Musso 1963
Musso 1963
Musso 1963
Dedicated to Professor Dr. Hans Brockmann on the occasion of his 60th birthday
The use of well-known phenol oxidation reactionsfor the preparation of compounds arising
from C-C and C-0 coupling has recently received increased attention. A selection from
the large number of products obtainable by oxidation of mono- and polyhydric phenols
and a discussion of the reaction mechanisms indicate the scope of this method. The formation
of hydroxyphenylquinones and orceine dyes from resorcinol derivatives is explained. The
synthesis of natural products by way of phenol oxidations is briejiy discussed.
011 OH
+ $+$
OH 011 011
graphy ; furthermore several research groups have,
for biogenetic reasons [1,2], renewed their efforts to syn-
thetize natural products by oxidation of phenolic pre-
cursors and have developed procedures which some-
times afford the desired products in good yields. In
the following, the principles and scope of oxidation of
phenols, naphthols, and derivatives of hydroquinone, (3)
pyrocatechol, and resorcinol are discussed.
The same products are formed on oxidation of p-cresol with
ferric chloride 191, Fenton’s reagent (FeS04 + H202) [lo], or
peroxidase plus H202 at pH 6.5 [ I I]; fsendomonas enzymes
preferably attack t h e methyl group instead 1121.
I. Oxidation of Monohydric Phenols and
Naphthols a-Naphthol reacts with ferric chloride to produce all
three possible ortho- and para-C-C-bonded products
( 4 ) , (5), and (6) [13]. In acidic or neutral solution, p-
The variety of the oxidation products obtainable is naphthol affords I,l‘-binaphthol (7) in good yield;
clearly indicated by examples from the classical work after oxidation with potassium ferricyanide in alkaline
of H . Dianin, of R. Pummerrr, and of H. Erdtman, and solution, on the other hand, only a small amount of the
by more recent work [3]. Generally, oxidation involves
[4] R . Pummerer, H . Puttfarcken, dnd P. Sthopflucher, Ber.
the removal of one hydrogen atom from each phenol dtsch. chem. Ges. 58, 1808 (1925).
molecule and leads exclusively to ( I - and p-linked dimeric [ 5 ] C. G.Havnes, A . H . Turner, and W . A . Wtrters, J . chern. SOC.
and polymeric products, predominantly containing C-C, (London) 1956,2823.
and more rarely, C 0 linkaees. [6] W.W. Kaeding, J. org. Chem~stry28, 1063 (1963).
[7] D . H . R. Barton, A . M . Deflorin, and 0 . E. Edwurds, J . thern.
111 aqueous alkalins solution, p-crcsol reacts with potas- SOC.(London) 1956,530.
sium ferricyanide to prodilcc, polymeric products plus [8] V . Arkley, F. M . Dean, A . Rohrrtson, and P. Sidisunthorrl,
t h e o-dimer ( l ) , the o,o’-trimer (2), and Pummerer’s J . chem. SOC. (London) 1956,2322.
[9] K. Bowden and C. H . Reece, J . chem. SOC.(London) IY50,
[ I ] D . H . R . Barton and T . Cohcn in: Festschrift fur Arthur Stoll.
Birkhauser, Basel 1957, p. 117. [lo] S. L. Cosgrove and W. A . Wtrters, J . chem. SOC.(London)
1951, 1726.
[2] H . Erdtman and C. A . Wachtmeister in: Festschrift fur Arthur
Stoll. Birkhauser, Basel 1957, p. 144.
[l I] W. W. Wc.iterfie/dandCh. LOIIW, J. biol. Chemistry 145, 463
[3] The literature u p to 1957 has been reviewed in [ I ] and [2] and
by B. S . Thyagnrnjnn, Chem. Reviews 58, 439 (1958). See also [I21 S. Dagley and M . D. Patel, Blochem. J . 6 6 , 227 (1957).
W . A. Waters, Progr. org. Chem. 5,35 (1961); J . D. Loudon, ibid. [I31 J . D . Edwards and J . L. Cuslrctw, J . Amer. chem. SOC. 76,
5 , 46 (1961). 6141 (1954).
