-19
crack length cubed
∆s—maximum measured difference in crack length along the delamination front of the precrack
U—total elastic strain energy in the specimen
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 The ENF specimen shown in Fig. 1 consists of a rectangular, uniform thickness, unidirectional laminated composite
specimen containing a non-adhesive insert at the midplane that serves as a delamination initiator. Forces are applied to the
specimen through an ENF fixture under displacement controlled loading.
4.2 Delamination growth is not stable in the ENF test. A method is presented so that the initiation values of the mode II
interlaminar fracture toughness are obtained from the preimplanted insert as well as from a precrack.
4.3 A record of the applied force versus center roller displacement is to be obtained using an x-y recorder or equivalent real-time
plotting device, or else it may be obtained and stored digitally. The mode II interlaminar fracture toughness, GIIc, is obtained using
the compliance calibration (CC) method. This is the only acceptable method of data reduction for this test (1).4
4.4 This standard recommends that static mode II precracking is performed and a recommended method is described. Other
precracking methods may be used provided that a record of the shape of the precracked delamination front is obtained prior to the
PC test. Precracking methods that typically leave crack front markings for post-test evaluation of these values include mode I and
fatigue mode II.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 Susceptibility to delamination is one of the major design concerns for many advanced laminated composite structures.
Knowledge of a laminated composite material’s resistance to interlaminar fracture is useful for product development and material
selection. Furthermore, a measurement of the mode II interlaminar fracture toughness that is independent of specimen geometry

The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to athe list of references at the end of this standard.

D7905/D7905M − 19
or method of force introduction is useful for establishing design allowables used in damage tolerance analyses of composite
structures. Knowledge of both the non-precracked and precracked toughnesses allows the appropriate value to be used for the
application of interest.
5.2 This test method can serve the following purposes:
5.2.1 To establish quantitatively the effect of fiber surface treatment, local variations in fiber volume fraction, and processing
and environmental variables on GIIc of a particular composite material;
5.2.2 To compare quantitatively the relative values of GIIc for composite materials with different constituents;
5.2.3 To compare quantitatively the values of GIIc obtained from different batches of a specific composite material, for example,
to use as a material screening criterion or to develop a design allowable; and
5.2.4 To develop delamination failure criteria for composite damage tolerance and durability analyses.

6. Interferences
6.1 Linear elastic behavior is assumed in the calculation of G used in this method. This assumption is valid when the zone of
damage or nonlinear deformation at the delamination front, or both, is small relative to the smallest specimen dimension, which
is typically the specimen’s thickness for the ENF test.
6.2 GIIc is obtained for both non-precracked and precracked specimens based on the maximum load point. GIIc based on the
nonlinear load point or other measures, such as a compliance offset, may also be obtained if desired. However, definitions of this
type have not been related to any specific physical occurrences in the ENF test.
6.3 The three loading noses in the ENF test fixture may be fixed, rotatable, or rolling. Fixed loading noses or pins supported
in a v-groove are recommended, and loading noses of this type were used in the interlaboratory test program that was conducted
in support of this standard. The type of supports that are used is to be reported as described in Section 14. The loading noses should
uniformly contact the specimen across its width. Lack of uniform contact can affect results, most commonly due to non-uniform
loading across the width of the specimen. Formulas used in this standard assume a uniform line loading across the entire specimen

iTeh Standards
width at the loading nose and at the specimen supports; deviations from this type of loading are beyond the scope of this standard.
6.4 There is an inherent error associated with the use of Eq 7 to obtain the calculated crack length, and it is not expected that

