- All living organisms are composed of cells. Cells of the body do not
only contain water, but also surrounded by water (= intracellular and
extracellular fluid compartments). The extracellular fluid is the link
between the external world and the cells. It carries nutrients to the cells
and eliminates their waste products. It circulates between all cells in
the body and provides for them a homogenous environment. In other
words, it is essential for survival of cells. Disturbance of this
extracellular fluid impairs functions of cells and results in disease. For
this reason it is described as the "internal environment" (Claude
Bernard, 19th century). Later on, the term "Homeostasis" was applied.
It indicates that: "all systems in the body, however various, they have
one goal; to maintain the constancy of the internal environment (which
is the ECF)". Therefore each organ in the body participates in
homeostasis by maintaining constant ECF volume, osmolarity, pH,
pressure or temperature).
The nucleus
- Contains chromatin (DNA) which condenses to form chromosomes
before cell division. The DNA replicates during cell division to carry
genetic information from the mother cell to the daughter cells.
- The nucleus also contains one or more nucleoli rich in ribosomal
RNA (the RNA is synthesized from DNA by transcription). The
ribosomal RNA diffuses to the cytoplasm to be translated into proteins
(in the ribosomes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum).
- The proteins may act within the cell or may be packed within vesicles
(in the Golgi apparatus) for secretion to the outside.
The endoplasmic reticulum
- Complex meshwork of canals and vesicles, extending from the
nucleus to the exterior of the cell.
- Two types:
- In a 70 Kg adult male:
– Total body water = 42 L (60% of the total body weight)
• ICF = 28 L (= 40% of total body weight)
• ECF = 14 L (= 20% of total body weight)
– ISF = 10.5 L (= 15% of total body weight)
– IVF (Plasma) = 3.5 L (= 5% of total body weight)
Question: Calculate the expected body fluid compartments in an
average 60 kg adult male
Answer: Total body weight= 60Kg, therefore: Total body water =
60/100 x 60 = 36L, ICF = 40/100 x 60 = 24 L, ECF = 20/100 x 60 =
12 L, ISF = 15/100 x 60 = 9 L and IVF = 5/100 x 60 = 3 L.
Notes about body fluid compartments in neonates:
Total body water constitutes a very high proportion of the total
body weight (about 80%)
ECF exceeds 30% and ICF volume is less than 40% of total
body weight. Therefore, ECF/ICF volume ratio is very high
Temperature 37 c 37 c
1- Osmosis
- Osmosis is the movement of water molecules across a semi-
permeable membrane, from a region of lower concentration of asolute
to a region of higher concentration of the solute (see theintroduction).
Solution A has higher
concentration than solution B
= Osmosis from B to A
- This term is used when describing osmolality of a solution relative to
osmolality of the plasma.
- Accordingly, solutions may be:
o Isotonic (with osmolality similar to plasma)
o Hypotonic (with osmolality lower than plasma)
o Hypertonic (with osmolality higher than plasma)
- Intravenous (I.V.) infusion of each type of these solutions affects
volumes and osmolarities of body fluid compartments. These effects
can be studied from the following figure and table:
C. Using a formula
Osmolarity of the plasma can be calculated using the following
formula: Plasma Osmolarity = 2([Na] + [K]) + [glucose] + [urea]
(All concentrations are in mmol/L)
Q: Calculate the osmolarity of the plasma if [Na] = 140 mmol/L, [K] =
4 mmol/L, [Glucose]= 5 mmol/L and [Urea]= 7 mmol/L.
Answer: Osmolarity = 2(140 + 4) + 5 + 7
= 300 mosm/L (isotonic).
5- Starling's forces
- As mentioned above, movement of water across cell membranes
depends on osmosis. However, movement of water across the walls
of capillaries depends, in addition to that, on 4 primary forces (known
as Starling’s forces) that control fluid exchange between plasma and
- Although Starling’s forces act in all blood vessels, they cause fluid
exchange only in capillaries.
- Edema is defined as abnormal accumulation of fluid in the interstitial
space. It is caused by many diseases through one or more of the
following mechanisms:
1- Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure (HPC)
- Some diseases may cause accumulation of blood in veins; thus
increasing the HPC at the veniolar end of capillaries.
- When the HPC becomes higher than the OPC , the return of the
filtered fluid to the capillaries is prevented causing edema.
