The Effect of Frequency of Cyclic Loading On Earth Structures and Foundation Soils
The Effect of Frequency of Cyclic Loading On Earth Structures and Foundation Soils
The Effect of Frequency of Cyclic Loading On Earth Structures and Foundation Soils
Scholars' Mine
International Conferences on Recent Advances 1991 - Second International Conference on
in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake
Soil Dynamics Engineering & Soil Dynamics
Thomas F. Zimmie
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
Recommended Citation
Normandeau, Daniel E. and Zimmie, Thomas F., "The Effect of Frequency of Cyclic Loading on Earth
Structures and Foundation Soils" (1991). International Conferences on Recent Advances in Geotechnical
Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics. 39.
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A Proceedings: second International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechn
W March 11-15,199 1, St. Louis, Missouri, Paper No.1.55
ical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics,
Earth dams, earth embankments, slopes, and certain foundation soils are subject to
shear stress due to earthquak es, blasting operations, and in some cases machine cyclic loading with an initial locked-in static
vibrations. In order to investigate the effect of the
frequency of the applied cyclic loading, thirty-on e Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
Frequencies for the applied cyclic loading of 0.2 Hz, 0.05 Hz, and 0.025 Hz were used Direct Simple Shear (NGI-DSS ) tests were run.
Silt (SFSS), from the Lower San Fernando Dam which failed in 1971, was the material throughout this investigation. San Fernando Sandy
tested in this study.
This investigation determined to what extent the frequency of the applied loading affects
initial locked-in static shear stress. The results show that the accumulated deformati accumulated deformation of SFSS with an
applied loading. on is inversely proportional to the frequency of the
In the past few decades, much interest has been
developed in the area of earthquak e engineering. Much used in this investigation. However, it can be considered as
research has been performed in this area, with the study of an upper bound of the frequency effect, and is simply used as
dams perhaps leading the list. With the failure of the Lower a basis for comparison.
San Fernando Dam in 1971, hydraulic fill dams have been the
subject of many studies (Seed et al., 1973). The Norwegian Geotechnical Institute Direct Simple
Shear (NGI-DSS ) device was used in this investigation.
The research performed in this investigation pertains Combinations of initial locked-in static shear stresses were
to earth dams and embankm ents, slopes and machine used with the application of different cyclic loads. Constant
foundation soils. All are subject to cyclic loading conditions volume (undraine d) and drained tests were performed.
from earthquak es, blasting operations and machine Within these various test series, varying frequencies of cyclic
vibrations. Initial locked-in static shear stresses are present loading were investigated.
in all of these cases, and play a significant role in their
behavior under cyclic loading (Lien, 1983; Goulois et al., Soil from the Lower San Fernando Dam, San Fernando
1985; Zimmie and Lien, 1986). Sandy Silt (SFSS), was used in this investigation. This
hydraulic fill dam experienced a major flow slide as a
The objective of this study was to determine the effect consequence of the San Fernando Earthquak e in 1971. Since
of the frequency of cyclic loading on the accumu~a~ed that time, it has been the focus of extensive earthquake
deformation of soils. Newmark used the analogy of a sliding engineering research. The test results from this investigation
block on an inclined surface to analyze deformations in slopes add to an extensive data base on SFSS.
due to cyclic loading (Newmark, 1965). Goodman and S~ed
(1966) verified that the ~mount. of accumula ted .deformatiOn
in sand, due to the cychc loading, was proportiOnal to t~e
inverse square of the frequency, as Newmark's analysis
predicted. Strictly speaking, Newmark's analysis applies. to
yield conditions, and is not applicable to the type of loading
represent the initial locked-in static shear stress, whereas in
BACKGROUND this report (as in Zimmie and Lien, 1986) the term r 5 is used.
Locked-in Static Shear Stresses
The presence of an initial locked-in static shear stress Effect of Frequency
can be found in both sloping and level ground conditions.
