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118 - Ischnocolus Meron (Nowy Gatunek Ptasznika)

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Arthropoda Selecta 32(2): 197–212 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2023

A survey of the spider genus Ischnocolus Ausserer, 1871

(Aranei: Theraphosidae) in Israel, with description of a new species

Îáçîð ïàóêîâ ðîäà Ischnocolus Èçðàèëÿ Ausserer, 1871

(Aranei: Theraphosidae) ñ îïèñàíèåì íîâîãî âèäà

Sergei L. Zonstein
Ñ.Ë. Çîíøòåéí
Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, 69978 Tel-Aviv, Israel. E-mail: serzon56@gmail.com

KEY WORDS: taxonomy, Araneae, mygalomorph spiders, Ischnocolinae, Middle East.

КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: таксономия, Araneae, мигаломорфные пауки, Ischnocolinae, Ближний Восток.

ABSTRACT. The genus Ischnocolus Ausserer, 1871 Introduction

is found to include three species represented in Israel:
the recently described I. ignoratus Guadanucci et The spider genus Ischnocolus Ausserer, 1871 is
Wendt, 2014, I. meron sp.n. described herein, and an currently recognized to include eight species: six cor-
additional congener inhabiting the Negev Desert and rect congeners distributed within the south Mediterra-
known only from a subadult specimen (most likely, nean, the African Horn, and the Middle East and two
belonging to I. jickelii L. Koch, 1875). The new spe- likely misplaced species known from Western and Cen-
cies differs from I. ignoratus as well as from other tral Africa and Brazil [WSC, 2023]. The true Western
congeners by a specific configuration of the spermath- Palearctic congeners may be considered as relatively
ecae and by integral leg tarsi I–IV lacking the trans- well studied due to the genus revision by Guadanucci
verse suture. Regarding the type series of I. ignoratus, & Wendt [2014] and three more particular surveys by
a controversial information concering the collection Zonstein [2018], Montemor et al. [2020] and Korba et
data is discussed in detail. Ischnocolus meron sp.n. and al. [2022]. However, examination of an additional ma-
I. ignoratus are diagnosed, depicted and (re)described; terial indicates that at least in some areas of its range,
the data on their ecology and distribution are also pro- the genus remains unevenly and adequately studied.
vided. The first mention of the genus name Ischnocolus in
How to cite this paper: Zonstein S.L. 2023. A sur- relation to the territory of the modern Israel belongs to
vey of the spider genus Ischnocolus Ausserer, 1871 Simon [1873], who noted I. syriacus Ausserer, 1871
(Aranei: Theraphosidae) in Israel with description of a from the vicinity of Nazareth. A long time afterwards,
new species // Arthropoda Selecta. Vol.30. No.2. P.197– Smith [1990] described I. jerusalemensis Smith, 1990
212. doi: 10.15298/arthsel. 32.2.05 from a single female collected near Jerusalem. Guada-
nucci & Gallon [2008], however, revealed that both
РЕЗЮМЕ. Выявлено, что род Ischnocolus these species names should fall into synonymy with the
Ausserer, 1871 представлен в Израиле тремя вида- most common Levantine theraphosid Chaetopelma oli-
ми, включая недавно описанный I. ignoratus Guada- vacea (C.L. Koch, 1841). Thus, the true representa-
nucci et Wendt, 2014, описываемый в настоящей tives of Ischnocolus were unknown for the country
статье I. meron sp.n., и еще один вид из пустыни until Guadanucci & Wendt [2014] described the first
Негев, известный по единственному неполовозре- regional endemic species, I. ignoratus Guadanucci et
лому экземпляру (относящегося, скорее всего, к I. Wendt, 2014. Zonstein [2018] noted for this species an
jickelii L. Koch, 1875). Описываемый новый вид additional collecting record near Jerusalem. The above
отличается от I. ignoratus и остальных видов рода listed data completely exhaust the information regard-
специфичной конфигурацией сперматек и цельны- ing the Israeli representatives of the genus published
ми лапками I–IV без поперечных швов. Подробно hitherto.
рассмотрены спорные вопросы, касающиеся кол- The examination of collected material examined
лекционных данных типовой серии I. ignoratus. for this study detected the presence in the country of at
Описание I. meron sp.n. и переописание I. ignoratus least three species belonging to Ischnocolus. The first
сопровождаются диагнозами и иллюстрациями, при- of them was reliably identified the recently described I.
ведены данные по распространению и экологии этих ignoratus. The second species was found very similar
видов. to the preceding but nevertheless distinguishable in
198 S.L. Zonstein

