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Christian Walters Creating Trusts

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Christian Walters just a decoy so they can grab your signature, and add

‘words and numbers’ to it. The key is, how did you give
“Creating, Claiming, and Moving Titles” your signature. It is the ‘rule of signatures’ and the ‘rule of
thru AFV, UCC, GSA and IRS forms. forms’ that counts. You never want to give your unqualified
https://web.archive.org/web/20221029164022/http:// signature in the public because it is going to be construed as
www.therealpublicradio.net/ the strawman. That gives them ‘accommodation signature’
The key is in ‘expressing the trust’. rights (carte blanche) and access to your account. You can
restrict your signature so that you have access to the
My administrative remedy focuses on that. All the colorable
account. You want to sign (before signature) ‘by Grantor’,
titles/colorable contracts HIDE the root, which is the Trust.
‘by Trustee’, or ‘by Beneficiary’, (the 3 parties to a trust),
Everything is a trust because there is no money, there’s no
or sign as “Authorized Representative (AR)”. I call the AR
value available to be given as consideration. So a trust fills
the ‘portal term’ because it portals in to your UCC. Under
the void. Say I have a cup. Title to that has to be on a piece
UCC 3-402, where the AR is signing for the contractdebtor-
of paper. To reach the real thing in the private, we go thru
creditor relationship. But it also can apply to trusts, with a
the public with a colorable title (colorable: appearing to be
Form 56 appointment to the AR, who may function as a co-
true, valid, or right, e.g., ‘the pleading did not state a
trustee. Special conditions for that Authorized rep because
colorable claim’; intended to deceive; counterfeit.) First we
now with that appointment, he’s under trust, he can operate
create the title, which is a representation of the cup. Put on
as assistant to trusteeand can (not sure, sounds like “(the
paper its description, get that notarized, then we register it
AR) could also be the trustee’s assistant as (?) the payer of
in the public, and that makes it able to be seen in the public,
the bill, by the private contract on the form 56.) Without it
but we hold it in the private. We claim it on a UCC 1, in
he’s under UCC3-402. Authorized rep could be either
collateral (box 4). Then we get a certified copy of that, and
debtor/creditor context, or trust. The SS account/trust is
also file a Notice in the County and get a certified copy of
really a sub-trust, and by giving qualified signatures, that
that. We’ve just registered that title in the public, and we
tells them you know who you are. If you don’t express the
have two witnesses, so public can see it. Now we can move
trust, they will ‘construe’ the trust, under creditor/debtor
it. If we want to we can move it to someone else. Whoever
law. By not expressing the trust, we drop the ball, they pick
is holding title has liability. We move it via UCC 3.
it up, and construe it, in their favor, with you liable for
We authenticate before registration (usually done by
payment with FRN’s as a 14th Amendment citizen, liable
notary). All this is done thru commerce. The IRS forms are
for statutes and codes. If you express the trust, you can
for the private side, the GSA forms for the public side. It’s
make payment with Private credit. As you function, you’re
just like a ledger sheet, a T. On the left/public/liability, must
going to have to give a key restriction to correspond with
balance with the asset side on the right, the private side.
the duty you’re performing. That is going to be looked at,
That’s banking, which we do according to GAAP and
and compared with what you’re trying to accomplish in
FASB. Both sides must balance, or the bank has to float a
comparison to how you’re signing. Unless the key fits in the
bond to balance the account. That’s when you get arrested.
door, the key won’t open the door. The key is the rule of
They put a charge on the public/liability side, by registering
signatures. It’s the key to accessing the Treasure.
with the US Treasury, hitting you with charge/indictment,
Everything becomes an act of ‘gifting’ under the Trust.
and unless you balance the account, they’ll balance it for
Trusts were put in place in 1933 with the taking of the gold.
you. But you can balance it yourself by creating the title,
So every colorable contract is wrapping and hiding a trust at
etc. You do banking every day, but you don’t know it.
it’s core and the gifting of the ‘res’ or the principal of the
Everything coming into your mailbox is coming under the
trust forms the corpus of the trust. Your signature is your
UCC Article 3, Negotiable Instruments, under 3-115, which
representation of the trust and all your past, present, and
is Incomplete Instruments, looking for your signature to
future labor, i.e. your assets. Your signature is the res, i.e.
make it complete. Look at that section, it says ‘they’re
the value and the principal.
going to make it complete by adding words and numbers’.
Black’s law; two kinds of trusts, Express and Implied.
Words like ‘pay to the order of’, and maybe One Million
“Trust: the right, enforceable solely in equity, (in court), to
Dollars and they get your signature so they can turn it into a
the beneficial enjoyment of property to which another
negotiable instrument, a check. Under 3-115 they’re going
person holds legal title; a property interest held by one
to add other doc’s with that, such as security agreements.
person (grantee or trustee) at the request of the grantor or
This is how negotiable instruments ties into all this. What
settlor, for the benefit of a third party (the beneficiary).
we’re leading to is, for example, in a mortgage, we start out
Express Trust: a trust created with the Settlor’s express
with a promissory note, which is really a title. They want
intent (expressing the trust, voluntarily), usually declared in
your signature to gain access to your Exemption Account,
writing; an ordinary trust as opposed to a resulting trust or a
which is the SS account, the cestui que trust
