Boeing 787 Dreamliner - Analysis
Boeing 787 Dreamliner - Analysis
Boeing 787 Dreamliner - Analysis
Gross design weights conform to values published by Boeing (Sept. 2005), implying significant savings from the use of composites.
Adjustments needed in Piano to match these quotes would indicate a challenging task, of the order of -15% on overall structural mass
compared to all-metal construction. Historically, weight increases happen regularly during project development. We'll all have to
wait and see.
Engine ratings are not yet finalised, and various options may be offered. The generic engine used here has a Boeing equivalent thrust
(BET) of 63800 lbf (66540 lbf SLST), and assumes emissions of -30% NOx, -50% HC and +10% CO for a GEnx-64B relative to CF6-80C2B
levels. Max climb and cruise ratings are set comparatively high, to provide a good ICA capability. Detailed mission profile calculations
can be found at the end of this page.
(Note: The 'airport compatibility' brochure for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner is available here as of June '06).
June 21st 2006: More changes have been made to the 787 brochure. Boeing appears ready to revert to generic ZFW-
range charts (as opposed to payload-range). This would sidestep the need to claim a specific OEW linked to a specific
April 2008: The latest assessments of the B787-3, B787-8, B787-9 are now available commercially under Piano-X.
Wing Stabiliser Fin
---- ---------- ---
Area, trapezoidal reference 3501.39 832.50 427.50 sq.feet
Area, piano gross 4028.47 832.50 427.50 sq.feet
Area, airbus gross 3971.42 sq.feet
Area, boeing wimpress 3870.00 sq.feet
Area, esdu 3862.65 sq.feet
Area, exposed 3238.14 636.15 427.50 sq.feet
Area, wetted 6591.18 1292.43 868.52 sq.feet 2/12
11/30/23, 12:17 PM Boeing 787 Dreamliner : Analysis
Fuselage geometry
fuselage max. width 18.83 feet
fuselage max. depth 19.77 feet
Nacelle geometry
nacelle length 18.60 feet
nacelle max. width 12.00 feet
nacelle max. depth 12.00 feet
wetted area per nac. 661.75 sq.feet
Overall dimensions
Span over winglets 197.31 feet
Overall aircraft length 185.56 feet
Height at top of fin 55.13 feet
Overall aircraft wetted area 19593.33 sq.feet 3/12
11/30/23, 12:17 PM Boeing 787 Dreamliner : Analysis
FUEL-CAP. 32940. Avail/Req=1.15
MTOW 476000.
OEW 239200. (50.3%)
MZFW 340000. (71.4%)
MLW 365000. (76.7%) 4/12
11/30/23, 12:17 PM Boeing 787 Dreamliner : Analysis
_____________________ _______ _______
powerplants total 35471. 7.45 %
Design Limits
_____________ 5/12
11/30/23, 12:17 PM Boeing 787 Dreamliner : Analysis
Aerodynamic Boundaries:
Divergence Mach 0.864 {at the given CL 0.508}
Initial Buffet Mach 0.875 {at the given CL 0.508}
Initial Buffet CL 0.624 {at the given Mach 0.850} 6/12
11/30/23, 12:17 PM Boeing 787 Dreamliner : Analysis
Overall Lift / Drag Ratio = 20.84
================================= 7/12
11/30/23, 12:17 PM Boeing 787 Dreamliner : Analysis
Manoeuvre allowances:
taxi-out 2000. lb. {extra to t/o mass} 10.0 min.
takeoff 458. lb. 1.0 min.
approach 263. lb. 2.0 min.
taxi-in 137. lb. {taken from reserves} 5.0 min. 8/12
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Diversion altitude 22117. feet
Diversion fuel 5040. lb. 9/12
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JAR25 Takeoff Field Length 9255. feet 10/12
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