the calculated crack length will exactly correspond to the true length of the precrack. However, since toughness is computed by
CC, it has been shown (2) that this error in crack length will not affect the accuracy of the computed toughness provided that the
recommended approach is followed.
6.5 For very tough composites, large Document
deformations at the onset ofPreview
delamination growth could affect the accuracy of the ENF
test. For typical unidirectional glass and carbon reinforced unidirectional composites, it has been shown (1) that the combined
effects of friction and geometric nonlinearities will affect the accuracy of the recommended approach by approximately 2.5%2.5 %
ASTM with
or less for glass-reinforced polymer matrix composites D7905/D7905M-19
toughnesses up to 1.45 1.45 kJ kJ/m⁄m2 [8.28 [8.28 in.-lbf in.-lbf/
in.⁄in. ] and by 3%3 % or less for polymer matrix composites with carbon reinforcement with toughnesses up to 2.10
2.10 kJ kJ/m⁄m2 [12.0 in.-lbf ⁄in.2]. Testing of composites that exhibit greater toughness may produce somewhat larger errors. One
means of checking for nonlinearities is to examine the difference between the nonlinear point and the maximum load point. If this
is found to be greater than approximately 5%5 % of PMax, further investigations may be in order to determine the reason for the
discrepancy, for example, material nonlinearity, geometric nonlinearity, or subcritical crack advance. The results of this
investigation may be used to choose a new test geometry, for example to eliminate geometric nonlinearities, or to choose a
definition of critical load that is different from PMax, for example in the case of subcritical crack advance.
6.6 A precracking method that only produces a short crack “jump,” e.g., for example, by positioning a specimen with a crack
tip close to the center loading roller, may produce precracked toughness values that are significantly higher than those that will
be produced for a long crack jump following the recommended procedure (2, 3).
6.7 The toughness measured using this method is sensitive to reinforcement volume and void content. Consequently, the test
results may reflect manufacturing quality as much as material properties.
6.8 Number of Points for CC—The use of a three-point CC was studied extensively in References (2, 4) and resulted in the
recommended approach (subsection (11.9). However, equivalent results will be obtained with a five-point CC, and one may use
this approach following Note 4 (11.9).
6.9 The toughness values obtained by this test method for delamination growth at 0°/0° interfaces may not be representative
of the toughness required for delamination growth at interfaces with different relative ply orientations.

7. Apparatus
7.1 Testing Machine—A properly calibrated test machine shall be used which can be operated in a displacement control mode
with a constant displacement rate in the range from 0.025 to 1.6 mm ⁄min [0.001 to 0.063 in. ⁄min]. The testing machine will
conform to the requirements of Practices E4.
7.2 The testing machine shall be equipped with a loading fixture as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.