some characters. Further examination allowed to con- sus and tarsus in the parentheses). Spine counts are taken
clude that it represents a new species, whose descrip- from both sides of the body (from the same segments on the
tion is provided herein. Finally, the third species dis- corresponding left and right palp or leg); when they differ
covered in the material is represented by a single sub- from one another, the bracketed fewer number follows the
larger one.
adult specimen from the Negev desert. After examina-
The abbreviations used in text are: ALE — anterior
tion, the latter has been very tentatively and question- lateral eyes, AME — anterior median eyes, d — dorsal,
ably associated with I. jickelii L. Koch, 1875, the spe- PLE — posterior lateral eyes, PLS — posterior lateral spin-
cies, which range includes subarid and desert biotopes nerets, PME — median lateral eyes, PMS — posterior medi-
of the African Horn and the Arab Peninsula (see Mon- an spinnerets, p — prolateral, pd — prodorsal, pv — proven-
temor et al. [2020, fig. 8]). tral, r — retrolateral, rd — retrodorsal, rv — retroventral, v —
Material and methods
The following institutional acronyms are used in the
text: BGU — Ben-Gurion University of Negev, Be’er She-
Family Theraphosidae Thorell, 1869
va, Israel; HUJ — Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel;
MNHN — Muséum National d’Histoire naturelle, Paris,
France; NMW — Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Genus Ischnocolus Ausserer, 1871
Austria; RMCA — Royal Museum for Central Africa, Ter-
vuren, Belgium; SMNH — Steinhardt Museum of Natural Ischnocolus Ausserer, 1871: 185; 1875: 168; Simon, 1892:
History, Tel Aviv, Israel; ZISP — Zoological Institute, St. 135; 1903: 925; Guadanucci, Wendt, 2014: 389; Montemor et al.,
2020: 77; Korba et al., 2022: 859.
Petersburg, Russia; ZMUT — Zoological Museum, Univer-
TYPE SPECIES: Ischnocolus holosericeus L. Koch, in
sity of Turku, Finland.
Most part of the material considered in this study was Ausserer, 1871, by subsequent designation [Simon, 1892:
collected in 2008–2021 in the northern and central parts of 136], synonymized with Mygale valentina Dufour, 1820 by
Israel; these specimens are deposited in SMNH. The com- Guadanucci and Wendt [2014: 391].
parative material used in the presented work includes the DIAGNOSTIC CHARACTERS: The genus includes pre-
following specimens: dominantly small arastellate theraphosids with length of the
Ischnocolus jickelii L. Koch, 1875: 1#, ETHIOPIA: body 10–25 mm, distinguished by moderately long apical
Oromiya Region, near Harbona, 8°44′N 39°33′E, 1200– segments of the posterior lateral spinnerets. Congeners often
1300 m, 16.viii.1988, A. Russel-Smith (RMCA ARA (but not always) are provided with a chevron-like dorsal
236144); 1#, Somali Region, Cherti, 5°20′N 42°05′E, 320 abdominal pattern. According to Guadanucci & Wendt
m, 7.iv.1898, A. Bulatovich (ZISP 46-99). 1$, SOMALIA: [2014], it differs from other genera of the Ischnocolinae: (a)
Mogadishu, 2°04′N 45°22′E, i.1945, P. Accigliaro (RMCA by presence of the clavate tarsal trichobothria, (b) in pos-
ARA 147156). sessing prolaterally lightened maxillae, (c) by the absence of
Photographs were taken using an Olympus SZX16 stere- maxillary serrula, and (d) by the absence of an unpaired
omicroscope with a Canon EOS 80D camera and a Nikon claw. Males of Ischnocolus spp. may also be distinguished
SMZ25 stereomicroscope with a Nikon DS-Ri2 camera for by their well-developed intercheliceral tumescence, by a
the structures, or using a Canon EOS 500D camera with a sigmoid ventral furrow on the palpal tibia, by absence of any
Canon EF 100 mm f/2.8 macro lens for the totals, and processes on tibia I, and by possessing an elongate cymbium
prepared using the Helicon Focus 7.6.2 Pro (http://www. with asymmetrical and unevenly long prolateral and retrolat-
heliconsoft.com). Illustration of dissected vulva placed into eral lobes. One of the characters used by Guadanucci &
a small Petri dish filled with a solution of 85% lactic acid Wendt [2014] to distinguish congeners from other ischno-
was made after maceration of the dissected copulative or- coline theraphosids, namely the cracked leg tarsi, seems to
gans in 10% potassium hydroxide aqueous solution and be actually valid in relation to all hitherto described Ischno-
exposure for a few minutes in an alcohol solution of Chlo- colus spp. However, this distinction cannot be applied to I.
razol Black. meron sp.n. as well as to an undescribed Ischnocolus sp.
Measurements were taken through the above-mentioned from Algeria, since these two species possess all leg tarsi
stereomicroscopes to an accuracy of 0.01 mm. All measure- integral and lacking any suture.
ments are given in millimetres. Total body length includes COMPOSITION AND DISTRIBUTION: According to
chelicerae but not spinnerets. The diameter of the AME is WSC [2023] and the data presented herein, within its genu-
usually given as the diameter of a sharply edged AME circle ine range Ischnocolus is represented by seven species: I.
(the “pupil”). When the AME cornea was well-separated elongatus (Simon, 1873) (Morocco), I. ignoratus Guada-
and elevated, and its diameter could be measured, the corre- nucci et Wendt, 2014 (Syria?, Israel), I. jickelii L. Koch,
sponding data follow between brackets. Any eye interdis- 1875 (Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Yemen, Oman,
tances counting this parameter are also given between brack- UAE, Saudi Arabia, Israel?), I. meron sp.n. (Israel), I. moga-
ets. The length of the sternum was measured along the dorensis Simon, 1909 (Morocco, Western Sahara), I. val-
straight line between the posterior tip of the sternum and the entinus (Dufour, 1820) (Spain, Italy: Sicily, Morocco, Alge-
hindmost part of the labium. Lengths of leg and palp seg- ria, Tunisia, Libya), and I. vanandelae Montemor, West et
ments were measured on the dorsal side, and lengths of Zamani, 2020 (Oman, Iran). There are also representatives
spinneret segments on the ventral side, from the midpoint of of several evidently undescribed Ischnocolus spp. from North
the anterior margin to the midpoint of the posterior margin. and East Africa, preserved in the MNHN and ZMUT spider
For palps and legs these measurements are presented as collections. Three of the named species (one of them provi-
follows: total length (length of femur, patella, tibia, metatar- sionally) occur in Israel.
Survey of Ischnocolus in Israel 199

Figs 1–6. Ischnocolus ignoratus Guadanucci et Wendt, 2014, male (1, 3, 5) and female (2, 4, 6) from Horbat Midras: 1, 2 — habitus,
dorsal aspect; 3, 4 — cephalothorax, dorsal; 5, 6 — same, ventral. Scale bars: 1, 2 — 5 mm; 3, 4 — 2 mm; 5, 6 — 1 mm.
Рис. 1–6. Ischnocolus ignoratus Guadanucci et Wendt 2014, самец (1, 3, 5) и самка (2, 4, 6) из локалитета Хорбат Мидрас: 1, 2 —
габитус, вид сверху; 3, 4 — головогрудь, сверху; 5, 6 — то же, снизу. Масштаб: 1, 2 — 5 мм; 3, 4 — 2 мм; 5, 6 — 1 мм.

Ischnocolus ignoratus Guadanucci et Wendt, 2014 (SMNH); 1$ (SMNH), same, 1 km NW Nehusha Village, 31°38.3′
Figs 1–28. N, 34°56.7′ E, 400 m, 10.09.2011; 1 juv. (SMNH), same but 0.5
km WNW Beit Jimal Monastery, 31°43.6′ N, 34°58.3′ E, 300–330
Ischnocolus ignoratus Guadanucci, Wendt, 2014: 396, fig. m, 21.11.2012; 2$$ (SMNH), same but surroundings of Tzafririm
5A–C (#$); Zonstein, 2018: 115, figs 21–23 (#); Montemor et Village 24 km WSW Jerusalem, 31°39.2′ N, 34°56.5′ E, 320 m,
al., 2020: 77. 15.11.2014; 3$$ (SMNH), same, 0.5 km S Tzafririm Village 31°
TYPES: Holotype # (NMW 21447; examined), SYRIA (?): no 39.3′ N, 34°56.5′ E, 320 m, 17.11.2016; 5? (SMNH), same,
detail locality (see the discussion), 1850–1855, R. Gödl. Paratypes 4.02.2019; 2$$ (SMNH), same, 30.03.2018; 1 juv. (SMNH), Car-
2##, 1$ (NMW 21448; examined), ISRAEL: Jerusalem, prior to mel Mts., environs of Bat Shelomo Village 20 km S Haifa, 32°35.5′
1882, unnamed collector, acquired from E. Reitter’s collection. N, 34°59.7′ E, 110 m, 12.12.2011, S. Zonstein; 1$ (SMNH), same,
ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINED: ISRAEL: 3## 17.01.2013; 1$ (SMNH), same, 6.03.2013; 1$ (SMNH), same but
(SMNH), Judean Hills, Adullam Nature Park, near Giv’at Ye- the south-westermost part of the Carmel Massive, surroundings of
sha’ayahu Village 22 km WSW Jerusalem, 31°40.1′ N, 34°57.7′ E, Ramat Ha-Nadiv Park 25 km S Haifa, 32°33.3′ N, 34°56.8′ E, 130
320 m, 15.11.2007, O. Skutelsky; 1# (SMNH), Ben Shemen For- m, 27.03.2013.
est Park 27 km NW Jerusalem, 31°56.7′ N, 34°57.6′ E, 140 m, DIAGNOSIS: In Ischnocolus ignoratus, the structure of
14.05.2013, D. David; 2$$ (SMNH), Adullam Nature Park, Horbat the male palpal organ, with the embolus slightly bent in its
Midras Ruins 25 km WSW Jerusalem, 31°39.3′ N, 34°56.6′ E, 330 preapical part, thus differs from that in other male congeners
m, 26.09.2010, S. Zonstein; 2$$ (SMNH), same, 11.10.2012 except the closely related I. meron sp.n. Males of these two
200 S.L. Zonstein

