Biochem Midterm Quizzes
Biochem Midterm Quizzes
Biochem Midterm Quizzes
A. Milk sugar
B. Table sugar
A. Heparin
C. Fruit SuBar
B. Hyaluronic Acid
D. Malt Sugar
C. Chondroitin sulfates
D. Sulfates
21. The number of Stereoisomers of glucose is?
A. 4
14. Branching occurs in glycogen approximately
B. 8
after every:
C. 16
A. 4-6 units
D. 32
B. 8-12 units
C. 14-18 units
D. 20-24 units
22. Which among is known as the stored
polysaccharides in animals?
A. Glycogen
B. Cellulose
C. Amylose
D. Amylopectin
8. Which will be the a health benefit associated 17. Which energy molecules cannot undergo
with consuming dietary Fibers? gluconeogonesis?
A. Reduced Bowel Movements A. Amino Acids
B. Increased risk of Coronary Diseases B. Glycerol
C. Improved gut microflora C. Acetoacetate
D. Increased Blood pressure D. Lactate
9. a brush border enzyme used in breaking down 18. First product of glycogenolysis?
disaccharides in The small intestine? A. Glucose-6-phosptate
B. Glucose-1 k.phesptate
C. Glucose- 1-phosptate D. Skeletal Muscles
D. Fructose-1-phosptate
26. During Starvation, The muscles increases the
19. Which one of the following statements about process of?
gluconeogenesis in the Muscle is not true? A. Gluconeogenesis
B. Glycolysis
A. uses carbon skeleton derived from some Amino C. Glycogenesis
acids D. Glycogenolysis
B. The Averall process requires ATP
C. Employs the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase 27. Celiac disease is characterized by
D. Use primarily for AT production autoimmune damage to the small intestine,
this disease may result in incomplete digestion
20. Glucekinase, an sozyme of hexokinase, is _ of sugars EXCEPT?
A. more active in cytosol when blood glucose A. Isomaltose
concentrations are low B. Sucrose
B. has a lower Km value for glucose than the other C. Starch
hexokinase isozymes. D. Lactose
C. is found in muscle and is important for
partitioning glucose between glycolysis and 28. The main function of Liver glycogen is
gluconeogenesis. maintaining?
D. Is involved in metabolism of Glycogen and A. ATP supply in hepatocytes
Gluconeogenesis pathway B. Blood sugar level
C. Adequate supply of glucose -6-phosphate for
21. Glucagon (in liver) and epinephrine (in Pentose pathway
muscle): D. Adequate supply of pyruvate
A. activate glycogen phosphorylase and inactivate
glycogen synthase. 29. During Insulin spike in the blood which of the
B. Activates glycogen synthesis and Inactivate following will not happen?
glycogenolysis. A. Increased glycolysis
C. acts by raising the concentration of Glucose by B. Activation of GLUT4
activating GLUTA. C. Inhibition of SGLT in the Intestine
D. Both are released during performing High D. Increased fat oxidation
strenuous Activities
30. Gives red color result from lodine test?
22. the over-reliance of the body to lipolysis in A. Glycogen
supplying the required energy needs of the B. Starch
cell may be a result of? C. Sucrose
A. Glucagon resistance D. Lactose
B. Lack of carbohydrate digestive enzymes
C. Insulin insensitivity or resistance
D. Impairment of glycogen metabolism