Review 789
Review 789
Review 789
I. Overview
1. Cryptology
2. Security Services, Cryptography Primitives
3. CryptoSystem (Symmetric, Asymmetric)
4. Two basic principle in cryptography algorithms
5. Stream cipher vs Block cipher
6. Approaches attacking a cipher (cryptanalysis, brute force)
1. What are basic components of modern block cipher?
2. List various types of P-box that you know.
3. List properties of DES (bit size of input, output, and key)
4. Briefly describe functional blocks of Feistel structure, including input/output/key bit size.
5. Briefly describe functional blocks of DES cipher, including input/output/key bit size.
6. Briefly describe functional blocks of AES cipher, including input/output/key bit size.
7. How many versions of key in 3DES are there?
8. How many versions of AES are there? Describe the corresponding changes in internal structure
of AES for each version?
9. What is the output of the first round of the DES algorithm when the plaintext and the key are
both all zeros?
10. What is the output of the first round of the DES algorithm when the plaintext and the key are
both all ones?