Figs 7–14. Ischnocolus ignoratus Guadanucci et Wendt, 2014, paratype male (9, 11), and male (7, 10, 12, 13) and female (8, 14) from
Horbat Midras: 7, 8 — clypeus and eye tubercle, dorsal aspect; 9, 10 — tibia and metatarsus I, retrolateral; 11 — tibia I, ventral; 12, 14 —
tarsus III, ventral; 13 — tarsus IV, ventral. Scale bars: 7, 8, 12–14 —0.5 mm; 9–11 — 1 mm. Pallid transverse suture indicated with white
Figs 7–14. Ischnocolus ignoratus Guadanucci et Wendt, 2014, самец паратип (9, 11), самец (7, 10, 12, 13) и самка (8, 14) из
локалитета Хорбат Мидрас: 7, 8 — наличник и глазной бугорок, вид сверху; 9, 10 — голень и предлапка I, сбоку (снаружи); 11 —
голень I снизу; 12, 14 — лапка III снизу; 13 — лапка IV снизу. Масштаб: 7, 8, 12–14 —0,5 мм; 9–11 — 1 мм. Бледный поперечный
шов отмечен белой стрелкой (стрелками).

species well differ from each other in the configuration and MALE: Habitus as shown in Fig. 1. Body length 16.90.
fine structure of the embolus: narrower and more tapering in Color in alcohol: carapace, chelicerae, palps and legs I–
I. ignoratus vs. broader and less tapering in I. meron sp.n. IV dorsally intensely ginger brown; eye tubercle not dark-
(Figs 15–22 cf. Figs 42–46). This is also true for the shape ened but all eyes are embordered by fairly wide blackish
of the spermathecae: unlike other Ischnocolus spp., females brown rings partially fused each other; chelicerae medium
of I. ignoratus and I. meron sp.n. possess the paired sper- red with orange bases, sternum, labium, palps (including
mathecal branches fairly twisted and widely spaced from maxillae) and legs I–IV (including coxae) ventrally light
one another. However, in I. ignoratus, these branches are orange brown; most abdomen medium grayish brown with
convex and directed toward each other, while in I. meron dark brown dorsal chevron-like pattern; spinnerets pale yel-
sp.n. they are, on the contrary, diverged and directed out- lowish brown.
ward from each other (Figs 23–26 cf. Figs 47–50). Like Cephalothorax as shown in Figs 3, 5. Carapace 6.47
almost all Ischnocolus species, representatives of I. ignora- long, 5.08 wide. Eye tubercle as shown in Fig. 7. Eye diam-
tus possess cracked leg tarsi III–IV with pallid transverse eters and interspaces: AME 0.17(0.23), ALE 0.27, PLE
sutures, while in I. meron sp.n. they are integral and lacking 0.23, PME 0.17, AME–AME 0.15(0.09), ALE–AME
pallid cuticular areas (Figs 12–14 cf. Figs 39–41). 0.10(0.07), ALE–PLE 0.09, PLE–PME 0.04, PME–PME
REDESCRIPTION: To provide completely comparable 0.42. Intercheliceral tumescence present as relatively small
information, this redescription is based on the recently col- and distinctly pallid area. Each cheliceral furrow with 9
lected and therefore better preserved specimens from Horbat promarginal teeth and 2–3 mesobasal denticles. Labium with
Midras, Israel. 12 cuspules; 0.51 long, 1.02 wide. Sternum 3.01 long, 2.67
Survey of Ischnocolus in Israel 201

Figs 15–22. Ischnocolus ignoratus Guadanucci et Wendt, 2014, paratype male (15, 20–22); male from Horbat Midras (16, 19) and
male from Ben Shemen (17, 18): 15–17 — distal segments of palp, retroventral (15) and retrolateral (16, 17) aspects; 18–22 — palpal
organ in close up view, retrolateral (18–20), retroventral (21) and ventral (22). Scale bars: 15–17 — 1 mm; 18–22 — 0.5 mm.
Figs 15–22. Ischnocolus ignoratus Guadanucci et Wendt, 2014, самец паратип (15, 20–22); самцы из локалитетов Хорбат Мидрас
(16, 19) и Бен Шемен (17, 18): 15 — дистальные сагменты пальпы, вид с нижнебоковой стороны; 16, 17 — то же, сбоку (снаружи);
18–20 — пальпус крупным планом, сбоку (с внешней стороны); 21, 22 —то же, соответственно с нижнебоковой и нижней
стороны. Масштаб: 15–17 — 1 мм; 18–22 — 0,5 мм.

wide. Each maxilla with about 70 cuspules. Serrula indis- r1(0)–1–1–1–1, v3–2(0)–2–1–3; metatarsus p1–1–1, r0–
cernible. 2(1)–1(2), v2–2–2–2. Metatarsal preening combs absent.
Palp and leg structures. Tibia and metatarsus I as shown Tarsi I–II integral; tarsi III–IV cracked, with pallid trans-
in Figs 9, 10 (tibia I ventrally as in Fig. 11). Spines (all verse suture (better developed on tarsus IV), as in Figs. 12,
femora with medial row of 5–9 thickened bristles; palpal 13. Scopula entire on distalmost part of cymbium, distal 3/
patella, patellae I and II, tarsi I–IV and cymbium aspinose). 4 metatarsus I–II; divided on distal 2/3 metatarsi III and
Palp: femur pd1, rd1; tibia pd1–1, pv1–1. Leg I: femur pd1– IV; undivided on tarsi I–II; narrowly divided on tarsus III;
1, rd1; tibia p4 irregular, pv1, rv5 irregular; metatarsus p1, more widely divided on tarsus IV. Trichobothria: 2 rows of
rv1–1. Leg II: femur pd1–1; tibia p1–1, v1–1–2; metatarsus 6–7 in each row on tibiae, 16–23 on metatarsi, 25–30
p1–1, rv1–1–1. Leg III: femur pd1(0)–1, rd1; patella p1; (+12–15 clavate) on tarsi, 15 (+14 clavate) on cymbium.
tibia p1–1, r1–1, v2–2–3; metatarsus d0–0–2(0), p1–1–1, Paired claws on tarsi I–IV bipectinate, with 4–5 subapical
r0–1–1, v2–1–2–3. Leg IV: femur pd1, rd 1; tibia p1, teeth on each margin.
202 S.L. Zonstein