D7905/D7905M − 19
7.2.1 A fixture geometry with a nominal specimen span length (2L) of 100 mm [4 in.] and a nominal half-span length (L) of
50 mm [2 in.] is required.
7.2.2 The cylindrical loading rollersurface shall have a radius, r1, in the range of 4.7 to 9.6 mm 9.6 mm [0.185 to 0.378 in.].
The support rollers 0.378 in.]. The cylindrical supporting surfaces shall have the same radius, r2, which shall be in the range of
3.0 to 6.4 mm 6.4 mm [0.118 to 0.250 in.]. 0.250 in.]. The loading rollersurface shall be centered between the two support
rollerssupporting surfaces (Fig. 2). All rollers shall haveload and support surfaces shall be finely ground surfacesand free of
indentation and burrs with all sharp edges relieved, with a hardness of 60 to 62 HRC, as specified in Test Methods 55 HRC or
greater. E18. Loading and support rollerssurfaces may be arranged in a fixed, rotatable, or rolling arrangement, where rotation may
occur only about the roller cylindrical surfaces’ center points as viewed in the orientation of Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. All other movement
of the support rollerssupporting surfaces shall be restrained, and loading rollerssurface shall only be free to move vertically when
viewed in the orientation of Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 (i.e., (that is, perpendicular to the plane of the specimen).
7.2.3 The system compliance, defined as the compliance of the load frame with the test fixture installed, shall be less than
3%3 % of the measured compliance of the specimens that are tested. The system compliance shall be determined by using an
essentially rigid calibration bar with the ENF test fixture and a span length (2L) of 100 mm [4.0 in.]. It is recommended that the
calibration bar is at least as stiff as a steel bar with a moment of inertia, I, equal to 6 cm4 [0.144 in.4]. When this is the case, the
system compliance can be determined as the slope of the deflection versus force data from the test of the calibration bar in the ENF
fixture. For calibration bars with a lower moment of inertia, the bar’s compliance should be accounted for. Here, the system
compliance may be computed as the slope of the deflection versus force data from the test of the calibration bar minus the
compliance of the calibration bar, defined as L3/(6EI), where L is the half-span length and E and I are the Young’s modulus and
moment of inertia, respectively, of the calibration bar. The system compliance shall then be compared to the minimum compliance
from all specimens tested to ensure that the 3%3 % requirement is met. It is recommended that the system compliance tests be
performed with a nominal loading rate of 0.050.05 mm mm/min⁄min [0.002 in. [0.002 in./min], ⁄min], but rates in the range of
0.02 to 0.080.08 mm mm/min ⁄min [0.0008 to 0.0030.003 in. in./min] ⁄min] are acceptable.
7.2.4 The fixture cannot have rotational bearings that allow rotation about an axis parallel to the length direction of the
iTeh Standards
7.2.5 It is recommended that the test fixture be equipped with alignment features to ensure that (1) the loading and support
rollers are parallel, and (2) the longitudinal direction of the specimen is perpendicular to the roller direction (3).
7.3 Force Indicator—The testing machine’s force-sensing device shall be capable of indicating the total force carried by the test
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specimen. This device shall be essentially free from inertia-lag at the specified rate of testing and shall indicate the force with an
accuracy over the force range(s) of interest of within 6 1% 61 % of the indicated value. Forces are dependent on the specimen
geometry and toughness. A method to calculate the expected forces can be found in Annex A1.
7.4 Load Point Displacement Indicator—TheASTM D7905/D7905M-19
load point displacement may be obtained from the crosshead separation of the
load frame provided that the compliance requirement of subsection 7.2.3 is satisfied. Otherwise, the load point displacement shall
be taken from a properly calibrated external gagegauge or transducer and/oror a stiffer test fixture and/or fixture, or both, or load
frame should be used. used, or both. The load point displacement indicator shall indicate the load point displacement with an
accuracy of 6 1% 61 % at the displacement at which delamination growth occurs.
7.5 Force versus Load Point Displacement Record—A digital record of force versus load point displacement shall be stored for
subsequent post-processing.
7.6 Micrometers and Calipers—The micrometer(s) or caliper(s) used to measure specimens prior to testing shall have A
micrometer with a 4 to 7 mm [0.16 to 0.28 in.] nominal diameter ball interface or a flat anvil interface for the measurement of
smooth surfaces or a suitably sized ball interface for the measurement of rough surfaces, such as the bag side of a laminate. shall
be used to measure the specimen thickness. A ball interface is recommended for thickness measurements when at least one surface
is irregular (for example, a course peel ply surface, which is neither smooth nor flat). A micrometer or caliper with a flat anvil
interface shall be used for measuring length, width, and other machined surface dimensions. The use of alternative measurement
devices is permitted if specified (or agreed to) by the test requestor and reported by the testing laboratory. The accuracy of the
instrumentsinstrument(s) shall be suitable for reading to within 6 1% 1 % of the sample width and thickness. specimen
dimensions. For typical specimen geometries, an instrument with an accuracy of 6 2.5 µm [0.0001 in.] is desirable60.0025 mm
[60.0001 in.] is adequate for thickness measurements, while an instrument with an accuracy of 6 25 µm [0.001 in.] is desirable
for width measurements.60.025 mm [60.001 in.] is adequate for measurement of length, width, and other machined surface

8. Sampling and Test Specimens

8.1 Sampling—Test at least five specimens per test condition unless valid results can be gained through the use of fewer
specimens, such as the case of a designed experiment. For statistically significant data, the procedures outlined in Practice E122
should be consulted. The method of sampling shall be reported.