- Examples include:
o Heart failure
Left sided heart failure results in accumulation of blood in
the lung veins causing pulmonary edema whereas right
sided heart failure causes accumulation of blood insystemic
veins causing generalized edema.
3- Lymphatic obstruction
- Obstruction of lymphatics results in accumulation of the fluid that’s
supposed to be absorbed by the lymphatics to be removed from the
interstitium. Therefore, it accumulates causing edema.
- The obstruction is caused by:
o Filaria (worms that live within the lymphatic vessels)
Filariasis results in localized edema (very large swelling
proximal to the site of obstruction known as elephantiasis)
o Surgical removal of lymph nodes (which drain a site of cancer)
This is done to prevent spread of secondaries from the
o It interrupts the lymph flow resulting in localized edema
Types of edema:
- Edema can be classified into 2 types (by applying pressure on it in
one site using one finger “the thumb” against bone, for a minute):
1- Pitting edema
- The finger leaves a mark (a pit) on the skin
- The mark appears because the fluid escapes away from the
site of pressure and returns slowly
- Causes of pitting edema include:
All causes of high capillary hydrostatic pressure
All causes of low capillary oncotic pressure
2- Non pitting edema
- The finger does not leave a mark on the skin because the
escaped fluid returns rapidly.
- This is because it is attracted by proteins that are filtered to
the interstitium
- Causes of non pitting edema include:
All causes of increased permeability
All causes of lymphatic obstruction
- Steroid hormone synthesized in the adrenal cortex
- It is released in response to the following stimuli:
o Hyperkalemia
Directly stimulates aldosterone release from the adrenal cortex.
o High level of ACTH
The adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) is released by the
anterior pituitary gland to stimulate secretion of cortisol (not
aldosterone) by the adrenal cortex. But, in high levels (due to
endocrine abnormalities) it also stimulates release of aldosterone.
o The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
In this system, renin enzyme which is produced by the Juxta-
glomerular apparatus in the kidney results in formation of
angiotensin II. The later stimulates aldosterone secretion from the
adrenal cortex.
The Juxta-glomerular apparatus (JGA) is formed by:
- Cells of the afferent arteriole (juxta-glomerular cells)
- Cells of the DCT (macula densa cells)
- Lacis cells (= extra-glomerular mesangial cells)
a- Potassium efflux
- This is the major cause of RMP.
- The cell membrane is more permeable to potassium than sodium
(because the hydrated atom of potassium is smaller than the hydrated
atom of sodium).
- Therefore potassium diffuses to the outside down its concentration
gradient through potassium leak channels.
Fig 2.3: Potassium efflux
- Presence of non diffusible anions inside the cell (protein and organic
phosphate) contributes to the genesis of RMP by increasing the
number of negative charges inside the cell (= very low contribution).
- The equilibrium potential (E) for an ion gives an idea about its role in
genesis of the resting membrane potential. Here the ion is placed in a
medium similar to ECF and allowed to pass into or out of the cell to
reach equilibrium, without contribution of other ions. The membrane
potential generated due to difference in concentrations of that ion in
ECF and ICF is called the equilibrium potential. However, it does not
occur normally because of the contribution of other ions.
1- Stimulus artifact
2- Latent period
3- Threshold
4- Depolarization
5- Repolarization
6- After- depolarization
- Nerves are distributed throughout the body to form the nervous
system. The nervous system is subdivided into:
Central nervous system (CNS = the brain and the spinal cord).
Peripheral nervous system (PNS = the spinal and cranial nerves).
- Each nerve consists of many nerve cells (neurons).
- There are about 100 billion neurons in the CNS and about 10-50
times this number glial cell (neuroglia).
- - Neuroglia (= non-excitable cells) are 3 types in the CNS:
o Microglia
- Phagocytic cells in the brain (resemble tissue
o Astrocytes (= macrglia)
- Provide a supportive matrix around the neurons
- Form part of the blood brain barrier (BBB)
- Maintain stable ECF concentration of ions (by taking
up K+)
- Two types: fibrous astrocytes (in the white matter) and
protoplasmic astrocytes (in the gray matter)
o Oligodendrocytes (= macroglia)
- Form myelin sheath around axons in the CNS
Notes to remember:
Not all of these options are applicable for all types of
For example: acetylcholine is hydrolyzed in the cleft by
acetylcholine-esterase into acetate and choline. Therefore it
does not return back to the synaptic knob by endocytosis;
however, its metabolite choline returns back.