Figs 23–28. Ischnocolus ignoratus Guadanucci et Wendt, 2014, paratype female (23) and male (27), and females from Horbat Midras
(24, 25, 27), and Ramat Ha-Nadiv (26): 23 — spermathecae, dorsal (inside) aspect, natural color; 24 — same, in transmitted light; 25 —
same, shaded with Chlorasol Black; 26 — same, natural color with dark background; 27, 28 — spinnerets, ventral. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Figs 23–28. Ischnocolus ignoratus Guadanucci et Wendt, 2014, самка паратип (23), самец (27) и самки из локалитетов Хорбат
Мидрас (24, 25, 28) и Рамат 'а-Надив (26): 23 — сперматеки, вид сверху (с внутренней стороны), естественная окраска; 24 — то
же, в отраженном свете; 25 — то же, оттенено с использованием хлоразола; 26 — то же, естественный цвет на темном фоне; 27, 28 —
паутинные бородавки снизу. Масштаб 0,5 мм.

Palp and leg measurements. Palp: 9.59 (3.40, 1.98, 2.44, –, ever more widely divided on tarsus IV (approximately by
1.77). Leg I: 17.42 (4.95, 3.15, 3.48, 3.43, 2.41). Leg II: 16.06 one and two irregular rows of thick setae, respectively).
(4.56, 2.76, 3.11, 3.17, 2.46). Leg III: 15.64 (4.31, 2.24, 2.66, Trichobothria: 2 rows of 6–7 in each row on tibiae, 14–16
3.68, 2.75). Leg IV: 21.18 (5.39, 2.97, 4.37, 5.28, 3.17). on metatarsi, 25–30 (+22–31 clavate) on tarsi, 14–15 (+26–
Copulatory organs. Palp with moderately short tibia and 27 clavate) on palpal tarsus. Palpal tarsal claw bare. Paired
long cymbium (as shown in Figs 15–17). Palpal bulb with claws on tarsi I–IV narrow and lacking teeth.
relatively long, flattened and curved tongue-shaped embolus Palp and leg measurements. Palp: 12.09 (4.19, 2.53,
(see Figs 18–22). 2.60, –, 2.77). Leg I: 18.30 (5.64, 3.65, 3.40, 3.16, 2.45).
Spinnerets as shown in Fig. 27. PMS: length 0.59; diam- Leg II: 16.34 (4.95, 3.04, 3.01, 2.97, 2.37). Leg III: 15.54
eter 0.32. PLS: maximal diameter 0.75; length of basal, (4.60, 2.63, 2.60, 3.46, 2.25). Leg IV: 20.98 (6.04, 3.27,
medial and apical segments 1.53, 0.96, 1.15, respectively; 4.12, 4.72, 2.83).
total length 3.64; apical segment digitiform. Copulatory organs. Paired spermathecal branches wide-
FEMALE: Habitus as shown in Fig. 2. Body length ly spaced, twisted, folded apically and directed toward each
21.30. Color in alcohol: as in male. other, as shown in Figs 23–26.
Cephalothorax as shown in Figs 4, 6. Carapace 7.66 Spinnerets as shown in Fig. 28. PMS: length 0.79; diam-
long, 6.17 wide. Eye tubercle as shown in Fig. 8. Eye diam- eter 0.37. PLS: maximal diameter 1.02; length of basal,
eters and interspaces: AME 0.18(0.26), ALE 0.31, PLE medial and apical segments 1.58, 0.91, 1.43, respectively;
0.26, PME 0.19, AME–AME 0.27(0.19), ALE–AME total length 3.92; apical segment digitiform.
0.13(0.09), ALE–PLE 0.11, PLE–PME 0.05, PME–PME VARIATION: Carapace length (measured in all exam-
0.59. Each cheliceral furrow with 9 promarginal teeth and ined specimens) varies from 5.95 to 7.20 in males, and from
7–9 mesobasal denticles. Labium with 14 cuspules; 0.72 5.81 to 7.87 in females. Number of labial cuspules in these
long, 1.45 wide. Sternum 3.79 long, 3.32 wide. Each maxil- specimens varies from 5 to 23, the same of maxillary cus-
la with ca. 125 cuspules. Serrula indiscernible. pules ranges from 70 to about 130. The variation in shape of
Palp and leg structures. Spines (all femora with medial the spermathecae (n = 4) is shown in Figs. 23–26.
row of 6–9 thickened bristles; palpal patella, tibia and cym- DISTRIBUTION: Syria (?) and Israel (where it is reli-
bium, patellae I and II, tarsi I–IV and palpal tarsus aspi- ably known only from the Jerusalem area and the south part
nose). Palp: femur pd1, tibia p1, v0–1–3. Leg I: femur pd1; of Carmel Mts.).
tibia v1–1–1; metatarsus v1–0–1. Leg II: femur pd1–1; tibia ECOLOGY: Ischnocolus ignoratus is a burrowing spe-
p1(0), v1–1–1; metatarsus v1–0–1. Leg III: femur pd1, rd1; cies inhabiting low foothills covered with a tall and fairly
patella p1; tibia p1–1, r1–1, v2–2–3(2); metatarsus p1–1–1, dense shrubland (Eastern Mediterranean maquis with Quer-
r1–1, v2–2–3. Leg IV: femur r1; tibia r1–1–0, v2–2(1)–2; cus calliprinos Webb, Phillyrea latifolia L., Ceratonia siliq-
metatarsus p0–1–1, r0–1–1, v2–2–3. Metatarsal preening ua L., etc.) southwestern of Jerusalem and south of Haifa, or
combs absent. Tarsi I–III integral, tarsus IV distinctly cracked in open pine tree woodland (mostly planted and dominated
(Fig. 14). Scopula entire on palpal tarsus and metatarsi I–II; with Pinus halepensis Mill.) to the north-west of Jerusalem.
widely divided by setae on metatarsus III and distal 5/6 See Figs 53–61.
metatarsus IV; very narrowly divided on tarsi I–II (by one NOTE: The collection data of the type specimens are
row of very small setae); more widely divided on tarsus III, considered herein (see discussion).
Survey of Ischnocolus in Israel 203

Figs 29–34. Ischnocolus meron sp.n., holotype male (29, 31, 33) and paratype female (30, 32, 34): 29, 30 — habitus, dorsal aspect; 31,
32 — cephalothorax, dorsal; 33, 34 — same, ventral. Scale bars: 29, 30 — 5 mm; 31, 32 — 2 mm; 33, 34 — 1 mm.
Figs 29–34. Ischnocolus meron sp.n., самец голотип (29, 31, 33) и самка паратип (30, 32, 34): 29, 30 — габитус, вид сверху; 31,
32 — головогрудь сверху; 33, 34 — то же, снизу. Масштаб: 29, 30 — 5 мм; 31, 32 — 2 мм; 33, 34 — 1 мм.