D7905/D7905M − 19
8.2 Specimen and Test Configuration—Test laminates must contain an even number of plies and must be unidirectional, with
delamination growth occurring in the 0° (zero degree) direction. Specimen dimensions shall conform to those presented in Fig. 3
and Fig. 4, which are chosen such that placement of the specimen within the fixture will be as defined in Table 1 and Fig. 2.
8.3 Manufacturing:
8.3.1 A flat composite plate shall be manufactured with a preimplanted non-adhesive film insert. Specimens are to be cut from
these plates as shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. Fabrication and machining are to be performed following Guide D5687/D5687M.
8.3.2 A non-adhesive film insert shall be implanted at the midplane of the laminate during layup to form an initiation site for
the delamination (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). The film thickness shall be no greater than 13 µm [0.0005 in.]. A polymer film is recommended
for the insert to avoid problems with folding or crimping at the cut end of the insert. For epoxy matrix composites cured at or below
177°C [350°F],177 °C [350 °F], a thin film made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is recommended. For composites with
polyimide, bismaleimide, or thermoplastic matrices that are manufactured at relatively high temperatures, i.e., that is, greater than
177°C [350°F],177 °C [350 °F], a thin polyimide film is recommended. If a polyimide film is used, the film shall be painted or
sprayed with a mold release agent before it is inserted in the laminate. Caution should be used, as mold release agents containing
silicone may contaminate the laminate by migration through the individual layers. It is often helpful to coat the film at least once
and then bake the film before placing the film on the composite. This will help to prevent silicone migration within the composite.
It also is often necessary to decohere the light bond that might form between the insert and the composite (2). For materials outside
the scope of this standard, different film materials and procedures may be required.
8.3.3 The plate shall be made in such a way that the specimen dimensions presented in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 may be achieved.
Manufacturing large panels with a full-width insert in the center of the length direction is recommended to prevent thickness
variations in the test specimens. After manufacture, these panels are cut width-wise along the centerline of the insert to create two
plates, each with an edge view as shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. A typical panel would be 400 mm [16 in.] long in the 0° direction
with a 100 mm [4 in.] insert. Depending on the saw blade and amount trimmed at the edges, this will yield two plates that are
approximately 200 mm [8 in.] long with an initial insert length (ai) of approximately 50 mm [2 in.].
8.3.4 Prior to cutting the plate into specimens, the end of the insert should be accurately located and marked, and markings

iTeh Standards
should be placed on the plate such that location of each specimen relative to the original plate geometry will be identifiable
subsequent to cutting.
8.3.5 Individual specimens are to be cut such that they fall within the range of allowable lengths and widths specified in Fig.
3 and Fig. 4. (https://standards.iteh.ai)
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ASTM D7905/D7905M-19

FIG. 3 Specimen—ENF Test (SI units)Units)

D7905/D7905M − 19

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FIG. 4 Specimen—ENF Test (inch-pound units)(Inch-pound Units)

Parameter Value or Range
L ASTM 50 D7905/D7905M-19
mm [2.0 in.]
Lc $ 15 mm [$ 0.6 in.]
Lc $15 mm [$ 0.6 in.]
$ 45 mm [$ 1.8 in.] when the same specimen is to
be used for non-precracked and precracked testing.
$ 15 mm [$ 0.6 in.]
$45 mm [$1.8 in.] when the same specimen is to
be used for non-precracked and precracked testing.
$15 mm [$0.6 in.]
ao 30 mm [1.2 in.]

8.3.6 Subsequent to cutting, measure the width, B, at the three points of each specimen that will correspond to the contact
locations of the three rollers when the specimen is tested in the non-precracked configuration. Measure the thickness, 2h, of each
specimen at six points, with two thickness measurements at each of the points where the width was measured; one on the left side
and one on the right side. The individual and average values of the three width measurements and the six thickness measurements
shall be recorded. The variation in specimen width among all measurements shall not exceed 0.5 mm [0.02 in.]in.], and the
variation in specimen thickness shall not exceed 5%5 % of the mean value.
8.4 Labeling—Label the specimens so that they will be distinct from each other and traceable back to the raw material, and in
a manner that will both be unaffected by the test and not influence the test.
8.5 Void Content—It is recommended that void content and fiber volume be reported. Void content may be determined using
Test MethodMethods D2734 and fiber volume fraction may be determined using Test MethodMethods D3171.

9. Calibration
9.1 The accuracy of all measuring equipment shall have certified calibrations that are current at the time of use of the equipment.

D7905/D7905M − 19
10. Conditioning
10.1 The recommended pre-test condition is effective moisture equilibrium at a specific relative humidity as established by Test
Method D5229/D5229M,; however, if the test requestor does not explicitly specify a pre-test conditioning environment, no
conditioning is required and the test specimens may be tested as prepared.
10.2 The pre-test specimen conditioning process, to include specified environmental exposure levels and resulting moisture
content, shall be reported with the test data.
NOTE 2—The term “moisture,” as used in Test Method D5229/D5229M, includes not only the vapor of a liquid and its condensate, but the liquid itself
in large quantities, as for immersion.
10.3 If no explicit conditioning process is performed the specimen conditioning process shall be reported as “unconditioned”
and the moisture content as “unknown.”