This may be more obvious for a slope than for flat ground, As can be seen from the previous discussion, the effect
simply due to the effect of gravity. Figure 1 shows several of the frequency of the applied cyclic load on the accumulated
soil elements and their associated stresses. Soil element A deformation of soil, has not been the subject of extensive
(Fig. 1a) has no locked-in static shear stress, because it is study, but it has been cited as a necessary area of research
located in a position where the static vertical loads impinging (Malek et al., 1987).
on it are symmetrical. Soil element B, on the other hand,
does not have symmetrical static vertical loads acting on it. Newmark (1965) used basic physical principles to
It has an initial locked-in static shear stress acting on it, and suggest that frequency has an inverse--square effect on
because it lies on a potential failure surface, the value of this accumulated deformation when an initial locked-in static
stress is relatively high (Seed et al., 1968). Figure 1b shows shear stress is involved. Figure 2 explains Newmark's
soil element C, which could be considered under level ground analogy of a sliding block to the cyclic loading of a soil
conditions, but because it has non--symmetrical vertical loads element. The case of level ground conditions (symmetrical
acting on it and because it is located on a potential failure loading) is shown in Figure 2a. The initial locked-in static
surface, it experiences an initial locked-in static shear stress. shear stress on the block is zero. A cyclic shear stress is
applied to the block causing it to cycle around its center-line,
Figure 1c shows a better example of the initial Y. The displacement (x) of the block is determined from
locked-in static shear stress in level ground conditions. This Equation 1.
is due to soil element E being located away from the line of
symmetry of the vertical load of the structure. This figure x=l/2at 2 ( 1)
shows a foundation which is subject to cyclic loading from
machine vibrations. where a= acceleration and t = time.
As can be seen from the previous discussion, locked-in Because of the level ground condition, the block cycles
static shear stresses can be found in several different an equal distance on each side of the Y axis. Hence, the net
circumstances, and are of considerable concern because of displacement of the block is zero. It does not matter how
their relevance to the safety of earth dams and embankments. long (t=time) the cycle is, the net displacement (x) is always
Evidence of the concern with initial locked-in static shear zero. Therefore, the frequency of the cyclic loading has no
stresses and their applicability to current issues can be found effect on the level ground condition. (The block or soil
in the recent work done in this area (Moriwaki et al., 1982;; element in laboratory testing will eventually fail in one
Zimmie et al., 1985; Zimrnie and Lien, 1986; Malek et al., direction, but this is usually caused by the limits imposed by
1987; Andersen et al., 1988; Andersen and Lauritzsen, 1988). the test apparatus. In theory, the direction (either left or
Although the recent work has been quite thorough with right) should be random.
respect to initial locked-in static shear stress, the effect of
frequency has not been studied. For the case with an initial locked-in static shear
stress ( r 5 ), the block also cycles around its center-line, Y.
Most, if not all of the work involving initial locked-in
static shear stress, has been done on clay samples. Moriwaki However, because of r 5 , the block's center-line moves in the
et al. (1982), Zimmie et al. (1982), Zimmie and Lien (1986) direction which T 5 is acting (Fig. 2b). The block slides down
and Goulois et al. (1985), investigated the undrained cyclic
simple shear response of clay subjected to combined cyclic the incline a certain distance during the first half of the
and initial locked-in static shear stresses. These loading cycle (assuming the first half of the loading cycle is in
investigations led to the development of strain and pore the direction of r 5 ), but never returns to its original position
pressure contour diagrams, which are useful for practical when the loading cycle is complete. For this case, the length
design problems. Andersen and his colleagues have performed of time (t) of the loading cycle in the direction of r 5 is
extensive research in this area as well. He has developed a
procedure for predicting the results of variable cyclic stress directly related to the displacement of the block. Hence, the
level tests from tests performed with a constant cyclic stress, frequency of the cyclic loading does have an effect on the
as well as a procedure to calculate the bearing capacity for accumulated deformation for the case with an initial
foundations subjected to a combination of static and cyclic locked-in static shear stress ( r 5 ).
loads under undrained conditions (Malek et al., 1987;
Andersen and Lauritzsen, 1988). Andersen et al. (1988) has Newmark used Equation 1 to propose that for the case
compiled an extensive database on cyclic soil testing which is with an initial locked-in static shear stress ( r 5 ), the amount
important in the design of 9,ravity structures. Malek et al.
