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Boeing 787 Dreamliner - Analysis

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11/30/23, 12:17 PM Boeing 787 Dreamliner : Analysis

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• Boeing 787 -8 (Dreamliner) sample analysis. (2005)

The following results and graphics are derived from the plane file reproduced here which constitutes a complete Piano definition of
the Boeing 787-8 using 97 parameters.

Gross design weights conform to values published by Boeing (Sept. 2005), implying significant savings from the use of composites.
Adjustments needed in Piano to match these quotes would indicate a challenging task, of the order of -15% on overall structural mass
compared to all-metal construction. Historically, weight increases happen regularly during project development. We'll all have to
wait and see.

Engine ratings are not yet finalised, and various options may be offered. The generic engine used here has a Boeing equivalent thrust
(BET) of 63800 lbf (66540 lbf SLST), and assumes emissions of -30% NOx, -50% HC and +10% CO for a GEnx-64B relative to CF6-80C2B
levels. Max climb and cruise ratings are set comparatively high, to provide a good ICA capability. Detailed mission profile calculations
can be found at the end of this page.
(Note: The 'airport compatibility' brochure for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner is available here as of June '06).

Update Note - June 2006:

Boeing recently revised the 787 brochure to show a baseline payload of 242 pax over a range of roughly 7860 nm and
simultaneously removed their OEW claim. Piano indicates that an increase in OEW to approximately 243500 lb will
account for the revised payload-range characteristics (these include Boeing's minor adjustment in fuel capacity). Using a
typical value of furnishings-per-pax, the weight increase is largely (but not totally) explained by the extra seating. The
data quoted below remain valid at the original OEW (239200 lb, 224 pax configuration). You may choose to reduce all
payloads by the difference in OEW depending on an individual airline's delivery specs.

June 21st 2006: More changes have been made to the 787 brochure. Boeing appears ready to revert to generic ZFW-
range charts (as opposed to payload-range). This would sidestep the need to claim a specific OEW linked to a specific

April 2008: The latest assessments of the B787-3, B787-8, B787-9 are now available commercially under Piano-X.

December 2008: B787-8 model released:

The Piano-X model of the Boeing 787-8 has now been released in the public domain and can be downloaded freely, see
release note here. It is fully adjustable and supersedes this original sample analysis, which will no longer be updated.

November 2011: B787-8 EIS release:

An updated assessment and Piano-X model reflecting EIS (entry into service) levels of performance are now available
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11/30/23, 12:17 PM Boeing 787 Dreamliner : Analysis


3-view of Boeing 787 (click to enlarge)

Wing Stabiliser Fin
---- ---------- ---
Area, trapezoidal reference 3501.39 832.50 427.50 sq.feet
Area, piano gross 4028.47 832.50 427.50 sq.feet
Area, airbus gross 3971.42 sq.feet
Area, boeing wimpress 3870.00 sq.feet
Area, esdu 3862.65 sq.feet
Area, exposed 3238.14 636.15 427.50 sq.feet
Area, wetted 6591.18 1292.43 868.52 sq.feet

Aspect Ratio, trapezoidal 10.58 5.00 1.70

Aspect Ratio, piano gross 9.20 5.00 1.70
Aspect Ratio, airbus gross 9.33
Aspect Ratio, boeing wimpress 9.58
Aspect Ratio, esdu 9.59

Span (excluding winglets) 192.50 64.52 26.96 feet

Sweepback at 1/4-chord 32.20 36.00 40.00 degrees

Taper Ratio (trapezoidal) 0.18 0.22 0.33

t/c at root 0.134 0.100 0.100

t/c at thickness break 0.094
t/c at tip 0.088 0.100 0.100

Volume Coefficient (V-bar) 0.921 0.049

Mean Aero Chord (trap.wing) 21.12 14.66 17.18 feet
Arm between MAC 1/4 chords 81.81 77.04 feet

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Wing chord at tip 5.55 feet

Wing chord at planform break 21.06 feet
Wing chord at root (gross) 38.94 feet
Wing chord at c/line (gross) 45.00 feet
Wing chord at c/line (notional trapezoidal) 30.83 feet

Planform break location 0.320 (fraction of exposed semispan)

Thickness break location 0.333 (fraction of exposed semispan)

Wing location (station of extended leading edge at c/line):

55.05 feet (30.0 % of fuse.length)

Spar locations (fractions of local trapez.chord):

