Core Competencies 1and 2full 1
Core Competencies 1and 2full 1
Core Competencies 1and 2full 1
The specific steps in selecting a potential area for microfinance operations are
briefly presented below:
Do not forget to attach the profile of your organization since you have only
provided a short background in the body of your letter. Providing a more
comprehensive write-up would allow the reader to know more about your
organization. After writing the letter and sending it to the addressee, make
sure that you follow-up the response to your request. Call or visit the person in
making a follow-up.
The Branch Manager takes the lead when conducting a courtesy call. You, as a. Prepare the outline and review the details of the topics to be discussed. As
the Loan Officer, accompany the Branch Manager so you can be introduced mentioned, the purpose of meeting with the barangay council is to orient them
as the one who will be assigned in the area in case you will operate there. It is about your MFI. The topics commonly discussed during the orientation are:
also your opportunity to share other services offered by your MFI which may - Description of MFI
not be mentioned by your Branch Manager. - Vision / Mission and Officers of MFI
During courtesy calls, remember to do the following: - Year MFI was established
1. Dress simply, neatly, and appropriately or wear your office uniform if you - Size of MFI in terms of number of branches and employees
have any. Also wear your company ID which serves as proof that you are a - Strength of MFI (e.g. future plans)
legitimate employee of the organization you are representing. - Products and services offered
2. Extend your hand or give a business card when introduced by your Branch b. Prepare the materials before the orientation. The basic materials to prepare
Manager. are the:
3. Explain clearly the purpose of your visit. - orientation kit or flip chart
4. Thank the barangay chairman as well, even if your Branch Manager has - pens
already said it. - attendance sheet
5. Leave a company brochure or flyer so he or she can learn more about the - brochures
MFI. - audio-visual presentation about your MFI
c. Set up the orientation venue at least 30 minutes before the session. Prepare
MEETING WITH THE BARANGAY COUNCIL the chairs and ensure that there is enough space and seats for the
Meeting with the barangay council allows the MFI to introduce itself and
promote its products and services. It is, in effect, conducting an orientation Step 2. Welcome the barangay council.
program for the community officials. It is also a way of getting the assistance of
the local leaders in implementing the MFI activities. A good time to meet the Treat your audience like guests and make them feel welcome. Create a good
barangay council is during one of their regular meetings. You can request impression with them by being genuinely enthusiastic and polite.
them to include in their agenda an orientation about your MFI.
a. Greet your audience warmly as you start the session. Use the vernacular to
The Learning Element 3.2 Conduct Orientation of Target Clients presents put them at ease.
some guidelines in orienting target clients which is also applicable when b. Introduce yourself. Mention your first name or preferably by your nickname
meeting with the barangay council. to make the session less formal
c. State the purpose of the gathering. This gives them an idea of what will be
Step 1. Prepare for the orientation the focus of discussion.
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courtesy call allows the MFI to introduce their organization to the local
Step 3. Discuss the orientation topics authorities, as well as inform them of the MFIs activities.
Introduce the MFI to your audience to establish the MFI’s credibility and When meeting with the barangay council, set the agenda and
stability. There are basic elements to include in introducing MFIs, namely, the prepares all materials needed. During the meeting, orient the
description of MFI, its vision and mission, the founders and officers, the year it community leaders about the MFI – vision and mission, founders and
was established, its size, and the products and services it offers. Explain your officers, year established, size of the MFI, and products and services.
activity plan and which places you intend to visit. For example, mention that End the orientation by clarifying any questions and thanking the
you will be interviewing market vendors the following week to know their attendees.
attitude towards financial services. Also, state the assistance you need from
them if there is any.
Encourage group discussions in order to get all ideas and questions out. Keep 1.3 REVIEW BARANGAY PROFILE
conversations focused on the topic and answer their questions tactfully.
Conducting an area scanning or mapping provides the MFI a quick look of its
Step 4. End the orientation target area’s economic activities. To validate the results of your area scanning,
Use phrases to send signal that you are about to end your presentation. Ask you need to review the existing profile of the municipality or barangay. This is
the participants if they have questions and make sure that everybody hear another important step in selecting potential area for microfinance operations.
your explanation. If you do not know the answer, politely say so. Then ask Figure 1 shows the process in selecting potential area for microfinance
assistance from your Supervisor or Branch Manager. operations.
After the question-and-answer part, distribute brochures or flyers that contain
details about the products and services of the MFI. Do not forget to thank them Barangay Profile and Secondary Data
for their time.
A barangay profile describes the physical and demographic characteristics,
It is important to take note what has been discussed during the meeting. economic status, and basic services available in the area. More specifically, it
Ensure that the important issues and other details are documented such as describes the geographical location, classification (rural or urban), and general
the date and time, venue, list of attendees. It is not necessary to write the description (mountainous, coastal, etc) of the area. In terms of demographic
whole discussion but only the highlights of the discussion and the major points characteristics, it provides data on the population, number of household,
raised and decisions taken. number of registered voters and community workers. It also identifies the basic
services and the proximity of service institutions (i.e. day care centers, medical
facilities, and financial institutions). It also shows data about the public
There are two ways by which an appointment can be set – either by calling the transportation sector (number of operators and modes of public
office or sending a letter. transportation), sources of income, and types of businesses in the area.
