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F.No.4(53)/DSSSB/CC-1V/2023/706-712 Dated: GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI DELHI SUBORDINATE SERVICES SELECTION BOARD FC-18, INSTITUTIONAL AREA, KARKARDOOMA, DELHI-110092 06/12/2023 RESULT NOTICE No : 202, Post code 28/22, PGT Psychology (Female) in Directorate of 1 Education Govt. of NCT of Delhi ‘The DSSSB vide its advertisement No.07/22 had advertised total- 01 vacancy (UR-01) for the Post of PGT Psychology (Female) under Post Code - 28/22 in Directorate of Education, GNCTD and conducted Tier-I examination (online mode) for recruitment on 22.06.2023. The marks statements of 439 candidates who appeared in the Tier-I examination (online mode), of the above post code were uploaded on the Board's website vide Notice No. 199 dated 10.11.2023. The result has been processed purely on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in the examination held on 22.06.2023 and also claims made by the candidates in their online application forms of the post code 28/22 for the post of PGT Psychology (Female) in Directorate of Education, The Board has not undertaken scrutiny of documents uploaded in the e-dossiers at this stage, as per Board's resolution / decision dated 14.07.2022. The eligibility as per Recruitment Rules and other terms and conditions as specified in the advertisement number 07/22 and relaxations as per rules in respect of educational qualifications, age experience, etc., shall be scrutinized/ verified by the User Department for determining eligibility of the candidates for the post code 28/22 as on cut-off date 27.08.2022 before issuance of offer of appointment to the post. On the basis of marks secured in the written examination and considering other relaxations, if any, claimed by the candidates in their online application forms, the candidate having following Roll No. (One Tier-Technical) is hereby provisionally nominated for the post of PGT Psychology (Female) under Post Code - 28/22 in Directorate of Education, GNCTD, subject to fulfilment of all other conditions of eligibility and also correctness of the information furnished by the candidates in their online applications forms and e-dossiers: - UR CATEGORY- 01 ~ ] 131301800030 The provisional nomination of the above total-01 (UR-01) candidates on the basis of their claims in their applications shall be subject to thorough verification of their candidature by the User Department including the identity of the candidates as per services department Circular No. F,16(3)/2007/S-III/1756-1763 dated 02/08/2021 The provisional nomination of the above total-01 (UR-01) candidates shall further be subject to genuineness of the documents on the basis of which they have claimed to have fulfilled all the eligibility conditions as prescribed in the RRs and terms and conditions of advertisement and subject to thorough verification of their identity with reference to their photographs, signature/ handwriting etc. on the application form, admission certificate etc. by the User Department. The candidature le to be cancelled by Department, in cas‘ ndidat not fulfill nditions of the Re ni for any genuin ion of the U: Department regarding the eli: ndidate shall be fi indin« on the candidate. The nt Authority of thi nt concer! is ffer of appoint he candidate a isfi about his/her eligibili Jaid_down_in_th itment rules ificati rrectn ion furnished in lication jocument ational Qualifi Age and oth essential qualifications. \ Guach an 7. The User Department shall also check the eligibility of the reservation benefit claimed by the candidates, if any. Further, User Department shall verify the genuineness of the caste certificate furnished by the candidate prior to issuing offer of appointment to the candidate, if applicable. The Competent Authority of the User Department shall arrange to verify the correctness of the information/ documents as furnished in the application forms and e-dossier vis-a-vis the original documents, The User Department is requested to ascertain the scrutiny /correctness of the same at its own level before issuing the offer of appointment to the provisionally selected candidate. Further, the appointing authority shall verify and satisfy itself about the authen of documents/certificates and essential qualification for the post before finally appointing the candidate. The User Department is also requested to rectify/correct, in case, any minor/clerical error/deficiency noticed in the documents of the candidate at its own level. 8. It is stated that the User Department shall verify the genuineness of the caste certificate furnished by the candidate in the light of Notification No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT)dated 08/09/1993 issued by DOPT and other instructions/ guidelines issued from time to time by the competent authorities prior to issuance of offer of appointment to the candidate. It is further stated that, prior to appointment, the User Department must satisfy, itself, that the above candidate is fulfilling the necessary criteria as prescribed for entitlement of OBC(Delhi) certificate as specified in various Orders/Guidelines/Circulars including order dated 07/03/2017 issued by Revenue Deptt, GNCTD after thorough verification of caste certificate. 9. User Department shall also get the SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PH (with sub category) certificates verified from the issuing authority. Further, in case of the OBC candidates, it may also be verified that the candidate does not belong to creamy layer of the schedule of Govt. of India, DOPT O.M. No. 36012/22/93- Estt. (SCT) dated 08.09.1993, 0.M. No. 36033/3/2004-Estt. (Res) dated 09.03.2004 and 14/10/2008 and 36033/1/2013-Estt. (Res) dated 27.05.2013 & 13.09.2017 and other instructions/ guidelines issued from time to time by the competent authorities. 