Roshan C
Roshan C
Roshan C
Highly driven by computer science and technology in the world. I am CBSE Class 12 Computer Science
excited to contribute my passion and skills to help in the growth of THAMARAI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
the company and create an impact on people’s life.
March 2020 92.2%
EXPERIENCE Bachelor of Technology in
Design Team Lead Computer Science Engineering
Google Developer Student Clubs SASTRA DEEMED UNIVERSITY
2022 - 2023 2020-2024 THANJAVUR, TAMIL NADU
GDSC is a program supported by Google Developers to help
students grow their knowledge in Google Technologies in a peer- ACHIEVEMENTS
to-peer learning environment.
• Death-Clock Hackathon – 2023
Core Team Member
Developer Community SASTRA - GDSC WOW Chennai
2021 - 2023 • Hacktoberfest Contributor – 2022
• UI/UXpedition – 2022
DCS is the official Developers community of SASTRA University
- SSN Chennai
where all the developers in the campus specializing in different
domains come together as one community. • Designathon – 2022
- Winner, SSN Chennai
Employee Satisfaction in a company • Data Analysis with R programing -
Machine Learning, Prediction & Classification Google
- Analysed the given employee dataset of a company and built a • Processing data from Dirty to Clean –
predictive model that provides insights to employee satisfaction. Google
- The model was built based on Logistic regression algorithm, and • Neural Network and Deep Learning –
it can also be built using Decision tree. Andrew NG
Comparing Classifier Algorithms • Building Custom Regional Reports
Machine Learning with Google Analytics.
- Compared and analysed the performance of different
classification models based on their performance score (accuracy)
- The dataset was common for all the algorithms which was • Artificial Intelligence
generated using scikit-learn dataset package. - Machine Learning
- Deep learning
E2E – Student Performance Analysis - Time series
Python, Flask, Azure Cloud - Data mining
- EDA, Model Training with data ingestion, data transformation • Git, GitHub
using pipelines. • SQL
- Created prediction pipeline using Flask web app. • Python, Flask
- Deployment in cloud using GitHub actions. • Programming
- C, C++
Privacy Preservation of Graph datasets in Social Networks
Mini Project – 6th Semester SOFT SKILLS &
- A Graph partition-based privacy preserving scheme was
implemented to protect users’ privacy through K-anonymity in
social networks. • Communication Skills
- Detailed study of base paper and implemented Degree based • Team Management
entropy to measure similarity of the graph. • English, Tamil, Hindi