In writing a business letter, the message has to be clear and
accurate. A barangay profile is an example of secondary data. This is considered
Follow-up your addressee’s response to your letter. secondary because the information was gathered by someone else and is
An MFI conducts courtesy call to a local official when his or her town available from the barangay office. Thus, secondary data are information that
is being considered as a possible market for microfinance services. A has already been collected and available for use.
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In computer-readable form for electronic distribution
Sources of Secondary Data Local association and NGOs publish detailed information on a certain
industry or sectors. These materials are published in the form of annual
The Barangay office is your primary source of secondary data. For example, a reports, as part of a regular trade journal, or as special reports. In some
Community Profile Study (CPS) and Barangay Development Plan (BDP) can cases, they are available only on request from the association.
be obtained from the barangay hall. The CPS presents the socio-economic Other published sources such as books, dissertations, newspapers,
profile of the barangay while the BDP reflects the five-year development plan magazines, and the like that contain information relevant to the sector or
of the local government with regard to the economic, social, and infrastructure community.
concerns. Individuals outside your organization with expertise on your industry or
activity which may include university professors and researchers,
If the CPS and BDP contain all the information you want to know, there is no government officials associated with the industry, etc
need to get data from other government agencies unless you want to validate
the available information. Otherwise, you have to identify what other data you
need and from which department to get it. The table 1 shows the kind of data COLLECTING SECONDARY DATA
available from different government offices and community organizations.
As mentioned in the previous inputs, secondary data are available and can be
obtained from various sources. Since the data is already existing, data
collection can be done in a short period of time. A day or two is sometimes
enough to collect information especially if the agency has a good record-
keeping system. The challenge with getting secondary data is that some
information may not be readily available or those which are available may be
outdated and do not reflect the current status of the area.
The common ways of getting the social and economic profile (SEP) of a
specific area are visiting government office and doing internet research. Some
provinces and municipalities publish their SEP in the internet which allow for
easy access to information. In most cases, however, you would still have to go
to the government office that collects socio-economic profiles.
The initial step in selecting potential area is to conduct an area survey. Step 1. Identify Size of Sample Respondents
Scanning the area involves walking around the central business district to
assess the economic activities. While doing so, the Loan Officer can develop In conducting the area survey, the Loan Officer need not go to all the
an area map, and plot the establishments and major institutions like schools, microentrepreneurs in the area, but rather get samples. A sample is any
church, and barangay hall. part of the population of individuals from whom the Loan Officer gathers
The area map could become the basis for selecting potential respondents
during the area survey. The Loan Officer selects randomly a sample of survey informants from
the total population in the area. He or she must remember that a genuine area
The Loan Officer validates his or her observations made during the survey follows a scientific process, and does not involve only one person.
area scanning alongside other documents about the area to come up with Otherwise, the result will not be reliable and may have a negative effect on the
more information that is reliable. microfinance operations.
This initial information provides a general profile of the area, but does There are generally two ways to get the sample size: one is through a random
not reflect yet the behavior of the microentrepreneurs toward financial sampling, the other one is through a non-random sampling.
services. Thus, the next steps in the process of selecting potential area are
equally important. The focus of the next sections will be the discussion on how In a random sampling, the MFI must determine a significant sample size for its
to conduct area survey. We will discuss the other steps in a separate learning respondents. For example, the sample size is 100. To obtain a sample
element. size of 100 from a population of 1,500 microenterprises, the Loan Officer
just need to select 100 out of the total entrepreneurs. One of the ways to
CONDUCTING AREA SURVEY do this is to select from the area map earlier developed. The Loan Officer
assigns each selected survey respondent with a number for easy
Once the Loan Officer has established the general profile and the area map of identification. He or she can further divide the sample like pre-allocating a
the potential area for microfinance operation, he or she is now ready to number of respondents from different population. Figure 2 illustrates this
conduct area survey. A survey is a method used to gather primary data to process.
come up with an estimate of the size of potential market.
For selecting a potential area, the Loan Officer has four (4) steps to follow in
conducting survey.
1. Identify size of sample respondents;
2. Contact the community leaders;
3. Assess the general characteristics of the area; and,
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or she then introduces the MFI’s purpose, key officers, location, and the
The other way is non-random sampling or systematic sampling method. In this purpose of the visit.
process, the Loan Officer gets every nth individual in the population list The Loan Officer must also provide all the necessary information about
to be included in the survey. To know the interval (nth),the Loan Officer has to the MFI to the community leaders, as they could be the best medium to
divide the total population by the desired sample size, then select from the list market the products and services to their constituents.
until he or she has determined the desired number of respondents. The
sample in Figure 3 illustrates this process. Step 3. Assess the General Characteristics of the Area
Once the community leaders allowed the Loan Officer to conduct the
area survey, he or she can do the initial ocular survey of the general
characteristics of the area by going around the area where there is high
economic activity.
