Ge 3 Reviewer
Ge 3 Reviewer
Ge 3 Reviewer
ƨ Reich (1998)
Globalization whose meaning is obscure.
ƨ Schottle (1995)
“Globalization stands for quite a large public spread across the world
as one of the defining terms of the 20 century social consciousness.” The
term is often distinguished more by what it is not, rather than by what it is.
ƨ Rosenau (1996)
Globalization is not the same as globalism, which points our
aspirations for an end state of affairs wherein values are shared by or
pertinent to all the world’s five billion people, their environment, their roles as
citizens, consumers and produces with an interest in collective action
designed to solve common problems. Nor it is universalism—values that
embrace all humanity.
ƨ McGrew (1990)
is described as something that is comprised of multiple sameness
and interconnectedness that go beyond the nation-states. It is a process in
which individuals and organizations in one part of the world are affected by
the activities, affairs, and convictions on another part of the globe.
ƨ Cerny (1997)
He defines it as a cluster of economic and political frameworks and
procedures deriving from the changing marks of the interest and assets that
comprise the foundation of the international political economy—specifically,
the expanding structural differences of those interest and assets.
ƨ Freeden (2003)
Posits that Globalization denotes a range of processes nesting
under one rather unwieldy epithet. In part, its conceptual difficulty to handle
or control arises from the fact that global flows occur in different physical and
mental dimensions.
ƨ Appadurai (1996)
Appadurai proposed five(5) dimensions of global cultural flow,
namely Ethnoscapes, Technoscapes, Mediascapes, Financescapes, and
Ideoscapes.These landscapes are created due to movements of people,
technologies, information through media, money and commodities, and
political ideas.
ƨ Steger (2005 & 2014)
According to him, Globalization should be limited to a set of intricate
social processes that modify prevailing social statuses based on the modern
regime of self-dependent nation-states. He uses the term globality is mean
globalization as a condition. Globality denotes “future social condition
characterized by thick economic, political, and cultural interconnections and
global flows that make currently existing political borders and economic
barriers irrelevant.”
For an Economist
Globalization means increase of free trade, speed of
trade, global economic organization, and regional
trade blocks. The expansion of free trade allows
government not to restrict the importation of products
nor impede the export of local products.
Importing and exporting are done in just a millisecond through technology
and the internet.
The IMF was orginally envisoned as a "lender of last resort" for
countries experiencing economic crises. Now, however, the IMF
conditions assistance on neo-liberal reforms that exacerbate
Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation
In which is a subsidiary of Toyota Motor
Corporation based in Toyota, Japan. This flow
of international capital can also be observed
in foreign portfolio investments, trades flows,
external assistance and external commercial
borrowings, and private loan flows.
Benczes, 2014)
ƨ Globalization of trade of goods and services
ƨ Globalization of financial and capital markets
ƨ Globalization of technology and communication
ƨ Globalization of production
This fourth dimension is best illustrated by the existence
of multinational corporations (MNCs) and transnational
corporations (TNCs).
ƨ Multinational Corporations (MNCs)
It is usually a large corporation incorporated in one country which produces or sells
goods or services in various countries. The two main characteristics of MNCs are
their large size and the fact that their worldwide activities are centrally controlled by
the parent companies.
Transnational Corporations (TNCs)
There are different views on who or what the actors are that facilitate economic
In addition, it is a complex one in part due to the varying definitions and shifting
concepts of globalization. While it has been defined in many ways, globalization is
generally recognized as the fading or complete disappearance of economic, social,
and cultural borders between nation-states. Some scholars have theorized that
nation-states, which are inherently divided by physical and economic boundaries,
will be less relevant in a globalized world.
In the looming trade war between China and the United States, each government
imposes high tariffs on goods and services. Thus, this trade war does not only affect
their economies but also the rest of the world.
A Global Corporation, also known as a “global
company”, is coined from the base term ‘global’, which
means all around the world. It makes sense to assume
that a global company is a company that does business
all over the world.
It is any company that operates in at least a country
other than the country where it originated.
Realistically, expanding to even just one additional country is a lot of work and is
therefore a great achievement. If you are operating in one country, selling your
products around the world and shipping them to customers in countries in Europe
while you’re in the United States, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a global
company. It takes more than that to earn the name a global company.
ƨ You can increase your customer base
ƨ You can reduce your operating costs
ƨ You don’t need to be bogged down by seasonality
ƨ You can boost the growth rate of your company
ƨ You can create new jobs
An International Monetary System is a set of internationally
agreed rules, conventions and supporting institutions that
facilitate international trade, cross border investment and
generally the reallocation of capital between nation states.
It should provide means of payment acceptable to buyers
and sellers of different nationalities, including deferred payment.
Brief History
The Bretton Woods Agreement was negotiated in July 1944 by delegates from 44
countries at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held in Bretton
Woods, New Hampshire. Thus, the name “Bretton Woods Agreement.
Under the system, gold was the basis for the U.S. dollar and other currencies were
pegged to the U.S. dollar’s value. The Bretton Woods System effectively came to an
end in early 1970s when President Richard M. Nixon announced that the U.S.
would no longer exchange gold for U.S. Currency.
The Bretton Woods System collapsed in the 1970s but created a lasting influence
on international currency exchange and trade through its development of the IMF
and World Bank.
3. European Monetary System