Polydispersity Index From Linear Viscoelastic Data: Unimodal and Bimodal Linear Polymer Melts
Polydispersity Index From Linear Viscoelastic Data: Unimodal and Bimodal Linear Polymer Melts
Polydispersity Index From Linear Viscoelastic Data: Unimodal and Bimodal Linear Polymer Melts
This article describes a method for determining the polydispersity index Ip2 =
from linear viscoelastic data. The method uses the Mellin transform of the
determinate shape of the continuous MWD does not have to be assumed in order
to obtain the polydispersity index. The technique has been developed to deal with
entangled linear polymers, whatever the form of the MWD. The rheological
information required to obtain the polydispersity index is the storage G'( ) and
loss G"( ) moduli, extending from the terminal zone to the plateau region. The
and the experimental polydispersity indices of several linear polymers for a wide
range of average molecular weights and polydispersity indices. It is also
1. Introduction
Most of the properties of a polymeric material are related to its molecular weight
distribution (MWD). The conventional analytical methods for determining the MWD
require dissolution of the sample. However, some polymers are either difficult to
not fitted with a sensor for determining absolute molecular weight, standard
materials. Indeed, in recent years much research has aimed to define the inter-
distribution [1-10].
sufficient. The parameters normally used are the average molecular weight M w
It is widely accepted that the rheological parameters directly related to M w
and the polydispersity of the MWD, Mz / Mw , are the zero shear rate viscosity,
The zero shear rate viscosity is a characteristic parameter for the entanglement
density between chains within a material, and hence it is very susceptible to chain
length. The steady state compliance is a parameter for melt elasticity which
regard to their static equilibrium position. It is also a measure of the elastic energy
that is accumulated during flow and recoverable when the stress is removed.
o kE M w (1)
where kE is the constant of proportionality and generally lies between 3.3 and
3.7, except for extremely broad blends, for which higher values are observed
[13-16]. is often taken as 3.4, since this is the value usually obtained for most
has also been widely studied because of its importance in polymer processing.
Mieras and van Rijn [17] observed that in the case of polydisperse entangled
measurements in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and PS melts, with 1 <
J e0 (2)
MzMz 1
J e0 (3)
this being derived by testing data from a set of binary blends of polystyrene
reported in the literature. For the particular case of a logarithmic-normal MWD, Eq.
0 Mz
J e (4)
The two equations (2) and (4) give practically the same prediction not only for
the case of binary blends but also for the continuous broad distribution [20].
In addition, several blending laws have also been proposed for estimating the
simplest one is Ninomiya’s linear blending law [21] for a mixture of two
H w1 H1 / 1 w2 H 2 / 2 (5)
where H( ) is the relaxation spectrum of the mixture, H1( ) and H2( ) are those
of the individual pure components, and w1 and w2 are their weight fractions. The
molecules of component i relative to their values in the pure state. These shift
factors account for the effect of the molecular surroundings on the relaxation
time of each molecule. The presence of shorter chains speeds up the relaxation
time of longer ones, and vice versa. A simple shift factor that does this is
Assuming that the viscosity i and the steady-state compliance Jei of the pure
i Hi d Mi (6)
2 1 6
J ei i 2
Hi d Mi (7)
assumed to be M w M i and proportional to M z 1 M z 2 M w M z if i is
H x1 H1 / 1 x2 H 2 / 2 (8)
Higher-order blending laws have also been proposed, for example, the
2 2
H w1 H1 / 1 2w1w2 H12 / 12 w2 H 2 / 2 (9)
and the cubic power-law of Kurata [23]. These quadratic and cubic blending
laws, with the empirical proportionality of η 0 to M w and certain assumptions
2 3
about the cross terms, predict proportionality to M z M w and M z M w
linear polymeric liquids [24, 25]. This molecular theory is based on the idea of a
rearrangement of the chains. According to this theory, Graessley [12] found the
M z 2M z 3M z 4
J e0 (10)
M wM zM z 1
Similarly, Bird et al. [26], using the kinetic theory of polymeric liquids, or
M z 1M z 2
J e0 (11)
M wM z
Equations (10) and (11) show that both theoretical approaches predict that
0 Mz
J e (12)
the phase-space theory predicts a fourth power scaling relationship (Eq. 4),
It should be pointed out that the constant of proportionality is, in all cases, the
measurements have been successfully used [27-30]. All of them, however, are
the polydispersity index, one that is based on a molecular theory and which can
storage (G’- ) and loss (G”- ) moduli, extending from the terminal to the
plateau zones.