Choose groups which have high concentrations of potential clients. d) Applicants to the Program/Potential Clients
Encourage women and men who are actively involved in income generating
activities to participate in the group interview. Microentrepreneurs who have It is important to describe the basic characteristics and needs of the
been involved in their microbusinesses for a long time know how to wisely group of target clients. Some microfinance organizations, after a formal
use resources such as loans and savings and can evaluate the risk of meeting with the barangay officials and after a formal introduction of the loan
extending loans to future clients who are from their area. Organized groups program to the community, conducts interview with potential clients.
are also knowledgeable of the major economic activities, informal sector Home visitations are already undertaken.
practices, information of existing microfinance
competitors, including how much is being charge for services, value Information that the Loan Officer gather during the interview includes:
added services and other lending activities. They can provide data on
where the barangays where economically active but poor community 1. Income data:
members can be found. a. Main source of income
Organized groups include: b. Estimated monthly income of the family
- Women’s Club; Home Owners Association; c. Estimated monthly family expenses
- Market Vendor’s Association (no. of public market stall holders, etc.) d. Net earnings of the family
- Public Market Administrators 2. Experience in Microenterprise - previous involvement in small income
- Tricycle Owners and Drivers Associations (# of transport generating activities
operators/units) 3. Existing Loans with other institutions/informal money lenders
- Groups of local entrepreneurs of industries where the community 4. Family Data: number of family members in the household
is known (i.e. group of mat weavers, basket-makers, clay pot 5. Number of children of school age: how many are studying
makers, etc.) 6. Capitalization needs for existing/future business.
- Religious leaders 7. Asset data: the material things does the potential client have such as
appliances, goods, furniture, business tools/equipment, etc.
c) Local Government Units/Departments
Secondary information are provided by the following organizations. Data will help the loan officer determine the kind of assistance needed by the
Nevertheless an interview with key people from the organization can provide potential client in their income-generating activities. The data is also useful
additional information which can go beyond the needed data as indicated in determining if the financial services will be appropriate to the potential
below. clients.
PREPARING FOR THE INTERVIEW What to Bring on the Day of the Interview
1. Bring money, identification card, company uniform, date book, journal,
The Loan Officer must make sure that all his or her information is complete pens, and plastic envelopes for documents, and celllular phone
and that he or she has the latest information. The following should be done as 2. Photocopy of the MFI’s Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC)
part of the preparation for the interview: Registration. This is proof that the Loan Officer belongs to a legal and credible
Before the Interview 3. Coordination letter signed by the Branch Manager
1. The Loan Officer must coordinate with the local executives of the 4. Brochures, flyers, annual reports
local government units covering the area. In this case, it will be the 5. Questionnaire for the potential client
Barangay Captain, members of the council and leaders of different 6. Area survey checklist
political organizations in the barangay. 7. List of competitors as provided from the Municipal/City Treasurer’s Office
For local agencies or organized groups in the community, the head of 8. Area Profile for reference
the group should also be notified.
● Interview skills are improved by applying the following techniques:
2. An official letter signed by the Branch Manager must be given a few
days before the interview. It shall contain the date, time and purpose of the ability to summarize data, paraphrase or putting into your own words
visit to the interviewee’s office. Be specific of the data that are needed to give what the interviewee said, and questioning/probing skills.
those to be interviewed time to prepare any requested documents related to ● The quality of answers/accuracy is dependent also on how the
the meeting.
Loan Officer handles the interview. Courtesy, impartiality, being
presentable and professionalism are important.
3. For visits with the Municipal Hall or City Hall, inform them of the
interview/survey to be conducted in the area. State in your letter about your
request for the following data:
● Population per barangay , No. of households , No. of registered
businesses, No. of establishments, No. of banks and other MFIs ,
Information on transport sector , Five-year plan, Map
4. Use other networks such as friends, families, barangays, and small
businesses that the Loan Officer were in contact with daily in the community.
Product is the actual products and services that the MFI offers to its clients.
In the marketing plan, the Loan Officer has to prepare to answer the
following questions:
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Before the Loan Officer could understand the nature and behavior of the
client, he or she has to establish first who, his or her clients are. From the
result of the area survey and interview, the Loan Officer has to segment his or
her target market.
Market segmentation is a process of dividing the target market into
smaller groups using different variables like demographics, needs and wants,
benefits expected and behavior.
Marketing Procedures
Market segmentation helps the Loan Officer understand the nature of
Step 1. Determining the Nature and Behavior of Microfinance Clients their potential clients, the types, and features of product offerings suited to
them, and the marketing strategies to be developed.
