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Devender Govind Ram Ravin V Rekha Watermark 1535716

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% Date of decision: August 11, 2023
+ MAT.APP.(F.C.) 146/2019 & CM APPL. 23993/2019
Through: Mr. Chirag Khurana, Advocate


REKHA ..... Respondent

Through: Mr. Nikhil Bhardwaj, Advocate
with respondent in person
Ms. Rushali Agarwal, Mr. Harshit
Goel and Mr. Yashwanth Singh,

J U D G M E N T (oral)

1. The petitioner/appellant (petitioner in the divorce petition

hereinafter referred to as the 'appellant') has filed the present appeal
against the judgment dated 07.02.2019 vide which his petition for
divorce under Section 13 (1) (ia) & 13 (1) (ib) on the ground of cruelty
and desertion has been dismissed.

2. The facts in brief are that the appellant got married to the
respondent on 29.05.2001 according to the Hindu Custom and Rites.
According to him within four months of marriage, the behavior of the
respondent/wife became aggressive and within six months she informed

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him that she was not willing to live with the appellant. Her family came
and took her back to Delhi in February, 2002. The petitioner/appellant
made sincere efforts in March, 2002 to convince her to join back the
matrimonial home, but she refused as she and her family members
wanted him to shift from Gujrat to Delhi and stay in their house as ghar-
jamai to which he did not agree since he had aged parents to take care

3. It is further asserted that from their wedlock one daughter was

born on 22.06.2002, but he was not informed about the birth of the
child. He made an endeavor to meet the child on 06.04.2004 but was
not permitted. He even approached the Gujrat Samaj Panchayat for
resolution of their differences, but the respondent failed to appear before
the Panchayat.

4. The appellant finding no way to bring her back filed a petition for
divorce before the learned Civil Judge, Anand, Gujrat, but after the
Notice was served, the respondent and the family members assured him
that they would reconcile the differences and the respondent would join
back the matrimonial home. Consequently, he did not pursue the
Divorce petition which got dismissed in default on 06.04.2005.

5. The respondent thereafter, filed a criminal case under Section

498A/406 IPC making false allegations against the petitioner, but they
have been acquitted in the said FIR No.85/2007 on 25.04.2016. A
petition under Domestic Violence Act was also filed against the
appellant after ten years of their marriage.

6. It is asserted that all his endeavours to reside as a family did not

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yield any result. The respondent has been living away from the
appellant since February, 2002. The appellant thus, sought divorce on
the ground of cruelty and desertion.

7. The respondent in her written statement asserted that soon

after the marriage, and she was harassed on account of dowry and
demand for jewelry, clothes etc. Despite about Rs.8 lakhs having been
spent on the marriage, the appellant and his family members did not like
the dowry articles and refused to accept the same. It is with great
persuasion that they accepted the gift articles after taking cash of
Rs.50,000/-. It is further asserted that petitioner is a drunkard and treated
her with cruelty. He used to beat her and not even provide her with the
meals. She overheard the appellant and his family making a scheme to
kill her. Faced with such adversity and cruel behavior, she left the
matrimonial home on 17.03.2002.

8. The respondent had further asserted that when she was two month
pregnant, she was forced to abort the first child. She thereafter, had a
daughter despite which no efforts whatsoever was made by the appellant
or his family members to ever come and visit the child or enquire about
her well being. The respondent submitted that it was because of the
cruel conduct and behavior of the appellant that she was forced to leave
the matrimonial home. She denied having committed any cruelty
towards the appellant.

9. Submissions heard.

10. Admittedly, the respondent and the appellant were unable to live
in a conjugal relationship and the respondent went to her parental home

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in February, 2002. Their daughter was born in the parental home of the
respondent. According to the appellant he went to see the daughter in
April, 2004, but was not permitted to meet her.

11. The appellant had made allegations of being subjected to cruelty

and claimed that there existed no conjugal relationship. Moreover, there
was insistence on part of the respondent and her family members that
the appellant should shift to Delhi and live as ghar jamai.

12. In the case of Narendra vs K. Meena (2016) 9 SCC 455, it has

been observed by the Supreme Court that asking a son to separate from
his family amount to cruelty. It was stated that, for a Hindu son in India,
it is not a common practise or desirable culture to get separated from his
family after marriage. A son has a moral and legal obligation to take
care of his parents when they become old and have negligible or no

13. Thus, the insistence of the family of the Respondent for the
Appellant to abandon his parents and become a 'Ghar Jamai' and live in
their house amounts to cruelty.