2. Theory
Most of the molecular models used to infer the molecular weight of polymer
samples from linear viscoelastic data are based on the tube and reptation
on the relaxation times of the individual chains has to be taken into account.
reptation of the chain and (ii) the constraint release due to the motion of the
independently derived by both Tsenoglou [34] and des Cloizeaux [35] from the
Recently, other authors [5, 7] have refined the double reptation theory by
simultaneously taking into account tube renewal and the double reptation
The molecular model used in the present study was formulated and analysed
in a recent article [8]. Like most of the molecular models described in the
literature, this model is applicable to polymeric systems when all the chains are
the tube model. On the other hand, it is assumed that the effects of constraint
an average molecular weight, M , that sets the effect of the environment where
In this equation the parameters kE and are the same as previously described
for Eq. (1), which relates η 0 and M w , GNo is the plateau modulus and is a
in its relaxation time. Given a polymer with a definite MWD, Eq. (13a) can be
rewritten as
i = K’ Mi (13b)
Other models assume that the relaxation function of probe chains can be
processes [31].
have their relaxation slowed, consistent with Eq. (13a). However, there is a
constraint release does not broaden the relaxation function and experiments,
the relaxation modulus, G(t). In this model the normalized linear relaxation
G(t ) GNo exp W ( M ) dM (14)
Here we expand the previous molecular model [8] to derive a polydispersity
index, for any kind of molecular weight distributions, from linear viscoelastic
data. The study uses the integral transforms of the relaxation modulus, derived
from classical viscoelastic theory, and the proposed molecular model. The
From classical viscoelastic theory [38] the relaxation modulus is related to the
2 G'
G(t ) sin t d (15a)
2 G"
G(t ) cos t d (15b)
dynamic moduli we combine Eqs. (14) and (15) through their Mellin transforms.
f M ( s) t s 1 f t dt (16)
where the parameter s is the transform variable. If f (t ) e , the Mellin
f M ( s) ts 1 e dt s
s (17)
[40]. Thus, the Mellin transform of the relaxation modulus expressed in terms of
the relaxation spectrum ( G(t ) H( ) e d ln ) gives:
GM (s) H( ) ts 1 e dt d ln ( s) H( ) s
d ln (18)
where H( ) d ln is the sth moment of the of the relaxation spectrum.
the quotients of these moments. Therefore, if we know the relation between the
relaxation times and the polymer molecular weights, Eq. (13), we can derive
molecular polydispersity indexes. Then, taking into account Eq. (13b), the Mellin
transform of the relaxation modulus (Eq. 14), GM(s), when s > 0 is:
t s
GM ( s) GNo t s 1 exp dt W ( M ) dM GNo s K' M sW M dM
0 0 K'M 0
GM (s) = GNo s K' M s
Similarly, the Mellin transform of the relaxation modulus (Eq. 15) when 0 < s <
1 is:
2 G 2 s G
GM s t s 1 sin t dt d s sin s 1
d (21a)
0 0 2 0
2 G" 2 s G"
GM s t s 1 cos t dt d s cos s 1
d (21b)
0 0 2 0
Eqs. (20) and (21) can be combined to yield an expression for arbitrary
2 sin
s 2 G
M 0 s s 1
d (22a)
2 cos
s 2 G
M 0 s s 1
d (22b)
where 0 < s < 1. Taking s = n, where n is an integer, Eqs. (22a, 22b) yield the
nth moment of the MWD. The moments and the average molecular weights of
M = Mn (23a)
M 1 = Mw (23b)
M 2 = Mw · M z (23c)
and so forth.