Another example: noradrenaline is not hydrolyzed in the cleft.
Therefore it returns back to the synaptic knob by endocytosis
and packed again into vesicles to be released later (recycling).
Because it is not hydrolyzed in the cleft, the amount of
noradrenaline that diffuses to plasma is higher than that of
Indirect inhibition
Occurs indirectly on the neuron
Has many forms; for example:
o it follows a previous discharge on the postsynaptic neuron (=
here the already excited postsynaptic cell is in a refractory
period or in after-hyperpolarization (Periods of low excitability)
o it occurs in a postsynaptic neuron if the release of the excitatory
NT coming from its presynaptic neuron is prevented by direct
inhibition from another neuron (this is known as presynaptic
Properties of synapses
a- Transmission is uni-directional
- From the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic neuron.
b- Synaptic delay
- The minimum time required for chemical conduction from a synaptic
knob to its postsynaptic neuron is a bout 0.5 ms.
- Measurement of synaptic delay within the CNS gives information
about the number of synapses in a pathway. For example if the delay
is about 1.2 ms, the number of synapses is probably two.
c- Synaptic fatigue
- Failure or decrease in frequency of conduction in a synapse
following repetitive stimulation.
- Due to exhaustion of the NT (release of all vesicles at the synaptic
knob) or inactivation of the receptors at the postsynaptic membrane.
d- Post-tetanic facilitation
- Increased frequency of conduction in a synapse following repeated
- Caused by increased availability of calcium in the synaptic knob
due to repeated stimulation.
Cardiac muscle
- Striated
- Under involuntary control (autonomic nervous system)
- There are connections between fibers (gap junctions and
intercalated discs)
- Contracts rhythmically in the absence of external stimulation
Fig 2.23:
- Appearance of alternate light and dark bands in skeletal or cardiac
muscle fibers when examined under direct polarized light, using the
- Are due to differences in refractive indexes of thick & thin filaments
- The light area (I band):
Is isotropic to polarized light
contains actin only
divided into two halves by the Z line
- The dark area (A band):
is anisotropic to polarized light
contains myosin + ends of actin
contains lighter area in the middle (H band) that contains
myosin only and divided by the M line
b- Tropomyosin:
- Lie in the groove between the two filaments of actin
- Hides the actin active sites during relaxation of muscle
- This prevents binding of myosin heads to actin
Fig 2.31:
Remember that:
ATP is consumed for both contraction & relaxation.
If calcium transport back to the sarcoplasmic cisterns is inhibited,
relaxation will never occur (= contracture)
Types of contraction
Isotonic contraction:
- Isotonic contraction (the same tension) is contraction against a
constant load that results in shortening of a muscle.
- The muscle develops a constant tension throughout the range of
movement (e.g. when lifting a light object).
Isometric contraction:
- Isometric contraction (the same length) is contraction without
appreciable shortening of a muscle.
- The tension developed by the muscle is not constant, it is increasing
(e.g. when trying to lift a very heavy object).
- Since there is no distance of movement (the same length of muscle);
no work is done during the isometric contraction (remember that work
= force times distance, which is zero).
- Standing involves isometric contraction of muscles whereas walking
involves both isometric & isotonic contractions.
- The principal neurotransmitters (NT) in the autonomic nervous
system are acetylcholine and noradrenaline.
- Synthesized from acetyl co A and choline in the cell body of
cholinergic neurons (i.e. neurons that release acetylcholine).
- Synthesis is catalyzed by the enzyme choline acetyltransferase.
- These are the receptors for the neurotransmitters in the autonomic
nervous system (i.e. receptors for acetylcholine and noradrenaline)
Acetylcholine receptors
1- Nicotinic receptors (N)
- Stimulated by small amount of nicotine (a chemical substance found
in tobacco).
- Found at the following sites:
Sympathetic ganglia
Parasympathetic ganglia
Neuromuscular junction
Adrenal medulla
The brain
2- Muscarinic receptors (M)
- Stimulated by small amount of muscarine (a chemical substance
excreted in urine of tadpoles).