Ischnocolus meron sp.n. DIAGNOSIS: Ischnocolus meron sp.n. differs from oth-
Figs 29–52. er described congeners in possessing integral leg tarsi lack-
ing a pallid transverse suture (see Figs 39–41), while within
TYPES: Holotype # (SMNH), ISRAEL: Upper Galilee, 0.5 the latter group at least tarsi IV (often also other leg tarsi)
km SSE summit of Mt. Meron, 32°59.6' N, 35°24.9' E, 1120 m, are cracked, as in Figs 12–14. In addition, females of the
collected from burrow, 16.06.2020, S. Zonstein. Paratypes 1#, new species can be distinguished by a characteristic shape of
20$$ (all SMNH), ISRAEL: 1#, Upper Galilee, northwestern the spermathecae, which are diverged and directed outward
slope of Mt. Meron, near Meron field school, 33°00.6′ N, 35°23.3′ from each other, while in other Ischnocolus spp. they are
E, 930 m, 20–29.07.2008 (acquired in November 2019), T. Le- configured dissimilarly (Figs 47–50 cf. Figs 23–26; Guada-
vanony; 1$, close to summit of Mt. Meron, 32°59.7′ N, 35°24.7′ E, nucci, Wendt, 2014, figs 3D, 4A–B, fig. 5C; Montemor et
1140 m, 25.05.2012, S. Zonstein (SMNH); 1$, Mt. Meron, 32°01.0′ al., 2020, figs 4A, 5A–D). The male differs from other
N, 35°25.0′ E, 900 m, 25.04.2013, S. Zonstein; 2$$, same, 32°59.8′
congeners in having a relatively broad and weakly tapering
N, 35°24.7′ E, 1100 m, 26.04.2013; 1$, same, 32°59.5′ N, 35°24.8′
E, 1130 m, 1.11.2013; 3$$, same, 32°59.8′ N, 35°24.7′ E, 1100 m; embolus, which seems to be narrower and more tapering in
1$, same, 32°33.0' N, 35°25.0' E; 1$, same, 2.04.2018; 2$$, same, other species (Figs 43–46 cf. Figs 18–22; Guadanucci, Wendt
32°59.6′ N, 35°24.9′ E, 1120 m, 16.06.2020; 4$$, same, 1100– [2014, figs 2D, 3B, C, 5A, B]; Zonstein [2018, Figs 5–7,
1150 m, 23.06.2020; 3$$, same, 2.05.2021; 1$, same, 2 km ESE 14–16, 18–23]; Montemor et al. [2020, figs 2B–F, 4B–F,
Hurfeish Town, 33°00.7′ N, 35°22.3′ E, 800 m, 22.04.2013. 9A, C, E]).
204 S.L. Zonstein

Figs 35–41. Ischnocolus meron sp.n., holotype male (35, 37–41) and paratype female (36, 41): 35, 36 — clypeus and eye tubercle,
dorsal aspect; 37 — tibia and metatarsus I, retrolateral; 38 — tibia I, ventral; 39, 41 — tarsus III, ventral; 40 — tarsus IV, ventral. Scale
bars: 35, 36, 39–41 — 0.5 mm; 37, 38 — 1 mm.
Figs 35–41. Ischnocolus meron sp.n., самец голотип (35, 37–41) и самка паратип (36, 41): 35, 36 — наличник и глазной бугорок,
вид сверху; 37 — голень и предлапка I, сбоку (снаружи); 38 — голень I снизу; 39, 41 — лапка III снизу; 40 — лапка IV снизу. лапка
IV снизу. Масштаб: 35, 36, 39–41 — 0,5 мм; 37, 38 — 1 мм.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet is a toponym (and Palp and leg structures. Tibia and metatarsus I as shown
a noun in apposition to the genus name) referring to the type in Fig 37, tibia I ventrally as in Fig. 38. Spines (all femora
locality. with medial row of 5–7 thickened bristles; palpal patella,
DESCRIPTION. MALE: Habitus as shown in Fig. 29. tibia and cymbium, patellae I and II, and tarsi I–IV aspi-
Body length 18.50. nose). Palp: femur pd1. Leg I: femur pd1–1; tibia p9 irreg-
Color in alcohol: carapace, chelicerae, palps and legs I– ular, r9(8) irregular, pv1; metatarsus p1, rv1–1. Leg II:
IV dorsally very dark reddish brown; eye tubercle blackish femur pd1–1; tibia p1–1, v1(2)–1; metatarsus p1–1, rv1–1.
brown; cheliceral bases orange, sternum, labium, palps (in- Leg III: femur pd1, rd1; patella p1; tibia p1–1, r1–1–1, v2–
cluding maxillae) and legs I–IV (including coxae) ventrally 2–3; metatarsus p1–1–1, r1–2, v2–2–3. Leg IV: femur pd1;
medium sepia brown with dark orange tint; abdomen mostly tibia r1–1–1–1, v2–2–1–2; metatarsus p1–1–1–1, r1–1–1–
medium grayish brown with dark brown dorsal chevron-like 1, v2–2–3. Metatarsal preening combs absent. Leg tarsi
pattern; spinnerets pale yellowish brown. III–IV integral (not cracked, without pallid transverse su-
Cephalothorax as shown in Figs 31, 33. Carapace 7.39 ture), as in Figs 39, 40. Scopula entire on distalmost part of
long, 6.26 wide. Eye tubercle as shown in Fig. 35. Eye cymbium, distal 1/2 metatarsus I and 2/3 metatarsus II;
diameters and interspaces: AME 0.17(0.25), ALE 0.29, PLE mixed with setae and mostly proventral on distal 2/3 meta-
0.21, PME 0.19, AME–AME 0.22(0.14), ALE–AME tarsi III and IV; very narrowly divided on tarsi I–III; more
0.13(0.09), ALE–PLE 0.13, PLE–PME 0.04, PME–PME widely divided on tarsus IV. Trichobothria: 2 rows of 5–6
0.46. Intercheliceral tumescence small pallid area. Each che- in each row on tibiae, 9–15 on metatarsi, 17–24 (+11–16
liceral furrow with 9 promarginal teeth and 2–3 mesobasal clavate) on tarsi, 18–20 (+14 clavate) on cymbium. Paired
denticles. Labium with 7 cuspules; 0.69 long, 1.28 wide. claws on tarsi I–IV asymmetrically bipectinate, with 1–2
Sternum 3.19 long, 3.09 wide. Each maxilla with 95–100 and 4–5 subapical teeth on inner and outer margin, re-
cuspules. Serrula indiscernible. spectively.
Survey of Ischnocolus in Israel 205

Figs 42–46. Ischnocolus meron sp.n., holotype male: 42 — distal segments of palp, retrolateral aspect; 43, 44 — palpal organ in close
up view, retrolateral; 45, 46 — same, retroventral and ventral, respectively. Scale bars: 42 — 1 mm; 43–46 — 0.5 mm.
Figs 42–46. Ischnocolus meron sp.n., самец голотип: 42 — дистальные сагменты пальпы, вид снизу; 43, 46 — пальпус крупным
планом, сбоку (с внешней стороны); 45, 46 —то же, соответственно с нижнебоковой и нижней стороны. Масштаб: 15–17 — 1 мм;
18–22 — 0,5 мм.