It is known that > 0, so the -1st moment of the MWD, i.e. Mn , cannot be
determined, since s would be negative. However, if > 2 the +1st and +2nd
moments of the MWD can be determined, since in these cases s lies between 0
and 1. Therefore, we can use Eq. (22) to get Mw and Mz if we know K’, G No and
on the polydispersity index Mz / Mw = M 2 / M 1 the parameter K’ is not
needed, and:
sin 2
0 1
GNo 2 2
Mw 2
sin G
2 1
0 1
cos 2
0 1
GNo 2 2
Mw 2
cos G"
2 1
0 1
The parameter must fall in the range 2 < < . The lower limit corresponds
calculated. The upper limit is determined by Eq. (13a) with the condition - >
Therefore, only the master curves of G'( ) and G"( ) are required to
calculate Mz / M w since the plateau modulus is also calculated from Eq. (15b)
by applying the time limit to the relaxation modulus ( lim G(t ) t 0 GN0 ):
2 G"
GN0 d (25)
It should be emphasised that the entire master curves, extending from the
terminal zone to the rubbery plateau region, are needed to calculate the
complete integrals. Otherwise, reliable values for the polydispersity index will
not be obtained.
polydisperse systems, with Eq. (24). As we mentioned above, the spectrum for
the experimental spectrum for monodisperse polymers. Eq. (24) calculates the
greater than 1. Therefore, when we calculate, with Eq. (24), the polydispersity
product of two numbers: one that is the true molecular polydispersity index and
the other that is related with the RTD of the monodisperse chains. Then, if we
index obtained will be a factor that can be used to calculate the true molecular
be obtained as follows.
From the proposed relaxation modulus (Eq. 14), the relaxation spectrum,
G No
H M W (M ) (26)
where the relaxation time, , is described by Eq. (13b). In addition, the steady
H d
J e0 0
H d
Combining equations (13b), (25) and (26), and taking d = K’M -1dM, the
0 1 M
J e 2
G No M
Note that Eq. (28) is a general relationship, for which any value of is
particular, it can be observed that Eq. (28) includes the relationships predicted
by Doi-Edwards (Eq. 10) and Bird et al. (Eq. 11), which can be formulated as a
0 Mz
J e for 2 < < 3.4 (29)
Given that must be greater than 2, the power exponent with which J 0e
differences with the empirical value of 3.7 [18] as goes up. However, Agarwal
[19] examined several sets of data from the literature and concluded that while
the equation he proposed (Eq. 3) holds for all of them, Eq. (2) does not. Indeed,
blending law (Eq. 5). This generalized blending law is based on the following
H( ) wi H i / i (30)
where i M Mi and = - ,
i Hi d Mi (31)
1 2
J ei 2
Hi d Mi (32)
3. Experimental
and nearly monodisperse PS were also studied. Some of the samples analysed
in this study had also been analysed in the previous work [8]. However, binary
blends and nearly monodisperse PS are new. Moreover, the previous study
focused on unimodal log-normal MWD while the present study extends to the
The rheology of PDMS and PI samples was analysed in our laboratory. They
were purchased from Aldrich, who also supplied the average molecular weight
weight (PDMS_H), adding either 75%, 46% or 25% (in weight) of the latter. In
what follows, the letters H and L in the short forms stand for high and low
prepared in the same way, with 90% and 80% of the high molecular weight
component (PI_H).