" O W
solution: deep blue solution: red
crystal: deep blue crystal: colorless, dimer
t (28~)
solution: ,A,, = 423 nili
crystal: deep blue
(36) 137)
O GP- (41)
1481 St. Guldschmidt, Ber. dtsch. chem. Ges. 55, 3194 (1922); St.
Goldschmidt and W. Schmidt, Ber.dtsch. chem. Ges. 55,3 197 (1922).
[49] E. Miiller, K. Schurr, and K. Scheffler, Liebigs Ann. Chem.
627, 132 (1959).
1501 N. C. Yang and A. J . Custro, J. Amer. chem. SOC.82, 6208 [56] E. Miiller, K. Ley, K. Sdrc$ler, and I?. Mrzyer, Chem. Ber.
(1960). 91, 2682 (1958); E. Miil/er, K. Mriyer, H.-D. Spanagel, and K.
[511 E. Miiller, R. Muyar, and K. Scheff[er, 2. Naturforsch. l 3 b , Schefler, Liebigs Ann. Chem. 645, 53 (1961); E. Miiller, R.
825 (1958). Mayer, U. Heilmann, and K. Schefler, ibid. 645, 66 (1961); E.
1521 G. M. Coppinger, Tetrahedron 18, 61 (1962). Miiller, A. Rieker, and K. Sclrtlfl’ler, ibid. 645, 92 (1961).
1531 0.Neunhoeferand P. Heitmann, Chem. Ber. 96,1027 (1963). 1571 K. Schufer, 2. Elektrochrm., Rer. Bunsenges. physik. Chem.
1541 E. Miiller, H. B. Stegmann, and K. Schejjler, Liebigs Ann. 65,439 (1961).
Chem. 645, 79 (1961). [58] Investigations of this k i n d arc in progress: E. Miiller, per-
[55] E. Miiller, H. Eggensparger, and K. Scheffler, Liebigs Ann. sonal communication.
Chem. 658, 103 (1962). [59] F. Fichterand F. Ackertmrm, Helv. chim. Acta 2,583 (1919).
+ (421
The potential of reversible redox systems can be readily
determined by a redox titration. This is not possible for
Sterically hindered free phenoxyl radicals, e.g. the irreversible oxidations. With the exception of the stable
dark-blue tri-t-butylphenoxyl radical (54), react ra- phenoxyls, most of the radicals cited herein react fur-
pidly with oxygen to produce quinol peroxides, e.g. ther at a rate which is too fast for determining their
(55) [36]. Direct oxidation of phenoxide ions with potential by titration of the phenol with the oxidizing
oxygen affords 2- and 4-hydroperoxycyclohexadienones agent. The semi-quantitative method of Fieser [82] is
[70] W. Metlesics, E. Schinzel, H . ViIesek, and F. Wessely, Mh.
useful in this respect. It consists of testing the phenol
Chem. 88, 1069 (1957); G. Billek, J. Swoboda, and F. Wessely, with different oxidizing agents of known redox poten-
Tetrahedron 18, 909 (1962) and previous publications. tial to determine which one is just insufficient to oxizide
[71] E. Hecker, Chem. Ber. 92, 1386,3198 (1959). the phenol under standard conditions. These “critical
[72] E. Hecker and R . Lattrell, Liebigs Ann. Chem. 662,48 (1963). potentials” are not accurate; however, they do provide
[73] E. Adler, J. DahlPn, and G . Westin, Acta chem. scand. 14,
1580 (1960); E. Adler, 1. Faikehag, and B. Smith, ibid. 16, 529 useful orientation in the “electrochemical series” of
(1962) and previous publications. phenols [5,83]. Since a linear relationship exists between
[741 R. G. R. Bacon and D. J. Munro, J. chem. SOC.(London) the empirically determined critical potentials and the
1960, 1339. theoretical energy values for the highest occupied phenol
[751 A . S. Kende and P. McGregor, J. Amer. chem. SOC.83,4197
(1961). orbitals as calculated by Ihe LCAO-MO method, it can
[76] J . D . McClure, J . org. Chemistry 28, 69 (1963).
[79] K.Ley, Angew. Chem. 71). 74 (1958).
[77] W. Brackman and E‘. Havinga, Recueil Trav. chim. Pays-Bas [80] H. S . Blanchurd, J. org. Chemistry 25, 264 (1960).
