Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
Abstract: Now-a-days artificial intelligence has become an algorithms used by them. In section IV, a comparative study
asset for engineering and experimental studies, just like statistics between deep learning and other conventional methods of
and calculus. Data science is a growing field for researchers and
machine learning.
artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning are
roots of it. This paper describes the relation between these roots of
data science. There is a need of machine learning if any kind of
analysis is to be performed. This study describes machine learning
from the scratch. It also focuses on Deep Learning. Deep learning
can also be known as new trend of machine learning. This paper
gives a light on basic architecture of Deep learning. A
comparative study of machine learning and deep learning is also
given in the paper and allows researcher to have a broad view on
these techniques so that they can understand which one will be
preferable solution for a particular problem.
In the era of data sciences, artificial intelligence is trying II. MACHINE LEARNING
to provide human kind intelligence to the computer and for Machine learning is based on the idea that system can learn
from data, identify the patterns and make decision with
this machine learning and deep learning are the technologies
minimum human intervention [2]. This is the scientific study
which are helping artificial intelligence to do it. Machine
of algorithms and statistical models with the help of which
Learning is the branch or subset of artificial intelligence that
computer system perform a specific task without using
train the machines how to learn. Deep learning is confined
instruction, inference and patterns. Machine learning
version of machine learning. It helps to raise the high
algorithms build mathematical model based on sample data
standards of learning environment. Machine learning and
and then make the decision.
deep learning both plays vital role in upgrading the computer
systems to be an expert systems that can take decisions and A. Machine learning procedure
make predictions without a human intervention. Machine learning incorporates four steps, given below
Artificial intelligence is a field which helps computer (shown in the figure 2):
system to be intelligent and take decisions. Machine learning - First, feature extraction
helps to implement Artificial Intelligence on the system and - Second, selection of corresponding machine learning
deep learning helps to achieve machine learning goals on the algorithm
system more systematically. Figure 1 shows it pictorially. -
This paper is divided into two parts. In section II, will - Four, using trained model for prediction
explain machine learning, its procedures, its applications etc.
B. Requirements to Create Good Machine Learning
In section III, Different approaches of machine learning are Systems:
discussed such as deep learning and shallow learning.
Data preparation capabilities
Basic and Advanced algorithms
Revised Manuscript Received on October 30, 2019. Scalability
* Correspondence Author Various processes i.e. Automation and Iterative
Ayushi Chahal*, Department of Computer Science and Applications, Ensemble modeling
Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, India. Email:
Preeti Gulia, Department of Computer Science and Applications,
Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, India. Email:
III. MACHINE LEARNING APPROACHES Semi-supervised learning: In some cases, input may
be only partially available, or restricted to special feedback.
Basically, Machine learning methods are broadly
categorized in two categories i.e. Shallow learning and deep At that time, these algorithms are used. These are used to
learning [16]. Shallow learning basically uses neural networks develop mathematical model from incomplete training data,
with single layers or SVMs (Support Vector Machines) while
deep learning uses neural network with more than one hidden labels. This learning is useful when cost of labeling is too
layers. As shown in figure 3: high to allow for fully labeled training process.
Reinforcement learning: This is the area of learning
concerned with how software agents take actions in an
environment to maximize the cumulative reward. In this
type of learning, a feedback is to be given in the form of
positive or negative reinforcement in a dynamic
environment. These are commonly used in autonomous
vehicle or in learning to play game against human opponent
[3]. Q-learning is an example of reinforcement learning.
Active learning: Desired outputs are accessed for a
limited set of inputs. In this learning, the inputs are based on
Fig. 3. Different approach of machine learning budget, and optimize the choice of inputs for which output
A. Shallow Learning will be acquired.
Meta learning: Here, algorithms learn their own
Shallow learning is broadly divided into two categories:
inductive bias based on previous experiences. Some
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning. But there are also
other methods of machine learning. Overview of popular examples of meta learning are Bagging, Boosting, Random
methods is as follows: Forest.
Supervised learning: In supervised learning,
algorithm builds a mathematical model from a set of data
that contains both the input and desired outputs.(wiki)
These algorithms are trained using labeled examples i.e.
input and desired outputs are known. In this learning,
algorithm receives a set of inputs along with corresponding
correct outputs. Algorithm learns by comparing its actual
output with correct outputs to find out errors. Then, model
is modified accordingly. Classification, regression,
prediction and gradient boosting are the example of
supervised learning which use pattern to predict the values.