Palp and leg measurements. Palp: 10.58 (3.85, 2.04, 7–9 mesobasal denticles. Labium with 8 cuspules; 0.75 long,
2.80, –, 1.89). Leg I: 20.00 (5.90, 3.62, 3.74, 4.03, 2.71). 1.42 wide. Sternum 3.74 long, 3.62 wide. Each maxilla with
Leg II: 18.23 (5.54, 2.91, 3.52, 3.76, 2.50). Leg III: 17.95 120–130 cuspules. Serrula indiscernible.
(5.12, 2.77, 3.20, 4.07, 2.79). Leg IV: 23.19 (6.58, 3.14, Palp and leg structures. Spines (all femora with medial
4.78, 5.61, 3.08). row of 6–9 thickened bristles; palpal patella, tibia and cym-
Copulatory organs. Palp with relatively short tibia and bium, patellae I and II, tarsi I–IV and palpal tarsus aspi-
moderately long cymbium (Fig. 42). Palpal bulb with rela- nose). Palp: femur pd1, tibia p1, v0–1–1. Leg I: femur pd1;
tively long, flattened and curved tongue-shaped embolus tibia v1–1; metatarsus p1, v0–1–1. Leg II: femur pd1–1;
(Figs 43–46). tibia p1, v0–1–1; metatarsus v0–1–1. Leg III: femur pd1,
Spinnerets as shown in Fig. 51. PMS: length 0.60; diam- rd1; patella p1; tibia p1, r1–1–1, v2–2–2; metatarsus p1–1–
eter 0.36. PLS: maximal diameter 0.74; length of basal, 1, r1–1, v2–2–3. Leg IV: femur r1(0); tibia r1–1–0, v2–2–1–
medial and apical segments 1.47, 0.99, 1.25, respectively; 2; metatarsus p1(0)–1–1, r0–1–1, v2–1–2–3. Metatarsal
total length 3.71; apical segment digitiform. preening combs absent. Tarsi I–IV integral as in male, tarsus
FEMALE: Habitus as shown in Fig. 30. Body length IV lacking pallid transverse suture as shown in Fig. 41.
20.30. Color in alcohol: as in male. Scopula entire on palpal tarsus and metatarsi I–II; widely
Cephalothorax as shown in Figs 32, 34. Carapace 8.28 divided by setae on metatarsus III and distal 5/6 metatarsus
long, 6.39 wide. Eye tubercle as shown in Fig. 36. Eye IV; very narrowly divided on tarsi I–II (by one row of small
diameters and interspaces: AME 0.18(0.26), ALE 0.26, PLE setae); more widely divided on tarsus III, ever more widely
0.23, PME 0.17, AME–AME 0.26(0.18), ALE–AME divided on tarsus IV (approximately by two and four irregu-
0.13(0.09), ALE–PLE 0.13, PLE–PME 0.04, PME–PME lar rows of thick setae, respectively). Trichobothria: 2 rows
0.55. Each cheliceral furrow with 9 promarginal teeth and of 6 in each row on tibiae, 10–15 on metatarsi, about 30
206 S.L. Zonstein

Figs 47–52. Ischnocolus meron sp.n., paratype females (47–50, 52) and holotype male (51): 47 — spermathecae, dorsal (inside)
aspect, natural color; 48, 49 — same, shaded with Chlorasol Black; 50 — same, natural color with dark background; 51, 52 — spinnerets,
ventral. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Figs 47–52. Ischnocolus meron sp.n., самки паратипы (47–50, 52) и самец голотип (51): 47 — сперматеки, вид сверху (с
внутренней стороны), естественная окраска; 48, 49 — то же, оттенено с использованием хлоразола; 50 — то же, естественный
цвет на темном фоне; 51, 52 — паутинные бородавки снизу. Масштаб 0,5 мм.

(+14–17 clavate) on tarsi, 14–15 (+18 clavate) on palpal ($); Zonstein, 2018: 110, figs 9–17 (#); Montemor et al., 2020:
tarsus. Palpal tarsal claw bare. Paired claws on tarsi I–IV 78, figs 1A–F, 2A–F, 5A–B, 6A–C, 9E–F, 10A–D (#$); Zamani
narrow and lacking teeth. et al., 2022: 379, figs 78–81.
Palp and leg measurements. Palp: 11.22 (3.87, 2.51, MATERIAL EXAMINED: ISRAEL: 1$ subad., Central Ne-
gev, Har Horesha, 30°31.2' N 34°34.9' E, 800–1000 m, 13.10.1992,
2.17, –, 2.67). Leg I: 17.02 (5.44, 3.35, 3.13, 2.94, 2.16). Y. Lubin (HUJ).
Leg II: 14.38 (4.56, 2.57, 2.56, 2.66, 2.03). Leg III: 14.08 DISTRIBUTION: The species was previously known
(4.27, 2.43, 2.35, 2.89, 2.14). Leg IV: 19.44 (5.86, 3.05, from the countries of the African Horn, the Arab Peninsula
3.75, 4.23, 2.55). and Iran [WSC, 2023].
Copulatory organs. Paired spermathecal branches wide- ECOLOGY: In northern Oman and the UAE, Ischnoco-
ly spaced, twisted, folded apically and directed outward lus jickelii is known to occur in the retatively xeric habitats
from each other (as shown in Figs 47–50). where the spiders can be found amongst low shrubs close to
Spinnerets as in Fig. 52. PMS: length 0.72; diameter wadis, in the natural crevices and the self-digged retreats
0.40. PLS: maximal diameter 0.98; length of basal, medial under large rocks [Montemor et al., 2020]. The presumed
and apical segments 1.51, 1.03, 1.32, respectively; total sole representative from Negev was collected with pitfall
length 3.86; apical segment digitiform. trap in the mountain stony desert biotope.
VARIATION: Carapace length in male paratype 7.33, in
paratype females (n = 20) it varies from 7.42 to 8.86. Number
of labial cuspules varies in all examined specimens from 1 to Discussion
17, the same for maxillary cuspules ranges from 85 to about
140. Unlike the holotype, the paratype male possesses a few The issues concerning the Israeli representatives of
spines on the palpal patella (p1) and tibia (p1, pv1–1) and more Ischnocolus come down mainly to the questions re-
numerous prolateral spines on patella III (3 vs. 1). The variation garding the origin and identification of the material
in shape of the spermathecae (n = 4) is shown in Figs 45–48. included into the type series of I. ignoratus. To a lesser
DISTRIBUTION: Israel (Upper Galilee). extent, it may concern also the specimens belonging to
ECOLOGY: Unlike the preceding species, Ischnocolus two other considered species.
meron sp.n. is a mesophilic congener, which certainly pre- Guadanucci & Wendt [2014] described in detail a
fers to inhabit mid-mountain slopes covered with a dense discovery of the previously forgotten specimens that
maquis and broad-leaved oak woodlands dominated with became the types of Ischnocolus ignoratus. However,
Quercus calliprinos Webb and Q. ithaburensis Decne. Spi- in this description, they honestly reproduced the muse-
ders occur mainly at the edge of the forested areas, on the
um collection data, obviously not suspecting that these
periphery of the low-grassland forest glades, and on the
grassless scarps under the forest canopy where their burrows can be misleading and not always corresponding to
form small aggregations. See Figs 62–70. reality.
It should be noted that according to the practice
Ischnocolus jickelii L. Koch, 1875 (?) prevailing in NMW in the second half of the 19th – the
first half of the 20th centuries, the label data did not
Ischnocolus jickelii L. Koch, 1875: 5, pl. VI, fig. 2 ($); Guada- record the actual time of the specimen collecting, but
nucci, Gallon, 2008: 42; Guadanucci, Wendt, 2014: 395, fig. 4B only the date of its registration as the museum material.
Survey of Ischnocolus in Israel 207