(1987) developed an 'Apparent Overconsolidation" of deformation accumulated from cyclic loading is equal to
hypothesis, which provides good predictions of the number of the inverse--square of the frequency (see Equation 2).
cycles to failure, as well as the development of shear strains,
during undrained cyclic simple shearing.
These previous studies are similar in regards to their (2)
testing procedure and the testing notation used in their
analysis. However, Andersen et al. (1988), Malek et al. where x = displacement and
(1987), and Goulois et al. (1985) use the term rave to f = frequency
'' '
1 FILL ""-._
', ~ /¥
' ... _
I c
___ . . . "'
r ~,
' sc
-tJI lt!- ah
(b) Earth Embankment
Element D
Element E
(c) Machine Foundation
Mineralogical Analysis
Index Properties *
Liquid Limit = 24
Plastic Limit = 20
Plasticity Index =4
Specific Gravity = 2.69
* The Atterberg Limit Test was performed on the minus No. 40 fraction of the SFSS.
·~ 1 '•
U.S STAIIIOAIID at(V[ -...Eita
910 141S lO 5040 ~ 70DOM0200
-- - - '\ '0
80 - \ zo
\ f- --
f- -
1- - - -I- - - 70
- -I- -
zo -r-- 80
,_ --·-
10 90
0 00
D O> 01 OD5 001 0~ 0001
necessary to determine both the constant volume (undrained)
EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION and the drained shear strength of the SFSS.
The Norwegian Geotechnical Institute Direct Simple Both the static and the cyclic tests were run with an
Shear Device (NGI-DSS), with certain modifications was
used for this investigation. Originally designed by NGI and initial vertical stress of 1 kg/em 2• All samples were prepared
now manufactured by Geonor, the NGI-DSS is similar to the in an identical fashion, however, slight differences in the void
device described by Bjerrum and Landva (1966). ratio of the samples did occur (see Table 2). The testing
began after the sample had been consolidated and saturated.
The soil sample in the NGI-DSS device is surrounded A strain rate of approximately 14% per hour was used for the
by a wire reinforced latex membrane. This membrane static monotonic loading of the SFSS.
enables the sample to be uniformly strained, under conditions
of simple shear and plane strain. The NGI-DSS closely
simulates the aspects of cyclic loading caused by earthquakes. TEST RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
Void N
Test Test r 5 /r Tc/T Ratio Frequency (to failure, F
Series Number (%) (%) e f no failure, NF)
IV 1 72 34 0.644 0.2 69 F
2 72 34 0.658 0.025 41 F
3 72 54 0.593 0.2 4 F
4 72 69 0.627 0.2 2F
Void N
Test Test r 5 fr rcfr Ratio Frequency (to failure, F
Series Number (%) (%) e f no failure, NF) 'n
v 1 83 59 0.640 0.2 200 NF 0 62%
2 83 59 0.631 0.025 50 NF 2 187c
VI 1 94 92 0.647 0.2 200 NF 10.09'/'c
2 94 92 0.635 0.025 40 NF 9 26%
3 94 92 0.663 0.025 40 NF 1244 7c
N = Number of cycles
1'n = Residual strain value for the first cycle
T = 0.21kg/cm 2 (20.61kPa)
uvi = 1kgjcm 2 for all tests (98.16kPa)
The development of strain becomes more complicated
for non-symmetrical loading, due to the initial locked-in
static shear stress. Figure 4b shows that for the
non-symmetrical tests, the plot of total shear strain versus
time exhibits cyclic characteristics, but increases in the
direction of the initial locked-in static shear stress. The total
shear strain ( 'Yt) is comprised of a residual shear strain ( 'Yr)
and a cyclic shear strain (I'c); ( 'Yt) = ('Yr) + ('Yc). The
residual shear strain is a measure of the portion of the total
strain that accumulates in the direction of the initial
locked-in static shear stress (Andersen et al., 1988; Malek et
al., 1987; and Goulois et al., 1985, refer to this as the average
shear strain, 'Yave)·
tests, is the portion caused by the cyclic loading, and cycles SHEAR STRAIN, 1 t'l.l
around 'Yr· The relationship, 'Yt = 'Yr + 'Yc• is also applicable
to the symmetrical tests (with 'Yr = 0). Therefore, Figure 6 Stress-Strain Curve for the Drained
comparisons of shear strains between symmetrical and Monotonic Test
non-symmetrical loading cases can be made.