To be able to recruit appropriate clients, the Loan Officer conducts an in-depth
analysis of the nature and behavior of microfinance clients. Understanding the Some MFIs have standard factors in segmenting their clients. It is important for
nature and behavior of clients also allows the MFI to modify its products and the Loan Officer to understand the rationale for using these standard factors.
services, and maintain client loyalty. The Loan Officer’s responsibility is to Some of the useful factors for market segmentation in microfinance are:
share the data gathered from his or her observations to the Branch Manager. 1. Financial Service Needs or Preferences - example savings, money
transfer, size of loan
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2. Demographics - potential clients’ characteristics such as age, gender, used to bulk of paperwork as part of the requirements to avail of the
civil status, educational attainment, family size, religion, language spoken, etc. products and services. The lesser the paper work means the faster they
3. Socio-economic data - sources of income, living conditions, including health can avail of the products and services;
conditions of the household members 3. Clients look for variety of products and additional services. They are no
4. Attitude toward a product or institution – positive, indifferent, negative longer satisfied with single and simple product;
To understand the implication of these factors to the MFI, Table 1 4. Some experienced clients, make decision based on price; and,
below shows a sample classification using the age, gender, and socio- 5. Clients who have lower level of education require and value
economic data developed by World Women Banking: assistance in filling-out the application form, information gathering, and
transaction processes. They also value additional services like insurance,
house repair loan, education, and learning, particularly those services that
can improve their business.
At the end of the information gathering, the Loan Officer summarizes the data,
writes analysis and initial recommendations, and submits to the Branch
1. Clients can no longer wait for weeks to be able to get their borrowed
2. Most clients prefer simple and less paper works, since they often operate
their businesses without formal permit and documentation. They are not
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Step 2 – Developing Marketing Strategies 3. Communicating Products through the Local Government Units
Some MFIs promote their products through the Local Government Units either
Marketing strategies are what the institution will do to achieve its objectives. through a formal orientation or through posting of promotional and
marketing materials on the Bulletin Board at the Municipal/City/Barangay
In simple terms, these are the ways to connect your product with the market. Hall. In any which way, the Loan Officer has to follow the following protocols:
Below are basic strategies that a Loan Officer can develop for his or her target
community. 4. Client Activities
Most MFIs that implement group methodology conducts group activities with
1. Promotional and Marketing Materials their clients. In these activities, best clients and best groups are recognized.
In some MFIs, the Head Office develops the promotional materials, which in
most cases are written in Tagalog or English language. Because of this, There are presentations, contests that show clients’ talents, others have
the Loan Officer still modifies the promotional materials to fit the language and booth to display products of clients. Often these activities are open to
even culture of the target community. the public, thus, other non-members are encouraged to join the MFI upon
seeing the recognition, and the social activities enjoyed members of the MFI.
The World Women Banking listed some tips in developing promotional These activities serve as an indirect way of promoting and marketing the MFI
materials for loan products: in the community.
• Keep the message simple- remember that people have short attention Step 3 – Selecting Appropriate Methods and Tools for Marketing
span, particularly your target audiences who are busy not only in business but
often with household chores as well. Sometimes we buy things because the product endorser is our favorite star or
• Emotional versus rational benefits- when creating promotional and more often because we believe in what the product endorser say.
marketing materials use messages and images that connect with the
customers on an emotional level. Think of the time you buy clothes, do These are the combination of marketing methods and tools. There are two
you buy it because of the price or because it looks good on you? points to consider when selecting appropriate marketing methods and tools:
• Timing the promotions- aim to reach the target clients at least three
times with the same message. You have to remember that different tools or The message - what does the Loan Officer need to say to be able to attract
methods require different timing as to when to use it. We will discuss this in the prospective clients to join the MFI
detail in the next input. The medium - a storage and/or transmission tools used to store and
deliver information or data to reach the target clients of the MFI
2. Linkaging and Networking
Here are some of the common methods used by MFIs to market loan
Most MFIs are members of networks or local councils. Through the products:
conferences sponsored by these councils, MFIs are able to share the features 1. Field Promotion
of their products and services. With this, potential clients have a chance to In microfinance, this is the most popular marketing method. Loan
inquire about the products of the MFI, and even interview the participating Officers do promotions by going door-to-door to residential areas or conduct
clients about the impact of the MFI to their business. an orientation in a multi-purpose hall in the community or at the center house,
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if there is one in the community. The Loan Officer does four stages in - Thanks the prospective client/s for their time and says goodbye
effective field promotion.
Stage 4. Follow-up.
Stage 1. Presentation. - Takes the name of interested prospective clients
- The Loan Officer should be well-dressed with his or her ID visible. - Calls or visit the interested prospective clients within one week
- Maintains eye contact with the client, smiles and introduces 2. Word of Mouth Marketing
himself or In microfinance, this is the most powerful method, as most if not all MFIs rely
herself. on this because no cost is needed to do this. However, the danger of this
- Introduces the name and gives the standard description of the marketing mode is that prospective clients are free to say anything about the
MFI. For example, like ABS CBN Bayan, “We do not just finance, we institution, some maybe correct others may be contrary to the product features
also educate of the MFI.
and develop your business.”
3. Brochures
Stage 2. Understanding. The Loan Officer distributes brochures during field promotion or orientation
- For home-based promotions, asks the prospective client if they have and encourages prospective clients to know more about the MFI’s
their own business. products and services by reading it. However, poorly designed brochures
may damage the credibility of the MFI.
- Marketplace-promotions, asks prospective clients if they would
like to
grow their business, need to buy more inventories, invest in Step 4.Communicating the Value of the Product through Orientation
equipment, etc.