Figs 53–61. Ischnocolus ignoratus Guadanucci et Wendt 2014, spider habitats: 53–54 —Adullam Nature Park, eastern-Mediterranean
maquis near Horbat Midras Ruins; 55 — same, surroundings of the Beit Jimal Monastery; 56 — dense maquis in the southern part of
Carmel Ridge, image courtesy of G. Pisanty (SMNH); 57 —surroundings of Bat Shelomo, Carmel Ridge; 58, 59 — Ben Shemen Forest
Park, general view and ground vegetation in a close up view, images courtesy of E. Margulis and A.L.L. Friedman (SMNH), respectively;
60, 61 — vicinity of Horbat Midras Ruins, individual burrow entrances.
Figs 53–61. Ischnocolus ignoratus Guadanucci et Wendt 2014, местообитания пауков: 53–54 — природный парк Адуллам,
восточно-средиземноморский маквис вблизи руин Хорбат Мидрас; 55 — то же, окр. монастыря Бейт Джимал; 56 — густой
маквис в южной части хр. Кармель, снимок G. Pisanty (SMNH); 57 —окрестности Бат Шломо на хр. Кармель; 58, 59 — природный
парк Бен Шемен, общий вид леса и растительность под пологом вблизи, снимки соответственно E. Margulis и A.L.L. Friedman
(SMNH); 60, 61 — окр. руин Хорбат Мидрас, входные отверстия нор пауков.

The first time I faced this was when I tried to find the some details of the biography and life activity of the
collection date and the name of the collector, as well as collectors.
to clarify the localization of the specimens from NMW, Baron Rudolf von Gödl (1814–1883; full name —
belonging to Brachythele chinensis Kulczyński, 1901 Rudolf Oskar Freiherr von Gödel-Lannoy) started his
sensu Kritscher [1957]. Formally, according to the la- official carrier as Austro-Hungarian Consul-General in
bels and the registration museum documents, this record Syria and Palestine in 1850–1855, with a residence in
has been attributed to E. Reimoser who simply first Beirut [Hamernik, 2006; Hollier et al., 2017]. Since
registered the specimens in the NMW spider collection October of 1855, he continued his diplomatic carrier in
(15.10.1938) and did not collect these spiders. Kritscher Turkey proper and Egypt. Fortunately, he was also a
[1957] correctly noted that the date and the name of the very gifted person, a nature lover (with main interests
collector remain unknown. A lot of time and many in zoology, archeology, geography and meteorology)
efforts have passed until finding these spiders were and a practicing collector. The insect and spider speci-
actually collected by M. Kreyenberg in 1905 [Zon- mens collected by him are deposited in the Naturhistor-
stein, in prep.]. ishes Museum in Vienna, the Oberosterreichische
The question is then: how and when the considered Landesmuseum Linz, Austria, and the Hungarian Natu-
types of I. ignoratus were actually obtained. To get an ral History Museum in Budapest, respectively. It should
answer on this question, we have to pay attention to be thus concluded that the specimen designated later
208 S.L. Zonstein

Figs 62–70. Ischnocolus meron sp.n., spider habitats on the forested northwestern slopes of Mt. Meron: 62, 63 — general view, with
the summit of Mt. Meron (1208 m) on the background; 64 — one of the preffered local habitats, a transite zone between open grasslands
and woodlands, image courtesy of A.L.L. Friedman (SMNH); 65, 66 — some types of grassless scarps under the forest canopy; 67 — one
of those scarps in close up view, the detected spider burrow (close to the image center) is indicated with a white arrowhead; 68, 69 —
individual burrow entrances; 70 — a live female digged from its burrow out.
Figs 62–70. Ischnocolus meron sp.n., местообитания пауков на лесистых северозападных склонах г. Мерон: 62, 63 — общий
вид с вершиной г. Мерон (1208 м) на заднем плане; 64 — один из предпочитаемых биотопов, переходная зона между травянистой
и древесной растительностью, автор снимка A.L.L. Friedman (SMNH); 65, 66 — некоторые типы оголенных откосов под пологом
леса; 67 — один из таких откосов крупным планом, показанная близко к центру снимка нора паука отмечена белой стрелкой; 68,
69 — входные отверстия нор пауков; 70 — выкопанная из норы самка.

