Presentation 1
Presentation 1
Presentation 1
Class- 9 C2
Roll No.- 25
Computer ethics is a part of practical philosophy concerned with
how computing professionals should make decisions regarding
professional and social conduct. It is the set of commonly agreed
principles that govern the use of computers. Like ethics more
generally, computer ethics is essentially a set of philosophical
guidelines or moral standards that aim to influence behaviour and
prevent harm.
There are a number of ethical concerns that have arisen within
computing and information technology (IT), particularly following
the rise of the internet, social media, artificial intelligence and
advanced machine learning algorithms.
Intellectual Property refers to the objects that are
created from an individual mind or a group of
minds,Intellectual Property Rights grant various exclusive
rights to the rightful owner of a variety of creations like
musical, artistic and literary assets. This rights are not
only limited to the inventions but they can also be applied
to new discoveries. Some examples of intellectual
property are as follows:
1. Scientific Inventions such as a theory,
discovery, invention, etc.
2. Misical Work such aschyrics, tumek, vtc
Literary and Artiste Works such as a book,
painting, etc.
1. Patents:This means only the owner or the innovator has the sole right to
produce, use or sell the item at least for fina 5 years before others could
start manufacturing it. This right is also valid for computer software.
2. Trademarks: Trademarks are visuals such as symbols, designs or written
matter such as words or phrases orsoftwareeven sound that identites or
separates the items or services of one company from another
company.Thosevisuals or written matter cannot be used by anyother
3. Copyright: Copyright is used for protecting different literary work such as
different codes of computer programs,databases, novels, poems, musical
compositions, etc. Due to this law, the work of autfiors, musicians last for
The word privacy means to be free of any public attention, In other words, that person has all the
rights to keep his or her decisions or actions free of any public attention or influence.
Data Privacy
Data Privacy is an area of data security that mostly deals with the handling of sensitive data such
as personal, financial or intellectual data. These days, information technology has developed so
much that we can now do almost anything from the comfort of our homes.While surfing the
Internet, one must be very careful of the various acts that break the privacy act. Some of these
acts are:
1 Accessing the personal details of some other person such as passwords, etc.
2. Stealing the financial information of others.
Data Protection on the internet Internet is a lead computer network which connectx different
computers across the Earth. Using the differentfalities of the internet, we can do many things. Some
of them are as follows:
1.Online Business thing internet, we can buy or sell almost anything
2. Online transaction directly from the bank
3. Play Online games
4. Search and share any type of information on any topic Access to the latest news
5. Send and receive messages, pictures and files by using different social networking sites blog
and emails
Software piracy refers to the act of copying genuine software and selling their legal
copies Mostly software companies produce software which are designed for a
single user. These software are then cracked and sold in aftermarket illegally. Which
as a major concern as the people developing the software are not getting the
paymentthey deserve for their hardwork.