- Listens intently to what the client is saying. Client Orientation
Stage 3. Promotion. Client Orientation is to inform clients about the features of the product. For
- Explains the appropriate product that fits the needs and those implementing the word of mouth strategy in marketing, it is also the
situation of the prospective client (if MFI has different loan products) opportunity to clarify misconceptions about the product and the MFI itself.
- Explains the benefits of the loan products such as fast It also serves as a venue to communicate the purpose of the MFI providing
disbursement, microfinance.
minimal paper or documentary requirements
- Explains the benefits of being a member of the MFI Procedures in Client Orientation
- Provides information and answers any questions about the MFI’s
products 1. Preparation for the Orientation.
and services. Gives out information sheet or application forms a. Any orientation starts with the preparation of logistics, particularly the
- Encourages the prospective client to come to the branch with visual aid materials needed for the presentation. The Loan Officer should use
their the promotional materials developed by the marketing team. If no
documents material is available, the Loan Officer should collaborate with other Loan
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Officers and the Branch Manager to develop a standard guide in conducting 4. Stating the Purpose of the Orientation.
orientation. a. The Loan Officer should state that the orientation is conducted to allow the
participants to know more about the MFI they represent and the products that
b. The materials to be prepared include: in has developed to address the financial needs of the
- Flipchart or Manila paper microentrepreneurs like the participants present in the session.
- Client orientation session book b. In stating the purpose, the Loan Officer should use simple language.
- Application Form
- Attendance Sheet 5. Introduction of the Institution.
- Overhead projector, if venue has power supply a. Mission and Vision- Introduction of the institution starts with the mission
and vision of the institution to give prospective clients an idea of the
c. The Loan Officer must also see to it that he or she is properly dressed and purpose of the institution they will be joining. However, when presenting,
wears his or her official ID. This adds up to the credibility of the Loan the Loan Officer should not read the visual aid but rather explain the
Officer as well as the MFI. content.
b. Key officers in the institution- this adds to the credibility of the MFI.
2. Set venue and time. c. Name and Location of branches- this makes the prospective clients know
a. The orientation should be conducted on a specific time and day of the location of offices where they can transact business. This adds to the trust
the week. Oftentimes, it is conducted in the afternoon when there are minimal of the clients toward the MFI.
business transactions or activities.
6. Presenting the Loan Products.
b. The Loan Officer should make sure that the session begins on time. It is a. When introducing the types of loans, or any other products it is better to
here that the clients can already observe the valueof discipline. write it in a matrix or a chart, reflecting the features for each product in order
for clients to visualize the discussion. An example of a promotion matrix is
3. Introduction of the Participants. illustrated below:
a. The purpose of the introduction of the participants is to set the tone of the
whole orientation session. It helps participants to relax and be comfortable in
asking questions later on related to the orientation. The orientation is not a
formal training session, thus, “it should be conducted as informally as possible,
without losing sight of the objectives.”
b. The session should start with the Loan Officer introducing himself or
herself. If there is any other member of the MFI present in the session,
they should also introduce themselves.
c. Then the potential clients should be requested to introduce
themselves, stating their name, address, and type of business.
In some MFIs, the Loan Officer does not discuss the penalties for
nonpayment of loans during the product orientation so as not to
discourage potential clients. They only discuss this once the clients have
7. Client Eligibility Criteria. already understood the principles of the institution and the rationale of the loan
a. The Loan Officer then discusses the qualification of the clients. The
Loan Officer must be careful that discussions will revolve only around the 2.2 PROMOTE SAVINGS AND MICROINSURANCE
policies and processes of the MFI.
8. Application Requirement.
a. The Loan Officer enumerates the Loan Application requirements, For microentrepreneurs, access to savings facility is important. For the MFI, it
which often includes: is the cheapest source of fund. Even before microfinance, the poor had
- Loan Application, duly signed by the applicant proven to save, through cash either at home, or through participation in
- Photos informal savings program.
- Any valid ID
- Promissory note Most of them did not have access to formal savings institution and
b. The Loan Officer also explains how the loan application form should be invested their cash to other types of assets like appliances or jewelries.
filled-out. It is better to have an enlarged format of loan application to enable
clients to visualize the discussion. Figure 1 in the next page shows a sample Why do People Save?
application form.
c. For MFIs, the promotional activity or orientation is the best opportunity People save for different reasons. Most people save because of
to distribute application forms. Thus, the Loan Officers distribute the expected future events. Others save anticipating there might be
application forms and set another date for another meeting to collect the unexpected future events, which they will need cash, and easily recover from
form and the requirements. what was lost. Some save because they want to invest or build their assets
In this context savings is defined as “money put aside by an individual Savings Products for Microfinance
or household for use in the future. A key to good money management,
savings help individuals and households manage risk, deal with In microfinance, savings could be compulsory or voluntary. According to
emergencies, smooth income, build assets, and meet financial goals. People World Women Banking, “Compulsory savings have been introduced as a
save by putting money aside when it comes in and by spending less when it condition for obtaining a loan and are designed to ensure that clients are
goes out.” able to meet their repayments. In contrast, voluntary savings programs do not
assume that clients need to be told how to save. Instead, they assume that
Despite the above reasons, people still find it hard to save. when clients are offered a range of quality savings products that cater to their
needs they will choose to save.”