constructive trust.
(public/liability), which is drawn against the foreign situs
Implied trust, which is involuntary; also called constructive
trust, the Birth Certificate (BC) trust (private/ assets).
trust. (SS account). The form thru which the conscience of
Again, accounts must balance. So the promissory note is
equity (the court) finds expression against one who has SOI supports the fact that we are the grantor and the
obtained property by wrong-doing. When property has been beneficiary. That case collapsed, disappeared. (The SOI is
acquired in such circumstances that the holder of the legal CCI, Confidential Commercial Information). Get IRS
title may in good conscience retain the beneficial enforcement. Now they can’t construe the trust.
interest/title, equity converts him into a trustee. (They deem When you’re under Trusts, you’re not under debtor/creditor,
us to be holding title illegally, and they convert us into the or agency, or statutes and codes, or the 14th amendment
trustee.) It is sometimes said that when there are sufficient citizenship status///you’re under private law. Courts can
grounds for imposing a constructive trust, the court operate in both the public and the private realms. They got
construes a trust (it implies a trust because we did not you into trust, but believing that you’re operating under
express a trust first). The expression ‘constructive trust’ is debtor/creditor. The three parties to a trust, grantor, trustee
absurd, because “constructive” is derived from “construe”, and beneficiary, do not have to have knowledge that they
not ‘construct’; the court ‘construes’ the circumstances, it are forming a trust relationship that can be seen and
explains them; it does not ‘construct’ them.” (Black’s). recognized by law. That’s how they trick you in court. You
Cestui que trust is an implied or constructive trust.(Social aren’t qualifying your signature. You give them access to
Security Trust) It is a beneficiary of the foreign situs trust the account by accommodation rights based on the birth
because you didn’t express the trust after age 18. The cestui certificate, the SS 5 Social Security application, and the
que is the remedy by which the court finds justice for the 1040 form, a contract that gets you under 14th amendment
one who has lost his property to one who does not legally debtor/slave/citizen. Besides ‘authorized rep’, another word
have a right to the property. They construe the trust with that has two functions is ‘transfer’. Under UCC, it’s 3-
you as the trustee; you were supposed to pay, you didn’t, so 200’s, where transfer is really ‘negotiation’ of a negotiable
you are in breach of fiduciary duty, you can go to jail. You instrument, by assignment, endorsement, delivery by bearer,
should express the trust with your intent, under, say, 1776 or by operation of law. “Transfer” also means, under trust
law form, which is pre-United States, and pre-statutes and law, ‘one of the means of forming a trust’. We qualified our
codes, so you could then pay with private credit, or NDI’s, signatures as grantor and beneficiary, and appointed the
‘negotiable debt instruments’ and you would be safe in judge as trustee, for closure and settlement.
making private payments with private credit. They put you Look up definition of special deposit; trust deposit, and
under public policy where you have to pay with FRN’s. trust receipt.
If you would like to make payments with private credit, you Trust receipt is ‘a pre-UCC security device, now governed
can always correct the problem. Under “The Re-statement by Article 9 of the Code, consisting of a receipt, stating that
of Laws on Trusts”, second edition, at 332, it says “powers the wholesaler or buyer has possession of the goods for the
of revocation or modification omitted by mistake; the settlor benefit of the financier.’ Today, there must usually be a
can reform or modify the trust to reflect his original intent, security agreement, coupled with a filed financing statement
even when the court construes the trust to be irrevocable”. (UCC1), with the security agreement on it,’ just like in a
Because you didn’t express it being revocable or mortgage case. That is a trust receipt if you express the trust
modifiable, you didn’t know as settlor you had such power. first. And a receipt is ‘a record of a payment.’ If you didn’t
A practical example; a mortgage foreclosure case, where express the trust, they construed it to be your UCC filing
foreclosure sale was set before any documents had been under debtor/creditor law, and now you owe a debt. If you
filed, and the documents were prepared that expressed the had come in expressing the trust, that UCC1 filing with the
trust in three lines and a footnote and case cites. The court security agreement would be a trust receipt, a record of the
construed the trust and appointed the trustee as defendant. payment being made. The key is in the expression of the
Our “Notice of Interest” (a statement that we are expressing trust. From the Treasury Dept website: Federal Reserve
the trust), alleged that the defendant was the beneficiary notes are not redeemable in gold, silver or any other
now, not the trustee, as the court had construed. The sale commodity, and receive no backing by anything This has
was postponed two hours before it was set to go. been the case since 1933. The notes have no value for
We determined that the reasons for the postponement were themselves, but for what they will buy. In another sense,
1) any time the trustee and the beneficiary are one and the because they are legal tender, Federal Reserve notes are
same, the trust freezes, or terminates. The court construed "backed" by all the goods and services in the economy.
or implied the trustee to be the defendant, where we came in
and expressed the trustee to be the beneficiary, freezing the
2) More importantly, we filed the SOI, Statement of
Interest, and that has to be filed within 30 days of claiming
the NOI, because the NOI times out. This gives the court
notice of a claim, so it could not give free and clear title
with a notice of adverse claim

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