10. Further, in case of EWS candidates, it may also be verified that the validity of EWS certificate should be as per DOPT OM No. 36039/1/2019-ESTT(Res) dated 31.01.2019 and other instructions/ guidelines issued from time to time in this regard by the competent authorities. LL.At this stage, DSSSB has not undertaken the veracity/scrutiny of experience certificates furnished by the candidates. As such User Department i.e. Directorate of Education will ascertain the equivalence/ scrutiny / correctness of the same at their own level before issuing the offer of appointment to the proposed candidates. The nomination by DSSSB Is provisional and subject to the satisfaction of User Department. 12. The Competent Authority of the Department concerned shall issue the appointment letter to the candidates after verification of the correctness of the information furnished in the application form/e-dossier and the documents related to education qualification, age and other essential certificates including caste certificate as per Government of India instructions issued in this regard vide MHA OM No. 2/29/54-RPS, 19/11/54. 13, The User Department shall ensure that the appointment made is in conformity with DOPT guidelines and instructions of Govt issued from time to time. 14, While every care has been taken in preparing the result, the DSSSB reserves the right to rectify errors and omissions, if any detected at any stage. \ Geuntyl 15. The category wise marks secured by the last provisionally nominated candidate is as under: UR 175.03 16. Mere inclusion of the name of the candidate in the result notice does not confer any right upon the candidate over the post unless the User Department is satisfied after such inquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the post. WAITING PANEL LIST 17.Further in accordance with the Services Department Circular No. F.16(3)/DSSSB/2007-S-II1/1268, dated 13/06/2019 the Board prepares and maintains waiting/reserve panel and all the candidates having above-minimum qualifying marks in their respective categories are kept in the waiting/reserve panel subject to submission of e-dossier. The waiting panel is valid for a period of 1 year from the date of declaration of main result for filling up the vacancies arising due to non-acceptance of the offer of appointment or not joining the post after acceptance of appointment or resignation after joining etc within one year of validity of panel. 18. As per Board's resolution dated 19" May 2021, in supersession of its earlier policy dated 13 June 2019 and in accordance with Services Department Circular No. F,16(3)/DSSSB/2007-S-III/1756-1763 dated 02/08/2021 the Board will also notify and nominate candidates to the extent of 20 % of notified vacancies out of the waiting/reserve panel comprising of all the candidates with above minimum qualifying marks as waitlisted candidates in order of merit and share it with the User Department with a request to utilized the same in conformity with DoPT guidelines and instructions of Govt. of NCT, Delhi issued from time to time and also mentioned from clause 1 to 15 of this result Notice. Accordingly, following candidates total- 01 (UR-01) are hereby nominated as waitlisted candidates. Remarks 141501800415 uRWLA | 19.The Category wise marks secured by the last candidate provisionally nominated in waitlist panel is as under UR 170.58 UR CATEGORY- 01 Roll Num! 20. The User Department being Cadre Controlling/ Appointing Authority shall strictly follow the merit-based ranking of the candidate in the main list and the waiting list. 21.The User Department at its own level, will utilize the Waiting List only after exhausting the main list and after affording sufficient opportunity to the provisionally nominated candidates as per the extant guidelines issued by the GNCTD/DoPT. 22. The candidates in the Waiting Panel or the Balance Reserve Panel shall have no claim or right for appointment per-se against the vacancies notified for the recruitment. They can only get the offer of appointment in the event any vacancy(ies) in their respective category arises due to non-acceptance of the offer of appointment or not joining the post after acceptance of appointment, etc. within one year of validity of panel. 23,While operating the waiting panel list, the User Department shall strictly follow instructions issued vide DoPT OM No. 36012/2/96-Estt. (Res) dated 02/07/1997, 36011/1/98- Estt (Res) dated 01/07/1998 and 430111/4/2018-Estt (Res) dated yo 04/03/2018 regarding shifting of candidates from respective reserve categories to the un-reserve category. 24. The User Department shall operate the waiting panel up to the number of vacancies notified under each category by the DSSSB in its advertisement and not beyond it even by taking any type of relaxation from any authority as it shall render the excess appointment void and illegal Ab initio. 25.As soon as validity period of the waiting panel expires and/or number of notified vacancies are filled up the waiting panel becomes redundant and the User Department shall return the cancelled and unutilized dossiers to DSSSB with complete details/ statistics forthwith. 26. The case(s) of candidate(s) falling in main result or in proposed 20% waiting panel list where the Court has directed not to declare result without leave of the court, the same will be dealt separately. The User Department shall decide such cases subject to outcome of court case(s). 27.The above result for the post of Post code 28/22, PGT Psychology (Female) in Directorate of Education is subject to outcome of pending courts cases related to 28.The recruitment process for the Post of Post code 28/22, PGT Psychology (Female) in Directorate of Education has been closed. Further, waiting panel shall be valid upto 95.12.2024, 29. While every care has been taken in preparing the result, DSSSB reserves the right to rectify errors and omissions, if any detected at any stage. DY. SECRETARY, DSSSB This issues with the prior approval of the Chairman, DSSSB.

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