Wing root: 0.15, 0.75 Wing tip: 0.15, 0.65

Fuel capacity (avail/reqrd = 1.146)

(US.gal.: wing 27008.8, centre 10804.6, tail 0.0, adjust -4873.4)

Total Available: 32940.00 US.gal. (geometric capacity)

Total Required : 28749.63 US.gal. (at mtow & design payload)

Fuselage geometry
fuselage max. width 18.83 feet
fuselage max. depth 19.77 feet

length, total fuselage 183.50 feet

length, front section 37.00 feet
length, mid section 81.50 feet
length, rear section 65.00 feet

wetted area, total fuselage 9480.31 sq.feet

wetted area, front section 1785.58 sq.feet
wetted area, mid section 4939.96 sq.feet
wetted area, rear section 2754.77 sq.feet

Nacelle geometry
nacelle length 18.60 feet
nacelle max. width 12.00 feet
nacelle max. depth 12.00 feet
wetted area per nac. 661.75 sq.feet

Overall dimensions
Span over winglets 197.31 feet
Overall aircraft length 185.56 feet
Height at top of fin 55.13 feet
Overall aircraft wetted area 19593.33 sq.feet

Boeing 787 -8 (baseline) _______________________

PAYLOAD 224. PAX = 47040.lb.

MTOW 476000. lb.

OEW 239200. lb. = 50.3% of mtow

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11/30/23, 12:17 PM Boeing 787 Dreamliner : Analysis
FUEL-CAP. 32940. US.gal. Avail/Req=1.15

SPAN 192.5 feet excl.winglets

WING-AREA 3501. sq.feet trapezoidal

ENG.THRUST 62500. *2 lbf. reference fn*

66538. *2 lbf. available slst

W/S 136. p.s.f. trapezoidal

T/W 0.263 reference

0.280 available

Mass barchart - Boeing 787 -8

Mass Report (in lb. and % of MTOW)

MTOW 476000.
OEW 239200. (50.3%)
MZFW 340000. (71.4%)
MLW 365000. (76.7%)

Mass Breakdown lb. % MTOW

wing group 60038. 12.61 %
(struct.box 51372.)
(flaps 4865.)
(slats 2398.)
(spoilers 662.)
(ailerons 357.)
(winglets 384.)
fuselage group 44917. 9.44 %
stabiliser 5158. 1.08 %
fin 2138. 0.45 %
undercarriage 18605. 3.91 %
_____________________ _______ _______
basic structure total 130854. 27.49 %

dry engines total 22259. 4.68 %

nacelles total 8603. 1.81 %
pylons total 4609. 0.97 %

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_____________________ _______ _______
powerplants total 35471. 7.45 %

furnishings 41976. 8.82 %

surface controls 4836. 1.02 %
fuel systems 917. 0.19 %
hydraulics 3750. 0.79 %
electrics 2950. 0.62 %
avionics 3003. 0.63 %
APU 1276. 0.27 %
air conditioning 2164. 0.45 %
misc. systems 8835. 1.86 %
_____________________ _______ _______
fixed equipment total 69707. 14.64 %

manufact. contingency 0. 0.00 %

_____________________ _______ _______
Manufact. Empty Mass 236032. 49.59 % = MEW

crew 2205. 0.46 %

operational items 963. 0.20 %
_____________________ _______ _______
Operators Empty Mass 239200. 50.25 % = OEW

design payload 47040. 9.88 %

design fuel 189760. 39.87 %
_____________________ _______ _______
Maximum Takeoff Mass 476000. 100 % = MTOW

Design Limits

Design cruise point is Mach 0.90 at 37000.feet

Design dive Mach MD 0.95

Design cruise speed VC 372. KEAS
Design dive speed VD 426. KEAS
Limit load factor 2.54
Ultimate load factor 3.81
Cabin pressure differential 9.18 psi (limit)

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11/30/23, 12:17 PM Boeing 787 Dreamliner : Analysis

Lift / Drag Polar - Boeing 787 -8


MACH 0.850
Altitude (pressure) 37000. feet
KTAS 487.5
KEAS 260.0
KCAS 277.9
Reynolds number 1.873 millions per foot
Delta-ISA +0. deg.C.