the holotype of Ischnocolus ignoratus could not be sidered as part of Palestine. Several species listed in
collected prior to 1850 nor after 1855. The date 1896 Platnick's [2012] catalogue as occurring in Israel and
corresponds only to its first record in NMW materials. Syria were actually described and known only from
According to Kasparek [2018] who listed and com- Israel” [Op. cit., p. 9].
mented the distribution records of Trachusa verhoeffi Hence, concerning the holotype of Ischnocolus ig-
(Mauromastakis, 1955) (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) which noratus, at least the name of the collector can be con-
extend from south Turkey to Jerusalem, but with a sidered undoubtedly known and the date of sampling
complete gap in the modern Syria, “Gödl gave only can be calculated approximately, as shown above. In
‘Syria’ as the location for this and for other collected this case, only the detailed sampling locality cannot be
insect material, without further specifications. It can- clarified. As for the paratypes, the situation is exactly
not be ruled out that the specimen was collected in the the opposite. There is no doubt about their locality
area which is nowadays in Turkey or Lebanon” [Op. (Jerusalem), but there is a gap regarding the sampling
cit., p. 135]. date and the collector. Anyway, Reitter who has been
Zonstein & Marusik [2013] noted that in the second noted as the collector of these paratypes in 1882, had
half of the 19th century the territory then named Pales- actually no direct relation to their finding and sampling.
tine was considered a “part of Ottoman Syria and terri- Edmund Reitter (1845–1920), the famous Austro-
tories now belonging to Lebanon were then also con- Hungarian entomologist branded from his long-time
Survey of Ischnocolus in Israel 209

activity and numerous publications on the Coleoptera, and headed a primary school. Having settled in Haifa,
was also known as a private collection holder and one Friedrich Lange lived there until the end of his life in a
of the founders of the commercial entomology, i.e. he city quarter called the German Colony (that still exists
had a possibility to sell and purchase the materials now). He also was known as a historian and the author
obtained by both him and other collectors. All these of a comprehensive survey describing the origin and
and most part of the below-listed data related to Reitter development of the Temple society from 1845 to 1884
are taken from his detail biography by Heikentinger [Goldman, 2003]. On the contrary, very little is known
[1920]. In 1879, Reitter moved to Vienna where he regarding his interest to natural history and to his field
opened an insects and entomological books store. Two collecting activity that was nevertheless noted by Böt-
years later, he removed his shop to the neighboring tger [1880]: “Dank gebührt aber auch Herrn Fr. Lange
Mödling and stayed there until his retourning to Mora- in Haifa, dessen unermüdliche Thätigkeit im Sammeln
via (a historical region of the modern Czech Republic) ich nicht genug lobend hervorheben kann… (Thanks
in 1891. also go to Mr. Fr. Lange in Haifa, whose tireless work
According to Hetschko [1915], in 1882–1884 Reit- in collecting I cannot praise enough…)” [Op. cit., S.
ter published three studies, one shortly after other, 132]. There is no evidence, however, of direct corre-
based chiefly on the materials from Ottoman Syria (see spondence to Reitter or even if he knew Reitter at all.
[Reitter, 1882, 1884a, b]). Neither before nor after did On the other hand, Reitter could mean Carl Friedrich
he pay so close and special attention to this region. It Lange (1844–1913; sometimes spelled as Karl Friedrich
could thus be concluded that this attention was prompt- Lange), a merchant and insect collector in Annaberg
ed by his acquisition of a fairly substantial amount of (now Annaberg-Buchholz), Germany. Already inter-
material from the Middle East. For this assumed reason, ested in science at a young age, he mainly collected
in 1882 he truly had possibility to donate (or to sell) the beetles, bugs, cicadas, flies and hymenopterans [Ar-
spider specimens to the Naturhistorishes Museum. nold, 1978; Oehlke, Horstmann, 1987]. Later, he be-
It is known, however, that Reitter has never under- came known as a collections supplier for some German
taken any long distance trips. His personal field col- museums, as well as for several private collection hold-
lecting trips provided in 1870–1896 were limited only ers (see Arnold [1978]; Ebert et al. [1986]; Krell [1995];
to the territory of Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Dietrich [2013]). Johnson [2017] mentioned Carl
adjacent area: Austrian Alps including Tirol, Slovak Friedrich Lange as one of Reitter’s provisioners. Judg-
Tatra Mts, Hungary and western Carpathian Mts, Slov- ing by label data, some insect specimens from Jerusa-
enia, Croatia, Dalmatia, Montenegro, Corfu and Zante lem were also collected by Lange [Lackner, 2014].
Islands, and southern mainland Italy. It is also known Therefore, it would not be surprising if the considered
that he has never visited the Middle East. Although spider specimens were sampled by this particular col-
regarding this region, Reitter was sometimes mentioned lector. In this case, not only the noted location, but also
as a sampler, e.g. by Fürsch et al. [1967], but this is the implied years of collecting coincide with the NMW
misleading, because his own descriptions of regional collection records.
species were entirely based on the materials obtained However, C.F. Lange himself is known as a collec-
by other collectors. tions reseller [Johnson, 2017]. Krell [1995] noted a
Reitter did not always indicate their names. Never- number of specimens as collected by C.F. Lange con-
theless, among the persons having collected insects in currently (all dated by May of 1897) from several
Ottoman Syria he noted Bruck [Reitter, 1875], Appl countries of Central, Eastern and South Europe, and on
and Lange [Reitter, 1882 and 1884a, respectively]. the side from “Syria”, that looks evidently unfeasible.
Bruck collected in vicinity of Jerusalem, but before In the above case, as probably in many others, C.F.
1875. Appl collected closer to 1882 (in 1878, accord- Lange simply accumulated the material he acquired
ing to [Pilleri, 1954]), but mostly around Beirut. There- before it appeared under his collectorship in different
fore, the Lange’s collecting activity seems to merit a museum collections. Hence, even if Reitter has actual-
greater attention. ly obtained these specimens from C.F. Lange, this does
The insect material from Haifa acquired by Reitter not mean that the latter undoubtedly was the original
in the beginning of 1880s was then labeled and listed collector. Conversely, Reitter may well have acquired
as “Haifa, in Syrien, von Lange entdeckt” [Reitter, this material from an unnamed little-known collector.
1884a] or “Syrien: Haifa” [Qubaiová et al., 2015]. Soon after the revision by Guadanucci and Wendt
Completely uncertain, however, which namely person [2014] was published, the differences between repre-
Reitter has meant, introducing the name of collector. sentatives of Ischnocolus from the vicinity of Jerusa-
Lange is a widespread German last name, and Reitter lem (i.e., I. ignoratus) and from the Upper Galilee
could equally mean one of two different persons bear- were considered sufficient to identify these latter as
ing the same surname. belonging to an undescribed species (see Table 1). Its
First, the collected material might in principle have description was, however, postponed until adult males
relation to Friedrich Lange (1840–1923), a head of the could be found. Unexpectedly and contrary to I. ig-
Temple community in Haifa. Lange was appointed to noratus, these males were sampled during the hot and
Haifa in 1874, where he became a community leader dry summer period (see the above-listed collection data
210 S.L. Zonstein

Table 1. Diagnostic characters of Ischnocolus spp. occurring within the Middle East
(according to Montemor et al. [2020, figs 1–5, 9], and including the data first presented herein).
Таблица 1. Дианостические признаки видов Ischnocolus, встречающихся на Ближнем Востоке
(по Montemor et al. [2020, figs 1–5, 9] и оригинальным данным).
Survey of Ischnocolus in Israel 211

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