14. The consistent testimony of the appellant is that after the

respondent left in February, 2002, all his efforts to bring her back to the
matrimonial home did not materialize. He even approached the Gujrat
Samaj Panchayat for reconciliation, but the respondent did not come
forth. The respondent also had similarly alleged that she had approached
the Panchayat, but nothing fruitful came out. It is also admitted that the
respondent had filed a criminal case under Section 498A/406/34 IPC in
the year 2007. Admittedly, the appellant has been acquitted in the said

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case. Likewise, the petition under Domestic Violence Act had been
filed by the respondent. From the conduct of the respondent, who had
made complaints against the petitioner, it can be inferred that she had no
intention to resume her relationship with the petitioner.

15. The term "conjugal" as defined in Merriam Webster dictionary

means " of or relating to the married state or to married persons and
their relations" while cohabitation means "to live together as or as if a
married couple".

16. “Cohabitation” and “Conjugal relationship” are the essence of a

marriage was discussed in Law Commission 71st Report on the Hindu
Marriage Act, 1955, "Irretrievable Breakdown of Marriage as a Ground
for Divorce", where it was provided that:

"6.5 ....Moreover, the essence of marriage is a sharing of

common life, a sharing of all the happiness that life has to
offer and all the misery that has to be faced in life, an
experience of the joy that comes from enjoying, in common,
things of the matter and of the spirit and from showering
love and affection on one's offspring. Living together is a
symbol of such sharing in all its aspects. Living apart is a
symbol indicating the negation of such sharing. It is
indicative of a disruption of the essence of marriage —
"breakdown"—and if it continues for a fairly long period, it
would indicate destruction of the essence of marriage—
"irretrievable breakdown"."
17. It needs no reiteration that the bed rock of any matrimonial
relationship is cohabitation and conjugal relationship. The gravamen of
any marriage is the succor and the peace that the couple derive from the
company of each other. The very fact that the parties were able to live
together barely for six months and since February, 2002, they have been

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living separately proves that the parties were unable to sustain their
matrimonial relationship. For a couple to be deprived of each other’s
company, proves that the marriage cannot survive, and such deprivation
of conjugal relationship is an act of extreme cruelty.

18. The Apex Court in the case of Samar Ghosh v. Jaya Ghosh
(2007) 4 SCC 511 laid down certain guidelines with respect to Section
13(1)(i-a) of the Hindu Marriage Act and observed that in a marriage
where there has been a long period of continuous separation as it may
fairly be concluded that the matrimonial bond is beyond repair. The
marriage becomes a fiction though supported by a legal tie. By refusing
to sever that tie, the law in such cases, does not serve the sanctity of
marriage; on the contrary, it shows scant regard for the feelings and
emotions of the parties and can be termed as mental cruelty.

19. While referring to the case of Samar Ghosh (supra) the Apex
Court in the case of Gurbux Singh vs Harminder Kaur (2010) 14 SCC
301, observed by that while trivial irritations, quarrels, normal wear and
tear of married life which happens in day to day life in all families
would entitle a party to a decree of divorce on the ground of cruelty;
continuing and subsisting unjustifiable and reprehensible conduct which
affects the physical and mental health of the other spouse may lead to
mental cruelty.

20. Further, it has come in the evidence that the case under Section
498A/406 IPC has ended in acquittal of the appellant. The respondent
had claimed that she was being beaten and subjected to acts of cruelty,
but has not been able to substantiate it with any incident. The making of

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false complaint in itself is an act of cruelty. Though the acquittal under

Section 498A/406 IPC in itself may not be an act of cruelty, but the onus
was on the respondent to establish that she was subjected to cruelty or
had any cogent reason to live separately from the appellant/ husband.

21. This Court in the case of Nishi Vs. Jagdish Ram 233 (2016) DLT
50 held that the filing of false complaint against the husband and his
family members constitutes mental cruelty. In the case of K. Srinivas Vs.
K. Sunita (2014) 16 SCC 34, the Apex Court held that filing of the false
complaint against the husband and his family members also constitutes
mental cruelty for the purpose of Section 13 (1) (ia) of the Hindu
Marriage Act.