The molecular weight distributions for the three polymers examined (PDMS_H,
with a light scattering detector at 75 °C. The polymer solutions were prepared at a
phase at a flow rate of 0.35 mL/min. The average molecular weights of the blends
Rheological data for EP and the polydisperse PS samples were taken, with
permission, from the work of Wasserman and Graessley [42]. The PS sample
Other PS rheological data are also reported in the present study, and these
blending, with 10%, 20% and 40% (in weight) of a high molecular weight PS
(PS_H) (referred to as PS177 in the work of Maier et al. [43]). As before, the
average molecular weights of the blends were calculated from the known
The binary blends of the polymers analysed in the present study are
indicates the content (% in weight) of high (H) and low (L) molecular weight
The average molecular weights and the polydispersity indices Ip1 and Ip2 of all
The rheological data of the samples analysed in our laboratory were obtained
with parallel plates of 20 mm diameter (gap = 0.4 mm), except for the PDMS_L
used. All measurements were taken in the linear viscoelastic region. The PDMS
(-50 ºC for the PDMS_L sample). Those of PI were analysed at 80 ºC and 110
ºC. All PI samples were studied under nitrogen atmosphere in order to prevent
Figures 1 to 3 show the dynamic moduli G' and G" master curves for the
The aim of the proposed method was to calculate the polydispersity index,
Ip2, from the dynamic moduli of linear polymers. This was done using equations
(24a or b) and the plateau modulus ( GNo ) obtained through Eq. (25). To
The whole frequency evolution of the dynamic moduli, G' and G", from the
polydispersity indices. This means that G' must evolve from a two scaling law
with (G' ) at the low frequency range (terminal zone) to a constant value
of G', namely G No , at the high frequency range (plateau region). In addition, G"
must evolve from a scaling law behaviour with a power exponent equal to one
terminal region are more readily obtained by observing the scatter of the
dynamic properties [44]. On the other hand, since polymers with narrow MWD
have J 0e ’s which are 2.5 to 3.0 times larger than their entanglement plateau
compliances, we have to take care that the false plateau in G’ which reflects the
plateau, GNo , [44]. In these cases, we need to explore higher frequencies than
those leading to the plateau where G’ reflects the reciprocal of J 0e until GNo is
finally reached. Therefore, the experimental data must extend over a wide
frequency range and this can be achieved for most polymeric materials with the
the experimental data in both frequency limits (low and high), according to the
rules given above. An example of the resulting dynamic moduli after the
loss data. Obviously, however, both sets of data must reach the same Ip2
parameter, and this was successfully tested for several of the analysed
systems. However, from a practical point of view, it is simpler to use the storage
modulus G'( ) (Eq. 24a), since the extension of this parameter at high
parameter can be found in the literature for most common polymers at different
temperatures. Given this, we recommend using the G' modulus for the I p2
It should be pointed out, however, that the molecular model used is only
applicable from the terminal to the rubbery plateau region [8]. Therefore, glassy
modes, that could appear at high frequencies in the dynamic moduli master
The polydispersity index was calculated by fitting the model described by Eq.
samples it is adjusted into the valid range of 2 < < 3.4 by trial and error in
order to give the known experimental value of the parameter Ip2. The Ip2
parameter values were determined by SEC analysis for pure components and
by calculations from the known composition of the mixture [41] for the polymer
blends. These values are listed in Table II, together with parameter adjusted
for all the analysed samples in order to have the correct Ip 2 for the rheological
To choose the optimal value valid for all the polymers examined, the
evolution of the relative error in Ip2 with was analysed. Figure 6 shows the
results for the five different polymer series. It should be noted that the curves
weighted mean values of the individual relative errors. The optimal values for
these five series are: 1 = 2.5 (for PDMS), 2 = 2.7 (for PI), 3 = 2.5 (for EP), 4
= 2.3 (for polydisperse PS) and 5 = 2.5 (for nearly monodisperse PS), also
listed in Table 2. The weighted mean value of for all the polymer series is
= 2.50 0.14
chosen as the best value for calculating Ip2 = Mz M w with the proposed
rheological method.
The polydispersity indices were then recalculated with = 2.5 and the
obtained values are listed in Table III. The greatest discrepancies are observed
for high polydisperse samples. However, except for these systems the relative
error never exceeds 12%, regardless of the polydispersity or distribution type
different values were assigned to the different polymer series, although this
not exceed 5%. Special emphasis was laid on the use of the complete
frequency evolution of the dynamic moduli, taking into consideration the factors
5. Conclusions
rheological dynamic data. The model has been shown to be useful for predicting
can be applied to any entangled linear polymeric material, whatever its nature
and distribution form type (uni- or bimodal). A MWD form does not have to be
assumed a priori; only the storage G' and loss G" moduli need to be known.
experimental dynamic data must extend across the frequency window from the
The model was successfully tested on several polymers, using both data
from our laboratory and experimental data already reported in the literature.
