Critical Machine Identification For Power Systems T&D Medellin 2014
Critical Machine Identification For Power Systems T&D Medellin 2014
Critical Machine Identification For Power Systems T&D Medellin 2014
Abstract—This paper presents a new methodology based on Conventionally, critical machines are identified by examining
data mining to identify the cluster of critical machines, i.e. the the relative swing curves between machines. However, it will
machines responsible for the loss of synchronization in a power not be practical even in off-line applications if the critical
system after the occurrence of a disturbance. Since only the post- cluster is searched thoroughly with all the possible combination
fault trajectory is required, the proposed method is independent
of machines. Significant reduction of the number of machine
of system modeling and could be extended for multi-swing
stability assessment. Numerical results obtained by applying the combinations has been obtained by using the sorted trajectories
approach on the New England test system demonstrates the approach [5], [6].
feasibility and effectiveness that could be achieved in identifying In this paper, a data-mining-based clustering for
the critical machines, which is also of great value for assessing identification of critical machines is presented. Based on post-
transient stability problems and defining suitable emergency fault trajectory from time domain simulation or a set of
control actions. measurements acquired in real time (PMU) after occurrence
and clearing of a disturbance or any sudden outage (i.e.
Index Terms — Critical machines, transient stability, data
immediate post-fault conditions), the methodology provides
mining, phasor measurement unit.
relevant information regarding the number and alignment of
critical machines.
I. INTRODUCTION The outline of the paper is as follows: Section II gives some
There are many instances in which power systems are background information on power system modeling issues.
operated close to their security limits. Moreover, under such Section III provides a brief overview of the classical
operating conditions, some faults and contingencies may lead methodology for identification of critical machines. The
to major consequences, including widespread disruptions or proposed approach is described in Section IV. Section V
even blackouts, whose root causes have been occasionally presents test results of the proposed algorithm. Finally, Section
attributed to large-disturbance (i.e. transient) stability problems VI gives brief conclusion of the paper.
The most commonly used methodologies, in order to assess II. MODEL OF MULTI-MACHINE OF POWER SYSTEM
the transient stability problems, include [2]: the time domain Mathematically, for each synchronous generator in a power
simulation, transient energy function, extended equal area system, the rotor angle δi (i=1,2,...n) is determined by the
criterion (EEAC). Among these methods, time domain swing equation [7]:
simulation is generally regarded as the best available analysis d δ i (t )
tool for its accuracy, reliability and modeling capability. = ωi (t ) − ωo
dt (1)
However, it is computational intensive and is incapable of
providing a quantitative stability margin. As a remedy, various d ωi (t ) 1
hybrid methods, which combine the time domain simulation
= [ Pmi (t ) − Pei (t )] (2)
dt Mi
with either transient energy function or equal area criterion, where Mi is the moment of inertia, Pmi is the mechanical
have been proposed and received considerable attention. For power input, Pei is the electrical power output, and ωi is the
instance, Single Machine Equivalent (SIME) methodology has speed of the generator rotor, corresponding to machine i.
shown excellent performance for assessing the post- Equations (1) and (2) can be approximated by using the
contingency transient stability system status [3]. Recently,
trapezoidal rule. Thus, the values of speed and rotor angles for
detection of loss of synchronism using phasor measurements
each generator, at each time instant tk, are determined as
(PMUs) has also given a new perspective of transient stability
assessment [4]. follows [8]:
The identification of cluster of critical machines is of most Δt = tk − tk-1
important in transient stability assessment and control.
∑ x (t )
X= i=1