22. Similarly, it has been held by the Supreme Court in

Mangayakarasi v. M. Yuvaraj (2020) 3 SCC 786, that an
unsubstantiated allegation of dowry demand or such other allegations
made against the husband and his family members exposed them to
criminal litigation. Ultimately, if it is found that such allegations were
unwarranted and without basis, the husband can allege that mental
cruelty has been inflicted on him and claim a divorce on such a ground.

23. Hence, the false complaints filed by the wife against the husband,
constitute mental cruelty against the husband.

24. It is also pertinent to refer to the testimony of the appellant who

has deposed that respondent is in a live-in relationship with one Anil
Kumar with whom she has a joint bank account in HDFC, a fact which
has been admitted by the respondent. She had tried to explain by
asserting that Anil Kumar is a brother and since she did not have any

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Identity Card or Voter’s Card to get a bank account opened, she had
used the identity of Anil Kumar for opening the bank account pursuant
to the directions of the Court. This could have been best supported by
examining Anil Kumar but no cogent evidence has been led by the
respondent to rebut the testimony of the petitioner.

25. Likewise, the respondent had alleged that appellant has got
married again during the subsistence of this marriage in the year 2015
and has a child from his second marriage. The appellant admitted
having a child but claimed that he has not married the women, but is in a
live-in relationship.

26. Learned Judge, Family Court has aptly observed :

“in case of long marital separation due to discord and

protracted litigation, the parties are bound to feel
depressed, lonely and deprived of sexual appetite. What
would happen if during the pendency of the matrimonial
proceedings, one or other party indulges in a relationship
outside the wedlock?”
27. Here is the case where long separation has forced both the
appellant and respondent, to apparently find companionship in a third
person. Be that as it may, it is evident that the evidence on record
sufficiently proves that the respondent had withdrawn from the company
of the appellant for which she has not been able to give any cogent
reason. Both petitioner and respondent may have got into a relationship
during the pendency of the proceedings, but the fact remains that on the
date of filing the petition, the respondent had withdrawn from the
company of the petitioner for no cogent reason. Considering the entire
evidence, it is proved that the parties had drifted away and that

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respondent has deserted the petitioner/ appellant without any reasonable


28. We hereby set aside the impugned judgment dated 07.02.2019

and allowed the petition under Section 13 (1) (ia) & 13 (1) (ib) grant the
divorce on the ground of cruelty and desertion.

29. We may note that on 06.07.2023 it was submitted on behalf of the

respondent that the appellant was drunkard and unemployed and unable
to support the respondent and the daughter. The respondent further
submitted that the appellant has remarried and is having two children
from the second wife. The children from second wife have become the
liability of the grand-father i.e. appellant’s father, who is a pensioner. In
addition to these liabilities, the appellant’s father also has a wife and
appellant’s sister who is mentally challenged. It was the father of the
appellant who is sustaining and maintaining the respondent and the
daughter. Respondent with her daughter who were present, further
informed this Court that for the last three months, they could not pay the
rent of the accommodation which is Rs.8,500/- per month. A suggestion
was mooted that the respondent may apply for allotment of a flat in
EWS Category but for the same BPL Card was required.
30. We may mention that pursuant to the order dated 01.08.2023, the
Food & Supply Officer was present in Court and informed this Court
that he has not received any application for BPL Card from the
31. Learned counsel for the respondent has fairly conceded that they
got the Income Tax Certificate issued from the concerned SDM,

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however, they are collecting other documents which are required for
applying for the BPL Card and thereafter, they shall move the said
32. The Food & Supply Officer has assured that the BPL Card shall
be issued within 15 days as and when application is received from
33. Mr. Sunil Mittal, learned Sr. Advocate, who is present in Court,
has come forward and voluntarily agreed to pay three months’ rent total
amount of Rs.25,500/- to the respondent.
34. We appreciate the magnanimous gesture of learned Senior
Counsel for his support to a family who by the circumstances, have
been pushed into a state of penury.
35. Accordingly, we allow the present appeal and grant divorce under
Section 13(1)(ia) and Section 13(1)(ib) of HMA. The pending
application is also disposed of.




AUGUST 11, 2023/va

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