This learning is commonly used in those applications where
historical data predicts future events. Classification and Fig. 5. Unsupervised Learning
regression are the tasks that are performed by supervised
learning. Some examples of supervised machine learning B. Deep Learning
are Nearest neighbor, Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Deep learning is a set of algorithms of machine learning
Regression Tree etc. Figure 4 gives the pictorial view of which uses multiple layers that corresponds to different level
different method of supervised learning. of abstraction to each level. . It consists of input layer, output
Unsupervised learning: In unsupervised learning, a layer and several hidden layer. It is used for voice synthesis,
mathematical model is to be built from a set of data which image processing, handwriting recognition, object detection,
contains only inputs. Desired output labels are not present prediction analytics and decision making. [10] Deep learning
in this type of learning. Unsupervised learning is used can be broadly classified into three types (figure 6):
Generative models: Generative models are used for C. Deep Learning architecture
unsupervised learning. It includes algorithms like Deep Deep Learning consists of supervised or unsupervised learning
Belief Network (DBN), Deep auto-encoders, Deep techniques based on many layers of artificial neural networks
Boltzmann (DBM). that are able to learn hierarchical representations in deep
Discriminative models: Discriminative models usually architectures. [11] It is extended version of artificial neural
provide supervised learning approaches. It involves network. Deep Learning architectures consist of multiple
Convolution Neural Network (CNN), Deep Stacking processing layers. Each layer is able to produce non-linear
Network (DSN). responses based on the data from its input layer.
Hybrid models: Hybrid models incorporate the benefits of The functionality of Deep Learning is imitated from the
both discriminative and generative models. Deep Neural mechanisms of human brain and neurons for processing of
network (DNN) is an example of hybrid models.
Deep learning algorithms work more accurately on large 6. Why Machine Learning Models Often Fail to Learn: QuickTake
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Processing Units) or specially designed TPU (Tensor 11. Found.
Processing Units) while other conventional machine Trends® Signal Process., vol. 7, no. 3 4, pp. 197 387, 2014.
12. J. L. Berral- nd How to Apply Statistics, Machine
learning algorithms can work on low end machines. 2018 20th International
Deep learning algorithms are difficult to impossible to Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2018, pp.
interpret. Some of the machine learning algorithms like 1 4.
(logistics, decision tree) can be interpreted easily while
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some (like SVM) are almost impossible to interpret. [15] 2nd International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and
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machine learning methods for
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V. CONCLUSION Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2017,
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This article examined the concepts of machine learning. 15.
Machine learning has gained a lot of attention of researchers Learning and the Classical Machine Learning Algorithm for the
nowadays due to its distinct features. Firstly, the article 2018 19th IEEE/ACIS International
Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence,
specified the points to make a good machine learning system. Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD), 2018, pp.
Followed by this, the usage and applications of machine 293 296.
learning have been discussed in this article. However the road 16. A. Jabeen, N. Ahmad, and K. Raza, -based
of machine learning is not as simple as it looks to be. There state-of-the-art methods for the classification of RNA-
Bioinformatics, preprint, Mar. 2017.
are some challenges in this area to get the expected results
such as lack of suitable data, data bias, and lack of resources,
privacy problems and evaluation problems. This paper crates AUTHORS PROFILE
a broad view for a researcher for machine learning by
categorizing it into two parts, namely: shallow learning and Ms. Ayushi Chahal has completed her M.Tech
from GJUS&T University. She is currently
deep learning. Supervised and unsupervised machine learning pursuing Ph.D. in Computer Science at Department
concepts are supposed to be in the category of shallow of Computer Science & Applications,
learning as these techniques use less number of hidden layers M.D.University, Rohtak. Her main research area
or SVMs. While deep learning is considered as a different includes network security, Internet of Things (IoT),
Machine Learning.
category, because of its deep layered architecture discussed in
the article.
Deep learning is a growing field in a sector of predictive Dr. Preeti Gulia is currently working as
analytics. This paper provides a comparative study of Assistant Professor at Department of Computer
Science & Applications, M.D.University, Rohtak,
conventional methods of machine learning and deep learning
India. She is serving the Department since 2009.
which helps new researchers to choose which technique She earned her doctoral degree in 2013. She has
would be right to apply in a particular environment. Such as, if published more than 65 research papers and articles
one is working on small training data set then he must use in journal and conferences of National/
machine learning algorithms rather than deep learning while, International repute including ACM, Scopus. Her
area of research includes Data Mining, Big Data,
if dataset needed to choose the features then one must use Machine Learning, Deep Learning, IoT, Software Engineering. She is an
machine learning technique because in case of deep learning active professional member of IAENG, CSI and ACM. She is also serving as
this feature selection procedure is automated researcher do Editorial Board Member Active Reviewer of International/ National
not have to bother about it. This paper creates base for the Journals. She has guided one research scholar as well as guiding four Ph.D.
research scholars from various research areas..
researcher who wants to pursue research in field of artificial
intelligence or predictive analytics.
3. Bishop, C. M. (2006), Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning,
Springer, ISBN 978-0-387-31073-2
4. 11. Langley, Pat (2011). "The changing science of machine
learning". Machine Learning. 82 (3): 275
279. Doi:10.1007/s10994-011-5242-y
5. Alpaydin, Ethem (2010). Introduction to Machine Learning. MIT
Press. p. 9. ISBN 978-0-262-01243-0