Why is it Difficult to Save?
It takes a lot of discipline to be able to save money. It is hard to resist the 1. Compulsory Savings
temptation of spending. The main principles in savings are: Compulsory savings are sometimes called capital build up (CBU) or
1. Spend less than what you earn. fixed savings. The amount is usually a certain percentage of the loan
2. Save everyday or every week. amount and is deducted from the loan amount upon disbursement. Others
require a fixed amount given together with the weekly repayment. In most
What are the Types of Institutions that Offer Savings? MFIs, the amount saved can only be withdrawn upon resignation of the client.
Some MFIs provide interest on CBU,
People can save in formal, semi-formal or informal type of institution. Below which could also be withdrawn upon resignation from membership. The chart
are the different types of institutions that offer savings: below illustrates how MFIs computes CBU.
In the above illustration, the Loan Officer should emphasize the importance of In promoting the savings product, the following step must be observed:
retaining the membership to be able to accumulate savings, rather than
the amount saved. Step 1. Introduction
When introducing the savings product, do not start with the product
2. Voluntary Savings itself. Instead, ask clients if they have savings. Then present the benefits of
This does not have fixed amount, but depends on the capacity of the client. savings, using the input on why people save. End this part saying that there
However, most MFIs set a minimum amount to save because it is too costly to are different life events, which require money, and savings is the best
process small savings and withdrawals. Subsequently, some MFIs require that option to prepare people for these events.
once client has pledge an amount for voluntary savings, he or she may not
decrease or increase the amount for the whole cycle. The chart below Step 2. Presenting the Different Savings Products
shows a sample computation of voluntary savings. Prepare a matrix showing the different savings products the MFI offers,
minimum savings required, weekly savings, interest earned, guidelines for
withdrawal. The sample presented in the previous input could be used as
guide in writing the visual aid materials for presenting savings products.
b. Interest- emphasize how much clients can save at the end of the year out
of the interest earned by their savings.
c. Safety and security – emphasize that credibility of the MFI, its purpose,
length of service, location. Show the passbook to ensure clients that they
can track their savings.
As mentioned in the promoting loan products and other services 1. Customer loyalty
learning element, the growth in microfinance industry increased the Many MFIs realize that they need to offer a variety of products to
demand for more innovative products and services. One product equally enhance client retention, so that even when clients do not want a loan
important to savings and credit is microinsurance. they may still appreciate a savings account, a wire transfer service,
or insurance protection.
The term “insure” is used to mean protection from risk due to unpredictable 2. Product profitability
events. “Insurance reimburses an individual for some or all of financial loss A diverse product menu allows cross-selling opportunities and spreads the
that is linked to unpredictable event or risk.” Insurance uses a system called acquisition costs for a client across multiple products, enhancing product
“risk pooling” where each member pay a small amount called premium. profitability.
3. Diversifying income streams
The premium is pooled together and is paid to individuals who suffered loss. Microinsurance provides an additional source of income either from
The insurance lessens the burden of paying big amount during the time of profit, if the scheme is provided in-house (and well managed), or from fees,
loss, by making small but regular premium payments. if done in partnership with an insurer. The latter situation is
particularly interesting to MFIs, which welcome opportunities to earn
The International Labor Organization (ILO) identified four (4) important income without taking risks.
elements that should be present in an insurance product:
1. Insured event - the trigger event that leads to the payment of
claims for example sickness and death.
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Common Types of Microinsurance Products The Loan Officer’s responsibility is to sell the insurance products.
The Loan Officer bears in mind that not all clients can avail of the insurance
Because of the high exposure of the microfinance clients to risks, one products. This is because not all clients are eligible for certain types of
microfinance institution usually offers a variety of microinsurance. The most insurance. For example in health insurance, the insurance company would
common are death insurance, life insurance, disaster insurance, and health rather insure those who are less sickly.
Preparation for Actual Promotions
1. Death Insurance The International Labor Organization (ILO) suggests different techniques
Death insurance has long been existing among MFIs. It is commonly called to enable Loan Officers to promote the insurance product well, particularly
“damayan” from the Tagalog term “damay” in time of death. Members those from the low-income group.
usually contribute agreed amount to cover the loan balance of the
member who died. The Loan Officer can use these two techniques to promote insurance
2. Life Insurance
Most MFIs like CARD and ASKI provide life insurance policies to their 1. Imaging- The Loan Officer should use the power of imaging to help the
clients. Life insurance benefits are given upon the death of the client who paid clients consider what happened to the families left by the deceased, and
a certain premium for a particular period of time. Benefits are given how their situation can be less taxing to the family if there was insurance.
directly in cash to the client’s beneficiaries. Although he or she has to be very discreet in discussing delicate words which
clients may find morbid.
