Mary Jalaja has been issued a temporary permit from December 30, 2023 to January 5, 2024 to use her maxi cab registered in Tamil Nadu with vehicle number TN75R2970 to transport tourists from Tamil Nadu to Kerala. The maxi cab has a seating capacity of 13 passengers and an unladen weight of 1620 kg. Mary Jalaja currently holds a contract carriage permit for the maxi cab that is valid until December 1, 2025.
Mary Jalaja has been issued a temporary permit from December 30, 2023 to January 5, 2024 to use her maxi cab registered in Tamil Nadu with vehicle number TN75R2970 to transport tourists from Tamil Nadu to Kerala. The maxi cab has a seating capacity of 13 passengers and an unladen weight of 1620 kg. Mary Jalaja currently holds a contract carriage permit for the maxi cab that is valid until December 1, 2025.
Mary Jalaja has been issued a temporary permit from December 30, 2023 to January 5, 2024 to use her maxi cab registered in Tamil Nadu with vehicle number TN75R2970 to transport tourists from Tamil Nadu to Kerala. The maxi cab has a seating capacity of 13 passengers and an unladen weight of 1620 kg. Mary Jalaja currently holds a contract carriage permit for the maxi cab that is valid until December 1, 2025.
Mary Jalaja has been issued a temporary permit from December 30, 2023 to January 5, 2024 to use her maxi cab registered in Tamil Nadu with vehicle number TN75R2970 to transport tourists from Tamil Nadu to Kerala. The maxi cab has a seating capacity of 13 passengers and an unladen weight of 1620 kg. Mary Jalaja currently holds a contract carriage permit for the maxi cab that is valid until December 1, 2025.
[TEMPORARY PERMIT] Application No : TN231229T1885938
1. Permit Number TN2023-TEMP-1090AP
2. Name of The Permit Holder MARY JALAJA 3. Father's/Husband's Name (In Individual Case) JUSTIN 4. Address 11/151 CHONACHI VILAI THERUVUKADAI VILAVANCODE, Tamil Nadu Kanniyakumari-629157 5. a). Type of Vehicle Maxi Cab b). Registration Mark TN75R2970 c). Chassis Number MAT455097D8J27569 d). UnLaden Weight 1620 e). Seating Capacity 13 f). Laden Weight 5300
6. Purpose of Journey(s) Tour
7. a). Route or Area for which Temporary permit is valid From: TAMILNADU To: KERALA b). -Via TAMILNADU-KERALA
8. Date of expiry From: 30-Dec-2023 To: 05-Jan-2024
9. Nature of goods if to be carried 10. Seating/Sleeper Capacity of Vehicle 13/0 11. Number and Description of Permit already held a). Permit No TN2020-CC-7327D b). Type of Permit CONTRACT CARRIAGE PERMIT( (MAXI CAB PERMIT)) c). Validity of Permit From: 02-Dec-2020 To: 01-Dec-2025
12. Other Details Of Vehicle:
a). Fitness validity 13-DEC-2024 b). Tax validity and Receipt No. and N926833 c). Insurance validity and Policy No 22-Nov-2024 and 73080731230100002709 d). Green Tax validity 01-May-2024 e). PUCC validity 12-Jun-2024
Date: 29-Dec-2023 17:22:11
Note : This is a computer generated certificate of Permit and can be verified online through QRCode. No signature required.