Hocking Sproston and Psalios A Case Study in Operational Readiness AMPEAK2019
Hocking Sproston and Psalios A Case Study in Operational Readiness AMPEAK2019
Hocking Sproston and Psalios A Case Study in Operational Readiness AMPEAK2019
Abstract This paper discusses a unique approach for evaluating operational readiness in an acquisition
project. The case study involves an operational metro railway in the US undergoing a major asset replace-
ment, including rail cars, rail control system, and control centre. The project was conducted on behalf of
the asset owner to ensure operational readiness for the transition to the new system. A Systems Engineering
methodology was applied to identify the complex series of changes that would occur between the current
operations and the planned future operations. Once identified, changes could be classified as document,
business, or physical, thus providing an understanding of the potential impact on people, processes, and
assets. This information was then translated into a visual risk-based roadmap to identify the actions neces-
sary to achieve operational readiness. The project achieved the intended aims of the task through the iden-
tification of areas that had not received sufficient consideration. These were primarily non-technical items
such as: human factors; training requirements of staff; and document updates to capture the establishment
of new processes for the management of new assets.
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
This case study introduces an innovative approach to identifying and guiding activities necessary to achieve
operational readiness for an acquisition project. The approach involved re-purposing tools and techniques
developed within the Systems Engineering community for tackling early-stage conceptual design, and ap-
plying these to the unique challenges of achieving successful operational readiness. But what is operational
readiness? Operational readiness can be defined as ‘the process of preparing the custodians … of an asset
under construction (and the supporting organisation) such that, at the point of delivery/handover, that
organisation is … fully prepared to assume ownership of the asset’ (Powell, 2012). The asset at the centre
of this case study, an operational metro system in the United States, is undergoing a major upgrade with
the primary purpose of modernising the ageing railcar fleet and train control system for improved passenger
comfort and better service reliability. The key physical changes include:
With the physical scope defined and work underway to commence delivery of the physical changes, the
operator of the metro system began to ask themselves “will we be ready”? This demonstrated a high degree
of self-awareness and ensured that they started their operational readiness journey sooner, rather than later.
1 B. Hocking
Shoal Engineering Pty Ltd, Australia
e-mail: bradley.hocking@shoalgroup.com
2 C. Sproston
Shoal Engineering Pty Ltd, Australia
e-mail: chris.sproston@shoalgroup.com
3 M. Psalios
Shoal Engineering Pty Ltd, Australia
e-mail: michael.psalios@shoalgroup.com
2 Brad Hocking, Chris Sproston, Michael Psalios - A Case Study in Operational Readiness
Achieving operational readiness to a satisfactory level for small engineering projects can be difficult. Risks
can be downplayed; time schedules are short; budgets are tight. It can be easy to overlook the value of
successful handover. By contrast, achieving operational readiness for large and complex acquisition pro-
jects is almost always recognised as critical and yet can still be overlooked. Different factors come into
play: organisations are consumed with the sheer scale of design and construction activities; time schedules
span years, creating a feeling of “there’s plenty of time”, and; lines of accountability can become blurred
between the asset owner, the operator, and the construction company. Fortunately, in this case an opera-
tional readiness task was clearly defined by the metro operator relatively early4, which encouraged a sense
of urgency within the organisation. This meant that the authors work could commence unimpeded on ana-
lysing the implications of the changes on the metro’s processes, people and assets. Owing to the significant
scale of the task (from both a physical and organisational perspective), the authors adopted an information-
centric approach to this task, rather than a more traditional document-centric (i.e. producing flow-charts
and reports that are intrinsically disconnected) approach.
1.3 Overview
The approach involved the capture of information in a Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) tool to
enable effective review and analysis of functional changes that the project introduces to the metro system.
This is referred to as the Information Model. This methodology was based on 3 primary success factors:
• Iterative development approach
Due to the complexity of the operating environment and the significance of the upgrade project, there
were a variety of uncertainties that affected the capture of information during the task. As a result, an
iterative approach was used for information capture and analysis to ensure accuracy, and to maintain an
acceptable rate of development.
• Model-based information management
The nature of many independently defined elements within a single operational environment can give
rise to significant disconnects in information. This can be overcome via a single source of truth infor-
mation base which captures all operations and project information. A relational database was used with
a specifically tailored schema to ensure that the right information would be captured and linked in an
appropriate way. This is the Information Model.
