English Task Grade 2
English Task Grade 2
English Task Grade 2
Unit 4 & 5
Nama : Hari/ Tanggal : Monday/ Tuesday, 13/14 Nop
II. Fill in the blanks with suitable words ! (isilah titik-titik dengan kata-kata yang tepat!)
11. Look at the picture !
There is one . . . .
Excercises (latihan)
Examples (Contoh)
21. There is one book There are two books
3. = ……………………………..... =
4. = ………………………………… =
5. = …………………………………. =
Tugas B.Inggris
Monday /Tuesday
25 Sept / 3 Okt 2023
1. On = di atas
2. In = di dalam
3. Under = di bawah
4. In front (of) = di depan
5. Behind = di belakang
Contoh kalimat :
There is one pencil under the chair There are two pencils under the chair
There is one book on the table There are three books on the table
Tugas B.Inggris (grade 2A)
18 September 2023
Excercises (latihan)
Examples (Contoh)
23. There is one book There are two books
2. ………………………………
3. ……………………………..
4. ………………….…………..
5. ………………………….…..
Tugas B.Inggris
11 September 2023
Where is my pen ?
Mencatat “things in the class”
1. Pencil 9. Cupboard
Example :
1. There is one pencil on the table
Mother ------------ √ x
She likes apple
She doesn’t like banana
Does she like apple
Yes, she likes
Does she like banana
No, she doesn’t like
I ------------- √ x
I like orange
I don’t like zallaca
Do you like orange ?
Yes, I like
Do you like zallaca
No, I don’t like
21/22 Agustus 2023
Kelas : 2-___
12. Fill in the blank: "I _____ apples." 15. What fruit is mentioned in the text number
A. like B. likes C. liking 14?
A. mango B. apple C. watermelon
13. Choose the correct option: "She _____
apples." II. Translate into Indonesia!
A. like B. liked C. likes (terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia!)
2. I don't like apple
14. Complete the sentence: "We like _____
3. I like mango
4. I like grapes
A. oranges and apples
B. oranges and bananas 5. Do you like banana?
Do it like examples !
1. Do you like orange ?
√ --- -------------
Tugas B.Inggris
17/18 Juli 2023