74,937, 1021, 1070, 1100, I107 (1955); E. Talman, Ph. D. Thesis,
Universitat Leiden (Holland) 1961. [81] H . R . Gersmunw and A . 1;. Sickel, J. chem. SOC. (London)
1959,271 1 ; 1962,2356.
1781 C. E. M . Pugh and H. S . Raper, Biochem. J . 21,1370(1927);
J. Neumann, G. Legmnd, G. Lehongre, and J . Lavollay, C. R. [82] L. F. Fiesev, J . Amer. chom. SOC.52, 4915, 5204 (IY30).
hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. 252,309 (1963). [83] N . S. Hush, J. chem. SOL. (London) 1953,2375.
HO \
do01I (6.5)
The oxidation of resorcinol derivativeshas been studied Oxidation of orcinol (66) with oxygen affords a mix-
ture of more than 50% of the dimeric monoquinone (76)
for a long time in connection with the formation of
plus the dimeric diquinone (77) [65].
orceine and litmus dyes from orcinol. The structure of
these products and the mechanism of their formation, The reaction course depicted in Scheme 2 is supported by the
however, have only recently been elucidated [lll]. following considerations. The electrophilic attack of oxygen
on the orcinol anion is rate-determining; this is indicated by
Since resorcinol cannot give rise to o- or p-quinonoid the fact that, during autoxidation, only the final products can
products on removal of two electrons, its behavior in the be identified spectroscopically. Whcther a pair of electrons is
transferred to the oxygen in the first step, with formation
first oxidation step is that of a monophenol whose of the hydroperoxide derivative (71). or whether at first only
oxidation potential is lowered by the second hydroxy one electron changes its location, leading to the radical pair
group. (70), has not been resolved [I 131. Free orcinol radicals (62),
are not formed as intermediates, as is indicated by the fact
that the dimer (68) cannot be detected at any time in solu-
c tion. The dimer (68) reacts with oxygen as fast as orcinol
(66) does, and the presence of the latter can be readily
determined chromatographically until the absorption of
oxygen is complete. If potassium ferricyanide is added during
OH the react.ion, (68) can be found in the solution, and the
(69) oxygen absorption does not increase. This indicates that the
orcinol radicals (67) react faster among themselves or with
orcinol(66) to produce dimer (68) than with oxygen.
Since the rate of the autoxidation of orcinol corresponds
approximately to its relative oxiddion potential, it can be
assumed that the rate-determining step is the same for all
phenol oxidations and that here, loo, only one electron is
first transferred to the oxygen [I 141. The transfer of the
second electron in the radical pair (70) must take place
rapidly before radical (67) is liberated and can dimerize to
0 'OH '
- (68).
The occurrence of the hydroperoxide intermediate (71) -
although it cannot be demonstrated directly - is made
probable by the formation of the highly stable hydroperoxide
(57) and by the following reactions. Oxidation of 4,6-di-t-
butylresorcinol (78) with air at -20 O C gives good yields of
the hydroperoxide (79), which is analogous to (71) 11151and
OH which undergoes thermal decomposition to 2-t-butyl-S-
HO hydroxybenzoquinone (80), isobutylene, and other products.
Whether the intermediates (72) and (73) are also formed in
the case of orcinol has not been determined.
I741 (73)
( 781
1 1 0% N f l 011 HO
0 '
0 0
' 011
- H 11 (861
iY4a), I t = H, It' 011
/ 9 4 h ) , ] { = O H , lt'=ii
In BF,/ether 1 16 I7 1 1
It is noticeable that phenols in contrast to thiophenol and
aniline - . undergo substitution with quinone, preferably at
the u- o r p-positions. The reaction via the phenoxyl oxygen
becomes appreciable only in neutral solution. These ex- VIII. Syntheses of Natural Products
periments are of interest with regard t o the structure of the
synthetic humic acid that i s obtained by oxidation of hydro-
quinone. They show that ether linkages are also formed in the
As early as 1911, Gadumrr [I281 attempted to explain
reaction of phenols with quinones, particularly in neutral
solution [124]. the biosynthesis of glaucine (102) by assuming that
laudanosoline (101) was dehydrogenated in plant cells.