• Regular and clear stakeholder engagement
To develop and sustain the Information Model detailed above, and to ensure that relevant and clear data
was managed in the Information Model, key stakeholders were taken on the journey through the life of
the task. This included a variety of workshops and meetings with key personnel, both in-person and via
There were 6 major facets to the operational readiness task that were conducted in an iterative manner:
1. Understanding of guidance material
It was important for this task to first understand the guidance information that was being used by the
metro to perform their operations, maintenance and capital works. The primary sources of information
analysed and included in the Information Model were: operating rules; process and procedure documen-
tation; organisational information; asset management plans; and the upgrade project design documenta-
2. Functional analysis
Based on the guidance documentation and stakeholder discussions, a functional model of the existing
metro system was developed. This model included all functions performed to in the operation of the
railway, for example, drivers reporting for duty, execution of work orders, and development of mainte-
nance strategies. This analysis was captured using Enhanced Functional Flow Block Diagrams (EFF-
BDs) and reviewed through multiple iterations with stakeholders.
3. Physical system analysis
All identified functions were allocated to physical items in the Information Model to develop an under-
standing of the impact of functional changes on physical assets and vice-versa.
Ultimately, the Information Model consisted of thousands of entities connected in thousands of ways. This
would have been impossible to accurately analyse or visualise without the use of the MBSE tool.
Guidance material
System functions
Capturing the current operations was primarily based on the functional analysis using EFFBDs (an example
of which is shown in Figure 2). The development of the current operational model clearly showed that there
was a much deeper level of understanding within the metro staff than that documented in the guidance
material. This level of detail was elicited through stakeholder workshops where staff were guided through
each EFFBD to establish whether they were a true representation of the operations, and if not, to identify
what changes were needed.
The authors had initially intended to conduct a full functional analysis of the future system for comparison
with the current system. However, after preliminary analysis it was found that this approach would be
unnecessarily constrained by requiring inputs from the design milestones. Hence, it was considered a more
effective use of resources to focus on the changes being introduced and how they would affect specific
functions, assets and people. The identification of these changes allowed for connections to be made in the
Information Model that articulated how the changes affected: system functions; physical assets; and people.
4 Brad Hocking, Chris Sproston, Michael Psalios - A Case Study in Operational Readiness
For each of the changes that were identified, they were assessed for their impact on:
• Documentation
All identified changes were assessed as impacting some form of documentation. As all of these entities
were captured in the Information Model, a documentation view could be produced to show all changes
that were impacting specific documents or procedures. For example, there were sections within the op-
erating rules where no changes would be required, and others where >20% of rules would be impacted.
• Organisation and people
If there were to be a functional change in the operations, then the element of the organisation responsible
for that function would also need to change. For some personnel, the changes were reasonably minor,
for example, maintenance strategists would need to develop strategies for different assets but the process
used for this remained unchanged. For other personnel, the changes were significant, for example, con-
trollers would be required to understand how to coordinate operations and troubleshoot problems for an
entirely new control system. In some instances, the changes could require a complete change in roles,
for example, certain maintenance roles would be significantly changed due to the change in lowest re-
placeable unit.
As all the changes were being identified and analysed, it became clear that a means of prioritising them
would be required. For this reason, a risk-based roadmap was developed to enable the metro agency to
focus on specific changes that either posed the greatest risk to the organisation and/or were the most urgent.
consequence of operating without that process document being updated was assessed. A simple 5-tiered
logarithmic scale was used.
• Urgency
Urgency was based on how long the change would take to implement, and when the change was required
to be implemented. The resulting value was a date which represented the last date at which work on the
change needed to commence. For example, if maintenance personnel were required to be trained in
repairs to the new railcars before the end of 2021 and it would take 6 months to train them, the urgency
would result in a date of 30 June 2021.
The resulting graph (see Figure 3) plotted the risks (and some opportunities) for the metro’s consideration.
The risks towards the upper left corner were the highest priority.
The result of this operational readiness task was a clear roadmap for the metro authority which detailed:
• the changes that the project would be introducing;
• the impact that these changes would have on their documentation;
• the impact that these changes would have on their people;
• the risks that were present if these changes were not addressed; and
• the relative risk-based priority and urgency of the changes to be addressed.
From this information, the metro authority was able to commence preparations for the significant upgrade
to its rail network with clear rationale to substantiate assignment of budget and resources. This task shifted
the focus of the metro operator from being equal parts excited and overwhelmed by the new system that
was under construction, to tangible actions necessary for ensuring that the intended benefits can be realised
from ‘day one’.
4 Conclusion
This case study demonstrates how applying Systems Engineering techniques can successfully direct the
effort towards achieving operational readiness. Fundamental to the success of this approach is the Infor-
mation Model coupled with an iterative approach to development, and clear and consistent stakeholder
communication. It is the author’s opinion that starting the journey towards operational readiness should
occur during the early (i.e. pre-tender) stages of concept design to be able to feed into, and influence, early
decisions. Although this task was ultimately successful in achieving the intended aims of the task, oppor-
tunities were missed to optimise the design that could have simplified, and/or reduced the cost of change
on the organisation.
5 References
Powell, D. C., 2012. Operations Readiness & Assurance (OR&A), A Guide for Practitioners. 1st ed.
United Kingdom: Operations Readiness & Assurance Ltd..