This confirms the model’s validity and suggests it can be applied more widely, in
The model uses the parameter , which determines the contribution of the
adequate for the different polymer series analysed. Only minor discrepancies
9. Thimm W, Friedrich Cr, Marth M. J Rheol 2000;44:429-438.
11. Ferry JD. Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers, 3rd ed. New York: Wiley,
1980. p.19.
13. Ferry JD. Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers, 3rd ed. New York: Wiley,
74:1802-1817; 74:1818-1832.
25. Doi M, Edwards SF. The Theory of Polymer Dynamics. Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1986.
26. Bird RB, Curtis CF, Armstrong RC, Hassager O. Dynamics of Polymeric
Liquids, Vol. 2, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1987 (Chapter 19).
28. Grossiord JL, Couarraze G. Eur Polym J 1988; 24:259-264.
38. Ferry JD. Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers, 3rd ed. New York: Wiley,
39. Sneddon IN. The Use of Integral Transforms, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972.
40. Bracewell RN. The Fourier Transform. and Its Applications, 3rd ed. Boston:
Table 1. Average molecular weights (in g·mol-1) and polydispersity indices for
Ip1 = Mw Mn and Ip2 = Mz M w
This polymer was not analysed with the rheological method presented in this
Table 2. Values of parameter , for all the experimented polymer samples, at
which there was a fit between polydispersity indices calculated with the
Measured Ip2a b c
Sample j i
Ip2 = Mz M w
The optimal value for each examined sample.
The optimal value for each family of polymers analysed.
Table 3. Measured and calculated polydispersity indices for all the experimental
Measured Calculated
Ip2a Ip2a
EP 2.0 2.0
PS 2.6 2.3
Ip2 = Mz M w
Figure legends (or captions)
Figure 1. Dynamic moduli G' and G" master curves at a reference temperature T0
= 0 ºC for the PDMS mixtures series with 0% ( ), 25% ( ), 46% (+), 75% ( ) and
100% ( ) of the high molecular weight polymer (PDMS_H). The dotted line shows
Figure 2. Dynamic moduli G' and G" master curves at a reference temperature T0
= 110 ºC for the PI mixtures series with 100% ( ), 90% ( ), and 80% (+) of the
high molecular weight polymer (PI_H). The dotted line shows the plateau modulus
for polyisoprene.
Figure 3. Dynamic moduli G' and G" master curves at a reference temperature T0
= 170 ºC for the PS mixtures series with 0% ( ), 10% ( ), 20% (+) and 40% ( ) of
the high molecular weight polymer. The dotted line shows the plateau modulus for
Figure 4. The dynamic modulus master curve data for EP [G' ( ) and G" ( )].
Figure 5. The dynamic modulus master curve data for PS [G' ( ) and G" ( )].
Figure 6. The relative error in Ip2 with dependence on the parameter for the five
kinds of polymers analysed: (+) and full line for PDMS, (x) and full line for PI, full
line for EP, dashed line for polydisperse PS and ( ) with full line for nearly
monodisperse PS. The vertical dashed line shows the chosen optimal value of
(= 2.5).
Figure 1
G' [Pa]
1E-04 1E-01 1E+02 1E+05
aT [rad/s]
G" [Pa]
1E-04 1E-01 1E+02 1E+05
aT [rad/s]
Figure 2
G' [Pa]
1E-07 1E-02 1E+03 1E+08
aT [rad/s]
G" [Pa]
1E-07 1E-02 1E+03 1E+08
aT [rad/s]
Figure 3
1E-02 1E-01 1E+00 1E+01 1E+02
aT [rad/s]
G" [Pa]
1E-02 1E-01 1E+00 1E+01 1E+02
aT [rad/s]
Figure 4
1E-05 1E-01 1E+03 1E+07
aT [rad/s]
Figure 5
1E-07 1E-03 1E+01 1E+05
aT [rad/s]
Figure 6
2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 3,4