3. Disaster insurance 2. Testimonial- The Loan Officer could bring a client who had good
Because the Philippines is generally a disaster stricken country, many experience in insurance to discuss the benefits and effect to the family of
livelihood of MFI clients get affected when disaster strikes. Thus, many MFIs having insurance.
are offering disaster insurance. Because this product requires special skill to
manage, most MFIs make reinsurance arrangements with commercial
4. Health Insurance When coordinating a MF training program, you have to prepare well to avoid
Health insurance often covers hospitalization and medicines. Some unnecessary tensions and stress when the training program starts. The
MFIs though, particularly the bigger ones, enroll their group of clients to the training programs referred here is part of the non-financial services that your
Philippine Health Insurance Program or PhilHealth. The benefits are the same MFI offers to your clients. These programs include enterprise development or
as a voluntary member of PhilHealth. Other MFIs have either values enhancement courses.
outsourced health insurance program or own insurance program.
Here are the steps on how to coordinate a microfinance training program:
Responsibilities of Loan Officers
Although the process of promoting insurance products is the same to that of
loans and savings, the actual techniques and methodology are different.
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Step 1-Organize the a. Tarpaulin
schedule b. Blackboard / Whiteboard
The Loan Officer is c. Chalk / Whiteboard Markers
responsible for coordinating d. Manila Paper
microfinance training e. Pentel Pens
programs with the cluster f. Coupon Bond
heads and members. Such g. Identification Cards or Name Tags
task requires a lot of h. Camera for pictures and video for documentation.
planning and preparation. It i. Voice recorder
is important to ensure that
all training sessions are Step 4- Disseminate information through cluster heads
scheduled ahead of time so Call and inform cluster heads and ask them to disseminate information to the
that both participants and other members. Announce the activity and all important details during the
trainers can already block center meeting as well.
their schedule.
If the training will be conducted in the community, you may ask for the help of
Step 2- Confirm trainers’ availability the cluster heads in fixing the venue and logistics, especially if you are the one
Contact the trainer and check his or her availability on the scheduled date of assigned to conduct the training session. This will give you some time to
the training session. Once there is confirmation, send a formal letter stating the prepare before the training session starts.
objective of the training and other details to allow him or her design the training
module on the profile of the participants. Include the important details in the
letter such as who will be responsible for the transportation, board and lodging, Facilitate Microfinance Training Program
and the honorarium if any. You may also consider other options in case the
trainer cannot fulfill his/her commitment. When facilitating the training program, it is important to know the profile of the
participants so you can adapt the presentation to them.
Step 3 -Prepare logistics
Once you have confirmed the trainers’ availability, see to it that the trainers will
be provided with all the materials and support they need for the training
It is also the best that you bring along brochures and flyers of your non-
financial services so you can promote it during the training session.
It will be helpful if you will prepare a checklist of the things you need for the
training like the visual aids, materials, and equipment. Below is a list of
common materials needed for training:
o At the end of each session be sure to summarize everything, and end with a
prayer. The training session may end with a short quiz to check if the
participants understood the ideas and concepts. In case there are still vague
ideas, spend some time to clarify the questions. Thank the participants for their
time and cooperation.
Coordinate Microfinance Training Programs
Training Proper When facilitating an MFI Program, you have to be ready to face up with group
o Establish eye contact with the participants all the time, so you can have a dynamics and group work.
personal connection with them. More so, such act will help them get connected
to the whole lecture time. Maintain an audible and pleasant speaking voice – o Start the session by making sure that the atmosphere is conducive for
neither too loud nor too soft. A loud voice can irritate the audience, while a soft learning.
modulation might set them to sleep. o Begin with a prayer, greet everybody accordingly, and introduce the topic for
o During the training session, encourage exchange of ideas, most especially the session.
when issues or concerns crop up in the heads of the participants. Through this o Establish eye contact with the participants all the time, so you can have a
healthy exchange of ideas, you can ensure clarity of lecture, and spontaneity personal connection with them.
on the part of the participants. Manage time, and agree to disagree if there are
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o During the training session, encourage exchange of ideas especially when Find out if the client is willing to accept the business development
there are issues or concerns raised by the participants. services
o At the end of each session be sure to summarize everything, and end with a of the MFI.
prayer. Thank the participants for their time and cooperation. 2. Coordinate the assistance required with the BDS/EDS Officer
Discuss with the BDS/EDS Officer the basic information you have
gathered from the client to help them identify the next steps to be done.
2.4 PROMOTING CLIENTS’ PRODUCTS Discuss the kind of assistance identified by the client and his
Businesses of MFI clients vary from trading to manufacturing to services. A lot to avail of the service
of their products are sold and distributed in “tiangges” or flea markets. Discuss with the client the initial feedback of the BDS/EDS Officer
However, some of these products have very good quality and may pass the 3. Set a visit by the BDS/EDS Officer
market standards if they are developed and promoted properly. Thus, one of If there is a recommendation to visit and personally assess the
the non-financial services offered by MFIs is the assistance in the product of the client by the BDS/EDS Officer, set an appointment with
development and promotion of their products; some call it Business or the client so he or she can prepare for it.
Enterprise Development Services (BDS/EDS). Document the major points discussed by the BDS/EDS Officer with
the client.
