Pao Manual
Pao Manual
Pao Manual
Article 7. When accused enters plea of not guilty Article 1. Legal Assistance to CICLs
- At least 15 days to prepare for trial - Placed under detention/deprived of liberty
o Commence within 30 days from - Placed under custodial investigation without
receipt of pretrial order the assistance of counsel
- Designated as counsel de oficio
Article 9. Time limit following an order for new - Neglected child
trial o CICL above 12 years up to 15 years
- Trial shall commence within 30 days from o First kind:
notice of the order Punishable by imprisonment
o EXC: more than 12 years
Witness unavailable Committed:
Factors that make it Parricide
impractical Murder
o Then it may be extended Infanticide
Shall not exceed 180 days Kidnapping and
from notice of the order for serious illegal
new trial detention
o Where baptism
victim al
raped/killed if age contested
Robbery o file summary
o With proceeding
homicide o If 15 years of below during
o With rape commission of the crime
Destructive arson Demand immediate release
Rape Also in cases of:
Carnapping o Prostitution
o Driver or o Mendicancy
occupant is o Sniffing of
killed/raped rugby
Comprehensive o Violation of
dangerous drugs act curfew
o Second kind: ordinances
Commits an offense for the Refer case to local social
second time or oftener welfare officer
Petition for o Ensure that CICL is held separately
involuntary from adults when detained
commitment must o Ensure that taking of statement is
be filed conducted in:
o If no PA presence
parents/gua Parents/guardian/relative and
rdian local social worker
o If they - During custodial investigation
refuse to o PA shall be present when under
execute investigation
written o If violated, make proper
authorizatio manifestation before concerned
n for office
voluntary - During Inquest Proceedings/Preliminary
confinemen Investigation
t o If torture/ill-treatment was made
Article 2. Scope of Legal Assistance Make the proper
- Appearing as counsel manifestation
- Preparing pleadings, affidavits, sworn Recommend investigation
statements necessary for the defense To prosecutor
- Coordinating with DSWD to procure o When diversion proceedings fail =
immediate release prosecutor conducts inquest
Article 3. Stages in rendition of legal assistance CICL does not qualify for
- Initial contact diversion
o Determine if represented by counsel CICL/parents do not agree
Conduct initial interview to diversion
Ascertain age Prosecutor determines
o Request diversion not appropriate
birth o What to do
certifica Obtain copy of records
te Prepare counter/affidavit
And other o Acted with
supporting docs discernment
Obtain copy of birth o Imposable
certificate penalty
Assist in preparation of exceeds six
waiver years but
When not more
circumstances than 12
surrounding the years
case justify conduct - Filing of complaint/information
of prelim o Standard procedures
Make immediate and Ensure immediate and
constant verification of prompt assignment of case
status of case to Family Court
From handling Move for quashal/dismissal
prosecutor of the case
So that preferential If exempt from
attention is given criminal
Ensure observance of responsibility
procedural requirements File motion of psychiatric
Appear as counsel for CICL evaluation
During clarificatory If convinced that
conference CICL is not fit to
o Move for dismissal stand trial
When proper Move for
- Diversion immediate release
o When not yet filed on recognizance
Move for referral of the case Motion to refer case
to the Katarungang for diversion
Pambarangay proceedings before
Needs consent of CICL’s arraignment
parents o Imprisonme
When applicable nt not more
CICL above 15 than 12
years years
Impossible penalty Move to set the case
is not more than 6 for arraignment
years o Scheduled
Undergoing not later
investigation than 7 days
o When filed in court from the
File a motion before the time of the
court for the holding of filing of the
diversion proceedings information
File prior to o Arraignment
arraignment Manifest for the conduct of
When applicable: arraignment:
o CICL above in the chambers or
15 years court sala with
exclusion of public
When not guilty plea File motion to dismiss the
entered case and issuance of order
Move for setting of of final discharge
pre-trial conference Apply in family
at earliest available court
date possible Upon the favorable
When guilty plea entered recommendation of
Invoke all LSWD officer
mitigating If failed to comply or not
circumstances rehabilitated
o Pre-trial Before execution of
Make certain that there is judgment
full comprehension on the Make representation
part of the CICL and for another
parents/guardians opportunity to be
o Trial provided to CICL to
Shall afford protection to comply with the
rights disposition
Child’s right to measures
privacy Move for permanent sealing
Demand of child’s record
confidentiality of After lapse of 2
child’s records years from:
o Promulgation of judgment o date of
Move for holding in Closure
Chambers Order or
Court sala with o final
exclusion of the discharge of
public CICL
No media coverage And there is no
Move for presence of pending case
Parents/guardian against child during
Local social welfare period
and development
officer Chapter V. Women and their Children
Demand automatic
suspension of sentence
Probation if not
possible Article 1. VAWC
o Coordinate - Extend legal assistance to victims of
with LSWD violence against women and their children
officer for - Regardless of indigency requirement
commitmen - Services in
t to suitable o filing an application/petition for
youth protection order
rehabilitatio o civil action
n center - May represent other party
o Discharge o Applicant already represented by
counsel de parte
Article 2. Scope Article 3. Procedure in extending legal
- Legal advice or consultation assistance
- Conduct of pre-litigation/mediation - Determine whether the officer is sued in
conference connection with performance
o Cases involving economic abuse o YES: provide assistance
o With express consent of the victim If not territorial jurisdiction,
o No imminent danger to her and refer to district office with
children’s life o NO: indigency test shall apply
- Preparation of affidavits and other pertinent - Require submission of documents
papers o Proof of rank
- Filing of petition/application for protection o Copy of complaint, information or
order charge sheet
o Representation in court o Evidence
Article 4. Procedure
Chapter VII. Credit Card Holders
- Walk in clients
o Prepare pleadings, affidavits
o If not qualify due to conflict of Article 1. Credit Card Holders
interest - Apply to
Refer to other public and/or o Credit card holders who received a
free legal aid organization demand letter
o If criminal information is filed o Respondent in any collection case
Turn over to public - Must comply with merit + indigency
prosecutor o Pending: provisional assistance
Article 1. Coverage
Chapter X. Appeals - Instant services
o Legal advice and counseling
Article 1. Decision to appeal o Documentation and administering
- Upon request of the client oaths
- Only meritorious cases - Outreach activities
- If no merit o Assistance to persons undergoing
o Inform client in writing, turn over police interrogation or persons
record of the case to the client under detention
EXC: criminal cases o Jail visitations
o If client insists o Legal information dissemination
Perfect the appeal
Then turn over the records Article 2. Legal advice and counseling
to the client - Should be acted upon immediately
- Meritorious o EXC: requires further study and
o Assessment of the law and evidence research
on hand discloses that the legal Return within 3 working
services of the Office will assist, be days
in aid of, or be in furtherance of - Not subject to Indigency test
- Unmeritorious Article 3. Documentation
o It has no chance of success - Requests for preparation of:
o Affidavits - Deposited to the National Treasury as trust
o Notices fund
o Other documents - Shall be disbursed for special allowances of
- Subject to Merit Test and Indigency test authorized officials and lawyers of PAO
o Declaration under oath will suffice
- Requests for preparation of deeds of sale or Chapter XIV. Franking Privileges
real properties and other commercial
documents shall be denied
Article 1.
Article 4. Authority to administer oaths - May transmit through ordinary mail and/or
- General authority to administer oaths registered mail
- Free of charge - Free of charge
- In connection with the performance of their - All official communications and papers
office duty - Directly connected with conduct of its duties