CL 0.508 based on:

Reference Area 3870.00 sq.feet (wimpress)

Drag Coefficients based on ref.area


Cd Zero-Lift 0.01277 (52.4 %)

Cd Lift-Induced 0.01022 (41.9 %)
Cd Compressibility 0.00071 ( 2.9 %)
Cd Trim 0.00069 ( 2.8 %)
Delta Cd (polar-mod) 0.00000 ( 0.0 %)
------- --------
Cd Total 0.02439 ( 100 %)

Aerodynamic Boundaries:
Divergence Mach 0.864 {at the given CL 0.508}
Initial Buffet Mach 0.875 {at the given CL 0.508}
Initial Buffet CL 0.624 {at the given Mach 0.850}

Zero-Lift Component Breakdown (Drag Areas,= Cd*S = D/q)


Wing 18.313 sq.feet (37.0 %)

Winglets 0.143 sq.feet ( 0.3 %)
Fuselage & fairing 19.367 sq.feet (39.2 %)
Stabiliser 4.049 sq.feet ( 8.2 %)
Fin 2.975 sq.feet ( 6.0 %)
Nacelles (total) 4.591 sq.feet ( 9.3 %)
User CdS Increment 0.000 sq.feet ( 0.0 %)
------- --------
Total Cd0*S 49.438 sq.feet ( 100 %)

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11/30/23, 12:17 PM Boeing 787 Dreamliner : Analysis
Overall Lift / Drag Ratio = 20.84

Total Lift Force 450002. lbf.

Total Drag Force 21598. lbf. (10799.lbf. per engine)

Engine / Airframe Performance:

Total Fuel Flow at Thrust=Drag: 11402. lb/hr
Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) 0.5279 lb/hr/lbf
Specific Air Range (SAR) 0.0428 nm/lb
Emissions Index, NOx 11.88 g/kg.
Available Total Thrust at MCR: 25521. lbf.
Available Total Thrust at MCL: 27449. lbf.

Instantaneous Performance Reserves at Weight=Lift:

RoC at MCR, constant Mach 0.850: 429. feet/min

RoC at MCR, constant 278.KCAS: 300. feet/min

RoC at MCL, constant Mach 0.850: 640. feet/min

RoC at MCL, constant 278.KCAS: 447. feet/min

Drag Tabulation @ 37000.feet, Ref.Area 3870.00 sq.feet (wimpress)


Mach CL Cd{0} Cd{lift} Cd{comp} Cd{trim} Cd{mod} Cd{tot} L/D

0.800 0.400 0.01299 0.00645 0.00002 0.00065 +0.00000 0.02011 19.90

0.800 0.450 0.01299 0.00812 0.00002 0.00068 +0.00000 0.02179 20.65
0.800 0.500 0.01299 0.00997 0.00002 0.00069 +0.00000 0.02366 21.13
0.800 0.550 0.01299 0.01200 0.00002 0.00071 +0.00000 0.02571 21.39
0.800 0.600 0.01299 0.01421 0.00005 0.00071 +0.00000 0.02796 21.46
0.800 0.650 0.01299 0.01660 0.00008 0.00071 +0.00000 0.03038 21.40

0.820 0.400 0.01291 0.00643 0.00004 0.00065 +0.00000 0.02003 19.97

0.820 0.450 0.01291 0.00810 0.00007 0.00067 +0.00000 0.02175 20.69
0.820 0.500 0.01291 0.00994 0.00010 0.00069 +0.00000 0.02364 21.15
0.820 0.550 0.01291 0.01197 0.00014 0.00070 +0.00000 0.02572 21.38
0.820 0.600 0.01291 0.01418 0.00020 0.00071 +0.00000 0.02800 21.43
0.820 0.650 0.01291 0.01657 0.00029 0.00071 +0.00000 0.03048 21.33

0.850 0.400 0.01279 0.00640 0.00029 0.00065 +0.00000 0.02013 19.87

0.850 0.450 0.01279 0.00806 0.00042 0.00067 +0.00000 0.02194 20.51
0.850 0.500 0.01279 0.00990 0.00065 0.00069 +0.00000 0.02404 20.80
0.850 0.550 0.01279 0.01192 0.00104 0.00070 +0.00000 0.02646 20.78
0.850 0.600 0.01279 0.01413 0.00167 0.00071 +0.00000 0.02930 20.48
0.850 0.650 0.01279 0.01651 0.00264 0.00071 +0.00000 0.03264 19.91

0.870 0.400 0.01272 0.00636 0.00111 0.00064 +0.00000 0.02083 19.20

0.870 0.450 0.01272 0.00801 0.00174 0.00067 +0.00000 0.02313 19.45
0.870 0.500 0.01272 0.00985 0.00270 0.00069 +0.00000 0.02595 19.27
0.870 0.550 0.01272 0.01187 0.00413 0.00070 +0.00000 0.02941 18.70
0.870 0.600 0.01272 0.01406 0.00617 0.00070 +0.00000 0.03365 17.83
0.870 0.650 0.01272 0.01644 0.00901 0.00070 +0.00000 0.03887 16.72

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11/30/23, 12:17 PM Boeing 787 Dreamliner : Analysis

Payload-Range Altitude Capability SFC loop, L/D

Calculating design range...done.