11. Procedure
11.1 Parameters to be Specified Prior to Test:
11.1.1 The specimen sampling method, specimen geometry, and conditioning travelers (if required),required);
11.1.2 The properties and data reporting format desired,desired;
11.1.3 The environmental conditioning test parameters,parameters; and
11.1.4 If performed, the sampling method, specimen geometry, and test parameters used to determine density and constituent
11.2 Condition the specimens as required. Store the specimens in the conditioned environment until test time, if the test
environment is different than the conditioning environment.
11.3 Specimen Preparation:
11.3.1 Measure and record the width and thickness of each specimen as specified in subsection 8.3.6.
iTeh Standards
11.3.2 A light coating of white or silver spray paint, or equivalent, shall be applied to the specimen edges. This is to assist in
the visual detection of the delamination tip and in making compliance calibration (CC) markings (Fig. 2). Once the paint is dry,
the tip of the insert shall be marked with a thin vertical pencil line. line made with a mechanical pencil containing a 0.5 mm [0.02
in.] diameter lead or smaller. The edges shall then be marked with three vertical compliance calibration markings, within the

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cracked region, at distances of 20, 30, and 40 mm 40 mm [0.8, 1.2, and 1.6 in.] 1.6 in.] from the tip of the insert.
11.3.3 If specific gravity, density, reinforcement volume, or void volume, or combinations thereof, are to be reported, then
obtain these samples from the same panels being tested. Specific gravity and density may be evaluated by means of Test
MethodMethods D792. Volume percent of the constituents may be evaluated by one of the matrix digestion procedures of Test
MethodMethods D3171, or, for certain reinforcement ASTM D7905/D7905M-19
materials such as glass and ceramics, by the matrix burn-off technique of Test
Method D2584. The void content equations of Test Method D2734 are applicable to both Test Method D2584 and the matrix
digestion procedures.
11.4 Test Environment—If possible, test the specimen under the same fluid exposure level used for conditioning. However, cases
such as elevated temperature testing of a moist specimen place unrealistic requirements on the capabilities of common testing
machine environmental chambers. In such cases, the mechanical test environment may need to be modified, for example, by testing
at elevated temperature with no fluid exposure control, but with a specified limit on time to failure from withdrawal from the
conditioning chamber. Record any modifications to the test environment.
NOTE 3—When testing a conditioned specimen at elevated temperature with no fluid exposure control, the percentage moisture loss of the specimen
prior to test completion may be estimated by placing a conditioned traveler of known weight within the test chamber at the same time the specimen is
placed in the chamber. The traveler should be configured to mimic the specimen, such that moisture evaporation is comparable to that of the test specimen.
Upon completion of the test, the traveler is removed from the chamber, weighed, and the percentage weight calculated and reported.
11.5 The specimen shall be placed in the fixture so that its longitudinal direction is perpendicular to the loading rollers (see
subsection 7.2.5).
11.6 Loading for all CC and fracture tests shall be performed in displacement control at a nominal rate of 0.50.5 mm
mm/min⁄min [0.02 in. [0.02 in./min], ⁄min], although rates between 0.10 and 0.800.80 mm mm/min ⁄min [0.004 to 0.0310.031 in.
in./min] ⁄min] are acceptable. Unless otherwise specified, unloading shall also be in displacement control at a rate between 0.10
and 1.61.6 mm mm/min ⁄min [0.004 to 0.063 0.063 in. in./min].⁄min].
11.7 Peak forces during CC are equal to 50%50 % of the expected value of the critical force (Pc) at that particular crack length;
these are chosen to correspond to approximately 25%25 % of GIIc. That is, the peak CC force varies with crack length. The method
of determining the peak force for each crack length during CC is presented in Annex A2.
11.8 Compliance calibration tests are performed by loading the specimen to the peak CC force as defined in subsection 11.7 and
then unloading. The force and deflection data are to be recorded continuously or at frequent and regular intervals during the loading
portion only; a sampling rate of 5 Hz or greater and a target minimum of 500 data points per test are recommended.