The strain accumulated from the drained creep
initiated by the application of the initial locked-in static
shear stress is not part of the strain values ( 'Yc, 'Yr or 'Yt)·
Therefore, for all of the tests with an initial locked-in static
shear stress, the initial strain is zero. It is also important to average value of_ the pea.!c normalized shear strength ( r)
note that the shear strength of the soil sample may change equals 0.21. Th1s value IS taken as the normalized shear
slightly with the application of the initial locked-in static stre~gth o_f the SFSS and _will be referred to throughout the
shear stress. However, the value of r used for the stress cyclic testmg as r, the static shear strength of the soil.
ratios; 'Ys/ r and ref r , is the value obtained from running the
static monotonic shear tests without an initial locked-in Stress-Strain Behavior (Drained)
static shear stress.
Figure 6 shows the stress-strain behavior for a drained
Static Tests static monotonic shear test of SFSS. Because the sample
gains strength throughout the entire test, the determination
Stress-Strain and Pore Pressure Behavior (Undrained) of the normalized drained shear strength of the SFSS is
arbitrary, and was chosen to be equal to the normalized
Figure 5 exhibits the stress strain behavior of three undrained shear strength. The normalized shear strength
undrained static monotonic tests. As can be seen, the ( r = 0.21) occurred at approximately 9% strain (see Fig. 6).
stress-strain curves of the three tests are very consistent. This ensured that sizable strains would develop in the drained
They all reach a peak shear strength at_ about 1% strain and cyclic loading tests, so that comparisons of accumulated
drop off slightly throughout the remamder of the test.The deformation for varying frequencies could be made.
Cyclic Tests
~~-----------------------------------------------, Background
Twenty-seven load controlled cyclic NGI-DSS tests
were performed; twenty-two constant volume (undrained),
and five drained (see Table 2). Twenty-one of these tests
had initial locked-in static shear stresses applied to the
sample prior to the cyclic loading. The cyclic tests are
52,3 differentiated by the ratio of their respective normalized
locked-in static shear stress to the normalized undrained
shear strength of the SFSS, (r 5 fr). Sixteen constant volume
cyclic shear tests had initial locked-in static shear stress
ratios ( r 5 / r) of 0%, 36%, 55%, and 72%. The five drained
cyclic shear tests had initial locked-in static shear stress
ratios (r5 /r) of 83% and 94%. Various values of cyclic shear
stress ratios (rcfr, determined in the same manner as r5 /r)
18 20 were used. rc/r equal to 34%, 54% and 69% were used for
the constant volume tests, where as rcfr equal to 59% and
Figure 5 Stress-Strain Curves for the Constant 92% were used for the drained tests.
Volume Monotonic Tests.
Since the primary goal of this research was to
determine the effect that the frequency of cyclic had
on the accumulated deformation of the SFSS, different 2,-------------------------------~
frequencies of cyclic loadin_& were applied to the samples
tested. Three frequencies (0.2 Hz, 0.05 Hz, and 0.025 Hz)
were used in this study. The variation of frequency along 69%
with r 5 /r and rcfr can be seen in Table 2.