{TOW 476000.lb./ OEW 239200.lb./ Fuel 189760.lb./ Payload 47040.lb.}

Range mode: fixed mach, step-up cruise

Climb schedule: 250./ 277.kcas/ mach 0.825 above 35738.feet

Cruise at Mach = 0.850 {FL 370 410}

ICA 37000.feet, 488.ktas, 278.kcas, CL=0.53, 11186.lbf./eng=MCR-12%

FCA 41000.feet, 488.ktas, 253.kcas, CL=0.42, 7690.lbf./eng=MCR-26%

Distance Time Fuelburn

(n.miles) (min.) (lb.)
_________ ______ _______
Climb 181. 28. 9529. {S.L to ICA}
Cruise 8034. 989. 161751. {ICA to ICA}
Descent 129. 22. 476. {ICA to S.L}
_________ ______ _______
Trip total 8345. 1039. 171756.
Block total ========= 1057. 174613.

Emissions: taxi,t/o climb cruise descent app,taxi total

(lb.NOx) 30.2 148.3 1798.2 1.1 2.6 1980.4
(lb.HC) 0.16 0.56 19.20 0.69 0.26 20.87
(lb.CO) 4.8 7.0 481.3 16.8 6.6 516.4

Manoeuvre allowances:
taxi-out 2000. lb. {extra to t/o mass} 10.0 min.
takeoff 458. lb. 1.0 min.
approach 263. lb. 2.0 min.
taxi-in 137. lb. {taken from reserves} 5.0 min.

Reserves {at landing mass 303524.lb.}:

Diversion distance 200. n.miles

Diversion mach 0.535

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11/30/23, 12:17 PM Boeing 787 Dreamliner : Analysis
Diversion altitude 22117. feet
Diversion fuel 5040. lb.

Holding time 30. minutes

Holding mach 0.276
Holding altitude 5000. feet
Holding fuel 3620. lb.

Contingency fuel 8624. lb. {5.% of mission fuel}

Total Reserve fuel 17284. lb.

Specific Air Range charts (NAMS) at FL:

FL310 FL330 FL350

FL370 FL390 FL410

Here is the Complete Cruise Performance Tabulation (large text document)

TAKEOFF PERFORMANCE {476000.lb., altitude 0.feet, ISA+15.deg.C.}


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11/30/23, 12:17 PM Boeing 787 Dreamliner : Analysis
JAR25 Takeoff Field Length 9255. feet

115% Factored All-Eng.Dist. 8785. feet

Balanced Field Length 9255. feet

2nd Segment Climb Gradient 3.49 %

Takeoff CLmax 1.91 {wimpress ref.area}

Takeoff Vstall 138. keas
Takeoff Vmc 132. keas
Takeoff Vfail 157. keas
Takeoff V2 165. keas
L/D at 2nd segment 14.15 {incl.windmill & asymm.}

Takeoff Wing Loading 136. p.s.f.{trap.W/S}

Takeoff Thrust/Weight 0.280 available static

LANDING PERFORMANCE {365000.lb., altitude 0.feet, ISA+0.deg.C.}


JAR25 Landing Field Length 4986. feet

Landing Distance (LFL*0.6) 2992. feet

Landing Ground Roll 2037. feet

Landing CLmax 2.66 {wimpress ref.area}

Landing Vstall 102. keas
Approach Speed 133. keas
Approach L/D 6.96 {gear down}

Takeoff performance WAT limits Landing performance

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Lowspeed L/D polar Balanced Field Length

Block Fuel vs Range

Here is the Block Missions Performance Table (large text document)

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11/30/23, 12:17 PM Boeing 787 Dreamliner : Analysis

Design Mission Profile

Here is the Detailed Design Mission (large text document)

This is an independent analysis of the Boeing 787 -8 based on preliminary information.

Copyright © 2006 Lissys Ltd

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