For some MFIs, this is an expression of their social mission because it hopes
to enhance the capability of the clients in doing business, which hopefully Strategies to Develop or Promote Clients’ Products
would improve their productive and economic situation. 1. Capacity Building Programs
Some MFIs organize trainings or seminars related to enhancing
Some MFIs have BDS or EDS unit that takes care of training and developing marketing skills or product development. This could be conducted by
the clients’ business while other MFIs partner with other institutions to perform the BDS/EDS Department or other external providers.
these functions. In most cases, the role of the Loan Officer is to coordinate the Other seminar or training topics that could be offered to clients are
provision of this service with the BDS officer. It is therefore important that you those related to business management like bookkeeping, accounting,
as Loan Officer understand your role in assisting clients to promote their business registration, inventory, and marketing.
products. 2. Promotion on trade fair or communication media
Most local government agencies, social development organizations or
In terms of business development, the roles of the Loan Officer are: churchbased organizations often invite MFIs to send their clients to
1. Identify the products with potential local trade fairs organized during Christmas season or fiesta. This is a
Identify quality products which can pass the market standards. very good opportunity to promote the products of the clients.
Ask for basic information about the product so you can assess
whether it has potential. This could include a ready source of materials, 3. Identifying Market for the Client's Products
high demand, competitiveness of the price and the product, and the Other services could include forming linkage with buyers who might be
volume capacity in terms of production. interested in the clients’ products or setting-up networks of local buyers and
Ask the client what kind of assistance they need to improve their sellers.
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You will understand how they perceive the use of money and how they value
One of the non-financial services offered by the MFI is business development savings, loans, and insurance.
services or enterprise development services.
BDS/EDS is an expression of the MFI’s social mission. Types of Survey
The role of the Loan Officer in assisting clients in their business is to
coordinate with BDS/EDS Department or with partner institution. a. Questionnaire – a list of questions that is administered by the respondent to
To identify the good quality products ask for basic information about get useful information or opinion on various microfinance products and
the product so you can assess whether it has potential or not. services. It is important that the instructions and questions are clear and
The Loan Officer coordinates the assistance required to the simple to ensure that the respondents can answer them correctly. In case
BDS/EDS Officer or partner institutions to allow them to identify the next there are vague questions, the Loan Officer has to be ready to help the
steps to be done. respondent without influencing his/her answer.
Other strategies to assist clients in order to develop or enhance b. Interview – a structured conversation with the respondent at a specified
capacity is through: time. The researcher or the Loan Officer administers the survey and the
1. Capacity building respondent is not given a copy of the survey from. The skills of researcher or
2. Promotion on trade fair or communication media the interviewer is critical in this kind of survey to help the respondents answer
3. Identifying market for clients the questions correctly.
The main role of the Loan Officer is to administer the survey instruments
2.5 ADMINISTER SURVEY ON according to the instructions of the researcher. It is important to attend the
ENHANCEMENT OF orientation to know the objectives of the research and the guidelines in the
MICROFINANCE PRODUCTS conduct of the survey. The results of the survey are usually given to the
AND SERVICES Branch Manager or the research department for data processing and analysis.
1. Explain the questionnaire and the purpose of the survey. Microfinance institutions conduct survey to respond to the evolving needs of
2. Assure the respondents that all the information will be treated with the clients.
confidentiality or anonymity and will not in any way affect his relation with the The common survey methods are questionnaire and interview.
MFI. Questionnaire is a list of questions that is administered by the
3. Do not promise anything to the respondents or create false expectations. respondent.
Inform the respondents that the study is conducted so you can improve your Interview is a structured conversation with the respondent at a
services, but be clear that any changes will not be immediate. specified time.
4. Let the respondent fill-out the questionnaire at his own pace. If he is having Attending the survey orientation will make you understand the
difficulty in any of the survey item, be ready to assist him without influencing purpose and goal of the research.
his answer to the question. It is necessary to explain the purpose of the survey to the
5. Check if the questionnaire is completely filled-out. Inform the respondent if respondent.
he missed any item and find out the reason if it was skipped intentionally. The Loan Officer should assure the respondents that all the
6. Thank the respondent and be sure to answer all his questions regarding the information will be treated with confidentiality or anonymity.
survey before leaving. The survey forms should be completely filled-out.
7. Keep the completed forms and submit them to the Branch Manager or the
officer-in-charge. To name a few, these modules are made by the efforts of the
1. Set an appointment and be punctual. This will allow you and your PINOYME FOUNDATION
respondent to prepare before the interview.
2. Wear proper attire or your office uniform. NINOY AND CORY AQUINO FOUNDATION
3. Bring all the materials you need for the interview. If you are using a
recorder, check if you have spare batteries or cassette tapes.
4. Inform the interviewee that you will be taking notes while conducting the ARAULLO UNIVERSITY
interview and ask permission before recording your conversation.
5. Set the respondent at ease. Assure the respondent that all the information PUNLA SA TAO FOUNDATION
will be treated with confidentiality.
6. State the questions clearly and repeat if necessary. Rephrase the question ALALAY SA KAUNLARAN INC.
if this is not understood by the respondent.