Strains and Pore Pressure Buildup (Undrained)
The results of Test Series II, with r 5 / T = 36% and 51%
varying frequencies of cyclic loading, are shown in Figures 7,
8, and 9. Both the residual and cyclic strains accumulate
quickly, and the pore pressure builds up faster than would be
expected for a symmetrical loading test, due to the initial
locked-in static shear stress. The normalized pore pressures 31% 31%
(Fig. 9) increase to values around 0.8 for the tests reaching
tailure and remain low for those which do not. Zimmie and I Ill
Lien (1983) have also observed that for non--symmetrical
undrained cyclic loading the normalized pore pressures are Figure 7
between 0.6 and 0.8 at failure. Development of Cyclic Strain in the
This is in contrast to Constant Volume
symmetrical loading tests, where pore pressures equal about Tests With
1.0 at failure. rsfr = 36% (Curves Labeled by rcfr
and Frequency of Loading Respectively)
Figure 8 shows the effect of frequency on the residual
strain for Test Series II. The number of cycles to failure
decreases with slower frequencies. Test #4, with a frequency ~r-----~----~5~1%~.------------------------~
four times slower than Test #3, fails 3. 7 times faster. In 51%
Test Series II (refer to Table 2), Test #4 with a faster .2Hz
frequency than Test #5, fails in less cycles than does Test #5 02SHz
having a lower void ratio than the other test samples in Test
Series II.
Figure 9 Development of Normalized Pore
Table 2 lists the residual strain produced by the first Pressure in the Constant Volume Tests
loading cycle in the five drained tests (Test Series V and VI), With r5 /r = 36% (Curves Labeled by
and it can be seen in Figure 11 as well. In Test Series V, the rcfr and Frequency of Loading
residual strain in Test #2 was 3.5 times larger than in
Test #1. Respectively)
~r--------------------------------------------, ~r-------------------------------.
tlo 62%
~~ ~ ~=---
62% 62%
1 10 100 10 100
Figure 10 Development of Cyclic Strain in the Figure 11 Development of Residual Strain in the
Drained Non-Symmetrical Tests With Drained Non-Symmetrical Tests With
T sl T = 83% (Curves Labeled by T cl T
rs/T = 83% (Curves Labeled by rc/T
and Frequency of Loading Respectively) and Frequency of Loading Respectively)
are found in the field. This is the usual case for earthquake to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways
loading, especially for tests on fine grained soils (silts and Experiment Station, February.
clays), where it is difficult to conduct proper tests at typical
earthquake frequencies (about 1 Hz). Goodman, R.E., and Seed, H. Bolton (1966),
"Earthquake--Induced Displacements in Sand
For example, one could conclude that due to a faster Embankments," Journal of the Soil Mechanics and
frequency found in the field, the accumulated deformation Foundations Division, ASCE, Vol. 92, No. SM2,
will be considerably less than that found in the laboratory, March, pp. 125-146.
and that for this reason the situation is safe. However, with
respect to the results found in this investigation, accumulated Goulois, Alain M., Whitman, Robert V., Hoeg, Kaare (1985),
deformations occurring in the field may not be much different "Effects of Sustained Shear Stresses on the Cyclic
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Publication 883, ASTM, Philadelphia, P A,
pp. 336-351.
Lien, Chin-Yue (1983), "Response of Pelita Clay Subjected
This work was supported by the National Center for to Combined Cyclic and Initial Static Shear Stresses,"
Earthquake Engineering Research, Buffalo, New York, under M.S. Thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy,
grant number 86-2021B and 87-1308 under auspices of the N.Y.
National Science Foundation, master contract number
ECE 86-D7591. Funds were also provided directly by the Malek, Aziz M., Azzouz, Amr S., Baligh, Mohsen M., and
National Science Foundation. Germaine, John T. (1978), "Undrained Cyclic Simple
Shear Behavior of Clay with Application to Pile
Foundations Supp~rting Tension Leg Platforms,"
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