- Found at the following sites:
All organs supplied by postganglionic cholinergic nerves (these
include all organs in the body supplied by autonomic neurons
except ventricles of the heart and blood vessels of
Noradrenaline receptors
1- Alpha receptors
Sites of alpha receptors:
Alpha 1:
Blood vessels
Dilator pupillae muscle
Alpha 2:
Presynaptic membranes
2- Beta receptors
Sites of beta receptors:
Beta 1:
The heart
Renin secreting cells
Adipose tissue
Beta 2:
Beta 3:
Adipose tissue
- Block the actions of neurotransmitters at their receptors
- Two types:
Competitive blockers
- Compete with the neurotransmitter (NT) for binding with its
- The affinity of the receptor for the blocker is higher than for the
- The blocker occupies the receptor without producing any
Depolarizing blockers
- Causes prolonged depolarization of the receptor.
- The receptor becomes in state of refractory period, therefore it
does not respond to the neurotransmitter.
Blockers of noradrenaline
Alpha blockers:
o Phentolamine
o Prazosin (alpha 1)
o Yohimbine (Alpha 2)
Beta blockers:
o Propranolol
- (non selective blocker; blocks beta 1 & beta 2 receptors)
o Atenolol
- (selective blocker; blocks beta 1)
o Butoxamine
- (selective blocker; blocks beta 2)
Heat stroke
In a hot dry environment, the only way to lose heat is through
evaporation of sweating.
Therefore, failure of sweating results in abnormal elevation of body
temperature to a degree that affects the activity of the nervous
system, resulting in convulsions, coma and even death.
Heat exhaustion
In a hot humid environment, even sweating can not reduce body
temperature because it fails to evaporate. For this reason subjects
should keep themselves in a cold and well ventilated area to lose
In heat exhaustion, there is excessive sweating but with no
The body temperature becomes elevated, the activity of the nervous
system is affected and the patient develops dehydration (due to the
excessive sweating).
If not treated, the temperature regulatory mechanisms eventually
fail and the heat exhaustion becomes complicated by heat stroke
(permanent damage to temperature center).
Diagnosed when rectal temperature is < 35oC.
Characterized by loss of consciousness, bradycardia and
decreased respiration.
Occurs due to the direct effect of cold environments on slim subjects
with thin subcutaneous fat layer (e.g. malnourished children and old
people); or subjects with immature temperature regulatory
mechanisms (e.g. pre-term babies).
Treatment by stepwise elevation of body temperature using heavy
clothes or electric blankets (because sudden elevation of body
temperature is dangerous).
Malignant hyperthermia
- This is a life threatening condition that occurs due to a mutation in the
gene coding for the ryanodine receptors in skeletal muscles.
- Anesthetic drugs such as halothane and suxamethonium trigger
excessive release of calcium through these receptors from the
sarcoplasmic cisternae into the sarcoplasm, causing prolonged
contraction. Calcium causes contraction of muscles, this results in
sudden rise in body temperature and eventually death.
Heat cramps
- These are brief, painful muscle spasms occurring in the abdomen,
thigh or calf muscles.
- They occur during or after exercise, especially in the un-acclimatized
subjects, due to loss of large amounts of water and salts in sweat.
- Acclimatization involves elevation of aldosterone level which
reabsorbs sodium from sweat glands to prevent its loss in sweat.
- Treatment measures include resting of the muscles, rehydration and
correction of sodium and potassium loss.
- It includes:
Anabolic reactions:
o Synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones
o Example: glycogen from glucose, protein from amino acids…
o Involves consumption of energy for synthesis
Catabolic reactions:
o Degradation of complex molecules to simpler ones
o Example: glycogen to glucose, protein to amino acids…
o Involves release of energy during degradation
Direct Calorimetry
Involves incubation of a subject in a vessel container for a certain
period of time.
The vessel container is surrounded by a known volume of water
and covered from outside by insulator.
The energy released during this period of time, in the form of heat,
will raise the temperature of the water around the container.
This change in temperature is used to calculate the BMR.
Indirect Calorimetry
Involves indirect measurement of the BMR by measuring certain
substances consumed or produced during the catabolic reactions.
For example, take the reaction:
BMR = oxygen consumption x correction factor for STP x Joule
equivalent/ Surface area x 4.2