D7905/D7905M − 19
11.9 Values of GIIc shall be obtained from the insert and from the precrack. All toughness values are obtained using the CC
method. Subsection 11.9.1 is to be used if both NPC and PC toughness values are to be obtained from the same specimen and the
recommended precracking procedure is to be adopted; otherwise, subsections 11.9.2 and 11.9.3 are to be used. Peak forces
expected during these fracture tests may be estimated by the method in Annex A1.
NOTE 4—If desired, a five-point CC may be used. In this case, CC is performed for both the NPC and PC tests with crack lengths, a, equal to 20, 25,
35, and 40 mm [0.8, 1.0, 1.4, and 1.6 in.),in.], and the fracture test is still performed with a = 30 mm (1.2 in.).[1.2 in.]. Data from all five crack lengths
are then used to obtain the CC coefficients (subsection (13.2).
11.9.1 Non-Precracked and Precracked Toughness from the Same Specimen—In the approach that follows, crack advance
during the NPC test creates the precrack that is used for the PC test. The approach has been shown to produce accurate NPC and
PC toughnesses with a PC GIIc that is within or approaching the “minimum toughness plateau” that some materials evidence, i.e.,
that is, when GIIc decreases to a minimum plateau value with the amount of dynamic advance that occurs during precracking (2-4).
The approach also ensures that any differences between the location of the true and calculated crack tip do not affect the accuracy
of GIIc (2). Non-Precracked CC—With reference to Fig. 2, the specimen is placed in the fixture so that the CC mark that is farthest
from the cracked end is aligned with the center of the support roller at the cracked end. The first CC test is then performed with
a crack length, a, equal to 20 mm [0.8 in.], following the procedure defined in subsection 11.8. The specimen is then repositioned
such that a = 40 mm [1.6 in.], i.e., that is, so that the CC mark that is closest to the cracked end is aligned with the center of the
support roller at the cracked end. The second CC test is then performed as defined in subsection 11.8. Non-Precracked Fracture Test—Following NPC CC, the specimen shall be repositioned in the fixture so that
a = 30 mm. This shall correspond to placing the center CC mark over the center of the support roller that is at the cracked end.
The specimen is then loaded until the delamination advances, as seen by visual assessment on the specimen or by a drop in force
on the force versus displacement plot. The specimen shall be unloaded at a nominal rate of 0.5 mm/min [0.02 in./min], although
rates between 0.10 and 0.80 mm ⁄min [0.004 to 0.031 in. ⁄min] are acceptable (i.e., (that is, in order to decrease the total time
required for the test). The force and displacement data are to be recorded continuously or at frequent and regular intervals during

iTeh Standards
the entire test; a sampling rate of 5 Hz or greater and a target minimum of 1000 data points per test are recommended. Determination of Crack Length for the Precracked Test—The unloading data from the non-precracked fracture test of
subsection is used to compute a value of acalc using the method of subsection 13.6. This value of acalc is measured from
the existing center CC mark. A new “PC crack tip mark” shall be placed at this location. Three new “PC CC markings” shall then
be placed at 20, 30, and 40 mm [0.8, 1.2, and 1.6 in.] from the PC crack tip mark as shown in Fig. 5. The center mark, with distance
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from the crack tip equal to 30 mm [1.2 in.] is for the fracture test, and the other two marks are for CC testing.
If desired, the location of the crack tip may also be determined visually as the average of the locations found on the two edges.
If the visually determined crack tip, avis, is (1) past (to the right of) the loading roller and (2) longer than acalc, then avis may be
used in place of acalc for the placement of the PC crack tip mark. Precracked CC—Prior to the PC fracture ASTMtest, D7905/D7905M-19
the compliances from two different crack lengths are obtained by
appropriate placement of the specimen in the fixture. The first CC test is performed with a = 20 mm [0.8 in.] and the second with
a = 40 mm [1.6 in.]. This is performed using the PC CC markings of subsection and following the procedure of subsection Precracked Fracture Test—Following PC CC, the specimen shall be repositioned in the fixture so that a = 30 mm [1.2
in.]. This shall correspond to placing the center PC CC mark over the center of the support roller that is at the cracked end. The
specimen is then loaded until the delamination advances, as seen by visual assessment on the specimen or by a drop in force on
the force versus displacement plot. The specimen is then unloaded. The force and deflection data are to be recorded continuously
or at frequent and regular intervals during the loading portion only; a sampling rate of 5 Hz or greater and a target minimum of
750 data points per test are recommended.

FIG. 5 Configuration of Specimen for Precracked Test When the Same Specimen is Used for NPC and PC Testing (nominal dimensions
shown)(Nominal Dimensions Shown)


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