The addition of a nucleophilic reagent onto a labile
quinone is advantageously carried out by oxidizing the
hydroquinone in the presence of the reagent. This is
exemplified by the syntheses of the binaphthylquinone
(95) [ 1251, brevifolin (98) [126], and wedelolactone
(100) [127] by addition of the anions (97) and (99) onto
the o-quinone derived from methyl gallate (96) and
onto o-benzoquinone, respectively. The o-quinones are
prepared in situ by oxidation with potassium ferri-
This scheme probably explains all, even intramolecular,
Later Robinson [129] and S'chijpf [ I301 applied this
C - - C couplings occurring during the oxidation of
concept in view of the synthesis of morphine. A
phenols whereby one residue has an 0- or p-hydro-
few years ago, Erdtnian and Wuchtmristw [2] and Barton
quinone structure.
and Cohen [ I ] pointed out that the biosynthesis of
[I241 CT. W. EIIer, Ber. dtsch. chern. Gcs. 53, 1473 (1920); H. numerous alkaloids, lichen substances, and metabolites
Erdrnion, 2. I'flanzcnerniihr., Dung., Bodenkunde 69, 38 (1955);
W . Ziechmnnn, Naturwissenschaften 48, 456 (1961). [I281 J. Gndamer, Arch. Pharmaz. Rcr. dtsch. pharmaz. Ges. 24Y,
[ I 251 F. SrrauJ, 0 . Bernoully, and P. Mnutner, Licbigs Ann. 498 (191 I).
Chern. 444, 165 (1925). [I291 R . Robinsonand S. Sugasnwo, I . chern. SOC.(London) 1931,
[126j H . W. Wanzlick, Chern. Ber. Y2, 3006 (1959). 3163; 1936, 1079.
11271 11. W . Wantlick, R . Gritzky, and H . Hcidepriern, Chem. [I301 C. Sch~pf'andK. Tier/;.lder, Liebigs Ann. Chern. 4Y7, 22.
Rer. 96, 305 (1963). 47, 59 (1932).
from microorganisms can often be explained by oxida- Model experiments for the biosynthesis of thyroxine
tion of phenols in the cell. Although it is extraordinarily have shown that treatment of dibromotyrosine (110)
difficult to prove that such oxidations really occur in the with the tri-t-butylphenoxy radical leads to the quinol
living cell, it has been possible within recent years to ( l l l ) , which on acid catalysis, undergoes dewmposi-
synthetize many complex natural products or closely tion into the thyroxine analogue (112) and isobutylene
related compounds by oxidation of phenols [131]. As [141].
oxidizing agents, ferric chloride or potassium ferri-
cyanide in water, or manganese dioxide or lead dioxide
in benzene or chloroform were found to be particularly 2 - 0 9 I i O ~ C H 2 - ~ H - C O O+
suitable for this purpose. In formulae (103) to (109), NH2
the bonds established by phenol oxidation are crossed
by dashed lines. Further examples are podototarine
[138],geodine[135], geodoxine [I391and diploicine[140].
&+pO @
OC'13 :;::3:; OH
0 NO
0 HO
H o ~ o
H q
I -cooR
i ~ - c m R
1/03) 11321 (104) 11331
3-Libocedroxy- Hypericin 1112)
- thymoquinone
[I311 Review: E. E. v. Tamelen, Fortschr. Chem. org. Natur- autoxidation of orcinol in alkaline solution, n o t even a trace
stoffe 19,224 (1961); J. R . Lewis, Chem. and lnd. 1962, 159. of phenicine (113) b u t only the quinones (76) and (77) a r e
[I321 E. Zavarin, J. org. Chemistry 23, 1198 (1958). produced 1651.
[I331 H . Brockmann, Fortschr. Chem. org. Naturstoffe 14, 141
(1957). 0 OH 0
[I341 J . Runeberg, Acta chem. scand. 12, 188 (1958).
[I351 A. I. Scott, Proc. chem. Soc. (London) 1958, 195; A. C. H s c W H3
Day, J. Nabney, and A. I . Scott, J. chem. SOC. (London) 1961,
4061; C . H . Kuo, R . D. Hoffsommer, H . L. S a t e s , D. Taub, and 0 HO 0
N.L. Wendler, Chem. and Ind. 1960, 1627; D. Taub and N. L. (113)
Wendler, Angew. Chem. 74, 586 (1962); Angew. Chem. internat.
Edit. I , 506 (1962).
[I361 T . A . Davidson and A . I . Scott, Proc. chem. SOC. (London) [I411 T. Matsuura and H.J . ('ahnmantz, J. Amer. chem. SOC. 82,
1960, 390. 2050, 2055 (1960); T. Matsuurcr and A . Nishinaga, J. org. Chem-
[I371 R. F. Curtis, C . H . Hassell, D. W . Jones, and T . W . Wil- istry 27. 3072 (1962); T . Matsuura, A . Nishinaga, and H . J . Cahn-
liams,J. chem. SOC.(London) 1960, 4838. mann, ibid. 27, 3620 (1962).
[ 1381 S. M . Bocks and R . C. Catnbie, Proc. chem. SOC.(London) [I421 K. Freudenberg, Fortschr. Chem. org. Naturstoffe 20, 41
1963, 143; S. A4. Bocks. R. C. Cambie, and T . Takahashi, Tetra- (1962); K . Freudenberg and H . Geiger, Chem. Ber. 96, 1265
hedron 19, 1109 (1963); C . P . Fulshaw, A . W . Johnson, and T . J . ( I 963).
King, Chem. and Ind. 1963,451. [I431 B. Franck, Angew. Chcrn. 75, 957 (1963); cf. A . R . Bat-
11391 C. H. Hassaland J. R. Lewis, J. chem. SOC. (London) 1961, tersby, Proc. chem. SOC. (London) 1963, 189; A . R. Battersby,
2312. R . Binks, D. M . Faulkes, R. .I. Francis, D. J . McCaldin, and H .
[I401 C. J . Brown, D . E . Clark, W . D. Ollis, and P . L. Veal, Proc. Ramuz, ibid. 1963, 203; D. H . R . Barton, G . W. Kirby, W. Sties-
chem. Soc. (London) 1960,393. lich, and G . M . Thomas, ibid. 1963,203.
Ho \ /
/ N=C
0 011
(114) (116)
Xanthocillin [ 1441 Otabin and Schizandrin; R = OH [ 1,461
other lignans 11451 Deoxyschizandrin; R = €1 [ I
(1171 (118)
Elsinochrome A [1481 [Crythroaphin [ 1501
Phycarone 11491
1123) 11551
Xylindein 1151)
(124) 11561
Thalica rpine
(120) [152]
Received, J u l y 26th, 1963 [A 331/124 IE]
Xanthomegnin German version: Angew. Chem. 75, 965 (1963)
[I441 I . Haqedorn and U.Ellolzer, Anyew. Chem. 74,215 (1962); [I511 G . M . Blackburn, A . H. Neilwn, and A . Todd, Proc. chem.
Angew. Chem. interpat. Edit. 1, 212(1962). SOC.(London) 1962,327.
[I451 R . Stevenson, Chem. and Ind. 1962,270; N . s. Bhacca and [is21 G . Just, W. ~ n y and
, F. B l i ~ n k ,Canad. J . chem. 41, 74
R . Stevenson, J. ory. Chemistry 28, 1638 (1963). ( I 963).
[I461 A'. K . Kochefkov, A . Khorlin, 0.S . Chizkov, and v.1. &ei- [153] H. Brockmann, K . v . d. Morve, and W . Miiller, Natur-
chenko, Tetrahedron Letters 1061, 730. wissenschaften 49, 130, 131 (1962).
[I471 N . K . Kochefkov, A . Khorlin, and 0.s. Chizhov, Tetra- [I541 J . W . ApSimon, J . A . Corrtin, N . G. Creasey, K . Y . Sim,
hedron Letters 1962, 361. and W . B . Whulley, Proc. chem. Soc. (London) 1963, 209; J . D.
[I481 T . J . Batterham and U . Weiss, Proc. chem. SOC.(London) M . Asher, A . T. MrPhail, J . M. Robertson, J . V . Silverton, and
1963, 89. C. A . Sim, ibid. 1963, 210.
[I491 W. H . L . Hakeng, H . Copier, and C . A . Salemink, Recueil [IS51 Y. Inubushi, Tetrahedron Lellers 1962, 1133.
Trdv. chim. Pays.-Bas 82, 322 (1963). [IS61 S. M . KupcAen and N . Yokoynma, J . Amer. chem. SOC.
[I501 A . R . Todd, Experientia 18,433 (1962). 85, 1361 (1963).